dmitriene · 7 months
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cw: tooth rotting fluff, comfort, vague smut (johnny's part), maybe a bit of emotional hurt on simon's part (not reader experience), established relationship, kisses, marking, intimacy, touching, pet names, everyone of them can seem slightly ooc, confessions, no femenine terms, just a big amount of love. pairing: bf simon, johnny and john x gn reader
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3. ˑ༄
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SIMON'S love language is as gentle as it can be for a man of his coolness and frightening size, whose feelings are buried behind a broken ribcage, a place colder than russia, nothing more than the insides of a real ghost, but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve love, that he can't be meek.
simon is meager with words, and you don’t blame him, you’re not in a hurry to open an old wound without knowing how it will turn out for you, so you give him time, he himself comes to you with affection, like a dog with his muzzle lowered into accepting warm palms, and you carefully stroke him, whisper reverent declarations of love, without demanding an answer, because one look from his dark, flaming eyes is enough to understand the depth of his affection. this does not stop simon from spending time and money on you, a little embarrassed, afraid that it will look awkward and strange from the outside — but you accept all the tiny manifestations of his love in gifts, new clothes, bouquets of flowers, allowing him to gradually teach what you like and what don't, and every time he gets better, more quickly he reaches out to express his gratitude for your love for him. gradually, the need to admit it trembles on its own, his tongue is knotted with the desire to voice these three words, but he constantly puts it off until later, sets it aside for a few minutes later, promises himself that on a certain day, evening, in a certain place, maybe a restaurant, he'll confesses to you for the first time and forever, but in the right moment he is overcome by such fear that his heart seems to want to come out of his throat, the tips of his fingers sting from the cold and makes them painfully curl into a whitened fist under the table, and he says again to himself — “later, tomorrow, next week„ just to confess this night. it’s been dark outside the window for a long time, your body is enveloped in soft sheets and a warm blanket, warming a little worse than simon’s body next to you, a twisted ball of muscles just to lay his head on your chest, listening to the heartbeat of your heart, he thinks that you’re sleeping, he consoles himself with this thought, while the warm alcohol he drank earlier is flows through his veins and tempting him to take a desperate step, for him this is a cliff, because he does not suspect that this is actually a new streak, but one way or another he firmly goes to stop right in the face of the abyss and wheeze out tensely — “i love you„ he is sure that you are sleeping, he is sure based on the peaceful beating of your heart and the heaving of your chest, but when your hand silently rises and runs through his blond hair, tangling in the strands and sliding to the back of his head to press his face deeper into your chest, tracing a path to his jaw to scoop, his chest bursts at the seams and suddenly blossoms, following the words spoken from your lips — “i love you too, simon„ and your palm burns from the warm moisture of the salty tears that left his eyes for the first time.
JOHNNY'S love language is boyish, bright and daring, like the lights in his blue eyes, a flame that does not burn, but warms, as well as his tremulous touches, bordering on the edge of too enthusiastic, hasty, as if an little puppy running around your legs and whose eyes are focused only on you, he is not interested in anyone else, only you. he feels like a bright flash, as dazzling as his bright smiles, causing his eyes to squint pleasantly at the edges when he looks at you and openly chuckles when you scold him for not being able to hold back even when in public, a massive hand brazenly examines your butt and periodically even squeezes your clothed flesh, and how can you be angry with him when he purrs so flirtatiously, sickly sweetly — “sorry, honey, couldnae handle myself, coud a? ye juist leuk sae pretty„ a real devil, but one way or another, yours, so you allow him to express his love for you in touches that make areas of your skin burn and remember the imprints of his wide fingers, in hot kisses that heat your lips and make them tingle while his tongue intertwines with yours, and your teeth collide and clash in an absurd hurry. johnny does not skimp on signs and, be it his views or words, actions — he is active more like a boy than a man, with a vague, almost wolfish grin, plucking and giving you a single street flower, something small, but so charming, sprinkled sweet words that sizzle on your tongue like candy every time you listen to his speech — “a pretty flower for the love o ma life„ but johnny becomes even more loving at home, it’s amazing how much more affectionate and soft he becomes as soon as you cross the threshold, that insolence, that sparkle — recede to demonstrate his obedience, he sticks to you from the back, his hands constantly squeeze you in his arms, not letting you go from his muscular body even when you are busy with something and scold him for it — “johnny, baby, you're stopping me from laying out the dishes„ but he doesn’t care at all, there is endless adoration in baby blue eyes, he places his chin on your shoulder and bats his eyelashes in a ridiculously seductive way, making you sigh heavily one way or another and drop whatever you were doing, because there is nothing wrong with giving him a little more attention, no matter that it always ends the same way, in the same scenario where you both end up in bed for the whole day ahead. johnny will endlessly cover your body with soft kisses, somewhere biting the skin, somewhere running his tongue, despite the light layer of sweat on your body and the possible unpleasant saltiness, anyways, these are all the tricks of his early actions, but you can’t say a word, except to bury your fingers in his chocolate strands of hair, hidden behind the blanket that covers his body, while he lies half weighted on you and looks into your eyes with a slight squint, kissing, biting and purring again and again — “a love ye„
JOHN'S love language is courteous, confident that he knows how to behave around the person he wants to take care of and whom he loves, this can be seen not only in his words or actions, but even in the warm, peaceful look and stern aura that follows him always and everywhere, and you immediately understand that this is the man who can not only care about you, but also fulfill your every whim. sometimes, looking at him, everything around begins to seem somehow surreal — too good to be true and at the same time enough to remain true, he knows how to not only appreciate people, but also take care of them, support, cherish, everything you can dream of and what his partner, you, knows better than anyone. he does not hesitate and does not regret when it comes to financial expenses — do you want to buy something for your home? you know where his bank card is, as a last resort, send him a list, do you want to buy something for yourself? he will be more than happy to let you do this and later find out about your new purchases out of pure interest, are you interested in going on vacation somewhere with him? john hasn’t rested for a long time and is more than happy with this idea, the main thing is tell him where and for how long, he’ll take care of the rest himself. you may not lift a finger once in your relationship, but this does not mean that he will not be happy if you do something around the house, go grocery shopping, naturally, he usually insists on accompanying you if you need to go somewhere, not because mistrust, but out of care, an instinct instilled in him as a captain responsible for his soldiers, but you are not just a person under his supervision and control, you are a person who has taken his love and devotion for yourself. he loves to please you, strives to support you in any endeavors, hobbies, or just during sudden mood swings, john focuses most of his energy and time on you as a priest would do with the deity he worships, and if there was the same scenario here, he would have no qualms about sacrificing everything to get your blessing, and this is the man who would kneel down in front of you on both knees without shame. it’s also worth noting that john is not at all embarrassed by the demonstration of his love in public, nor by other people’s glances, ordinary or sideways, he is never embarrassed to walk with you by the hand, bend down to softly kiss you on the lips, scratching your skin with his facial hair and smiling warmly, or even hold you on his lap — the only thing he is focused on at these moments is you, especially if it is a special day for joint relaxation — sit at home, go somewhere, have dinner in a good restaurant. the main thing is to be prepared for the possibility that he will not let go of your hand for a minute, stroking the back of it with his thumb and listening to any of your babbles and stories, his blue eyes are focused on your face, the corners of his lips are stretched in a smile and are lost against the background of how his beard and mustache stretch, while he presses your fingers to his lips and gently kisses them up to the knuckles, each time awakening butterflies in your stomach that never get rest in his presence, especially when he whispers in a slightly smoky, but so gentle voice — “i love you so much, dear, your voice is the loveliest sound for me„
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misscinnamonroll16 · 8 months
More brozone headcanons
Some of these are a little more mature than others, read at your own risk ig
John Dory drinks his coffee black
Bruce likes his coffee sweet with a little cream
Clay prefers a little sugar, a little cream
Floyd doesn't really like coffee, says it makes him jittery. He drinks tea with honey and a little milk. Ironically tea can have more caffeine than coffee
John Dory is bisexual/bi curious. Floyd catches him checking out some dude and calls him out on it
Bruce flirts with every girl he meets but in such a way that makes them wish he wasn't married
Each of the bros have caught Clay crying his eyes out bc of a book. JD instantly goes to comfort him and he accepts it. Bruce tried to understand what he's babbling about and comfort him. Floyd hugs him and cries with him. Branch is a little unsure and just kind of awkwardly pats him on the back
Clay curses in Spanish, but incorrectly.
Jd can sew
Bruce and JD have an unspoken competitions for who can come up with the worse dad joke
Floyd's favorite show was (and still is) SpongeBob
John swears so much
Clay was a clumsy kid, so JD always had bandaids on hand and he still does.
John Dory has a sixth sense for when his brothers are about to do something bad
When they were younger, JD did that annoying sibling thing of flicking their ears over and over again.
John tried to use the preschool rope method for keeping track of his brothers, especially at concerts
Branch, Clay and John have so many scars
Clay likes origami
JD can handle his alcohol, most of the time
The rest of the brothers have a harder time handing their alcohol
Someone calls Bruce a dilf and only Floyd knows what it means, he starts wheezing
Each of the brothers reactions to finding out that they're going to be a big brother (for the first time). John was so excited and happy, planning out everything him and his new sibling were gonna do (as much planning as a toddler can do). Spruce was intrigued, staring at Clay's bright yellow egg, trying to figure out if he was gonna like what came out. Clay was NOT HAPPY about being a big brother, he liked being the baby. Him and Floyd did not get along for like the first week until Floyd puked on John, then Clay was like "you're not so bad kid". Floyd was absolutely excited to be a big brother, like John but more, he had his older brothers to ask about how to be the best big brother he could.
Clay tried to get rid of Floyd and Branch by throwing them away and flushing down the toilet, luckily he didn't get very far.
When they were younger, John Dory used his height to his advantage, holding things out of reach and using heads as arm rests
John Dory has given himself stitches, set his broken bones and dislocated joints. After a particularly rough adventure, Branch comes to him asking for help with his wounds. John is suddenly a trained medical professional, giving him wonderful stitches and setting his dislocated shoulder.
All the younger bros still look up to JD but you'll never hear them say it.
