#Wazifa For Lover To Come Back
Wazifa to Get Love Back
You can get the Wazifa for getting love back from our Islamic Maulana. The simple aim of reciting this solution is to get your ex back in life. The Wazifa for love back in one day is for those who cannot bear the pain of separation from their lover and want them back in their life anyhow. Life gives you mixed feelings. At some phase, you may meet new people while at another stage; you may lose…
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rashidali768 · 2 years
Dua For Love
Assalam Alaikum ,
My dear brother and sister. If you’re reading this article, it means you’re looking for a wazifa or dua to help you with your love life. Maybe you’ve lost the love of your life and you’re looking for a way to get them back. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Losing the love of your life is one of the most painful experiences a person can have. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Our wazifas and duas have been tested thousands of times and have helped people from all walks of life get their loved ones back. So don’t hesitate to give them a try. 
Things become more difficult when an outside person is involved in the situation. If you are walking around with a broken heart, this is not how you should live your life. No one wants to go through life without love, so we have a Powerful Islamic Wazifa for EX Love Back that can eliminate that third person and solve your problem. Islam is one of the largest religions in the world and we created this website to help our Muslim brothers and sisters get knowledge about their religion and how to use Wazifa’s and Dua’s to get anything they want in their life.
Some important points to be kept in mind while performing the dua -
To make your dua more effective, keep the following points in mind:
– Keep yourself clean and the place where you perform this dua – While doing this dua, keep your face in the direction of Qibla Sharif – Start this dua after any Namaz for best results – Imagine your love with good intentions; your only motive should be marriage
Our wazifa is specially meant to help to get your desired wishes and dreams to come true. We believe that to get something you did not need anything except the acceptance of Almighty Allah (SWT)
Wazifa for Love Back Step by Step:
Start by reciting Durood e Ibrahimi 7 Martaba.
Recite Surah Yaseen [36:57] Eleven Times Given below.
On a white piece of paper, please write down the name of your lover that you want to bring back and put it in front of you.
Now in the memory of Allah Tallah, recite “subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi wa subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem“ 101 times.
Take that piece of paper and put it underneath your pillow. Sleep with it for three days.
Surah Yaseen [36:57]- “Lahum feehaa faakiha tunw-wa lahum maa yadda’oon”
English Translation– “Every moment will be a joy for them. They will have whatever they ask.”
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Islamic Wazifa is a method that you will practice for at least 7 days to get your love back. No matter the reason, this Wazifa should work like magic if you perform it with desire and conviction. Your lover will come back into your life within 21 days. If you want immediate results, then please contact Molana Rashid Ali.
Why is Wazifa For Love Back is So effective ?
Wazifa for love back is one of the most sought after Islamic prayer these days. This prayer is powerful, effective and works like a magic. Millions of people try this prayer with hopes of getting back their ex-lover but don’t know why this prayer is so effective and how they can increase their chances of getting back the love of their life. In this blog, I will shed light on the reasons behind this effective Islamic prayer and how you can use it to work like a charm.
In our day-to-day life we need to face lots of problems and disappointments. In the modern world, love is considered to be one of the most important things. If you are facing the problem of breakups or divorce then you can use wazifa for love back. If you want to know more details about wazifa for love back then you can read the content.
If you are looking for a solution for your love problems then you came to the right place. Many of us are searching for the solution for their love problems. Every person who is in love wants to have a long and happy love relationship. Wazifa for love back is the solution for your love problems. I hope today’s post is helpful for you.
“Wazifa for love back ” is an age old Islamic practice which provides a solution to problems like love, marriage, job-loss etc. Though the Islamic culture and thinking of people is getting modernized, but still majority of people believe in this. As far as Islamic practices are concerned, “Wazifa for love back ” is very effective in solving love problems, provided the belief is strong.
Wazifa To Get My Love Back -
Note: It’s important to Perform this Wazifa after you have Performed the Isha Night Prayer.
1. You will need to recite ‘Valar Umar Zeen Kaleef’ at least 300 times. 2. After that, you will need to say the name of your lover. 3. Repeat this Wazifa for getting love back at least twice a day. 4. Continue this for seven days. 5. At last, Recite Durood Sharif Eleven times.
