#Waay too many people!
Thinking about the song "Ship in Port" by Radical Face and clones
Thinking about the line "Farewell to the chains we were born into" and what that can mean for the clones
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Thinking about how "But I have always stayed in place/Under that old illusion that it's safe" could equally describe Hunter, Echo, and (s1+2) Crosshair's complete opposite approaches to the Empire and post-war life.
The way Crosshair clings to his identity as a soldier of the Empire
And Echo as a soldier of the Republic
But Hunter puts his identity as a soldier behind him
Crosshair fights for the Empire to gain purpose
Echo fights against the Empire to save his brothers
And Hunter decides the Empire is too strong to even try to oppose
"A ship in port is a safer one"
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"but it's not the reason it was made"
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"So forgive me if I wander off"
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"And forgive me more if I just stay"
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Thinking about what The Bad Batch could have been if it had more fully explored the differences between those ideologies
(Thinking about what The Bad Batch could have been if it had dedicated more screen time to the 'reg' clones within the Empire and the underground network's fight to free them , instead of just sidelining Echo and Rex for a hypothetical clone rebellion show we might never get)
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 3 months
ok but like dan talking about where they could take the channel next, whether they keep it casual or more professional stuff or whatever people want I don't know if he realises just how much we dont rly care what they do lol... like they could do some of that, all of that, or literally NONE of that and we'd still stick around like cockroaches lol
& like I know a lot of phans DID leave during the hiatus, but I also know that a lot of us (myself included) continued watching their vids regularly (I have probably seen dan playing outlast alone in the dark like twice a year since it came out lol) like @ dip and pip we are ride and die for whatever shenanigans YOU guys wanna make lol
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seiwas · 24 days
🎤 thoughts: is it normal for friends to kind of ~disappear after getting together with someone and is it normal to feel sad about it
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evil-youth-messrs · 9 months
Okay so here's the list of moments in EPIC: the musical (in order) that make me go feral. Believe it or not, I tried to keep it as short and concise as possible but the albums are just too good.
The Troy Saga 💙
*tudududu dum tum tum tum tum*
who was that *CAWWWW* 🦅🦅
thisisthesonofnoneotherthan ~troooy's~ veryown prince hec!tor!
but when!? does a comet become a meteor??? (both solo and ensemble versions)
six! hundred! men
and ithaca's waiting, my kindom is waiting, PENELOPE'S WAITIIIING for meeee
my second iiin commaaand
we're up, we're off and away we go (again both versions)
I'm fiiiiiiine, Polites 🙄
stay back!!! (lotus eaters: stay back~~)
you can relax my friend
*the intro and pianooo for warriors of the mind*
one day a boy came! for the thrill! a boy whose mind rivaled the boar's own wiiiiiiill
*the entire chorus*
you are ~ATHEEENAA~ (*the growl* !!!)
if you're LOOking for a mentor, I'll make sure your time's well spent
*the chorus when they both sing*
*honestly every single line in this song*
The Cyclops Saga 👁
*the water droplets sound at the beginning*
loook at all this foood 😃
my name is nooooooobody, nooooooobody, noOoOoOoOoOobody
I'm so glad we see eye to eye
show me how. greatisyourwilltoSURVIIIIIIIVE
six hundred liiiives at stake
*how the guitar fades in in remember them*
what do we do with our fallen friends? *silence* remember them
*athena's piano and clock ticking*
he's still a threat! until he's DEEEEAAAAD
remember them remember us REMEMBER ME
this way! you won't disappoint me, this way! you won't waste my time, thiiis waay
slefish and prideful and vain 🙄
at least I know what I'm fighting for while you're fighting to be known
but not today for after all you're JUST A MAAAN
this day! you SEVER your own head, this day! you CUT the liiine
The Ocean Saga 🌊
these ~waves~ and ~tides~
is it nature? or diviiiine?
an island in the sky 🤩
we're in the home of the ✨️wind god✨️ we don't know for sure how many floating islands have you seen before??
captain HOW? much longer til your luck. runs. out.
you rely on wit and people die on it
I took six hundred men to war! and not one of them died there. in case you needed a reminderr.
woooaahoookayyy? okay. thank you🙄
*ambient intro to keep your friends close*
*growly hahahas*
if they wanna get the bag open you gotta say no sirrr.
open the bag, let's see what you got. NO! DO! NOT!
see how this bag is closed that's how it's supposed to be
I'm getting closer to youuuu (PENELOPEEE)
wake up! wake up! odysseus, they're opening the bag WAKEEE UUUUP!
