#Washington Weimaraner
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owyheestar · 4 years ago
Some exciting news – the weekend before last Casey took Kenai up to Kennewick, WA for a hunt test. He passed his remaining 2 legs to earn his Junior Hunter title! Both judges also commented that they hadn’t seen a Weimaraner run that hard in a long time. Next week, he goes off for some finishing training for a few months. At least he’ll only be at Sauvie Island, so we’ll be able to see him on the…
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manda-kat · 4 years ago
Mandalogs Megalog!
Day 83:
I went to Westmoorland State Park
It is a nice place.
Me and my friend skipped rocks on the river
We got to stay in the most coveted cabin
It's waiting list is almost a year long
I am amazed that they managed to snag it
But glad, since it had enough room for them to be totally chill with me coming along
There were also four dogs
My friend's dog, who is a shy sweetheart who gave me many cuddles
Her sister's dog, who is a big, dumb pointer with the most squishable face
And her mom's two weimaraners
The older one is a sweet old lady who loves everyone
And the younger is a diva with zero object permanence who was convinced I was a dangerous stranger every time she saw me
Day 84
I woke up and took a walk
How weird is that?
Me and my friend took off to go see the hiking trail and THIS is the sight I am met with:
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It was a beautiful walk
On the way back, we saw a toadlet
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She called him Jasper
We went on ANOTHER walk to the foot of the giant stairs, where we had a picnic and watched Onward
Swam some more
I freaked out the entire family by telling them that I like my s'mores heavily burnt
It's true, they're delicious
Me and my friend then huddled in her bed and watched Hannibal, starting our new shared obsession
Day 85
We went to George Washington's Birthplace
It was... Honestly, really boring
Very pretty
But almost none of the stuff that is usually available, or on display was actually there
But the trip was worth it
For these majestic beasts:
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And a flower
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We then binge-watched more Hannibal
Day 86
We packed and they took me home
Cue the tearful goodbye
Cue the coma, induced by staying up all night watching Hannibal
Cue finding THIS toadlet:
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And then I watched the Tim Burton Batman movie
And it was awesome
All of my family told me this was a bad Batman movie
But honestly? It's the best I've ever seen, in my opinion
The set design and score ALONE are on levels of iconic that other Batman films could NEVER REACH!
Not to mention that the Joker just OOZES real Joker energy and doesn't just feel like some guy playing the role
And maybe unpopular opinion, but I think it's better to have the villain giving puns and one-liners than boring speeches about fake morality and 'we're the same, you and I... Both two [Cue metaphor]
Especially joker. I never get the vibe that he wants to explain things or be heard.
He always just seems to want to have fun, albeit in a twisted and homicidal way, in the best media I've seen of him.
I don't get why people would try giving him more depth than he needs
We don't need to understand him, we need to fear him.
And laugh
And then immedietly feel bad for laughing at the villain's joke
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aeterna-auroral-avenger · 4 years ago
Hey beautiful! For the color ask game I have a few! Yellow, Turquoise, Sea green, Beige, and red!
Bonus: Who is your favorite actor?
Hey sweet peach! 🖤
Yay! Thanks for sending me some of these. I love stuff like this. So let’s get started!
Yellow: name of an artist you think is under appreciated
This was actually a lot harder to answer than I expected. This is why it took me so long to reply to your ask because of this question. I started looking through my music library and started picking out a few different artists there who I thought were under appreciated for various reasons. But then - since I’m such an over thinker - I thought about visual artists that I thought were under appreciated too. Then I thought about artists on tumblr like you who I thought deserve a lot of recognition for their works too. And my brain was like ‘I can’t answer this question!’
So this may be cheating, but I’m gonna say we’re all under appreciated artists in our own ways. Whether others don’t appreciate us or we don’t appreciate ourselves, whether the world says we’re not kids anymore and we should just grow up or whether we think we’re not good enough to be considered artists, whatever the reason, we are all under appreciated artists. Cause even the engineer can look at their work and see the beauty in it like a gardener sees the wonder of their harvest like the dancer feels the rhythm like the pulse of their life blood like the writer who loves how every word comes together like an intricate pattern, all part of the design. If we love doing it and it excites us, makes us passionate, then it’s our canvas. We’re all artists, and we’re all under appreciated.
Sea green: Can you fold a fitted sheet?
If by fold, you mean roll up in a ball of fabric frustration and throw it in the closet with the rest of the bed sheets, then I’m a pro. If not, then nope, no, definitely can not. You mean there are people who can? Magicians.
Beige: have any pets? What are their names?
