#WTB Construction
bigclamtheory · 3 months
I am trying to spread awareness of other forms of trans identity and experience and do it at random to eventually get a real conversation around this. I have to do it anonymously because of the transphobic and often reactionary assimilationist vitriol built up around the topic. Fun fact both gender and race are social constructs connected to material forms of existence and presentation that can be ALTERED with transitions both social and physical. There are lots of ways to do this and one doesn’t invalidate the others. To recognize trans rights is to recognize all trans rights. The right to transition and identify as we please across ALL social categories. And yes some of these categories involve dynamics of oppression but just like a trans woman doesn’t have “male privilege” for being mtf even if she transitioned at 40 after a career in engineering, a wtb trans black person does not have white privilege. If you or your followers disagree seriously attempt to explain why without acting like one form oppression is real and the other isn’t, or repeating stock phrases you don’t really understand and therefore cannot really believe in, or similar things
ok cracker
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sunaleisocial · 5 months
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/one-of-mits-best-kept-secrets-lives-in-the-institutes-basement/
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
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When MIT’s Walker Memorial (Building 50) was constructed in 1916, it was among the first buildings located on the Institute’s then-new Cambridge campus. At the time, national headlines would have heralded Gideon Sundback’s invention of the modern zipper, the first transcontinental phone call by Alexander Graham Bell, and Charles Fahbry’s discovery of the ozone layer. It would be another 12 years before the invention of sliced bread, and, importantly, four years before the first U.S.-licensed commercial radio station would go on the air.    
In true MIT fashion, the past, present, and future of Building 50 seem to coexist within its hallways. Today, the basement of Walker Memorial is home to what some students consider to be one of the Institute’s best-kept secrets — something that likely never crossed the minds of its original architects: a 24-hour, high-fidelity radio station. 
Operating under the call sign WMBR 88.1 FM (for “Walker Memorial Basement Radio”), this all-volunteer troupe has endured many hurdles similar to those faced by others in the field as radio itself has largely changed over the years. But as general managers James Rock and Maggie Lin will tell you, there’s something special about this station’s ability to build deeper connections within the larger community.
“Students have the opportunity to get to know a bunch of our community members,” explains Rock. “Our tech director works closely with every student who wants to contribute, which involves anything from manning a drill to climbing to the roof of Walker and manually bending the antenna back into shape, which I did a couple of weeks ago,” laughs Rock. “Most of our student members are trained by someone who’s been around and really knows what they’re doing with radio after decades of experience.”
“It’s really fun,” says Lin. “It’s being able to hang out with people who love music just as much as you do. The older members of the station are such a cool resource for talking about different kinds of music.”
Now sophomores, Rock and Lin first arrived at MIT and WMBR two years ago. At the time, the station was mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which WMBR went off the air temporarily. “We’ve been general managers since last spring, so the majority of our time at the station has been managing the station,” explains Lin. “We just came at a time when the station didn’t have many student members because of Covid.”
Lin recalls stories from disc jockeys who were at the station the night in 2020 when WMBR went off the air: “I’m told it was extremely sudden. There was someone here who said they finished their show and left a tote bag of records for the next time they were going to come back, and they left … and they still haven’t [returned].” 
However, resilience is a trait that WMBR has displayed in abundance throughout its storied 80-year history. First signing on as WMIT on Nov. 25, 1946, the station’s original equipment was built from the ground up by MIT electrical engineering students. In 1956, when the station’s call letters were licensed to a radio station in North Carolina, the Cambridge-based station became WTBS. And when the station was in dire need of cash for new equipment in the 1970s, its members found a creative solution: an agreement with media mogul Ted Turner to exchange the call letters WTBS for $50,000. This afforded the station the new equipment it dearly needed and allowed Turner to launch the Turner Broadcasting System. The station subsequently became WMBR on Nov. 10, 1979.          
So it’s no surprise how station members responded to the challenges posed by Covid. “The tech team pulled off something kind of crazy when they set that up,” says Lin. “Within weeks, they set up a system where people could upload files of shows they recorded from home, and then it would be broadcast live.”
“Sticking to the hybrid system means that especially new members have the flexibility to start out recording from home,” adds Rock. “That’s what Maggie and I did. It means if you’re scared, a little jumpy, or stutter as you speak, you can go back and edit.”
The station also expanded its slate of new content in the years following the pandemic. “I think the most lasting effect of Covid is that we are now 24/7,” says Rock. “Most of the time it’s fresh material now. The spring schedule is guaranteed fresh material from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.”
“It’s a packed schedule,” adds Lin.
Considering the sheer amount of original programming now airing on WMBR, it would be easy to assume the station relies heavily on ad revenue to keep the lights on. But, thanks to one fundraising week held each November, the station keeps pumping out music and spoken-word shows such as “Music for Eels,” “Post-Tentious,” and “Crunchy Plastic Dinosaurs.”
“And operating an FM radio station is not cheap,” says Rock, “maintaining the antennas and buying new tech equipment, getting music, paying licensing fees, and ordering pizza to keep the students on board because the DJs have to be happy, etc. So it’s a real privilege that we are able to operate on that listener funding from that one week each year.”
“It’s kind of crazy, because when you’re broadcasting, it’s to Greater Boston, but you really don’t know how many people are listening,” adds Lin. “And I think it’s really awesome when you see fundraising week. It’s like, ‘Yeah, people really do listen.’” 
“And if a donor chooses to pledge to a show, generally the DJs will mail a postcard back as thanks for that donation. So, if you want a signature of Maggie’s or mine, support us in November!” laughs Rock. “Limiting [fundraising] to one week means that we never advertise, so as long as we keep that contained to one-52nd of the year, the rest of the time you just get the music and the DJ’s commentary you tuned in for. There’s no solicitation.”
In many ways, this highlights the paradox of WMBR: reconciling its undeniable audience of loyal listeners and passionate community members with the fact that many MIT students and employees have never heard of WMBR.
“I think a lot of people just don’t quite know that the radio station is something that exists,” explains Lin. “I understand it’s because people our age don’t really listen to radio much anymore, but I think the space is so amazing. A lot of the new students that we bring in are pretty awed by it, especially the record library; with hundreds of thousands of records and CDs, and the studios,” says Lin, referencing the station’s impressive collection of music, which fills a space so large that it once held a bowling alley. “It’s an opportunity that is kind of easy to miss out on. So I feel like we’re bringing in new members — which I’m really happy about — but I just want people to know that WMBR is here, and it’s really cool.”
“Yes. I second that,” says Rock. “MIT is so full of opportunities and resources that you can’t possibly take advantage of all of them, but we are hidden here in the basement of Walker Memorial where students don’t really make it [to] that often.”
“Listeners don’t even know,” laughs Lin. “We had someone pass by the door once, and they were like, ‘The radio station? It’s here?’”
“I didn’t know there was a campus radio station, and I frankly hadn’t really thought of campus radio until I walked into Activities Midway during my first CPW [Campus Preview Weekend], and maybe orientation,” adds Rock. “One of the great things about it is that you can share your own music tastes with all of greater Boston. You have the aux cord for an hour every week, and it’s such a privilege.”
“It’s kind of scary-sounding to think, ‘You’re going to go sit behind a microphone and all of Greater Boston will hear you,’” adds Lin. “But James is always full of confidence, so I just thought, ‘What if we did a show together?’ That’s another thing that we like as we get new students in: people who want to co-host shows together.” 
“We are always looking for new student members,” says Rock. “Whether you want to do a radio show, podcast, help with maintaining and upgrading our broadcast equipment, or gain valuable experience helping to manage and lead a nonprofit organization that is an eclectic mix of MIT students, staff, and members of the local community, let us know!”
Walker Memorial Basement Radio (WMBR) is currently on the air and streaming 24/7. Listen online here, or tune your dial to 88.1 FM. To find out more about joining WMBR, send a message to [email protected].
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jcmarchi · 5 months
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/one-of-mits-best-kept-secrets-lives-in-the-institutes-basement/
One of MIT’s best-kept secrets lives in the Institute’s basement
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When MIT’s Walker Memorial (Building 50) was constructed in 1916, it was among the first buildings located on the Institute’s then-new Cambridge campus. At the time, national headlines would have heralded Gideon Sundback’s invention of the modern zipper, the first transcontinental phone call by Alexander Graham Bell, and Charles Fahbry’s discovery of the ozone layer. It would be another 12 years before the invention of sliced bread, and, importantly, four years before the first U.S.-licensed commercial radio station would go on the air.    
In true MIT fashion, the past, present, and future of Building 50 seem to coexist within its hallways. Today, the basement of Walker Memorial is home to what some students consider to be one of the Institute’s best-kept secrets — something that likely never crossed the minds of its original architects: a 24-hour, high-fidelity radio station. 
Operating under the call sign WMBR 88.1 FM (for “Walker Memorial Basement Radio”), this all-volunteer troupe has endured many hurdles similar to those faced by others in the field as radio itself has largely changed over the years. But as general managers James Rock and Maggie Lin will tell you, there’s something special about this station’s ability to build deeper connections within the larger community.
