#Water Ambulance Services Market
sayruq · 11 months
The Israeli military has destroyed nearly 200,000 housing units, either completely or partially, since the start of its latest assault on the Gaza Strip following Hamas's surprise attack on October 7. Mohammad Ziyara, the Palestinian minister of public works and housing, said on Thursday the bombardment has "erased entire families from the civil registry,", as well as "neighbourhoods and residential communities". "[It] also destroyed facilities, including hospitals, places of worship, bakeries, water filling stations, markets, schools, and educational and service institutions,” Ziyara added in a statement. Home to some 2.3 million people, the Gaza Strip covers a tiny area of 365sq km (141sq miles). According to the UN's humanitarian office, at least 45 percent of all housing units in the enclave have been damaged or destroyed in the Israeli attacks. Among the areas hit the hardest have been Beit Hanoon, Beit Lahiya, Shujaiya, the neighbourhoods around the Shati refugee camp, and Abasan al-Kabira in Khan Younis. An estimated 1.4 million people in Gaza have been internally displaced due to the relentless bombardment, with some 629,000 sheltering in 150 UN-designated emergency shelters. Meanwhile, Israel's total blockade on fuel entering the enclave is seriously affecting critical functions in all hospitals, risking the lives of at least 130 premature babies in incubators, 1,000 kidney dialysis patients who have had to reduce their treatment sessions, and front-line ambulance workers who cannot access the sick when the fuel runs out. Since 2007, when Hamas came to power, Israel has maintained strict control over Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters and restricted the movement of goods and people in and out of the enclave
If you click on the article, you'll be able to see the before and after pictures of Gaza. The sheer devastation is mind boggling
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A full list of what a modern / sci-fi city needs. You can incorporate many elements into your fantasy city as well. Of course you don't need this many things, but sometimes it can help your story if you understand and think about how your world works.
Electricity and energy resources
If your city has electricity, or anything similar to it, it's worth considering where this energy comes from. Is it renewable energy, or not? Is it something else entirely? (Is it magic?) These buildings and facilities are usually located on the outskirt of cities.
Windmill Location: Flat planes, maybe even deserts. Tailor it: break up the structure of a today's windmill: e.g. what if they are way bigger, or people live in it, etc
Nuclear Power Plant Location: Anywhere, in space, under the water, in the sky, inside the terrain. Prompts: What about accidents? Secret labs inside the plant?
Storm Power Plant Location: Almost anywhere, in the sky, in space, on space ships, planes, etc. Further ideas: tornados, harvesting lightning, harvesting the power of the wind with fortified windmills, sun storms in space.
Water related power plants Using the energy of a flowing river,sea waves, or even a vortex.
Burning power plant Burning trash, coal, diesel, gases or your world's fuel. This can be very polluting in your world, which can add up to your worldbuilding: green activist wants this plant closed, people getting sick aournd the plant, etc.
Geaothermal Power Plant Using the planet's heat to generate energy. You can put this anwhere on your ground or under.
Solar Power Plants These need a lot of place. If you are also making a map, be sure to add these on places where they actually get sunlight. (Don't put them on the north side of a mountain.) prompts: what if somebody covers them on purpose?
Health, Life and Death
All health and mental health related facilities (even for pets). Tailor these to your worlds problems, diseases and conditions (e.g. cyberpsychosis in Cyberpunk 2077) You can put these fqacilities, together, or even in a very different location, for example a floating private clinic above the city. You can even use virtual worlds as a twist.
Hospitals and clinics General hospitals, clinics and private ones.
Doctor's office
Ambulance station
Cyberware repair clinic
Drug Rehabilitation Centers
Vets Vets for people's pets, you can even add robot vets, for robot pets.
Nursing Homes Home for the elderly.
Asylums Home for people with serious mental health problems.
Pharmacies Are these private? Are there black market versions? What medicines can you buy here?
Dentist Promp questions: Are there any unique procedures? Do people's teeth are different? What about dentists for different species?
Sanatorium These usually are in the nicest parts of a city in the outskirts. They do have big gardens too. It can be even in space too, or even virtually.
Morgue Story tips: you can include a place like this for investigations or horror elements.
Cemetry Before diving deep into this one, state how your people bury their loved ones. The method the whole cemetry. Here are some burial types from the world:- Leaving the body in nature (or space)- Embalming, and preserving- Leaving in water (or space), or let it sail away on a ship- Burning the body (by fire, or by sunfire), and placing the urns in a sacred place (space, ground, buildings, etc.)- Buring the body under ground
Crematorium Used if your people burn bodies.
Quarantine zone
Misc Essentials
As these are essentials, they can be targets in a conflict. This can help your story further.
Fire station
Water tower (and storage) If it doesn't come from a pshysically higher place.
Server buildings
Transportation and Travel
Transportation can change a lot in a scifi high tech world. I often grab a real concept and put into a different enviroment. Train? Space - Train. Jetski? Sun wave - jetski.When building transportation, think about:- where these vehicles are stored- where you can access the service,- who repairs them and where- where do they go when they are no longer used. These types of transports all have office centers, and they are usually different corporations and companies.If the parking lots or hangars are abonded, it can be a place where homeless people gathered, and live.
Bus stations, depot, stops and repair garages
Spaceship (or airplane) ports, hangars and repair hangars Don't forget to add ports and hangars for military, trading and public transport spaceships.
Metro stations, metro depot
Taxi stations, depot
Ship ports On rivers, sea, ocean, or the sky. (for flying ships but not spaceships.) Don't forget to about military, trading and public transport. These ports can be just platfroms.
Parking lots Multi storey car park.
Rental Renting the vehicles you have in your city, spacehips, cars, ships, etc.
Travel agencies
Fuel stations gas stations for cars, taxies and buses, and fueal stations for spaceships, and ships.Prompts questions: Where are these located? Is there possibility of shortage?
