#Wargod au
kheprriverse · 2 months
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Baljin posting as promised because they’re constantly on my mind. I absolutely think about nothing else except them.
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rarepears · 6 months
Not Bruce!Liu Qingge going; i'm... Baizhan WarGod! In THE batman voice of bruce saying; i'm BATMAN.
(Shang Qinghua in the background humming: nana nana nana-squeak)
[More in #bruce wayne transmigrates into liu qingge (svsss) AU]
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daredivelart · 2 months
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Shanks WarGod AU wip :)
(info: 1 - 2 )
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idaredivel · 2 months
Fun facts about why i choose (primary) Ares as an inspiration for Mihawk's role in my God Au (thus this AU becoming WarGods)
Ares is known as one of the most destructive of the gods in Olympus (Mihawk splitting ships in half and meteors in tiny pieces with a swing of Yoru) and cruel beyond belief (remember, Mihawk was first known as "The Marine Hunter")
He was also known as Protector of mistreated women, which was given to him specifically for killing the r*pist of his daughter, despite the consequences this may have brought because—and to the surprise of no one—the r*pist in question was one of Poseidon's sons.
He was kind to his children, and while he may not be the best of deities, he was a pretty good father figure overall to them. Considering the track record in Olympus that's an A+ for effort alone.
Homer (not the simpsons dude, untype that now) said that he always aided the side he favored, unlike other gods, too.
Ares did whatever he wanted, sticking with his own morals, no matter what.
Who does that reminds you of?
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I haven't played the new PvE missions and tbh I am generally pretty sour on OW lore at this point, but I'm OBSESSED obsessed obsessed with the Ana skin and all the new voice lines and hero-specific elimination lines, it's such a fun concept
Current hc that the A-7000 Wargod's base armor is what it looked like immediately after assembly, and that it/she deliberately modifies herself into the subsequent looks as Ana's memories become more and more present within her and she thinks of herself more and more *as* Ana and, as a result, wants to look more human. They will never do anything cool with this if it's confirmed but *I* will damn it
It's such a fun point of world-building! It doesn't really breach believability but it is out there enough that it almost feels like an AU in and of itself. Null Sector really went, "Behold! We have created your robot double!" and the robot double just... also has really bad trauma and depression.
"It's a perfect killing machine like you were!"
"Yeah but we both like... still feel really bad about it."
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criticalcrux · 2 years
♡ [for Grimmjow]
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Detailed Pre-Established Relationship Meme
Send me a ♡ and I’ll bold what I want to see with our muses and italicize things I may be open to! (send “heart!” if the symbol is unavailable)
I want our muses to be: friends(which amounts to Grimmjow at least being familiar enough to have some trust and understanding of Jewel's intentions and general habits. Because villain things.) | ex-friends | rivals | rivals with sexual/romantic tension | enemies | enemies with sexual/romantic tension | lovers(ahem, clears throat and coughs a few times, acts casual as fuck) | ex-lovers | partners/coworkers | pen pals/internet friends | friends with benefits | soulmates
Our muses met: as children | as teenagers | as adults | just recently
(for romance) Our muses’ relationship is: still exciting and lively | stable(Ah hah! Ahahahaha maybe in some AUs? Lolol) | starting to feel awkward | in jeopardy | romantic, but the sexual attraction is fading | sexual, but the romantic attraction is fading | toxic and self-destructive(muse as a wargod of destruction it can't be anything else) | unrequited, with my muse pining after yours | unrequited, with your muse pining after mine | determined by fate
(for rivals) Our muses’ relationship is: awkward | fiery | friendly | petty | mostly for show | losing its spark | starting to develop into something more | one-sided, with my muse considering yours a rival | one-sided, with your muse considering mine a rival | determined by fate
(for enemies) Our muses’ relationship is: dangerous to themselves | dangerous to others | based on family matters | based on professional matters | based on lies/misunderstandings | unpredictable | passionate | nothing personal at first, but changes with time | determined by fate
(for friends) Our muses’ relationship is: stable(as in, it's rocky but there's a perceivable middle ground rather then my muse always out for blood and sticking to survival mode.) | sickeningly sweet | the kind of close friendship that makes others jealous(Jewel totally gives that 'ride or die' vibe) | falling apart(He is an asshole) | based on shared interests | based on circumstance (like school or work) | based on family ties | developing into something more (romantic/sexual)(glances around the room, pretends to be unassuming) | developing into something more (antagonistic) | determined by fate
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joonieskinks · 2 years
- of olympus sub masterlist
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welcome to my sub masterlist for my “of olympus” series! 
these are works exclusively written for all things greek mythology. 
note: not all works will be accurate, I'm simply modifying at my creative leisure!
please do not take any of my works and repost anywhere else! these are my original creations and I would like them to stay here! thank you! <3
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© joonieskinks - all rights reserved. reposting or modifying, including translating, is not permitted.