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1 – Fajr (ڈان کی) Morning Prayer
2 – Zuhar (Duhr) (ظہر ) Noon Prayer
3 – Asar ( آنے کا ) Afternoon Prayer
4 – Maghrib ( مغرب ) Evening Prayer
5 – Isha ( میں ) Night Prayer
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Important note -
Note –
If this dua or wazifa is not working, it means that someone has put a black magic spell or is doing Kala ilem on your relationship. If you have this problem, contact our Molana Rashid Ali by clicking on the Consult with us button below. Girls should not do this dua or wazifa during their periods. Do this dua or wazifa with a pure heart and pure intention, and have faith in Allah Tala.
Why Dua Is Not Heard by ALLAH ?
There are so many reasons why dua is not heard by Allah , But we need to solve it. We should try to solve it by following the steps which i have mentioned in this blog. Dua can only be heard by Allah when we are healthy and strong. We should try to follow the simple steps which are mentioned below.
There are a few reasons as to why your dua, or supplication, may not be getting answered.
The first reason could be that your dua is weak – this means that you’re not asking for it correctly, with the right level of emotion and faith. In order to make a proper dua, you should have strong Iman.
The second reason could be that you’re not pure. This refers to if you’re doing anything haram – If you’re participating in any activities that are forbidden in Islam, then your dua will not be accepted by Allah.
The third reason is that you’re not sending a greeting towards Prophet PBUH. Your dua will not be heard by Allah until you send peace to His messenger.
Consult Molana Rashid Ali for immmediate results -
If you’re having any difficulties understanding or performing the Surah, feel free to contact us anytime. We’re available 24/7 to help you with any problems you may have. Our Islamic scholars and specialists are always here to help, and they can provide you with the best possible solutions. You can directly contact them on WhatsApp and ask for help. They’ll be more than happy to provide you with the best solution they can.
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islamicloveduas · 2 months
dua to make someone love you and marry you
Do you need a dua to make someone love you and marry you in 3 days? Want your boyfriend or girlfriend to love you like a crazy person? Do you want to see the outcomes of a powerful wazifa to make someone madly in love with you? Then you are in the right place.
Today, you will learn how to use dua and wazifa to instantly make someone fall in love with you. islamicloveduas.com
What Can You Get From Dua & Wazifa?
The Islamic tools of Wazifa and Dua are powerful. The dua and wazifa can:
 Can turn impossible into possible.
Can get your ex to come back to you
Can make your friend or boyfriend love you again.
Can get them to marry you.
Dua For Making Someone Fall In Love With You
If you think your partner or husband is interested in someone else, you can use dua to make someone love you. People read this when their ex-lover doesn’t want to be with them anymore. If your boyfriend is interested in someone else, he will immediately end the relationship and return to you. If you make someone love you again, this powerful dua will help. Everything will be fine between the two of you again.
If you feel like your lover doesn’t care about you, mistreats you, and doesn’t give you the love and attention you deserve, you can use this dua to make someone love you.
The Islamic dua for making someone fall in love with you will bring your relationship back to life and help your lover understand your importance to them. That person will love you again, and your relationship will grow. Things will get better between you two.
Tips To Remember Before You Begin Reciting Duas To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
Before doing a dua to make someone love you, one must first perform wudu.
Keep the Zamzam water close by and pray facing Mecca.
Then start with Salawaat, or welcome to the Prophet Muhammad.
Take beautiful names and say Alhumdulillah three times to worship Allah, the Highest.
You should now do Istighfar and repeat “Astaghfirullah” three times.
The Prophet addressed Allah, saying, “We praise Allah and seek His help and forgiveness.”
Please avoid using hate, as it is banned in Islam.
Is It Possible to Get Someone to Love You by Making Dua?
Every prayer in the Holy Quran helps us find love and peace in life. This is why every righteous Muslim should never forget the prayers mentioned in the holy book.
It is extremely common to have a crush on someone. But when this crush reaches the phase of one-sided love, many people become happy. The desire to reciprocate one-sided love sometimes takes away all the happiness in life. Many people are unaware of the Islamic dua for making someone love you to fulfill this desire.
To read the dua to marry someone specific madly as much as you love them, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Take a shower and picture yourself living a happy life with the person you love very much.
Take a seat on your prayer mat and read Surah Al-Qariah 11 times. 
Then, say Durood Sharif 5 times and picture being with the person you love for all time. 
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
If you’re not sure about your partner or want to find true love, you should say a dua to succeed in love. You will find the right love with the help of the dua for making someone love you. It will make your soul mate want to be with you. You and the person you’re dating will break up if they’re not right for you, and your true love will come along.
Before you do anything else, you should talk to our Molvi Sahab about the dua for someone to dream of you.
