#WHATEVER. im going on an angry walk in the dark
ok i know i keep harping on how i think tone was done really poorly in the bill book journal pages but like ok can we compare that to how jokes were done in the post portal incident era of journal 3 for a second because its driving me insane rn
like firstly theres barely any jokes at all in that whole section because the entire point is that ford is at the lowest point of his life and the whole rest of the book has plenty of jokes so its not like we cant afford to take a break from that for a minute but WHATEVER there are a few ok im not such a killjoy that i wont admit there are a few so lets take a look at one of them
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like we get a joke here!! dog peanut butter face bit is funny i think we can all agree its a little funny. but like its all in the placement you know. the joke is here specifically so it will make the following suggestion that ford hurt himself feel even more jarring. its there along with calling the shitty diner coffee "industrial strength" to establish this slightly lighter mood that immediately gets shattered when we see that everyone in the dinner may in fact be under bills control, and that theres no where ford can go thats safe. its a really good example of humor and fear successfully being used in tandem and its one of my favorite scenes in the whole journal.
lets compare that to a section of the bill book
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like the first part is one of the most gutwrenching moments in this whole section and we do not even get the luxury of a page turn separating us from the beginning of a goofy fucking photo montage. we are shown that bill is willing to last minute ditch a suicide/homicide attempt as a display of the complete control he has over fords life at this point and we are given no time to sit with this at all. we immediately go right into haha eurythmics reference funny embarrassing video of possessed ford looking crazy haha hes holding a funny sock puppet. the bright colors on the polaroid makes it the first thing you notice on the whole spread even
and like its morbid humor here ok i get that but like its still meant to be funny. and it completely throws off the deeply brutal and hopeless mood that was just established it does nothing to support what was just shown at all it feels like a desperate attempt to lighten the mood and i cannot for the life of me figure out why. especially since right after this we launch right into the extended nightmare sequence in which ford cannot move or remember who he is anymore so i guess we are suddenly meant to take everything seriously again. you know until the last sentence of that section when theres another joke again.
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ferigrieving · 2 months
when hell freezes over.
⊹ ࣪ in which touya todoroki finds himself.
a.n sorry this took so long i rewrote it like ten times because it wasnt going where i wanted to and it still lowkey isnt but i think this is the best ill do and im too excited to get to the later chapters so i might just rewrite them all to be better when im done ! i dont know im just really passionate abt this fic i literally got a writing notebook just for it...
tag list ; @itgetzweird08 !
⤷ masterlist ; requests open ; two – 2006 ; four – 2010 ; 4.4k words
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touya todoroki was eight when his hair began to turn white.
his father had given up on him. said there was no point in training him. not when his quirk began eating away at his body everytime he used it.
every night, you would find more, and more burns. some more severe than the others, the skin peeling and rotting in ways you didn't know was possible. and every night, you’d place your cold, cold hands on him, and heal him as best as you could.
sometimes, you wanted to stop. your quirk made you feel like you had been plunged in an ice cold bath, hands holding you down as you struggled to breath. you could feel the ice creeping into your veins, threatening to freeze you from the inside out. but you kept on pushing. for touya. for the boy who couldn't give up, even if he wanted to.
“enji went to the doctor’s today.” touya spoke, leaning against the trunk of the big oak tree. “said i cant use my quirk anymore. ‘parently i have my mom’s body or… whatever.”
you could hear the anguish in his voice. his dream, no. his father’s dream was now a lost cause. all the hours, all the blood, the sweat, the tears, down the drain in an instant. all because he lost the genetics lottery. 
“what… what now?”
touya pushed away from the tree to look directly at you as he waited for his answer. the sun was beginning to set, casting an orange glow on both of you. you two never met in the daytime. afraid your parents would find out, that endeavour would find out. you were both on edge, and today’s news didn’t help at all.
“i dont know, toy’.” 
"you don’t know?” touya responded in disbelief. he was angry at the situation, and angry at himself. “of course you don’t know. you don’t know anything. do you even care?”
touya’s voice was harsh, cold. he didn’t mean to hurt you, he really didn’t. 
but when you’re an eight year old child who just had your dreams snapped away from you days after your birthday, it was a normal reaction. or as normal as one can be in a situation like this, anyway.
he began pacing, hands tugging at his hair with so much force you were afraid he would rip it from his scalp. touya’s hair had begun turning white in some places, and you didn't know whether it was from his mother, or from stress. you don't know which one you would have preferred.
you didn't know what to do. your parents never trained you on how to use your quirk at all. sometimes, selfishly, you wished you had a father like endeavour. a figure in your life that would help you hone your quirk the way enji did to touya. you could take it, the harsh words, and the unforgiving regime, if only it meant you could relieve the pain touya seemed to feel in every waking moment.
“i’m—” he mumbled, stopping to look at you.
touya looked like a mess. his skin was littered with burns and scars you couldn't heal all the way, his eyes bloodshot from tiredness and stress, hair messy and greasy.  his voice was soft, and if you really listened, you could hear him trembling.
“i didn’t mean that. i’m sorry.”
touya slowly walked over to your spot and sat down wordlessly. his shoulders slumped, and he brought his knees to his chest.  he didn’t say anything for a long time. the sound of cicadas surrounded the two of you, and the last of the sunlight faded away. the sky was dark, and a few stars had already begun to appear. the moon was half way dark, peeking out from behind the clouds in the night sky.
as touya rested, you slowly inched closer to him until your shoulder touched his. he didn’t flinch away, and instead slowly rested his head on your shoulder. 
after a few moments, he spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“what am i going to do?”
touya was a just a kid, but sometimes you forgot that. you forgot that he was just a child, not some grown adult that could handle the pressure of the world on their shoulders like endeavour had made him out to be.
“have fun.”
touya’s head moved from your shoulder to look at you. 
”have fun?” he responded in disbelief. “i can’t really have fun when my quirk— when my whole life is falling apart, can i now?”
"your whole life doesn't have to revolve around your quirk, touya."
“how is it not supposed to revolve around my quirk?”
touya sat up straighter, putting distance between the two of you. he looked at you with an incredulous look, like you had just suggested he run away with his tail between his legs.
“all i’ve ever done is train, train, and train. train and work my butt off for a quirk i never even really wanted. and now it’s all going down the drain like i’m nothing more than trash.”
touya sat back against the tree again, leaning his head back and looking up at the stars, emerging from their cocoon once more.
”this is all i’ve ever had. without my quirk, i’m nothing.”
he was bitter and resentful. at his father, for lighting this fire under him. at his mother, for giving birth to him. at himself, for not being enough.
to touya, the idea of suddenly stopping everything he knew seemed impossible. being the number one hero was the only thing on his mind since the day he was born. it was engraved into his brain, and all he knew to do. 
so now that he was stripped of that, where did that leave him? what was he supposed to do? who was he, if not the less than perfect successor for his father?
“what am i gonna to do now, huh? play outside? play with others? run around like a freakin’ kid?”
“yeah, actually.. you should play with me.”
“play with you?” touya responded sceptically, raising an eyebrow at you. “what are we supposed to do? have a tea party?
the idea of playing, especially in his current state of mind, seemed like a foreign concept. you two played sometimes, yes, but touya sometimes felt like he was going through the motions, if anything. he never really found anything in playing house with you, or pretending he was a villain and you, a monster. at least thats what he told himself, anyway. he’d rather keel over and die than admit he enjoyed spending time with you.
“if you wanna.”
touya looked dumbfounded. like you had just sprouted a second head. he knew you could be a little slow sometimes, but this was too much.
“seriously? we’re like… eight. we’re too old for that. we’re basically teenagers. ‘n’ you want to spend your time playing tea party? ” he said, making a face. “when we could be doing something actually fun, like skipping rocks or something? don't you have anything else in that head of yours?”
“...we could go to the park?”
“the park?” touya repeated, staring at you, a sarcastic lilt to his voice. “why do you wanna go to the park? so we can sit and spin around on the roundabout till we fall off?” 
“i mean.. no one's gonna be there. its late, so we’ll have it all to ourselves, touya.”
“that’s…” he began before stopping.  it actually sounded kind of cool. the idea of sneaking into an empty park at night with you. the idea of getting caught… excited him.
he let out a grumble, looking away. “fine. let’s go to the park.” he relented.
touya slowly got up from the ground and dusted off his pants before sticking his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.
“this better not be stupid,” he muttered as the two of you began making your way through the park.
it was late, meaning there was basically no one out except the occasional night-shift worker or the local drunkard. the only sounds to accompany you were the cars driving past, or the songs of the crickets. as the two of you walked, touya glanced over at you.
he noticed the way you walked confidently, almost with purpose. he would often catch himself stumbling as he walked, still not used to his gangly limbs. you, on the other hand, seemed to move so flawlessly. he was premature, and as a result, was shorter than fuyumi, and probably natsuo when he becomes of age. he was taller than you, sure, but that wasn't a feat by any means considering your height.
he kept his gaze on you for a few more seconds before looking away.
“hey,” he spoke suddenly, breaking the silence. “how come ya’ never play with other kids?”
it was a question that was bothering him for a while now. you never seemed to want to go hang around other kids, opting to stick by his side. touya could never really figure out why. maybe he didn't want to. he couldn't tell.
“why would i, touya,” you grinned, stretching out his name and slinging an arm around his shoulder, relishing in the way he recoiled. “when i have you?
a scoff.
“don’t say that,” he said in a deadpanned voice, but there was a light flush beginning to spread across his face.
he wasn't used to receiving praise from anyone, but when it came from you… it made him uncharacteristically embarrassed. touya didn't particularly know his emotions very well, especially not one that made him so flustered he wanted to throw up. not one that only ever seemed to show its face whenever he was around you.
“seriously, though. i’ve never seen you talk to anyone else like you do with me. how come?”
touya continued walking, casting an expectant glance in your direction. you didn't know what to say.
he had no idea why he wanted to know so badly. why the idea of you talking to other kids bothered him so much.  and he knew it was stupid. you were allowed to make other friends. hell, he was the one not letting you make friends with other people. but the thought of you talking to anyone else other than him sent a sharp pang to his chest.
he shook the thought away, forcing the feeling of possessiveness down.
after a few moments of silence, he spoke again, keeping his gaze straight ahead.
“...what makes me so special, anyway?”
“shut up, touya.”
touya let out a surprised huff of air at your response.
he stopped walking and spun around to face you so suddenly, that you nearly ran into him. there was a scowl on his face, and his eyes were narrowed.
“don’t tell me what to do,” he replied in a low tone, trying to sound intimidating the way his father seemed to be so effortlessly.
he wasn’t quite sure why. maybe it was the thought of you giving your attention to someone other him, or maybe he just wanted some sort of response from you. 
he leaned closer, using his barely-there advantage of height to loom over you. he watched your face, trying to figure out what was going through that dumb head of yours.
touya’s face inches closer to yours, close enough that you could feel his warm breath fan across your face. his eyes were locked onto yours, watching intently as you began to shift uncomfortably.
your hands began to feel a lot colder than usual as your fingertips began to turn white. the warmth in your veins was quickly replaced with a chill that you were all too familiar with.
your heart was beating quick and fast. you hadn’t realised how hard it had been beating until you felt your heart thump against your chest. you were sure touya could hear it, with how close he was. 
you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as he leaned in even closer, his eyes still locked in onto yours. there was a determined look in his eyes, like he was trying to figure you out.
“whatever. i wanna go on the seesaw.”
touya’s expression soured at your nonchalant reaction. instead of the nervous stammering and stuttering he was hoping for, you had calmly responded, not giving him the slightest show that he had any sort of effect over you.
he watched as you looked away, avoiding his gaze. there was a faint redness to your cheeks, and a part of him felt satisfied at the sight of it. but there was also an undercurrent of annoyance at the idea of being dismissed like that.
he let out a scoff and backed away, putting some distance between the two of you.
“the seesaw?” touya repeated, raising an eyebrow. “what are ya, five years old?”
he wasn’t quite sure what he had been expecting you to propose, but it certainly wasn’t that. the thought of standing on a children’s toy, awkwardly swinging up and down and up again, was laughable.
you, on the other hand, seemed completely serious as you nodded. “yeah!”
he stared at you for a moment, contemplating whether or not you were messing with him. but your expression was as deadpan as always, giving no hint that you were anything but sincere.
he let out a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes as a look of resignation crossed his face. “fine. let’s go on the damn seesaw.”
you grinned, bounding over to it with way too much energy someone should have in the dead of night. touya rolled his eyes again at your excitement. he was not particularly enthusiastic about going on a child’s toy, but he begrudgingly followed you to the playground. you practically dragged him over to the brightly painted seesaw, eagerly taking a seat on one side.
he reluctantly took a seat on the opposite one, the metal frame of the seesaw creaking under his weight. he glanced over at you, a frown on his face. "this is stupid."
you, on the other hand, were having the time of your life. you bounced up and down on the other end of the seesaw, giggling as the metal frame made squeaking sounds. touya sat on the other side, arms crossed, but you could tell by the way his shoulders were squared that he was trying not to fall off without giving in and actually play.
"come on," you said, gesturing for touya to bounce as well. "it's more fun when both of us are doing it."
"having fun yet?" you called out, still bouncing up and down like a hyperactive child. the metal frame between the two of you was starting to groan in protest.
touya let out a huff. "this is dumb," he repeated. "i'd rather be doing literally anything else right now."
he continued to bounce, but his movements were more restrained than yours. the whole thing seemed so childish, especially with you gleefully giggling away on the other end.
“fine! lets go on the swings then.” you frowned, peeling yourself off the seesaw sadly and trudging over to the swingset.
touya let out a scoff, his hold on you reluctantly loosening “of course its the swings,” he said with a roll of his eyes, shifting his hands to rest on your hips. “you always wanna go on those stupid things.”
“yeah i do. they're the coolest!”
you quickly regained your composure, however, and looked back at touya with a raised eyebrow. "slides are lame. swings are where it's at. you can go up and down!"
he let out a scoff again, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "slides are better. they're faster. there's more adrenaline. now c’mon,” he murmured, walking side by side with you, absentmindedly matching the way you walked. left, right. left, right.
touya watched you closely as you sat down, his hands resting gingerly on your shoulders until you were safely seated on the swing. he stood there for a moment, his heart skipping a beat as your hair blew softly in the wind, framing your face with a few strands of hair.
he quickly brushed the feeling aside, shaking his head as he walked around to stand behind you.
“im gonna push you now, alright?”
touya positioned himself behind you, his hands wrapped around the chains of the swing. his heart felt like it was trying to beat out of his chest. he took a deep breath, praying silently that you didn’t notice how nervous he actually was.
“okay, on the count of three…”
he began to count down, softly at first but gaining momentum as he reached the end. on three, he pushed you gently, propelling the swing forwards.
as you began to swing, touya let out a long exhale, his breath leaving him in a shaky whisper. he stood behind you, watching as you soared through the air, a smile on your face bigger than the moon. 
he couldn’t help but notice how… carefree you looked. how your hair would sometimes brush against his knuckles as he pulled you backwards. how you would throw your head back in laughter every time you reached the peak of the swing. touya pushed you again, watching as you ascended even higher this time.
the sight of you swinging back and forth, your hair blowing in the gentle breeze, made his heart flutter. touya couldn’t tear his gaze away from you, his eyes fixated on your figure as you gained momentum.
he swallowed hard, trying to steady his breathing. he didn’t know why he felt so flustered, he had been pushing you on the swings for years.
this time felt different though. maybe it was the way the moonlight shone on your skin, or the way your shoulders shook with quiet giggles.
“push me touya! higher!”
touya let out a scoff of mock annoyance, though he knew he couldn’t deny you. 
“you’re such a pain in the ass,” he muttered under his breath, pushing the swing with more force. 
watching you go higher and higher, your laughter filling the air, touya couldn’t help but smile to himself. he wanted to know what it was like to be up there, to see the moon, and the stars. to feel free, even for just a moment. 
and touya never understood why in movies the main characters always seemed to be ‘stuck in place’. stood there, looking like an idiot as something that could have easily been prevented from happening in front of them. he was old enough to understand that it was for the plot, but he couldn't help but feel frustrated when a character wanders back into the house with a killer in it for the nth time.
but now, he was frozen, his whole body seizing as the you swung up, and up, fingers slipping from the chains and your body falling, encapsulated by nothing but the light of the moon.
time seemed to slow down at that moment. he could hear the thumping of his own heart in his ears, like a primal drum, beating in time with the seconds ticking by.
he tried to call out to you, to warn you about the impending fall, but no sound came out of his agape mouth. he could only watch, feet glued to the ground, as you came back down towards the ground at an increasingly high speed.
touya’s heart skipped a beat, his blood turning to ice as he saw you slip from the swing. he wasn’t sure what overtook him in that moment, but he felt his body moving on its own. 
within seconds, he found himself darting forward, arms outstretched as he tried to catch you midair. panic surged through him like electricity, his thoughts racing a mile a minute.
touya had no time to think, no time to weigh the risks or the consequences of what he was about to do. he acted, pure instinct taking over his body.
he moved with an almost superhuman speed, his long legs covering the distance between you and him in the blink of an eye. touya felt his adrenaline spike as he stretched his arms out towards you, his eyes locked onto your falling form.
he knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that this was a terrible idea. that he was putting himself in danger too. but in that moment, all he cared about was saving you.
time seemed to stretch on into infinity as he caught you, his arms encircling around your waist. he held you tight against his chest, the force of the impact causing him to stumble backwards. 
he fell onto the ground, landing on his back with a thud. the air left his lungs in a sharp exhale, his body tense as he tried to process what had just happened.
for a moment, touya laid there, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. his arms were still wrapped around you, holding you impossibly close against him.
“....touya?” your voice was small, eyes blown wide and terrified of every little thing that went bump in the night. you were always so strong, never wavering or faltering whenever you were around him. but here, right now, there was nothing you needed more than him.
"i got you," he breathed out, his voice shaky and ragged.
he held you closer, his hold on you tightening almost possessively. touya didn't know why his heart was pounding so hard, why his whole body felt like it was on fire.
he inhaled deeply, savoring the faint scent of your hair. it was a subtle, sweet fragrance that reminded him of wildflowers and sunshine.
"you're okay. i've got you," he repeated, more for his own reassurance than yours.
he sat up slowly, the movement causing him to wince slightly. his back was definitely going to hurt later, but he didn't care about that right now. all he cared about was making sure you were alright.
touya's eyes trailed over your form, searching for any signs of injury. he lifted a hand to gently cup your chin, tilting your face upwards so he could look at you properly.
he didnt know a single thing about taking care of others. didnt know how to put on a bandage, didnt know what medicine was what. didnt know how to comfort anyone, if at all. all he knew was what he saw his mother do, time, and time again.
his gaze softened as he looked into your eyes, taking in the sight of your tear-stained face. the sight tugged at his heartstrings, but he tried his best to keep his emotions in check.
he held your chin a little tighter, his thumb gently rubbing over your skin in a comforting motions.
"you're crying.”
“shut up. no– no ‘m not.”
touya couldn't help but roll his eyes at your reaction. even in moments like these, you were as stubborn as ever.
he let out a huff of amusement, shaking his head slightly as he used his thumb to wipe away the tears from your eyes.
"yeah, yeah, whatever you say," he said in a sarcastic tone. "because your tears are definitely just sweat, right?"
you nodded, shutting your eyes tight as you willed the world to stop spinning. you didn't know how people stomached going skydiving or riding rollercoasters, and you didn't think you ever would.
touya chuckled, his hand moving from your chin to pat your head fondly.
