#Wait can we count fanfics? Um wait ofc we can
bichenistraumatised · 3 months
it’s either romance novel or something thriller. I aint reading that philosophical shit! I tried but god it was so disappointing!! NEVER AGAIN
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luishies · 6 months
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sweets* ˚ ✦ part 2
Genre: fluff Warning: kissing word count: —- authors note: this is my first fanfic so theres many mistakes or awkwardness..but hope u enjoy!<3 (Woonhaks POV most of the time~)
Summary:y/n is part time worker in a small convenience store near Woonhaks house. Woohak buys sweets everyday just so he can see her.
: ̗̀➛Part 1
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚                                                                                                  ⋆ ˚⋆୨୧˚
                                            I love sweets,but I love you more.
Messenger 9:37pm
 “Hey! This is woonhaks number right?” 
“Hey!! Yeah this is my number”
“Okii! I was just checking if its right hehe”
“Well have a good night <3~”
“Oh okok yeah have a good night too :)”
I felt my face heating up and my stomach had this funny feeling.She sent me a heart. I snapped out when I remembered my ramyun cooking.
Time check: 7:50am
Omg. I'm late! I was running to school with my hair still dripping.”Kim Woon Hak?” the teacher shouted.A loud bang from the door “I'M HERE SIR!” I shouted while trying to catch my breath. “I’ll let u go this time but next time i'll consider this as late mr.woonhak..” the teacher said while gesturing me to go to my seat “Yes sir! Thank you sir!” I said loudly, making some of my classmates laugh.The day went by so quickly. While i was walking home someone i remembered about y/n. I went back to the convenience store and I saw y/n fixing something on the shelves so I decided to scare her. I crept behind her and held her waist “BOO!” I said loudly but not shouting. I swear I saw her face go so pale but it became red. I was trying to think why till i realized our faces were just inches away from each other and that i was still holding her waist. I  felt my face get red and I backed away as fast as I could. “Oh..uhm.. Sorry about that haha..I just saw you so I decided to scare you..I didn't mean to be a creep by holding your waist or being so close! I swear! I'm so sorry!!” I was basically rapping. She just looked at me and started laughing “Woonhak it's okay! It actually helped me, i've been super sleepy and when u surprised me it woke me up, very much! Haha” she said while giving me the most heartwarming smile. I swear I could feel myself melt everytime she laughs,smiles or anything… “Are you gonna buy something? Or did you just go to see me?” she asked me “Maybe i'll buy something or maybe i did go here too see you.”   where am i getting this confidence omg.. I went to the candy aisle while y/n went to the cashier to help a customer. I bought the same sweets as yesterday. While she was scanning these she asked me “are these your favorite? You bought it also yesterday” i looked up too her while she was counting my change “Ya i like these sweets, I think i might even go here everyday for it.'' I said. “Are you sure it's the sweets that make you want to go here?” she said “or u want to go here everyday for me?” she said while laughing. “Why go here to see you when we can go out.”
“Huh?” she asked while her face was red. “I mean like we can just hang out.” “outside of your work u know?”. “My grangran owns a cafe just down the street. Wanna go there? I can wait for your shift to end "I said while rubbing my neck. “Oh.. um yeah! That would be nice.” “My shift is about to end anyways, I'll just fix something then we can go,” she said smiling. She said yes…omg is this a date? Or is it just a hang out?what if she's just saying yes because she doesn't want to seem rude…  I was waiting outside the store,pacing back and forth until she left the store wearing baggy jeans and a green hoodie. How can someone look so pretty in a simple outfit??  “So lead me mr.woonhak” she said in a jokingly way “ofc my princess y/n” i said while handing my hand out for her. We were holding hands on the way to the cafe. I swear I felt like I was gonna die at that moment. When we arrived a staff member told me that grangran went home. “Woonhak you've really matured huh, You already have a girlfriend” one of the staff members teased me. Y/n and I went to the counter and ordered some food and drinks. While we were eating she kept on talking about how much she loves (your interests and hobbies). I never saw someone so cute while talking about stuff.. I really wanted to hangout more with her but when i checked the time it was already 9:00pm. Omg..it's late, why is the time so fast?? “Oh shucks.. It's 9 already.” y/n said while looking at her phone. “I'll walk you home” i told her while packing my stuff “Oh no it's okay! I just live a few minutes away from here!” she said “i'll just walk with you till your gate.Its late, i won't let a girl walk alone at night” i told her “fine.. Thank you” she said with a smile on her face. While walking, she kept talking about the things that happen in the store. “Oh! There's my house you should go to, it's late, maybe your parents are looking for you.” she said “Oh..ok.. Well uhm thank you for today.” I said while walking backwards. “Y/n..can i tell you something before i go?” I asked quickly. “Hm? Of course you can”. “Well uhm..i've really liked you since i met you and i want to ask if you want to go out with me.” I said nervously while my eyes were closed. I don't want to see her face..I bet she's judging me or laughing. Until I felt someone get closer and kiss me on the cheek. “Of course, I thought this was a date actually haha” she said with a gorgeous smile. “omg..wait..AHHA im shocked wait..” I said while covering my face because it was so red “OMG I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU UNCOMFY I'M SO SORRY!” she said “NO NO IT'S OKAY HAHA IM JUST LIKE SHOCKED..” I said while trying to assure her it was okay. I felt my body take control again. Omg what is wrong with me. I cupped her face and lifted it up so she could look at me. And i..
Kissed her. 
I felt my entire world stop again. But I felt this entire weight just disappear from my chest when she kissed me back. "I love sweets but i love you more y/n."
(sorry that this kinda sucks..im like half asleep while writing this AHAH)
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 17
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2137
Warnings:  Pregnancy, mental health issues
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 17: Therapy
“So, tell me.  How’re things?”
“Good.  Really good.”  That was the truth of it.  I sat on the soft, plush couch in Jax’s office, starting my therapy session and I felt really good.  I was now sixteen weeks pregnant and Natasha and Wanda were now 24 weeks.  I had a noticeable baby bump and we’d be finding out the sex soon.  I was in that sweet spot where I wasn’t too heavy to do things and I was past the morning sickness so I felt full of energy and ready to take on the world.  On top of that, we were feeling the other babies kick now.  The twins loved to put their hands on Natasha or Wanda’s stomach and talk to their sisters until they felt them kick.  They’d squeal and tell everyone how much their sisters loved them in excited jabbering.  I loved touching them too.  It was nice, when the day had come to a close, to relax, cuddled up on the couch with my hands on Natasha or Wanda, just feeling the babies kick.  The kids were enjoying school.  We dropped them off and picked them up in pairs.  If Natasha was one of the pair we’d walk.  If not, we’d have Happy drive us and wait in the car so we could avoid the paparazzi.  They’d made friends and they came home jabbering about all the things they’d done.  We organized play dates for them.  On top of that, everyone had just taken on administrative duties unless there was something really big and they needed a heavy hitter like Thor or Hulk (which was so rare these days), I was almost stress-free and enjoying myself.  So I was good.  I was as good as I’d been in my whole life.  This felt like the way things were supposed to be.
“You feel prepared for the babies’ arrival?”  Jax asked.
“Well, not yet,” I admitted.  “We have the nurseries set up.  We probably still need to go shopping for baby clothes and while we still have the bassinets from the twins, we’ll probably want to get another two, because even with the nursery, we’ll want them sleeping in with us.”
“Won’t that make it hard on your sex life?”  Jax asked.
“I think no matter what, four infants are going to make it hard on our sex lives,” I laughed.  “But we do have two other main bedrooms we use if we need time away from the larger group, for sex or sleep or whatever.  I think we’ll be okay.  We did it with two, I know four is going to be more than twice as much work, but there are a lot of us.”
“That is true,” Jax said.  “Well, I’m sure you’ll work it out.  So just clothes shopping?”
“Well, diapers and bottles.  Wipes, creams.  All that kind of stuff,” I said.  “But there’s plenty of time and a lot of it can just be added to the normal shopping list.  I guess the main thing we still haven’t started working on is hiring a nanny.”
“Why do you think that is?” Jax asked. “It would be a big process.  I would have thought you’d all have Wanda out stalking the potential candidates by now.”
I shifted where I sat as I considered the question. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I mean I know we need the help.  Even with all of us, six kids under five are going to be a lot to deal with.  But I don’t normally have anything to do with the hiring process.”
“These are your kids though, don’t you think you should be?”  Jax asked.
He was right.  I should be involved.  I had been with the school choice and this was much more important than that.  “Yeah, I guess so.  I’ll bring it up with Steve and Tony.”
“Are you worried about it?”  He asked.
I nodded.  “Yeah, I guess so.  They’re going to be trusted with a lot and it’s not like I haven’t had people break that trust in the past.”
“It is a big thing,” Jax said. “They’ll have access to a lot of your life and your family.”
“We have Wanda though,” I reasoned.  “And Nat and Clint are good at reading people.”
Jax smiled. “I’m really happy to see you taking this view, El,” he said.  “When I met you I think this would have sent you into a state of panic.”
“I mean, you did meet me just coming off my therapist trying to kill a bunch of my loved ones,” I half-joked.
He chuckled.  “Yes.  That is true. But I would say you’ve come along way since then. Do you think that too?”
I nodded.  “Yeah, I think I feel at peace in the world. Like I’ve found my place.”
“What do you think has caused that?” Jax asked.
“It started when the twins were born,” I say.  “I don’t think it was because they were born exactly.  I don’t see them as some magical fix for my mental health.  But I think everyone decided they needed to try harder to get healthy for them.  But I think the major thing was the bonding on Asgard and Thor coming here and then clearing things up with my parents.  I know I still have work to do, but I feel more able to accept the love these guys have.  Plus the power I have has made it so I don’t really worry about them anymore.  I know where everyone is and if they’re okay.  It has let me relax and I needed that.”
“What do you think you still need to work on then if you’re feeling so much better?” Jax asked, getting out a notebook.
“Well, I guess there’s always been the worry about losing my own identity in all of theirs,” I say. “And...I don’t know… I don’t think it’s grounded in logic, but I worry that with so many kids, people will start worrying about genetics more.  I mean… Tony asked to have this one with me, what if he stops being a parent to the others because he has this one?”
“Let’s start with the identity thing,” Jax said.  “What makes you feel that way?”
“Well, aside from work, I feel like everything I do is them or the kids. And really the work is related to them too.”
“Maybe you need to start making more time just for you. Spend some time with friends.  Get your nails done.  Read for fun.  Maybe take up a new hobby.  What do you think you’re not doing that you used to do?”  Jax said.
“I guess I spent more time with friends. And I read a lot,” I said.
“Okay, so put some time aside with you once a week.  That’s what I want you to do for your homework. You’re going to tell me about the hour you spent just on you,” Jax said, taking notes.
“Alright.  I can do that,” I agreed. “Maybe I’ll call Clarke up.”
“She’d like that,” Jax said.  “As for the other issue, do you really think they’ll be like that?  Has there been evidence of it outside Tony asking you?”
“Um… yes and no.  I mean, they’re all very into all the pregnancies and the twins are still the center of everyone’s universe.  But I just… notice when Bucky is with Nat and Sam with Wanda and Tony with me now.  And I don’t know if I’m just picking up on it because I worry it’s because of that, or if there’s no difference to how it always has been.”
“Well, I guess you have two options.  The first is you can track their behavior and if the amount seems out of the ordinary you address it,” Jax said.  “Or you can reflect and consider if this is coming out of your own experience.  If they are attentive to the twins and have been attentive to everyone else too, it might be you expect love to be withheld because you have experience with that in your childhood, don’t you?”
I frowned and nodded.  I had always been the family scapegoat for my father’s temper.  It had definitely felt like they had favorites and I was never one of them.  It made sense that I would think that parents just had favorites and it would be easy to see in a family where genetics wasn’t what made many of them parents.
“You’ve had an issue with that, haven’t you?”  Jax said.  “Believing they had favorites and that you weren’t anyone’s?”
That felt like a punch to the gut.  I had always felt that I wasn’t special when everyone else was.  I was under the belief that I was the spare but if it came down to it if they all had to pair off, I wouldn’t have a pair.  It wasn’t until Asgard when Tony said I was his person that I realized that I had been picked first.  “Yeah, that’s definitely true. But Bucky said they all had favorites.”
“Do you think that Bucky can speak for all of them?”  Jax asked. 
“I guess not, and I guess he was in a fragile place when he said it, but it’s also definitely true for some of them,” I say.
“And for the ones you’re not sure it’s true for,” Jax said. “Do they make you feel less loved?”
I shook my head.  “No, and I feel loved by the ones it is true for too.”
“Do they show favorites out of the twins?”  He asked.
“No, not at all.  They all adore both of them,” I said.
“You know you're worthy of the love those children get right?”  Jax said.
Tears immediately pricked my eyes and I grabbed a tissue and frantically wiped them as I shook my head.
“That old bone again,” Jax said.  “I’m gonna convince you, El.  One of these days.”
I nodded and wiped the escapee tears from my cheeks.  “I know.  I know.”
“And on that topic,” Jax said.  “I have some information.  It’s up to you what you do with it.”
I looked at him and furrowed my brow, not at all sure where the hell this was going.  “What is it?”
“Your mother left your father.  She’s been living in the city.  As far as we know she hasn’t had any contact with him other than through the lawyers.  She filed for divorce and she’s been seeing one of the therapists that work under me.  This was all passed on to me by that therapist at your mother’s request.  She’s hoping you’ll agree to see her.”
“Oh,” I said softly.  I didn’t know what to think.  This had all hit me like a truck.  Those were the conditions I set but I had not at all expected her to meet any of them.  My immediate thought was it was some kind of elaborate trick because my mother had never chosen me over anyone before - least of all my father.  “What do you think I should do?”
“I can’t tell you that, Elise,” Jax said.  “This is your decision.”
“But you have an opinion,” I said.
Jax let out a breath. “I was the one that told you it was okay to cut them out of your life in the first place.  I was very proud of you when you did that.  I stand by the decision you made.  If you don’t want to let her back in, even if her intentions are pure, that decision is healthy and a good one,” he said. “However, you set the conditions for her to re-enter your life and she has been following them. That is big.  Letting her back in might be good for you. But only if she’s really committed to fixing things.  If you let her in, you need to do so while protecting yourself.  If her behavior is still toxic you can’t keep her around.  I know you want your mom to love you the way you love your children.  That’s totally normal.  But if she can’t do that - if she can’t make up for what she did - if she resents you for that - it would be better for you both to just end it.”
“Right,” I said with a nod.  “I get it. I guess I better think about it.”
“Talk to the others.  Clarke too.  But when you make your decision, make sure it’s your decision,” Jax said.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“Alright. I think that’s time, El,” he said.  “Remember your homework.”
“At least one special thing just for me,” I said, getting up.
“I’ll see you next week, if not before,” he said.
“Yeah, probably before,” I said.  “See you.”
I headed out of the office, the dark clouds that were my parents over my head again.
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lovesgonnabe · 4 years
Love Is Worth It - Episode III: When Boy Meets Girl
Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cursing, slight Implied smut
Word Count: 2126
Summary: What happens when boy meets girl and that boy underestimates that girl?
AN/Disclaimer: It has been a while since I’ve written so please bear with my rustiness, and there’s slight edits so there may be errors. italicized is a flashback.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss, @canadian-girl87, @i-just-like-fanfics if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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December 14, 2019 - 3rd Person
Every Year Chris, Maya and their friends get together and do a Friendsgiving in December to celebrate holidays.
This year it was the Evans’s turn to host in their second home in Brooklyn, New York.
This group consisted of a good combination of Chris and Maya’s friends.
Scarlett came with her fiancé SNL Writer Colin Jost. Along with Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan and sometimes (but not this time) RDJ.
Austin, Maya’s brother of course, Tika and her fiancé. Maya met Tika while at Yale spending time in New York, and Tessa Thompson who met Maya at a glamour magazine event and has actually been quítely seeing Sebastian for the last year or so.
“You know you look a lot like Chadwick Boseman” Colin said looking at Maya’s brother Austin.
The group laughs “yeah I get that a lot” Austin says as he takes a sip of his drink.
Maya walks into the media room with a cheese board and popcorn in her hand, as their friends sat on the couches getting ready to watch a movie on the projector.
They were all sat close to the Evans fire place chatting, drinking, laughing and just enjoying eachothers company since they don't get to get together often. Especially since Chris and Scarlett are no longer actively apart of the MCU.
“Ok so what is your story, like how did you guys meet, everytime i ask Austin he refuses to tell me” Austin’s girlfriend Alana asked pointing at Maya as she sat on Chris’s lap in the love seat they were sharing.
Chris and Maya at the moment were getting a bit handsy with each other under their blanket. He was sweetly kissing her neck as he rubbed her thigh, moving his hand up to play with the elastic on the waistband of her shorts.
“Oh god I love this story” Tessa said sitting with Sebastian and grabbing some popcorn.
Chris chuckles “you wanna tell it or should I” he said smiling at her biting his lip.
“How about I start and you cut me off if I get something wrong” Maya said playfully rolling her eyes and Chris nodded.
She sat up and cleared her throat since Chris’s hand moved to shifting her shorts and panties to the side.
