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naggascradle · 5 months ago
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hypertechnica · 2 months ago
star trek as a concept is completely sexless. it is utterly devoid of sex. not one drop of convincing sexual tension has ever graced the screen on any star trek show. the weird unintentionally homoerotic psychosexual mind game shit on the other hand,
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tiddie · 10 months ago
im genuienly considering deleting instagram (although i keep posting) because like what the actual fuck is wrong with the people in the comment sections? i havr never seen this much hatret concentrated into one place like i just saw a reels of a woman getting fed sushi by her husband after she gave birth and i did the horrible mistake of looking at the comments and some men were being incels still LIKE WHY ARE YOU SO HATEFUL ALL THE TIME WHY DO YOU HATE EVERYTHING WHY ARE MEN LIKE THIS
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teethpaste · 3 months ago
It’s so weird how the body will try and protect you like. I am incapable of feeling grief right now. I know it will hit me like a fucking Mac truck in about a month
When I was here in Ireland in July thinking my grandma had days to live, because the doctors told us so, and urged everyone stateside to drop what they were doing and come to Ireland for goodbyes, I was torn up. I was the first one here because I was already in Dublin on business and luckily my job just let me work from Ireland for about 2 months. So that happened. But then she got palliative chemo, and somehow here she is, 5 months later, against the odds in stage 4 lung cancer. I can tell she is so tired. I feel like she was holding on for this holiday and that as soon as I leave Ireland come December 29, it’s going to happen quickly. Which I hate to even write into existence, but sometimes, you just feel it.
And I hope it doesn’t. But I also don’t want her to be in pain. Chemo ravages the body. Her last treatment was over a month ago but the cancer has spread through her whole body and it is wearing her down. She went from still bartending at 77 and going out with her friends weekly + walking the 2 mile trek into town everyday, to finding out she a tumor overtaking her right lung (completely collapsed at this point) from years of smoking. I was sitting with her at the table the other night before I went to the pub, painting her nails, and she asked “can we talk about something morbid”
Things hardly feel morbid these days. So I tell her yes, of course. I feel like I have this desensitized view around death now. Or I’m numb to it. Like my body remembers watching my dad die and is like HEY ITS FINE, don’t be sad in the moment. Because you can’t be. You have things to do. Then you can cave in on yourself.
Anyways, when I told her sure we can, she then got embarasssd and I had to beg a little for her to tell me . She then says “right. Because I know you’ll have the energy to handle”. She just tells me how she wants to be presented for her wake. No makeup, but make sure her eyebrows are done. Hair with a bandana. Jean shirt. Nails painted. Cowboy boots on that she never got to wear in Vegas this year. She starts telling me about where jewelry is and what she wants in a service. I listen and file it away.
I still think I’m stuck on “because you’ll have the energy to handle”. I think about when my dad died, my mom and sister were inconsolable. About how it happened so quickly and we as humans make it very complicated. Do you know how hard it is to transfer a body across state lines? The hospital doesn’t tell you what to do. I had to google so many funeral homes that morning. I think about those people too. The sanitized nature of conversations. The first place I called didnt say any niceties. They immediately went to prices so I hung up. Second place was more of the same and the third place asked me how I was doing and if I wanted to share anything about him. So I went with them. My dad didn’t leave a will so I had to pull the trigger on weather to cremate or bury. I went with the former and was sick for months thinking I made the wrong choice but one day a few months ago my mom found a random letter he wrote, tossed behind his living room chair, where he noted cremation was a better option bc of the $ and finally that guilt left me.
Did you know that when you list you’re an organ donor on your license, they have to call the family? And when they call, there is light elevator music playing in the background, and mere hours after your person dies, a woman with a nasally voice will calmly ask, “May we take his skin and eyes?” I felt like I was in a cronenberg movie. I remember being so shocked at the matter of factness of the question. Being disturbed but thankful neither my mom or sister were doing this part. I remember saying “why would you want that, do you know how he died? How are those parts even usable” and she paused . And “hmm’d” and as she began to speak I said “no we won’t be donating”.
Anyways. I’m trying to be present while I’m here in Ireland for the holidays. I want to cry but I can’t. This is the last time Christmas will feel like Christmas. I’ve never much liked the holiday. But after my dad died I’ve hated thanksgiving and Christmas even more. Being with my grandma here in Ireland makes it feel like that “magic” is still there a little. But I know it will be completely gone by this time next year and I hate that.