I try to chill~ with the waves
that's right the cyclops you made blind. is mine. NO
the pack of wolves is swimming with the shark now
RuThLeSsNeSs is MERCY upon ourselves
you 🫵 are the worst kind of good cause you're NOT. EVEN. GREAT!
a greek. who reeks. of false righteousness that's what I HATE
I mean you totally could've avoided all this had you just. killed. my. son. but nOoOu💅
it's the final crack we're 'bout to break the ice now
when does a ripple become a tidal wave?
*somebody stop me I just wrote every line of this song*
The Circe Saga 🐷
The Underworld Saga 💀
If you read all of that, thank you and honestly WOW.
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baskeigh-ball · 9 months
God I love that swap au, especially with Raph. Cause like he's always the one to take the heavy hits for the team, he's used to an even encourages people to test his durability/strength at times. So to now be in a body that's suddenly the exact opposite would make me want to wrap myself in 50 layers of bubble wrap and never leave
As one of the many vocal Raph enthusiasts on this site, YES EXACTLY YOU SEE MY VISION
It was the obvious choice for Raph to be in Don's body because it has so much potential! He's has to force himself not to be the shield now!! He's going against a lifetime of Toughest Biggest Brother Instincts because he's not the toughest biggest brother anymore!!!
He figures out why Donnie is so obsessed with his tech--which, he had a basic understanding before, but now he REALLY gets it. A softshell has very few natural defenses. He can get hurt much more easily, so he uses a battle shell to pick up the slack. But I can imagine Raph becoming waay too attached to the shell. Even though it goes haywire sometimes because he has no clue how it works, it becomes his security blanket.
Not to mention his strategy in battle is completely overhauled because he's not the Punchy Guy anymore. Well, he's still a heavy hitter, but he has to rely on technology instead of his own raw mystic strength. So he's basically rendered useless, at least by his own logic, because what good is Donnie without Donnie's brain?
He never thinks that about Donnie tho, in fact he and Mikey and Leo have spent years trying to uplift their brother and make him know that his self-worth is not attached to what he can offer to the team. But, of course, Raph doesn't cut himself the same slack. I can also imagine him slightly resenting the others for having an easier time adjusting to their different weaponry, meanwhile he's left with high-tech armor that never listens to him and tries to kill him just as often as it protects him. Just saying, it's inevitable that he snaps eventually but that's another story for another day
Sorry for ranting, I have too many thoughts about the silly red turtle and it comes out in the form of word vomit since I have nowhere else to shout into the void about my obsession with him lmao
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saylessastrology · 1 year
Favorite Moon Placements/Signs/Aspects 🌝🌙🌛
Moon In Sagittarius:
okay, I’m biased because this is my placement but we are so liiiit! We make great friends! This placement makes the person super straightforward and optimistic! Like we give a fuck but only for a short amount of time. But don’t piss us off because our mouths are foul! We will be mad and vengeful one moment then get bored with the situation the next LoL
Moon in Aries:
This placement is bold af! They don’t hold back on their opinions or emotions. When they are emotionally triggered just let them get it out! Suppressing this placement will result in some serious repercussions! My coworker has this placement and when she has a bad day EVERYBODY KNOWS! You can see the smoke coming out of their ears lol. But they are sooo loveable and warm! They give great hugs too!
Moon in Libra:
These people are so peaceful and pleasant lol. They may have trouble deciding on what to wear or what place to eat but they are never one to make a big fuss out of things. They believe emotions should be expressed in beautiful ways. Even their arguments have a “let’s solve this” tone.
Moon in Cancer:
I truly think these people are the most fiery of the water signs! They are soft and cuddle until you trigger them. I also think they are so moody because of the many phases of the moon always changing. You’ll know when they are pissed. The way they go off is like someone’s fed-up mother who’s about to whoop your ass! Lol scary stuff
Moon in 8th house or Scorpio:
I love these placements because these people really know how to connect emotionally with their loved ones. They love and feel deeply. The way they protect their loved ones is soo cute like a mamma bear defending their cubs. They have so much emotional self-control until they can no longer suppress it.
