#Warren and Hypno sitting in a tree
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risequotes · 1 year ago
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 307
Leo: Is that a note from Draxum?
Donnie: What, he couldn't send an email?
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(Season 1, Episode 17B - Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree)
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icy-watch · 5 months ago
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Ok, y'all know what I need? A comedy show with these 2 and Garmadon and Vinny. Like, imagine it.
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incorrect-quotes-lobby · 1 year ago
April, about Hypno and Warren: And they were roommates...
Leo: Oh my god they were roommates
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olliethescribe · 2 years ago
Happy four year anniversary to Warren and Hypno Sitting In a Tree!! They invented queer people (:
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randomrottmntscreenshots · 1 year ago
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unluckygoob · 2 years ago
Just realized why Hypno and Warren felt so familiar and lovable.
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It's just like them.
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They're so lovable towards one another.
"And they were roommates—"
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riseepshowdown · 2 years ago
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Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree: While out with April to celebrate her birthday, her and the Mad Dogs get roped into helping Warren Stone save Hypno - his friend/roommate/"it's complicated" - from Baron Draxum's clutches.
Mystic Library: When Mayhem gets himself stuck in April's mirror, the turtles turn to the Hidden City's Library in order to save him. But they can't raise their voices over a whisper, or they will be taken to the dreaded "Kiddie Room".
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isonachiumbu0 · 3 months ago
Characters' handwriting in rise (in episode order)!
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"Mystic mayhem". Splinter's handwriting is very unique and cool! Love how angular it is, his "o"s are more like triangles
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"Origami Tsunami". It's not shown who wrote these signs (multiple turtles?). We see mikey put the "paper on sale" sign up but we don't see him write it. However, after gathering all the samples of the turtles' handwriting, i couldn't find one of leo's and this sloppiness doesn't quite match donnie's, raph's or mikey's, so i'm inclined to say this is leo's handwriting
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"Shell in a Cell". Donnie's signature. Donnie writes in cursive in "origami tsunami" too
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"Stuck on you". Raph's consistently shown to write in all caps. Also he wrote this on his right palm. Is raph left handed? But! In "pizza puffs" raph writes with his right hand. Maybe raph's ambidextrous orrrrr the artists just forgot
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"Pizza Pit". Mikey's handwriting. His letters are offset. How interesting! Mikey writes in all caps in "bullhop" but a bit neater
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"Warren & hypno, sitting in a tree". I LOVE that we can see this evolution of april's handwriting through the years, or at least her signature, from elementary school to highschool. I also love that we see her without her jacket
This list of shown handwriting is far from comprehensive, unfortunately, but handwriting is a great opportunity for characterization that i think's often overlooked. Idk if the crew sat down and chose unique handwriting styles for each character but that'd be cool if they did! I noticed most of the handwriting in rise is all caps across characters
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lameotello · 2 years ago
It might be because the writers botched the timeline a little, I've tried piecing it together myself but can't make sense of it precisely. The creators of the show did confirm in a TAAFI panel, back in about october if I recall correctly, that the movie takes place a few months after the events of the show. I don't know if they said how long exactly, but personally I figured it was anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
But the age situation and the timeline is very confusing to figure out. I know because I just spent about half an hour trying to haha. It probably depends on what month it is and when their birthdays are, plus how long the events of the show took, but that would mean the boys are probably quite close to the 15-17 age range after all. The answer I go with for my sanity is that the writers just did whatever or just forgot themselves and wrote what they wanted without really taking the ages and timeline that closely into account
Something I’ve kind of noticed is that 15 is a kind of important age across the TMNT shows since the 2012 show’s plot starts after they turn 15 & according to the Turtlepedia season 1 of the 2003 show takes place when the 2003 Turtles are 15 as well.
Even though the Rise Turtles all have different ages it seems as though 15 is a kind of important age for them to as Rise starts when Rise Raph is 15 & the Rise movie takes place when Rise Mikey is 15 as well
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arottmntepisodeguide · 1 month ago
A Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode order
There wasn't any correct viewing order online, so I just made one myself.
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Season 1:
Ep 1: Mystic Mayhem
Ep 2: Origami Tsunami/Donnie's Gifts
Ep 3: War and Pizza/Down with the Sickness
Ep 4: Newsworthy/Minotaur Maze
Ep 5: Repo Mantis/Hypno! Part Deux!
Ep 6: The Fast and the Furriest/Shell in a Cell
Ep 7: Mascot Melee/The Longest Fight
Ep 8: Bug Busters
Ep 9: The Gumbus/Stuck on You
Ep 10: The Purple Jacket/Portal Jacked!
