#WIP wednesday game
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whimsicalmeerkat · 3 days ago
WIP Wednesday Game Fills
Another week, another WIP Wednesday game in the WIP Wednesday Game Community. Make me write by leaving a comment here or sending me an ask with a filename from that post!
The first round of sentences this week are from Stasis for @phantom-z0ne @kallisto-k @somefishycat and @eriquin. Thanks for making me write!
"You're very sure of that," Derek says.
Stiles shrugs. "I've known him since we were little kids. This is where he belongs."
"But not you," Derek asks.
It doesn't come out sounding much  like a question, and not just because of Derek's chronic refusal to intonate questions. Derek has only known Stiles a day, but he knows he's dropped enough hints about his home life, not all intentional, that Derek knows it isn't a happy one. He's pretty sure even if they weren't potential mates, Derek would be able to see how poorly Stiles fits in Beacon Hills. Add that to the mix and it has to be obvious.
Still, Stiles says aloud, "I don't belong here. Not long term."
"Where do you belong," Derek challenges.
"With you and Peter," Stiles promptly answers.
Derek looks like he wishes he hadn't asked.
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aparticularbandit · 7 hours ago
@whimsicalmeerkat - your words from monaca towa fic! thank you for waiting!
Monaca leans back on her bed, interlaces her fingers beneath her head, and stares up at the wooden slats constituting the ceiling.  Despite everything, she still feels better in here, separated from everyone else, than she does in the bigger, more open spaces.  She’s gotten used to them, sure, but she feels better here.
And she’s glad Mikan allowed her to return to her cabin and share this space with her.  The van’s no good to sleep in while it’s still in pieces.  All of her important schematics are stashed in here as well, but she’s gone over them so many times she knows them by heart.  She can see them when she closes her eyes, and she does so now, reviewing everything she’s gone over.
She just needs to ask Kaz and Mikan how they made Nagito’s arm.  That’s the final piece to make everything right.
(Not the final piece.  She’s not sure if she’ll ever be able to cross that last bridge.  But that doesn’t mean she won’t try.)
@auburnlaughter - your words for hope 1! sorry they took so long to get to you!
if You live outside of time, did You know what the dust would feel like before You touched it?  have You always known?  do You have a first concept, a first memory, of what touching dust feels like?
You step into Your creation (do You even step?  or do You simply appear?  or are You always there and simply made manifest?  how can we know?) and instead of speaking the pinnacle into existence, You touch the dust You created through spoken word, and man is made in Your image, from You touching dust and crafting it into shape.  in the future, the children of men will reach into dirt and mud and clay and make inedible pies out of mud, they will make sculptures in their image, they will draw and write and create, but they will never be able to breathe life into their creations the way that You breathe life into Yours, and even when they breathe life back into each other, it isn’t a giving life so much as it is a sustaining life, and when they breathe air back into another’s lungs, it will be through the mouth, but You breathe life directly into the nostrils of the being You created out of the dust You created—
man breathes.
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kedreeva · 10 months ago
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Requested/Friend event mentions under the cut! If you'd like to be pinged next week, let me know!
@fiore-della-valle @redbirdblogs @greenbergsays @idkfandomwhatever @luckyspike
@obaewankenope @mad-madam-m @anonymousdandelion @geometricfractal @prettybirdy979
@eriquin @aparticularbandit @madnessfromthemountains @makeroftherunes @1attheedge
@whimsicalmeerkat @kidsomeday @lizhly-writes @skyderman @adhdavinci
@owlbearwrites @anachronismstellar @anyctibius @rilannon @lazinesswrites
@zyrafowe-sny @dreaminghour @blue-eyedbeta @candyskiez @dreamerking27
@kalira @virgulesmith @i-want-delfeur @selkies-world @exceedinglygayotter
@oitreewrites @post-and-out @writingattheedge @qqaba @ykthefancyclamwiththepearlinside
@princescar @tigerdragon1001 @@agent-p-writes
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roguishcat · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Thank you so much for tagging me @larvasmoon and @fangbangerghoul! 💕 Your WIPs are lovely! 💖
I've started working on Part 2 of 'Part of his plan' (Astarion x female Tav, Act II), and it's currently just 1k of dialogue and random feels. But it is something and I've got faith in it! ☺️ So here is a snippet which is just dialogue.