Moon in 5th house or Leo
(biased again hehe) These people are FUN! We love a good time and tend to come alive when we are out on the town! In our opinion emotional expression should feel fun and dramatic! When we get emotional we expect your full attention or we will feel neglected and ignored! We are the type of friend to drunkenly shout “omg I like be you guys!” to our friends in a quiet public area and you BETTER say it back or we will cry lmao
Moon trine/sextile/conjunct Mars
These people are naturally impulsive but their intentions are perfectly lined up with their emotions. It’s not that they don’t think before they act, they just believe their actions are justified based on the emotions they feel. I notice many women with this placement are real “girls girls” who know how to make and balance friendships with women and men equally because their masculine and feminine energies do not throw each other off.
Moon aspecting Neptune
These people must to be protected at all times! ❤️ They are so soft and sensitive to the world around them. They can pick up on your hidden emotions and verbally translate them in mystical ways you’ve never thought of. They see things differently from everyone else. They can find the most redeeming qualities in even the worst people. They also tend to forgive and forget waay too soon.
Moon aspecting Saturn or Capricorn moon
Rather it be a hard or soft aspect these people are extremely emotionally determined individuals. They possess the emotional strength to bound back from life’s most challenging obstacles. I love how sweet and mature these people are when it comes to expressing their emotions. Even when they are in a heightened emotional state, they still have control over their reactions. This is another placement that needs a hug because they are SOOOO hard on themselves for simply being human and feeling emotional. They may have grown up with an emotionally suppressive parent or guardian that taught them that their emotions are not as important as others. BREAK FREE MOON/SATURN! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ You deserve emotional freedom too!
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mynonclicheblog · 2 years
I'm thinking waaayyyy too much about the implications of Lockwood's morning montage that was cut from the final edit...
Mainly about the fact that he's shown to be lying there, wide awake.
Complete Fiction confirmed on twitter that this scene was supposed to happen at the beginning of episode 5, and hoooo boy do I have THOUGHTS about this. Okay. So.
When we look at the events of episode 4, it was an emotional roller coaster of a day for Lockwood. I'd argue it was the most stressful single day's events for him that we see up to this point. To recap, Lockwood had to deal with:
Being bested and humiliated by Kipps's crew during the wraith hunt; (presumably) having to worry about Lucy's wellbeing after she passed out in the basement; waay too many close calls at the Kensal Green Cemetery job that night; getting into a big blowout/fight with BOTH George and Lucy; having to expose a very raw and vulnerable side of himself to apologize to Lucy; and finally, putting himself in a bet with Kipps that could potentially cost him his home, his livelihood, his purpose; and worst of all - it could cost the same for Lucy and George. That, I imagine, is something that would've kept him awake. Just turning over all the worst case scenarios, all the ways he'd have to try and pick up the pieces if he ended up losing the bet, therefore single-handedly ruining the lives of the two greatest people in the world due to his own rash stupidity.
No wonder this poor sweet boy hasn't slept.
But then I think about the events of episode 5, and how it contains some of his most reckless behavior to date - like inviting a dangerous criminal to their home, spontaneously sneaking into Winkman's to find the mirror, at the same time leaving George alone at the house where said criminal will most likely show up (something the dialogue explicitly tells us Lockwood "forgot" about) - and I wonder how much of that was exacerbated by his poor emotional regulation + lack of sleep after the whirlwind that was yesterday. It's so, so difficult to think clearly when you're running on empty.
He's just a kid, your honor.
Episode 5 is also the one in which Lockwood/Cameron's dark circles are the most prominent in the entirety of season 1.
I JUST... I JUST think it's really important that it's episode 5 specifically that we were going to be shown Lockwood getting up in the morning! Because it adds SO MUCH context to know that he didn't sleep that night!!!
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lawyest · 1 year
Honest opinion time but I don’t believe people who hate Godot because he’s a mysogynist. I’ve seen waay too many atrociously sexist characters defended kinned and stanned. Either it’s just that he’s boring to you and the misogyny is the only thing you remember, he’s hispanic and therefore doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt, or you felt personally offended on Franziska’s behalf (which is completely understandable and also same).
