snowshinobi · 2 years
some random player asked to enter my world, I let them in, they politely asked if they could fish, I said sure. they did that for like 2min, then thanked me and dipped. im. confused in a good way?
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trigunsbbygirl · 1 year
Reverse Isekai HCs with Vash
okay this WAS meant to just be realitively vague general headcannons but it kinda turned into giving Vash a good time after he's spent a lot of time learning about Earth
also got a bit sidetracked on some points😅
•he's very eager to learn practically everything about Earth!! he wants to know how the weather works, the different types of biomes and animals, the cultures and the foods, he watches every documentary and youtube video you show him very intently and eagerly:(<3 he's got the cutest face and reactions when he watches them
•he asks a lot of questions, especially in the beginning! Vash would be really happy even if you gave the most basic answer possible. he kinda looks up to you a lot for the more general information and helping to push him in the right direction for when he wants to learn something
•so start him off light, the basics! there's 7 continents, the different types of weather, biomes and land/waterforms and expand from there! how the biomes have certain weather patterns, the animals and plants you can find there and so on
•once he's used to navigating your computer and you've taught him internet safety and to avoid certain things, he's using it to learn all about whatever is on his mind that day. you'll come home from work or school and he'll run up to you and tell you all the stuff he learned about that day.
•he's really proud and excited about it all so please share at least a little bit of that excitement! even better, if you take the time to learn/refresh your mind with him! even if you're just in the same room with him, doing something else and only half paying attention, Vash is still really happy!
•also!! pls praise him!! it's not easy to be thrown onto a different planet(even if he does know a bit about it) and learn so many new things but he's trying his best!
•one day you came home with a box of donuts and explained that you asked for the next few days off so you and Vash could do whatever he wanted. you even saved up so if Vash wanted to travel to the next city or go someplace like the museum or an aquarium you could!
•at first Vash was really hesitant to accept this, like he felt guilty in a way? he also felt like he didn't really deserve it since he was just learning what every person has to learn in school.
•but after gentle reassurance Vash agrees, and he's actually pretty excited; it's been a while since he's properly hung out with you.
•after thinking over the suggestions you bring up, Vash decides he wants to try going to a spa and getting a pedicure and manicure. he's pretty hesitant to bring it up at first, doubt and insecurities rising in his mind. but Vash thinks about how you said that he deserves love, care and to treat himself. so he timidly asks if the spa would allow him to wear a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants, and if they could avoid certain areas during the massage.
•I like to think that during the pedimani, Vash asked for deep blue nail polish that shimmers in the light as a base. then he asks for different red flowers on each finger, except for the pinky, and the thumb being the more detailed one. the artist doing his nails even offers to make a set for his prosthetic.(ngl I wanna try to design what I have in mind msnms)(vash with makeup? just a side idea don't mind me)
•he's very in awe of how much detail you can fit onto such a small space, he can't stop staring at his and your nails. (he begs you to take a photo shoot with him showing off the nails)
•for the next day he wanted to go hiking up to a camping spot you had heard about from a friend.
•Vash takes every opportunity he can to go hiking with you! he's so enamored with the nature on earth. Vash may have heard a lot from Rem, seen grass, flowers and trees, but nothing beats actually seeing all the flora grow in its natural habitats!
•as you two are walking up the trail, Vash takes the time to admire the plants around him. he also carefully picks a leaf and/or flower and puts it into a flower press you had gifted him. (you also gave him a blank journal with it, explaining that he could create scientific pages that talked about each plant he finds or, he could make art with the stuff he pressed.
"that way no matter where you go, you'll always have a little piece of nature with you," you had told him. Vash doesn't want to read between the lines of what you had said.)
•Vash cherishes the book and already almost has it filled up. he found out about polaroids and bought one so he could put the pictures of each plant into the journal as well
•okay onto camping I got sidetracked hmnnrmb
•he offers to carry everything, if not most of the stuff up the trail, the sweetheart <3 but you kindly refuse the offer.(he insists on helping set up the tent and starting the fire though)
•once it's all set up, he's eagerly grabbing your phone and a pair of cheap microphones he found at a gift store.