Package receiving point (or drop point)
Warehouses (personal, corporations, cars, etc)
Housing & Homes
Housing is an interesting part of building a city. I advise you to look around in your enviroment, and in the world how people live in different countries. You can always twist these ideas by putting them into a different enviroments (e.g.: shipping containers as living space, in a frosty enviroment, and people use fur to cover the insides for insulation.)
Luxury flats, and houses
Middle class flats, and houses
Lower class flats, and houses
Huge flat blocks (all are the same, available for all classes)
Prebuilt houses (all are the same, available for all classes)
Houses made of different elements You can vary as you want, example: Mass Effect colonies
Shipping containers as homes
Discarded vehicles as homes
Shelters For people, sentient robots, animals, robot animals.
Food and Plants
Questions: Where does food come from in your city? Is it from outside of the city, or does it have some facilities to create food? Where does that food go? How is the food situation in your city? Do people make food at home, or order, or eat prepackaged food?
Grain Processing Plant
Crop fields If you have crops, is there a fungi or incest that is destroying crops? Or an organization?
Fast food restaurant chains
Pastry Factory or any factory that makes food that is in everybody's lives, out of the plant the city has on its crop fields.
Food Packaging Factories
Food Processing Plants
Green houses
Nature reserve
Plant nurseries
Ranches for livestock
Slaughterhouses (or syntethic meat producing facilities)
Brewery What type of alcohol does the people drink? What are they med of? Are there traditions related to them?
Education, Science & Knowledge
What general education system does your city have? What subjects are there? At what age do usually people finish their studies?
Elementary school
High School
Music School
Science center
Research Facility
Entertainment and Services
Entertainment and Services are a big part of every day lives. How much fun people have in this city? How much time do people have? Does this have black and extreme sides? Are there regulations in place? Is there a disctrict just for party time or doe poeple do this all around the city?
Bars and Pubs (eg. Vape Bar)
Skating rink (ice, scifi ice skate, etc)
Arena / Stadium (depends on the setting, and nature of the events held here)
Stripper bar
Dance studio
Beautician Explore every aspect, different species, and cyberware (if you have these in your world)
Amusement park
Fighting rings People, robots, animals, etc. Where is this ring? Are these illegal?
VR café
Bowling alley (or any other alley for this type of entertainment)
Racetracks Animals, robots. How much of are these legal? Are there any bets placed on the racers?
Where do people get their information? Is there internet in your city? What happens when somebody disrupts communication on purpose? Does people/ the government / corporation manipulate the media?
Post office
Media studios TV, Internet, Talk shows, VR, whatever media your cuty uses.
Community centre
Employment agency
Open Spaces
Where people can organize events.
Forum, Square You can include a statue or a monument.
Park (It's scifi or fantasy, you can add floating parks too.)
Skate park (or any other equivalent of extreme sport park in your world, e.g. solar surf park)
Religion & Politics
What religion do people practise? Are there any banned religions? What sacred spacse do they need for that? Are there any districts heavily influenced by one religion? Are their beliefs go against the city council's views? Is religion and politics are connected or not? How do religion and politics influence each other?
Parlament/city council
Mayor's office
Religious spaces Buildings, parks, monuments
The Force and the Law
Military , Police and Law. Do these mix with religion or not?
Military headquarters
Military training centre
Military base
Shooting range (or archer range)
Police Station
Jail & Prison
Military vehicle and gadget repair
Lawyer's office
Market & Financies
What currency does your city use? Are there any undergound currencies? What items and resources can be currencies?
Shop franchises Apparel, jewelry, furnishing, stationery
Broker's office
Armor shop
Cyberware (or body enhancment) shop
Weapon shop
Market (farmer's , junk, flee, vehicles, etc.)
Black Market
Drug Den
Corporate Shops (workers can pay from their own salary)
Building & Production
What do people need? Is there a shortage of certain types of products, or oversaturation and overproduction?
Factory: Electronics devices
Factory: Furniture and cutlery
Factory: Home gadgets
Factory: Weapons
Factory: Military equipments
Factory: Vehicles Cars, spaceships, flying cars.
Mining operation
Construction Site
What types of wastes are produced in your city? Where do they go?
Sewage system Pipes, old pipes that are no longer in use, cisterns. Are there any people living down here?
Junkyard Regular junk, old spaceships, broken cars, broken machines, broken robots. Do people live here or not?
Selective Trash Sorter Facility If your city recycles.
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evermoredeluxe · 11 months
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Statement by T4F - the promoter of the Rio shows
translation: Given the forecast of an increase in the heat wave in the city of Rio de Janeiro, we inform you that we are reinforcing the special action plan carried out for the first day of the show, especially the supply of free water in the queues and in all accesses and entrances to the stadium and in its interior. In this way, new free water distribution points will be available to the public during the event.
Entry into the stadium will also be allowed with sealed water glasses and sealed industrialised foods, without limitation of items per person.
We clarify that the requirement for items to be sealed follows safety recommendations.
We also emphasise that the prohibition of the entry of water bottles into stadiums is a requirement made by public agencies and that we do not carry out the marketing of beverages and food, which is an assignment of the stadium administration.
The number of services has been strengthened. About 200 extra employees will be added to the 1,230 professionals who have been working on the event since the beginning among security guards, brigadistas, public advisors and others. In addition, the medical care structure was strengthened, totalling 08 available medical stations, 08 ambulances and 08 mobile ICUs.
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The Emergency Medical Services Market is projected to grow from USD 22755 million in 2024 to an estimated USD 36542.63 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%from 2024 to 2032.The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) market has become an essential component of healthcare systems worldwide, playing a pivotal role in providing rapid medical care to those in critical situations. This market encompasses a wide range of services, including ambulance transportation, emergency room care, pre-hospital care, and medical emergency response teams. With the rising incidence of accidents, cardiovascular diseases, and other medical emergencies, the EMS market has experienced significant growth. This article delves into the key factors driving the EMS market, current trends, challenges, and future prospects.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/emergency-medical-services-market
Market Overview
The EMS market is a rapidly expanding sector, fueled by increasing urbanization, rising incidences of chronic diseases, and a growing aging population. EMS provides life-saving care during emergencies, ranging from trauma incidents and cardiac arrests to strokes and severe allergic reactions. The market includes ambulance services, air medical services, emergency medical dispatchers, and specialized equipment such as defibrillators, stretchers, and life-support devices.