"you're an idiot, you know that?" he teased, his voice softening at the sight of your tear-stained face.
he hated seeing you cry. more than he knew he should.
the butterflies in his stomach stirred as he continued to hold you close, his hand still tangled in your hair. he tried to shake the feeling off, reminding himself that he was just being a good friend. that's all.
but as he sat there, with you in his arms and your tears staining his shirt, he couldn't ignore the fluttering in his chest.
he sat there for a moment, his fingers gently threading through your hair as he tried to catch his breath. he knew he should make sure you were actually okay, that your little stunt didn't actually get you hurt.
but right now, all he could focus on was you. the way your eyelashes fluttered against your skin as you blinked back tears, the way your lower lip trembled ever so slightly.
it was driving him crazy.
“can… can we go home?”
touya's heart ached at the sound of your soft, shaky voice. the way you looked so small and fragile in his arms right now made his chest tighten with an unfamiliar feeling. it was nauseating. you were always so strong around him, but seeing you like this was like flipping a switch in his brain.
he gently patted your head once more, his fingers lingering on your hair for a moment, before nodding.
"yeah," he responded, his voice quiet and hoarse. "yeah, we can go home."
he’d have to sneak you through the window again. as much as he wanted your parents to check you out now, it’d be too much of a risk.
touya's mind raced with thoughts as he helped you up onto your feet, his grip never loosening from your waist. 
he knew the drill by now. he would have to sneak you back into your room through your bedroom window, without getting caught by your parents. he took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. he could do this. he'd done it several times before.
touya always walked you home after the first night. it was the least he could do, anyways. his father was cruel, but not cruel enough to not raise a gentleman.
and touya didn't mind walking you back home. in fact, there was a secret part of him that actually relished in the time alone with you. the comfortable silence, the gentle brush of your hand against his, the way the dim street lights illuminated your face.
he could pretend, even if just for a moment, that it was just the two of you in the world. no parents, no rules, no responsibilities.
it was a foolish dream, but he clung to it like a lifeline, nonetheless.
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singmyaubade · 2 years
you're sick
| sypnosis: eddie has non-stop bullied you since your freshman year and it certainly won't stop as you approach into your senior year.
| who doesn't love a little evil?
| bully!eddie x y/n
| warning: contains NONCON, pure smut, violence, etc..
before you read, this does feature NONCON/RAPE, i am not responsible for what you read further on !
you walked through the hallway, your green skirt with striped white lines at the bottom, flowing side to side and your green vest shown, clearly identifying you as a cheerleader.
from far away, you looked as if you were simply fine and perfect in your natural light but if anyone looked very deep, they would clearly realize something was wrong.
and the something that was wrong?
eddie munson.
he had been terrorizing you since your freshman year and never failed to make you feel worse about yourself.
he would push you, trip you, make you cry if it meant that you would get upset.
you had tried everything to get him to leave you alone but he never seems to quit, you disliked him in every way.
you didn't find a single thing to like about him.
but back to reality,
"y/n!" your friend, chrissy cunningham, coming over to you with a smile.
"chrissy!" you smiled at her as chrissy walked along side of you.
"okay so here me out, i got jason's friend who's name is jack who would love to go on a date with you." she squeaked.
you sighed, "chrissy, i do not need that at the moment."
she frowned, "it's our final year and you still refuse to go on a date with any of the guys."
you rolled your eyes, "they are all tools that don't deserve all this." you did a little turn, showing off your figure, bumping into someone.
"oh im so-" you looked up to see the man you hated the most but also feared, "i'm really sorry eddie." you apologized, not wanting any punishment.
he smirked, passing by you without saying anything, "what was that?" chrissy asked, smiling.
"nothing, just an accident." you gave an innocent smile but little did chrissy know, it goes farther than that.
the bell rang as you went to sit down in front of eddie as you always did.
"hi slut." eddie whispered in your ear, causing shivers down your back as you ignored him, "don't ignore me, you will only make it worse on yourself."
"what do you want eddie?" you sighed, still facing forward.
"what's with the attitude, you act as if i can't say hi these days, i'm quite hurt y/n." he fake frowned.
you grew visibly annoyed, "i don't wanna play your games eddie."
he smirked, "whatever princess wants."
you looked confused as to why eddie is leaving you alone but you consider it luck today.
the teacher called you up to write an equation which you do with ease. as you headed back to your seat, eddie had a huge smile on his face, it was dark. you knew he was up to something but you couldn't place your finger on it.
the bell rang as you packed up your textbooks and stood, going as you tripped over eddie's leg which was purposely put out.
you didn't even wanna entertain him so you continued exiting the classroom.
you heard him chasing after you, "y/n!"
you quickly exited the classroom, ready to go to lunch as he gripped your hand painfully, "let go of me." you looked at him angrily.
"have you forgotten who the fuck you are talking to?" he whispered in your ear angrily.
you scoffed at his cockiness, "i don't talk to man-children who play a child's game." you took back your hand, "but maybe i'll talk to you with respect when you stop hanging out with freshman, you fucking freak." you spat at him, "i would also recommend getting out of highschool before you get over the legal drinking age, asshole."
you had never seen him so angry but you were sick of the abuse, you exited the classroom to walk with your cheer friends.
you were glad that it was a friday so you would be prepared for the repercussions of your actions.
after you walked with your cheer friends, you waved goodbye, heading home.
thankfully the walk was only five minutes and took you no time. you were glad to head home because you kept feeling anxious going home as if someone was following you.
nobody was home due to your parents being on an anniversary trip that they would be back from tomorrow but you just wanted to go straight to sleep anyways.
after eating leftovers, you dressed into pajama shorts and a tanktop, going to sleep.
you were suddenly awoken to your bottoms being pulled off aggressively as you gasped to see eddie, "what the fuck are you doing! get out!" you kicked him but he only restrained you further.
this is when you started to cry, "get off of me!" you tried using your nails to scratch him.
that's when he slapped you, "don't fucking move." he aggressively said, pulling out a knife.
tears were streaming down your face as you stopped moving, scared to death.
he started rubbing your exposed clit, "you fucking insult me and think you are gonna get away with that shit, you stupid fucking bitch." he spat.
he completely ripped of your bottoms now causing you to cry harder, "i'm sorry!" you pleaded with him but you knew he wouldn't listen.
he started unbuckling his belt as you tried crawling across the bed to go but he grabbed onto your legs, "you really are fucking stubborn."
he turned you over so that your legs were spread as he went in between you and positioned himself in the middle of you, choking you.
"i should've killed you for what you said today but i should fuck the disrespect out of you instead." he whispered, letting go of you as you gasped for air as he cut your tanktop, revealing your breasts.
he stroked himself lightly, lining up with your entrance before pushing himself inside.
you gasped at the pressure, he was stretching you out completely. he started sucking on your nipples as the pleasure hit you harder than ever.
"perfect fucking tits." he bit on your nipple a little bit, making you moan.
he squeezed onto your tit as he sucked on other one, rocking into you.
he pounded into you harder, using his thumb to circle your clit, "so fucking wet and you try to act as if you don't like it." he groaned into your ear as you moaned.
"eddie please, gentle." you begged as the sounds to skin slapping against eachother and moans filled your ears.
"your cunt was made for me, holy shit." he fucked you harder.
at this point, tears were rapidly streaming down your cheeks by the pleasure, "i'm coming." you moaned.
"then do it, you dirty slut." his voice making you come harder.
"fuck." eddie moaned, pulling out of you and coming onto your sheets as your eyes closed.
he couldn't wait to punish you again.
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christinarowie332 · 10 months
stupid fucking kid
part 2 of “stupid horny fucks”
chris sturniolo x reader .
angst .
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warnings : language , talk of sex . angst . depictions of depressive episodes. regret .
not proof read cuz i don’t have time for that. 😀
it’s been a week . seven days of avoiding conversations with him , seven days of “oh sorry i’m busy” messages to nick when he asks to come over . i cant even think straight .
one week ago .
“he flops down next to me , his chest heaving and loose curls wet slightly around his neck with sweat .
“what the fuck just happened” i say looking over to him
he just stares at the ceiling .
what the fuck just happened .
“i’m gonna go-“ i try to continue but the sight of chris’s eyes closed and soft hums of sleep stop me .
my mind races with scenarios and past conversations. he doesn’t want a relationship. i don’t even know if i do . i just fucked my best-friend. how the fuck did that even happen . the same kid that i see allmost everyday , i’ve known him for years , what the fuck have i just done .
“chris i’m gonna go .” i whisper to his sleeping body , while getting out of bed and grabbing the sweatpants and tank top from the floor , and leaving the room . as i walk downstairs my vision gets blurry as regret and guilt sets in . i can hear nick and matt ask questions but before i know it i’m in my car and speeding home .
what the fuck just happened.
the ceiling seems to move as i stare into the white space, shadows curve and shift with stars before i blink them away and look towards the notification lighting up my dark room . i notice the time . 2.36 , jesus . not bothering to read the notification i silence my phone and turn over in my sheets . the cold kisses my face as my cheeks slide over my pillow , fingers numb at the temperature as i place them both under the cover and curl the duvet up to my neck . closing my eyes allows the thoughts to run wild , my estranged relationship with the triplets , the fact i haven’t left my house in days , my plants are wilted as i’ve neglected them. chris .
i open my eyes and see the mascara stained bedding from last night . grey droplets seeping into the fabric left marks . a physical reminder for everyone to see . well. that’s if anyone bothered to check on me . it’s not their fault , the moment matt called me to check if i was ok i changed the subject, called him stupid and laughed , deciding to let him talk instead of me . it worked the first two days , then the missed meetings rang alarm bells for nick , he showed up at my house , ringing the doorbell to which i ignored . i shouldn’t have done that . the thoughts that were once plaguing my head were cut off as i hear a car pull into my driveway . the sound of my dogs nails tapping into the wooden floor confirms it , she knows the sound of matt’s car .
as i reach the door i take a breath before opening it , gripping the handle for stability , nuckles whitening at the force . i’m met with shy blue eyes and stubble , his hair flowing around his hat and vivien westwood necklace swaying on his chest .
his voice is hourse , it allmost sounds deeper, my lips twitch at his nervous tone but it never quite meets a smile as i know why he’s here . “hi chris.” my eyes focus on the car and i notice matt behind the wheel looking angry , probably at being dragged out the house , but his eyes soften when he meets my gaze . i shift out the way for chris to enter the house , it’s only now i realise the state im in and cover my body with my arms .
i close the door behind him and turn to look at him sheepishly. he looks nervous, his hands are in his pockets and he won’t meet my eye contact . i’m not sure if it’s embarrassment or anxiety but whatever it is , it’s not chris .
“look y/n i’m-“
“does matt know?” i cut him off unintentionally, something changes in his features. this is something he can answer . an easy thing to talk about . “no , i figured it’s up to you to tell him.” he answers confidently, like he’s doing me some fucking favour . quickly the pain turns into anger , and i feel adrenaline fill my chest , as much as i wish it was a different feeling i’m happy to feel something.
“what the fuck does that mean? u give me the job to tell him ? what are u too embarrassed to tell him?” i snap at him . i subconsciously curse myself , knowing this is not what i wanted to say . but this is easier then watching him walk away all together. this he’s good at , this he knows how to do . argue .
“what ? no of course not? y/n i just-“
“you just what ? too embarrassed to say we fucked and u ghosted me ?”
“ghosted you ? i didn’t fucking ghost you , you just left ? u literally fucked then dipped ? what am i supposed to do tell him hm?” he raises his voice , his calm demeanour slowly melting away . he takes a step towards me and i take a step back , my back hitting the radiator attached to wall and i wince at the pain . he notices and takes a step back again , taking a shakey breath in and bites the inside of his lip . “look y/n , im sorry okay ? i don’t know what i did or how to fix it but i’m sorry . i thought u wanted it as much as me but i’m sorry if you-“
“no chris i did, i thought i did , but i just don’t think it should have happened, i feel wierd . i cant believe i fucked you literally minutes after u meant to send a dick pic to another girl” i calm myself down now , matching his energy, my neighbors did not want to hear two teenagers shout about dickpics at 2 in the morning . “ i feel disgusting , u took my fucking virginity and-“
“what” he cuts me off confused , looking away in thought i watch as his shoulders relax and eyes glaze over for a second . “i’m so sorry i didn’t even know , i didn’t think , that picture was stupid , it was a mistake in itself i don’t even know that girl . she just looked like you so-“
what .
yikes y/n seriously needs some therapy
tag list:
@mangosrar @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @kvtie444 @kenzieiskoolaid @cabincorematt @urmyslxt @chrisenthusiast @mattsd0ll @iheart2021chris @recklesssturniolo @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @paper-crab @lustfulslxt @daddyslilchickenfingers @strniohoeee @ermdontmindthisaccount @sturnphilia @bluesturniolo333 @lea0518 @chrisolivia4l @its-jennarose @freshlovehacker @kitaysworld @littlebookworm803 @liz-stxrn @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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cutestbow · 4 months
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Notes: this blurb is apart of an au if anyone is confused
:Hi guys thank you so much for all the likes and follows, and I am so grateful to tell you that im going to be uploading a lot more frequently I have a lot of ideas in mind!!!!, also remember that my requests for this au are always open so if you have any ideas pleaseeeeeeee request themmmm!!!<33
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It had been a week since they had all been at the lake house, and usually around that time the boys would invite their friends and have little get together parties.
So there Penelope sat on the back patio watching all the interactions around her, her eyes roamed before they landed on Luke
He had been talking to someone with a beer in his hand, she couldn’t quite make out who exactly due to people walking in front of her, she sat up attempting to get a better view ignoring marks confused remarks.
Once the crowd dyed down and she got a good view her movements stilled, he was talking to a girl, she was blonde with these ocean blue eyes, penny had never seen her around before but she thought she was beautiful.
She sat back grabbing her water and slumping in her chair before turning her head towards a smirking mark
“What?” She Said furrowing her eyebrows
“Her names grace I think Luke’s been talking to her for like two weeks now” he spoke suddenly
“I wasn’t looking at them” she tried to laugh off bringing the bottle to her lips
Mark just rolled his eyes in response deciding to drop the subject
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The more later it got the more people left, the sun had set and it had just been the three brother and couple of their friends sitting at the patio, and grace.
Penny watched as she easily laughed at whatever unfunny joke Luke had told her, she watched as grace would hold his arm Every time she laughed
Penelope was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when mark tapped on her arm, “here” he said handing her a blanket that she wasted no time wrapping her self in
She sat there taking in the warmth before looking up and locking eyes with Luke.
She managed to give him a tight lip smile before looking down again suddenly finding fascination in the blanket she’d been wrapped in
But really it was just an excuse to look anywhere but the way Luke held grace, penny wondered if they’d been dating, it didn’t matter if they were she didn’t care she told herself
Penelope sat in silence muting all conversations around her and letting her thoughts take over before she was snapped out of her thoughts for second time that night,
“what?” She responded harshly at the person, annoyed in that moment
She quickly grew embarrassed as all eyes landed on her, “I just asked if you were ok?” Quinn spoke lowly making penny feel bad for the way she responded
“Oh I’m sorry, yes I’m fine” she apologized , penny rarely got angry or frustrated at anyone so she didn’t understand what’s gotten her so irritated now.
She watched as everyone went back to what they were originally doing and penny saw that as a sign to leave, she quickly got up bidding quiet goodbyes to some of the umich boys and mark before walking inside to the kitchen, sitting at the island resting her head on the cold surface closing her eyes
She had let her thoughts take over again making her enter a tired state, before she knew it she had fallen asleep.
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It had been three in the morning when luke suddenly woke up, walking down the stairs after deciding he wanted water
Luke’s steps faltered as he walked into the dark kitchen seeing a very much asleep penny, Luke sighed at her state, had no one seen her down here?, why did no one come and get her?
He walked over to her, hesitating before gently shaking her, seeing that she didn’t wake up he shook again getting the same reaction he did before.
He sighed “what am I gonna do with you” he spoke quietly rarely above a whisper moving a loose strain of hair from her face
gently he picked her up from her position and left the kitchen, walking up the stairs and into her specific room in the house
He softly layed her down on the bed pulling the covers over her, turning the lamp next to her bed off
Luke turned around once to glance at her before leaving
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lovinkiri · 2 years
Hi, I really like your work! Also your page is so prettyyyyyyy💛
Can I request some headcanons (sfw or not, I'll leave it up to you!) for Tokoyami, Sero and Monoma (separately) with a chubby rader.
It's okay if you don't want to write this, also, if you don't want to write for all of these characters.
Have a nice day!
Hands All Over You
Author's Thoughts: You have no idea how happy this made me. I've been gone for a bit but I'm pretty sure it's cause I don't feel as inspired. This made my day though, I literally gasped 💕 AND OMG YOU ARE MY FIRST MONOMA IM TOO EXCITED—
Warning: NSFW-ish (what we called a lime back in the day), Groping, Cussing, Etc.
Fumikage Tokoyami
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All this man wants to do is hold you and snuggle, I swear!
He'll intertwine his fingers and rest his palms over your tummy, pull you on top of him with his hands on your hips.
He slides his hands over your skin, appreciating and making himself aware of every curve and dip.
Dark Shadow can often be found winding himself around your waist, nuzzling your plush figure.
When you guys make out, his hands are roaming.
While he's occupied with you, Dark Shadow's talking all sweet in your ear because I swear he has a dirty mouth, and I'll die on that hill
"C'mon, take it off for us. You will, won't you?"
And when they switch, Tokoyami loves to praise his darling
"So beautiful. I can't believe I have you all to myself. "
"... Sort of."
Hanta Sero
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Like Tokoyami, he loves touching you, but this man cuddles and gropes you anywhere. And I do mean anywhere.
Grocery store, work, your parents' house, anywhere.
Whenever you guys hang out with your friends, his head is on his shoulder and he's hugging you from behind.
He prefers to have you on his lap too, and brushes away any concerns you may have of being "too heavy".
Just assures you that you aren't, and that feeling your weight on his lap is sexy ;)
They poke fun at his clinginess, but he just sticks his tongue out a grins.
"You're just mad I get to hold this cariño all the. Mantente enojado."
He loves seeing you dress up. One of the few men who love going shopping. Not only does he like clothes in general, but he wants to see you try on everything.
Buys whatever you like, doesn't matter.
"No te preocupes por eso. You're already doing enough, looking all pretty for me."
Don't be surprised when he wants to join you in the dressing room. I promise you won't regret letting him in though.
"Shhh. We don't want that nice lady outside to hear us, do we?"
Cariño = Honey
Mantente enojado = Stay mad/angry
No te preocupes por eso = Don't worry about that.
Neito Monoma
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Neito can be pretty self-involved... Except for when it comes to you.
Because Neito thinks you're stunning, curves and all.
When he has a bad day, he's burying his face in your soft skin and holding you close again.
"Mm... You feel so soft against me, My Love..."
He loves your pretty thighs, loves laying his head on them, rubbing them as you lay in bed together.
Loves to see you in skirts and shorts. I'm telling you, the man is secretly pervert.
As soon as you walk in, he's looking you up and down with that sexy smirk.
Pulls you between his thighs and admires you.
"Such pretty hips..."
When you get intimate, he kisses all over your pretty body, praising you the whole time.
"Perfect. All of you, every inch of you, is perfect. Don't you ever forget."
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breezybangtanbebe · 9 months
God Damn : Changkyun❤️‍🔥
A/N: (i wrote this like over a year ago and never edited it🙃) Changkyun x reader (1st person), toxic breakup, drinking, angst, raw sex, rough sex. Emotional and smutty...I apologize in advance. 🌚
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6.6k words
"I'm really worried about him."
"He hasn't been himself since you left..."
"He's so lost without you..."
"He's not responding to any of us and we can't find him..."
"Please Mira.....you're the only one who knows him like us..maybe even better than us. He'll talk to you."
That last text from Kihyun was the hardest one to ignore because it was true.
I did know Changkyun better than his friends and that was one of the reasons why I left him in the first place.
I was done with him and this fucking city, already packed and in a hotel until the day of my flight came. This place held too many memories for me to remain here after our separation some months ago and the wounds were too fresh to risk the temptation to go back.