•Vash doesn't care at all if you're singing is horrible or amazing in this moment, he just wants you to have as much fun as during your little karaoke/concert! be as loud as your heart desires too! hardly anyone comes to the campsite your at.
•and yes, Vash absolutely makes you dance with him! even if it's just you wiggling your body around or just jumping to the beat he's happy! if you're fine with it, he's gonna grab your hands and swing your arms around to the beat.
•does a solo and if the song has any innuendos in it he's doing the most exaggerated sexy movements. (if you've seen any of those dance videos where a person dances giving 10%, 100% and 1000%, he's the 1000% the dork<3)
does the same with songs like Bring Me to Life, exaggerated desperate movements and singing
•after the performance, Vash looks at you with the most serious face he can muster and ask "so, how was my performance?" (basically that one swimming anime dub,) you're glad you recorded the whole thing, and he's glad you're having such a good time<3
•if you give him a performance too he's clapping and cheering you on. he hopes you can't tell how entranced he is with you in that moment, even if you look like a total dork singing off key and doing the weirdest movements. give him a flirty gesture and he becomes a blushing mess.
•if you know any dances to a song, he's asking you to teach him. and he's a quick learner! he may not get it perfectly, but he gets the gist of it and is pretty proud of himself. lights up even more when you praise him
•not to be sad but a part of him wishes the others were here to experience all of this. he knows they would enjoy is so much:( but he doesn't dwell on it too much, the two of you are supposed to be having a fun night so
•anyways once you're tired from all the dancing and singing, Vash pulls out the hotdogs and makings for smores. (he knows how to toast the perfect marshmallow!)(ik this is about Vash, but Wolfwood would set marshmallows on fire until they're black and offer them around, shoving it into people's faces-)
•once you've both had your fill, you both get comfy in the tent. don't worry about being cold! he's a heater!(where was he when I was camping)
•you two talk about whatever comes to mind and eventually you ask what else he wants to do in the future, and he immediately brings up a tidepool documentary he watched earlier in the week. Vash was really curious about all the weird animals he saw, and yeah, you could definitely take him to the tidepools at the beach. that'll be exciting.
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lunchboxpoems · 1 year
The air emptied of summer.
The summer emptied of air.
The impression in the sand’s edge;
The wave as shadow. Silking over
The branches, spidering
As we watch. Lose a leaf, lose
Another. Lose the pretense
Of loss.
Where is the winter, the unimaginable
Zero winter? The noon and the paper
Wreath. The soiled and coiled
Breath. Waver in the dark beam.
Sit for the afternoon. Stir sand
Underfoot and hear
Nothing. Beneath light as a pool, a stream
Over the mouth, the bridge, the canal
Of an ear. Do you hear it ring.
The children leap and assume waterform.
The flesh of a shell, peach, cheek. 
Cochlea as nautilus, the world reflected
As warble. As sustenance, as the echo
Of a fallen peach.
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tropylium · 7 months
currently rolling out several new tags including #landforms, #waterforms, #trees, #flowers (in an aim to eventually retire the old wastebasket tag #nature)
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fizzlingdrinks · 1 year
i come from the barren wastelands of twitter to bring you information. some drama is happening, and due to this and all of the negativity being spread, many are going private to retaliate against the toxicity. some are even moving here, near the pristine waters of tumblr, for refuge. the drama in question is that somebody allegedly traced sad-ist's (and from three bases) art without credit. also not crediting the person they got their pfp from, which seems to be a "recuring pattern", according to some. theyre being sent dts and a lot of hate, which resulted in them apologizing and going private. the other source of negativity is the drama surrounding mcc. the drama being that theyre still letting people like sapnap and punz in the event and the date being during Rosh Hashanah, an important jewish holiday, and mcc refused to move it even after several people talked to them about it. there is also a very distinct lack of poc let in mccr, despite tons of poc people applying. those two are the main problems that are going on at the moment. i'm pretty sure there's more, but i wouldn't know about them. i dont know why i came here to tell you this... i just felt very compelled to do so. safe travels, my liege. best regards, -🪶 ps: tumblr is self-assigned waterform by yours truly
I had NO idea this was happening dude. The few times im on Twitter my feed is full of cats and THIS
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I must say its nice to have someone (you, 🪶 anon) update me tho!
