irishbreakfst · 4 months
My boyfriend convinced my to play a little bit of baldur's gate 3 and then immediately called me cruel and got mad at me for mutilating the brain during the tutorial 😭 so now of course I feel so terrible that I don't wanna go back to playing it
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
photographer!jotaro whos used to taking photos of industry professionals, actors, singers, nepo babies — the lot! it’s almost second nature to him.
there’s never a doubt of how to do his work because the lens photographer!jotaro sees people through is contrary to how his eyes do. photographer!jotaro finds everyone fickle; it’s the camera he has to give credit due when given accolade.
but when you, his personal muse, tells him that maybe he should try being on the other end of the lens in order to broaden his view of photography, he gets defensive, almost grumpy about the suggestion.
“dont piss me off.” he mumbles at the computer screen, albeit with no bite to it.
you playfully huff because you know photographer!jotaro well enough by now to know he wasnt angry at you. with a hand that aimlessly plays with the hairs on his neck, you pout down at him as he does his work.
“but i’m being for reeeeal. you gotta try it so that you have something over other photographers. have the experience of being a subject.”
photographer!jotaro moves his chair back so that he can retrieve a file from underneath his desk. an implicit notion for you to unhand him and dead the topic.
“i already have something over them and that’s my skill. i dont need to be on the other end to get more of it.”
rolling your eyes, you move away from the man. if it was one thing that frizzled you about photographer!jotaro was his lack of inquisitive spirit.
“jotaro, why should i let myself be your muse if you cant even be one for yourself? honestly, if you dont wanna take pictures for you at least do it for me.”
there’s a whine in your voice but photographer!jotaro knows you’re being serious. hes had a taste of your wrath before and he wasn’t a fan of it. still, photographer!jotaro was a man of peace before he was a man of resilience. maybe if this was back when he was much younger, he would have shrugged you off and told you to get on with your day. but photographer!jotaro’s tasted a bit of life and you’re one of the only sweet things in it. he’d be an idiot to throw it away because of pride.
reluctantly, photographer!jotaro lets you pick a location for the shoot but he’s already regretting giving you the reigns on such a delicate art process. of course you’re picking your bedroom with low lighting and neon lights.
“jotaro, you’ve got to at least look relax! right now you just look constipated.”
photographer!jotaros struggling to relax because you’re pointing the lens right at him but he tries his best to adhere. however, no matter what way he turns, twists and folds, you’re seemingly unimpressed with his form. leaving the camera on its tripod, you crawl up your bed
“you’ve gotta…” you huff as you move his limbs around for him, quickly removing his signature hat from his head. “seem like you want to be here. act like you’re lazy or something i dunno…”
photographer!jotaro grunts as you alter his look but he doesn’t protest much. hes more enamoured by the sweet smell of your perfume that infiltrates his nose and the warm heat from your body that flushes onto his. automatically his hands have rested on your waist and suddenly photographer!jotaro is very aware hes got you ontop of him in your bed.
you dont even realise photographer!jotaro‘s advances until hes flipped you onto your back and begun leaving damp kisses up the side of your neck.
(un)surprisingly, you have no qualms about the situation yourself as you’re mewling for the man to do more, touch more
photographer!jotaro ends up slow fucking you into the plush of your bed, his strokes long and languid as he never fails to leave you full of him.
“j-jojo…” your arms encase around his large frame and so do your legs. everything about him is all just so big. “the…shoot…”
“dont care.” he grumbles into the blunt of your ear shell, his teeth biting at the soft bone.
your moans call upwards between the four walls of your bedroom, the sounds mesmerising to photographer!jotaro as he hilts his cock deep inside you. he wasnt much of a loud guy, bar for his soppy pants of your name, but his hand never failed to find your as he entwined them both.
photographer!jotaro pulls out with enough time to spare. hes a careful man nowadays — learnt from a lot of prior experiences — but he doesn’t fail to keep your lips connected as he fucks his cock in the fist of his hand and over your stomachs with a solid grunt.
although photographer!jotaro knows that you’re still yet to reach a high and so he brings his fingers down to pet and rub at your clit. he swallows your every mewl and worships you with “well dones” once he feels you clench and pulse over his pads.
no pictures of any kind were taken that day, but photographer!jotaro knows its a memory he’ll forever keep with him.
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ sunrise in versailles (part 1) (chapter 13)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 6k ish
warnings- swearing, angst, some kissing, theres an argument whoops. mentions of pregnancy. fluff.
a/n- Hey m'loves, sorry for the late chapter, I hope you enjoy!!! (excuse any typos, have not spell checked!!!)
You tried your best to offer a small smile at the camera, taehyungs parents looked back at you through the screen with confused and angered faces.
"we are gonna have a baby" taehyung declared again, his hand coming down and out of frame to grasp yours, giving a reassuring squeeze.
Taehyungs mother looked more than upset, devastated was more the correct and fit term, while his father just seemed disappointed.
"You told us you werent together" she spoke up, her hand over her mouth as she exchanged glances with her husband.
"funny how things happen, huh?" tae chuckled nervously, this time you squeezed his hand.
"are you sure you are the father?" his dad added, making your chest pang with pain at the accusation that you were the type to sleep around so carelessly.
"You dont need to cover for her" his mom spoke
"I know he is the father, im not stupid, thank you. How dare you ask that?" you spit, feeling guilty at your outburst, but mad at his parents for even going there. "look..it wasnt our plan. Some things....occurred...and we cant change them, all we wanted to do was tell you guys and its up to you to support us or not, either way...its happening, and im sorry if you dont like it" you mumble, taehyung softly nodding and smiling, proud of you sticking up for yourself.
Taehyungs mother simply scoffed, her hand wiping her tear that had fallen.
wow. she really wasnt happy about this, about you.
"we taught you better than this, and y/n I know your mom taught you better too....you know how things are supposed to be done. You get your career started, you marry, then children." his father cleared his throat
"we dont need to do things in order, you know" taehyung spoke against his dads words, "we have a plan...I think we will be alright"
You smile at your boyfriend, hand rubbing his back. "Yeah...." you whisper, "and besides...my parents had me before marriage, they were younger than taehyung and I when they got pregnant" you try to point out.
His mom glares down at you through the laptop screen, "yeah and how did that work out for them? wheres your dad now? hm? exactly."
Your face falls at her words, you didnt even have anything to argue back, a sick feeling falling over you.
"mom..." taehyung warns, his eyes darting to make sure you were ok.
"why would you bring up such a thing?" you whisper
She shrugged, "because its life, and things dont always go as planned. I wanted my son to be an established business man by now but no, you've tied him down to the ground again."
You watched, feeling numb, as she spoke more
"we had a feeling you two would end up together, but not like this...no no...not like this"
With that, you looked at taehyung before looking back at the screen.
"I think we are done here" you were quick to hit the disconnect call button on your laptop, standing up immediately as you ran upstairs.
"y/n!" taehyung closed the computer, standing up to follow you.
Once you were inside your bedroom, you wrapped your arms around your stomach, pacing the carpet. Taehyung abruptly walked in "baby..."
"why would she say that to me? why would she go there?" you cry softly, questioning how his own mother could be so cruel.
"I am so sorry my love" he is quick to wrap you in his arms.
Your hands held him tightly as you tried to calm your breathing.
"im terrified to tell my mom now" you whisper
"something tells me she will be a little kinder..." taehyung chuckled softly.
You moved to sit on the bed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable given you were still in your work outfit from this morning. You were a bit stressed at all the sudden life changes, and the least you wanted was some compassion. You will never understand how such cruel people could birth and raise someone as loving as taehyung.
"Im sorry" you lay back, eyes on the ceiling.
"for..?" he climbed next to you, laying on his side as his hand crawled up to your stomach.
"all of this mess...your parents..."
"baby thats not your fault...screw their opinion...I have my girl, and if its just you and me in the end, im alright with that. you know why?" he mumbled softly
"because we've already made it this far, look at how good we are doing, hm? I love you, and im proud of you....please dont listen to my mother or father, their words mean nothing. Focus on us, on you and me okay?"
You gently nod, holding his hand as he kissed your cheek. You both laid in the comforting silence of the room for a bit, before taehyungs voice brought you out of your trance. "lets take a bath"
The next morning you were up and at work early, checking attendance for the young children at the daycare center.
You and taehyung both agreed to hold off on disclosing the information with your mom for a few days until it felt right to do so, however part of you wanted it over with. You were about 3 months along, and it felt like things were passing quickly.
"Daniel?" you called out gently, looking around the room to find the small hand raising up to your attention.
You checked off his name before finishing the list, handing it to the main teacher.
The children were adorable, there wasn't many, only 8....5 girls and 3 boys. Though its only been a few days of work, most have warmed up to you just fine. One even trusted you to watch over their stuffed animal during recess time (thats a big responsibility)
The group was mainly produced to watch over little kids who's parents worked all day, which, you hate to admit, but made you feel a bit sad.
Children need full time attention and care, and you questioned if you would ever hand your child away to some strangers for hours, days, weeks at a time. It was crazy now that you had this wild perspective.
During your lunch break, you sat down in one of the empty classes to facetime taehyung, who answered after a few rings.
"hello?" his groggy voice came through, the screen showing the ceiling.
"aw sleepyhead, did I wake you from your nap?" you giggled, speaking sarcastically as you watched for his face.
"mm" he finally looked over his phone, a soft smile apparent, "hi baby...hows work?"
"its good actually....im not as nauseous as I was when I woke up, thank God"
"thats good."
you nod, smiling as you bit into your protein bar as you slowly sunk into your desk chair more. "how are you?"
"im good" he smiled, "I fixed the drain"
"woo!" you giggled
"I know..." taehyung yawned, rolling over and out of bed. "It doesnt make that weird noise anymore, see?" he pointed the camera down to the sink, the water flushing through normally
"good job, thank you" you smiled at your phone
"Oh and also...um, my mom called me again after you left."
"yeah, I think me explaining things sort of helped her, she still isnt happy but she takes back her comment."
You sigh, "well im still upset about it"
"and you have every right to be, im just saying....she knows she was wrong"
You nod, crumpling the wrapper in your hand.
"and of course, I told her that we haven't told your mom yet, so no contact. She promised she wouldn't say anything" he mumbled
"well...thats good" you smile blankly, "maybe we should tell her tonight? I dont know..." you sigh "im so nervous"
Taehyung looks back to the phone, offering you a sympathetic smile. "angel...I know its scary but we cant not tell her...we need any support we can get"
"i know" you nod, defeated as you look at the clock. "okay honey...I gotta go, ill be home at 3, okay?"
