daily-tsukasa-tenma · 2 months
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day 115 - vivimus pin
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4x18hawkeye · 3 months
alan alda.
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awghosts · 10 months
mk #29... mk #29....
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
Can I be silly and goofy and do volley ball player reader again for Toby pookie :3333
fishy u can always hit me w them volleyball reqs dont u even fret (also i put nsfw hcs in there for u :3)
[ NSFW ] 🪓 Toby Rogers x volleyball player! reader sfw + nsfw headcanons
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he tries so hard to be supportive i promise but oh my god he does not know anything about sports
boy was homeschooled for a LONGGG time and sports weren't really that much of an option given how most of the other kids treated him, and he just never learned how like. most sports work
thinks ur lil outfit is so cute tbh he can't get over u when ur ready to go
he tries to go to all the practices and games he can- he knows how much those things matter and he wants you to know he cares
he'll try and take note of all the things you were doing well (probably listening to your coach trying to figure out what the name of whatever you did is) and point them out to you
he's such a sweetheart about every part of it
he really does try to deal with the other people that are at games/practices, but you might notice he's standing off to the side if it's more of an iffy day for him
hes adorbs and loves u to the moon and back
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he's so embarrassed about it but he literally cannot help staring at how your legs look and the curve of your ass when you bend down or how your back flexes when you jump up to hit the ball or or or or
he absolutely tries to fuck you in more positions where he can feel your legs wrap around him and pull him in- he's such a sucker for how strong you are
YOUR SHORTS ARE GONNA TAKE HIM OUTTT that flimsy fabric that's BARELY covering you ???? and he's supposed to be normal about it ????? you're joking. there's been more than one occasion where he couldn't help himself and you two might have been a little late that day
some of these being late events happen even when he really tries not to- but when you're telling him about your plans for later while you're getting ready and see him staring your figure down, arms crossed over his chest and almost panting breaths, it's a lil hard to let it slide
if he left any hickeys, fingerprint bruises, any kind of marking from the last time you two were alone that was visible with your uniform and you don't try to hide it, there's gonna be double that as soon as y'all get home
most days he can't get over the fact that you're his, when you show him off he gets beyond flustered but he can't stop the mix of a fluttering but primal feeling he gets having you all marked up
sweet sweet boy is down so terribly for you
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b1adie · 3 days
he just shitted in my room. everyone point and laugh at his ass
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what the fuck is his problemmmmm!!!!
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moe-broey · 2 months
Sorry I'm gonna thrup. I feel violently ill. Something sinister is overtaking me. LIKE oh boy I've been away for too long I gotta ref some source material to perfectly capture the Cunty Alfonse. Where he's just a Cunt. Extremely cherished trait of his, by me. So I'm sifting through my Alfonse folder looking for screenshots and in my head, I'm thinking yeah it's gotta be the Alear FBs. But I'm just gonna make sure. Okay. I make sure. And
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GOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
You have NO idea what this dialogue does to me man I am just. Every time I fucking read it, it guts me and strikes me in the heart and it's like. Okay. You're INSANE. INSANE fucking thing to say to someone you've only known for a few days. MAYBE A WEEK. AT MOST. When I think about it, this happened fresh off the coat-tails of Book 6 I think, probably after losing Bruno. So like. That's the logical explanation, especially common to regress back to old habits/ways of thinking/ESP ways of protecting yourself when you just went through something Like That.
BUT LIKE. Context is important yes, informs the feelings/decisions here, but I wanna. Talk about how this line just Fucks with me SO badly. It invokes SUCH. SUUUUUCH a VISCERAL response in me and I just. "I could lose my will to fight" YOU'RE INSANE!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FINE!!!!!!!!!! IT'S LITERALLY FIIIINEEEEE you've known her for LIKE A WEEK it's literally fiiiiine and like, even if it was longer even if she was a really good friend and you were super close It's FINE. People come abd go all the fucking time man IT'S LITERALLY FIIIIINNNNEEEEEEEEEEE
Alfonse fucking SUCKS actually because sometimes he drops a line like this and I feel physically unwell about it. He just fucking Says Things you would have to waterboard out of me and you probably reasonably very quickly Could but you WOULD. AT LEAST. HAVE TO WATERBOARD ME FIRST. COME ON MAN get it TOGETHER ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
There's like. No greater point to this post no analysis no character study Nothing. I jusy need to kill him. Badly
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mcybree · 7 months
Hi I'm back from the deep dark depths to bring you another oh hellos song.
