lunian · 1 year
what the pathetic scary creatures are these
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am I late, girls?
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nikolais-eyepatch · 8 months
Hi I heard your requests are open and I certainly think your writing is quite fascinating^^ If you don't mind, can you write yan! ranpo hcs?? (can be sfw or nsfw)
hes so scary as a yandere-
Warnings: yandere, stalking, slight nsfw...not much!
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okay starting off I think ranpo's actually the scariest to me...in blackmail atleast
he is the worlds greatest detective in world! but he's a yandere imagine how he would suddenly turn the tables-
imagine you work at the ada, whether your gifted or not
and ranpo cheerfully aproaches you with some sweets in hand as he starts bragging about his newst case- so easy to solve for him!
he ends up eating all of your praise and then he offers to feed you- he's really persistant too...
you hesitantly eat the chocolate from his hand as he uses his slightly covered thumb and puts it inside your mouth for you to lick
its as if he dosent realize that co workers dont do this or even friends...but he does know- how couldnt he?hes the greatest detective in the world! you just decide to ignore it since...hey hes sweet!
what you dont know is he excuses himself to the bathroom as he start licking the place where you licked...? ew creep. and the fact he's into this? ugh. (its giving siyun baek..)
but it comes to the point where...you feel so uncomfortable...
coming home and everythings fine! no sign of anybody there! except for the slightly crumpled blanket...but you must have done that! silly you!
hey what happend? why are all your friends suddenly hanging with out you...hey why isnt ranpo leaving you..?
hey...your favorite pair of panties...? oh nevermind you found them! hey..didn't you already check there though? huh...
how come everyone freezes when he's in the room...oh it must be since he's famous! and smart! thats overwhelming!
why are you suddenly smelling a strange comforting scent of vanilla? oh must be that one time ranpo visited your house with no warning to play a new game that he somehow figured out the plot fast...but hey he beat the level! so it must be from that right?
jesus why are you feeling watched...its scary...yet comforting..? no! that's creepy!
whys ranpo comforting you when suddenly you feel all helpless? he just...knows...please he knows since hes the greatest detective right? maybe not-
You wont cuddle with him because you want space? oh! he didn't realize you wanted him to reveal all the things youve never told anybody...he said your body language told everything to him...?
now you and ranpo sort of start doing lovey dovey stuff! its as if hes all delusional- your not even dating! but hey...just for a little while right? no more...right?
kisses for every case he solved, every sweet he ate, every small task you or him completed, every kiss for...everything! he's cute as he just starts blushing afterwords!
and it gets creepier- he starts getting all pouty and whiney! typical him but the threats he just said are scaring you
suddenly one day he tells you 'i cant wait till were married, huh!'...you guys just established a relationship without even knowing? its all fine though ^^
but hey if you're a good girl for him he'll let you off the hook sometimes! you get to hang out with your friends again...a bit shorter time but its fine since its ranpo! and if you equally show him affection and praise and love- he's the best!!
if you dont....hey it dosent take super deduction skills for your cute head to process it heh ♡!
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simplyvyn · 2 months
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Nagi, lying for love? Thats not like him. But it is him. And he will love you today, tomorrow and forever. Even if it is just a fragment of his memory.
Seishiro Nagi x reader | wc 3.7k
Warnings: fluff to angst, ooc Nagi, implied fem! Reader, sick! Reader, some parts of this oneshot may not be similar to the original series i was gonna make, reader has like parent issues but it can be ignored
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You were minding your own business at your class, there were only a few of your classmates in the classroom. Guess you were early. The door opened, a white haired boy entered, he was with a purple haired boy. You didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, they were only two steps from your seat.
"Reo, give back my nintendo switch."
"Not until you ask someone out. I can't believe you haven't even tried having a date. Let alone a crush at all."
"But 's such a hassle.."
"Just pick anyone! At all!"
And so he did.
Looking around for a few seconds, you felt his eyes land on you, even if you weren't looking. He wasn't gonna ask you, right?
Until the door opened, your teacher came in and the lesson started. The whole class, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You think it was from that white haired boy- what's his name anyways? Nagi was it?- Nagi Seishiro? Yea, that. Anyway, whenever you check him, his head seems to be plopped down on his forearms, on top of his table like he's sleeping.
Class ended and you stood up. Every student in your class left as you fixed up your items in your table, everyone seems to be in a rush.
"Hey. You." You startled when someone spoke, you look up at the voice and noticed Nagi. When you look up he asks you the golden question. Or request.
"Go out w' me."
You? You already ended things with your last boyfriend, thinking that he was your last. You only have at least a few months. You made sure nothing special will be left attached to you once you're gone.
"U-uh, yea, sure. Where exactly?" You asked as you held your bag in your arms. "Just the mall, lets go to the arcade?" That does seem kind of cute. So why not? After all this all will be fake anyways. You heard everything.
After that conversation, you asked for his number and waited for school to end. Eventually school ended and you went home.
You entered your cosy abode, taking off your shoes and putting it aside on the shelves. "I'm home." You spoke.
You were all alone.
You just took of your shoes with a sigh, putting them aside and going upstairs to your bedroom. Going back, the least thing you expected as of today was a date. You adming Seishiro Nagi had looks. But would having a date with him really matter?
Speaking of the date, you never asked when it is, did you? You decided to chat him.
Y/N: Hi Nagi! I didn't actually got to ask you, when is the date exactly? TT
You thought he'd probably reply late since he might be doing some soccer stuff so you scrolled down to your social media. To your suprise, a notification popped up from Nagi
Y/N: Hi Nagi! I didn't actually got to ask you, when is the date exactly? TT
Nagi: Tmr, after school. Is that good?
Y/N: Yea, sure! ^^
Nagi reacted heart on your message.
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Time seemed faster than it usually did. Class ended, and you two eventually were off on your date. You two went to the arcade immediately and played alot of games. He even played a claw machine and got a stuffed toy for you!
Eventually you two had your last tokens and spent it on a shooting game.
"You're very noob at this." Nagi commented.
"I don't do stuff like this much!"
His hands went out of his pockets and got behind you and held the shooter as you held the shooter.
He was so close to you, you can even smell him not in a creepy way, you know. The next thing you know he finished the game for you and you both even got alot of tickets. You both decided to give the tickets to a kid instead. After all, Nagi already got you a stuffed toy.
You both decided to just eat on Mcdonalds for simpler vibes you know.
"Hey Nagi."
"What" he spoke while munching his food.
"Why did you take me out? Not to be a creep but i heard you and Reo's conversation about it."
He pauses for a moment to swallow his food and to think. "Cause you're pretty."
You didn't expect that answer. You heard that little compliment most of the time, but from him why does it feel like your stomach your stomach just did backflips thirty times at sonic speed?
"I see. I'm guessing by tomorrow he will give you back your nintendo?" You said.
After the two of you ate, he insisted on paying for the food and you left some tip. You both went outside and you excused yourself to go to the restroom so you can drink your meds.
Gladly you did bring your meds and you have a water bottle so you drank your meds. You went out of the restroom as you see Nagi waiting on a bench.
"Lets go." You said and he stood up.
While you two were walking, he stopped.
"Are you taking the bus?" He asked
"Oh yeah."
Do.. you have money?"
"Of course i do."
"Oh okay." You didnt notice the slight disappointment in his eyes as he scratches the back of his neck.
"By the way, can you take a picture of me?" You ask and he nodded, he brought out his phone and you held the stuffed toy he gave you in your hands.
"Send it to me, okay? Oh! Thats also for proof if Reo asks you for some." You said as you both look on to the picture.
"Well, I will leave now. I don't wanna miss the bus." You turned around and took your step before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Be safe. Chat me when you get gome, alright?" He said. Your eyes widen at his words before smiling at him.
"I will and you too." You said as you wave goodbye at him and so did he.
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Its been about what? A month since your date? If it is then why do you still keep each other updated? Right, Nagi told you that Reo said you guys need to last longer to make it look real. But its not really.. I mean. It's fake, right? Right now you're chatting him all night. At rare times, you vc with him and play minecraft or roblox. Even Reo is believing this whole relationship. But hey! Today, spending time with Nagi is quite fun.
— "Hey N/N.. lets play roblox.. i don't have anyone to play a horror game with.." LIE. But for Nagi, you accept. "Sure! But you go first. I get scared easily." You took with a note. "Pshh, basic."
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Time flies quite fast, its shocking really. Nagi has a soccer match tomorrow, he insisted you go. Who were you to decline? People will be shock if you, the Mr. Genius lover, to not go to his match? So you did. You cheered your heart out for him. He even kind of seem motivated, it scared Reo a bit. But hey, they won! Nagi was a bit more happy than he usually did. His best friend noticed it but he, himself, didn't.
— "Hey, N/n. Don't forget i have a match tomorrow, y' better wear my jersey, okay?" Nagi reminded to you while tying his shoes for practice. "Yea yea. i always do anyways. Stay safe when you go home, okay? I need to go home now." "Alright, Buh bye." He said and you kissed him on the cheek. + motivation for practice you know.
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Out of curiosity Reo asked, Nagi seemed so out of character rather than he usually was. Why? Then it made Nagi think, now that he mentioned it, he seems like he is. He also dont know why. He didn't even know when it started. Reo said it started when he stopped playing games alone at night. Then it hit him. He stopped playing games alone when you came. When you came, he stopped playing alone and thats when he started being not like himself. He felt better than before. Not like what he was before was bad but this feeling was better. He wanted this feeling forever.
Reo asked what he saw in you. He saw everything. Everything he wished he'd seen sooner. Other than striving for seeinv people lose, he had only realize feeling this kind of comfort and joy is quite calming. Chill. He likes it
— "Why're you asking me this, Reo..?" Nagi look at Reo with a sigh as he leans more to the couch inside Reo's penthouse. "What? Can't his best friend find more about your relationship?" Reo asked as he played video games on the TV, Nagi paused. It came to realization to him again. What did he see in you? If it was your pretty face, it would be lust. Nagi Seishiro is not about lust. He eventually got more close to you.
"Maybe 's because shes really comforting." Reo also paused to look at Nagi. "Or maybe because her voice soothes my ears. Like shes singing a lullaby." Then Nagi looks down. "Or maybe i genuinely like her because her presence is very chill."
"Or maybe you can focus on the game now? You just killed us!" Reo answered.
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112 DAYS
It was raining at your school. How could it rain when its about to be summer? Gosh, you didn't even have an umbrella. You didnt have any options left honestly. It was like your unlucky day on this time. Woah will you look at that! Nagi's there! He took you home and let you sleep in his apartment. Today, you met his pet Choki. You were still abit taken aback of him having a pet cacti. Is he that unsociable? But hey, Nagi said his pet liked you, you we're happy about it. You two even watched Netflix and just chill for a while. And even ate ramen. You had to feed him because he was lazy.