I do have a pet! My family’s got a dog. He’s a blue Weimaraner. We used to have a silver Weimaraner too, but he got sick :(
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That’s them in the picture. The silver was named Kuzco, and the blue is named Kronk like from Disney’s the Emperor’s New Groove (my dad’s favorite Disney movie 😂)
Red: describe your favorite shirt
Okay so I’m about to demonstrate my nerdiness and how I enjoy a play on words or numbers or both in this case. You’ll see what I mean in a second. So my favorite shirt is one of my black softball sweatshirts that’s big and comfy on me. It’s got my last name, Baker, on the back and 221B underneath it. This is awesome to me cause it’s got multiple references. One is my softball number is 22 and I played first base which is often shorted to 1B. The second reference is to one of my favorite literary characters: Sherlock Holmes who lives at 221B Baker St. I’m such a nerd lol.
Bonus: who is my favorite actor?
Ugh! Another hard one! There’s so many great ones out there. But there are some who I’m like I’ll watch this just because they’re in it, and they are in no particular order: Paul Rudd, Robert Downey Jr., and Denzel Washington. And there are some classic Hollywood stars I love and am combing through their stuff too like Lucille Ball and Katherine Hepburn.
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paddle8 · 5 years ago
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Photographer of the Week: William Wegman 🐶
William Wegman is a conceptual artist, photographer, filmmaker, and author. He is famous for his series of photographs involving his dogs, specifically his Weimaraners Man Ray and Fay Ray, in different costumes and poses. Outside of this series, he has also produced film for Sesame Street and Saturday Night Live, and has written several children’s books featuring his dogs. His work has been exhibited across Europe, Asia, and North America, and is held in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, and the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., among others.
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loveforpreserumsteve · 5 years ago
Begin Again (Mortician!Steve and Baker!Bucky Modern “Moving On” AU)
Normally, Steve didn't wake up an hour early to groom his beard and style his hair. Nor did he typically start the day by doing push-ups in hopes of making his muscles seem more pronounced. Even Vinnie was annoyed by his behavior as he flopped back down on the bed to sleep just a little bit more.
Somehow, even Vinnie knew just how ridiculous Steve was being! After all, it was just the first morning run with Bucky. It shouldn't have been as big of a deal as it was. Especially not with Bucky being engaged…
Yet, there Steve was, trying to make himself look better. For Bucky. For Bucky who was engaged. For Bucky who was engaged to his former wedding planner. The wedding that never happened.Thank heaven!
Steve tugged on a tight t-shirt. Was it too tight? Possibly. But Steve wanted to look his best. Even if it was just a casual run with his crush through the park with his dog.
Jesus, what am I doing? Steve chastised himself as he fixed his hair.
Trying not to think about all the ways this could go wrong, Steve grabbed his running shoes and sat on the edge of the bed. As he laced up, he glanced over his shoulder to Vinnie, the bed-hog. Smirking, he encouraged, "C'mon, sleepy head. Wanna go for a run?"
The Weimaraner's head perked at that, but he remained laying in the middle of the bed. Steve rolled his eyes and stood from his spot. Walking out of the room, Steve called over his shoulder, "Fine, I'll run by myself!"
Just like Steve knew it would, Vinnie hopped out of bed and rushed towards the door. Nearly knocking Steve over in the process. Steve wondered what Vinnie would do once he realized that Bucky, his favorite treat-maker, would be there. Imagining that he'd probably slobber all over the attractive brunet in a more literal way compared to Steve's figurative way.
Clipping his leash to his collar, Steve led the hyper Weimaraner out of his apartment. Being sure to greet the few neighbors who were up and about at the early hour. Briefly debating whether he should drive to their meet-up at What's the Batter With You. After all, Steve didn't want to get too winded and have to call it a short run. But he didn't want to arrive all sweaty either. But he didn't want to seem lazy…
Choosing to walk as a warm-up, Steve was still early once he reached the cake shop. Not that he minded. Simply stretching as he waited while Vinnie laid down on the ground like the lazybones he was.
That was when a low whistle came from behind Steve, causing him to pause in his stretching. Glancing down at Vinnie, Steve found the dog practically vibrating in his excitement as his tail waggled back and forth. Turning to find Bucky exiting the cake shop with a smug smirk on his face as he teased, "If you stood out here all day doing that, I'd probably get a lot more customers."
Steve's eyes roamed over Bucky, wondering how something so ordinary as a loose t-shirt and basketball shorts could be so attractive. Blushing, Steve dropped his gaze and wistfully joked, "But then you'd never get any work done."
"True," Bucky chuckled in his agreement while he locked the cake shop door. Facing Steve, Bucky bent over, flipping his shoulder length brown hair over and twisting it into a messy bun. Tying it with the purple scrunchie on his wrist, he straightened out and warned, "You'll have to take it easy on me. It's been a while since I've been running."
"You're lucky that Vinnie is lazy today," Steve feigned annoyance. But failed at keeping up the façade when Bucky playfully rolled his eyes and crouched before the happy dog. Being as trained as he was, Vinnie restrained himself until Bucky started petting him, then the dog started licking all over his face.
