#Water intake increase
beautifultyrantdragon · 6 months
4 Ways To Improve Your Stroke Game For Pleasure And Duration
4 Ways To Improve Your Stroke Game For Pleasure And Duration https://medium.com/wtf-moments/4-ways-to-improve-your-stroke-game-for-pleasure-and-duration-285b8f35d5f3
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qvietspvce · 4 months
mango is very subdued today. she's eaten a little bit of her food, used her litter tray as normal (no peeing on the floor, what a good girl) and is drinking as normal but she's curled up on the back of the sofa and doesn't want cuddles. she didn't stand on her hind legs to say hello this afternoon and she is disinterested in the birds flying by the window.
maybe i'm over thinking this and she just needs a day to settle but i'm wondering if she's actually unwell and the vets brushed it off as stress because of the context i gave them when i took her in.
i know there's no harm in going in for a second opinion but i can't really afford it right now :/
i think i'll keep an eye on her and text my mum just in case she needs another vet visit.
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ikkan · 27 days
i have an unnecessarily huge jug of cucumber water
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ianthedebonair · 2 years
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The (rare) smile that has the entire Los Diablos Rangers on an absolute chokehold (and he has no idea about it 😩)
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redeyedryu · 7 months
If you’ve ever had kidney stones—the second you start becoming aware of your kidneys, instant panic mode amirite?
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futuristichedge · 10 months
Shadow is the kind of guy to pour salt into his water/drinks
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succubi-tch · 8 months
I love being very very smart and forgetting to put enough salt in my daily water before leaving home. Yes
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Is this not the cutest?
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icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Friends, ya girl is anemic. I got my blood tested yesterday and just got the results in today. Now I'm looking back over all the symptoms I had before, and everything is making so much sense. I just never realized that they were connected because I was chalking it up to hormones and ADHD related issues (and I did think I has anemia a few years ago, but that time I went to the doctor and tested negative). Anemia being behind it all never even occurred to me.
So anyways, I'm on iron now. And hopefully this will help me kick my ice eating habit, because it's been unreasonably difficult to quit.
#I used to eat ice all the time as a kid but I quit when I got braces because I didn't want to break them#I didn't start up again till I got my first job#because we weren't allowed to keep drinks on the counter#we just had to get as much water or tea as we were gonna drink in the moment and then put the cup in the sink when we were done#and then repeat with a new cup the next time we wanted a drink#I didn't wanna do that because we had enough of a shortage on dine-in cups as it was#(plus all the ones I sent back because they hadn't been washed properly)#and we couldn't use the to-go cups unless you wanted to pay the price of a to-go drink#so I would just eat ice throughout the day so I'd get my water intake without wasting cups#YES it's insane there's several reasons I don't work there anymore#but anyway it got me craving ice even when I wasn't at work#which was part of the reason I thought I was anemic that time but I wasn't#so when I continued the habit after moving jobs I didn't think too much of it#honestly the dizzy spells should have tipped me off#and the increased need for coffee in the mornings in order to not be a sleepy fatigued mess#and the legs falling asleep more frequently#but I thought if anything that would be a blood PRESSURE issue and every time I get that tested it's normal#so yeah I've just been out here being anemic and not knowing it#despite being aware of all these issues individually and wishing I knew what to do about it#well now I know#this is like discovering I had astigmatism all over again#once you've gotten used to seeing grass as a big green blur it is DELIGHTFUL getting to see all the many individual blades again
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tawnyterror · 3 months
Lately I have been able to do very little because of near-constant, full-body itching (no rash or bites)... It has also made me very irritable and spontaneous, but I don't know the cause, nor a solution. [sigh]
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emotionalsupportdman · 6 months
my insomnia on 5mg lexapro:
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my insomnia after i go up to 10mg:
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buffaluff · 6 months
man, i’d really love to not be sick anymore
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boycannibal · 9 months
ive become such a teahead this winter this is absolutely awesome
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mindbodyhealth-blog · 10 months
Stay Hydrated: Essential Tips to Prevent Dehydration for Optimal Health
Hydration to prevent dehydration refers to the process of consuming adequate amounts of fluids, primarily water, to maintain the body’s fluid balance and prevent the physical condition of dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, leading to an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes, which are essential for normal function of the body. Therefore, regular…
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biscuitdolly · 10 months
easy hygiene tips ♡
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to improve physical appearance , health and hygiene are a must.
water ♡
water. please , for the love of god , drink water. get up rn and go drink some water. water does so much , want clear skin? water. want to lose weight? water. want to feel more refreshed? water. ITS SO HELPFUL!! you really don't want to be dehydrated, it has so many negative effects.
i would aim for around 2 liters (8 full glasses) a day , but you can slowly increase your water intake over the span of a few weeks if you're not ready for that. if you like me and forget to drink , set alarms or reminders for when you need to.
apple cider vinegar ♡
okay , yes, it tastes gross, but it's so good for your PH!! just drink 2 teaspoons everyday (dilute with water first) , trust me it will make your body sweat and kitty smell (and taste) soo much better!! it can also help u lose weight , decrease waist size and is so good for your skin!!
easy oral hygiene ♡
brush your teeth at least 3 times a day. i normally opt for brushing my teeth twice in a row morning and night , and once during the day (yes , even if i'm at school). also , don't forget to floss!! most importantly u wanna b scraping/brushing your tongue, along with brushing your gums and the roof of your mouth!! If you're not brushing regularly and not brushing your tongue, your breath is gonna stink.
another tip - mints > gum. no matter how minty your gum is , if you're chewing it all day it's gonna make your breath smell bad. a sugar-free mint that specialises in good breath every morning helps so much for me.
shower/bath care ♡
please wash behind your ears and your belly button. every part of your body should be clean!!! you don't want build-up.
exfoliate before and after u shave. this will leave u feeling SO smooth and helps avoid razor bumps , if you have sensitive skin (like me) it can help avoid irritation (i get SO itchy and my skin gets covered in red bumps if i don't exfoliate when shaving). personally, i don't suffer from oily skin , but if u do, exfoliating afterwards helps remove any dirt from clogged pores and any residue build-up!
use different clothes depending on what part of your body you're cleaning!! use a softer cloth for your face and kitty , and use regular clothes for the main part of your body and bum. NEVER wash your face in the shower! you want your face to have its own personal time for you to clean it so you can really focus on it. also , hot water from the shower can damage your skin and make it dry. your shower head also probably has a lot of bacteria hiding in it, so please wash your face separately after your shower.
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Oh good. It's apparently an "I feel like crying for no apparent reason" sorta night. Love it.
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