#WIR 10 year anniversary
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simpingforcys · 11 months ago
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I was not immune to bedroom eyes King Candy pin and now I have him. It’s so tiny compared to my other pins, but the wheels move on this one, too! 💕 If I’m not mistaken, it’s the only pin of him with his racing helmet and goggles, and ngl, him pulling them up like they were shades is actually so cute<3
Also I really like the little touch of the WIR logo with the number “10” on the back to show it was on the movie’s 10th year anniversary. (Under cut)
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blackthewolf17 · 8 months ago
My 10th anniversary being a fan of Wreck it Ralph
The summary of all this is that I'm going to upload all my content I have been working on since 2014, but because two of my former friends started harassing me and judging my asexuality and aromanticism after I rejected one of them from forming a relationship, they made me feel insecure and humiliated. This led to a crisis, and I ended up deleting a large part of my content. (This is also why I have become so shy and have come to hate my art so much. Currently, I am forcing myself to get out of a crisis by job hunting and obsessing once again over WIR, so finally (for my very old followers) I will be posting for the rest of the year what for me are 10 years of obsession.
Enjoy :)
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videogeist · 1 year ago
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news#4 2023 NEWS Studio Philipp Geist / VIDEOGEIST Upcoming & Past Projects
Dear Light Art People Partners Friends,
I would like to provide information about my current activities and previous and upcoming projects and work.
From December 29th to January 14th I will be showing my site-specific installation 'Time Drifts Bremen' on the occasion of the 'Lights of the City' light festival in Bremen. The project is part of the Time Drifts series. For the installation, I portrayed people in Bremen and collected terms and words that I will integrate into my picturesque abstract worlds in the installation at Bremen's St. Peter's Cathedral. The installation will be on view daily from 12/29/23 to 01/14/24 from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
I am currently part of the group exhibition 'Companions' at the Museum of Non-Objective Art in Otterndorf / Cuxhaven. The exhibition is open until March 17, 2024.
I am currently showing in Mexico as part of the Guadalajara International Book Fair and as part of the exhibition 'Artistic Expressions in Contemporary Europe', an immersive digital art experience with works by 40 European artists will be on view until February 24, 2024. I am 'SÄTEET' with the audio/visual work. The MUSA Museo de las Artes at the University of Guadalajara will present “Immersive digital art experiences: a sensory journey into the world of fantasy,” curated by Stefano Fake.
The permanent installation has been on display in the Predigerkirche in Eisenach since October 1st. The walk-in installation on St. Elisabeth can be seen during the museum's opening hours.
In the last few weeks and months I have been able to realize further projects/work and installations.
On Fri September 1st and Saturday September 2nd I showed the installation 'spectrum 2023' at the historic Lahn Bridge in Wetzlar. On the occasion of the anniversary '250 Years of Goethe in Wetzlar' in 2022, I developed a video/light installation. Lukas Taido developed the music specifically for this. Speaker Mathias Kopetzki. On the weekend of September 8th - 10th the group exhibition ' Farbappartat ' took place in the Monopol Berlin. Works by Jan Muche, Oliver Lanz, Elisabeth Sonneck and pictures from Bernd Wolf's estate were shown in the spectacular former factory rooms. There I showed my paintings and painting mappings (combination of projection mapping and painting). My installation GLOWING TIMES (30 YEARS OF THE ZOLLHAUS) took place in Leer at the historic Zollhaus between September 22nd and 30th, 2023. On September 22nd and Saturday, 23rd, my installation 'ZEIT & TIMES' could be seen at the Fehnturm in Herzogenaurach. At the end of September I showed the installation 'Time Drifts Trier' at the historic cathedral on the newly named Human Dignity Square.
On October 9th, on the day of the peaceful revolution, I showed the project 'We - Leipzig' at the New Town Hall on the occasion of the LICHTFEST LEIPZIG 2023. The music and composition was composed by Lukas Taido himself. A Leipzig chamber choir of around 35 members under the direction of Andreas Reuter sang live from the New Town Hall onto the facade on which I had projected.
The film of the installation can now be seen online at
Wir Leipzig 09. Oktober 2023 Lcihtfest Leipzig
The 11th Hohler Biennale 2023 'LandUNTER' took place in Gera from July 21st to October 13th, 2023. I showed my long-term project Riverine Zones to the cavers in the underground former beer cellars. In November I was represented with the installation 'Digital Romantic' at the Glanzlichter Festival in Fürth. The first Katerbow Leuchtet, which I initiated, also took place in November. To do this, I implemented installations at various locations in Katerbow near Netzeband/Neuruppin.
I'm also working on my painting and analogue images.
All the best and LightsON!
I wish everyone a nice end to the year and a merry Christmas!