"okay baby, love you" he smiles gently, waving goodbye before disconnecting the call.
You sigh, putting your phone into your jean pocket as you make your way back into the classroom.
"Ah, Kenji is feeling a little bit under the weather right now, I am going to direct you to sit with him for a bit while I begin the next activity?" the main teacher came up behind you, pointing you in the direction of a young boy sitting at an empty table in the back, his hidden face in his arms.
"is he feeling ill?" you question, sympathetically eying the small boy
"no..." she shook her head, whispering, "he told me his parents had been fighting all morning"
your heart pangs deeply in your chest, the surge of the feelings you felt at your own parents fighting resurfacing, you knew what it felt like to have drama at home and then be forced to go to school or work and act like nothing happened, despite being upset.
You nodded sadly and quietly made your way to the back of the room, pulling the stool out from beside him and sitting. "Kenji, you alright bud? whats going on?" you gently rub his back, trying to get him to lift his head up.
"mm..im okay" the tiny voice squeaked
"you know...its okay if you arent" you whispered, leaning your head into your palm. "do you wanna talk about whats going on? you dont have to, but sometimes it feels better to let it out, especially if you dont always get the chance to." you try to course him along, not wanting to pry but rather wanting to provide relief.
With this, Kenji slowly lifted his head, cheeks red in embarrassment as slight tears watered his eyes. "I dont wanna talk" he said apologetically
You frowned for a moment before composing your teacher-like empathy, "thats okay, but is it alright if I sit here with you?"
He nodded, putting his head back down as he leaned closer to you, the only thing you could possibly do was rub his back for a bit longer before grabbing the nearby crayons and paper.
"you wanna draw?"
He nodded, silently as his chubby hand grabbed a crayon. "'dont know what to draw"
You giggled, "well....do you have any pets?"
He nodded enthusiastically, almost as if the mention of his pet was able to pull him out of his behavior.
"really?" you smiled widely "what kind of pet do you have?"
He grinned, his smile missing many teeth, "I have a cat! her name is chibi!"
You laughed, "chibi, small in japanese, is chibi really tiny?"
"yes, she this big" he reaches his hands out to show you the exact measurements.
"wow! that is tiny, you should draw her for me, i'll hang it up on my fridge at my house" you giggle
"really??" he widened his eyes, grabbing the paper as he furiously began to draw, you were happy to take his mind off whatever home troubles were burdening him.
He, at least for that moment, completely forgot about his sulking, and the way he drew quickly told you that.
"I have a pet fish, yknow" you smile, watching him draw.
"mhm, his name is Hae" you nod, "hes a tiny yellow fish"
"hae is a funny name" he blurts, smiling as you show him a photo of your pet.
"its Korean for sun, like in the sky" you add, knowing that Kenji isnt super familiar with the Korean language. "My boyfriend bought him one day and now he has this huge tank, we even put a little spongebob figure in there. Do you like spongebob?"
He giggled, "yeah, maybe hae and Chibi can be friends"
you grin, "Oh that would be lovely huh?"
He held up his picture before immediately putting it down "wait!" he grabbed the yellow crayon and began to add a small touch to the corner of the page, turning it around and waiting for your approval.
"did you draw hae and chibi?" you spoke, your hands holding his smaller one.
"oh my! this is beautiful Kenji, thank you bubs! i'll make sure to show this to Hae so he knows his new best friend"
Kenji beamed in confidence, writing his name on the page before gifting it to you.
"thank you!" you spoke, kenji gently hugging you before the main teacher made her way over.
"hows everyone?" she cheered, glancing at you
"we're good, right kenji?"
He happily nodded
"your daddy is here to pick you up, but make sure you hold Miss.Y/n's hand out to the front okay?"
You gently take kenji and make your way down the stairs to the parent pick up spot, you kneel down. "do you see your daddy?"
The smaller boy eagerly looks around, scanning the tall adults for the familiar face, "oh hes here!!" he jumps up and down, dragging you over to the man standing against the wall on his phone.
"daddy!!!" Kenji runs and clings to his fathers leg, his dad laughing and picking him up. "this is Miss.Y/N!!"
the fathers eyes drag up to you, offering a greeting smile. "hello" he bowed his head politely, "Min Yoongi" His hand reached out for yours
You shook it, smiling back "nice to meet you, Kenji had a fun day, make sure he tells you all about it"
He chuckled softly, his arms squeezing the small boy in his hold. "oh yeah?"
Kenji nodded, "I told her about Chibi"
"oh yeah, chibi, our fat cat" Yoongi teased
"shes tiny!!"
"not anymore"
You couldnt help but giggle at the adorable interaction, "well make sure you say hi to her for me, yeah?"
Kenji nodded, standing to his feet as he took his dads hands. "well i'll be seeing you around then" yoongi grinned, watching you say your goodbyes to Kenji
"yep, i'll be here tomorrow" you giggled, waving the two off before helping attend to a few other students.
Min Yoongi couldnt help but notice how gentle you were with his son, it made his heart happy that he could be at a safe place during the day instead of having to witness the downfall of him and his mothers marriage.
He also took in your appearance, noting how beautiful you were, but the thoughts quickly disappeared as his son begging to leave for ice cream.
You texted Taehyung as you left work, your feet dragging you down the street as you avoided bumping into others
Me: taetae im free...want me to pick you up coffee? (3:06pm)
Tae<3: yes, thanjs my love (3:07pm)
You giggled at his typo as you looked up, turning your direction in the way of the store before you felt a hand on your back, gently asking for your attention
"um..hello?" you took your headphones off as you turned, your eyes widening as you took in the appearance of the man you haven't seen in quite some time.
"Y/n..." he looked upset, rough, and like he had not been taking care of himself, not that he ever really did anyways.
"kaito?" you scoffed, looking around as if this was some joke
"please, im sorry, I dont mean to interrupt you and I know i'm the last person you want to see right now but I just ...I need to talk with you" he exhaled, hands defenseless as they fell openly to his sides, his venerability at show.
Your eyes glared over him before you took a breath, deciding that the risk factor here was low.
He swallowed, looking down at you sadly. "are you pregnant?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
Yup. he knows.
Trying to figure out what to respond was hard, the pause and lack of defense was probably enough to answer his question. "I...."
"I saw...taehyung..." he said his name as if it was venom, hard to pronounce, "a-and I know you guys are kinda...whatever. I just want to know....are you? is it...is it mine?"
Throughout everything that has been clouding your mind, you haven't had a moment to sit down and realize the possibility that the child could realistically be either Taehyung or Kaito's.
You rarely were intimate with your ex, but the slight chance was still there, and the fact you never realized it until now only adds another problem onto your already spilling over plate.
He took in your panicked state, speaking up "if it is, im....not mad, I just want to know. I know you hate me and you deserve to, but-"
"yeah what?"
"I am...pregnant" you whisper, "please dont tell anyone?"
his eyes fell low, his expression turning soft. You aren't used to seeing Kaito like this, his kind side..
"Its Taehyung's" you gulp out, because hell, even if it is Kaitos, in no way would you want him back in your life. Not after what he said, what he did. He could swear up and down that he's changed but it wont matter to your opinion or baby, at the end of the day, taehyung would be the father....biological or not.
With a sigh, he covered his face "im not gonna tell anyone....I just...I miss you, and I wish that I was the one with you during this and-"
"you dont deserve to be the one, Kaito." you spit, growing uncomfortable. "annie, chae and dahyun all abandon me over your words, over your actions...I was the one who was painted out to be the bad guy...and not once did you come to my defense!"
He nodded sadly "I know...I know"
"you fucking blame taehyung but hes been the only one there for me through it all, hes the only one I have!" you choke out, turning around in frustration "fuck...the nerve you have to do this to me right now"
"are you sure its Taehyung's?" he whispered, not in a rude way, more so in a last attempt to get you to talk with him
"stop with that!"
"If its mine I want to be there, I want to help out, even if you hate me, y/n" his face read regret and desperation
"as if I would ever let you close to me or my family again...the audacity you have is beyond anything ive ever seen....its never gonna happen, you treated me like shit over and over again, nothing will change, Kaito, and ive moved on. You need to as well...." you spoke before brushing past him
Kaito looked up at the sky with dreadful eyes, not able to watch you walk away from him again. He regretted his actions everyday, and just wanted 5 minutes to explain exactly what has been going on during the past few weeks. He wanted to explain that it was all Annie, that she was the one who spread rumors, she was the one who turned your friends against you, he wanted so badly to sit and apologize for anything hes ever done, and tell you that hes trying to change for real this time....but now the only thing he can do is store his thoughts away, as you leave again.
"I think we just need to say fuck it and go to Paris"
Taehyung looked away from his hands as he hung up new curtains you bought, the ladder he stood on shaking as he turned to you. "hm?"
"I think we should just go, I really need to get out of Busan"
He smiled gently, eyes returning to his task "I thought we agreed to go in a few weeks, that way you can visit your mom after words during vacation time"
"we should go now, I dont really care anymore"
He frowned a bit at your tone, "whats the urgency, baby? everything okay?" he stepped down the ladder.
You swallowed, "everything is fine, I just need a vacation, and I think its good to just...go"
He nodded slowly, trying not to pry into your sudden desire to leave, "okay...um, we can do that. I'll call them..." he smiled, "what about your mom? thought you wanted to tell-"
"it can wait"
"are you sure youre okay Y/N?"
you sigh, laying into his chest as you hug him, "I just want to be away and alone with you, stressed." you mumble, deciding against getting into the whole kaito thing, knowing he would blow it out of proportion.
Taehyung rubbed your back "ahh...okay....well how do you feel if I move the trip to Monday?"
"i'll let work know"
Taehyung handed you a cold cloth that he had dampened in the airplane bathroom, allowing you to put it on your neck.
Given that there has been time between your last airplane experience to now, you were more prepared on what to do when you felt sick.
"thank you" you mumbled, closing your eyes "how much longer?"
"6 hours baby" Taehyung spoke sadly, looking back at you, your face was pale and clammy.
"I know but just sleep, i'll be here, okay? breath through it" his gentle smile brought you to feel even a little safer.
The flight was long, and bothersome. When you werent on the verge of puking, you tried to sleep, but the seat was too uncomfortable so you tried to lean up against Taehyung, who was moving too much, so you decided to just lay back and count the minutes until this hell ride was over.