“Students have the opportunity to get to know a bunch of our community members,” explains Rock. “Our tech director works closely with every student who wants to contribute, which involves anything from manning a drill to climbing to the roof of Walker and manually bending the antenna back into shape, which I did a couple of weeks ago,” laughs Rock. “Most of our student members are trained by someone who’s been around and really knows what they’re doing with radio after decades of experience.”
“It’s really fun,” says Lin. “It’s being able to hang out with people who love music just as much as you do. The older members of the station are such a cool resource for talking about different kinds of music.”
Now sophomores, Rock and Lin first arrived at MIT and WMBR two years ago. At the time, the station was mitigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, during which WMBR went off the air temporarily. “We’ve been general managers since last spring, so the majority of our time at the station has been managing the station,” explains Lin. “We just came at a time when the station didn’t have many student members because of Covid.”
Lin recalls stories from disc jockeys who were at the station the night in 2020 when WMBR went off the air: “I’m told it was extremely sudden. There was someone here who said they finished their show and left a tote bag of records for the next time they were going to come back, and they left … and they still haven’t [returned].” 
However, resilience is a trait that WMBR has displayed in abundance throughout its storied 80-year history. First signing on as WMIT on Nov. 25, 1946, the station’s original equipment was built from the ground up by MIT electrical engineering students. In 1956, when the station’s call letters were licensed to a radio station in North Carolina, the Cambridge-based station became WTBS. And when the station was in dire need of cash for new equipment in the 1970s, its members found a creative solution: an agreement with media mogul Ted Turner to exchange the call letters WTBS for $50,000. This afforded the station the new equipment it dearly needed and allowed Turner to launch the Turner Broadcasting System. The station subsequently became WMBR on Nov. 10, 1979.          
So it’s no surprise how station members responded to the challenges posed by Covid. “The tech team pulled off something kind of crazy when they set that up,” says Lin. “Within weeks, they set up a system where people could upload files of shows they recorded from home, and then it would be broadcast live.”
“Sticking to the hybrid system means that especially new members have the flexibility to start out recording from home,” adds Rock. “That’s what Maggie and I did. It means if you’re scared, a little jumpy, or stutter as you speak, you can go back and edit.”
The station also expanded its slate of new content in the years following the pandemic. “I think the most lasting effect of Covid is that we are now 24/7,” says Rock. “Most of the time it’s fresh material now. The spring schedule is guaranteed fresh material from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.”
“It’s a packed schedule,” adds Lin.
Considering the sheer amount of original programming now airing on WMBR, it would be easy to assume the station relies heavily on ad revenue to keep the lights on. But, thanks to one fundraising week held each November, the station keeps pumping out music and spoken-word shows such as “Music for Eels,” “Post-Tentious,” and “Crunchy Plastic Dinosaurs.”
“And operating an FM radio station is not cheap,” says Rock, “maintaining the antennas and buying new tech equipment, getting music, paying licensing fees, and ordering pizza to keep the students on board because the DJs have to be happy, etc. So it’s a real privilege that we are able to operate on that listener funding from that one week each year.”
“It’s kind of crazy, because when you’re broadcasting, it’s to Greater Boston, but you really don’t know how many people are listening,” adds Lin. “And I think it’s really awesome when you see fundraising week. It’s like, ‘Yeah, people really do listen.’” 
“And if a donor chooses to pledge to a show, generally the DJs will mail a postcard back as thanks for that donation. So, if you want a signature of Maggie’s or mine, support us in November!” laughs Rock. “Limiting [fundraising] to one week means that we never advertise, so as long as we keep that contained to one-52nd of the year, the rest of the time you just get the music and the DJ’s commentary you tuned in for. There’s no solicitation.”
In many ways, this highlights the paradox of WMBR: reconciling its undeniable audience of loyal listeners and passionate community members with the fact that many MIT students and employees have never heard of WMBR.
“I think a lot of people just don’t quite know that the radio station is something that exists,” explains Lin. “I understand it’s because people our age don’t really listen to radio much anymore, but I think the space is so amazing. A lot of the new students that we bring in are pretty awed by it, especially the record library; with hundreds of thousands of records and CDs, and the studios,” says Lin, referencing the station’s impressive collection of music, which fills a space so large that it once held a bowling alley. “It’s an opportunity that is kind of easy to miss out on. So I feel like we’re bringing in new members — which I’m really happy about — but I just want people to know that WMBR is here, and it’s really cool.”
“Yes. I second that,” says Rock. “MIT is so full of opportunities and resources that you can’t possibly take advantage of all of them, but we are hidden here in the basement of Walker Memorial where students don’t really make it [to] that often.”
“Listeners don’t even know,” laughs Lin. “We had someone pass by the door once, and they were like, ‘The radio station? It’s here?’”
“I didn’t know there was a campus radio station, and I frankly hadn’t really thought of campus radio until I walked into Activities Midway during my first CPW [Campus Preview Weekend], and maybe orientation,” adds Rock. “One of the great things about it is that you can share your own music tastes with all of greater Boston. You have the aux cord for an hour every week, and it’s such a privilege.”
“It’s kind of scary-sounding to think, ‘You’re going to go sit behind a microphone and all of Greater Boston will hear you,’” adds Lin. “But James is always full of confidence, so I just thought, ‘What if we did a show together?’ That’s another thing that we like as we get new students in: people who want to co-host shows together.” 
“We are always looking for new student members,” says Rock. “Whether you want to do a radio show, podcast, help with maintaining and upgrading our broadcast equipment, or gain valuable experience helping to manage and lead a nonprofit organization that is an eclectic mix of MIT students, staff, and members of the local community, let us know!”
Walker Memorial Basement Radio (WMBR) is currently on the air and streaming 24/7. Listen online here, or tune your dial to 88.1 FM. To find out more about joining WMBR, send a message to [email protected].
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bicyclebuysllc · 1 year
Conquer Any Terrain with WTB Ranger 29x3.0 Tire - Folding Light SG2 DD Tubeless Black | Bicyclebuys llc
Upgrade your off-road adventures with the WTB Ranger 29x3.0 Tire Folding Light SG2 DD Tubeless Black from Bicyclebuys llc. This high-quality tubeless bicycle tire offers exceptional performance and durability. With its folding light design and SG2 DD construction, the WTB Ranger tire provides a perfect balance of speed, traction, and puncture protection. Conquer any terrain with confidence, knowing that you're equipped with a reliable and efficient 29x3.0 tire. Take your riding to the next level with the WTB Ranger 29x3.0 Tire, available at Bicyclebuys llc.
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biking-with-akiva · 2 years
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foxsimthings · 5 years
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•  Flyeaters
Chapter One, Scene 9
I’m still playing with the idea of doing transcripts and stuff for these posts. Lmk if that would be helpful for y’all? In the meantime, here’s a late night scene involving Serna having a delightful chat with the mysterious Sir.  Hopefully Vo will be in a better mood now that she’s gotten some action
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jcdeldf · 2 years
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When you want to go wild places fast. An ultralight carbon construction strips mass from the steel EXT while retaining the versatility the range is known for. Backed by equally quick 650B Hunt Adventure Sport wheels and easy rolling WTB Ranger tyres, it’s the endpoint of our speed focused gravel line. With the ability to carry serious loads, triple mounts on the forks and three separate bottle cage fixings allow you to carry as much as you need with you. Building speed, or stopping everything in seconds, the entire package is backed up by Sram’s Rival gearing and brakes. #bombtrackhookextc22 📷 #1 by @hallo_ich_bin_paul #bombtrack #bombtrackbicycleco #bikepacking #worldbybike #travelbike #cycletouring #bikewander #travelblog #worldtravel #nomadfolk #nomadlife #wanderlust #traveling #steelisreal #bikepassion #gravelbike #gravel #gravelgrinder #bombtrackhookextc21 #bombtrackusa #velostarimports (at Velo Star) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChATR-_rcw-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
hi again! i’m the person who asked about the au stuff and i didn’t mean to sound mean or unclear. i was more so referencing the first wtb fic vibe where it has elements of the characters, show, etc but doesn’t center around existing plots (like how it had jack and hotch meeting, emily dealing with pregnancy, haley having cancer etc vs the ian storyline). this probs sounds so confusing but i just wanted to clarify because i wasn’t asking for something completely different, just wondering if you were writing or would consider writing stuff like that, just since i wasn’t sure but i totally understand your answer! i just didn’t want to seem like i was being rude or anything and wanted to clarify what i was referencing
Ah I see, and no worries at all!
I am planning on writing a “on the run” Hotchniss fic. Which is again AU from canon. It’s going to be 3 chapters. Name, details and a snippet below the cut!
I Know the End
They both lost everything. Their careers, their lives, everything they once considered important, but they found each other. If only it hadn’t already been too late.
A 3 chapter AU, Coming soon
“What was it like?” She asks, trailing her fingers over the thickest scar on his chest, a few inches over from his heart. It was old now, silver and as flat as it ever would be. She saw the beauty in it, in him.
“What was what like?” He asks, his lips still against her forehead, his hand ghosting up and down her back.
“Having a family,” she says, and she can feel him falter, his touch briefly stopping before it continues, she looks up at him, “I’ve never had one.”