Eventually the day after that, you two prepared for school together. You had cooked pancakes for the two of you while he showers. While he eats, you shower. He even helped you put on your shoes while you dry your damp hair. And then you two went to go to school together.
— Why did he even help you? You didn't ask for it anyways, he offered to help. You only accepted it because you do need it. And he wasn't particularly busy. And now he's beside you, walking you to school. You didn't even notice the your hand was brushing against his. Now he wants to hold yours. Your hands feels cold brushing against his warm hands. "Hey N/N?" "Hmm?" "Can i hold your hand?" He asks "My hands are cold though.." you answered. Gently he held your hand. "Then i will make them warm."
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140 DAYS.
What's wrong with you. You didn't go to school for at least three days. You weren't chatting him as well. Was he worried? Don't worry, you came to school tomorrow by that time anyways, he had ask you what happened, you said you just have been busy with stuff and needed alot of rest. He understood and said if you needed help, you can call him. You wish you can.. but theres no point in looking for help. No one can help. Nothing can help.
You hate it. You hate it so much how you just need to accept you only have one choice and it is to ACCEPT you don't have any choices. No one can help. Your sick. Life is this, life has 50/50 chances of ruining or fixing your life and how you much you hate it because it broke alot of your relationships and friendships.
— Nagi had been calling you. 17 calls at least in a day. 11 chats per hour. Within three days, you responded to his chats. "I'm completely fine, Sei :> no need to worry just got tired and stuff, will come back to school tom !" He already read it within 2 seconds and he sighed in relief. "Whats wrong?" Reo asked beside him. "N/n is safe." "Of course, you're worried about her." Reo said.
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168 DAYS.
"Hey. Y/N." He called. You turned your head to him as you both walked to class. "Wanna go to the night market later? There's some good food there." He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Oh yea sure!" You answer while smiling at him.
"Hey Shiro." You were resting your head on his shoulder as you watched him play his game and eat. "You haven't loved someone genuinely, right?" Nagi paused. He already did. You did that to him. He just nodded. "If you ever did, will you love them today of tomorrow or even forever? Even if they will leave you soon?" You ask. Silly, he would already do that for you. And you only. "Pretty sure i will." Oh, he will. And he would gladly do that for you. "Then the chosen person for you must be lucky." You are lucky.
Sometimes, you wonder why did fate brought you a Nagi Seishiro. What is he, your soulmate? You were just too late. You didn't have time. You came home with crying eyes, walking to your neighborhood. Why were you even crying? Because you feel guilt for Nagi? Or because your scared you don't wanna leave Nagi?
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196 DAYS
Later that day, you asked Nagi to talk with you, thinking to stop the relationship now. But is it really the right thing? Why bother even wondering? Its not like even if its the wrong thing, its better this way. Fate just needs it to be this way so you chat your 'lover'.
— Y/N: "Nagi? Are you still awake? Ik its 10 at night but can we meet up at the night market? Our usual spot there?🥹" Read.
Nagi Seishiro sent a 'thumbs up' emoji.
You were waiting for Nagi at the bench. The night seemed colder than you thought. Or are you cold? You were even shivering, you were holding yourself. Maybe you werent cold. Or was the night cold. You were nervous. Of what?
A jacket was wrapped around you from behind. You turned around and see Seishiro there, he went to you and was about to sit down but you stopped him. You'll make this quick. "Whats wrong?" Nagi asked. This is wrong.
"Look i can't keep up this time Nagi." Nagi tilted his head. Its not Sei? Nor Shiro? "I know this whole thing is fake but we need to stop this relationship." Nagi's eyes widened with fear. "What? Why?.."
"I-.. I just can't do it anymore. Okay? If you need a new fake girlfriend, feel free to do so. Thank you, Seishiro Nagi for an unforgetable experience, i won't forget you." You bow at him. Well neither will he! So don't go bowing at him, no ones leaving!
"N/n.." he called, making you look up at him.
"I am not leaving you." What? No, he can't. You will die soon! Its a pity, he doesn't even know your sickness..!
"Why? Its just fake anyways! Was everything not..?" You ask. It was a mistake and you knew it when he went silent and looked down. "Nagi. Answer my question."
"I love you, Y/N." Nagi finally looked up at you with those eyes. What eyes exactly? Maybe its eyes of adoring someone. Or eyes of searching for an answer. Or eyes of loving you. "I love you so much, Y/N. I don't like this feeling of letting go.. Letting you go."
But you can't deny it either, can you? You also love Nagi. But the only thing that's stopping you is that will he accept that your dying? When your parents heard that you were dying of a young age, they stopped caring for you. Instead, they focused on getting more money. They just kept you buying stuff. Exchanging for their presence.
You don't want that again. You don't want to feel that pain again.
You sigh, then sitting back down again, and pat the seat next you, signalling Nagi to sit down as well. "Can i tell you a secret, Nagi?" He only nodded.
"I'm breaking up with you because.. I'm gonna die soon."
Nagi's eyes widen.
You chuckle slightly "I know I'm sounding insane right now like i can read the future but the doctor said so. Saying i have some lung disease that doesn't even have a cure yet. Today is my 196th day, you met me when i had 224 days."
"Y'know, when i met you, i actually saw in the internet, 224 means Today, Tomorrow and Forever. Meaning, like, One will love you today, tomorrow and forever!.."
You look at Nagi, who was already looking at you the whole time, You slightly smiled. "Crazy right?.."
Please say something, please tell me fate really brought us together, please say that we're meant to love eachother forever.
"Crazy. Very crazy." Nagi answered.
"Y'know what's crazier?" You were surprised Nagi was able to answer you, keeping the conversation in flow. You slightly tilt your head in confusion.
He put his large hand on top of yours. "It's that I'm willing to actually love you today, tomorrow and forever." He smiled looking at your shocked expression. But, you're gonna die soon! Is he even sure of this?..
"I know you will die even if i love you right now but if you've notice.."
"I'm glad i'm mostly the last person your spending time with." You were also glad.
"You're not gonna leave me?" You ask without even thinking.
"I love you so much, Seishiro Nagi but I'm gonna die, and you! I should be nothing to you by now, I'm dying! Are you hearing yourself?" You stood up in shock.
"No, Are you hearing me?" That took you back.
"I'll say what i said better.. I said, I am more than willing to love you today, tomorrow and forever, even if you're gonna die and I'll have to experience it. How are you saying you should be nothing to me by now, when you were everything to me? Even now, I'll make sure you were everything to me, today, tomorrow and forever."
Nagi stood up to face you closer. "Y/N, I am so fuckin' glad that i met you when you still had 224 days. If you're asking me, fate brought this to us, brought us together as if we're soulmates. As if you and i we're meant to love eachother. If loving you means i will get to see you dying soon, then i will keep loving you and have you in a special place inside this heart of mine when you're up there."
"Accept my love for you already and i'll make your remaining days feel like it's special, today, tomorrow, and forever."
Dear, he did.
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219 DAYS...
Recently, you just lived in with Nagi, as promised, you two spent everything together and did everything together. Even Nagi asked Reo for help which shocked him, and you even became friends with Reo. What a nice guy. Reo was the one setting you two up on dates and places where to go. Of course, Reo don't know that you will die soon. Its just a little secret between you and Nagi. Other than having dates, you guys also have private moments where you two just in his room, cuddling or kissing. Who knows? But you appreciated every moment you have done with him. Even if its just playing video games.
— "You're still aware that i love you, right?" Nagi asked out of the blue. "Forever. How bout you? You aware that i love you?" "Always." And you chuckle, putting a peck in Nagi's lips which he chases for when you let go. Continuing in a kissing session.
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223 DAYS
Tomorrow is your last day. By the time of 7 PM, you will surely die. Right now your in a hospital bed. Sitting up, and Nagi was laying his arms on your bed while resting his head in his arms. He seemed like he was waiting for you to wake up.
Gently, you pat his head making him awake and look up to you. "Thank god, your still awake.."
You giggled. "For now. Only have a few hours left till i go up."
"I love you, Y/N." you look at Nagi and he looks at you.
He hold your hand, and puts a ring in your hand.
"Just a ring. A promise ring." Nagi said.
"A promise ring?"
"A promise ring that i will love you today, tomorrow and forever."
Clearly, this is making you tear up. You didn't hesitate and let tears flood your eyes, pouring down your face like waterfalls. Nagi stood up and wiped the tears away your face. You were trying to say something and he just shushes you till you calm down, waiting for the opportunity to let you speak.
Soon, the tears stop falling from your face, you, having a red nose, reddish eyes and Nagi having his hands on your face as you hold one of his hands.
"I'm scared of leaving you.. I don't want to leave you just yet, Shiro.." tears were still slowly falling from your cheeks and Nagi kissed your forehead and the finger with his promise ring on it.
"Yours and my love will always be connected through this ring. So you better keep it in your hands till you go up there, okay?"
You nodded.
Silence was given to you two and you decided to break it.
"I'll always be watching your matches. Cheering for you, y'know."
"And i will know that you will through these rings. Our rings."
"Today, Tomorrow and Forever?" You ask.
"Today, Tomorrow and Forever." Nagi answers.
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Ya ill end it there.. I FINALLY FINISHED 224 DAYS W U aka love at first and last sight.. decided to change it a bit, same plot though BEEN MAKING THIS FOR WEEKS BRO IM FRL. Sorry for those who read the series and have been waiting for this.. its very long and i tried to make it not fast paced w/o so much words ok..
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 months
cw: afab reader + she/her pronouns, creepy stuff, yandere ig??, very very very brief and extremely mild use of phone as a vibrator, if you've seen gravity falls this is inspired by the soos and the real girl ep 💀
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You pause and exit out of the app right as you open up the video call link, ignoring the twinge of guilt you feel at leaving during such a steamy scene. It's not real, you remind yourself, like you have a million times in the past month. A part of you wants to find the coziest corner of this library and play until you've leveled up all the memories you can and gone on all nine claw machine dates you're allowed to, but it's time to unplug.
Besides, you have an actual date.
"Hey!" your boyfriend greets as soon as the video loads up, grinning when he sees your face. "Are you in the library?"
"Yeah. Booked a room all for you," you tease, setting your phone down to focus on your laptop.
"Wow, I'm flattered. So what's been up lately?"
You sigh. "Nothing much. Same old boring stuff. What about you?"
He starts talking about his new job, the entire reason that you and he have been long-distance for the past few months. You're not going to lie to yourself—it's rough. It feels like torture, not being able to see him and hold him and kiss him. You've really, really missed him. That's probably why you've turned to dating sims of all things in the first place.
Your phone buzzes while he's talking, and your eyes flick over to the screen.
new text from alien boy <3
Your brows furrow in confusion. This app doesn't notify you about new texts, because they only come through while you're on the app itself. And you never just get texts, unless you've leveled up on affinity, which you haven't in the past half hour.
Whatever. Probably some new feature or event you don't know about yet. You turn your attention back to your boyfriend.
