#Watch cleaning and servicing San Francisco
20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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mariacallous · 4 months
AI projects like OpenAI’s ChatGPT get part of their savvy from some of the lowest-paid workers in the tech industry—contractors often in poor countries paid small sums to correct chatbots and label images. On Wednesday, 97 African workers who do AI training work or online content moderation for companies like Meta and OpenAI published an open letter to President Biden, demanding that US tech companies stop “systemically abusing and exploiting African workers.”
Most of the letter’s signatories are from Kenya, a hub for tech outsourcing, whose president, William Ruto, is visiting the US this week. The workers allege that the practices of companies like Meta, OpenAI, and data provider Scale AI “amount to modern day slavery.” The companies did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
A typical workday for African tech contractors, the letter says, involves “watching murder and beheadings, child abuse and rape, pornography and bestiality, often for more than 8 hours a day.” Pay is often less than $2 per hour, it says, and workers frequently end up with post-traumatic stress disorder, a well-documented issue among content moderators around the world.
The letter’s signatories say their work includes reviewing content on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, as well as labeling images and training chatbot responses for companies like OpenAI that are developing generative-AI technology. The workers are affiliated with the African Content Moderators Union, the first content moderators union on the continent, and a group founded by laid-off workers who previously trained AI technology for companies such as Scale AI, which sells datasets and data-labeling services to clients including OpenAI, Meta, and the US military. The letter was published on the site of the UK-based activist group Foxglove, which promotes tech-worker unions and equitable tech.
In March, the letter and news reports say, Scale AI abruptly banned people based in Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan from working on Remotasks, Scale AI’s platform for contract work. The letter says that these workers were cut off without notice and are “owed significant sums of unpaid wages.”
“When Remotasks shut down, it took our livelihoods out of our hands, the food out of our kitchens,” says Joan Kinyua, a member of the group of former Remotasks workers, in a statement to WIRED. “But Scale AI, the big company that ran the platform, gets away with it, because it’s based in San Francisco.”
Though the Biden administration has frequently described its approach to labor policy as “worker-centered.” The African workers’ letter argues that this has not extended to them, saying “we are treated as disposable.”
“You have the power to stop our exploitation by US companies, clean up this work and give us dignity and fair working conditions,” the letter says. “You can make sure there are good jobs for Kenyans too, not just Americans."
Tech contractors in Kenya have filed lawsuits in recent years alleging that tech-outsourcing companies and their US clients such as Meta have treated workers illegally. Wednesday’s letter demands that Biden make sure that US tech companies engage with overseas tech workers, comply with local laws, and stop union-busting practices. It also suggests that tech companies “be held accountable in the US courts for their unlawful operations aboard, in particular for their human rights and labor violations.”
The letter comes just over a year after 150 workers formed the African Content Moderators Union. Meta promptly laid off all of its nearly 300 Kenya-based content moderators, workers say, effectively busting the fledgling union. The company is currently facing three lawsuits from more than 180 Kenyan workers, demanding more humane working conditions, freedom to organize, and payment of unpaid wages.
“Everyone wants to see more jobs in Kenya,” Kauna Malgwi, a member of the African Content Moderators Union steering committee, says. “But not at any cost. All we are asking for is dignified, fairly paid work that is safe and secure.”
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What would be your ideal 3rd gate for Anaheim Disney, if they somehow found the space?
The Shadow Kingdom, my ideal Disney villains/horror park. Here is the old description I had of such:
What I was imagining would be a park similar in structure to Disneyland, or Universal's Islands of Adventure: separate "ports of call" or areas with a overarching theme, with movie properties sprinkled throughout largely realistic realms and placed aside attractions not based on any established film property.
It was my goal to conceive a park that could mirror the attraction mix of DisneySea: large scale E-tickets, smaller dark rides, a handful of more traditional amusement park type rides that still fit the style of the realms, and walk through exhibits. This would create a variety of experiences matched with exquisitely detailed settings and waterways winding throughout the various realms. My theoretical third-gate, darker themed Disney park would be entitled The Shadow Kingdom, and have eight themed sections within united by the idea of an "alternate universe" version of Disneyland, accessed by walking through a slightly sinister traveling circus (inspired by the Disney live action film "Something Wicked This Way Comes"). This would be an old fashioned style-traveling show, and serve the function of Main Street: nothing too threatening at this juncture, just slightly vintage and offbeat, with shops, entertainment, food, and presenting a vintage archetype guests would be as familiar with as they are an old-fashioned town square. It would serve as a "portal" to wooded paths and waterways leading to the other themed lands.
Once entering the park past main ticket booths (in the form of a semi-circle of aged but clean looking gypsy/circus wagons with themed detailing items attached), guests would pass under a banner for Pandemonium and Darke's Shadow Show. On either side of a "country dirt road" (actually painted and detailed concrete) would be lines of well-kept, black, red and white striped vintage circus tents and temporary wooden structures. One would offer British "hand food" of the period: meat and portable shepherd's pies, a few sandwiches, and desserts like funnel cake along with beverages. Another would sell hand crafted wooden toys and mementoes of the carnival done in period style, a third, park-specific merchandise and Disney brand goods limited to this one location. The usual services and sundries would be offered, but hidden inside a aged wooden building marked "Amenities" on one side, and a large tent on the other: an ATM, phones, wheelchair rentals, restrooms, etc. Along the road, at one point, would be the boarded up, closed "Mirror Maze" from the film of Something Wicked This Way Comes, with a hand painted sign out front explaining the closure due to visitors being "lost" inside. If guests were to stand and watch, they might glimpse spectral forms of period-dressed tourists inside, trapped in the mirrors, but vanishing quickly and appearing only subtly and infrequently. The barker outside would invite guests in to the funhouse that shared the building, for a 3-4 minute walkthrough designed after classic walk-through attractions found in places like Coney Island and San Francisco’s Playland at the Beach.
The main attraction in this area would be Professor Darke's Odditorium Sideshow. Guests would sit on benches surrounding an indoor stage, and be entertained by a mixture of live performers on the main stage (acrobats, fire eaters, a magician/illusionist, etc) and AA performers on either side, in smaller little circular stages, as used in County Bear Jamboree (Spidora the spider woman, a two-headed jazz-singer/flapper type woman, a pale, thin, skeletal looking fellow who would summon spirits to interact with the stage and theater, etc).
In addition to this main show, there would be a few classic carnival type rides done in a more lush, period style with slightly aged and morbid designs in spots: a Himalaya type spinner ride, a Ferris wheel, surrounded by woods on either side in both cases.
When ready to leave the main entrance, guests would find a single pathway with an old-fashioned parchment map on a signboard at the edge of a dark wood, wooden gates standing open on either side of the lane. The text would read thusly, on a plank affixed to the map: "Beware, traveler, for those who venture beyond these boundaries are no longer under the protection of the management of Pandemonium and Darke's Shadow Show. Strange realms await beyond our encampment, and many wonders as well. But beware, for those who pass this way may experience many dark enchantments merely hinted at by our humble amusements, and few who do are ever truly the same after."
The map would lay out the rest of the park, illustrated in a rough, sketchy style, with stylized representations of each of the realms (starting from nearest the entrance and working counter-clockwise): Hollow Bastion in the center, ringed by The Black Forest, Voodoo Bayou, Dead Man's Cove, The Underworld, Halloweentown, and Vulture Flats.
In the center (as Sleeping Beauty Castle is for Disneyland) would be Hollow Bastion, based on designs from the Kingdom Hearts games. Waterways and moats would surround it, with seemingly decayed bridges over them to enter the fortress. Many of these would connect to the other realms, and dark, swan-shaped boats carrying about twenty guests would depart from a dock outside the walls of Hollow Bastion to take a 10 minute trip to the other dock at Dead Man’s Cove.
Guests would be able to walk through the castle structure and an interior set of paths, seeing scenes featuring the Horned King from the Black Cauldron, aided by the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. These scenes would feature a story of the King attempting to open portals to other realms in order to gain new power and increase his strength by tapping into evil energies from other planes of existence. These portals would be used to explain the different realms of the park, and how guests crossed into Hollow Bastion from Pandemonium and Darke's. The final scene would feature the Horned King triumphant, standing behind the black cauldron, smoke rising and flashes of light coming from within. Crackling energy would line the walls, and as guests exited to proceed into the rest of the realms, they'd walk out of the castle through a cloud of mist, energy bolts sizzling along the wall, headed outwards, leading them to understand the King had been successful in opening gateways to other dark realms that guests could now visit. Below the castle, a dragon's lair similar to that in Paris would lie, with smoking volcanic vents, a giant slumbering dragon AA, and a series of dungeons with skeletons shackled inside leading to the main cavern.
Behind the castle, in a courtyard, would be a carousel with steeds modeled after famous and infamous supernatural creatures: thestrals, the giant spectral dogs of England, werewolves, griffons, sea monsters, and the like. Beyond the carousel, the main bulk of the park would begin, the realms lining a counter-clockwise circle, each bordered by strange, magically glowing symbols on the ground, like etchings, in red and purple light that would glow and wane eerily. A secret “escape tunnel” would be found through a unmarked crack in the fortress walls, and lead past some scenes of a long abandoned dungeon: open cells, skeletal remains, and the like. Guests taking this tunnel would wind up near the skiff boarding dock outside the walls.