“Ok so I meet Chris through Scar they were in New York filming their first Avengers film, having a night off she called and asked if I wanted to go out, of course I said yes then invited Austin and Tika to go with me so I wouldn't be alone.”
”We meet up at the pool bar, we walk in and here is this six foot blonde not paying me any attention” Maya said 
She shifted cuddling closer to Chris as he slowly he teased her warm slit as it slowly got wet and slick.
Maya - September 2011 
It was a warm fall evening in New York CIty the leaves were beginning to change and I was midway through my first year of my dermatology residency.
This bar was in the middle of Hell's Kitchen Manhattan and did not look like much from the outside. We went down a flight of steps into a smokey, dingy pool room. 
Scarlett was in the back of the bar with two men. One brunette with sunglasses who looks to be making a joke and a blonde leaning against the pool table laughing.
When we walked up to the group the blonde and I locked eyes, even in the dim room his blue eyes pulled me under a spell. He was the first to break eye contact as we got close.
“Hey Scar thanks for the invite, I needed this break” I say hugging Scarlett.
She chuckles “it’s not a problem, we have been trying to get together for a while and I’ve been the one blowing you off”
I shrug “it’s all good this isn’t a place I’d pick to hang but it’s cool.”
My face scrunched up at my surroundings I wasn’t fond of going anywhere in Hell’s Kitchen but hey I didn’t pick the hangout this time.
We introduce both groups of friends to each other, the brunette with her was Robert or Downey and the blonde was Chris.
The first hour was pretty chill and I was having a good time just watching the crowd as the bar began to actually get full with people.
Robert opened up to me fast he is warm and inviting, telling stories and cracking a jokes about every person that passed our way. However, Chris was giving me the cold shoulder mostly gave me the side eye and sometimes a condescending smirk when he looked my way as he and Robert played on the table next to Austin and Tika’s as Scar and I drank watching the games.
“What’s wrong May it seems like you have a lot on your mind” Scar asked.
I shrugged “just thinking you know school, work, and I don't really know, I haven't been here long yet Chris keeps giving me a side eye”
Scarlett laughs “please don’t try and figure out Chris I promise it will just give you a headache.”
But I can’t stop thinking about this golden man standing in front of me without a care in the world, he enamores me, his smile was beautiful his eyes would make any women weak in the knees and I was going to figure him out by the end of the night.
When Chris and Downey finished up there game Chris stood up and looked at me like he was challenging me. 
 “Look at that, who’s next It seems that Downey can’t hang with the pool champ” Chris boosted.
I rose from my seat and removed my jacket  “I’ll give it a shot” I said grabbing my drink.
I walked over to the pool to a brooding Chris as he smirked at me readying his pool stick.
“Can you actually play princess?” Chris asked.
He reset the pool table as I grabbed my stick smirking at his question.
I shrugged when he looked up at me “we will see, you break” I said.
As we begin our game Chris was like an open book and was so easy to read. His stance oozes confidence he played lazyly like he couldn’t be beaten. I let him win the first game no problem and he let me win the second game, while i acted like I couldn’t play.
He was making the game so boring and easy so I decided to spice the game up a bit.
“How about we make this a bit more interesting? Every ball we make into a pocket we must answer a question?” I say setting the balls.
He laughs “ok, be prepared because this could get interesting”
I smirk and break sinking the blue solid ball “I’m solids now what’s your problem with me we just meet” I said missing my second ball as I step back.
“Um I don’t have a problem it’s just you’re just a little prissy for my liking” Chris answers monitoring the table prepping his next shot.
i roll my eyes “I’m not prissy, I just I like what I like and I know what I don’t like, I guess you were listening in on Scar and I’s conversation.” I say 
I leaned against the pillar next to me with my arms crossed waiting for an answer.
He shoots one in the pocket and misses the next ball yet completely avoids my question all together.
“how old are you” he asks
I roll my eyes “you know you shouldn’t ask a women her age, but since you asked nicely I’m 25” we both laugh.
The back and forth continued until he had about two balls left to win and I had five it was my turn.
I shot the first ball into the center pocket.
“if you could go anywhere in the world what would it be?” I ask
“The Swiss Alps” he said
I nod and shot ball two in the left corner pocket
“Do you have any siblings” I ask
I walk around the table analyzing my 3 shots I had left.
“Um yes one brother and two sisters” he says
Chris now looked nervous as I smirked at him laser focused.
“Don’t run scared on me now big boy” I laugh walking to my next ball.
I shot my third ball in the bottom right pocket, and we now gained a bit of a crowd forming.
He clears his throat “well damn i wish you would have told you knew how to play”
I shrugged my shoulders looking into his crystal blue eyes, smirking.
“You didn’t ask but now that you are interested I’ll tell you, I am the middle child between two very competitive brothers and a daughter of man who doesn’t like to lose” I say smiling at my brother, walking over to Austin and did our handshake. 
“But I’m suppose to be the one asking the here questions sir” I say turning to Chris and smirking at him.
With my back to the table I take the shot behind my back and I sink my second to last ball into the cup.
Now everyone at the bar was watching our game with anticipation and we both only had two balls left.
“ok wow I like her Scarlett” Robert said and I laughed.
I walked up to Chris “next question if I win will you tell me how big your friend down below is because I think he is happy to see me” I whisper to him.
I brushed up against Chris as he clears his throat “I plead the fifth” he says standing tall covering his growing friends in his jeans.
I sucked my teeth and pouted “you’re no fun.”
With only my eight ball left i decided to miss on purpose just to extend the game a little longer what can i say i was having fun messing with him.
The crowd of the entire bar though they did like that I missed an easy winning shot since they all groaned in displeasure.
Chris looked so nervous, when he lined up to his next shot his hands began to shake.
“Don’t choke on me now” I taunt him.
He takes a deep breath hits the ball to the left corner pocket the red stripe rolls as if it was going in but stops a hair short from the pocket.
Some people cheer others groan in sadness for his defeat, Chris stands back looking satisfied yet defeated.
I smirk, walking around the table and shot my ball into the right corner pocket.
The crowd cheered and Chris smirked dropping his head in defeat.
I walked up to him as people congratulated me which I found weird because all we did was play a few rounds of pool.
“That was one hell of a game young lady” he smiled trying to act cool as he leaned against the pool table.
“how about we start over?” I ask 
Sticking my hand out shake he took it, smiling at me.
“I’m Maya Alonso from San Francisco and you are?”
“I’m Chris Evans from Boston” he said chucking.
“Well Mr. Evans you wouldn’t mind going out with me sometime maybe get to know each other a little better?” I smiled as we kept holding each other’s hand.
“Well Ms. Alonso I wouldn’t mind that at all, until next time.”
He let go of my hand, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“until next time” I whisper to myself butterflies in my belly feeling like a giddy school girl.
Everyone was laughing
“Se la vie, now almost ten years and one kid later, I still can’t keep my hands off of him.”Maya says
“Umm that’s not how I remember it happened.” Chris said looking at Maya confused.
“That’s exactly how I remember it” Tika laughed
“We left and he couldn’t stop talking about her, begged me to give him her number all the way back to his airbnb.” Scarlett said in between a gut wrenching laugh.
“Whatever, at the end of the day I got to the girl and that’s all that matters” Chris said holding my chin, pecking my lips continuously whispering that he loved me.
Austin sucks his teeth rolling his eyes “Alright that’s enough, y’all got a room for all that, let’s start the movie already” he said pressing play on West Side Story.
Maya laughs and goes back to kiss Chris masking the moan trying to slip from her mouth, as he slowly pushed his fingers inside her wet cave just hitting her g-spot as the movie played in the background.
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You can’t leave
This is a toxic relationship with Kai Anderson
I will be adding warnings
A/n: this is my first fanfic type thing so ofc it’s not going to be the best! Please no hate :)
Warning (s): blood, knifes and abuse
Word count: 1k
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It was 2:11 a.m I woke up to the sounds of screaming. It sounded like it was coming from the basement, Kai always told me I should never go down there I didn’t know why but I wouldn’t dare to go. I laid there in Kai’s bed crying for a while wondering where/what Kai was doing. This time I felt like this was my only chance to go, at least get a little peak. I quickly jumped out of bed and tried to not to make any noise. Soon as I made it out of the door I ran for the basement stairs. Before I could put one foot down I felt something grab me hard, my heart dropped. I was so nervous to turn around but when I did it was Kai’s sister Winter.
“What the fuck are you doing y/n”
she slowly let go of my arm
“I- I was going to see what that noise wa-“
Winter quickly interrupted me “y/n you know you’re not allowed to go down to there...Kai will hurt you, now go back to bed”
“I’m so sorry Winter please don’t tell Kai” I whispered.
She rolled her eyes and went to the basement herself while locking the door behind her. I ran back to Kai’s bed and cried praying Winter didn’t say a word to Kai
It was morning I woke to Kai stroking my cheek “wake up princess go brush your hair or whatever you have to do, Winter is making breakfast”
He planted a kiss on my forehead, smiling back before Kai walked out. Wondering why he was in such a good mood I just ignored. I brush my teeth, put my clothes on and walked to the kitchen.
Winter greeted me with a fake smile I knew something was wrong I could feel it. Kai looked over at my arm and noticed there was a bruise.
“What happened to you arm?”
“Um I’m not sure” I replied, I looked over at Winter noticing her face turning red.
“Don’t you fucking lie to me y/n”
“wha- what are you talking about Kai”
“don’t be fucking stupid, I’m going to ask again, where did you get the bruise” Kai shouted
I flinched but I knew I couldn’t lie...
Quickly Winter spoke up, ”me kai I pulled her arm a little too hard last night I’m sorry”
Winter quickly ran out the room, and I was so scared my stomach dropped. Feeling Kai’s dark eyes staring at me, I got so nervous avoiding to look up, he grabbed my face forcing me to look at him which led with a slapped to my face. I felt my face burning as I let out a soft whimper.
“Y/n I know what you did last night a little birdie told me all about it... so tell me again what your plan was.” I didn’t respond
“So you’re not talking?” Kai laughed right in my face “you’re pathetic you know that? How about you go to Winters room while I go think of a punishment. Shake you head if you understand”
He was still grabbing my face pretty hard. I couldn’t really move, Kai knew this so he let go of me and walked out the door.
(winters room about an hour after kai left)
“You can talk y/n it’s ok i promise I won’t tell Kai”
“You literally told Kai about what happened yesterday Winter I can’t really trust you anymore.”
“Y/n he fucking heard you he heard the door what the fuck do you want me to do?..lie to him? I can’t do that”
“Whatever winter” I replied giving a small attitude
“Give me you pinky I want to ask you something”
I hesitated a bit but we locked pinkies anyway.
“Are you scared of Kai?”
I laughed at her thinking that was the most obvious question. “yes”
“good, Now meet me at the at the basement stairs tonight I’ll sneak you in”
right when Winter said that the front door opened. She got back on her laptop as I just sat there. Kai pulled me by my hair forcing me up
he pulled me close and kissed me.
“Did you behave for me today doll? If you did I’ll give you something special”
I smiled “yes sir”
he laughed “good. Now winter, was she good?”
“Get out”
Now that Kai and I are alone in his room he pulled me on top of him.
“Show me how much of a dirty little slut you are”
I got off of him and said no, his jaw clenched as he left out a soft laugh.
He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, never taking his eyes off me. “Please y/n just a kiss”
“Kai i said no”
“Fine what else do you want”
“You to love me” tearing up I instantly regret what I said.
“Y/n what do you mean? Do I not love you enough?” He mocked
“Forget it” I cried
“Go to sleep it’s 11 o’clock, I’ll tuck you in”
Kai gives a kiss on the forehead after he tucks you in his bed whispering “now listen to me. Do not leave this bed no matter what you hear...now good night my lovely”
It was 2:57 am when I woke up to more screaming I remember what winter said, Kai was gone again I knew he was there, I just knew he was doing something horrible but I had to see for myself. It stopped...I tiptoed to Winters room.
“Winter..Winter..Winter” she wouldn’t move so I shook her.
“Oh my god I’m sorry y/n I forgot about that thing come on”
“wait Winter have you been waking up to screaming lately?”
“Stop being dramatic y/n I bet it’s just Kai watching tv downstairs”
“you never know Winter it just makes me worried”
Winter opens the door and pushes me in, I see a group of people all standing in a circle looking at me in clown outfits. I backup slowly to the steps noticing winter isn’t there anymore she set me up..
I’m so fucking stupid why did I believe her
I cried yelling out for Kai as loud as I could. I tried beating on the door trying to get out but something was blocking it, I should’ve listened to Kai about the basement. One clown started coming to me I wanted to pass out but I screamed..nobody came. A clown was reaching for their mask as if they were talking it off.
It was Kai how could he do such a thing to me.
“she can’t help you she’s the one who set you up. God y/n you’re so stupid” Kai said.
“N-no please don’t hurt me” I backed up in the corner putting my knees to my chest.
“We’re not here to hurt you.. we’re here to hurt him” A female voice spoke up, she was wearing an elephant outfit
“hi-him?” I stuttered
“the man in the chair, his name is RJ he didn’t listen so now we’re killing him” Kai laughed
“this is a cult doll, this is my big secret.”
“Kai can I just go to the room please I promise I won’t bother you anymore” my voice shaking
“no. you’re going to kill him with this”
my heart dropped, I screamed, I got up from the corner I was backed up in and walked to Kai slapping him in the face.
“You shouldn’t of done that you bitch” Kai punched me. I fell to the ground crying while everyone just stood and watched, my nose was bleeding
I begged for forgiveness
***TW: knives, cutting and blood*** “get the fuck up and take this or it’s you instead of him”
Kai waved the nail gun in my face I tried to get up but I just couldn’t, the blonde girl that was in the elephant outfit ran to help me but Kai yelled at her telling to get out, he grabbed me by the arm pulling me up pushing me onto the man.
“DO IT” Kai shouted
I pressed the nail gun the man in the chair. Crying so hard I could barely breathe anymore
“I’m so sorry” I whispered
the nail shot through his head. The guy in the chair RJ and I both screamed at the same time. I fell to the ground dropping the gun with me I felt Kai touch my back, he squatted down next to me
“see baby that wasn’t bad was it”
“fuck you Kai” I yelled out,
he laughed “well then now it’s your punishment you brat” Kai made everyone leave.
It was just us
Now scared I felt like throwing up we were alone..me, Kai, and RJ’s lifeless body. I didn’t know what Kai was going to do with me
“baby I’m so sorry don’t hurt me...please” I cuffed Kai’s cheek
“i want you to suffer” Kai said with a big smile he pulled out his knife
“K-Kai baby..what are you doing”
“pull up your shirt” he said forcefully trailing his knife down my body from my throat.
Gasping as he started carving letters on my stomach I kicked and screamed wanting him to stop
“shh shh it’ll be over soon I promise”
I threw my head back jerking and moaning in pain. Kai placed one hand over my mouth making sarcastic jokes asking if it hurts when he knows it obviously does.
“This is what you get for being a bad girl, I told you to not come down”
I started to hyperventilate, I stopped making noise because I knew it wasn’t going to help any.
Feeling Kai’s fingers trace over the cuts he made. Blood was everywhere he removed his hand from my mouth I didn’t dare to make a sound.
He laughed and put his bloody fingers in my mouth
“do you wanna see”
I shook my head no violently, Kai didn’t like that so he kicked me and dragged me out the basement. I felt paralyzed wondering where he was taking me
We got up the stairs, he was dragging me into the bathroom.
“W-what are we-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence it felt like I was dying.
Kai ripped all my clothes off “I’m cleaning you up baby” he said as he while stroking my hair.
He stood me up and told me to look in the mirror “you’re so pretty y/n look at your tummy”
I couldn’t move my head at all I didn’t even want to look but I did. The statement ‘did you learn’ was written across my body
“WINTER” I yelled as loud as I could Kai shut me up real quick by putting a knife to my throat.
“Get in the bath I need to clean you”
“w-will you hurt me?”
He didn’t say anything. Just stared waiting for me to get in I slowly limped grinding my teeth together from the pain of the hot water. I looked over at Kai and he was crying...he fell to his knees putting his face in my arms
“I’m so sorry- I’m so fucking sorry” he sounded like he actually meant it, he was upset but I didn’t care. I watched him cry as I was on the verge of passing out.
“Y-y/n hey wake up” Kai violently shook my head.
I don’t know what’s happening to me I keep going in and out of reality kai grabbed the washcloth gently going over my body acting like he just didn’t do this horrible thing.
“Stop Kai please”
“s-stop what I- I love you”
“n-no you don’t” i uttered in a very low weak voice
I woke up with Kai by my side in his bed I couldn’t remember a lot from the night before other than what happened in the basement. I was wearing his clothes but I don’t know how I got into them but it didn’t really matter. I tried waking Kai up by rubbing his forehead, his eyes began to slowing open. He pulls my head towards him and kisses my nose. The first thing he asked was if my stomach was ok I pulled up my shirt noticing someone wrapped me up.
“No Kai”
“look y/n I’m sorry I really am but..you know now”
“what are you talking about? Know about wh-“
“the cult y/n I’m sorry but I don’t trust you”
“Trust me with what Kai?”
“The secret...I have to kill you”
“are you serious” i gave a fake laugh but kai didn’t.