He thinks about it, clearly constructing his answer carefully, as if she would judge him. As if they didn’t know the worst of each other already.
“It was achingly normal. Almost boring at times,” he replies eventually, a sad smile on his face, “I miss it. Them.”
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acesian · 4 years
Yo what do you think of tumblr "transrace" people? Those are people who think race is just a social construct like gender (like transgenderism) most of the tumblr transrace i've seen are WtB (white identifying as black/white to black) or WtA (white to Asian). Often they have whites dni in their bio. Find out more in the #transrace
The last part sounds like an ad but honestly racefakers suck.... white ones especially come across as people who think cultural appropriation isn't enough.
I think it's sad, ignorant, offensive, and dangerous. Gender and race aren't the same, so that's why they're not parallel experiences.
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44bikes · 5 years
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SUNDAY SUPER SALE // - For Sale: Huntsman 56cm Shimano Ultegra complete. $5000 obo + shipping OR local pickup. - Immaculate paint work by Jordan Low of @hot__tubes Finish is a soft matte eggshell with a subtle warm grey pearl finish. - Notable parts include ENVE 44cm Road bars, WTB Saddle and 44mm Byway 700c tires, painted to match Parlee carbon taper fork, full Shimano Ultegra parr’s spec with Shimano carbon wheelset. - 70° HT / 73° ST : 430mm chainstays, 70mm drop, 12x10mm F/12x142mm R spacing, Flat Mount, room for 45mm tires, internal rear brake routing and 2x water bottle mounts. - Steel TIG Welded construction from Vari-Wall USA drawn tubing. - This is a one of a kind build commissioned by Shimano and is ready to tackle just about anything you can throw at it! - Email me directly: [email protected]. DO NOT DIRECT MESSAGE. Emails will be prioritized in the order they arrive. First come, first serve. Addition images and the frame drawing with complete specs are available upon request. - #madetoshred https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EsfxKlJlj/?igshid=60lz5htuf9hl
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Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard
With increasingly more manufacturers promoting full mountain bikes direct to shopper, we determined to take a look at three of the newest choices from Intense, Hen, and Sonder, to place every model’s service – and bikes – to the check. Over to James Vincent for the evaluate!
Intense Cycles is a type of manufacturers that has simply received IT, no matter IT truly is. Bursting onto the scene within the early 90s, Intense and its proprietor Jeff Steber have all the time carried out issues a bit of in a different way to the mainstream. So when information broke in the direction of the top of 2017 that Intense was going direct sale – solely within the UK, you may virtually hear the collective gasp. For a boutique firm that’s occupied a higher-end area of interest of the market, the transfer was a shock to many.
The Primer is Intense’ 130mm journey 29er path bike.
Then once more, given rising competitors from on-line direct-sale corporations, alongside with extra aggressive pricing from the larger (and arguably higher resourced) manufacturers, maybe it was solely a matter of when, not if.
However whereas there are certainly many good causes for the change, this isn’t the place to debate them. This can be a bike check in any case, and it’s one which simply obtained an entire lot extra fascinating. For 2 thousand excellent causes.
Contemplate your self briefed.
Simply over a yr in the past, an Intense Primer Expert was promoting for £5,300 in a motorcycle store. For 2018, this bike (admittedly with a few spec modifications) is promoting for a staggering £three,499. It’s additionally now shipped freed from cost straight to your door (with a torque wrench included within the field to straighten the bars), and since Intense Cycles UK solely lists what it has in inventory in its warehouse, orders are dispatched inside 24 hours of you clicking the ‘buy’ button.
For 2018, there are 5 full Primer fashions out there, beginning at £2,899 for the Basis construct, and topping out at £6,999 for the Manufacturing unit spec. The three prime builds make use of a lighter SL carbon body, which can be bought by itself for £2,299. Every Primer is out there in 4 sizes from Small via to X-Giant.
It’s an eye-popping color, however we prefer it.
The Bike
Pulling the Primer out of the field, I used to be introduced with beautiful turquoise lacquer set off with shiny neon lime graphics. It by some means manages to look concurrently stylish but nonetheless very a lot in yer face!
Sculpted out of carbon fibre, the body could be very aesthetically pleasing and strikes an ideal stability, which I hereby proclaim ‘industrially organic’. The entrance triangle is definitely widespread to Intense’s personal ACV 27.5+ bike, however the rear triangle is all Primer.
You may query the logic and extra tooling prices of such a choice, however Intense has shaved weight from the rear triangle and located room for a entrance mech on the similar time. There’s additionally a set of bottle bosses inside the primary body, and inner cable routing retains issues wanting clear and uncluttered entrance to again.
Beautiful strains on that carbon swingarm.
As we’re testing the Expert degree construct, we miss out on the chi-chi SL body. The cheaper body right here makes use of a unique carbon layup, metal hardware (as an alternative of titanium) and an alloy higher linkage, which provides about 250g of mass over the SL model.
Because the VPP patent expired a few years in the past, Intense has changed the platform with its personal JS Tuned linkage. You’ll nonetheless discover two small hyperlinks that rock the swingarm similarly, however the size and orientation of the hyperlinks have been modified to offer a extra dynamic experience that retains sensible pedalling efficiency. I rarely reached for the shock lockout.
You’ve acquired two journey choices right here.The decrease hyperlink has grease ports for upkeep duties.
Whereas Intense has spec’d what seems like a relatively fiddly Increase 148x12mm axle, as soon as you determine which option to flip it, and which bolts you have to undo, it’s truly fairly easy and safe. Lastly, there are built-in rubber body protectors on the downtube and drive aspect chainstay to fend off rock strikes and hold the noise down.
You’d be forgiven for anticipating to see a number of own-branded elements as a sacrifice for getting a full carbon body and SRAM Eagle for less than £three,300, however you’d be very improper. Suspension comes from RockShox, with a Revelation RC 140mm journey fork, and a Monarch RL out again. Revelations have all the time been a strong performer and are much more so now they share the identical 35mm chassis as the Pike.
140mm journey up entrance from the superb RockShox Revelation fork.SRAM GX 1×12 shifting.
Sadly, whereas the Monarch carried out brilliantly whereas open, there was a big delay in locking the shock out – it took a number of compressions of the again finish earlier than it engaged with a clunk.
DT Swiss is in control of wheels with the superb M1900 Spline wheelset, whereas tyres are the brand new 2.35in extensive Maxxis Forekasters – an aggressive cross-country tyre that gives minimal rolling resistance and surprisingly excessive ranges of grip.
Lastly, an aesthetic Fox Switch dropper publish holds the cozy WTB saddle up and Renthal bars offer you one thing to carry on to. It’s protected to say that no corners have been reduce in an effort to hit a worth level.
The Fox Switch dropper carried out properly.Robust DT Swiss wheels and Shimano XT brakes full the smart construct package.
The Journey
Good grief, this bike is eager. Like an excitable younger pet, it brims with enthusiasm, darting round in circles, chasing something that strikes whereas your driving mates make their approach alongside in a extra stately method. Most of the time I’d discover myself spinning alongside taking it straightforward, whereas getting this unusual vibe that the bike needs to be let off the leash. So, in fact, I oblige.
I modify up a couple of gears, stand on the pedals, and the Primer bursts ahead with scary ease. The brilliant blue machine is far happier with the change of tempo. There’s minimal drag from the Maxxis Forekasters, whereas the JS Tuned system stays taut and environment friendly beneath chain rigidity.
The Primer has a unbelievable get-up-and-go angle.
Designed to be extra supportive within the mid-stroke, there was little or no wallowing or pedal bob even when hauling exhausting out of the saddle, and in contrast to some extra fussy suspension methods, it has a large working window and I used to be capable of run anyplace from 25–30% sag with no destructive impact on efficiency.
‘JS Tuned’ isn’t only a fancy new identify – this suspension system is a drastic enchancment over the issues of the previous VPP suspension system and its tendency to really feel such as you have been pedalling inside a hammock.
No wallow right here – the JS tuned design performs to a really excessive standard.
Shortly to the highest and onto the enjoyable stuff, the Primer is not any slouch when it will get there and its enthusiasm on the climbs is matched by a nimbleness that belies the 29in wheels.
With a attain of 453mm (measurement L) and a head angle of 67.5°, it’s not at all the longest or the slackest bike I’ve ever ridden, however it doesn’t really feel brief, and it doesn’t really feel nervous or twitchy both. It feels good, and that Goldilocks vibe places the rider in command, slightly than the opposite approach spherical.
Having stated that, when you choose a bit extra size in your bikes, remember that the Primer has a comparatively tall seat tube and that limits dropper publish insertion. So the standard trick of sizing as much as achieve some attain may be out of the query (at a shade over 6ft, I personally discovered the sizing spot on).
The seat tube is a bit too tall, decreasing the choice to upsize for extra attain.
Actually although, it’s solely when issues get actually steep and technical that the bike begins to get overwhelmed and out of its depth. The 760mm Renthal bars don’t assist and a wider set would deliver again some management.
