igate777 · 2 years
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wheelie-butch · 11 months
"that's the reward for enduring the horrors of the bus: you might see a trans girl"
- my girlfriend
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quotelr · 2 months
Talking is great, but don't ignore the value of listening. Pay attention to the words being spoken. Some people just love the sound of their own voice. And, when another person speaks, they are only anticipating to compete, challenge, or question what is being said. You can miss out on some important wisdom always running your mouth.
Amaka Imani Nkosazana
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asavt · 2 months
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Into the confessionary a little spider walked
Mind not quite there
Quite lost
Memories scrambled around, confused
Pain flaring up, things that shouldn't have been said out
Siblings falling apart
Guilt over forgotten acts
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valiantstarlights · 11 months
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ablogofcourage · 20 days
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into-the-linkverse · 11 days
Not to get political, but the magic thing looks like a cool, unique game mechanic, and seems like it'll be really fun to use. Gremlin mage vibes :3
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uninformedartist · 8 months
King shit 🗣🗣🗣
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🤭 absolutely facts right here.
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lily-alphonse · 9 days
Im just saying, I hope Zelda takes her time on her journey. Hylia knows Link always took his sweet time saving her.
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zelda-photography · 11 days
Hm many thoughts. Obviously I’m over the moon for a new 2d Zelda, and a Zelda game where you play as Zelda??? Big win. Not sure how I feel about her doing only echoes, not exactly the skill set I’d give her. A lot of cute side characters, but is the story any good? We’ll have to find out!
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vintage-tigre · 5 months
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Speak your mind but ride a fast horse
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igate777 · 2 years
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
athena and apollo headcanons?
also guess who
@txny-dragon IS THAT U (if not i'm sorry txny is the only person i've really screamed about this with - well, and chronic...👀)
Athena and Apollo???!!!! hrmmm...
Athena always got annoyed whenever she saw Hermes hanging around Apollo, especially during 'her' time with him. She's a competitive person, after all. Quit eating up her time!
Apollo got Athena to play the flute again - however, she only plays it around him.
He also taught her how to play the harp. Why the harp? idk, Athena would just look very poised playing a harp
Their first argument was over prophecy - Athena was experimenting with some pebbles for prophecy and Apollo got upset about it and complained to Zeus, who told Athena to leave prophecy alone.
Subtle bonding over being Daddy's Favorite and how that isolated Athena immediately and over time with Apollo.
Athena based her own parenting style off of Zeus's - the only parental figure she has. Apollo based his off his mother's.
Surprisingly, their conversations can be like:
Apollo: Athena, NO!
Athena: Athena, YES!
Athena quietly felt bad after the Olympian Rebellion when she saw Apollo's mortal punishment - but she was too self-persevering to think on it for long.
she still snuck him extra ambrosia dessert when he returned and listened to him as he told her about how cruel Laomedon had been
They have friendly arguments over who's city is better - Sparta, or Athens. Athena's mood, however, lowers if Ares is within earshot. Then it turns into a yelling match between the two war gods with an awkward Apollo standing Right There.
Arts and crafts sessions - weaving, painting, usually ends with somebody (Athena) covered in paint and somebody (Apollo) tied in thread.
They both have "Can Use The Aegis" Privileges from Zeus - Athena uses them more often, Apollo has used it exactly once during The Trojan War
Apollo gave Athena the cold shoulder after The Trojan War for helping Achilles kill Hector. Athena tried to tell herself that it didn't matter he wasn't speaking to her - she didn't need friends, after all! - but when she saw how he would speak with Dionysus, Hermes, Artemis, and even - bleh! - Ares over her...it made her stomach twist in ways she never thought it could
She used Orestes's trial as a way to get back into Apollo's good graces - she really did believe Orestes valid for killing his mother (it was on Apollo's orders, after all) but if it came with the perk of Apollo's icy-cold shoulder melting? *zips lips*
As Artemis and Apollo slowly drifted apart, Athena gladly stepped in and started taking up more of Apollo's usual Artemis time - something he thought Artemis wouldn't notice, but she did.
(this, of course, leads to some stink-eyes between Athena and Artemis. platonic love triangle beloved)
Athena is the only one who suspects that the "flaying Marsyas alive" thing was a hoax - she was the one who put the curse on the flute, after all. But she never sensed the death of the one who picked it up.
When Rome came around, and Athena morphed into Minerva, it put Apollo off-kilter. He didn't quite know who this was anymore - sure, she was still the craft goddess he messed around with, and was a heck of a lot more interested in poetry, music, and medicine now, but...she just wasn't quite the Athena he knew.
He became more worried when the raging began. Minerva would flicker into Athena, and Apollo's heart would leap - she's back! she's okay! she's still here! - but then drop as all Athena would do is scream bloody vengeance upon Rome, and he realized that he was right.
