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Rev. Philip Alford Potter (August 19, 1921 – March 31, 2015) was a leader in the Methodist Church and the third General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (1972–84).
He was born in Roseau, Dominica, West Indies into a Christian family with a Protestant mother and a Catholic father.
He was active in church matters from an early age, and became a lay pastor and ordained minister. He worked on the island of Nevis and with Creole-speaking people of rural Haiti, on the staff of the Methodist Missionary Society in London. He represented the Jamaica Student Christian Movement at the 1947 World Conference on Christian Youth in Oslo, he was a spokesperson for youth at the first two assemblies of the World Council of Churches at Amsterdam and Evanston. He received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology at Uppsala University.
He moved to Geneva to work in the WCC’s youth department and remained with the WCC until his retirement. He was the chairperson of the World Student Christian Federation. He served as the WCC’s General Secretary. He was the first president of WSCF’s Centennial Fund. He is considered a leader in world ecumenism.
In a speech on the occasion of his 85th birthday, at the WCC’s 9th Assembly at Porto Alegre, Brazil, Samuel Kobia remarked, “Great strides were taken by the World Council of Churches under Philip Potter’s leadership; among the most memorable was the development of the theological consensus document Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, the continuation of a courageous campaign against apartheid in southern Africa and other forms of racism throughout the world, a vigorous debate on the nature of post-colonial Christian mission, a co-ordinated witness for peace amid East-West tensions and the threat of nuclear annihilation, as well as an exploration of new forms of spirituality, worship and music drawing on the diverse traditions of the churches.”
In November 2009 the WSCF launched the Philip Potter Fund. This Fund is to support the Ecumenical Leadership Formation of young people through the WSCF.
His first wife, Doreen, died in 1980. He married Bärbel Wartenberg (1985). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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We create comprehensive business solutions and provide services through inventive ideas, keeping a sophisticated and practiced approach to the entire process of planning, evolution to the execution. We work to enhance brand success & customer experience.We, as a group, work hard to revolutionize the world with block-chain technology and virtuoso solutions. www.wscf.io
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Sin Mordaza (30/11/2018)
José Corral se reunió con especialistas internacionales en telecomunicaciones
Esta semana, se desarrollaron en la ciudad la 10º Conferencia Académica Kaleidoscope y el Foro Mundial de Ciudades Inteligentes “World Smart City Forum 2018”.
Fueron organizados conjuntamente por la Organización Internacional de Normalización, la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional y la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones Organizado por la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones – ITU. Los eventos reunieron a más de 200 especialistas de más de 20 países, y 400 participantes.
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New devotional from SCM Canada!
This devotional explores common experiences of trans people and how they correlate to themes appearing in the Bible. Through this devotional, we hope to affirm the lived experiences of trans people and celebrate trans folks as people of faith. Do name changes, chosen family, and struggling against institutions sound familiar? They should, because all these experiences echo throughout both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Find a full and mini version of the devotional as well as tips for a trans-affirming church, and trans terms and definitions here: http://scmcanada.org/resources/
#trans#non-binary#faith#devotional#christian#transgender#gender nonconforming#enby#church#bible#pride#student christian movement#scm#wscf#worship#prayer
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【West Side Candle Festa 2017】〜真夏のナイトクルージングin奉還町〜終わりました 今年も無事、奉還町一丁目キャンドルナイト終わりました。 出店してくださった店舗さま、ステージで盛り上げてくださったアーティストさま、乗船くださったお客様、皆さまのおかげで、今年も幸せな一時を過ごさせていただきました。 イベント中はなかなかキャンドル写真も撮れなくて、キャンドルをアップしてくださっている皆さまのインスタをさながらエゴサーチのごとく見つけてはいいねさせていただいております。嬉しくて❤️させていただいていますので、「何??」って思わないで下さいね(^ ^) 皆さまのキャンドル写真とってもコメントが、とっても励みになっているのです(^ ^) 今回のイベントでのお客様の名言 『ここはキャンドルの聖地ですね(^ ^)』 この商店街にアトリエ&ショップがありそしてこのキャンドルイベントに関わっていることを知って、そういう言葉をくださったようです。 どこのどなたか存じませんが、ありがとうございます(^ ^) また、来年皆さまにお会いできますように(^ ^) #キャンドル #キャンドルショップ #キャンドルナイト #奉還町 #奉還町商店街 #岡山#houkancho #okayama #candle #candleshop #🕯 #lalucedolce #wscf #westsidecandlefesta (奉還町)
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It has been almost 3 months since I first heard Where Stories Come From and I'm still processing how good that album is. The structure is so well-constructed in how it doesn't fall into that pattern that most avant garde metal albums do where they feel like they're just going through the motions in the second half; I suspect WSCF doesn't have that problem because there are several ballads (that are still weird on their own) which allows the heavier songs to keep the chaotic feel that the first half of the album has instead of only going halfway to allow calmer segments.