Philipp Geist
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edithhaimbergernotebook · 1 year ago
Five Years after Jamal Khashoggi Was Murdered, a Protest in Berlin
On October 2, 2018, the Washington Post columnist (and former Saudi Arabian newspaper editor) Jamal Khashoggi walked into Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, to get paperwork to marry his fiancée. There, he was gruesomely murdered.
Saudi Arabia's government reported in 2020 that 8 people had been convicted of the murder. But observers have serious doubts about the fairness of these trials, and believe that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the murder.
Other, independent attempts to prosecute the true perpetrators have failed internationally.
“Im April unterbrach ein Istanbuler Gericht einen Prozess, der wegen des Mordes an dem Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi im Jahr 2018 in Abwesenheit gegen 26 saudische Staatsangehörige geführt worden war. Das Gericht entschied, das Verfahren an Saudi-Arabien zu übergeben. In der Folge verbesserten sich die bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern.” - Amnesty International report on Turkey, 2022
('In April, an Istanbul court broke off a process that had been conducted in absentia against 26 Saudi citizens due to the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. The court decided to turn the case over to Saudi Arabia. In the wake of that, bilateral relations between the two countries improved.')
Reporters without Borders (RSF) asked Germany's public prosecutor general to investigate the murder of Khashoggi as well as the persecution of 34 Saudi journalists as a crime against humanity.
In 2021. So far, the prosecution has not begun.
United States
In September 2022, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman because the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia. As such, he is considered the head of state, and the Biden administration ruled in November that he cannot face a lawsuit over Khashoggi's death.
In the meantime, Saudi journalists and dissidents, even family members of dissidents, have been spied on or subjected to cyberattacks.
"Wir setzen uns weiter dafür ein, dass dieses ungeheuerliche Verbrechen lückenlos aufgeklärt wird. Zudem fordern wir die Freilassung der mindestens 24 weiteren in Saudi-Arabien willkürlich inhaftierten Journalist*innen." - Reporter ohne Grenzen (Facebook), October 2, 2023
So a group of around 10 people gathered opposite the Saudi embassy in central Berlin in the early afternoon today.
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Reporter ohne Grenzen (Reporters without Borders) led the protest, calling for justice for Jamal Khashoggi.
They had written on Facebook, in German, 'We will engage ourselves further to ensure that this horrendous crime is thoroughly investigated. In addition we demand the release of the 24 or more further journalists who have been arbitrarily imprisoned in Saudi Arabia.'
Reporter ohne Grenzen also demanded freedom for Raif Badawi.
-- Badawi is a former blogger who served a long prison sentence and was lashed for 'insulting Islam.' He is now separated from his wife and children due to a travel ban that prevents him from joining them in Canada. --
Aside from a police van and photographers, and people walking in and out of the fenced embassy grounds in street clothes, it was quiet.
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Human Rights Watch's latest newsletter roundly condemns the impunity that Saudi Arabia's government has enjoyed - not just in killing Khashoggi and putting down the press in general, but also in slaughtering Ethiopian migrants at its borders as well as Yemeni civilians.
Amnesty International Germany marked the 5th anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi's death by writing on Facebook, calling for an independent, impartial criminal investigation.
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diegamerhexe · 2 years ago
Streamplan 03.04. - 07.03.
Einen wundervollen Abend an alle!
Der Plan für diese Woche geht wie folgt:
Montag: Minecraft Wispcraft SMP - 18:00 Uhr (CET/GMT+1) Mittwoch: Minecraft Wispcraft SMP - 18:00 Uhr (CET/GMT+1) Freitag: Valheim - 17:00 Uhr (CET/GMT+1)
Außerdem feiern wir diesen Monat unser zweijähriges Jubiläum am 15.04. (Samstag).
An dem Tag werden wir einen 10-Stunden-Stream durchziehen mit Community Games, Reactions und weiterem Spaß! Wir starten 10:00 Uhr.
Schaut also vorbei! Ich freu mich auf euch!
A wonderful day to you all!
The plan for this week is as follows:
Monday: Minecraft Wispcraft SMP - 6pm (CET/GMT+1) Wednesday: Minecraft Wispcraft SMP - 6pm (CET/GMT+1) Friday: Valheim - 5pm (CET/GMT+1)
Also this month is our two year anniversary on the 15th of April (Saturday).
In that day we will have a 10 hour stream with community games, reacts and other fun stuff! We start at 10am (CET/GMT+1)
So come and have a look! I'm looking foward to you!
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bashfulgnome · 2 years ago
Happy 10th Anniversary, Wreck-It Ralph!
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On this day in 2012, Wreck-It Ralph premiered in theaters to the general public!
It honestly doesn't feel like 10 years at all to me—I've greatly enjoyed my time in the fandom, and there's so much in this movie to inspire analysis and creativity that it still feels just as fresh as when I first saw it.