Minerva wasn't the Athena he knew...but neither was the one before him.
When his fellow gods' Greek/Rome halves melded together after the fall of the Roman Empire, he was particularly worried about how that would affect Athena - and for a while, it seemed like nothing had.
(Though strangely she was suddenly interested in having kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that, he just never thought Athena would want to be a mom. She never said anything of the sort to him before...)
Then she sent her first child to retrieve the Athena Parthenos. They didn't return. She sent another. Same story. Over and over. Over and over. Apollo watched as Athena kept sacrificing her children for that damn statue the Romans stole.
Apollo tried to talk to her, to knock some sense into her, but nothing worked. Not until they moved all across Europe, and she finally stopped (for now).
In the modern day, they like to visit museums, art galleries, and theaters. Dionysus used to join them up until his punishment.
Athena attends every concert/party Apollo puts on. Partly because she wants to, and partly to flip the bird at Artemis, who rarely shows up.
(i swear i love artemis athena just isn't that fond of her. platonic love triangle beloved)
(txny if the anon is you...you'd get this next one)
Manwhore Manipulate Manslaughter. That's it that's the post.
While it's widely believed that Artemis does a lot of damage control for Apollo when their father cracks down on him - and she does - Athena is another major player in the game. (see: the Parthenon in Blood of Olympus - Athena being the only one to (covertly) defend Apollo, while Jason is the only one to openly defend him. Two underrated people, these two are.)
Why she can't openly defend him? It's because she knows Zeus sweats in his shoes ahem. becomes...concerned when his two favorite, and Very Powerful children form an alliance.
While she was unable to prevent Apollo's third mortality punishment, Athena believed whole-heartedly the entire time that he would return. He had to. He was Apollo, he was her friend, her brother, and he couldn't just leave her by herself die. So when Hermes made that betting pool? She betted on Apollo's success. Partly to gloat to the Council about being right, partly to throw the failed bet into Hermes's face, and partly because she liked winding Ares up.
I also firmly believe Athena was doing some deux ex machina on Apollo's behalf throughout the series. Artemis couldn't get away with it, sure, she had Zeus's eagle eye on her - but Athena? Why would Zeus ever consider her as a possible person to disobey him? Why I never-
The nod she gave him in The Tower of Nero is her equivalent of a bone-crushing hug.
Athena helped Apollo write his story with Calliope's help - they made two versions: the heavily censored version they gave to Zeus for him to parade around, and another, secret version - the one Apollo has in his library, the one Athena has in hers.
The one we have read.
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jackednephi · 5 months
Anyway I found a cake mix and had some scraps of things so I tried to make cupcakes. You can pinpoint the exact cupcake where I went "lol screw this my hand is broken"
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Observe my hideous but tasty children. They've given me ideas for future endeavors and represent much needed calories
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moonshynecybin · 19 days
Marc monumentally lost the idgaf war in Assen 2015 like it wasn’t even micro expressions at that point he couldn’t even hide it. Like the micro expressions were there but you could tell he was in a bitchy mood after that race and honestly I found it hilarious he had more open facial expressions back then and I’m glad we’re getting that Marc back slowly.
assen 2015 INARGUABLY the moment marc realizes smth is. not chill in denmark. does he anticipate how buckshit nasty the rest of the season would play out of course not. but assen is the moment him and vale REALLY truly disagree for the first time that season like actually fr. marc's angry in argentina but its mostly a racing incident whatever. but ASSEN. put that pot on low and bring it to a simmerrrrrr.... he knowssss hes losing that title he SUSPECTS hes losing valentino, and he is categorically unable to be chill about either of those things in such a manner that he makes it all WORSE. they ask them postrace if the relationship has changed at all after that and vale smiles and says no of course not :) marc says no, BUT. and vale's head fucking WHIPPPPPS around to him. like they DO NOT communicate about these tensions directly fucking ever, so any step out of PR speak that is specifically designed to diffuse the presscorp narrative machine is genuinely a HUGE signal flareof tension and marc is just like. i think angry/frustrated about losing and decides to be truthful ! he's not thinking ! hes 22 ! and vale (again. had to swallow a LOT of pride at laguna seca 2013 and now marc is REFUSING to return the favor AND making a stink with race direction) goes. okay. so thats how its gonna be. and files that info away to be reviewed at a later date....
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bluevaractyl · 11 days
Interesting theory that will have holes blown in it as soon as I hit post:
What if Echoes of Wisdom is an alternate reality of A Link to the Past, where Link's final boss fight goes differently?
Someone pointed out how much Zelda and Ganon resemble their ALttP counterparts
The light ping pong and Ganon teleporting during the fight
Zelda is trapped in a crystal
The rifts could lead to the Dark World?
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