Floyd was (and still is) scared of the dark
John teases Bruce, saying he never got to walk him down the aisle at his wedding
Floyd becomes the biggest whore if left unattended and drunk, flirting dirty with every man he encounters. He's half naked dancing on a bar to some raunchy song. JD or Bruce prompting throw him over their shoulder and try and sober him up
Clay is a funny drunk. He's telling dumb jokes to whoever will listen, most of the time they don't make sense. Non stop giggling. But if motivated will do stupid shit
Clay accidentally hurts himself and as JD is patching him up, he jokingly asks JD to "kiss and make it feel better." John knows he's joking but does it anyway. "Does it feel better Clay?" "yes."
Bruce has called some of his kids by his brothers' names. The older ones have been called 'john', 'john Dory', and 'jd'. When they pull pranks (the most frequent one) they're called Clay. When they're crying for no reason they're called Floyd. The younger ones have been called branch. For a little while they didn't know who those guys were but after a while their dad opened up to them
Bruce's kids were so excited to get to know their uncles. Bruce didn't talk about them much so when they showed up the kids were eager but they were a little distracted
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spacebaby1 · 1 month
Rindou, Chifuyu and Inupi headcanons?
Them reacting to their girl doing the tiktok trend of “putting on sunglasses so my bf doesn’t know where i’m looking” and then it cuts to the girl very obviously staring at their bf’s chest or biceps
(thank u for the content and Rindou love ❤️)
Omg yes! Lol
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He had been working out in your house gym for the last few hours since he couldn't go to the gym and it was raining. You obviously decided it's a good time to do the trend. He saw you entered the gym with a small smile on your face and sunglasses on top of your hair as you fixed the phone to stand where it was recoding clearly. Inupi was used to you recoding random Tiktoks; he's the type of boyfriend that will be accidentally walking behind you when you're recording and just walk away and would wave sometimes leaving do what you do. You took the sunglasses from top of your hair and put it on, "putting on sunglasses so my bf doesn't know where i'm looking." And you walked to sit next to where he was doing squats eyeing his legs. At first, he was confused before he realised what you just said and burst into laughing sitting down, and you still didn't move, trying to hold your smirk back as he gently flicked your sunglasses making you laugh. He took your sunglasses and put them on, looking at you.
Laying on the bed he was going through his phone (probably admiring pictures of you that he likes to take.) You entered the room with sunglasses making his raise a brow, you pointed the camera towards yourself, "putting on sunglasses so my bf doesn't know where i'm looking." Before walking towards him and falling on the bed beside him only to continue recording yourself looking at his abs that were peeking from under his shirt. "Uh-babe?" You hushed him, still staring at his abs. "You have no idea what I'm looking at." He put his phone away and just accepted his fate of being stared at before you burst into laughter because of how he was holding his breath and not even moving. "WHAT?" He asked, and you kept laughing, leaving him confused.
Babe, I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this man is already ahead of you on trends. The first time you tried to do this trend with him went something like this. You knew how much shy Rindou gets holding eye contact with you so you sneaked in his office to find him half leaning on the table with his hand covering his left side so you stood there and pushed recording, he immediately turned towards you holding his own phone and recording; in his sunglasses. "What? Huh? What?" He asked confidentiality, catching you off guard, and you couldn't stop laughing at him as he cheered himself on doing this trend. You did it again when he was head in the fridge, and you tiptoe towards him, only for him to shut the fridge door wearing his sunglasses and a recording already sending you in a fit of wheezing You decided to give it a time before doing the trend again when he had no idea, so you waited for the perfect chance, and he went to the gym, and Ran came around to hang out with you. After few hours later Rindou came home seeing you and Ran sitting on the couch, he decided to join you two and almost got surprised when he saw you both in sunglasses and staring at him while you had your phone recording. He rolled his eye, giving up and flexing his abs for the screen before you screamed, and Ran jumped to stop his brother before he pulled the shirt up. At least you got him this time.
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cherryredstars · 1 year
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!civilian!reader
Warnings: Fluff, NSFW Content towards the bottom (labeled)
Summary: How Miguel would behave in a relationship!
A/N: I promise I will write smut based on NSFW headcanons soon!!
Word Count: 2K (barely edited)
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Meeting/Finding Out He’s Spider-Man
Miguel had met you during one of his patrol nights in Nueva York. He was stopping by the small Mexican place he frequented when you and a group of friends walked in. You had come from a nearby bar and the group agreed to end the night with great Mexican food to help lessen the hangovers bound to appear the next morning. You instantly caught his attention and he watched you as you conversed with the group. 
You were the first to order your food and had come to stand beside the superhero as you both waited for your orders to be placed on the to-go counter. Despite having the strong scent of alcohol on you, Miguel could still smell your hypnotizing scent and it made his head fuzzy. He almost didn’t hear you when you started talking to him and asked him about his night. 
Even when his food was ready, he held onto the brown paper bag and waited with you until your food came. He continued talking to you and marveled at how easy laughing and talking with you seemed. He only left after you got your food and the rest of your friends came to join you. He bid you a goodnight and walked out of the small restaurant with the sound of your voice echoing in his ears. 
The second time he saw you, he was in his civilian form grocery shopping. He had passed by an aisle when a familiar scent filled his senses. He quickly back-tracked and looked down the shelves of food to find you standing there with two boxes in your hands. He entered the aisle, standing a bit away from you and pretending to mind his business while sneaking glances at you. 
When he came to stand next to you, you had to physically avoid looking at the well-built and tall man. You didn’t want to seem like a creep and eye-fuck a stranger, but when he picked up a jar you couldn’t help opening your mouth. “That one’s always too sweet, you should get this one instead.”
Miguel almost flinched when your voice met his ears. He looked down at the jar he had grabbed at random, seeing it was a container of frosting. He looked at you before following your finger where it was pointing to a different brand of the same flavoured frosting. He didn’t need frosting, nor did he like it all that much, but he instantly switched the jar in his hands and placed the one you recommended in the cart. He saw that you were choosing between two types of chocolate cake, and he let you complain to him about how there were way too many different variations of chocolate cake mixes before helping you choose one. 
You had both continued shopping together as you left the aisle, walking alongside each other and chatting. As you both walked out of the store, Miguel offered to help you place your groceries in your car before asking for your number. You had happily given it to him and you both talked on the phone before he asked you on a date. The date had gone well and after another date, you both started dating. 
You were still unaware of his secret identity as Spider-Man for a few months, but it had been revealed after you had come to his apartment for a surprise visit to find him standing in his living room in his suit. You had both stood still, watching each other and trying to process the scene before you. You had been the first to react, doubling over in laughter as Miguel sweated in his suit. You had to hold onto the door handle as you wheezed, exclaiming: “Omg, Migs, you should see your face right now!”
The tension instantly vanished and he was only given a strict warning to be careful and to not hide anything from each other anymore. He had instantly agreed, happy that he hadn’t scared you off and that you accepted him. All of him. 
SFW Headcanons
Miguel knows how busy he can be with work, knows how forgetful he can be about everything outside his office. So, he told Lyla to keep a file on you. He has notes about the things you like, important dates, clothing sizes, things you want or talked about with great passion. He wants to make sure all his information is accurate and it is edited regularly. He just wants to make you happy and he references the data constantly when he tries to make you feel better or wants to get you a gift.
You’re Miguel’s passenger princess/prince. He knows you are 100% capable of driving yourself, but when you’re with him he doesn’t want you to worry about anything. He just wants to spoil you. He’ll keep a throw blanket and neck pillow in the backseat in case you get tired or cold, he might even buy you your usual order at your favorite coffee place if he’s picking you up or if he passes it on his way home. If you open your glove box, you’ll find some of your favorite snacks waiting for you along with other things like hand sanitizer, band aids, or small things for you to play with if you get bored. 
Miguel also refuses to let you open doors by yourself. He’s opening the car door for you all the time and he’s racing to get out before you. (I imagine he’d be like this.) He always opens the door to your house for you, even if he has stuff in his hands. He’ll let you walk into any establishment first, holding the door with twinkling eyes as he follows behind you like a puppy. You joke with him all the time that he looks like a proud doberman with his chest puffed out in pride after being a gentleman for you. 
Of course, he calls you terms of endearment in Spanish. When he says anything super romantic or cheesy, it’s in his smooth Spanish. He gets too embarrassed to say it in English, and it’s easier for him to put the words together in his mother tongue. He makes it easy to remember that Spanish is labeled a romance language.  
If you don’t understand/speak Spanish, he’d be more than happy to teach you. Though you’d have to be the one to ask him, because he finds a certain joy in being able to say anything to you in Spanish without you knowing what he means. He finds it adorable when you scrunch your nose up in confusion before letting out an annoyed sigh when he refuses to translate it for you. He’s completely fine if you have no interest in learning the language, but he only hopes you take the time to appreciate the culture. 
Miguel loves spoiling you, so it’s common for him to surprise you with gifts after he comes home. They can range from flowers to jewelry to even clothes. If he finds something that reminds him of you, it’s being bought and gifted to you. He loves the looks of joy on your face when he presents them to you and he definitely doesn’t mind the shower of kisses you cover his face with in thanks. And if you complain about how you don’t want him to spend so much money on you, he suddenly turns deaf and walks away.
Miguel loves helping you with domestic chores, even ones that he finds annoying to deal with. It makes him feel normal again, like he’s just Miguel. Not Spiderman, not the leader of an elite group of Spider people. He’s just Miguel with his amazing partner living a normal life. 
Miguel likes when you text him about your day or what you’re doing. Not because he’s controlling and wants you to feel limited in what you do when he’s away, but because he simply loves taking those few seconds to distract himself from work to talk to you. He likes knowing you’re okay and finds your random texts about whatever happened to you today cute. It makes him more eager to go home and hear you go into more detail about the day’s events. 
Everyone has their “cleaning music”, or the songs that you play as you clean on lazy Sunday mornings as a way to motivate you. Yours were old love songs from the 50s. Miguel had no clue those songs existed (living so far into the future) and you only listened to them because your great-grandmother passed it down as a family cleaning tradition. But they soon became Miguel’s favorite songs to hear when he walked through the door or slipped in through a window after a hard day of work. 