The only safe thought was that soon you and taehyung would be alone, entirely, in Paris. The most romantic place...pretty much ever.
You did your best to ignore the whiney nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you about what Kaito said, and how the baby could possibly be his. You wanted to discuss with your boyfriend, which would have been the right thing to do of course, but the way Taehyungs eyes light up when you talk or even slightly mention the pregnancy in anyway, makes you feel like a knife was throw directly into your heart. You cant break him, its okay to lie in some instances, right?
Besides, you were 99.9% positive it was taehyung's anyway, considering there was only a few times you and Kaito ever did it, and only once without secure protection. Chances here are, youre worrying about nothing.
This trip will be nothing but relaxing, a week away from all the shit in both of your lives.
The last time you and Taehyung went to Paris was a few summers ago, it was before the whole friends with benefits and emotionally constipated feelings arose, so this time around will be like an incredibly new experience.
Once the plane ride did finally come to a stop, Taehyung helped gather your luggage as you made your way to the center of the airport arrival gate.
"The taxi guy told me he would pick us up around 6:25pm, we have a few minutes, lets grab something to eat....you didnt eat on the plane"
You smiled, pulling your bag behind you, "because the food was gross, and I felt awful"
"are you feeling better now?"
"a little...I just need to sit and drink water"
He made sure to allow you time to relax as you felt your nausea slip away
Once you both got in the taxi, you eagerly looked out the window to admire the beautiful city that is Paris, the way everyone dressed, the beautiful agriculture, Busan had its perks...but Paris was such a different experience.
"im glad we're here" taehyung whispered, kissing your shoulder as he reached for your hand
"me too" you grinned softly, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to his lips "thank you for taking me"
"I wouldn't know who else to take, your my only one." he whispered, squeezing your hand
It was late in the evening, but the sun was just starting to set once you both arrived to your hotel
"oh this is beautiful" you spoke as you stood out of the car, admiring how fancy everything seemed.
"wait until you walk in"
your boyfriend assisted you with getting the bags out, putting them on a small wheeler as you began to lead inside the building.
A cool breeze hit you once you entered the lobby, an overwhelming aroma of cleanliness and bakery foods filled you, making you turn to taehyung "wow..."
"yeah...." he smiled, eyes looking everywhere, "lets check in, I wanna see our room"
The room that was arranged origanally just for Taehyung, included a king sized bed, a large flat screen tv, a mini fridge, and.....a terrace with chairs.
"this is so fucking cool!!" you giggled, running around the spacious area before collapsing on the bed
"this is so exciting, look!!" he ran to the terrace, admiring the view of the now dark city, lights shining everywhere.
You had gotten up to follow, a smile creeping onto your face as you hugged him from behind. "I love you"
He turned his body to face you, arms grabbing your waist before pressing a delicate kiss to your lips "I love you" his forehead was pressed to yours as he gently swayed, the music from the cafe below was loud enough to hear from outside, adding to such a perfect moment.
"this is gonna be a fun trip"
"I agree....lets just not worry about anything, just you and me" you whisper, hands cupping his face
"just you and me, thats easy" Taehyung chuckled, spinning you around before teasingly dipping you over, kissing you again
"how romantic" you giggled, holding onto him
"mhm I try" he led you back into the room "we can unpack in the morning while we have breakfast, I plan to go museum searching tomorrow anyways"
"that sounds fun...let me at least unpack an outfit so I know what to wear" you ran to your suitcase, eyeing some dresses and taking them out as taehyung laid on the giant bed, eyes looking at the french tv guide.
You held a fluffy white dress up to you in the mirror, tilting your head as you decided if it was a good choice or not. Taehyung looked over and smiled, "thats cute, baby"
"is it?" you look over, "I tried it on before we left....its okay, its kinda tight around my stomach and you can kinda see the bump at this point."
Taehyung stood to stand behind you, arms hugging you as you shared a gaze in the mirror. "my beautiful girl" his lips reached your neck "why wouldnt you want to show it off? youre sexy" he teased, gently squeezing your butt as you sighed
"ahh! stop" you jokingly scolded, folding the dress "I guess i'll wear it...its supposed to be really hot tomorrow" you tossed the clothing down on top of your suite case as you turned to look at your boyfriend "what are you doing?"
He scrolled through his phone, tapping something before a gentle jazzed tune emitted throughout the room, you raised an eyebrow as he set the device down.
"dance with me"
"no" you giggled, turning as his arm gently grabbed yours
"please, baby, just for a little" he smiled, voice low and quiet as you fell against his chest. "you look so beautiful...wanna enjoy every moment I have with you"
You blush, closing your eyes as he sways a bit to the music "i look dirty...I am dirty, we just had a 12 hour flight"
"you're always beautiful, and we can take a shower after this"
"so you admit it, I stink" you giggle
He sighed, pulling away to look you in the eye "no, im just saying we can clean up after, stop questioning everything and just let me love you right now and always" he smirked
"mmkay...." you smiled, hiding your face before swaying again
The room was dim, and you had to admit, you were more at peace in this moment than you had been in the past month.
"love you...so much" his hands grazed your back as he spoke against the top of your head.
"Love you more" you whispered, tightening your grip on him.
For a split second you felt guilt, guilt because you forgot that you were pregnant, and it wasnt just the two of you...and you will never have time like this alone again...and somewhere deep down you feel sad about that.
As if he knows your mind is wandering, he leads you to the bed and sits down, pulling you to his lap. "do you wanna sleep before we order dinner?" he asked, hands combing through your hair
he pulled you down to lay on his chest, between his legs. The rather loud sound of his heartbeat allowed you to melt into his touch.
You couldn't help but imagine as you closed your eyes, that is was just you and taehyung....and you had done things the right way....just you, and your boyfriend together on a trip.
The thought was rude, and selfish, but it didnt stop you from thinking it.
Life would change, and you knew you needed to start taking advantage of these moments now, before youre mom and hes dad.
right now?
you're Y/N and Taehyung.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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causenessus · 1 month
HI HI HI HI NESS IM BACKKFJFKSMSOS so first of all tumblr hates me why is that the FOURTH ask of mine u answered that i wasnt notified of should i just die
anyways im eating lunch rn
healthy girl era did not work out i took a 6 hour (?) nap yesterday so!!
trying again today
today the teacher told us her old students were too non che lent (nonchalant!!) so they failed the exam (wat.)
and my friend wanted to laugh about it w me but i wasnt looking so she yeeted my OTHER friends eraser at me
but it
it hit (near?) the teacher..
she was sooo mad omfg
giggling i hate her
like basically i answer all her questions out of spite now like YEAH BRO I KNOW THIS ALR😕😕
Also i swear i dif this math problem right but the teacher said it was wrong (wat.) and my friend did it too and we got the same answer (wat.)
i wrote fanfiction at school ☝️😎 it has already been digitalised but like i DID write it
and tjen my friend read an original short story (? 1.2k words) i wrote which was basically me projecting and she almost cried so like Uh
dude i love talking so much u have no idea actually
n e ways..
i was watching american psycho last night but i got distracted..😭 ALSO IM SO EXCITED ABT ONICS LIKE EUSHEPSHAPSJXOSKAJDKAAKKDKD
>tries 2 normal
U SHOULD NOT DIE!!! TUMBLR SHOULD DIE HOW DARE THEY!!! i am so confused at like what is happening at tumblr hq 😭😭 like there are problems that need to be solved!!!! and i feel like they should be pretty simple to fix!!! but instead they're like "NO LET'S MAKE TAGGING USERS GO BLUE AND COMMENTS UGLY"
but anyway!! i hope your lunch was good!! AND A SIX HOUR NAP SOUNDS AMAZING AND JUST AS PRODUCTIVE AS WORKING OUT!! it's hard to balance everything so definitely don't stress too much about it!! you have your whole life ahead of you to like do something like working out so not doing it one day is totally okay!! (yk?? i hope that made sense and i'm sorry i hope it's okay to say that 😭)
also math teachers love to like??? tell u ur wrong and then not explain how to correctly do something??? so i think u should just blame them for everything!! that sounds fair <3
I'VE ALSO WRITTEN FANFICTION AT SCHOOL LMAOOO i remember being on my computer during french class and my guy was just so boring i pulled out the doc and started writing but LUCKILY it was like an oc fic so it wasn't as scary to write as a x reader UNLIKE WHEN I WAS MAKING TONIC PFPS AND MY DOCUMENT WAS LITERALLY CALLED LIKE yn & atsumu and for some reason all of my friends wanted to COME UP FROM BEHIND ME AND HUG ME!! OR LOOK AT MY SCREEN!! and i was just 😃😃😃 but i have no shame so oh well
THANK U LINA!!! I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO BE MY HITMAN <33 I MAY NEED ONE JUST TO GET THRU SCHOOL BC MY HALLS FR ARE SCARY SOMETIMES YK?? like too many scary girls who look me up and down in their little crop tops and shorts and nike air forces and are like "why are u wearing pants in the summer" BC I CAN?? AND I DON'T LIKE SHOWING THAT MUCH SKIN THANK U?? (sorry this probably makes no sense i think my brain has short circuited today </33) BUT I'M DOING ALR!!! i'm stressed about my theatre duties starting up very very soon 😭😭 but i'll let u know how that goes once they start!!! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TODAY!!! AND EAT SOMETHING GOOD <33
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glitchbirds · 4 months
started watching the his dark materials tv adaptation earlier this week- something that i had meant to do back in 2019 when it began and never quite got around to. started s3 yesterday so i should get the remaining 7 episodes under my belt within the next few days genuinely it is fascinating to watch an adaptation of a series that i read only once, when i was ten years old, but which left such a profound impression on me that i have consistently cycled back to it for years and years (esp when its such a complex, sprawling fantasy world-or several worlds, really- that its adapting)
as ive mentioned Several times over the years- maybe not on this particular account though-, i was gifted an omnibus copy of all three books in one by my older brother, either for christmas or my birthday i cant remember, sometime before the 2007 movie came out (meaning i had to have been 10 at the absolute oldest when i started reading them, though maybe 11 by the time i finished?). i also very clearly remember The Controversy surrounding them among christians, mainly because of a few comments by classmates but more importantly because my (fourth grade, iirc?) teacher pulled me out of class one day to tell me the book i was reading was sinful and atheist and against god and etc (which made me cry very hard </3 even though she told me i could still read it. this was back when my dad still took me to (catholic) church on a semi-regular basis to appease my grandmother as well as sunday school (run by my older cousins) and at least a year or so before i started to develop a modicum of critical thought towards deep south church teachings. i was petrified of the idea of going to hell and scared to do anything whatsoever to jeopardize my chances) (this did not stop me from reading the book however, because i enjoyed it too much. but i also have a clear memory of reading the book every chance i got w/o paying much attention to what was happening around me and one day realizing that i was reading it while at church service and mentally freaking out that i was doing something sacrilegious and trying to force myself to stop reading. i think i spent about 10 minutes bored out of my mind before i, internally apologetic, went back to reading) luckily my parents seemed unaware or unphased by the fearmongering- i assume my mother never noticed, or this was before she started to become insane from fox news poisoning; my dad i think brought it up briefly because of a flyer he saw but wasnt overly worried about it- because i saw the movie in theaters (i liked it ok; have never seen it since, i want to now though) and also acquired the ds game (tbh i enjoyed it despite it being tie-in garbage and me being v bad at video games as a kid; i never managed to beat it though) and later the wii game (bad </3 never got far into it)
