#Wam Reads 2024
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sjhawkins · 7 months ago
Wam Reads 2024: Jughead: The Hunger Vol. One TP
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Returning to the Archie Horror line of books, it’s time to get my gnashers into a more meaty read: Jughead The Hunger. A series which launched off the popularity of a one-shot, how does this stack up compared to much loved Sabrina and Afterlife with Archie books?
With no prior knowledge of this series before reading, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with the direction taken. Rather than the more spine-tingling horror of Sabrina or the black comedy of Afterlife, Jughead the Hunger has a more campy 80s horror movie vibe. And this works wonderfully, as there is a lot going on within these first four issues as Frank Tieri sets up his version of Riverdale and the supporting cast.
Meshing together some classic werewolf horror tropes, coming of age, along with, of course the loveable nonsense of Riverdale character dynamics, Jughead is established to be a sympathetic character. Discovering himself to be a werewolf and out of control, he loses the life he holds dear, fleeing for the safety of well, everyone.
And things? Things don’t go to plan. For Betty is the latest in a long line of werewolf hunters, intent on eliminating Jughead. The reveal that she never was truly infatuated with Archie and used him to hide her true intentions is hilarious, and one of the many clever uses of classic Riverdale characterisations to give this story its unique twist.
The art and colouring is superb, with the softer colour palette making the gruesome scenes less gory, and more spectacular. This helps match the tone of the story, with this feeling like an action horror rather than images intent on giving you nightmares.
Overall this is a very fun read. The pacing of the issues means this is a book which won’t take you too long to get through, but there is plenty of bonus material in terms of variant covers, sketches etc for you to appreciate once you’ve finished the main issues. I’m definitely excited to see where his goes next, and just how much more trouble the hapless Jughead can get himself into!
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buckybarnesevents · 9 months ago
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WE'RE BACK! Hot Bucky Summer returns for its second year in a row with new prompts to get those spicy ideas going!
This event runs from June 1st, 2024 to August, 31, 2024. Each week starting June 1st, we’ve given you a theme (phrase) and some further prompts to spark your imagination. You do not have to strictly include the exact phrase or prompt words in your works - they are meant to encourage you and inspire your overall idea!
Tag accordingly, please! General blog rules apply to this, please read before participating.
There is no minimum or maximum limit.
We will not be reblogging works outside of the assigned week (ex: if you fill a week 1 prompt but we are already in July, we will not be reglogging), however, these prompts are meant to inspire your muses and you can use them as you desire.
Your works do not have to be inherently M or E rated to participate, they are up to your interpretation.
There is no limit on how many works you create. Even if you only participate in one week, we encourage and welcome all participants!
Please mention us (@buckybarnesevents) and use the tag #hotbuckysummer2024 in your post for us to reblog your works!
We MUST be able to clearly identify what week/prompt you are using. Again, we will not be reblogging works outside of the assigned week. If we cannot easily tell what prompt you are using when tagged, we will not be reblogging.
You can also tag us again in your masterpost for us to reblog a summary of your works for this event.
⏩ Ao3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/HotBuckySummer2024
⏩ Discord: https://discord.gg/P5S3CjM6yU
⏩ Last year's works: https://buckybarnesevents.tumblr.com/eventarchive
For a word version (enabling copy and paste), please see below the cut.
Happy creating!
💙 HR
1 June 1st - June 7th | “Louder, let everyone hear you.” | [Screaming/Noisy Sex | Gangbang | Exhibiotionism]
2 June 8th - June 14th | “What should I call you?” | [Master | Alpha | Pet] 
3 June 15th - June 21st | “Really? Here?!” | [Someone Else’s House | Public Bathroom | Mile High Club]
4 June 22nd - June 28th | FREE WEEK | [Optional prompts: “A” - Anal Hook, Acarophilia,  Age Play]
5 June 29th - July 5th | “We’re…” | [Friends with Benefits | Exes | Enemies to Lovers]
6 July 6th - July 12th | “I won’t be able to stop myself.” | [Sex Pollen | Gone Feral | Fuck or Die] 
7 July 13th - July 19th | “Put this on for me.” | [Blindfolds | Cock Cage | Collars]
8 July 20th - July 26th |  “Maybe this'll help you relax” | [Hot Bath | Another Drink | Cockwarming]
9 July 27th - August 2nd | FREE WEEK | Optional Prompts: “W” - Wax Play, Watersports, WAM (Wet & Messy), Weapon Play]
10 August 3rd - August 9th | “Shhhhhhhhh…” | [Gagged | Voyeurism | Somnophilia]
11 August 10th - August 16th | “You look good like this.”| [Kneeling | Tied Down | Ruined]
12 August 17th - August 23rd | “What should I wear?” | [Lingerie | Chastity Belt | Nothing] 
13 August 24th - August 30th | FREE WEEK | [Optional Prompts: “M” - (Mutual) Masturbation, Masochism, Medical Play]
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dixidin · 5 hours ago
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2024 was a pretty interesting year for me, at first it was pretty nice until near the middle end. So, I hope that 2025 treats me a bit better and it had been pretty nice! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONLY MEEE
@zol1x @sinnlos-star @wam-my @carb0n-m0n0xid3 @theweirdbox123 @the-ellia-west ILY ALL + ANY MUTUALS I MISSED EVERYONE SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Do not put my art in any ai or repost it as your own work. You are free to use this as a pfp as long as you credit. Any like or rebblog is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! -dixidin
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driffting · 7 months ago
dodalem "keep reading" bo sie rozpisałem
Gdy dostaje komplementy od ludzi to szczerze w nie wierzę, nawet lepiej niż to ja je szczerze czuję! To znaczy, że jak mi koleżanka powie "dobrze wygląsz" to nie mam takiej myśli - ona mowi prawde (w opozycji to myśłenia które pewnie większość zna (nawet jeśli tez teraz czujecie komplementy to pewne zdarzało wam się to kiedyś) - czyli myśli że tak naprawdę nie wygląacie wcale tak dobrze, że ktoś wam tak mówi z jakiegoś powodu).