He would find you cleaning or cooking as the old tunes played softly in the air and he would beeline for you. He would wrap his arms around you as you cooked, slowly swaying your bodies as you hummed along and he buried his face into your neck to inhale your calming scent.
If you were cleaning, he would drag you onto the couch with him, making you lay against his chest as he pressed soft kisses to your neck and shoulders. After a while, he would close his eyes in content and fall asleep to quiet love songs and the feeling of your warmth pressing into him. 
NSFW (more headcanons here)
In the first few months of dating, you would both do sexual things together, but didn’t go all the way at your request. Miguel respected your wishes, but that doesn’t mean it was easy for him. There were so many times after Miguel had touched you or tasted your sweet juices that your arousal-drenched underwear would go missing. Miguel would leave back to his apartment or to the bathroom, jerking off desperately as he held the cloth to his nose.
Miguel loved buying you toys and lingerie. He always gave them to you, seeing the blush on your face as he leaned down and whispered in your ear to show him that they’d be brought to good use. Those days usually lead to Miguel grinding you on his thigh while you wore your new sets or sitting down and jerking off as you laid in bed showing him exactly how your new toys would be used. 
Miguel is more than willing to do whatever you’re in to, and you’re the same. Miguel loves that you feel comfortable asking him to do certain things to your body and it makes him that much more eager to do them correctly. He’s always open to trying new things if you ask, his only goal being to make you feel good and to fulfill your sexual needs. The only thing he would say no to is letting other people join in on the fun, he refuses to let anyone touch you the way he does unless he fully trusts that person and knows they have no real romantic interest in you. He can’t risk anyone taking you away from him. 
Miguel is a dominant man by nature, but if you want to be the dominant one for the change, he quickly gives you the control. He loves seeing you so feisty and demanding what you want from him. He always knows he’s in for a treat when you ask him for control and he’s always beyond satisfied when you’re done with him.
If you’re a reader, Miguel is reading all your smutty books. He wants to know what has you shifting on the couch and he loves whispering in your ear to let him try it out on you. If you ask nicely and promise a good reward, he’ll even read the male lead’s lines during the scene for you to enjoy. Be warned, he will have a teasing smirk on his lip when he reads them out and he’ll hold it against you just to see you get embarrassed. 
The first time you suggested recording you guys having sex, Miguel went absolutely feral. He was having the time of his life recording you breaking on his cock and whining out his name. He was especially teasing and degrading that day, basking in the way you were so turned on by him recording you. He frequently looks back on that video, watching your face and body intently as he pumped his cock in the confines of his home or securely locked and soundproofed office in the Spidey HQ.
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I won’t be able to write for a few days as family will be coming to stay with me for a bit, so the next two to three posts will be pre-written. I’m sorry in advance for the rushed content.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Although Draco and Lucius are somewhat alike with their arrogant and pompous nature, he's a tad bit more softer to his lover and more.. understanding and caring than his dad
You won't even know he has an obsession with you and even he won't know it at first either. He hates the way you talk, laugh and smile since it always makes his heart race and stomach erupt with butterflies in a frenzy. And he despises it even more when you hang out with Harry, Ron and Hermione even more. He won't be too mean to you compared to them but you'll arrive at the conclusion that he hates you. But it's quite different actually
He'll be angry with himself for falling in love with you and even more so when he grows and becomes obsessed with you. He'll be staring at you during classes and during breakfast, lunch and dinner and he'll be showing off and bragging more around you to get your attention. You might be thinking that he's most probably planning to target someone to be their next victim of amusement or something but he's been watching you all along and noticing your every move. The way your graceful body moved and your long and lovely veela hair flowed around your shoulders and the way your eyes sparkled with joy when you were discussing about your favorite subject. Crabbe and Goyle might tease him about it till he tells them to shut TF up and Pansy might be a bit jealous of you but she'll move on. As for Zabini, well... he won't really care in any way
Draco is quite the stalker, no doubt about that. He'll be stalking you from the shadows or make other people stalk and follow you and tell him what you've been up to. He'll like tormenting and bullying you even more so but why does his throat clench and heart twist so much when he sees tears in your eyes or when you look and stare at him with a pained and hurt expression on your face?
Draco isn't one to show emotions and affection just yet. His way of showing love and affection towards his darling might raise a few eyebrows but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, of course he does! He just has a different way of showing it, that's all, but he'll stop after a while when he comes to know his feelings of love for you are really deep
He will do his best to make you think he's good and change your mind about him. You might think it's all a trick just for him to start tormenting you and bullying you all over again but it's not that at all, he just needs another chance to prove he's good and for you to love him! He might act like one god damn Tsundere but inside he'll literally be screaming 'NOTICE ME!!!!' Even if you look at him and give him some reaction be it good or bad, his day will be made like no joke. He LIVES for attention from you and that's also the reason why he keeps creating scenes where you're close just so you can witness the whole thing (I Don't know why this is making me laugh XD *WHEEZE*). Other people won't be so safe from not even his own people from his house! Be it Gryffindors, Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs or even Slytherins for that matter, anyone else talks to you too long for his liking will be pulled aside by him for a little 'chat' till they run away crying or screaming or hexed
When you finally accept him, he'll be over the moon soaring in pleasure in joy and will make sure you become his lover in no time. He's selfish and will want MORE of your affection whether or not you're willing to give it. He might even ask someone turn him into a ferret just so you could pet him or laugh, he lives for such things. Draco will literally spoil you, taking you out frequently to the 3 broomsticks or Madam Puddifoot's teashop for some delicious warm Butterbeer, Honeydukes where you can enjoy that new candy they just got and he'll even buy you a quill from the quill shop there. He'll share his things with you when he gets parcels from his parents. He'll be really clingy to you and if you ask him to leave you alone for a while he will but he'll be back later. Oh, and as for Peeves, he doesn't dare to mess with you, not after Draco threatened him. I don't know what Peeves is scared of but whatever he did actually worked. And he'll also have Crabbe and Goyle carry your bags or things if you're feeling tired or he might do it himself to show you how strong and capable he is of taking care of you
Now when it comes to rivals, he'll just hex them and threaten them to stay TF away from you or he'll end up killing them. And he'll kidnap you later on but don't worry, he'll treat you really well. Unless you make him mad and call him a monster and all that. He'll be really sad and as much as he doesn't want to punish you, you have to be disciplined and so, he might lock you in a room and maybe mess with your dreams a bit that make you running back into his arms since he's skilled at Occlumency as well. He'll be smug inside that you're finally coming around and he'll stroke your hair and whisper how he'll always love you and nothing can ever separate the 2 of you. He'll be putty in your hands if you show hi affection and he'll give you anything and everything you could every want
As long as he has you by his side at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Anyone else doesn't matter in this world now, only YOU hold a special place in his heart
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amomentsescape · 5 months
hey there!! just starting reading your content and my god it’s AMAZING. i understand requests are closed right now, but i have a little idea for when they open back up? maybe an after spray (post spray, whatever people call it 😭) jeremiah getting sick with a cold headcanons or an actual sick fic? like perhaps the reader finding it so different because they aren’t really used to seeing him all sneezy, feverish and just overall under the weather? i imagine jeremiah would still keep up his looks whilst being ill, because well.. it’s jeremiah. but the reader can’t really take it seriously seeing him just being himself then two seconds later thinking he’s hiding the fact he’s blowing his nose into his handkerchief when everyone is literally watching him do so. this is just a cool bit of inspo whenever your requests open back up but keep doing what you’re doing! your writing is fucking SICK!! <33
Jeremiah Being Sick
Post-Spray! Jeremiah Valeska x Reader
A/N: Thank you so so much!!!
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Out of the thousands of people that know Jeremiah's name, you were the one that got to see him at his most vulnerable
And even during those specific moments, he had a tough time letting his guard down
So it was really no surprise that even when he was physically weak, nobody would be able to tell
Well, besides you
In the dead of night when he thought you were sleeping, you could hear his fitful coughs and groans of frustration
You could see a few drops of sweat make their way down his face while riding with him in a hidden car throughout the city
And you could feel how clammy his hands were whenever they touched your arm while guiding you around
Even his voice had a slight roughness to it that you weren't used to
He was sick, but there was no way he was ever going to admit that
And this lack of vulnerability only caused his symptoms to worsen
A cold wasn't going to get better when you weren't properly resting and were still acting like your body was fine
It was odd to see Jeremiah stand before hundreds of people, threatening their lives and terrifying them one moment
Only to be quickly hiding himself away in an alley, letting out a wheezing cough and blowing his nose the next
He may have known that you knew what was going on at this point, but if he did, he didn't seem to care
When you two were alone, you found him locking himself in his office more than usual
You figured it was because he didn't want to risk getting you sick
But it was also the fact that he didn't want you to see him so uncomfortable
You did notice that he was a little more cuddly than normal though, pulling you close to him when he finally decided to come to bed
It was after almost two weeks of this behavior that you finally snapped
If he wasn't going to take care of himself and ask for rest, then you were going to force it
You began sneaking cough drops and lozenges in his pockets
He definitely noticed they were there, but he was too prideful to mention anything to you
But you could have sworn you smelt menthol on his breath a few times
You also began laying out extra handkerchiefs by his suits every night so he'd see them in the morning
And whenever he locked himself in his office, he was always met by a gentle knock and a tray of tea outside his door
You knew he'd never give up his old habits, so these small actions seemed like the best way to let him know you wanted to help him feel better
Jeremiah slowly started to accept these changes too
He began to come to bed earlier each night
And he would regularly join you in a warm bath most days whenever he had the time
You could tell he was finally feeling better within a week
Jeremiah isn't really one for words of affirmation or even saying "thank you" for something
So you weren't expecting anything in return
You did notice a gentle smile pull at his lips whenever you asked how he was feeling however
It was only a couple weeks later when you got home to see a brand new outfit and a happy Jeremiah waiting for you that you knew he was thankful
Sirens rang out in the background as he explained he set up a few "inconveniences" for the GCPD so he could take you out for the night
He gave you a big kiss as an explosion sounded throughout the city just a few blocks down
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
OKAY OKAY, hello again!! loved the nibling reader you wrote and just had to write it again!!! (if you couldn't tell im a sucker for platonic family hcs <3)
this time, this request is quite angsty?? ig nibling!reader getting their feelings hurt (either by duncan, heather, or whoever you decide to choose!) you can decide if they either run to chris to cry to, or if they run away to a more.. deserted(??) area of the island. (bonus points if after reader feels better, leshawna comforts them <:]) thank yeww!!
