#WRA rp
celassa · 10 months
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Priestess Celassa by Firbess
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talah-dorei · 8 months
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Translation: (Varies with Speaker Preference) Survival Borne, Borne of Survival, Enduring Children, Surviving Children, Children of Endurance, Children of Survival
Anu’eran voras.
Translation: We rise from the ruins.
We are a night elf themed, lore-friendly, heavy roleplay collective. Our goal is to create a welcoming community for kaldorei roleplayers and their allies. We will strive to promote, generate, and encourage roleplay opportunities outside of the city hubs and inspire world roleplay. Talah’dorei is not a new organization or sect to the night elf culture. It is simply a chosen community name that captures the essence of the night elven story thus far. They have survived so much tragedy. They have endured.
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We have a diverse group of people and accept EVERYONE for who they are. So keep sexuality, race, religion, politics, and other similar "High Impact" subjects out of public channels.
Out of Character drama needs to be kept to a bare minimum. Also, remember to keep IC and OOC separate. If you have a problem with a member, please contact the leader/moderator of your choosing, and hopefully, we can find a solution before it makes everyone uncomfortable.
Keep your roleplay etiquette in check. No God Modding. No Meta Gaming. No Trolling. We are a lore-friendly community. We understand there is grey area where headcanon can flourish and expand but please do not force your personal canon on others or expect them to accept it as their own.
We are a 21+ community. Due to the discussions here, members must be able to handle mature language and content. That said, there is no reason to push the mature rating to its limits. Use the spoilers feature for questionable art, this server is a no ERP zone, and keep excessively explicit conversations out of the public channels.
This is, first and foremost, a game. Don't go out of your way to make someone's game time miserable. We all pay to play. Let's have fun and enjoy it! In light of this, since this community is an extension of the game, we are not going to breed misery here. Therefore, any disparaging remarks about the game content, lore, questlines, storylines, or Blizzard choices needs to be kept out of public channels.
Grandstanding will not be tolerated. Broadcasting that you will quit, in the public channels of this discord, because Blizzard made a choice you disagree with will result in a ban. This also pertains broadcasted pity parties that hint or imply that you might as well quit because something is or isn't happening, etc. You will not be shown attention or sympathy. You will be shown the door. No one here pays extra for guilt trips.
Any image created by an AI generator must be explicitly labeled at an "AI Generated Image". Additionally, these images should not be posted in the art channels as it does not qualify as such. If you wish to use such images as a representation of your character, you may do so only in your Character Profile, with the label given above.
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hooliganswake · 6 months
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LEARN MORE: https://hooliganswake.carrd.co/
I'm going to try something new with the War Within, by creating a RP Warband for my most played characters. I'll be doing some writing for them and posting it to this blog. You can check out the Carrd link above to get more details!
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 1 year
A Time Capsule
A stroll down memory lane took me back to @enigmatic-elegance's Mas’ Must Follow MASterpost, a list of what that player (the very active at the time GM of Coldwall Collective) considered must-follow accounts in Oct. 2019. Back in those heady days before COVID and at least a year before the wholesale migration of Alliance RP from Wyrmrest Accord to Moonguard (though some cracks were starting to appear, even then). Back then, WoW tumblr was still in full swing - if a bit diminished after the porn ban of late 2018 - and Mas' list caused a small flurry of drama from people who weren't listed, or who thought that any such list by a well-followed account was inherently elitist. I didn't agree with everything on the list, but it was Mas' list and anyone could make their own list (with blackjack and hookers if they wanted!)
But it's fun to look back at that post as a snapshot of the community at the time - and bittersweet to see how many of those accounts have been fallow for years, or much less active, and those that are active are either on Epsilon or MG-A (and more than a handful have transitioned to FFXIV).
Take a look and see who - if anyone - you still know today.
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manamaddened · 6 months
a tumblr rp blog for the WoW oc Daenera Morrowseeker .
info here: https://todayandtomorrow.carrd.co/
[ writer is 21+, they/them, autistic and anxious so have patience pls ]
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the-silver-circle · 9 months
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[January 2024]
(& a link to the website recap thread!)
The Dreamweavers invite the Silver Circle to accompany them to Amirdrassil on the neighboring Dragon Isles, and lend their assistance in the construction of Bel’ameth. The peaceful forest offers the promise of a peaceful repose for the night elf people, but not all is quite as it seems.
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thevelvetcartel · 2 years
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TVC Invites you to celebrate Love is in the Air with... Love Takes Flight!
Where: Thaldraszus, Algeth’era (48.75, 40.24) 
When: Friday, February 10th, 6pm server   (WrA) 
What: Art raffle, mount raffle, pick-up line contest, pet battles, and more!
Come enjoy the evening, drink, dance, and make friends! Or more than friends! It is the season for love, after all.