"If you do not wish for my company, you can just come out and say so. Send me back to camp to wallow in misery as Gale attempts to engage me in decidedly unengaging conversation," Astarion all but hissed at her.
He knew that it was uncalled for. Tav was nothing but kind and accommodating. But Astarion couldn’t help the bitterness he felt when seeing her treat everyone else with the same thoughtfulness, the same caring.
"I didn't say that I don't want you around," she frowned and took a careful step towards him. "I just want to make sure that everything is alright."
"As is your duty, my fair leader. To check up on any and all lost causes that seek your company, hm?"
She wasn’t sure exactly what he meant by that, but his words felt cruel, making Tav flush and turn away.
"Sometimes I don't understand what you want from me, Astarion."
He winced at how hurt she sounded. Another, better adjusted person, would be quick to apologise. Yet Astarion did nothing but watch Tav walk past the rest of the party, Shadowheart and Karlach choosing not to comment on what has just transpired between the two.
He'd rather have one of them punch him than have them silently disapprove. At least then he could pretend he was angry at his companions rather than himself.
No pressure tags: @dez78, @anacdoce,
@khywren, @kalmiaphlox, @clazberryk,
@preciouslittlebhaalbae, @pinkberrytea,
@funniestbitchinfaerun, @verbenaa,
@obsessedwhyyes, @xxnashiraxx,
@arzen9, @hellethil, @ladyduellist
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phantom-z0ne · 23 days ago
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WIP Wednesday what makes a ghost? snippet for @somefishycat
Danny grabbed a bag of chips from within his body—where he usually stored his belongings when venturing into the Ghost Zone. It was a lot more consentient having his belongings in him than risk loosing them—and tossed a handful into his mouth as he watched the being drift about.
He couldn't be blamed for his curiosity, he had never really interacted with a Realms being, only observed them from afar due to the warnings of most of the ghosts he was friendly with. They are unpredictable, he was told, dangerous, you can not reason with them.
And what exactly did he do with that information? . . . He threw a chip at it.
He knows, he knows. It was a stupid idea, one not properly planned through, but his curiosity was practically eating at him!
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theembergazer · 23 days ago
time travel au wip wednesday lines
@twyrewolf @tamsinswriting @rainy-weather-supremacy @hurricanebreeze @tildeathiwillwrite @atomsforthewin @asha10100101010 @violet-prism-creatively @eriquin @stonemaskedtaliesin @nonbinary-octopus
After admiring her new notebook for few more seconds, we started walking back through the square, and I looked around once more. The sun had fully fallen behind the high skyline, leaving the rest of the city in the dark.
The stalls had been taken apart, sawdust and puddles of water covering the floor. White vans with large advertisements on their sides parked at the side, with people stacking produce and dragging the tarps into the depths. The metal poles were clanging together, muffled by the tarp hugging them, as they were shoved into the van, joining the rest of the materials that made the stalls. As we made our way through, I waved at the carpenter, who was hauling large boxes filled with his small wooden figurines, while giving curt instructions to his assistant, carrying the larger items; small windmills and picture frames overflowing in her arms.
The star in the middle of the square was the only light source in the surroundings, casting shadows on the shops lining the square, warped and oddly shaped as they squished themselves into the main gathering place of the city. As we walked past, my hand brushed the smooth gilded metal of the centrepiece, and a shock swam through my body, through the handle of the suitcase into its depths, striking the metal in the glasses. I heard a small snap from the suitcase, and sighed, lamenting the fact that I'd have to remake them. I prayed that the lenses had survived the electric shock, as I was running out of the material, and I hadn't the resources to shape them into lenses again. It was a good chance to remake them, as they'd needed to be stronger in the first place, although I had too many other things on my mind to be worrying about the strength of the glasses.