It hurts but I can't keep living like this.
Neither can he.
I knew I would find him here though.
He was such a creature of habit that it annoyed me that his friends wouldn't think to look here first.
It never fails.
He was always so easy to predict and sometimes I wish he'd prove me wrong.
Just once.
Maybe this is a setup.
The smoke was thick and blinding in the crowded basement and the bass shook the walls as I descended from the final step. The rain and thunder outside were drowned out immediately by the music and I have to squint my eyes to see through the haze as I stepped through it.
It was a typical Saturday night and the mutual acquaintance and owner of the house was hosting one of his usual boozed-up functions that I admittedly used to look forward to. But we all have to grow up sometime.
I moved through the swaying crowd of people too drunk and high to care about making way for the angry curly-headed brunette searching the crowd. All of them were lost in the rhythm of the music.
And whatever else they were on...
I hoped he would be among the many in the small sea of stoners. Make my life easy just once would you, Im Changkyun.
Fucking pain in my ass.
Eventually, I made my way to the furthest corner of the party which was illuminated by beaming red LEDs. Several booths lined the back wall where a single light bulb glowed above each table. All of them were littered with paraphernalia, hookahs, empty liquor bottles, and ashtrays filled to the brim with roaches (not the bugs) and cigarette butts. The stink of smoke was even more potent here since it was the source and it burned my eyes the closer I got.
That's when I saw him.
I know it was him immediately by the sway of his long unkept hair hanging in his face. His black leather jacket is draped behind him and the bulge of his tattooed bicep flexes beneath his loose white v-neck tee. He sat with his head down, his elbows resting on the table and his hands running through his hair.
He's alone. Thankfully. Or else this would have been thrice as awkward. It was at that moment that I questioned my intentions as I lingered a few feet away.
Why am I here?
I should just call one of his friends and tell them he's here.
Jooheon would be happy to pull up with Hosoek more than likely to take over.
Kihyun would march straight up to him and yank him up by his collar.
Minhyuk would most likely do something similar after cussing him out for worrying everyone.
Hyunwoo would sit and talk some sense into him, convince him to pull himself out of this ditch he'd buried himself in.
Hyungwon would drink with him for a little before convincing him to quit and go home.
They were his friends. They should be the ones to handle him in his ruins. Not me.
I should just call one of them.
I should walk away now.
I should...
I'm about to step back into the darkness of the dance floor but suddenly go stiff when Changkyun lifts his head and for the first time in what feels like forever I see his face.
He seems thinner, his jawline sharper than I remember, and there is a red smudge staining the corning of his bottom lip. That's when I noticed the redness on his knuckles.
The scrapes, bruises, and scars.
What had he done to himself after we went our separate ways? Drinking himself into a stooper aside. What demons had he been battling that I couldn't bear witnessing any longer?
Without thinking about it anymore, I approached him with a fast beating and heavy heart. I'm gonna get him out of here and be done.
For good.
I stand beside where he's seated and wait for him to notice me, hoping he isn't too far gone in the glass of what I presumed to be some form of cognac with no ice.
It only takes a few seconds for Changkyun to lift his head to look up at me with blank eyes. It's as if I was just some random girl blocking the light. But after a few seconds of exaggeratedly slow blinking, his expression changes from indifference to annoyance.
"Amira?" I catch on his lips. Changkyun looks me up and down, studying me in my jeans and coat before lazily locking eyes with me again.
"I'm here to take you home." I raise my voice and the look of irony on my ex's face gives me pause.
"Home...." He slurs with a tsk as he drags his eyes back down to the swirling liquor in his glass.
I furrow my brow at him but choose to dismiss the look of disgust on his face.
"Get up," I say with more urgency, not even bothering to raise my voice. Changkyun scoffs lightly before picking up the short-cut glass set before him on the table.
My face hardened as he ignored me to take a sip of the amber substance, his Adams Apple bobbing as he swallowed.
"I am home so.......Fuck off...." He mumbles, gesturing towards the glass as he sucks in another sip.
He was so stubborn when was drunk.
Definitely NOT going to miss that.
Losing my patience, I reach for the glass before he can take another sip and Changkyun's lightning reflexes seem well intact judging by how quickly he moved the cup from my reach. But in the process, he also underestimates the strength of his grip and the small glass shatters in his grasp.
Broken shards fall over the tabletop, spilling the alcohol all over its surface. No one around reacts to the scene though, leaving only me to witness the frustration in Changkyun's expression.
"God dammit..." I hear him huff and my eyes go wide at the steady stream of blood tricking from his palm. He doesn't seem to notice it though and is staggering to his feet like a drone. I already knew what he was after, a drink to replace that one and I wasn't having it.
"No," I say as I grabbed him by the wrist. Changkyun looks down at my hand then at me and scoffs.
"What are you doing?" He furrows his brow with an arrogant smirk.
"You can barely walk. No more drinking. Let's go." I yell over the music.
"Go home, Mira..."
"I'm not leaving here without you!"
"For fucks sake..."
Changkyun drunkenly scoffs at me again before snatching out of my grasp. I quickly grab his other and it turns into an obnoxious game of snatch and grab on the dance floor.
If I weren't so annoyed and pissed, I would be embarrassed at how childish we must have looked. Standing there playing tug of war with each other. Of course, I was no match for Changkyun's strength but I was sober. This meant my reaction time reflexes and persistence were bound to have him relenting to my will eventually.
It took some convincing and a bit of manhandling on my end to get Changkyun to leave the basement. Thankfully, there seems to be a break in the storm and I glance up at the sky with relief.
At least we wouldn't have to walk in the rain on top of me dragging this drunk ass.
My mood plummets once we reach the sidewalk. Because the moment we're outside and the humid air hits him, I flinch at how Changkyun suddenly moves out of my reach to double over a random trash can.
I rolled my eyes even harder as he wretched into the metal bin, resisting the urge to go to him. To rub his back and stroke his hair. To comfort him through the inevitable.
I don't though.
That wasn't my job anymore.
We stumble up the sidewalk for a few blocks until we reach his apartment building and I get him inside using the code I'd memorized from frequent use over the years. It was now pouring again and we were drenched by the time we stepped inside the building's lobby.
I get him inside and shiver at the chilling temperature from the doorway. As if being soaked to the bone with rainwater wasn't enough. It seemed as though just to vex me, my thoughtless drunk of an ex kept his heat off all day.
"Ugh..." I exhale again. Standing here cussing him in my mind wouldn't get us warm so with me supporting most of his weight, we enter.
A trail of wet shoes and outerwear lay abandoned by the front door and the hum of the heat filling the old vents of his apartment swirl around us as I sat in the living room.
I kept his lights dim and left the TV off as I listened to the rain pattering against the windows.
Changkyun snored softly in the spot I allowed him to plop down on the couch and he'd fallen asleep immediately, his hair and shirt still damp, leaving me on the armchair opposite of him.
There Amira. The job was done.
You can leave now.
Leave him and all of this torment behind you.
I said that to myself as I rose to my feet. Changkyun remained still and sleeping with his face mushed against the cushion, his wet hair fanned out over his head.
Why did he have to be so cute AND such a disaster all at once?
Lightning strikes, spooking me to sit back down on the indented sofa. Then another chill ran over my body despite the warming air, reminding me of the weather I'd be facing again once I stepped outside.
An Uber or cab would cost a bit.
And the metro station was too far to walk to in the rain.
Perhaps I should have thought this through, instead of allowing Kihyun's worrisome ass to convince me to do this.
"Dammit.." I sigh, ultimately deciding it would be best to stay put. Hopefully, Changkyun remained asleep by the time the storm let up enough for me to sneak out of there.
So I stayed, reluctantly, and leaned my head back against the cushion of the sofa.
Between the thunder, the buzzing hum of the heating system in his apartment, and the soft sound of Changkyun's muffled snoring, it wasn't long before my eyes began to roll back sleepily.
I flinch and my eyes pop open to find Changkyun standing before me in the living room, shirtless with his wild mane sitting messily atop his head.
It looked as if he'd awakened some time ago and taken a shower since he's in different clothes and the clean scent of his shampooed hair is detectable from his proximity.
I gulp as my eyes travel down his body of their own volition but blink away any inappropriate ideas before they can form. I lift my gaze to find him staring at me with the same dark interest.
"You're still here..." he states calmly as I sit up in the seat and he regards me just as soft as his voice as I glance around the room with mild confusion.
It was still dark outside but the storm had eased up significantly.
How long was I asleep?
His eyes seemed more sober than they were before he passed out and I looked up at him speculatively.
That's a relief.
"Um...yeah. Must have dozed off.." I mutter, grimacing as I shake the sleepiness away.
Changkyun makes a noise that could have either been a scoff or a snort of humor.
"Yeah. Me too.." he chuckles, but his smile doesn't touch his eyes as it trailed off.
I can't imagine the headache he must have right now.
At his pause, I take it upon myself to continue.
"I stuck around hoping that the storm would let up a bit and dry off. I wasn't trying to..."
"Naw it's cool. You don't have to explain...Shit, to be honest...I don't even remember how I got home. Glad you had something to do with that and not some random..." he chuckles shamelessly and although I know he saying it in a joking manner, I know he is serious.
There's no telling how many women he's brought back here after getting shitfaced.
The thought makes my stomach turn.
"Yeah well...Since you're awake, I should probably get going..." I concede amid his nervous chuckling, preparing to stand and Changkyun immediately lifts his hands to stop me.
"What? No...I mean... it's still raining and it's late. People drive like dick heads over here when it's wet..." he says, his choice of words always colorful.
"It's fine...I didn't drive. I took the train." I said truthfully.
Changkyun frowns at my response.
"You took the train? What happened to your car?" He asks and I go tense.
Oh boy.
"I.......sold it," I answer him, tucking my lips between my teeth as I wait for him to digest the answer.
The two of us hadn't spoken in a while which meant I hadn't made him aware of me moving away, let alone me selling the car he'd spent countless hours working on for free.
Other than it being in my name and me being financially responsible for it, Changkyun put just as many miles and effort into it as if it were his.
"You sold your car..." he deadpans and I nod affirmatively.
"Yep. For a really good price to a guy I knew from uptown. I.... can't afford to take it with me so.."
"Oh right! Because you're moving out of the city." Changkyun interrupts me.
The sluggishness in his voice was no longer present, telling me he was for sure sober. But that same hint of disdain and disgust presented itself as he spoke. I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off.
"Yeah....I know. Kinda saw it on Instagram. The whole "going away party" threads on your friend's stories gave me the clue. Sucks that I couldn't hear the news from you but...ya know." he shrugs sullenly.
I stand there quietly for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Yeah." is all I can muster and Changkyun scoffs.
"Yeah.." he chuckles breathily, turning away from me as he runs a hand through his hair. I watched him begin to pace slowly, rubbing at the back of his neck and flaunting his bare upper body to the neon glow of the street lights just beyond his apartment window.
"I get it though. Of course you sold it. I mean...why not? You could always just get a replacement. Since that's your way of doing shit anyway. Commit to something, get it all fixed up, and just...walk away from it." He turns on his heel to throw in before turning his back to me again.
His statement stuns me and I'm left speechless as he continues away from me.
I watch his back and the shadows cast against his muscles from the dimness as he walks over to his array of liquor bottles lined up against the back wall of the kitchen counters. He reaches for a half-empty Hennesy, twisting the cap and tipping it back for a hefty sip that's swallowed down like water.
I furrow my brow at the way his shoulders sag in relief as he turns to me.
"You could have told me, you know? Thought we were better than that," he remarks stiffly before he lifts the bottle back to his lips, gazing over its body at me as he takes another sip.
His eyes are expectant and I just stare back, too tired to indulge him.
I sigh heavily and begin patting my pockets to make sure my phone and wallet are still there before spotting my keys on his coffee table.
"The only reason I'm here was because Kihyun reached out." I snatch them up and they jingle loudly as I step around the table. Changkyun frowns at the sound of his friend's name on my lips and narrows his eyes.
"Why the fuck would he hit you up?" he asks and I snort at the bitterness of his question.
"I asked myself the same thing. But he figured I was his last resort in getting in contact with you, seeing as how you've been avoiding everyone and missing work. Believe me, though, I'm starting to wish he hadn't..." I respond honestly breezing past Changkyun in the direction of his guest bathroom.
The only reason I'm able to move so comfortably around his apartment was that Id damn near made it my second home in the duration of our tumultuous relationship.
I wouldn't be surprised if I still had a toothbrush or a box of tampons here.
I flip the light switch, not at all surprised to find Changkyun following close behind and my disheveled reflection staring back at me in the mirror. My curls had dried only a little and my makeup was smudged a tad but not ruined.
"Right..because I'm not your problem anymore." He chuffs, taking another sip and I roll my eyes at his antics as I try to tend to my appearance. I run my fingers through my hair roughly before snatching a paper towel off the roll, dampening it before wiping just below my eyeline.
"You were never my problem Changkyun. The only one here with problems was you." I mutter distractedly, frowning at how difficult it was to wipe away my mascara. My response seems to amuse him and an ironic smirk crosses his face as he leans against the doorway.
"And I'm guessing that's why you left? Me and my problems? Just me though, right? Since you're so perfect..." he asks with a cheeky tone and I hiss irritably as I abruptly turn to face him.
"What choice did I have? What choice did you give me? All we do is fight. It's not healthy for either of us and I'm exhausted. YOU are exhausting. I never claimed to be perfect but you..." I go on and Changkyun nods cynically as I speak.
"Yeah...c'mon. Lay it on me. Tell me how horrible I am despite all the shit I've done for you...I'm the fucking worst right?" He chortles and I can't help but laugh.
"Like I haven't done shit for you! Don't act like that negates the fact that you can't change or that...I don't know...We just aren't compatible anymore. That we've grown apart..."
"I'm not changing for somebody who doesn't know what the fuck they want. Ok?" Changkyun cuts in, jutting his forefingers into his sternum emphatically.
"You're impossible to satisfy Mira! You want me to be someone that I'm not. At least not yet...You put pressure on me to do shit how you want and when I fall short, I'm the bad guy. I never cheated on you. Never put my hands on you..."
"Gee, thanks for the bare minimum of common decency Kyun. I appreciate it." I mumble amid his rambling...
"..when you suggested seeing a shrink, I was open to it.." he continues.
"But did you go?" I tack on and he rolls his eyes.
"That's not the point. You gotta give me time. This shit here? Talking about my feelings...this is new territory for me. You never cut me any slack. You just criticize and jet like you're doing now.."
"Because I'm tired of cutting you slack. I'm tired of waiting...I wanted us to evolve and be better together. I wanted us to live together officially and live healthier and get married and..." I trail off, the words clogging my throat as the heartbreak of feeling rejected by him swell.
For a while, we were fine.
But eventually, I wanted more than what he was willing to give. And he tried to appease me and distract me from the fact that our relationship had hit a plateau.
It took us having a pregnancy scare for me to really see how unprepared he was for us moving forward.
"...but you've made it explicitly clear that that's not what you want." I nearly choke on the sob threatening to break through.
We'd been through this too many times and rehashing it was the last thing I wanted. Changkyun blinked a few times as if he needed to gauge my demeanor before responding.
Then he looked away painfully, grimacing a bit as he rubbed at the back of his neck with a troubled sigh.
"I know...I'm just..not ready.." he mutters, his eyes now on the floor. His jaw tightened and shifted as he contemplated something and I remained in front of the bathroom sink patiently. 
The silence between us was deafening and the longer I gazed at him and his conflicted state, the stronger my urge to cry became.
I love this man.
So much that it hurts to even say it.
Changkyun lifts his head suddenly at the sound of me sniffling and I curse myself for letting a tear escape.
I turn my back to wipe it away with a shaky huff.
"I know. And I'm not waiting for you to be. I can't. I'm just done." I shake my head, avoiding the searing look in his eyes I knew he was giving me.
I sniffle again, scanning his bathroom for the tiny waste bin to discard the charcoal-streaked paper towel and Changkyun stands unmoved in the doorway as I brush past him.
Before I'm clear of him, I feel his hand gripping me by the wrist.
I pause, anticipating the inevitable. Another condescending remark to get a rise out of me, provoking me to engage in more back and forth. Feeding his selfish need to drain me until I was as empty as he felt.
But to my surprise, he says nothing.
At his silence, I turn to find him staring at our now intertwined fingers sadly.
His brow creased painfully and the muscles in his jaw tensed as he bit back the urge to cry, the urge that glistened in his hooded eyes.
"You can't be angry at me for not wanting what you want when you want it," he repeats and I roll my eyes, pulling my hand from his with little effort. He doesn't try to stop me from withdrawing despite us moving like magnets. He drags behind me to the living room mindlessly.
"I'm not doing this...." I mutter as I scan the room as if I'd forgotten something.
"You're here, so you are. We..are doing this." He grits, his tone making me turn on my heel to face him with the full intention to cuss and give him exactly what he wanted.
But the way he glares into me with broken eyes and his sullen shoulders, I'm rendered silent.
"We could have worked this out but instead you did what you always do when shit gets tough. Run away.." he closes the distance between us tentatively, his voice shaking as he spoke.
I shake my head at the conviction in his voice, knowing we were at an impasse.
"Right.." I chuckle before wiping my eyes one more time. I lift them to match his glare intensely.
"And you go and do what you always do when you can't take accountability for shit. Go and find solace at the bottom of a liquor bottle until you're painting the floor with it."
I know the words a daggers to him when he narrows his eyes.
"And you're such a saint." Changkyun tuts his brow arrogantly at me.
Yes. There was a time when getting black-out drunk and high was considered a good time. And those horrible habits were the reason Changkyun and I bonded. Mutual interests evolved as did our relationship and loving him made being under the influence less necessary.
"Well, it's a good thing we ended things right? Since we're so different..." I shrug and Changkyun scoffs, looking away with his tongue sticking through the skin of his cheek. When he looks back, it's with a look that always used to make my core tighten.
"I didn't end shit." he insists, narrowing his eyes at him darkly.
"I know."
"Exactly. So stop acting like I wronged you in all of this. Stop acting like I'm the one who broke your heart, Mira."
The tears were flowing freely by now and I neither had the will or strength to resist them anymore. Eyes rimmed red and shining, I let out a laugh that morphs into a muffled sob.
"I had to. Don't you understand? For the sake of my sanity, I had to walk away because I was not going to sit back and watch you destroy yourself. To watch us destroy each other. I loved you too much to continue this. I tried but I just couldn't. I had to be done."
"What if I'm not?"
"I don't wanna be done."
He stares at me blankly for a moment, his eyes reading the way I avoided his with a melancholy smirk.
Suddenly Im inhaling the malted mix of cognac and mint as he grabbed me at the back of my neck, pulling me forward so that he could rest his forehead against mine.
His eyes bore into mine, dark as obsidian and just as hard. The tip of his nose brushes mine and he tilts his head so his words are painted against my lips in an exalted exhale.
"And neither do you.." he mouths, our parted lips sharing a desperate breath for a moment before one of us gives in.
And it's him.
It's always him.
The darkness in his eyes was sinful when he pulled away and I'm ashamed to have been the one chasing his lips a little when he did.
His presence was more intoxicating than any liquor I ever consumed.
The way neon lights from beyond the window blinked against the side of his face, highlighting his chiseled features as he walked me back until I was pressed flat against the wall of his living room.
"Kyunnie?" I stammer as he pressed against me, pinning me to the concrete grey-painted wall, kneading my nape as he tipped his head back just enough to see my face.
His eyes danced with mine for a moment, both of us hesitating and searching for something in the other.
"You hate me, don't you?" He asks.
"I never said that..." I attempt to respond but he shakes his head.
"You never had to..." he cuts me off, his eyes falling to my lips. Without a shred of hesitation, he leans in and kisses me again.
More fervently.