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toxooz · 1 year
Do you have a backstory posted for ramsuse? I think he’s an interesting character and you’ve said he used to be human so I’m very curious 🙂
ROIGHT SO i gotta See it with my own eyes so i drew lil illustrations to go with it so letsa go buckle UP yall ALSO tw for like graphic gory description and suicide mention aaand i think thats it OK:
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waay back arooound 1870's I'd say behold a man! Ramsuse was a very well distinguished hunter who also did bounty hunting. Being a big brawny man he had a big brawny horse as well who was named Appocolus, a shire draft horse (the Big Ol honses) and had a wife named Myrna:
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They were happily married for about 5 years, owned a pretty small farm, and took a lot of hunting trips together (most likely sold the skins/ meat along with eggs ect.) but yeah huntin n fishin was one of their favorite activities to do together. They didn't live far from a small town where they did their trading and shopping from and Ramsuse was a pretty well known bounty hunter in the town and even had a small group of other bounty hunters that he would team up with occasionally. Back then, in most towns, it was still a Big Thing for monsters to exist and was often treated as a frankenstien event (light the pitchforks yada yada); but in this part of the overall timeline demons kind of infested some parts of the world (side note obv. that didn't last forever and the majority of demons and that of the like ended up being chased into caves and hidden crevices of the world which is maybe why Mogak had to go into a big ass demon cave community to get that demonic D.) some entire towns could become completely overrun with demons and many caused chaos and ruin among the land, which probably gave a lot of other unrelated monsters a bad rep. hence why they would be ridiculed as well. It was pretty common for demons to be outlaws and outliers, and it was also common practice for humans to capture demons (typically demons who were minding their own business (like Ollie in the cowboy au👀)) and sacrifice them in churches or do mass killings so it was kind of a back and forth rivalry between humans and demons during this time. Granted, while demons and humans were at war, naturally demons are more powerful than humans without any manmade advantage-so side backstory Myrna's parents got killed by a demon in their house when she was a child and she was orphaned for the rest of her adolescence, so she's carried a special kind of bitterness, fear, and hatred towards demons throughout her life.
As their town slowly starting having more and more demonic issues, a certain demon cowboy was a prominent culprit of the reoccurring destruction of the town:
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he had the ability to transform people into demons and his "horse" is basically just another demon that tried to mimic a horse to be able to assist in the bidding of the outlaw (ie: it's ears are actually horns, it's neighs sound more like a donkey and hyena mixed together, ect) He too led a gang that tormented towns and cities, only they were damn near impossible to pin down. Ramsuse was the main tracker for trying to find him and every time he did, the outlaw would slip through the cracks of their dimension which would eventually drive Ramsuse to insanity and intense resentment towards demons and monsters trying to get the outlaw. It got to a point where that's all he wanted to do was try to find and catch the demon, even his own group of bounty hunters opted out and urged Ramsuse to do the same at least for a while, for it was eating away at his soul. Though it was out of love for his wife and their own town, he would leave for days and put off hunting trips that Myrna wanted to go on in order to attempt to capture the outlaw. Until one night he followed a seemingly deliberate trail of clues that led him to a run down cabin out in the middle of nowhere. The demon outlaw was patiently waiting for him when he barged in like a bat out of hell, however Ramuse was having none of it and went straight for his throat upon first look. He mopped the floor with him for a while until those eye flaps on the demons face latched onto the bounty hunters arms (kinda like venom slime stickin to shit) and started searing Ramsuse's flesh off to reveal his new demon skin. It eventually traveled through his entire body as he slowly burned to death, his horns erupting from his head probably feeling like his brains were being squeezed out of his skull, his old teeth being simultaneously pushed out by bigger lion-like teeth, his body getting bigger as his burnt dead skin fell off in bloody sheets to give way to the contorting muscles as the demon outlaw observed in deranged satisfaction
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by the time Ramsuse could come to his senses, the outlaw was long gone. During the physical altercation, outside Appocolus and the demon horse got into it as well. When the draft horse saw that abomination of a horse, every red light went off in his sixth sense and he lunged for it, however it mauled him back and it's teeth essentially had the same burning effect in which Appocolus was doomed to the same fate as his rider.
Ramsuse spent several days trying to track any possible trace of the demon to see if he could somehow be changed back, but he was nowhere to be found. As time went on, desperately trying to find any way to change himself back at this point, dread began to seep into him like rot on a dead carcass as he realized he had no choice but to go back home and face Myrna with this new demonic vessel that he was cursed with.