Also the way that there are so many dramatic moments largely separate from the primary basis of each song, all throughout Reverie, the ending of Right Side Of The Brain, the spot near the end of Well-Read when the disco segment abruptly switches over to that massive breakdown, and then of course
"It's just been nice to see how you've grown...
Anyway Others By No One is great and Where Stories Come From is great.
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Found a #unicorn today 😍😍😍 #elenor #gt500E https://www.instagram.com/p/CO6qgevh-ix-4eteAqrqeH-WScF-UBq3tB7j6c0/?igshid=3wp1nuwu4rku
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"Lest you think bone washing hails only from the ancient bacchanalian past, bones also play a role in the death rituals of contemporary Japan. During kotsuage (“the gathering of the bones”) the mourners gather around the cremation machine when the bones are pulled out of the chamber. The bones are laid on a table and the family members come forward with long chopsticks to pick them up and transfer them into the urn. The family first plucks the bones of the feet, working their way up toward the head, so that the deceased person can walk into eternity upright." - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes and Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty.
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"“Resist them. Fight them. Survive.” " - Red Sparrow: A Novel by Jason Matthews.
Another kick-ass female protagonist
#books#bookworm#read books#book blogger#books to read#books and libraries#booklover#bookish#Kobo Life
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Tune in to 88.7fm WSCF's Local Music Bonanza today from 11-noon, and you just might catch a little "Early Bird Special" off my album Hidden Talents! 👆🏻 #songname #seewhatididthere You can also stream it here: listen.streamon.fm/wcsf #radio #jazz #newmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJw7IMlu0Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nlcfj69oql3e
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Donovan Mitchell Full Series Highlights vs Houston Rockets | 2018 NBA Playoffs WSCF #highlights
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WSCF Global's experts work with your brand to develop a brilliant content strategy that caters to your goals and requirements. We map not just your audience but their journey as well. Our unique content ideas help the audience connect with your brand.
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Wapres Buka Global Christian Youth Conference dan Pekan Kerukunan Nasional di Manado
Manado (SIB) -Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla membuka resmi Global Christian Youth Conference dan Pekan Kerukunan Nasional yang diadakan di Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Minggu (23/4). Kedua kegiatan tersebut merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Paskah Nasional yang dipusatkan di Kota Manado, Sulut, dari tanggal 20-28 April 2017, hasil kerjasama antara Pemda Sulut, KNPI Sulut dan PP GMKI. Hadir dalam pembukaan tersebut, Gubernur Sulawesi Utara Olly Dodokambey, Menteri Hukum dan HAM Yasonna Laoly, Sekretaris Jenderal PGI Pdt Gomar Gultom, Ketua Panitia Pekan Kerukunan Nasional Jackson Kumaat, General Secretary World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) Necta Montes dan Ketua Umum PP GMKI Sahat Martin Philip Sinurat. Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla, dalam sambutannya menegaskan pentingnya kedamaian sebagai syarat bagi suatu negara untuk meraih cita-cita menjadi negara maju yang makmur. "Tidak ada negara yang maju tanpa kedamaian. Kedamaian yang dimaksud dalam arti saling menghormati, hidup rukun dengan sebaik-baiknya, saling mengamalkan keyakinan kita secara baik," ujar JK. JK melanjutkan dalam rangka menjaga kedamaian dan persatuan tersebut maka mesti mengutamakan persamaan dan menghormati perbedaan. "Semua agama mempunyai tujuan yang sama yaitu mengajarkan kebaikan dan tidak ada agama yang menghendaki keburukan," urai dia. Lebih lanjut JK mengatakan setiap agama memiliki persamaan yaitu percaya dengan yang maha kuasa, maha pengasih dan maha penyanyang, meskipun dengan istilah dan pemahaman yang berbeda. "Pun setiap agama mempercayai adanya hari kemudian setelah kehidupan. Itu artinya apa, apa yang telah diperbuat di dunia ini akan ada balasan pada hari nanti," kata dia. Sebab itu, menurut JK, meskipun secara ritual dan cara beribadah berbeda, namun hendaknya tetap saling menghormati dalam perbedaan. JK berharap seluruh masyarakat menghormati perbedaan sebagai syarat penting untuk meraih kemajuan suatu bangsa. "Menghormati dalam artian tidak mencampuri satu sama lain terkait urusan internalnya. Tidak mencela, tapi menghormati perbedaan. Itulah yang akan menjadikan masa depan yang baik suatu