“K-Kai” this was wrong he’s never joked like this. “stop with the joke it’s not fucking funny”
Kai gets closer to me as I get off his bed trying to reach the door. When I try to run he pulled me and threw me on the bed.
Trying my best to fight back he got on top of me with his hands wrapped around my throat. All I could think about was why is he doing this. Kai mumbles words as I struggle for air.
“I love you, I’m sorry, forgive me” Kai kept repeating those words.
I was losing my hearing, breath, and vision. Everything was distorted but I could still see figures
Winter.. Winter walked in
my weak arm tried to grab her in hopes she would stop him.
She didn’t
She just looked
I took my final breath as I watched him kill me with Winter by his side.
A/n: Hi guys I’m glad you make it this far I hope you enjoyed it just know this is my first so sorry if my grammar and sentences were off!
please no hate :)
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pinkispoggers · 4 years
Long Nights
By me 🥰
Pairing: Maul x Reader
Prompt: you have snuck into the quarters of savage opress and darth maul, and boy are you in trouble
Warnings: smut, cockwarming, alot of pet names, dirty memories, teasing, language
AN: this is my first fanfic so ofc its terrible :) (I wrote the whole thing on Samsung notes so its pretty ass)
• Ever since the two sith found you you were practically welcomed to the team
• the turtle tanker was like your new home
• it was really nice because it was built sorta like your old apartment on corascaunt
• but larger
• wayyyy larger
• 1 kitchen-like area, which meant you didn't need to go out as often to get food
• because it could possibly endanger the brothers identitys
• they could possibly get caught
• but you have faith that they will get out of that anyway
• 2 quarters (one for you and shared quarters for the brothers)
• 1 large refresher with 2 showers
• and one room for gatherings like sitting to eat your breakfast in the morning
• and you loved your life like this
• you, being the curious type have always wondered how the men keep their quarters
• you don't exactly know why, but you were itching to find out
• usually the brothers are away at night, maul usually leaving first, then savage
• you think its odd.
• are they on separate missions?
• well who knows
• but its usually late at night, when you are already asleep
• but tonight was the night you were gonna find out
• you looked over at your clock
• "01200"
• "well thats late enough and they are probably gone by now"
• you waddle out of bed
• you decide not to bring your flashlight
• something was off about all this
• you sneek over to their shared quarters
• its very dark and you have to try not to bump into anything as you don't want to potentially break anything and have to feel the wrath of maul the next morning
• he is very sweet and you know this
• but you also know he can loose his temper sometimes
• usually the constant bickering with savage will send him over the edge
• You are pulled out of your thought when you reach your destination
• ah yes the beautiful fucked up door
• you cant even count how many times savage rammed maul into that door
• but you memorized the key as you had watched the brothers punch it in thousands of times
• and slowly you entered
• but you instantly regretted what you had stumbled apon
• two zabraki males laying on one bed...
• cuddling...
• you had no idea what the fuck was going on
• you had no time to even study the scenery before your instincts told you to get the hell out of there
• you instantly turned around and headed straight for the door way
• "fuck" you whisper under your breath hoping no one had heard you
• there was another key pad you had no idea how to open
• you put the first password that came to mind
• 12900
• the password for the outside lock
• suddenly it flashed red and beeped
• loud
• then you felt it
• it felt like an invisible hand
• then it hit you
• thats the force
• restraining your hands by your side
• you froze in fear, waiting for maul or savage to yell at you
• but no
• this hand spun you around so that you were facing the bed
• it was dark so you couldn't tell who was using the force
• since you knew both of them were force sensitive, you were clueless as to who it was
• well one of them turned on the lights
• "savage?!"
• but it wasn't savage who was using the force
• it was maul
• savage was just very confused
• a tiny laugh tumbled from your lips
• "are you lost baby girl" the red zabrak growled
• a wicked grin painted the golden zabrak's face
• "u-um ya know what- I was just leaving."
• "no. You have something to ask dont you"
• you are very confused as to how he knows that. But the force works in ways you don't quite understand
• "why- why are you sl-"
• you were cut off with a playful snarl
• "sleep like this?"
• "yes" you mumble under your breath
• "well," savage cutting off maul
• his actions earned a not so playful growl from maul
• "in Nightbrother culture we sleep in piles...
• a confused expression painted your face, but you kind of understood
• as a confusedexpression painted savages face too
• "I personally don't know how you humans do it"
• maul looks savage right in the eyes
• "are you fucking daft?"
• the golden zabrak growns
• "they sleep by themselves, savage"
• your aura shifting into a playful mood"well-"
• "I've never experienced sleep like that"
• "no" the red zabrak growls
• "please" you beg
• that look you give him is a look that had always put the zabrak in a trance from day one
• another voice cuts in "maul, it will be fun"
• you guess that look put savage in a trance too
• you giggle "cmon please please please"
• "fine, but its just to get you to shut up"
• you and Savage both have a wide grin on your face
• while maul looks very serious and annoyed
• when you are given the all clear, you hop in bed with them
•Savage on the left of you, maul to the right
• its quite comfortable, as there body heat is lulling you to sleep
• you are so close to drifting of when you feel it
• calloused fingers dragging down the back of your neck
• soon closing in on your neck in a soft but tight grip on your neck
• "shhhh" the crimson Zabrak wispers
• a kiss is planted on your neck, hot and heavy
• as you let out a slight moan, the hand on your neck turns into a hand covering your mouth
• as you grinned into his hand he let go of your mouth, slowly placing it back around your neck
• "you have been a bad girl haven't you"
• you nod into his grip
• "sneaking into our quarters like that
• then begging to sleep in our bed like this"
• you already knew this was going to be the outcome by the aura in the room
• and boy, did you love it
• maul had told you maybe a week after you had first joined them that he goes through something called a heat cycle
• so if he ever says something strange or of sexual nature, to ignore it
•you guessed that was what all this was about
•and if so you wanted to help
•you knew this was going to be daring but just to tease him on a little bit more,
• you started moving your ass against his already obvious excitement
• "and now this. Oh you are nieve, and have no idea what your getting yourself into baby girl"
• you instantly reached for his boxers
• when his free hand stopped you
• "eager are we?"
• he pulled his boxers the rest of the way down and threw them off the bed
• and since you had just a silk gown on, he could have easy access to your already soaking core
• suddenly his thumb is massaging your clit
• you swere you could come right there
• but he stops and retrieves his hand
• "is this what you want baby girl"
• you make a slight nod so savage doesn't wake up
• "now I'll tell you what were gonna do, ok princess?"
• you nod one again
• "good."
• "you are going to be a good girl and take all of my cock"
• you were slightly worried about him as you had seen him before naked in the shower.
• he didn't know you could see him until he looked over and turned around.
• instead of trying to cover himself, he put his hands on his hips, waiting for you to leave
• but you couldn't help yourself from staring at his member
• one thing you remember is it had ridges
• and you had no knowledge of what a zabrak's member looked like
•exept for this one guy who flashed you...
• but you found it quite fascinating
• but what really scared you was the shear size of him
• you couldn't get a good look but from what you could see was that he was about 7 inches
• and you didn't know if he was aroused or surprised because he was very very excited
• you suddenly snapped out of your memory when he pushed his head in slightly
• you were about to moan when one again he caught your mouth
• "shhh princess"
• a tear threatened to roll down your cheek when he let out a growl as he pushed more of himself into you
• stretching you to the max
• and filling you to the brim with bliss
• and finally he was all the way in you
• "now, for your punishment you will not move off of my cock until I tell you to"
•his tone filled with mischief and pure lust
• this was already enough to push you to the edge
• as you nodded once more
• you figured this was how you would be sleeping
• but it hit you a few seconds later when you desperately wanted to move but you know you couldn't
• you wanted to prove to him that you were a good girl
• "so this is how I'm going to be sleeping?" you whispered
• "mmh yes my darling"
• a groan tumbled off of his lips when you positioned yourself to a more comfortable position
• as he nipped your ear he whispered something in a tone you had never ever heard him speak in before
• "your mine"
• oh how this was going to be a long night.
@hxldmxdxwn I thought you would want to see this 😳🥰
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 20
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2684
Warnings: hangovers, talk of sex
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  Written with the only good mom I have @avengerscompound​, whom I almost forgot to tag
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Chapter 20: Potions and Apples
Fandral led the way down to the healers carrying Sam like he was a baby.  I followed with Wanda, letting her lean against me as we walked.  She held her head and occasionally her eyes would glow pink for a moment before returning to normal.
“Can you not walk too bumpily?”  Sam groaned, shifting in Fandral’s arms a little.
“No one has ever complained about my gait before,” Fandral said, sounding amused.
“I’m sick,”  Sam whined.  “I’ll puke on you.”
“Alright, my lord.  I’ll be more careful.”  Fandral teased.
“So, Fandral,”  I said, as Fandral shifted Sam so he was being held a little closer to him.  “What’s the deal with you and Loki?”
Fandral chuckled.  “Do you want me to lose my life?”
“You were both thinking some pretty explicit thoughts before,” Wanda said.
“We are … complicated.”  Fandral explained. “Loki tolerates few you may have noticed.”
“The babies,”  Wanda said.  “And that’s about it.”
An affectionate smile crossed over Fandral’s face.  “Oh, yes.  The babes hold the largest portion of Loki’s affection.”  He said.  “The thing about Loki is most don’t understand him.  I think it’s just a case of, I can see what his thought processes are like.”  He gave us a sly look and quirked an eyebrow.  “Not to mention, I am very easy, ladies.  I have no expectation that Loki will have any interest in me tomorrow and nor do I have any desire to be tied down.”
“Uh-huh,” Wanda said sounding unconvinced.
“It’s the truth, my lady,”  Fandal said.  “Asgard is not like Midgard and you are hardly in a typical relationship yourself, even for Asgardian standards.  We don’t define it.  I do, however, like romance.  I could romance you if you liked.”
Wanda pulled herself up straight.  “I am out of your league.”
I burst out laughing and Fandral feigned shock.  “My lady, you wound me.”
“What?”  Wanda said, taking my hand.  “It’s true.”
“So sharp with your words.  I am not without feelings.”  He teased and gestured to a door.  “But we are here.”
I opened it for him and Fandral carried Sam inside.  It was dark with black stone walls and dim lights that glowed softly.  A group of five women in long robes approached us and three of them took Sam away without a word.  One of the remaining women turned to us.  “Can we help either of you, your highnesses?”
“Um, yes,” Wanda said, and I could tell she wasn’t sure how to explain what was wrong.
“Wanda is a telepath, and with all the drinking…”  I said.
The woman nodded and gestured for us to follow.   Wanda lay down on a table and the three women stood around it.  A cage of light surrounded Wanda and they began to shift the beams around.
“What is that?”  Wanda asked.
“It’s a soul forge.”  The woman answered as she continued her work.  As they moved the beams Wanda seemed to relax more.  “How is that?”
“Much better,” Wanda said, almost sounding a little sleep drunk.
“We have corrected for the thoughts you were receiving,”  She said turning the forge off.  “When you go back they will return.  We have something that will block your telepathy if you wish.  It’s is a diadem, so the effects will only last while you wear it.”
“Okay,” Wanda said with an uncertain nod.
One of the healers left and returned with an intricate silver diadem.  The silver had been forged into delicate scrollwork that sat low on Wanda’s brow and right in the middle of her forehead sat a deep blue crystal.
Wanda blinked when it was in place.  “It went really quiet.”
“Is that good or bad?”  I asked.
“I do not know.  It is strange.”  She said.  “I haven't been alone in my thoughts for so long, it's both a relief and scary.  I don't like not being able to feel you.”
“It is only to guard against the hangovers.  You are free to remove it at any time.”  The healer said.
“Thank you,” Wanda said and slid off the table.
We went out to the first room to wait for Sam.  It wasn’t long before Sam came out with Fandral.  He looked much more human and happy.  “Oh wow, Wanda.  Look at you.  You’re an actual princess.”  He said coming over to her and tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“It blocks my telepathy.  I don’t know if I like it.”  Wanda said.
Sam pressed a kiss to her brow.  “It won’t be for long.”
“You feeling better then?”  I asked.
“Like it never happened.  I am so hungry now.”  He said putting his arm around Wanda.  He held up a bottle of liquid.  “They gave me this to give the others too.”
“Oh good, hopefully, that saves a lot of whining today,” I said.
“And I won’t have to wear this for too long,”  Wanda added, tapping the jewel on the diadem.
Fandal led us back to our rooms and he was immediately set on by Sif as we came through the door.  “There you are.”  She snapped.  “What the hell?”
“I was taking them to the healers as requested, my lady,” Fandral said.
“Kidnapping three of the royal family and leaving the children alone.”
Fandral laughed.  “What is Hogun?  Chopped liver?”  He snarked.  “Stop being so dramatic and drink this.”
Sam offered her the bottle and she took a drink.  “Okay, good.  I’m taking this to Volstagg.”
She disappeared into the bedroom they’d put Volstagg in as we came inside properly.  The food had been delivered and Hogun was supervising the twins with their breakfast.
“Food!”  Sam said and grabbed a plate and started to load it up.  I went to get one too and Riley started to eat directly off her plate like a dog.
“Honey,” Wanda sighed.  “Use a fork.”
“Daj,” Riley whined.  “I ead good.”
“You eat all over yourself,” Wanda said.
“Das otay.  Vows - Vowstaag… he do too.”  She said.
Wanda approached her and wiped her face clean.  “Volstagg isn’t the ruler of the nine realms, sweetie.”
“I’s a unicorn,” Riley said and went back to eating right off the plate.
Sam stifled a laugh while Wanda sighed and went and helped herself to some food.
“Don’t worry about it, Wan,” Sam said.  “I’ll give her a bath after.”
The three of us sat down on the couch, snuggled in together as we ate.  “So do you know what you’re going to do with the bonding?”  I asked.
Sam shook his head.  “I think I’ll do it.  It’s a long time to live but some of us don’t get a choice about that.  Maybe the right thing to do is to agree to go through that with them.”
I nodded.  “I keep getting stuck on the ‘having to watch Piet die’ thing.  I’ve worried about how losing everyone would affect Steve, Bucky, Nat, and Bruce for a long time.  And now the choice is being given to me and I’m scared.”
“Yes, I already lost my brother.  I don’t want to have to outlive my son.”  Wanda agreed.
“Plus everyone else.  How many friends do we outlive before I stop being able to form bonds with people because I know it’s only going to end with me watching them die?”
“You would never be able to do that,” Sam said.  “Elly, you have the biggest heart.”
“Which just means it’s going to be painful every single time,” I said.  “How much hurt can I survive?”
“All of it,” Sam said.  “You’re strong, El.”
“If Piet were out of the equation.  If he was like Riley, would that make it easier?”  Wanda asked.
I wiped my eyes.  “I think mostly.  I think if I didn’t have to worry about Piet I’d say yes.”  I said.  “It’s just…”
“What is it, princess?”  Sam asked.
“You guys chose me because I was just a normal person.  If this makes me immortal and gives me powers, then I won’t be who you wanted.”
“Oh, Elly,”  Sam said putting his plate down.  He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple tenderly.  “We love you for what’s in here -” he tapped my chest and then my forehead.  “- and in here.  That’s much more than just you being a regular person.  There are billions of regular people in the world.  There’s only one you.”
I swallowed and nodded, trying not to completely break down.
“We love you, El.  And Thor loves you and wants to keep you forever.  He hasn’t even asked me to bond with him.”  Sam said.
“You need him to ask?”  I said.
“It would be nice.  I dunno.  Maybe I don’t need it because if you and Wanda do, and Nat, Steve, and Buck already are going to basically live forever, I would stick around for all of you, but it would be nice if Thor let me know he wanted me too.”
“That makes sense.  I totally get that.  I told him I thought he loved us like people loved dogs.”  I said.  “He needs to show you all that you aren’t just friends-with-benefits to him.”
Sam let out a breath.  “Yeah.  ‘Cause I do love him.”
Riley climbed off the chair and toddled over and climbed into Sam’s lap.  “Did you eat, bug?”  Sam asked.
“Yes, daddy.”  She practically snarked.
“What was that?”  Sam said, trying not to laugh.  “Was that sarcasm?”
I laughed.  “Sounded like it.”
“My goodness,” Sam said.  “Such an advanced three-year-old.”
I got up and stretched.  “I might go take a bath.  You two okay with the kids?”  I asked.
“I think we can handle it,” Sam said.
I headed into the bathroom and ran the water.  I had just let my slip fall to the floor when Loki barged into the room.
“Loki!” I squawked, grabbing the slip and pulling it back up.
He waved me off dismissively.  “You have nothing I haven’t seen thousands of times before.”
I rolled my eyes.  “What do you want?”
“The reason you have been unable to decide about the bonding is because of Pietro, correct?”  He asked.
“Yes.  Mostly because of Pietro.”  I agreed.
“I found the book I had been looking for.”  He said.  “There is something called the Golden Apple.  The Goddess Idunn oversees them on Alfheim.  The apple can grant longevity to whoever eats it.”
I froze and looked up into Loki’s eyes.  “This is a real thing?  You can find it?”
“I assure you it is real.  I have sent an envoy to Alfheim.”  Loki said.  “The child will have to be of age and make the decision himself, but he has the choice.  Is that enough for you?”
“I just… this… I don’t…”  I babbled.
Loki rolled her eyes. “Use your words.”
