#WITH SAMPLE MERCHANDISE (and other stuff)
kathybluecaller · 6 months
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rboooks · 1 year
The bakery is a front!...Right? Part 2
Danny can practically feel Peter's glare through the small window between the front counter and kitchen, trying to melt his ice core. He isn't sure what he did to earn the man's ire but it was getting sort of old after two weeks.
Peter's brother, who almost always steals food and drinks between customers, wasn't nearly as bad. Danny didn't mind the loss, as he is beyond rich that he could fund his own country; he just found it odd that Alvin tended to put whatever he stole in test tubes.
He used to seeing street kids' having sticky fingers, but not ones with this particular habit. If he hadn't witnessed Alvin taking an entire bagel and stuffing it into a ziplock bag after another filling another test tube with the ghost theme latte- it was just color dye green and the foam shaped into a blob ghost- he would thought the guy was gathering samples of his merchandise rather then stocking up on food. Not that he could blame him.
Not knowing where their next meal will come from makes it understandable that they horde any food they can. Yes, the pair of brothers were close to his age but they been on the streets since Peter was fifteen and Alvin was thirteen. They had apparently took off in the middle of the night after Alvin was violently outed and his scum of a father tried to break the gay out of him.
They haven't spoken much about their past besides that, but Danny didn't need any more information.
Alvin is remarkably good at taking things without anyone noticed.
The only reason Danny caught on to what he was doing was because this was his haunt, and his ghost side had growled in outrage the first time Alvin swiped some samples of various coffees. His human side just thought it was hilarious.
After a while, the part of him that was Phantom recognized the two as new members of his haunt and now purred whenever they took stuff. Phantom's desire to provide for those under his protection made it hard for Danny not to slip and purr or rub himself against people like a creepy cat.
Phantom also had this mysterious allure to humans. Sam and Tucker let him know after the three came across the Phan Club led by his old classmates. Paulina wanting to marry him wasn't a one-time thing. Almost all his classmates wanted to marry Phantom because a part of him influenced their attraction.
Halfas were like that.
Frostbite said halfas were close to sirens and that annoyed him more than anything.
His ghost side wasn't mansplain, manipulate but rather manwhore. At least with enough exposure, people developed immunity to his allure, so Danny ignored all the love-struck eyes made at him.
Danny still very clearly remembered coming back for his junior year, walking into the hallways and causing multiple jaws to drop.
Sam and he had broken up at the beginning of the summer, so she only blinked at his sudden appearance, but Tucker had been blindsided.
"Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but you look delicious"
Danny had fallen for him just a little for that alone.
The two of them dated all junior year with Sam's blessing but agreed they were better as friends by the end. It was awkward, but the three got past that, spending senior year snickering as various people tried to ask Danny out.
Danny was petty enough to admit he enjoyed turning them down, citing their past treatment of him as a "never going to happen". Breaking the hearts of the A-listers was a special kind of joy, especially Dash.
After taking the time with Elle to further develop his ghost side, he hadn't realized the big difference between him and the other halfas.
Vlad's accident case him to form over time, after getting ecto-acne, and the years he spent in the hospital were him repeatedly dying only to be brought back seconds after, by the ectoplasm forced into his face. It is no wonder he lost his sanity and became violently obsessed with his parents.
In the creation of Dan, Vlad's mind had finally been accessible to his human side again. The future Vlad was more mellow sure, has taken him in with a kind heart but that was because he had been more human then ghost. The ghost side no longer had his parents around so its vengeance was no longer needed ans it cleared up the maddness.
It was like his image of a human hand been painted over by his ghost. It didn't blend.
Jazz had realized this, and then after speaking to his parents, they vowed to help him. Surprisingly it worked, and now Vlad was not a fruitloop. Unfortunately he may be something far worse.
Vlad was now his parents' boyfriend. Ugh. It didn't help that it had been Vlad that given his parents a grant all these years, who had taken care of the family from afar, and that he was a gentle soul. Jack had named him godfather of his son because they grew up together and had always know the sweetheart hidden within.
His coming back from the dead madness had rekindled old feelings, and his mom admitted she had felt something for him too.
Ellie was influenced by her ghost side too. She was a clone, but her core form first, and unlike the other failed clones, she was more like a ghost who learned to be human. She gave in more to her spirit urges, only really eating and sleeping because she thought they were fun. Her ghost was painted over by her human side, but it was a well balanced collage.
Danny was a single painting with two figures side by side.
Since his accident perfectly split his two parts his human side kept his ghostly influence at bay until he was about sixteen, where slowly but surely, he allowed his two pieces to start to fuse.
That's why Dan had gone off the deep end when separated from his human side. There was nothing hold his urge to protect after his loved one's death and his ghost part saw his human half trying to get rid of him as betrayal, so it reacted by betrayung his protective obsession- by destroying everything it could and eating Vlad's ghost only fueled his crazy.
There had been times when both his ghost side and human side were separated that didn't cause this. When he was spilt by Fenton Ghost Cather, his ghost side took the responsibility while his human became even lazier than average. That didn't mean they had different personalities, just that some aspects of themselves were futher away.
It was like his soul multiplied rather then broken. It's why he was able to stay sane, he didn't reject any part of him.
It just didn't help with their fusing his ghost was affecting humans and him. He now had to deal with even more love-struck eyes. Worse, according to Vlad and Frostbite, Danny was now entering his mating stage, and he was honest to Acients nesting.
The building next door that he had bought and developed to have decent-sized cubicles with warm beds meant to house the homeless was now mostly occupied by children.
Phantom was almost always purring, seeing street kids slowly move in. He offered them food, work, a roof, and warm water. The cubicles could be considered dorm rooms-a bed, desk, and small cabinets that were savage from other kids who sold them to Danny enough for them to walk into and sleep when it turned dark. Some leave in the morning, others stay, but Danny doesn't mind.
Maybe that's why Peter hated him so much. Alvin was weak to Phantom's charm and Danny knew a thing or two about older siblings trying to protect thier younger siblings from parent's bigotry.
Jazz made a face when ghost hunters got near him before the reveal. They weren't in danger anymore, but knowing that and relaxing around what they saw a threat were two very different things.
Peter and Alvin Draper appeared a month or so after the whole Scarecrow's incident. He didn't mean to run into the supervillain, knocking the man over in the middle of his villian monologue.