Tyczy się to także moich bliskich z tumblera <3
Btw bardzo mnie cieszy że mam bliskich z tubmlera :3333 serio trafilem tutaj (na was :D) ale no na bardzo miłe, mądre fajne osoby. Niektóre są tak naprawdę najmlodszymi osobami z którymi się koleguje aktualnie. I myslalem sobie o tym ostatnio -> że jakos sporo osób ma znajomych w swoim wieku i może plus minus pare lat (im mlodsza osoba tym mniejszy ten plus minus np 20 latkowie to max 2 lata w gore w dół - tak zalóżmy) no i moim zdaniem tak naprawde w praktyce wychodzi że wiek nie ma najmniejszego znaczenia i mozna poznac super ogarniętą mądrą partnerkę do rozmów, dającą ci porady życiowe 17 latkę (co dla mnie oznacza 8 lat różnicy czy 8,5), to że z niektórymi młodymi osobami czy starymi sie nie dogadamy to nie jest przynajmniej u mnie kwestia ich wieku tylko po prostu tej osoby jednej konkretnej i jej cech - tak samo jak osoby z moim wieku są takie które polubie i takie z którymi mi sie ciezko dogadać.
I no nie mam na ten temat danych ale tak mi sie wydaje po prostu że ponieważ trudno jest tak naprawde miec duzo znajomych (to jest moim zdaniem umiejętność którą trzeba szlifować, ćwiczyć, dbać o te znajomości i mieć gdzie je rozwijac czyli element szczęścia bo jak nie masz na kim sie uczyc budowania relacji to ci po pierwsze szczerze współczuje no i jest wtedy cieżko - ja np w wieku 25,5 czuje ze buduje relacje duzo lepiej niz nawet 3-4 lata temu, czuje sie pewniej, ze dogaduje sie z większą liczbą ludzi, że te znajomosci są jeszcze "szczersze" - naturalniejsze, ze moge byc bardziej sobą, no po prostu wszystko jest again (bo w wieku 22 lat tez bylem duzo lepszy niz w wieku 18) duzo lepsze.
No i tez fajnie miec po prostu znajomych mlodszych i starszych tak mi sie wydaje :3
bo jak ktos ma tylko znajomych tupu z klasy (z roku na studiach starsi) lub z pracy no to moze byc kwestia tego ze nie do konca są to super relacje tylko są to relacje z tym z kim sie dało i ciezko jest miec duzo quality ludzi jesli pula to tylko nasza klasa albo nasza praca, a jesli mamy po pierwsze większą pulę bo robimy cos w zyciu i jest gdze tych ludzi poznac (ja jestem w sumie introwertykiem dosc mocnym ale kocham ludzi i relacje, kocham rozmawianie z innymi, rozrywka intelektualna w postaci rozmów i ogolnie obcowania z innymi umyslami jest zajebista i to nie tylko intelektualna rozmowa ale takze intelektualna itd) Jesli zadajemy sie z ludźmi kazdego wieku to mamy o tyle wiecej ludzi niz jesli tylko naszych rówieśników.
No i dostałem ostatnio przemocne komlementy od paru koleżanek tu oraz paru osób irl i czuje sie ze sobą wspaniale (ma to związek z tym że coraz czesciej sie ubieram jak kobieta - moje pierwsze wakacje ever w shortach, pierwsze wyjscia na zewnątrz w sukience itd :3)
tak jak kiedys pisalem rok 2024 to rok na ostatecznie pokananie nalogu a rok 2025 to bedzie rok na poważniejszą tranzycje (przez co rozumiem nie hormony itd bo to są kolejne powazne kroki na ktore moze sie zdecyduje (poza hormonami na razie tylko operacja piersi jeszcze mi przeszla przez mysl jako opcja gdy juz bede w 100% funkocjonowac jako kobieta + potrawa to dluzszy czas itd itd itd i bede tego chcial) a hormony to tez odpowiednio np po calym roku (MINIMUM to jest moze znacznie dluzej poczekam) funkcjonowania jako kobieta juz tak spolecznie itd
w 2025 glownie chce zapuscic wlosy do czego musze przesunac przedzialek bo chce miec na srodku na 99% (zapuszczac juz zapuszczam), makijaż nauczyc sie i reuglarnie stosowac + dobrać do siebie jakis, moze zenskie imie i zaimki (znajomi juz czasem uzywają - pytaja mnie jak wole ja na razie lubię i tak i tak - a imie to chyba tereska/dorotka bedzie jedno z nich tak mysle).