“This changes everything.”
“You’ll agree to the bonding then?”
I took a deep breath and nodded, shifting on my feet.  “Loki.  Can I hug you?”
“What do I get out of it?”  Loki asked.
“You can tell me your terms as I hug you,” I said, taking a step forward.  He opened his arms up and I moved into them, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his chest as he closed his arms around me.  “No stabbing me either.”
Loki chuckled.  “I did not do this for you, you know?”
I nodded against his chest.  “I know.”
“Call off your attack spider would you.  She keeps making comments about me having feelings.”  Loki said.
I giggled.  “Done and done.”  I pulled back and looked up at him. “Thank you.”
“Now, would you please tell my brother ‘yes’ so he can stop bothering me?”  He said.
“I will.  Let me wash up first.”
Loki went to the door and paused.  “If anyone is looking for me, I’ll be having sex.  I’m taking Fandral with me.  I haven’t had any since you were attacked and that is unusual.”
“Aww Loki, you do have feelings.”  I teased.
He smirked.  “I will stab you.”
“Yeah, yeah.  Go on then. Get laid.  When I see you again I promise I’ll have said yes to Thor.”
He nodded and left and I took my bath.  I rushed a little as I wanted to go and speak to Thor and tell him what Loki had said.  When I was clean I wrapped myself in a robe and took the potion from Sif who was back to guarding the door with Volstagg.  I went into my room where Thor, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Tony, Natasha, and Bruce were all sleeping in a tangled pile of limbs.  Feet were in faces and people were clinging to each other.  It was quite funny to look at.
I changed into a fresh gown and went and sat next to Thor and shook him a little.  “Thor?”  He opened his eyes and squinted at me.  “Here, my love,” I said holding the bottle to his lips.
He blinked a few times before starting to drink.  After a few swallows of the liquid, he lay back down and I put the stopper back into the bottle and put it down.
“Mmm, thank you, mea vida.”  He said.  He rubbed my hip slowly and sat up.  “I feel much better.”
“You’re welcome, my love,” I said, leaning over and kissing him.  He hummed softly and pulled me a little closer to him.
“Thor,”  I said pulling back.  “Loki found something.”
“What is it?”  He said, sitting up straighter and looking a little more alert.
“He found a book.  It has information about a fruit that grants the person who eats it longevity.”  I explained.
“It’s guarded by a goddess.  Iona?  Isola?  I forget. He has a book.”
“Okay.  So Pietro will have his own choice?”  Thor asked.
“Yes,” I said and put my hand on his.  “Ask me.”
Thor tilted his head and looked me over for a moment.  He nodded and got up kneeling on the ground in front of me and taking my hand.  “Elise, my life, will you bond with me?”
“Yes, I will,” I said.
He smiled and got up pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply.  I melted into him, letting him hold my weight.
“We will have to start the preparations.  You need a gown.”  Thor said as he pulled back.
“Thor, there’s one more thing,” I said.
He tilted his head and looked at me with concern.  “That doesn’t sound good.”
I gave his hand a squeeze.  “You need to propose to them.  And when you do you need to explain it.  All they have heard is the not quite clear version of events from me.  Bucky and Steve will do it regardless.  Tony and I will too because we were there.  The others you need to at least speak to and make them know what this means and that you want it with them.”
“Oh,” Thor said softly.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded and sat back down on the bed.  I sat beside him and he curled up, putting his head on my lap. “I didn’t realize how closed off I was being with them. It hurts to know they don’t know how I feel.”
I stroked his hair and massaged the back of your neck.  “We all love you. But it has been hard because we don’t see you often, and when we do you try and be the strong happy man who has nothing to worry about.  Time to change that and now’s your chance.  Be honest with them.  But more importantly, ask them.  Make sure they know you want this with them.”
“I will.  When everyone is awake I will propose.”  He said.
“Good,” I said and rubbed his chest.  “You are loved, Thor.  Don’t doubt that.  I want to spend as much of the next 5000 years as I possibly can, Thor. ”
Thor smiled softly.  “I want that too.”
I leaned down and kissed him and he made a contented rumbling noise against my lips.  We were starting a new chapter as of now and I wasn’t scared at all anymore.
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magssteenkamp · 5 years
“Unexpected help from Spirit”
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Title:  “Unexpected help from Spirit”
Pairing: Dean x OFC, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer’s Ghost
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: swearing I guess? This is my first fic not sure what else to say… 
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a FanFic since I read such a lot of them I thought well I should do that… little did I know what a process this is, to all the #fanficwriters out there you guys are awesome!!! Special thanks to @thehunterwholived​, my heart twin who was my Beta readers and to @jay-and-dean​ for all the Tumblr tips... 
Summary: This story plays out in SPN Season 7 Episode 19 - “Of Grave Importance”
Meet Cat, she has the ability to see and communicate with the spirit world but has learned at a young age to hide it. She meets the Winchester brothers at The Pier Front restaurant where she is helping out the owner for the day. She can see Bobby and tries to hide it but he realizes that she sees him and he tries to get a message to the brothers...
Chapter 1 - First meeting…
Cat’s POV…
My name is Catori La Fae or Cat to everyone other than my mother. I’m 29 years old and for as long as I can remember I have been able to see and communicate with spirits. My parents never realized how aptly they named me since Catori means “Spirit”. I learned from an early age to keep quiet about my abilities. No one wants to know that they are being followed around by a deceased relative, I mean what if you wanna go to the loo?
I’ve lived in Bodega Bay all my life and currently, I have the pleasure of helping a friend out in a little restaurant on the pier. Although my Mother still runs The Crow’s Nest Hotel in town, I like to help out the owner of The Pier Front restaurant, Sally, especially since I get to have my favorite Coconut Cream Pie on the house, Sally, makes the best pies.  It's a warm sunny afternoon with the lunch hour rush in full swing, I walk over to two new customers that just sat down in a corner booth in my section. The first thing I noticed was the surly old mad standing next to one of the seated men and the second was that both men were really good looking. 
But as I walk away I can feel his stare at the back of my neck and I know my hope was in vain. Returning with the brother's drinks I can see the resemblance now… I overheard them talking about Annie being late for their meeting. *Here you go, gentlemen* I say placing their drink order in front of them. Chewing on my lip I wonder if I should mention that I know Annie and that she was staying at The Crow’s Nest Hotel. Annie Hawkins approached me a week before after hearing gossip about my “gift” asking me about the old Van Ness House and the stories about it is supposedly haunted. *Are you waiting for Annie?* I ask them then try not to cringe when they turn to me with sharp eyes. *Do you know her?* Dean asked, trying to hide his suspicion but you could hear it in his voice thanks to your natural sensitiveness. *Oh, she stays at the hotel in town that my mother runs. I have met her there and recommended this restaurant to her actually.* Sam smiles *Would you be able to give us directions, should she get held back and then we can meet her there? She’s an old family friend.* The old trucker next to me mumbles something that sounded very much like idjits and I tried not to react to him. *Let me get your food for you and then I will be happy to give you directions* and with that, I turn to collect their orders.
One was taller than the other by a couple of inches by the look of him leaner, but cute with longish shaggy brown hair and a boyish smile when he looked up at me. The one that really caught my attention and who the older man was looking down at, was ruggedly handsome with the most gorgeous green eyes I have ever seen. He had short auburn hair that was currently tousled from running his fingers through it before giving me a smile that could melt the panties right off a girl. I cleared my thoughts, flicked my thick plait back over my shoulder and smiled at them.
* Hi my name is Cat and I’ll be your waitress.* handing them the menu’s I continue *Can I recommend the Smoky Clam Chowder made with homemade bacon and our famous Coconut Cream Pie for dessert?*  With the mention of Bacon mister gorgeous perked up and mister cute rolled his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the old man with a weathered truckers cap on looking at me with interest. Oh no, they always know I can see them… I try to ignore him while I give my full attention to the men taking their orders. Mister gorgeous orders first giving me an appreciative look and biting his lower lip before saying, *Well Cat since you recommended it, I will have the Clam Chowder, Pie, and a beer, please. Sammy, are you going to be eating rabbit food again or will you listen to the beautiful lady’s recommendation?* 
“Sammy”  rolling his eyes at mister gorgeous grumbles *It’s Sam, Dean you know it, I’m not a kid anymore.* Sam looks at the menu and then smiles at me *Don’t mind my brother, I’ll have the grilled line fish with a garden salad and ice water, please.* He says handing me the menu back. I take Dean’s menu I repeat the order back to them and when they nod their approval I answer *Great I will be right back with your drinks.* Turning around the man in the trucker’s cap is standing in front of me bracing myself. I keep my chin up and walk through him while shuddering and hoping that he would think that he made a mistake and leave me be. 
Dean’s POV…
Dean watches her walk away, sliding his tongue over his lower lip and biting it. Her dark brown french plait swinging down her back. He’s never seen ice blue eyes like hers and he definitely appreciates the curve of her ass in those tight jeans she was wearing. Sam kicks his brother under the table to get his attention. *What?* Dean growls, as Sam, gives him his best bitch face. *I was just enjoying the view.* Dean smirks at his little brother taking a swig of his beer. Then sitting uncomfortably pulls out Bobby’s old flask placing it on the table to the side of them. Sam, rolls his eyes at his brother *Really Dean?* Dean shrugs and gets comfortable while waiting for Cat, was it… an apt name since that plait of her’s was swishing like a cat’s tail… Sam continues and forces Dean out of his musings.
*Look what I found* Sam pushes his smartphone towards Dean showing him an article about Dick Roman. He has funded more archaeological digs. *What could he be looking for?* Sam wondered out loud what the Leviathan was up to.  *No clue man.* Dean says sliding the phone back to Sam and smiles when he sees their sexy waiter walking his way with the food and by the smell of it, it’s gonna be good. *Who cares at the moment a pretty lady is bringing me food that smells amazing* Seeming to have heard the last bit of the conversation Cat smiles at them while putting the dishes down in front of each of them. *And I promise it will taste just as good as it smells.* She winks at Dean who immediately starts tucking in *Mmh things good…* Dean mumbles with his mouth full and Sam just shakes his head and takes a bite of his fish which melts in his mouth. 
Smiling up at their waitress Cat Sam says *Thank you this is really good.* She smiles at them and then goes to turn when she seems to remember something. *Oh I still have to give you directions, let me write it down for you and I will be right back.* With that, she swings around and rushes back to the counter. Dean swallows the delicious Clam Chowder and takes a swig of beer. Sam looks at Bobby’s flask then up at Dean. *You know Bobby and Annie had a thing right?* Dean frowns *Wait really?* Sam shrugs *Yeah… it was a foxhole thing. Very Hemingway.* taking a sip of his water. *Huh, she and I went Hemingway this one time too.* Dean looks down at his food. Now it’s Sam’s turn to cringe saying *Well that happens…* Dean looks up at Sam surprised. *Wait what you too Sam?* Sam looking apologetic stumbled over his words *Um, well um, we were working on the same case... both stressed… what can I say I didn’t have a soul.* he says shrugging. Dean takes a deep breath *That’s a lot of Foxholes* and sees Cat walking back from the counter with a piece of paper and a slice of pie. She seems to be frowning at something over his shoulder but he only had eyes for the pie in her hand at that moment to see the flask on the table move slightly.
Cat’s POV…
I go over to the counter, grab a to-go container and an extra big piece of Coconut Cream Pie. I also grab some cutlery and napkins, putting everything into a paper bag. I ring up the bill and walk back over to the guys keeping my eyes on them ignoring the trucker in the hopes that he will not try to approach me or want me to do anything for him. *Here you go, gentlemen, Dean* giving him a wink *an extra big slice of pie and the bill for you Sam.* Dean peeks into the bag with a huge grin he looks at me and then Sam. *Sammy tip this beautiful lady well, she’s awesome!* Sam laughs at his brother’s antics and hands me back the bill with some cash. *Well hope you find your friend guys and if you decide to stay awhile I will probably see you again.* You give them a wink and just as you are about to turn around your eyes meet the trucker’s *I know you can see me girly, no use in trying to ignore me. I need to let these boys know that I am still here, you need to let them know "Bobby" is still around!* Briefly closing my eyes I shake my head and walk away. Only to hear him shouting Balls!! In frustration at my back…
I almost stumble when I see the trucker move the flask on the table and I try my best to hold my composure as I place the slice of pie in front of Dean with as big a smile as possible to hide my reaction to what clearly seems to be a spirit that’s following the men *it must be connected to the flask if it can move it…* looking over to Sam still smiling I had him the note with the directions to The Crow’s Nest Hotel *Here you go Sam, may I call you Sam? The directions that you asked for. Tell my Mom, Morgan, that I sent ya and you shouldn’t have any problems.* Sam smiles sweetly *Sure only if I can call you Cat.* At the same time, Dean takes a bite of the pie and gives an almost pornographic moan making Sam blush and look at his brother. The trucker looks at him and once again I hear a faint idjit. I give a laugh while looking at Dean *That good huh?* he looks up at me emerald eyes sparkling *Are you kidding me this is awesome!!* 
He takes another bite and groans again with his eyes closed and his head was thrown back. I smirk at him and Sam rolls his hazel eyes at his brother *Do you want to be left alone with that pie Dean?* Dean looks up at Sam, giving him a dirty smirk. *If it was any better you might just have to, yeah!* We all laugh and even the trucker seems to find Dean’s antics funny looking down at him with a half grimace half-smile. He clearly seems fond of the guys there is no mistaking that, I can feel the proud love for them coming from him.  
I made the mistake of watching him too long and he suddenly looked straight at me. Shit!!!  I quickly looked at Dean who had finished his pie and was licking his spoon clean. A little bit of coconut cream was left on his chin and I had the sudden urge to lick it off myself. Shifting my weight and clearing my throat I motion toward it. *You have a little something there.* I point to my chin and he smiles, swipes it off with a finger and pops it in his mouth, sucking his finger clean. Fuck that’s hot! Come on Cat mind out of the gutter…* He pulls his finger out with an audible POP! *Anything else I can get you guys?* Dean looks down at his now empty plate. *Can I get one of those slices to go?* He looks up at me hopefully while Sam laughs, finishes his water and looks at me. *Looks like it will be one more slice of pie to go and the bill please.* I smile nodding at Dean *Sure you can be right back with the bill and your pie.* As I turn I catch the eye of the trucker and he gives me a knowing look. I have been caught out...
Tags: @jay-and-dean @roonyxx​ @deanwanddamons @thehunterwholived @waywardsistershy​
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.09 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Choni ❤️❤️❤️ But “stealing from.the rich to give to, well, us” what? Cheryl… YOU’RE RICH. Give some of the money to the Serpents They need it a bit more than you do baby. BUT BITCH THEIR FIRST I LOVE YOU I’M—
- Five weeks of the quarantine… that would have made an INCREDIBLE story line? Seriously? It would have been amazing to see Sweet Pea being temporary king while Jarghead and FP were gone. But no… let’s just skip the good part? What the fuck kinda writing skips.a great plot?
- “All physical contact must be kept to a minimum?” um… literally WHY? There’s literally NO reason for that to be a rule? Also fuck off Moose no ones likes a tattle tale and we all know that you’re slumming it up with Kevin after school so leave my babies alone. Oh. it’s for the seizures? Really? Dude SEIZURES ARE NOT FUCKING CONTAGIOUS YOU STUPID FUCKERS OH MY GOD. Stop trying to keep then gays from being cute!!!!!!!
- The RROTC made the rules? Dude they don’t run the school lmao that’s NOT HOW THINGS WORK
-  Ew and then my mood is ruined by bughead waking up 😷😷😷
- Betty put all of those girl’s… in HER house? THE COOPERS CAN BARELY TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES LET ALONE THOSE GIRLS. Also don’t they fucking have families? And yes, Betty, that scream definitely would wake up your mom because they have those motherly instincts and they’d think their child was hurt, so ofc she’s going to wake up.
- They want to play… G&G… are you kidding me? I kinda get that it makes them feel better because that’s how they had it in SOQM but still WHY? JUST PLAY CLASSICAL MUSIC OR SOMETHING AND TAKE A BATH.
- Of course Jughead goes from his horrible leadership to “I left you too long” stfu right now your priority is the Serpents and who’s dealing the drugs (although I know who and uhhhh leave them alone he has to stay alive somehow)
 - “Maybe that means that Archie could come back home” wE KNOW YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HIM BETTY. Barchie!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
- Reggie ❤️❤️❤️ WOAH WHAT NO LEAVE HIM ALONE? HE ALREADY GETS ABUSED BY HIS FATHER! But aw Ronnie gets to take care of him I’m—
- Hiram really is trying to hustle his daughter wow so uhhh he does know that his daughter is the incredible Veronica Lodge, right? She’ll find a way lol we all know the queen can do everything
- “Has anyone ever told you you’re a badass?” Wow Reggie is so fucking into her I’m just 😭😭
- If Vegas gets hurt RAS will LITERALLY DIE.  I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AND I’M NOT READY FOR THIS. Also there’s no way Vegas wouldn’t have seen or heard the bear behind him but sure whatever. ARCHIE JUST BC SHE’S ZONING OUT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN’T HEAR HER. JUST DO WHAT SHE SAYS JESUS. Also how convenient that it suddenly doesn’t work.