HIYAAA!! Lovely seeing you again with another appreciated request, and to hear that you are happy with how I interpret a Chris nibling reader! It means a lot ! <3 
As always, have an enjoyable reading experience! 😊
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Heather was on the chopping block.
She needed to do something urgently. The day wasn’t getting any earlier. Everyone was itching to cast her name out of the competition.
Immunity wasn’t in her favour this time.
She needs to find a reason asap to not be kicked out tonight. That there was actually someone around that was a much bigger threat to everyon-
“You know that...toy Chris’ nibling has? I need you to get it for me.” Heather beseeched bluntly to Lindsay, hours before the elimination ceremony, in the whistling privacy of the forest.
“Um, sure?” The blonde’s voice high pitched from stupidity agreed,“But why can’t you go ask yourself? (Y/N) doesn’t bite! Not people!”
“Because Lindsay...I...gotta make sure I’m presentable! My hands need to be in perfect condition.” It was a strange excuse, but Lindsay was narrow.
“Ohh, right! Gotcha.” If anything, she found relatability in such empty words.
Too easy,“When you get it, come straight back here. You can remember that, can’t you?”
“Ohh, totally! In geography, I-“
“Go get the teddy.” Heather interrupts dismissively.
“Okay...” she watches moody Lindsay’s height get smaller and smaller as she disappears more and more to carry out one last request.
You were sitting on the sand with your legs spread out when you saw the pretty blonde girl approach you,“Hi Lindsay!”
“Hii (Y/N)! Is that Mrs Maple?” She pointed at the stuffed bear, dressed in a shirt of the Canada flag.
You nod,“She’s having a suntan!”
“Oooo, she’s a lot like me! We both love being trendy!” Ask to get the teddy, ask to get the teddy,“Could I hold her? I...wanna see if we’re really on the same wavelength!” She zealously asks.
You hesitate. You never really let that happen.
You hold Mrs Maple by her underarms and stare far into her black eyes, before you nod and hand her over.
“Thanks! Aww... It’s such a cute bear!...Oh...wait...” She remembers her objection,  and gawks back at you,“I think I hear her talking! She said she wants me to uh, get some syrup for her! Gotta go!”
Before you could protest, she races away. 
That’s weird... Mrs Maple is shy when she meets new people...
Oh! It must be a coverup for a game of tag.
Thus, you got to your feet and ran the same way she did, following her footprints in the sand, smiling. Challenge accepted!
“Hey...! Heather!” She wheezes, holding the teddy to her,“I got it!”
“Good.” She hears a distant “Wait up!” which melts a glare on her face to Lindsay,“You let them follow you?”
“Ohh... I didn’t know they would. But they sound like they’re having fun!” Lindsay found much virtue in it.
“Yeah... A lot of fun.” The wicked glimmer of Heather’s smile shifts to the blades of a pair of scissors she sharpened out, offering them to Lindsay,“Cut the head off.”
Lindsay is mortified.
“Wh-What?!” She stutters, clearly having the full ugly picture confidential to her up until now,“I don’t understand, I-I thought you wanted it to see it!”
“Yeah, and to mutilate it.” She snaps the scissors together,“Take.”
“I can’t! I won’t!” She yelled, holding Mrs Maple to the other side,“This teddy is (Y/N)’s whole astronomy, and she didn’t do anything to deserve decapitation! Besides, I-I was the one that took it so, it’d make it look like it was my idea!”
“Right on.” Heather snarled, Lindsay’s out of nowhere refusal not being part of the plan- she could threaten her position in the alliance, but eh, not much of a point if... Oh well. She did do the difficult part so there was nothing hard about snatching the teddy right from Lindsay’s hands and rapidly tearing the head off faster than she could blink.
“Heather! What are you doing?!” She screeched.
The sick image of stuffed cotton overflowing from both ends of the teddy to the ground.
Mrs Maple’s head was now a teddy of its own.
“There.” She pushes the two pieces back into Lindsay’s shaking hands,“Now you can give this back. Or should I say, these.” A malicious smile raises on her pale lips.
“Oh my God... You’re gonna be in so much trouble!” 
“No. You’re gonna be in so much trouble.” Heather reiterated victoriously,“Later!”
She sprints away.
“Hey! Come back, this is your doing!” official that Heather wasn’t going to come back, Lindsay bites down on her bottom lip as she desperately tried useless methods of fixing it such as seeing if the head could stay on the neck by itself or licking her finger to try stick the separated body parts together.
Nothing worked.
I...I didn’t know bears bleed white fluff!
The one voice she wished she didn’t hear then.
She swiftly hides her hands behind her back and faces the small child, whose shoes and hands were dirty from running and falling, twitching on a nervous smile,“(Y/N)! Y-You’re here! That’s so...great!”
“Could I have Mrs Maple back now please? Her social battery must be so dead by now...” you asked, coming towards her wobbly from running so much.
“Oh um, well, see uh...” her falling on her words didn’t help her case. Hey! She can’t do these things under pressure!
Your face drops,“You...lost her?”
“No! She’s...” she sighs, divulging her heavy hands,“Here. I-I can explain-!”
Immediately, your eyes stung deeper than a wasp’s.
She was showing you your worst nightmare.
Someone you trusted.
“What...?” It was rather unsightly. It... This couldn’t be happening...
“I promise I didn’t do it! It was Heather! It was Heather’s idea, I swear! I didn’t know she wanted to do that!” Lindsay broke down to plead her innocence, guilt stronger than her mascara.
Pulse bellowed in your ears,“Heather...did this?”
A sweet baby returning lifeless by the neglect of the babysitter. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry,“I...It’s okay...It’s...okay.”
Proving wrong after five seconds of eerie silence, by the destructive wave of your cries. Before Lindsay could try consoling you (try being very needed), you ran away.
How could you do that? Trust Lindsay of all people? You’ve never had a greater ocean of self hatred flood your insides.
Oh man it did not feel nice.
Chris didn’t predict his nibling to run to him bawling, so he was very caught by surprise. It took him time to properly ask what was wrong given that he had to fully acknowledge that you were hurt, tremendously.
You’re so overwhelmed, you can barely speak. Your wails hold you by the throat and your face never more pinched. All Chris could do is hold you and wait for you to calm down enough to vocalise the root of your distress; whoever was responsible for that was done for.
You hiccuped,“M-My ted...ted... H-Hea...Heath...Heath...”
“Yeah, I can’t understand you,“ he nods at Chef to get a cup of water. Once obtained, he gently urged you to take your head off his body so you could drink it.
Already, your breathing was restoring back to normal and your mouth was empty.
“Better? Alright.” He pats a tissue to your face,“Tell Uncle Chris what’s gotten you all choked up.”
The evocation of it was enough to get you bawling again, and you felt that you had already burdened your uncle enough by disrupting his chat with Chef. So you decide to put the first line of context into words,“I gave Mrs Maple to Lindsay and...” then deciding to show him the pieces. He could figure it out, he’s smart.
“Oh sweet child.” he takes them in his hands, wrinkles forming under his dilated eyes in pure perturbation from what he was seeing. No wonder you were so devastated! He’ll admit, he kinda expected something like this, but not by the intention of other people,“Lindsay did this?”
“I... I don’t know...” your head is light,“She kept saying it’s Heather’s fault, but... I’m still upset I gave it to her in the first place...”
“We’ll check the camera footage, but either way, somebody isn’t going to go through just elimination tonight.” He’ll make sure of that. He takes his sight off you to place the parts of your beloved teddy down on the table, being very gravely mistaken for something else.
“Don’t throw her away!” You shriek, pulling onto his shirt of dark turquoise to prevent him from such,“Please, I’ve had her for a long time! Don’t make me get rid of her!”
He’s once again dismayed, but his tone grew resistance this time,“We won’t be doing that. It’s just the head that came off, soo we’ll sew it back on and maybe clean her. She’ll be as good as new.”
You wipe your nose,“Really?” Thank God.
He nods, stroking the top of your head,“I’ll have Chef work on it right away. As for me, I have other business to attend to. It’s all gonna be solved, I promise.”
Your tears were no more,“Thanks, Chris...” you’re serious. You don’t know what you would’ve done if he wasn’t there,“Do you think we could...play board games tonight?”
“Totally!” Best uncle ever,“We’ll do all your favourite games and we can stay up allll night. How’s that sound?” 
See? Chris wasn’t exactly the best at people comforting, but when it came to the very few people he held dear, that’s when he’s serious.
Knowing how teenagers were, especially of Heather’s textbook, he couldn’t expect a lecture to turn her heart.
But he did enforce a warning to them that harassment was off limits on those who weren’t participating.
You don’t want to know.
“Hey sweetie.” Leshawna came and sat next to you during your wait for your uncle to tell you he’s free to begin board game night,“How are ya? Feeling a little bit better?” By this time, Mrs Maple was one piece again. 
You’re way too disturbed to treat her the slightest of play,“Yeah... I just... I never felt so sad in my life. I practically watched someone close to me die. When...I saw that...she was torn in two, so did my heart.”
“Aww.” she curves her hand around you and rests her head on yours,“Sorry you went through that, some people can be so miserable. You ain’t meant to be feeling all this sad, gloomy things we teens do. You just a kid!”
“I’m never giving Mrs Maple to anyone again.” Your decision thrived of bitterness.
“And that’s completely fine. She’s your toy, no one should force you to do anything you don’t wanna with her. It’s alright to be hurt, but you gotta make sure that the way you handle it is the best way to let you move on sooner.”
“Is...Is Heather going home tonight?” you needed to know. It may have been there, but you needed to hear it.