As usual, I want thank WIR's crew and my friends here for all they've contributed to this film and its fandom. While I'm a fan of quite a few works with heavy online presence, this is the only one where I've been interested in actively participating in the fandom. Times may have been rough recently but I still have more stories in progress and more headcanons to share, especially for such a milestone anniversary!
Wrecklings: here's to another year, another decade, and beyond! I love you guys, and keep wreckin'!
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sgtcalhouns · 2 years ago
I’m sorry I didn’t actually post anything on the 10th anniversary — my new thyroid medication is giving me the worst headaches of my entire life so I’ve been trying to cut down on the screen time.
but this movie and this fandom means so much to me, I was the most annoying person in the world when wir came out. it’s the first movie I ever saw more than once in theaters and I literally dragged all my friends to see it with me. I’ve loved this little corner of the internet where we’re still talking about these characters 10 years later. I have lots of special memories associated with this movie and a lot of it is thanks to you guys!!
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joonsjeon · 6 years ago
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Hello everyone 💫 I can’t believe it has happened but here we are! I recently reached a follower goal of mine and I’m incredibly thankful for every single one of you who decided it’s worth it to click that follow button :’) I’m very close to celebrating my 2 years anniversary on tumblr as well so I thought why not combine those two things and do a follow forever!  I couldn’t say thank you enough to express my gratitude for the continuous support I’ve been receiving, be it from friends, followers or even just anons who decided to brighten up my day with a sweet message.  I know I haven’t been very active since I started going to University and that also means I have been neglecting some of the great people on here while trying to manage real life and uni stuff all at the same time. I’m so so sorry but I have my mind set on changing things again! I wanna create more content in the future and I will try my best to keep in touch with the people I had the pleasure of getting to know the last year.  Thank you for being by my side and I hope life is treating all of you well! 💕
🌙 - thank you for being my mutual, you are amazing!!
💭 - i’m shy and have a hard time approaching people but I still hope we get to talk more in the future
🐝 - there’s a letter for you at the bottom because I wanted to say thank you for being a wonderful friend 
#  @2seokk 🌙  @07lullaby 🌙
A – F @angeljimiin 🌙 @admincl 🌙 @btsingularity 🌙🐝 @bwima 🌙 @carameltuan 🌙 @cherry-jk 🌙 @cafejonghyun 🌙🐝 @cuddly00ngi 🌙 @cutieseunie 🌙💭 @defskitten 🌙🐝  @demongyeom 🌙🐝  @defsbeom 🌙🐝  @euphoriakkook 🌙 @eunwoonderful 🌙💭
G – L @hearttoshu 🌙 @hoodiejaebum 🌙 @iheartyugyeom 🌙 @jaebeomsmullet 🌙 @jj-nyoung 🌙 @jajajaebum 🌙 @joonlonelyheartsclub 🌙 @kooksluv 🌙 @king-ten 🌙 @k-inos 🌙 @katdefbeom 🌙💭  @lovjeon 🌙 @lattegyeom   🌙
M – S @markeu-poo 🌙 @mahelene 🌙🐝  @mochabam 🌙  @markiepoohismysunshine 🌙 @morkdaily 🌙 @mumbleybummie 🌙 @mochimood 🌙 @markiepoostudies 🌙 @nnamgi 🌙 @not-all-that-chic  🌙 💭 @neo-bangtan 🌙💭 @ohjinyoung 🌙 @prdsverse 🌙 @parksjinyoung 🌙 @paradisejaebum 🌙 @parkhabits 🌙💭 @rosewips 🌙💭 @sapphirebluemt 🌙🐝  @softminyoongi 🌙 @straightouttainternet 🌙 @softie-yoongi 🌙💭 @softmarkiepooh 🌙 @seokseunie 🌙 @soonshao   🌙
T – Z @taetaetuan 🌙 @theycallme-tunathot 🌙 @timetohajima 🌙 @taehyungiesnoona 🌙 @tuans 🌙 @tuanspice 🌙 @ulttuan 🌙 @woojungkook 🌙🐝  @wooooooooooozi 🌙
Letters 💌
🐝 btsingularity - hello my lovely dagmar! i know it has been ages since we’ve really talked and I miss you a lot actually :(( I want to know what you have been up to and I miss talking to you about all these dumb boys we like sdhfssdkfh i sincerely hope you have been well and that 2019 was good to you until now as well as continue to be good the next few months!! hopefully we will get to catch up :’) 🐝 defskitten - podel podeli pidel, my favorite bulli, my bestest fren and most adorable taehyung stan. I’m so happy that I’ve got to know you and it’s almost been a year now... it blows my mind. And?? I will see you next month like what??? I don’t even know what my days looked like without you. I just know that my life is no longer complete without you in it...I love you so hecking much and I know I say it like 10 times a day but only because I really really mean it :((  🐝 demongyeom - hewo big sister uwu you know I can’t stress enough how important you are to me but not only that but... you were one of the first people I’ve started talking to (I say that every time I know fsdhfj) and it is probably the main reason why I’m still here? You opened up a whole new world for me that includes the Defcult and hands down you and the Defcult is like the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so so much. Thank you for being as awesome as you are.  🐝 desbeom - my tiny!! my little queen, squishy softest yoongo stan and occasional father lover. I hope you know how much I love you? How happy you make me every single day and how you helped me so so much with idk... everything? mostly korean though fksdfhjs. I could never ever thank you enough, honestly. but I will give you my heart for now. Also, I hope you will have lots of fun in Korea because wow :(( i’m so incredibly proud of you 
🐝 cafejonghyun - katie :’) my beautiful queen, my most precious little sunshine... i love you a lot! the past few months have not been easy for us and even though that also lead to us not talking as often as we used to, I really cherish our small conversations here and there. you never fail to make me happy even on bad days and I sincerely hope I’m able to do the same for you. i want nothing but the best for my loml and that is why I hope the rest of the year will only get better, step by step.  