The first realm accessed if exiting to the right would be the Black Forest, heralded by stylized "spooky trees" like in the Snow White animated film, and the sound of wings and ravens cawing deep in the woods. In this area would be a small wooden cart offering "Poison Apples", in reality, apples dipped in caramel or chocolate then with a skull imprinted on front using a stencil which sugar would be sprinkled over, leaving the design. A rough wooden hut would offer the chance for guests to meet and be photographed either with the Wicked Queen or Old Hag from the classic Disney film. The main attraction in the Black Forest, looming behind the wooden cottage, would be Bald Mountain, styled after the classic sequence from Fantasia..
This would be a 10-12 minute flume ride, where guests would board hollowed out, twisted logs in a forest clearing, traveling along a rocky mountain stream. A few minutes would be spent floating in wooded settings, owls and AA wildlife glimpsed, the sounds of nature and slightly ominous, low scale music heard. A small drop down a minor hill would take guests to a densely forested setting, then quickly into the enclosed portion of the ride disguised by trees and rockwork matched with a disguising wall featuring a painting of the forest continuing and a village in the distance. Once inside the mountain's show building, there would be scenes of the village in the shadow of the mountain as dusk set: candles in windows, a lone shutter banging in the breeze. As guests floated past the old cemetery at he base of the mountain, tombstones would be seen to shake, mist rising from the ground, and then the logs would speed up, propelling guests into a close, dark thicket of trees, the strains of "Night on Bald Mountain" and eerie, strange cries echoing in the dark. Spectral forms, using the original ghostly designs from Fantasia, would be glimpsed on either side, the logs catching the bottom of a lift hill and starting upwards in a dark tunnel, shrieking spectres projected all around them on mist screens. Once at the top, the logs would pause, as a giant pair of yellow eyes opened, then a gigantic AA of Chernabog the demon would lean forward, music swelling, hands reaching out for the guests as if to grab the log. As the boat got nearer, hands closing in, it would plunge suddenly downwards, in a dark, enclosed drop tunnel filled with fog, in the pitch black. Once at the bottom, the logs would float slowly past the gates of the town, a rooster crowing in the distance as in the segment of Fantasia, a few whispy spirits visible headed back down to the ground to flee the dawn. Guests would exit near a large, dead tree stump, with glowing owl eyes visible and soft hooting occurring occasionally from within, and walk a path back to exit by the apple cart.
At this point, a covered bridge would lead guests to the second ride in the area: the Legend of Sleepy Hollow dark ride, where small wooden carts would set off on a moonlit eve for the party at the Van Tassel residence. A brief scene with Brom Bones and the party guests would follow, featuring the Headless Horseman song, and then back out into the fields and woods with the moon overhead. The ride of course would climax with being confronted by the Headless Horseman at several points, ending up with a combined projection and AA of the flaming pumpkin shrieking towards them, followed by a small dip underneath the wooden bridge, the carts moving along past the whipporwills and croaking toads to unload at the edge of the woods, in the shadow of an abandoned windmill.
The third attraction would lead away from these areas, via a small path with a sign nailed up at the entrance, painted with the words “Beware the Tulgey Wood”. A twisting series of paths would eventually lead to a maze themed to Alice in Wonderland’s Red Queen from the recent Tim Burton film, with still statuary and some interactive effects and illusions, both indoors and outside. A dark ride located inside the façade of the Queen’s fortress would take guests for a fast-paced adventure through the castle, dodging the presence of the decapitation-obsessed Queen, her animal footservants, and the dreaded Jabberwocky. The path at the exit would once more lead to the central area by the apple cart and Bald Mountain queue.
Guests hungry and thirsty after these adventures could have a sit-down meal at Gaston's, a restaurant styled after the pub in Beauty and the Beast, with deer trophy heads and the like for decor, as well as a oil painting of the namesake of the restaurant over the main fireplace. Seated at wooden tables in one of two dining rooms, guests would enjoy hearty steaks or seafood and pasta dishes, as well as specific European dishes like haggis and roasted pheasants.
The next realm encountered would be Voodoo Bayou, the trees thinning out and becoming more realistic, guests walking on wooden walkways over "swampland" with cypress-like trees growing around the path. Splashing and the noises of reptiles would be heard from the water, a few AA crocodiles occasionally surfacing, eyeing the guests. At night, eerie green lights could be glimpsed far back in the trees, and the lightning bug effect from Pirates could be used as well, with the main lighting provided by antique lanterns hanging from the walkway railings. This area would feature three attractions: a boat ride through the swamp, a sit down show, and a walk through "exhibit".
The show would be entitled "Dr. Facilier's Other-Side Revue", and naturally feature the title character from Princess and The Frog. It would take place in a rustic shack with hand painted sign like in the film, and a live actor would play Facilier: explaining to guests after he got ran out of the city and "perished", his friends from the other side decided to give him one more chance to redeem himself. In order to prove himself, he has to convince one of the guests present to let him take their energy (via a planted actor in the audience, like the Indy stunt show in Florida) to revive his "friends". The chosen actor would come onstage, only to be vanished and reappear as a AA frog, before disappearing once again in a cloud of smoke. At this point, the masks and voodoo dolls around the stage would "come alive" with the gained energy, chanting ominously at first, chairs and items moving on their own, the lights dimming, strange noises occurring around the whole theater and lighting effects. At this point, a few of the shadow creatures from the film would appear onstage, and interact with Facilier: knocking off his hat, tripping him, etc. After the Dr. and his shadow calm the "friends" down, there would be a musical reprise of "Friends on The Other Side", with punctuation provided by the masks chanting along, statuary and artifacts coming to life. As the music reached the finale and crescendo, a bolt of purple light would hit the stage from above, and the live Facilier performer vanish, all the masks and objects go still, and when the lights came back up, all would be normal except for the lingering shadow of Dr. Facilier, which would remove it's hat, bow, and gesture for guests to rise and exit before vanishing itself. This would be a combo between Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room and the "Spirit Lodge" attraction at Knott's, which features live performers vanishing and interacting with Pepper's Ghost type illusions.
The second attraction, the walk through, would be a realization of Rolly Crump's Museum of The Weird. This would be housed in a area of small shops and a few casual food places, a slightly more run down sort of community on the edge of the swamps. Inside the Museum would be an eccentric collection of artifacts, many said to be cursed or "haunted", from around the world. These would be explained to have been collected over the lifetime of one Dr. Phineas Crump, a noted collector of the arcane and unusual who traveled the world looking for items for his collection. The items might include "possessed" paintings of medieval people from castles in England, cursed tribal artifacts from Africa, items stolen from the tombs of Egypt, unusual carvings from Asia and India, shrunken heads, artifacts from the witch trials of Salem, a man-eating plant, etc. The exhibit would be housed in a rather decrepit building, outside painted with odd languages and phrases in red and gold paint. Several of the items would appear to move on their own, the eyes of the paintings sometimes follow guests, or odd knocking sounds to echo through the building at times. On hand would be a few Cast Members, well trained in the significance of certain items (or being good enough at improvisation to make up stories behind the artifacts on the spot) to share with guests who had questions, or point out "special" exhibits. This would be on scale, room size wise, with the One Man's Dream exhibit at Disney Studios, guests being allowed to linger with CM's positioned along the way, and take up perhaps 3 rooms total.
The boat ride, Crocodile River Expedition, would have a queue among gnarled cypress trees, through a seeming crocodile trapper’s shack decorated with rusty implements and odd drawings from old books depicting strange voodoo-esque rituals . Once on the dock and loaded onto a boat, guests would take a ten-minute or so Jungle Cruise type tour with a live guide, who would tell rather lightly-handled tales of the swamp and wildlife, and voodoo legends and ghost stories of the area. Sights would include a pit of quicksand with remains of some unlucky local trappers, the burned down remains of a once regal plantation house said to be haunted, a simulated attack by large angry crocodile animatronic, and to escape: a trip through a dark, moss filled cave where eerie lights would appear and prompt the guide to tell tales of the “will-o-whisps” of legend.
Leaving the Voodoo Bayou behind, the swamp would slowly become more rocky ground, with a curving path around a lagoon of black, still water, waves lapping slowly at the shore. This would be the "back" of the park: Dead Man's Cove. Looking under the water as they walked along, guests might spy items such as sunken gold coins and treasure, animatronic crabs and moray eels, human bones, and stray pieces of wrecked ships. The first attraction here would be the Flying Dutchman from the Pirates film series, created full scale and moored along the walkway. Guests could climb the gangplank and walk both above and belowdecks, to view the organ chamber (eerie music playing by itself from Tia Dalma's locket), the brig, the mess hall, and through a cut out window, might glimpse the Kraken swimming by underneath the waves. A few AA crew members would be scattered throughout, those that have become part of the ship and covered in moss and sea life. On the main deck, guests could find either Captain Hector Barbossa or Davy Jones himself to pose for photos. Back on the mainland, a smaller meet and greet space set up to look like a backdrop of stolen treasure and ship parts would house Jack Sparrow and Tia Dalma characters for photos. Nearby, there would be a rough-looking building constructed out of wrecked ship parts (similar to the ‘town’ of Shipwreck in At World’s End) which would house a meal and pirate show featuring stunts, musical performances by the Bootstrappers, and saucy pirate wenches displaying feats of derring-do while guests were served items such as whole roasted chicken, stew, or beef ribs along with large flagons of soda or specially brewed "rum".
From the mainland, guests could either cross a swaying rope bridge or take a underground tunnel to an island set in the waterway towards the center of the park. This “cursed treasure isle” would be analogous to Tom Sawyer’s Island at Disneyland, with forest settings, a ruined church, treasure caves, footpaths to explore, and the like suggesting the world of the live action Pirates films.