As he reluctantly arrived at his house, he tried to talk to Myra through the door as a way to prepare her as much as he knew how. He attempted to stay behind the door as long as possible, beating around the bush as to what just happened, but she didn't understand why he was acting this way and only tolerated it so much before she opened the door and upon first glance immediately scrambled for a gun
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Completely overrun with past memories, she refused to believe him and was convinced that a demon Actually killed him and took his form to get to her and was merely feigning his distress just to make her vulnerable. Ramsuse quickly saw her state and decided it was best to just do what she demanded and he fled after she shot at him.
After what happened, that was the final straw that broke the camels back and Myrna took to the town to try and tell people what happened to her husband. Nobody has witnessed anyone being turned into a demon and coming back ( they just knew people vanished or were just straight up dead) and with her being a woman back then, nobody believed her not even Ramsuse's former bounty hunter group. They drew the conclusion that Ramsuse merely found another woman and ran away with her, so Myrna was deemed mentally unstable and was locked up in a facility where she soon died of a fatal self inflicted wound. Ramsuse could only watch all of this happen from afar for he had no idea how to get through to her or to even show his face anywhere ever again as he drowned in grief and self hatred over time. He was cursed to be immortal as he became just a wandering cowboy, doing bounty work in passing towns. He took more heavily toward monster communities, however his bitterness and resentment toward the concept of life itself made both him and his horse extremely vicious and brutal to anyone around him. He would start bar fights regularly and kill more bounties that were strictly wanted alive and then he would kill lawmen if they so much as looked at him wrong he was just a whole ass mess. Appocolus was outcast as well by all horses, both feral and domesticated, so he too became very grudge driven and hostile. He would assist Ramsuse in tormenting and killing anyone they deemed deserving by biting and trampling as well. As the years flew by Ramsuse and Appocolus only had eachother in the world and now that the wild west is almost completely faded out he has a house and barn he made himself out in the middle of nowhere ( like somewhere around Montana or somethin if he was in this world I'd say) he owns thousands upon thousands of acres that he preserves and patrols( to make sure no bitch ass puts a gas station or mcdonalds anywhere PFFT) so theres pretty much a large chunk of the state that is untouched by modern life bc he Will destroy anything by any means necessary so nobody has successfully bought any land. so yeah now hes just a bitter old demon who refuses to move on from his timeline while desperately clings to whats left of his memories and avoids society except for an occasional bar run from a super old bar that's probably been around a while as well :') AIGHT i think i got everything abt his ass 😭 if u bothered to read this far HOPE U ENJOYED!!
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jennrypan · 3 months
Here's some random MHA opinions cuz I'm bored and have nothing to do lol
..the bakusquad and the dekusquad thing were the most fun fandom things that'd ever happened. And they were also the only interesting characters--
Shoto is an honorary Bakusquad member idc (he and Bakugou are besties txt it)
Bakugou and Deku work better as friends/brothers. They aren't the friends/enemies to lovers trope, there are waay too many people to ship them with for yall to be so hungry for those two specifically. They're dynamic works better if it's platonic.
Mina being black coded and Sero being Hispanic is the best thing this fandoms ever thought up.
The Bakugou and Denki ship is grossly oversexualized on A03 but when its written right its geniunely cute
Bakugou x Uraraka is cute as hell (argue with the wall. People got way too upset when he did what he was suppose to when he fought her?? Acting like she didn't hold her own)
On the other hand. Uraraka and Deku are boring but cute
Mirko and Hawks should've kissed </3 (Related; People twinkifying Hawks in the dabixhawks ship is insane. He's a hero, he'd logically be more muscular then that lanky mf. Be so fr. )
Mineta isn't that terrible of a character he's just REALLY annoying and forgettable.
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neege · 1 month
Also, in reference to my last post because I looove talking, I think ATYD gets so much blame for causing the current fanon Remus, when really the cause for overly-tough-guy-Remus is failure to understand the story that ATYD is trying to tell.
It's an AU—one that is mostly canon complaint in that the events that occur in the books also happen in ATYD, but there's literally so many differences that it's not really that compliant actually—and in this AU, Remus doesn't grow up in a loving, supportive home, but instead grows up in a very rough boys home. Because of this, he's a little rough as well.