Anywayyyy. again i have never since reread any of the books or read any of the other novellas and the like philip pullman has written set in the same world, though im itching to do that now; and ofc while ive skimmed through wiki articles and the like to refresh my memory on things, my memory of most of the plot points in the books are heavily based on My Perspective As A Ten Year Old Child. i remember the first book the best, a decent amount of subtle knife, and can only recall a few specifics of amber spyglass, and its only now while revisiting the world by watching the tv show that im getting a proper, more well-rounded view of the symbolism and messaging and Authorial Intent(tm) behind the series, because of course a lot of this shit flew right over my stupid little child brain as a kid. once i got to the third book i started to understand, vaguely, why my teacher didnt want me reading this book and why there was a backlash against the movie, but a lot of things that are obvious to me now (and would have been obvious if i read the series just a few years later, really) just did not compute for a 10 y/o. which ofc does not mean that i think its a Bad thing i read them that young but all of ^ that turns watching this series into a mix of "oh i remember that" "oh i know whats coming up" "oh my god i forgot that this is from HDM, this has influenced so many creative projects over the years w/o me even realizing it" "oh they skipped over it but i know in the books there was a scene here that i loved and that has stuck with me forever" "i dont remember this from the books but it extrapolates perfectly from what i remember about these characters" "oh my god was the symbolism here really that obvious and i still didnt pick up on it" etc etc etc ANYWAYYYY. my actual review of the tv series so far: -season 1 in particular is sorely lacking in how it portrays daemons and it made me increasingly sad. daemons were without a doubt my favorite thing from these books and one of my favorite things in a work of fantasy Ever to the point where over the years i have Repeatedly decided to sit down and spend a ridiculous amount of time painstakingly plotting out what daemon i think (x) character from (x) piece of media i enjoy, would have. many of which are still committed to memory. i fucking love daemons as a concept and i wish this shit was public domain so any piece of fiction i write could utilize them forever. i get budget issues exist or w/e but whyyyy would you adapt a series where every character in a world would have a cgi animal with them at all times if you couldnt actually show those cgi animals in more than a handful of scenes per episode and only for (some) major characters and only if they had a speaking role in that scene and also occasionally just have them teleport instead of showing them walking from one room to the next and also crowd shots are fucking barren. its like watching a live action pkmn tv show where pokemon are onscreen for a combined 5-10 minutes out of 60 minute episodes. s2 is a bit better about it but it also spends significantly more time in other worlds where daemons arent visible so ig its easier to budget in more daemons in scenes that take place in lyras world. no idea about s3 yet though ofc the mulefa are coming so We'll See how they handle the cg there
-i do think the cg animal animation looks good though. like its not "i believe there is an actual snow leopard in the room" photorealism but not only is that something i do not particularly care about, i think daemons looking a little unreal is actually perfect. they are physical manifestation of human souls and are in-universe immediately distinguishable from identical animals of the same species... it works
-s2 in general is a significant improvement on s1 not just in the daemons but in the overall pacing and character exploration imo; which is surprising considering its the season cut short from covid lockdown; and also a bit sad since, again, most of what i remember is from the first book and thus many of my fondest memories of the books were things that were either skimmed over in the first season or cut out entirely </3 ALAS.
-iorek and iofurs fight didnt go as hard as it shouldve </3 they didnt even show iorek ripping iofur's jaw off... he was killed in the blurry bg behind lyra. how are you gonna let the 2007 pg-13 movie kick more ass at talking armored polar bears fighting to the death
-am i crazy or is the alethiometer just not used much in the tv series compared to the book... maybe the movie+games clouded my memory, or maybe its the fact that in the show there's rarely any elaboration as to what the symbols could mean or which symbols lyra is using for her questions/what she's interpreting. almost every scene of it being used blurs together and i wouldnt be shocked if some show-only fans think its a stupid plot device with no rhyme or reason behind the symbols, when imo i think you can at least roughly intuit many of the meanings, though obviously not to the extent that a reader could interpret full accurate sentences
-some really really strong casting for like 99% of the roles in this show, i love most of the changes theyve made from the books wrt to casting decisions, my only significant gripe is of course. why did you have to do lee scorseby like that. i loved lee a lot. i remembered him so fondly. why'd you have to give lin manuel miranda that one. just absolutely devastating to me personally (though the choice to have andrew scott as will's father was v funny to me because lin manuel miranda and moriarty from bbc sherlock hanging out together for a huge chunk of s2 has to have appealed massively to a very particular subset of tumblrina)
-again i read these books when i was 10 so the concept of "characters can be bad people but also really well written and enjoyable to spectate" hadnt really settled in my mind yet so i really have no idea if this fully applies to the book version of her but oh my godddd i love mrs coulter in this series. yes she kidnaps children and rips their souls apart from them yes she drugs her own daughter and holds her captive yes she murders people indiscriminately without remorse etc. and she rules <3
-similarly the changes theyve made to the golden monkey are Fascinating...
-i loved lyra and pan with my whole heart when i was her age and it is really :,) to now be fully an adult and see her again. waughh. i love how almost everyone she meets loves her too (i will not stand for ppl watering it down to found family fanfiction tropes. but She Is So Loved.)
-i think its cool that boreal went from being a fairly minor character in the books to one of the main antagonists for a hot minute. he was fun :)
-i dont remember having strong feelings about mary malone as a kid but i really like her here. i havent gotten to this point in the show yet but im aware they tweaked her backstory to make her a lesbian as well, which is just delightful to me
-will's relationship w/ his mother and particularly the way the book describes her mental illness from will's perspective was so, So important to me as a kid and the thing i remembered best from subtle knife, and i wish the show had dwelled on it a liiiittle more? in particular, the bit where will thinks about when he first realized something was up and his mother wasnt just playing a "game" with him and was actually terrified of a nonexistent threat, when he was seven and they were shopping for groceries, and how he realized then and there that he needed to take care of her and protect her- that stuck w/ me very strongly as a kid and i wish the show had found a way for will to talk about it with lyra, there were a couple points where i thought he was going to bring it up. maybe this season??
fun fact i started writing this post at like 10 last night. i gotta put a stop this rn
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thegreatclowncat · 4 months
ewwww i didnt realize it, but recently i had to unpack a lot of what i would call environmentally-transferred doomsday theology/apocalypticism. I remember being pulled aside as a kid, shown revelation, and being told that this will happen soon, so don't do kid things and focus on spending all of my time fixing my relationship with God. I cried bc i didnt like it, and ignored what they said.
Cut to the last five years. I kept having weird dreams about the societal collapse (which isnt the apocalypse, it's happened before) that had details which actually predicted decent chunks of my life over the next few years, which caused me to fear them, and every time i would walk outside of my room i would hear some video from some "youtube prophet" playing saying "get ready for the next few years" "this sign shows that something bad is going to happen" and i would always ask "HAS THIS PERSON EVER BEEN RIGHT IN thE LAST TEN YEARS???? WHY ArE YOU WATCHING THAT"
i logically did not believe any of this stuff without specific and reasonable justification (couldnt find any of that lol), but the sheer exposure of it over my lifetime wormed its way into my brain. i found myself having thoughts like, "I lost the last three years of my life, what if I am never able to dance?" and "If i only have a decade left to live, im not going to spend it doing freaking computer science" [<- the only good thing to come out of this btw, stopped me from digging myself into more graves (classes) instead of finding a career I want to pursue that will be worthwhile]
but my gosh, i can't believe i actually started believing that. it wasnt conscious. i was always prone to anxiety and hopelessness, and maybe THAT was just using this exposure to fuel its flame. but I had to get rid of it. for the first time in a few years, I felt like I didnt have to rush. yes, i need to get on with my life and get back to dancing, i do not have infinite time, but i dont need to freak out that I am losing every single day being inside doing nothing. I can enjoy my life. I felt the desire to look for a career path, something to invest a few years of preparation into without feeling like it was taking away precious time.
side note, i did also always put weird time limits on things. all the pro dancers are around my age, and i always felt so behind bc i started late and was sick for a while, and i imagined i could probably only dance until im 40, but really if i keep extra good care of my body, i can probably keep going for longer. would i want to by then? who knows, my interests may have changed.
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׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
hi who is this?
Evan says:
hiii im peteeeeeeeer
peteeeer griffiiiin
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol haha your funny
im kas's cousin
Evan says:
oh fuck i thought kassi legit didnt know it was me ...
fail lmao
uhm im evan
whos this ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol her cousin
im trying to figure out who she likes
wanna play a game and help?
Evan says:
uhh sure ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
is it you?
or do you know?
Evan says:
ask zack cronkwright, or bridget, or john or mike maybe ?
they might know
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
so you were a big help
is it you?
and whos john and mike?
fuck i really needa find out she's pissing me off
Evan says:
lmao idfk if she likes me
i dont believe shes told me this lol
john lean looks like a queer
dating a chick named jasmine
and mike dolmage
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well do you like her
cause theres no john or mike on
well since your not gonna reply, im taking that as a yes? lol
Evan says:
kassi is my friend so obvi i like her
well that sucks
guess your stuck not know lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol, do u like like more than a friend or what? ]
Evan says:
right now shes just my friend
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
haha, welll im going to have to harrass her bout you now xD.
by the way, dont tell her bout this lil convo. its our secret
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
im closiing this, shes comiing
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
Evan says:
whats up ???
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
dealing with my fucktard of a cusin and tad hungover
Evan says:
whos your cousin ?
and im spacey ...
i smoked so much weed last night
im still feeling it lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol omg jelous
i was just smashed last night
well the bitch wants the computer back
Evan says:
dont give it to her
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol why not?
