unteriors · 12 days
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Gantt Street, Wagener, South Carolina.
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Paul Wagener on a vintage postcard
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enchantedbook · 2 years
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Three Women under un umbrella by Gerda Wagener, 1920s
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rockyybeach · 1 year
unterschätzte nebeneffekte im leben als einer der drei fragzeichen
- ständiger verlust von kleidern durch zerreißen oder beflecken bei abenteurn
- unerklärliche und unglaubliche fähigkeiten als autofahrer, besonders das talent autos ohne bremsen anhalten zu können (vor allem peter)
- freundeskreis beeinhaltet weltbekannte sportler, künstler, wissenschaftler und kriminelle
- gutes wissen im umgang mit polizei, geheimdiensten und anderen authoritäten
- viel zu viel talent bei entführungen. zu diesem zeitpunkt sind entführungen spaßige miniurlaube mit rätselkick
- komplette kompetenz im erbrecht, vor allem was schätze, rätsel und illegales besitztum betrifft
- fertiges skillset potentieller berufskrimineller zu sein, vor allem sehr gut im einbrechen
- alles schon mal gesehen. alles schon mal erlebt. keine überraschugnen mehr
- viel zu lässiger umgang mit verletztungen oder bedrohungen
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ozu-teapot · 2 years
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Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas Du Mal (Don’t Deliver Us From Evil) | Joël Séria | 1971
Chirashi poster
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1943 Volkswagen KdF-Wagen
KDF Typ 82e, Hermann-Walter Sammlung
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boligona · 1 year
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Justus Jonas <3 (er ist definitiv nicht für die Flammen im Hintergrund verantwortlich (ist er.))
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jasper-book-stash · 5 months
If you ever want to read terrible opinions from the worst fucking people, I recommend getting into occultism. I read Creating Magickal Entities by David Michael Cunningham with contributions by Taylor Ellwood and T Amanda R Wagener and I want to strangle all three of them.
One of my notes in the margins is just "I'm going to steal something from your house." and I feel like that summarizes my thoughts on this book. It made me retroactively go back and give better scores to the other books on chaos magic I've read recently.
It has everything. Weird occult racism. Unsafe usage of essential oils. Thinly-veiled menstruation kink. Appropriation of Judaism in the context of """Qabalah""". Giving a rule and then promptly breaking it because they can't be bothered to rewrite their explanations. Shitty editing.
Above all, it just took so long to get to the point in each section. I genuinely believe that this could have been better if you trimmed the fat (most of this bullshit) and made it a blog post instead.
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Porsche “Berlin-Rome” Type 64 (1 of 2). 
During 1938, Ferdinand Porsche and Major Adolf Hühnlein met, and the subject of establishing an endurance motor sport event was discussed. Hühnlein was inspired, and he set in motion a plan to organise a race from Berlin to Rome, a 1500km event that would take place in September 1939. No doubt Hühnlein’s motivation to his superiors included promoting Germany’s excellent system of Autobahns which this race would utilise, and the event would also tie in conveniently with the start of production of the KdF-Wagen.
In preparation for the race, it was decided to build three special long-distance race cars, and to Ferdinand Porsche’s delight, these were ordered and paid for by Volkswagen. For political reasons the cars were called KdF-Wagen and so in Volkswagen circles the car was known as the Type 60K10, although the Porsche engineers referred to it as the Type 64.
The 64 was to have an aluminium body, and the wheels were fully covered with removable alloy panels. Due to the event being a long-distance road race, Karl Fröhlich designed the car to carry two spare wheels in its nose, a move which meant the standard fuel tank would have to be relocated further back on the passenger side.
The engine used in the Type 64/60K10 was the standard 985cc unit as used in the KdF-Wagen, by increasing the compression ratio, power output was raised to 32 bhp at 3500 rpm.
With the race date set for September 1939, production of the three cars, Sports Car 1, 2 and 3, commenced in the summer of that year. The three chassis numbers allocated to the race cars, also referred to as the KdF-Rekordwagen, was 38/41, 38/42 and 38/43.
Karosseriewerk Reutter were given the task of making the bodies for the three cars from 0.5mm alloy sheets, but it wasn’t until 19 August 1939 that the first body was completed, a fortnight before the official start date of the Second World War. The second car was only completed on 20 December that year in a dark colour, while the third car, finished in the same silver colour as the first car, was only completed on 15 June 1940.
The plans for Porsche’s own sports car were already on the drawing board in 1947 and the first of the new 356 models was officially registered in June 1948. Just as the Type 64 had looked so ultra-modern when compared to contemporary sports machinery of the day, so too did the Porsche 356 immediately date other sports cars of the period. It was at this time that, with the war now over and plans to develop the 356 into a really competitive sports car in the market, that the old Type 64 became redundant to Porsche. Fortunately, the Swiss racing driver Otto Mathé had shown an interest in acquiring the Type 64, otherwise this crucially important piece of Porsche history may well have gone the way of its two siblings, and been scrapped.
“Otto Mathé, was one of the first, if not the very first driver, to use Porsche products for racing,” said Oliver Schmidt of the Prototyp Museum in Hamburg. Today there are two Type 64s in existence, the first being the 38/41 car Mathé bought from Porsche in 1949. The second car has been built up from the spares that Mathé bought from Porsche. 
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ornithorynquerouge · 4 months
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Propaganda photo of a German family playing by the water with their KdF Wagen (Volkswagen) and portable radio.
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mensfactory · 1 year
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Mansory Gronos Coupé EVO C
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The K-Wagen under construction, one of the largest tanks to ever be built. It was almost finished but never entered an operational state. 1918
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wellwornwornwell · 1 year
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Ich hab heute herausgefunden das es in Berlin ein Schuh des Manitu Musical spielt und das angeblich nächstes Jahr noch ein Film rauskommt x_x
Sorry, musste diese cursed info mit jemandem teilen und du warst die erste passende person auf meinem Dash :(
TATSÄCHLICH wusste ich (for better or for worse) von dem Musical, weil es das tatsächlich schon recht lange gibt und (wenn ich mich nicht komplett falsch erinnere) gab es sogar mal auf Pro7 Werbung dafür vor...............Ewigkeiten. (Laut Wikipedia war die Uraufführung 2008)
Von einem Film wusste ich allerdings nicht. Überrascht mich sogar ein bisschen, weil ich mich erinnere, dass Bully Herbig vor einer Weile meinte, dass er einige Dinge im Nachhinein nicht mehr so machen würde und das einiges eben im Rückblick doch daneben war. Und bei dem Source Material frage ich mich schon a bissl wie er eine Fortsetzung schreiben will OHNE das zu wiederholen.
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nicholask-la · 4 months
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From February, 2024
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