ATYD is ultimately about class, disability, queerness in the 70s/80s, and the trauma/grief that comes with losing people to violence. It's not a canon, in-depth study of Remus, but instead uses Remus to explore these identities/themes in the context of a different-than-usual-take on his character.
A lot of the response from ATYD is mixed; either he's completely out of character and thus ignored (which is perfectly fine) or trashed on (which I do kinda have issues with), OR he's a new & improved Remus—one who's badass, who smokes and fucks and is cold, mean, and takes no shit. This "new" Remus is then transplanted into different canon compliant fics/situations, but the context is all missing!
I'm not saying that there's 0 validity to those statements, but reading ATYD actually showcases that those things aren't necessarily true, even in the fic!
Remus does smoke, but he doesn't really fuck (he's repeatedly caught off guard/embarrassed by flirting); he's not cold and mean, but actually repeatedly kind. He's only really cold when he gets defensive, which again only makes sense in the context of the AU (being a young queer werewolf raised in a pretty unfriendly, rough environment).
Anyway, I just think that when you consider the context of ATYD, the characterization makes more sense and can be a really fun and even important take. Without the context, you get a stranger.
I've talked waay too much and this is so long so I'll stop there!!
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starnymph124 · 5 months
Imagine how many people would watch it:
queer people
the whole marauders fandom
art nerds
people who are into like adventure movies
a ton of random people too because the plot is waay too intriguing
also people who like europe in general
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squibby0 · 1 year
Hello!!! Congratulations on 100 followers!!!!!
If it’s not to complicated I would like to request the nightmare gang doing some kinda family shinanagins together! (If that’s to complicated or too many people I understand!!!)
Have a amazing day/night!!!
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Here they are!!! They're having a movie night!!!! I hope you like this, im definitely trying to get better at drawing multiple characters interacting with eachother,, since i only drew singular people for waay too long
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phightinghottakes · 5 months
i think nearly every single phighter being drawn depicted as men is stupid. "but-but-but- he/him!!!" I DONT CAAAAAREE gender literally doesnt exist in the phighting universeee THEY CAN BE LITERALLY ANYTHINGGG pronouns do not equal gender RGGRGAAGHH
theres waay too many men. and only like, what, 4 she/hers?? come on. come on..
phighting community being both the most queer but also the most limited fandom ive been in smh
Tbh I feel this is something that just can’t be fixed no matter how hard you try. Maybe we should just let people draw things how they want to draw them.
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werfenspeer · 2 years
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Chongyue voice lines and other lore stuff:
His combat skill is ranked as ■■, other people with ■■ rank is Skadi's physical strength and Gladiia's mobility
His old name is Shuo (朔) but he doesn't use it because Chongyue is more human and was given to him by a friend
He sealed his original self into a sword, and he made a human body for himself, something that only the 2nd sibling knows how to do other than him. Though it's no longer 'him' per se and is instead 'one of Sui's 12 fragments'. The sword was given to Waai Fu's father as a token for their rematch
He's uninfected but his Originium density is 0.01 unlike the others who have 0.00
His human body is extremely normal, even though his stats are super high, there's nothing special about his physical form
He has an EXTREMELY regular daily schedule and is a strict teacher
He taught wushu (Chinese martial arts) on RI for a bit and everyone had to adhere to his schedule, he's even stricter than Dobermann
But he's a nice and reliable guy for sure!!
Operators from many countries can recognize a pure form of their cultural style in his moves, as if he was there to influence the founding master of their schools
He's hardworking, humble, and ready to try new things with the other Operators
He's always on time
His other hobbies include but are not limited to wood sculpture, pottery making, literature, and coffee
He's resting at RI. Ling asks Dr to not ask him for too much
The Yanese Sui commission (sorry, I forgot the EN name LOL) wrote a letter to RI asking RI to take care of the retired Chongyue so he can recuperate from his injuries
He was the earliest to despise killing, but was also the closest to it
He wanted to retire since a very long time ago
He once went into Dusk's painting, chatted with her for a day and night, asked her to come outside and not be a shut in (failed), went out to the painted field the next day to do his morning exercise and the painting collapsed instantly
He joined Nian's film making for fun
His greeting line is "Doctor, I didn't see you at the morning exercise today either." HES SHAMING US
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"I promised Nian to be her 'stunt director', both to settle her and to keep her company. Dusk is timid and Ling loves wine, I'll watch over them too... even if we aren't bound by mortal blood, we are still siblings, and not "Them"."