Ep 11: Mrs Cuddles/Hot Soup: The Game
Ep 12: Smart Lair/Pizza Pit
Ep 13: The Evil League of Mutants
Ep 14: Late Fee/Bullhop
Ep 15: Al Be Back/Nothing But Truffle
Ep 16: The Purple Game/You Got Served
Ep 17: Shadow of Evil
Ep 18: Man Vs Sewer/Mystic Library
Ep 19: Mind Meld/One Man's Junk
Ep 20: Sparring Partner/Warren and Hypno, Sitting in a Tree
Ep 21: Turtle-Dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man/Operation Normal
Ep 22: The Mutant Menace/The Ancient Art of Hide and Seek
Ep 23: Snow Day/How to Make Enemies and People Bend to Your Will
Ep 24: Cloak and Swaggart/Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
Ep 25: Insane in the Mama Train
Ep 26: Endgame
Season 2:
Ep 27: Many Unhappy Returns
Ep 28: Todd Scouts/Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Ep 29: Flushed But Never Forgotten/Lair Games
Ep 30: Breaking Purple/Repairin' The Baron
Ep 31: Air Turtle/Pizza Puffs
Ep 32: Mystery Meat/Hidden City Job
Ep 33: Sidekick Ahoy!/Always Be Brownies
Ep 34: Donnie Vs Witch Town/Raph's Ride Along
Ep 35: Hidden City's Most Wanted/Bad Hair Day
Ep 36: Fists Of Furry/The Clothes Don't Make the Turtles
Ep 37: Battle Nexus: New York
Ep 38: E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind/Shreddy or Not
Ep 39: Anatawa Hitorijanai/Rise
This is a condensed version of one I made on Reddit (removing the essentials list, an alternate episode order, explanation of episode placement, etc). Here's that one for anybody interested. I'm confident that season 1's first half (at least everything before Bug Busters) is in a suitable order, but the second half is definitely up in the air about where the episodes go. Leave any comments if you notice something is out of order. Also, this is a repost because I compiled an image for all the episodes now and I think that can make this more visible for people that could need it/are looking for it.
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feeling--pink · 9 months ago
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Day 14 (purple) - Warren x Hypno 💜
Did y'all expect me not to draw them after WARREN AND HYPNO SITTING IN A TREE????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT IS THE EPISODE TITLE???????
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they were wild for this
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risequotes · 6 months ago
Daily Rise Quotes: DAY 492
April: Classic April O'Neil birthday. Trapped in a cage, betrayed by my idol, and facing certain doom.
Raph: Look on the bright side. We're trapped in a cage, having been betrayed by your idol, facing certain doom, together! ... Hey, I'm trying my best here!
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(Season 1, Episode 17B - Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree)
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icy-watch · 5 months ago
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turtlevariabilis · 1 year ago
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-> Screenshots Season 1
Episode 1 Mystic Mayhem (part 1/2)
Episode 1 Mystic Mayhem (part 2/2)
Episode 2a Origami Tsunami
Episode 2b Donnie’s Gifts
Episode 3a War and Pizza
Episode 3b Newsworthy
Episode 4a Repo Mantis
Episode 4b Down with the Sickness
Episode 5a The Fast and the Furriest
Episode 5b Mascot Melee
Episode 6a Shell in a Cell
Episode 6b Minotaur Maze
Episode 7 Bug Busters (part 1/2)
Episode 7 Bug Busters (part 2/2)
Episode 8a The Longest Fight
Episode 8b Hypno! Part Deux!
Episode 9a The Gumbus
Episode 9b Mrs. Cuddles
Episode 10a Stuck on You
Episode 10b Al Be Back
Episode 11a The Purple Jacket
Episode 11b Pizza Pit
Episode 12a Smart Lair
Episode 12b Hot Soup: The Game
Episode 13 The Evil League of Mutants (part 1/2)
Episode 13 The Evil League of Mutants (part 2/2)
Episode 14a Late Fee
Episode 14b Bullhop
Episode 15a Mind Meld
Episode 15b Nothing But Truffle
Episode 16 Shadow of Evil
Episode 17a Portal Jacked!
Episode 17b Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree
Episode 18a Operation: Normal
Episode 18b Sparring Partner
Episode 19a You Got Served
Episode 19b How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will
Episode 20a Mystic Library
Episode 20b The Purple Game
Episode 21a Man Vs. Sewer
Episode 21b The Mutant Menace
Episode 22a Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
Episode 22b The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek
Episode 23a One Man’s Junk
Episode 23b Snow Day
Episode 24a Cloak and Swaggart
Episode 24b Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
Episode 25 Insane in the Mama Train (part 1/2)
Episode 25 Insane in the Mama Train (part 2/2)
Episode 26 End Game (part 1/2)
Episode 26 End Game (part 2/2)
-> Screenshots Season 2
-> Screenshots The movie
If you encounter any URL issues, please let me know through private message.
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Watching Warren and Hypno sitting in a Tree (again) and anyone else out there think that maybe Leo genuinely can't remember who Warren Stone is? As in their first meeting was so distressing to Leo that his brain just locked those memories away and anytime encounters him again his brain lumps any new memories in with them?
I know he does the 'And you are?' to someone else (I can't remember who off the top of my head right now) as well as to Warren Stone numerous times, but in Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree, when Donnie was about to cut Warren's arm off, Leo is outright horrified and doesn't seem to remember when Donnie points out that he regenerates.
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Donnie: And now to do some light removing of a thing attached to another thing.
Leo: What the? Donnie?
Donnie: Its fine he regenerates, remember?
Leo: Uhh, No?!
So basically, what if Leo doesn't always remember really distressing things.
And then.
What would that mean for the aftermath of the events of the movie?
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randomrottmntscreenshots · 2 years ago
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