The market is divided into several segments based on service type (ground, air, and water ambulances), application (trauma, cardiac care, respiratory care, etc.), and end-user (hospitals, clinics, home care settings, etc.). North America leads the market due to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific, which are experiencing rapid market growth driven by increasing healthcare expenditures and government initiatives.
Key Market Drivers
1. Rising Incidence of Medical Emergencies: The growing number of road accidents, natural disasters, and medical emergencies, such as heart attacks and strokes, is a major driver of the EMS market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic accidents alone cause over 1.3 million deaths annually, highlighting the need for efficient EMS services.
2. Technological Advancements: Innovations such as GPS-enabled ambulances, telemedicine integration, and mobile healthcare apps have enhanced the efficiency of EMS. The advent of advanced life-support systems, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), and portable ventilators has significantly improved patient outcomes during emergency care.
3. Government Initiatives and Funding: Governments worldwide are investing heavily in improving EMS infrastructure. For instance, in the United States, the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) program funds initiatives aimed at enhancing pediatric emergency care. Similarly, emerging economies like India and China are upgrading their EMS systems to meet the growing demand for emergency medical care.
4. Growing Geriatric Population: The aging global population is contributing to the increased demand for EMS services. Older adults are more susceptible to emergencies like falls, cardiac issues, and respiratory complications, necessitating prompt medical intervention.
Market Challenges
Despite the growing demand, the EMS market faces several challenges. One of the main obstacles is the shortage of trained EMS professionals. Many regions, especially in developing countries, lack adequately trained paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs), which can compromise the quality of care provided. Additionally, high operational costs, including ambulance maintenance, fuel, and medical equipment, pose financial challenges to service providers.
Regulatory compliance is another critical challenge. EMS providers must adhere to strict guidelines and regulations that vary by region, often complicating operations. Inconsistent response times and inadequate coverage in rural or underserved areas further hinder the market's growth.
Future Outlook
The future of the EMS market looks promising, with advancements in artificial intelligence, data analytics, and remote monitoring technologies poised to revolutionize emergency care. AI-powered predictive analytics can help EMS providers optimize response times by identifying high-risk patients and allocating resources more efficiently. The integration of wearable devices that monitor vital signs in real time could enable faster diagnosis and treatment during emergencies.
Moreover, the expansion of air ambulance services is expected to drive market growth, especially in remote or inaccessible regions. The increasing use of drones for delivering medical supplies, such as blood or medications, during emergencies is another emerging trend that holds significant potential.
Key Player Analysis:
Asahi Kasei Corporation
B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany)
BD (U.S.)
Boston Scientific Corporation
Cardinal Health (U.S.)
ConvaTec Inc
Diagmed Healthcare
Johnson & Johnson Services Inc.
Koninklijke Philips N.V
Medtronic (Ireland)
Merit Medical System
Smith & Nephew (U.S.)
Stryker (U.S.)
Terumo Corporation
By Type:
Ground ambulances
Air ambulances
And marine ambulances.
By Application:
Trauma care
Cardiac care
Respiratory care
By End Use:
Private clinics
Emergency medical service providers.
Based on the Region:
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/emergency-medical-services-market
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airambulanceindiaa · 6 months
Soaring Lifelines: Air Ambulance Services in Varanasi
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Welcome to Varanasi, the spiritual heart of India, where the sacred waters of the Ganges flow amidst ancient temples and vibrant markets. In this city of timeless traditions and bustling life, emergencies can strike unexpectedly, demanding swift and efficient medical assistance. Enter air ambulance services – the silent heroes of Varanasi's healthcare landscape, providing timely aid and saving lives when every second counts. Let's delve into the vital role these aerial lifelines play in serving the people of Varanasi.
Swift Response, Critical Care:
In medical emergencies, every moment is precious. air ambulance services in Varanasi  ensure rapid response times, equipped with advanced medical equipment and staffed by skilled professionals trained to provide critical care en route to the hospital. Whether it's a cardiac emergency, trauma, or any life-threatening condition, these airborne units are primed to intervene swiftly, potentially making the difference between life and death.
Navigating Varanasi's Complex Terrain:
Varanasi's labyrinthine streets, crowded alleys, and congested roads present significant challenges for traditional ground ambulances, especially during peak traffic or in remote areas. Air ambulances effortlessly overcome these obstacles, soaring above the cityscape with agility and speed. Whether it's reaching a patient stranded in a rural village or transporting a critical case to a tertiary care center, air ambulance services ensure that medical assistance is never out of reach.
Accessible and Inclusive Services:
Contrary to misconceptions, air ambulance services in Varanasi  are accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Many service providers offer affordable packages and collaborate with insurance companies to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder access to lifesaving care. Everyone, regardless of their socio-economic background, deserves the chance to receive timely medical assistance during emergencies, and air ambulance services in Varanasi strive to make this a reality.
Community Engagement and Awareness:
Raising awareness about the availability and benefits of air ambulance services is crucial for ensuring their effective utilization during emergencies. Through community outreach programs, educational initiatives, and collaborations with local healthcare facilities, efforts are underway to empower residents with the knowledge and resources needed to seek timely medical assistance when faced with an emergency. By working together, we can save more lives and strengthen Varanasi's healthcare infrastructure.
In Varanasi, where spirituality intertwines with everyday life, air ambulance services stand as beacons of hope and compassion. They embody the city's ethos of caring for one another and extending a helping hand in times of need. As Varanasi continues to evolve and grow, let us cherish and support these aerial lifelines, for they are the wings that carry hope and healing to those in their hour of greatest need.
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herculescarwash · 6 months
Is Car Wash Equipment Worth Buying in 2024?