He had been too busy trying to get Sam and Tucker- dated in senior year and the last two years- to agree on the main decor for their wedding. Even after they got engaged, it was still Danny who smoothed their bickering to notice that he had stop breathing again.
Sometimes he forgot.
It took the guy stuffing a needle into his arm, the liquid already being cleansed by his ectoplasm before fully settling in his bloodstream, to realize this wasn't another Gotham citizen casually wearing a gas mask.
This was the reason people wear gas masks.
He punched the creep away from him, effectively allowing the heroes to lock him up. But in doing so, he put all his goons out of work. He hadn't known until two days later Andres had nervously walked into his bakery with a resume.
Andres had been the Scarecrow's right-hand man trying to get money for his dying mother, who had cancer. Danny didn't know what to do with a guy whose only valuable skill at a bakery was speaking Spanish but if he wanted to get out of life of crime then who was he to stop him?
His resume was impressive, but it was mostly how to handle illegal chemicals and torture, so Danny set him up as his cashier and co-baker. A few days later, Andres had carefully suggested other goons from Scarecrow's crew who needed jobs, and Danny found himself fully staffed that same day.
More people began visiting him for work, and Danny didn't what to do with them half the time.
Sighing, he placed the newest batch of ecto-cookies in a box for Manolo to take to his mother. The kid is rocking on his heels by the entrance. He is new to the streets after getting thrown out by his mother's ex, but now that she was cleaning up her addiction, Danny hoped he wouldn't be seeing him around the streets as often.
"Peter is going to shoot you," Andres said, looking at the man with the streak of white in his hair practically foaming at the mouth when he saw the small boy arrive for his delivery run. "Want me and the boys to take care of him?"
Danny glanced up to catch Alvin ducking his head, face a healthy red hue. The guy had been staring at him again, which meant Peter was being overprotective again.
"No" He tells Andres, putting the boxes in a little red wagon for the boy to tug around. "I'll handle him."
He walked by the brothers, Alvin already trying to sneak a box away. Danny quickly moved the wagon away from him. When there was nothing to cleanse, ectoplasm worked like a potent energy drink, and honestly, Alvin did not need more of a reason to get less sleep.
Alvin pouted when his chance to steal a cookie failed.
Cute Thought Danny
Our children will be gorgeous Responded Phantom Make Alvin mate.
Danny ignores Phantom to smile at Manolo. He slips into Spanish, quickly crouching down to be at eye level. "Hi buddy. How is the new sweater treating you?"
Manolo's dimple shows as he pulls the sleeves over his palms. "It's warm. I like how fluffy it is."
Phantom cooed, and a soft purr escaped him before Danny clamped down on the sound. "I'm glad. Ready for another day of deliveries?"
"Yes!" The ten year old chirps snapping the list of names and address out of Danny's hand. The baker laughs, pulling our his wallet.
"I know I can count on you, so I'll pay you upfront. If anyone gives you tips, you can keep them," He says, handing the boy five hundred. Manolo beams, pocketing the money and scurrying away with his wagon.
I want a baby Phantom whines
I'll eat a bagel later, Danny promises.
( Part 1 ) (Part 3)
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bloodsadx · 4 months
I just saw your post of all your toenails, and the pins stand out to me so much!! Where do you get them from where they can all be such unique colors? Or do you make them yourself somehow?
i hit up a couple different american pin places that are in contact with overseas pin factories, i looked into the process of making pins via youtube videos to make sure i understood what is actually happening in the pin making process. i designed a lot of colorways in photoshop/illustrator and i showed friends/teased those colorways on twitter before i ordered them. it’s not especially expensive to do a bunch of different colorways it’s just general bulk pricing guidelines made some of the colors slightly more expensive per unit bc i ordered less of them. i worked with an american contact rather than using say alibaba to source a factory because i wanted to be able to ask a lot of questions and also because the american contacts usually have long relatively steady relationships with the factories which allows me to ask for stuff like 5 of one colorway without the factory just ignoring my email because of not meeting a MOQ. but it did raise the price slightly, and i think the shipping might’ve gone from china to like, rhode island, then to me, so it might’ve taken me slightly longer to get them. i also ordered about 300 i believe total with 16 different colorways so i think it was probably less annoying to the factory than if i had ordered like 16 bespoke pins or something like that.
those pins are really the only thing i’ve ever outsourced before and i was really uncomfortable for a long time with the idea of outsourcing labor because i don’t really like the idea that just b.c i’m an artist and i have ideas for stuff de facto that means my ideas are worth the material/labor cost/human cost of producing them but i watched a lot of youtube videos about how pins are made and it seemed not that bad or at least not much worse than say screen printing t shirts re: exposure to potentially toxic chemicals.
i was starting the process of making more pins of other characters but my motivation has been low on that front. the reason i’m not saying the specific website i used is because i don’t think they provided me any particular advantages over any other website i could have contacted they were just one of the first to get back to me with answers/samples and to meet my specific needs. if you’re going to make pins or any kind of merchandise and are trying to move into a process where you’re paying a few hundred dollars down to potentially sell something to other people i would recommend really looking into that stuff rather than just going off of recommendations. it’s also worth noting that a lot of american companies will insist their products are american made and then outsource the actual production but because the artwork/money was exchanged in america it counts as “american made”. and also, a lot of factories will sublet contracts from other factories and don’t typically inform clients when they do this so it is highly unlikely you will be able to actually know where your thing is made (and under what conditions); to that end, recommending a specific gobetween who might talk to 5 different factories who all randomly sublet to each other means it’s nearly impossible for me to actually recommend A Place rather than just recommending Trying To Communicate As Clearly As Possible.
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solradguy · 2 years
You know if there's any Daisuke art of Jack-O'? I know he's drawn the other Valentines in a few concept/promo pieces, but haven't seen much if any Jack-O' from him.
Yeah there are a couple. It seems most of the art is from that weird period of GG around Xrd when the series was getting back on its feet after buying the IP back from Sega, and they're hard to get even scans of. Most of the Jack-O' art was for merchandise. Here's what I do have for her though:
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Xrd Rev arcade version main visual (scan from the Xrd Visual Book)
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Sketch done with a signature for someone on Reddit.
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This was a tapestry for a Famitsu thing. Rare digital Daisuke art!