Hennessy and desperation lingered on his tongue but he didn't kiss me as if on a drunken impulse. He kissed me as if his life depended on it. Sloppy and frantic. Our teeth clashed at moments as our tongues fought and our voices melded into a melody of muffled moans.
What the hell was happening...
A few minutes ago I was ready to walk away from this part of my life. Ready to end this chapter and close the door on the man who knew better but wouldn't do or be better.
Toxic wasn't even the word.
His mouth parts from mine and he trails sloppy desperate pecks down from my lips to my neck.
My weakness.
The moment his lips grazed my skin, chills ran over my entire body, and Changkyun wasted no time in taking my flesh between his teeth. His hard body felt hot against mine and I wasn't sure if it was his heartbeat I felt through my clothes or my own. But what I did know was that I needed him.
In more than just a physical sense.
I needed him all over me.
On top of me.
Inside me.
His tongue swipes over the series of love bites he placed on my skin and I moan his name needingly. I feel him smile against me and chuckle softly before sucking a mark over my pulse.
He knew he had me the moment he sunk his teeth into my skin. Im putty in his hands and anything he desired was his as long as he was willing to fulfill mine.
Seconds later, we're falling back against his couch with me straddling his waist and him ripping my clothes off. It was not long before Im naked and gazing down at the length of Changkyun's dick standing up in his grasp.
He bites his lip, dragging his hooded gaze up my body as if he'd never seen it before.
Or as if he believed he'd never see it again.
He squeezed my hip with his other hand, encouraging me to grind my hips against him a few times before rising to my knees.
Wordlessly, he guides me down to sink into me slowly. A slow hiss blows between his teeth before his jaw goes slack and my eyes flutter shut in ecstasy at the slight sting.
It felt like forever since I'd had him inside me but it couldn't have been long enough for me to forget how he stretched me. I moan shamelessly with my head thrown back, my waist already whining against him and Changkyun reaches up to tangle his fingers with the hair at my nape.
He pulls me forward, forcing me to look at him as he buries himself as deep as I'll allow him.
"Fuck me baby...fuck me like you fucking hate me.." Changkyun demands, the growl in his deep raspy voice driving me wild with emotion and lust.
I obey immediately, placing my hands on the back of the couch for better support. I slowly roll my hips back and forth to find my rhythm, using my lower body strength to bounce on him. Every movement pushes him deeper and I soon lose myself completely in how good he felt.
Like he was made for me.
My moans soon drowned out the sound of our skin slapping together, the wetness and stimulation pushing me closer to climax.
It never took long for Changkyun to make me cum. He knew my body that well and at times I resented it. He was arrogant with the power he held and it's shown in the amusement written all over his face right now.
His brow is perked and his eyes are fixed on my face, relishing in the painfully pleasured expression of my impending orgasm as he bucked his hips to drive himself exactly where I needed him.
When my legs begin to shake, he smiles and fucks into me faster until a rush of release spurts out and around his dick. My warmth and wetness surrounded him like a waterfall, and he fought against the current effortlessly as I cried out.
"Oh my god.." I drawl out and Changkyun silences anything else I might have said by pulling me in by the neck to kiss him sloppily.
He hugs me against him, holding me in place as his hips continue to roll upwards and stroking me slowly as we kiss.
"I changed my mind..." I mutter against his lips and he hums questioningly.
"I do hate you..." I finish, his only response being a cruel chuckle that makes my walls clench around him.
"Fuck, Mira..." he whispers, taking my bottom lip between his teeth. I pull back slowly, allowing the flesh to stretch before he releases it with reluctance.
I attempt to untangle myself from him but his embrace only tightens with resistance.
Before I can question him, Changkyun grunts as he stands with his arms hooked beneath my legs. My eyes widen in surprise to find his hardened gaze fixated on where were still connected, biting his lip and bouncing my body against his dick.
This angle was even more torturous as it not forced him deeper, but the constant feel of me pounding against him had my clit throbbing from the friction. Not to mention the fact that he held me up and fucked me like this for a while, reminding me of how strong he was physically.
I almost feel like I can't breathe and my voice is hoarse from moaning. I most likely came again. Or a few times. I wouldn't be able to tell. I can barely see since tears still blurred my vision from before and I had no choice but to be at the mercy of my ex and his determination to prove a point.
Though, I had no idea or care of what it was.
"You hate me? Hmm...you hate me?" He grunted in time with his hard strokes, still holding me up in his arms.
I mumble his name endlessly and amidst a string of breathy moans.
I do hate him.
Hate him for ruining all men for me after this.
Hate him for always fucking me..making love to me..like his life depended on it.
Hate him for branding himself on my damaged soul so that every time I closed my eyes, my heart projected his face against the blank walls of my mind.
Hate him for giving me no choice other than to love him.
Fuck, I love him.
Changkyun pauses to step briskly with me still in his hold, nudging his already open bedroom door away for us to enter.
A chill ran over my skin as he stepped deeper into his room. The scent of his cologne and bed sheets trigger memories I fought to forget and I gasp when the softness of his them grace my back.
He doesn't waste another second.
He spreads me wide, keen eyes on where his dick still split me and a thick stream of saliva drips from his tongue and onto the point where we met.
As if it was needed.
I just think he got harder at the idea of stuffing me with as much of his DNA as he could.
And I hate to admit how hot it was.
"Kyun.." I sigh and his eyes snap up to my begging eyes as he sinks into me.
His hips rock my body higher on the mattress and his solid arms cage me against his chest as he fucked me.
It wasn't hurried and frantic like before.
He curled into me and stroked my warm velvety walls with a gentleness I'd missed from him.
He savored me.
On his lips. On his tongue. In my sex.
Changkyun made love to me like a man stroking against a current, fighting his way to shore.
He fucked me as if it pained him not to.
I felt his lips kissing the shell of my ear as he whispered my name.
Over and over.
I can tell he's unraveling and that the moment is limited.
I held him against me, my nails scraping over his back as he rocked into me faster and harder, making me gasp.
I needed him.
Maybe not beyond this moment or these four walls.
But I needed him now in any way I could.
He'd barely pulled out in time before he spurts himself all over the face of my pussy, hiccuping my name against my throat as he came.
He strokes himself slowly, squeezing the final few drops of cum over my pink folds before pressing his dick back inside of me.
He's still rock hard and my slicked walls welcome him in with zero resistance.
I brace my hands against his hard biceps as he sank deeper inside of me to the hilt, the tip of him pressing as far as it would go. He flexes his hips and pushes himself impossibly deep.
So deep that I can feel our pulses throbbing between us.
So deep that it was as if he was yearning to touch a part of me that he never felt. A part of me that would be our saving grace and keep the withering connection between us alive.
But all I felt was pain.
"Changkyun...." I whimper beneath him and he eases back an inch with a heavy sigh as he lays his full weight over me.
He rests his face in the crook of my neck and I feel his warm touch caressing my face. His thumb swipes over the apple of my cheek, sweeping over the trail of tears that still flowed from my eyes.
For a while we just lay there, leveling our labored breaths and staring into the sepia tone of his darkened apartment bedroom. I feel myself drifting asleep until the deep vibrations of Changkyun's tired voice pull me back up.
"Hmm?" I rasp and he sniffs and swallows the hard lump of emotion in his throat, hugging our naked bodies tighter together.
"I don't blame you...for hating me." He says shakily, sniffling again. If it weren't for his grip on me and my fatigue, I would have pushed him away just enough for me to see his face.
I furrow my brow and contemplate what I could say to him in response. Just to ease the pain in his voice a touch because I did love him that much.
"I hate me too..." he adds on, squeezing me again.
Changkyun turns his face so that that his nose brushes against my nape and his shuddering breath against my skin makes me shiver.
He cries there for a moment and the weakened tone of his light sobs pull me down into the abyss with him. I say nothing though. Knowing anything I could say would either sound patronizing or enabling.
Or a like a lie.
And I just couldn't do it anymore.
But God Dammit if it didn't hurt.
"I'm sorry." He whipsers after his silence sets a pause in his tears. The words sound painful for him to say and for some reason, my heart ached.
This changed nothing. He was still who he was and so was I. As much as we loved each other, it would never be enough.
"Me too. " Is all I can manage to say and I tangle my fingers in the sweat-damp hair at his nape, stroking his scalp with my fingertips soothingly as we both lay motionless.
Still connected in the only way we could be.
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76 notes · View notes
kaycode1999 · 1 month
hi heard you were doing some match ups and i was wondering if u could do me one
For starters, im a demisexual girl, still debating if im bi or simply a straight ally(in that case i'd kindly ask for a male counterpart), i don't want to be shipped with mk, mei, sandy, tang,pigsy bc i only see them as friends, and ao lie bc i already got him two times
i struggle with anxiety, abandonment, self worth and attachment issues and am currently working on my insomnia
Im a really sensitive person(tho not to the point of crying)my familly calls me a litteral drama queen
I sometimes feel like a useless third wheel, i rarely get angry at anything and always get along with anyone, my friends to confuse my goofy,friendly and open minded behavior for naivety and stupidety and i really hate it
For my aesthetic: i guess im a bit of everything depending on my mood, i like it when it matches, tho i do prefer hardcore colors like fushia, purple and dark blue, i also wear some moon and star themed jewelry i make myself
Im an ambivert, i socialize pretty well but prefer alone times
My love languages is physical affection(im not too clingy since i value personal space and boundaries more), words of affirmation, flirting lots of flirting and quality time and for me communication is the key, i don't really have a type but i am looking for someone loyal, who will love me and my insecurities and will accept that im badly crazy sometimes
i like drawing, mythology, reading, writing poems, painting, listening to music depending on my mood, studying dark entities(wich freaks my parents out), walking in the city(during night time),and i have a weird habit of collecting bird skull
I match you with
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The good thing is he knows first hand what its like to deal with anxiety, abandonment, self worth, attachment issues and feeling like a useless third wheel. Which means he has special knowledge of how to help you through it and/or do what he can to make sure he's never the cause of those feelings
With everything that's happened in his past, he actually views your demeanor as strong and intelligent. In his mind it takes no effort or intelligence to be cynical and mean, it's easy to do- but being friendly and kind shows your strength of character. ( Don't let him hear your friends putting you down for it or protective mode is ACTIVATED)
It simultaneously makes his heart swell with pride and makes him super flustered to see you wearing moon-themed anything because he compares himself to the Moon and Wukong to the Sun. (Please make him some matching ones he would love it😭)
Poor Monkey is honestly affection starved so he's not used to any of it. He's so thankful that you want to give him affection even though it makes him flustered. Its so cute though, his face gets so red with any kind of affection its adorable
Person B: what is this?
Person A: affection
Person B: disgusting
Person B:
Person B: do it again
This has actually happened before 😂😂
He never imagined he'd be lucky enough to be with you, so trust me once he is he's never leaving
He loves going on walks with you at night, he also finds the skull thing interesting
If you’re having trouble getting to sleep he’ll do whatever you want to help, just talking about random stuff or humming or just generally being there for you
22 notes · View notes
lewkwoodnco · 10 months
Heyy:) I just wanted to request a George x fem!reader one shot :P I totally understand if you don't want to write it or if you don't like the idea or anything but I was thinking a fic inspired by "wildest dreams" by Taylor? Just some silly teen romance vibes you know🤭 (and please no Angst or anything, I can't take that shit atm😔)
Wildest Dreams - George Karim x Reader
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A/N: going to be taking a break from the requests in my inbox to work on my 12 days of fics series! (but will get back to them after im done heheh) I might have completely butchered this ask im so sorry BUT I made it as fluffy as I think it gets (w George at least), just had to do the 77 thing i have no self-restraint, also this poem is soso beautiful one of my absolute favesss but idk whats up with the formatting :(((, wc 3.3k!
Subtle Bridges
Walking with me, you'd once pointed to the fragility and ingenuity of a spider's web. Subtle bridges, you said, On bridges some men hang. A warning that has stayed While I read history traced in blood and tears of men. I was caught in the end with a nest of books. They burned anyway, and now I bend to build an emperor's endless wall. Like a thread of longing the border runs in loops and bends, and along it we root the gravestones of nameless men. A king's metaphor, This is, history raised from ash and bone -- a symbol Of its vast futility, or of eternity. Which it is I do not know, But since leaving home some things have come clear. No one literally breaks from loss, not even here. And some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang.
By Yvonne Koh
She was at the Kensel Green Cemetery with the rest of her team from Fittes, after being called down by DEPRAC because of a robbery. They had spread out over the building, looking for any sign of the missing relic or the culprit, when she heard a slow, grinding noise from inside the hall. She quietly crept in to the silhouette of a shadowy figure bent over the casket.
"Can I help you?"
The boy's head snapped up immediately, painfully slamming against the stone shelf behind him. She let out an involuntary gasp, briefly wincing at the hollow thunk.
"Didn't do it," he groaned, steadying himself against the wall. "...whatever it was that...someone did."
She squinted at him using the little light spilling in from the corridor. He couldn't have been more than a year or two older than her. Against her better judgement, she kept her voice down.
"This is a crime scene!" she hissed at him.
"I - what?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm not a thief, or a relic man. I promise."
Her eyes swept his scruffy appearance critically. "Why would I think that?"
"Ms L/N?"
She turned, momentarily speechless, barely registering the rustle of the boy stealing away into the darkness. She blinked against the brightness of Inspector Barnes' torch, glancing back to check that he really was gone.
"Everything alright?"
She paused for a moment longer, as if willing him to rematerialise in the corner he had been crouching in just a moment ago. Nothing. Her eyes narrowed. Interesting. Very interesting indeed.
"Must have been the wind."
George was staring out the kitchen window glumly, lazily stirring his mug of tea. The weather was as pleasant as it got, and Lockwood had roused them all at the crack of dawn for a breakfast picnic, to 'boost morale.' Of course, George should have known better than to hold his breath, especially when loud angry voices had started to shake him awake when he had been halfway through groggily packing their picnic basket. Now, he sipped his cold tea through thin lips, listening to the slow, steady footsteps approaching the kitchen and the wan face belonging to them.
"Let me guess. You and Lucy are no longer in the mood for a picnic?"
Lockwood sombrely shook his head. George sighed, picking up the picnic basket. Seemed like a shame to let his slaving away go to waste. And he was still very much in the mood for the strawberries and cream he had packed inside. Which is why George had been heading out for a solo breakfast picnic with enough food for three when he heard a foreign voice stop him.
"George Casper Karim."
He looked up from the doorknob in alarm. It was the girl from Kensel Green Cemetery. He hesitated, trying to gauge her expression.
"Ex-employee of Fittes Agency, fired after six months for insubordination, currently a researcher at Lockwood & Co."
"Brilliant. Astonishing, really, how you've repeated my own job history back to me."
She frowned. He relished the stab of satisfaction. He'd had a shitty morning and was likely going to have a shitty day, so really, having a go at someone was probably going to be the highlight.
"There's no need to be rude."
"I think I'd know where I've been the past couple of years, thanks very much. Forgive me for not being more impressed."
Still looking a little disgruntled, she pressed on, firmly clutching the waist-high gate. "I've got a bone to pick with you, if you don't mind."
He eyed her warily, and decided against approaching her any further. "You can pick it just fine from over there."
She looked mildly peeved, but he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. After a few long, tense seconds, she relented, not that she was happy about it..
"So...you were right. You're no relic man."
That was quick. "Thank you. Have a nice day." He closed the distance between him and the gate in a few quick strides, pushing against it, but she pushed right back with a steely look in her eye.
"Don't know about the other bit, though."
He didn't like the look in her eye; the look of someone knowing something he didn't. His mouth went dry.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Might be more convincing if your associate hadn't mentioned a talking skull. Awfully difficult to contain a visitor without a ghost jar, wouldn't you say?"
He swore under his breath. "Fucking Lockwood can't keep his mouth shut."
"I don't expect DEPRAC takes kindly to thieves or hooligans-"
He let out a bark of laughter. "Hooligan? Me?"
"-or strange boys who break into places they shouldn't be-"
"You can't prove it was me."
"Wanna bet?"
A challenge. A dare. His mouth was already open to call her bluff when the self-satisfied smirk curling at the corner of her lip gave him pause. Lockwood wouldn't be much pleased if he gave DEPRAC another reason to steer the agency dangerously close towards closing. He wasn't like Lockwood or Lucy - he was careful, very careful. Too late George wished he had been a little more careful all those years ago in covering his tracks - but, to be fair, he had no reason to think anyone at Fittes would have been capable enough to put two and two together.
Until now.
"Look, why don't we...talk about this, like civilised people? I've got strawb - you like strawberries and cream, don't you?"
She sneered again. George was beginning to think that was just how her face looked.
"You want to bribe me with...strawberries...and cream?"
"It's not bribery. Just...a friendly chat. Agent to agent."
Which was how they ended up on a grassy hill at one of the meadows at the outskirts of London. He had never been there before, but Lockwood had remembered it as a prime spot for cosy family picnics.
"So what else do you know about me?"
She chewed a bite of scrambled eggs thoughtfully before responding.
"You're obsessed with the Problem. An obsession that made you an asset, initially."
She had heard that he was the one who had identified the visitor, Edmund Bickerstaff, but what she had had difficulty wrapping her head around was how he had managed to do it with only the vast yet imprecise volumes of the Archives at his disposal. Imagine what he could do with the carefully curated library at Fittes. She stared at him, trying to figure him out. There was a gentle breeze blowing and the slight movement made him look marginally more affable but not any more comprehensible. She let out the breath she was holding.
"You must have really screwed up for Fittes to have let you go."
He shrugged. "It was a long time coming. Fittes never really was the type of company I was interested in working at, and I was never the type of employee Fittes was interested in keeping."
"What about now? Have you ever considered leaving?"
"Why would I?"
"I've taken a glance at Lockwood & Co's financial records. You can't be making much, if anything at all."
"And go from being broke to being broke and homeless?"
"Homeless? What about your parents?"
"I visit them, occasionally, but they're a right piece of work. Last time I saw them was my grandmother's 77th birthday. I think there was a row but I can't be completely sure because I was a little, er, sloshed. The party ended, and I expect the champagne went flat, and my aunt was the last to leave. She was sitting on the floor with a merlot in her hand, and her voice was ringing through the halls. The curtains were burnt, my parents didn't talk to each other for a week, and one of my brothers had broken his hand. But I could never forget sitting in that empty dining hall, holding those sodden, scorched curtains, listening to her saying nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever."
The sunlight had a diffused quality to it, at least the little of it that managed to pour through the layer of clouds blocking the sky. The ashy light threw a powdery glow on George's face, and for a moment she felt as though she was in that dining hall with him, listening to those same laments. He glanced at her, and she felt a sudden, foreign uncertainty grip her heart.
"Now I feel really bad about lying."
His hand slipped, missing his mouth by a good couple of inches, nearly sending the contents of his glass down his shirt.
"Lie? What lie?"
"I kind of haven't, not really...actually spoken to any of your associates."
He chokes on his laughter, and when he throws his head back she wonders if she's ever seen anyone laugh as freely as him. It's a ridiculously enticing sight.
"Touché. Touché."
He looks at her in the eye, unabashed, with an unnaturally casual intensity. It almost feels impolite.
"So...yeah. Maybe I was suited to be a Fittes agent, once upon a time, but not anymore."
"That's a pity."
He looks at her weird, and she hastily changes the subject.
"Do you do this often?"
"What, taking strangers out for breakfast?"
"No. Bring a girl out here, feed her some strawberries and cream, maybe a Shakespearean sonnet or two..."
"I don't set much store in Shakespearean sonnets. I'm not...I'm not much of a poetry person."
There's something reserved in his face that makes her feel terrible for asking.
"I've really only read one worth remembering. Subtle bridges, you said, on bridges some men hang. Some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang."
He bites into a strawberry, which stains his lips a bright red. She looks away a second too late.