We slowly walked back into the side street we'd come from, as I consulted the map I'd made on the way here. The occasional growl of an engine cut through the air, and a motorbike flew dangerously close to us. I yanked Elin out of its path and silently flipped off the driver, although he had has back to us so wouldn't have seen it anyway. Elin shuddered, silently laughing, and continued walking down the street until I tapped her shoulder and pulled her into a small street off the side of the road.
The place I'd chosen was an abandoned garage place with no door, but that meant we wouldn't have to break in. It was also off the main road, part of the reason I picked the spot, as we were less likely to be spotted in here than next to the road, and hopefully we could pass the night without much interference from either the police or any drunken neighbours.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 28 days ago
WIP Wednesday 1/29/2025
Dragonlance/Death Gate: 9 sentences requested by @eriquin @somefishycat @auburnlaughter
The kender led the way out, as he had the way in. The rest of the group moved quickly, descending the tree, but Tanis hung back. Hugh hesitated at the edge of the platform, noticing him still standing in the middle of the now-desolated living room, staring at the goblin corpses. He shook his head and climbed down to the ground. He doubted Tanis wanted company, and by his reaction to the deaths of the goblins, no matter how much he also seemed to detest them, Hugh didn’t think Tanis would want his company, either. The group only had to wait a few moments before Tanis rejoined them. Wind gusted around them as he glanced behind, noting the far-off lights of search parties. Hugh drew his jacket tighter around himself. One of his first purchases made in this unfamiliar world, with the wages from the first job with Terris’ adventuring group.
The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure: 15 sentences requested by @twyrewolf @dreamed-for-not @stonemaskedtaliesin @tamsinswriting @oriharaizayadividesintoslytherin
Time down here had even less meaning than time in the locked room. At least in the small room she had windows to track the passage of the sun, even when she couldn’t see it through the trees. Here, though, she had no windows, no natural light to judge the hours by. Instead she had the continuous activity of the doctors, though they did come and go in shifts. Sagon oversaw much of the work of the doctors, and when he wasn’t present, the unmasked woman supervised in his place. She estimated eight total researchers, all wearing the same black doctors’ coats. Three worked under Sagon, and three worked under the woman. All but Sagon and her wore the same masks of black metal as the guards. Why did they wear those masks? Was it solely for the benefit of her and her father? Then why not have Sagon and the woman wear masks, too? As far as she could tell, the masks did little to hinder the research. They appeared to simply be metal ovals, slightly concave, but none who wore them seemed to have any difficulty seeing through them. Eye holes covered in a dark glass, perhaps? She’d heard of a type of glass that from one side was perfectly clear but the other appeared to be a mirror.
Supervillain x Civilian: 12 sentences requested by @balthazarusrex @catboy-jupiter @aparticularbandit @whimsicalmeerkat
Cleo: His name is Dorian Shields. He's a paramedic recently assigned here. Lives only a few blocks from that cafe. Has almost no social media presence, just an insta that he hasn't posted on in over three years. Morgan: Anything hinting that he's told anyone? Cleo: Not that I can tell. If he's figured it out, he's keeping the info off the web. Morgan: Thank you. Cleo: Naturally ;) Cleo: Also the client wants to meet on Sunday afternoon Morgan: 👍 I also suspected that, with my luck, I was bound to run into him again at some point whether I wanted to or not, and it would be less awkward to meet as Morgan than as Frenzy, regardless of how much he actually knew. He showed up at around eleven, a little earlier than last week, and this time he saw me as soon as he came in, waving as he went over to the counter to order. I waved back, paying closer attention to his emotions this time. Contentment, a bit of excitement, an underlying current of worry. But that could be unrelated.
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slowandsteddie · 8 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Life has been pretty mean to me lately and I want to write, but I don’t want to put too much more pressure on myself, so I’m doing this WIP Wednesday differently. Whichever gets the most votes is the one I’ll work on and post something about…Next Wednesday.
Brief summaries of the WIP’s are below the cut.
you mean it isn’t normal to cuddle your drug dealer? - the one where Steve needs help and Eddie has a better idea than just weed.
Cleaning Headstones - Steve likes to go to the cemetery and give people their names back.