The park with the running trail wasn't far, so the pair casually walked the few blocks there. Steve's imagination ran wild with hope-filled fantasies of holding hands. Of playful, intimate touches. Of grins and bright eyes. Of having a person to do this with every morning.
Once arriving at the park, Bucky picked up a slow jog. Warming up for their run. So, Steve matched his pace, allowing Vinnie to do the same. Vinnie enjoyed it enough as his tongue lulled out of his mouth. Happily taking in his surroundings like he always did.
Eventually, Bucky picked up his pace. Bucky's stance was strong, his technique one that was precise. It made Steve wonder if he had done sports while he was in school. From the way he ran, Steve assumed that he had been.
After checking out Bucky's technique -- and possibly his impressive, firm glutes -- Steve sped up his pace as well, to catch up with the brunet. Vinnie was more than ready to run faster and Steve decided to give him some more slack on the leash, giving the dog the illusion of running freely.
"Race ya?" Bucky propositioned when Steve fell in step with him.
Positive that he'd do anything that Bucky suggested, especially with so much mirth in his tone, Steve questioned, "To where?"
Bucky looked around and smiled at Vinnie. Deciding, "The Falls? Then we can take a break at the dog beach?"
"Sounds good," Steve confirmed, "Ready, set, g--"
"Go!" Bucky gleefully shouted, taking off just a second before Steve.
"That's cheating!" Steve called after him, but had no actual qualms with the brunet taking off first. Giddily chasing after the man while Vinnie tugged him along.
Since Steve was used to running, he managed to easily catch up with Bucky. Then, because he wanted to win, he pushed himself even more. Thrilling in the way that Bucky pushed himself harder in an attempt to beat Steve, and how he grabbed the back of Steve's athletic shirt in hopes of slowing him down. Steve couldn't help but laugh at the brunet's efforts, but didn't stop.
"Ouch! Fuck!" Bucky abruptly let go of Steve's shirt and fell back.
Hearing Bucky's outburst, Steve skidded to a stop to find Bucky standing there with an agonized expression on his handsome face. His hands were on his hips as he balanced his weight on his left leg.
Giving the leash a slight tug, Steve doubled back with Vinnie keeping up beside him. Trying to catch his breath like how Bucky was trying to catch his, Steve asked, "Everything alright?"
Still breathing erratically, Bucky opened his eyes and nodded. Stretching out his right leg, he reassured, "Just haven't done this in a while."
"Well, we can take it easy," Steve offered, running his hand through his slightly sweaty hair.
"Sorry about holding you back," Bucky apologized, lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Revealing an impressively toned abdomen that Steve had difficulty tearing his eyes from.
Steve thickly swallowed and dropped his gaze when Bucky dropped his shirt. Reassuring, "Nothing to apologize for." Then, remembering how Bucky had yelped in pain, Steve asked, "You're alright though? You didn't hurt yourself?"
"I'm fine," Bucky assured, reaching down and lifting his shorts enough to show his knee and the scars there. Bucky clarified, "Acts up every once in a while."
Before Steve can think, he questioned, "What happened?"
"Old track and field injury," Bucky explained, forcing himself to hobble along the path. Still heading for the Falls, Bucky continued, "Blew out my knee at a meet. And I mean, destroyed it. Torn just about every ligament I could and had to get surgery for it."
"Ouch," Steve lamely commented and immediately regretted it.
"Yeah, ouch," Bucky good-naturedly chuckled. He tightened his messy bun and confessed, "I think what hurt the most though was losing my scholarship."
Steve's attention snapped over to Bucky. It all clicked for Steve then and he found himself stating, "Jimmy Barnes, George Washington High, class of 2009?"
Bucky's brows furrowed and he confirmed, "Yeah?"
"Class of 2010," Steve revealed, then immediately blushed.
Redirecting his attention in front of himself, he couldn't believe that Bucky was Jimmy Barnes. Sure, they had never spoken before since they didn't have any classes together and Jimmy Barnes was one of the most popular guys in school. Hell, how many times had Steve passed a plaque with James B. Barnes with a new record broken in long-distance or hurdling while on his way to the principal's office?
Really, Steve probably should've put it together sooner. Even if there were a lot of Barneses. Even if Bucky -- Jimmy -- had shorter hair back then. Had been slimmer with a clean-shaven, baby face.
"I, uh," Bucky faltered, bashfully keeping his gaze off Steve, "I'm bad at names… and faces. I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Steve sincerely assured. With a shrug, he clarified, "I didn't… I didn't look, like, um… this." Walking past the Falls to the dog beach, Steve added, "Plus, we didn't run in the same crowd."