"—And my break will be in two weeks," he finishes his story, then smiles. "Which means in two weeks I'll be seeing you, pretty girl."
Eyes lighting up, you lean in so you can blow him a light kiss. "I can't wait. I already have the whole weekend planned out. We'll go to the park, the museum—I thought we could go canoeing if you wanted to—"
Once again, your phone buzzes.
alien boy <3: didn't we have plans that weekend?
Your stomach flips unpleasantly.
"What is it?" your boyfriend asks, noticing your struck expression.
"N-nothing, just—this app I downloaded, it gave me a super weird notification. For a second, I thought it was, like, listening to me."
He chuckles. "Creepy. What app is it?"
"Nothing," you say quickly, not sure if you should even tell your boyfriend that you've found solace in fictional characters during his absence. "Just some stupid game."
This time when your phone buzzes, you jump a little in your seat.
It's not a text. Someone's calling you. Your shoulders almost sag until you notice there's no name on the caller id, just a small spaceship emoji.
"What the hell," you mutter under your breath, putting one finger up to the camera. Your boyfriend nods in understanding, leaning back and muting himself while you swipe and answer the call. "Hello?"
No answer.
Still nothing. You almost hang up, until the barest of sounds makes your ears perk up. If you strain them and press the phone so close it's smushing your cheek, you can hear something. It sounds like someone whispering, but you can't make out anything.
"Hello? Um, your audio is super low, I can barely hear you. Hello? Can you hear me?"
With no change, you hang up, frustrated. It might be a prank call. You're in the library on a Friday night and there's barely anyone here, one of your friends might've thought it was hilarious to mess with you.
"Spam call." You shrug uneasily, slipping the phone down between your thighs this time instead of on the table. He nods in understanding, then starts saying something.
"You're still on mute, sweetheart, I can't hear you."
He makes an oh face, then leans forward a bit to use the mouse. After a few seconds, though, his eyes narrow in focus and he shakes his head. He looks up, mouthing can you hear me now?
"Nope. Can you still hear me?"
An affirmative nod. Weird. It's still showing that he's muted on your end. "What, is it not clicking?"
You see him look back up to the screen, whether to nod or shake his head, you don't find out, because the screen glitches out for a moment, and all you see is a door.
You shriek, clamping a hand over your mouth.
His face is back in front of you again, and you still can't hear him, but he clearly sees how freaked out you are, because he tilts his head up concernedly, as though to ask you what's wrong.
You didn't scream because of the glitch.
You screamed because you've visited your boyfriend at his new place before, and that door was his door.
"Can you hear me? Is your door locked?" He only looks more confused, shaking his head like you're the one who's muted now.
Your phone lights up before you can grab it and call him, and you gasp when it buzzes against your core and doesn't stop buzzing. It doesn't vibrate this much when you get a call, and there is no call on the home screen, nor text, nor any kind of notification. It feels like it presses itself into your skin more, and you grip the table with one hand at the brief jolt of pleasure before snatching it and unlocking the screen.
Before you can click the phone app, Love&Deepspace opens. You groan in frustration, trying to swipe up to no avail. Did you accidentally click on it? It wasn't even in the list of apps on your main page.
Movement from your laptop catches your eye. Your boyfriend's looking forward, but not at the camera. He's looking at—at something, and he backs up in his chair, looking terrified all of a sudden.
"What is it?" you say as loud as you can, but even if he does hear you, he doesn't respond, and instead, his mouth falls open in a silent scream.
The screen goes black, and then so does the entire library.
"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." You look back down at your phone, ready to crack it if it doesn't swipe up and get out of this stupid app—
There's no one there.
Your heart stutters in its chest.
There's always someone in the Destiny Cafe.
There's no one there.
And on the little white armchair in the background, there's a dark streak of red dripping down and staining the cloth.
"What the fuck," you whisper, eyes wide. Your laptop screen flickers.
The facetime has been replaced by grey-blonde hair, that gently brushes against baby blue eyes with a soft, unassuming smile.
"You shouldn't pause me," he coos, "now, where were we?"
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a/n: i hope no one tells me that people don't put their phones between their thighs while sitting bc i very much do. also. i'm talking to a guy on FT in the library tomorrow. hope i don't have gift of foresight. or maybe i hope i do muwahahaha. this is actually mad goofy and not scary at all
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ganondoodle · 1 month
was at my sisters house to watch the cats a bit and played some botw again after a long time, spent an hour running around phirone (faron) and checking out all the cool sonau (zonai) stuff and i felt a wave of sadness wash over me, those ruins there feel so ... heavy with story, with sadness of tragedy, with the thrill of the unkown, yet its revealed to be nothing in totk, i honestly dont feel like the sonau of botw and of totk are at all releated tbh, theres like, NO design overlap besides sometimes some dragon-like figures that feel more like they put them into totk just to have some connection at all-
the botw sonau ruins are all full of curves hewn into dark stone with red accents, theres swirls and snakes everywhere, appropriately withered by time and weather- it was already a stupid idea to replace the shiekah tech with literally another ancient highly advanced civilaztion, but then to not even make them look or feel at all connected to the little things that were there?? totk sonau is white stone and gold and green, its all extremely angular and clean cut, together with weird hologram shit that reads, somehow, as both unfittingly techy to everything else while also neither mechnical nor magical
its fucking bonkers, i know they put some totk sonau bullshit into some of the ruins in totk, like the main ones in phirone but like, especially in that case with the direct comparison its so jarring and artificial, and i hate the excuse of "hylians built those different looking buildings as a monument to the sonau", like we needed more shitty excuses for bad writing decisions- the ancient AND current hylian stuff aligns more with totk sonau stuff, why would they adopt a completely different style to built shit around actual sonau stuff that somehow also looks like it was abandoned like, 50 years, 100 years ago, not over TEN THOUSAND years ago, both the botw sonau ruins and the shiekah tech look more ancient than anything totk sonau
and what for??? i imagine more botw sonau style ruins and like, thats entirely possible, why make it sth utterly different and give it a shitty excuse?? its so unnecessary?? like okay make the wheels out of withered stone hanging together like clumps by invisible magic like how the iwaroks (the .. stone enemy) works- i still would like it sicne i dont like the whole building thing in botws world, but at least it would feel like truly magic bs and fit into the design of botw sonau (even though im still not over NOTHING ever hinting that they were one step away from spaceships hologram aliens, the refusal to work with the stuff they themselves have put into their games drives me up a wall, YOU PUT IT THERE! DO SOMETHIGN WITH IT!)
just to put some modern tech into it? was it worth it?? (no)- and there i could even go on about how much i hate the 'tech' design too, its too little mechanical to be called 'tech' but too modern tech like to call it 'magic', (a balance which the shiekah tech did tremendously well imo) i keep being impressed with how conflicting and incoherent design and story can be in this one single overpriced game
(the reason them making it so modern techy looking was so players would immediately know what it was apparently and i just ... doesnt that make it more boring? like instead of the shiekah stone(slate) they just put a flip phone with numbered buttons and all and give it a vaguely stone texture? instead of like, a guardian with its spider legs and strange creepy design, just put a fucking tank there??? (and like, in a way i feel like the fact that they still tried to not make it look too modern by putting that green texture on it and like, a face here and there, makes it WORSE, a bad cover up is worse to me than none at all, like a shitty explanation can make sth worse than no explanation at all *ahem* literally every interview they did >:C )
also i dont know how you could even design a fan so it doesnt look like a fan? you dont need to put in literal car wheels with suspension and all in there to make it clear its a wheel bc how would you even design a wheel so it doesnt read like a wheel???
since when did they get so anxious about players not understanding something?? the whole series was built on puzzles of varying difficulty, whats with the sudden loss in trust in the player?? botw was already pretty easy but in totk the whole game treats you like you cant think or remember sth for more than 30 seconds to the point it gets actively agonizing to play through- the same two sentences of unimportant info repeated and shown to your face over and over, both in story and gameplay- and even with their immediately readable design choices for the sonau 'tech' they made half teh shrines either sloggingly slow tutorials or one puzzle shrines that are dedicated to teach you how the obvious thing works when you really learn it all on the literal tutorial island AND its obvious from the start BECAUSE THEY WANTED IT TO BE OBVIOUS!! its fun to figure things out and try stuff, its no fun to have a step by step guide glued to your forehead at all times especially when its so obvious, yes thanks for teaching me that a literal fire hydrant spits out water!! wow! never thought about that! thanks for telling me it 5 times too!! (even if it annoys me that they can just do that when not connected to the ground .. would have been more fun to make puzzle with if they were,,), its part of why i felt like the game was so condescending or outright laughing at me-
why even try to teach me how a fan works over and over when like, there arent even any creative things you can do with it in a reasonable amount of time and its never needed or incentivised either bc the game just hands you the literal solution or at the very least give you the four parts or what that you need to make what you need, like pulling apart two bricks of baby lego in fornt of a toddler to see if they can put them back together once you hand it to them
and dont come at me with the "its for kids" argument, the old games were too and theres alot of stages of 'kid', they arent stupid either and nintendo should know that they have alot of adult fans too, it doesnt need to be dark souls and its allowed to have easy stuff in there but the fact that it never gets any more challenging is the problem, yes part of the fun in games can be making your own rules and messing around but it really shouldnt be controversial to want a 70 bucks game to offer a fun experience without you having to make it fun all on your own (i for one dont enjoy spending 30 minutes glueing togehter a tank with ear shattering lasers just to inefficiently beat up 3 bokblins i could just swing my sword at for a few seconds instead and are not worth the materials spend anyway)
in the end it would have been less immersion breaking and more fun if they straight up put a honda civic into the game you can summon anywhere at no cost (hmmmm where did they just do it before hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and transforms like a batmobile to fly around in rather than the weird sonau nuts and bolts hassle you have to put up with, costs stuff, can waste hours of your time and despawn as soon as you look away from it unless you want to make le funny tiktok videos i guess
its such a waste too bc the mechanic itself IS impressive, but its utterly missplaced in this game, it would have needed its own, truly own, game built around it, placing it in botws world is like dumping a bunch of knock off brand toys into a world that felt believable and meaningful turning it to feel like its really just a game for you to mess around in, never has a game felt more gamey to me and it SUCKS to have that magic pulled away like that, silly me for letting them make me care about it i guess
maybe its petty but as someone how really cares alot about design stuff, both visually and gameplay wise, it makes me furious to think about (as you can tell) .. also hyperfixation go brrrrrrr
(this is obviously my view on it, writing this to get it out, not to argue, i believe i have heard all the arguments already anyway and by this point all that is left is just insulting me directly lol)
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seijorhi · 27 days
Just wanted to let you know that that oikawa soulmate drabble you just posted is such a banger. I can just imagine the look on oikawa’s face as he’s reading the caption on his soulmate’s socials . . . Does he decide then and say, f waiting gotta go find her and remind her of their agreement? Does he blast her name out after winning his next game, saying it’s because of her that he’s been able to accomplish so much and then conveniently shares a reel of that victory speech to one of your friends who likes volleyball and happens to be friends with his fake profile?