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Tapestry drawn for some kind of Famitsu special pack for Xrd Rev. I think this was a placeholder image while the colored version was finished up.
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This matches the style of the Famitsu tapestry sketch above but I couldn't actually find it on any webpages (or on Famitsu).
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This probably wasn't done by Daisuke but I would kill a man for this mug so I'm including it anyway. It was sold in the same drop as the above colored tapestry.
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I couldn't find a source for this one though the SAMPLE text makes me think it was another merchandise illustration for Famitsu. It might not be by Daisuke, but the shading matches his digital art style.
I know there's at least one more marker illustration that I don't have a copy of that's floating around out there somewhere. There's probably more merchandise with unique (ie, not reused game assets) art out there too. It's so hard finding official Jack-O' art!!!
Oh, yeah, there's also this:
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Rock on 2Night Guilty Gear Live 2016
It's PROBABLY the cosplaying soundtrack chick but who am I to keep risqué Daisuke Maybe-Jack-O' a secret? Daisuke also played the guitars for this, which is cool. More often than not it seems he's too busy working on stuff and someone else does the guitars for him.
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sunniedesi · 2 years
Future Diary Revolution
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Even though Future Diary has pretty obscure merch and spin-offs to its name, most of the stuff related to the show is still relatively easy to find with enough research. After all, even though the franchise is almost 2 decades old, most of its media has been recorded quite thoroughly…
Emphasis on most. There’s actually one piece of media related to this franchise that I’ve never seen any English source cover, and it pains me to say that it is now lost media… or sort of. This is the audition show “Future Diary Revolution,” produced by Kadokawa and sponsored by Newgin (same company that made the pachislot and panchinko for the show), that first aired on the platform “Ustream” (now known as IBM Cloud Video) back on November 16, 2012. It finished airing on April 7, 2013. As previously mentioned, I haven’t found any English sources about this show, or any other language for that matter, except for a Spanish post on Facebook, though I wouldn’t really call it a source as it mistakes the show for being a second season.
Now with that being said, even the Japanese sources are scarce on this one. Currently the only sites that hold information about the show are the official Future Diary site, Japanese wikipedia, the japanese wiki and a blog post from one of the contestants. The information that the first three provided allowed me to understand how the show went, and it was basically an “audition game show” comprising ten stages. Now, what I mean with “audition game show” is that the point of the show was to test out the contestants’ ability at voice acting, singing and presenting to select new voice actors for Kadokawa projects. Each stage had a particular task that the participants had to clear in order to move to the next stage. The contestants would receive a message on their phones indicating whether they were eliminated (a DEAD END) or if they passed (DEAD END Avoided). Also, because of the large number of contestants, the first four stages had to have several rounds in which they divided the participants. We know what these first four stages were like thanks to the official Future Diary site; however, the site stopped providing updates on the tasks after stage 4, and stuck to reminders of when each stage was going to be uploaded to Ustream. The following is a list / description for each stage:
Stage 1 (three rounds with 294 contestants in total): 
First round: Contestants were asked to introduce themselves, what their best and worst traits were, and what they saw themselves doing in the future. From 79 people only 43 passed.
Second round: Contestants were asked to introduce themselves, and tell an anecdote of something good that happened around them. From 105 people only 39 passed.
Third round: Contestants were asked to introduce themselves, and what activity they excelled at. From 110 only 34 passed.
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Stage 2 (three rounds with 116 contestants left): Contestants had to read out lines of Future Diary characters and act them out.
Round one: from 36 only about half passed.
Round two, from 40 only 18 passed.
Round three, from 40 only about half passed.
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Samples of the scripts they were given:
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Stage 3 (two rounds with 58 contestants left): Contestants had to present merchandise from the show
First round: They presented the Future Diary Blu-ray and DVD, as well as the music CDs. From 28 only 19 passed.
Second round: They presented the Gasai Yuno RAH figurine, as well as the book publications (manga, guidebook and spin-off manga). From 30, only 17 passed.
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Stage 4 (two rounds with 36 contestants left): Contestants had to choose one song from a pre-selected list and sing it. The men could choose either Yukiteru’s theme, Kousaka’s theme or the 12th’s theme. The women could choose between Yukiteru’s theme, Yuno and Yukiteru’s shared theme, and Minene’s theme.
Round one: from 15 only 10 passed.
Round two: from 21 only 12 passed.
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Stage 5 (22 contestants left): From 22, only 13 passed.
Stage 6 (13 contestants left): No one was eliminated.
Stages 7, 8 and 9: numbers on these last stages are unclear to me, as the chart on the wiki says that zero people participated in stages 7 and 8, and that in stage 9, only five people passed out of zero… which clearly doesn’t make sense. What we do know is that by stage 10, only five contestants remained.
Stage 10 (5 contestants left): Out of the five, only one winner was selected.
The winner was Kotoe Kawasaki; however, all of the five contestants left were chosen to participate in the Ustream 2013 spin-off of Lucky Star titled: “The Miyawaka Family’s Hunger.” Kotoe won the role of Hikage Miyawaka, a main character in the show. It’s unclear to me whether she won something else for being first place, but as far as her IMDB and MAL profiles show, this was her only voice acting gig. As for the rest of the contestants, here are the roles they got (real name on the left, character on the right):
Madoka Sowa - Yukina Utsumi
Kanae Iwasaki - Erika Koike
Karin Oda - Daisuke Mizushima
Natsumi Yamada - Marina Koizumi.