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thecloudcitymarket · 1 year
CCM - May 10th, 2023
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Below are the list of vendors this week!
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Sunrise Lattes - Caythaes Mekandawn MENU
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Glamrock Fashions - Jazzy S. Glamrock of the Cast Company Collective MENU
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Constellation Canvas - Celeste Runewhisper MENU
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The Azure Star - Saeni Silverbell MENU
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
DWC 2: Opportunity/Eternity
She couldn't tell you when the realization had settled over her, like a yoke about her shoulders - her people were a long-lived race, yes, but... with what had been done to her, it was eternity she was facing, now.
Lilliana had really only just come into her own as an adult, before this ocurred, and was now cursed to not only change, with time... but to have nothing but time, in the end. She would have longer with people than if they were human, but... in the end, she would outlast them all - and what kind of life is that? An eternity of being looked at askance - with worry, or trepidation, because of what demons had done to others. She would outlive even her own child.
What was there to do, but accept it? The young woman had railed against it again, and again, but there were no answers. No one had been able to help her. No one knew how to undo what had been done to her soul, because it wasn't the sort of thing that was done. Tampering with souls wasn't the sort of thing the average Kirin Tor sorcerer would have experience with. That was the prerogative of darker arts, and more often than not, those who practiced as much would be more inclined to keep her as she was, or make it worse, rather than assist her in un-doing what had been done.
She had tried to see it as an opportunity, instead - but it was like a thin veneer behind which Lily knew the truth: she didn't want 'forever'. A good, long time, yes - but eternity was not something she'd ever asked for.
The weight of it all was maddening - the fel corruption, the invasive thoughts, the hunger, the changes... and the knowledge that it would all would last forever. It would corrode and erode at who she really was, and who wanted eternity as something they didn't choose to be?
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chillidari · 1 year
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Hey, hey! Long time no see~ Been to the After Dark show yesterday? Liked what you saw?
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camliristarfallen · 1 year
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talthorn-sylvoran · 2 years
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The Hearts of Tenacity are creating stars with each other~
My first piece of art I am sharing with the community of these beautiful star husbands, to which there will be many more. Happy New Year everyone! May we all come that much closer in realizing our dreams this year. ✨
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astralliswalking · 2 years
Character Profile
The Basics 
Name: Setharion Astrallis
Nickname: Seth only if you are considered a friend
Age: 12,120
Birthdate: June 1st
Race: Kal’dorei 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed 
Physical Appearance 
Hair: Waist long teal hair with silver streaks he wears in different styles
Eyes: Illusioned silver/ true color - rich amber color
Height: 8”
Build: Muscular 
Distinguishing Marks: 
Clean and faded slash mark over part of his face and nose
Broken runes on his forearms and back
Personal Information 
Profession: Researcher and Astromancer.
Hobbies: Reading, writing and researching. This again, but with music too. Attending events around Azeroth.
Skills: Many arcane talents. Balance druid abilities. Astral projection and walking. Star chart reader. (more tba)
Languages: Darnassian, Ancient Kal’dorei dialects, Thalassian, Shalassian, Titan, Draconic with some: Dwarvish, Orcish, Pandaren, Draenic
Residence: Temporary ones in Dalaran, Hyjal, Azsuna, Suramar
Birthplace: Azsuna
Spouse: Lania Mooncrest ( Deceased )
Children: Unknown
Parents: Radris and Malina Astrallis (Deceased)
Other Relatives: Many
Pets/Companions/Familiars: Arcane familiars
Created arcane image by the name of Silver
Sex & Romance 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, men preferring now. 
Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch
Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch
Libido: High
Turn-Ons: Confidence, Intelligence, Well-dressed, collars
Turnoffs: Disrespect, unfaithfulness, beastility, blood play
Love Language: Physical touch
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between (Realist) / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional Information 
Smoking Habit: Enjoys rarely
Drugs: Special circumstances
Alcohol: Moderate
Server: Wyrmrest Accord 
Possible Hooks
Setharion has an extensive history that dates all the way back to the proud Kaldorei Empire with his origins within Azsuna. He used to have ties with the noble society, the Highborne and then the Moon Guard. 
His areas of strength are in many arcane schools, but most predominant in Astromancy. His areas of study within the realm of Order and every aspect of divination and balance that he can absorb. He is adept at Astral travel and projection. 
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braeden-wra · 2 years
Character Summary: Braeden
I will bold what does apply and italicize what might apply under the right circumstances for multiple choice fields.