Bucky physically flinched at that as he admitted, "Yeah, well, that, 'crowd,' was full of assholes."
"Yeah, I know," Steve chuckled as he confessed, "I think I fought about half of 'em."
Bucky looked at Steve. Really looked at him. Studying him with narrowed eyes. That was when it clicked for Bucky, "Peeved Steve?! You're Peeved Steve?!"
Blushing, Steve's brows furrowed as he grumpily muttered, "Didn't know they had a nickname for me."
"Oh, sorry," Bucky bit his lip as he reminded, "Always putting my feet in my mouth."
Steve didn't say anything, just nodded and unclipped Vinnie's leash so he could run into the shallow water. A small smile crossed his face as he watched his good boy having fun.
"I'm sorry for offending you," Bucky apologized.
"It's okay," Steve shrugged and conceded, "I was an asshole back then, too."
"From what I remember," Bucky started, shoving his hands into his shorts pockets, "You were sticking up for those who couldn't -- or wouldn't -- stick up for themselves. Doesn't sound like an asshole to me."
The blush on Steve's cheeks wasn't from embarrassment now. No, now it was from being complimented by his crush, so he playfully mused, "Peeved Steve. It's not that bad. No, Hot Steve, but I think it fits better."
Giggling, Bucky teasingly argued, "I don't know about that…"
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petnews2day · 2 years ago
Amazon Delivery Driver Struck and Killed Dog on Maryland Couple’s Driveway – NBC4 Washington
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Amazon Delivery Driver Struck and Killed Dog on Maryland Couple’s Driveway – NBC4 Washington
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A Calvert County, Maryland, couple says an Amazon delivery driver ran over and killed their dog, then drove away without telling them. Starr, was a 15-year-old Weimaraner who’d beaten the odds and was taken into a loving family. “We rescued her at the age of 7, and she’s been with us ever since,” Danielle Von […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Mpv9D #DogNews #CalvertCounty
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owyheestar · 4 years ago
~ Walking with Violet and Daisy We are SO HAPPY that Springtime is here!  I usually walk my girls six days a week, around three miles each time, and although we walk year ’round (even in the rainy weather), we really appreciate when Spring arrives~  Pretty soon we will ditch the coats and the girls will walk “naked”, Hahaha!  Willow is nine years old now and is very healthy, her daily exercise…
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ericacharbonneauart-blog · 5 years ago
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“Willie” the Weimaraner. 12 x 12 acrylic, paper on board. Check out my booth at Allied Arts Holiday Festival of the Arts! #alliedartsholidayfestival #petportrait (at Bellingham, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5L5G7OpCeQ/?igshid=iq2jazhfsng0
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lostdogsminnesota · 6 years ago
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Lost Dog- Blaine - Labrador Retriever / Weimaraner Mix - Male Date Lost: 07-04-2019 Dog's Name: Willis Breed of Dog: Labrador Retriever / Weimaraner Mix Gender: Male Closest Intersection: Washington Blvd NE & Territorial Rd NE City where Lost: Blaine Zip Code 55434 County: Anoka Color: Brown Dog's Age: Adult Dog's Size: Large Any information on how lost, description etc: . CONTACT Craig Phone: (651) 470-9257 More Info, Photos and to Contact: https://ift.tt/30fVq43 To see this pet’s location on the HelpingLostPets Map: https://ift.tt/2XN4hwD Let's get Willis home! #LDoMN #HelpingLostPets https://ift.tt/2XHxNnH
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petnews2day · 2 years ago
What are unique dog names? How common are human names for dogs?
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What are unique dog names? How common are human names for dogs?