Despite not winning first place, all the other girls went on to work on one or more shows after this spin-off. Though I want to focus on Kanae and Natsumi here, because we do have a little more insight on them. The blog post that I mentioned earlier was from a contestant named Saya Kamide, who as far as I know was eliminated on stage 3. From her blogs, I can gather that she aspired to be a voice actress for Kadokawa, though moved on from voice acting on 2014. With that being said, the blog post about Future Diary Revolution introduced the two other girls mentioned before, and it also gives us a little more insight on stage 1. Here’s the translation of her post:
Yahoo (・∀・) ♪ It’s me, Kamide, Kamide Saya ヾ(´ω`=´ω`)ノ(hello, hello).  Today I participated in Future Diary Revolution (`・ω・´)!  We made our own name tags, and I put on my numbered bib as I was told hehe. ↑ And there (pointing at her photo), that’s my smug face ( ´,_ゝ`). And here’s a little introduction for my fellow war buddies, who participated with me ☆. First war buddy ☆ “Put some love to your ponytail ♪” It’s Natsumi Yamada (*・ω・)ノ Lately we’ve been spending a lot of time together, so I think I’ll soon be able to master an impression of her (゚∀゚) Ahaha. My good friend ☆ Koyoshi Team "Fluorite" In her idol activities☆ (tl note: not sure what this means, it might be referring to a team she participated in within an idol show.) It’s Kanae Iwasaki (*・ω・)ノ Kanae-chan, it's been a long time since I last saw her, and she's become so pretty that I didn't know who she was at first. She’s a good one(´∀`*). ・‥…━━━☆・‥…━━━☆・‥…━━━☆・‥…━━━☆ There were so many participants >< I felt like I was about to burst from the start… *sigh* We did a 30 second interview... Kamide: "Nice to meet you" my heart was beating so fast (*'-'*) Judge: "Please introduce yourself in one sentence." Kamide: “Σ(=゚ω゚=;)I’m… I’m like squid! The more you eat me… rather-! Just like dried squid, the more you get to know me, you get a better taste of who Saya Kamide is! (I’m the one eating myself alive *sighs*). Judge: "What's the nicest thing that happened around you recently?" Kamide: Oh, a-a good thing?! … Ah! A new manga from a certain publication with a bu-butter (I’m screwing over my words)... butler protagonist is out! Judge: “Do you like manga?” Kamide "Yes! I love manga, anime, and the internet!" (I got a sprout of confidence all of a sudden haha) Judge: “You spend a lot of time at home?” Kamide “No!” (I-it’s not like that! (((( ;゚д゚)))) Judge: “Do you like outdoor activities?” Kamide "Yes! Come to think of it, I recently climbed a mountain!" (´∀`) Judge: "With how many people?" Kamide: "... I was alone, actually" (Ah, I’m making it worse!!) Kamide: “Since there were no lights around, the stars and the night sky looked so beautiful! The city lights looked like a river, and the sky like a planetarium!" (That was the time for my excuuuuuuuuse haha) Judge: "Thank you. Please wait on the 3rd floor." Kamide: “Thank you very much.” *Judging ends* hehehehehe ↑ Why do I feel so worn out? I tried to collect my thoughts, but then… oh god, I felt like it went terrible ( ・Д ・) Though fortunately all three… brilliantly cleared stage 1 .。゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚ーーー!! I'm a miracle haha That’s right: "The future can change if you believe in it." That was a line in the story… right?! Σヾ( ̄0 ̄;ノ I’ll believe in the future and do my best next time!! ( ̄∠ ̄ )ノ And there’s one week left till Ani☆yume. Please support Future Diary and Ani☆yume (tl note: Ani☆yume is a Japanese idol show by Kadokawa. If you’re familiar with Kpop, I believe it’s kinda like the show “Kpop Star.”) 
Link for the original post:
Also a little fun fact about Saya, Kanae and Natsumi is that they all seem to still be friends (I found their Twitters while looking up information about the show and they all seem to follow and retweet each other). But even more interesting, I realized that Kanae and Tomosa Murata (Yuno's VA) also appear to be friends currently, since Kanae appears in some of Tomosa's photos on Twitter.
As far as this show now being lost media… the Ustream link provided by the official Future Diary website is now down, and when I try to run it through the Wayback Machine, I can see the page, but even with a browser that supports flash I’m unable to view the content of the video. I could be wrong, but I believe that it is not possible to run flash content on the Wayback Machine, because the snapshots don’t preserve the actual code for it to run. I’ve had first-hand experiences trying to play old Disney flash games from the Wayback Machine under a flash emulator, but it always returned a blank screen, just like the Ustream videos. I also tried to see if it was possible to recover Ustream videos in any way, but from the looks of it, the platform doesn’t store deleted content for more than 30 days. In other words, the episodes are lost… 
save for one.
The official Future Diary site kept the videos for the second round of the second stage of the show, though they were also in flash format. Just like the other episodes on Ustream, these ones returned a blank screen every time I tried to run them with my flash emulators, so I had to get creative. Eventually, after downloading a new browser and an old version of flash, I managed to get the videos to work. They’re now uploaded on my youtube channel as a single video. It doesn’t have subtitles, but I think it’s pretty clear what’s going on. The contestants go up, say a few lines from the script they were given, and at the end they receive a message of whether they passed to the next stage. It may not be much, but hopefully this is enough to preserve the memory of this very obscure show.
Below is the Ustream link in the Wayback Machine (you can’t see the video or anything relevant for that matter, but I thought I’d link it anyway)
And here’s the link of the official FD site’s entries about FD Revolution (the link is of the show’s initial announcement, but on the left-hand side you can see the rest of the entries from latest to newest. Also, they’re all in Japanese, but translating the pages to English with Google is enough to understand them.)
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 years
Hi! Feel free to ignore if you don't feel like answering. I see you've been posting about selling pokemon merchandise, and I wanted to ask if you maybe have any advice for someone who's also interested in selling merchandise but isn't quite sure where to begin?
Sure, I can give a little bit of advice! Sorry if this is super haphazard, I'm just talking off the top of my head.
Ok tbh the first thing to be aware of is that making merch is expensive. I really do not recommend getting into making and selling merch if you're struggling financially. I don't make a lot of money from this.
If you're interested in learning more about manufacturers/where to get stuff made, there's a list of them on the account @howtobeaconartist under the "resources" tab. They also have a lot of advice for selling merch in general, tho they're mostly geared toward anime convention artists.
There's also vograce, a company based in china that makes a variety of things:
I use them a lot but there's also often communication issues/minor printing complications, and shipping can get quite pricy if you're ordering a lot of things. (for example, shipping on the order of submas pillow cases + misc merch samples was almost $100.) (also I live in the US.) That said, I like to use them because they have low minimum order quantities; I don't sell a ton of merch, so it's convenient for me to be able to buy small quantities of items. They also let you split up orders between multiple designs (again, useful for lowering quantities).
Anyway, my personal recommendation for your first merch would be buttons. I get them made by cheapestbuttonsnet on Etsy:
Their prices are very affordable, and they also let customers split up an order between multiple designs. Typically I order a batch of 50 buttons, and then split it between 5 designs to end up with 10 buttons of each design. Customer service is also very responsive; if you have further questions I'd recommend messaging them on Etsy or sending them an e-mail.