The showstopper attraction for Dead Man’s Cove would be a water ride/coaster hybrid taking place inside a large fortress on the side of a mountain. Titled Phantom Fortress, it would feature a trip through a under-siege East India Company headquarters and battalion center. Starting out as a slow moving coaster seating about 8 people in 2 rows, it would journey past scenes of battle between pirates and the military/shipping forces and then speed up into the water-based section. Boats would be “hit” by cannon fire and sink, dropping down into a dark show building with more ghostly and eerie effects of deep-sea inspired monsters, half-human sirens/mermaids and ghostly cursed pirates ‘underneath’ the water via a dry-for-wet effect environment similar to The Little Mermaid upcoming dark ride and Tokyo’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The boats would gradually rise again and ‘surface’ at an unload station looking like a rocky beach.
The next realm, The Underworld, would be entered through a rocky cave along the water's edge. Down into the darkness guests would walk, the path lit by ornate, Greek-style torch holders on the walls, until they reached a larger cavern. Along the way, small alcove would hold a simple, golden lamp familiar to any who enjoy the Disney animated films. If venturing close enough to touch the lamp, guests would activate either maniacal laughter from within, or Jafar pleading to be let free from his prison.
Further on, at the entrance to a lake framed by jagged rockwork, the queue would form for the area's signature attraction: The River Styx. Guests would queue up and enter a stone chamber, lit by more torches, carvings of events from the film Hercules on the walls: Hades on his throne, the three-headed serpent, various other monstrosities. Once in their boats (PoTC style flat boats), guests would embark past a skeletal boatman in a small skiff, supporting himself on a staff. He would warn them to go no further, the realms of the dead and beyond are no place for the living, especially now that Hades has sworn revenge on the mortal world for harboring his enemy, Hercules. Of course, the boats proceed apace regardless, through a series of scenes including a plunge down a waterfall into a cavern with glowing blue waters, eerie faces swirling and vanishing underneath the surface; the sudden eruption of a giant cartoon-styled sea monster feet away from the boat on one side; Pain and Panic, Hades' henchmen, trying to crush the boat with a swaying support pillar; a scene of Megara imprisoned by the Sirens (haglike monstrous creatures); and finally, a showdown with Hades engulfing the ceiling with fire as he tries to destroy guests, who are saved at the last minute by Hercules holding a falling wall up so the boats can escape back to the load area.
To round out the land would be a indoor Coliseum style theater where a group of live actors would perform musical and improv skits based on classic Greek legends and myths, and a walk-through “Labyrinth” to view both the beastly minotaur in his lair, and a small pool with AA stylized fauns, winged horses, and water sprites inspired by Fantasia in the center.
Next up, the second-to-last realm would be Halloweentown, accessed by leaving the caverns of The Underworld, and arriving on the outskirts of the town. The surfaces and textures would all resemble those in the movie: hatchwork and lines on ‘natural’ features like hills and trees. A main street would lead into the town square, complete with City Hall, the central fountain, and a large graveyard and Jack‘s tower home, all as shown in the Burton/Sellick film Nightmare Before Christmas.
The main attraction here would be a Fantasyland style Nightmare dark ride taking place in a 2-story show building hidden behind Town Hall. Inside, the Mayor would be represented as a human-sized AA, inviting visitors from the "human world" to tour his town, entire head swiveling with worry that Oogie Boogie has been sighted lurking about, then turning back to his "cheery face" to assure guests everything will be fine. Inside would be about 10 separate show scenes, including a mid-point large scene for "This is Halloween" with 15-20 AA's, and a "descent"/falling scene down into Oogie's blacklit lair near the end. After riding, guests could visit Jack and Sally along with other Halloweentown residents (the vampires, the wolfman, the Behemoth) on a rotation in a small gazebo in the cemetery.
A few smaller rides would complete the area, located in patches of woods on the outskirts: a tea-cup spinner themed to Lock, Shock and Barrel with the ride vehicles resembling cauldrons and AA figures of the characters in the center of the platform, bickering and singing snatches of song from the film from inside their over-sized, monster/sentient bathtub. The second attraction would be an indoor, tame, Wild Mouse style coaster themed to the sled ride at the film’s finale with projected clouds and effects inside the building along with a synched up audio track of the chase music used in the section.
Last of the realms, but not least, is likely my most ambitious idea for the park: Vulture Flats. A decrepit ghost town in the style more of the current section at Knott’s than Frontierland, it would house three main attractions. A saloon/eating establishment would sit along the main road, and a vaudeville style theater delivering Old West melodramas with a slightly morbid/quirky edge. The landscape around the town would be like Arizona, roughly: orange colored buttes and scraggly desert trees, rocky features.
The first attraction in the section would be titled Redemption Armored Wagons, and play out like a hybrid of Indiana Jones, Universal’s Men in Black and the film based Spider-Man at Islands of Adventure. After walking to a more prosperous looking area of town, guests would be drafted by the local sheriff to pursue a gang of bank robbers into the wild, trying to disable the stolen armored stagecoach they are dragging and taking aim at specific targets along the way to slow the robbers up. The ride would feature moving vehicles and 3-D sets combined with film elements for a ride through the wild west featuring a cave full of bats, a steep canyon descent, the desert at night, and a chase across a rickety train trestle. Some elements and scenes would be re-used and updated from Marc Davis’ Western River Expedition along the way.
At the edge of the town atop a rocky butte would sit Ravenswood Manor, a western-inspired (but less romantic/film inspired a la Phantom Manor) variation on the Haunted Mansion archetype. Effects and gags inside would include some Mansion stalwarts (Pepper’s ghost, the ballroom party) along with new technology in portions such as AA figures recognizing and inviting guests to join them, followed by the cars starting to drift off the track and down dark hallways, or a sudden ‘earthquake’ causing vehicles to veer off the established ride path and into a set of scenes only sometimes visited, most guests receiving an alternate set of scenes and continuing through a different experience. The main story, as Disneyland Paris’s version does, would deal with a gold baron who went bankrupt and vanished after a large earthquake along with his wife and the household staff.
The final, and most lengthy and ambitious ride of the section, would be accessed through a "Western History Museum" front alongside a dusty path that dead ends at it, with a few other inaccessible buildings nearby: a horse stables, a hotel, a house of ill repute: all seemingly abandoned. Inside, the museum would have warped wood floors and display cases of items left behind in the ghost town of Vulture Flats, that had been mysteriously abandoned in the 1870's. These items would include old bottles, spoons, cutlery, plates, clothing, dolls, spurs…all things of a domestic nature, and keeping in what you'll find in any number of western history museums across the Western U.S. A town history would be on a wooden plaque on a wall, recalling the boom days of the Gold Rush, the waning of new pioneers, and finally, the day a group of miners arrived to find the town deserted of every living soul: women, children, laborers, cooks, saloon-keepers…all vanished without a trace. After pursuing the exhibits, and a final stop in a darkened room to view strange, glowing rocks mined during the town's heydey under blacklight, guests would exit the back of the building through a supposed "exhibit" faux rock mining tunnel only to find themselves outside, at night, on the abandoned streets of Vulture Flats.
This entire section of the area would be enclosed in a show building, like the entrance to Paris's Hollywood Studios park, entered through the Museum structure without guests knowing or seeing the enclosed building taking over. Projections of a ghostly full moon and clouds would move across the blackened sky/domed roof, and the walls would be obscured by trees or buildings, with matte paintings in places hinting at the desert beyond. Moving past the silent buildings, guests might think they glimpse movements or odd lights behind some windows, or hear whispering in alleyways, only to find nothing when they look back. Signposts would point the way to the Silver Dollar mine, and these would clearly be newer in style. Upon reaching a rock wall with mine tunnel entrances dotting it, most blocked off, guests would queue up in a horse barn, then a series of switchbacks through the mining company's equipment room. Cast Members at the front would explain the owners of the museum have opened the mine again for tours, so guests can see working conditions of the day, and assure guests that everything has been made safe for visitors and that they will be accompanied by a trained guide who knows the caves.
Groups of 16 would board open cars chained together similar to those at the Calico Mine Ride at Knott's, made of hammered steel like they'd been constructed out of old ore carts, with a headlamp on front. Then, the cars would slowly proceed into the mine, the guide telling a brief history of the Silver Dollar and it's owners, and how its' employees had vanished along with everyone else in town during the late 1800‘s, never to be seen again. Once into the mine shaft, the guide would start pointing out the bands of precious metals along and inside the walls, only to be interrupted by a strange, cold wind, and knocking sounds from either side. This would be followed by voices, murmuring and whispering, and faint blasting sounds off in the distance. The guide would express some concern at this, saying he has never experienced anything like this before in the mine, but he would take guests onwards into the original caves below the mine tunnels and that there was nothing to worry about, surely it was just imagination running away with them in the dark.