I also worry bout my mom and how she’s taking it. She lost her dad in 2023, her husband in 2024 and now her mom’s dying. That’s how it goes I guess. I stayed in tonight but she went out to the pubs with her friends and came home absolutely trashed. She made it up the stairs before I heard her start violently vomiting. It’s always strange when you switch places with your folks. I took off her clothes and got her changed into Pjs. Brought her water and crackers. She laid with her head in my lap as I stared at the wall. Being around this kind of stuff always makes me wonder if I’ll regret not having kids. Like the fact that when I’m her age, and my grandmas age, I’ll effectively be alone. Like yes there are friends etc but I won’t have children or grand children. Just makes me feel weird.
Anyways now it’s 6 in the morning and I’m going on a run in the 22 degree morning air. Bye bye.
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wingwaver · 9 months ago
"have you ever seen a man so beautiful you cried" yes I have but only because his beauty is outward while his inside is a a rude, homophobic, transphobic, republican
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gayforminatozaki · 10 months ago
just found out my friends ex bf offered to send her nudes of the girl he's currently talking to
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musical-chick-13 · 11 months ago
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Bro, I'm so tired.
#he's not SEEN as creepy he IS creepy!!#it's okay for a character to be creepy!!!!#and it's okay for you to still find them interesting or even like them because they aren't real!!!!!!!!!!!#he is 'regarded with deep suspicion' BECAUSE HE IS SHADY AF AND REFUSES TO BE A REASONABLE FUCKING PERSON#you would NOT be saying this if this character were a woman#In the Vents#'I don't see people as individual people with their own interiority unless they are personally connected to me' THAT IS NOT AUTOMATIC#NEURODIVERGENCE MY FRIEND#you will never get me to feel bad for this man. I simply cannot care. sorry.#also if the implication is that he has face blindness. why the decision to SEE EVERYONE AS GAME PIECES. aka 'things you exploit#for personal gain/entertainment'#it's not like. random blobs or fuzz or a singular generic look it is SPECIFICALLY. TOYS.#HOW WAS THAT NOT AN INTENTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION CHOICE. THIS IS A SMART SHOW. COME /ON/#also the fact that he can differentiate between men and women. and men all look the same vs women all looking the same but in a different#generic way. which like. hmmm. HMMMMMMMMM.#also he can differentiate between his promoted and un-promoted coworkers like this does not read as 'I literally cannot tell the#difference between any person.' it comes across as 'I do not care about people or see them as people and find it boring/pointless#to bother trying to differentiate them in the first place'#also lmao at this article trying to convince me the teenage girl shoved into a court role against her will is some how more dangerous than#this man. like I literally cannot make this shit up.
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demonio-fleurs · 11 months ago
today two cis men who haven’t even caught up to one piece got worked up and tried to correct me and go “uH tHey’Re acKSHUAlly nOt rElaTed” when i made a joke about luffy and ace looking like biological brothers and i think i earned the right to mcmurder them!!!!!!
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hauntingblue · 7 months ago
Reading chapter one and luffy gets beaten and nearly drowns bc he defends shanks which is actually the same way ace dies....
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shakshukagirl · 1 year ago
i think men who call women whores or sluts should be decapitated they should be buried alive
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years ago
watched a long, very well-researched video about groupies back in the 70s and stuff today, none of it was really new to me but seeing it all in one video like that just really reminded me that all those guys were/are just trash. the musicians, obviously, not the groupies. like I don't care that it was the 70s, you don't do that to a 12 or 13 year old child. some of them looked like they should still be in primary school.
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gayforminatozaki · 1 year ago
someone told me i'm a lesbian stereotype COMPHET IS BACK GUYS!!
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bearscones · 2 years ago
Gundam Witch From Mercury First Impressions: Guel
Okay started watching Gundam Witch from Mercury since it’s on Youtube now. It’s going to good so far. I still don’t like Guel though. There are so many red flags with him. Like I get it he’s there to make a point about toxic masculinity but I don’t see why people latched onto him and said he changed in like episode 3. Like dude really hasn’t made any changes. Just because he said no to his dad doesn’t mean he dismantle his toxic traits. Also, he viewed Miorine as his property in the first episode so he’s on my shit list. 
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lewlthea · 2 years ago
The worst FE director poll is really just a test to see which man do you think its the worst man alive between Kusakihara and Kaga and they’re both trying their hardest IRL to beat each other in that
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t-lostinworlds · 2 years ago
i just discovered Smosh and they have this thing where they read reddit stories every week and gosh the ppl on this earth 😭 the relationship ones scare the shit out of me tho like, might as well stay single forever bc nobody seems to be loyal anymore LMAO
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