You must understand this dua for making someone fall in love with you and the steps involved. If you really want something and work hard for it, Allah willing, you will get it.
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Here Is The Dua to Get Married in Three Days And Make Someone Crazy About You
The steps to execute Dua For Making Someone Love You are as follows:
Sit somewhere clean with fresh ablution and recite Durood Ibrahim. Eleven times
Then, repeat “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times and Durood Ibrahim eleven times.
Finally, make a dua to Allah talah to make your beloved love you back and build tremendous love in his or her heart for you.
Insha Allah, you will achieve your goals in just 30 days.
Insha Allah, you will notice visible changes in your partner’s attitude. They will begin showing affection and concern for you.
How To Complete This Dua
From Friday night on, say this dua to make a girl love you.
Cleanse yourself, put on clean clothes, and sit somewhere clean.
Hold out a glass of water.
Say the Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Say “Surah Fatiha” 15 times and blow into the water each time.
Say the verse “Ayat-ul-Kursi” 15 times more, and then blow into the water.
Finally, say Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Drink this water and think of your partner.
Ask Allah Talah to make your lover miss you and love you very much.
If Allah will, your wish for a girl to love you will come true in 11 days.
How to Make Someone Dream About You
When a person wants to make their crush fall in love with them, they always try to catch their attention. To make the person you are crazy about always think of you, you should try an Islamic remedy we suggest. With the help of the dua for love, you will successfully get someone’s attention.
We all know that praying specific duas before Allah has excellent benefits. The most significant advantage of the dua to make a girl love you is to make your lover think of you. They will begin thinking about you more when they see you in their dream. With you always in their mind, they will start paying more attention to you.
Along with the dua to make a lover dream of you, surah to make someone love you, and you can also recite the dua to make a girl fall in love with you. The combination of both these duas will help you immensely. Within a short time, these duas will help you begin a relationship with the man or woman you deeply love.
To perform the dua to make a girl fall in love with you, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Make fresh wudu, then sit calmly to conduct the Tahajjud namaz.
As soon as you finish your namaz, fantasize about a great life with your partner. 
Begin reading the 18th through 21st verses of Surah Ar-Rahman seven times each. 
With a pure and honest heart, ask Allah to provide you with a happy life with your lover.
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Being in love is the best feeling in the world. When someone is in love, they want to spend all of their time with that person. It’s important to them to spend time together and make memories. People also want to find love so they can have real help when things go wrong. Read the dua for marrying someone you love to make this kind of love come true.
If you want someone to love and marry you, say the dua. Here are the steps: 
Make an ablution before performing the dua or wazifa to make someone madly in love with you. 
Say the 11 times of Durood E-Inaam. 
After that, read the 23rd chapter of the Quran.
Say the first five lines of Surah Al-Muminun five times. 
Finally, ask Allah, the Almighty, to grant your dream for real love to come into your life.
 How Can You Make Dua For Someone You Love
If you have experienced multiple rejections. Then, the surah to make someone love you will assist you in having a successful love life. The surah to make someone love you will pave the road for you to find love. Who would love you unconditionally from the heart? Even if your partner takes you for granted. Then chanting the dua to make a girl love you will change her feelings toward you. He or she will become dedicated to you and make great efforts to surround you and make you feel special.
Which Surah is Beneficial for Marrying Someone You Love?
The Quran is a holy book that tells people how to live. According to some beliefs, many Surahs in the Quran have special benefits for love relationships. You can also get Allah’s favor by reading these surahs, which are more profound and essential.
Here are some examples of some of them:
Surah Al Imran (Chapter Four of the Quran)
To improve your bond with Allah (SWT), recite this Surah every time you pray, Salah.
Surah al-Muminun (Believing Ones)
This Surah is recited to strengthen a relationship founded on love and mutual understanding. This Surah underlines the value of a believer’s respect for their spouse.
Wazifa for Making Someone Fall in Love with You
If you believe that your husband’s love has faded with time and that he no longer shows you the same affection that he once did, then the wazifa to make someone love you will help you feel better. The wazifa to make someone fall in love with you will restart your marriage relationship and make your husband fall in love with you again.
Our Molvi sahab can teach you how to do a wazifa to make someone fall in love. He will suggest the best solution for you based on your situation once you begin practicing the Islamic prayer to read for spouse love. You will start to notice a difference in your husband’s attitude.
The following wazifa will make someone love you:
Keep any of your lover’s belongings in front of you as you recite the Salah.
Then, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 786 times.