🐝 woojungkook - Lea <3 my fellow jungkook stan, I miss you soo much :( it’s been way too long. but you know what? every time I use my bt21 lipsticks (and trust me I do A LOT) it reminds me of you!! so real quick I wanna say thank you for even thinking of me when you had the chance to buy them :(( i can’t wait to scream with you about our cute little bunny again because it’s always so much fun heh and until then I hope you’re good 
🐝 sapphirebluemt - Ashley honeey. I was thinking about you the other day sdjhf I really wanted to message you but guess what then exam season hit me in the face and I still haven’t found the time. Just making sure you know I didn’t forget you because I haven’t!! I can’t wait to catch up with you and hear all about how life has been for you.
🐝 mahelene - hallöchen! natürlich muss auch meine einzige irl Freundin hier erwähnt werden hehe. Mariechen, es war so so schön dich und die anderen zu sehen und ich kann nicht glauben wie viel Zeit seitdem wieder vergangen ist. Hoffentlich ist bei dir alles gut mit Uni und... dem Leben generell lmao? Ich freu mich schon dich (hoffentlich) bald wieder zu sehen und diesmal dürfen wir nicht wieder ein Jahr vergehen lassen um eine Reunion zu haben. Hab dich lieb :’)
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thegame-r-boy · 5 years ago
(Mini) Genesis does, what Nintendon’t - a proper Sega Mega Drive Mini review!
As you guys, gals and girls know, I’m a HUGE retro 8/16 bit video game system fan, because when I was a child, I couldn’t afford, let alone buy myself such a great gaming device. Besides, my love for Mario and Sonic comes from this time period, when I was only 4 or 5 years old. I still can good remember, how awesome the americanized-japanese version of the Sega Mega Drive was!
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Yeah, this ad never gets old! ;)
Fast forward 30 years later (this system came out on the 4th of October 2019) and I got the chance to buy (with my own earned money!) a classic collection of the finest 40 games from the Sega Mega Drive (Mini) era! And boy, is this video game system awesome!
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A close-up of the incarnated version of the Mega Drive.
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And a throughout comparision to my OG Mega Drive from the year 1990! It’s soooo tiny and small!!! ^^
In the package, you get an HDMI cable, 2 controllers, one console and a power cable. You set everything up, chose the play language and are greeted by the menu screen and the catchy music. In the menu, you can also change the screen size. I always pick the big screen size, because I’m not a fan of those ugly black bars. But still, wow, they made the big screen mode just absolutely right!!
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The console, hooked up on my TV and in big screen mode.
The other thing that this company (I think it was M2) made the emulation absolutely nailed it is the speed of the emulation! I can clearly remember, how slow the sound of Sonic 1 was when I got it, together with the forementioned OG Mega Drive, on my 30th anniversary birthday. The sound was really slow. But in this version, nope, the sound and gameplay are ultra-fast (playing in 60 fps is really a charm for yout eyes!), just like Sonic would love it! ;)
Just look at the gameplay speed!
Now that’s what I call “gotta go fast!” :D
Another thing I like about this device is the fact that the buttons are really soft to touch. But not only that, they are also very responsive. No input lag at all!
All in all, it’s a great video game system, one that every retro fanboy (myself included!) should have or should buy for his kids for christmas. In comparasion with the Playstation Classic, that just wanted to get money out of the classic games, this is quite the opposite of it - they wanted to preserve those gems of games. And they did an awesome job in doing that!
(This console will be used for next years 2020 Virtualna Retro Arena in the movie theater in Idrija - just need to buy two wirelles controllers and hack it once it’s public!)
The good:
+ Retro fine design
+ Very small, almost pocketable.