I think "Cold" by The Oh Hellos is c!Scott coded but it's still a little scattered in my brain so I thought I should ask someone way more mentally unstable than me about that fucker
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hiii mars! Always delighted to see you still following me, anyways let me look up this song— WHUHWAGH
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ASGHAGAGA??? WHATH. “no, love’ll get you slaughtered like a ram at the altar / what is safe ain’t the same as what is good” AUAAAGH
the thing with finding character songs for scott is that I have lots of them in my playlists but while the lyrics will match, the song might be off in other ways; you could have The Most scott lyrics in the world but if the song is really upbeat and chaotic, it averages out to still being like… a B-tier match. But this song Sounds like Scott to me. And it’s written with all these pretty poetic metaphors, I have to pull up the lyrics and go line by line trying to decipher what it’s actually trying to say to me which is also very Scott to me. He’s very blunt when he speaks but when it gets to anything deeper or more emotional *he* doesn’t even know what’s going on with him so the metaphors say it for him. Does this make sense. I’m ill this was a great thing to wake up to… what is safe ain’t the same as what is good right after the love will get you slaughtered like a lamb at the altar are you kidding me… AND HE IS SLAUGHTERED LIKE A RAM AT THE ALTAR SELF SACRIFICING FOR HIS ALLIES IS HIS WHOLE THING AUUUGH!!!! AUUUAAAFH!!!! AND HE ALWAYS GOES FOR WHAT IS SAFE RATHER THAN WHAT IS GOOD THATS HIS WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEMMMMM
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it's just silly work stuff under the cut but i haven't seen my roommates in a week and i had to get this out somewhere bc im going insane LMAO
my sole coworker and i both have been slyly trying to make less work for ourselves by going through the case list and picking out all the smaller ones and doing them while the other is at lunch or like straight up going on a break or going to the bathroom instead of picking the large case on the top of the pile we have been doing this since literally about a week after he started but the other day he had the audacity to call me out on leaving a bigger case for him and i was like "bro yes u got me i'm sorry but i thought we were both doing this we have been for months??? and just not acknowledging it???" and he flat out denied it so i was like hm. okay sure. but he then tried to come up with this elaborate time consuming method to "make sure we were getting equal work done" (something he's been harping about for like a month now) that he would of course sit down and do while i presumably start doing actual work and i was like how about we just agree to pull from the top whatever is on there. and he was like Fine. and ive been playing fair since then but HIS ASS went through all the cases and picked the tiny ones while i was on my break just now!!!! so instead of just ignoring it this time i was like "hey quick q i thought we were pulling from the top? these are all out of order" and he just stared at me trying to come up with a reason that might be and all he could think of was "i might have mixed them up" like he really fucking thinks i'm sooooo stupid im gonna kill this guy LMAO like the nerve of you !! to talk abt doing equal work !! when u spend more time trying to make ME do more work than actually working !!! if we cut out this spy vs spy shit we would probably cut our work time down significantly what is your problemmmmm. anyways cool to know i'm working with just straight up a pathological liar
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
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I need OC to scratch that back of him over and over again 🥴. MARK YOUR TERRITORY GIRL
fuckin hell. he’s so fucking.