Also, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then think of the person and make a wazifa to Allah Talah to make someone madly in love with you.
Blow on your lover’s belongings.
Insha Allah, during 21 days, they will develop feelings for you.
Final Words
In conclusion, the “Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You” presented in this post effectively makes someone love you. Thousands of individuals have tried this dua, and it is effective.
If you’re wondering which of the numerous prayers above is right for you, we’d want to let you know that you can make any of these prayers for yourself that seem appropriate.
The sole condition is that you pray with the entire faith in Allah.
For more information then stay update with – islamicloveduas.com
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recitedua · 2 months
Most Powerful dua for love back to Rekindle Relationships 
In life, love is one of the most cherished and profound experiences. Sometimes, circumstances can lead to separation from our loved ones, leaving us yearning for their return. In such times, seeking divine assistance through heartfelt prayers (dua for love back) can be a powerful means to bring back lost love. 
Here, we present various duas and wazifas to help you reunite with your loved ones.
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Most Powerful Dua for Love Back in Islam 
When you feel the void left by a loved one, turning to Allah for guidance and support can provide immense comfort. Reciting this dua for love back with sincerity and a pure heart can help mend broken relationships:
"Ya Wadud, Ya Allah, grant me the love and affection of [lover's name]. Bring us back together with understanding and compassion, and strengthen our bond with your blessings. Ameen."
Remember, consistency and faith are crucial. Recite this dua after every obligatory prayer, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
What is the dua for Dua for Lover Back?
To rekindle the love with a partner who has distanced themselves, the following dua can be immensely helpful. It invokes Allah’s mercy and compassion to restore love and harmony:
"Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. Ya Allah, fill the heart of [lover's name] with love for me. Remove all misunderstandings and bring us back together. Ameen."
Ensure to recite this dua with a sincere heart, especially after Fajr and Isha prayers, while maintaining complete faith in Allah’s plans.
Best Dua for Girlfriend Back
For those who seek to reunite with their girlfriend, turning to Allah with the following dua can foster a pathway to reconciliation:
"Ya Allah, the Almighty, please guide the heart of [girlfriend's name] back to me. Let our love flourish and grow stronger with your grace. Ameen."
Recite this dua daily, along with offering voluntary prayers (Nafl) to seek Allah’s favor and blessings.
What is the Quranic Dua to Get Love Back?
When you are yearning to get back with a loved one, this powerful dua can assist in reigniting the lost love and bringing back happiness:
"Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, by Your mercy, I seek assistance in rekindling the love between [lover's name] and me. Let our hearts unite and our love be eternal. Ameen."
This dua should be recited consistently, and it is beneficial to accompany it with Tahajjud prayers for added spiritual support.
Dua for Someone to Come Back to You
If someone dear has left, this dua can help you seek Allah’s intervention to bring them back into your life:
"Ya Allah, with your infinite mercy, bring back [person's name] into my life. Heal our hearts and fill them with mutual love and respect. Ameen."
Regularly recite this dua and engage in acts of charity to gain Allah’s favor and ease your situation.
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Dua for Lost Love Back
When you are pining for lost love, this dua can help restore the bond and rekindle the affection that once existed:
"Ya Allah, the Compassionate, bless me with the return of my lost love [person's name]. Restore our relationship and let it be filled with your blessings. Ameen."
Recite this dua with complete trust in Allah’s wisdom, and remain patient as you await His response.
Get Your Love Back by Dua From Sufi Mahbub Shah
Using duas to get your dua for love back requires sincerity, patience, and unwavering faith in Allah’s plans. Here is another effective dua for this purpose:
"Ya Rabb al-Alamin, by Your mercy and power, bring back the love of [person's name] into my life. Remove all obstacles and fill our hearts with genuine love and compassion. Ameen."
This dua should be recited diligently, with an emphasis on maintaining a positive and hopeful attitude.
Best Wazifa for Love Back in 3 Days
In addition to duas, wazifas are powerful spiritual practices that can assist in bringing back love. The following wazifa can be performed:
Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times.
Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 11 times.
Recite the following dua: "Ya Allah, return [lover's name] to me with a heart full of love and devotion."
Recite Durood Sharif 11 times again.
Perform this wazifa consistently for 21 days, and observe the changes with faith and patience.
Dua to Get Someone Back
Finally, if you are looking to bring someone specific back into your life, the following dua can be recited:
"Ya Allah, the All-Powerful, bring [person's name] back to me. Let our reunion be filled with love, peace, and mutual respect. Ameen."