The different factor I’d take a look at altering is the entrance tyre. The Forekasters are an amazing cross-country tyre, roll shortly and supply sufficient traction out again, however I can’t assist however shake the sensation the entrance tyre is making an attempt to kill the get together.
The Primer has a great deal of zip and likes to play on the path.
Positive, the Primer is marketed as a cross-country/path bike, and never an enduro bike, however the body and suspension really feel like they’re able to a lot extra. A extra aggressive entrance tyre like a Excessive Curler II or Minion DHR II would give that bit extra traction and open issues up with out compromising the responsiveness that I really like about this bike.
One factor I wouldn’t change, regardless that the choice is there, is the rear suspension journey. As with the Intense ACV Plus bike, you’ve obtained the selection of operating 115mm or 130mm. However as the bike is so spritely and nimble at 130mm, I by no means felt the necessity to scale back the journey.
The Primer is begging for a greater entrance tyre than the Forekaster.
Aside from these minor quibbles, are there any negatives? Solely the sluggish lockout on the rear shock, and that the entrance Maxle Lite is wanting decidedly worse for put on and in peril of being unusable as a result of it’s so closely rounded off. I’d strongly advocate upgrading to the Maxle Final.
The Intense Primer is among the greatest pedalling, most keen and nimble path bikes I’ve ever ridden. It’s a delight to experience, urging you to go more durable and quicker than you thought potential. The massive shock is that it’s no slouch when the path factors again down both, altering course with ease and dealing with tougher trails than actually ought to be potential for a 130mm journey 29er.
Add a extra aggressive entrance tyre (and an extended journey fork in the event you’re feeling notably saucy), and the bike will probably be able to much more with out sacrificing an excessive amount of of that velocity and acceleration that’s so addictive about this bike.
With its new, extra aggressive pricing, the Primer is an interesting bike for a wider vary of riders.
Intense Primer Expert Specs
Body // Monocoque UD Carbon Entrance & Rear Triangle, 130mm Journey
Fork // RockShox Revelation RC, 140mm Journey
Shock // RockShox Monarch RL
Hubs // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 110x15mm Entrance & 148x12mm Rear
Rims // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 28h, Tubeless Prepared
Tyres // Maxxis Forekaster EXO 2.35in Entrance & Rear
Chainset // Truvativ Stylo Eagle GXP, 175mm, 34t X-Sync 2 Chainring
Rear Mech // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Shifter // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Cassette // SRAM GX Eagle, 10-50t, 12-Velocity
Brakes // Shimano Deore XT M8000, 180mm Entrance & Rear
Stem // Intense Recon Elite, 31.8mm, 50mm Size
Bars // Renthal Fatbar Alloy, 31.8mm, 20mm Rise, 760mm Large
Grips // Intense Lock-On
Seatpost // Fox Switch, 31.6mm, 150mm Journey
Saddle // WTB Silverado Race w/ Cr-Mo Rails
Measurement Examined // Giant
Sizes Out there // Small, Medium, Giant, X-Giant
Precise Weight // 13.3kg (29.3lb)
RRP // £three,499
Loved that one? This text was from Difficulty #118 of Singletrack Journal, and you may learn the complete function and a great deal of different unbelievable tales proper right here.
Assessment Information
Model: Intense Cycles Product: Primer Expert From: uk.intensecycles.com Worth: £three,499 Examined: by James Vincent for two months
The post Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard appeared first on Playtab Tech.
1 note · View note
sleepyferrets · 5 years
Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard
With increasingly more manufacturers promoting full mountain bikes direct to shopper, we determined to take a look at three of the newest choices from Intense, Hen, and Sonder, to place every model’s service – and bikes – to the check. Over to James Vincent for the evaluate!
Intense Cycles is a type of manufacturers that has simply received IT, no matter IT truly is. Bursting onto the scene within the early 90s, Intense and its proprietor Jeff Steber have all the time carried out issues a bit of in a different way to the mainstream. So when information broke in the direction of the top of 2017 that Intense was going direct sale – solely within the UK, you may virtually hear the collective gasp. For a boutique firm that’s occupied a higher-end area of interest of the market, the transfer was a shock to many.
The Primer is Intense’ 130mm journey 29er path bike.
Then once more, given rising competitors from on-line direct-sale corporations, alongside with extra aggressive pricing from the larger (and arguably higher resourced) manufacturers, maybe it was solely a matter of when, not if.
However whereas there are certainly many good causes for the change, this isn’t the place to debate them. This can be a bike check in any case, and it’s one which simply obtained an entire lot extra fascinating. For 2 thousand excellent causes.
Contemplate your self briefed.
Simply over a yr in the past, an Intense Primer Expert was promoting for £5,300 in a motorcycle store. For 2018, this bike (admittedly with a few spec modifications) is promoting for a staggering £three,499. It’s additionally now shipped freed from cost straight to your door (with a torque wrench included within the field to straighten the bars), and since Intense Cycles UK solely lists what it has in inventory in its warehouse, orders are dispatched inside 24 hours of you clicking the ‘buy’ button.
For 2018, there are 5 full Primer fashions out there, beginning at £2,899 for the Basis construct, and topping out at £6,999 for the Manufacturing unit spec. The three prime builds make use of a lighter SL carbon body, which can be bought by itself for £2,299. Every Primer is out there in 4 sizes from Small via to X-Giant.
It’s an eye-popping color, however we prefer it.
The Bike
Pulling the Primer out of the field, I used to be introduced with beautiful turquoise lacquer set off with shiny neon lime graphics. It by some means manages to look concurrently stylish but nonetheless very a lot in yer face!
Sculpted out of carbon fibre, the body could be very aesthetically pleasing and strikes an ideal stability, which I hereby proclaim ‘industrially organic’. The entrance triangle is definitely widespread to Intense’s personal ACV 27.5+ bike, however the rear triangle is all Primer.
You may query the logic and extra tooling prices of such a choice, however Intense has shaved weight from the rear triangle and located room for a entrance mech on the similar time. There’s additionally a set of bottle bosses inside the primary body, and inner cable routing retains issues wanting clear and uncluttered entrance to again.
Beautiful strains on that carbon swingarm.
As we’re testing the Expert degree construct, we miss out on the chi-chi SL body. The cheaper body right here makes use of a unique carbon layup, metal hardware (as an alternative of titanium) and an alloy higher linkage, which provides about 250g of mass over the SL model.
Because the VPP patent expired a few years in the past, Intense has changed the platform with its personal JS Tuned linkage. You’ll nonetheless discover two small hyperlinks that rock the swingarm similarly, however the size and orientation of the hyperlinks have been modified to offer a extra dynamic experience that retains sensible pedalling efficiency. I rarely reached for the shock lockout.
You’ve acquired two journey choices right here.The decrease hyperlink has grease ports for upkeep duties.
Whereas Intense has spec’d what seems like a relatively fiddly Increase 148x12mm axle, as soon as you determine which option to flip it, and which bolts you have to undo, it’s truly fairly easy and safe. Lastly, there are built-in rubber body protectors on the downtube and drive aspect chainstay to fend off rock strikes and hold the noise down.
You’d be forgiven for anticipating to see a number of own-branded elements as a sacrifice for getting a full carbon body and SRAM Eagle for less than £three,300, however you’d be very improper. Suspension comes from RockShox, with a Revelation RC 140mm journey fork, and a Monarch RL out again. Revelations have all the time been a strong performer and are much more so now they share the identical 35mm chassis as the Pike.
140mm journey up entrance from the superb RockShox Revelation fork.SRAM GX 1×12 shifting.
Sadly, whereas the Monarch carried out brilliantly whereas open, there was a big delay in locking the shock out – it took a number of compressions of the again finish earlier than it engaged with a clunk.
DT Swiss is in control of wheels with the superb M1900 Spline wheelset, whereas tyres are the brand new 2.35in extensive Maxxis Forekasters – an aggressive cross-country tyre that gives minimal rolling resistance and surprisingly excessive ranges of grip.
Lastly, an aesthetic Fox Switch dropper publish holds the cozy WTB saddle up and Renthal bars offer you one thing to carry on to. It’s protected to say that no corners have been reduce in an effort to hit a worth level.
The Fox Switch dropper carried out properly.Robust DT Swiss wheels and Shimano XT brakes full the smart construct package.
The Journey
Good grief, this bike is eager. Like an excitable younger pet, it brims with enthusiasm, darting round in circles, chasing something that strikes whereas your driving mates make their approach alongside in a extra stately method. Most of the time I’d discover myself spinning alongside taking it straightforward, whereas getting this unusual vibe that the bike needs to be let off the leash. So, in fact, I oblige.
I modify up a couple of gears, stand on the pedals, and the Primer bursts ahead with scary ease. The brilliant blue machine is far happier with the change of tempo. There’s minimal drag from the Maxxis Forekasters, whereas the JS Tuned system stays taut and environment friendly beneath chain rigidity.
The Primer has a unbelievable get-up-and-go angle.
Designed to be extra supportive within the mid-stroke, there was little or no wallowing or pedal bob even when hauling exhausting out of the saddle, and in contrast to some extra fussy suspension methods, it has a large working window and I used to be capable of run anyplace from 25–30% sag with no destructive impact on efficiency.