Evan says:
cuz too many things are happening and i havent finished my convo with you
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol okaaay
Evan says:
so you got smashed ?
funny stories ;P ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
but if i kill her your resonseable
and uhmm
let me think
i woke up 3 hours from home
Evan says:
kill who ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
my cousin
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
Evan says:
you walk that far or what ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
no and idk what happend
i ended up in like orangeville?
Evan says:
wtf !?
you at a party with people ?
i cant even do thjat
how the fuck did you end up 3 hours from home !?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uhmm 3 towns or something?
and yeahuh
uhmm an after party for a sweet 16
Evan says:
really ? well sound slike you had a good night then
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
yeahuh lol
what i rember
i was at wallmart and almost got my ass kicked by thesr two chicks
Evan says:
whathappened ?!
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
some guy came over and saved my ass which i would been fine but apprently drunk fighting wasnt a good idea
Evan says:
prolly nat
it doesnt usually go over too well
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well in my experinces it dose
kinda lol
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol so how was you night?
Evan says:
it was fuuucked
ill tell you in a min
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol okie
Evan says:
kay so i went to a bush party and died
i walked thru water, mud, swamps, jumped fences, climbed down cliffs and everything to get to this party ...
i got there
got super fuckin high
and then attempted to walk back for 9
so i walked thru all that again dark and high
it was fuckeed
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol thats pree great
so how cut up are you
Evan says:
actaully im good ..... but you should see my white sweater and my jeans
and my shoes
and socks
and i think even my boxers were wet by the time i was done
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
that sucks
way to be a dirty boy
Evan says:
completely not my fault ....
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol understadable
at least you knew where you were and how you got there
Evan says:
actually i dont remeber the way back
but i know how i got there
i went back to find my phone today
and i couldnt figure out where or what the fuck i di dlast ngiht
if you seen this youd be like daaaayyyum your a trooper
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol well by the sounds im pree sure you are a tropper
Evan says:
well thanks
but you still need to see this
its crazeh
whats up with kottonkandypikachu ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol oyay youll have to show me
and i really dont know
but its funny so i think ill leave it for a while
Evan says:
lmao aight
sounds good lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
your just jelous you dont have a bamf name
Evan says:
i coul dmake one
but im a simple person
i dont need a great name
people say my name and they already knwo im awesome
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uhmm i think i should make you a name
cause im awesome
Evan says:
ok then
no promises its goin on fb tho
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol dont deny my amazingness
and candyapplecharmander?
Evan says:
uhm sketchy but alright
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
how so?
Evan says:
for a guy its like a pedo name
can you pictue me with that name offerin candy to small children ?
if so
then your just lkike me
and i find that sketchy
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
are you saying i have a pedo name then?
Evan says:
your a chick it dont count
its like 99.99999 % guys
that are pedos
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well i thought your name was cute
Evan says:
it is but ..... im a dude.....
so im just gonna stick to ev or evy
ether one works
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
but just know im hurt you didnt like my name
Evan says:
i do
i just cant let the world know it .. or i wont be able to go into a chuck E cheese ... or go to an elementary school;
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol i wanna go to chuck e chesse
Evan says:
i know !
theyre so much fuin lol
i could play games there all day if i had enough money
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
ive only been once
and lol win your such a kid
oh well i am too (:
so its all good
Evan says:
i like my games aight ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol me too
im getting an old school sega!!
Evan says:
im likin this
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
i had one when i was younger but idk what happened i think im getting mine this week though
and next month im getting a ps3 cause there sticking a tv in my room
Evan says:
i gota ps3
that'll be great
when i hook it back up to the internet imma kill you in gaming
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol it will be great but i will NEVER sleep
and thats what you think
Evan says:
for real
ill own you
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uh huh
sure you will
Evan says:
i will
ill rip you a new gaming asshole
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
ooh how thoughfull of you
but ill pwn you
im just kidding you will probs win but i needa sleep cause im dead
nighty night
Evan says:
aight night
and meh we'll see
depends on what game
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol sonic
i will domanate for sure
Evan says:
ive never been good at those games
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
im pro at them
but sweet dreams
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
Hey, sorry, just adding on to the pile of stories from the Balkans. I also grew up with family groping me and being uncomfortable with it, but never being allowed to say anything against it. My mother and father often made sexual comments about me, or when I went through puberty they would occasionally grab at my breasts and butt and comment on them. It's mostly stopped now, thankfully. It always felt so invasive and in general I hated how much focus there was on if I was growing up beautiful or not. My grandparents often did so as well. Whenever I would try to make any of them stop, show discomfort, or have a negative reaction I would get treated as if there was something wrong with me and I was being rude. Looking back I can't believe just how much we have made this sort of behavior normal. Ugh. Family members should not be calling children sexy under any circumstances. There is no possible reason for there to be discussion around a kids genitals. This should not be normal and so many of us shouldn't have stories like this. I'm glad to hear other's speak of it but it has made me so disgusted. We really are taught to ignore any bounderies
heyo anon <3 no need to apologize. yea its.. jfc. this whole thing has left me disgusted too. and frankly, baffled. i just feel so baffled. i keep trying to wrap my head around all of it, try to make some damn sense of how and why, and yet all it leads me too is just.... bafflement and being grossed out. when i asked on here if anyone knew what i was talking about i was not expecting this many ppl to get it. i wasnt sure if anyone would get it
im sorry u went through this, it really is a fucked up way to grow up. and the gaslighting that goes on - bc i rly do think thats what it is - tends to rly mess with your head. its immensely messed up that somehow in all this its children who keep being blamed and made to feel bad for.. v much having normal reactions to things. its a very jarring feeling to know something is just.. wrong. and not be allowed to feel that way. im sorry again that you were put through this, tho i am glad its no longer going on; i hope eventually you'll be able to heal from it all <3
and youre right. were very much taught to not have any sort of bounderies with our bodies. weather its this shit or the beatings or generally being treated as if were property, were really raised to not have much of a say.... it sets a very bad precedent and teaches a very bad and dangerous lesson
i was thinking abt this last night actually. when i was around seven or eight i would spend a lot of time with my cousin at my uncles house. he was some years older than me, by five i think. we used to get along well because i was a tomboy and he didn't make fun of me for it, he liked it. but i remember this one time he started showing me sexual games on the computer they had, some game in which you would give virtual money to a woman to see more of her naked, and it just made me feel so gross. i never looked at him the same, i felt he thought women were just pieces of meat. other times i remember laying in bed with him and he would want me to show him what's under my clothes, though he never took it further than that i don't think. he would occasionally grope at me but basically everyone did that anyway. i remember being upset with him, and him taking me to the candy shop down the street to make up for it
i always wondered if he had been abused first because i found out later his dad had molested another family member of mine. but looking back maybe it was the things he saw on the internet or from other boys. anyway, i tried to tell my mother and grandmother about it but they never took it seriously. never even scolded him. "boys will be boys" mentality and i was told i was being dramatic and shouldn't take it to heart because it's normal for boys to do things like that sometimes. it was normal to be felt up by family in general i guess bc. idk this culture is a fucking nightmare sometimes. now when i see him we just pretend it never happened i guess. it really is fucked up how much this sort of behavior is normalized, excused, and frankly defended at the expense of the saftey and comfort of kids... like what lesson does this teach other than, its ok to let people do whatever they may please with you, regardless of how much you dont like it? it must be some form of grooming i swear to god
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invader-bean · 8 days
having a lot of. memories come up about stuff that just. forgot. or didnt, like. like i locked away and didnt think about on purpose and stupid dots are connecting and just
suicide mention and like. just my parents being dicks i guess.
its literally just me trauma dumping i guess but i want to write it down before i forget about it all again.
idk if my mom even remembers the url to this blog anymore but shout out to her! fuck her for alienating me from my g parents and aunts and uncles and cousins and any family i have by guilting me into believing they were abusive pieces of shit that would hate me for being gay and getting angry at me if i even wanted to talk to them after you 'broke things off' with them. idk if my grandpa is even still ALIVE. i dont know how to CONTACT grandma to CHECK.
"broke things off."
aunt saw me saying i wanted to kill myself so she called her dad, scared, and when grandpa showed up to make sure i was okay... all mom cared about was screaming at me at 3 in the morning that I let *them* know we were moving soon.
screamed at me until i deleted my blog and lost all my friends and art and memories. started randomly doing 'checks' on my computer and then, hiding the screen from me, screamed about all the PORN you found on it. just to see my reaction.
there wasnt any fucking porn. you just liked making me cry.
and who cares if i wanted to kill myself. gpa and gma knew we were moving soon. oh no. end of your fucking life, right asshole?
shout out to my dad too! when i told my therapist that i wanted to kill myself he told my parents - obviously - and then took my mom into the room separately and your words of comfort were
"why the fuck would you do this now. Why are you putting your mom through this? couldnt you have waited or not even brought it up at all?"
he was very nice in FRONT of the therapist. but once we were alone in the lobby he started that kind of shit.
and then mom told me i 'didnt need therapy' anymore and I never went back to the guy who could fucking maybe have helped me.
very cool guys.
and somehow my dad - who didn't have a sober fucking day in his life until I as 10 or 11 - ended up being the good parent. at least he changed his behavior and shit. mom's a martyr. what behavior?
i miss my grndparents. i wan tto talk to them. to my aunt. I have baby cousins i never got to meet. i mis smy fucking *aunt* man i miss aunt b she was my friend. everyone else was so fucking nice to me and i miss my family but im too afraid to try and contact them cus what if they tell mom or what if mom got to them first or what if what mom said about them is true
i don't. have any family. and it really hurts. i only have my boyfriend and his sibling. and maybe their dad.
i dont have any fucking family anymore and i didn't realize until now my mom made it that way on fucking purpose.
god fucking damn it!