Anyway you don't have to start with buttons, but that's just what I think would be the best balance between affordable for the artist + affordable/attractive for customers.
Also, keep in mind that artwork you draw for merch should be sized at least 300 PPI for prints, charms, buttons, and stickers, and at least 150 PPI for fabric printing (like pillows). This means if you want to print a 1.5 inch button, the canvas you draw on should be at least 450 px by 450 px (because 300 * 1.5 = 450). Typically I draw larger than this anyway (like 2500 px by 2500 px for most things), but note that if you draw larger that some small details may get lost.
There's a bunch of other logistic things you'll need to do before selling merch, including:
setting up an online shop (I use Etsy because they're convenient for shipping and send tax forms at the end of the year to make it easier to report income, but they have a lot of random fees)
Purchasing shipping materials (for buttons/charms, usually just bubble mailers from amazon or wherever are fine)
Setting prices (I reference other sellers on Etsy to gauge a good price for products. Another thing people often do is take the cost of manufacturing one unit, multiplying it by 3, and using that as the price.)
Purchasing business cards to include in orders (optional; I get mine from catprint.com bc I like their holographic finish and I get prints from them anyway, but there are much cheaper options out there for business cards)
Taking product photos/making graphics for products (this goes with "setting up an online shop" tbh. i hate taking product photos LMAO;;;)
Drawing the actual artwork for the merchandise lskdjflsdjf
There's probably more than this and there's more details that I'm not mentioning because this is just a short little intro, but tbh a lot of merch making is about learning along the way and seeing what works and what can be improved on.
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thosemintcookies · 2 years
So yeah apparently AI art can do hands now
And I think this is the thing I get back to. The longer these things learn the better their stuff gets. Eventually all the kinks will get ironed out. You will see computer generated images that are indistinguishable from something done manually. In fact, the applications reach farther- eventually we will see 3D art in real space, and art using traditional mediums. Like we have to shift the focus to the injustices without making quality judgements, which are in essence, identical to the ones aimed at all new mediums as they emerged. You think a couple decades ago people weren't having the same thoughts about digital art? You think these same exact sentiments aren't hurled towards modern art and abstraction in general?
Like if we have to really internalize that art is art is art. AI art is art. Sometimes it can be good art, because we live in a tech and data dense era and these mediums are becoming increasingly sophisticated in the ways they can communicate something about our relationship to tech and data, about ourselves and what we consider important.
All arguments about AI art being bad art, or not real art, is a rehashing of the elitist divisions we make, and we've been having this talk for literally centuries.
In addition I feel like we also have to be careful about the idea of "copyright" because even before the machines, it's been a murky territory. What about IPs? Remixes? Sampling? Collage? Found art? It's also limiting to think about AI art as "lesser than" because it "only" rehashes from existing pieces.
So, what is there to say? How can we better communicate the outrage? I think to the real point of it is about the unequal and frustrating power dynamics at play, especially because a lot of people who do gripe with this whole issue are artists that simply do not make that much money from their art. It's about a capitalist culture that reduces art down to Mere Aesthetic, which says that the product is more important than the intention and the process. It's about the divorcing between intent and profit. Its about the hellscape where there's merchandise sold of explicitly anti-consumerist/anti-capitalist works. It's about media industries that treat its workers as replaceable. It's about people choosing to have An Image that titilates rather than opting to foster community with like-minded fans.
And of course there are ways to fight back. Of course we can foster communities in our own spheres. We can also applaud art that has intent and direction. We can also increase systems that let artists thrive instead of being treated as cogs in a machine.
This wouldn't even be an issue if artists were fairly compensated for their labour and if people really cared about art beyond commodity value. AI art and artists who use machine learning could just be another movement of artists doing something interesting. Instead, this beautiful, terrifying technology is being used to generate soulless images for lonely men and to objectify celebrities and as leverage to further put other artists in jeopardy. It's such a fucking waste.
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doritofalls · 2 years
I would love to see your kiyo merchandise. I want to get some if my own, but it's hard as a lesbian to justify getting pretty boy merchandise and also without context he looks like a nazi which doesn't help. But let me gaze upon your shrine. I would like to see him.
;;;ok but only for you anon nobody else look
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added nagito for filler and clout - wasn’t a very planned purchase, but i came across a local seller and a very good deal, so here we are. it Is the nicest figure i own, the base and pose are both fantastic. 
i’ve got the vivimus keychain - i’m really satisfied with the quality and design, but it’s pretty huge! i’m used to like, gashapon sized rubber straps, and the vivimus line is just reasonably bigger. 
i also have the kiyo acrylic charm from the halloween themed stellamap cafe collab - generally speaking, stellamap cafe collabs are my favorites when it comes to v3 merch, because the illustrations are just SO cute. and it is no different this time!! i really like this one, and the reference to his execution is just, funny in a very morbid kinda way. 
alsooo have two shinsai fancomics. i’m a huge fan of miu miura’s art (right) and this one’s holding up too - they portray emotions and horror so well, and they really did kiyo justice in this one. sadly they only have one other kiyo focused comic and i’m on the edge with picking that up because i’m not huge into the angie kiyo ship. they did a lot of komaeda/komahina focused comics though, and i’ll probably pick up a couple more of those in the future. 
rou’s style is very different with a much heavier BL touch, but i liked the comic well enough for the ship. will probably pick part 2 up if i see it on a reasonable price in the future. 
not pictured is stuff i was able to bag in recent months but is yet to arrive!! 
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generally speaking, i’m not huge on suya chara, the illustrations are very hit or miss for me - but this drv3 lineup they did came out super cute imo, and i love this kiyo :’] i wasn’t looking for this one in particular but it popped up for a very good price. 