Inside the caves, weird, strangely glowing rock formations would be seen, and eerily glowing waterfalls here and there, making strange shapes. At one point, underneath the trestle supporting the cars, the guide would point out odd, sightless fish underneath the water (a mixture of AA's and projections) on either side. Entering a darkened cavern beyond the water-filled room, the headlamp would suddenly flicker and go out, the only light an odd blue one reflected by the rock walls. As the guide reassured guests everything was fine, off to the side there would be a sudden noise like rocks falling slowly, a misty shape slowly appearing: what appeared to be the form of a miner, eyes like blank holes, skeletal grin, wavering and flickering in and out slowly and oddly like a lightbulb. This frightful apparition would vanish slowly, into the darkness, and next the moans, low, and eerie, of many voices would be heard: men, women, and children. The cars would speed up, and the headlamp come back on, revealing a large pile of rocks dead ahead, scattered all across the cavern, a few bones poking out here and there. Then a loud rumbling would be heard, the cars shaking slightly, and the guide asking guests to remain calm and stating the exit was nearby, and they'd be out before any potential cave ins.
Quickly, the car would zip through a few nondescript caverns, catching sight of a opening ahead into the night, trees visible and the full moon. As the cart neared it, a apparition would suddenly appear, blocking the entrance: a fully formed, blue, ghostly image of a woman holding her hands above her head, as if in fear, the rumbling getting louder. No time to stop, the vehicles would simply pass through the ghost like mist, a loud roar of rocks falling behind them as the vehicle went back to the unload area. The cave guide, visibly shaken, would say he guessed now they might know what happened to the townsfolk: a serious cave in took the lives of some of the miners and women, and the rest just up and left, not that he could blame them for that. He'd go on to say the restless spirits must be re-living the events of what happened to them, and maybe now they could find peace. Guests would unload and walk back the main street of town, having the opportunity to look around the boarded up buildings or visit a small "Undertaker's Office" selling a limited selection of merchandise of a Western nature. They would exit through another cave to the outskirts of the traveling circus/entry area, or take a one way shortcut back to the rest of the park via a door hidden behind one of the outdoors Western fronts.
This concludes the basic tour of the potential park. Some elements are not included, such as more specific smaller stores, fast food type establishments, and bathrooms in the themed realms. Overall, this is designed to be something Disney does not currently have stateside: an even mix of original properties and movie-based attractions all in service of a larger theme of a “darker”/slightly horror based concept. If done correctly, the balance of menace, thrill, E-ticket and experimental rides and more familiar properties and ride systems for younger guests could truly be something unique. In addition, such a park would allow Disney to expand into the market of after-hours Halloween events for a more adult crowd while not stooping to the level of gore or pure gross-out elements in order to do so. Some might disagree with the suitability of a project so vast and ambitious, yet based on “horrific” elements or darker themes. Nothing truly grotesque, however, would be presented, and no cheap scares or content beyond the level of things which could conceivably be rated PG-13 were this a motion picture.
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hellodenisestuff · 1 year
Sept 10-17, 2023
I had planned to write this blog on Substack but it got too complicated for me so I will continue these African Adventure posts on Tumblr.com.
This will be the journey to Kenya to participate in the volunteer program of African Impact in the Pardamat conservancy of the Kenya National Wildlife Reserve, Masai Mara.
What a long journey from Hawaii to Kenya. Fortunately I have a very good friend, Maggie, in Pacific who I get to visit when I am passing through San Francisco. I stayed two nights in her delightful company and rested up before the long flight to Kenya.
I arrived several days several days after I was exposed to Covid at work. I wore a mask on the flight but where 5 days had passed we thought we were safe, which proved to be true, but I was not fully comfortable till the 14th day had passed. I never got it. Hooray! Those around me could breathe a sigh of relief as well. I am vaccinated up to the gills so maybe that saved me?
Anyway, I digress. i flew KLM. airways which is marvelous. Great service. Seems they were always offering food or drink or hot towels. I watched 4 movies on the first leg which ended in Amsterdam for a three hour layover.
Because I get wheelchair service, I did not find my friend Joanne who was also traveling on the same flight to our destination in Kenya till we were ready to board the next flight for the final leg of our journey.
We got in somewhere around 10:30 PM after an aborted landing because there was debris on the landing strip! Finally after circling and losing our place in the landing line we did so.
Went thru the usual immigration and customs, again not seeing Joanne. I went outside and waited and waited, and was getting worried. A nice young soldier asked what I needed and he called the man who was to-pick us up, who was with Bonfire Adventures and tours. He found us and we waited some more. Finally Joanne appeared and we walked to the car and were driven to Masai Lodge near the town of Rongai. It is on the Southern border of the National Park. The drive took over an hour. The last 3 miles over an horrendous dirt road. We arrived around 1 AM pooped but happy to be back in Kenya.
We love that lodge. It. is mainly for the local people. Despite its name, it is run primarily by Samburu people. the Samburu are cousins to the Maasai. The lodge looks out over the Nairobi Game Park. Animals come into the large green area below the lodge which sits on a hill. There we see warthogs, antelope and baboons. There are tree hyrax and rock hyrax busy in the surrounding areas. The tree hyrax are quite used to people. Cute little creatures resembling a bunny without the long ears.
The 4 nights at the lodge allowed us to get over jet lag and start to get used to the altitude. It is like Denver, a mile high.
I was able to visit my dear friend, Dr. Paul Sayer, my colleague from teaching at the veterinary School in Nairobi back in 1967-1969. It was delightful to be with him and catch up on our lives and reminisce about the old days. (See-my book African Sojourns on Amazon.com to see what we did back then…)
The next day Joanne and I went to visit her friend, Rachel Kabue, who founded and runs The Cat Sanctuary in Nairobi. There are about 170 cats there now as she found homes for close to 130 of the most fit ones recently. Some there are very thin, and I fear may have some sort of blood parasite or Feline leukemia. However most are quite fit; they are all sweet and get along. She also has rescued a few dogs who live together with the cats. It is scrupulously clean with no odor.
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Rachel, Some of the cats and dogs, Denise and friend, and Joanne and another rescue.
I spent one day sleeping a lot. Another day we had a guided walk by a Samburu man in full regalia looking very exotic and handsome in his colorful short dress like outfit with knee high socks and beaded ornaments and carrying the spear in case we ran into any aggressive animals. As it happened we only saw Impala and some monkeys and baboons. We met up with two Masai gentlemen in Western clothes who ran a nearby lodge and were friendly and fun. They all wanted photos which Joanne took but I have not got them right now. Will send next time.
The African Impact Driver came for us to transport us to Brackenhurst Conference Center in the Highlands in a town called Limuru. It is at 7000 feet so it has rather brisk evenings. It always tickles me when there, as after dinner, I come back to a bed with a hot water bottle in it. There we rested till the next morning where we would start out at 8:30 AM for the long drive to Pardamat.
I will write more tomorrow about the first week at the volunteer placement.
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jesstiao · 2 years
Dear San Francisco, this is a breakup letter.
Fifteen years ago, when I met you, I wanted more than anything to live in the city.
You could get lost in any neighborhood, walk for hours, and come home happy.
Old Victorians lined the streets. The parks. The views. The alleys of Little Italy led you to the bookshelves of City Lights Bookstore. On cold nights, you could run into a laundromat for a moment and bask in its gold hue.
Strangers would say hello or give you a warm smile. If you eavesdropped on a conversation at a cafe, they talked about the social factors of inequality and ideas on how to solve them.
As our relationship felt the years go by, things changed between us. I didn't mind it.
I was ready for the new decade. I was ready for 2020. Mother Nature had other ideas.
Don't go outside, they said. You will catch a deadly disease. Don't breathe the air. But, we need you to work.
As the pandemic hit the city, the skies turned orange.
George Floyd could not breathe. He could not breathe.
Asian-Americans felt the voice of hatred.
You brought the homeless, and the mentally ill to our doorstep. That's ok, I thought, they need a warm place to sleep. How are they meant to live in a city with sky-high rent and the sheer lack of livable wages?
As the days grew longer, I was consumed by work.
Our services support the COVID-19 Messaging Alert System. Lives depend on us. The world's communications depend on us, they said.
So we all worked.
Meetings all day, every day. Work at night. Work on the weekends.
My friends worked even longer hours.
We did what we could to bring joy to the house: we cooked food. We watched movies. We played board games.
Don't go outside, they said.
But, I needed space. I needed space to go outside. I needed space to rest.
I packed a bag, closed the door to Capp. I'll be back in a week.
But I didn't. I didn't want to come back.
I went home for a break in Los Angeles. My brother and I built a deck in the backyard. Then, Roger ordered chickens off the internet. He built a chicken coop. I painted the shed.
We tried to plant a roof garden -- it died. Don't grow a roof garden in Los Angeles.
We spent a small fortune at Anawalt & Co.
My mom watched as Roger and I built a sanctuary in the backyard. I tried my hand at gardening. Soil. Shovel. Gardening pots. Water. Packets of seeds. Plant cuttings.
Neighbors welcomed themselves to the backyard. It was coming to life with people, home-grown vegetables, and dogs tearing through the grass.
Meanwhile, I didn't think about you very much, San Francisco. But, I could feel the weight.
I outgrew you. I needed a quiet place with birds chirping. I needed tree-lined streets. I wanted to hear the wind rustle through the trees. I needed sunlight. I needed clean air. I wanted to walk home in peace.
You were exhausted, San Francisco; you were burnt out. You were tired. I was tired.
We grew apart.
I could not go back to you, San Francisco.
I flew back up to see you one last time. I packed up my room at Capp. I hired a moving company. I said goodbye to my roommates. I got on that plane.
It was great while it lasted: you helped me find a career I love. You introduced me to life-long friends. I could not be more grateful.
I miss bike rides at golden hour.
I miss Dolores and Golden Gate Park.