“Oh, totally. Girl dug her own grave and now, she may need to retake her passport photo.” Leshawna chuckles at the thought,“I mean, to go after a kid who did nothing and still be too much of a chicken to own up? Way out of line.”
“Will I always have to meet someone as nasty as her...?” Your puffy eyes set back to the newly placed stitches on Mrs Maple’s neck.
Leshawna sighs, rubbing your shoulder,“Unfortunately in this world we live in, there’s all kinds of sick freaks and Heather is just one of them. But you shouldn’t waste your life worryin’ about them, because there’s also really great people in your life that will always wanna look out for you, and it’s them you really wanna spend time on, ain’t it?”
“Like you?”
She smiled,“Come here, sugar.”
You felt safe enough to let Mrs Maple join in. Leshawna...she’s amazing. And would make a great big sister, if she wasn’t one already.❤️🩹
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(Totally cool if you disagree, just don’t be a dick about it)
• For a short while, Quirin was holding on to what little life he had left in the amber and could actually hear anyone that may have been in the room with him. It was muffled, of course, but he could just faintly hear them. So he heard Varian’s cries when he found him, everything that went down with Fredric, Arianna, and Rapunzel.
• He was able to make very small sounds, like grunting and wheezing in some attempt to get anyone’s attention if they were in there, i.e, Varian’s. For a moment, you might think you heard something, but the sounds would stop right after due to how difficult it is. He was also in a lot of pain so those noises were from that as well.
• Quirin was alone with his thoughts for the last moments he had alive, and all he could think about were the moments leading up to his encasing, Varian suddenly not coming back into his lab, and he just wanted to know if his son was okay.
• He shed a singular tear right before actually dying.
• Instead of his own life flashing before his eyes, he only had little snippets of Varian’s childhood play back. Simply because all he could think about was him. Which sucks in itself because Quirin wasn’t mentally present for most of Varian’s due to him grieving his late wife.
• He could hear his slowing heartbeat in his ears, beating over and over. He mentally counted how many beats it would be before he died.
• It wasn’t the dying part he was scared of, as he accepted it the moment the amber touched him. He was more so afraid of Varian being alone.
• If his closeness with Varian was better, maybe it wouldn’t have been as emotionally painful. He literally fought with Varian before getting encased, so he faults himself for not providing the necessary comfort, reassurance, and trust to his son. Even despite how visibly affectionate Varian would be towards him.
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sexydoffyman · 1 year
Was wondering if I could get Sanji x autistic masc reader headcanons? If it’s alright, could you maybe do Katakuri and Ace too? If not, that fine and enjoy your day!
genre: fluff
characters: Sanji, Katakuri, Ace
word count: 756
A/N: sorry for the wait!
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-Super chill about it
-Lets you organize his cutlery and plate.
-He has a tendency to rage (nothing bad just like with Luffy)
-He is hilarious when he rages.
-Also rages at anyone who makes fun of you
-But not rage like with you. He is breaking their bones.
-Puts you to sleep while cuddling you.
-When you really can't sleep he will make you a nice meal.
-Keeps an eye on you to see if you are in your routine and if something is disturbing it.
-If you seek more touch he will happily provide it.
-Head-pats, hugs, back-scratches you name it
-You feel like you want to take a good bite of him. Well, first he will wheeze like he just saw a ghost (brook reference☠️). But eventually, he will give in.
-He will give you his hand to play with when you are chilling with the crew.
-You can always use him as a headrest. If it's his shoulder, his chest, or his lap he will gladly comply.
-Loves to carese your stomach.
-Will scold anyone who doesn't take the hint.
-Keeps a good distance from you.
-He finds a way to show you love with cooking. Brings you well made treat every once in a while.
-Is like your personal bodyguard.
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-Won't leave your side.
-Uses his devil fruit to always have something for you to keep yourself occupied.
-He is a responsible adult so he always looks serious. But when you seek his attention by acting childish he will chuckle at it instead of acting all serious.
-Shares donuts with you. His portions are way too big for you so he just gives you a little bit of each one.
-He tries to learn everything about autism (fails). He then asks you with shame.
-Is ready to help you out with any social cues.
-Makes sure that you are sleeping when you lose track of time.
-If you insist that you have to finish something before then he just watches you do it. If you seem tired then he's dragging you to bed (easily because of his size) no excuses.
-Always interested in whatever you are obsessed with at the moment.
-He is your personal couch (again because of his size)
-he is a big guy (gentle giant) and he uses that fact very well.
-When you have a meltdown he just grabs you and lays you on his chest to cry it out.
-When you refuse to go to sleep he just grounds you. He lays on you and because of his weight, you have no choice but accept defeat.
-Lays a hand on the table so you can take a nap and use it as a pillow anytime.
-Sweet massages.
-He likes to be behind you at all times. It is a must for his chest to touch your back.
-Always so apologetic when he accidentally touches you.
-Uses his devil fruit to assist you. He will make a pillow out of mochi or just a place where you can lay your head.
-At first, is completely clueless about how he is supposed to show affection. Don't worry he will figure it out eventually.
-Also uses his devil fruit to keep others away from you.
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-Has no idea what you are talking about at first.
-He will question you about it for days.
-Now, he is a pro at autism. (He actually isn't, but he thinks he is)
-Always fucks up in some kind. His fuck-up will be followed by unstoppable apologies.
-He makes sure that you are always well-fed and rested.
-Social cues? If you want help with social cues then you found the wrong person. He is an idiot who just never bothered to learn them.
-Warm boy.
-He just loves anything that involves him being able to cuddle in with you.
-If he isn't holding anything, he is holding you instead. It can be as simple as holding hands to straight up carrying you.
-No, you will never be cold. Never.
-Yes, you will be loved every second that you are with him.
-His hand will be always embracing yours.
-His hands are naturally traveling across your body. Exploring every bit of it
-Kinda grumpy about it but that will change.
-He just has his eyes on you all the time instead of his hands.
-He still takes the duty to warm you so he just generates heat towards you.
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windwheeler-aster · 2 years
in the shadows
summary: the life of a spy is a dangerous one... and it certainty complicates their love lives.
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pairings (separate): diluc, kaeya, childe, zhongli, and xiao x reader 
reader info: uses gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader is a spy (diluc, zhongli, xiao) or a target (kaeya, childe), and reader is not traveler
word count: 4,397 words (16 min~) // 880 words per character (3 min~)
genre: Spy AU, Modern AU, romance
format: headcanons and blurbs
warnings: violence (mentions of knife, gun usage, assassinations), cursing, kind of suggestive themes (kayea’s part), reader being hospitilazied for injuries/being on a lot of medicine (zhongli’s part), and brain damage/injury mentions (xiao’s part, reader)
a/n: wow... i really can’t believe i started posting to this blog a year ago yesterday. it’s amazing how far i’ve come since that moment... and i wanted to thank you all for the continuous support since then💖 to another year of writing! 
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song recommendation: Play With Fire (feat. Yatch Money) by Sam Tinnesz
diluc ragnvindr, a fellow spy at your agency
he’s known around the agency to be a master of roleplay and disguise
rumors have it that he sometimes completely disappears into a role when assigned the longer missions
the higher ups love him, of course, so he always gets missions with the best pay
not that he needs it, though
another popular rumor amongst the paper-sorters of the agency is that mr. ragnvindr is secretly the heir to the largest wine tycoon in the country
being one of the on-field members of the agency, you know that rumor is true
and it peeves you off to no end that this already rich man is getting... well, richer
but... he’s still diluc, the best person to fall into any role needed
and, of course, your agency has paired you two up on a mission where diluc and you must pretend to be the perfect couple to protect a treasured client of the angency’s (read: the company’s biggest investor)
it’s almost unbearable for you
but the way diluc holds onto your waist, his forearm pressed against the small of your back, makes you think otherwise
and maybe, just maybe, mr. ragnvindr isn’t as horrible and stuck-up as you predicted him to be...
Another one of the servers came floating by your circle, offering glasses of champagne to everyone. Your target, an older gentleman, folded in half with laughter as he struggled to tell a joke. He accepted a glass of champagne, as do the two people standing closest to him. When the server turned to you and Diluc, you eye the flutes of beige-colored liquid with an appreciative gaze. 
But then Diluc’s fingers pressed gently into your side, causing you to look at him. 
We need to keep our minds focused, his eyes say. 
We need to fit in, you argue silently. 
But you comply to Diluc’s suggestion. You look at the server and dismiss them with a polite nod, and then turn back to the conversation at hand.
“— and he said to me,” the target wheezed, holding onto one of the other guests’ shoulders for support, “‘If you keep treating me like this, you’ll be losing your best employee!’” he wheezed again, and then said his punchline, “And I told him, ‘I’m not looking to retire anytime soon, young man!’”
The group chuckled, you and Diluc having to force a laugh to play along. When your eyes met, a look of understanding was shared between you two. Sleazy C.E.O.s, the worst clients the agency can give us.
Your target looked over to you and frowned. Panic seized your heart as you shifted your weight onto your other leg, leaning into Diluc more. What’s his problem? Do we not look... couple-y enough or something? Crap, is he going to blow our cover and cause a huge fuss because of it? I swear to the archons above if this fool tries anything I’ll—
“Mr. and Mx. Ragnvindr,” your target greeted. “You still haven’t helped yourself to some drinks. How come?”
Shit. You looked to Diluc with panic. Out of everything you two prepared for, a reason to not drink was not one of them. Archons above know that this man wouldn’t listen to a simple explination if it depended on his life. So you both struggled for a heartbeat before Diluc opened his mouth, an excuse on the tip of his tongue.
“Although we appreciate the offer, my love and I—”
But before Diluc could continue, a shrill scream echoed across the room. You both leaped away from one another and stood in front of your target, your backs facing him. As you and Diluc reached for your concealed weapons, you both heard party-goers begin to shout. 
“Shit, he has a knife!” 
“Everybody, get down!”
“A knife? At my party?” your target grumbled from behind you two. 
But before he could get himself hurt, Diluc stopped him.
“Sir, I will have to ask you to sit back and let the professionals handle this,” he murmured, glancing at you with a sly grin. “Ready, love?”