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super excited for this one though!! i’ve been on the lookout for this doujinshi for a while. i couldn’t find much info about it online other than the sample images and a vague description, but the art seems gorgeous and i’m always up for gen kiyo stuff. there’s not a ton of it - most doujinshi understandably is either at least vaguely ship based or just porn, which is not the kind of thing i collect. 
i am also trying SO hard to find the sanrio collab kiyo standee under 1000 yen, but no luck so far. fingers crossed, they are VERY cute. 
as far as being a lesbian and hating kiyo’s fit goes - i completely feel you on both of those points!!!! being a lesbian and curating a collection that may involve pretty boy merch - my general rule of thumb has been only getting merch of gay people which. worked so far - though most of my collection is of girl characters (which is its own challenge entirely because this hobby comes with built in creepy male gaze bullshit). as a lesbian who relates to male characters but not on a level of attraction it’s really a niche.
also god, don’t get me started on kiyo’s outfit;;; there’s a reason i hadn’t drawn it proper despite having made fanart. i wouldn’t even mind the milita/bdsm inspiration, there’s an interesting cross-section to note between those sub-cultures as well if you wanna go there, but rui really just didn’t try. as much as i’ve looked at his silly outfit enough to distinguish it, it really gives a nazi vibe at first glance (which REMAINS stupid because it in no way ties into kiyo as a character. i’m ripping my hair out). either way though, if you dislike the outfit, there’s a fair amount of merch with alt outfits! (several of the graffart collabs and the sweets paradise collab comes to mind)
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ashteam-blog · 5 months
Growing your Biz giving away stuff
In the competitive landscape of modern business, companies are constantly seeking innovative strategies to stand out and attract customers. Amidst this quest for attention, one tactic has proven to be a game-changer: free giveaways. While it may seem counterintuitive to give away products or services without immediate monetary gain, the long-term benefits of this approach cannot be overstated. Let's explore why free giveaways are not just a gesture of goodwill but a strategic investment in business growth.
1. Building Brand Awareness
In a crowded marketplace, brand recognition is key. Free giveaways provide an opportunity for businesses to introduce themselves to potential customers who may not have discovered them otherwise. Whether it's a sample of a new product, a trial subscription to a service, or branded merchandise, these giveaways put your brand directly into the hands of consumers. As people experience the quality and value of what you offer, they are more likely to remember your brand and consider it in the future.
2. Engaging with Your Audience
Engagement is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. Free giveaways create an interactive experience that fosters a deeper connection between businesses and their target audience. By encouraging participation through contests, challenges, or social media campaigns, companies can spark excitement and generate buzz around their brand. Moreover, engaging with customers in this way allows businesses to gather valuable feedback, insights, and user-generated content, which can inform future product development and marketing efforts.
3. Generating Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful forms of advertising. When people receive something for free and have a positive experience with it, they are inclined to share that experience with others. Whether it's through social media posts, online reviews, or conversations with friends and family, satisfied customers become brand advocates who amplify your message far beyond your initial reach. As this word-of-mouth marketing spreads, it creates a ripple effect that extends the reach and credibility of your brand, ultimately driving more sales and referrals.
4. Building Trust and Loyalty
In a world where skepticism towards advertising is prevalent, free giveaways offer a tangible demonstration of a company's commitment to its customers. By providing value upfront without asking for anything in return, businesses can build trust and credibility with their audience. This trust forms the foundation of long-term customer relationships, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business. Customers who feel appreciated and valued are more likely to remain loyal to a brand and advocate for it in the future.
5. Stimulating Sales and Conversions
While the primary goal of free giveaways may not be immediate sales, they can have a significant impact on driving conversions in the long run. By offering a taste of what you have to offer, you remove barriers to entry and make it easier for customers to try your products or services. Once they experience the value you provide, they are more likely to make a purchase or upgrade to a paid subscription. Additionally, free giveaways can create a sense of urgency and scarcity, prompting people to take action before the opportunity is gone.
In conclusion, free giveaways are not just a cost but an investment in the growth and success of your business. By strategically leveraging giveaways to build brand awareness, engage with your audience, generate word-of-mouth marketing, build trust and loyalty, and stimulate sales and conversions, you can unlock new opportunities and propel your business forward. So don't hesitate to embrace the power of free giveaways and watch as your business flourishes in the hands of satisfied customers.
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paypant · 1 year
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Recently I ran a few polls about recycling (well, the three Rs to be more accurate) and the results more or less lined up with what I expected (The sample sizes were extremely small so expect some level of inaccuracy in the data)
First, I asked about which of the three Rs people hear about the most often, and Recycle won by a landslide, with Reduce being approximately 1/12th the amount, and Reuse falling in between the two (albeit pretty far towards the lower end)
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And then I asked about which one people feel is the most impactful, and guess what? Reduce won by quite a big margin.
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My take on this is that companies have no way of making any profit from Reducing consumption, so it gets promoted the least.
Reuse has *some* benefit to companies, for instance Starbucks allowing customers to bring their own coffee mugs allows them to save money on supplies, or grocery stores providing customers with reusable bags that double as advertising (or merchandise, depending on how you look at it)
But Recycling involves bins, waste collection trucks, automation lines and filtering stuff, etc. I'll be honest I don't know all that much about the details of recycling, but I've heard much of it ends up going to the landfill anyway and you just end up paying extra fees to feel like there's a *chance* you're not adding plastic to a trash heap somewhere
And I believe in all this lies the reason behind why there's such a disconnect between what's actually impactful (or at least perceived as such) and what ends up being talked about. All three are important of course, but reducing the amount of disposable plastic being purchased is much more impactful than trying to repurpose the plastic which has already been put out into the world and used
Reuse sits in the middle of all this as it's talked about fairly often, but not nearly as much as recycling and has it's own set of problems (Like increasing CO2 emissions to reduce plastic waste)
I don't know if all of this is already common knowledge or if I'm totally off-base here but I'd love to hear other people's thoughts! I've had this idea floating around my brain for quite a while now and I find it really interesting to see how well the results of the aforementioned polls lined up with my intuition
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glowalleysblog · 1 year
Top Beauty Products
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Take your look to the following level with make-up, instruments, and accessories from our makeup products maybe you’re someone who likes to spend hours in the entrance of the mirror to create that good look. If you are the adventurous type, go ahead and purchase the product to see if it works the same for you as it does for others. Some websites offer free samples to potential customers, and some will even pay individuals who are willing to test their goods if you are willing to risk it - Latest Beauty Trends.
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regina-bithyniae · 2 years
Tempting to say bookstores are on a death spiral - whenever I go to a Chapters there's less and less space actually devoted to books, more towards other products (toys, games, etc). The books are also shifting away from good stuff towards trend-chasing. Half the history section was devoted to Trump-era autobiographies, tell-alls, and culture war.