Recite this dua regularly, preferably after every obligatory prayer, and remain steadfast in your faith.
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Reconnecting with a loved one through duas and wazifas requires sincere intention, patience, and unwavering faith in Allah. These spiritual practices can pave the way for healing, understanding, and a stronger, more loving relationship. Remember, while seeking divine assistance, it is also important to introspect and work on improving oneself to ensure a harmonious reunion. Trust in Allah’s plan and keep your faith strong, for He knows what is best for you.
Contact Details To Get in Touch with Molvi Ashraf Ali Khan
Contact- +91-9872783301
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/recitedua/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/recitedua/
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freewazifas · 4 months
Wazifa for love marriage
wazifa for love marriage:is wazeefe ko nuchandi jummeraat se shuru kere aur sirf apna maqsad zhen me rakhe ke matlab ke waste phar raha ha .is ke lie eledha gha ka intkhab kere ,ha to thora lamba aur waqat darkar ha magar best wazifa for love marriage ha,sura toba ke akhre do ayat ko thad ke namza ke baad 1100 martba phere aur 21 din ya had 3 hafte phere .nateeja 100 feesad nikle ga.:start this wazifa from Thursday of new moon and just keep your objective in mind .find a separate quiet room for this ,although it is a little long and will take your time and patience but is the best practice to bring back your lover .read sura tuba last two verses after thughud namaz and read it for 1100 times and in 2 to 3 weeks it will bring 100 percent results.fast wazifa for love marriage wazifa for quick proposal:agar kisi larke ke rishte na ate hon to is amal ko kere to inshallah buhat jadi us ke shadi ho ji ge aur buhat he munasab rishta mil ji ga.rooz subha fajar ke namaz ke baad 1100 martaba ism “allahusamad”ko phere aur us ke baad dono hato per dum ker ke apne jism per pher le.subha o sham ke hafat ke dua bhi phere ek month me kam ho ji ga.:if some girl is worried about her marriage and cant find any suitable proposal,or on the other hand if proposals come but no body comes back with a positive reply .then she shall preform the following wazifa and in 3 weeks she will have lot of options to choose from .After isha prayer she shall recite this ism”ALLAHUSAMAD”for 1100 times and then blow it on her hands and then rub it all over her body from head to toe ,she shall also recite the dua for protection according to hadees.
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Black Magic to Get Husband Back
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Black magic is usually beneficial for back administration in your normal life also black magic is used to take care of someone you are excited about or want him to like you and marry you. Black magic can be successful for a brilliant diploma and best to bring my love back to your everyday life this administration is quite effective and provide the next guidance on your appearance. Get black magic able to get my love back with you forever.
Many lovers have faced the problem of love because many times due to many problems the lover is not able to get the desired love. We can see many times that in Islam there is a method like Dua/Wazifa/Amal/Taweez to get back the former/lost love. If you want to get your lost love back then you can bring it back with the best dua for love. Feelings of love can take birth in our hearts. Success in love is the most important thing in this world now. If you fall in love with your special someone and want success in love, don’t worry, you can use the below-given dua to make sure someone loves you and make sure when you recite this Quranic Dua daily If you read it 100 times then surely after few days your lover will come back very soon.
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others-world · 1 year
Wazifa to Bring Someone Back to You
Wazifa to Bring Someone Back to You ,” If your lover has left you or your lover has turned away from you after getting angry with you and is not talking to you or your husband or your wife is upset with you and has left you or any of your friend who is angry with you has gone somewhere is gone and you want your boyfriend, your husband or wife or your friend to come back to you and talk to you and his resentment ends, then you need to do Wazifa to Make someone Come Back.
Also Read – Islamic Wazifa to Get Rid of All Diseases
This wazifa is very effective, after doing this wazifa, that person will come to you who has left you after getting angry with you and will never leave you and will always be with you.