+ 40 great games + 2 bonus games.
+ Has an HDMI output.
+ (Really) fast emulation and smooth controls.
The BAD:
- Quite a steep price.
- Where’s Sonic 3, NBA Jam or Mortal Kombat 2?
- At the time of this review (8. October 2019), it’s not being hackable ATM.
(Mini) Genesis macht, was Nintendo lacht - einer vollständige Rezension der Sega Mega Drive Mini
Wie ihr Männer, Burschen und Mädels weisst, bin ich ein GROSSER 8/16 bit Videospiel-Fan, da ich solch ein system in meiner Jugend mir nicht leisten könnte. Ausserdem kam meine liebe zu Mario und Sonic aus der Zeitperiode, wo ich nur 4 oder 5 Jahre als war. Ich kann mich noch immer gut an die Werbesprüche von der japanisch-amerikanisierten Sega errinern.
Ja, dieser Werbespruch wird niemals alt werden! ;)
Fassen wir und 30 Jahre nachwärts (diese Konsole kam am 4. Oktober 2019 heraus) in ich bekam eine Change zum Kauf (mit meinem eigenem hartverdiendem Geld!) einer Klassischen Kollektion von 40 Spielen von der Sega Mega Drive (Mini) Zeitperiode. Und Mann, is diese Videospielkonsole toll!
Ein näheres Foto der wiederauferstehenden Version der Mega Drive Konsole.
Und eine zusammengefasster Vergleich der OG Mega Drive aus dem Jahre 1990! Es ist sooo klein und fein!!! ^^
In der Packung bekommt man einen HDMI Kabel, zwei Kontroller, eine Konsole und ein Netzteil. Man schliesst alles ein, wählt die Spracheingabe ein und man wird von einer tollen Music in Menü begrusst. Da kann man auch die Bildschirmgrösse einstellen. Ich bin nähmlich kein Fan von den schwarzen Balken. Deshalb wähle ich immer den Grossbildschirmmodus ein. Aber immer noch, wow, haben die Macher dieser Konsole den Grossbildschirm-Modus hervorragend eingestellt!
Die Konsole, die am TV vernetzt ist im Grossbildschirmmodus.
Das andere Ding das ich gesehen habe (die Kompanie M2 machte dieses Gerät) ist die Schnelligkeit der Emulation! Ich kann mich noch sehr gut daran errinern, wie langsam die Musik in dem Spiel Sonic 1 war, als ich meine OG Mega Drive zum 30-jährigen Geburtstag bekam. Die Musik war wirklich langsam. Aber in dieser Version, nein, die Musik und Spielerlebnis sind ultra-schnell (so in 60 fps zu spielen ist Balsam für’s Auge!), so wie der Sonic es lieben würde! ;)
Schau dir das Spielerbniss an!
Das andere was ist relativ schnell festgestellt habe, ist das die Tasten auf dem Controller wirklich sehr sanft und weich sich anfüllen. Aber nicht nur das, sie sind auf sehr meldisch! Kein Inpu Lag!
Alles im Allem ist das eine wundervolle Videospielkonsole, eine die jeder Retro-Fan (so wie ich einer bin!) haben muss oder zumindest für seine kinder zu Weihnachten kaufen muss. Zum Vergleich mit den Playstation Classic, wo es ihnem nur um Profit von klassischen Spielen ging, ist das genaus das Gegenteil - die macher (M2) wollten diese Diamanten weiterleben lassen. Und sich machten einen aussergewöhnlich guten Job dafür!
(Diese Konsole wird for nächstes Jahr 2020 für die Virtualna Retro Arena in dem Filmtheater Idrija benutzt - muss mir nur noch zwei ohne-kabel Controller kaufen und die Konsole hacken, wenn mal öffentlich wird!)
Das Gute:
+ Retro gutes Design.
+ Sehr klein, passt fast in die Hosentasche.
+ 40 gute Spiele und noch zwei extra Spiele drauf.
+ Hat einen HDMI Output.
+ (Wirklich) sehr schnelle emulation und sehr glatte Tasten.
Das Schlechte:
- Ganz schon hartnäckiger Preis.
- Wo sind Sonic 3, NBA Jam und Mortal Kombat 2?
- Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Rezension (8. Oktober 2019) ist die Konsole noch nicht zum Hacken geöffnet.