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- last updated: 08/29/’23
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s - smut
f - fluff
a - angst
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kim seokjin:
➵ “teach me how” - (aphrodite!seokjin x eros-based!reader) soulmate!au
when the god of love and divine beauty himself stumbles into the goddess of lusts’ sex club one night and finally finds his soulmate, will you stick with what you know or learn to finally fall in love yourself? 
in progress…
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min yoongi:
➵ “untitled” - (hades!yoongi x persephone!reader)
coming soon!
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jung hoseok:
➵ “untitled” - (sungod!hoseok x nyx!reader)
coming soon!
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kim namjoon:
➵ “untitled” - (undecided!namjoon x undecided!reader) arranged marriage au?
coming soon!
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park jimin:
➵ “untitled” - (chaosgod!jimin x ordergoddess!reader)
coming soon!
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kim taehyung:
➵ “untitled” - (zeus!taehyung x hera!reader) l2e!au
your husband sits on the throne of olympus, king of the gods, while you were seen as just the mere woman seated next to him. he wasn’t always like this, he was once the man you loved but once that ego went to his head, does he still deserve to wear the crown? or do you?
coming soon!
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jeon jungkook:
➵ “untitled” - (wargod!jungkook x agriculturegoddess!reader) e2l!au
coming soon!
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jhinxresh · 7 years
what sucks about rare ships is that you gotta make that SPICY content yourself!!
AUs :
Roommates -> Jhin and Jinx are the worst people to room with out of everyone at Runeterra College. They are stuck together and both of them think that the other is the worst roommate of all. Cue, the one week where they room separately and it goes terribly because they are so used to each other’s mess that they can’t function well without each other. (Platonic tension/Romantic)
Gods -> Jhin and Jinx are wargods and they make bets against each other. They descend into the mortal realm and they want to compete despite everyone’s dismay. (Friendship/Rivalry)
SG -> As the nights pass, Jinx is plagued with nightmares that are becoming more vivid. She dreams of the void staring and gaping back at her. A claw streams cosmic dust as it reaches out for her. (Blackshipping/Manipulation)
SGv2 -> Jinx’s red star is a violent one. It burns and it consumes almost as hungrily as the void that claws at the distant reaches of the universe. It goes through hosts quickly. Her light is fading out and in her desperation, she makes a deal.
Devil -> Jhin never really expected to summon a demon and he never thought he could. In one accident, he summons a demon, a mistake that is most fortuitous or a disaster.
Artists -> Jhin is disgruntled at the new avantegarde artist Jinx that is taking the golden spotlight away from him. He spies her new gallery to check her out and in the beginning can only see messy canvases and tacky installations. His respect grows for her as she storms through his life and possibly something else :^)
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blogapart3bis · 8 years
Quand on écoute beaucoup d’albums, il vient fatalement un moment où on se dit que tel ou tel sous-genre a tendance à produire des quantités invraisemblables de morceaux identiques. C’est parfois mon cas avec le metal progressif, c’est pourquoi des curiosités comme ce Aldaraja, de Overunit Machine, apparaît comme un petit rayon de soleil – découvert grâce à Neoprog, d’ailleurs.
Overunit Machine est un groupe italien, dont la musique ressemble à un croisement sauvage entre de l’électro-metal qui tabasse, façon Rammstein ou Crematory, et la complexité du metal progressif. On y trouve beaucoup de clavier, beaucoup de guitares – beaucoup de tout, en fait – avec une voix blindée d’effets. Mais, curieusement, dans ce cas, abondance de biens ne nuit pas, au contraire.
Bon, quand je dis « abondance », il faut voir que Aldaraja compte dix pistes, mais ne dépasse pas les quarante minutes. Ce qui, pour le genre, tient franchement de l’anomalie majeure. Deux pistes seulement dépassent les quatre minutes et une seule les cinq – et encore, de peu. Overunit Machine privilégie le format court et il faut dire que ça colle plutôt bien à leur style.