I miss camping in Mt. Tam. I miss biking through the redwoods at Samuel P. Taylor. I miss weekend mornings in Tahoe. I miss your cute cafes.
You are charming. You taught me how to thrive. You taught me how to think and critique society (maybe a bit too much ;) ). You showed me all the things. To you, I am grateful. Thank you.
Goodbye San Francisco,
Jessica Tiao
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unpapillcn · 2 years
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                      ❝  𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 . ❞
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀  .  .  .
name ( s )  :  melodi  ilayda  ceyhan  ,  a . k . a .  melodi   .   d . o . b .  february  03  ,  1999   .   in  :  istambul  ,  turkey   .   she  holds  citizenship  in  turkey  had  a  student  visa  in  france  and  now  a  work  visa  in  the  states   .    she  speaks  :  turkish  ,  french  and  english  ,  but  is  still  perfecting  her  english  via  american  media  ,  but  her  french  and  american  accents  are  pretty  good   .   religious  beliefs  :  raised  in  the  muslim  faith   .   educational  achievements  :  attended  two  years  of  pastry  school  in  paris ,  france  under  the  guise   of  engineering  school  which  her  parents  gave  her  tuition  for  ,  but  was  obviously  used  for  other  means   .   current  occupation  :  answering  service  operator   .   eye  colour  :  blue-green   .   hair  colour  :  dark  brown  and  very  curly   .   height  :  5′7″   .   distinguishing  characteristic  :  her  hair  ,  she  prides  herself  on  it   .
beverage  of  choice  :  turkish  coffee  ,  and  warm  milk  especially  when  it’s  cold  out   .   reading choice   :   magazines  for  the  pictures  ,  cook  books  and  romance  novels  that  give  unrealistic  expectations   .   exercise  preference  :  used  to  swim  but  never  competitively  ,  she  couldn’t  keep up  with  lara  ,  but  has  looked  into  joining  a  gym   .   watching  :  currently  going  through  the  disney  library  to  work  on  her  english   .   podcasts  :  has  a  few  turkish  radio  shows  she  used  to  listen  to   .   designers  :  dilara  findikoglu  ,  partly  because  she  told  people  she  was  related  to  dilara  for  a  free  dinner  /  service   .   accessory  :  perfectly  painted  nails  ,  always  unchipped  that’s  very  important   .  prized  possession  :  maybe  not  prized  ,  but  she  has  quite  the  collection  of  silk  hair  ties  and  the  gold  bracelets  she  has   .   random  :  melodi  hasn’t  exactly  moved  in  —  well  ,  she  has  but  she  hasn’t  unpacked  anything  and  bought  a  fish  as  an  excuse  to   get  in  contact  with  lara.
inspo  ;    𝑘𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝  :  𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙  ;  ℎ𝑎𝑤𝑘𝑒𝑦𝑒  ,   𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘭𝘺 :  𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘺'𝘴  ,  𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘭  :  𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘥 ,  𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳  :  𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴  ,  𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘢  ,  𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘣𝘺  ;  𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘣𝘺
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  .  .  .
⧽    1999 melodi was born. she grew up in istanbul, turkey as one of three daughters to the ceyhan family. her childhood was often sprinkled with the dramatics as melodi treated every inconvenience as a life altering and earth shattering incident . . . such as when she had been pushed to start violin lessons, you know like cihat aşkın, or told spending too much time at the local bakery to stare at the shop owners son wasn’t good social etiquette. for the record, it wasn’t just the boy that caused her to spend hours there, it was also the pastries she liked and tried to mimic at home.
⧽    so, when melodi was told the direction of her future was going to be in the field of engineering, it hadn’t gone over well, but engineering would provide a stable career, or so she had been told.
⧽    and tuition was provided and paid for so long as melodi followed what they wanted her to do and how lucky it was she got into this “ amazing engineering program ” all the way in paris, france. a dream really, and it was, for her parents. the truth was a little different. in 2018, when melodi was nineteen, she left for school in paris, leaving behind turkey and all the comforts she had known, but she couldn’t stay, not if she was going to pull this off.
⧽    pastry school in paris living off the money her parents gave her, everything was going to plan . . . until she met him. him whose name she’d come to curse. he used her, ran through all the money her parents gave her for the tuition within a years time, and then he vanished. melodi had only managed two years of pasty school and couldn’t ask for more money, couldn’t come clean to her parents, so she did the next best thing . . .
⧽    she ran to her sisters. 2022, san francisco, the golden state where up until now melodi had been earning a degree as an engineer in paris as far as everyone was concerned. and her plan is simple, get the money back before anyone finds out . . . it just requires a few more white lies and rekindling distanced relationships with her sisters. and so the story goes, she came to the bay area for engineering of course, not the answering service operator job she secured that keeps her secrets safe, for now. besides, she’s been told her french and american accents are pretty convincing.
⧽    heard her on the phone? melodi has a hidden talent of sorts, she can do an american accent and french accent very well and has been told she has a lovely or was that expressive voice, either way, they recognize her voice
⧽    saved the day. this character needed something baked and two and a half years of pastry school finally came in handy, just ignore the apartment that has no furniture and has nothing unpacked, she’s working on it.
⧽    the boy. the one from france who spent all the money she had left for tuition before he vanished, disappeared like a ghost.
⧽    more to come, i swear! in addition to the friends, enemies, frenimies, unrequited crush, neighbours, stuck in the elevator, etc. 
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riverdamien · 6 months
Tenderloin Stations of the Cross
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Tenderloin Stations of the Cross!
March 29, 2024
Noon-2:00 p.m.
Meet in front of City Hall Polkside
The Tenderloin Stations of the Cross came into being on Good Friday, 2021, with 100 people in our service and has continued through the years getting smaller, and smaller; the pandemic brought us down to just me carrying the cross through the Tenderloin and has picked up a little the past three years, but we have small groups of participants.
In the beginning, several religious organizations worked the street, and now they are gone; the attendees were a middle-aged group, and they have aged; At the time there was hope that the government and other institutions would help the homeless, and thus there would be no need for a witness, and individuals frankly have burned out,
and with the internet and the smartphone revolutionizing life, people look at activities in a different way--so much easier watching the  Stations on Zoom than participating. The Press was more attentive as well as no longer having the free papers that dominated the City twenty years ago.
I am telling people if you come expecting a lot of people and are disappointed for not having more then do not come, for we are not about popularity contests--we are about simply proclaiming the Gospel, being present to those on the margins, and giving people a chance to see another way of life.
The Tenderloin Stations of the Cross are about breaking down barriers. Last year one lady who has lived in San Francisco all of her life told me: I didn't know there were places like this, I thought we all had a place to live and money, thank you, thank you for exposing me to this part of the City! So giving her a chance to open her mind to reality was worth more than having a thousand people present!
I did not know about poverty and homelessness until I was forced to spend three years on the street as a whore; I had lived and served in upper to middle-class areas and was raised in an upper-middle-class home.
Look at our T.V.,  Internet, and Newspaper advertisements, we see people who are not on the margins, but upper to middle-class people selling their wares. Homeless characters on TV are usually accused of being criminals and dangerous. The truth is it is not our fault entirely for not being aware of the marginalized.  I remember during the pandemic seeing Rep. Pelosi being driven through the Tenderloin to her hair appointment, and the streets were swept clean of the homeless. You, know we mustn't expose our congresswoman to such a site Ha! Homelessness is an engrained hiddenness in our society.
I have found a great division between the homeless, extreme poverty, and the housed middle class. That division widens the divide. Rather than meeting people where they are, without judgment, we give $5.00 to one or two and believe we have done our job, and wonder why they are not in treatment, getting a job or in housing, not sitting, listening, being present, and hearing their story.
We walk away going to our nice homes largely because we do not understand the deeply ingrained poverty, lack of drug and alcohol treatment, and most importantly housing.
The Tenderloin Stations of the Cross is about opening our eyes, even if just for a minute, and seeing where we are led from there!
Charles de Foucauld, once said:
"Crosses release us from this world, and by doing so bind us to God!
Come and join us and be bound to God!
Prayer of St. Brendan!
"Help me to journey beyond the familiar
and into the unknown.
Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You. Christ of the mysteries I trust in You to be stronger than each storm within me.
I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in Your hands.
Tune my spirit to the music of heaven,
and somehow, make my obedience count for You"
(Temenos and Fr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!
Press Release:
"Jesus continues to be crucified in all those who are crucified in history...There are not enough Stations of the Cross to depict all the ways in which the  Lord continues to be persecuted, imprisoned, condemned to death and crucified today!"
-Leonardo Boff
What: Non-Violent Witness in the Tenderloin to commemorate Good Friday!
Tenderloin Stations of the Cross
“A Journey With People on the Street!”
“Our Haunted-ness!”
March 29, 2024
Noon-2:00 p.m.
Meet in Front of Polk Street-Side City Hall
There are approximately 8, 000 people on the street, without housing, or health care, they suffer from prejudice, anger, and hatred; they are shuffled around as if they are "objects" rather than human beings.
As followers of Jesus, and all who care, living in a war-making and uncaring empire we say loudly and clearly with Jesus: "Love one Another," "Love your enemies", "Be merciful as God is merciful," "Put away the sword," and "Thou shalt not kill."
We witness as people of faith who believe in God's reign of justice, love, peace, and restorative justice!
Sponsored by Temenos Catholic Worker
For more information:
Fr. River Sims, D.Min., D.S.T.