Andrew the weimaraner/yellow lab is curled up with Gracie the cat on a floor cushion, while Frankie the Labrador retriever paces the kitchen and Eliza the heeler snoozes in her crate. What seemed like a clever naming trick — giving human names to pets — turns out not to be so innovative. A Washington Post […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/Ur9VB #DogNews
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how to stop puppy barking | train puppy to walk on leash
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how to stop puppy barking | train puppy to walk on leash
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The Weimaraner will inspect incoming artwork for beetles, moths and other critters that can damage museum collections And Now House Training is So Much Easier Just make a spreadsheet in excel and print it out, or simply buy some lined paper. ordering & shipping Free Info If your dog suddenly begins having “accidents” or if you have been unsuccessful at housetraining, contact a veterinarian right away. Resolving health issues may resolve the problem. Taking objects away from your puppy when they are in the middle of enjoying them only teaches them to guard these objects, not to give them up. Racine Campus Finance Take your puppy outside to potty before putting him in the crate. Bought chew toys to occupy your puppy in the crate? Charity 11 Ways You’re Shortening Your Dog’s Life Look over how long after eating they pooped u “We deal with the worst of the worst, and that’s what people don’t realize,” she said. “We deal with the dogs who, literally, their lives are on the line. And every one of us here cares so much, we don’t want dogs to die.” ©1997-2016 XO Group Inc. MAKE A DONATION Leash How to Potty Train a Puppy the Easy Way Open Cases JW Pet Patch welcomes contributions and comments from our users. We strive for civil, enlightened discussions on Patch stories and local issues. Please abide by our posting standards: Doreen Tovey Supplies Aggression (when off leash) Literature & Language Club Nylabone Last Name Reward your puppy every time they eliminate outdoors. Praise or give treats—but remember to do so immediately after they’ve finished, not after they come back inside. This step is vital, because rewarding your dog for going outdoors is the only way to teach what’s expected of them. Before rewarding, be sure they’re finished. Puppies are easily distracted and if you praise too soon, they may forget to finish until they’re back in the house. Eventually, work toward giving a tasty reward less frequently but with unexpected bonus treats—several at once, for example, for a particularly long “sit-stay.” Even young pups learn to appreciate the bonus concept of higher value rewards for better performance. I am intersted in (please check all that apply): You cannot successfully house train a puppy who is ill because their bodily functions will be too unpredictable. But of course if they’re ill, you want to have them back to good health anyway! We have 2 Italian Greyhounds (12 weeks old). Instead of crate training, we have a closed in terrace that is their “crate area”. We have built them a large grass box for potty, but they don’t use it a lot. I’m home with them most of the time, so I am able to correct their mistakes, but night time or if we are out of the house, they don’t use it. What would be the best way to get them going in the correct spot at the times they aren’t being supervised? Lucky Dog Kentucky Derby Canine Dimensions. 2018. All Rights Reserved. Sitemap. Privacy Policy. Video title Related services WA Startup Uses Trash To Make Prosthetics Whether you are a complete newcomer to dog training or have some experience, this course provides a comprehensive foundation of knowledge and skill. It is also a wonderful course for someone looking to change careers or looking to add training skill to his/her animal care skill set, such as a veterinary technician, pet sitter/walker, or groomer. Don’t punish your dog if they pee inside. Regardless of all those old training ideas punishment isn’t a good deterrent for house training. Yelling at your dog after the fact just confuses them and makes them nervous around you. If you catch your did in the act you can try to get their attention & move them outdoors. If you’re successful & they continue going once you get outside praise them like crazy. Holidays and HAWS Use “NO” for actions that are not appropriate. “NO” is an authoritative sound that should result in an immediate reaction. Do not use the word “NO” combined with your pup’s name. Dog Coat Types See How We Help Dogs & Veterans Considerations For An Indoor Bathroom Spot Ads and Cookies Obedience Training Intermediate Agility First of all, be picky when you choose your breeder. It starts with them and the habits they give your puppy when raising them. So check them out, visit the puppies at home with the breeder, ask for habits and observe their behavior. Although house training a puppy can be hard work and tiring – be patient and consistent, and all your efforts should pay off! Tricks: Wave, Take a Bow, Spin, Heel PureBites “Another word for training is teaching, so recognize that your new pet is looking for your guidance and praise,” she said. Your job this first week is to build up your bank account of trust with your puppy. Select by health condition Fruits & Berries (1) My mission is to help you have a wonderful relationship with your dog. Learn how to teach good manners, to decode canine behaviors, and have a really great time. For Clickertraining.com November 20, 2017 Life Jackets & Swim Suits Share this article: Toilet training a puppy 7. So much more! Manhattan, NYC, Chelsea, upper east side, uptown, downtown, midtown, East Side, West Side, Central Park, Washington Square Dog Park, Tompkins Square Park, SoHo, NoHO, Battery Park, Greenwich Village, TriBeCa (function()).call(this)}).call(n,t("../../../lib/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/process/browser.js"),t("../../../lib/node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js"))},"./shared/polyfills/function.js":function(e,n)Function.prototype.bind,"./shared/polyfills/object.js":function(e,n)Object.keys,"./shared/polyfills/requestAnimationFrame.js":function(e,n)!function()(),"./shared/polyfills/string.js":function(e,n)String.prototype.endsWith,”./shared/require-global.js”:function(e,n,t)e.exports=t(“./shared/require-shim.js”),”./shared/require-shim.js”:function(e,n,t)var r=(this.window,function(e)if(!r.hasModule(e))var n=new Error(‘Cannot find module “‘+e+'”‘);throw n.code=”MODULE_NOT_FOUND”,nreturn t(“./”+e+”.js”));r.loadChunk=function(e)return”main”==e?t.e(“main”).then(function(e)t(“./main.