If your boyfriend or your girlfriend has turned away from you after getting angry with you and has stopped talking to you and is not agreeing even after you try again and again, then you can do your best with the help of talisman and wazifa given below. Boyfriend or girlfriend can be easily persuaded, due to the effect of this talisman, love will arise for you in the heart of your lover or girlfriend and he will leave his resentment and come to you.
if you know more about click here
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mellowmakerfest · 2 years
Wazifa to Make Someone Come Back
If your boyfriend or your girlfriend has turned away from you after getting angry with you and has stopped talking to you and is not agreeing even after you try again and again, then you can do your best with the help of talisman and wazifa given below. Boyfriend or girlfriend can be easily persuaded, due to the effect of this talisman, love will arise for you in the heart of your lover or girlfriend and he will leave his resentment and come to you.
if you know more about click here
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muslimdua · 3 years
Dua for lost love back
Dua for lost love back
Love is a beautiful feeling that no one actually can defined ever. If you love someone by your heart you know it feels when you are in love. But loving someone is not always been enough. In corner of your heart, you do want to get loved and expect the same love that you have shown to your partner. But your expectation might get destroyed when your partner ends up on you and leave you…
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lovemarriagedua · 4 years
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Dua For Someone To Come Back To You If you broke up with your partner or loved one and after breaking up you realized that it was your true love and you want your lover come back in your life. You need dua for someone to come back to you. Dua for someone to fall in love with you will help you to get your love back. To get this beautiful dua for someone special contact our Peer Abdullah Hussain ji or visit us @ https://lovemarriagedua.com/dua-for-someone-to-come-back-to-you
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islamicloveduas · 2 months
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Do you need a dua to make someone love you and marry you in 3 days? Want your boyfriend or girlfriend to love you like a crazy person? Do you want to see the outcomes of a powerful wazifa to make someone madly in love with you? Then you are in the right place.
Today, you will learn how to use dua and wazifa to instantly make someone fall in love with you.
What Can You Get From Dua & Wazifa?
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The Islamic tools of Wazifa and Dua are powerful. The dua and wazifa can:
 Can turn impossible into possible.
Can get your ex to come back to you
Can make your friend or boyfriend love you again.
Can get them to marry you.
Dua For Making Someone Fall In Love With You
If you think your partner or husband is interested in someone else, you can use dua to make someone love you. People read this when their ex-lover doesn’t want to be with them anymore. If your boyfriend is interested in someone else, islamicloveduas he will immediately end the relationship and return to you. If you make someone love you again, this powerful dua will help. Everything will be fine between the two of you again.
If you feel like your lover doesn’t care about you, mistreats you, and doesn’t give you the love and attention you deserve, you can use this dua to make someone love you.
The Islamic dua for making someone fall in love with you will bring your relationship back to life and help your lover understand your importance to them. That person will love you again, and your relationship will grow. Things will get better between you two.
Tips To Remember Before You Begin Reciting Duas To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
Before doing a dua to make someone love you, one must first perform wudu.
Keep the Zamzam water close by and pray facing Mecca.
Then start with Salawaat, or welcome to the Prophet Muhammad.
Take beautiful names and say Alhumdulillah three times to worship Allah, the Highest.
You should now do Istighfar and repeat “Astaghfirullah” three times.
The Prophet addressed Allah, saying, “We praise Allah and seek His help and forgiveness.”
Please avoid using hate, as it is banned in Islam.
Is It Possible to Get Someone to Love You by Making Dua?
Every prayer in the Holy Quran helps us find love and peace in life. This is why every righteous Muslim should never forget the prayers mentioned in the holy book.
It is extremely common to have a crush on someone. But when this crush reaches the phase of one-sided love, many people become happy. The desire to reciprocate one-sided love sometimes takes away all the happiness in life. Many people are unaware of the Islamic dua for making someone love you to fulfill this desire.
To read the dua to marry someone specific madly as much as you love them, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Take a shower and picture yourself living a happy life with the person you love very much.
Take a seat on your prayer mat and read Surah Al-Qariah 11 times. 
Then, say Durood Sharif 5 times and picture being with the person you love for all time. 
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
If you’re not sure about your partner or want to find true love, you should say a dua to succeed in love. You will find the right love with the help of the dua for making someone love you. It will make your soul mate want to be with you. You and the person you’re dating will break up if they’re not right for you, and your true love will come along.
Before you do anything else, you should talk to our Molvi Sahab about the dua for someone to dream of you.
You must understand this dua for making someone fall in love with you and the steps involved. If you really want something and work hard for it, Allah willing, you will get it.
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Here Is The Dua to Get Married in Three Days And Make Someone Crazy About You
The steps to execute Dua For Making Someone Love You are as follows:
Sit somewhere clean with fresh ablution and recite Durood Ibrahim. Eleven times
Then, repeat “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times and Durood Ibrahim eleven times.
Finally, make a dua to Allah talah to make your beloved love you back and build tremendous love in his or her heart for you.
Insha Allah, you will achieve your goals in just 30 days.
Insha Allah, you will notice visible changes in your partner’s attitude. They will begin showing affection and concern for you.