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androfergiespaces · 6 months
Newport Beach Persian Rug Res
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the blooming tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and eternal elegance. As homeowners goal to ensue a be next to of sophistication to their blooming spaces, the request for Oriental rug specialists in the region has surged, and a choose few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, in imitation of its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed in imitation of extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the reality of these masterpieces, deed a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the absolute rug to auxiliary their interiors. One notable Oriental rug specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a marina for connoisseurs seeking a curated collection of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself upon offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities in imitation of La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have as well as witnessed a surge in request for Oriental rug specialists. These professionals not and no-one else support clients in selecting the right rug but as well as manage to pay for proficient cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of self-importance for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental rug specialists often engage in researcher initiatives, enlightening customers roughly the history and craftsmanship at the back each rug. This not and no-one else enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper admission for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental rug specialists in San Diego and its next to cities is a testament to the permanent allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to lionize the region's decor landscape, homeowners can see deal with to adorning their spaces in imitation of eternal treasures that transcend both period and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
  Oriental Rug Repair Fullerton Oriental Rug Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingventc7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/costamesaorientalrugrestec5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbademergencydentista2m/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carlsbadperiodontistco4/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/termitecontrolnearmevistz9g/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/hermosabeachpersianrugrei7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/benefitsofchiropracticcap3d5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/budgetkitchenprairievillso2j6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/affordablechiropractorthc5zt/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/energyhealingquincyilp8x/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/mechanicshopkc/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/carpaintingakronab/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugrestorationpoiqq2c5/home/ https://www.youbiz.com/listing/pyramind-institute.html https://www.linkcentre.com/profile/pyramind/ https://www.bestprosintown.com/ca/san-francisco/pyramind-institute-/ http://cityadvertised.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=41456 http://featurezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=33033 http://promoizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=25410 http://storefrontzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=45022 https://us.getfreelisting.com/listings/business/education-and-training/pyramind-institute/16d9416e-27e0-ee11-a044-00238b778124/ http://localstorefronts.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=66547 https://www.freelistingusa.com/listings/grace-dental-1/ https://secure.findthebiz.com/business/43123/ https://workapp.world/business/Grace-Dental/bFFuUkJqaXhpeW82U3B6b2wxRXYwQT09/ https://www.bestincom.com/oceanside-ca/health/grace-dental/ https://directoryof.business/listing/grace-dental-oceanside-19801.html https://oceanside.opendi.us/11763954.html https://www.tumblr.com/buddytbusinessblogs/744990195871514624 https://magsafecaradapter59.blogspot.com/2024/03/magsafe-car-holder.html https://westminsterpersianrugrestorat608.blogspot.com/ https://massagecertificationpanoramacity.blogspot.com/2024/03/westminster-persian-rug-restoration.html https://treecareessential956.blogspot.com/
0 notes
taylogbusinessspaces · 6 months
Cypress Persian Rug Cleaning
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the perky tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and perpetual elegance. As homeowners strive for to be credited with a touch of sophistication to their perky spaces, the request for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a choose few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, behind its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed behind extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the veracity of these masterpieces, discharge duty a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the perfect carpet to supplement their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a wharf for connoisseurs seeking a curated increase of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities behind La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have as well as witnessed a surge in request for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not deserted put up to clients in selecting the right carpet but as well as pay for expert cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of conceit for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in learned initiatives, enlightening customers practically the history and craftsmanship astern each rug. This not deserted enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper appreciation for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its adjoining cities is a testament to the long-lasting allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to lionize the region's decor landscape, homeowners can see focus on to adorning their spaces behind perpetual treasures that transcend both grow old and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
  https://massageeducationcalabasas.blogspot.com/2024/03/cypress-persian-rug-cleaning.html Oriental Rug Repair Fullerton Oriental Rug Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/newkitchencostmissionhilzs62/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractictechniquestho9d6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/reikihealingquincyilkc/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/timingbeltreplacementc6f2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akrondentrepairc6c/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugcleaningpointlx8za/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/lakeforestpersianrugresty5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/tustinpersianrugrepairtq8n5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingsano5l/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/costamesaorientalrugrepaba7/home/ https://www.youbiz.com/listing/pyramind-institute.html https://www.linkcentre.com/profile/pyramind/ https://www.bestprosintown.com/ca/san-francisco/pyramind-institute-/ http://cityadvertised.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=41456 http://featurezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=33033 http://promoizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=25410 http://storefrontzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=45022 https://us.getfreelisting.com/listings/business/education-and-training/pyramind-institute/16d9416e-27e0-ee11-a044-00238b778124/ http://localstorefronts.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=66547 https://www.freelistingusa.com/listings/grace-dental-1/ https://secure.findthebiz.com/business/43123/ https://workapp.world/business/Grace-Dental/bFFuUkJqaXhpeW82U3B6b2wxRXYwQT09/ https://www.bestincom.com/oceanside-ca/health/grace-dental/ https://directoryof.business/listing/grace-dental-oceanside-19801.html https://oceanside.opendi.us/11763954.html https://autobodyshopakronoh.blogspot.com/2024/03/buena-park-persian-rug-restoration.html https://www.tumblr.com/lonniesbusinessworld12798/744908136919531520 https://automotiverepairvista.blogspot.com/2024/03/affordable-chiropractor-plaza-mo.html https://www.tumblr.com/philbentonblog/744906793170436096 https://newportbeachorientalrugrepair.blogspot.com/2024/03/fullerton-persian-rug-cleaning.html
0 notes
jeremymcdo · 6 months
San Clemente Persian Rug Repa
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the animate tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and timeless elegance. As homeowners wish to be credited with a be next to of sophistication to their animate spaces, the demand for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a pick few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, following its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed following extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the certainty of these masterpieces, be active a pivotal role in helping homeowners locate the perfect carpet to complement their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a dock for connoisseurs seeking a curated increase of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself upon offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities following La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have as a consequence witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not single-handedly urge on clients in selecting the right carpet but as a consequence come up with the money for expert cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of conceit for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in college initiatives, enlightening customers nearly the records and craftsmanship behind each rug. This not single-handedly enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper confession for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its against cities is a testament to the enduring allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to elevate the region's decor landscape, homeowners can look adopt to adorning their spaces following timeless treasures that transcend both time and trends.
Massage School Reseda CA
Walking Soccer Association
Persian Rug Repair Irvine CA
Auto Body Shop in Akron OH
Shreveport Chiropractic Office
Vista Auto Repair Shop
Pediatric Dentist in Carlsbad
Oceanside CA Dentist
Reiki Energy Healing
Termite Treatment Oceanside
Wellness In Motion
  https://marinadelreypersianrugrestoration.blogspot.com/2024/03/san-clemente-persian-rug-repair.html Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/newkitchencostmissionhilzs62/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/chiropractictechniquestho9d6/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/reikihealingquincyilkc/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/timingbeltreplacementc6f2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/akrondentrepairc6c/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/persianrugcleaningpointlx8za/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/lakeforestpersianrugresty5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/tustinpersianrugrepairtq8n5/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/massagecareertrainingsano5l/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/costamesaorientalrugrepaba7/home/ https://www.youbiz.com/listing/pyramind-institute.html https://www.linkcentre.com/profile/pyramind/ https://www.bestprosintown.com/ca/san-francisco/pyramind-institute-/ http://cityadvertised.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=41456 http://featurezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=33033 http://promoizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=25410 http://storefrontzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=45022 https://us.getfreelisting.com/listings/business/education-and-training/pyramind-institute/16d9416e-27e0-ee11-a044-00238b778124/ http://localstorefronts.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=66547 https://www.freelistingusa.com/listings/grace-dental-1/ https://secure.findthebiz.com/business/43123/ https://workapp.world/business/Grace-Dental/bFFuUkJqaXhpeW82U3B6b2wxRXYwQT09/ https://www.bestincom.com/oceanside-ca/health/grace-dental/ https://directoryof.business/listing/grace-dental-oceanside-19801.html https://oceanside.opendi.us/11763954.html https://magsafecaradapter59.blogspot.com/ https://magsafecaradapter59.blogspot.com/2024/03/magsafe-car-adapter.html https://www.tumblr.com/jose-guillermo/744888621703872512 https://newportbeachorientalrugrepair.blogspot.com/2024/03/fullerton-persian-rug-cleaning.html https://www.tumblr.com/stulovecorners/744889676988628992
0 notes
ernestbusinessplaces · 7 months
Tustin Persian Rug Cleaning
Unveiling the Art of Elegance: Oriental Rug Specialists in San Diego, CA Introduction In the heart of San Diego, California, a port for those seeking to augment the beauty of their homes and spaces existsOriental rug Specialists. This article explores the carrying out and craftsmanship of these specialists who bring the classic allure of Oriental rugs to life, tally a lie alongside of elegance to homes across San Diego. 1. A Tapestry of Tradition: Oriental Rugs Defined Oriental rugs are not mere floor coverings; they are exquisite pieces of art that say stories of tradition, craftsmanship, and cultural heritage. Oriental rug Specialists in San Diego are dedicated to preserving this rich tradition, offering a curated increase that reflects the diversity and beauty of these intricate rugs. 2. San Diego's Oasis of Opulence: Oriental rug Specialists Showroom Step into the Oriental rug Specialists showroom, and you'll locate yourself immersed in a world of opulence and sophistication. Located in the heart of San Diego, this oasis showcases a diverse array of handwoven rugs, each telling a unique explanation through its intricate patterns, perky colors, and unparalleled craftsmanship. 3. Unraveling the Expertise: Oriental rug Cleaning and Restoration Beyond the showroom, Oriental rug Specialists in San Diego pay for a range of services to ensure the longevity and beauty of these treasured pieces. From specialized cleaning methods that maintain delicate fibers to meticulous restoration work, the specialists exhibit a rarefied treaty of the art of Oriental rug care. 4. Bespoke Elegance: Custom Oriental Rugs Tailored for San Diego Homes For those seeking a in fact unique touch, Oriental rug Specialists pay for custom rug services. Tailored to accessory the aesthetics of San Diego homes, these bespoke creations permit residents to weave their personal style into the fabric of their perky spaces, making a upholding of individuality and refined taste. 5. San Diego's rug Revival: Oriental rug Specialists' Impact on Interior Design Oriental rug Specialists con a pivotal role in shaping the interior design landscape of San Diego. Interior designers and homeowners alike twist to these specialists for skilled advice on selecting the perfect rug to adore the ambiance of a room. The classic allure of Oriental rugs continues to be a key element in San Diego's ever-evolving design scene. Conclusion In San Diego, where tradition meets modernity, Oriental rug Specialists stand as custodians of classic elegance. Through their showroom, cleaning and restoration services, bespoke creations, and assume on interior design, these specialists weave a narrative of sophistication that transcends cultural and aesthetic boundaries. As San Diego residents ambition to adorn their spaces in the manner of the classic beauty of Oriental rugs, the carrying out of Oriental rug Specialists remains an critical resource, ensuring that the artistry of these rugs endures for generations to come.