There are so many ways this scenario could go and it’s always so interesting and thrilling the way you leave your drabbles open-ended✨✨
Thank you for sharing!
well first of all there's the epic tantrum he throws. tears, snot, a shattered phone. basically wrecks his bedroom, tears at his hair and screams into his pillows. a very measured, healthy response.
ONCE he calms down (which he will, eventually) that's when he gets plotting. oikawa's not a man who takes losing well, he's also not the type of guy to hit back with only one
up until that point, he'd managed to talk himself out of physical stalking. the online stuff was fine, because you'd made it public, you'd posted it and put it out into the world, but actually following you home, finding out your day-to-day routine – when he can afford to, those rare, precious days off – that would've been creepy. or... crossing a line, at least. a step too far. but now he knows there's some asshole trying to weasel into his girl's life, take his place–
six months, six months, six months, six months, six months, six months
–he doesn't feel all that torn up about it. and while he spends his time between volleyball and you, he's sure he can spare some cash to throw at a pi to look into your boyfriend too. surely the asshole's got a few secrets he can use against him. no one's perfect, and everyone's exploitable. he could probably pay one of the girls at that asshole's office to get him in a compromising position, take a few photos and send them your way. he could probably pay someone to drag him into an alley on his way home and beat the fuck out of him too, but that one's a little dicier. more of a 'plan b' situation, he thinks.
he's always been pretty tight lipped about his soulmate status. his teammates have undoubtedly caught a glimpse or two, but they know he doesn't talk about it, and it's too personal a thing to just casually drop into conversation. publicly, he's never said a word.
until now.
he'll make it sound like a cinderella moment. one of those missed connections stories people go nuts over. he'll say that he saw you through the crowds after one of his games, just a glimpse before you were swallowed up. never got your name, never even had a chance to speak to you, but your eyes met for a split second, a heartbeat, and he knew you were his soulmate. now he's desperately trying to find you again, enlisting his fans and followers' help to do so.
he'll sprinkle in enough vague-ish details for the people in your life to pick up on and recognise. maybe start nudging you towards him.
he'll admit, with a soft, self-deprecating chuckle that you were there with another guy – a date, probably. it's why he held off trying to find you at first, but he... he just can't anymore. he doesn't care if you're with someone else.
he's totally swept up in you, it's all he can think about. he's already completely in love with you, and he doesn't even know your name.
it sounds crazy, he knows that, but he can't help it. he just needs to see you again. to learn your name. for you to give him a chance.
you're soulmates, and this is just the beginning of your love story.
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katapotato55 · 2 years
How to write good horror.
1- DON'T EXPLAIN WHAT THE HORROR IS. DON'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING. no context = more scary. "oh but it is just a ghost- " YES. you know that, I know that, but things are way more scary if you don't explain it. let your audience scare themselves trying to figure it out! the first FNAF game didn't explain anything it was just "ok these machines are kind aggro". that is part of what made it popular! (And truthfully this reason is why i dislike the other games in the series) i can't name how many horror movies i immediately lost interest in because it was explained. "oh no! there is blood dripping from the walls! " its demons or ghosts or whatever. you explained it. it isn't scary now that you explained the joke. if you have to explain what it is, explain it at the END of the story or near the climax at best. (or better yet, don't explain at all) 2- restraint is key i know it is tempting to show organs and blood dripping from the walls and someone eating out a corpse or whatever but don't outright show that kind of stuff ALL THE TIME or else your audience becomes desensitized to it, and if horror fans are reading/watching your work, chances are they are going to think this is weaksauce. you need to be SUBTLE when building up suspense in your story. don't show the real scary bits until the end of the buildup/ 3- normalicy and familiarity is key i am going to use bugsnax as an example. bugsnax has no gore and can be considered child friendly, but what made bugsnax scare people is that it has the facaude of a cutesy little game. doki doki lit club has a simmular principle where its like a normal dating sim but you are caught off guard and things feel off. this is a valuable tool. 4- be original and understand why the more popular ones are popular in the first place everyone has done analogue horror. why ? because we are all so used to modern technology that older televisions and tech seem kinda creepy. Blue_channel by gooseworks is one of my favorites. It gets right to the point, and while it DOES explain what the product is, it doesn't go "oooh death and scary!!! oooooooh!" it lets the audience make up their own horrifying reason as to what is happening here. saying "oooooooh look murder your parents ooooh!" isn't scary, and putting a glitchy tv filter over it isn't going to make it more scary. and finally 5- describe the unfamiliar i know i just said familiarity is key but that is only 1/2 of the equation. Everywhere at the end of time depicts the sounds of memory degrading in an alzheimers patients. this is an experience that no one could relate to except for those who are experiencing it (and sadly, those people are either dead or mentally comatose) this is also why lovecraft horror is loved, because we can only imagine so much before the lack of understanding drives you insane. hope this helps, for the love of all that is good, please stop writing bad horror.

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andavs · 5 months
Crack theory that I personally think would be incredibly funny:
The reason Marisol NoName’s been so bland and we haven’t learned so much as what she does for a living is because this is actually Vertigo. She’s intentionally infiltrated Eddie’s life for something nefarious, and after digging up photos of Shannon during their 48 hours of living together, she went and hired someone who looks like Shannon to mess with him for reasons.
Something absolutely ridiculous, like she's after that random fucking Chevelle. Eddie inherited it from Isabel when she moved to Texas, but it was actually used in some big unsolved historic bank robbery before his grandparents got it, or maybe his abuelo had a secret life. Marisol and her brother are the grandkids of Abuelo's old partner who got caught, and they've been searching for years and thought the key to the lost money would be inside the car.
But Marisol has been searching it while she babysits Chris and he's distracted playing video games. She can't find anything, so she'll have to talk to Isabel herself and see if she can get more information. But Eddie doesn't go out to Texas very often so she'll have to bring Isabel out to LA. How does she do that? Create an emergency so the whole family will have to come running to Eddie. An emergency like a total breakdown over Shannon's doppelganger, and then when they're all preoccupied with Eddie seemingly imploding his life, Marisol will make her move.
Supporting evidence:
How did Marisol NoName-NoJob buy a house by herself in LA? Why wouldn’t they at least tell us what she does or say her family has money? It would take one single line of dialogue. Suspicious.
She recognized and approached Eddie in the glue aisle
Who in their right mind would agree to move in with a guy they’ve only been dating a few months? She was snooping.
The nun thing was insane and why wouldn’t they at least give a reason for her quitting?
Eddie’s presumably been to her house multiple times, so wouldn’t he have noticed if she was actually super religious? She brought a damn Jesus bobblehead to move in and put it in a box of bedroom stuff, that doesn’t sound like the kind of person who would keep it all shoved in an armoire.
“You two aren’t going anywhere” sounded like a threat and jumping up to hug Eddie and Chris like that was an objectively weird thing to do in that moment.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I know it’s a thing people say but I hate her.
Edy is such a mediocre actor that I can’t tell if Marisol’s smiles are supposed to be genuine or not.
Unless it was for another job, she posted a video whispering about a briefcase and being creepy on a set.
A nun kills the imposter in Vertigo and maybe Eddie finds closure by saving Kim this time.
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
Dracula's actions today were interesting. His attack on Jonathan definitely was not what he intended on going in to his room. I think he wanted to make him jump, yeah, to spook him a little. He wanted to touch him more, continue being creepy in that way also. But I think he intended to spend more time in his company, continue to play the social manipulation game. I wonder if he wanted to be around when Jonathan discovered the locked doors... watching him panic at the realization that he's a prisoner but be forced to try and hide it because Dracula is right there would be absolutely the sort of thing he'd love. (I just can't picture why Jonathan would be trying different doors with Dracula right there. Maybe if he was 'working' in the library and encouraged him to walk around/explore as Dracula was too busy to be good company, then snuck up on him again as he's in the middle of learning how many/which doors are locked? But I dunno.)
Regardless, either Dracula's very thirsty or Jonathan looks very tasty (I suspect both) because he lost all control the second he saw his blood:
When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there.
I don't even think this means Dracula didn't know about the crucifix. Probably not before now (and probably Jonathan just made some general statement about receiving gifts from the local people rather than naming the innkeeper lady), but not necessarily. After all, if Jonathan was still shaving he probably wasn't fully dressed yet, and anything worn about his neck should probably have been at least somewhat visible. I think Dracula just got tunnel vision at the sight of blood, and that could go whether he knew the crucifix was there or not. The instant he touches it though, he comes back to himself, and puts on the friendly host mask again.
His first instinct is to get rid of the evidence, and he does so in a way that once again is subtly insulting to Jonathan (implying he's vain here, before implying he was stupid) as well as some larger group of other people (men in general here, before it was 'peasants'). But it's also really over the top and I think despite the jolt of the crucifix, he's really struggling to maintain his control over himself. Hence flinging the mirror out the freaking window and then fleeing. Not just the room, either - the entire castle. This becomes apparent when he returns some time later through the front door: "I heard the great door below shut, and knew that the Count had returned." I really wonder where he went, what he did while gone, and exactly how long he was gone... Even after his return, he keeps his distance from Jonathan initially. Jonathan has to seek him out, or maybe waits until mealtime to talk to him.
The goitre in the surrounding area implies Dracula has been feeding, but everything about his actions today really suggests he has been starving himself recently. Based on other stuff in the book, I don't think it can be possible that vampires always lose control of themself so much around the sight of blood. Also, his face immediately becoming angry... maybe part of that is just his hunting expression, but I wonder if a part of it is Dracula's frustration that once again things aren't going to plan with Jonathan. I wouldn't be surprised if he felt angry at him (how dare he bleed at me and ruin my suave game?!) and a little part of the way he throws the mirror away so violently is to punish him for being so 'provoking' or whatever.
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Part 2: You finally enter the infamous project, meeting your new 'teammates' as you play your first match
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A letter has arrived into your household, the name Japan Football Union on the front of it, with the details about the whole Blue Lock project you had agreed on.
By now you had already cut your hair into a more boyish cut, had been provided with the necessary stuff to hide your chest and a good backstory in case someone saw you with it on. And while you didn't look exactly like a boy, it was good enough to fool people.
You're now inside of the Japanese Football Union building, a bunch of boys already there when you entered. You shouldn't have worried that much, there are some here that were more on the pretty side rather than masculine.
"Congratulations, you unpolished lumps of talent, according to my judgment, the 300 of you are the best strikers under 18" Ego starts saying, making you scoff at how theatrical he was being. A pair of purple eyes look in your direction, giving you an amused look at your bored expression
"What, bored already?" He asks you, making his white haired friend look at you too
"He talks too much" you answered vaguely enough, as Ego starts debating with one of the participants. The purple hair dude chuckles while the white hair one just looks at you
"That I can't deny. I'm Mikage Reo, this is Nagi Seishiro, who are you?" He asks you
"Yn" you say simply, bowing slightly. THE Mikage Reo? The son of the biggest corporation in Japan?