After reluctantly agreeing to keep the matter of the stolen ghost jar between the two of them, she never expected to see him again. And yet, as fate would have it, they crossed paths again roughly a week later. She and one of her teammates had been assigned to a Church to handle a relatively weak Type Two, when she heard a scuffling sound from one of the rooms whose door was ajar. Her teammate froze, and she didn't feel much braver either. They approached the room cautiously, rapiers at the ready.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
The glare from their flashlights blindly darted over the room before it settled on the floor, illuminating a bleeding George looking the worse for wear, hissing at the harsh florescent light.. She visibly relaxed.
"Oh. You again."
Lockwood and Lucy exchanged a look.
"Do you two know each other?"
A silence followed. George looked to be at a loss of words and she, too, couldn't quite find the right answer.
They helped George up while Lockwood smoothly explained the situation, and how they would never dream of intentionally From the derisive eye rolls of his remaining, uninjured associate, there was clearly more to their presence than he was letting on, but she wasn't paid nearly enough to go through the trouble of finding that out. Apparently, they had already dealt with the Type Two, so she filled out her report as vague as she dared to be, while they wandered out to flag down a cab.
George lingered behind briefly, dabbing at his nose experimentally while she put the finishing touches to her file.
"We can't keep meeting like this, you know."
"Like what?"
She shook her head, surprisingly having to bite back a smile. "You're incorrigible. If you keep sneaking around for much longer I'll have to report you one of these days."
He pulled his face into an exaggerated sulk and ducked as she tried to smack him with her case report.
"Alright, alright!"
True to his word, their less-than-ideal meetings came to an end. Instead, they continued to occasionally meet at that serene, refreshingly Edenic sloping hill. She'd return from a client meeting or from scoping out a location and the front desk would have a message waiting for her, from one vaguely snippy anonymous man. Sometimes he'd be waiting at the hill with snacks, which she'd ravenously dig into, though he was less generous on the biscuit front. He tells her about the happenings of 35 Portland Row and his research and bounces his latest theory on the origins of the Problem off of her. She tells him about her week, and the bothersome, inept people she works with, and on their joint cases he's snarky towards all the right people. It makes her feel special.
On one such evening, they were lazing on a picnic blanket, and a pleasantly warm breeze was toying with their hair. George was looking at the severe, fragile branches encroaching on the powdery blue sky through heavily-lidded eyes. She was absent-mindedly fiddling with his surprisingly soft fingers, distractedly breathing in the faint, antiseptic smell of ammonia that clung to his clothes. She was thinking about how sharp he was and how quickly he picked up on details on their joint cases. No matter how many times she saw him pick apart a case with a carefully perfected elegance, she felt like a part of her would forever be in awe of his beautifully intricate mind.
"Sometimes I feel like your talents are so wasted here. Imagine what you could do with access to all of Fittes' resources."
"i don't need Fittes's resources to be a good researcher."
She watches the yellow daffodils tossing their heads back just inches in front of them through her eyelashes.
"i know you don't. It can't hurt, is all I'm saying."
"Why do you care?"
She paused. Why did she care? She cared about him, sure, but it was no different from how she cared about her teammates, her friends, but with George...it somehow felt more personal. She sighs irritably, releasing the bubble of frustration lodged in her throat all week. She just wanted what was best for him. It takes her a minute to come up with her hesitant response.
"I...don't know. I don't care. But sometimes I can't help but wonder...what if this was what you needed to uncover the root of the Problem?"
He half-laughs, but stops short at the sight of her face as she lifts her head off his chest. "You can't be serious."
"Why not?"
"Y/N...statistically speaking -"
"All I'm saying is the answer could very well be in the Fittes library and you might be the only one who'd know where to look."
She lies down again, and whispers to the trees rather than George.
"Just...something to think about."
As time went on, their relationship began to bleed into more public spheres. She dropped by Portland Row occasionally, and they even had tea at her apartment once. On this particular afternoon, they were in George's room at Portland Row. She was looking through the titles on his alarmingly tall bookcases while he was at his desk, copying some runes from a book while telling her about his latest experiment with the skull. Her eyes roved over the titles restlessly, unseeingly, in a futile attempt to distract herself from her upcoming assignment. She let George's voice wash over her, pleasingly varied in tone and comfortingly familiar, soothing the itch in her brain. After a moment or two, she realises he's stopped talking, and looks up to see him staring at her with a frown on his face.
"Er, sorry. Drifted off there for a while."
"I guessed."
He studies her with an inscrutable expression and she's been caught too off-guard to come up with anything other than the letter burning a hole in her desk.
"You alright?"
She sits on a chair next to his and rests her chin on her knee, feeling oddly wooden. After getting to know George, she had taken the comfort of being able to somewhat predict his mannerisms for granted, and the thought of heading into this blind made her nervous.
"My team's been assigned a case outside of London."
"Oh. When?"
"We leave this weekend."
He looks too stunned to ask the question weighing on both their minds.
"It's for a month."
"A month," he echoes distantly, as if not quite sure what to make of that piece of information. His face remains impassive and she waits for a reaction which never comes. "What about that celebratory dinner?"
"We leave after it."
For someone who usually always had so much to say about anything and everything, his current conversational skills were desperately wanting. Say something. Be affected, she begs internally. She needs to hear him say it. She needs the sickness in her chest to be real, to be founded.
"It'll be...different without you." The careful look on his face makes her feel like he's picking out her emotions from her face and engineering an optimal response. "I'll miss you."
It doesn't comfort her in the way she expected it would. Suddenly, she can't even bear to look at him.
"You don't have to."
Either George had decided that she needed some space or he was just as pissed as she was, because she didn't see one sign of him over the next few days. Good. She hardly noticed. The thousand times a day he crossed her mind were only out of relief, and nothing else. But as much as she pretended otherwise, by the time the celebratory dinner rolled around, his absence had taken a toll on her. She couldn't tell if she was hoping or dreading seeing him again.
She was on a balcony on the upper floor, looking miserably into the radiant foliage of the gardens below, where unfamiliar faces flitted with a lightness of heart she envied. Their shadows are tall and intertwine ceaselessly, making her dizzy. Her bags were packed, her ticket was waiting on her mantle, and all loose ends were tied up. Even her one chance at happiness for the rest of her life.
There's a rustle behind her and she turns to see George standing a considerable distance away from her. He's only marginally closer than the first time they met, properly, when he was standing outside their front door and she was pacing behind the garden gate. She wants to cry in relief. Instead, she finds it in her not to look away. Maybe it's the confusing lighting, but there's a soft edge to his face.
"I thought I saw you come up here."
She doesn't say anything; she's too happy to. And yet, a part of her is still deeply unhappy with the sight in front of her.
"Have you...tried the food?"
"...it's not as good as yours."
"You must be leaving soon."
"Tomorrow." The thought makes her want to rip her face off.
"You'll be back in a month."
She drummed her fingernails against the marble railing, carefully choosing her words.
"What if things change in a month?" What if, she wanted to say, you meet someone else who loves you better than I can?
"It's only a month."
"A whole month."
"I don't understand. Why are you so afraid?"
"Because - because you'd forget me. You'd forget me, and our memories would sink six feet under, and you'd move on and my heart would break and...you wouldn't care."
She's never felt this way about anyone before, and she doesn't know how to express how badly she needs him to stay.
"I don't want to go back to not knowing you, George."
The setting sun burns into her neck and all of a sudden, she feels unbearably hot. Her hair is plastered to her forehead and her hands feel clammy. Her face is flushed and she feels ridiculous in her dress. But he's here, and she's said it, so she lets herself dream, if only for a moment.q
"I think about you every day. One month, two months, three months...I'll wait."
TAGLIST: @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @mitskiswift99 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
I have a request for rafe!!
basically reader was in a toxic relationship before rafe and still don’t know how to act bc he’s good to her?? like she asks if he’s ok with her clothes and if she can use one specifically bikini … rafe just notice theses things and ask her why she always do that and if he did something for her to feel that way and she tells him everything ( english is not my first language so I’m sorry if it’s confusing)
Omgg!! Thank you so much for this request i love your idea and i hope i can capture it in my writing how you imagined it!! (also your English is really good, don’t worry <3)
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Forhead kisses
W rafe cameron
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Series- outer banks
Warnings- talks about a previous toxic relationship, kissing, swearing, mentions of fighting.
Summary- request ❤️
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Phone call-
Rafe-“Hey gorgeous im outside, are you ready?”
Y/n-“Um- no not really im so sorry, could you come in please i need to ask you something?”
Rafe- “Don’t apologise hun, ill be up in a second”
Y/n- “Thank you rafe- ill see you in a sec”
Rafe stopped the engine on his jeep and stepped out going towards my house, walking up the brick steps. He let himself in as my parents weren’t in and came straight up to my room where i was waiting for him.
“Morning gorgeous” he smiled pushing the door open and walking over to me. “Hey handsome” i smiled brightly feeling Rafe embrace me in his arms, he placed a soft kiss on the top of my forehead. I loved when he did that, i felt so safe. “What did you need to ask me” he wondered taking a place on my bed hugging one of my pillows, while watching over at me standing in front of the mirror.
“Can i wear this today like- like what do you think of this- is it okay?” I stuttered awkwardly, turning my body towards him. “You look amazing hun like always, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in” rafe gave up a simple smile. He was so cute. “Really? -I really like this bikini I brought it last year but i haven’t worn it yet” “i like it, red suits you”.
“Thank you- let me grab some shorts and then we can get a move on” i smiled feeling all warm inside. Rafe did that to me. I collected my things for the beach and we left the house getting into the car. Rafe opened the car door for me, my stomach felt like butterflies were fluttering around in a frenzy anytime rafe did something like that for me. It was just so thoughtful, I wasn’t used to the princess treatment.
“I also wanted to apologise for not texting you back last night” i looked over at him sitting in the drivers seat he was concentrating hard on the roads. “You’ve already done that hun, its okay you were with family i get it” “so you wasn’t angry I didn’t text you all night?” I questioned biting my lip. “Well i missed you but of course not, you were busy your allowed to have a life” rafe moved his hand to my thigh rubbing it softly with his thumb.
“Rafe” i voiced lowly after he’d finished parking up the car, he looked over at me staring into my eyes. “I love you” i placed my hand on top of his. “I love you too” he smiled across to me moving over to kiss my forehead again. There were them damn butterflies again.
Seems my parents were away with family today therefore me and rafe had planned to spend it together by going to the beach first and then out on a date when it got dark. The whole thing was Rafe’s idea I would have just suggested watching films all day in my bed. He got out the car picking up both our bags on the way. Then we made our way down to the sand. We laid our towels down leaving our stuff there and spontaneously ran into the big blue sea splashing about with each other like children.
“Oh my god Rafe! i cant believe you just soaked my hair like that” i giggled splashing him back with all my force. “You splashed me first” he laughed swimming towards me, i swam away best I could in fits of laughter but of course the boy caught me pulling me towards him. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms, his neck. “Got you” he whispered pecking me on the lips. “Hm, im okay with it” i shrugged leaning in to kiss him softly.
One of his hands was fastened to my waist while the other move to my cheek. “So, where do you want to eat later?” Rafe smiled pulling away to ask his question. “We don’t have to go out if its too much hassle we can get a takeaway, your staying around anyway” “making you happy isnt a hassle y/n, besides i want to take you out”. I smiled an involuntary smile, i couldn’t help it he just made me feel so content.
“I was thinking the high cotton in Charleston, i’ll drive” “thats fancy” I smirked raising an eyebrow. “Have you been?” “no but my parents went for their anniversary, apparently its hard to get a reservation” “Not if your friends with the owner” rafe winked making me chuckle. “Sounds perfect, i cant wait” “me too, cant wait to see your outfit” Rafe wiggled his eyebrows at me.
My heart dropped. Shit what was i going to wear. It was a fancy restaurant so I couldn’t be under dressed and i had to look sensible too. I had to cover up a bit so I looked modest but i wanted to look good too. And rafe has to like the outfit obviously, he had to approve first.
“Come on, lets go get dry so we can pick up an ice cream” rafe nodded at the shore. “Only if i can choose the place” I bargained with him. “What ever you want beautiful” rafe told me shrugging.
Later on that evening-
“Y/n, hun are you alright you’ve been in there for like half an hour” rafe knocked on my walk-in wardrobe door. “Um- yeah, two seconds” i called out to my boyfriend while looking in my mirror fluffing my hair out over my shoulders. I opened the door, Rafe was standing at my dresser wearing a suit, he turned around to look at me. His eyes automatically widened.
“Can i wear this dress? Does it look okay” “sit down gorgeous” rafe nodded at the bed, my heart dropped with fear but still i did as he said. Rafe wondered over, perching next to me. “You look stunning, your perfect everything about you is” rafe told me looking into my eyes.
“Be honest, h- have i done something to make you think your not?” He asked me softly “what! No rafe- not at all you treat my like im an actual princess” i smiled weakly knowing what was coming.
“You can wear what ever you want, you know that right? You don’t have to get my permission i would never tell you that you cant- ill never be angry if you don’t text be because your busy” rafe took my hand rubbing his soft thumb across it. “Its not you rafe-its me” i looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
“Whatever’s bothering you, you can talk to me I’ll always listen to you, i love you y/n” “I want to tell you- but im so scared you’ll think im being stupid” “stupid would be the last thing id associate you with” he shook his head vigorously.
“Before you- before i even knew you i was dating this guy, he was like the complete opposite of you he was mean and selfish and he didn’t trust me and i was so blind to it all back then” i half laughed while wiping a tear away. “He would tell me I couldn’t wear things like- um the red bikini i wore today because I looked too fat or- or he’d get piss at me if other boys looked at me, or if I didn’t text him back, when he got angry he would just- degrade me”
“He called me stupid and ugly and shallow- and other awful words rafe and i still stayed with him because i was so fucking blind even though it hurt me every time. I didn’t think i was really effected after we broke up but when i got into a relationship with you i didn’t know how to act, i just became scared that I wasn’t good enough i just wanted to make sure that you were happy because I can’t lose you and I couldn’t go through that again” i ranted completely crying my eyes out now. Rafe opened his mouth but I needed to say one more thing.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to think i was comparing you to him because im not I promise, i think i just have some major trauma” i laughed at the end to help myself feel better.
Out of nowhere rafe leaned in to hug me. And i just broke down even more, crying on his broadshoulder. “Im so sorry you went through that” he whispered in my ear, his hand held my head safely in his shoulder. “You don’t deserve that y/n your beautiful and your body is perfect, you light up any room you walk into and if he couldn’t see all of that in you then he didn’t deserve you” rafe told me.
My crying slowly came to a stop and i dried my eyes looking back at his face now. “You don’t need to be sorry rafe” i shook my head. “You make me feel special every day, you make me feel loved and like im enough, you make me feel happy but most of all you make me feel safe” i raised my hand to his face.
“I mean i didn’t even know what a forehead kiss was until i met you- there my favourite” i confessed laughing quietly. “Its not your fault you know that right, some people just aren’t brought up right- how someone could do that to someone as bright as you i don’t understand” he told me softly.
“Your feeling are valid and i will help you get over this because you are enough y/n. And i will never ever treat you like that, whatever happens” rafe shook his head “i love you rafe, so much” “i love you too y/n, so much” he smiled pulling me close to kiss my forehead. He knew now.
“What was his name” rafe asked me after a few seconds. “No rafe” i shook my head smirking, knowing exactly what he was getting at. “y/n what was his name” rafe asked me again seriously. “It doesn’t matter” “of course it matters he cant get away with talking to you like that, putting you through that toxicity”
“It doesn’t Because he’s my past and your my future i don’t want to remember him or anything that happened” “fine, you don’t have to tell me but if we run into him or if he sends you once little message even if he fucking likes your insta photo i will kick the shit out of him” rafe told me with closed fists and no hint of a joke. He wasn’t joking i knew he wasn’t. “Okay” i nodded rubbing his cheek trying to calm him down.
“Im so glad that weights lifted and we’ve spoken through it” “so am i hun, so am i” rafe held the hand that was on his face.
“Do you still want to go out? We can still get that take away” “no way I didn’t dress up this hot to just take it off again” i shook my head smirking standing up now. “Thats the spirit” rafe joined me standing now. “You sure your okay?” He checked once more.
“Of course i am im with you, im safe”.
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moonlightdancer26 · 4 months
HELLO!!! okay so i’ve recently gotten my severus obsession back and i’ve been writing fics nonstop lol, i was wondering if you could give me some constructive criticism on this fic im planning to publish about eileen and severus accidentally on purpose killing tobias and fleeing to greece.
this is the first part of it
P.S trigger warning for some religious imagery and abuse
ONCE UPON A TIME, when the marks on his back were still fresh, Severus had told himself that he was growing wings.
After all, his mother thought he was an angel, even if his father said he had the devil in him. Severus had never done anything to make his father think that, but the man claimed he could see the shadow in the boy’s eyes. And whenever he caught a glimpse of it, he’d take Severus by the arm and lead him out to the private chapel that sat beside their clapboard house.
Severus used to love the little chapel—it had the prettiest picture window, all red and blue and green stained glass, facing east so it caught the morning light. The floor was made of stone—cold beneath Severus's bare feet, even in summer—and there in the center of the room lay a metal cross, driven straight down into the foundation.
Severus remembered thinking it seemed violent, the way the cross broke and split the floor, as if thrown from a horrible height. The first time his father saw the shadow, he had kept one hand on Severus's shoulder as they walked, the other clutching a coiled leather strap.
Severus's mother watched them go, laid in her own pool of blood. “Tobias,” she had whispered shakily, just once, her own body tattered in violet, blues, greens and reds, but Severus's father didn’t look back, didn’t stop until they’d crossed the narrow lawn and the chapel door had fallen shut behind them. Tobias had told Severus to go to the cross and hold on to the horizontal bar, and at first Severus had refused, sobbing, pleading, trying to apologize for whatever he’d done.
But it didn’t help.
His father tied Severus's hands in place, and beat him worse for his defiance.
Severus had been nine years old.
Later that night, his mother had treated the angry lash-marks on his back, and told him that he had to be strong. That Magic tested them, and so did his father. Her sleeves had inched up as she draped cool strips of cloth over her son’s wounded shoulders, and Severus could just see the edges of old scars on the backs of her arms painted over by the newest ones as she told him it would be okay, told him it would get better.
And for a little while, it always did.
Severus would do everything he could to be good, to be worthy. To not let the magic, the darkness, inside him out. He did everything to avoid his angry father’s gaze.
But the calm never lasted.
Sooner or later, his father would glimpse the magic in his son again, see the darkness pooling in those unnatural black eyes of his, and lead Severus back to the chapel. Sometimes the beatings were months apart. Sometimes days.
Sometimes Severus thought he deserved it. Needed it, even. He would step up to the cross, and curl his fingers around the cold metal cross, and pray—not to God, not to Magic, not at first, but to his father.
He prayed that his father would stop seeing whatever he saw, while he carved new feathers into the torn wings of Severus's back. Severus learned not to scream, not to let his magic lash out, but his eyes would still blur with tears, the colors in the stained glass running together until all he saw was light.
He held on to that, as much as to the steel cross beneath his fingers.
Severus would chant the words his mother taught him, to silence his mind and block out the pain.
Nothing is good or bad without first being determined so by the mind.
Pain cannot touch the mind.
Fear is subservient to the mind.
No wall can imprison the mind.
The body is the vessel and the anchor of the mind.
The mind is both one and multiple.
The mind has many rooms.
Memories half-forgotten and secrets long locked away.
In these natural protective barriers lies the power of the Occlumens.
The Occlumens must divide himself from his weaknesses.
The Occlumens must divide himself from unfulfilled desires.
The Occlumens must not permit a thought that could become a weapon to his enemy.
The Occlumens must place his trust in the strength of his mind.
A scarred mind is a protected mind.