Safe travels to you too!
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monsieurburning · 2 years
the six titan of elemental emperors
the six emperor of the elements are named by joyzilla because he planned a plan for the human being to be freed but he had to find and name the six titans to name the emperor of the elements.
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former title emperor (land emperor)
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former title of emperor (emperor of the guardians)
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former title of emperor (emperor of the titans)
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former title of empress (empress of the insect)
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former title of emperor (emperor of the dragon)
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jwilce · 11 months
wilcephotos works FEATURED on FAA
To my subscribers only— I am delighted to say this photo has been featured by three great Fine Art America groups— Waterforms Seasons of the Trees in Photography, and Midwest America Photography I thank Doug Norkum in particular. He administers both 1 and 3! Here is the story: My wife and I were on a delightful trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. One day we ventured up Spearfish Canyon…
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toutmontbeliard-com · 2 years
[PUB] Foire du Pays de Montbéliard 2023
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Pour sa 8ème édition, la Foire Exposition du Pays de Montbéliard se veut toujours aussi diversifiée, accueillante et festive. Elle fait désormais partie des événements incontournables de la région. Du vendredi 31 mars 2023 au lundi 3 avril 2023, elle proposera à ses visiteurs, une offre variée dans de nombreux secteurs, tels que l'habitat, l'ameublement, les loisirs, le bien-être, la restauration, l'alimentaire et bien d'autres... représentés par des enseignes locales, nationales internationales. Vitrine des savoir-faire, des talents, des initiatives de notre territoire, la Foire met en lumière plus de 150 exposants, afin de donner à cet événement un rendu exceptionnel. Les festivités, qui font également la réputation de la Foire et son attractivité, sont également au programme. Deux nocturnes riches et festives, auront lieu dans le grand Hall Restauration et Spectacles, le vendredi 31 mars 2023 et le samedi 1er avril 2023. Ambiance garantie ! Avec ses 150 exposants sur 10 000 m2, la Foire représente le lieu idéal pour faire mûrir vos projets ou les concrétiser ! L'habitat occupe une part importante de l'offre proposée, de la construction à la décoration en passant par le second œuvre, les solutions d'énergie, l'ameublement mais aussi l'aménagement des extérieurs. Envie de vous faire plaisir ? Vous trouverez également de quoi profiter de l'événement grâce aux secteurs alimentaires et restauration, mais également le bien-être et loisirs pour prendre soin de vous au quotidien ! Autre secteur incontournable : celui du camping-car et de l'automobile, où les derniers modèles seront présentés. Sur les 4 jours de la Foire, des spectacles gratuits, des animations, des démonstrations raviront chacun d'entre vous. Au programme des festivités, vous pourrez ainsi découvrir : les Pin-Up d'Alsace avec leur show burlesque, du pôle dance avec Dragon Pôle Dance, différents styles de danses avec Christ 'all Dance, des danses-théâtres avec Esprit Danse,des démonstrations de capoeira avec Rimo Da Capoeira, des arts martiaux avec Dojo Form, du sport avec Waterform et les arts du cirque avec l'Odyssée du Cirque, et pleins d'autres surprises encore... Une animation exceptionnelle cette année avec 4 montgolfières, des shows sons et lumières en extérieur le vendredi et samedi soir de 20h00 à 21h00. Vous aurez la possibilité de gagner via nos jeux quiz sur scène, nos jeux Facebook et notre grand jeu concours Crédit Mutuel un baptême de l'air (1h30 de vol). Les soirées after sont de retour, animées par différents DJs ! Deux nocturnes animées par nos différents DJs sauront vous faire passer un moment inoubliable ! Danses, cocktails, rires, fun, tout sera au rendez-vous ! Vendredi 21h-00h : soirée DJ KLN, tubes du moment, remix, clubbing... ; samedi 21h-00h : soirée Hit Machine spéciale années 80, 90, 2000 avec les DJs Stéphane V. et Damien C. infos > https://citevents.fr/foire-expo-montbeliard ToutMontbeliard.com publicite Read the full article
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knite05 · 3 years
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wtrfrms-blog · 7 years
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📷 @joel_meyerowitz 〰 #swim #dive #diving #design #architecture #swimming #pool #swimmingpool #photography #waterforms #wtrfrms
