Gars And Jasons Actual Real Gf
2 posts
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gars-jasons-gf · 2 years ago
Gar Logan Head Cannons in a Relationship with Reader PT. 2
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(gif isn’t mine)
Alright, Gar would definitely love cuddling with you like you cannot convince me otherwise. Going to sleep. You're both cuddling. Lying on the couch watching tv. Cuddling. Heck bored. Cuddling. Pretty much my point is you two cuddle all the time. But how?
Well he prefers him being the big spoon, as it feels like he's protecting you. He'll have his arms around you and you'll most likely be holding his arm. His elbow will probably be around your stomach area and his hand would be somewhere on your chest -shoulder area.
But, if you two are watching tv. He will lay between your legs whether he's looking at the ceiling or his face is nuzzled in your stomach you better be scratching or massaging his scalp. Otherwise he'll grab your hand and place it onto his head and insist you give him attention.
Also, he can be very needy when it comes to attention. He practically lives off your attention. Whether that be talking, hugging, cuddling, kisses, training. Anything to have your attention. It's almost as if you stop giving him attention he'll die, which he will.
Now let's talk about you giving him the silent treatment. At first he'll act cool about it and act as if he doesn't care, but about 30 minutes in he'll start overthinking, then about an hour in he'll start talking to you to see if you'll tell him why your acting like this. Not long after that he'll start following you around like a lost puppy trotting behind you. Once you give in and you both talk about what's happened, be prepared for the next day. He'll cling onto you like a Koala. Holding hands, hugs, kisses, resting his head on your shoulder you won't be doing anything alone.
Alright how about kisses you ask me. Well, they can be either one of two ways short and sweet or long and passionate. I think you can guess the difference between the two and when they're used. You'll usually give him a short and sweet kiss when walking past him in the hallways or when you're going somewhere. The longer and more passionate ones are more done when you're both alone... in a room... together, usually when no one's in the tower. Or they're when you two are making out but that's really it.
So what if you are a fairly physically affectionate person. Of course no matter what he's not very used to the touch of another person but he's always going to embrace it and enjoy it. Even him being physically affectionate to you, he's new to it and is sometimes scared your going to think he's way too clingy.
Legit i can't be bothered to check the first part but I can't remember if I added it so imma add it here.
He is very protective of you. Like he's not so much as jealous just protective. He's like a guard dog and doesn't want anything to happen to you. He's watching you like a hawk. (haha get it, okay ill shut up now) He's always behind you or has an arm around you. You are going out on a girls day. He'll be a girl for the day. You being harassed by someone when he's a few meters away. He'll show his fangs and his eyes will go green. If that doesn't work you be he'll walk over to you, wrap an arm around you and stare this man down like no tomorrow.
So pretty much you're a lucky person and have a great bf material bf. He's a keeper
idk how many more of these I have but pt 3??????
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gars-jasons-gf · 2 years ago
Gar Logan Headcannons in a Relationship with reader
titans!gar logan bc he's my comfort character and i love him
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(also im in love with this gif rn so yeah)(also, again this is my first post so plsssss like support and stuff)(also, again, for the last time gif isn't mine)
Alright, before i even start let me just say that dating gar is like having a best friend. That is bc he is your best friend. Before you two even started dating he made sure to be your best friend so he could know everything about you. Your birthday, favorite food, favorite color, your background, he'll learn everything about you.
He is like the biggest softie ever. Like for a boy who can turn into a killing, murdering, scary ass tiger(even tho he avoids killing and that stuff) he is the softest and most caring and thoughtful out of everyone. Like we all know this. But he is has a massive soft spot for you like he is nice and stuff to his team mates but to you, he could be mid argument with someone and as soon as you walk into the room he'll look over at you and his whole expression will soften.
He just loves being around you and he'll find any excuse to be near or with you. Training, he'll def train with you. Missions, he personally asks Dick in private if you two can be on missions together. Cleaning, his excuse was "oh they'll definitely need help with folding the clothes." "they're literally folding her clothes only." "and it'll get the job done faster." There was def a time where he said he needed to go with you to take the bins out, because someone might jump you on your way to the bins.
Basically the point is he loves being around you.
So who did tell the other about their feelings first? Him. It came out by accident. During an argument. After a mission. In the rain. You both were arguing about you being hurt and not being able to go on the next mission after you had previously brought up the fact 'you could go on a mission right now.' He was quite concerned for you saying you were not ready. Clearing taking it a bit further then it needed to go. So when he said "it's because i care about you and you can't go on another mission this week." and you retaliated saying "it's not your choice." Then he finished it by saying "I love you, alright and you can't get hurt again this week, you almost died tonight." Leading you to smash your lips onto him.
After that kiss let's just say he was very happy and couldn't stop smiling. Even days after the kiss, he couldn't make eye contact without smiling or blushing. Leading some weird questions asked by the team. Eventually Gar told Connor who told Kory who told Dick who told Donna who told Dawn and Hank and somehow Jason found out. Then about a week after the kiss Gar popped the big question to you asking if you wanted to be his partner to which you said "yes." Bc y wouldn't you?
But, it takes like 3 weeks for one of you both to say the word. Like THE word. The Love word. It was him again. This time he was zoned out and staring at you when he said out loud "god y/n, i love you so much." to which you lifted your head up and looked at him with the biggest smile ever. He was panicking until you said it back. But you both can guarantee that Kory was in the room at the time and got it on video or Kory and Dick are watching you both through the security camera and then leaked it on the [yours and gar's ship name] group chat that they have for some reason.
Now dates. It's mostly take out food like pizza or thai. You'll both play video games most of the time and cuddle but that's something you both enjoy. That's something that brings you both joy eating, cuddling, playing video games it's all that you need.
Pt 2?????????
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