Severus could never truly understand how he was broken, but he wanted to be healed.
If it meant that he would never have to endure such pain again.
He wanted to be saved.
And at last, his liberation came in the form of his father's lifeless eyes.
I’m so insanely and horrifyingly sleep-deprived and I’m on the brink of dying from exhaustion (this is a draft so now I’m in a much better state 😭) but AHAHHSHDJEHRJXKWKNRKFKSD I’M SO HAPPY YOU’RE BACK !!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SMMMM I REMEMBER BEING HEARTBROKEN WHEN I REALISED I COULDN’T FIND YOUR ACCOUNT. Welcome back to the Snapedom 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
also WOW I literally read this with half-opened eyes and I still got chills all over my body 😭 I knew you were a great writer but DAMN. plus I LOVE fanfics where Tobias is a religious fanatic and considers witchcraft to be a sin, and he takes it out on Severus. It’s scarily realistic and it very much gives me Claude Frollo and Quasimodo/Esmeralda vibes. I love when people include these kind of themes in their stories/fanfics, so props for that! I genuinely don’t think I have any criticism to give you, I legit got chills all over my body as I was reading this. I think it’s a great idea and I enjoy the details you’ve added. I am not bluffing when I say you have EXTREME potential. If you publish any of your fics, I want you to RUSH to my inbox or DMs as soon as humanly possible 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Again, so glad you’re back!! Your writing is spectacular as per usual 🩷🩷🩷
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psych0-str1ngs · 11 months
Izzy Stradlin x reader- Kids
Authors note: I think this request was a great idea, so im getting on right quick, so anon, when you see this i hope you enjoy it!!!!
Warnings: not many just crying and kind of sad topics.
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You were laying down in bed, reading a romance novel, particularly a chapter where kids were involved. You had always wanted a kid, that was for sure, and you knew that you wanted a kid with Izzy. You and Izzy had been dating for quite awhile now, so you thought it was time to mention kids to him. The idea of having a little one running around the house warmed your heart, you couldnt even count how many nights you day dreamed about seeing Izzy holding your baby, or seeing him teaching your kid how to play guitar.
It plagued your mind completely. You felt ready, and you thought he was too. You hear the door open and run downstairs to greet your boyfriend.
“Izzy!!” You giggled running up to him and hugging him.
“Hi sweetheart,” He smiled brightly at you.
“How was work?” You asked, staring up at him with a sweet smile.
“Stressful,” he sighed. “But its okay cuz im home now”
I nod and kiss his lips.
“I have something to talk about when you’re ready,” You said quietly.
“Let me take a shower then we can talk yeah?” He responded, pushing a stray piece of hair from your soft face.
“Of course,” you smiled and sat down on the couch watching Izzy walk up the stairs and to your shared bathroom.
Your legs shook, as you zoned out, slightly nervous. Zoning out you stared at the floor, not even realizing how much time was passing. Izzy’s heavy footsteps broke you out of your hypnotic state and you looked at his wet hair, smiling at how untamed it looked.
“Hi honey,” you said, playing with the gold ring on your middle finger.
“Hi babe,” He sat down next to you on the long couch. “What’d you wanna talk about it”
“Well,” I turned to face him. “You know how we’ve been together for pretty long”
He nodded in response, his dark eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“I…” you trailed off, being way more nervous than anticipated. “I want to start thinking about having kids?”
His smile dropped, and he looked at me.
“Kids?” He said quietly. “I uh”
Your heart had dropped to your stomach. “Y-yeah kids”
“I don’t know Y/n,” he started.
“You dont want kids?” You stood up, sounding hurt.
“No no its not that I just” he started, you cut him off.
“Are you serious?” Your eyes welled up. “You really dont want kids with me?”
He stood up
“I do!” He stopped for a second. “I dont? I dont know y/n.”
A tear rolled down your cheek.
“I thought you loved me,” you bottom lip quivered as you spoke.
“I do y/n” He grabbed at your hands, looking offended when you pulled them away.
“Then why wont you think about it” you snapped.
“Because we’re so young y/n! I mean, we’d make horrible parents,” He said, getting just a little bit louder.
“You dont even know that!” You yelled at him. “I cant believe you’d say that Jeffrey.”
He looked sad, and confused, he looked angry, but not at you. He sighed.
“I gotta go,” He said turning on his heel and grabbing his car keys.
“Wow,” you said. “Real mature izz, real mature”
“Whatever,” He slammed the door shut.
You ran up to your bedroom and slammed the door before sitting on your bed and sobbing your eyes out.
Meanwhile, Izzy was driving to his bandmates house, Steven. If anybody had romance advice it’d definitely be him. Izzy turned into Steven’s drive way before walking up the doorbell and ringing it.
“Dude hey!” Steven said, opening the door immediately.
“I need advice,” Izz looked at him sadly.
“Oh come in,” He said confused, walking to the couch. “Whats up?”
Izzy looked down at the floor before speaking.
“Y/n told me she wants kids,” He started.
“Anddd?” Steven sat with his fist pressed against his head, holding it up. “What’d you tell her?”
“I told her i didnt know,” Izzy looked down at the floor again. “Its not that I dont want kids, and its not that I dont want kids with HER. Im just so terrified of being a bad father you know?”
Steven nodded, intently listening.
“I’d love to see you/n as a mother to my children, god she’d be amazing at it. But the last thing I want is to ruin her and our kids life. You know what if the band goes on more tours and U have to leave for extended periods? Or what if i slip up and drink too much. Im so scared of hurting her or our future kids”
“Well first of all, you can always bring them with us, and secondly, you’d be a great dad, and besides, do you really think she’d mad for one tiny mistake? I mean dude have you seen the way she looks at you?” Steven replied.
“I’ve noticed, and I really adore her. Im just… totally scared” Izzy sighed.
“Have you told her that man?” He asked, looking at Izz.
“I dont want her to judge me,” He shook his head.
“Trust me, i dont think theres a single ounce in that woman that could judge you.” Steven laughed, patting his shoulder. “Go home and try again”
“Yeah yeah you’re right man,” izzy got up. “Thanks I really own you one dude.”
“You sure do,” Steven walked Izzy to the door.
They said their goodbyes and Izzy left for home.
You lied your shared bed. You had put your hair up, mascara staining your cheeks, your nose was seven shaded of red. You had been crying the whole time Izzy was gone. The nights events’ replaying continuously replaying in your head.
You heard the front door open and close, but chose to ignore it, simply rolling over and facing the wall away from the bedroom door.
“Honey?” Izzy’s soft voice spoke out.
“Fuck off,” you said, curling into a ball.
Izzy opened the door and sat behind you, removing his shoes before laying down and turning to face your back. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. You pulled away lightly.
“Can we please talk?” He asked quietly, his strong hand on her shoulder.
You turned around and sat up, sitting in front of Izzy.
“What.” You said.
“Im really sorry,” He looked deep into your eyes. “The last thing I wanted was to hurt you, you mean the world to me. Truth is i’ve always wanted kids with you, it’d warm my heart so much to see you pregnant with our baby, and stuff. Im just so scared of messing it up”
Your eyes softened as your right hand reached out to his face.
“What do you mean?” You pouted. “You’d make an amazing dad.”
“What if i have to go on tour? Or if i drink too much, i dont want to make any mistakes and hurt your or our child.” His eyes slightly turned red. “I love way too much to let that happen”
“Never in a million years would I think you’d hurt me or our future kid. It’d make me so happy to see you as a dad, you be amazing at it. I think you’re the perfect guy, and making mistakes is okay, especially as first time parents,” Your hand stroked his cheek.
“I want to try y/n” He spoke.
“Really?” Your eyes widened.
“Yes,” his eyes found yours.
You jumped on him and pushed him down to the mattress, pressing soft kisses all over his face.
“I love you izz,” you looked down at him. “A lot, no matter what”
“I love you too y/n” His eyes sparkled up at you.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Part 7 of deadweight, please?? It’s such a good series!
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Vax, Vex, Keyleth and Percy were quick to abandon the original plan in finding the vestige in the hopes of finding you and so far they weren’t so lucky.
Every dark shade that they’d believe to be you was a mere fluke in a realm where it felt like you were on some strange LSD acid trip 24/7. They didn’t know how you could split off from them when you were right next to them through the journey here.
Keyleth believed that it might’ve been the realm, taking offence to your position as the raven queens champion. It was a plausible reason seeing how everything reacted negatively towards you lately.
Vax, Vex and Percy however collectively agreed that their Druid party member just had a bad spell casting capabilities. She was making an attempt which is what counts.
“Do you think they’ll ever forgive us?” Keyleth asked the question that was truly on everyone’s mind but they all knew the answer to that too.
“No.” Vax answered bluntly, “they’d be pissed if our method of reconciliation with them was to sweep all the shit we’ve done to them under the rug.”
“That’ll be the equivalent of kicking a man while he’s down.” Percy pitched in, “We’d be disregarding their feelings and experiences if we did that.”
“So our only option in making it up to them is to acknowledge that we were cunts and promise to be better for the future.” Vex finished as they continued to delve deeper into the woods. “Wherever they are,” she continues, “I hope they’re alright.”
[with you]
“VAX, VEX, KEYLETH, PERCY! IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran further into a dense, dead forest to escape from the murderous vegetation that had been trailing you. All you did was step on some weird looking flower! You apologised afterwards! What more could they fucking want!
When you didn’t hear the rampaging horde of angry plants did you dare to look back to see that they had seemingly lost sight of you and gave up the hunt in order to head back home. “Weird.” You said to yourself, sheathing your daggers but before you were about to continue trekking the foreign land for your party members.
a voice called out to you from deep within the forest, causing you to become in some sort of trance as though your body was no longer yours to control anymore as you could only watch yourself walk through the dead forest, through some sickly looking swamp of thick black goo like substance as though it were water.
“You’re friends aren’t coming to save you my dear,” the voice said. “They’re too preoccupied with the vestige to worry about your well being.” It then chuckled before continuing, “your need for companionship is quite pathetic. You feel alone whenever you in a room with the rest of your party. Alienated, ostracised, outcasted from the group of outcasts.”
“I, however, can provide you all the companionship you will ever need, all you need to do is come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.”
Your body did as this voice told you as you watched it reach a dead tree trunk that opened up with an ominous red glow. As soon as you stepped inside, the tree was quick to close up behind you, sealing you in with whatever monster laid inside.
“That’s not good.” Warned a horned mystery figure with fiery hair sat upon a rock. “I must tell their friends that their little warrior mate is in danger, grave danger should they hear out Saurndor terms and conditions.” With a blink of an eye, the figure had dissipated in thin air.
[back to vox maxhina]
They’ve searched
And searched
And searched
But they had yet to still find evidence that you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere but Percy, Vax, Vex and Keyleth believed that they were getting close, though how close was close was still up for debate.
“Ugh! They could be anywhere by now!” Vex cries as she and the others crossed a riven, annoyed at the lack of progress. How could they miss a armoured figure with black feathered shoulder pads in a realm of eye straining, migraine inducing colour?!
Either you were trying to find them also or…Vex didn’t want to think about the other option. They’ve lost you once, they were determined to never loose you again. They still had unresolved problems to put to rest.
“They couldn’t have possibly gone to Syngorn?” Percy asked, looking back they way they came as though waiting to see your silhouette encroach in on them but nothing. The gunslinger sighs in disappointment and dissatisfaction as he pinched the skin between his brows.
“Fat chance.” A unknown voice told them.
Percy, Vax, Vex and Keyleth turned to look who it was only to see a fiery haired being with horns sat not too far from them, notebook in hand.
Vax was quick to pull of his dagger, “who are you and what have you done with y/n?” He threatens but the horned male merely laughed as though he was threatened with a stick rather then a sharpened piece of forgery.
“I haven’t done anything to them, but Lord Saundor will should you fail to reach them in time.” He muses, still drawing in his little notebook.
“What is that meant to mean?” Percy said gutturally, holding his gun at the being who seemingly knew your whereabouts. “Who’s Saundor?”
“That’s for you to know and for you to find out.” The figure cheeked before pointing towards the dead forest that Keyleth, Vax, Vex and Percy seemed to somehow miss in their mission of searching for you.
“They’re currently under his trance. I should’ve told them to not listen to him but by the time I got to them, they were already walking right into his trap. Poor thing, whatever ails them must take a heavy toll on them.”
Vax, Vex, Percy and Keyleth looked to each other in shame and sorrow. Whatever this saurdon did to you, must’ve been using your most deeply desired against you, they had indirectly made you dispensable to him and now this was their chance to make up for everything by saving you.
“Lead us there and we’ll think about letting you live.” Vex said.
“VAX, VEX, PERCY, KEYLETH! IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran into a forest area with weird looking plants trailing you with murderous intent.
“VEX, VAX, KEYLETH, PERCY! I WILL KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran deeper into a weird looking forest area with even weirder looking plants tailing after you with murderous intent.
“VEX, VAX, PERCY, KEYLETH IM GOING TO KILL YOU! AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you deeper into the woods as weird freaking plant fucks were tailing you
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Hellow, i just reblogged that post about the cauldron loving elain and I have been seized with a need to figure out what the hell is going on with that so I shall read one (1) chapter if acomaf to bring me closer to my goal. For the record, I did know about the cauldron loving elain and hating nesta because idk, nesta was angry and annoying when she was dunked into it but elain was just so sweet and demure about it probably, i did not think it was. romantic love. but this is a sjm book so I was foolish to assume there would be a male character whos not insanely horny. Actually, is the cauldron even male? He is in the german version but thats just bc the word cauldron is masculine grammatically. Quick someone draw like, a tumblr sexyman humanized version of the cauldron. actually no, tumblrsexymen are traditionally twinks and sjm hates those. Quick someone draw like, a super buff shirtless man with golden hair, or whatever the color of the cauldron is
anyway, PREVIOUSLY ON: THE FLAMES AND DARKNESS LIVEBLOG we had the Court on Nightmares Under The Mountain Reenactment Scene as I like to call it and can we talk about how Feyre has known Rhys for like a year and only liked him for like half a year and yet she was perfectly fine sitting in his lap nacked and letting herself be sexualized by him. Like, I dont even have any kind of sexual trauma, you would still need to build up sooooo many years of friendship and good will for me to do that for you and you would NOT be allowed to jerk me off!! whatever, lets get on with this, its time for chapter 43
I hate that Rhysand is being all like "i shouldnt have brought you, i didnt want you to see this side of me" when its like, buddy you didnt have to do all this shit you couldve just walked in an been like "Im your high lord and demand your orb" and they wouldve given it to you because youre their high lord and youre demanding their orb. And if he thought they wouldnt have given it to him, he couldve easily come up with a different distraction he just went with the one that sexualizes Feyre because hes weirdo. Like, if hes so cruel on every other day then he shouldve acted really nicely, greeted Keir by giving him the biggest hug and being like "uncleeeee!! :D long time no see :)" and Feyre should have been dressed up as like, the embodiment of spring in pastel green soft shades of pink and but Rhysand still treats with the utmost kindness and respect, now that would throw the Hewn City for a loop
Okay so the reason Rhys broke keirs arm is because the word 'whore' triggered him which is understandable but like, Feyre thought of herself as the Highlords Whore in a very deliberate parallel to Rhysand being known as Amarantha's Whore and Im pretty sure she even straightup thought something about being in the position he had for so many years but she was like, horny about it and the narrative just isnt acknowledging it. Like, theyre not talking about it even though their mindlink was presumably open the whole time bc I remember them flirting through the link, and Feyre isnt even like "oh man, I feel bad for thinking that when its so upsetting to him" its so weird
Rhysand basically said "I will never try to protect you by locking you away, instead I will protect you by killing anyone who upsets you, even when they dont actually upset you and they just upset me" like he and Tamlin are not fundamentally any different from each other, its just that Rhysand is a coldblooded murderer. but its fine cuz he wears black leather i guess
I just realized. Rhysand had a boner when Feyre was sitting in his lap. did that go away when he broke Keirs arm or did he walk out of that meeting with his dick fully hard
Listen, maybe its just because its 3am and Im a little sleepdeprived but this conversation barely makes any sense, these bozos are just completely talking past each other at this point
Rhysand just said something about how Tamlin just locked Feyre up and let her waste away and almost die and Feyre was gonna say "He was trying his best" but Rhys interrupted her like "Dont compare me to him, stop comparing us" when she didnt say anything about that ??? my guy is projecting so hard rn he thinks theyre having a conversation that theyre not even having
And like i would argue that Feyre doesnt even compare Rhysand and Tamlin that much, the narrative definitely does it a LOT, but Ive been reading Feyres thoughts throughout this whole ordeal and I feel like she barely even thought about Tamlin since she sent him that letter
This scene is supposed this big turning point for their relationship and its clearly meant to be really emotional but the only emotion i can feel rn is annoyance with Rhysand because its like, he did have genuinely traumatic things that happened to him but not only is he barely affected by any of them, those are not even the things that the narrative brings up whenever its trying to get me to sympathise with him instead its always just "whaaaaaaa everyone thinks Im nasty and evil just because i keep doing nasty and evil things T-T"
Feyre is being very cruel but in a kinda funny way because its directed at Rhysand rn, i would insert the quote but I am in no state to translate anything at the moment but shes basically like "of course you have to hide your true self from your friends, they wouldnt wanna hang out with otherwise, you burden"
Idk why but the prose being like "my arrow struck him too deep" is so funny to me, it has the same energy as the vampire fics i read where the weird gay one gets his heart broken and he goes "it wouldve hurt less if he staked me in the heart"
Feyre is like "i cant believe he was so vulnerable and shared his sorrows with me and just threw all of it in his face" and I could not give less of a shit, but ive been on a big emotional abuse kick lately so now Im thinking about what if Feyre was just faking having feelings for Rhys in order to make him fall in love with her and be vulnerable with her only to then tell him the truth and reject the mating bond and make him completely break down as revenge for UTM. now that would actually be empowering
Now Feyre is thinking about how shes been using Rhysand for a long time now and come onnnnnn there is such a big power difference between them, I genuinely think its basically impossible for her to do that. Like, hes the most powerful guy in the history of guys or whatever, if anything you were doing bothered him that much he could simply make you stop doing it. hm. now Im thinking about what if rhysand was actually a huge masochist. Now that would actually be hot
Feyre is talking about how all the members of the inner circle suffered and are traumatized and theyve all learned to live with it and, not to extend too much sympathy to Rhysand, but all of the ICs major traumatic events happened centuries ago, his traumatic event happened one (1) year ago and it lasted 49 years i think its gonna take a little more time till hes all better
ughhhhhhh dont remind me of Amrens stupid romance subplot im gonna kill myself
Starfall is called Die Nacht der fallenden Sterne [the night of the calling stars] in german which is so much cooler and more whimsical, shoutout to my gal pal Alexandra Ernst for attempting to reinsert atleast a little bit of whimsy into this joyless world
Also, apparently its expected that Rhysand spend the first starfall in fifty years with his people, his people in this case referring to the Verlarians in the city that no one knows exists and not the people living in his courts actual capital. then again, i guess those bozos are all trapped under a mountain and wouldnt be able to watch it anyway so who cares
Amren said "hes not lucky to have us, we're lucky to have him" like yeah, hes paying you all exorbitant salaries just for being his buddies
God, amrens jacking rhys off so hard rn I cant believe she didnt wanna have sex with him when he asked
btw Im not even gonna dignify all that vaguely meta bullshit about how Tamlin is the golden prince and rhysand is the villain in the stories but the villain in stories is the guy who locks maidens away in towers and rhys freed her with anx kind of commentary because its just stupid, its just sjm bashing you over the head with how subversive she is when Tamlin and Rhysand are basically the same guy with different aesthetics at this point, like Feyre is not making a choice between the goodboy hero and the badboy villain, shes making a choice between a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (green) and a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (black)
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helplesslypurple77 · 11 months
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Day 10- Mori/Atsushi/Fukuzawa- with promts Spitroasting & threesome
Notes: So just pretend that the Q mess was instantly cleaned up or something, i don't want to deal with it. But Francis is still out there, menacingly or whatever. I literally could not figure out when Atsushi finds out that Mori is the boss of the port mafia, so I'm going to assume Atsushi doesnt know at this point.