"Isn't that a girls name?" Reo asks again, lifting his eyebrow
"My parents liked the name too much to give it up, i guess" you shrugged your shoulders just on time as a dude with black hair starts running towards the door, a bunch of them following right behind. You look at Ego, who had a creepy smile, and sigh "see you inside, i guess"
"Wait" Reo takes your arm "Don't tell you agree with that bastard?"
"Meh, it's better than nothing. You don't have to enter though, it's your decision after all" i say letting go of his hand, bowing slightly as i start walking away calmly. You can see Nagi trying to leave and Reo trying to convince him to stay as you pass down Ego.
"Keep an eye on him, that Isagi Yoichi has guts" Ego mutters as you pass him, making you nod.
When you enter Room Z there's already two people there, a sleeping one that had already changed and one with long red hair. You bow to the red hair one and move to your locker, wanting to change quickly before anyone else comes in
"What's that?" The red hair asks beside you, looking at your chest where the binder covered in some loose bandages was on "why are you wearing that?"
"I had some health problems, so I had to use this…" you say unaffected
"Really? Wouldn't this make it more difficult to breathe?" Asks curious
"I got used to it" you shrugged as you put the shirt on "What? Are you gonna judge me now?"
"Nah, just curious. I'm Chigiri Hyoma" he extends his hand, you took it and shake it, trying to look as confident as he did
"Yn, nice to meet you" you say and he nods, acknowledging you. You luckily finished changing when more boys started to arrive in the room, so you went to the wall to rest there until whatever Ego had planned starts. The last one to arrive was the same dude that entered first, Isagi Yoichi you presume.
After everyone is done changing, you hear the screen behind you start making noise, Ego appearing on the screen.
"Hi.hi. the others in your room are your roommates and your rivals who will push each other higher, I've already rank your abilities, that's the number you have in your uniform" he says, making everyone look at their arm sleeve, your number was the highest of the people near you "That ranking will change by the day and will go up or down depending on training and games. Finally, those in the top five will unconditionally be registered for the u-20 world cup happening six months from now"
You look surprised just like everyone else in the room, you gotta give it to Ego, he had a great plan. And even though you probably won't be able to participate, it even makes your heart excited at that.
"Time for some tag" Ego announces as a ball drops down into a bald kid, who immediately goes after Isagi
"This is ridiculous, I can't see how this game is "Top Training", I'm only participating to prove him wrong" says Kira, the kinda famous kid.
Luckily for you, you just had to dodge here and there, the ball concentrating mostly on Isagi, the bald dude and Kira. At some point the dude that was sleeping, Bachira according to the prompter, sends the ball a little too long when Kira moves to a different side, coming straight to you. You sensed Isagi's will to change, his aura changing completely after he tried to go for Kira, so you took the ball and sent it to him with only mere seconds to spare.
The ball sounds against Kira's face as the time runs out, Isagi effectively eliminating him. So that's why Ego told you to keep an eye on him, he definitely had the spirit that Ego was looking for.
"Good work, you lumps of talent, results are everything here, now get our loser! Ryosuke Kira!" Ego says appearing on the TV again, making Kira go on a rampage about how useless all this games were "In blue lock everything is related to soccer, take a good look around, you mediocre elite"
"The size of the room is the same size as the penalty area, right?" you say out loud, making a few of the other players surprised as Ego confirms your words "after all, that's the space where strikers work the most"
"SO WHAT? I GET THE SIZE OF THE ROOM, BUT PLAYING TAG ISN'T SOCCER!" he screams at you, rage in his eyes
"I mean…to tag someone requires a great ability to aim and shoot, which is needed if you want to score" you continue adding, his face still furious as Ego continues explaining how he lost. He then leaves the room annoyed, making Isagi come to where you were
"Why? Why did you pass it to me? If i hadn't kicked it then you would have lost!!" He says to you
"But you wanted to kick it" you answered simply as an arm passes around your shoulder, Bachira joining in the conversation
"Yeah, your face said so!" Bachira says to Isagi, then turning to you "Nice cover, by the way, I didn't think he would move at the last second!"
"Results are everything here, right? Then we won by trusting you!" Bachira says, making you nod
"Congratulations, you've passed the entrance test!" Ego says from the monitor "the eleven of you will share a common destiny, sometimes you'll cooperate, sometimes you'll betray each other, now you are blue lock Team Z"
3 days have passed since that entrance test, and an intensive training is now in place. Luckily for you, you have managed to hide your body from them quite easily, you woke up a bit earlier to change clothes and went to have a quick bath when everyone else was in the dorms ready to sleep. You didn't know if you were that good of a liar or they were just oblivious.
You were running in the treadmill alongside Kunigami and Chigiri when you noticed Isagi practicing his jumps, so far everything you've seen him do has been…mediocre at best
"Huh? Why does Ego like him so much?" You mutter to yourself. The same day where Kira was eliminated Ego has called you briefly to his office, telling you one more time that you needed to see if Isagi Yoichi had the capabilities to become the best striker…so far you have nothing positive to report
"Eh? What did you say?" Kunigami answers breathing hardly, understandably considering you were running at almost 20 kph*
"Nothing, just cursing Ego" you say, receiving a light laugh from Kunigami
"You know, you're more athletic than i thought you'd be" Chigiri says now, talking for the first time
"Yeah, you have a tiny frame, I'm surprised how you can keep up with us" adds Kunigami, making you raise your eyebrow "no offense, of course"
"Whatever, you do realize that my rank is higher than both of you, right?" You say with a small smirk
"Eh?! You're right! How's that even possible?! You're smaller than me!"
"Don't know, figure it out yourself" you say raising the speed a tad more, making the two other boys groan in frustration "C'mon, you can't be this tired already, we still have like ten more minutes to reach the usual 90 ones of a match"
"You're a monster, Yn-kun, a monster" Kunigami says as he raise his speed too "but I'm not losing to you"
You planned on having dinner alone, around this time you didn't have much physical movement, so you could ditch the binder for a more relaxed way to hide your chest, however it didn't make you less paranoid. That's why you much rather eat alone, so you could avoid any questions in case anyone noticed, and things were going well until a small bumblebee decided to raid your meal
"Ehh?! You have curry? No fair" Bachira whines as he sits besides you, a plate with to rice and chicken sitting in front of him
"I didn't think we will have different meals just because of 1 level difference" you say
"I know, right? I want some curry too!!" He says looking at your plate with want
"Don't you dare to touch it" you warn him, making him whine loudly again. You sigh, slightly annoyed at the boy "fine, we can share, better?"
"Yay! Thanks Yn-kun!" He says taking some curry to his plate "you know, I noticed the other day that you wear some bandages around your chest, are you okay?" He asks, making you almost choke on your drink
"I am, I just had..some small health issues"
"Do you have a scar? Can I see-?!" He asks
"No!" You cut him quickly "No, it's…something I'm not comfortable sharing"
"Ahh, well okay, it's fine. I was just curious" he smiles as he continues eating, not pressing any further "then Yn-kun, why did you pass that ball to Isagi-kun? Why didn't you shoot yourself?"
"I just felt Isagi-kun aura, didn't you noticed? He was in the zone" you explained "Isn't that the same reason you wanted to pass to him too? Because you knew he was going to shoot no matter what?"
"Well, yeah. Passing it to him felt right, but of course Kira-Kun had to move too. Do you also hear a monster when you play?"
"A monster? No…i just play however it feels nice" that's definitely an interesting take, a monster? What kind of weird bunch did Ego invite?
"Well, I like your play style too! You're definitely one of the top players here, let's practice together one day!"
"Sure, one day" you say smiling at him as he continues eating
The next day Ego calls you to the main room, and basically explained what you already knew about the plan, how team Z was the worst one of the bunch and all that
"... Whoever is best at soccer here is king, if you want a nice life, then win and boost yourselves. Now let's begin blue lock first selection. It's a tournament for the 5 teams, after the final match, only the top 2 teams will be selected. It's a survival match"
The moment everyone heard this they started babbling about their positions, everyone here was a forward, and now suddenly they had to play different positions if they wanted to survive and become the best striker. As Ego finishes talking everyone is left in a confusing state, will anyone even want to give up being a forward? You knew you couldn't just take it, while you were a good player, your job here was to help them achieve that dream, you probably won't even last until the second selection anyway.
"So… rock, paper, scissors?" You ask first
"Yeah, that seems fai-"
"Ehh!? Why do you get to decide that?! We should do it by strength instead!"
"Raichi, stop. Yn-kun is right, rock, paper, scissors is the fairest way to decide" Kunigami says stopping Raichi, who just mumbles an agreement. Everyone just agrees, starting to play
"Oh, i won" says Isagi, you also won the second place, so you had an early choosing opportunity, and Bachira was third
"Okay, so Isagi-kun chooses first, then Yn-kun, and like that down the line" Kuon explain, he was like the captain of the team
"Then i want to be a forward" says Isagi, Kuon writing down the position as Raichi scoffs
"I'll be a defender then" you say boringly when you feel an arm around your shoulders
"Ehh? Yn-kun, you are one of the best players here, why would you be a defender?" Bachira asks you
"He's right, you have crazy speed, your stamina is good too, you should be at least a right winger" as Kunigami "it wouldn't make sense if you are a defen-"
"Eh?! Are you looking down on us, you small fry?!" Raichi says to you, making you roll your eyes
"Well, I'll put Yn-kun as a right winger then" says Kuon, writing down your name in the notebook
"That's good! I'll be the other forward to then!" Bachira keeps the conversation going, with the other players ranting about how the good positions were already taken. It surprised you, honestly, you knew you were a good player in comparison to the rest of the girls, since you used to only play with boys growing up, but being considered an equal to these much taller and muscular dudes was something you never even tried to imagine.
Finally the match was about to start, you were putting the vest on.
"Isagi-kun won a chose to be center forward so let's focus our strategy around him" Kuon remind you
"Yeah" both you and Bachira answer, making you smile at each other. Bachira has been the one member you got closer the fastest
"Isagi-kun" you call him when you notice him thinking "relax, you can only go higher from here"
"Yeah, thanks" Isagi says
"We just have to win, right? Easy" Raichi says stretching
The match was against team X, one dude with spiked hair was the only one that grabbed the attention out of all.
The match starts with Bachira passing to Isagi; however, even before he was able to confront the other team, Raichi took the ball for himself, and before anyone could react, everyone was trying to get the ball to themselves. To be expected really, after the whole talk about having to be egoist to be a proper striker nobody would have just…obey. Everything was chaos until the one dude from Team X, Barou if you heard correctly by the cheers, took the ball and made a goal by himself.
Not one, not two, but five goals. Team Z was losing 5 to 0.