You smirked and quickly pulled out your weapon, letting it flip in the air before you caught it by the handle, gracefully. 
However, you almost drop your weapon to the floor when you glance back at Diluc. Your cheeks were set aflame once you realize how hot— no, elegant Diluc looked in a suit. And the way his lips pulled from a tight-lipped line into a handsome grin almost made you buckle at the knees. 
But right now is not the time to get feelings, you reminded yourself.
“Of course I am, sweetheart,” you answer him, finally. Then, you add in a hushed whisper so your target couldn’t hear, “now let’s show this idiot why the agency sent their best agents to protect him.”
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song recommendation: Sucks by RealLiveAnimals
kaeya alberich, a handsome stranger who has been talking to you for the whole evening
he’s handsome and suave, and not to mention smart as a whip
so for the entire evening, you two have been laughing and joking about the absurdity of this party
and you can’t help but catch the way he melts, ever so subtly, after you finish laughing
or how he guides you throughout the party, purposefully picking secluded areas so you two can hear each other over the noise
and even though you just met him today, kaeya made you want to spill every secret you had to him
which would have been perfect for kaeya— if you hadn’t stopped yourself from doing so
his agency had assigned him to pull secrets from you, someone who just so happened to be a close friend of another mission’s target
they had expressed for him to use any means necessary to get this information
which just translated to “seduce them” to kaeya, of course
although he’s had worst clients to seduce, kaeya was sure you’d crack by now
but you haven’t, and it doesn’t help that the chemistry between you two feels too natural for him
because the last thing kaeya needed was to fall head over heals with you
but with the way the moonlight streams down onto your face, it’s getting harder and harder for kaeya to resist the urge to kiss you
On the private balcony, Kaeya and you had the perfect view of the night sky. You gazed at the stars with an appreciative gaze while Kaeya’s eye wandered anywhere but the sky. As you made up constellations in your head, a quiet distraction from the handsome stranger, Kaeya shamelessly stared at you.
He burned the image of you into his head, secretly envying the stars who captured your attention. He memorized the way you held onto yourself, how your hands rubbed up and down your forearms. Kaeya also found it important to remember how the warm air left your parted lips, mesmerized by the white puffs of breath you let out. For the mission, he reasoned.
Although, nothing about the mission needed him to stare at your lovely lips. 
Perhaps it was just the moonlight illuminating you, making yourself irresistible to Kaeya. Your lips, so pretty and tempted to him, that make the competent spy lost in the throes of love. They were so tempting that Kaeya really did consider pushing himself off the balcony’s railing and juat kiss you.
But then he chastised himself for being so foolish, almost forgetting his purpose of the evening. So, Kaeya kept reminding himself as he gazed at your lips again. This is for the mission.
“What are you looking at?” 
It took Kaeya a moment to realize you had just spoken, which effectively snapped him out of his trance.
“Is there something on my face?” you fretted, grazing your fingertips over your face.
“No, it’s uh— it’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” Kaeya stuttered out. But then, quick to resume the task at hand, he added, “I just noticed how lovely you look under the moonlight.”
His heart leapt into his throat when you smiled. 
“Thank you, Kaeya.”
“No problem, darling.”
You looked back to the moon, your attention so easily stolen from Kaeya. He watched as you shivered, ever so slightly, and moved your hands over your arms even more now.
And, without much thinking, Kaeya unclipped his cape. The sound brought you back to him, although you seem confused. But then you realized what he was doing and quickly stepped aside from him, a poor attempt at dodging Kaeya’s kindness.
“Please, I insist,” Kaeya offered the cape to you, again. “I don’t want you getting cold. Alright, sweetheart?”
You eyed his cape, warily. “But what about you? Won’t you be cold without it?”
“I have plenty of layers on already. I’ll be fine without a few,” he said as he placed the cape over your shoulders. “I think I’d look better without a few layers, don’t you?”
The butterflies in his stomach, which he was not aware of until now, soared as you gave him a once over. He shivered under your gaze as you brought your gaze, ever so painfully slow, to his. Usually, his agency assigned him passive clients that always fell for his charms. However, your level of boldness was somewhat foreign to Kaeya. And, truthfully, Kaeya wasn’t used to this much attention from a client. 
But he was far from opposed to it.
He saw you bite your lip once you met his eye after one more once over of Kaeya. Although he should have been thinking about the mission, all thoughts of it were absent from Kaeya’s mind. His heart had began to ram against his chest and his blood pumped in his ears. There was no hope for him now.
Slowly, your hand reached onto Kaeya’s tie and you pulled him close. He was ashamed at the small gasp that slipped from him as you tugged him close to your face. From the tips of his ears to the very center of his nose, it all burned as he was too flustered to think about anything coherent.
Then, you finally answered Kaeya’s question.
“I think I’d have to agree with you, Kaeya,” you whispered dangerously. “Now, let’s go find somewhere more... private to prove this theory of ours.”
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song recommendation: Killshot by Magaelena Bay
tartgalia, more commonly known as childe, is known as ruthless assassin
he’s a wonderful asset to his agency, as he’s very skilled in close and long ranged combat
his only draw-back was his unusual enthusiasm to killing targets
which didn’t matter much unless he was placed on seduction missions
when childe was placed on those missions, which was a rare feat on its own, he went to unsettling extremes to protect the target from attacks
safe to say, the agency quickly forbid him from those missions...
these days, childe now spends late evenings and nights on rooftops
he’s laid flat on the roof with a grey beanie shoved forcefully over his fiery orange hair, much to his displeasure
childe will lay there for hours, mostly humming a tune to himself as he awaits a voice on the other line of his communication device
of course, he’ll have enough time to read over the mission’s file
childe will even try to scope the target out, his eyes peeled for their face through the venue’s windows
usually after spotting them, he’ll just keep an eye on them as he awaits for further instructions
now, tonight’s mission was different. as childe was absolutely shocked when he had read over the mission file
because since when did the agency go after targets who were just so perfectly childe’s dream date?
Childe’s eyes skimmed the lines, over and over again. The words didn’t really sink in the first time, not until his third time reading it. But he was still so frantically obsessed with you, who would undoubtedly be perfect for him. Childe tried to read between the lines, going over every meaning of each word typed up. Each detail of you that he was given seemed compatible with him, even if some weren’t even close to his own ideals. 
He chuckled, quietly of course, as he poured over each word again. His mother always used to say he needed someone to “keep his head on his shoulders.” It was about time I found you, he thought with a devilish grin.
“Tartaglia,” an impatient voice snapped at him over the intercom, “are you even listening to me? Shit, did his intercom die or something? For f— no, Rosalyne, this is exactly why we don’t have Jared from accounting to prepare mission equipment.”
Nonchalantly, Childe pressed a single finger to his headset as he continued to browse your file like a teenager poured over a magazine. And he twirled a curl of hair, pulled out from beneath that damned beanie, and began to twirl it around his finger. 
“Good evening to you too, Scaramouche,” he said calmly. 
Childe smiled when he heard his partner fumble over the intercom. “Oh, you mother fu— you’re the worst, y’know that?” Childe could practically see him roll his eyes. “Did you get a chance to look over the mission file yet? You didn’t answer me the first five times.”
“Boy, did I ever.”
“Why are you talking like—” Scaramouche groaned as he connected the dots, “Tartaglia, please don’t tell me you—”
“—found my soulmate and already began planning my wedding?” Childe rolled his eyes as he finally closed your file. “Scara, you always know how to take the words right out of my mouth.”
“You idiot,” Scaramouche all but screeches over the intercom, causing Childe to flinch. “Do you even remember what your job is? You’re literally being sent to eliminate them—”
“Do you think the agency would make an exception? For me?” Childe asks, distracted. “I am their best assassin, after all. Surely I could spare just one target… and take them on a date afterwards, or whatever.” Another groan came from Scaramouche. “What? I’m just sayin’.”
“Do you realize how stupid you sound right now?” Scaramouche sighed. “Who knew you could get so easily love-struck by just a couple of photos and—”
“There’s pictures?” Childe all but screams. 
Before he can wait for his partner to continue, he hurls himself to the folder in question. In his love-fueled rush, he had forgotten to check the folder for anything more. He hurriedly grabbed the photos, acting like a starved man, as he caught his first glimpse of you.
If it was possible to fall in love again, Childe did so read then and there. Scaramouche, unfortunately for Childe, heard the ginger’s quick intake of breath as he feasted his eyes on you.
But then Scaramouche’s groaning pulled his attention away again. “Man, Rosalyne is not going to like this.”
“Do you think she’ll allow it?”
“She’s a big softie— of course, she’s going to allow it. But…”
“But, what?”
“I don’t know how Pierro, or even Capitano, would react… much less the Tsaritsa herself,” he murmured.
“Surely I can—”
“Shit, Childe, twelve o’clock,” Scarmouche interrupted. “They’re approaching the open balcony, alone.”
Instinctively, Childe lowered his eye to the telescopic glass as he leveled his gun. Soon, Childe saw your head bob through the crowds and find an escape to the open balcony. Subconsciously, his finger hovered near the rifle’s trigger before he quickly placed it elsewhere. From his perch on the rooftop, he watched you with such intensity that Childe was sure you could feel it from this distance.
“Childe, take the shot.”
He hesitated. “I… I can’t do this.”
“Do not ‘dude’ me, Scaramouche.” Childe hesitated. Then he added, “Get Rosalyne on. I need to talk with her.”
“Ajax, don’t—”
“Just put Rosalyne on the phone,” he almost seethes, desperate for a life with you— a complete stranger to him if not for a small profile and collection of photos— controlling him entirely now.
Scaramouche sighed, for the final time. “Alright man. It’s your funeral, though.”
Better mine than theirs, Childe thinks as he begins to craft compelling reasons to grant you mercy from his agency.