Viewed from the outside it looks like video game stores follow the same pattern, more weighted towards merchandise.
My father used to take my sister and I to the book store to sit and read for hours when we were younger - now there's just not enough content to make it actually worth spending that much time sampling a few books. The sci-fi/fantasy section at one used to be 3-4 aisles, now that's merchandise and the books are stripped down to 1.5 aisles at the other end of the store.
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vicky8588 · 2 years
Amazon Shoppers Are Obsessed with This Bakery Processing Equipment Market Product
Food handling business Processing Equipment Companies are Segmented by Equipment Type (Sheeters& Mulders, Ovens& Proofers, Appliance& Blenders, Dividers& Rounders, Others), By Application (Cakes& Pastries, Bread, Cookies& Toast, Pizza Crusts, Others), By Arrive at a conclusion- User (Hospitals, ASCs, Centres yet others), By Region (The United States, South USA, Europe, Tibet Pacific, Middle East& Africa)– Share, Size, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2022- 2029.
Market Overview
Bakery Processing Products Companies are estimated to attain a top CAGR of 5.7% from the forecast period 2022- 2029
Bakery processing equipment is employed to make bakery stuff like loaves of bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, pizza, toast, doughnuts, and other baked items. Several types of equipment are found in bakeries for various procedures such as baking, blending, molding, enrobing, cooling, and extrusion, among others. As a result of the growing quantity of bakery schools, bakers are already progressively more conscious of easy methods to operate upgraded bakery processing machines, which has grown demand to have high-quality personalized food handling business processing equipment.
Download Free Sample: https://www.datamintelligence.com/download-sample/bakery-processing-equipment-market
Market Dynamics
Growing consumer demand for bakery goods
The foodstuff handling business sector is one of the primaries on the planet, with an array of producing scales and techniques. The worldwide goodies industry has demonstrated rapid recovery following a financial recession and recorded good growth over the past few years. Associated with Agriculture and Agri supports Food Canada, a global food handling business market retail value elevated from$ 321. 8 billion in 2014 to$ 338. 7 million in 2015 with 5. 3% growth rate. Inside the overall food handling business market worldwide, the highest markets are the US, China, and Brazil, altogether accounting to have 30. 8% worldwide business. Factors related to the progress baked goods products industry are convenience, affordability, health gains, and the growing need for healthier fortified baked products which may have low levels of fats, sugar, and calorie consumption. Furthermore, bakery products are getting increasingly accessible to any or all get older groups and they are sold as willing-to-eat. Hence, the growing usage of bakery goods plays a part in the emergence of the bakery control industry and thereby advances bakery processing products. Moreover, because of rising power sources and labour expenses, as effective as rising food ingredient organic material costs, bakery manufacturers are already increasingly emphasizing enhancing their unique production efficiency. That is forecasted to improve the ground-breaking automated bakery processing machines fact provide higher efficiency and less food waste. Equipment automation improves throughput by reducing how much manual labour is necessary and boosting product adaptability, permitting quick merchandise changes.
However, high fixed-expense repairs and maintenance of equipment are unquestionably likely to hinder industry progress to a specific extent. Create products, such for instance food handling business manufacturers, need to produce significant capital purchases to determine machine lines to create specific or new baked things. In line with the American Bankers Association, cookie and cracker companies spend almost 800 million dollars on energy every year in the us. The average bread and spin bakery spend around USD 200, 000 annually on the power source, while a cookie and termed conseils bakery spends around USD 1.5 million each year. Though upgrading old machinery enhances performance, it has a poor influence on the organization's fixed cost composition. The
trouble of putting in brand-new machinery is high, as are already the expenses of timely protection. Small, medium-measured businesses can't afford to commit a lot of money to the installation of bakery processing equipment.
Market Segmentation
Improving demand for sheeters and moulders still to cover with their high functionalities
Sheeters and moulders will be employed more often mainly because the global necessitate for biscuits and cookies boosts. Sheeters have been in high marketplace demand in commercial and retail bakeries due to their capacity to build huge amounts of bread sheets quicker. To meet the expanding market demand, manufacturers are cantering on generating space-saving sheeters. For case, Z Matic S. r. m. introduced a brand-new tabletop/ bench sheeter keep away from 2020, which is certainly exquisite for bakeries with limited space. The modern sheeter is designed for Phyllo, short dough, doughnuts, biscuits, croissants, and puff pastries, among many other doughs.
Ovens and proofers led a considerable market income discussion because of the widespread operation in baking and the need for snacks. Furthermore, the creation of low- levels of energy- consumption ovens is estimated to propel the industry. In your baking industry, the oven is the most essential processing stage since either heat or transfer phenomena arise concurrently inside ovens, ultimately causing biochemical and physiochemical changes for the merchandise. This process also functions as a crucial kill stage, preventing bacteria from blossoming inside the product.
The bread sector may be predicted to acquire the market in 2020, depending on the app. That is because of the strong regard for bread in America and Europe, consequently from the shoppers 'dietary preferences in those regions. Furthermore, the marketplace probably will get driven by the growing demand for bread in once a substantial traditional economies like India and China in the forecast time. Three of America's biggest lasagne companies planned to expand directly into undeveloped countries. Pizza Hut, a related example, planned to ascertain a large number of new areas in China for 2019, followed closely by Papa John's and Domino's (each with 70 locations). Sieves, baking trays, cash dividers, dough scorers, weighing machines, bread melds, and ovens are a number of the machines used in bread making.
Geographical Penetration
Japan Pacific is anticipated to master an international bakery processing tools market in 2020
The foodstuff industry has considerably agreed to the financial growth of Asia Pacific. The consumption of foods in Asia Hawaiian is rising steadily, driven by the growing population, rapid estate, and increasing income. Because of the active lifestyles of shoppers in countries such as India, China, and Japan students and employees from towns, particularly, have found bakery products as snacks. Within China, imported bakery products observe increased demand due to almost all their quality and packaging. Every one of these factors is projected to guide the expansion of areas for bakery products. Over time, the bakery processing tools market in the Asia Pacific has witnessed considerable growth a resulting consequence in the growing bakery and confectionery industries.