The cleanliness of your fleet can significantly impact your brand's image. It is particularly crucial for cab services, emergency medical transportation, and car dealerships. So, investing in top-tier car wash equipment can be a strategic choice, especially in 2024. Here, we explore how such an investment can streamline your operations and enhance the overall customer experience. 
Importance of Vehicle Cleanliness
For businesses that operate vehicle fleets, the cleanliness of each vehicle is not just about aesthetics. It is also about maintaining professionalism and respect for the user experience. 
A clean vehicle can enhance the customer's comfort and trust in your services, whether taking a cab or purchasing a car from a dealership. Ambulance services, too, benefit from impeccably maintained vehicles, as cleanliness directly relates to the health and safety of patients.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
When considering car wash equipment for sale, conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Initial costs can seem significantly higher; however, the long-term savings and benefits often justify the investment. Here are some factors to consider before finalizing your decision:
·      Reduced Washing Costs
Owning a car wash machine eliminates the recurring expenses associated with external car wash services. Over time, the equipment pays for itself.
·      Convenience and Time-Saving
Having an on-site car wash bay means your vehicles can be cleaned on demand without scheduling appointments or transporting them to external locations. This is especially beneficial for businesses with large fleets.
·      Customized Cleaning
Car wash machines, especially those offered by industry leaders like Hercules Systems, Inc., can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your fleet. This ensures thorough cleaning without damaging the vehicles.
Investing in Advanced Technology
The idea is to utilize the best-in-class equipment, which is possible by choosing the right provider. Hercules Systems, Inc. stands out for its advanced technology and comprehensive solutions tailored to business needs. Our equipment features the latest car wash technology designed for efficiency and effectiveness. Here are a few advantages of partnering with Hercules Systems, Inc.:
·      Durability and Reliability
Our car wash bays are built to withstand heavy use, making them ideal for businesses with frequent washing needs.
·      Eco-Friendly Options
Our systems offer water recycling features, reducing waste and saving on water costs, aligning with green business practices.
·      Support and Maintenance
At Hercules Systems, Inc., we also provide exceptional after-sales support, ensuring your investment is protected through regular maintenance and service.
Thus, deciding to invest in car wash equipment and choosing the right service provider is critical. It can seamlessly align with your fleet management strategies, potentially setting your business apart in a crowded market.
Over To You!
In conclusion, investing in car wash equipment is critical for businesses operating in sectors like cab services, emergency medical transportation, and vehicle sales. Despite the initial investment seeming substantial, the long-term advantages often validate the expenditure. This promises better cleaning, sustained reliability, and operational efficiency. Hence, acquiring suitable equipment can significantly benefit your business, positioning you as a forward-thinking, customer-centric operation. If you're looking for professional assistance, we have your back. Contact us today to know more.
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sophiareddy123 · 1 year
The Ambulance Services Market is Segmented by Mode of Transport (Air Ambulance, Water Ambulance, and Ground Ambulance), Equipment (Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance Services and Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance Services), Type of Service (Emergency Services and Non-emergency Services), and Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America).
Download Free Sample Report - Ambulance Services Market
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downtoearthmarkets · 1 year
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As a relentless heatwave continues to roast large swaths of the country, it’s vital to stay as cool and hydrated as possible despite the sweltering conditions outdoors. It’s relatively easy to become quite parched before one’s body sends signals to one’s brain that it’s happening, so the best approach is to intake plenty of fluids and hydrating foods at regular intervals throughout the day.  When you’re busy shopping al fresco in our Down to Earth farmers markets, be sure to stick to your hydration plan while browsing the stalls and stopping to chat with vendors, friends and neighbors. But don’t sweat it if you find yourself empty-handed, as there is a plethora of refreshing and healthy foods, drinks and snacks being sold in the marketplace to help maintain your cool and offer a portable treat while you’re out and about in the summertime heat.     Fruit Depending on one’s dietary habits, around 20% of our daily fluid intake comes from foods such as water-rich fruit and veggies. In fact, fruit is one of the most deliciously hydrating and naturally low-calorie foods you can consume. Most fruits have a dense water content with melons, cucumbers and tomatoes clocking in at over 90%! There’s no shortage of choice in our markets right now, as summer fruit is entering its peak with farmstalls brimming over with plump and juicy peaches, plums, apricots, berries, cherries and nectarines.  Want to eat your juicy piece of fruit right away? Ask the market manager for a piece of paper towel to clean it with and to catch sticky drips. Of course, you can always pick up a jug of freshly pressed apple cider from the farmstalls too, if glugging while ambulating is more your speed.  Iced treats Consuming iced food is such an effective tool for staying cool during a heatwave that even zookeepers have embraced the approach with tigers noshing on discs of frozen meat and tortoises munching on hunks of frozen berries inside their enclosures. Enjoying a frosty treat on a stick or in a cup or cone is just the ticket for portable, instantaneous refreshment while on the go. Plus, much of the frozen fare you’ll find in the farmers market is made using wholesome, locally sourced ingredients from nearby farms.  A snack that consists primarily of frozen water and fruit, like a popsicle, will have the most beneficial cooling and hydrating effect in hot weather. Mom & Icepops is a Brooklyn-based business run by a mother and son team. They create family-made, family-friendly icepops that can be enjoyed by all, including your four-legged family members (be sure to check out their icepup selection!). Their exciting menu of gourmet popsicles is made with produce from a diversity of local farms and businesses using all-natural ingredients. Choose from a wealth of original flavor combinations such as Ponce de León (sweet cantaloupe with a hint of mint), Debutantes Ball (sweet, refreshing watermelon fresca, on a stick) and James and the Giant Peach Ginger (peach and ginger: unexpected friends).  Cold beverages Sipping on cold liquids while strolling is an advisable, and some would say ‘glamorous,’ way to enjoy the experience of shopping in the farmers market when it’s piping hot outside: 
No fretting coffee lovers as you don’t have to give up your caffeine fix just because the mercury level has risen. New York-based roaster, Cano Coffee Company offers delicious cold brew served over ice and made from beans that they import from their family estate in Colombia. This freshly brewed cold beverage will perk you up while cooling you down – dual service from just one cup!