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song recommendation: Feeling Good by Micheal Bublé
zhongli is the agency’s best informant
he’s organized, easy to trust with those charming hazel eyes of his, and incredibly intelligent 
and not to mention the total heart-throb of the office
but zhongli is also incredibly professional
if you’re ever in contact with him, expect prim and proper emails, texts, document notes, and even manner of speech
but when zhongli is paired for your missions? that’s all seemingly out the window
he’s sweet and kind towards you, greeting you with a warm smile every time he sees you
and zhongli even brings you your preferred drink to your desk
he says its so you can hydrate and keep yourself alert while writing out your mission report
but truthfully, zhongli just wanted another excuse to see you
especially when you have been going on even more dangerous missions as of late
zhongli really hates seeing you all bruised and battered up 
and he practically seethes with hatred at your boss whenever you end up in the hospital after missions
so, he tried to take things into his own hands
just send them on a detour this mission, he told himself, editing the mission document he would give you tomorrow. give them a small vacation, then they can get back on the trail.
however, zhongli didn’t expect his plan to backfire so hard that you end up in the hospital
he hopes that you won’t connect the dots about this mission’s failure— at least until he gets into your hospital room to explain himself
In your injured state, you barely heard the first knock at the door. The doctors had you on so many different medications you could barely keep your eyes open, much less concentrate on your environment. But when you heard the second knock, you turned your head to the door. More so in annoyance than curiosity, as it was proving to be difficult to sleep with that damned knock distracting you.
But you were shocked to see Zhongli’s face in the door. He smiled once your eyes locked with his, but then turned to his right to look at something. After a moment, he nodded and began to open the door to your room.
“— make sure not to cause stress to the patient,” your doctor warned.
“Alright. Thank you,” Zhongli assured, facing the doctor as he closed the door. “We’ll only be a few minutes.”
“Good, because—”
But Zhongli had already shut the door. His shoulders relaxed as he let out a small sigh of relief. He glanced over his shoulder to you, more than relieved that you were all right. But then he was puzzled at what you were looking at, as it had caused your mouth to part. 
“Are… are those for me?” you tentatively asked.
Zhongli realized what you meant and looked down. In his right hand was a large bouquet of roses, the colors ranging from deep scarlet reds to pure whites. He felt odd for still holding them, as they were a gift for your recovery, so he began to walk over to you.
“I’ve never gotten flowers before…” you murmur as he places them in your outstretched hands. “Oh, Zhongli… they’re so pretty.”
“Do you like them?” he asked.
You smiled as you clutched them to your chest, “Of course I do.”
Zhongli smiled in return. For a moment, Zhongli stood over you as he admired how you inspected the flowers. But then you returned his gaze, unexpectedly, and he felt shy for the first time in… well, a long time, actually. 
He sat on the hospital bed, in a place where you did not occupy. For a moment, he struggled to find the words to express himself. He wanted to say he’s sorry for making you go through hell and back because he wanted to protect you. He wanted to explain why he wanted you to be safe. And he wanted to explain why that is, why he felt like only he could protect you. 
But you managed to speak before he did. 
“Thanks for visiting me,” you murmured. “I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
You chuckled, “Yeah. I guess I’ve never been the type of person that gets flowers… but thank you.”
Seeing that you were distracted, Zhongli swallowed his guilt and tried to apologize.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” he murmured, “something that I should have done—”
“Zhongli,” you carefully set the bouquet on your nightstand. “Can… Can it wait?”
He looked at your tired expression and gave in to it, even if the guilt was eating him alive. “Yes.”
“Thank you. All this medicine has been making me so tired. The doctor said it’s normal, but still…”
”Would you like to be alone?”
“No… no, don’t go,” you reached out for his hand, your movements sluggish when you finally captured his wrist in your grasp. “I still want to talk to you— I just can’t handle big news right now, doctor’s orders. Is it okay if we talk about something else though?”
“Of course,” he assured you, trying to brush off the guilt and hurt. Another time, he told himself. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled, “now, how was your day?”
Zhongli looked at you, who was probably on ten different medicines to keep you alive. You, who didn’t look your best after being shoved into hospital scrubs. You, someone he had been loving quietly from afar, who came back from the brink of death and acting so casually about it.
And Zhongli gazed at you with the same love-filled stare he had been giving around the office, during meetings, and whenever he thought you weren’t looking. But you looked so unbelievably happy when he gave you the roses, and even now you looked content just by being in the same room as him. And Zhongli, ever the love-struck fool at heart, decided it would be best to comply with your demands.
“My day was good,” he murmured simply as you already began to drift off.
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song recommendation: Do I Wanna Know? By Arctic Monkeys
xiao, a long time rival of yours
he’s also a fellow spy, the best of his agency in fact
you’ve heard that he might as well be a rogue agent at this point, if not for his personal ties with the agency
and you’ve seen him in action before, on your own missions
xiao is quite... merciless towards his enemies
and he’s not much for conversation either. or cooperation, for that matter
and, hilariously enough, both your agency and his keeps assigning you on the same missions with the same targets
which has ended in you two, on multiple occasions, racing to get to the target first
because, for some reason, the rule of “first come, first serve” prevails the most between spy agencies 
and xiao isn’t afraid to do anything to win in this competition
he’ll leap terrifying heights and gaps between rooftops, he’ll tear down shelves to trap the target more easily, he’ll do practically anything
it’s almost like he’s actually hunting the target
which wouldn’t be far from the turth, but—
and you’ve always gotten the impression that xiao didn’t care about what happened to you
whether you won or lost the competition, he’d disappear a moment later
that was until he saw you, wounded in your failed attempt at catching your shared target
and suddenly xiao’s goal didn’t seem as important as before
You knew the mission was over as soon as you saw Xiao’s striking yellow eyes. 
He called your name tentatively, crouching down to where you were on the ground. Xiao was grateful that he couldn’t see any blood, but he didn’t let it show. 
He pushed you into a sitting position, gently cradling you against his chest.
“Xiao?” you murmur, trying to tilt your head up. “When did you get here…?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Xiao muttered as he made you look at him with a hand on your neck. “Does anything hurt?”
You shook your head, or at least tried too. With each passing second, it seems your eyes have been growing heavier and heavier. 
“Hey, stay awake,” he tried to say in a calm voice, but his nervousness overrode it. “Hey— hey, no, stay with me c’mon,” Xiao shook you, gently, which seemed to work. “Stay with me, please.”
You furrowed your brow at him. “Why are you—”
“Don’t question it,” he muttered, placing your arm over his shoulder. “Can you stand?”
You nodded, getting up on shaky legs as Xiao shouldered some of your weight. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” Xiao glanced at your cheek, as eye contact was proving to be too difficult when you kept looking at him like that. As much as his cheeks warmed at the gaze, he tried to blame that fond gaze you gave him on the potential brain damage.
You two started to walk along the pathway out of the warehouse. The agency will come and get the target, Xiao reassured himself. I’ll send them a memo explaining the sudden—
“Your eyes are pretty,” you blurted out.
Xiao blushed, completely caught off guard. “What?”
“Your eyes are really pretty,” you said with more emphasis, causing Xiao to blush even more. “I never got to see them up close.”
Xiao’s mouth remained separated for a moment. No sound came out except for the crack of his voice, which caused him to look away from you. 
You’re a trained spy and assassin, he said to himself, now is not the time to realize your feelings.
“You must have knocked your head on the wall really hard,” Xiao murmured, finally. “But, er, if it means anything to you… your eyes are really nice to look at, too.”
“Really? Then why won’t you look at me?”
As though it was a command and not a simple prompt, Xiao looked at you. His breathing stopped for a moment as he took in your features up close, unknowingly coming back to your lips over and over again. And yet he didn’t seem to notice how you did the same, mouth slightly parted as you drank in the image of Xiao. Each speck of yellow in his eyes, each strand of hair, the way his muscles tensed as he breathes shallowly— all of it, burnt into your memory now.
Xiao blinked and then looked away from you, coming to his own conclusion. 
Yeah. Definitely brain damage. 
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@x-zho @cxlrosii​
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
Heyy❤️ I noticed you added soukoku to your accepted pairings and got so excited ahhh! If coffee shots are still open I would love lee chuuya and thighs. Headcanons for the pairing is also welcome if you prefer giving that a go. So nice to see you back here❤️
Hey!! Thank you so much for giving me the chance to write about these two!! 🤎🧡 Just as a point of clarification about "accepted pairings" - those are just ships that I ship as well and will almost always write about. It doesn't mean I won't write about other ships, too! Please feel free to ask for any pairing, even if it's not in my list! If I don't want to or am not inspired to write for them, I'll let you know. 😊
Chuuya had his head thrown back in absolute hysterics, and it was without a doubt the most beautiful thing Dazai had ever seen.
“Stop!” The redhead wheezed, flailing his arms uselessly in the direction of Dazai’s hands, which were latched firmly onto his thighs, kneading into the inner parts of them with relentless precision. It had taken a lot of trial and error and screamed curses from Chuuya for the detective to find the spot that reduced him to helpless laughter, and now that he’d found it, he wasn’t about to let up.
Dazai smiled sweetly at him, knowing he couldn’t really see. “But you look good like this.” Still, he lightened his touch enough to allow his partner to gasp for breath, his face having turned a dark crimson.
“Please,” Chuuya rasped, sucking in air like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. There were mirthful tears in the corners of his eyes when he lifted his head to look pleadingly at Dazai. “Please, no more! I’m way too ticklish there—”
Dazai smirked, went back to his earlier ministrations, and watched with satisfaction as Chuuya fell right back into his earlier position, screaming with laughter for a few moments until it went silent again.
After another couple of minutes, the detective finally showed mercy and let up on the harsh tickling, switching to light scribbling along the tops of his thighs near his hips instead, and Chuuya caught his breath even while still giggling like a child.
“Having fun yet, chibi?” Dazai asked teasingly, laughing himself when the redhead attempted to glare at him.
“Hahahahahate you, you sahahahadistic bahahahastard,” he managed, squirming, trying to roll onto his side and get away.
Dazai hummed. “Sounds like chibi didn’t learn his lesson…”
“No, wait! I learned it, I learned it!” Chuuya screeched, jolting upright and grabbing onto Dazai’s shoulders. “Please—”
This time, the detective silenced him by closing the distance between them with a tender kiss.