bangsa," ujar dia. Sementara Gubernur Sulawesi Utara Olly Dondokambey mengutarakan, kehidupan masyarakat Sulut hingga kini berjalan rukun dan damai meskipun hidup dalam kemajemukan. "Semua berkat kerja nyata dan pengabdian yang tulus dari pemangku kepentingan seperti TNI, Polri, tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat," jelas dia. Menurut Olly, masyarakat di Sulut dapat hidup rukun dan damai oleh karena menghayati falsafah "Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou" yaitu manusia hidup untuk memanusiakan yang lain. Dia berharap Pekan Kerukunan Nasional ini bukan agenda seremonial semata, melainkan sebuah kebutuhan. Ketua Panitia Kerukunan Nasional Jackson Kumaat berharap pekan kerukunan nasional ini mengingatkan generasi muda untuk selalu menjaga persatuan dan merawat kerukunan antar umat beragama. "Saya berharap dengan menjadi tuan rumah pekan kerukunan nasional, seluruh generasi muda Sulut, semakin termotivasi menjaga persatuan dan merawat toleransi serta kerukunan ditengah-tengah keberagaman yang ada," tandas Ketua KNPI Sulut ini. (J03/h) http://dlvr.it/NzwytJ
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Members of the WSCF Task Group - Identity, Diversity, Dialogue 2014
The 2008 General Assembly and the Executive Committee recognised the need for the topic of sexuality and gender identity to be discussed. At the global level, a task group was formed to explore identity, diversity, and dialogue in the context of this specific issue. The task group met in Geneva, Switzerland 15-21 June 2014 to hold a discussion and bring forward a recommendation to the General Assembly to be held in Colombia in August 2014. The meeting included discussion in both small groups and in plenary, lectures from experts, and individual reflection. Through these methodologies, the task group explored such topics as the identity of the WSCF, the secular discourse around human rights and its application to our faithful search for justice, the concept of “the other,” our personal experiences and an exchange of our contexts, theological and Biblical analysis, and the individual and collective consideration of possible recommendations to present to the General Assembly in Colombia.
The group worked together to summarise the nature, process, findings, challenges, and recommendations that emerged from the meeting. The result is this document. We hope that this document is not the end of the process, but an invitation to continue: it is a resource to guide the GA in its decision-making.
We lament that the Africa Region was not able to be represented in this meeting, as a result of visa issues. The task group had previously received a preparatory document from one African participant, although it did not address all of the questions. The task group read and considered this document, understanding that it was meant to be an individual input to the group from his personal perspective. The task group found this document helpful to better understand the broad diversity of views within the WSCF.
WSCF Identity
The WSCF has an ecumenical identity. This means that it brings together numerous movements from various countries, cultures, and traditions of the Christian faith. Through the WSCF, therefore, many people with different ways of thinking, feeling, and experiences of the world share a common life, including in many movements people who are marginalised because of their sexuality and gender identity.
The WSCF exists to accompany the SCMs in their contexts and struggles. In the presence of the cloud of witnesses that have emerged from the WSCF over the past century, we cannot hold in silence the crisis of conscience that now faces the global and local Christian community around the inability to effectively address differences of perspective on this topic and relate to the people especially affected. The WSCF remains committed to pursuing unity and the realisation of the Body of Christ now as throughout its history.
The WSCF has a prophetic, Christian identity. This means that we are called to advocate for justice, liberation, and peace. Continuing dialogue about sexual and gender diversity affirms our commitment to our own identity.
Terminology and Approach
Finding appropriate language to use throughout this discussion has been a challenge. Part of this is because there are not universally understood terms to capture all of the sexual and gender identities people experience. We have also been making the attempt to use accessible language which allows all people to participate in this conversation. When this task group was formed, the language used was LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*), however in the process of learning together we found that these Western concepts did not capture the many other culturally specific identities and experiences.