Have your cake and eat it too with Slowcocoa’s zero-calorie Iced Hot Chocolate Tea. This uniquely hydrating tea tastes rich and chocolatey but without any dietary guilt, plus it’s vegan! It’s brewed from fresh, house-roasted husks of their single-origin cacao beans that are grown on Reserva Zorzal in the Dominican Republic - a bird sanctuary and pioneer in sustainable cacao agroforestry. 
Did an intense workout in the heat earlier and you're now feeling low on electrolytes? Dr. Pickle sells homemade pickle brine replete with sodium, potassium and magnesium that will help rehydrate you after exercise.   
We hope this furnishes you with plenty of delicious options for staying refreshed, cool and hydrated when shopping in our markets. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen or protective clothing and leave your pooches chillaxing at home in the air conditioning for as long as these temperatures persist. The hot blacktop and other surfaces can easily burn their paws, while their fur coat and higher baseline body temp mean that heat is more dangerous for them than it is for us. We look forward to seeing your friendly doggos again when things have cooled off and we can give them lots of pets and canine TLC. 
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Global Ambulance Services Market—a Deep-dive on Company’s Strategic Initiatives and Changing Landscape
A renewed focus on ambulance services with technological advancements has helped stakeholders navigate opportunities and trends shaping the healthcare industry. An uptick in chronic diseases and road accidents has expedited the demand for emergency medical services. Ambulance services reportedly accounted for USD 39.14 billion of business in the healthcare industry in 2022. The penetration of paramedics has accentuated the footprint of helicopters, motor vehicles, boats and airplanes to foster the healthcare service.  Amidst stiff competition, well-established players have forged partnerships and injected funds into product offerings to tap into the global market. To illustrate, in November 2022, Saudi RPM introduced an ambulance center to ramp up its KSA operation.  Grand View Research has built the database emphasizing the global presence of ambulance services and revenue generation opportunities of the market. Along with the database, the final report will peruse into following dynamics:
• Footprint of leading companies, elucidating financial performance, key competitors and benchmarking. 
• Insights on, including but not limited to, SWOT analysis, PORTER’s five force analysis, heat map assessment and market share.
• Inputs on demand analysis, regulatory scenarios and service providers. Get your copy or request a free sample of the report “Global Ambulance Services Market – Analysis of the Changing Landscape, Strategic Initiatives by Industry players, and Company Wise Financial Performance, Service Coverage, Regulations, and Reimbursement,” compiled and published by Grand View Research.  Ambulance Services Market Study – Topics Covered Company Overview
• Establishment Year
• Headquarters
• Employee Strength
• Verticals
• Financial analysis
Regional Outlook
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Latin America
• Middle East & Africa
Service Coverage
• Ambulance service offered (by vehicle type)
• Number of ambulances (by vehicle type)
Other parameters
• Ambulance regulations and registration (International & Regional)
• International reimbursement
• Region-wise reimbursement
• Impact of COVID-19
Get more insights from our in-depth market intelligence report “Ambulance Services Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Transport Vehicle (Ground Ambulance, Air Ambulance, Water Ambulance), By Emergency Services, By Equipment, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030” About Us Grand View Research, Inc. is a market research and consulting company that provides off-the-shelf, customized research reports and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and energy. With a deep-seated understanding of varied business environments, Grand View Research provides strategic objective insights. Find More information @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/info/trend-reports 
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
The Rapid Growth of Ambulance Service Providers Worldwide Amidst the Pandemic
An ambulance is a forefront vehicle for hospitals and emergency purposes. An ambulance is a medical care vehicle used to transport patients by wheeling or lifting in crises and emergencies. Ambulance Services are an important aspect of society provided by the health systems. An ambulance takes care of emergency medical support, transport, first aid treatment, and non-urgent patient transport to high-quality medical care.
For many disasters, calamities, and crises, an ambulance is a rescue squad and provides accessible medical help and is known to rescue lives, lessen suffering, and increase society's value of life. Ambulances are called by dialing a unique emergency number for quick response and delivery. The emergency number varies from country to country.
The need for Ambulance Manufacturers
The rise in medical ailments has prompted the ascent in clinics and hospitals, thereby leading to high demands of ambulance and patient care vehicles in society. Ambulance serves as frontlines at crucial points in time and arriving patients at the medical clinic on time, subsequently saving their life.
An ambulance has paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) who carry emergency Casablanca care, first aid help, medicines, and life support systems to keep patients alive till they reach the hospital and medical units.
Ambulance Vehicle Suppliers are the major providers of ambulance services covering:
Emergency and medical crisis Pre-hospital medical care and transport Rescue Squad in partnership with other critical and emergency services like fire and water rescue Ambulance Services Market Expansion
There is an upsurge in ambulance manufacturers and ambulance vehicle supplier services in the market with the expanding number of mishaps. Even the COVID -19 pandemic has led to rise in calls for ambulance services. There has been a surge in the ambulance providers' types, depending on the patients' needs and care. Along with the transfer and emergency, many ambulance manufacturers provide intensive care, infection control systems, and specifically designed units for critical patients.
Moreover, many patients with high popularity for air ambulance services lead to automobile vehicle market expansion. Many private players have shown interest in expanding the ambulance market share. Street auto collisions play a shockingly critical part in the frequent availability of ambulance manufacturing services.
Ambulance manufacturers and vehicle suppliers are proactively furnishing the hospital wagon with instant medical care units, warning lights and alarms, tele -equipment, wireless radio services, stretcher, oxygen supplies, medicine and drugs, and lifesaving equipment's along with abiding policies and legal requirements by government laws.