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soildmud · 6 months
yalllll my gf just bought me bg3 today and i was so excited because its been on my wishlist for like ever and stuff so as soon as it allowed me to i started installing/downloading it—IT TOOK THREE FUCKING HOURS!!!!!! BECAUSE I’M POOR AND CAN’T GET SHIT TO OPTIMISE DOWNLOAD TIMES!!!!!!
but the worst part of it all….IT WON’T OPEN. it stopped responding every time i tried to open it up (i’m a mac user so i am already at a disadvantage) so i desperately look online as to what i have to do and according to steam i have to Verify File Integrity which i thought they were supposed to do after everything downloads, hence why it took 3 hours, because it took an extra hour to verify everything—but apparently there might be a file corruption or something idk i’m just a girl i know nothing about these things. BUT GET THIS: THE FILE VERIFICATION IS GOING TAKE OVER 24 HOURS TO COMPLETE. oh my god. why did i choose to quit my job and not save for a Real computer. why did i not ask for that for christmas. (no one had the money to buy one, that’s why—which is fine, i have never asked for anything expensive for christmas) WHY DID I HAVE TO GET ATTACHED TO BIG HUMONGOUS FUCKING GAMES THAT KILL MY LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!
i am usually a patient person yknow. i have willingly gone on 3 day nonstop car rides with my family of mentally unwell and untreated people. i have gone through almost 12 years of american public education without ever asking for accommodations to my crippling mental illnesses or deteriorating health. i have done hour long layovers while sick from anxiety and stress in airports full of stressful stimuli. i have gone thru a lot. but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back i think. as soon as i saw the number fluctuate between 22 to 1D 8hrs i just about cried. i felt defeated. i nearly threw a tantrum like a toddler because of this. i wanted to start pulling my hair out of my head and furiously scratch my skin until it bled out of pure and unbridled rage and frustration. (i am probably autistic and i think someone told me this could be a meltdown???) but i only merely grabbed my hair very harshly and started hyperventilating for a couple minutes before i sat down on my bed and started doing eye makeup. why??? idk.
all this is to say i am not happy with BG3 right now, even though the issue is not all with the game, but the fact that i am attempting to play it on a heavily aged macbook air that definitely was not made for playing anything above coolmathgames.com. my spring break is nearly over. i have like three days left. i just want to enjoy my freedom a little longer by making my little OC in this game and then putting them through The Horrors. i will update you all later, it is now 4:08AM and i have not slept for almost 24 hours. i feel sick to my stomach and my head hurts, but i think it’s because i made the foolish mistake of drinking about 20oz of coffee (which didn’t even taste good btw, because i had to make the coffee with a creamer that Wasnt my beloved oat milk creamer—i cannot enjoy my coffee if it is not made with the oat milk creamer. nothing else will suffice.) and then proceeded to make four different rainbow loom bracelets (i just bought the monstertail loom after debating whether or not i should) in rapid succession without breaks. i also watched eight episodes (maybe more) of the watcher podcast, because the coffee gave me extreme anxiety to the point where i had to carry scissors with me every time i left my bedroom because i was convinced there was someone in my apartment (but what would scissors have done??? i am incredibly out of shape and have never even fought another human being physically since i was under the age of 10) and the scissors were the only thing that would make me feel safer. and my phone in case i could hide and call 911.
sorry for the brain dump i am just incredibly sleep deprived and am waiting for my wife’s return from work—which should be soon! which means i’ll be okay and no longer anxious or stressed. SEE YOU LATER GUYS MIGHT DELETE THIS BUT IDK !!!!! SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON MY DOWNWARD SPIRAL!!!!!!!
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
the scariest part of it was there was another bed in the room i woke up in right.and it was like this hotel. so naturally i was like....Weird but obviously my sister is also here and woke up before me cuz shes a lot more punctual than i am lmao. i genuinely wasmt that concerned i didnt recognize the place??
so i was running around in the hotel looking for her, there were a lot of weird hallways and lobbies and ig the power mustve been out cuz it was dark as FUCK and really empty, until i randomly stumbled into a lobby full of middle aged white men on couches also in the dark and was like. Um. Anyway. and continued running
and then i ended up where i started except in the room next door, bc again it was dark and apparently they had two doors? one in the back of their room and one beside my rooms door, so i went in a circle basically. but anyways i didnt recognize them but thye were wearing traditional clothes and suddenly said "oh have you seen [cousins name]?"
i got confused bc this whole time id been searching for my sister, and i was like "oh noo haha i didnt come with my cousins family, i came with..." and THEN i started thinking and realized like. Hang the fuck on i havent seen my parents anywhere OR MY SISTER ANYWHERE and i dont actually rememver us coming here now that i think about it. The hell. well time to look for my cousin now i guess!
so i yell his name (not in a scared way but in the way your mom does from downstairs when you took too long to get to dinner or something) and he shows up casually. "which room did you wake up in???" "the one you were in lol, i got bored so i left you and was looking around."
thats when i was like. "...so your sister isnt here? or your parents???" and he was like "no? why?" bc. how do i explain this hes kind of.... hes not that much younger than me but he looks up to me a lot? so its not actually that unrealistic even not in a dream, that if he woke up in an unfamiliar place, if he saw me there with him hed probably be fine
but him acting like this plus with the things i noticed in the dark while running around earlier kinda confirmed for me we were kidnapped and whoever did it was most likely going to beat us up soon for ransom or info or something. so i thought back to last night
and APPARENTLY me and my cousin are part of the armed detective agency now???? and last night, we had to make dinner for everyone, and we did kind of badly but fukuzawa was proud of both of us or something. and everyone else (who wasnt the actual characters, this was like if the agency was just a regular police force that hires children for odd jobs sometimes?) was laughing at him for it. so i made the connection it had smth to do with the fact fukuzawa cares about the both of us and those bitch ass guys who laughed
and then i told my cousin that, like "hey uhh so we're probably kidnapped." and he was like "no we arent lmaoo.... Oh wait. yeah we probably are." so we went into our shared room and really quietly discussed the situation, bc the people in the room next to us were trying to listen in and there wasnt exactly anywhere else to go, and then we started walking while just casually whispering
my cousin started saying things like "you said theyre probably gonna torture the victims now right? well since we're part of the agency maybe i can use some of my reputation to tell them to stop" to which i was obviously thinking. Uh no my dearest cousin i actually do not think that would work in case you hadnt noticed we are kind of in the same boat as everyone else.
and then our walk took us to a different person in the hotels room and it was KUNIKIDA??? and looking back katai was probably with him bc it seems to be 2 to a room + there were computers and servers and shite all over in his room 💀 and he was basically like. "What are you doing here." what are YOU doing here dude??
and then i woke up before we could get horribly tortured
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fang-wife · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
voyeur | m. izuku 
➳ tags ;; sub!izuku, dom!reader, watching hentai together?, reader is mean and nice </3, quirkless college au!izuku, corruption kink/religious guilt, unprotected sex/creampies, established relationship, afab reader
➳ wc ;; 2.1k
➳ a /n ;; @/sems-diarie made a post abt this a while ago n my brain wouldn’t let it be so. here we are </3 
➳ plot ;; izuku didn’t sneak you into your dorm to watch.. this with you. but he has a habit of letting you do what you like. 
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This is embarassing. 
He knows this is embarassing - more embarassing than he really cares to admit to. He should really know better by now then to let you do as you please. You’re always stringing him along with your schemes and plans and he loses sight of his morals. His standards. 
Then again, he doesn’t have any at this point. The point of him paying for this single dorm was so that he could have space to focus. It wasn’t to sneak you in when his R.A. wasnt looking. Even more then that, it wasn’t to do.. whatever this was. 
It’d be one thing if he was having sex. That’s a normal thing to do in college, to sneak your partner in and smash. But you’re you, and all you ever seem to have planned for him are hair-brained schemes. It’s what this feels like - when you sit on his twin size bed and pat the empty space next to you. The distrust in his expression makes you laugh.. He sighs and does what you’ve asked. 
“What’re you doing?” 
He sounds exasperated. You laugh - too pleasantly for him to be comfortable. You type something into the search bar. Green eyes widen, skin warm and blushing. 
“Wh-what’re you doing?” 
You laugh as you prop the computer on the bed. You grin at him, tucking yourself under his arm. The website mocks him, all black background and animated women with huge tits covering the screen edge to edge. 
“You know something, after you’re done using incognito mode - you’re supposed to switch out to regular search, you know,” you explain. Your hand rests on his thigh. Deku freezes. 
The sound of your voice has always been something of a vice. It gets a little raspy like this - sultry in a way that has him squirming. He doesn’t know what to do. He can feel the heat of your body. 
“Would you know my surprise when I borrow your phone to look up when the convience store closes,” you inch closer, press further “only to see..” 
He knows what you saw before you announce it. His skin feels like it’s on fire, tuning out whatever description you’ve been giving of what he chose to watch. 
Maybe it was the way he was raised - but he always had such a specific sort of guilt towards pornography. Always told himself he shouldn’t watch things like that, shouldn’t touch himself. Izuku had always been a good, well-behaved boy. Done the right thing even when it was hard. 
Meeting you had changed that, changed him. He found his body craving you when he couldn’t control it and he ended up here - watching porn and jerking off with his shirt in his mouth. It’s all come back to haunt him, really. 
“I’m not mad, y’know,” ― and your tone goes soft - it’s assuring enough that Izuku can whimper out an okay, but you’re not done ― “I’m just curious. Can’t we watch it together?,” 
“That’s ― !” 
You flutter your lashes him. 
He has a million words that he can say. That he should say. Bad, wrong, immoral. Words that belong at the end of the sentence to describe what he’s doing with you and what he’s considering. 
None of that comes out. 
“That’s.. too much” 
You grin at him. 
“Do you not want too?” 
“..I didn’t say that, it’s just -” 
Your hand squeezes his thigh until your stiletto's dig into them. Your mouth trails his jaw with hot, open mouth kisses until your turning his head to face you. A hand splayed on his face, tongue deep in his mouth. French kissing makes him pant - hands twitching eagerly to touch you. He watches, dazed - the spit trail of saliva that stretches between you two. 
He’s so easy, it’s cute. You press forward with a chaste kiss. 
“Show me what you were watching, Izuku,” 
His hand trembles as he leans forward. He remembers the title - doesn’t know if that’s good or bad. Within seconds, it shows up and he clicks. You lean forward too, observing the tags with a small smile on your face. 
“Milf, NTR, Gangbang,” 
“S-stop reading them!” 
You giggle. 
Without warning - you press play. Izuku finds himself frantic. Worried about the sound, the time, all of it - but you don’t seem to care. The AD comes on and you skip that too. It’s on. A familiar arousal blooms in his chest, the memory of what he’d seen appearing. You settle between his legs, your back pressed to his chest. You bring his hands around your waist.
“Let’s watch ~” 
Izuku face twists with displeasure. The plot nothing to ride home about - a lonely housewife goes out to a club and finds someone to take care of her needs. At first it’s just one stranger at the club - then two, then she’s surrounded and its too much. 