‘JS Tuned’ isn’t only a fancy new identify – this suspension system is a drastic enchancment over the issues of the previous VPP suspension system and its tendency to really feel such as you have been pedalling inside a hammock.
No wallow right here – the JS tuned design performs to a really excessive standard.
Shortly to the highest and onto the enjoyable stuff, the Primer is not any slouch when it will get there and its enthusiasm on the climbs is matched by a nimbleness that belies the 29in wheels.
With a attain of 453mm (measurement L) and a head angle of 67.5°, it’s not at all the longest or the slackest bike I’ve ever ridden, however it doesn’t really feel brief, and it doesn’t really feel nervous or twitchy both. It feels good, and that Goldilocks vibe places the rider in command, slightly than the opposite approach spherical.
Having stated that, when you choose a bit extra size in your bikes, remember that the Primer has a comparatively tall seat tube and that limits dropper publish insertion. So the standard trick of sizing as much as achieve some attain may be out of the query (at a shade over 6ft, I personally discovered the sizing spot on).
The seat tube is a bit too tall, decreasing the choice to upsize for extra attain.
Actually although, it’s solely when issues get actually steep and technical that the bike begins to get overwhelmed and out of its depth. The 760mm Renthal bars don’t assist and a wider set would deliver again some management.
The different factor I’d take a look at altering is the entrance tyre. The Forekasters are an amazing cross-country tyre, roll shortly and supply sufficient traction out again, however I can’t assist however shake the sensation the entrance tyre is making an attempt to kill the get together.
The Primer has a great deal of zip and likes to play on the path.
Positive, the Primer is marketed as a cross-country/path bike, and never an enduro bike, however the body and suspension really feel like they’re able to a lot extra. A extra aggressive entrance tyre like a Excessive Curler II or Minion DHR II would give that bit extra traction and open issues up with out compromising the responsiveness that I really like about this bike.
One factor I wouldn’t change, regardless that the choice is there, is the rear suspension journey. As with the Intense ACV Plus bike, you’ve obtained the selection of operating 115mm or 130mm. However as the bike is so spritely and nimble at 130mm, I by no means felt the necessity to scale back the journey.
The Primer is begging for a greater entrance tyre than the Forekaster.
Aside from these minor quibbles, are there any negatives? Solely the sluggish lockout on the rear shock, and that the entrance Maxle Lite is wanting decidedly worse for put on and in peril of being unusable as a result of it’s so closely rounded off. I’d strongly advocate upgrading to the Maxle Final.
The Intense Primer is among the greatest pedalling, most keen and nimble path bikes I’ve ever ridden. It’s a delight to experience, urging you to go more durable and quicker than you thought potential. The massive shock is that it’s no slouch when the path factors again down both, altering course with ease and dealing with tougher trails than actually ought to be potential for a 130mm journey 29er.
Add a extra aggressive entrance tyre (and an extended journey fork in the event you’re feeling notably saucy), and the bike will probably be able to much more with out sacrificing an excessive amount of of that velocity and acceleration that’s so addictive about this bike.
With its new, extra aggressive pricing, the Primer is an interesting bike for a wider vary of riders.
Intense Primer Expert Specs
Body // Monocoque UD Carbon Entrance & Rear Triangle, 130mm Journey
Fork // RockShox Revelation RC, 140mm Journey
Shock // RockShox Monarch RL
Hubs // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 110x15mm Entrance & 148x12mm Rear
Rims // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 28h, Tubeless Prepared
Tyres // Maxxis Forekaster EXO 2.35in Entrance & Rear
Chainset // Truvativ Stylo Eagle GXP, 175mm, 34t X-Sync 2 Chainring
Rear Mech // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Shifter // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Cassette // SRAM GX Eagle, 10-50t, 12-Velocity
Brakes // Shimano Deore XT M8000, 180mm Entrance & Rear
Stem // Intense Recon Elite, 31.8mm, 50mm Size
Bars // Renthal Fatbar Alloy, 31.8mm, 20mm Rise, 760mm Large
Grips // Intense Lock-On
Seatpost // Fox Switch, 31.6mm, 150mm Journey
Saddle // WTB Silverado Race w/ Cr-Mo Rails
Measurement Examined // Giant
Sizes Out there // Small, Medium, Giant, X-Giant
Precise Weight // 13.3kg (29.3lb)
RRP // £three,499
Loved that one? This text was from Difficulty #118 of Singletrack Journal, and you may learn the complete function and a great deal of different unbelievable tales proper right here.
Assessment Information
Model: Intense Cycles Product: Primer Expert From: uk.intensecycles.com Worth: £three,499 Examined: by James Vincent for two months
The post Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard appeared first on Playtab Tech.
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sourmarame-blog · 5 years
Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard
With increasingly more manufacturers promoting full mountain bikes direct to shopper, we determined to take a look at three of the newest choices from Intense, Hen, and Sonder, to place every model’s service – and bikes – to the check. Over to James Vincent for the evaluate!
Intense Cycles is a type of manufacturers that has simply received IT, no matter IT truly is. Bursting onto the scene within the early 90s, Intense and its proprietor Jeff Steber have all the time carried out issues a bit of in a different way to the mainstream. So when information broke in the direction of the top of 2017 that Intense was going direct sale – solely within the UK, you may virtually hear the collective gasp. For a boutique firm that’s occupied a higher-end area of interest of the market, the transfer was a shock to many.
The Primer is Intense’ 130mm journey 29er path bike.
Then once more, given rising competitors from on-line direct-sale corporations, alongside with extra aggressive pricing from the larger (and arguably higher resourced) manufacturers, maybe it was solely a matter of when, not if.
However whereas there are certainly many good causes for the change, this isn’t the place to debate them. This can be a bike check in any case, and it’s one which simply obtained an entire lot extra fascinating. For 2 thousand excellent causes.
Contemplate your self briefed.
Simply over a yr in the past, an Intense Primer Expert was promoting for £5,300 in a motorcycle store. For 2018, this bike (admittedly with a few spec modifications) is promoting for a staggering £three,499. It’s additionally now shipped freed from cost straight to your door (with a torque wrench included within the field to straighten the bars), and since Intense Cycles UK solely lists what it has in inventory in its warehouse, orders are dispatched inside 24 hours of you clicking the ‘buy’ button.
For 2018, there are 5 full Primer fashions out there, beginning at £2,899 for the Basis construct, and topping out at £6,999 for the Manufacturing unit spec. The three prime builds make use of a lighter SL carbon body, which can be bought by itself for £2,299. Every Primer is out there in 4 sizes from Small via to X-Giant.
It’s an eye-popping color, however we prefer it.
The Bike
Pulling the Primer out of the field, I used to be introduced with beautiful turquoise lacquer set off with shiny neon lime graphics. It by some means manages to look concurrently stylish but nonetheless very a lot in yer face!
Sculpted out of carbon fibre, the body could be very aesthetically pleasing and strikes an ideal stability, which I hereby proclaim ‘industrially organic’. The entrance triangle is definitely widespread to Intense’s personal ACV 27.5+ bike, however the rear triangle is all Primer.
You may query the logic and extra tooling prices of such a choice, however Intense has shaved weight from the rear triangle and located room for a entrance mech on the similar time. There’s additionally a set of bottle bosses inside the primary body, and inner cable routing retains issues wanting clear and uncluttered entrance to again.
Beautiful strains on that carbon swingarm.
As we’re testing the Expert degree construct, we miss out on the chi-chi SL body. The cheaper body right here makes use of a unique carbon layup, metal hardware (as an alternative of titanium) and an alloy higher linkage, which provides about 250g of mass over the SL model.
Because the VPP patent expired a few years in the past, Intense has changed the platform with its personal JS Tuned linkage. You’ll nonetheless discover two small hyperlinks that rock the swingarm similarly, however the size and orientation of the hyperlinks have been modified to offer a extra dynamic experience that retains sensible pedalling efficiency. I rarely reached for the shock lockout.
You’ve acquired two journey choices right here.The decrease hyperlink has grease ports for upkeep duties.
Whereas Intense has spec’d what seems like a relatively fiddly Increase 148x12mm axle, as soon as you determine which option to flip it, and which bolts you have to undo, it’s truly fairly easy and safe. Lastly, there are built-in rubber body protectors on the downtube and drive aspect chainstay to fend off rock strikes and hold the noise down.
You’d be forgiven for anticipating to see a number of own-branded elements as a sacrifice for getting a full carbon body and SRAM Eagle for less than £three,300, however you’d be very improper. Suspension comes from RockShox, with a Revelation RC 140mm journey fork, and a Monarch RL out again. Revelations have all the time been a strong performer and are much more so now they share the identical 35mm chassis as the Pike.
140mm journey up entrance from the superb RockShox Revelation fork.SRAM GX 1×12 shifting.
Sadly, whereas the Monarch carried out brilliantly whereas open, there was a big delay in locking the shock out – it took a number of compressions of the again finish earlier than it engaged with a clunk.