https://bestchiropractorwestwoodks.blogspot.com/2024/02/tustin-persian-rug-cleaning.html Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/repair-restoration-service.php[{Oriental Rug Cleaning Fullerton|Oriental Rug Restoration Fullerton https://sites.google.com/view/oceansidedentistryforchipa35/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/termitepestcontrolescondjj8k7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/culvercitypersianrugrestwd/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/lawnmowingservicejacksonf6l2/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/spineadjustmentshreveporgb2d7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/licensedbathroomcontractg2f7/home/ https://sites.google.com/view/bestmusicproductionschoobg6/home/ https://www.loc8nearme.com/california/san-francisco/pyramind-institute/9055320/ https://www.cityof.com/ca/san-francisco/pyramind-music-audio-production-institute-3161916/ https://www.acompio.us/Pyramind-Institute-39685426.html http://adizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=49729 https://us-business.info/company/czo4OiIxNzY4OTU0OSI7/ http://listingzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=73579 https://www.find-us-here.com/businesses/Pyramind-Institute-San-Francisco-California-USA/34000647/ http://listizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=50087 http://informizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=31852 http://postingzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=47335 http://postizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=30209 http://professionalzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=56708 http://serviceizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=36303 http://www.servicezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=58675 https://www.a-zbusinessfinder.com/business-directory/Pyramind-Institute-San-Francisco-California-USA/34001386/ http://spotlightzz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=46048 http://stateizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=25136 http://statezz.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=23912 http://usaizze.com/directory/listingdisplay.aspx?lid=27392 https://timbersuppliersinperth.blogspot.com/ https://bestwatergardenfeaturesinperth.blogspot.com/2024/02/timber-suppliers-in-perth.html https://www.tumblr.com/androfergiespaces/743102008871026688 https://www.tumblr.com/vikendiri/743102235814346752 https://bridgingthedigitaldivideforse985.blogspot.com/2024/02/empowering-seniors-in-digital-age.html
0 notes
praeyrp · 9 months
Tumblr media
Lore: Factions
Here on PRÆY we have several on site factions. They are largely player-made and open to anyone, both in joining and creation! They are the perfect way to get your characters connected to various different characters, and is the perfect way to get involved in plots, and the movers and shakers.
Black Market
Leader: Justin Warrin
About: A long standing institution the local black market is a splintered transplant from New York, moved and led by Justin Warrin. As with its much larger sister operation in New York the SF black market deals in anything that’s needed and can’t be obtained through legal means. With several headhunters in its ranks the black market can be contacted to obtain anything that’s desired, for a price. Strict in his rule the SF black market is a well oiled machine, dealing smaller scale goods and services through the like-owned bar My Father’s Place the bulk of its wares are housed off site and rotated through a series of warehouses as needed. The daily operations consist of; arms dealing, gambling, drug dealing, underground fighting, rare reagents & grimoires. The market also houses a brothel off-site & tied into the basement of the local strip club, Bottoms Up.
Joining:  joining ooc is loose and open, just contact Sarah! IC you’ll need to prove your worth to the man in charge, but he’s not all that picky so long as you do your job, you’ll keep your head~
Leader: Demetrio Dimas
About: The Syndicate was founded in the early 1900’s as a safe way for contract killers to be hired. A middle man so to speak, ensuring that client, and the contract killer never met, allowing safety and security on both sides. Clients are able to visit the various hotels around the globe, owned by Demetrio, to leave your job, and payment method and the Syndicate does the rest. Over the years they have breached out into more than just contract killing, handling organ harvesting and body disposal.
Joining:  The Syndicate reaches out to prospective contract killers, are watched in action before being given the key to the kingdom so to speak.
 The Blood Alliance
Leader: Diego Cortez
About: Founded in the early 1980’s, the Blood Alliance, or, known by most, the Cortez Cartel, quickly became one of the most feared cartels within Mexico, eventually spilling out into various locations outside of Mexico. As they became one of the biggest hands within international drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime, shipping more cocaine into the Americas than any other cartel. They, themselves breached out appointing various Cartel Heads in various major cities to ensure that the flow or drugs and everything else they had their hands on, moved smoothly between the cities and Mexico. The Blood Alliance has their hands involved in everything, with information on various key members of the city and around the world, and holds strong ties with the Black Market.
Joining:  A ranked member often brings in lower members to do the dirty work of the cartel.
 The People’s Temple & The Order
Leader: Matthias Irbson & Morgan  Delvaux
About: The People’s Temple has been a long standing fixture of faith within San Francisco, or at least it’s congregation has. A popular place of worship for decades the little Catholic church burned down in an accidental fire eight years ago, leaving its Sunset district neighborhood and congregation without a place of worship. Five years later and several failed attempts to fund-raise by an old tired minister and an angel investor would wipe their deficit and then some, clean. A new temple was built a block from the old, re-branded, renamed, and within its walls its people and their faith in a new youthful minister, grew.
 The Order consists of everyone who’s either conscious of, or blindly willing to follow, the teachings of Morgan and Matthias (known to most as Judas, they don’t question its symbolism) and their ministry. The main objective of the ministry is simply to gather willing souls for the end of days, something Matthias has convinced the order and via Morgan also the flock, is coming. The Order is just your run of the mill doomsday cult, masked behind the beautiful façade of a kind and giving temple of worship.
Joining:  the temple is free and open to everyone. The Order however requires you to prove yourself to Morgan firstly, and if that works in your favor, you’ll meet Matthias. A few exceptions will be made but you need to have worth and benefit to them in order for them to consider you for their inner circle.
Legion: the hunter order;
Leader: The council (NPC) > Regent Lord (NPC)  
Creed:  Legion is a fraternal order with one collective purpose; the survival of humanity through purification.
About: Where most people believe this means a vast and swift punishment to everyone that falls within the crosshairs of their hatred, the actual goal of the Legion is not to eradicate everything personally, but rather to topple the pillars holding up the foundation and then watch it fall on its own. They’re not here to become the overarching villains, they’re simply here to help protect what they believe is sacred; humanity’s claim to this world. This order is ancient, spanning generations; an order that’s secretive, elaborate, and hidden behind the veil of politics and careful steps. Every esteemed house within their ranks will have a beneficial member in politics; a family must be of benefit to the Legion or they’ll be extracted, period.
 Hunters, as they’re known the world over, are not people who wander this world and brashly kill what doesn’t fit within their view, rather they’re tactful and exceedingly careful in every step they take. Their agenda and every step taken is handed down by The Council to the Regent Lord and finally to the Commanders (heads of households) who then command the foot soldier. It’s these soldiers that see things enacted; the actual hunters.
Organization Hierarchy: The Council (NPC) > Regent Lord (NPC) > Commanders > Foot soldiers
Commanders:  the political heads of household; playable but will be monitored. Typically the parents or grandparents of the foot soldiers, they must have a political seat (local or national).
Foot Soldiers:   the majority of the Legion are foot soldiers and are comprised of well trained family members of the Commanders. They’ll always have been born into this life in some part though late bloomers are possible, this is a highly opinionated and bigoted order so this must be taken into account for the late-bloomers.
As with any organization, there are bound to be rebels and pushback, just keep in mind that everything that opposes or threatens is dealt with swiftly, severely and above all, silently. There is no margin for error within the Legion; anything that goes against the order or fails to benefit their cause, is plucked like a weed.
Joining: In order to join Legion you need to be either well trained and catch their eye to warrant an invitation (will be absorbed into a family and made one of their own), or from one of the esteemed houses that make up their higher orders. One can not simply join Legion. Copy cats and self-entitled (false) members do happen, and as with anything that opposes the Legion, are dealt with in due time.