Also im keeping some age gap because it's hot but I'm making Atsushi twenty instead of eighteen. Btw the legal age of drinking in japan is 20, i checked
“Um Sir, are you sure it's ok for me to come?” Atsushi twists his hands in circles, following closely behind Fukuzawa as they make their way down a brightly lit street. “Yes, of course. This was your idea, Atsushi, so you deserve to be there.” Fukuzawa walks in long strides, looking unfamiliar in a three piece suit. Atsushi walks double to keep up, the pants of his own suit, kindly gifted to him by the President, stiff and hard to run in. They fit perfectly, almost like they were tailor made to his body measurements. The President slows down slightly, allowing Atsushi to walk beside him. He shoots the shorter boy an apologetic glance.
They walk through downtown Yokohama at dusk. The lights have come on, and the roads are choked with cars, people on their way home from work probably. The sidewalks are busy as well, and people pore in and out of the brightly lit restaurants, laughter perfuming the air. In all honesty, Atsushi had not thought that Fukuzawa would accept his suggestion of an alliance. He was a new member of the Agency after all, and an Alliance with the Port Mafia sounded a little crazy, even to his ears. But to his surprise, Fukuzawa had accepted with only a few clarifying questions. And so here they were, walking down a main restaurant district street apparently going to meet with the boss of the port mafia.
“Um Fukuzawa Sir?” They stop at a red light, and Fukuzawa turns those eyes on him. “Yes?” Honestly when Atsushi had first arrived at the detective Agency he had been scared of the president. But then, he saw him cooing over cats in the backyard and his image was forever changed. “Well, I was wondering where we’re going.” The light changes and they move across the street, toward where the more expensive restaurants are. “We’re going to the meeting.” Fukuzaw responds.
Atsushi feels lost. He follows Fukuzawa, dodging the occasional pedestrian as people pass by them. Large groups, clearly leaving work parties. Loves truck couples on dates, families headed to dinner. Even the occasional large group of giggling school girls, who shoot Fukuzawa dreamy eyed stares. I mean it makes sense. The President is a handsome man and he looks especially dashing in a suit. It's a dark grayish green three piece, with a white shirt and a yellow green tie. Atsushi’s own outfit is fancy as well, a black double breasted vest, a dark gray shirt and black tie pulling the whole thing together. It's expensive, Atsushi can tell from the fabric. The same group of girls shoots Atsushi a jealous look as he catches up, and Fukuzawa grips his waist, pulling him away from a biker careening a bit too close to the sidewalk. Atsushi ignores their angry stares. 
“Um sir, sorry but i'm a little confused.” Atsushi says, leaving the high school girls angry stares behind. “I thought we were going to the Port Mafia building.”
“We decided that instead of going to meet in a public park or something, we would meet somewhere else.” Fukuzawa sighs, an angry tick in his jaw. “Mori insisted, after I told him I was bringing you, for some reason.” That name sounds familiar, but Atsushi just can't place it. And for some reason, it looks like the President and this Mori fellow know each other better than Fukuzawa had let on. “We’re here.” The president says.
They’ve come to a stop outside of a sushi restaurant. It's a new age design, and Atsushi blanches as he spots the line out the door that weaves around the corner. People, mostly couples, lined up around the corner, dressed in semi formal outfits and anxiously checking watches. Every few minutes a smartly dressed waiter steps out of the restaurant, and whispers something to the Maitre D who nods, calling out a number and guiding a group through the foggy double doors. But just as fast as someone goes in, three more people get in line behind. Atsushi frowns, following Fukuzawa as he marches straight up to the maitre d, a smartly dressed woman standing behind a small podium by the double glass doors. The woman glares. “Can't you see we have a line, Sir.” 
Atsushi flinches. She’s rather rude for someone running the front of a restaurant. Fukuzawa mearly sighs. “We have a reservation for a back room.” The woman glares on, unimpressed. “Card?” Fukuzawa hands her a small golden card. There's black writing on it, but Atsushi can't quite make it out. The woman flips it around, scanning the letters with a magnifying glass, carefully looking for something, what Atsushi doesn't know. But after a minute or so, she nods, and a waiter steps out from behind the frosted double doors, smiling much more pleasantly at the two of them. “If you and your date will follow me, Sir.” Atsushi flushes, and opens his mouth to protest but Fukuzawa just slips a hand on his waist, a silent confirmation. 
“Come on Dear, this way.” Atsushi knows he’s blushing like a tomato, but he does the wise thing and shuts up as the waiter leads them through a crowded restaurant. Fukuzawa leans down. “Sorry Atsushi, but bear with it for now. They won't let you in without a reservation card.”
He must be talking about that strange little golden card Fukuzawa gave the Maitre D earlier. Face still steaming, Atsushi manages a nod and clutches at Fukuzawa’s dark suit jacket in what he hopes is a ‘couply’ way. Fukuzawa’s hand is big, big enough to wind quite a long way around Atsushi’s waist. Atsushi can feel the heat of it through his layers. Fukuzawa is a good bit taller than him as well, and as Fukuzawa tugs him closer still Atsushi’s head hits his shoulder lightly, his silver hair brushes against it. 
The room the waiter leads them to is empty. The room is small, with a large table set for three waits for them in the middle, and little outcoves full of flowers. “I’ll be back soon with the rest of your party.” The waiter says, and then closes the door behind them. A slightly awkward silence fills the small room. Fukuzawa’s hand is still on Atsushi’s waist as he leads him to a seat, placed on the short side of the rectangular table. The other two place settings are exactly opposite each other, conveniently placed just out of weapon range. They seat themselves, and before the silence can get any more awkward the door opens and a smug, familiar man follows the Waiter into the room. 
“Didn't wait to seat yourselves i see, still as rude as ever huh Fukuzawa.” There, standing smartly in a pitch black suit is the strange doctor fellow Atsushi had met in Anne’s room. This time cleanly shaven and with a peculiar unfamiliar gleam in his eyes. Atsushi’s jaw almost hits the floor. Fukuzawa merely sighs. “Give your scalpels to the waiter Mori, they aren't allowed in here.” Mori chuckles darkly, and holds up his hands in surrender. Two metal scalpels are placed in the waiter's hands. The waiter for the most part looks mostly unfazed, and simply hands over the menus and is gone with a smile. Mori’s eyes fall on him, and, Atsushi must be hallucinating, he throws him a little wink. “Well well Were-Tiger, it's nice to see you again.” 
The shocked look must be plain on his face because Mori chuckles. Fukuzawa turns a confused look on Atsushi. “You know him?” Atsushi picks his jaw up off the ground. “Um, when Lucy from the Guild captured me and Junichiro, he helped us.” Mori smiles, a rather predatory smile, but still attractive. “Yes that's right.” Mori sidles around the table, brushing close to Atsushi. He smells faintly of rosemary, sandalwood and something deep he can't quite place. The two men sit across from each other, twin expressions of hatred painted across their faces. Atsushi realizes all at once that this is going to be a long dinner. 
“It's so nice to see you, although I see you haven't bought your creepy ability this time.” Fukuzawa flips the Menu open aggressively, as if the laminated pages have personally wronged him.
“The feeling is mutual, Fukuzawa. I see you still have a fondness for cats.” Mori gestures in Atsushi’s direction, and Atsushi flushes. “But tell me kid, how old are you?” Its and odd question, and Fukuzawa’s face visibly darkens, but Atsushi see’s no reason not to respond. “I just turned twenty.” 
Mori’s dark eyes twinkle, and Fukuzawa frowns even harder. “How nice!” He gestures at the menu before him, shooting Atsushi another wink. “Order whatever you want, kitten, think of it as a late birthday gift.” Atsushi flushes at the nickname, but the prospect of free sushi almost has him drooling. “Are you sure?” He asks, although he knows his eyes are shining with anticipation. “You already gave me this nice suit Sir.” Fukuzawa’s face loses its glare as he turns to him, and smiles faintly. “Sure, we’ll split the bill.” 
Atsushi can't hold back his excitement as he eyes the menu. The place is so fancy they don't even list the prices, and although it's slightly concerning, he’s not paying so he doesn't care. His mouth is watering as he stares at the nigiri. The two men chuckle at his enthusiasm. Mori smiles his way. “So, Fukuzawa bought you a suit huh?” Fukuzawa glares, Mori just smiles wider. “That's a custom tailored model, he must have prepared it early.” 
“You're finally cracking Mori, that's clearly not true.” Atsushi isn't even really paying much attention, still drooling over the pictures in the menu. Mori just smirks, that feral smirk. “I bet you dreamed about seeing him—” Fukuzawa kicks him hard, Mori just smiles. “Ooh, touched a nerve. Straight laced Fukuzawa desiring a subordinate. Blasphemous.” 
Atsushi catches the last words, looking up from the menu and at the two men glaring at each other. “What was that? Something about blasphemy?” Mori opens his mouth, but the waiter interrupts him, stepping back into the room with a smile.
“What can I get you gentlemen to start?”
“You want some sake kitten? I know your president does.” Mori gets another kick under the table, but Atsushi nods. The older men give their orders and the waiter leaves with a nod. 
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
The door closes behind Atsushi with a decisive little click, on his way to the bathroom. Fukuzawa glares at the man in front of him. Mori smirks, leaning back in his chair.
“What an adorable little subordinate you’ve got.” Mori leans forward like he’s telling a secret.  “Im just dying to fuck him.” Fukuzawa glares so hard he thinks his eyebrows might actually fall off. “How inappropriate, he’s much younger than both of us.” Fukuzawa hates how the suggestion brings in images he’s been dying to erase from his mind. 
“But that's boring.” Mori says. Fukuzawa rolls his eyes so far back into his head that he thinks they may get stuck there. Mori continues. “I saw you staring at his cute little ass when he left for the bathroom. Nice job with the suit by the way, fits him like a glove.” 
“I was not staring at his butt.” Fukuzawa totally was, but he’ll take that secret to the grave. “You can admit it to me, you know.” Mori says. He downs a cup of sake, pouring himself another. “I can imagine what I'd do to him. ” Fukuzawa can imagine it too. He glares. Mori laughs. “Oh my bad. I’d be happy to share him, maybe over the table?” Mori says. He chuckles, passing Fukuzawa the sake bottle.  “Ah, reminds me of the old days.” Fukuzawa feels his thoughts drift involuntarily back to the ‘old days’. Several occasions with a woman between them in a hotel room.(and the other occasions he’d rather forget, without the woman between them. Just heat and soft skin and panted angry ‘I hate you’s. He'd rather die than think of those days again however.)
It's appalling how clearly he can imagine the scene. Atsushi’s thin body painted with hickeys, his pretty mouth spit slicked mouth wrapped around Fukuzawa’s co—
Fukuzawa coughs, clearing his throat and hopefully his brain at the same time. 
“You know why we’re having this meeting in the first place Mori, so please try to be serious.” Mori bats a hand at him, much akin to the way someone would bat at an especially annoying bug. “Yeah yeah, I agree with the alliance and everything. So anyway, does Atsushi like men?” Fukuzawa almost chokes. “Are you serious?” 
“Yeah, it's a really good idea, no matter how distasteful the idea of working with you is. But answer my question.” Mori says, sipping on the sake the waiter had returned with. “I don't know, it's not my business to pry into my coworkers' sexuality's.” Fukuzawa says, clearing his throat with a cough. “Don't be dramatic, it's called gossip.” Mori says. Fukuzawa shoots him an eye roll. Whenever the two of them are together they seem to revert to their younger selves again. It's honestly a little embarrassing. Mori sighs. “I'll just have to ask Dazai.” He takes out his phone, and scrolls through his contacts. Fukuzawa eyes it with a glare as it begins to ring. “Why do you even want to know?” Mori simply raises an eyebrow at him, wiggling it suggestively, Fukuzawa feels heat start in his neck. Mori chuckles. “Don't you want to know too, Fukuzawa.” And although he chokes out a denial, Fukuzawa listens a little two closely as Dazai picks up.
“What do you want, Mori.” Dazai sounds annoyed.
“Oh nothing, I just had a question.” Mori says, twirling a strand of hair around his finger. He almost resembles a high school girl gossiping on the phone. Almost. Ok he really doesn't.
“Does Atsushi like men?” 
Fukuzawa hears a choking on the other side of the line, and faintly he can hear laughter in the background. A lot of it. Dazai must be still at work, although he’s probably not working. 
“Yes–No–Why would I tell you?” Fukuzawa is almost disappointed, and then corrects his attitude and immediately congratulates Dazai in his head with only the mildest bit of bitterness.
“Your president wants to know.” Fukuzawa barely resists the urge to throw something at Mori, maybe a sake cup. 
“No, no it dont. I don't care. I don't.” Fukuzawa blurts out, and that was probably a bad idea because now Mori is smirking.
“See? He wants to know.”
“Well I actually don't know, but we do have an office bet running.” Dazai says, his voice less full of venom and more amusement. 
“You have a what?” Fukuzawa feels he needs to have a talk with all of them about proper office conduct, but he doubts it will have that much effect.
“Sorry Boss.” Dazai doesn't really sound that sorry at all.
“So, how's it going?” Mori sounds a bit too invested. Fukuzawa glares at him. 
“Well, Yosano and i bet Bisexual, Naomi and Tanzaki think Gay, and Kunikida said he refuses to participate in such activities.” Fukuzawa makes a mental note to give Kunikida a raise. 
“What did Ranpo say?” Fukuzawa asks, in spite of himself. 
“We banned him from betting, it wouldn't be any fun.”
Ranpo’s voice comes out muffled through the speaker. “For the record, he’s Bisexual.” A series of groans echo through the room, and Fukuzawa can faintly hear money being passed around.
“Sorry I took so long, some ladies ambushed me by the bathrooms.” It's Atsushi, closing the door behind him with a click. “By the way, what's a sugar daddy?” Dead fucking silence wraps the room for a moment, before someone chokes on the line and the whole armed detective Agency bursts out laughing. Atsushi frowns in confusion. “The ladies by the bathrooms kept congratulating me for getting two Sugar Daddies, and said it made sense because I was pretty.” Fukuzawa feels his face burning red and even Mori across from him is flushed, even though he is smiling. 
“You see Atsushi…” Damn it Dazai is still on the phone. “A Sugar Daddy is a rich older man who  gives gifts to a young person in return for sex—” Mori hangs up on him with a beep, but the damage has been done, Atsushi’s face is flushed a charming red. Fukuzawa sighs, deep and long. But before he can launch into the speech he’s mentally preparing, the waiter arrives with their food. Fukuzawa resolves to leave a large tip
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Its plate by the time they finish up at the restaurant, and step out into the street. Atsushi feels full and satisfied, and it didn't cost him a scent. The two men kept their word and paid for the meal in full. Apparently Mori had agreed to the alliance, but the actual details of it where still being hammered out. 
“I will not give you free reign over the harbor district.” Fukuzawa says, hand twitching for his sword. Atsushi sighs. 
“Well, I need the harbor district to conduct work.” Mori says, speaking directly over Atsushi’s head. He’s sandwiched between them as they stand outside of the restaurant, and he feels very short. 
“What kind of work? Illegal work?”
“We are the mafia.” 
“Um Sir, if it's alright to interject.” Both men turn to look at him and he shrinks under their combined gazes. “Maybe you guys should have this conversation somewhere else? People are staring.” The bubble seemingly popped, both men look around and take in the different kinds of stares their getting. The angry stares of people trying to go around them on the street, the curious stares of people in line, and even a few stares of disgust, from people who probably still think that these men are his ‘sugar daddies’. Atsushi flushes a little at the implications. 
“We can go to my office.” Mori offers. Fukuzawa glares. “And probably have to fight through several hundred armed guards?” And now they're arguing again. Atsushi is distinctly reminded a bit of Dazai and Kunikida, if Dazai and Kunikida threw insults at each other like two year olds. It's sometimes easy to forget that Mori is perhaps one of the most powerful men in Yokohama, and the same for the president. 
“Um, we could go to your office Fukuzawa sir, it's easily accessible and the only people that will be there this late at night is Kunikida.” The men turn their eyes back on him again, considering. Atsushi is kind of waiting for his suggestion to get shut down, but then Fukuzawa nods, and Mori winds an arm around his waist, subtly pulling him away from Fukuzawa. 
“What an excellent suggestion Kitten! You’re quite impressive, you know.” Atsushi flushes at the praise. Fukuzawa grabs his arm, pulling him away from Mori’s arm. “This way Atsushi, hurry up.” Fukuzawa says, pulling Atsushi's arm. Mori grabs his other arm. “Now wait up, it'll be fast to call a company car. The sidewalks are choked up at this time of night. And besides,” He says, gesturing at a darkened ally. “It gets sketchy as hell around here, and I'd prefer not to get blood on this suit.” 
Fukuzawa frowns, and Atsushi is sure he's going to protest just for protestings sake, but then he nods with a sigh. “Fine.” He says, dropping Atsushi’s arm. 
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
The car was really fancy. A sleek black on the outside and inside and it even had a driver! The car ride was kind of annoying though. Fukuzawa refused to let him sit in the back with Mori, and Mori refused to sit next to Fukuzawa so Atsushi spent the car ride smashed between two handsome men who wouldn't stop throwing petty insults back and forth. He could smell them again, Mori’s scent of rosemary and sandalwood, and Fukuzawa’s clean smell, tinged with green tea. And as pleasant as that may sound, the rest of it was not. When they were not insulting each other, Mori would try to ask him a question or say something nice and Fukuzawa would swing at him over Atsushi’s head and suddenly two middle aged men were having a slap war above his head. It was the same way when Fukuzawa tried to say something to him as well. 
But now it's over and they're walking up the stairs of the Agency building, and Mori is snidely insulting the building and Fukuzawa is saying something insulting right back. And Atsushi would defend the building but he has a feeling Mori doesnt actually think that he’s just saying it to fuck with Fukuzawa and Atsushi really is forgetting how powerful these two men are. 
Also, through the entire night, it almost seems like Mori’s flirting with him. Now Atsushi doesn't have much experience with this stuff, and his knee jerk reaction is to deny, but then again…
“You cant do a double suicide, all by yourself~” Atsushi can hear it from all the way down the hall. Fukuzawa sighs, and murmurs something about apologizing to the people downstairs as Atsushi pulls the wooden door to the detective Agency open. 
Surprisingly, a good number of people are in the office when they arrive. Dazai is sitting at his desk with headphones on singing really loudly and off-key. Kunikida is at his desk with earplugs on, pointedly ignoring Dazai. Ranpo is perched on his desk, playing some video games and munching on snacks, also with headphones in. Naomi and Junichiro are sitting at their desks, sorting thirdly through paperwork. They all look up at the three new arrivals. 
Kunikida looks up a little late, pulling his earplugs out of his ears. 
“So Atsushi, I see you brought your new ‘Sugar Daddies’, huh.” Kunikida, who Atsushi guesses was absent from the office during The Phone Call™, chokes on his own spit. “Wha-who, excuse me—” Atsushi can feel the flush working up his neck again. Mori smirks, and Fukuzawa, perhaps sensing danger, jumps in. “That is highly inappropriate, Dazai. We’re still negotiating contract details, Kunikida, and since we didn't finish at the restaurant Atsushi very smartly suggested we come here.”
“They were arguing about the Harbor district in the middle of the street.” Atsushi, who’s kind of tired of their nonsense, says. “And then they spent the entire car ride insulting each other over my head.”