- “They imprinted on me” Betty NEVER say that again that was gross as fuck. “But as their queen, they are your responsibility, not mine” bitch Betty can’t be a queen no matter how hard she tries, and she (nor Jughead) know how to take care of anyone but themselves so… Alice unless you want Betty to end up killing them, this is where you, as the mom, undermine her and take them to the farm. Of course I don’t trust the farm but it’s much safer than the Cooper house hold because they have the resources to spare, the Cooper’s don’t.
- Hey here’s an idea… since you can’t get to Hiram using the nuns because they took a vow of silence (cowards) then maybe… just maybe… OUT IT AS A CONVERSION THERAPY HELL SITE AND USE THAT INSTEAD? But we know Betty doesn’t want to save the gays so 😷😷
- I love Josie’s singing but why is she singing in an empty lounge? REST HER VOCALS.
- I used to love Hiram’s evil-ness but now he just shows up all the time and it’s getting annoying. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD END THIS FUCKING PLOT SO VERONICA CAN FOR ONCE GET HER OWN STORY THAT BETTY DOESN’T TAKE, THAT DOESN’T REVOLVE AROUND HER FATHER OR A GUY. SERIOUSLY. They have so much potential with literally any other character but still decide to force Bughead and their separate characters down our throats. Like at this point honestly just kill them both off Jesus Christ
- Jughead… this is a gang… they’ve always sold drugs? At least, weed, but still? You have to take into consideration that you were gone, and they were placed under quarantine, and they needed money. You can’t blame any of them for dealing with Hiram you whiny piss baby. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
- God it bothers me that Jarghead is such a lowsy king. When do we get Sweet Pea overthrowing him? pLEASE WE NEED IT SO TONI CAN LEAD BESIDE HIM. Maybe Swangs (even though I know what happens) and Choni can co-lead the Serpents
- Cheryl speaking facts! AND MY BOY FANGS. Jughead had NOTHING to say to Fangs and FP had to step up and cover for Jughead, because he was right. What else are they supposed to do? Gangs are supposed to do bad shit? Jughead has done ultimate horrible shit and suddenly he’s going to act like a gang is supposed to be clean? Jughead do your research that is not what gangs do. Also, if FP is going to be at every fucking Serpent meeting maybe he should, you know, take his spot back. He’s a MUCH better leader than Jughead, even though I’d prefer it be one of the founding members like TONI FUCKING TOPAZ or something.
- I love how no one really does the “in unity there is strength” thing. Like, they know they’re being lead to slaughter basically and FP is just letting it happen. Also, they’re running the gang into the ground. There is no more unity because JUGHEAD’S STUPID POWER-HUNGRY ASS ISN’T DOING SHIT TO HELP THE GANG. Also also Betty looks so out of place and awkward there. Can’t wait for Archie to come back and for her to realize that he almost died and then realize she can’t live without him and that she loves him and finally bughead can split for good and barchie can rise
- If Veronica paid why the FLYING FUCK did they go after Josie? FucK OFF HIRAM
- Polly you had to say his name. LEAVE MY BOY ALONE.
- “We could’ve helped you” JUGHEAD YOU LITERALLY JUST BANNED CRIME. THE SERPENTS HAVE NO MONEY WHAT ELSE WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO? Also they can’t get mad at him bc this was before Jughead got back and did the stupid crime law like a hypocrite
- Oh Jughead has one brain cell left? I know he ends up being cancelled but he’s not… yet.
- Why is Archie hallucinating playing G&G? Like doesn’t this mean he’s playing by himself? The fuck?
- Dead ass Cassidy telling Archie it sounds like his fault that all that happened, you can tell that this is Archie’s mind because he always blames himself for things that have nothing to do with him. Because we know that it’s definitely NOT his fault. None of it is.
- Cheryl just HAD to kiss the picture
- I’m mad that they didn’t have Joaquin not actually die. Like, Sweet Pea and Fangs were close to him? They could have faked his death like what the fuck
- How did Jughead know that Toni was involved? Cheryl was the only one who left a stupid calling card.
- But he can’t fucking kick her out she’s literally a legacy. This crusty white boy needs to sit the fuck down
- Okay one, Cheryl why would you bring Fangs back into it? THE FUCK. Also, Jughead you can’t be disappointed in Fangs for telling SP even though you said not to tell anyone—best friend’s never count. 
- “And the rest of us don’t get to go back to Thistlehouse” says the disgusting whiny piss baby who gets to sleep in his girlfriend’s house, in her comfortable bed while his gang lays in cots or some shit in tents. Get off your mighty high horse, Jughead. God, now they’re switching roles… Betty is kinda becoming SLIGHTLY tolerable and now Jughead is being so fucking annoying. Go back to how it was please.
- So Archie standing over Hiram and shit was all a fucking dream? Really? COME ON. Lol Hiram has a point though because everyone goes in and tells him their fucking plans. OMG THE CALLBACK TO THE FIRST EPISODE WAS GREAT. CALL BACK TO BARCHIE BEING ENDGAME YESSSS.
- So if Veronica ended up smashing the egg… then fucking give Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl their spots in the Serpents back since it was all for nothing anyways.
- I’m glad Cheryl and Nana Rose are housing some fo the girls but WHAT ABOUT THE SERPENTS YOU GUYS HAVE A BIG FUCKING HOUSE. Why didn’t she house some of them there? I mean it’s ooc for Toni not to be thinking of her fellow Serpents why wouldn’t she be like “hey babe you have a lot of room here what if we help house some of the Serpents” but uhhh apparently not.
- Hey FP shut the fuck up with this “she’s still a Lodge” shit because you all know she doesn’t associate herself with her parents anymore. Remember “you don’t have a daughter” or…?
- Jughead brought up when FP worked for Hiram. Hell yeah! But him saying he wants Jughead to be a better king than him? BITCH YOUR SON DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO RUN A GANG. HE SUCKS. HE’S STUPID AND RUINING THE GANG HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT? God never give your throne to blood family.
- Yeah, FP, you’re not made for the sidelines you’re made to RULE you stupid fuck. Maybe you should get back with Alice she makes you more stable and less stupid
- So… you threaten the gargoyle bitch but you don’t unmask him to see who he is? Are you fucking stupid?
- If they make Archie unlikable the only good core four person will be Veronica.
- VERONICA SINGING ❤️❤️❤️ Oh fuck I know this song but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it!!!
- VEGGIE. SHE’S SO FUCKING HAPPY TO SEE HIM I’M— HE’S SO ENAMORED WITH HER. VEGGIE KISS. Why can they make their chemistry shown on screen but Bughead can’t? Like both couples are even dating irl, too…
- JUGHEAD YOU PIECE OF SHIT. He only uses Sweet Pea or Fangs when he has something he doesn’t want to do usually because it’s too dangerous for him (whiny piss baby). DON’T MAKE MY BABY BOY GO UNDERCOVER HE’LL FUCKING GET HURT.
- I’ve literally never hated Jughead more nothing he can do can make up for what he’s done in this episode bye
- What the actual fuck. This is so fucking stupid.
- Archie isn’t dead. If Archie dies before bitch ass Betty or Jiggaloo Jones I will literally come after RAS. 
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
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Summary: (Y/N) goes on an audition with her best friend and ends up meeting a young Jensen Ackles making quite the impression. Ten years later, she ends up working with him again on Supernatural. Sparks fly between them, will (Y/N) act on her feelings or are they simply in the wrong place, wrong time. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader, Jessie Harrison (OFC) Pairing: None Warnings: Fluff/First Fanfic (Yes, that is a warning) Word Count: 3422 A/N: This was the first thing I ever posted on Tumblr on 1/28/2018. I decided to go ahead repost it and delete the original post making it look nicer. Since it’s my first ever it is probably horrible but really I’m not here for recognition but to write and keep writing. Here is my original A/N: My first time posting anything I have written so any comments, suggestions and/or concerns please let me know. I want to improve and the only way I can do that is to know what I am doing right and can work on doing better. As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy! Special Note: This is a work of FICTION and should be enjoyed as such. There is no disrespect meant towards the Ackles Family as I truly adore and admire them very much! 
“I can’t believe you talked me into coming on this audition with you.” (Y/N) said to her best friend, Jessie Harrison. “Hey, even if you don’t get this they will probably use you as an extra. Either way, we will both get paid and that is all that matters.” (Y/N) rolled her (Y/E/C) eyes at her friend. Living in Vancouver meant that there was always a TV show or movie that needed extras which was easy money. Jessie was an aspiring actress and had been an extra on just about every show and movie filmed in Vancouver. (Y/N), on the other hand, had no desire to be in front of the camera but writing what would be said.
    (Y/N) and Jessie kept moving along in line with the rest of the woman. They were listening as the ladies would come back out from the room. “He’s a cutie I hope I can do that again except on other parts of him.” One giggled as (Y/N) gave a pointed look to Jessie. “What exactly did you drag me into?” Jessie was looking anywhere but at her. (Y/N) started to walk away when Jessie grabbed her arm. “Look it’s for a show called Dark Angel, you like that show, right?” (Y/N) nodded as it was one of her favorite shows since she was a big sci-fi fan. “Well, they are doing an episode where they are in a gentlemen’s club and one of the girls goes up to one of the main characters licks his cheek and says she missed him.”
    She gawked at Jessie, “I have to lick some actor’s face?” Jessie nodded as she stood in front of the closed door where the auditions were happening. “You owe me so much. You will be repaying me still when your hundred and two.” The door opened as a scantily clothed blonde walked out fanning herself. Jessie walked in as (Y/N) glared at the closed door. There was a tap on her shoulder from the girl behind her. “Nervous?” she asked and (Y/N) shook her head looking down at the one line she would have to say. “Nope just annoyed.”
    Jessie walked out shaking her head. “He’s hot.” She whispered as (Y/N) walked into the room. She had a pair of form fitting jeans on with a tank top and light jacket on. “Okay, honey you’re just going to walk right up to Jensen say the line and then lick his cheek seductively. She took off her jacket and looked over to the dark haired actor that looked familiar to her. He was wiping his cheek with a washcloth. Jessie was right he was hot and he seemed to be enjoying himself. He looked up at her and he smiled, “Whenever you’re ready.” His voice was kind and that was unusual for actors.
    (Y/N) swayed her hips a little as she walked up to him. She placed one hand on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her into his side. She ran her hand down his chest to his stomach and down to touch his thigh. His breath hitched slight and then she delivered her line in a low sexy voice, “Where have you been? I missed you.” (Y/N) then took the tip of her nose running it along his cheek and then the tip of her tongue grazing it along his jaw. She felt him shiver and heard the director say cut. She looked up into his shining olive green eyes and smiled as she walked away. She heard him say, “Damn, she’s the first one to make me feel something.” (Y/N) walked out the door with a proud smile on her face.
    A few days later she got the call back that she would be the lucky one to lick pretty boy’s face again. She still could not shake the feeling that she knew him from somewhere. She arrived on set with Jessie who was going to be an extra during the same scene. They were in a room with all the other girls and someone from the wardrobe department. “Where is (Y/N)?” the lady called out and she stepped forward. “Alright honey, here is your outfit for the day.” She looked at it curious where the rest of it was and just nodded. She went into one of the dressing rooms changing into the red corset top, black satin hipster bottoms and fishnet stockings with over the knee black boots. She was thankful that the boots were flat and not high heeled.
    When she stepped out Jessie let out a whistle. “Damn girl! You may want to rethink the whole writing thing.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she looked in the full length mirror. Everything fit like it was painted on her and highlighted her curves and boobs. Next, she was ushered into hair and make-up where she saw some pictures of the actors including pretty boy. The hairdresser was sweet and talkative. “Can I ask you something?” she asked as the girl was curling her long mahogany hair. The hairdresser nodded and (Y/N) asked, “Do you know of anything else Jensen has been in? He seems really familiar.” The girl chuckled.
    “Well, he was in one episode last season. His character I think was Ben. He was also on Days of Our Lives as Eric Brady.” (Y/N) nodded as she realized she probably saw him during season one. Jessie and the make-up artist came into the room as the hairdresser finished with (Y/N)’s hair. The make-up artist kept raving over her natural looks. “You are the perfect canvas with your porcelain skin, rosy cheeks and full dark pink lips. You’re gorgeous, honey!” She said as (Y/N) chuckled uneasily, “Thanks, I think.” There was a knock on the door as an AD opened the door. “I need the girls now.” (Y/N) and Jessie walked out with the AD and followed her to the set
    All the girls were standing around practicing their dance moves to some hip-hop song (Y/N) had no idea what it was. Luckily, she had brought her purse with her and grabbed her MP3 player. She put her earbuds in and walked around the set swaying her hips from side to side. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around seeing a familiar pair of olive green eyes staring at her. “Sorry, am I in the way of something?” she asked as a low chuckle left his lips. “No, you’re fine. Was just curious what you’re listening to that is making you swing your hips like that?” (Y/N) bit her lower lip and could feel her cheeks burning as he looked her over in her outfit.
    “Um, one of my favorite bands in Def Leppard and I was listening to Pour Some Sugar on Me. The other girls are listening to some hip-hop song that does nothing for me, but this song I know it would be my stripper song if I ever was one.” She smiled as Jensen laughed throwing his whole body into it. “You may just be the perfect woman. I’m sure if you were a stripper you would make a boat load of cash.” She laughed shrugging, “Eh, I think I’ll just stick to writing. I have a face more for print than film.” She watched as Jensen face became serious. “I don’t think so. I think you’re beautiful and honestly after the hundreds of girls licking my face that day you were the only one to get me to react. Don’t sell yourself short.”
    (Y/N) looked bashfully at her feet and then smiled up at him. “Thank you for that. I appreciate it since you probably have girls throwing themselves at you all the time.” He snickered as the director called his name. “Gotta go. I’ll see you in bit.” He said as he ran his hand gently down her arm. “See you soon, pretty boy.” He smirked back at her as she walked back into the room with all the other girls. The ADs were arranging all the extras for the first shot where (Y/N) would have to lick Jensen’s cheek. She grinned up at Jessie who was one of the cage girls and she flipped her off while (Y/N) laughed.
    The director went over how the scene was going to go and then he called action. (Y/N) watched as Jensen walked down the stairs with two other guys. She sauntered over to him and just like she did in her audition she said her line licking his cheek then walking away. She glanced back seeing Jensen shiver and delivering his line. The director called cut and they did that scene two more times with different camera angles. Each time, Jensen shivered and would ran his hand over her hip and butt. They were setting up the shot where (Y/N) was giving him a lap dance and they were chatting about his acting jobs and their families.
    The director talked briefly with them as he cued the music and yelled action. (Y/N) swayed her hips and butt in front of him turning to face him. He was moving his head to the music and biting his lower lip watching her dance. In that moment, there was nothing hotter to her than him watching her. That is when he noticed Jessica Alba behind her and performed his lines while running his hands down her hips and legs. She grabbed the bills he was handing her and he smacked her on the butt as she walked away.
    Soon the scene was over and (Y/N) could leave. Jensen jumped up and jogged over to her. “It was great working with you… wait I don’t even know your name.” He chuckled as she smiled at him. “I’m (Y/N) and it was fun working with you as well. Maybe one day we’ll work together again.” He nodded his head biting his lower lip again. “I would love that. See you around, (Y/N).” She waved to him as he walked away, “Later pretty boy!”
    Ten years had gone by and (Y/N) was now working for a publishing company in Vancouver as an editor. From time to time she would let Jessie convince her to take small acting roles for extra money. Jessie had just been casted as a regular guest star on Supernatural, one of (Y/N)’s favorite shows. Ever since working with Jensen on Dark Angel she followed his career closely becoming a big fan. She was sure he would not remember her from ten years ago, but when Jessie asked her to try out for a part during an upcoming episode she could not resist.
    Jessie had sent her the script for her to memorize lines and that is when she read the love scene between her character and Jensen’s. She sent a text to Jessie, “This is why you wanted me to play this part because of the love scene.” She set her phone down reading her lines again. About twenty minutes later she heard a notification chime and pulled up the text from Jessie. “Duh! You’ll enjoy rolling around with Jensen in bed.” (Y/N) laughed out loud shaking her head. “Oh Jessie, you know me so well.” She muttered to herself reading her lines again.
    A few days later, Jessie picked up (Y/N) on her way to set. “Are you nervous?” she asked as (Y/N) was re-reading the lines she knew she had memorized. “Not really. I mean it’s been ten years since I have seen the guy and even though I’m a fan I know he is just a regular dude.” Jessie pulled onto the lot and (Y/N) was amazed by the all the people running around. Jessie parked by her trailer and when they were getting out of the car she spotted Jensen talking to one of the other actors on the show, Misha Collins. Jessie called out her name and she turned towards her following her into the trailer.
    (Y/N) made her way to wardrobe, hair and make-up with ease. Once again, the make-up artist raved about her features and how she did not look her age. “I get that a lot. It’s because I have no kids and got rid of the husband.” The girl laughed as the door to the trailer opened and Jensen walked in. “Hey Jay, go ahead and start with your hair. I’ll be done with here in just a second.” Jensen nodded flopping down in front of the hairdresser. (Y/N) glanced over seeing he was focused on his phone. When she was done he was looking up in the mirror and made eye contact with her with a puzzled look. As she opened the door she said over her shoulder, “Nice seeing you pretty boy.” She walked down the stairs closing the door. She heard Jensen gasp probably realizing who she was.