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mulinubags · 6 years ago
Wir freuen uns auf das kommende Wochenende! Der @stijl.markt feiert seinen 10. Geburtstag in Mainz und wir sind dabei 😍 . We are happy to celebrate Stijl.Markt 10 year anniversary the upcoming weekend in Mainz! . . . . . #stijlmarkt #stijl #stijlontour #10years #design #fashion #lifestyle #genuss #nachhaltigkeit #minimalism #interiordesign #inspo #marktderjungendesigner #stijlmarktmainz #mainz #igersmainz #halle45 #stijlamrhein #productdesign #madeingermany #rucksack #hipbag #bauchtasche #leder #köln #kölnliebe #fairfashion #madeineurope #slowfashion #köllefornia (at Halle 45) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwCbS-6Ba0j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qcye65kewluy
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tonguesofdestruction · 2 years ago
Any Given Day mit neuem Video zu "Diamonds" 10 Years Anniversary
Any Given Day mit neuem Video zu “Diamonds” 10 Years Anniversary
Any Given Day haben zu ihrem (Cover-)Hit “Diamonds” und zum 10 Years Anniversary ein neues Video zum Track rausgehauen. Das Original stammt natürlich von Rihanna und hat in der Coverversion schon weit mehr als 10 Millionen Views bei YouTube. Andy (Gitarrist und Produzent) über ihre spezielle Interpretation von ‘Diamonds’: „Wir feiern das 10-jährige Jubiläum unseres „Diamonds“-Cover. Dieser Song…
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glaucidiumpasserinum · 6 years ago
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Hoffest 2018
Mittelalterliches Spektakel der Liberi Effera auf Gut Sandbeck. Und das zum 10. Mal! Und da die Liberi in diesem Jahr auch 15 geworden ist, haben wir sozusagen ein Doppel-Jubiläum gefeiert. ______________
Medieval fair by Liberi Effera on manor “Gut Sandbeck”. For the 10th time! And since they also turned 15 this year, we basically celebrated a double anniversary.
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pogearacing · 3 years ago
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I posted 28 times in 2021
28 posts created (100%)
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I added 101 tags in 2021
#pogearacing - 24 posts
#pogea - 22 posts
#abarth - 10 posts
#carbon - 10 posts
#madeingermany - 8 posts
#abarth595 - 7 posts
#corvettec8 - 5 posts
#tuning - 5 posts
#widebody - 5 posts
#hercules - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 21 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
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HERCULES CAMOUFLAGE. This wonderful project is coming together in Abu Dhabi. We can’t wait to travel to the Emirates to shoot this beast for you. More details coming soon. #pogearacing #carbon #widebodykit #abarth #hercules (hier: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVagh8Housr/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 14:09:21 GMT
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ARES003. It was actually clear to us that we wouldn't build any more. The cars are economical and, given the immense amount of time required, simply a disaster. We just wanted to draw a line after 002 and put an end to it. Then someone came along whom you respect and love incredibly and who is part of your company and wants one. Then you have to, because it's your bloody duty, even if there is not a cent left in the end. On behalf of our partner company Ai Design and part of our family Matt Figliola and Ryan Offenhartz, we are now building an incredible US-edition of ARES. As a base vehicle, we take a US Abarth that is being shipped to us. Half of the body has to be rebuilt i.E. just because of the other tank door. The car comes with Multiair and is being converted to TJet. We're going from Marelli to Bosch .... let us surprise you, because there is a lot more to come and we will let you take part in it live! #abarthares #abarth #abarthpogea #pogearacing #pogeaares #widebody #carbon @ai_design @fleet_71 @vintageandcustoms (hier: Pogea Racing GmbH) https://www.instagram.com/p/COvOe9HlToc/?igshid=1p7581jo3ytj
0 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 15:35:56 GMT
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FLASHBACK ZEUS. This interior was designed by @eva.pogea in 2019 for this special Alfa Romeo 4C ZEUS project. We used a petrol and black color combo with finest leather from our friends @mooreandgiles and handcrafted by @speedfire_design_gmbh - #alfa4c #leather #interior #instacars #pogearacing (hier: Pogea Racing GmbH) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVpuf61IpiB/?utm_medium=tumblr
1 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 12:00:03 GMT