Izuku assumes you’re gonna find him disgusting, but when he looks at your face - you’re smiling, heart-beating in your chest. His eyes blow wide when you take his hand between your legs. You’re wet and you’re letting him touch you and he’s trying his hardest not to show how much he’s shaking. 
A little sigh of pleasure leaves your mouth when Izuku very carefully rubs your clit. It throbs under the pressure of big fingers - you hold his wrist and moan. He can hear the porn in the background but it doesn’t serve to distract him from you. 
“You want me to go n’ get fucked by a bunch of strangers, ‘zuku?” 
He shakes his head furiously. 
“Then you just like watching depraved shit, huh?” 
Unable to argue with you or with the the way his cock twitches and jumps in his jeans, he opts to whine. You can feel his it against your lower-back, the little wet-spot that presses to your thin tshirt. He’s too turned onto think properly - watching the way your body jerks and twitches. 
The woman on screen is stuffed to the brim with cock - it’s all over exaggerated he knows, but he thinks that’s why he likes it. Maybe he just likes the idea of fucking someone that stuffed fulled of cum, how it leaks and pours onto every surface and the way her cunt just seems to take it. And Izuku is such a good, well behaved boy - it’s never crossed his mind to think about doing it to you. 
And no, he doesn’t really want to see you get fucked by so many men but if there were more than one of him he’d be more than inclined to let you. His chest feels tight forgetting to breath. 
He thinks maybe you’re some kind of witch because you always seem to know what he wants before he does. The right way to push all of his buttons. 
“Oh, I see’ ― and he’s afraid of whatever words come out of your mouth next ― “you wanna fuck me full of your cum, Izuku? Wanna know how it feels raw?” 
He moans - loud and shameless and needy against your ear. A breathless laugh leaves your mouth because that’s exactly what he wants. He wants to fuck you full of cum, just picturing how good it might feel. 
You sit up on your knees and bend over a little - pulling short-shorts beneath the curve of your ass and thickest parts of your thigh. Your panties are drenched, clinging to your folds. He inhales sharply, frozen till as you lean forward - pulling them to one side. 
“Take your cock out ‘n fuck me then, baby” ― you challenge, dark and dangerous. Everything about you is so sinful and too tempting for him to ignore. His cock aches ― “Do your best”  
His body moves before he has a proper chance to feel shame. Whatever devils been whispering in his ear (read: you) has won whatever leftover dignity he has left. Without a proper word, his cock stands to attention. His hands are fidgety but they mange to settle on your waist. He guides you down on his dick, bottom lipped pulled between his teeth hard enough to draw blood. 
“Oh, fuck” 
He’s going to cum right away if he doesn’t take a breather. This is the first time he’s feeling you, and it feels so much better than he could understand. The lingering thoughts of the dangerous act silence by how tight and how wet and how willing your pussy is for him. The way your walls twitch - ache shamelessly around his cock. He’s fucking sliding in and out of you - it feels like a special privilege he’s done nothing to earn.
He’s shivering, over and over. When he looks down, he’s not all the way in. He’s not sure if he’s praying to god for the right reason - for forgiveness. All he can think about is how good it feels to be inside and how he absolutely doesn’t want to do anything else. 
“How’s it feel, Izuku?” 
He groans at the sound of your voice, the way you clench down on him and stretch so tightly around his shaft. He’s too wrapped up in the feeling of your cunt - like heaven and silk. 
“F-feels so, so good” 
Part of you thinks you should ride him, but another part of you is more interested in seeing how he fucks you. You snap the laptop closed and push it to the other side of the bed, before flipping around and laying on your back. His cock slips out and he snaps into reality - the way you have your legs in the air and your arms out. 
“I’ll let you fuck me as many times as you want today,” ― your legs reach and wrap around his waist, easily forcing his cock back inside ― “go on,” 
Izuku is a mess, really. His pants are only half-way pulled down and he’s wearing a nerdy graphic t-shirt. He’s borderline in hysterics over how good your pussy feels and can’t do anything other than thank you repeatedly and fuck you with an animalistic need. It’s clumsy like you’d expect, but he makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm. 
His cock is long and pretty - hits every spot you need it too. Izuku fucks you with shallow, sloppy thrusts - so needy and chasing his orgasm. Selfish and inexperienced. Every time he pushes forward, you can feel he’s throbbing. Aching to cum inside and unload. 
You reach a hand between the two of you to finish on your own time - planning on cumming before him. He doesn’t seem to care. 
“Ngh, ohh my god, feel’s’good” 
“Yeah? Gonna cum inside me, handsome? Makin’ such a pretty face for me” 
His stomach churns at the way you call him pretty. It sounds so sweet and adoring - but he knows that you’re a bully. He knows that about but fucks you with all his strength anyways - overly frustrated and fucked out of his mind by the feeling. Like a drug. He likes you so much he feels stupid over it. 
“Yeah, yeah ‘m gonna” 
Your own orgasm washes over you in a pleasant wave, squeezing his cock with force. He gasp and goes faster - all the thoughts washed away from his head. He needs to finish more than he needs anything. More than he needs to sleep for his 6am work-out and 8am class. More than he needs to be quiet because the walls of his dorm are paper thin. More than he needs to exercise self-control, he needs to cum so fuckin bad. 
“Look at me,” 
He follows your command, like always - and you look amused and fucked out just like he is. And Izuku has really never been this into anyone before so seeing you evokes feelings he can’t understand. 
“Oh, fuuck“ 
Briefly he understands that he really just came by looking at you, but nothing really makes sense to him. His eyes are heavy and he’s drooling onto your shoulder, spasming and clinging to your body with the most needy little whimpers. It’s so lewd, how he can feel his cum spurt out and coat your insides and his cock. It’s all so sinful but it feels so good, he can’t bring himself to care. 
“So,” ― you smile, full of mischief ― “if you want to be like that, we’ve got a few rounds to go” 
Izuku splutters at your comment and you laugh. He knows you’re not joking and he whines. You really are a bad influence on him. But with the way his cock is twitching to life again.. 
He might not be any better. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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technowoah · 3 years
Be Okay
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Dream won't drink water and it gets out of hand
- Dream x gen! Neutral reader
- Anon requested!
4) "I never fucking wanted this/that!"
5) "Please stop talking for one damn second!"
11) "It's not important apparently"
⚠︎ angst to fluff, swearing, angery dream. This is kinda a blurb instead- not proofread
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You thought about knocking on the door softly to alert Clay of your presence but then immediately thought against it. You didnt even want to go in there and interrupt him and his editing process because he told you strictly not to interrupt him because he was focused and he didn't want to lose his focus.
Clay was a hard worker, and everyone knew that. You admired that about him, you admired his dedication to his fans and his work, but you were worried about him right now. He hasn't came out of his room in about an hour and a half. Clay hasn't eaten all day, and hasnt taken care of himself.
You came over his house earlier that day to see him still in his bed. You laid in bed with him, which he accepted your hugs and cuddles, but when you asked what was wrong he never answered or just brushed oft the question.
Now Clay was stuck at his computer and the first time you tried to give him some water he brushed you off saying. "Dont bother me right now, I'm trying to stay focused." At the time that hurt you, and it still does so you didn't enter his room until now.
You stood at his door with some water and some pizza rolls. You were nervous of how he would react, but he needed to take a break. You wanted him to relax and not stare at the bright computer all day. His eyes were probably strained and he wasnt taking care of his body.
You gained the courage to knock on the door infront of you first time softly and then the next a little bit harder. Both times there was no response, so you decided to go inside of his room. The only light in the room was coming from the daylight outside from the open windows. At least he was getting a good breeze. Clay didnt even spare you a glance and continued typing and clicking on the computer.
"Clay." You said cautiously.
"Yeah?" He responded bluntly. You didn't want to already be annoyed by his attitude.
"I made some pizza rolls and got you a bottle of water. You need to eat."
Clay scoffed. "No I don't, Im fine. Im breathing."
"I need you to eat though!" You placed the food and water near his keyboard and crossed your arms.
"I. Dont. Need. To. Let me work." Clay said facing you for a minute and then went back to his work.
"I have been letting you work for the past half and hour! Can you take a break? I know Im being annoying, but you need to take care of yourself."
Clay looked at the food near his computer and took the bowl and held it out for you to take from him, but you didn't take the bowl put of his hand.
"Can you just take this shit away." He said grumbling.
"There's no need to swear, why can't you just take a break and eat? Its not gonna hurt your process."
"The reason I want you to take this is because I'm not starving! Im actually getting interrupted by you forcing me to eat!" Clay started yelling.
"I never fucking wanted this!" He said gesturing to the bowl of now cold pizza rolls in his hand.
"I only want you to fucking eat! That's it! Is that too much to ask?!" You yelled as he shut you out again. He returned editing his video and let out frustrated groans because he messed up a clip and had to redo it.
"It's not that important apparently." You rolled your eyes. It was petty of you, you could've just left it at that and talked about it later.
Clay banged the table with his fists. "Please stop talking for one damn second!" He yelled more violently this time, you could bet the neighbors heard him.
You weren't going to let tears fall. You weren't going to show Clay that you were weak, so you stormed out of his room and slammed the door behind you hoping he heard that loud and clear. You threw yourself onto tbe couch and sobbed into your hands, you then grabbed a throw pillow and cried into that trying to muffle your frustration. Staying like that until you calmed down you traveled to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips and went back to the couch to put on some mindless TV shows to distract you from the chaos that happened before.
Halfway into your tv show you heard someone coming down the hallway, but you didn't bother looking towards them to greet them.
"Hey y/n!" You turned around to the different voice who spoke and saw that it was Nick who spoke to you who was now walking to sit by you. To be honest you forgot that Nick was even in the house when you went to speak to Clay.
"I heard some yelling in the other room and I wanted to know what was going on are you okay?" Nick asked while sitting next to you.
Damn, you felt bad that your quick fight had turned into yelling and Nick overheard.
"Yeah, Im fine. I cried into your throw pillows, but me a Clay had a huge fight about him overworking himself." You said tapping the throw pillow on your lap. "Long story short he's probably still mad and now I feel like shit, I might go home. Also I'm sorry you heard that!" You rushed.
"No, it's okay. I really wanted to know if you were okay. I heard you crying too, but I didn't want to intrude." Nick said while putting a hand on your shoulder. "Do you want me to drive you back?"
"You dont have to Nick! But its appreciated."
"Do you want me to tell Drea- Clay?" He asked awaiting your answer.