    She made her way to set with Jessie who was just coming to watch her. “Of course, we would be shooting the love scene first.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes sighing. “Hey, you get to have fake sex with a hot guy. What are you complaining about?” Jessie snickered as she glared at her. “I would rather have real sex with a hot guy who isn’t married.” Jessie winced knowing that (Y/N)’s latest drought in her dating life was a sore spot. “Sorry (Y/N/N), I didn’t mean too…” (Y/N) waved it off, “It’s fine. I’m sorry for being bitchy.” The director called her over with Jensen who had a knowing smile on his face.
    She smiled at him, “How is it whenever I take acting gigs it’s always with you, pretty boy, getting handsy with me?” she chuckled as Jensen pulled her into a big hug. He was firm, smelt good and his voice was just damn sexy. “(Y/N), how are you? I’m so glad to see you again. It’s been way too long.” She nodded, “Yeah it has. Been what ten years since the famous licking scene.” Jensen laughed and the director came over explaining what shots he wanted and about how many times he wanted to do this scene. Both Jensen and (Y/N) listening closely and then went over to the set.
    While they were waiting for the cameras and sound to get set she got a case of the giggles which was causing Jensen to laugh as well. “Sorry, full disclosure, I’m a pretty big fan of the show and the fact I’m doing a love scene with you is causing me to giggle.” Jensen laughed shaking his head. “Well, you are living out a lot of fangirls dreams so make it count.” She felt her cheeks burning. “I will say it’s weird that I will be kissing you and knowing that your married.” Jensen nodded as his cheeks turned pink, “Yeah, normally, I’m pretty good at not letting love scenes get to me. However, you are even more beautiful than you were ten years ago so this may be a little harder for me.” (Y/N) tried so hard to keep her laugh in but could not and Jensen joined her in laughing when he realized exactly what he said.
    Finally, they began shooting the scene. Kissing Jensen was exactly how she imagined it would be. His lips were soft, full and skilled. Feeling his hands running over her body was stirring a lot of feelings up within her. They went through the undressing scene and had to repeat it when Jensen had issues getting the shirt cuffs off around his hands. (Y/N) was standing there half dressed in front of a ton of crew laughing hysterically. Then came the big scene where they were in bed. She was in a sexy black lace bra and panty set where Jensen was in black boxer-briefs. As they set up the scene Jensen took his robe off first and she could not help admiring him as he moved around the set. She heard Jessie chuckled as she had fanned herself watching him.
    She took her robe off and watched as his eyes got wider. His normally bright olive green eyes were darker now. She laid down and he positioned himself between her legs making sure he did not put too much weight on her. She also noticed he tried to cover her as much as possible from the crew. She looked up at him and smiled. “What?” he asked. “I heard you were chivalrous when it came to love scenes. I think that’s sweet.” He chuckled which cause a delicious friction between them. “Watch it there, pretty boy.” She chuckled as he winced. The director called action and they began kissing as if they had been going at it all along.
    The script called for her to push him to be on bottom and Jensen placed his hands on her hips flipping them over. She threw her long hair over her as she sat up straddling him. There was yell for cut and Jensen sat up with her still straddling him pulling the covers over her. “Thanks Jensen.” She said sincerely as he chuckled. “It’s more for me this time because you’re very distracting to me the way you are.” (Y/N) could feel the effect she was having on him. He blushed deep red, “Sorry, I just can’t help it. You’re beautiful and on top of me.” She laughed causing him to groan. She rested her head on his shoulder trying to stop laughing. “I’m so sorry. Though it is nice to have a good looking man having any reaction to me. I appreciate that.” The director was calling for everyone to be ready and then yelled action.
    After a couple of days shooting with Jensen all of (Y/N)’s scenes were completed. She was collecting her things in Jessie’s trailer to go home when there was a knock at the door. Jessie opened it and she told (Y/N) she would be right back. She mumbled a response as she was trying to keep her emotions under control. After she heard the door shut Jensen’s husky voice startled her. “Hey there.” She turned around seeing it was just the two of them in the trailer. “Hi there, come to see me off.” She said trying the smile brightly at him. Jensen nodded looking down at his feet. The last couple of days they had talked a lot and really connected with one another.
    “I just wanted to make sure I got to say goodbye before you left.” (Y/N) went up to Jensen and put her arms around his neck hugging him. He hugged her back burying his head into the crook of her neck. “I’m glad you did. This time though don’t wait ten years to see me again.” He chuckled nervously and she could tell he wanted to do the same thing she wanted too. Before she would let that happen she pulled away from him and went to grab her bag. “Here this is for you. I’ll talk to you soon, pretty boy.” She handed him an envelope and then kissed him on the cheek. Walking out of that trailer was rough and she was thankful when Jessie was waiting for her in the car. “Come on, I believe we have a tub of chocolate ice cream to devour.” (Y/N) smiled as she laughed. She looked back at the trailer seeing Jensen opening her letter and reading it.
I’m glad I took this gig when Jessie brought it to my attention. I got to reconnect with you and that has been special for me. You are an amazing man, Jensen Ackles. You make women everywhere fall in love with you instantly and that includes me. There is definitely a connection between us but nothing could ever come of it. It’s just the wrong place, wrong time. Your wife is a lucky woman to have you and you are equally lucky to have such an amazing woman in your life. Hold on to that and treasure it.
That being said, I would love to be friends with you. We can hang out in groups while you’re in Vancouver and one day I hope to meet your amazing wife so we can trade stories of you. I left my business card in here with all my contact info and you should use it whenever you need a friend to talk too. I’ll always be there for you as a friend. Hope to hear from you soon, pretty boy.
Talk to you soon,
My Nerd Herd: @carryonmywaywardcaptain @waywardrose13 @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967 @waywardbaby @akshi8278
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amandaoftherosemire · 7 years
Sing For Me - Chapter Three
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Fandom: Marvel Avengers
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X OFC (Sasha)
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, OFC Sasha
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2,220
Format: Series (Complete)
Warning: language, sexual subject matter, angst, fluff, slooooow-burn. (Future chapters will be NSFW due to smut)
Summary: Sasha makes a plan to win Bucky over.
A/N: Not consistent with Marvel canon. I just started writing fanfic, please be patient. I’m open to constructive criticism and any help more experienced writers would like to offer. The story has picked me up and is carrying me along with it. Please let me know what you think.
Sing For Me Masterlist
Chapter Two here
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Chapter Three
Bucky stood at his door, one hand on the glass where he had unknowingly placed it when she walked away. He had to resist her. She was too good, too pure, too sweet for the likes of him, he saw that now. He realized that he avoided her, been cruel to her, because he wanted to protect her. She could never be allowed to feel what he felt. She was light, and he would not taint her with the darkness inside him.
Dammit. It was much easier when he thought he hated her.
 Three things happened nearly simultaneously. First, Sasha had a blinding realization. Second, the crack of thunder and drenching rain. Lastly, she felt the brush of Bucky’s energy at her back.
She couldn’t help herself. She tipped her head back, eyes closed, and let the rain wash over her. She laughed. She laughed, imagining the fair folk had waited for the dramatically appropriate moment to release the rain. She laughed overjoyed with her new revelation and the brush of energy that confirmed it. She laughed at herself for feeling so giddy about it.
She stood up and felt the energy behind her surge in concern. She smiled widely and sank into a curtsey, just in case fairies were real after all.
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The next morning found Sasha in her normal spot. As Clint walked into the kitchen he saw Sasha leaning against the counter in yoga pants and a hoodie. The hood was pulled up over her head half covering her eyes. She stood, scowling, as she alternately blew on her coffee to cool it and sipped greedily, trying to get the life-giving caffeine into her system as quickly as possible.
"Good morning, Sasha," Clint said as he poured coffee into a giant mug.
"Go fuck yourself," she replied, sneering.
Clint grinned at Wanda as he grabbed some of the eggs and toast she had prepared. Wanda just chuckled and shook her head. As Clint settled in at the table, Steve walked in.
"Good morning, Sash," he said, cheerily.
"Go fuck yourself," she replied, this time with some venom. Sasha hated morning people. Especially Steve Up With the Sun Rogers. Steve just laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to give her a squeeze. Sasha didn't have the energy yet to resist, but she growled until he let her go with a chuckle.
Natasha had walked in during the one-armed hug and chuckled with Steve. "Still on the first cup, huh? Good morning, Sasha," she said, smirking.
"Ugh! Go fuck yourself!"
"I thought I heard your dulcet tones, Sash," Sam remarked as he walked in, "Good morning!"
To a chorus of laughter as everyone settled around the table with food and coffee, Sasha drained the last of the coffee in her cup and poured another, stumbling a little because she refused to open her eyes more than a slit. She nearly had enough caffeine now to remember that she didn't really want to set the building and all its inhabitants on fire.
To her utter astonishment, the next voice she heard was Bucky's.
"Morning," he said softly, not looking at her as he poured coffee for himself.
Sasha tilted her head back enough to see out from under her hood and peeled one eye open to glare blearily at him.
"Morning," she replied, confused. She closed her eye again and dropped her head to take another drink of coffee. "Now go fuck yourself."
Bucky's lips twitched. He had thought of nothing else but Sasha last night and had decided that just because he wanted to keep Sasha at arm's length didn't mean he had to be a complete prick. He took his coffee, a plate of Wanda's breakfast, and a giant bowl of Cap'n Crunch to the table.
A couple of minutes later, Sasha finished her second cup of coffee and her eyes were open. She was still a little annoyed at the existence of mornings and that she had to be awake for them, but the caffeine was working its magic. She poured a third cup, but actually added cream and sugar to this one. She took it and a small plate of breakfast and sat down across from Bucky.
Pushing her hood back, she looked around the table at the motley crew of misfits she'd come to think of as family. She felt a warm rush of affection for all of them.
"Good morning, everybody!" she sang out.
"Go fuck yourself!" they all, but Bucky, shouted in unison.
Sasha grinned impishly and started eating.
Bucky tried to watch her without being obvious, but she glanced up and caught his eye. She smiled shyly and took a sip of her coffee.
"At the risk of losing a hand, can I steal a crunchberry?" she asked.
"Losing a hand?"
"Well, I've seen how you are about food. I don't want to get in the way of such a passionate love affair," she replied with a wink.
Bucky felt his face heat. Stuttering a little, he said, "S-sure."
Sasha's heart fluttered a little when she saw the blush stain his cheeks. With his permission, she reached over and daintily snagged a crunchberry out of his cereal bowl. She popped it in her mouth with a hum.
"I swear, when it comes to cereal, my stomach stopped maturing at twelve. Crunchberries are my favorite."
"Have another," he said, earnestly, not noticing that everyone else was quietly looking at each other in amazement. No one could decide if they were more surprised to witness Sasha and Bucky conversing or Bucky sharing his food.
"Well, if you insist," Sasha said with a flirty smile as she plucked another crunchberry from the bowl. "How about you? What's your favorite?"
"Uh- I don't know. Crunchberries are good," Bucky replied, flustered. He really had not been expecting Sasha to be so friendly.
"You know, there's an off-menu drink at Starbucks that tastes just like crunchberries. You just ask them to add a shot of toffee nut flavor to their strawberries and cream Frappuccino. It's to die for. I'll grab you one next time I'm there."
"Um- okay. Thanks," Bucky replied, starting to panic a little.
Sasha just smiled and turned her attention back to her breakfast.
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"I figured it out! I figured it out! I figured it out!" Sasha called out in a sing-song voice as she stepped into the lab balancing two cups of coffee and a cheese danish.
Tony looked up at her, the consequences of a long, sleepless night evident on his face. Sasha on the other hand, looked fresh as a spring daisy. She had put her hair up in her habitual sock bun and her knee-length white dress had bright red poppies bursting into bloom all over it. A rush of resentment toward her color and cheer washed over him.
"Since you're practically dancing, I doubt it's anything important," Tony muttered.
"You know, Tony, sleep is good for the body and mind. You might want to try it." Sasha set the danish and the black coffee next to Tony. "Eat, have some coffee, you'll feel better."
Sasha pirouetted around the room, the full skirt of her dress spinning out around her.
"Why are you in such a good fucking mood?" Tony groused.
"Because I figured it out! Barnes doesn't hate me at all! He wants to hate me, which is another thing entirely." Sasha plopped into her desk chair, smoothed her skirt over her knees, and smiled smugly at Tony.
"Isn't the outcome the same?"
"You only think that because you're emotionally stunted. I've already started making him like me. It's only a matter of time before you're officially replaced and Barnes is my new best friend."
Tony laughed despite himself. "One, I'll believe it when I see it. Two, there is no replacement for me."
"Well, you are the only one who gets my Archer references."
"See? I knew I was good for something."
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A couple of hours later and Sasha was in the zone. She was grooving on the data and completely oblivious to her surroundings. Bucky had come in for help with his arm. The plates weren't moving quite right, and he needed Tony to look at it.
Sasha was totally immersed and hadn't noticed him. He took the opportunity to watch her work. He kept his head down and watched her through his hair so that Tony wouldn't notice where his attention lay.
Of course, Tony noticed. And wondered. And worried.
Sasha, unaware, meticulously peeled away layers of irrelevant information, searching for clues. Combing through the data wasn't difficult, recognizing the data that actually mattered was. The deeper she went, the more vocal she became. She hummed, she sang, she muttered.
Silence reigned, however, except for the sound of clicking keys and the clink of metal on metal, when all of a sudden Sasha asked, "Why did Peter Venkman have thorazine on him when he went on his date with Dana? I mean, we know Venkman was a sexual predator by the way he lied and manipulated that college student, but thorazine? Was he a full-on rapist?"
Tony looked up from where he was working on Bucky's arm.
"What?" he asked, completely confused.
"What?" Sasha replied as she pulled her mind out of the work and looked up. "Oh, hi, Barnes!" she said, her face lighting up, "How you doin'?"
Tony noticed that Barnes' face flushed when Sasha spoke to him and didn't bother to hide a smug smile. Crazy Girl was right, as usual.
"I'm alright, just a little problem with my arm," he replied, hiding behind his hair again.
"Alas, we don't have Shuri, but the Sleepless Wonder here is the next best thing," she answered with a wide grin for Tony.
"Ignore her," Tony muttered. "She's a fucking ray of sunshine this morning. Overly caffeinated and offensively chipper."
"Ha! This kettle thinks "overly caffeinated" is rich coming from a pot full of goddamn coffee," she retorted.
"How many cups of coffee have you had this morning?" Tony asked, accusingly.
"This is seven. How many gallons have you had?" she fired back.
"So, this is what you guys do all day?" Bucky asked, amused.
"Pretty much. It's always nice to have company, though. Tony likes an audience."
"Please,” Tony scoffed, “we both know you're the drama queen here."
Sasha smiled cheekily at Tony, winked at Bucky, and turned back to her screen.
After Bucky had left, Tony came over and sat on the edge of Sasha's desk.
"Okay, Crazy Girl. You're right about Barnes. What are you going to do?"
Sasha drug her eyes from the screen and blinked up at Tony. Leaning back in her chair she answered, "I'm going to be myself, of course. The problem is I think he's afraid of me."
Tony hesitated. He wasn’t sure he wanted his Crazy Girl anywhere near Barnes. Sasha had become like a favorite niece to him. Her cheerful presence in his lab everyday settled his nerves and helped calm his mind. He knew she did it on purpose but neither of them ever mentioned it. Bucky was even more fucked up than he was. The last thing Tony wanted was for Barnes to take any of the shine off of her.
To be honest, Tony had been hoping that something would take off between Sasha and Steve. He knew that Steve would value her and take care to never dim that shine.
On the other hand, he’d never seen her shine the way she had when she looked at Barnes. Shine, hell, she downright sparkled. Tony sighed.
"Some people don't like to look at their own emotions. Knowing you can see us more clearly than we would like to see ourselves is hard to come to terms with," Tony said as he awkwardly patted her on the shoulder.
"You did."
"You remind me of a cartoon kitten," he said as he stood up and walked back to his workbench.
"That's not why."
Tony looked back at her. She had a sad smile on her face and for the first time since he'd met her, she looked small and lonely. His eyes dropped to the gloves that carefully hid her forearms.
"Being weird, like us, can be isolating. It's hard to know who to trust. It's hard to build trust when you feel like the other person knows all about you, but you can't see them the same way." Tony spoke off-handedly, but he couldn't help but notice the way Sasha pulled her arms down and hid them under her desk.
"I got to know you without any pressure. Just the two of us, in here, chatting while we work. We connected because I didn't feel like you were scanning everything I say for "emotional resonance"." Sasha smiled for real at that. "Maybe you can find a way to let Barnes get to know you from some distance."
Sasha was nodding thoughtfully as Tony spoke but with his last words, her jaw dropped.
"TONY! YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS!" she shouted, happily.
"I know."
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Late that night, after her nightly ritual was complete, comfortably ensconced in the pile of pillows and blankets that made up her bed, Sasha grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She had been listening to the sounds of Barnes' television and his footsteps as he moved around his rooms.
She scrolled down her contacts until she got to 'Barnes Is Fine' and started to type.
Can't sleep?