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prajnene · 1 year
Amphibious Aircraft Market Strategic Analysis and Growth By Forecast
The global amphibious aircraft market size is expected to experience exponential growth by reaching USD 358.1 million by 2028 while exhibiting an impressive CAGR of 11.71% between 2021 and 2028. Fortune Business Insights in its latest report, titled, “Amphibious Aircraft Market, 2021-2028.”, mentions that the market stood at USD 159.2 million in 2020. Factors such as the increasing demand for amphibious aircraft for commercial purposes and the growing demand for lightweight seaplanes is projected to favor the market’s demand during the forecast period. For instance, in October 2020, the first-ever seaplane service was launched in India that is operational between Ahmedabad and Kevadia.
The amphibious aircraft market has been experiencing significant growth in recent years due to the increasing demand for air transportation in remote areas with limited access to traditional airports and runways. Amphibious aircraft can land on both water and land, making them ideal for transporting people and goods to areas where traditional aircraft cannot access. The market is also driven by the growing popularity of adventure tourism and water-based activities such as fishing and rescue operations, which require aircraft capable of landing on water. The increasing demand for eco-tourism and environmental research has also contributed to the growth of the amphibious aircraft market. The market is highly competitive, with several key players investing in R&D to develop advanced and efficient aircraft that meet the growing demand for amphibious aircraft. Overall, the amphibious aircraft market presents numerous growth opportunities for businesses looking to expand their presence in the aviation industry.
List of the Companies Operating in the Global Market for Amphibious Aircraft:
Aviat Aircraft, Inc. (The U.S.)
AVIC (China)
Beriev Aircraft Company (Russia)
Bombardier (Canada)
Dornier Seawings GmbH (Germany)
Glasair Aviation (The U.S.)
ICON Aircraft, Inc. (The U.S.)
ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd. (Japan)
Textron Inc. (The U.S.)
VIKING Air Ltd. (Canada) 
Market Segmentation:
We have segmented the market based on engine, application, seating capacity, and region.
On the basis of engine, the market is divided into piston and turboprop. Based on application, the market is categorized into civil and military. Furthermore, on the basis of seating capacity, the market is segregated into less than 10 and more than 10.Based on seating capacity, the less than 10 segment is expected to hold the largest global amphibious aircraft market share during the forecast period. This is attributable to the increasing demand for lightweight seaplanes for commercial purposes such as firefighting, maritime monitoring, and ambulance. Lastly, on the basis of region, the market is bifurcated into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Information Source -
What does the Report Include?
The global market for amphibious aircraft reports provides in-depth analysis and focuses on the key aspects such as seaplanes product type, key players, applications, engine type, and seating capacity. Furthermore, the report offers insights on market trends, competitive landscape, competition, product pricing, market status, and highlights key industry developments by adopting several research methodologies. It also includes several direct and indirect factors that have contributed to the growth of the market over recent years.
Increasing Demand for Seaplanes for Commercial Purposes to Augment Growth
In December 2020, Sydney Seaplanes announced its collaboration with electric aviation company, magniX and Dante Aeronautical, to convert a Cessna Caravan into the first-ever all-electric aircraft. The growing demand for amphibious aircraft for commercial applications such as transportation, sea tourism, search and rescue operation, and others has propelled the companies to innovate their products. Moreover, the growing application of seaplanes in several government operations is expected to boost the global amphibious aircraft market growth in the forthcoming years. For instance, Russia has in its repository Be-200 amphibious seaplanes capable of handling several firefighting missions.  
North America – The region is expected to hold the highest position in the global amphibious aircraft market during the forecast period. This is attributable to the high defense spending by countries such as the U.S. that will boost the adoption of advanced amphibious aircraft for several military applications in the region. North America stood at USD 58.0 million in 2020.
Europe – The market in the region is expected to showcase exponential growth backed by the presence of established players such as Dornier Seawings GmbH, Beriev Aircraft, and others that are proactively focusing on introducing new seaplanes in the region between 2021 and 2028.
Major Companies Focus on Investment in R&D Activities to Strengthen Their Market Positions
The global market for amphibious aircraft is consolidated by prominent companies focusing on investing in the development of advanced seaplanes to cater to the growing industrial demand. Additionally, adoption of organic and inorganic strategies by other key players to gain a major chunk of the market share is projected to bode well for the market growth during the forecast period. 
Industry Development
December 2020 - ICON Aircraft, Inc. announced the development of a new avionics solution for its A5 light sport aircraft (LSA) amphibious aircraft. The company reports that the airplane includes a seven-inch Garmin G3X touchscreen display, along with two-axis autopilot feature.
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brazilnews · 2 years
Your dream home in the lap of luxury is now a reality -  3 BHK in Zirakpur at Motia HUYS and Motiaz Harmony Greens
Visualizing a dream home in the lap of luxury, at the most sought-after locations in Zirakpur is now becoming a reality. Motia Group, the best builders in Zirakpur is now offering their latest flagship projects, Motia HUYS and Motiaz Harmony Greens. Own your dream home at these two opulent 3 BHK in Zirakpur and indulge yourself in its elegance.
Motia HUYS
The project has been designed around the concept of independent affordable floors. The exclusive design highlights the collaboration of premium quality and top-notch design to bring peace and harmony in the living environment. The independent 2 and 3 BHK floors are well-designed; providing both space and privacy. Motia HUYS is one of the best options to buy 3 BHK in Zirakpur.
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Features of Motia HUYS — 3 BHK in Zirakpur:
· Boundary wall and gated community with one entry and exit gate
· Commercial arcade in the campus
· Underground electric lines
· 35' wide internal roads
· Most of the city conveniences at 5 minutes distance
· Stilt parking
· Earthquake resistant RCC structure
· Rainwater drainage
· Park for children
· Visitor Parking
· Prime location connected to Himalayan Expressway
· CCTV monitoring
· Purified water supply
Motiaz Harmony Greens
Harmony Greens, a premium residential project, offers you 3 BHK in Zirakpur that brings you an upgraded lifestyle in the lap of nature, away from the fast-paced tempo of city life adjoining a forest cover of approx. 300 Acres of Land. An enchanting new way of life awaits you amidst the lush greenery. Beautifully spaced & efficient, 3/3+1/5+1 BHK (195 Sq. Yd. — 337 Sq. Yd.) options with all modern & world class amenities.