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”dev”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“dev”)]).then(function(e)t(“./shared/dev.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”internal”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“internal”),t.e(“qtext2”),t.e(“dev”)]).then(function(e)t(“./internal.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”ads_manager”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“ads_manager”)]).then(function(e)undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined.bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”publisher_dashboard”==e?t.e(“publisher_dashboard”).then(function(e)undefined,undefined.bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):”content_widgets”==e?Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“content_widgets”)]).then(function(e)t(“./content_widgets.iframe.js”).bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe):void 0,r.whenReady=function(e,n)Promise.all(window.webpackChunks.map(function(e)return r.loadChunk(e))).then(function()n()),r.prefetchAll=function()t(“./settings.js”);Promise.all([t.e(“main”),t.e(“qtext2”)]).then(function().bind(null,t))[“catch”](t.oe),r.hasModule=function(e),r.execAll=function()var e=Object.keys(t.m);tryfor(var n=0;n Pets 101 toggle menu Start your puppy out right and learn the basics of being an awesome pet parent. S.T.A.R. stands for socialization, training, activity, and responsibility, and this program follows the American Kennel Club program while laying a strong foundation. Basic training activities include the name game and loose leash walking, and puppies will work on these commands: sit, down, drop it, give, wait, and follow me. Your puppy will gain socialization skills with other puppies and people, and we’ll introduce puppies in a positive way to everyday objects they may encounter. We’ll discuss housebreaking, crate training, safe toys, and ideas to keep the puppy busy. The class ends with the S.T.A.R. Puppy Test and the pet parent’s Responsible Puppy Pledge. How to train a puppy through the ‘terrible twos’ Old English Sheepdog Smit/Shutterstock Crate training (2-3 months) There are so many books out there about “successful” dog-training techniques, methods, and schools. The amount of information can be overwhelming, and, to make it worse, it’s often contradictory. Search Puppy pads Your puppy needs to learn that people around him, particularly small children, can be a bit unpredictable. But he needs to accept that their unpredictable behavior is not threatening. You can help him do this by imitating a child’s behavior. Try stepping quickly towards his bowl — then drop in a treat. Gently bump into him, while he’s eating, or roll toys nearby — anything to cause a distraction, but drop a treat in the bowl to reward him for continuing to eat calmly. Do this every so often, but not at every meal. If your puppy freezes mid-mouthful, growls or glares at you, stop and try again another time. If this continues, it’s best to seek advice from a veterinary behaviorist or certified dog trainer. How to Train a Puppy to Come When Called Best crate: MidWest Life Stages Folding Dog Crate Paw care Topics: Crate Training, Crate training puppies at night, Crate training dogs, Crate training puppies, Puppy crate training tips, Crate training tips, Crate training schedule, Crate training a puppy, Crate training your dog Stations To achieve this, you need to follow this 5 step process: local ad Search & Rescue I always advise clients to be proactive weather-watchers. If your dog’s potty place is outdoors, consider that potty habits can and might change with the season, and you may have to consider creative and proactive ways to keep your dog’s potty habits strong. For dogs who detest rain, the erection of a portable canopy might just ease the pain. A snow shovel goes a long way in helping small dogs deal with deep snow. Some indoor-outdoor carpet can buffer the heat of summer pavement. Chinchilla advice Beyond How Can I Adopt A Retired Service Dog or Failed Guide Dog?
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sueclancy · 5 years ago
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This is Pia: Pia loves long runs by the creek This #weimaraner is part of Alphapets #petportrait project by @artistclancy the Ambassador for Small Frames for @auroragallery44 - each #minportrait is 3.5 x 2.5 inches, #gouache, #ink #colorpencil, and put into a handsome small frame * - contact https://auroragalleryonline.com/ for more details or see #blogposts about this project here: www.sueclancy.com * please note: due to quarantine lockdown etc sensibleness my Alphapets project art creation is continuing and being posted for your amusement while awesome framing will wait till the virus has passed (at Vancouver, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_F0_e3pRsf/?igshid=57twriw0i7d0
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lharvey250 · 6 years ago
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Why We Lie
A first rate journey into Washington politics, greed and power that will have you questioning the secrets you keep.
Aby is from a small town in Pennsylvania where she had some trouble with a high school boyfriend. The problem was nobody believed her. Her mother told her to just move on. She was hopeful that in the future there will be a time when she will no longer be afraid to tell the truth. But not yet. She moves to Washington DC and falls in love at first site with Jude Birch. That was not her plan, what she really wanted was for Jude to help her launch her career. But the heart wants what the heart wants. And nothing is quite what it seems
Jude is a rising star in DC, and decides to run for election to the House as the DC representative. Aby is concerned that there is much more to Jude‘s relationship with his campaign manager, Laila Rogers, than she thought. Shortly after the election Jude is the victim of a supposedly gang-related shooting. His survives but his brain is affected. As secrets begin to unravel, Abby is forced to realize that Jude was not an unintended victim of the shooting.