How To Complete This Dua
From Friday night on, say this dua to make a girl love you.
Cleanse yourself, put on clean clothes, and sit somewhere clean.
Hold out a glass of water.
Say the Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Say “Surah Fatiha” 15 times and blow into the water each time.
Say the verse “Ayat-ul-Kursi” 15 times more, and then blow into the water.
Finally, say Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Drink this water and think of your partner.
Ask Allah Talah to make your lover miss you and love you very much.
If Allah will, your wish for a girl to love you will come true in 11 days.
How to Make Someone Dream About You
When a person wants to make their crush fall in love with them, they always try to catch their attention. To make the person you are crazy about always think of you, you should try an Islamic remedy we suggest. With the help of the dua for love, you will successfully get someone’s attention.
We all know that praying specific duas before Allah has excellent benefits. The most significant advantage of the dua to make a girl love you is to make your lover think of you. They will begin thinking about you more when they see you in their dream. With you always in their mind, they will start paying more attention to you.
Along with the dua to make a lover dream of you, surah to make someone love you, and you can also recite the dua to make a girl fall in love with you. The combination of both these duas will help you immensely. Within a short time, these duas will help you begin a relationship with the man or woman you deeply love.
To perform the dua to make a girl fall in love with you, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Make fresh wudu, then sit calmly to conduct the Tahajjud namaz.
As soon as you finish your namaz, fantasize about a great life with your partner. 
Begin reading the 18th through 21st verses of Surah Ar-Rahman seven times each. 
With a pure and honest heart, ask Allah to provide you with a happy life with your lover.
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Being in love is the best feeling in the world. When someone is in love, they want to spend all of their time with that person. It’s important to them to spend time together and make memories. People also want to find love so they can have real help when things go wrong. Read the dua for marrying someone you love to make this kind of love come true.
If you want someone to love and marry you, say the dua. Here are the steps: 
Make an ablution before performing the dua or wazifa to make someone madly in love with you. 
Say the 11 times of Durood E-Inaam. 
After that, read the 23rd chapter of the Quran.
Say the first five lines of Surah Al-Muminun five times. 
Finally, ask Allah, the Almighty, to grant your dream for real love to come into your life.
 How Can You Make Dua For Someone You Love
If you have experienced multiple rejections. Then, the surah to make someone love you will assist you in having a successful love life. The surah to make someone love you will pave the road for you to find love. Who would love you unconditionally from the heart? Even if your partner takes you for granted. Then chanting the dua to make a girl love you will change her feelings toward you. He or she will become dedicated to you and make great efforts to surround you and make you feel special.
Which Surah is Beneficial for Marrying Someone You Love?
The Quran is a holy book that tells people how to live. According to some beliefs, many Surahs in the Quran have special benefits for love relationships. You can also get Allah’s favor by reading these surahs, which are more profound and essential.
Here are some examples of some of them:
Surah Al Imran (Chapter Four of the Quran)
To improve your bond with Allah (SWT), recite this Surah every time you pray, Salah.
Surah al-Muminun (Believing Ones)
This Surah is recited to strengthen a relationship founded on love and mutual understanding. This Surah underlines the value of a believer’s respect for their spouse.
Wazifa for Making Someone Fall in Love with You
If you believe that your husband’s love has faded with time and that he no longer shows you the same affection that he once did, then the wazifa to make someone love you will help you feel better. The wazifa to make someone fall in love with you will restart your marriage relationship and make your husband fall in love with you again.
Our Molvi sahab can teach you how to do a wazifa to make someone fall in love. He will suggest the best solution for you based on your situation once you begin practicing the Islamic prayer to read for spouse love. You will start to notice a difference in your husband’s attitude.
The following wazifa will make someone love you:
Keep any of your lover’s belongings in front of you as you recite the Salah.
Then, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 786 times.
Also, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then think of the person and make a wazifa to Allah Talah to make someone madly in love with you.
Blow on your lover’s belongings.
Insha Allah, during 21 days, they will develop feelings for you.
Final Words
In conclusion, the “Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You” presented in this post effectively makes someone love you. Thousands of individuals have tried this dua, and it is effective.
If you’re wondering which of the numerous prayers above is right for you, we’d want to let you know that you can make any of these prayers for yourself that seem appropriate.
The sole condition is that you pray with the entire faith in Allah.