Features of Motiaz Harmony Greens — 3 BHK in Zirakpur
· Low Rise — with S+4 concept
· 1 Lift for 8 Flats
· Proposed Connectivity To PR-7, Airport Road
· Adjoining 300 Acres of Forest Land
· Lifetime Free Meditation (B.K Meditation Centre)
· Upto 64' Wide Internal Roads
· Well Covered Stilt Parking (Reserved Parking-1)
· Sand Pit & Open Air Amphitheatre
· Matt Finish Tiles in Parking
· Power Backup (24x7)
· Biometric Locks on Main Doors
· Ambulance Service (24x7)
· Free Club House
· E-Intercom (Application Based Security)
· Open Gymnasium & Gazebo
· Kids Play Area & Jogging Track
· Lush Green Boundary
· Green Dividers on Internal Roads
· Well Lit Internal Roads, with Pole Lights
· Commercial Arcade within Premises
· Earthquake Resistant RCC Frame Structure
· Rain Water Harvesting
· 12' To 24' Gap Between Blocks
Own your 3 BHK in Zirakpur with these luxurious dream destinations!
Corporate Office: Chandigarh-Ambala Highway, Zirakpur, Chandigarh
For Sales: Sales Representative: +91 88600 95959
For Marketing: Ashwani K Sharma: +91 85588 44531
For general/other services: Helpdesk: +91 85588 44517, +91 85588 44529
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aureaaviation · 2 years
If you're considering chartering an aircraft for a business trip or vacation, it's important to find the right plane. Choosing the wrong plane can lead to extra costs, lost time and frustration. So if you've ever been on a plane that doesn't fit your needs--or one that isn't what you expected--here are some tips for finding the perfect craft for your next trip:
When choosing a plane, it's important to consider your overall access needs. This can include:
Your budget
The number of passengers traveling on the plane (if you're flying alone or with one other person)
Whether you need special equipment to board or exit the aircraft (for example, wheelchairs)
Use the tips in this article to help you find the most suitable aircraft for your next trip.
Private jet charter is a great way to get the most out of your next trip. If you're looking for more information about private jet charter, here are some tips on how to find the right plane for your needs:
Find a pilot with experience and qualifications. A lot of pilots have a lot of time in their aircrafts, but not all pilots are qualified to fly them safely. Make sure that whoever flies your flight has been trained by an experienced pilot and passed all necessary tests before being allowed to do so. This will ensure that they know what they're doing when it comes down to flying safely around airports or over water!
Look into aircraft models available on the market today; this will help narrow down options after finding someone suitable who has met all requirements before taking over as captain of any given flight plan (i
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vehicles45669 · 2 years
Toyota Ambulance For Sale, Used Toyota Ambulance
Additionally, there’s also assist services dotted across the city, together with day clinics, pharmacies, mental well being facilities and ambulance companies. Medics reply to medical emergencies and treat sufferers with a medical emergency. They work in hospitals, ambulance companies, and other organizations that provide emergency care. A medical degree and a legitimate driver’s license are usually required for paramedics, although the requirements differ by country. A certified paramedic can work in quite a lot of positions, together with ambulance driver, emergency medical technician, or nurse.
This partnership and others prefer it form a part of our world COVID-19 response which includes a renewed dedication to the health and well-being of our prospects, colleagues, companions and surrounding communities. On Tuesday, 10 January, at 04h10, NSRI Table Bay duty crew and WC Government Health EMS rescue squad were ambulance conversions south africa activated to organize to launch to evacuate an injured passenger from a cruise ship returning to Table Bay. Lifeguards are an important component of water security, particularly during the festive season.
The medical package on the vessel consists of important gear to function autonomously. The tools includes the likes of a vitals monitor, a defibrillator, full advanced life support bag, IV traces and connections, oxygen tank and evacuation stretcher. We firmly consider in old school beliefs like uncompromising high quality, distinctive service and unbeatable value for cash. At Gardmed we goal to care for and serve all people who may have our help, in knowledgeable and empathetic manner and to offer a service that can improve the lives of those in need. While there are important customisation options, the Pik Up Ambulance was created with suggestions from medical professionals to ensure that it matches the broadest vary of purposes from the onset.
You ought to be familiar with a quantity of things if you want to register your automotive. In Tennessee, it's crucial to first be positive that your vehicle is provided with emergency tags. If you are considered an emergency personnel, Tennessee Code Ann requires you to obtain E-plates so as to do so. A type like this is not required for IAFF or FOP plates, nor is it required for a renewal. In addition, you'll need to have the registration on your car registered in your name. If you are the car’s proprietor, you should register it in the name of the one who leased the vehicle to you.
We don't ever waive our rights, even if we permit you any favour or extension of time, or we delay implementing our rights towards you. Your licence is automatically cancelled if you don't get our written permission before using this website in a means these phrases do not permit. This move has been criticised by the DA within the metro, who believes it will violate residents’ constitutional rights to well being.
All emergency companies personnel inside the City had been recruited to specialize in each fireplace and rescue providers and medical providers domains and to perform twin features within the department. In the United States, emergency vehicle registration is usually emergency vehicles handled by particular person states, somewhat than at the federal stage. This registration is usually required for vehicles that will be used for emergency response, such as ambulances, fireplace vans, and police cars.
With forty two years’ experience, Smith is a family name within the aerial platform market through its personal brand, Superlift™ in addition to its Hotline branded drilling rigs. The firm also imports and installs premium manufacturers of Aerial Platforms and Truck Mounted Cranes from main multinational companies across the globe together with however not limited to Terex, Oil&Steel, PM, Bronto Skylift, and so forth. In 2013 Sipho left the Bank to pursue enterprise interest culminating to the acquisition of Kholeka Engineering Ltd in 2015 where ambulance for sale south africa he at present function the Managing Director. He is consolidating his experience to develop iSipho and Kholeka via various natural and acquisition development strategies with a view of making sustainable businesses with sustainable free money circulate as the main strategic thrust. He performed a pivotal position in driving the management buyout of Smith Capital Equipment Ltd in 2015 the place he serves because the Chairman.