0 notes
greenforce2 · 9 months
Cleaning service in San Francisco - Greenforce Clean Team
Greenforce Clean Team is a reputable Cleaning service in San Francisco . Their dedicated team provides eco-friendly cleaning solutions, ensuring that their clients have a spotless and environmentally conscious home. To learn more, watch the entire video and go to https://www.greenforce.biz/.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Taking a page from the “throw-the-bums-out” script in politics, Mainers are poised to vote on an unprecedented plan to rid themselves of the state's two largest electric utilities and start with a clean slate.The proposed takeover of two investor-owned utilities that distribute 97% of electricity in the state would mark the first time a U.S. state's utilities were forcibly removed at the same time. The referendum calls for dismantling Central Maine Power and Versant Power and replacing them with a nonprofit utility called Pine Tree Power to operate 28,000 miles (45,000 kilometers) of transmission lines.Across the country, ratepayers who are unhappy with their utilities are watching what happens when Mainers vote on Nov. 7 in the off-year election.“What we say about state policy and trends is that it could become contagious,” said Timothy Cox, from Washington-based Clear View Energy Partners.The referendum calls for creation of a nonprofit utility with a board made up of mostly elected members and a few appointed ones. A primary selling point is that the new utility would be beholden only to ratepayers, not corporate shareholders, allowing lower costs, greater investments in the grid and improved performance, supporters said. Interest rates for long-term borrowing for capital improvements also would be less costly for Pine Tree Power.Supporters say there’s little to lose: Both investor-owned utilities rank near the bottom in customer satisfaction, with longer-than-average response to power outages and higher-than-average electricity rates.But critics, including Democratic Gov. Janet Mills, worry about the power grid becoming politicized. They also question savings projections because of the billions of dollars needed to buy out the utilities, and worry about the prospect of lengthy litigation. Maine Public Advocate William Harwood contends legal disputes could postpone the new utility's implementation by five to 10 years.The amount of money spent on the referendum campaign reflects the stakes for the existing utilities. The owners of Central Maine Power and Versant have donated nearly $40 million to fight the takeover attempt — vastly outpacing the $1.2 million raised by supporters of the proposed utility takeover.“I don’t think there’s ever been a more David vs. Goliath matchup,” said Seth Berry, a former state senator and a longtime critic of CMP.Harwood is taking no position on the proposal, but his office’s assessment points out uncertainties, the biggest being the inevitable legal battle over the valuation given “utility assets are infrequently bought and sold.”Nationwide, investor-owned utilities serve about 66% of electric customers, according to the American Public Power Association. Smaller co-ops and municipal utilities account for the remaining share.San Francisco and San Diego, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Rochester, New York, are among communities currently considering ditching their investor-owned utilities, said Ursula Schryver, from the public power group.But there has been nothing on the scale of what’s proposed in Maine in terms of taking over the service territory of an entire state, Schryver said. Nebraska would come closest. It’s the only state where all ratepayers are served by municipal utilities, but it didn’t happen all at once, said Mike Jacobs, a senior energy analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, based in Boston.There are no guarantees that changing ownership will solve problems, said Jacobs, who's skeptical of Maine's referendum. He suggested people should focus on tackling problems instead of demanding new ownership.The anger and frustration from electric ratepayers in Maine is a far cry from the days when Iberdrola bought Central Maine Power, the state’s largest electric utility. Back in 2008, observers thought the company's focus on renewable energy made it a good match for Maine, and CMP launched a $1.4 billion power grid upgrade that included bulked-up capacity for renewable energy.
The honeymoon lasted less than a decade.CMP angered ratepayers with the botched rollout of its billing system in 2017, leading to errant cutoff notices, investigations and lawsuits. The billing mess coincided with frustration over slow response to storm-related power outages and increasing electricity costs, and opposition to a $1 billion hydropower corridor project. Furthermore, green energy advocates accused CMP of dragging its feet on connecting Maine-based renewable energy projects to the grid.Some ratepayers are chomping at the bit for change. Others are more cautious.Christie Decker, 67, of Wilton, is no fan of Central Maine Power, having sued over billing problems after receiving a cutoff notice when her bill unexpectedly jumped. But she also has concerns about Pine Tree Power. She said while she understands what supporters want to do, too many details are left to be sorted out after the election.“I know what their hopes are. But I haven’t seen any concrete plans. I’d like to see some concrete plans,” said Decker, who's undecided on how she's going to vote on the measure.The proposal would set in motion a process for establishing a 13-member board. The privately operated, nonprofit Pine Tree Power utility would contract with a private grid operator through a competitive bidding process. The board would approve an operation plan, and CMP and Versant workers get bonuses to sign on with the new contractor.Freed of shareholders, the utility's board could reinvest in a more resilient system as the nation faces the prospect of extreme weather events happening more often due to climate change.But Pine Tree Power would face some of the same constraints as CMP and Versant. It's costly to maintain power lines, substations and other equipment across a vast, rural state. And, like the existing utilities, Pine Tree Power would have no control over the actual cost of electricity, which comprises about half of consumers' monthly bills.If approved, the proposal still may face another hurdle. A second ballot question would require voter approval for borrowing topping $1 billion, potentially crimping access to bonds needed for the buyout.Willy Ritch, executive director for the Maine Affordable Energy Coalition, which opposes the referendum, said supporters of Pine Tree Power “want us to take on debt, go through years of bureaucratic and legal fights, and hope that the elected politicians they put in charge of the grid someday figure out how to save us money or improve reliability.”Al Cleveland, campaign manager for the drive to oust the utilities, had a response for doubters: “We truly could not get any worse than what we have right now. We have the worst quality service. We have to be able to improve that."___Follow David Sharp on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, @David_Sharp_AP
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paypant · 11 months
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Jack in a bar in San Francisco in the 80s. He sees some guy, and it's like being punched in the gut.
"Riley?" the guy gives Jack a weird look.
"Excuse me?" and by now Jack has come to his senses, of course it's not Riley. Riley died twenty years ago.
"Sorry, you just look like someone I used to know, I'm Jack."Jack can't stop seeing his dead lover in front of him. This kid looks just like Riley, the last time Jack saw him.
"what did you call me?" the kid has an odd look on his face, Jack wonders about taking him home. Just for one night
"Riley, it's not important. But-"
"That's funny." the boy is smiling, "I had an uncle named Riley, never met him. He was killed in vietnam, Grandma says I look just like him, I'm William"
Jack almost throws up. He mumbles something about the man he knows moving to Chicago. And leaves, he's sitting on Callum and Marcus's doorstep, for hours before the two and a very worried Mikey come home. He won't say what's wrong.
The boy, William, goes home to visit his parents next week, the encounter all but forgotten. His parents drag him to his grand parents house. He plans on sneaking out, under the guise of taking a nap, it wouldn't be the first time.
He walks into what used to be his uncle Riley's room, the room hes always spend nights in at his grandparents house, and he's reminded of the man at the bar. The walls are bare and littered with holes that must have hung up posters, but the top of the dresser is cluttered. An issue of Life magazine from 1964, match books from bars, some in LA many in San Francisco, William recognizes many of the names, and heavy leather belt. there are pictures too, faded where they have been exposed to the sun.
one photo is framed, it's a photo William knows well. His uncle is grinning at the camera, a larger, older man has his arm around Riley. William always thought the man looked mean, angry. He's not so sure now. The man is in a leather jacket, his face turned mostly to Riley. Looking at it now, William can see the man is not angry, he's looking at Riley like he's something to eat.
William digs though the pictures, the man is there over and over again. But there are other men too and he starts to peice together a friend group. Despite their ages, none of the men seem to be married, no rings, no women at all. William isn't sure when he started crying.
"Sweetheart?" William jumps, dropping the Life magazine on the floor. It falls open to a two page spread about the life of homosexuals.
"Grandma I-"
"I never got around to cleaning out his dresser." She says, coming to stand by William, carefully she bends down to pick up the magazine and a match book falls out of the back. The Toolbox, San Francisco. The same name in the caption of the photo in the magazine. "And one day I realized the photos were- well, I knew Riley kept the negatives in the bottom drawer so I just-" She trails off and William doesn't know how to ask.
William doesn't know what to say, how to ask.
"you're so much like him, you look like him of course, but you're kind, sweet, you care about the world and want it to be better."
"Grandma he was-" William chokes on the word.
"Yes, it took me too long to come to terms with that, but you're right."
"I'm not-"
"young men don't up and move to San Francisco the first chance they get for nothing. you're 25 and I've never head about you so much as speaking to a young woman. Grandmother's know these things."
They're both crying, William realizes, and he's not sure why.
"This man," William picks up the framed picture "where is he?"
William watches his grand mother look at the photo, greif and guilt written on her face. "After your uncle died, we, Jack came around, wanted to come to the memorial service, had heard from friends about Riely but we, I'd had my suspicions and I didn't want- I wish I knew now, I wish I could make it right." William feels his stomach drop, his heart punding in his ears.
"Can I keep-" He holds of the photo of his uncle and Jack. Jack, who William is sure he ran into at the bar.
"yes." his grand mother whispers before clearing her throat. "I came to tell you we're going out to eat tonight, that you shouldn't sleep too long."
William nods, watching his grandmother walk out of the room.
"Grandma-" she stops, does not turn around. "My parents, do they know?"
"They do." she says, and William wants to ask her more questions. About his uncle, this man, his parents, but she's walking away.
The next time William visits his grandparents, there's a photo album on his uncles bed. it's full of photos, duplicates of the ones on the dresser, but so, so many more. At the back of the photo album are all the match books, and two letters from a Jack Marleau.
He takes the photo album to San Francisco with him, hoping maybe he'll run into Jack again.
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