Lazy Petals - taking my grandparents love story and making it Steddie.
Secret Elven Prince - Steve escaped from the Fae Realm and finds himself relying on a human from a trailer park to stay safe. Dungeons and Dragons becomes a guilty pleasure.
Claudia Henderson POV - this part focuses more on Claudia’s relationship with Wayne rather than her adopting Steve and helping him realize he has a family who loves him.
Oral Fixation - Steve constantly has something in his mouth, most of the time it’s candy. Sometimes, it’s one of Eddie’s rings.
Code Red at Harrington’s - Eddie comes back wrong, but that doesn’t stop Steve from taking him in and trying to help him rediscover his humanity.
Vampires and Shifters and… Dragons? - Eddie comes back wrong, Steve has always been a shapeshifter, and not all dragons are as bad as they could be.
Trans!Steddie - Steve is mtf and Eddie is ftm and they are both so incredibly in love with each other that it’s kind of sickening to those around them.
*Currently Untitled* - it’s also currently more of a brainstorm. Meant to be a surprise, but I’ll still work on it if it wins.
Inbox - I have a decent amount of prompts in the ol’ inbox. If this one wins, I’ll work on the one that I think will be the easiest for me to get the furthest on.
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 1 month ago
💕 random drabble please!
Sorry for the late answer! I meant to respond sooner but got distracted and had to organize my thoughts better for this idea before posting anything about it :)
But here is a snippet from my random drabble.
The man lounges — his socked feet placed on top of the table as he holds a lit cigarette between two of his yellow stained fingers. His nails, painted black, were chewed down to smooth rounded edges that were to dull to hurt anyone.
Robin notes how carefree the man is as she scribbles her observations down on her clipboard. Her eyebrows pinch together; why would a man in rehab look so relaxed? It was odd.
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zyrafowe-sny · 15 days ago
January 29th WIP Wednesday Game Community Answered Asks: Aladarius spite
Fic is up but still on anon through Saturday (decided it also fit Anti-Valentines):
who cut off their tails with a carving knife (600 words)
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Wordlessly, Darius grabbed the scroll from his hands, turned it off, and hid it away in a pocket.
Blight blinked at him, mouth agape. "What did you—" he started to say, once his spluttering turned into something resembling speech.
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"Let her wait." Darius extended an arm down, and a little to his surprise, Alador clasped it and let himself be pulled up.
Gold was suddenly a little uncomfortably close to green.
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Darius studied his hands. "And don't you think your converter is a little inefficient?" As coven head, he'd seen the blueprints, and while they were revolutionary at the time, he was pretty sure that now Blight could do better.
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"Yes!" Alador agreed with (surprising) passion, "but Odalia didn't want to change the manufacturing equipment when I showed her my redesign."
Darius lifted an eyebrow at him, and finally there was a little "Oh" of realization.
"Even if she gets to keep your outdated patents" — and knowing Odalia (and Alador's usual approach to bureaucracy: avoidance), she'd probably locked those up tight — "outcompete her anyway." 
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eriquin · 15 days ago
WIP Weekend
Tagged by @vthx. Thank you!
Rules: Send me an emoji in an ask, and I'll write 3-5 sentences and/or paragraphs from that WIP! No limits to the amount of emojis you can request.
👑 Crown of Thorns
🚎 The Trolley Problem
🔮 The Oracle of Roane County
🐈‍⬛ Cat's in the Cradle
👹 Silver Ogre
Progress chart!
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Snippet from The Oracle of Roane County behind the cut:
“It is.” Ms. Kelley nodded in agreement. “When you keep everything bottled up, it’s hard to unstopper that and pour everything out. Things can feel like they’re too big, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, something like that.” She picked at the ends of her sleeves. “And then this morning, I saw on the news that something happened. They said someone died at the high school.” 
She frowned and nodded at Max. “I saw that, too. It’s tragic.”
“I just kept thinking, like, how could that happen? Where did that happen? I walk through those halls every day.” She took a deep breath. “Do you know what happened?”
Ms. Kelley shook her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any details about it.”
