definitelynotshouting · 11 months
Brb climbing back into the wall/google doc to find where you’ve hidden any more unhinged lore
Btw can’t wait for Mumbo to face plant into the storage room cuz there’s now an open trapdoor in a dark room. Im talking looney toons ass fall, additional oof ouch bones
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kits-shrine · 3 days
The kit murred happily tail thumping in time with the pets, then he caught a glance at his Aunite’s face and giggled soflty.
“Do I even want to ask how you plan to do that?” Ziz asked anyway.
"I am still yet formulating said plan." he replied cool as a cucumber. "As the danger is not imminent unlike some people I plan to think my actions through." He gave both his sisters a smug look at that.
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spacedykez · 1 year
If I ever saw you in public I would place a banana peel right in front of you just before you take a step so you would slip on it and spin around Mario Kart style and slip over the nearest cliff, running in place for a moment before looking down and realizing there was no solid ground beneath your feet, and only then would you fall, only to be followed by a car falling from the sky on top of you, and then a piano, and then a cow, and then a singular feather that would crush the entire pile on top of you
yeah that sounds like something id do 👍
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hey guys I found a picture of Tim from dc vs vampires!!
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djcarnationsblog · 4 months
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter !
Didn't know whether to answer this so I sat on it for a few days, but I might as well-
UUuuuh, fact 1! I get repeatedly confused for a man and I find that incredibly hilarious.
The only thing that changed for this to happen is that I cut my hair boy-short XD, like, I only wear pants and I wear lots of either baggy clothes or not baggy clothes, and even when I very clearly looked like a waman one day, a kid came up to me and asked 'are you a boy or a girl?' and I find that to be quite the goddamn achievement thank you very much-
Fact 2! I cuss like a motherfuckin' sailor.
And I mean that. I have no fucking filter and that is also why I don't like being around kids. Well, one reason out of many ig, lols
Fact 3! I stabbed myself with my pen by accident :D (CW: Bled out)
And this happened like, a week or two ago. Like, I was stressed af and I was capping and uncapping the shit out of pen that day in the middle of class, and then I missed the cap and pierced the fuck outta my skin. Bled like a motherfucker lemme tell ya.
I still have ink imbedded into the closed wound, and I'm mildly concerned that I'll get an infection or something, let's go : D !! (Yes I ended up telling my teacher, yes I did get made fun of by some bullshit people in my class, that was not a nice oof lmao moment qnq)
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
After Everything was Fixed (but you were still broken) arc3 be like,
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this is a little smthn I like to call, “Moon attempts to make a move, and it went,, better than expected??”
(theyre both idiots your honor)
(The idiot he wants to smooch [but whom does not have a mouth] in question:)
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(it u!!!)
(I drew this entirely bc I kept thinkin abt how fucking funny it is that when Moon (or Sun) kisses Readerbot it would make this CLANK noise like hitting two plastic plates against each other. Like can you imagine ur a night guard walking around doing ur job and u hear this weird repeatedly clattering noise and ur like ???? is smthn broken so u track it down and find the daycare animatronic sitting on the floor of the daycare with a staffbot and he’s holding their face and giving them a bunch of tiny bonks on the face with his face. Like. Can yOU IMAGINEEEwHEEEEEEEZE)
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tapakah0 · 5 months
Hey, how are you? You haven't had any updates on the comic for a long time. Hope you are having a good rest
I'm very good Comic is on a freeze, I don't feel like making plots, want to animate and make doodles only, following the river And I bet ya that's not even a "long time", when it will be 5 years theeen I'll accept it as a "long time"
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months
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@keferon OKAY BUT LISTEN YEAH I would loved if it was just fun ehehehe and sassy flirting with the demon no one sees pfffht, literally summoned a demon just to flirt with, and I guess it could have been going for a long time, just little strips with their funny adventures and then plot can go to the fact that he wants to give him a body and Shockwave would agree or that they just stay the way they are and just hang out like this together (Alo I remember that you wanted to put Ratchet (I keep writing Ratched instead of Ratchet buuuh) and Drift in it as another demon and their summoner thing whghweghgwe but I like how you made two separate stories for them that happen at the same time, okay I am actually PRETTY MUCH invested in this story, I like a lot how it goes and gets tangled and how mixes up with idw ideas and other stuff a lot)