Gdy pierwsze razy ubieralem sukienke w wieku 17 lat czulem sie tak magicznie cudownie radosnie to byla taka radosc którą moglem poczuc tylko robiąc to i ta radość wrócila teraz jak nosze damskie rzeczy - czyli innymi slowy to że przestalem sie przebierac wynikalo prawdopodobnie z kilku czynnikow ale nie tego ze mi przeszlo (np to ze rodzice sie dowiedzieli przy okazji pewnej grubszej akcji i zareagowali negatywnie (co prawda aktualnie mama nie reaguje negatywnie tylko pozytywnie z minutem bo srednio jest przekonana ale mnie wspiera po prostu wiecie mama to mama ona mnie widziala jako synka od 25 lat). Teraz idąc ulicą patrzę w dół na moje nuszki jak wygladaj magicznie i czuje sie tak wspaniale, w sukienkach tez
Wiec w sumie ja w męskich rzecach nie czuje sie źle albo ze cos robie za karę (btw to było moje najwazniejsze pytanie do kolezanki trans - czy to co ja czuje to może być bycie trans bo nie mialem nigdy mysli ze źle sie czuje jako facet ale mialem mysli ze wolalbym wygladac jak kobieta) i nadal tak jest tzn czuje sie ani źle ani dobrze jako mezczyzna (choc lubie swoje ciało i swoją osobę i akceptuje sie w 100%, mimo ze wole miec chudsze uda) ale to co czuje teraz czyli ze moj wygląd tak po prostu codzienny mi sprawia tyle radosci to jest magia i jak do tego dodamy ze szczerrze cuzje magie z powodu komplementow od kolezanek z tumblera i irl. Ja nawet sam sie czuje pięknie <3 a przypomne ze to jest sporo kg ponad ugw i ze nie uwazam ze mam chude nogi ani troszke.
Uwazam ze są przeciętne jak na kobietę ktora nie jest gruba (tak w polowie między chudymi a ksztaltnymi gdzie i chude i kształtne są ładnymi nogami, seksownymi itd - zależnie od osoby mozna lubic bardziej osoby z chudymi nuszkami (driffting) (ale nie zamykam sie na inne nogi ^^>) albo na kształtniejsze. No i wam powiemze zrobie osobnego posta o tym czy moje pragnienie chudosci to nie byla jakas forma nieakceptacji bycia facetem - ze dlatego chcalem byc tak chudym facetem bo nie lubilem bycia facetem a nie moglem byc kobietą (tak mi sie oczywiscie wydawalo tylko bo w tym roku doszeldme do wniosku ze tak naprawde ta myśli ze nie wypali mi z byciem kobietą to sie u mnie w zyciu pojawila i nigdy jej specjalnie nie weryfikowalem nie sprawdzalem czy serio by bylo aż tak trudno że nierealnie przejsc tranzyjces
tego posta zakończę podziękowaniem dla osob tutaj za komplementy ale tez za to ze jak pisze z wami o byciu kobietą to spotykam sie tylko z wsparciem, pozytywnymi reakcjami, takim nie zachecaniem ale wiecie - takim że w pełni to popieramy i dasz rade <3, PORADAMI (nieocenione jak mi pomagacie <3)
oraz zdjęciem które mi dzis zrobila kolezanka (od ktore przywiozłem do domu torbe taką typu IKEA pełną ubran ktore mi oddala bo by je wyrzucila i przymierzałem je dzis u niej i większosc sobie wzialem bo mi sie podobają <3 i to jak w nich wyglądam) dodatkowo wpadla na takie super zdjęcie gdzie widać mi plecy w lustrze więc mozecie zobaczyc jak wygladam w tej sukience od pleców i od przodu
ja sie sobie z niej podobam 11/10 po prostu kosmos jak piękną się czuje... i dziś przymierzając tę sukienkę oraz kilka innych sukienek/bluzek stalo sie jasnym że bardzo dobrze wyglądam w rzeczach odsłaniających ramiona jak na zdjęciu (oraz w paru nnych rzeczach ale to jedna z moich mocnych stron o ktorych nie wiedzialem a teraz tak sądzę)
nawet nie wyobrażacie sobie jak bardzo sie jaram bo totally uwazam ze look gdzie widać obojczyki i ramiona u kobiety w sukience mi sie tak bardzo w chuj podoba i teraz kurwa jestem kobietą z takim lookiem i mi sie to nadal podoba <3 dream come true totally
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year ago
intro post last updated on 15/02/2024 (d/m/y)
greetings PEASANT.
what are you doing her ewhat wam I doing here what are you doing here what am I doing here what are you doing here what am I doing here w
I think so, at least.
Fuck this is already looking like shit-
Greetings, passenger from abroad, and welcome to this hell of a blog. It's literally just my main blog where I post incoherent and useless shit so I doubt I'm going to get followers but oh well.
You may refer to me as toki, nada, albert (LMAO), zeeke, jimmy, gavrilo, ryan, or anything you're used to. pronouns are incomprehensible to the human mind. (Or you can call me a he for now!)