"Ahh we're just running in circles" Bachira says looking at the clock "there's no way we can get five points in 3 minutes..but"
"We can at least get one" you say, making Bachira look at you knowingly before looking at Isagi
"Yeah, the 3 of us can recover at least one, wanna try, Isagi-kun?"
"Bachira-kun and I will draw the attention, you shoot Isagi-kun" you say with Bachira nodding as he says, your job was to bring out the talent of the players, so that's what you'll do.
"Run, Isagi, we'll meet in front of the goal"
With that Bachira passes to Isagi, who passes almost immediately to you so you could start moving. You were able to pass one doing a nutmeg, passing the ball unexpectedly through his legs, while passing another one by just running a bit faster right before passing back to Bachira, who also passes three dudes before sending it to Isagi.
Isagi manages to get close to the goal; however the number 10 of Team X, Barou, cuts him off from scoring. You run towards the goal yourself when that happens, making the other team mark you as well, when suddenly the ball comes into your field of view, Isagi has passed the ball for you to shoot.
You instinctively take the ball, and despite having a good 70 meters between you and the goal, you do a powerful shot and make the first and only goal for team Z.
And despite absolutely being demolished by the other team, despite the sudden pass, despite mot being able to breathe properly because of your binder, despite that the only reason you were even here was to help the others score, you couldn't help to feel the need for more, to score again and again, to become better even when you were not supposed to.
"Hey! Yn-kun! Nice goal!" Says Bachira to you as you walk towards the lockers, giving you a high five
"Yeah, you were amazing Yn-kun" adds Isagi, giving you another high five
"Thanks Isagi, Bachira. But why did you pass to me? Was it because of that dude?" You ask Isagi
"I don't know how to explain it, it was unconscious, you just seemed with more opportunity to score"
He says a bit down as you enter the lockers, moving to sit down with a towel on his head while you clean your sweat with a towel. You ignored the rest of the team as they fought, an unconscious pass? Could it be that he's a natural playmaker? If he doesn't know why he passed the ball then that's the most likely reason why.
"... We're one loss away from the end!" You hear Kuon say, making the rest question him whether he had some plan or not
"Well" you hear Kunigami say "that goal that Yn-kun made couldn't have been done without Bachira and Isagi, right?
"Yeah, I'm sure we can come up with something if we start with that" you add as Raichi starts yelling again. You were still breathing hard when you noticed Bachira naked in front of everyone, so you ignored him hoping that your face wouldn't blush.
You kept ignoring the rest of the team as you focused on your body, your chest was hurting, but that was to be expected considering that you ran for 45 minutes without being able to have a full breath. You thought that your practice was more than enough, but clearly things were different on a real match
"I don't think everything that Ego is saying is true" Chigiri says going to the refrigerator, throwing you a drink as he took one for himself "I mean, he said this is to win the world cup and he was talking about world-class strikers like Ronaldo, Messi, and Cantona, but not all of them have won the world cup, but he did say ‘this is a battle to rebuild soccer from zero’. I think that might be some kind of hint"
"Oi, are you okay?" You hear Kunigami ask you
"Yeah, I'm fine" you say gaining your breath properly
"Why don't you just take off that chest thing you use?" Asks Chigiri, making Kunigami look at both of you confused
"I…I can't, I just need to get used to it" you say as you drink the energy drink "it'll take a few more matches though"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but you did good today Yn-kun, that was a good goal"
And before you could answer Kunigami the TV behind you starts sounding, Ego appearing on it.
"Howdy, you lumps of talent, the second match of wing 5 has already finished. Team V crushed Team Y 8-0 so here are the current standing"
He then proceeds to explain how soccer works, why he wants this new revolution of soccer to happen and how strikers are the ones that can make this revolution happen. As you hear him talk you couldn't help to think how crazy this whole plan was, even though you pretty much heard everything he was saying once you agreed to do this.
Weapons, huh? That makes sense, if these boys don't know how to properly use and improve their talents, weapons as Ego called them, they won't get too far either here or in their soccer career.
"Yn-kun, we're gonna go shower, you coming?" Asks Kunigami as he and Chigiri stand up and start taking their clothes off, you really have to adapt to this fast if you don't want to stand out.
"Not yet, I wanted to get some practice done first, go ahead" you say as you stand up stretching
"Okay, don't overexert yourself" Chigiri adds as they both leave. You exchange some words with both Bachira and Isagi until you part ways, them going to the dorm while you waste time until all of them leave the bathroom area so you could shower at peace.
You were walking towards the practice area when you noticed Anri standing in the door, visibly waiting for someone
"Yn-chan, thank God you're here fast" she tells you when you approach her "Ego wants a reunion with you, let's go, you can wash up yourself there too, there's a private bathroom"
"Okay, what for though?"
"Not sure, but it's Ego we're talking about here"
She leads you to the apartment Ego was living in, a few floors above where the project was happening. You loosen up your binder on the way there, now being able to breathe properly until you have to face your team again.
"Yn-chan, come in, come in" Ego says as he starts preparing some ramen. You sit down on the table waiting for him when your stomach rumbles too "Anri-chan make her something"
"You could ask nicely, you know?" The woman says making you a bowl of ramen too "This is all he eats, Yn-chan, sorry it can't be more filling"
"It's alright, it's a nice change from curry" you says smiling at the woman as she sets the bowl in front of you, already ready. You don't really think twice as you start to dig in, Ego looking at you as he eats himself.
"So Yn-chan, nice goal back there" he says with a tone that left you wondering if it was a compliment or not "Although i would have much rather to see someone else scoring"
"It's alright Anri-san. Isagi-kun passed it to me, it would have been weird if i didn't try to shoot, wouldn't it? After all, you were the one doing the whole talk that you needed to be an egoist and make goals" you say grabbing more noodles, an unfazed look in your face
"True, but do you think that helped them?"
"Yeah, somewhat. Some of them are still trying to understand what you meant by creating soccer from 0, so i think the combo that Isagi-kun, Bachira-kun and I did is a good start for them" You say as you drink some of the soda that Anri passed you "Although admittedly I wasn't thinking any of that at the time, I just wanted to score"
"Well, if anything your ego will make others want to improve too. What do you think of Isagi-kun so far? He passed instead of trying to score after all"
"He said the pass was unintentional, that he just felt I could score at that time. He probably has some spacial awareness and he doesn't know it yet, not everyone can just make that decision in the middle of a game" you add, thinking back at the pass from Isagi, he clearly was trying to score instead
"Well, he sounds more like a mild fielder if that's the case, so he needs to figure out how to use it as a striker. Help him find that out Yn-chan"
"Yes sir" says as you finish the food
"The rest seem to be in good shape, they just need to get used to this. Make sure to not lose again, Yn-chan, it's too early to leave"
"Yes sir" you say, however you can't help but wonder "Sir…why do you want me to help Team Z so badly?"
"Because I can sense that some of them can become amazing once they wake up, but they lack someone in the team that can help them get that instinct and nurture it. That's it"
"I thought you'd want them to figure it out in their own"
"And they still have to do that, you just need to give them some hints. You may leave now" you stand up and bow as Anri passes you a towel and some clothes before pointing where the private bathroom was.
"Ego-san, are you sure this was a good idea?" Anri asks Ego once both of them are alone. Ego smiles as he checks the recordings in his TV's from the goal you made and the faces of your teammates
"I'm sure that she can make this diamonds in the rough bloom" he focuses on Isagi face, smiling in excitement "she'll make sure to do it"
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hi 🐊 me again
i figured id ask soneone who actually gives a rats ass about colm since most of my pals dont lol ^-^ last ask posted gave me the push to ask
i think a lot about kieran describing colms happiness as "a ray of sunshine" when speaking about him at the campfire. of course it could just mean that kieran isnt being treated horribly, and thats a ray of sunshine to the him, but i like to think his standards are a little higher even if they never get met.
ive always liked to imagine it as actually meaning something, at least to kieran. its lead me to believe that in an ideal world, kieran was moreso colms personal errand boy rather than just the gangs as a whole, that would make all of the o'driscolls recognizing him make sense. and that would also make the "sunshine" line make more sense too, if kieran was colms own little whipping boy, they would probably have a slightly closer relationship than most. after all, during the camp raid in chapter 1, we do see kieran directly grabbed snd hit by colm.
but im mostly curious about your thoughts on it all, especially as someone whos colm brained (i am trying to get myself there honestly ^-^). id looooove to know your interpretation of that line and what it says about the o'driscoll leader !! its always stuck out to me considering how little they try to humanize colm elsewhere for most of the game, and kieran says it with so much energy that youre stuck believing him.
Oh man, I am glad to get this ask because I love colm discussions. I kind of lagged on answering this because I wasn’t sure if I could actually bring a lot of interesting stuff up to talk about. Colm had so little screen time that it’s hard for me to get a grasp.
Okay. So… sunshine… ☀️
When Kieran said this it immediately made me think of cyclical abuse tactics where there is a period of good treatment followed by destruction.
I believe Colm is much the same as Dutch with having the ability to draw people in and stick with a commonality + a common goal. The O’D are drawn together by the commonality of being Irish heritage (despite Colm being American but has an Irish name). Their common goal is money and the outlaw freedom to do bad and feel invincible in numbers.
Colm doesn’t put a lot of 1:1 time with his gang so I can’t assert how he treats the rest of the gang (likely like a distant boss). But I can make a guess how he treats his close circle of people based off of Kieran’s dialogue.
Why is Kieran selected to stick with the gang? That deserves its own post, but let’s pretend Colm took a liking to Kieran and let him be the personal whipping boy; Someone who showed he was malleable enough to not put up a fight when bossed around (and disposable).
As for the sunshine, I think that could be Kieran recalling the times Colm had treated him well. Not just “he didn’t punch me today. Yay!” But 1:1 personal attention that is so far from what Colm usually does for the rest that it makes Kieran feel on top of the world. Of course he isn’t actually treated well, but it is that friendly talking and ease of laughter that makes Kieran almost forget it’s not sincere.
I think Kieran would be touch starved, and Colm knows this, so he uses brief kind gestures of touch to persuade Kieran. This is me being me but I rlly like Colm touching people’s hair. It is such an invasive and personal thing to do but also 🗣️♥️head scratches and getting your hair played with feels nice‼️♥️. It’s that dissonance between “this is creepy but also I haven’t been shown kindness since my parents died.”
It’s compared to sunshine because Colm’s nice attention is like being singled out by the sun in a cold mountain. It is a spotlight.
The flip side of “when he’s angry, it’s like the devil is upon you” is harder for me to define. I sometimes struggle with media analysis when it comes to imagining things I don’t get to clearly see in the media. Leaving stuff to the imagination is powerful, but I need something of substance to bite into for me to analyze.
I feel like Colm’s anger can be unpredictable. He has the men power and persistence to extend his anger not just to you when he is before you, but to you at all times. I don’t think Kieran was only paranoid, I think he had good reason to fear every moment he was being watched. The one time he let down his guard, he was snatched. There are also letters across the game written by O’Driscolls where they make threats and allude to them stalking people.