For more information then stay update with – islamicloveduas.com
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exlovebackastrology · 3 years
Shohar Aur Biwi Se Talaq Hone Ka Wazifa
Shohar Aur Biwi Se Talaq Hone Ka Wazifa
Shadi do logo ka bahut he khoobsurat rishta hai lekin kabhi kabhi shadi kamyab nahi ho pati hai. Jab aap apne shohar ya biwi ke sath khush hai iska matlab aapki shadi kamyab hai .Agar aap apne shohar ya biwi se khush nhi hote hai. Aapki zindagi me har din kisi na kisi trah ki pareshaniya hoti rahti hai aur in pareshaniyo ke hone se aap bahut pareshan hai to in pareshaniyo ko khtam karne ka…
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thewarofdestiny · 4 years
Wazifa for Love
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प्यार और रिश्ता ही आपके जीवन को संपूर्ण बनाता है। प्यार हमारे जीवन का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है और सच्चा प्यार पाना मुश्किल हो सकता है। प्यार भी उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है चाहे वो आपकी लव लाइफ हो या शादीशुदा जिंदगी। आपकी समस्या का समाधान प्रेम के लिए वज़ीफ़ा है। प्यार के लिए वज़ीफ़ा आपको अपना खोया हुआ प्यार वापस पाने में मदद करेगा आपने बहुत सी चीजों की कोशिश की होगी, लेकिन आपके लिए काम नहीं किया। हमारे…
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surahdua786 · 5 years
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Islamic Wazifa For Love Come Back – Short Wazifa To Get Ex Lover Back
If you want your love to come back in your life which you lost due to some reasons. You are welcome here. Here you will get powerful Islamic wazifa for love come back. Contact our molvi ji and get short wazifa to get ex lover back.For more details visit https://www.surahdua.com/islamic-wazifa-for-love-come-back/
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quranicwazifa · 4 years
Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
To fall in love is the most precious gift you will get in your life. This is most precious feeling existing on this planet. True love means unification of soul of two people. Any person who sees your soul in the true essence will love you from the bottom of his or her heart. But to fall in love with someone is not that easy. It is very important to find right partner on whom you can trust.
Dua to Make Someone Love You Back
If you love someone and that person does not loves you back or he or she is in love with someone else; it doesn’t matter, you can always pray to Allah subhan waa taalah, to make your wishes come true. So, to make that person fall in love, you can take the help of dua to make someone fall in love with you. There is also a surah given in Quran to make someone love you. This Surah dua to make someone love you back is very effective.
Love is a very intense feeling, it happens when a person starts enjoying the company of other human being. It is believed that when you start loving someone then that feeling is best in the world; you have butterflies in your stomach. Every time you think about that person whom you love, it brings a smile on your face. Whenever you listen to any kind of romantic songs it makes you remind of the person you love.
Do you Want to Make Someone Fall in Love With you?
It is really painful when you love someone and that person does not love you back. For such situations, you can perform powerful Islamic dua. Many people also commit suicide if they are not able to make their lovers fall in love with them. To stop all such things you can take the help of this wazifa to make someone love you.
Here’s a quick method to help you in making the dua to make someone love you back, in the rightful manner -
The person performing this should make fresh wuzu. The person can perform this dua anytime he or she wants (after a farz namaz);
The person should first read Durood Shareef 8 times, after this read this dua to make someone fall in love with you – Ya Haaqi La IIaaha IIIa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kunto Minazzalemeena (7 times);
After that again read Durood 8 times and blow your breath on a glass of water;
Then pray to Allah SWT & make that person drink this water
In sha Allah that slowly, in sometime that person will also start loving you.
You will have to follow this method for next 21 days, without a gap.
This is one of the best dua to make someone fall in love with you. If you have any doubts in your mind or you need to ask certain questions, then do contact our Molvi ji, instead of starting the above procedure without clearing your queries, this dua is very effective therefore it must be used after getting the guidance of an Islamic Professional. May Allah, fulfill your desires, soon, Ameen!
Contact Information:-
Islamic Scholar: Molvi Hazrat Noor Mohammad
Contact No.: +91-9876038103
Website: https://quranicwazifa.com/
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muslimdua · 3 years
Dua to Get My Girlfriend back And Unblock Me
Dua to Get My Girlfriend back And Unblock Me
Love is a word everyone needs. Loving someone is a sensation everyone wants to feel. The reality that everyone wishes to pursue his passion. There is so much strength in love; everybody is willing to face challenges to win the love. However, as love may fail sometimes, in your life love is the happiest emotions one can experience; you can surely pray to the Almighty Allah if you are willing to…
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