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astaroth1357 · 2 years ago
Obsessed with the idea of Solomon having dinky little reading glasses. Hand him anything with small print, and he'll whip them out, hold the page like a foot from his head, and do an open-mouthed squint.
Bet he and Lucifer both do "Dad Stances" too.
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oifaaa · 7 months ago
Stephenie: 🏀 🎶we’re all in this together 🎶🏀
Jason: 🔪🎶 to defeat the Huns 🎶🔪
I think you mean Jason: 🎶🔪Welcome to my candy store🔪🎶
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covertleathers · 2 months ago
Lucanis is so overburdened-eldest-child-coded.
I, too, spent as much time away from home as possible with the excuse that I was working really hard on my future. Which, I was and am. Those expectations and standards are a part of me now and leech my happiness with every perceived personal failure. But really, returning home to the same dysfunctional dynamics and expectations would drive me absolutely crazy without fail.
Even now, I live 2000 miles away from home, I am called and asked for answers to problems and emergencies that I barely know how to handle. I'm only 33! My dad calls me for business advice. My mom tells me she misses my strength at her side in her sickness. I am de facto decider in her care because no one else can or will.
Oh and by the way I'm crumbling inside, it's too much. I'm a transgender neurodivergent bisexual disaster with an amazing partner who's been holding my hand the whole way. I have been working really hard to voice when I need help and each time it's been like trying to talk through oil. OH god, it hits TOO close to home.
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months ago
and if it were jon and martin in those computers? would we stop drawing them married and bickering in another life? would we stop writing fics about them finding out their voices had been stolen for an old text to speech converter? would we lose our joy in ambiguity and placidly take what is given to us?
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rewatched watership down 1978 and as someone who watched this very young i really dont get the narrative of thia being some horribly traumatic or disturbing film. it can certainly be scary, especially for children, but most of that comes from confronting death.
and like lets be real here, every child, at least where im from in north america, is constantly confronting death. children dont just know ABOUT death, they simply know death, and i dont think this is a recent development.
as a kid i felt more scared of the nightly news, or nuclear weaponry, or the amber alert sound, or my fucking mom than i did the childrens film with the goofy slav bird and the comforting and hopeful depiction of mortality.
when i was young, and even now as a 20-something, watership down reassures me of deaths presence and gives me ways to cope with it. the world is hostile, they will kill me if they catch me, but theyll have to catch me first.
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 3 months ago
55 minutes adaptation when 😭😭😭😭
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the-big-nope · 5 months ago
I’m not going to the Chicago live show, but I would like to put it out into the universe that this is the perfect chance to get that “one human and the rest are muppets” dynamic everyone keeps talking about.
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illulamati · 2 years ago
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ill pay any price for finding you ♡
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quixtrix · 1 year ago
guys im gonna be honest if we want more laserhawk content we gotta show that there is large demand for it so we gotta buy the manga. either that or somehow get the doomed yaoi community on our side
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martyrmarked · 1 day ago
more about the spooky ambiguous haunting lore of dragon age pls & oh my god less about andraste
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thinkaboutmonsterpussy · 1 year ago
Baby, having a body at all is horror and I'm looking to get scared.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month ago
Something I just realized: the concept of seasons doesn't exist in The Death Gate Cycle.
Arianus isn't a planet to begin with, no rotation around the 'sun' to speak of, and therefore no winter. Snow only happens the further up you go due to altitude, as ice forms in the High Realm.
Pyran doesn't even have a day/night cycle, not to mention it's a Dyson sphere and constructed around the 'suns' and therefore doesn't rotate either.
Abbarach is similar to Pyran in that the heat source is the core of the planet. But the surface is all ice, so everyone lives underground, therefore no seasons.
Chelestra has the closest thing to a season, where the 'sea-sun' travels slowly around the planet, freezing and thawing different zones as it moves, and thus the humans, elves and dwarves chase after it in a continuous migration across centuries.
It is possible that the Sartan recreated the seasons in places like the Nexus, which are constructed to be like the old Earth. But I think they would have been too practical to keep something that might be seen as irrelevant, especially since farming fields are noted to be planted around the Nexus. Therefore no winter in the Nexus or the Stars on Pyran.
The Labyrinth might have winter, if only for the Patryns to suffer more.
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odetodilfs · 2 years ago
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rabbitr · 6 months ago
FFXIVwrite: 16. third-rate
Here is a dream: Azem - simply named Patroclus to their dearest friends - sprawled in Hades' lap, a gilded lyre held to their chest. Their long brunet hair slipped through Hythlodaeus' lithe hands as he absently twisted it into small braids. Sun-orange eyes were hidden away under their eyelids as they hummed just out of tune of the strings.
Emet-Selch's hatred burned hot in his stomach every time he had to wake.
That startling orange, an aura like deep honey and summer afternoons, clung to the pitiful Warrior of Darkness. Looking at Meteor Khora felt like comparing a pond to the ocean. A watery impression of Azem in their full resplendence.
What gives you the right? Emet-Selch wanted to scream. These miniscule, fluttering souls flocking around Meteor like moths to flame. A candle light, when they should rightfully be a wildfire.
Even worse, the horrifying abyss behind those eyes.
Something in Meteor's aether was missing and Emet-Selch could see it behind the dull eyes. Orange burnt out into blue. The light from the lightwardens did little to fill it, a black hole warping around the edges within them.
Patroclus was once a force of nature, Azem in nature and spirit. Gravity itself given form in the way they forced the star to bend around them. Though Emet-Selch had the far superior aether-sight between them two, Patroclus' gaze pierced people down to their souls. He himself became victim to it several times when words and emotions ran away from him.
Hythlodaeus took to teasing it out of Emet-Selch. Confrontation, if it came down to it. There was little fear and subtlety between Hythlodaeus and Hades.
Yet, within a few moments, Patroclus could divine Hades' intentions. Scorch him to the bone with that blazing stare. Always with an indulgent smile.
Looking into the shattered mirror of Meteor Khora, Emet-Selch couldn't feel anything but a pitying hate.
All of Azem's legacy - and this was all?
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darcysolace · 10 months ago
my favourite history fact is that the person regarded as the founder of Rome was called Romulus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire was calles Augustus, and the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was called Romulus Augustus.
the same thing happened with Constantinople, the heart of the Eastern Roman Empire; it was founded by Constantin, and its last emperor was named Constantin.
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ftmtum · 2 years ago
there needs to be more pregnant dom/incredibly subby breeder stuff right now im going to start biting
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