DT Swiss is in control of wheels with the superb M1900 Spline wheelset, whereas tyres are the brand new 2.35in extensive Maxxis Forekasters – an aggressive cross-country tyre that gives minimal rolling resistance and surprisingly excessive ranges of grip.
Lastly, an aesthetic Fox Switch dropper publish holds the cozy WTB saddle up and Renthal bars offer you one thing to carry on to. It’s protected to say that no corners have been reduce in an effort to hit a worth level.
The Fox Switch dropper carried out properly.Robust DT Swiss wheels and Shimano XT brakes full the smart construct package.
The Journey
Good grief, this bike is eager. Like an excitable younger pet, it brims with enthusiasm, darting round in circles, chasing something that strikes whereas your driving mates make their approach alongside in a extra stately method. Most of the time I’d discover myself spinning alongside taking it straightforward, whereas getting this unusual vibe that the bike needs to be let off the leash. So, in fact, I oblige.
I modify up a couple of gears, stand on the pedals, and the Primer bursts ahead with scary ease. The brilliant blue machine is far happier with the change of tempo. There’s minimal drag from the Maxxis Forekasters, whereas the JS Tuned system stays taut and environment friendly beneath chain rigidity.
The Primer has a unbelievable get-up-and-go angle.
Designed to be extra supportive within the mid-stroke, there was little or no wallowing or pedal bob even when hauling exhausting out of the saddle, and in contrast to some extra fussy suspension methods, it has a large working window and I used to be capable of run anyplace from 25–30% sag with no destructive impact on efficiency.
‘JS Tuned’ isn’t only a fancy new identify – this suspension system is a drastic enchancment over the issues of the previous VPP suspension system and its tendency to really feel such as you have been pedalling inside a hammock.
No wallow right here – the JS tuned design performs to a really excessive standard.
Shortly to the highest and onto the enjoyable stuff, the Primer is not any slouch when it will get there and its enthusiasm on the climbs is matched by a nimbleness that belies the 29in wheels.
With a attain of 453mm (measurement L) and a head angle of 67.5°, it’s not at all the longest or the slackest bike I’ve ever ridden, however it doesn’t really feel brief, and it doesn’t really feel nervous or twitchy both. It feels good, and that Goldilocks vibe places the rider in command, slightly than the opposite approach spherical.
Having stated that, when you choose a bit extra size in your bikes, remember that the Primer has a comparatively tall seat tube and that limits dropper publish insertion. So the standard trick of sizing as much as achieve some attain may be out of the query (at a shade over 6ft, I personally discovered the sizing spot on).
The seat tube is a bit too tall, decreasing the choice to upsize for extra attain.
Actually although, it’s solely when issues get actually steep and technical that the bike begins to get overwhelmed and out of its depth. The 760mm Renthal bars don’t assist and a wider set would deliver again some management.
The different factor I’d take a look at altering is the entrance tyre. The Forekasters are an amazing cross-country tyre, roll shortly and supply sufficient traction out again, however I can’t assist however shake the sensation the entrance tyre is making an attempt to kill the get together.
The Primer has a great deal of zip and likes to play on the path.
Positive, the Primer is marketed as a cross-country/path bike, and never an enduro bike, however the body and suspension really feel like they’re able to a lot extra. A extra aggressive entrance tyre like a Excessive Curler II or Minion DHR II would give that bit extra traction and open issues up with out compromising the responsiveness that I really like about this bike.
One factor I wouldn’t change, regardless that the choice is there, is the rear suspension journey. As with the Intense ACV Plus bike, you’ve obtained the selection of operating 115mm or 130mm. However as the bike is so spritely and nimble at 130mm, I by no means felt the necessity to scale back the journey.
The Primer is begging for a greater entrance tyre than the Forekaster.
Aside from these minor quibbles, are there any negatives? Solely the sluggish lockout on the rear shock, and that the entrance Maxle Lite is wanting decidedly worse for put on and in peril of being unusable as a result of it’s so closely rounded off. I’d strongly advocate upgrading to the Maxle Final.
The Intense Primer is among the greatest pedalling, most keen and nimble path bikes I’ve ever ridden. It’s a delight to experience, urging you to go more durable and quicker than you thought potential. The massive shock is that it’s no slouch when the path factors again down both, altering course with ease and dealing with tougher trails than actually ought to be potential for a 130mm journey 29er.
Add a extra aggressive entrance tyre (and an extended journey fork in the event you’re feeling notably saucy), and the bike will probably be able to much more with out sacrificing an excessive amount of of that velocity and acceleration that’s so addictive about this bike.
With its new, extra aggressive pricing, the Primer is an interesting bike for a wider vary of riders.
Intense Primer Expert Specs
Body // Monocoque UD Carbon Entrance & Rear Triangle, 130mm Journey
Fork // RockShox Revelation RC, 140mm Journey
Shock // RockShox Monarch RL
Hubs // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 110x15mm Entrance & 148x12mm Rear
Rims // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 28h, Tubeless Prepared
Tyres // Maxxis Forekaster EXO 2.35in Entrance & Rear
Chainset // Truvativ Stylo Eagle GXP, 175mm, 34t X-Sync 2 Chainring
Rear Mech // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Shifter // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Cassette // SRAM GX Eagle, 10-50t, 12-Velocity
Brakes // Shimano Deore XT M8000, 180mm Entrance & Rear
Stem // Intense Recon Elite, 31.8mm, 50mm Size
Bars // Renthal Fatbar Alloy, 31.8mm, 20mm Rise, 760mm Large
Grips // Intense Lock-On
Seatpost // Fox Switch, 31.6mm, 150mm Journey
Saddle // WTB Silverado Race w/ Cr-Mo Rails
Measurement Examined // Giant
Sizes Out there // Small, Medium, Giant, X-Giant
Precise Weight // 13.3kg (29.3lb)
RRP // £three,499
Loved that one? This text was from Difficulty #118 of Singletrack Journal, and you may learn the complete function and a great deal of different unbelievable tales proper right here.
Assessment Information
Model: Intense Cycles Product: Primer Expert From: uk.intensecycles.com Worth: £three,499 Examined: by James Vincent for two months
The post Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard appeared first on Playtab Tech.
1 note · View note
reputationbitch · 5 years
Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard
With increasingly more manufacturers promoting full mountain bikes direct to shopper, we determined to take a look at three of the newest choices from Intense, Hen, and Sonder, to place every model’s service – and bikes – to the check. Over to James Vincent for the evaluate!
Intense Cycles is a type of manufacturers that has simply received IT, no matter IT truly is. Bursting onto the scene within the early 90s, Intense and its proprietor Jeff Steber have all the time carried out issues a bit of in a different way to the mainstream. So when information broke in the direction of the top of 2017 that Intense was going direct sale – solely within the UK, you may virtually hear the collective gasp. For a boutique firm that’s occupied a higher-end area of interest of the market, the transfer was a shock to many.
The Primer is Intense’ 130mm journey 29er path bike.
Then once more, given rising competitors from on-line direct-sale corporations, alongside with extra aggressive pricing from the larger (and arguably higher resourced) manufacturers, maybe it was solely a matter of when, not if.
However whereas there are certainly many good causes for the change, this isn’t the place to debate them. This can be a bike check in any case, and it’s one which simply obtained an entire lot extra fascinating. For 2 thousand excellent causes.
Contemplate your self briefed.
Simply over a yr in the past, an Intense Primer Expert was promoting for £5,300 in a motorcycle store. For 2018, this bike (admittedly with a few spec modifications) is promoting for a staggering £three,499. It’s additionally now shipped freed from cost straight to your door (with a torque wrench included within the field to straighten the bars), and since Intense Cycles UK solely lists what it has in inventory in its warehouse, orders are dispatched inside 24 hours of you clicking the ‘buy’ button.
For 2018, there are 5 full Primer fashions out there, beginning at £2,899 for the Basis construct, and topping out at £6,999 for the Manufacturing unit spec. The three prime builds make use of a lighter SL carbon body, which can be bought by itself for £2,299. Every Primer is out there in 4 sizes from Small via to X-Giant.
It’s an eye-popping color, however we prefer it.
The Bike
Pulling the Primer out of the field, I used to be introduced with beautiful turquoise lacquer set off with shiny neon lime graphics. It by some means manages to look concurrently stylish but nonetheless very a lot in yer face!
Sculpted out of carbon fibre, the body could be very aesthetically pleasing and strikes an ideal stability, which I hereby proclaim ‘industrially organic’. The entrance triangle is definitely widespread to Intense’s personal ACV 27.5+ bike, however the rear triangle is all Primer.
You may query the logic and extra tooling prices of such a choice, however Intense has shaved weight from the rear triangle and located room for a entrance mech on the similar time. There’s additionally a set of bottle bosses inside the primary body, and inner cable routing retains issues wanting clear and uncluttered entrance to again.
Beautiful strains on that carbon swingarm.
As we’re testing the Expert degree construct, we miss out on the chi-chi SL body. The cheaper body right here makes use of a unique carbon layup, metal hardware (as an alternative of titanium) and an alloy higher linkage, which provides about 250g of mass over the SL model.