Current canon event (obsession/possible hyperfixation): ALBERT ARETZ (youtube flamingo), TDI. I'm also starting to read warrior cats
Random factors regarding my character that may indicate my personality and how it affects my interactions with you and the world(under the cut):
🇷🇸 × Slavic, Serbian, and really annoying about it
Freakblr soldier
Stupid dumb idiotic individual
I imagine everything to say in Albert aretz voice and I hope you do too
I write fanfiction, but also don't
I'm into messed up weird shit
Indubitably Alterhuman (i think) 🥸
I own a bazillion side blogs
Possibly has ADHD, has been questioning it for literal years, still unsure and not diagnosed
#1 Felipe and tmf Background-chan fan
🌑🎨🎭📜🏳️‍🌈🤟💅🍄🏞️🪶🐺🌕🛼⛸️🏹🃏🎲🎞️🔓 (dojt ask)
Немам благе везе шта ја радим с својим животом (also don't ask)
15-25•23.20-17.20-23.18•5-17-17.18•17.9-5-17-18•23.16-9-15-17.15•23.20-17.20-23.17•17-17.9-20•21-17-23.20••• (feel free to ask)
ROBLOX - stejsi_079 / FinVanzahDovahKiin, AO3 - CringeLordOfChaos
My RP blogs
I am a shy little boy (reference), but dms and asks are open
farewell forwver
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alyjojo · 6 months ago
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Love Reading 🌡️ - August 2024 - Libra
Who is Coming In: Death, 10 Swords, King of Cups
Regarding: 2 Wands
Long-Term Potential: 3 Cups
Either you’ve had a tumultuous history with this person or one of you has separately from this. This could also be someone you dated loosely as a child, like a school mate, someone you had a crush on when you were like 12. Or they act that way, there’s something young and spontaneous about this person, you may know them to be a player. Could be younger than you. They may have even played with you or you’re friends with them while they do it to someone else, maybe you are the player and they’re around - idk. It’s drama, and someone’s been deeply hurt when this even comes in (if it’s not an ex). Long-term shows a reunion, and it could go 100 ways but it’s not going to last. One night stand, maybe. See them at a mutual friend’s wedding, maybe. Kiss them under the mistletoe at a party and never see them again, maybe. They may suddenly leave your friend group or even the area you live in, all that’s in common here is this person isn’t sticking around 😕 I think 2 Wands & Grounding is more about you than them, you want something real & long lasting. Or that’s flipped and that’s why they’re leaving. Some of you may just stay friends with this person and they’re kinda in and out of your life, but like…they’re on your TikTok, not in your physical world.
- Stability & Security
- Performance
- Growth & Endurance
- 100% Fair
- New Perspective
There’s never an easy way to do anything worthwhile; through hard work, you learn.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Scorpio, Pisces & Cancer
The relationship: The Magician & 9 Pentacles
The problem: 4 Cups
What to do about it: Queen of Pentacles & 10 Wands
Some of you are separating from someone and are spending more time focused on your work, and some of you could be having issues with your person due to someone having too much work or they’re always on call or something, you can’t really do much together. Some of you are purging your friend groups or noticing some jealous bitches from the sidelines that gotta go (or you just think they are/do.) If not, you may not be cutting out people entirely but you are doing everything on your own, without the help of friends. There’s something here about “not knowing who your friends are” and you could be feeling really insecure about that due to some situation that’s never gotten closure, or has never been addressed, could be with the same people, a group of…friends? Or dating.
The problem seems to be the lack of time, or priority rather, and where there is time it’s sudden and spontaneous. That could apply to intimacy too, you never see the person and when you’re feeling them it’s like they’ve got five minutes before walking out the door and you’re like “baaaaabyyyyy” so you have to make it quick. That’s what I got 😆 If you’re separating from someone or have, you don’t feel valued or chosen by this person, they’re not making you feel important to them. It’s all WAM-BAM and BYE, could be a fire sign 🔥 Either way, you feel there are things that need to be addressed and nothing has changed, 3 Wands rev indicates there won’t be any big changes during this retrograde season (and that’s probably for the best.)
What to do is all you can do, focus on the tasks you have some kinda control over, probably work. It’s a heavy burden for you to move away from this, not speak, not have answers to any of your questions, but I don’t see any progress this month. Unless you want a quick good time, that’s all that seems to be available with this person (or you). There’s no plan, no asking you out, no long term stability or higher value placed on this connection, that feels like what you’re craving. Even the message of “you make me so hot”, like this person may just be shallow af and you want to be COURTED. Properly. Or you won’t keep moving forward with this 🤷 It’s definitely in limbo this month, for a reason.