my goodness. his back holy shit WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEMMMMM
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theophagie · 1 month
Back to my one-sided beef with my therapist over my last session but I'm angry about it again and I just. Ugggggh. How is someone supposed to open up about the deeper or "more severe" stuff if you immediately dismiss the surface level things like they're nothing...... Sometimes (often) I wonder if it's a power and superiority thing (I think it is), like "oh I shall read into everything you say or do and find meaning to it. I, the scholarly expert. Not you, you couldn't possibly say anything of substance". And I think that in my case this is heightened by the fact that he's always on my ass for rationalising things too much, which. fair to an extent, but at some point a fucker has to sit down with themselves and give an order to things. And re: my therapist ignoring what I said about my father and re: opening up about the deeper stuff. So huh. Huge enormous gigantic premise that nothing ever happened or threatened to happen and that these were all horrors within my own head, horrors whose origin I began to understand and grapple with head on (muh rationalism 🤪) only after my father fucked off from home for good and I went no contact, no this isn't a matter of repressed memories finding an outlet through other means or some shit, yes I am 100% sure of that, but. One of the main features of my adolescence was the ever-present thought/fear that he would or could someday assault me. And because of the way he treated me all my life, like I belonged to him on a spiritual level because I was a better copy of him in everything and I was just so smart and I understood him so well, because of all that now I can say that what was subconsciously kicking my ass was both the fear of not living up to his expectations of me and the uncomfortabless of not being treated like I was my own person, and that it just so happened that my shitty brain took all that and said "so what we're going to do is deal with the identity issues by picturing what it would be like if he decided to violate our body too to make a point and extend his power over us even more. you're welcome". And you know what that did!!! It fucking sucked!!!! I never want to experience those levels of constant edge and paranoia ever again in my life!!!!!!!!! And. It pisses me off so much that I can't talk about this in what's supposed to be the "talk about things" space. It's not even like I think that I should do it to ~heal~ or some shit, like I said I know what the root of those fears was, I can't say that I've made peace with it but I can acknowledge it for what it was/is (it's complicated. I'm not entirely over it yet) and go "ah yeah that's. a thing. that is there". But it's the principle of it that's the problemmmmm aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhh. If you can't take the "minor" stuff seriously, how can I trust you with the "major" stuff. How can you expect me to... Especially with these topics being what they are already and with most people not being able to contain useless immediate gut responses or going off about things that add nothing to the discussion first thing first
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audioexorcisms · 2 years
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gguksgalaxy · 7 years
Ship Tag ^_^ tagged by the @oh-beyond​ thanks!
1: Ship the person who tagged you. 2: Answer questions. 
 3: Write down the groups you would like to get shipped with. 
 4: Tag me back so I can ship you too.
I ship you with: Yixing because i feel like he's really caring and easy-going and i feel like that would fit you. Someone who'd take his time and let you take his time, but also give you free space.
What is your chinese zodiac/animal? Ox (i think)
What is your sun sign? Scorpio 
What is your height? 1,58 centimetres
Describe yourself briefly White af, freckles, short, long hair that differs in colour from time to time, red atm, weirdly coloured eyes. Like golden brown/greenish with a dark line. Perfectly shaped lips (yep sorry I'm proud) and long eyelashes <3
Describe your fashion type: Skinny jeans way to goooooooo, lop top sneakers or high heels, thigh boots tho damn, loose tops and sweaters, leather jacket, or large large jean jacket. Long winter coats with big scarfs, turtlenecks. minimalistic jewellery.
What are your hobbies? Writing, gaming yep, only handheld consoles though, tumblr is like an extension of my soul. drawing, mainly calligraphy in my bullet journal.
Describe your personality: I am...loud as fuck like istg i talk so fast you need to learn how to understand the bs i say. But then again if I'm content with you and shit and i love you i can also just sit with you and be quiet all day and enjoy your company. Ngl i have anxiety and some like idk depressive symptoms but i try to pull through. i can be a whiny person but i like to do it in a joking way, yells a lot, likes to talk things out. 
What do you like and dislike? Likes: people being honest with me, soft things, rough deep-ish voices, blankets, hot chocolate, a good book, bright smiles, honesty, openness,  Dislikes: lies, ignorance, being fucking two faced bitch, being too needy, ppl touching my knees, people i don't like touching me in general, people who try to change me bye.
What kind of height do you prefer? I'm short and i used to date a tall guy, so i don't mind tall guys but my ideal height is definitely above mine and preferable under 180
Do you prefer innocent or sexy? in the middle, i don't like it when guys are too shy, but when they're too in your face it isn't nice though. I need someone who's willing to push me a little, but i don't want to feel...obligated. But i also don't want to feel like i need to pull him into things all the time.
What do you like in a person? Accepting me for who i am and being there for me when i need you and even when i don't. 
What are some turn offs? being too pushy, being too obsessively clean, and rlly weird kinky shit like bdsm or whatever, like nope, oh and people who smell. And like guys who don't shave/trim their body hair. Like i don't mind hair, i'm hairy as well, but pls don't look like a bear. i can't i find it ... kind of unhygienic in a way.
What kind of fear would it be okay for them to have? If he's afraid of bugs WE HAVE A PROBLEMMMMM, and he can't be afraid of mess either >.<
What would be an ideal date for you? nothin involving dinner, idk like going to a park or a coffee shop or just chilling at someones house.
Ship me with only 1 from any of the following, giving a brief explanation why: EXO (ot9), BTS, Monsta X
I tag: @xingtrash @nunchiwrites @bootyfulohsehun @melyyexo @xiubaek13 @yourseth @exosmutxoxo @white-in-angel @baekhyunsbabe @sweet-soo @for-the-love-of-lay
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