In this report and set of recommendations, we have chosen to use the terms “people who are being marginalised based on their sexual or gender identity” and “diverse sexual and gender identities”. This includes, but is not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex, asexual, queer, etc. We recognise that these terms are still limiting and insufficient and that we will need to engage in further dialogue on the issue of language and inclusivity.
Throughout the week, we have had ongoing discussions about human rights, civil rights, and justice approaches to work for the dignity, safety, and equality of people being marginalised based on their sexual or gender identity. We have explored their benefits and limitations. As a Christian organisation, we have found it important to explore deeply why we believe a situation is just or unjust. This exploration has involved biblical reflection, theological engagement, and learning from each other’s experiences. We have not come to conclusions on the best approach or approaches, and we recognise the need for further engagement on this issue.
Contributions on Theology, Identities and Community
The group received inputs and shared some theological reflection on the Trinity, to explore the relationships between the individual and the community. Some key points for the group were:
• Every person equally bears the image of God. As every human bears the imprint of God, we have no option but to affirm the dignity of all people.
• The very nature of God is community through the Trinity. Part of the nature of the Trinity is interrelatedness, as the parts of the Trinity correlate and dialogue with each other. This applies to us too: when in dialogue with each other, there is always a third person present: God. It is good to remind ourselves that we are not alone when we are reflecting on these issues.
• We have to address dualism, as it is in opposition to dialogue and diversity. Dualism means to divide things into binary opposites: body vs soul. This dualist view has led to the demonization of the body and spiritualisation of the soul, and to the idea that sexuality is sinful. This has implications for how we view each other. Since Christianity is Word becoming flesh, then the body and spirit are not separate from each other.
The group also received inputs and discussion around sexuality and gender in different global contexts. Some key points that the group considered are:
• Lesbian, gay and bisexual identities are considered by many to be class related (middle-upper class) or Western. These are often not conceptions coming from people living in poverty or from indigenous groups or communities. ‘Queer’ is often considered too American (US) in Latin America.
• In some cultures, Transgender people are the spiritual leaders of the community, which is hard for some of us to understand.
• Some cultures and sectors of the population in any country have their own identities and do not want to use lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, because they are alien identities and they cannot identify with them.
• In some places it is dangerous to adopt lesbian, gay, bisexual or any other sexual identities due to very high risk of attack/expulsion from home and/or community: people have been murdered for taking up these identities and claiming rights for themselves or others.
Our Challenge
1. The Federation is founded on diversity, both ecumenical and cultural, so it is natural that we hold different approaches to sexuality and gender identity, as we do with many other issues. In regard to this topic, the differences include strong and painful disagreements. The Task Group believes that we can successfully address and even celebrate this diversity without losing our unity in Christ. The group learnt that:
a) Movements’ perspectives are based on theology, the Bible, church tradition, and/or society.
b) Sexuality and gender identity have been interpreted differently in across cultures and history.
c) We have a history of grappling with diversity. This is a gift which can help us grapple with our current questions.
2. There are regions and movements that are not comfortable beginning a dialogue at this time, because of the culture, history, faith, laws and/or political developments in their contexts. The group identified the following:
a) Power dynamics affect our conversation: this includes colonialism, the different power structures in our churches, the relationship between our churches and the state, and between our SCMs and the churches.
b) There are fears and misunderstandings on both sides, which arise from not knowing each other.
c) Points of difference arise about the relationship between sexuality and gender diversity and sin, family, human nature in the image of God, and the interpretation of the Bible.
3. The Federation also needs more dialogue before it is able to speak with one voice and make any global statement on sexuality and gender diversity. The group would like to share that one of the most difficult areas of discussion was around the ability of the WSCF to take a public stand in various ways for the rights of people marginalised by their sexual or gender identity.
a) Some group members raised the following recommendations and the group would like to share the deep calling some of the members have to:
Show solidarity with people marginalised on the basis of their gender or sexual identity and take action against discrimination, violence and criminalisation. Advocate for basic human rights for people marginalised on the basis of gender or sexual identities such as the right to life (not to be killed) to freedom from violence, to shelter/housing, health, education, and livelihood, in the churches and in society. The hope was raised that the Federation could do this on a global level, e.g. at the UN.
b) For others in the group, it is impossible to agree at this time that the Federation should take any public action on these topics due to a complex cluster of faith, ecclesiological, and political reasons.
c) All in the group affirm personally that any violence against anyone is unacceptable, and that we will begin by addressing this issue internally. Others in the group are perplexed and pained that, this being the case, we cannot simply begin by stating this. All in the group, however, are grateful that deeper understanding between us has already begun and wishes this for the entire Federation.
d) We continue to affirm the ability of national movements and regions to work on sexuality and gender diversity, and to advocate on behalf of people marginalised because of their sexual or gender identity.
e) We understand the disagreement on advocacy and to be able to come to a Federation position about it, more dialogue is needed, and is therefore recommended by this group.