BUT NOW that you changed it that way, you made a few more things that reader might be interested a lot in, like that promise he made and you mentioning that he will regret it, how their relationship progressively develops, plus the fact that Blurr was a frivolous slob gifted with dark magic AND how the tables turn upside dow and he get consequences for what he did in the most unpredictable way for him and how he surely changes in his behaviour, getting more and more concerned about his promise and maybe truly loving someone for the first time in his life and wanting to change something. And then figuring out that that same demon actually was a person before, someone he knew, someone respectable, kind, shiny, absolut sun of a person, who died (I am still on my knees waiting to know how exactly he died...) miserably to the point that he absolutely can't stand his life as a demon and NOT EVEN being able to kill himself!!! And Blurr was a pupil in his school, he saw him, he gifted him an ability to make his magic work for him, gave the freedom to live among everyone to all who was poisoned with this dark magic. OH WAITA HGSDHAG the thing that beastformers can't walk among transformers and the fact that dark spellers also could not, and how these events happen at a close times, OKAY so dark spellers got their kind of freedom thanks to Senator Shockwave (OH MY GOD what if Orion can see Shockwave and will recognise him right away COUGH) BUT I am wondering if beastformers will get some kind of an official declaration or some kind of school to be educated in and I wonder if Deadlock/Drift (I think after leaving he will change his name from the last episode...) will volunteer to be a teacher t be something more, or he will just end up with Ratchet wandering around the world, or maybe there will be a whole damn revolution where all monoformers and beastformers leaded by Drift go against the system, and maybe these events happen at the same time as a Senator Shockwave fighting for the rights of gifted... Okay I'm getting carried a little bit ahsghag excuse me... OH I GOT carried away A LOT I wanted to get back to the point that Blurr, now figuring out the past of Shocwave, dealing with all the events, dealing with what he has done and find a way to free them, at the same time STILL having adventures and fun since I'm sure he can be a good mood lifter to moody Shockwave and even see him in a really good mood since he is... well, not just a demon made of hatred but the wonderful kind of person in his previous life... (okay being carried away but what if Orion might declare the freedom to beastformers (AJHGAJHSDJAH OH MY GOD I IMAGINED JAZZ AS A PANDA HAVING A ROMAN WITH PROWL AND PROWL NOT KNOWING ABOUT IT OKAY SORRY) after seeing what it lead to after Senator Shockwave. And maybe Ratchet will be able to get his sign back freely after revolution will be successful or he will be forever blind just to be free and safe with his husband OKAY LISTEN I think it is obvious that I really like the thing you do....
#I mean I will repeat one hundred more time that fanfics are really hard for me to read... I just can't concentrate on that for a long time#if they are not VERY good.. usually it is much easier for me to read real books#So I know little about characters slowly reading idw and I can't just jump on plenty of fics and just look at them from afar#But such little comic... yeah#the characters in them are understandable for me you put emotion in them and growth that I can easily read on and just observing things#also it is much easier for me to see a ready pictures to jump on something to animate and it goes so smoothly that I still wonder how you d#it and I am absolutely not okay about this fact pfffht#Aaaaah why am I saying all that... where from I started and where I was leading to...#I THINK I JUST WILL SAY AGAIN THAT I LIKE THIS AU WHEEEEEEEZE#Also rewatched your tags under First Aid and... I forgot the name *cough* you can see how good I am with names VORTEZ! Fixed ehfghasghagfe#And yeah ahsghdgahg... I can't read such fics. I like when I see that characters can stand for themselves and it isn't an abuse....#I mean it is okay to show the hell they go through BUT only if from both sides#I didn't read ShockBlurr fics but from what I've been hearing from you both... I wouldn't like it#So I'm happy I come across your version of them and I LIKE IT#And I LIKE the First Aid pair with Vortex if I see a good version of them#I mean in idw he is *muah* put him in a blender but I don't see a good way of using his perks and First Aid's perks good together#They both are maniacs PFFFFHT so yeah... fics disappoint me and I barely read them even if to get better at understanding characters#So I'm happy about what you do since I am very slow at getting into stories like transformers even if I like it
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revelingrexan · 3 months
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my first attempt at making the cake image circular was a masterpiece in its own right
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tuberosumtater · 1 year
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russellius · 2 years
BAHRAIN TESTING: DAY 3 Ted, Sam and Alex discuss a very important topic
TED: Can I share a secret with you about that George Russell interview? He wasn’t wearing any shoes when he did it... He came out in socks. (...) SAM: Talking about George Russell’s feet, I think one of the reasons he may have been out in his socks, or his bare feet was that- ALEX: I knew you were gonna pick up on this point! SAM: Absolutely! George Russell has got quite big feet. And the front of the Mercedes monocoque, the front of the chassis has to be shaped around George Russell’s feet. They are bigger than Lewis Hamilton’s feet, he’s a bit taller than Lewis Hamilton, so the car has to be molded around George Russell. Which is why when you saw the pre-season video from Mercedes, they were using George for the seat fitting, not Lewis, because he’s the bigger driver.
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kits-shrine · 10 months
The giddy yet warm feeling of Laurel's love and affection danced along their bond as she mimicked the gesture.
He cheered in joy "SHE LOVES ME!" as he suplexed a now cursing Hoori into a snow poof.
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shadowtoons · 3 months
I am really tempted make a new blog to call it “Villainous Café”
Where can get your fan service 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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jellyfish-confetti · 1 year
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Some monster ideation sketches and the final vis dev drawing! Part 1👀
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bun-monchi · 1 year
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chartreuxcatz · 1 year
I almost never think about Timekeeper or Croissant. But when I do I feel no strong emotions. Especially not lesbianism. *sweats* That would be silly. They are just cookies.
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