Colm’s anger in person is hard to read. I don’t think he yells except in a few cases, he always whispers and talks in such an eerie way. Pardon me as I copy and paste what I told some friends on the topic of his voice…
“He talks in a way that fries my brain because I know I shouldn’t trust him and he DOES sound untrust worthy but I can’t get my claws into what specifically is setting off my radar.
[in blessed are the peacemaker] After the threatening “I liked Annabell” line, Colm is so ominously silent, drawing out the tension moments longer before he just???? Smiles and almost laughs. It’s so playful and harmless sounding (without the context of the situation). Such a fucking 180 and unseriousness. He also says ‘you’ve always liked the ladies,’ as if Colm knows how shallow and fast Dutch likes and falls out with women.
And then the ‘I like that about you,’ whisper is just… Colm. Very colmy. Just whispering something as if it’s some secret or to emphasize it.
Colm is incapable of going one sentence without changing his tone/delivery/pacing/breathiness all to throw off how to read him.
He talks like he is a three headed snake-rat-vulture chimera.”
He turns on a dime when talking to Kieran in Chapter 1 (mission Old Friend? I forgot the name). He holds an amicable conversation for a few moments before something suddenly cues Colm to grab Kieran and give him two quick slaps across the face, then shove him and yell at him. It’s brief, but Colm has been shown to have the capacity to get his hands directly on people, not just use his gang as an extension of his hands. I also want to mention the intentions detail of Colm being atop his horse and leaning down to talk to Kieran. Visual story telling/signifying rank and dynamic. Even when speaking amicably, Colm is in command.
I wish I had more research in my brain of manipulation tactics that would lead to this, but I do think Colm either keeps easy to influence people or already morally corrupt people in his ranks so they’ll easily align with him when he is angry. Hence Kieran mentioning how “he’s mad. And you’re upset and you don’t know why… as long as it isn’t directed at you, you don’t care!”
^ I believe what I am talking about are “Flying Monkeys” in the context of psychology and narcissists. Brief rehashing of what TheraminTrees taught me but it’s when people knowingly or unknowingly are recruited by narcissists to extend their influence / control beyond direct interactions.
I don’t think just anyone could be slotted into Colm’s gang and especially not his close ring of people. That man had an eye for picking people who will easily follow and carry out his bidding.
I don’t think the game could have humanized him a whole lot outside of one of his abuse victims briefly mentioning how colm had moments of good treatment. As the audience (extra: as the audience looking through Arthur’s eyes), there is no good way the game could have made ups sympathize or respect Colm because we ourselves aren’t the kind of people who would believe the sickly sweet lies Colm drip feeds to keep his men by his side.
I do like how they managed to at least briefly allude to a “kind” side to Colm. It would have been so easy to paint Colm as a black and white bad man with no redeeming traits (and I am sure that’s how some fans see him if they missed or ignored Kieran’s camp interaction). But that tiny mention makes him so interesting to me.
As much as I hate how little screen time he got, that’s in character for him. He is elusive, he is hard to read, he is contradictory in how he talks (sounding so humored one minute and deathly silent the next). He is… so. God damn. Slimy.
I love Colm as a character so much it is actually driving me ballistics.
SIGHHHH LONG ANALYSIS BUT ANYWAYS thank you for sending this ask this was a good use of like…. Two hours.
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mha-shiz · 7 months
So uh-
Happy Birthday to Me~
Synopsis: Shiggy, Overhaul and Toga get a birthday present they have been killing for...
I don't condone the behavior irl and all that stuff- I just think it makes for interesting horror and dynamics
- he was at the bar, drinking a bit, annoyed with the amount of work his lazy subordinates didn't do. He was pissed and a little drunk
- Kurogiri saw this and knew what the subordinates and himself were planning
- "Happy Birthday Tomoura" "Happy Birthday Shigs" "Happy Birthday Shiggy!" "Happy Birthday Boss"
- then, there you were, cutely asleep, in cosplay as one of his favorite charicters from the game he was playing. Tied up cutely with a black bow
- shigaraki chuckled and thanked them for his little gift and asked for you to be taken to his, well now also your, room
- when you wake up, you see a gloved shigraki, playing with your hair, humming softly with a sweet, yet creepy smile on his face. Like a kid who got his candy he was annoying his mom about in a grocery store
- if there was apart of you that connected to a quirk that he could reasonably get rid of, it was gone, who needed legs when he or someone else would carry you now. Hands? It's ok, he can feed you, he would love to infact. Tounge? Oh he has that in a jar and sucks on it sometimes like a popsicle. Eyes? Also in a jar, they are too pritty just to be gone forever♡
- happy birthday to him~
He was doing some work, too much. He couldn't even relax by looking at the cameras he installed into your apartment. Witch made him even more agitated and moody.
So when Chrono knocked on his door, his was pissy and it showed. "What is it."
"Me and your men have gotten you a birthday gift, would you like us to bring it here, or put it in your room"
Overhaul didn't have time for whatever nonsense this was. But it was somethjng else, and they all had... odd... ways of getting him to take a break. But it shows that they cared and were loyal to him, so why not entertain whatever insanity they came up with.
"Bring it in" he mutterd, putting down his paperwork and looking around Chrono, he nodded and have his men being in... you?-
He was shocked. But then realized, this was probably on pourpious- for what reason- he-
"Happy Birthday sir" they all said
Then it all clicked together. They distracted him so that they could do the work he had already been planning on doing for him. With his tasks almost done he probably wouldn't have to do some of this work for a bit. So, he could have you, and you looked perfect in your mask, tied up in a black and white bow.
Clever, clever Chrono, allways good to play Shogi against.
"Thank you" he simply replied, takeing you away from them and dismissing them. He looked over you, to be sure that they didn't even try to defile you knowing the conciquences of that. But no, you were perfect, and now, you were his.
Toga sulked in her room, why didn't anyone she love also love her? Were they just... unattainable? Were you... she sighed and stayed in her room, playing with her knives, chopping up some dolls she found.
Then there was a knock on the door "Toga! Can I come in? Open the damn door brat!"
It was Twice, so she happily went to the door and opened it, to find you, passed out, and a little bloody, ohhhh didn't you just look so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee.
"Happy Birthday Toga!" Twice cheered "here I found it in the trash!" She happily handed you over to her.
Toga couldn't help but squeal and thank Twice, quickly licking up your wounds, oh did you ever tate as devine, now she could taste that whenever she wanted! She was so excited for the rest of your lives together
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p1xiemeat · 5 months
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I love alice in wonderland and alice: madness returns themes so much. the victorian era, red, black & white, rabbits, clocks, stripes, dark cabaret vibes, teeth, the creepy & macabre, dolls, knives, tea cups, bugs, strange creatures, surgical instruments, the portrayal of what its really like to experience hallucinations, psychosis, delusions, or just mental illness in general.
not only do i adore all of these aesthetics, but as someone who has personally experienced auditory and visual hallucinations/psychosis, depersonalization, and delusions myself, it really makes me happy seeing ppl turn something that i've struggled with into something beautiful, artistic and poetic.
i've escaped to my head more times than i can count in an attempt to escape trauma. sometimes purposely and other times involuntarily when experiencing traumatic situations. i've struggled to know what is real and what isn't. i've had to grow up with a mother who still to this day tries to convince me that certain events didn't happen when i know for fact they did because my sister went through them too. my mind has never been quite right or "normal." i've lost my mind many times. i've struggled to make friends my whole life because i don't think or act like most ppl despite desperately wanting to fit in. and then throw autism on top of all that, and you have a scared, lonely, shy & anxious wreck of a girl.
you see, i love to play around with aesthetics, and share my interests, but the stuff i post online goes so much deeper than just looking visually pleasing to people. these things i care about so much are my very heart and soul. my interests are basically who i am. people may find it strange that i care so deeply about bugs and rabbits, but to me it resonates with me so deeply that i can't even put it into words.
i've always loved alice in wonderland, but when i discovered alice: madness returns i REALLY knew then that i found exactly what i've been feeling my entire life. that game, those characters, that realm describes my mind and my personality and my trauma so well that its actually crazy to know someone out there had those same ideas living in their head.
oh what i wouldn't give to have a conversation with american mcgee🥺😭
maybe i'm just ranting again but i just wanted to share a bit about myself and why i love the things i post about. it really means the world to me when i find likeminded people on here. its so precious to me when i talk to people who have a connection to the same things i do.
so yeah i'm not kidding when i say my tumblr is just the inside of my brain😹
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa V3 Chapter 3 Notes: (Daily/Deadly Life)
I've decided to put all my chp.3 notes on one document to keep them together for you guys to easily find! Here it is!
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OMGGG THE STUDENT COUNCIL IS SO CUTE! (DRV3) Tsumugi, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, KEEBO!!! My respect for keebo has gone up, he's such a cutie!!!
It's so sweet that Himiko is actually getting up and helping out! And it's cool Angie is teaching everybody about Atua... even though it's kinda creepy and fishy, it's nice that they're willing to learn.
Uh... Kaito? What's wrong bb, why are you so oddly quiet.... why do you have your hand up to your mouth like that?!
Bro I spent my first FTE with angie and gave her the red beret which she said she loved, but no further interactions were unlocked, and I didn't gain any friendship fragments? Anyway I did a couple more and...
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Rare-Pair unlocked ahh moment
Bro are you kidding me I just spent time with Tenko and gave her something she liked and didn't get a fragment :( it's okay, I have another chapter with Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi, Himiko and all the people I want to spend free time with! (I hope...)
Training Trio... duo? Kaito flaked out? Erm what.
"Overthinking things and worrying about what I "need" to do... when I'm with Kaito, I feel like... all of that stuff just fades away." <- Oh, Shuichi I know what you are...
Wait... Kiyotaka Ishimaru is a god???
Tsumugi: "I've been wondering... does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night?" <- KIYOTAKA??? HUH? HUH?
Angie: "Atua has whatever features you desire." <- Tsumugi and Taka good friends, canon event??? Pre-despair canon no clickbait?!
Tsumugi: "A red-eyed, black haired god.. Ah, what a cool God I have watching me!" <- heh fruity god "When can I meet him!? I want to meet him as soon as possible!" <- Oh... Uh about that...
(After Angie breaks the flashback light):
Angie you're acting too much like a protagonist here... the last person who tried to maintain peace in a Killing Game was Byakuya in SDR2...
Okay but Angies plan for a sacrifice is actually good, if you get somebody like Ryoma who didn't want to live, killing them in the time limit would be easy. She should've kept her plan among the Student Council, though. Because, now everybody knows her plan.
NVM She's reviving Rat-Ho Amami
Rate-Ho getting development caught in 4K? Will he come back and now what his talent is? EXCITING OMGGG!