- Cutting Out
- Separation
- Stop the Pattern
- Silent Treatment
- Nothing is an accident 💯
- You make me so HOT 🥵
Money doesn’t make you happy. It is the good you do with it that brings you joy.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Cancer, Aries, Sagittarius & Aquarius
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heroicmultiverse · 7 months ago
//Playlist has been updated, but since it's a fairly big update, I'm going to go ahead and just list the entire tracklist under a read more
A Fifth of Beethoven by Walter Murphy [from Loki (2021)]
A-Punk by Vampire Weekend [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Agatha All Along by Kathryn Hahn [from WandaVision]
Alive by Battle Tapes [from Invincible (2021)]
Alive by Warbly Jets [from Spider-Man (2018)]
All Out Of Love by Air Supply [from Deadpool 2]
All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA [from Black Panther (2018)]
Angel by Depeche Mode [from Injustice: Gods Among Us]
Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton [from Deadpool (2016)]
Another Winter by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese [from Amaranth's "The Suicide Squad" GMV]
The Avengers by Alan Silvestri [from The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Back in Black by AC/DC [from Iron Man (2008), Megamind and Spider-Man: Far From Home]
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett [from Kick-Ass]
Bangarang by Skrillex (ft. Sirah) [from Deadpool 2]
Barracuda by Heart [from The Boys and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Big Energy by Latto [from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law]
Big Shot by Billy Joel [from The Boys]
Black Betty by Spiderbait [from TMNT (2007) and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Black Sheep by Metric (ft. Brie Larson) [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd [from Ms. Marvel (2022)]
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones [from Spider-Man: Homecoming]
Bloom by NECRY TALKIE [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Bones by Imagine Dragons [from The Boys]
Brace for Chaos by Epic Games [from Fortnite: Battle Royale]
Brand New Day by Neil Patrick Harris [from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]
Bulletproof Love by Method Man [from Luke Cage (2016)]
Burning by Yeah Yeah Yeahs [from Echo (2024)]
Business by Eminem [from Shazam!: Fury of the Gods]
Can I Kick It? by A Tribe Called Quest [from Luke Cage (2016) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
Celebrity Skin by Hole [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Centerfold by The J. Geils Band [from Echo (2024)]
Cherry Bomb by The Runaways [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and The Boys]
Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz [from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League]
Come Baby Come by K7 [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Come and Get Your Love by Redbone [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Crazy On You by Heart [from Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, Captain Marvel (2019) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Creep (Acoustic Version) by Radiohead [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Dancing With Myself by The Donnas [from Gen V]
Danny Phantom Theme (Extended Version) by Guy Moon [from Danny Phantom]
The Dark One by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
THE DAY by Porno Graffiti [from My Hero Academia]
Deadpool Rap (2013) by Teamheadkick [Deadpool fan song]
Deadpool Rap (2016) by Teamheadkick [from Deadpool (2016)]
Deadpool Rap (X-Force Remix) by Teamheadkick [from Deadpool 2]
Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic [from Avengers: Endgame]
Diabolical Invincible Me by Brandon Yates [from Death Battle: Omni-Man vs Homelander]
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Dirty Work by Steely Dan [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Do Ya Wanna Taste It by Wig Wam [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen [from Shazam! (2019)]
Dragula by Rob Zombie [from Echo (2024)]
Dream On by Aerosmith [from The Boys]
Elevate by DJ Khalil (ft. Denzel Curry, Cordae, SwaVay, and Trevor Rich) [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Everything You Ever by Neil Patrick Harris & Felicia Day [from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor [from Big Hero 6]
The Final Countdown by Europe [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Garbage Truck by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
God Save the Queen by The Sex Pistols [from The Boys]
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen [from Zack Snyder's Justice League]
Hate to Say I Told You So by The Hives [from Invincible (2021)]
Hazy Shade of Winter by Gerard Way (ft. Ray Toro) [from The Umbrella Academy and Gen V]
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs [from Gen V]
Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana [from The Boys]
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Hero by Chad Kroeger (ft. Josey Scott) [from Spider-Man (2002)]
Hero by Jessie J [from Kick-Ass 2]
Highway to Hell by AC/DC [from Iron Man 2 and Megamind]
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar [from Lego DC Super-Villains and Birds of Prey (2020)]
Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler [from Loki (2021) and Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
Hooked On A Feeling by Blue Swede [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)]
The Hot Wind Blowing by Jamie Christopherson (ft. Ferry Corsten) [from Death Battle: Hulk vs Doomsday]
House of the Rising Sun by The Animals [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Hurt by Johnny Cash [from Logan]
Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G. [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and The Boys]
I Feel Fine Pt. 1 by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
I Feel Fine Pt. 2 by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
I Fought the Law by The Clash [from Lego DC Super-Villains]
I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister [from The Boys]
I'm Ready by Jaden Smith [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin [from Thor: Ragnarok]
Immortals by Fall Out Boy [from Big Hero 6]
In the Meantime by Spacehog [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
The Incredits by Michael Giacchino [from The Incredibles]
Intergalactic by Beastie Boys [from The Marvels]
Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Iron Man by Black Sabbath [from Iron Man (2008)]
Is She With You? by Junkie XL [from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice]