WHY WE LIE is a first rate journey into Washington politics, greed and power. It has an intricate plot, complete with a rich billionaire who can get away with just about anything. Aby and Jude’s characters are well-developed and interesting, as are the secrets they keep from each other and the lies they tell. I loved the use of The Washington Truth newspaper to tell a part of the complex story. It’s an compelling read.
Author AMY IMPELLIZZERI’s timely writing is immensely satisfying, and she keeps the story moving quickly. She may even have you questioning the secrets you keep. IMPELLIZZERI is a reformed corporate litigator and an award winning author. She has written one nonfiction book and three novels, including The Truth About Thea (2017). She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, three kids and an energetic Weimaraner named Cocoa. Thanks to AMY IMPELLIZZERI for an reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Publisher Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing
Published March 5, 2019
Review www.bluestockingreviews.com
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barefootedmama · 6 years ago
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Someone was a little lazy and needy today. #athena #athenameyers #weimaraner #pitbull #bluenose #pitty #dogs #dogsofinstagram #pitbullsofinstagram (at Richland, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMjvcelnc6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rryzkkqe08m7
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thatshighlyoffensive · 8 years ago
Well, well, welcome to the annual skewering of Dummies with Money Pretending They Care About Anything Other Than Themselves AKA the Met Gala 2017 (or as Drew Jordan called it, “a party for relatives of famous people.” I hate most of the people that attended this year, plus my supply of fucks is as depleted as my bank account these days, so the positive reviews are scarce. Cat and I watched the E! red carpet coverage together and tried really hard to care, but it never happened. We were passionate about one thing though: Whoever manned the camera tonight should be fired and exiled to a country where they only photograph people from the shoulders up and then seek treatment for his obvious battle with Parkinson’s. HIGHLY OFFENSIVE. Enjoy!
Giuliana Rancid (who is obviously not at the actual event because she would never be invited to anything other than a Ruby Tuesday’s salad bar ribbon cutting) spent the evening with a bunch of other nobodies in a studio on the west coast and chose to drape her Antz body in the milky exoskeleton of one of her albino brethren.
I hate Katy Perry almost as much as I hate Lena Dunham, so the fact that she has dated my future husband John Mayer is something that whittles away at my black heart daily, and whatever the hell I’m looking at on the red carpet right now just took out another big chunk. I literally cannot, so that’s all.
Lily Collins looks like the Berries ’n’ Cream Starburst guy on his way to a Sophia Coppola sponsored transgender formal.
Kendall Jenner would be 100% perfection if she’d done something different with her hair. Those legs, MY GOD.
Kylie Jenner (as always) looks like Bruce Jenner in a Pretty Woman wig with a Kris Kardashian’s worth of plastic surgery in a girdle and pair of Steve Maddens.
Rose Byrne: The sun’ll come ouuuut tomorrow! Actually, it saw you tonight and decided not to.
Brie Larson looks like the love child of Babette the feather duster and one of my hand bells from middle school church choir in Dorothy Zbornak’s footwear.
Lily James looks like Natalie Portman from Black Swan wrapped in a Swiffer Wet Jet.
Rihanna looks like two Jimmy Dean sausage links wrapped in red licorice, stuffed into a clotted human heart piñata.
Naomi Watts looks more like Nicole Kidman every day. But probably my favorite look of the night.
Celine Dion looks like Jenna Lyons wrapped one of her old, bedazzled J. Crew tees in the Oscar gown she pulled out of Angelina Jolie’s trash can and secured it with the straps from one of the antique electric chairs Billy Bob is afraid of. #teamjolie
Bella Hadid- I don’t love all the weight she’s lost since becoming an ‘it’ girl/I’m insanely jealous, but her look harkens back to the origins of the MET ball aka the OG supermodels and the designers that loved them, so I give her look an A.
GiGi- While I really do appreciate your channeling of Christy Turlington (whether you meant to or not), I can’t say that I fully understand your look tonight. The color is that of a gout ridden tuna, the shape is that of a sushi wrapped tuna, and your panty hose are reminiscent of someone wrapping tuna in seaweed at Hibachi Express. Sanitation grade: C+
Chrissy Teigen looks like she always has: bloated and wild. Her outfit looks like a cotton gin exploded next to a L’eggs factory.
Lupita Nyongo looks like the Toucan Tropicana Barbie and that is all.
Ruby Rose is channeling some ‘She Sells Sea Shells by the Jersey Shore’ shit.
Miranda Kerr looks like a walking, glossy, coral reef, made up by Bobbi Boring Brown, as usual.
Rami Malek went to the Ball as a Twizzler. Or was it a Red Vine? #redvinesfamily
Zendaya: Mac-OW.