Because the VPP patent expired a few years in the past, Intense has changed the platform with its personal JS Tuned linkage. You’ll nonetheless discover two small hyperlinks that rock the swingarm similarly, however the size and orientation of the hyperlinks have been modified to offer a extra dynamic experience that retains sensible pedalling efficiency. I rarely reached for the shock lockout.
You’ve acquired two journey choices right here.The decrease hyperlink has grease ports for upkeep duties.
Whereas Intense has spec’d what seems like a relatively fiddly Increase 148x12mm axle, as soon as you determine which option to flip it, and which bolts you have to undo, it’s truly fairly easy and safe. Lastly, there are built-in rubber body protectors on the downtube and drive aspect chainstay to fend off rock strikes and hold the noise down.
You’d be forgiven for anticipating to see a number of own-branded elements as a sacrifice for getting a full carbon body and SRAM Eagle for less than £three,300, however you’d be very improper. Suspension comes from RockShox, with a Revelation RC 140mm journey fork, and a Monarch RL out again. Revelations have all the time been a strong performer and are much more so now they share the identical 35mm chassis as the Pike.
140mm journey up entrance from the superb RockShox Revelation fork.SRAM GX 1×12 shifting.
Sadly, whereas the Monarch carried out brilliantly whereas open, there was a big delay in locking the shock out – it took a number of compressions of the again finish earlier than it engaged with a clunk.
DT Swiss is in control of wheels with the superb M1900 Spline wheelset, whereas tyres are the brand new 2.35in extensive Maxxis Forekasters – an aggressive cross-country tyre that gives minimal rolling resistance and surprisingly excessive ranges of grip.
Lastly, an aesthetic Fox Switch dropper publish holds the cozy WTB saddle up and Renthal bars offer you one thing to carry on to. It’s protected to say that no corners have been reduce in an effort to hit a worth level.
The Fox Switch dropper carried out properly.Robust DT Swiss wheels and Shimano XT brakes full the smart construct package.
The Journey
Good grief, this bike is eager. Like an excitable younger pet, it brims with enthusiasm, darting round in circles, chasing something that strikes whereas your driving mates make their approach alongside in a extra stately method. Most of the time I’d discover myself spinning alongside taking it straightforward, whereas getting this unusual vibe that the bike needs to be let off the leash. So, in fact, I oblige.
I modify up a couple of gears, stand on the pedals, and the Primer bursts ahead with scary ease. The brilliant blue machine is far happier with the change of tempo. There’s minimal drag from the Maxxis Forekasters, whereas the JS Tuned system stays taut and environment friendly beneath chain rigidity.
The Primer has a unbelievable get-up-and-go angle.
Designed to be extra supportive within the mid-stroke, there was little or no wallowing or pedal bob even when hauling exhausting out of the saddle, and in contrast to some extra fussy suspension methods, it has a large working window and I used to be capable of run anyplace from 25–30% sag with no destructive impact on efficiency.
‘JS Tuned’ isn’t only a fancy new identify – this suspension system is a drastic enchancment over the issues of the previous VPP suspension system and its tendency to really feel such as you have been pedalling inside a hammock.
No wallow right here – the JS tuned design performs to a really excessive standard.
Shortly to the highest and onto the enjoyable stuff, the Primer is not any slouch when it will get there and its enthusiasm on the climbs is matched by a nimbleness that belies the 29in wheels.
With a attain of 453mm (measurement L) and a head angle of 67.5°, it’s not at all the longest or the slackest bike I’ve ever ridden, however it doesn’t really feel brief, and it doesn’t really feel nervous or twitchy both. It feels good, and that Goldilocks vibe places the rider in command, slightly than the opposite approach spherical.
Having stated that, when you choose a bit extra size in your bikes, remember that the Primer has a comparatively tall seat tube and that limits dropper publish insertion. So the standard trick of sizing as much as achieve some attain may be out of the query (at a shade over 6ft, I personally discovered the sizing spot on).
The seat tube is a bit too tall, decreasing the choice to upsize for extra attain.
Actually although, it’s solely when issues get actually steep and technical that the bike begins to get overwhelmed and out of its depth. The 760mm Renthal bars don’t assist and a wider set would deliver again some management.
The different factor I’d take a look at altering is the entrance tyre. The Forekasters are an amazing cross-country tyre, roll shortly and supply sufficient traction out again, however I can’t assist however shake the sensation the entrance tyre is making an attempt to kill the get together.
The Primer has a great deal of zip and likes to play on the path.
Positive, the Primer is marketed as a cross-country/path bike, and never an enduro bike, however the body and suspension really feel like they’re able to a lot extra. A extra aggressive entrance tyre like a Excessive Curler II or Minion DHR II would give that bit extra traction and open issues up with out compromising the responsiveness that I really like about this bike.
One factor I wouldn’t change, regardless that the choice is there, is the rear suspension journey. As with the Intense ACV Plus bike, you’ve obtained the selection of operating 115mm or 130mm. However as the bike is so spritely and nimble at 130mm, I by no means felt the necessity to scale back the journey.
The Primer is begging for a greater entrance tyre than the Forekaster.
Aside from these minor quibbles, are there any negatives? Solely the sluggish lockout on the rear shock, and that the entrance Maxle Lite is wanting decidedly worse for put on and in peril of being unusable as a result of it’s so closely rounded off. I’d strongly advocate upgrading to the Maxle Final.
The Intense Primer is among the greatest pedalling, most keen and nimble path bikes I’ve ever ridden. It’s a delight to experience, urging you to go more durable and quicker than you thought potential. The massive shock is that it’s no slouch when the path factors again down both, altering course with ease and dealing with tougher trails than actually ought to be potential for a 130mm journey 29er.
Add a extra aggressive entrance tyre (and an extended journey fork in the event you’re feeling notably saucy), and the bike will probably be able to much more with out sacrificing an excessive amount of of that velocity and acceleration that’s so addictive about this bike.
With its new, extra aggressive pricing, the Primer is an interesting bike for a wider vary of riders.
Intense Primer Expert Specs
Body // Monocoque UD Carbon Entrance & Rear Triangle, 130mm Journey
Fork // RockShox Revelation RC, 140mm Journey
Shock // RockShox Monarch RL
Hubs // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 110x15mm Entrance & 148x12mm Rear
Rims // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 28h, Tubeless Prepared
Tyres // Maxxis Forekaster EXO 2.35in Entrance & Rear
Chainset // Truvativ Stylo Eagle GXP, 175mm, 34t X-Sync 2 Chainring
Rear Mech // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Shifter // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Cassette // SRAM GX Eagle, 10-50t, 12-Velocity
Brakes // Shimano Deore XT M8000, 180mm Entrance & Rear
Stem // Intense Recon Elite, 31.8mm, 50mm Size
Bars // Renthal Fatbar Alloy, 31.8mm, 20mm Rise, 760mm Large
Grips // Intense Lock-On
Seatpost // Fox Switch, 31.6mm, 150mm Journey
Saddle // WTB Silverado Race w/ Cr-Mo Rails
Measurement Examined // Giant
Sizes Out there // Small, Medium, Giant, X-Giant
Precise Weight // 13.3kg (29.3lb)
RRP // £three,499
Loved that one? This text was from Difficulty #118 of Singletrack Journal, and you may learn the complete function and a great deal of different unbelievable tales proper right here.
Assessment Information
Model: Intense Cycles Product: Primer Expert From: uk.intensecycles.com Worth: £three,499 Examined: by James Vincent for two months
The post Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard appeared first on Playtab Tech.
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biking-with-akiva · 2 years
Some freshies for the 2023 season: 🚲
* Suntour boost 130mm air fork*
* WTB i35 Front rim*
* Delium adventure series : steady light construction*
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Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard
With increasingly more manufacturers promoting full mountain bikes direct to shopper, we determined to take a look at three of the newest choices from Intense, Hen, and Sonder, to place every model’s service – and bikes – to the check. Over to James Vincent for the evaluate!
Intense Cycles is a type of manufacturers that has simply received IT, no matter IT truly is. Bursting onto the scene within the early 90s, Intense and its proprietor Jeff Steber have all the time carried out issues a bit of in a different way to the mainstream. So when information broke in the direction of the top of 2017 that Intense was going direct sale – solely within the UK, you may virtually hear the collective gasp. For a boutique firm that’s occupied a higher-end area of interest of the market, the transfer was a shock to many.
The Primer is Intense’ 130mm journey 29er path bike.
Then once more, given rising competitors from on-line direct-sale corporations, alongside with extra aggressive pricing from the larger (and arguably higher resourced) manufacturers, maybe it was solely a matter of when, not if.
However whereas there are certainly many good causes for the change, this isn’t the place to debate them. This can be a bike check in any case, and it’s one which simply obtained an entire lot extra fascinating. For 2 thousand excellent causes.
Contemplate your self briefed.
Simply over a yr in the past, an Intense Primer Expert was promoting for £5,300 in a motorcycle store. For 2018, this bike (admittedly with a few spec modifications) is promoting for a staggering £three,499. It’s additionally now shipped freed from cost straight to your door (with a torque wrench included within the field to straighten the bars), and since Intense Cycles UK solely lists what it has in inventory in its warehouse, orders are dispatched inside 24 hours of you clicking the ‘buy’ button.