You paused before answering Nick. "I'll- I'll go tell him." You said confidently.
"Positive." You stood up and walked towards Clay's room for the third time today.
"I'll be ready when you're done!" Nick yelled down the hallway.
You were at the same place you were a few minutes ago. This time you didn't hesitate to open the door and face Clay again. Your heartbeat quickened, because of the fact that you didnt know what would come out od Clay's mouth this time. It was nerve-wracking, but you had to face him wether it was today, tomorrow, or the next day.
You didn't bother knocking and just entered the room. He was still in the same chair facing away from you but this time he wasn't looking at his computer, his head was resting in his hands while his his video edits weren't on the screen anymore.
"Clay." You started and he turned around facing you.
"Y/n! Im so sorry." Clay spoke, you were about to speak but he interrupted you. "Please, I'm a dumbass, im sorry I yelled at you. I know you were just trying to help. Forgive me?"
Clay stood up walking towards you, you didn't walk away you just stared at him for a while before speaking.
"Clay I understand and I forgive you. It really pained me to hear that, that's the first time I heard that anger from you except for when you play in Minecraft." You chuckled and he smiled. "Just take care of yourself."
You walked towards him and brung him into a hug which he reciprocated. You two stayed like that for a while until you spoke again.
"I dont want this to happen again. We'll work around it like we always do."
"That sounds like a plan. I dont want it to happen either, I didn't like that." Clay chuckled.
"Im sorry I made you cry." Clay spoke again.
"You heard me cry?!"
"Yeah from the living room."
"Damn I didn't know I cried that loud." You laughed into his chest.
You and Clay finally let go of eachother and he went to go officially turn off his computer for the night and came back to you. He grabbed your hand and you both walked out of his room closing the door and walking to the living room.
"Im taking you're not going home?" Nick said from the couch as you both joined him sitting on it.
"Not now atleast. We made it work." You said as you leaned against Clay's shoulder.
"Good!" Nick said while switching the TV to something else.
Clay wapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed you on the cheek. You finally got him back.
"Those pizza rolls were cold."
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Taglist: @annshit
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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izalee · 3 years
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Never Stopped - Dream
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- yet another result of spike of motivation, as well as the intense need to cry.
- not edited, there’s very likely miss spelled words oopsies.
- 1,163 words.
- dreamwastaken x female!reader ,, she/her pronouns used ,, ANGST TO FLUFF.
- likes are loved and reblogs are appreciated <3
Hope you enjoy!!
Things hadn’t been the best recently. They were big personalities, passionate in their own feelings and stubborn to admit when they were wrong in a situation. They’d talked about this before, they both knew it was something they had to work on but it’s hard to change old habits.
y/n’s arms were crossed on her chest. “How hard can it be to just grow up and admit that I’m right, Clay!”
The man’s expression turned sour, “Oh, come on. You act as if you’re so grown up yourself y/n. You’re not, by the way. You argue with me over the stupidest shit, just shut the fuck up!” He shouted at the smaller girl after turning around in his spiny chair to face her.
The petty arguments had the tendency to become screaming matches extremely quickly. After arguments they’d half heartedly apologize, not wanting to lose each other but also not really wanting to admit to being wrong for the sake of their own egos.
They’d lay down next to each other at the end of the day, not having the strength to go on any longer. They’d whisper sweet nothings into the other’s ears, desperate to forget about everything said in the days-worth of arguing.
“I’ll always love you, no matter what forsaken words come out of my mouth when i’m angry. I love you so goddamn much y/n.” The words dripped off of clay’s pretty pink lips like sweet honey.
He did, he meant it when he said those three words. He always meant it, no matter what. Clay truly did love y/n, and y/n the same. But when you are told differently by actions and reactions every single day for a period of time, youre confidence in the other person’s words slowly diminishes.
The words slipped in through one ear and out the other as tears welled up in her eyes, “i love you too, clay.” She spoke in a whisper. she wanted to believe him, she really really did. But how could she after everything she’s heard these passed few months.
All she could do was hope that her love was enough for the two of them.
It wasnt.
Or rather, as time went on, it didnt feel like it was.
Present time y/n stood in a pair of black heels, adorning a pretty red dress that reached to right above her knees. Her hair perfectly pinned back, and her makeup as perfect as she could manage to get it alone.
The only thing missing is the happy smile that once plastered itself on her face, which was replaced with a frown and slumped shoulders. “We have plans for today, what do you mean?” Her voice was small as she spoke, watching her boyfriend run around his recording room looking for something.
“We can do something tomorrow, please.” He was begging. “We’ve had plans to record this stupid video for like two months, this is the only time we-“
y/n cut him off, a hard look on her face to mask the immense hurt that she felt. “Today is our anniversary, clay. Why would you make plans to record on our anniversary day?”
Clay shrugged it off, plopping himself down at his desk after finding the wire he had been searching for. “Its the only day we were all free.” He mumbled, connecting to wire into his computer. y/n gaped, her jaw hanging slightly.
“You arent free today, you dickhead. You have your 6th year anniversary with your girlfriend!” Clay shot a look towards y/n, she could tell he was getting annoyed which only made her angrier.
She took the jacket she was wearing off of her shoulders, throwing it on the office couch angrily. “And now you have the audacity to look at me like i disgust you? You know, you’re not the person i fell in love with. You are someone who i wake up next to everyday and do not recognize!” Her face becomes hot in her anger.
“You’re talking, i literally wake up every day anticipating an argument between us. And i go to sleep telling you i love you in hopes of that preventing the fights! If i’m not that same person then you aren’t either!” Clay shouts, pointing an accusatory finger at the woman in front of him.
All is silent and tears pour down her face, her makeup running with it as she keeps her gaze focused on her fingers. “So that’s what it is then, huh? I knew it had to be something, because you can’t just go from an entire day of yelling at someone and making them feel as if you cannot stand them, to then lying down next to them at night and confessing your love for them. That’s not how it works, that isn’t love.” She shrugs helplessly, her arms lifting for a second only to be dropped back against her thighs with a sharp clap.
“I do not hate you-“ clay gets cut off again, y/n finally looking him in the eyes. “you dont? Can you even say that for sure, clay? Do you even say you love me and mean it anymore? Because everyday its feeling more and more like we are in over our heads when it comes to this relationship.” She let out a shaky breath that she didnt know she was holding in.
A large, choking breath escapes clays mouth before he can stop it. He stares at his lover for a few moments before standing up and taking a few steps towards his love.
His large hands engulf the sides of y/n’s neck, he leans his forehead against hers. “I love you more than words can ever explain. You are my favorite thing about my life, you always have been. I’m so sorry i let it get this bad for us, im sorry that ive been making you feel like the love isn’t there anymore because i swear to you it is.”
Tears fall from both of their faces in the silence, all to be heard is heavy breaths and hiccups as the couple cry into each other’s shoulders.
“Ive been feeling so alone in a house with just us two. Ive been questioning wether there was anything to even fight for anymore, and i cry myself to sleep in your arms because i stopped believing you when you told me you loved me months ago.” y/n sobs, wrapping her arms around clay’s waist.
The man shakes his head, repeating out whispers of apology to his woman. “I’ve never told you that i loved you and not meant it, from when we made those stupid letters when we were fifteen to now..” he trails off for a moment.
“We’re gonna stay home today, and cuddle up in bed with patches, and we’re going to reread our love letters to each other. Because i need to prove to you that i’ve never stopped loving you, and i dont plan on stopping anytime soon.”
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fuck-customers · 3 years
A customer came in today to find out if he had insurance on his phone, which he did. So I did my usual routine on explaining how to make the claim and go about fixing the phone or replacing it. He tried to do it in the store, which normally isn’t a problem as long as he’s not holding up the line or anything and then he started smashing his fingers on the screen because it was too cracked to register what he pressed.
He asked me if there was any other way to make the claim and I told him the only way was online because the insurance was a third party company. He started making excuses on why he couldn’t like “i dont have a computer or anything else” or “my phone isnt working look” and then continued to forcefully press on the screen. So he asked to use one of our computers, which I politely said no and explained “We aren’t allowed to let customers use our computers, for security reasons.”
He got pissed and starting calling it bullshit and said “any other manager would let me use a tablet to do it, youre just lazy” and I repeated myself and even said that if someone were to do that then theyd be breaking company policy because thats literally a breach of security since all our tablets and computers are programmed with the system we use to access all customer accounts.
I’m really a “fuck corporate” kind of person and ill break a rule here and there but this guy was being a dick and we have cameras all over the store so I stood my ground and kept denying him.
He got so mad that he asked to speak to the manager and my manager wasnt in so then he asked for his phone number and I told him Im also not allowed to give out personal information like that. Then he asked for my name and since I didn’t do anything wrong I refused and he got pissed and spout all this bullshit about how Im legally obligated to give him my name because hes a paying a customer. Like for one, he didnt buy anything, hes not a paying customer at the store. And two, im definitely not legally obligated to give out my personal information to angry customers because they didnt get what they wanted.
Anyways, he started yelling at me about how im lazy, unprofessional and useless. At this point I was getting irritated so I responded with “Im sorry thats your opinion” I guess that was kinda sassy but i mean?? He was being a piece of shit. Its literally also not in my job description or title to make insurance claims, repair phones, set up phones, or apply screen protectors. So i definitely wasnt refusing him service. I did what he asked, which was to access his account and see if he had insurance on his phone.
He yelled all the way to the door and before fully walking out he turned around and said “and you’re ugly too” I dont care about a random dudes opinion about my looks but I was literally wearing a mask, theres literally no way he could know what i looked like?? I saw his ID too so I KNOW hes got no right talking shit like that.
After clocking out, my coworker called me to say that the customer called the store to tell him that he placed a complaint with corporate and that theyd set a meeting to go more into depth about the incident, which isnt really an incident because the only thing that happened was he threw a tantrum. Whats funny is i dont work for the corporate that he called. I work for a third party company that The Phone Company hired to open Authorized Retail stores. So theres really nothing TT&A can do
I don’t know what exactly corporate needs to write me up or fire me but im 100% sure what he told them was a lie because I acted completely professional and calm. I dont even know if theyd have my back, can I sue them for wrongful termination if they do end up firing me over this guys lies?
Its such bullshit to me that he went as far as to try to get me fired, literally in a pandemic all because of an insurance claim.
Which also!! If his phone worked well enough to call and complain, couldnt he have just, idk, made the fucking claim?!?!
I swear some people have nothing better to do than to yell at 20 something year old min. wage workers.
Get a life, man
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