Recommendations to the 35th General Assembly of the WSCF:
The Federation is founded on unity in diversity. We experience that our churches and communities, including our SCMs, around the world are divided in their responses to sexuality and gender diversity. In this situation, the failure to dialogue and listen to one another is causing pain on all sides, but we also have resources to learn from our diversity and grow in unity.
Therefore we affirm the value of and need for dialogue on sexuality and gender diversity and our major recommendation is that the Federation intentionally continue and deepen this dialogue.
To this end, we recommend that
1. The IDD Task Group be mandated by the General Assembly to continue as a working group until the next GA in order to further and support this dialogue.
2. All levels of the Federation commit to engage in this process.
3. Members of WSCF meet at regional and global levels for dialogue on this topic.
4. National movements discuss and decide what approach is appropriate for them in their own contexts and at the same time commit to the Federation process of dialogue.
5. The Federation base this process of dialogue in the deeper work of discerning anew our identity, mission and vision-- “examining who we are” by creating clearer conceptual links between our core mandate and our local, national, regional, and global work.
6. WSCF use the following to ensure a fruitful dialogue:
a) Academic study
b) Bible study
c) Exploring the language we use to be sensitive and inclusive
d) Explore the power imbalances within the Federation and intersections with marginalisation on the basis of gender or sexual identities.
7. The WSCF source, create and widely share resources to increase our understanding of sexuality and gender diversity. This can include
a) Sharing personal stories and testimonies about diverse sexuality and gender identities in order to dispel myths and misconceptions on all sides.
b) Sharing theological perspectives and bible studies/reflections
c) Training in dialogue skills
d) Information on discrimination based on sexual and gender identities (especially language and terminology in different contexts)
e) Ethics, morality, philosophy, justice theory
f) Contact to resource people and organisations that can offer expertise
g) National movements and regions who are working on sexuality and gender diversity be called upon as a resource for this topic throughout the Federation.
8. All levels of the Federation ensure that people of all sexualities and gender identities are free from violence within our community life and commit to creating safe(r) spaces for people of all sexualities and gender identities.
9. WSCF begin a programme of prayer that calls on the Federation around the world to ask for wisdom, unity, and justice in our approach to and dialogue about sexuality.
10. The Federation communicate externally that we are engaged in such a process and offer learnings along the way as a resource and model for others facing similar disagreement and conflict.
Delegates of the 35th General Assembly of the WSCF, Bogota, 2015
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【West Side Candle Festa 2017】〜真夏のナイトクルージングin奉還町〜終わりました 今年も無事、奉還町一丁目キャンドルナイト終わりました。 出店してくださった店舗さま、ステージで盛り上げてくださったアーティストさま、乗船くださったお客様、皆さまのおかげで、今年も幸せな一時を過ごさせていただきました。 イベント中はなかなかキャンドル写真も撮れなくて、キャンドルをアップしてくださっている皆さまのインスタをさながらエゴサーチのごとく見つけてはいいねさせていただいております。嬉しくて❤️させていただいていますので、「何??」って思わないで下さいね(^ ^) 皆さまのキャンドル写真とってもコメントが、とっても励みになっているのです(^ ^) 今回のイベントでのお客様の名言 『ここはキャンドルの聖地ですね(^ ^)』 この商店街にアトリエ&ショップがありそしてこのキャンドルイベントに関わっていることを知って、そういう言葉をくださったようです。 どこのどなたか存じませんが、ありがとうございます(^ ^) また、来年皆さまにお会いできますように(^ ^) #キャンドル #キャンドルショップ #キャンドルナイト #奉還町 #奉還町商店街 #岡山#houkancho #okayama #candle #candleshop #🕯 #lalucedolce #wscf #westsidecandlefesta (奉還町)
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ITU News (04/12/2018)
4 key takeaways from the World Smart City Forum 2018
… Organized in partnership by IEC, ISO and ITU – the world’s foremost international standards bodies – the Santa Fe forum brought smart city innovators together with standardization experts to explore the urban-development challenges most relevant to cities in the Americas.
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