Name: Braeden Sunstorm
Alias/Nicknames: Brae
Gender: Male
Age: 145
Abilities/Talents: Agility, Stealth, Close Quarters Combat, Perception, Tracking, Finance
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, Thalassian, Orcish
Family: Emmeleine (daughter), Thaellan (son), Daeron (cousin), Taer’ithiel (cousin)
Friends: Vhaellin Soulfire
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other Indigo Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 6′3″
Scars: between the shoulder blades where a tattoo was flayed from his flesh, faded scarring and burns along the left side from broken ribs and being caught in the explosion of an iron star, slash marks across the left forearm, cut scar along the left cheek from just outside of the left eye to the jawline.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
A few songs that remind you of them:
Puscifer - The Humbling River
Disturbed - The Vengeful One
Linkin Park - In the End 
Linkin Park - Numb 
Skillet - Save Me 
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jasonhelsong · 2 years
Character Sheet: Jason Helsong
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The Basics –––
Name: Jason Helsong
Nickname(s): Helsong, Hel
Age: 33
Birthday: November
Race: Worgen
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Servers: Moonguard/Wyrmrest Accord
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Physical Appearance –––
Hair: Blonde/Brown and black
Eyes:  Grey/Red
Height: 6'1"/ 7'1"
Build: Skinny and toned/lean muscular
Distinguishing Marks: None
Tattoos: No tattoos as of yet
Piercings: Left ear
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Personal Information–––
Profession: Officer of Everwind Exchange, Security of Succulent Tart, Dad
Hobbies: Camping, Hunting, Fishing, Training
Languages: Common, and Darnassian.
Residence: Redridge
Birthplace: Gilneas
Religion: Drudism
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Relationships –––
Spouse: Single
Children: Gwen (Gwenevere offically)
Step Children: -
Parents: Both deceased
Siblings: None known
Pets: None at the moment
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Traits –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional information –––
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Rarely
Affiliations: Everwind Exchange (MG Alliance guild), Succulent Tart (WrA Cross faction guild)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Faction Stance: Neutral
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History/RP Hooks –––
Lost his parents when he was a baby, spent most of his life in an orphanage.
Spent most of his life in Stormwind
Over the past years he's been working for Succulent Tarts, attempting to break out of his shell a bit.
Worked various security jobs with Everwind Exchange mainly on Azeroth.
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OOC –––
I'm new to tumblr, but I'm trying to spread and flesh out Jason Helsong a bit! I'm usually open to talk to people, though I can be a little shy like Jason as well, so yeah, don't be nervous cause I probably already am. I posted most of his art in this already but there are still a couple of pieces, if anyone is interested the rest are here. Feel free to message me, I'm also Helsong on WRA and MG.
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Passion - Elfebruary 2023
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Lædra’s fingers slipped beneath his coat lapels, pushing them back over his shoulders. She leaned in close, and up on top toes, her lips hovered just above his skin, hot breath washing over him. She let the coat fall to the floor with a hush of silk. She kissed his neck and lowered back down to unbutton the fine linen shirt.
With the pop of the third, her lips found their way to his chest. Deft fingers continued to work their way down. She followed behind them with kisses and nips, drawing a whine from him. Dark hair began to spread from his chest, rippling outward. No, not hair. Fur.
As the black fur spread, it seemed his height extended. “Good growl,” she murmured. The last button freed itself from the threaded hold and her nails scratched at his chest through the thick, soft fur.
Frank growled again, his hands burying themselves in her violet-blue hair. Pulling her to him, his tongue slipping out to tease over her lips. He managed a single kiss before his face elongated, a snout of coal black sprinkled with grey taking its place. And still he licked at her lips until the parted for her own tongue to join the dance.
His paws slid down, her hair tangling in his claws as he drew them down her back. The pressure left a trail of white on her skin, which pricked up at the thrill. His arms moved down and swept her up. He padded to the bed in three long strides and laid her down. Two claws hooked the straps on her shoulders and moved them down her arms, sharp tips ghosting over her skin.
As the straps fell away, she reached up, bringing the worgen’s face to hers. She kissed his snout and rubbed her face to it. He whined in her long pointed ear, his black nose drawing in her scent. He slipped her dress off, his tongue curling around a sensitive nipple.
Lædra’s back arched, pressing her to his fur. She dragged her nails through his fur, down his stomach to the waistband of his pants. She unlaced them, biting her lip at the sound of his growls.
“Hey, boss!”
The two of them stopped, their heads swinging around. Lædra groaned and flipped back onto the bed at the sight of the imp squeezing himself under the door.
“I am going to roast you on a spit of this isn’t important,” Frank growled, baring his teeth. “Your timing…”
“I got news for ya. You’re gonna like it!” The imp finally managed to scrabble through the crack under the door and scampered over.
The void elf woman pulled her robe over her and kissed the tip of the worgen’s snout. “Love you,” she murmured and rose from the bed. “I’ll go make some coffee.”
Frank’s paws stretched, claws curling down. His hackles raised, fur bristling. “Make it good.”
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