For 2018, there are 5 full Primer fashions out there, beginning at £2,899 for the Basis construct, and topping out at £6,999 for the Manufacturing unit spec. The three prime builds make use of a lighter SL carbon body, which can be bought by itself for £2,299. Every Primer is out there in 4 sizes from Small via to X-Giant.
It’s an eye-popping color, however we prefer it.
The Bike
Pulling the Primer out of the field, I used to be introduced with beautiful turquoise lacquer set off with shiny neon lime graphics. It by some means manages to look concurrently stylish but nonetheless very a lot in yer face!
Sculpted out of carbon fibre, the body could be very aesthetically pleasing and strikes an ideal stability, which I hereby proclaim ‘industrially organic’. The entrance triangle is definitely widespread to Intense’s personal ACV 27.5+ bike, however the rear triangle is all Primer.
You may query the logic and extra tooling prices of such a choice, however Intense has shaved weight from the rear triangle and located room for a entrance mech on the similar time. There’s additionally a set of bottle bosses inside the primary body, and inner cable routing retains issues wanting clear and uncluttered entrance to again.
Beautiful strains on that carbon swingarm.
As we’re testing the Expert degree construct, we miss out on the chi-chi SL body. The cheaper body right here makes use of a unique carbon layup, metal hardware (as an alternative of titanium) and an alloy higher linkage, which provides about 250g of mass over the SL model.
Because the VPP patent expired a few years in the past, Intense has changed the platform with its personal JS Tuned linkage. You’ll nonetheless discover two small hyperlinks that rock the swingarm similarly, however the size and orientation of the hyperlinks have been modified to offer a extra dynamic experience that retains sensible pedalling efficiency. I rarely reached for the shock lockout.
You’ve acquired two journey choices right here.The decrease hyperlink has grease ports for upkeep duties.
Whereas Intense has spec’d what seems like a relatively fiddly Increase 148x12mm axle, as soon as you determine which option to flip it, and which bolts you have to undo, it’s truly fairly easy and safe. Lastly, there are built-in rubber body protectors on the downtube and drive aspect chainstay to fend off rock strikes and hold the noise down.
You’d be forgiven for anticipating to see a number of own-branded elements as a sacrifice for getting a full carbon body and SRAM Eagle for less than £three,300, however you’d be very improper. Suspension comes from RockShox, with a Revelation RC 140mm journey fork, and a Monarch RL out again. Revelations have all the time been a strong performer and are much more so now they share the identical 35mm chassis as the Pike.
140mm journey up entrance from the superb RockShox Revelation fork.SRAM GX 1×12 shifting.
Sadly, whereas the Monarch carried out brilliantly whereas open, there was a big delay in locking the shock out – it took a number of compressions of the again finish earlier than it engaged with a clunk.
DT Swiss is in control of wheels with the superb M1900 Spline wheelset, whereas tyres are the brand new 2.35in extensive Maxxis Forekasters – an aggressive cross-country tyre that gives minimal rolling resistance and surprisingly excessive ranges of grip.
Lastly, an aesthetic Fox Switch dropper publish holds the cozy WTB saddle up and Renthal bars offer you one thing to carry on to. It’s protected to say that no corners have been reduce in an effort to hit a worth level.
The Fox Switch dropper carried out properly.Robust DT Swiss wheels and Shimano XT brakes full the smart construct package.
The Journey
Good grief, this bike is eager. Like an excitable younger pet, it brims with enthusiasm, darting round in circles, chasing something that strikes whereas your driving mates make their approach alongside in a extra stately method. Most of the time I’d discover myself spinning alongside taking it straightforward, whereas getting this unusual vibe that the bike needs to be let off the leash. So, in fact, I oblige.
I modify up a couple of gears, stand on the pedals, and the Primer bursts ahead with scary ease. The brilliant blue machine is far happier with the change of tempo. There’s minimal drag from the Maxxis Forekasters, whereas the JS Tuned system stays taut and environment friendly beneath chain rigidity.
The Primer has a unbelievable get-up-and-go angle.
Designed to be extra supportive within the mid-stroke, there was little or no wallowing or pedal bob even when hauling exhausting out of the saddle, and in contrast to some extra fussy suspension methods, it has a large working window and I used to be capable of run anyplace from 25–30% sag with no destructive impact on efficiency.
‘JS Tuned’ isn’t only a fancy new identify – this suspension system is a drastic enchancment over the issues of the previous VPP suspension system and its tendency to really feel such as you have been pedalling inside a hammock.
No wallow right here – the JS tuned design performs to a really excessive standard.
Shortly to the highest and onto the enjoyable stuff, the Primer is not any slouch when it will get there and its enthusiasm on the climbs is matched by a nimbleness that belies the 29in wheels.
With a attain of 453mm (measurement L) and a head angle of 67.5°, it’s not at all the longest or the slackest bike I’ve ever ridden, however it doesn’t really feel brief, and it doesn’t really feel nervous or twitchy both. It feels good, and that Goldilocks vibe places the rider in command, slightly than the opposite approach spherical.
Having stated that, when you choose a bit extra size in your bikes, remember that the Primer has a comparatively tall seat tube and that limits dropper publish insertion. So the standard trick of sizing as much as achieve some attain may be out of the query (at a shade over 6ft, I personally discovered the sizing spot on).
The seat tube is a bit too tall, decreasing the choice to upsize for extra attain.
Actually although, it’s solely when issues get actually steep and technical that the bike begins to get overwhelmed and out of its depth. The 760mm Renthal bars don’t assist and a wider set would deliver again some management.
The different factor I’d take a look at altering is the entrance tyre. The Forekasters are an amazing cross-country tyre, roll shortly and supply sufficient traction out again, however I can’t assist however shake the sensation the entrance tyre is making an attempt to kill the get together.
The Primer has a great deal of zip and likes to play on the path.
Positive, the Primer is marketed as a cross-country/path bike, and never an enduro bike, however the body and suspension really feel like they’re able to a lot extra. A extra aggressive entrance tyre like a Excessive Curler II or Minion DHR II would give that bit extra traction and open issues up with out compromising the responsiveness that I really like about this bike.
One factor I wouldn’t change, regardless that the choice is there, is the rear suspension journey. As with the Intense ACV Plus bike, you’ve obtained the selection of operating 115mm or 130mm. However as the bike is so spritely and nimble at 130mm, I by no means felt the necessity to scale back the journey.
The Primer is begging for a greater entrance tyre than the Forekaster.
Aside from these minor quibbles, are there any negatives? Solely the sluggish lockout on the rear shock, and that the entrance Maxle Lite is wanting decidedly worse for put on and in peril of being unusable as a result of it’s so closely rounded off. I’d strongly advocate upgrading to the Maxle Final.
The Intense Primer is among the greatest pedalling, most keen and nimble path bikes I’ve ever ridden. It’s a delight to experience, urging you to go more durable and quicker than you thought potential. The massive shock is that it’s no slouch when the path factors again down both, altering course with ease and dealing with tougher trails than actually ought to be potential for a 130mm journey 29er.
Add a extra aggressive entrance tyre (and an extended journey fork in the event you’re feeling notably saucy), and the bike will probably be able to much more with out sacrificing an excessive amount of of that velocity and acceleration that’s so addictive about this bike.
With its new, extra aggressive pricing, the Primer is an interesting bike for a wider vary of riders.
Intense Primer Expert Specs
Body // Monocoque UD Carbon Entrance & Rear Triangle, 130mm Journey
Fork // RockShox Revelation RC, 140mm Journey
Shock // RockShox Monarch RL
Hubs // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 110x15mm Entrance & 148x12mm Rear
Rims // DT Swiss M1900 Spline, 28h, Tubeless Prepared
Tyres // Maxxis Forekaster EXO 2.35in Entrance & Rear
Chainset // Truvativ Stylo Eagle GXP, 175mm, 34t X-Sync 2 Chainring
Rear Mech // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Shifter // SRAM GX Eagle, 12-Velocity
Cassette // SRAM GX Eagle, 10-50t, 12-Velocity
Brakes // Shimano Deore XT M8000, 180mm Entrance & Rear
Stem // Intense Recon Elite, 31.8mm, 50mm Size
Bars // Renthal Fatbar Alloy, 31.8mm, 20mm Rise, 760mm Large
Grips // Intense Lock-On
Seatpost // Fox Switch, 31.6mm, 150mm Journey
Saddle // WTB Silverado Race w/ Cr-Mo Rails
Measurement Examined // Giant
Sizes Out there // Small, Medium, Giant, X-Giant
Precise Weight // 13.3kg (29.3lb)
RRP // £three,499
Loved that one? This text was from Difficulty #118 of Singletrack Journal, and you may learn the complete function and a great deal of different unbelievable tales proper right here.
Assessment Information
Model: Intense Cycles Product: Primer Expert From: uk.intensecycles.com Worth: £three,499 Examined: by James Vincent for two months
The post Review: The Intense Primer Expert comes with extra enthusiasm as standard appeared first on Playtab Tech.
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