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yeonsols-garden · 3 months
Now y'all I know that this latest chapter (chapter 153) has been angsty and heart-wrenching but can we just stop and appreciate how much better the art style has gotten and how actually so pretty Yeonwoo is in Haesol's POV like it's stupid it's crazy I haven't been well since I woke up this morning and reread the chapter because are you telling me that even though she thought he was a dude she thought he was the most beautiful person she has ever seen in her life!!!!
Like think about it everyone KANG HAESOL thought Yeonwoo was the most beautiful person she had ever seen!!!
I don't even need her to say it to us you can just tell how absolutely smitten she was from the first moment she saw him based on that first panel!!!
That panel alone of him looking so good like uughhh! That look of surprise and shock as he looks up at her and his big eyes!!!!!
The expression and everything like uuufghhhh! Just oh my God he was Radiating submissive and breedable and I understand her for that because me too!!!
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He looked so good in her POV that it's actually wild Haesol is absolutely smitten with him. (LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT BABY!) And you don't even have to tell me she is smitten because I can tell.
What is the icing on the cake is that she was so surprised by the intensity of her own feelings that she thought "Okay this isn't okay. I'm going to just never confront these feelings ever". Then she just sees him without his umbrella and says… "Just talking to him won't hurt" (Her fate was sealed then and there)
This just once again reinforces my headcanon that Haesol's intensity when it comes to her feelings for Yeonwoo is so much and so immense that she is terrified of it herself.
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Throughout the manhwa, we get glimpses of this! And recently with the way Esol has emphasized the way Haesol stares at Yeonwoo you cannot tell me she is not obsessed with him in the entirely unhealthy way tops are obsessed with their bottoms because it is exactly that. I KNOW THAT LOOK ANYWHERE HAESOL I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (She's a freak everyone a freak she wants him so bad it's making her insane)
She is entirely obsessed with him in that way and I am actually foaming at the mouth, wheezing, and going batshit insane because it's crazy!!!
Never have I seen someone more down bad and I am actually on cloud nine.
The angst is also great and in my humble opinion, this breakup is a good thing because their relationship started off on the worst footing a relationship could. Yeonwoo confessed to Haesol, sure, and yeah she may have accepted but the things that you typically do when someone confesses to you are things that they did not do.
Haesol did not affirm that she likes him back and instead added the condition that they need to keep their relationship a secret which was going to become the building blocks for Yeonwoo and his insecurity in their relationship.
Yeonwoo for all his monologue about how much he likes her after that moment he never really says it again. Their differing love languages mixed with the fact that they receive love in different ways meant that a breakup was going to happen eventually. ESPECIALLY because they both think so highly of the other and never want to disappoint the other.
So even though this breakup is devastating don't worry cuz they're going to get back together. This is literally their romance they are going to get back together. So all is well yall. It is a good thing that they broke up, however, because now they get to start back at square one of their relationship and they are going to set the necessary foundations needed so their relationship actually flourishes in the future.
In the meantime let's all fan girl but how pretty these two are because come on they're so pretty.
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fuckincityhands · 3 months
please may we hear your trans Adam headcanons he really means so much to me <3333
HELLO YES ??? I love being insufferable !!1!!1?!
okay this man can NOT afford top surgery. look at him in his self proclaimed shit-hole apartment. He's buying vegetarian ramen because it's cheaper and buys the worst binders because they cost the least. this also means sock packers.
His layered button up over his baggy shirts is not only a fashion statement, he is actively attempting to cover up the binder straps. Most of his shirts will either have smaller neck holes or he'll layer it so nobody can see the damn thing.
He's definitely stealth. Nobody knows and he likes it that way. In my head he gets upset if anyone "figures him out", in a really defensive way. Less than favorable reactions to him coming out in the past (when he was younger and couldn't be stealth yet), so he immediately becomes defensive and almost angry over the topic. Unhealthy, but his whole "We're both bullshitters" speech makes me think he believes he's lying to everyone about being a guy, and he has to come to the realization that he's not. A LONNNGGG journey of self acceptance and deconstructing negative views on trans people that had been ingrained into him.
Also he is wearing his binder to bed. does NOT follow safety standards in desperate attempts to relieve dysphoria. Such bad imposter syndrome about being a dude when he's literally like that tm.
Adam will wheeze and bitch about how bad his asthma is while a cigarette is in one hand and the other is adjusting the bottom strap of his binder. He plays his asthma off like it's genetic and not because his lungs are being actively killed.
I like to think that, in an ideal world, post saw-trap Adam would come to the conclusion that he can't keep living like this, breathing hard after the briefest amount of effort, so he actually takes breaks from his business and embraces his body as it is. yippie to self love !!
Adam probably feels vaguely jealous that he can't just walk around the house shirtless like an "actual guy" but he has an epiphany and says fuck it and does walk around shirtless. Pre-op trans men not binding my beloved !1!1!1!!!
I think it was my friend who mentioned him doing back street testosterone, mostly as a joke but it stuck in my brain. Drug deals but it's just his T-shots.
Speaking of!! I think he likes needles more than the average dude. Makes him feel more masc that he does his own shots. Keeps the needles a little longer than he should before he throws them out to get rid of the evidence.
I do think his years of awful binding practice bites him in the ass though. But with the right support and self acceptance he doesn't need top surgery to feel valid and real.
Happy pride month, specific shout out to pre-op trans men !!!! we r so so cool I promise
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defira85 · 2 months
Apologies for the delay! 1 and 11 for the latest creator ask?
And my apologies for the slow answer😅from your very magnificent ask meme here (and I've JUST seen the political minutiae one from today as well and I'm WHEEZING)
1. Your hottest Durgetash take. The kinda heat Gortash had to endure in HoH. (But be respectful about it fellas, this means everyone)
Oh man I sort of try to avoid posting "hot takes" because I did my time in the Dragon Age fandom and it's very easy to hurt people's feelings because there's such a fine line between vagueblogging and hot takes sometimes... I suppose my thing would be that as much as I'm notorious for writing a happily ever after tragic romance with Gort, I feel like it does him a fundamental disservice as a character to try to... whitewash? His capacity for cruelty? There are piles of rotting bodies in the Steel Watch factory from what we are told are explicitly his experiments, based on the correspondence between him and Balthazar about controlling an undead brain with a tadpole. He kidnaps several young women and girls - at least one of whom he murders and puts her head in a jar 'because he liked her singing voice'. And yes teddy bear bombs etc etc, we all talk about that one, but as much as I love reading romantic Gort stories (with Tav or Durge! I'm not fussy!) he's so much more than just a charming bad boy villain, he's a man with a cruel and sadistic streak a mile wide. He's not afraid to get his hands bloody, and will in fact enjoy it
And yes we can all have our own headcanons of course, that's what makes fandom such a beautiful place, is the depth and breadth of ideas people bring to a character and offer up to one another by way of fic and meta and art but I suppose that's just one that'll always make me go hmm
11. Sceleritas my beloved, how exactly does he fit in there?
He’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy-
Younger Kass had a relationship with Sceleritas that I would almost classify as... he was like an extension of herself. He was there almost before she could anticipate a need, and they worked together in a fluid harmony that could be unsettling. This synchronism was fundamentally broken by Bhaal's resurrection, because of course she wasn't supposed to survive that event and so they never reconnected on that same level again. That's the point when he became more of a babysitter, spending his time trying to realign her with Bhaal's desires and slowly failing over the next decade
I wasn't as huge of a Sceleritas fan until I saw a video of an Accepting Dark Urge kill him permanently. That was the moment I saw him as a creature fully separate from Bhaal and not just a shadow puppet Bhaal was projecting onto the wall of the cave. His capacity to change like Durge is questionable, but his fear of death and his anxious desire to live really hit me hard and since then I've been ride or die for him. Bhaal can't have him in my canon, if I can redeem Gortash then I can redeem Sceleritas
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lestappenforever · 10 months
I love your thridwheeling lestappen fic series! had me wheezing with laughter so many times!
and also it inspired me to make a headcanon about the famous lestappen padel date:
so we were all going crazy about how it's just charles and max and no other drivers but what if the other drivers were actually invited but once they realized that charles and max are going to be there together they were all like lol nope we already have to thrid wheel you during race weekends, no way we are doing this in our free time! and they all came up with some silly excuses djshfksjdhfksdj (on the other hand max cancelled all his plans in 1 second because omg can't miss padel with charlie!!!) and that's why lestappen ended up playing padel with their non-driver friends who were unaware what is it like to thrid wheel lestappen during a sport competition hdgfkjsdjfs
Hi anon! ❤️
Oh my God, thank you so, so much! 🥹 Ilse (@f1writingbyme) and I are so very glad you like our silly fic!
As for your headcanon: This is the only explanation I will accept for Max and Charles being the only drivers taking part in that padel tournament, and what a glorious mental image that is.
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One Year Anniversary Celebration 🌸
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July 30th marks my one year anniversary as a writer on tumblr. To celebrate, we'll be traveling deep into the heart of Faery. The Fae Realm is a beautiful but dangerous place. It's important to remember that things will not always be as they seem. A frightening face may have kind eyes, while a pretty one might be deadly.
First, a few rules:
1 - Never give the Fae your full name or eat even one morsel of Faery food.
2 - Keep your wits about you. The Fae are unable to lie, but they are masters of manipulation.
3 - Mind your manners. Rudeness will NOT be tolerated where we're going.
4 - Do not accept gifts. The Fae do not give gifts freely. Strings are always attached.
Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way...
Shall we begin our journey?
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Wyrd Wanderings - Choose this, and I will do a one-card Oracle reading for you. (If you would like your answer private, I'll be happy to pm you.)
A Parliament of Nettles - Send me this, and I will recommend a book from my personal collection.
Hollow Hill Echo - Send me one of your favorite quotes, and I'll make a moodboard based on it.
Wordsmith - Send me a trope/prompt, and your choice of either George or Fred, and I will weave you a short blurb.
Hawthorn Whisperings - Send me a scenario and your choice of either George or Fred, and I'll craft a few headcanons.
*Entries will be accepted thru August 12
Tagging a few lovelies
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @smallsweetvanillabean @alexistonks @charmedfandomgal @jackys-stuff-blog @starlit-epiphany
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