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LORENZO CLS63S PRESSRELEASE. Die ganze Eskalation um Elektrofahrzeuge hat Mercedes sehr schnell dazu gebracht einige Modelle einzustellen. Damit war 2021 nicht mehr zu erwarten, dass es den letzten CLS mit Verbrennungsmotor jemals als Shooting Brake geben wird. Daher bleibt wohl die Baureihe 218 das letzte von Mercedes-Benz gebaute CLS Shooting Brake Modell mit Verbrennungsmotor. Und genau deswegen hat sich Firmengründer Eduard Pogea der Pogea Racing GmbH in Friedrichshafen dazu entschieden diesen werkseitig mit 5.5l V8 Biturbo AMG als eigenes Projekt her zu nehmen. So zu sagen als letztes Einhorn. . Deutscher und Englischer Text auf Anfrage oder Email. Hires Bilder als Download. Bitte PM. #MERCEDES #cls #amgcls #cls63amg #pressrelease #carbon (hier: Pogea Racing GmbH) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWnyXRLlDJr/?utm_medium=tumblr
1 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 14:26:41 GMT
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Am 21.07.1997 wurde unser Unternehmen gegründet. Wir sind alle unglaublich stolz auf die Entwicklung. Dieses Jahr expandieren wir erneut. Danke an unsere Kunden und Follower, an unsere Freunde, Mitarbeiter, Partner und an jeden, der uns unterstützt und an unsere Reise glaubt. Cheers von Eva und Eduard Pogea. #anniversary #pogea #pogearacing #birthday #thankyou (hier: Pogea Racing GmbH) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRme4m2FTJh/?utm_medium=tumblr
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 19:40:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mochilamonkeys · 4 years ago
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🇬🇧 German below. They say life passes by quickly. And it does! In one month we gonna celebrate our 10 year anniversary! Yes you read right, we are already such a long time together. 😉 And because time goes so fast we should live slowly and enjoy every moment the fullest. Let’s bask in the sunlight and kiss our partner for a little bit longer. Did you give your beloved one already a cheeky kiss today? 😉 Edited with: @mochilamonkeyspresets The Bali Bundle. All our presets are currently with a 50% discount on Sale! The link to the shop is in our bio. 🇩🇪 Sie sagen, das Leben vergeht schnell. Und das tut es! In einem Monat feiern wir unser 10-jähriges Jubiläum! Ja du hast richtig gelesen, wir sind schon so lange zusammen. 😉 Und weil die Zeit so schnell vergeht, sollten wir langsam leben und jeden Moment in vollen Zügen genießen. Lass uns im Sonnenlicht sonnen und unseren Partner noch ein bisschen länger küssen. Hast du deiner Liebsten / deinem Liebsten heute schon einen Kuss gegeben? 😉 Bearbeitet mit: @mochilamonkeyspresets Bali-Bundle. Alle unsere Presets sind derzeit mit einem Rabatt von 50% im Sale! Den Link zum Shop findest du in unserer Bio. #junglebook #baliphotographer #bali #indonesia #reisen #reiselust #couplelove #tropical https://instagr.am/p/CSURaeShhCQ/
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bashfulgnome · 2 years ago
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10 Years of Wrecking: A Month-Long Celebration!
Some of you may remember 5 Years of Wrecking - a celebration for Wreck-It Ralph's 5th Anniversary in 2017. Well believe it or not, this year is the 10th anniversary of WIR and we're bringing the celebration back around for another milestone!
Wreck-It Ralph turns 10 years old on 2 November 2022! So, we’re celebrating starting on the movie's premiere date at the El Capitan Theatre through the end of November: October 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022!
The focus for each week are as follows:
Week 1: 29 October to 4 November: Felix and Ralph Week + 10th Anniversary Day
Week 2: 5 November to 11 November: Ralph and Vanellope Week 
Week 3: 12 November to 18 November: Hero’s Cuties Week 
Week 4: 19 November to 25 November: Core Four Week
Week 5: 26 November to 2 December: Free Week
Last time for the 5th anniversary we also had day-by-day themes, but we decided not to this time just to take the pressure off. For those interested though, here are the themes from last time, now as prompts in case you're looking for inspiration on what to contribute:
Reflection Ten Years On
Favorite Scene and/or Quote
A Look Into The Future!
Favorite Attribute
As @ashleybenlove said 5 years ago: Feel free to celebrate this awesome movie in whatever way you feel is best! Fanart, Fanworks, gifs, photosets, meta, personal thoughts, fanvids, something we haven't considered!
And keep in mind that the themes are only suggestions - we can't possibly cover every character/setting/concept in the movie with these themes, so go ahead and contribute for whatever WIR topics you'd like.
The tag is “10 Years of Wrecking” (without the quotation marks) and you are more than welcome to tag @ask-icancraft-it, @sgtcalhouns, or @bashfulgnome in the post so we see it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact @ask-icancraft-it @bashfulgnome.
Have fun, Wrecklings! Please spread this around and tag your friends!