It's Getting Boring By The Sea by Blood Red Shoes [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
It's On Again by Alicia Keys (ft. Kendrick Lamar) [from The Amazing Spider-Man 2]
It's Tricky (DJ Fresh Remix) by Run-DMC [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)]
Joker and the Thief by Wolfmother [from Lego DC Super-Villains]
Just A Girl by No Doubt [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Kick Ass (We Are Young) by MIKA vs RedOne [from Kick-Ass]
Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
King's Dead by Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future and James Blake [from Black Panther (2018)]
Kryptonite by Three Doors Down
Last One Standing by Skylar Grey, Polo G, Mozzy & Eminem [from Venom: Let There Be Carnage]
Left Hand Free by Alt-J [from Captain America: Civil War]
Like A Prayer by Madonna [from Deadpool & Wolverine]
Live to Rise by Soundgarden [from The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi [from Ms. Marvel (2022)]
London Calling by The Clash [from The Boys]
The Magic Number by De la Soul [from Spider-Man: No Way Home]
Main Title by Danny Elfman [from Spider-Man (2002)]
Mama Said Knock You Out (Undefeated Remix) by LL Cool J [from Deadpool 2]
The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash [from Logan]
Merc with a Mouth by Teamheadkick [Deadpool fan song]
Mercy by Muse [from Batman: Arkham Knight]
Monster by Reckless Love [from Peacemaker (2022)]
My Life As A Teenage Robot Theme (Extended Version) by Peter Lurye [from My Life As A Teenage Robot]
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) by Fall Out Boy [from Big Hero 6]
Neat Neat Neat by The Damned [from The Boys]
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley [from The Lego Batman Movie, The Boys, and Guardians of the Galaxy (2021)]
No Diggity by Blackstreet, Dr. Dre and Queen Pen [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
No More Heroes (Billy Butcher vs Hero Killer Stain) by Brandon Yayes [The Boys/My Hero Academia fan song]
No Sleep Till Brooklyn by Beastie Boys [from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Nobody Speak by DJ Shadow (ft. Run the Jewels) [from Deadpool 2]
Nothing Else Matters by Metallica [from Gen V]
November Rain by Guns N Roses [from Thor: Love and Thunder]
Oh No!! by Grandson [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Only Happy When it Rains by Garbage [from Captain Marvel (2019)]
Orange Shirt by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Paradise City by Guns N Roses [from Thor: Love and Thunder]
Paranoid by Black Sabbath [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
The Passenger by Iggy Pop [from The Boys]
Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu [from My Hero Academia]
People Who Died by The Jim Carroll Band [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Pizza Power by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time]
Police Truck by Dead Kennedys [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Portals by Alan Silvestri [from Avengers: Endgame]
Pressure by Billy Joel [from The Boys]
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads [from The Boys]
Pumped Up Kicks by John Murphy (ft. Ralph Saez) [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Purple Lamborghini by Skrillex (ft. Rick Ross) [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Push Push (Lady Lightning) by Bang Camaro [from Peacemaker (2022)]
Rain by Grandson & Jessie Reyez [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Ramona by Beck [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Red Flag by Billy Talent [from TMNT (2007)]
Remember by Ember McLain [from Danny Phantom]
Remember the Name: Deku by Triple-Q [Mashup featuring You Say Run from My Hero Academia]
Reptile's Theme by Skrillex [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)]
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions [from Avengers (2020) and The Boys]
The Rubberband Man by The Spinners [from Avengers: Infinity War]
Save You With My Love by Dan Conklin [from DC Super-Hero Girls (2019)]
Scarface (Push It To The Limit) by Paul Engemann [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem]
Scott Pilgrim by Plumtree [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Scott Pilgrim Anthem by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game]
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Shame on a N***a by Wu-Tang Clan [from Luke Cage (2016)]
Shell Shocked by Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa, and Ty Dolla $ign (ft. Kill the Noise and Madsonik) [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)]
Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC [from Iron Man 2 and The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)]
Short Change Hero by The Heavy [from Batman: Arkham City]
Should I Stay or Should I Go? by The Clash [from Iron Man 2]
Since You Been Gone by Rainbow [from Guardians of the Galaxy (2021) and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3]
Space Oddity by David Bowie [from Venom: The Last Dance]
St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) by John Parr [from Deadpool: No Good Deed and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Stone Cold Crazy by Queen [from Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series]
Stop! by Jane's Addiction [from The Boys]
Streets Ignite by Epic Games [from Fortnite: Battle Royale]
Subboss Theme by Anamanaguchi [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Sucker for Pain by Various Artists [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Sucker's Prayer by The Decemberists [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
Suite from X2 by John Ottman [from X2: X-Men United]
Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
Superman March by John Williams [from Superman: The Motion Picture]
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics [from X-Men: Apocalypse]
Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones [from Suicide Squad (2016) and The Boys]
Teen Titans by Puffy AmiYumi [from Teen Titans (2003)]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme by CD9 [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)]
That's Life by Frank Sinatra [from Joker (2019)]
Theme from Spiderman by The Ramones
This Is My Time by Jaden Smith [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Threshold by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
Tick Tick Boom by The Hives [from Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League]
Tom Tom by Holy Fuck [from Invincible (2021)]
United States of Whatever by Liam Lynch [from Scott Pilgrim Takes Off]
Venom by Eminem [from Venom (2018)]
Voodoo Child (Slight Return) by Jimi Hendrix [from WandaVision]
Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth [from The Boys]
Warriors by Imagine Dragons [from Wonder Woman (2017)]
Way Down We Go by KALEO [from Logan]
We Ain't Came to Lose by Raekwon & Ghostface Killah [from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge]
We Are Sex Bob-omb by Sex Bob-omb [from Scott Pilgrim vs The World]
We Run This by Missy Elliott [from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law]
Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses [from Megamind and Thor: Love and Thunder]
Welcome to the Party by Diplo, Lil Pump & French Montana (ft. Zhavia Ward) [from Deadpool 2]
What We're All About by Sum 41 [from Spider-Man (2002)]
What's Up Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar [from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse]
When You're Mine by Jason Charles Miller [from DC Super-Hero Girls (2019)]
Where We Come From by Lecrae [from Spider-Man: Miles Morales]
Whistle for the Choir by The Fratellis [from The Suicide Squad (2021)]
White Room by Cream [from Joker (2019)]
Without Me by Eminem [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
Wreak Havoc by Skylar Grey [from Suicide Squad (2016)]
X Gon' Give It To Ya by DMX [from Deadpool (2016) and Deadpool 2]
X-Men by Powerglove [from X-Men: The Animated Series]
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actuma · 2 years ago
Betere hulp voor gezinnen met meerdere problemen
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Om mensen met meerdere problemen beter te kunnen helpen is de Wet aanpak meervoudige problematiek in het sociaal domein (Wams) bij de Tweede Kamer ingediend. De Wams regelt dat gemeenten de wettelijke mogelijkheid krijgen om tot een gecoördineerde aanpak te komen voor mensen of gezinnen met meerdere problemen. Zo kan die hulp goed op elkaar worden afgestemd. Met dit wetsvoorstel kan ervoor gezorgd worden dat gemeenten en andere betrokken organisaties die deze gezinnen helpen, makkelijker gegevens kunnen uitwisselen. Staatssecretaris Van Ooijen van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport: “Sommige gezinnen hebben meerdere problemen waar verschillende organisaties voor naar een oplossing zoeken. Denk aan de situatie waarbij het verstandig is als een ouder thuis blijft voor de kinderen, maar dat vanwege de bijstand wordt ingezet op werk. Of een oudere mevrouw die zorgt voor haar echtgenoot met beginnende dementie, maar door een ongeluk die hulp niet meer kan bieden. Met de Wams lukt het gemeenten en organisaties straks beter om de problemen in samenhang op te lossen waardoor deze mensen beter kunnen worden geholpen.” Noodzakelijke wijzigingen Het helpen van mensen met meerdere problemen binnen het sociaal domein vraagt veel van gemeenten en professionals: alle partijen moeten goed samenwerken om tot een gezamenlijke oplossing te komen. Op dit moment is gegevensuitwisseling tussen deze partijen juridisch onvoldoende geregeld. Dit zorgt ervoor dat een onderling afgestemde aanpak van de problematiek vaak niet lukt. Dit is een van de belangrijkste knelpunten die de Wams straks oplost. Daarnaast zorgt het er ook voor dat mensen niet steeds dezelfde gegevens aan de gemeente hoeven te verstrekken. De uitwisseling van gegevens is overigens wel aan voorwaarden verbonden: alleen die gegevens die nodig zijn om gezamenlijk tot een gecoördineerde aanpak te komen mogen worden gedeeld. Bovenal worden de mensen om wie het gaat altijd betrokken. Om de Wams goed te kunnen laten werken is het nodig dat de dienstverlening voor het sociaal domein bij gemeenten op de juiste wijze is ingericht. Zo moeten onder andere de loketten voor zorg, jeugdhulp, bijstand, schuldhulpverlening en maatschappelijke ondersteuning goed kunnen samenwerken. Dit is in veel gemeenten nog niet het geval. Daarnaast kan afstemming ook nodig zijn met partijen buiten de gemeente zoals zorg- en onderwijsinstellingen en politie. De Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten, de Rijksoverheid en andere betrokken organisaties werken samen om gemeenten te ondersteunen bij een inrichting van hun integrale dienstverlening. De beoogde inwerkingtreding van het wetsvoorstel is op 1 januari 2024. Bron: Rijksoverheid Read the full article
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businessliveme · 5 years ago
India aims to be a US$5trillion economy with help of ‘valuable partner’ UAE: Modi
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi considers UAE a ‘valuable’ partner in achieving the Republic’s objective of becoming a US$5trillion economy by 2024-25, according to an interview he gave to WAM (UAE’s official news agency) yesterday.
Valuable Partnership “India has embarked on the ambitious, yet achievable, path to be a US$5 trillion economy by 2024-25. We are targeting about US$1.7 trillion worth of investments in the coming five years. To achieve this vision, the government is working to promote inflows from domestic as well as foreign sources,” he said. The Indian Prime Minister, who is on a two-day visit to UAE was upbeat about UAE-India relations being “at their best ever”, adding that adding that the UAE investments in key sectors – ranging from renewable energy, food, ports, airports, to defence manufacturing – in India are growing. “UAE investments in areas such as infrastructure and housing are being enhanced. The UAE is our third largest trade partner with about US$60 billion bilateral trade in 2018-19. Many of our companies are investing here in UAE. Both countries are working closely and vigorously to implement the commitment of US$75 billion investment by UAE in India. “I feel immensely proud of conveying that India-UAE relations are at their best ever,” added the Prime Minister.
File Photo: Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan with Sushma Swaraj in Abu Dhabi. Image Credit: PTI
Significant agreements Emphasising on the importance of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, which was signed during the visit of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to India in January 2017 as the Chief Guest of Indian Republic Day, Modi added that both the nations have since then take enormous strides together to implement key agreements in areas including defence, security, investment in infrastructure, energy and more. In other words, “our relations are truly multi-dimensional,” Modi pointed out. This is Modi’s third visit to the UAE in the last four years and he believes that it will strengthen both the partnership between both the countries. “I am very upbeat about the trajectory of our relations and for opening up new areas of cooperation. I think there exist huge potential to make this cooperation a win-win (partnership) for both countries,” he added.