T.A.G. solely focuses on boats for medical and business use for taking medical personal to exhausting to reach locations and offering various medical solutions, which include, land primarily based, water based mostly and air based mostly applications. We have a confirmed monitor document with MOH and Disaster Management agencies in Africa. Stat-Tiakeni Medical Ltd has been advertising, distributing and servicing high quality emergency vehicle conversions healthcare products to the hospital, EMS, main healthcare and public security markets since 1999. With gross sales and servicing branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Free State and Mpumalanga, we're well-positioned to produce the medical industry throughout South Africa. SAPAESA believes in truthful and equal entry to the personal ambulance market, by all providers who service the market to a high normal and in adherence with current accreditation criteria for private ambulance companies.
The requirements for emergency vehicle registration differ from state to state, however usually embody an application process and payment. In some states, emergency vehicle registration may require the vehicle to undergo a safety inspection. Most of our individuals shall be travelling and we cannot rule out the possibility of accidents on our roads. These emergency medical vehicles will be of help to personnel in order that they reach patients inside affordable time.” MEC for well being, Sasekani Manzini, mentioned Friday was a beautiful day for the Department of Health. “In order to improve the standard of our emergency healthcare services, we have decided to spend cash on 67 new ambulances.
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kritikapatil · 2 years
Ambulance Services Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends in the Industry    
Latest added Ambulance Services Market research study by AMA Research offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2027. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are
Envision Healthcare Corporation (United States)
Scandinavian AirAmbulance (Sweden)
Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc.
BVG India Ltd. (India)
America Ambulance Services, Inc.
Falck Holding A/S (United Kingdom)
Air Methods Corporation
Ziqitza Health Care Limited (India)
Medivic Aviation (India)
London Ambulance Service (United Kingdom)
Acadian Ambulance Service
Air Medical Group Holdings Inc.
SA Ambulance Service (Australia)
Lifeguard Ambulance Service (United States)
Paratech Ambulance Service (United States)
Fallon Ambulance Service (United States)
The ambulance services are also known as paramedic services, are used to provide urgent pre-hospital treatment and stabilization services for serious patients until they are transported to definitive care centers such as hospitals or clinics. These ambulances are medically equipped vehicles that provide life support services to the patients until they are reached to treatment facilities. The ambulance service has two main functions: an accident and emergency paramedical function, and the Patient Transport Service function which transfers immobile patients to and from their hospital appointments. The demand for advanced life support medical machine in ambulance service and improving healthcare facilities is expanding the market growth.
Influencing Trend: Demand for Advance Life Support Ambulance Services (ALS) Owing to Ongoing COVID-19 Outbreak
Internet of Things (IoT) Revolution
Challenges: Entrance of New Ambulance Service Providers Globally
Opportunities: Favorable Reimbursement Policies
Growing Geriatric Population
Demand for Efficient Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Market Growth Drivers: Rising Awareness About Life Support Services
Increasing Number of Road Accidents
The Global Ambulance Services segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Emergency Ambulance Services, General Ambulance Services), Application (Pre-hospital Support, Post-hospital Support), Services Sector (Private, Public), Integrated Equipment (Advance Life Support (ALS) Equipment (ECG Monitors, Ventilation and Airway Equipment, Vascular Access, Pre-loaded Medications, Other), Basic Life Support (BLS) Equipment (Ventilation and Airway Equipment, Oxygen Tanks & Masks, Spinal Immobilization Equipment, Pulse Oximetry, Intranasal Naloxone Administration, Other)), Transport Mode (Ground Ambulance Services, Water Ambulance Services, Air Ambulance Services)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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angel0news · 2 years
Motia’z Harmony Greens Top Builder in Zirakpur – A Home That You Always Desired To Dwell In
Enjoy the wrap around vast greenery with Motia Group’s Harmony Greens. This blissful and greenery surrounded housing adjoins a forest cover of Approx. 300 Acres of Land. Driven with the purpose to build a legacy of innovation, trust and exceptional customer experience, Motia Group presents Harmony Greens. This project is being developed in a manner leaving majority of the space open to sky. Beautifully spaced & efficient, Harmony Greens have 3, 3+1, 5+1 BHK housing options with independent floors and 3BHK flats in Zirakpur.
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A host of amenities at Harmony Greens will make your stay here, a pleasurable experience. Harmony Greens offers you a home that you always desired to dwell in. All basic amenities are available at short distance. Now you can step into a world of tranquillity that's well connected, brilliantly designed and facilitated with every form of luxury. The exact location of the apartment is Harmony Greens, Sanauli, Zirakpur(Chandigarh).
Contact Information :-
Corporate Office: Chandigarh-Ambala Highway, Zirakpur, Chandigarh For Sales: Sales Representative: +91 88600 95959 For Marketing: Ashwani K Sharma: +91 85588 44531 For general/other services: Helpdesk: +91 85588 44517, +91 85588 44529 Email : [email protected] Website : http://motiagroup.com/
Motia Group Best Builder in Zirakpur, Motia Group’s Harmony Greens include low rise - with s+4 concept, 1 lift for 8 flats, proposed connectivity to pr-7, airport road, adjoining 300 acres of forest land, lifetime free meditation (B.K Meditation Centre), upto 64' wide internal roads, well covered stilt parking (reserved parking-1), sand pit & open air amphitheatre, matt finish tiles in parking, power backup (24x7), biometric locks on main doors, ambulance service (24x7), free club house, e-intercom (application based security), open gymnasium & gazebo, kids play area & jogging track, lush green boundary, green dividers on internal roads, well-lit internal roads, with pole lights, commercial arcade within premises, earthquake resistant rcc frame structure, rain water harvesting and 12' to 24' gap between blocks.
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