Tagging some friends who weren't already mentioned: @fix-it-feesh @kittysfigurines24 @make-it-mavis @sadboy-tristan @datamining-your-heart @scarfboyxiv @coneygoil
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apparel-360 · 4 years ago
Stan Lee Legend Poster
Hallo toni ich wende mich an Stan Lee Legend Poster dich in einer ernsten sache da ich weiß das du dich damit leider nur zu gut auskennst folgende email habe ich von meiner behandelnden ärztin erhalten vielleicht kannst du mithelfen das ganze etwas publik zu machen und deine fans dafür gewinnen die petition zu zeichnen ich danke dir und wünsche dir weiter viel erfolg mit dem runden leder jeder der das liest darf es auch gerne teilen ich danke euch dafür hier nun der brief ich wende mich heute an sie im namen vom mukoviszidose e v wir benötigen ihre eure hilfe denn die versorgung von menschen mit mukoviszidose in deutschland ist gefährdet der mukoviszidose e v hat daher eine online petition an den deutschen bundestag gestartet die das ziel hat die medizinische versorgung von menschen mit mukoviszidose sicherzustellen einige beispiele in braunschweig wurden 2016 das vinzenzkrankenhaus und auch die mukoviszidose ambulanz geschlossen 26 patienten haben nun keine wohnortnahe betreuung mehr in erlangen wurde der kinderklinik untersagt erwachsene mukoviszidose patienten zu behandeln die erwachsenen ambulanz nimmt die rund 85 betroffenen patienten aber nicht auf weil die behandlung von mukoviszidose patienten defizitär ist den nächstgelegenen standorten fehlen die notwendigen ressourcen um die patienten zu übernehmen im saarland fehlen in der mukoviszidose einrichtung das qualifizierte pflegepersonal sowie ein ausreichender ärztlicher stellenumfang so dass es zu engpässen bei der versorgung der schwerkranken kommt bei mir in frankfurt kämpfe ich um stellenerhalt für das cf personal ende 2017 laufen nach einer zwischenfinanzierung durch spenden stellen des psychologen der sozialarbeiterin einer pflegekraft aus der erhalt der physiotherpiestellen sind unsicher und und so darf es nicht weitergehen es muss sich etwas ändern bei der versorgung von mukoviszidose patienten in unserer petition fordern wir den bundestag auf strukturen zu schaffen die die medizinische versorgung der erkrankten und ihre finanzierung bundesweit einheitlich und nachhaltig absichert für den erfolg unseres vorhabens benötigen wir 50 000 unterschriften ich bitte um hilfe unterzeichnet die online petition fordert eure familie freunde kolleginnen und bekannte dazu auf die petition zu unterschreiben denn nur gemeinsam können wir dafür sorgen dass menschen mit mukoviszidose in deutschland zukünftig angemessen versorgt werden die petition steht bis zum 15 2 2017 hier eine anleitung zur registrierung auf der seite des deutschen bundestags und als alternative eine unterschriftenliste zum ausdrucken findet ihr im anhang oder unter www muko info es würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie selber mitmachen und die e mail auch weiter streut danke im namen aller patienten lg dr med christina smaczny. It was such a joy to join school of foreign service georgetown university and georgetown institute of politics and public service for a symposium on the future of diplomacy 10 years after becoming secretary of state and in the 100th anniversary year of georgetown’s school of foreign service ambassador bill burns asked me what i’d say to young people who are considering public service in such a challenging time for the world my answer now is truly one of the most exciting times to be looking at a career in public service and in particular in diplomacy and we need the energy imagination and skills of the next generation there’s a lot of hard work that has to be done but there’s also a lot of room for imagination get in the arena. I talked with the late show with stephen colbert about why I think our democracy is in crisis there are a couple more laughs than you might expect Stan Lee Legend Poster
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Not only did I get the legend himself in the ice tub on coldasballs but watch me give floydmayweather a Stan Lee Legend Poster couple of pointers on some winning moves I would use in the ring you know from one boxer to another powered by old spice. This is my first time executive producing on a movie and I can finally post about it the title ghostdraft turned out to be problematic for various reasons so we started looking at other options we went through generation alien world war a generation gone saving private ryaalien wwz2 but with as not zs horizon whitespike hero movie brought to you by verizon jurassic draft generation draft miller genuine draft city slickers alien dawn rapture dawn apocalypse dawn hero dawn destiny war saving tomorrow the tomorrow war the tomorrow war the tomorrow war and that s when it hit me we re calling it thetomorrowwar so get ready cause I m gonna auction off a set visit very soon details coming and you re gonna be seeing a lot of pics and posts from set ️ ️. If you’ve ever suffered from back pain or want a stronger healthier body then check this book out I incorporate it into my everyday workouts and daily movements and i’ve never felt stronger it’s incredible also if you do it next to a helicopter in the beautiful australian outback it looks and feels even better hunching all day at a keyboard tilting our heads forward over our phones commuting long hours slouching on the couch our sedentary lifestyle has led to an epidemic of chronic pain the consequences are poor postures that throw our bodies out of balance causing the unnecessary stress and strain that compromise our joints restrict organ function and weaken our muscles how we live in our bodies is fundamental to our overall wellness the good news is that we all hold the key to a healthier body dr eric goodman has spent years studying human physiology and movement and has helped people of all ages and occupations heal and correct lifelong debilitating pain called foundation training his practical program trains the posterior chain muscles shoulders back butt and legs shifting the burden of support to where it belongs the large muscle groups foundationtraining strength fitness backpainrelief Stan Lee Legend Poster
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