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
so anyways one of the things I've learned from that 8+ hour philosophy reading session is that the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus would go crazy over Everything Stays from Adventure Time and yes i mean that in a REALLY good way and no i will not elaborate
#oki i will kinda elaborate but only for um a very tiny bit#u see umm heraclitus has this whole thing about um i call this The River Allegory#even tho it isnt really an allegory by definition but um aNYWAYS FJSJFV#there has been a lot of debate throughout the years on its interpretation and what the translation should be#one of the most famous translations of this is um i'm paraphrasing here but it's basically 'you can't step into the same river twice'#and i think that translation was by Plato? i could be wrong and i'm way too tired to look it up#anyways many people think that the most accurate interpretation to heraclitus' um river allegory#is that of universal flux i think? basically the constant and never ending change is what makes up um the universe ig?#because yea the river as a waterform stays in one place but the water constituting the river does not#if the water were to not change at all then the waterform could be called a lake or um a pool fjsj i dunno but my point is#it wouldnt be called a river because a river is a rushing and constantly moving stream of water if that makes sense#so altho the translation 'you can't step into the same river' twice has some merit to it since the water in the river is um never in the-#same place#the waterform still retains its status as a river because of its constantly changjng nature#sO IF WE COMPARE THAT TO THE LYRICS IN EVERYTHING STAYS FROM ADVENTURE TIME FJXBSBX#look dudes i'm drowsy as fuck rn and when i'm drowsy i make even lesser sense than usual fbxjsjd#but um yea i dunno the whole heraclitus thingy just reminded me of everything stays#specifically the lines 'Everything stays right where you left it/ everything stays but it still changes'#like change will always be a constant and unavoidable thing#but at the end of the day change's constant and unavoidable nature is a big part of what constitutes a lot of things#so in a way because of change everything does stay one way or another#okay yea that doesnt make sense jdjjsd I MISS ADVENTURE TIME OKAY#tbh i think a lot of um ancient philosophers would probably go crazy ove adventure time#because goddamit adventure time is so fucking good#so um yea very long ramble over and please do take it with a grain of salt because LOOK I'M DUMB AND I DON'T KNOW SHIT FJSBFS#adventure time
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do-ei-ev-ko-blog · 6 years
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Materiality; water forms
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spaceykaseysartbook · 6 years
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Just let me do this for you
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homeoflearning1 · 3 years
Importance of Landforms
The surface of the earth is not the same everywhere. The earth has an infinite variety of landforms. Some parts of the lithosphere may be rugged and some flat. The importance of Landforms are Importance of Landforms Landforms form the relief features of the Earth and influence the climatic conditions of the regions in which they are located; for example, the Himalayas influence the climate of…
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slowsquirrel · 3 years
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#формаводы #waterform https://www.instagram.com/p/COA1diahQkePSUy2OE2QYLWsE7UXkYO45RSdGE0/?igshid=thd65707n3l7
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
Anybody else have a slime character like a D&D-type character?
I don’t know much about D&D in a technical sense because I don’t play it that much unfortunately but I just love the possibilities for characters if you try hard enough, so I’ve decided to make my feelings public and ask anybody who finds this sort of thing interesting if they wanna make a slime club with me or something. I might make a discord eventually too, to make it official.
     Any type of slime is welcome! Including but not limited to: Slimes with varying levels of intelligence/ability Slimes with absolutely horrible or very pleasant backstories Slimes of other dimensions Big slimes Small slimes Multi-colored slimes Glowy or opaque slimes Adventurous slimes Homebody slimes Elemental slimes (Bloodforme, Waterforme, Sapforme, etc.) Sorta-slimes (sludges, oozes, jellies, cubes, puddings, etc.)
If you don’t have a slime that’s ok, your character can still be included in the slime club if they like slimes a lot :)
If you’re interested, send me a DM (or give this a reblog) ✨
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