Paris Jackson: I have never been so offended by someone. First of all, she has about as much of Michael Jackson’s DNA in her as I do. Secondly, she looks like she put as much effort into her appearance tonight as I did when I dialed Dominos earlier. Also- Express’s formal collection has never looked worse. Also, also, your tattoos rival the mess of ink on a backstreet water rat.
Madonna- I didn’t think I could be more offended by a poseur than Paris Jackson, but again, I’m proven wrong. Her gap-toothed, fake-British bullshit can’t be hidden by all the camo in the world, and certainly not by one hideous dress.
Zoe Kravitz- Big Little Lies made me love her and this outfit does nothing but add to my new obsession. I could do without the sleeve contusions, but I’m obsessed with the rest. Like the finale of BLL, she’s channeling Audrey Hepburn like a boss.
Kate Hudson- Yo ass has looked the same every damn year. This year is the same, just more boring and like you’re trying to channel a Kartrashian aka HIGHLY OFFENSIVE. But also- i love you.
Gwyneth Paltrow looks like she ate Chelsea Handler and borrowed Titus’s pumps.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen: Two canoodling Weimaraners.
Lily Rose Depp: I actually love this. All of it. I am ashamed.
Sarah Paulson: And the cockatoo cried ‘Nevermore.’
Cara Delevigne: The Tin Man and The Nanny Named Fran had a baby. And it was ugly.
Rita Ora: Wasn’t it nice of Russell Stover to cater the red carpet?
Maggie Gyllenhaal: If Dorothy Draper, the Jolly Green Giant and a footless grandpa had a baby.
Halle Berry: Barnacles never looked so good.
Reese Witherspoon: Alexis Carrington would be proud. But that ponytail… She’d snatch it off.
Amy Schumer: So you ate Tonya Harding and then stole some kid’s Scarlet Witch cosplay outfit from their Orlando double-wide and threw it over your hamhocks? You belong IN a trash bag, not wrapped in one.
Kim Kartrasashian: An OB tampon at a Renaissance Faire. That is all.
J. Lo- You’re channeling Jennifer North and I love that, but your horse hair ponytail is highly offensive. And I’m not sure I get the color. But I think you and A. Rod make a perfect couple.
Karlie Kloss- Your shiny face is offensive. Stop. Your shoes are on point like a mosquito’s knee. Stop. Your dress is half terrible/half almost there. Stop. Put on a damn necklace. Stop.  
Kerry Washington- Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard with a lisp. Also- your lace front is almost as off-putting as Johnny Travolta’s. OFFENSIVE ON ALL COUNTS.
Blake Lively- I don’t know how someone makes golden chain mail with a peacock’s ass attached to it so boring, but you’ve done it. Also- you’ve done the braid/ponytail to death and made me want to follow suit. Death’s, not the hairstyle’s…
Jessica Chastain- Queen EleaBore of Land O’ Lakes called, she says you look melted.
Hailey Baldwin- I don’t know how dressing like a slutty piece of salt water taffy turned state’s surprise witness in a dog collar makes you a top model, but best regards and kindest wishes.
Nicki Minaj looks like Chun Li’s evil twin going to prom in Cleveland, Ohio.
So, Elle Fanning The Chinless Wonder thought tonight’s gala was an audition to be another boring ass Disney princess?
Mandy Moore- I love you more than anything because you are Rapunzel but NO. You are not Anjelica Huston in Addams Family.
Salma Hayek- you are naturally STUNNING and tonight you look OFFENSIVE and like a character from one of my brother’s anime shows. And not in a good way.
Selena Gomez made my eyes roll out of my head, onto the floor, out the door, into the street, and under the tire of Rachel Leigh Cook’s Volkswagen Rabbit.
Emma Roberts looks like a Jennifer Garner drag queen auditioning for the role of Jessica Rabbit in a high school production of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Priyanka Chopra is literally just wearing a trench coat. #carmensandiegoworeitbetter #andwithahat
Kate Bosworth always looks like a creepy Victorian doll with alopecia.
Worst dressed: Daisy Ridley, hands down. She looks like someone sewed fabric from the bargain bin onto one of those built-in-bra pajama dresses from Target and threaded a wonky hula hoop into the bottom. Hideous hair. No jewelry? HIGHLY OFFENSIVE.
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discovercreate · 6 years ago
An Animator's Seattle Cottage Is Sun-Filled and Charming — House Tour
Name: Joe Gast and Willow the Weimaraner Location: Leschi — Seattle, Washington Size: 1,690 square feet Years lived in: 25 years, owned
My 1908 Leschi cottage was a victim of several ill-conceived remodels and plenty of deferred maintenance. A transplant from Ohio, with an Ohioan's modest budget, I purchased the house because it was in my price range and it was located on a magical stairway, steps above Lake Washington.
from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time https://ift.tt/2MoXu2C
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