Indian diaspora in UAE The Indian Prime Minister, who received the Order of Zayed – the highest civilian award in the UAE, said he was “immensely proud” of the Indian expatriate community and their contribution in building a modern, diverse, and vibrant UAE. “Apart from the Indians whose remittances sustain their families back home in India, we are also witnessing a steady increase in investments into India by some of the top Indian business leaders in UAE.
READ: Where’s the Modi Miracle?
Investment-led Growth According to the Indian PM, India has become “the fastest growing major economy in the world,” in the past few years and India’s vision for the next five years was to have an investment-led growth, the Indian Prime Minister said in spite of global economy facing some headwinds, he is confident that India’s fundamentals are very strong, driven by “numerous” strengths. “I am confident that the collective endeavour of 1.3 billion Indians comprising millions of farmers, hundreds of thousands of industrialists and young entrepreneurs and start-ups and women, will ensure this,” Modi said.
  The post India aims to be a US$5trillion economy with help of ‘valuable partner’ UAE: Modi appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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sjhawkins · 9 months ago
Wam Reads 2024: Predator vs Wolverine TP
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It has been a long time indeed since I last opted to pick up a series in graphic novel format rather than single issues. Was this worth trade waiting for, or did I miss the hype train?
With Disney acquiring the rights to the old 20th Century Fox franchises, it was inevitable that some “versus” crossovers would hit the comics. And Predator vs Wolverine is certainly a smart place to start.
The premise itself is simple, but brutally effective. The Predator sets its sights on the deadliest prey around, the Wolverine. The next 100 years sees the pair engage in a cat and mouse game of Hunter and Hunted until we reach the decisive showdown.
Benjamin Percy’s script is solid, capturing Wolverine’s character well (and as a side note has me adding the hardcover editions of his run to my shopping basket, oops). Which is just as well, as the Predator as expected is very much a silent antagonist. Exploring the different eras of Wolverine’s history was fun, although some of the scenarios felt a little rushed or saw the conflict just sort of fizzle out which was a shame.
There are a variety of artists lending their talents throughout, ensuring each era has its own distinctive feel. Normally a collection of artists can make a story feel less cohesive, but here the different styles serve well to differentiate between segments of the story. Some of the gorier images certainly are rather gruesome, regardless of who pencilled them!
Overall this was a fun little read, being very much the equivalent of a “popcorn” movie. I definitely think this reads well as a collected edition, as I’m unsure if the series would have had the same momentum when read monthly. So no regrets missing the hype train here.
If you like either Wolverine or the Predator, you can’t really go wrong with checking this out.
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sjhawkins · 11 months ago
Wam Reads 2024: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Book One TP
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On an Archie Horror kick at the moment, having completed another long anticipated read!
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has long been another of those Archie Horror titles which frustratingly went into creative limbo. Publication seems to have lost momentum with the Netflix show taking priority, amongs other challenges.
Which is a real shame. The first five issues have been collected in Book One, “The Crucible”. It’s dark. It’s twisted. It’s bloody. It’s bloody brilliant is what it is.
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa tells a wonderfully chilling origin for Sabrina Spellman. The decision to make this a period piece set in the 60s is a fantastic one, with the whimsy charm of the era being a stark juxtaposition to the quite frankly, horrific world of the Witches and Warlocks.
With her 16th birthday on the horizon Sabrina finds herself torn between two worlds. With a difficult decision to be made, things… take a turn. This is a truly grim read, in the best enjoyable way. Often I found myself pausing, taking a few moments to process the scenes which were unfolding before my eyes. It really is grim and captivating stuff.
Talking of eyes the artwork by Robert Hack is perfect for the story. The pencils have some beautifully muted colouring, with the softer visuals helping to set an almost nostalgic scene for a bygone era. This helps the more startling visuals explode from page, jarring against their charming setting.
To date the next story arc lies incomplete with a further 4 issues published. If someone could let me know which dark ritual needs to be performed to revive this series, don’t hesitate to let me know!
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sjhawkins · 1 year ago
Wam Reads 2024: Afterlife with Archie TP
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I like comics. Quite a bit. In my time I’ve bought far too many shiny new reads that have sat on a bookshelf for too long. But no more! Aiming to crack out some reads and speedy reviews this year…
Finally after all these years I’ve read my copy of Afterlife with Archie. And yes, it lives up to all the hype.
Equal parts horror, comedy and tragedy, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa’s script perfectly has you as the reader on the edge of your seat, anticipating what could happen next. The voices of the iconic Archie characters are wonderfully captured, as all hell breaks loose and our survivors slowly come to grips with their new reality. They are on one heck of a wild ride, and you similarly go through an emotional rollercoaster!
You can’t not mention Francesco Francavilla’s artwork. It brings this gruesome story to life, with the colours giving the story a real 80s horror feel as the scenes unfold. The art is worth picking this up for alone.
Consider me added to the legions bemoaning the fact this glorious series went into development hell, with the second arc never collected in graphic novel form… as if never finished. To date #6 to 10 were released, with #11 and #12 never seeing the light of day.
Despite this I still would heartily recommend that folks check out this modern classic. It doesn’t disappoint (except for that fact the next chapter is tantalisingly close but so far, but minor details…).
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