On the other hand, North US contributed to a substantial market profit share back in 2020. Limited-edition, nostalgic, and seasonal items are increasingly being presented by numerous United states of America brands to motivate consumers to acquire bakery products. As a result, bakery processing tools with maximum flexibility, like the capability to change the constituents/ recyclables batch by batch, could be likely to rise considerably through the entire forecast period. Furthermore, the marketplace in the United States is driven by rising demand for frozen snacks, premium pastries,
wholegrain bakery items, and healthy snacks. The is estimated to develop as a result of the option of well-proven infrastructure facilities along with the implementation of revolutionary manufacturing technologies.
Competitive Landscape
The global bakery processing equipment market is fragmented and the planet-wide players are competing intensely with local and regional players and labels. A number of the key players within some global markets are Markel Undertakings, Inc., Koenig Maschinen GmbH, Ruben Bean Technologies Corporation, Bühler Holdings AG, and others. To expand their global footprint, trade participants are concentrating on raising new kinds of bakery finalizing equipment in addition to mergers and acquisitions. Baker Perkins Limited., an example, designed and developed an excellent automated meld stacking& amazing cart system for the Servo Form Mini for low-amount confectionery production that kicks away that kicks off in august 2021. Lightweight prerequisite for manpower to eliminate and stack melds from lightweight eliminated. Using the premiere of the product, the internet business will expand its Servo Form Miniature line. Customers want reliable and efficient performance; thus, industry contributors are generating goods with complex automation technologies. Turri F. lli Srl, an Italian company, teamed with Eaton in March 2021 to automate and digitize it is bakery equipment and systems.
COVID- 19 Impact
Side effects within the bakery processing tools market
In 2020, the COVID- 19 pandemic has acquired a fantastic effect on the meal and beverage industry. Several meal processing companies, bakeries, and patisseries have closed consequently of tight lockdowns imposed by various governing bodies and regulatory organizations all over the world. Because of fewer income of food goods throughout the COVID- 19 pandemic, several industry participants and manufacturers observed a substantial decline in almost all their overall bread processing equipment marketplace statistics in FY2020. However, the regard to bakery processing tools post- covid should increase because the demand related to quantity and quality has required high-volume artisan manufacturers and more giant plant bakers to upgrade equipment while driving up efficiency and cracking down on waste.
About Us
DataM Intelligence was incorporated in the early weeks of 2017 as a Market Research and Consulting firm with just two people on board. Within a span of less than a year, we have secured more than 100 unique customers from established organizations all over the world.
For more information:
Sai Kiran
Sales Manager at DataM Intelligence
Tel: +1 877 441 4866
Website: www.datamintelligence.com
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collectibles518 · 2 years
The pros of Bounty Container AI.
NFT is really a digital resource whose possession is documented upon an unforgeable, tamper-proof blockchain. NFTs depict stuff and qualities found in the genuine planet. In contrast to cryptocurrencies and fiat cash, each NFT is exclusive and should not be exchanged or accustomed to make purchases. Tunes records, graphics, memes, remarkable movie snippets, live concert passes, and buying and selling charge cards are several samples of NFT collectibles. They will often be online merchandise from game titles, the features of which is often dependant on smart commitment rules governing NFTs to change according to game play. Anyone can easily gain access to digital vintage records employing NFTs, and they may be collected, traded, purchased, as well as employed for other uses from the circumstance of video games or maybe the metaverse.
It is far from unanticipated that NFTs have quickly become popular and substantial use. Not just famous people, collectors, and significant companies that managed tangible collectibles now utilize the technological innovation.
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NFTs can be regarded collectibles some tend to be more rare or maybe in desire than the others, but other considerations or products could seem to be commonplace and also have a stable offer offered to fulfill marketplace demands. Sure, there exists a marketplace for NFTs inside the areas of design, games, tunes, and art work. Even when you can offer NFT collectibles on computerized resource marketplaces, a number of artists tend to be more well-known or have greater and a lot more intriguing computerized merchandise, which pushes up the price tag on their NFTs considerably.
The price of NFTs is typically influenced by aspects like immutable management and electronic digital lack. Due to the abundance of on-line information, many people tend not to see these internet products as having genuine financial benefit therefore, the better valuable a product or service is, the rarer it is along with the far more historical and societal significance it has.
We can accumulate whatever is computerized due to NFTs and blockchain technologies. Some NFTs may even act in conjunction with a physical thing being a type of electronic digital dual. Although developing a digital document that may be copied, emailed, delivered electronically, and many others. might appear odd to some men and women. Digital files could be uniquely recognized by the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which could be used to trace their possession historical past. The purchases are captured inside a blockchain, a decentralized ledger, by the features laid out in a smart agreement. NFT collectibles operate in a comparable strategy to Bitcoin, these are models of data stored in a blockchain, but contrary to bitcoin, which happens to be fungible and exchangeable, NFTs are unique and never interchangeable. This reality comes along with large consequences for electronic digital belongings that can are now using this technology for detection and traceability. NFT collectibles, like every other bodily selection, can boost in worth beyond economics based on their rarity, user friendliness, and also other concerns.
Anybody can easily entry electronic collectibles file employing NFTs, and they are often obtained, exchanged, purchased, and in many cases employed for other reasons from the circumstance of video gaming or perhaps the metaverse. It is not necessarily unpredicted that NFTs have quickly became popular and substantial use. Not merely famous people, collectors, and important businesses that handled concrete collectibles have adopted the modern technology.
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Just came back home from Resin R0se this past weekend and saw M!randa of C@li there with a booth. She advertising her services like she usually does as well as selling other non dolls stuff etc etc., but you know what she didn’t have? Dolls cast by her. Not ONE.
All she had were pictures of her master copy of Eliza open for preorder, a sign up for a mailing list, a print out (not physical samples) of resin colors, and various merchandise of the only art she has of Eliza. That’s it. Not even a head or even resin samples or even pics of customers dolls she’s cast. Straight up NOTHING to show she is a proper casting service but that didn’t stop her happily offering preorders for her doll that she hasn’t cast yet. What’s funnier is she was advertising to artists to cast their dolls to be in time Resin R0se 6 MONTHS AGO “guaranteed” to make it in time, and she couldn’t even make not ONE fully cast of her doll???
Like I know people have been suspect her on this blog, but I feel those suspicions are justified, especially after this weekend. I really feel like she’s running a scam
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