Tagging: @hbyrde36, @loveinhawkins, @vampsiltonpitch, @qprstobin, @greenbergsays
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whimsicalmeerkat · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday Game Fills
It’s time for a new WIP Wednesday Game post. All sentences are to fill requests in the WIP Wednesday Game Community. Come join us!
This first set of sentences are from ‘time fuckery’ which I’m determined to not post until it’s finished. New year, new habits or some shit. These fill requests from: @somefishycat @laneboyheathens @stonemaskedtaliesin and @zyrafowe-sny. Thanks for making me write!
"Believe me, you've considered dealing with me a hardship many times before," Stiles answers, deliberately misunderstanding.
“That isn't all I thought of you, though," Peter says, completely certain.
Damn his perceptive nature.
“That," Stiles says, "is an even longer story than the one I just told you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get going."
“Where do you plan to go?" Peter asks him.
“The nemeton, where else?" Stiles answers.
That seemed obvious to Stiles. Maybe Peter before the fire wasn't as aware of the way that goddamn stump always seemed to be at the center of everything. Or maybe he's just ignoring it for some reason.
Stiles stands, walking past Peter. Well, he tries to, anyway. Peter reaches out and grabs his wrist. 
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aparticularbandit · 1 month ago
@tamsinswriting - your words from monaca towa fic!
The closer Monaca gets to the cabins, the more she smells something fishy cooking.  Her stomach rumbles even harder, and that – combined with the bright sun and the lack of real rest – sets her into a foul mood.  She storms towards the scent of grilled fish, and on seeing Servant in front of a grill, she barks out, “You! Forgot! To! Invite! Monaca!”
(It’s easier to be mad than it is to be afraid.  The fear is still there, curled around her heart, but she can ignore it as long as she’s yelling at someone.)
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kedreeva · 9 months ago
My apologies about WIP Wednesday, this week has been ridiculous with vet visits and dealing with animals and even though I am sitting finally today, I currently don't have access to my computer because someone is mad I haven't been around to cuddle
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But y'all should catch up on your asks from last week, and I will queue next week as soon as I'm free
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rekikiri · 9 months ago
WIP Wednesday 6/12
hi! I decided I’m going to do this again:))
here are my choices. send me an ask with which you’d like to see a bit from this week <3
1. Raven Cycle x All for the Game crossover
2. Andreil Different First Meeting
3. Raven!Neil
4. Renee as a Wesninski
5. Ace Aaron
Excerpt from Renee as a Wesninski
The woman to Dan’s left stood out to Neil immediately. Her white hair was dyed with pastel rainbows at the tips, but that wasn’t what drew him up short. The face staring back at him was one he would always recognize. Even with different hair and nearly six years since he had seen her, nearly six years since his mother said she was dead, he was now face to face with his sister.
Natalie Renee Wesninski was a spitting image of their mother. They had the same gray eyes, softly rounded nose, the same smile, though he had rarely seen his mother smile. Her dyed hair, no longer the deep brown of her natural shade, was the only thing that stood her apart from the mother he lost a year earlier. Grief quickly overtook the anger at Andrew and Kevin, overtook the shock of seeing his sister again for the first time in years, replaced with a bone deep ache for the mother he had lost and the sister he had thought he lost too.
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phantom-z0ne · 23 days ago
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WIP Wednesday what makes a ghost? snippet for @tamsinswriting
It didn't matter how hard he tugged on the tentacle or how many ectoblasts he shot at it, its grip on him didn’t budge, instead tightening the more he struggled. Danny let out a strangled yell as he was just about thrown into the shadows.
It was dark, pitch black in all directions and no end in sight. It was large space that didn't properly reflect the being's exterior, but that wasn't too surprising. They were ghosts, and ghosts broke the laws of physics every day that ended in 'y'.
A gasp tugged its way through him, white smoke spilling from his lips. Well, that wasn't good. Danny just hoped he wouldn’t have to fight the unknown ghost who brought him here.
Well, ghosts, he corrected, watching warily as shining blue and purple eyes emerged from the darkness, surrounding him.
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