Wait if Tenko's Atua is handsome like she says, does that make Atua a guy? <- Who Tenko likes?! Augh Tenko pls don't die, it's double murder time I reckon'-
Worrying about the next Victim with Nerd-Cat!:
Fte with Kaito and Tsumugi:
smoogie >:3
Plan B: (FTEs)
@sleepy-pile-of-ashe told me to hang out with Kokichi this one time, so I'll do that for them :3
(*pulls a hammock out of my ass*) Here Kokichi!
And then I spent time with Maki, because I don't love her, but I want to love her, yk?
She's pretty chill, I feel bad for her. It must be a hard upbringing, but she's alr. :) I like her now after her first FTE.
Afterwards: "O-oh... hey bro perfect timing." Oh. Oh no. MFs who say "bro" don't come back from the KG the same. Oh no Kaito.
Training with Maki:
Angie is such a cutie though omg <3
I don't like Himiko x Tenko tho, because Himiko doesn't CARE about Tenko?? Tenko x Angie solos.
"Get mad! Get upset! Yell at me! Just fight back already! Do something!" Oh Tenko... (ishimondo flashbacks* "You are wrong! You have to be wrong! Mondo would never hurt a fly, he'd never murder anyone!" "Bro... bro what's wrong...?")
After trying to get Angie to stop the Seance with Tenko and Maki:
Oh! Kaito's just scared! Okay we good. (There's an underlying problem here guys, this isn't good but I'll take his fear of ghost stories into accountability.)
"Fear... why am I nervous...?" <- Every danganronpa protagonist before finding a body.
Body discovery #1:
I kinda forgot to document the investigation, but the seance is happening.
"Keep your chin up and live life facing forward! Survive with me and everyone else" ... Oh dear. Tenko. Please don't.
"Alright, Himiko! I'll see you later!
Kokichi: "I-I know... it wouldn't be funny if a body discovery announement happened during this."
Tenko: "Please don't jinx us!"
Tenko: "Understood. I will not say a word until the seance is over!"
Tenko: "Okay, everyone! I'll see you guys after the seance!"
Tumblr media
Tenko rn: :,)
(BTW I turned off the bgm for the caged child seance stuff because it'd be a better atmosphere overall.)
Kiyo: "Is the caged child... Angie Yonaga?"
What's...going on...?
Himiko: "What's wrong, why won't Angie answer?"
There's blood under the cage... there's blood.... oh no... oh no. OH NO. TENKO?
Okay this is getting long, I'll reblog with the trial notes while I'm doing it. It's gonna be quiet without Angie and tenko but we will live. I'll avenge them :3
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 5 months
What does Abbys relationship with Hoagie look like in the negaverse? I assume they'd still be together, and I'm curious how that would look when Eigaoh is egocentric and Ybba is violently obsessive
Again, gonna use their normal names because I get confused easily, but this is all Negaverse wise.
[Warning for abuse, manipulation and violence following.] Text only
Let's set characters, first of all, to understand their motivations better (sorry, I am a slu🅱️ for psychology):
Abby: she strives for affection. Her parents are always too busy to look at her, they communicate via post it notes, sort of like Double D from Ed Edd n Eddy. Her older brother broke contacts with the family, abandoning his kids. Cree too is busy, but she always made sure to leave her food ready before she leaves for school and when she returns. Still... it wasn't enough. She always wanted people to notice her. To look at her and think she was cool. But ultimately, she was always left alone, spent recess on her own and never hung out with anyone. Also... why would anyone hang out with the weird kid? She would play with dolls, but one of them always had to die. She would sing creepy songs and make weird, dark jokes no one found funny. Things started to change when Wally noticed her and asked her to join his "game" to take over the world and make adults rule. Sounded a bit... weird, but she loved that! She could force kids to play with her now, if she ruled over them! And that's also where she and Hoagie talked for the first time...
Hoagie: one word to describe him? Spoiled. He always had what he wanted with no effort whatsoever. He asked, his mother delivered. He cried, his father gave him whatever. He screamed, his grandma would cook whatever he wanted. Even when Tommy was born, he forced his parents to take care of him first, then his little brother. Tommy was NO ONE compared to him. He also was pretty intelligent and achieved good scores in no time. But he found it boring to actually putting effort into stuff, so he just, like, had other people do it for him and he would give them anything in return. Or... at least he would promise them... never talked about actually giving them anything. Wally asked him to join his group because he wanted his intelligence and promised him he wouldn't move a muscle, anyone else would do what he asked them to. That's where he met that nerdy girl Abigail...
Abby did everything to make Hoagie notice her, because he looked so cool! He was evil, ruthless, everyone did what he wanted... so she started doing it too, in hopes he would notice. And the bad thing is... he did.
Her performances and results were always above anyone else, so he started letting her around him to get what he wanted. Even when Wally got defeated, Hoagie continued using Abby to get merits he didn't deserve, to arrive anywhere effortlessly and not moving a finger. Abby was more than happy to please him anytime he needed with everything, from elementary school to high school, everything Hoagie achieved, good grades, prizes, praises and more, no one knew they weren't really his.
Abby was in love, because he was giving her that attention she so desperately craved. He didn't care shit about her, if not using her for his purposes. Also she was always glad to stroke his ego. But that love made sure she would stick around... a bit too much.
Because anytime someone got too close to him or tried to question his achievements, they would disappear the next day, never to be found again.
And honestly, Abby loved dissolving the bodies of those she killed in acid with him watching. Perfect date! 🖤
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ganondoodle · 10 months
still thinking about how even just the decision to basically act like the shiekah tech never existed is just ... so baffling to me
bc again you could have done all the sonau tech does with shiekah instead, and they were perfect to be explored more in a sequel, why wouldnt you grasp that potential, the literal building blocks for more??
if you are that tired of shiekah tech .. dont make it a fuckign sequel to the game prominently featuring it???? totk doesnt take place generations after botw in which things could have changed drastically, its just a few years afterwards??
you want to reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech? ok fine take LINK into the past then and the focus is for you to find a way to return; do some neat twist where its revealed that link was the one who sealed gan bc he couldnt defeat him without zelda or something if you dare (they wouldnt)
want less work than that and still reuse the map and get rid of shiekah tech AND reuse characters? ok then make it some alternate universe thingy like majoras mask in which everythign is the same but also isnt, its weird and creepy how characters you thoguht you knew suddendly dont act like themselves, shiekah tech doesnt exist, malice is now miasma, etc, it would give reason to why you feel so much like something about this world is familiar yet also very wrong
as far as im aware every "sequel" we have had so far were either generations apart from the first one, some alternate universe or a different location altogether- in all of which its plausible that things are different, things seem weirdly familiar but also wrong, or that another continent just works different from hyrule
but totk does none of that, its supposedly just a few years after the first game, same world same character, but its BUILT like some strange jumbled mess of stuff from botw and new stuff out of nowhere that just .. doesnt fit, but feeling a strange sense of otherness, a déja vu of something you know but it acts off, like an imposter, thats NOT intentional and it shows, its a mess of botw stuff, from stuff that people missed from the old games and entirely new stuff; i dont doubt it CAN work but the way it turned out is like a mix of 3 different puzzles forced together and being told 'see it fits!' even tho you can clearly see the pieces dont look right in these places
again it feels like a sequel that desperately wants you to forget the first game happened, that anythign from it mattered at all
and that isnt really ... the sense of a sequel? why insist on it being one when it only creates problems? is it marketing?? just like it was marketing to call age of calamity a telling of what happened before botw but then it wasnt that at all and that is still the sole reason why i dislike it? bc i was lied to? totk is like 10000 times worse than that, its a main title and doesnt even have the excuse of yeah its basically an excuse to play all your fav characters in fun ways and the game beign well aware that being its main appeal; what is totk appeal? a toybox with botw aestethic and none of the flavor?
(on a sidenote; the sonau tech doesnt even .. matter? in botw at least calamity ganon was made of shiekah tech parts and him overtaking other tech is a big point, the sonau tech doesnt serve anything but .. idk minerus useless mech? gan doesnt even aknowledge it, he doesnt care, all it is is toys for the player, not link, but the player. the monsters mining the tech materials? what for? gan doesnt give a damn and they dont work for the yiga either??)
i said it before but it gives me the feeling that the way botw invited you to theorize, to look beneath the surface, the way it intrigued you and laid the groundwork for so many interesting things without denying anything.. was accidental? or perhaps put in the game without the directors noticing? i cant stop thinking about them saying sth like "after botw zelda wondered if the kingdom of hyrule needed to keep existing the way it had been before the calamity, but then totk happens" bc it just feels like they realized too late that botw naturally led into questioning the status quo and they scrambled to fit it back into a flat and boring road we have seen so many times before (or even worse really) with totk
zeldas character naturally leads into her questioning and reexamine their history and set of rules? we gotta teach her a lesson of why she is importante god given monarchy girl that has to keep it bc what if evil brown man shows up again for no reason
maybe im grasping at straws here but looking at it this way the sonau .. make more "sense"; the shiekah were a group that was under the rule of the royal family, and misstreated before (oh no look soemthing interesting) so they dont lend themselves well to be used for teaching zelda that lesson- the sonau however are tailored really to be just that; they are a supposedly godly race from the literal sky that founded this version of hyrule, that had tech even more advanced and better than the shiekah, she gets put in the past to meet the perfect god king of goodness personally, also his very fridgy wifey that zelda later replaces in a way, shes put there and treated like family and then gets to see just how evil that evil big man from the desert is, sonia is falcon-punched to death solely so zelda can feel obligated to take over her role, have her new, better 'family' hurt by gan; similarly so raurus sacrifice, look what a noble and good king he is, he payed the ultimate price to lock that evil man away, now zelda you cannot let their sacrifice go to waste, rebuild that divinely good kingdom like it was!!
and even though they go so much out of their way to put the cart back onto the rails of black and white-good and evil in an even flatter way than the old games, it still doesnt feel right, at least to me, it still feels like zelda shouldnt have gone along with all of that, it feels like even her character from botw was walked back entirely, except for the intro, it made her feel like a stranger to me-
because this is a sequel, i know this zelda, she wouldnt act like that after all that shes been through, this feels ... off
and it all just insulting to anyone who cared about botw more than surface level, or the zelda lore in general, i dont even care much about the timeline, but theres alot of lore and themes beyond it that felt ignored, especially so given that .. its a damn sequel, non AU, not generations apart, directly part 2-
but its not.
it even feels very "corporate", put zelda in a dress again, people liked that, put crazy abilities in the game to flashbang people with how insane it is even if its not the best for the gameplay or the story, put a new asthetic into it out of nowhere bc its 'new' and act like its been there the whole time, put gan in there bc people miss him and find him sexy even if his role is just as flat as that of an evil cloud monster-
you know, i saw a post that said aoc was like a bad fanfic (affectionate) and totk was like a bad fanfic (derogatory) and tbh thats like one of the best comparisons/summaries i have seen ..
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