Parfois, l’expérimental, c’est case-gueule, mais là, j’avoue que le mélange passe bien. Les morceaux ont un punch de train de marchandise lancé à pleine vitesse et de l’enthousiasme à revendre. Le morceau-titre, « Wargod », « Evolve and Rise », pour ne citer que ces trois, sont fort bien balancés.
Il faut peut-être préciser que Overunit Machine ne sont pas exactement des perdreaux de l’année: le groupe a plus de quinze ans d’expérience et une pannée d’albums derrière eux. Ça se sent: leurs compositions sont maîtrisées de bout en bout et n’hésitent pas à mélanger des influences très diverses – même du chant liturgique (sur « Fade Away »).
À vrai dire, si je devais trouver un défaut à cet album, c’est un peu le même que je trouve à tous les albums d’électro-metal: à la longue, ils ont tendance à tourner en rond. Quelque part, c’est une bonne chose que celui-ci soit si court.
J’avoue être plus enthousiaste que mon confrère de Neoprog sur Aldaraja: il y a peu, voire pas de morceaux faibles et, avec son côté bondissant, j’ai trouvé cet album enthousiasmant. Si vous pensez que le prog-metal tourne en rond et que l’électro-metal ne va nulle part, Overunit Machine est un chouette coup de pied quelque part,
Bonus: la vidéo de « Unholy Messiah »
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kheprriverse · 2 months
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Ko’jin being a pest in dragon-form is one of my favorite things to think about. And I’m going to share with y’all part of this au-branch and why he’s a total nuisance below.
Everything about this au is completely the same as my main one (the best abbreviation i can give rn for the main one is “COTS”) except at some point near or after the end, Ko’jin offers to ascend Ballad. Theres a lot of events and decision making that spurs this kinda offer, and I promise it makes sense for him. Thats where it splits into the wargod au.
Ballad ends up with a lot of free time over the years adjusting to the new life. It takes a very long time (I’m not exaggerating when i say at least a couple hundred years) where he’s able to fully accept his new role in the world and finally be able to solidify himself as one of the very few deities currently alive. (I can imagine it was very hard for him to make the decision in the first place, knowing how important his family and original life is to him. And that in of itself is a whole other deep dive.)
It becomes kind of routine for him to meet Ko’jin in certain “touchdown points” where the moon serpent is taking time to rest. Ko’jin has had to spend years catching up on so much that he missed since his original falling, the battle against Majora that left him on the edge of death. These touchdown spots serves as a moment of peace for him to rest and regain what energy he had used up and are usually places of interest relating to the moon serpent specifically (shrines and springs primarily).
Eventually though, Ballad caves into an idea Ko’jin offhandedly suggested in the past; “if you want to be so busy you should just start a new ranch in Termina”. Because yk what? He does need to be busy! He misses his animals and he misses working. So why tf not?
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I also imagine ko’jin returns home at the most inopportune times; always when Ballad is busy working or napping. Which also makes him out to be somewhat annoying, but what’re you gonna do when a gargantuan dragon god decides its cuddle time? Cuddle with em, obviously.
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Basically slow ranch life simulator with two deities who bask in the sun with their farm animals and sometimes get into fights with other giant world-destroying forces. Very normal.
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kheprriverse · 3 months
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Projecting my issues directly onto deities is my coping mechanism.
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kheprriverse · 2 months
Not quite sure if you were looking more for art requests or a participation idea like an ask game regarding the follower milestone suggestions.... But if you are taking an art suggestion, I think a cute Baljin kiss would be lovely. Love those dudes and all your artwork!
tbh.. me neither! Basically looking for whatever comes to mind for some; could be asks ab the au, general requests/suggestions, or an ask game suggestion like you mentioned. idm either way :)
Had to stop what i was drawing originally today and work on this instantly because I loooovve drawing these two so much! I'll always take the opportunity to doodle em.
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Didn't spend as much time on them as I usually do so I hope its up to par with their other doodles
Also thank you sm!
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kheprriverse · 4 months
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I might be a little obsessed with this design...
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kheprriverse · 3 months
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My favorite duo to draw tbh :]
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kheprriverse · 3 months
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The boys ✨
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kheprriverse · 3 months
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Updated! Updated! Updated! -> Original Post -> Now on Inprnt! [15% off with: UK1DFZ]
Absolutely obsessed with this man. I think about him constantly ngl. Plus the background? I'm so happy with how it turned out!
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