“Yes,” Mori says, giving a fake sad sigh. “Unfortunately Fukuzawa just refused to sit in the front of the limo. So poor this kitten was squished between us.” Someone chokes, probably Kunikida and Dazai murmurs ‘kitten?’ under his breath.
“Well you refused to sit next to me, and so Atsushi had to sit between us. And I refuse to let my prescouse subordinate sit alone in the back with you, especially with the way you were eyeing him.” Fukuzawa glares, and they're at it again. Naomi sends Atsushi a sympathetic look. “They’ve been like this all night then?” She says, shooting him a small smile at his nod of conformation. 
“I would never do anything in the limo, that's not my kink Fukuzawa. You know that.” 
“I wish I didn't. I'll never forget—”
“Um, Fukuzawa Sir, Mr Mori Sir, how about you guys go negotiate alliance details in the office. I have some stuff i need to—”
Atsushi is interrupted by Mori’s arm, winding around his waist again. “Nonsense! Without you there we would simply devolve to bloodshed or something worse.” Mori says, his gloved hand stroking Atsushi’s waist softly. It feels nice, and Atsushi can feel the warmth of his hand through all the layers of fabric. 
“For ounce, I actually agree with Mori. You can simply give your work to Dazai.” Fukuzawa says, smiling slightly. “Think of it as payback for how he pawns his work onto you.” 
A few stares are traded around the office as Atsushi is dragged away. Kunikida simply looks confused, while Naomi and Junichiro trade equally knowing looks. Dazai just chuckles to himself, then goes back to his horrendous singing. 
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
The actual process of arguing small details didn't take that too long. After about forty minutes of back and forth about the harbor district, where about halfway through Kunikida brought them some alcohol and cups and informed them the others were leaving, Fukuzawa compromised about The Harbor district. And after that, the problems just flew by. And then they were shaking hands and signing a formal document with Atsushi as witness. And then, it was all over and they were all drinking and Atsushi could feel a faint pleasant buzz. He was by no means drunk, just clearly a bit tipsy. 
A record in the corner is playing slow, sexy jazz and somehow, over the ten or so minutes they’ve been drinking, Atsushi’s been sandwiched between the two men again. But this time, it's less uncomfortable because they're drinking and laughing, and both of them have taken off their coats to relax. And although they can't help but throw a dig or two in there, the constant insults have stopped, and the two of them are, if not friends, resembling something closer. 
Atsushi lets himself sink back into the couch, his head hitting Mori’s arm, which slung across the back of the couch. He’s noticed over the entirety of the evening, that the man seems to be a very physical person. He would very freely touch Atsushi’s arm or waist, and even now his hand, the one currently not holding a glass of whiskey, was reaching up, stroking Atsushi’s head softly. It felt really nice. Mori was a strange man. At times Atsushi really forgot that he was the head of the port mafia, a man whose clothes were stained with blood. But, he had been quite kind to Atsushi. 
And he was handsome. Very handsome in a sexy aged kind of way. Not unlike a wine. Yeah, the president was like a Wine too. A white wine though. The president was white wine, while Mori was red wine. Atsushi chuckles to himself. 
“What are you laughing about, kitten?” Mori’s eyes are sparkly. He’s not sure why he didn't notice that earlier. 
“Oh, i was noticing how you guys are like wine.” Atsushi says.
“Like wine?” Fukuzawa’s voice is sexy, all deep and raspy. It resonates in Atsushi’s bones, warming his body slightly. 
“You guys are so handsome. In an aged kind of way.” Atsushi says. Fukuzawa chokes, and Mori chuckles. Atsushi continues, smiling slightly. “The president is a white wine, and Mr. Mori is a red wine.” Mori’s hand is tangled in his hair now, lightly massaging his scalp. It feels good. 
“You think we’re handsome?” Mori says, placing his mostly empty glass on the coffee table before him. Atsushi nods. “Yes, very. I’ve been thinking about it the whole night.” He says. Someone in the back of his mind is screaming at him to shut up, but he feels pleasantly buzzed and his walls are slipping. Mori chuckles. “Well kitten, Fukuzawa and I think you're very pretty. Infact,” He leans close like he’s telling a secret, and Atsushi smells that scent of rosemary and sandalwood. “I’ve just been dying to fuck you stupid.” Atsushi feels a twinge of arousal sing though his body. He would like that, he definitely would very much so. 
On his other side, Fukuzawa coughs, directing his ire at Mori. “Seriously Mori? I'm right here.” Atsushi personally see’s no problem in this, and Mori seems to agree, because he speaks directly to Fukuzawa. “Why don't you join in? Atsushi wants you to. Right Kitten?” Atsushi nods, turning to look at the President on his other side. “Yes, I want you Sir.” 
“See Fukuzawa, no need to hold back.” Mori’s hand, still tangled in his hair, gently draws Atsushi’s eyes back to his own. Red eyes, pretting red eyes, twinkling with a strange light, heavy lidded. And then the hand on Atsushi’s head is pulling him forward, and Atsushi closes his eyes as Mori’s lips touch his own. Mori kisses deep, devouring Atsushi’s lips, stealing his breath away. His other hand winds up, slowly working the buttons on Atsushi’s double breasted vest, showing no hurry. Atsushi does his best to keep up, slowly following Mori’s lead. He feels a warm hand on his thigh, slowly stroking it, fingers just avoiding where he needs them to be. Fukuzawa’s other hand strokes his back, almost soothingly. 
Mori’s tongue is tracing the seam of his lips now, begging for entrance. Atsushi opens his mouth. Mori is obviously experienced, his tongue tangles with Atsushi’s own much more skillfully, tracing the inseams of his mouth, all while those fingers slowly undo his buttons. The hand on his thigh is tracing closer and closer to where he needs it, and Atsushi feels like a tightly wound bobble, waiting for the caress of a hand on his hard dick. 
Mori separates from his mouth, and Atsushi flushes at the dirty string of saliva that follows their separating tongues. It breaks when Mori dives back in, this time leaving little kisses on his neck. Atsushi’s head falls back, mouth parting in a soft moan as Fukuzawa’s hand finally strokes his dick. It feels good, even with layers of fabric softening the sensation. 
“Feel good?” Fukuzawa is watching him, his voice dropped down to a sensual whisper. Atsushi nods. “Yes, Fukuzawa Sir.” 
“Wow, Sir. That's hardcore.” Mori murmurs against his neck, and Atsushi moves as Mori’s skilled fingers undo the last button, discarding the vest on the coffee table. He presses a delicate kiss to his jaw, as his fingers move much faster, undoing the buttons of his shirt. Fukuzawa’s still applied the slightest of pressures to Atsushi’s clothed dick. He speaks right over Atsushi’s head. 
“Shut up Mori.” Although his words are aggressive, his tone doesn't match. It's still all low and sensual, and Atsushi moans as his fingers dance over his dick, the teasing touches a cruel torture as Fukuzawa undoes the zipper of his pants. But it's all worth it when Fukuzawa’s hand reaches into his boxers, finally coming in contact with his dick. Atsushi’s head falls back with an embarrassing moan, and he thrusts up into Fukuzawa’s hand. 
Mori had shed his gloves at some point during the drinking, and now his bare hand is trailing across Atsushi’s chest, the slightest bit of contact a delicious tease until he comes in contact with a nipple, brushing over the hard nub. Atsushi whimpers, an embarrassing sound, loud to his ears but still barely hearable over the jazz. Mori chuckles. “Such a very sensitive Kitten.” He says, shoving two fingers into Atsushi’s open mouth. “Now be a good boy and suck.” Atsushi obeys to the best of his abilities, distracted as he is by the stimulus on his dick and nipples. He sucks hard on Mori’s fingers, creating what he hopes is a pleasurable vacuum, occasionally using his tongue to trace the rough pads. 
“You're doing so well, Kitten. Such a good boy.” Mori says. The praise warms his heart, and at the same time he bucks into Fukuzawa’s hand. “Praise, huh. Stand for me, Atsushi.” Fukuzawa says, his hands momentarily leaving Atsushi’s dick to push down his pants. Mori’s fingers slip out of his mouth as he gets to his feet, kicking his pants away. And then his world is spinning as Fukuzawa’s big hands grip his waist, sitting him smack dab on Mori’s lap. 
“Condoms?” Mori asks, promptly shoving his fingers back into Atsushi’s mouth, rather roughly. Atsushi chokes around the intrusion, much more forceful this time, but shamefully his dick twitches at the force, and he shifts on Mori’s lap. Mori definitely notices. 
“Oh, you like it rough huh.” Atsushi nods around the fingers, whimpering. Mori smirks. “How dirty Kitten, just the way I like it.” He moves his fingers out and in, and Atsushi just lets his jaw fall slack, letting Mori do what he wishes. It's arousing to surrender control, to let this dangerous man do what he wills, and Atsushi’s free hand moves down the stroke himself over his boxers. His dick is leaking, staining his boxers with a quickly spreading wet stain, and as Atsushi grinds down against Mori’s lap, he feels a large hard thing under his ass. Mori groans in his ear, and Atsushi’s world is tilted on its axis.
When the spinning stops, Atsushi finds himself laying on his hands and knees on Fukuzawa’s brown couch, Mori’s hands smoothing over his butt. 
“You look so sexy like this kitten.” Mori says, his wet fingers prodding slightly at Atsushi’s hole. Atsushi shivers at the praise, and then keens as fingers penetrate his hole. It's an odd feeling, but not entirely unpleasant. But still, Atsushi feels himself flagging a little as Mori shoves his fingers in, stretching his ass out for a bigger intrusion. Mori notices. 
“Does it hurt?” He says, pausing his motions, his fingers still lodged deep in Atsushi’s ass. Atsushi shakes his head. “No, just strange.” 
“I see.” Mori resumes his motions, slowly withdrawing almost all the way out before he enters again, his pace slow and deep. And soon, Atsushi feels the strange discomfort turn to pleasure. And soon he’s arching his back, keening, begging for more. 
“I'm back, I had to borrow some from the infirmary.” Fukuzawa says, passing a foil packet to Mori. When had he left? Atsushi hadn't noticed. He returns to the couch, bending over to kiss Atsushi harshly on the mouth. His kiss is different from Mori’s, much more aggressive, but Atsushi can't decide which one he likes more. And while he’s distracted, having his tongue sucked on by Fukuzawa, Mori slips on the condom, lining the head of his cock up with Atsushi’s ass. 
He pushes in slowly but Atsushi feels it, pulling away from Fukuzawa’s mouth the moan loudly, a garbled mix of Mori’s name and nonsense. The stretch burns a little, but Atsushi finds he likes it. His back arches, eyes falling closed as Mori moves slowly, before finally stopping, all the way in. Atsushi doesn't think he’s ever felt this full. He’s left panting against the couch, Fukuzawa’s fingers tangled in his hair, soothing him. 
“Such a pretty boy.” Mori coos, big hands gripping Atsushi’s waist. “Staying so still for me. Can I move, Kitten?” That nickname makes Atsushi clench down, moaning loudly out a, “Yes Mori. Oh god please yes!” Mori chuckles, and obliges. Mori sets a fast pace, his hands making good use of Atsushi’s waist, his balls slapping on Atsushi’s ass. Atsushi is moaning up a storm, eyes closed when Fukuzawa’s hand, still lodged in his hair, pulls him upward.
“Atsushi.” Atsushi opens his eyes, and comes face to face with Fukuzawa’s hard cock, bobbing in front of him. Atsushi nods, understanding what he wants. Fukuzawa’s dick is long, and heavy on his tongue, the taste faintly salty. Atsushi does his best, doing what he’d done to Mori’s fingers earlier, but he soon just surrenders and lets Fukuzawa fuck his throat. 
“Such a good boy.” Mori grunts, hand reaching around to stroke Atsushi’s dick. “Taking me so well, letting him fuck your throat raw.” he leans down, cooing directly in Atsushi’s ear. “You were made for this, made to be fucked stupid.” Atsushi keens, moaning around Fukuzawa’s dick, his back arching as he cums. 
“Did you cum pretty boy?” Mori says, trying for a chuckle, but ending up with more of a choked up grunt. Atsushi nods, trying his best to apologize around Fukuzawa’s dick. “No need to apologize.” Mori continues. “We’ll just make you cum again, won't we Fukuzawa?” 
“Mhm.” Fukuzawa responds, much more prioritized with Atsushi’s mouth. Mori was very vocal during sex, cooing dirty talk and praise in his ear, moaning and grunting as he thrusts in and out. Fukuzawa was much more quiet, occasionally grunting or groaning quietly, but not much speaking. His dick is still twitching, already coming back to hardness as Mori fucks him hard, landing the occasional slap on Atsushi’s butt. 
“No refractory period. Interesting.” Mori doesn't sound interested, he just sounds raspy and sexy and Atsushi almost comes again. And then, he hits a spot inside Atsushi that makes him white out for a second. Atsushi moans, choking around Fukuzawa’s dick, spit sliding from his mouth and landing on the couch. Mori seems to understand, and hits that spot again, and again, and again until Atsushi is cuming again, shooting ropes of semen onto the couch. 
“Atsushi, ‘m cuming.” Fukuzawa says above him, shoving himself down Atsushi’s throat one more time, and soon hot seed is running down Atsushi’s throat. He swallows it all, or tries his best as he’s still cumming. “Me too.” Mori murmurs, still stroking Atsushi’s dick as his rhythm stutters, and he shoves his hips in one more time. 
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Work the next day is a little awkward. For him at least. The rest of the Agency has no problem interrogating him for details. 
“So, what happened again?”
Atsushi sighs. “It took a whole entire dinner, car ride, and about another hour but the Alliance has been finalized. Or whatever.” 
Naomi frowns. “No, that's not what we ment. We ment did—”
“Yo, lame ass detective Agency, i have something for you.” Chuuya pokes his head in, sending Dazai a glare and the rest of them mostly a confused sort of smile. 
“What are you doing here mackerel?” Dazai says, his eyes darkening. 
“Shut up stupid Dazai, I've been demoted to a delivery guy apparently.” Chuuya says, walking over and depositing a box in Atsushi’s desk. “Here you go Were-Tiger, it's from the boss.”
Dead silence falls for a moment, and then Dazai speaks. “I guess he really is your Sugar Daddy huh.”
Atsushi throws a pencil holder at his head. 
End Notes: so, this is a thing, that exists. I dunno man. I'm going to hell. also this got long as helllll i dont know what happened
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
Hey, if you still want imodna prompts, raise and/or arise? Love your work (especially he most recent ones)!
forgive me, brain broken, im just gonna do a couple real quick things as fast as i can
‘do you think we should talk to her about it?’
orym, of course. ever cautious, ever sensible. it’s not a word she used to think synonymous with kind but it is now. it’s sensible to make sure everyone is safe and warm. it’s sensible to protect your friends with your body, if you’re faster, tougher. it’s sensible to make sure they are alright. imogen doesn’t think these things have much to do with sense but orym does; his mind is built so thoroughly on duty and care that kindness is as sensible to him as making sure his sandals are nice and snug.
‘about what?’
‘what she went through. what we went through to get her. literally. imogen, we went through her mind. or her memories, maybe? and—‘ he sighs. ‘i knew most of it already and she told me some, but i don’t think she’d told the others much about it. about what happened to her. she’s private. as - as eye-catching as she is,’ he says with a curl of a grin, ‘she’s private about things that hurt.’
‘i know that.’ imogen doesn’t mean for it to come out sharp but it does. the words have a heat to them because of course she knows. orym has travelled with laudna for all of a month; she’s been with her for two years. of course she knows. tempering her tone, imogen says, ‘i know. but she hasn’t brought it up and i get the impression she wants to forget about it. and unless she tells me otherwise, i’m gonna follow her lead. about all of this.’
orym frowns but nods. ‘i won’t bring it up.’ he adds, with a stubborn set to his chin and thoughts, ‘i still think you should.’
‘when it comes to laudna, you’re different. she’ll talk to you,’ he insists.
‘it has to be her choice.’
‘then give her that choice.‘ he takes a breath. braces himself. ‘now isn’t the time to be a coward, imogen temult.’
for a second after he says that, all she can hear is the roll and crash of thunder in her ears; when it dies down, when she lets her breath out nice and slow, she realises it was her own angry pulse and lets it fade and fade, opens her hands out of the fists they’ve formed at her sides. she turns on her heel and storms away. it’s tempting to glare at him but from the way her eyes feel hot and dry, they might have been without a halfling if she had. better to walk away.
she goes to laudna. of course she does. orym’s question, suggestion, prodding aside, imogen is always wanting to go to laudna. it’s been three days and she’s mostly recovered—physically, at least—but laudna seems to be dealing with it far better than imogen.
each morning, grief loops around her neck, her throat, and only eases up its strangling hold when imogen lays her eyes and hands on laudna. each moment of the day, she’s looking for her. she wants to slip into whatever space delilah hollowed out in laudna’s mind and fill it, leave a portion of her mind tucked away inside of laudna’s, always. it’s sick and wrong and awful. and yet, imogen wants it so badly. feels the want physically, nearly drooling with it, tongue to teeth, hands clenching tight to her skirt to keep from reaching out and taking.
there had been a moment, the day after laudna was raised, when they had been alone and imogen had woken to a cold, still body. terror dropped her walls and she had plunged into laudna’s mind. like diving off the cliffs into a cold lake. she wants to be there always, in the cold and dark and strange stagnant waters. wants to take laudna’s mind into her, open her mouth and drink it, fill her lungs with it. wants to know laudna inside and out—wants to take her apart, set her memories out, chronological, beside scarred skin and bones to look for fractures and breaks, beside organs, blood, gristle and guts, beside whatever form her magic would take. wants to know it all like these physical things might contain every secret every moment of laudna.
she had left laudna’s mind in an instant. hadn’t seen anything, hadn’t looked for anything. she wants to return, always. to her side, to her mind.
so she does.
‘hello!’ laudna smiles brightly when she enters the room. she’s perched on the edge of the bed, packing everything away neatly as she always does. ‘is it time to go?’
the walk has eased most of her fury. a few lavender sparks crackle at the ends of her fingers, in her curling hair. she wills it to stop, and smiles back.
‘no. take your time. i just—‘ she touches her head.
laudna coos, sympathetic. ‘too much?’
‘sit, sit, let me get you some water.’
not all her irritation has left; it comes out, makes laudna’s name harsh when she goes to stop her from standing.
‘just—you don’t have to do that,’ imogen hurries to say. ‘i should be taking care of you, not the other way ‘round.’
laudna blinks big, black eyes. quietly, she says, ‘i just want you to be alright.’
‘i know.’ imogen steps deeper into the room, and then makes up her mind—damn orym—and crosses it entirely, sitting beside laudna on the bed. ‘it’s important that you rest, though.’
‘y-es, of course,’ laudna demurs, lowers her head.
imogen tucks a finger under it. lifts it, with a smile. ‘hey,’ she whispers. ‘please? let me take care of you?’
‘of course i do, i will,’ she says, and fritters with her skirts, fingers crooked tangling when imogen only looks at her, pleading, waiting for her to mean it entirely. for as long as it might take. ‘such a rotten task, caring for someone like me,’ laudna whispers. ‘dead twice over.’
imogen shakes her head, a tight sharp movement. hardly enough to convey how much she disagrees with that. she’d like to explode everything around them to show the force of her denial.
‘no. no. it’s not, not to me. it’s -‘ she swallows. ‘everything. please, let me.’
laudna nods slowly. holds her hands out for imogen, who takes them. rubs sore knuckles. presses a kiss to those aching joints.
‘i’d like to talk to you about it. at some point. whenever you like. i want - to do it right. and i don’t know what that is. but i want—‘ she shakes her head again. ‘however you feel about it, i want to hear it and know. and help. i should’ve told you that when you - when you woke up. sorry,’ she adds, a little awkwardly.
it’s hard to talk, she finds, when she’s holding laudna and her heart both in her hands.
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