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"You wish to be my 'martial witness'? Rhodes Island truly treats their guests well, I can see why my sisters like it here... no? Then, I wouldn't mind being your second in command either."
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"To see death and suffering is the daily course for a martial warrior. To see death yet persevere, to be steadfast in morals and justice, and not use 'such is the world' as an excuse, these are their trials. This has been the way of the world for tens of thousands of years. Only behemoths drunk on hubris will have unfeeling hearts."
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wyrdwulf · 8 months
I've been looking at Palworld discourse as I come across it because it's something that interests me in a few ways. Discussions of AI usage and of plagiarism in media affects artists, and I am a big Pokemon guy even if I am highly critical of the games and company practices rnow. I think there's a lot of valid reason not to support Palworld/studio that made it, and to criticize the game-- the dev being a huge fan of using AI in making games and Cryptobro is enough for me, tbh. But I also feel like there are some arguments and reactions being had about why the game is bad where there's like, validity to them to an extent, but that people are working on assumptions or being overly reactive in a way that muddies valid arguments that can and should be made? And I think overlooking that is. I dunno. Not helpful in trying to have conversations on what is and isn't bad form in making art.
One of the big things is the whole accusation that the monster designs in Palworld are AI generated. I will be perfectly upfront with my take-- based on comments and tweets made by the dev, (especially the one below) I really do suspect that AI could have been used to either make monster designs wholesale, or to 'help' the process along. However, there is no definitive proof of this. This has not been confirmed. But I see so many people spreading that 'fact' as if it is. And again, I really do suspect that could be the case, but like. It's not helpful to spread misinformation, even if it's for a cause that might be good. Both because misinfo is just generally harmful and because it can do so much harm to your argument when you include falsities or state conjecture as fact to people.
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Side note-- I've been seeing now that there are claims that the Palworld models are either direct rips of or heavily copy Pokemon models. For that, too, I've already been seeing that the claims of them being full rips can be proven false, but that it is very arguable that there are some severe similarities between elements of certain models, etc. I'm no 3D modelling expert, so for me I really just want to take this information with a grain of salt and wait until I see definitive proof one way or another.
Another thing I've been thinking about is the claims of the monsters fully plagiarizing existing Pokemon... To start, there's a whole question of parody and what constitutes being fair parody versus just stealing which I feel could be debated here. From what I've seen, the game was kinda marketed as parody, and looking at for example the Salazzle clone, its description really seems like it's parodying Salazzle to me. But moving past that, I do really feel that some of the Palworld monster designs are blatantly ripping off Pokemon-- however, I think that it's like, WAY less than I see a lot of people asserting. I've seen some people arguing that the Palmons are legally distinct enough that none are ripoffs but like, c'mon--
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I genuinely think someone who argues that this guy doesn't look like Luxray is lacking observational skills.
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This is another one for me that like, yes, the silhouette and certain features are different enough to make it 'distinct', but I feel like anyone with pattern recognition should be able to see the colors and design elements being waay too similar here to be a coincidence.
Also, there are definitely designs that feel like mashups of multiple Pokemon features to me, like this guy feeling like it's got Meganium, Serperior, Lilligant, Goodra in it--
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But then there are some that I see people using as examples of plagiarism where I'm just like. Brother. That's just Common JRPG Mob Design.
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I'll just use this guy as my one example but like. Claims that this is just a Wooloo rip are wild to me. This looks like I can find it in like half of fantasy JRPGs. There's other examples like this where I'm just like... I get that because a good amount of these monsters ARE very likely ripoffs/inspired by existing Pokemon, people are trying to find the Pokemon 'in' each Palmon, but I feel like so many of the comparisons are stretches which can weaken genuine argument.
Also this is an aside but a very petty thing-- I'll be seeing people claim X palmon is a ripoff of Y Pokemon when there's a different Pokemon that feels like a better comparison, like this guy?
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So much closer to the unreleased water starter line from gen 2 than Lapras. C'mooooon.
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I guess tl;dr though, I think there are genuine issues about artistic integrity, plagiarism, possible AI use and such which should be discussed about this game, and again, the company's ties with AI and crypto are reason enough to not support them, but. I feel like when having these conversations it's best to critically think about what's proven fact and what's speculation, and to consider what's a strong argument for why it might suck and what's not.
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