She stared at it for a while before she got up the nerve to hit send. Her heart stopped when she finally saw the three dots that told her he was typing back. With a bloop, his response appeared on her screen and she grinned like an idiot. Considering how long it took him to type, she couldn't help but smile at his response.
 No. You?
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Chapter Four here
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feadae · 6 years
Attn: the Gatherum/the Cottagers/whatever the heck we call ourselves
SO *claps hands once in a manner that’s meant to be impressive*
I’m in a bit of a Shakespeare kick again 
And when I get into a Shakespeare kick I invariably get into an Original Pronunciation kick
And now I’m in a Shakespeare kick at the same time as a CotIG kick so gimme a minute while I try and fail to be @sublimegentlemanalpaca
How do we reckon CotIG Shakespeare talks? Is this one of the adaptations where he talks like a normal modern Londoner or talks in Received Pronunciation (“Queen’s English;” think BBC reporters or Mary Poppins), like a lot of BBC adaptations do? Or does he speak in Original Pronunciation? Bc I want him to speak in Original Pronunciation and I want Linguistics Georg John to freak when he first hears Will speak bc Jack Charles do you understand what this meANS we know how Shakespeare talked now and we know for sure how his works sounded and what rhymes with what and wAIT WILL um MR SHAKESPEARE um anyway SAY HOUR please *he does, knowing exactly where John is going with this* THE AS YOU LIKE IT LINE IT MAKES SENSE NOW FROM HOUR TO HOUR WE RIPE AND RIPE AND HOUR TO HOUR WE ROT AND ROT AND THEREBY HANGS A TALE IT’S A PUN a really rude pun I felt kind of dirty just saying it but IT’S A PUN
Actually I just did some quick research and turns out JRRT wasn’t as into Shakespeare as he was into older stuff so maybe someone else freaks out about it (in my fantasies it’s my self-insert OC bc at heart I’m perpetually 13 but that’s neither here nor there) but still
And if Shakespeare talks in OP how do his contemporaries and his predecessors sound? What do Chaucer and Bacon’s Middle English sound like? What do Dante and Leonardo da Vinci’s English sound like? Do they even speak English? What does their Italian sound like? How has Italian evolved over the centuries? What about Johann von Goethe and the Brothers Grimm and Schubert and their German? The Alexandres Dumas and their French? 
Also back to Shakespeare bc I’m literally listening to Ben & David Crystal interviews ad infinitum rn
Can you imagine the first actor to visit Tamerlane (bc I like the idea of performers also counting as candidates for Caretakers, or if we wanna be a bit more by-the-book when defining ‘creator,’ another playwright-who-also-acts)? Ofc being excited to meet all these juggernauts of page and stage and then William McFreaking Shakespeare and when they hear him speak the way he does they’re freaking out on the inside because holy shit it’s OP it’s real but they manage to keep a handle on it but they can’t resist responding in their own OP accent, which they taught themselves over the course of a year, listening to every snippet of OP they could find and mimicking the sounds (or maybe going and doing their own academic research or maybe attending workshops by Ben and/or David Crystal or maybe all of the above). And it could go one of two ways: Will gets really excited bc it’s been literal centuries since he’s heard anyone other than himself (actually, how long’s it been since he’s interacted with Kit Marlowe in CotIG? regardless a long-ass time) speak the way he does and it’s wonderfully familiar and comforting, like sleeping in your own bed again after a long time abroad. Or if the actor in question isn’t the best at mimicking accents Will has a good laugh. He’s flattered that this person has made an effort, he really is, and it’s not the end of the world, for someone 400+ years removed from the accent, but ‘swounds, child, no one’s pronounced ‘connexion’ that way since before Will was born! And thou’rt allowed to address him as ‘thou;’ he’s not the king.
I’m having too much fun with this
I kinda wanna write it
Somebody stop me bc if I write it I will absolutely be putting in my own self-insert OC and it’s gonna turn into the CotIG fanfics I wrote in middle school where I impress all the Caretakers with my prowess and am friends with everyone basically immediately
Am I allowed to end on “make of this what you will” even though I’m not Al
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caramell0w · 7 years
Christmas Lights
Parings: Chris Evans x OFC Stephanie
Summary- You car breaks down in front of Chris Evan’s family home around Christmas time
A/N- This is a collaboration with my girl @marvel-fanfiction We had this crazy idea one night and thought it would be a great story.  Hope you enjoy and please, please, please leave feedback!
Word Count- 1,777
If you like my fanfic, check out my books
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I was driving my silver Toyota Camry down the road slowly admiring the view in front of me.  All the houses on the block were decorated from top to bottom with colorful Christmas lights and decorations.  To the right, there was an inflatable Frosty the Snowman and to the left, an inflatable Santa Claus. With the light snowfall that had started to fall, it felt like a real life snow globe.  This was the hardest time of the year for me and it helped to get out of the apartment to clear my mind.  Mom and Dad loved this time of year- the lights, the scents, even the people seemed nicer.  Everything was magical and seemed so peaceful, just like old times.
I continued down the road slowly, admiring every detail of each house, and turned right on to the conjoining street.  These houses were perfect just like the last; every colonial was decorated to the max with colorful lights, one in particular looked absolutely breathtaking.  
The car engine suddenly started sputtering and came to a slow stop.  I furrowed my brows in confusion, and put the car in park.  I turned the ignition off and when I tried to turn it on, it just sputtered but wouldn’t turn over.  I tried two more times without luck.  Pulling my cell phone out of my purse I saw it flash 1% battery before going dark and shutting down.  ‘This is not happening,’ I thought as a placed both hands on the steering wheel, hitting my head against them.
I looked to my right and the majority of lights had now been turned off.  I sighed heavily, and looked to the left.  Majority of the lights were on inside and I could see silhouettes of figures moving around inside.  That house was going to be my best bet if I wanted to use a phone to call a tow.  I got out of the car and slowly made my way up the walkway.  I fidgeted with the zipper on my jacket as I rang the doorbell, a nervous habit I picked up.
A woman in her 60’s opened the door and smiled at me.
“Can I help you?” she asked sweetly.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but my car won’t start and my phone died.  Would it be too much trouble to use your phone to call a tow?  I know this is probably a bad time and I’m terribly sorry for intruding,” I stopped as she cut me off.
“Nonsense; it’s fine. Please come in out of the cold and I’ll find the number for the tow company.” She opened the door a little wider and ushered you in.  “Come sit in the kitchen and let me get the phone.”  She motioned towards a bar stool at the kitchen table and I took a seat, placing my purse on the counter.  I turned my head left and right, trying to take in my surroundings.  The inside is just as beautiful as I thought it would be; and it smelt like cinnamon and apples, my favorite. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes remembering Christmases with my family.  I heard laughter coming from the adjoining room and the noise made me smile.
The woman came back a moment later with the phone and a piece of paper with writing on it.  
“Here is the number and the phone.  Can I get you something to drink?”
“Um, some water would be great if you don’t mind?” I asked taking the phone from her.
She busied herself getting a glass and filling it from the tap.  I placed the phone to my ear after dialing and listened to it ringing.
“Tommy’s tow,” a gruff voice answered the phone.
“Hi, my car broke down and I need a tow,” I replied.
“Well, I can get there, but it’s gonna be a few hours.  I only have 1 driver tonight and he has a few stops ahead of you.”
“How long will it take?” I looked up at the woman as she placed the glass in front of me and mouthed my thanks.
“I won’t be able to get you for another two hours or so.”
“Two hours?” I asked, my eyes widening and my voice rising slightly in panic.  “I understand you’re busy but there is no way you can get someone out here sooner than that?”
“No, we’re swamped and it just started snowing so there will probably be more people calling after you.”
“I understand, thank you then.” Hanging up the phone you looked at the woman and she smiled warmly.
“He said it will be about two hours until a tow can get here.  I appreciate you letting me use your phone and for the water. I’ll go wait in my car.”  I stood from the stool and gathered my purse.
“You can’t sit out there for two hours, you’ll freeze.  What’s your name?” She asked
“Stephanie, what’s yours?” I questioned.
“Lisa,” she stuck her hand out in front and I reached mine towards her to shake it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too. Are you sure I’m not imposing?  You have people over, I don’t mean to intrude on your family.”
“No, it’s alright.  I don’t want you sitting out there in the cold.” She smiled warmly and I returned the gesture.
Just as I was starting to thank Lisa a voice came up behind me.
“Ma, do you remember that time I got my head stuck in the banister?” a familiar sounding voice laughed in question. My heart leaped out of my chest as soon as I saw him, he was very tall and muscular, wearing a dark green sweater and a pair of jeans that showed off his muscular thighs.  Brown hair, striking blue eyes and a beard- you would know that face anywhere.  Chris Evans.
“Oh hello,” he said when he saw me standing in the kitchen.  
“I didn’t know we were expecting company, Ma” he said turning to Lisa while taking a sip from the beer bottle he held in his hand.
“Chris, this is Stephanie. Her car broke down outside and she’s waiting for a tow to come.  I didn’t want her to wait outside; it’s so cold out there and they’re gonna take two hours to get here,” Lisa stated.
He whistled lowly and said, “That sucks.  You picked the best house though, Ma’s the best,” he smiled looking at his Mom.
“I know,” I said.  He furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side in question.  “She has been so kind to me tonight, you’re lucky to have her.”
He chucked, “Yeah, I know. Well since you’re gonna be here for a while, why don’t you join us in the family room.  We’re gonna start a game of Pictionary and I need a partner. Everyone thinks I cheat.”
I laughed and looked to Lisa for permission.  She nodded her head and offered to take my coat and purse.  “Might as well get comfortable, it will be a while.”
Tags are open (cross outs didn’t work):
@marvel-fanfiction @jksnick07 @courtneychicken @4theluvofall @sarahmatthews7 @chillcan @girlwith-the-cinder-block-garden @radi0active-thoughts @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @loki-god-of-my-life @micachu1331
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unleashthemidnight · 7 years
92 Truths
Tagged by @serendiptious-esparza, thank you my darling <3
Drink: Juice (grape-apple-raspberry)
Phone Call: Mom
Song you listened to: Juha Tapio - Sydän Jota Rakastan (The Heart I Love)
“I wouldn’t want to live here by chance and without a reason. I have searched flashes in the middle of the emptiness. I whisper to you “I might believe in a miracle” and you laugh when you ask “well, what kind”“ “On the Milky Way there’s a star, and a planet going around it, on the planet there’s a city, in the city there’s a street, along that there’s a house with you in the window. And you have the heart that I love.”
Time you cried: Today a little, because of the laughter (youtube gaming videos and ~the golden dick path~ [I love you all so much <3]) and sadness (tried to put my depressed feelings etc into words in our whatsapp group with couple of closest friends).
Have You Ever ___?
Dated someone twice: No
Been cheated on: No
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Lost someone special: Yes, my dad
Been Depressed: Yes, and I have been diagnosed with depression (and mixed anxiety disorder [aka anxiety and some sort of depression], don’t know if the diagnosis changed overall or just added the severity level of it)
Been drunk and thrown up: No
In The Past Year Have You…
Made a new friend: Yes (I joined tumblr, you are my friends n__n)
Fallen out of love: not in "loving someone and not anymore” kind of way, anything else not sure
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Met someone that changed you: Yes. I count here all the small things like the people who changed my day in positive way etc even if it was just for the moment. The smallest things can change the bigger picture even if I don’t know it now or even later.
Found out who your true friends are: No...? I don’t have many friends and the friends that I have are true, atleast I think so
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: I know that few of my irl friends have tumblr and I know couple of the url’s but they don’t know mine. Atleast I don’t think so...
Do you have any pets?: Yes, two cats
Do you want to change your name?: Not really. There’s a nice flow to it and I have gotten compliments of it and ofc I have told my mom about those times. XD <3 Sometimes I have thought of taking my third name as official one and I have thought of taking my mothers maiden name too but I don’t know. Maybe the combo could be my stage name~
What time did you wake up this morning?: at 8am, 11am and 1pm (my drunken sleep schedule and the body getting used to new medication)
What were you doing last night?: Tumblr and watching playthrough of Finding Paradise game. It’s pretty story and pretty game.
Name something you cannot wait for: Pate Mustajärvi solo concert in March, me healing and getting better and functioning like a actual human and surviving everyday life and I would like to graduate but I don’t know can I even finish the school etc.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: There’s really not many people named Tom in Finland... So no. But if we are talking about the finnish versions of the name, then the answer is yes,
What’s getting on your nerves right now?: The biggest things getting on my nerves can be boiled down to “my depression lying and making things bigger than they are”. Also not being able to read fanfics to escape because there’s a disturbance with my concentration and cognitive skills because of the depression (greetings from my doctor). And I feel like bad reader and friend and shit like that etc because all of what comes with things like these. Overthinking. But hey, atleast I‘m aware of it and reasons behind it.
Blood Type: A+
Nickname: Potato
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac: Scorpio
Pronouns: She/Her, not minding if someone uses they/them, finnish hän (because there’s no gender pronouns).
Favorite Show: SPN, MacGyver (original), Lucifer, Doctor Who etc
College: I can’t ever remember what college is in finnish school system. College as university: yes, doing that from home, now on sick leave, studying “civic activity and youth work”, profession as community pedagog. Very new, large and mixed field.
Hair color: Brown
Do you have a crush on someone?: No (my fictional loves)
What do you like about yourself?: I don’t know at the moment. This was actually last question I answered. Um, I like that at the moment I have gain back my interest to art and writing and how I’m just having fun with it and learning and growing with it. Also my weird optimism that one day I can overcome this mental barrier I have; even in the very bad days just small voice coming through reminding me that I can survive, I have people helping me, I’m getting help and I have taken that step. It’s weird and small little voice but I like it. And no, I’m not hearing voices, just my brain and optimism and hope coming through. Also I like my hair and sometimes my face and sometimes even overall package.
Surgery: Adenoids as a very small child
Piercing: Don’t have any. Maybe someday ears.
Sport you joined: Never did.
Vacation: I think I was under one year old when my parents took me to Estonia so...
Pair of sneakers: Can’t remember
Right Now
Eating: Nope but should eat soon
Drinking: The same juice as before (grape-apple-raspberry)
I’m about to: Watch/Listen some relaxing youtube videos and eat and maybe trying to sleep couple hours
Listening to: Mikael Saari - C’est la Vie. Kinda my mood at the moment and loving the sound too. I could put all the lyrics here but have a link to it. “C'est la vie, my friends! It will be alright! Let's be hungover tomorrow, and worry about that instead. C'est la vie, my friends! It will be just fine! She's gone by tomorrow, now fuck it all and goodbye.” “- - now all I need is time, and some wine, and all will be fine.”
Want Kids?: Sure but years from now
Get married?: If that happens, it happens
Career: I’m a student at sick leave, possible future community pedagog. Something to do with culture.
Which Is Better?
Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Both
Shorter or taller: Doesn’t matter
Romantic or spontaneous: Good balance of the two, maybe a bit more romantic
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant (troublemaker if the troublemaker is Gabe~ Although hesitant Gabriel...)
Have You Ever…
Kissed a stranger: No
Drank hard liquor: Yes
Lost contacts or glasses: Yes (and found later. Like that one time my other glasses were in the plant pot half buried because of our cats)
Sex on a first date: No
Broken someone’s heart: Only my own as far as I know
Been arrested: No
Turned someone down: Kinda with that construction worker
Fallen for a friend: Not romantically
Do You Believe In ___?
Yourself: I want to. Sometimes. There has been times. There will be times. I wish I can.
Miracles: There has been instances that made me believe in them. Sometimes it’s just miracle of humanity, heart and soul.
Love at first sight: Don’t know
Heaven: It’s complicated, in my own way yes
Santa Claus: As a good tradition and spirit that comes with it, yes. As someone literally coming to my house, no.
Tagging: @sumara62 @authoressskr  @nobodys-baby-now @be-fantastic @clockworkmorningglory @pizzamanteachings @fearthenatural @gallifreystands @thewhiterabbit42 and everyone who wants to do this
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betsywoof · 7 years
evan hansen x reader headcanons
evan hansen x reader who meet in a coffee shop
requested: no lol
word count: 1255 (I’m so extra)
You had free periods last most of the time so you started working at a coffee shop after school to help out a bit with college funds
You were basically on autopilot taking orders and making drinks as all the teens poured into the closest coffee shop from school so you didn’t even notice poor evan trying to get your attention
“Um hi i’m evan but sorry, you probably already know that, because we go to the same school and you’re y/n and you’re in my math, english, and french classes but sorry, i just realized that that sounded like i’m stalking you and i’m so sorry i’m not i swear it’s not like i just creepily sit around and calculate how much time i spend with you each day that would be so weird i’m sorry”
‘Don’t worry about it, evan! What can i get for you?”
