#Water Transfer
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thedigs · 14 days ago
We have been going and buying water at "The Pit Stop." It has 7 water stations that where people can buy water. Lots of RVs pull in there, and fill up. Some days it is really busy,
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We have had a 50 Gallon Bladder for many many years. It folds down small enough to fit in the glove box, but you can use it to carry 50 Gallons of water.
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We go to The PitStop and pay $5 to fill it.
Then we go back to the Motor Home and use a snack 12 volt Stainless Steal Pump to pump it into the Motor Home.
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Its a 100 Gallon tank in the Motor Home, but we have been keeping it pretty much full the whole time.,
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highschoolfrenemy · 1 year ago
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rough week at the new school
F4 THAILAND (2021) || 23.5 DEGREES (2024)
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bogdreamz · 1 year ago
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girl4music · 5 months ago
This is taken from Xena’s Hong Kong Origins (with Rob Tapert, Liz Friedman, Doug Lefler & David Pollison) on the Anchor Bay DVD's.
Here you have complete validation that even though they did not intend to start off with having Xena and Gabrielle be together as a romantic couple, or at least best friends in love, they eventually wrote to that natural progression in their relationship and they fully accepted and embraced them as a WLW ship - which I've said all along is what they did but I'm sure you'll appreciate the evidence.
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navybrat817 · 24 days ago
Do you ever get emotional over a fic idea? And then you get more emotional when you realize you have to actually write it?
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months ago
they shouldve brought back his cross chain💔maybe a smaller version idk but i get why they didnt since he probably wants to let go of his past life as a thug ig
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goddamnbebop · 10 months ago
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a wonky attempt to replicate that bookshop pin
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wheelchairbatgirl · 3 days ago
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Someone found this for me at a comic shop, purely for "There's a wheelchair on the cover," reasons. I told my friends that I’m starting this project and now people alert me any time they see a wheelchair (and, honestly, I love it). So, let's skip ahead about 9 years from our last Birds post, and check out Birds of Prey 124 from 2009.
Cover chair is decent looking. Push handles, but we can't win them all. It's got all the major parts like wheels and arm rests and a back, and they're all about the size and proportions you'd expect from a folding manual wheelchair. Someone please get her a cushion, though. People with paralysis or reduced sensation in their legs and hips can't safely sit just on the sling of the chair. Pressure sores can become very dangerous when you can't feel them, so wheel hair cushions can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to reduce the risk of forming them. People without paralysis or loss of sensation should also have a cushion, because it’s safer and more comfortable. Just draw everyone with a cushion, please.
The seat itself is a little bit large for her. In general, you want the seat to be as narrow as you can be without crowding. This gives you better access to your wheels, and an overall narrower footprint when navigating the world. When you’re ordering your custom wheelchair, you can customize seat width down to the inch, so wheelchair users will pretty precisely fit into their seat. But this isn’t a seat that’s so large that it looks like she’s just completely in someone else’s chair.
You can see that the axles of the wheels attach in the middle of the seat, instead of all the way at the back. We love a good forward center of gravity.
Cover wheelchair is fine! 9/10.
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This issue gives us an excellent and very enjoyable fight with the Joker. Her in-comic chair is generally pretty consistent between the different panels. The center of gravity is reeeally far back, in line with the back canes. This isn't great for propelling yourself around the world, because it’s bad for your shoulders and you don’t get to use the strongest part of your push in the wheel stroke . Her front leg angle is like 60 degrees, with her feet sticking out in front of her quite a bit. Usually, people who don’t have leg injuries want to have a steeper front angle, because you get the most maneuverability when your feet are tucked in close. When your feet are in front of your casters, it’s really easy to hit things with your feet. When you can’t feel your feet, accidentally hurting them takes a much longer time to heal, and you can’t use your pane level to monitor how severely you’re injured or how you’re healing. For both of these reasons, I don’t really love this design of wheelchair for this character.
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Also those fixed front foot plates disappear when the chair is thrown around. Magical appearing-disappearing foot plates. (Actually, anyone who buys wheelchairs on eBay is familiar with the fact that people do lose detachable foot plates ALL the time. Magical disappearing foot plates are a real world problem).
They did do a little close up on a push rim. That was nice. One point for having push rims.
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And this is our final shot. Couple of notes: it's super annoying to have someone lean on your chair like that. This one has that really far back center of gravity, so it's not a tip hazard, but a lot of wheelchairs are set where leaning on someone's chair can make it flip backwards (especially if you're me and keep your anti-tips deactivated all the time).
The second thing is that moving a manual wheelchair really takes two arms. There are specific types of manual chairs that have a one-arm drive system, but it's a whole thing that needs to be built into the chair. Anyone who has tried to take a cup of water across a room while using a wheelchair knows how multi-armed it needs to be. So being a wheelchair user in an arm sling is a lot of being a wheelchair user where you need people to push you everywhere. I don’t believe that the artist who drew this really realized exactly how disabling losing one arm is to a manual wheelchair user, so I feel like this particular injury hits different if you’ve got a certain kind of personal experience.
Anyway, I was hoping that if we jumped forward in time that we'd see a wheelchair that doesn't look like a living room recliner chair with big wheels on the back edge, but here we are.
6/10, it's got some of the right parts but I hate how they’re connected.
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noctilu-uca · 5 months ago
I was talking to my brother abt the new halloween twst guy (to which i will refer to him as skeletwink (HIS NAME IS SKULLY J GRAVES ???)) and abt the new drawing i am making for him and i was talking about the spiral hill that jack walks on and my brother. Bless him. Said that it would be his dick.
So obviously we drew it
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Take it or leave it guys, your choice
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02nique02 · 7 months ago
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dramatic-delirium · 2 months ago
Where can I eat something in Disco Elysium the stuff going on seems so life like it's kinda nagging me that I haven't eaten breakfast or had a (non alcoholic) beverage, not even a sip of water. Why's there leftover coffee all around but I can't even drink it? I don't care it's leftover, and does Harry seem like a guy who cares???
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positivelyqueer · 2 months ago
the amount of joy I received from purchasing and propagating eight indoor plants to fill my bathroom is unequivocal.
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local-redhead-bookworm · 1 year ago
Things I’ve seen Hazbin Hotel fans take way too literally:
Taking Alastor’s verse in Hell’s Greatest Dad as true, genuine parental affection and not seeing it as him very clearly beefing with Lucifer
All of Poison and most of ep4 in general tbh. How can you not see this is a performance Angel is putting on and that he’s lying to himself?
Idk if this is taking things too literally or just not recognizing wordplay but saying “ace in the hole” is just referring to Alastor as a secret weapon when in context it’s CLEARLY an asexuality pun
“Tail between his legs” as confirmation that Alastor has a tail
People thinking “altruist” is Alastor’s last name
“Unclip my wings” meaning Alastor is actually an angel
I know I’m forgetting some stuff so feel free to add on
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sunforgrace · 2 years ago
dean “reacts in new, interesting, fucked up ways to losing cas” winchester and they’re telling me that has nothing to do with nothing in the finale after cas literally confessed his romantic love the act of which was his moment of true happiness and subsequent sacrificial death. haha okay
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selamat-linting · 4 months ago
feeling very very resentful over the dollar as a currency and the way online payment processing systems cater to dollars while excluding everything else
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zipmode · 5 months ago
Me when it rains in the city that's known for its rain
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