‘Oh well i’ld like a hot chocolate but there’s so many people from school here and they’d think i was so stupid and immature if i got one so could you maybe say it was something else that sounds better? Sorry that’s so weird i’m asking you to lie that’s so awful i’m so sorry’
you were just overcome with giggles because how cute can you get? He was shifting his weight back and forth and steadily gazing at the clock on the wall behind you to avoid having to look at you
but then evan got even more nervous (if that’s even possible) from your giggling and was like ‘oh god i just ruined this, i have no chance with them, i should just leave’
And he was turning around when you realized what was going on and obv started reassuring him that it was fine and no problem
He had spent so long working up the courage to talk to you and ordering that by the time his hot chocolate was ready there wasn’t even anybody left in the store lol
So you went over and sat with him while he drank it
And poor baby evan was just out of his mind because there’s a cute person who i really like??? Sitting across from me??? And trying to talk to mE????
so he could barely pay attention to what you were saying bc he was busy marveling over how pretty you were and how nice you’d been to him
and you’d just asked him how heidi was doing, and if you could get him a muffin to give to her bc she stopped by to see you on her way home from the hospital all the time
But instead he just blurted out ‘do you wanna come home for dinner? Mom’s supposed to get off early today? Not as like a date bc that’s ridiculous right?? Oh no, not like that i’ld love to go on a date with you! You’re so pretty and nice and smart and i’m just me? And oh god that seems like i’m some creepy guy hitting on you i’m so sorry i just made it awkward didn’t i? I’m so sorry i messed this all up i’m just going to leave now sorry”
And he starts to run away from you for the second time that poor boy
But then you kiss his cheek and say that you’ld love to go to his house for dinner on a date as soon as your shift is over
And he goes bright red and starts stuttering because he really wasn’t expecting this and he had no idea what to do other than stand there and blush with the biggest smile ever
And so he waits with you and tries to make awkward conversation till your replacement comes and then you drive both of you back to his house
And when you get there he tries to unlock the door at least four times but keeps dropping the key or turning it the wrong way because he’s so nervous
And once you finally get in the house he’s so nervous about where you guys should go to wait for heidi
‘We could stay down here or we could go up to my room but that’s so weird and it sounds like i’m trying to have sex with you i’m so sorry’
You end up going to his room and he has all these posters of different types of trees and flowers hanging up and he goes on and on about how amazing and beautiful they are and you just listen in awe because he’s not stuttering or panicked at all and he’s just so cute??? How????
but he thinks you’re being quiet because you don’t actually want to spend time with him and you’re just doing it out of pity so he stops talking all of a sudden and notices that you’re staring at him and suddenly thinks he has something on his face
‘do i have something on my face this is so embarrassing i’m so sorry that’s so gross i’m sorry’
and then you tell him it’s because he’s just so cute when he’s passionate about things and he goes bright red again
but manages to choke out ‘you’re kinda,, you know,,,, cute all the time’
And suddenly your’re blushing too because that’s the most forward evan’s been
so you ask him if you can kiss him and he gives you this really shy, hesitant knod
and you lean in and kiss him really softly and gently on the lips
and the kiss is just so pure and sweet and poor evan is just in heaven?? like you pull away and his eyes are still closed bc that was his first kiss and it was so perfect???
but decides he really likes kissing you so he goes in for another one
and this time it’s longer but it’s still just the softest, gentlest thing you’ve ever felt because tbh this boy is just an adorable baby kitten
And it’s just kinda getting a bit heated when heidi walks into his room bc you two were so caught up in each other that you didn’t notice her getting home or knocking on evan’s door
And poor evan just blushes so red and heidi’s so shocked bc evan never brings any friends home let alone a date???
but she recovers and gets very awkwardly re-introduced to you by evan and you giver her the muffin and life goes on except for poor baby evan who’s still so embarrassed
but she leaves after asking what kind of pizza you guys want (and telling evan to use protection which makes him turn more red if that’s possible)
and evan starts frantically apologizing and working himself up so you just kiss his cheek and hold his hand and reassure him
And when he finally calms down he gets really shy so you kinda gently nudge his shoulder and ask him if he wants to be your boyfriends
And evan’s just so elated he can’t stop saying yes and he just launches himself into your arms and starts kissing you bc he’s had a crush on you for like two years and he can’t believe you like him back
And ofc he’s such a gentleman and he apologizes right after for not asking you first and starts to shrink back into himself but you promise him you liked it very very much and that he can kiss you like that whenever he wants
He turns red again lol poor boy
people I’m gonna tag bc they got me into this whole fanfic writing mess (I hope you don’t mind this and that I remembered everyone) (also sorry I can’t figure out how to move the read more thing up):
@earlyjunes @sincerlyyme @daveyjacobss @reprisedpiece @let-the-world-pass-by @indigo-streaks-in-her-hair @secretschuylersister @manuelmiranduh @diggs4life @alexanderhamllton @linsnavi @bi-as-july-4th @tempfixeliza @hamimagines
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littlehollyleaf · 7 years
Ask a writer!
tagged by @mysillylittlesoapbox (yes I do still write fic... sometimes :p I’m afraid it’s all Gotham now though!) ...I don’t usually do memes about my writing though so, this should be...interesting...
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
my name is holly, holly leaves are a thing, I wanted to just be ‘hollyleaf’ but it was already taken so I figured ‘well hey, I’m also small...’ and voila! (no, I’m so sorry, but the Warrior Cats series was not involved at any point, I still haven’t read them and only know a character has my username, or a version of it, because of all the asks I keep getting about it :P)
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
So I had a quick glance at AO3 and this is something it looks like WAAAAY too much effort for my lazy ass to figure out, plus I dunno how accurate the AO3 stats would be for my stuff anyways because I only very recently put all my fic on there after having most of it posted (and therefore commented on and otherwise interacted with) solely over at LJ for years and years...
I would imagine it’s Imitating Life (spn, deancas), because that’s the one I remember getting the most feedback for. So I’ll just go with that!
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my tumblr one. Because it’s me and I already had the image saved in an appropriate size. I know, dull right?? (back on LJ I was OBSESSED with finding and/or creating SO MANY different icons to convey different moods and whatnot - they were basically an oldschool version of reaction gifs I guess - but on any other platform I’ve been just... meh about the icon thing... idk!)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
@vampirebillionaire has been a regular for my Gotham stuff, notable for jumping ship with me into foxma :) (well not jumping... simultaneously enjoying :p), for which I am profoundly grateful xx but generally my fic style and content is a bit... eclectic I guess? so no, no one who is super regular
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Of my own? Nah. Well... not AGAIN AND AGAIN like on the regular. I HAVE re-read my stuff OF COURSE :p But usually it’s me re-reading previous parts of a series/set to get the feel for the story/characters again as I write new stuff. Though admittedly I have re-read Imitating Life more than most probably, to check it still reads okay.
As to other authors’ fics - I must confess that I read less and less these days, so there is def not a single one I constantly return to.
I have, however, re-read a few by depthsofgreen since I got into Gotham, as well as some by rissalf and silentsinger
Back in the day there was this one spn last unicorn AU I used to re-read the night before each premiere, because it was a deliciously angsty way to get me in the mood for a new season and pass the time while waiting - particularly notable because AUs are not really my thing, so it was an interesting choice for me to keep returning to! Alas I have lost my link to it however :( Should anyone know the one I mean drop me a line! (Cas was the unicorn, obvs, Dean was the Prince, Sam was Schmendrick, Anna was Molly and Meg was Fortuna)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I have ONE (1) story bookmarked - because it is a WIP I am following (and I just learnt how to bookmark the other month)
...what even is subscribing and how is it different??
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
None at all if possible. Although most of my fics end up being Canon Divergent in the end ofc they are generally canon compliant (based on my interpretation of the canon anyways) at the time of writing... Sometimes canon changes things while I am in the middle of writing stuff though ofc (*shakes fist at Gotham right now*), in which case I will unavoidably be writing something knowingly Canon Divergent/What If.
(aside - I tried to write an spn x-men AU once, but I got bored very quickly... full on AUs are just not me!)
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
K - 34 subscribers and 423 bookmarks (whoa that seems a lot??)
hey there’s graphs and stuff with your top five fics based on hits too - that’s pretty cool - my top is in fact Holding On and Letting Go... probably because it was one of my last big spn fics and one of the first I published on AO3...
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
No... I mean... I don’t think so? If there ever has been it’s passed me by and I’ve forgotten about it.
...for a hot minute I was into Eddie/Isabella in Gotham, and that plot was ofc (understandably) received VERY POORLY by the fandom, so I may have at one point been hesitant to explore that idea (and the related Ozzie/Eddie/Izzy thoughts I had) because of that... but I never got as far as wanting to actually WRITE anything that I recall so... I guess not really?
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
There’s a couple of dumb little grammatical things I wish I was better at remembering - like when it’s ‘passed’ and when it’s ‘past’ or when it’s ‘effect’ and when it’s ‘affect.’ Because I forget and have to look it up Every.Damn.Time!
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Well, the ship I’ve written most for is deancas - so it’s def ‘popular ships’ I write most! (though I would like to point out that it WASN’T ONE when I STARTED :p). 
I’m not opposed to writing rarepairs as well however (she says, in the middle of a huge Gotham rarepair series!). I just write... whatever I’m enjoying most at the time.
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I’ve got 39 works up on AO3. Never published on FFNet. Probably got a few little things that I’ve only ever published on tumblr (like my cracky spn/WtNV crossover :p), so total number published across the board is more like 40ish...
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
(not counting the abandoned spn x-men AU that will remain forever unfinished) Just one. I CANNOT work on more than one fic at a time.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
In my head (my stories are never especially complex after all). Once I’m stuck into a fic though I do tend to start creating bullet points below the main text of certain things that are coming next - like specific lines or phrases/metaphors I might think up as I go that I want to make sure I include, or the order of certain scenes if there is a series of short ones on the way, or sometimes points with question marks if I haven’t quite decided on something (eg. ‘have Eddie take his hat off here or wait until Ozzie smiles at him?’ that kind of thing...)
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
No. I came CLOSE to co-writing a DCBB with the lovely @takadainmate YEARS AGO but we never quite made it work (I got a distracted by involving Balthazar in a subplot and went on my own tangent, we had trouble even getting together to discuss it, the deadline started looming and eventually we wisely close to call it a day!). 
For a while there were VAGUE murmurings about returning to the idea... but the plot involved Dean and Cas getting trapped together in Purgatory you see aND THEN SEASON 8 HAPPENED!! So we decided to let canon run with it instead :P
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
While I don’t use FFNet and don’t even read stuff there now, I did used to read fics on it early on. I discovered it while searching for info on my very first TV obsession Due South and was DELIGHTED to find a place full of stories about this thing I loved but had no new content for at the time :)
AO3 I remember being talked about and used a little by my LJ crowd, which is how I heard of it. I didn’t start using it myself until recently when I realised it had very much become the go-to hosting site used by tumblr fic writers.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
...my personal readers? As in, not the general name for the various fandoms (like ‘spn family’ or ‘Gotham fam’), but for the people who read my fic specifically?
No... that seems... weird...?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Actually... no... no one specific. Just... reading lots of fiction by lots of different writers, fic writers included, is what inspired/encouraged me to take a crack at it myself I suppose.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Do not listen to me!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Um... both I suppose. Only... my plotting isn’t really... plotting. 
Because I just... daydream, you know? And after a bit I’ll realise that I’m coming back to one particular daydream more often than another. And adding to it. And adding to it. Until I’ve got something at least vaguely coherent. At which point I make a decision as to whether I like the scenario enough to write it down or not and if I do, well, it’s already pretty much there and fully formed in my head, so no additional ‘plotting’ necessary (just the ironing out and researching of a few details).
But while I’m daydreaming... well that’s me ‘figuring it out as I go’ I guess.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
My first foray into writing fic was with a Clex re-write of S05 Smallville. It ended up being a sprawling, much too ambitious multi-chapter thing I had no hope of ever finishing. But hey, it kept me out of trouble :p 
Anyways, I was part of a sci-fi society at Uni at the time I was writing and each of us in the group developed these different fictional versions of ourselves over the course of our time together... because we were a sci-fi society and it was fun! And I thought it would be a laugh if, for one chapter, I put all of us into my SV fic. So I did (I made us all kryptonite infected characters who lived at Lex’s secret 33.1 facility - if any SV fans are reading) and prefaced the chapter with some disclaimer about how I was sorry if this part was a bit too self indulgent or ‘mary-sue’ or whatever, but that I couldn’t resist doing it for my friends, and that things would get back to normal next chapter.
And generally it was fine - I didn’t have many readers anyway :p 
But long LONG after the fact, when I had written many other chapters since, I got a comment on this one chapter from someone saying that they felt my self-insert characters came across as too obviously self indulgent and were unnecessary and that I shouldn’t have written them in.
And you know, it was a fair call. But since I’d actually prefaced the chapter with myself saying that’s EXACTLY what they were, it seemed a bit odd to me that this person would bother making a point of the issue. And to compound confusion - this person had actually already commented POSITIVELY on the chapter when I first posted it, so their comment read something like ‘I’ve been re-reading this and on consideration ACTUALLY I think you should know that...’
So... that was a bit odd. Not really bad, but notable enough that it’s stayed with me! Since I was many many chapters along in the story at that point though it was easy enough to just nod and shrug and move on.
I’m lucky in that I’ve never received any actual scathing or horribly negative comments otherwise. I like to think I’d be thoughtful and philosophical about any serious criticism I might receive...
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Hmmm. Exposition probably. My focus is typically on a character’s emotion at any given time, but when the only thing happening is characters discussing what’s happening and when and why there’s not exactly much strong emotion involved you know? So I struggle, because it’s boring to write and I constantly fear I’m not describing/depicting it in a way that is interesting to the reader and blah blah.
(part of the reason I don’t often write complex stories anymore perhaps - less narrative means less exposition!)
(smut used to be hard... now it is less so... though that doesn’t mean I think I’m good at it now! I don’t think I’ll ever shake the fear that my smut is actually cringe-worthy...) 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Just The Fox and the Scorpion :)
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
No. Like I say above - I CANNOT work on more than one fic at a time. How do people do that??? I bow to you all!
I have in the past paused in the middle of longer spn fics (like my DCBBs) to knock out some quick ‘finished in the span of an evening’ FICLETS, usually in response to specific happenings in canon (like when Gabriel died and I just HAD to type something up as an outlet). But I don’t think that’s really quite what this question means? Because those aren’t projects OR stories, they are just... SCENES, you know? Also - I haven’t written a ficlet in FOREVER, so I’m not even sure I could do it anymore...
Having said this - I DO CONSTANTLY DAYDREAM. Which involves daydreaming multiple scenarios not exclusive to whatever fic I’m in the middle of. Some of which may well end up being part of the next fic I end up writing. But that’s hardly ‘planning’ I think? Because at that stage of things I’ll have no desire to make what I’m dreaming part of an actual story/fic.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nah. I just write when I feel like it and keep going until I’m done.
If I’m writing for a challenge this changes ofc, because DEADLINES. So sometimes I’ve had to set goals because of that - usually it’s something vague though, like ‘you need to get to this point in the plot by tomorrow night Holly, come on!’ Nothing so regimented as a specific amount of time and/or words every day.
...generally when I’m in the middle of a fic I end up in a kind of... idk, natural momentum that pulls me on? Like there’s this constant FEELING in the back of my mind urging me to get back to the story. And not in a nagging guilt kind of way, in a ‘this is what I WANT to be doing right now’ kind of way.
Not that I end up easily writing every time I get back to the fic or anything! Sometimes I’ll get back to the page and just... be stuck, find I’m not in the mood or can’t think of the words or whatever. Which is frustrating because I still have that feeling of WANTING to continue the story, but I’ll know that I’m not in the right frame of mind so have to leave it for a bit (which can be anywhere from a few hours to a week). Generally the pull to keep writing draws me back in eventually though. 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Goodness yes. I think if you’re writing regularly you’re just ALWAYS improving, aren’t you? Naturally my fic today is better than my first attempts, but likewise I think some of my Gotham fics are better than my spn fics in some parts. It’s a constant process isn’t it?
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Imitating Life remains one of the fics I’m most proud of. Not only did the main story hold up well AND stick to overall canon (when it comes to Dean and Cas at least), so I think anyways, I also wove in a couple of subplots I very much enjoyed seeing through to the end. PLUS I really enjoyed all the meta nonsense, including messing about with the format to make it like look (a little bit) like a screenplay. So yes, that one will always hold a dear place in my heart :)
For Gotham I don’t think I’m ever gonna do better than We Are What We Are tbh
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Generally unimpressed by ALL my SV fic now. And considering I spent SO MANY HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS of my life on it all I kinda feel like I should feel bad about that but... you know I really don’t? Because if it wasn’t for all the time and effort (and love and fun) I put into those not very good stories, I wouldn’t be enjoying the work I’m proud of and writing today. So *shrug emoji* 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
5 whole years? Tbh I rather think I’ll have stopped writing by then. I’ve been winding down when it comes to fic for a LONG TIME now and writing for Gotham feels very much like a minor, brief resurgence of the hobby. Currently planning on calling it a day once I’ve finished Fox and Scorpion in fact.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The part that doesn’t involve writing.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying not to be repetitive.
Have I started a paragraph with this character’s name too many times in a row? Am I using ‘furrowed brow’/’bites lip’/’narrows eyes’/’insert stock descriptive phrase here’ too often? Did I use this phrase already or was that in another fic or in the book I was just reading? Is there too much alliteration in this sentence?  - to name but a few of the questions that inevitably pop up related to my paranoia about repetition.
33. Why do you write?
Because I’m insatiable and the stories onscreen aren’t enough for me. 
...well that was exhaustingly introspective so I’m way too tired to tag! Interesting one though, made me think! (and taught me some stuff about AO3 :p)
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