mammalsofaction · 3 months
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pro-xy · 2 years
Welcome to this week's meltdown post 180 degree longitude, buckle up my emotions are all over the place.
First thing first, I can't move on from In stopping Wang. I can't and won't let go of that moment, i'm keeping it in my heart forever, pretty much like the whole series at this point. I'm holding onto this scene for strength for what's ahead.
After 7 episodes i still don't get how In can be so chill about two people 'invading' his space, as an introvert i know i would freak out 100% like, no m'am, you won't throw a party at my house with a bunch of people i don't know. Nope. Mi casa no es su casa ffs.
As a uni dropout I kind of appreciate In telling Wang to follow his passion and choose philosophy as his major, it's refreshing to see.
Can't have an episode without Wang challenging In at least once. We (and I mean me) love to see it.
Mol is a certified party pooper. Do i need to elaborate on this? I don't think so.
I won't touch on her narrating the post award ceremony events, it pisses me off too much.
Let's give a 10 at In's expertise in deflecting potential uncomfortable situations, at least this once.
Okay Mol, we know you know and now they know it too (subtlety left the chat). On a serious note here we go again with her belittling Wang's feelings. Is this something new? No. Does it rub me the wrong way anyway? Heck yes.
If we took half a step toward moving from the past last episode then we took 10 steps back with this one.
I still stand by what I said last week about how every character is lonely in their own different way and I think I really hit the nail in the head that time.
Someone should remind Mol that even though Wang is her son, he's still his own person and he's not her property and as such he has a right to make his own choices which don't have anything to do with how much he loves her or not.
If I could give Wang a hug and tell him he's not a disappointment I would, lord knows i would. The pleading in his eyes, shit, that hurt. If anything, he's the one who should be disappointed in Mol cause for all her big talks of loving her son, well, she's not doing a very good job. As she likes to remind him, she may have given him privileges because of her fame and the money that come with it, but love? Does she actually love Wang for who he is, all the good and the 'bad' or does she only love her ideal version she has of him? I think they should have a conversation about the love she thinks she gave him and the love he needed her to give him.
'I may be young, I still have a lifetime ahead of me but how long do i have to wait? Do i have to wait until those people die so i can love who i love?' Don't touch me cause i might crumble, my emotional sanity is hanging by a thread at this point. He's so strong for staying true to his feelings and his identity, I love him so much.
When will In stop running away? Man, I'm so confused. I thought he was finally ready to be free and begin to move forward but now I'm not so sure. Old habits die hard, they say. It's frustrating, that's what it is.
The look in Wang's eyes when he looks at In is the same In had when he spoke about Siam and all I know is pain.
I am of the opinion that a conversation starting with 'do you have a minute' never bodes well and i'm not wrong. I hate everything about that conversation but I also feel it's very telling about Mol's character and the dynamics between her and In. I shed angry tears when she had the guts to ask him to give everything up for her, again, when there's nothing left he could give her and at the end of the day Wang is still her son, no one's gonna take that away from her also he never gave any sign he wanted to cut her off his life or did i miss something? Is she really so selfish to not realize she's setting up Wang for a lifetime of unhappiness? Doesn't she recognize what's happening again? Mol is entitled to her own feelings okay yes, but I can't with her. First she doubts Wang's feelings who's probably the one most in tune with his own feelings out of the three of them, then she says she wants to make him normal again? What does that even mean? Normal by her standards? I want to scream.
I don't think i know how to explain how bad i feel about the last five minutes of this episode, by now english is not englishing anymore and i'm just too wound up. The first time he's asking, no, he's begging be acknowledged he's let down by both of them because they're so obsessed with the ghost of his father they cannot see Wang who's standing in front of them baring it all for them, being vulnerable. Them walking away because they're not strong enough to face reality is probably the worst form of betrayal. In the end there's only loneliness, again.
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sorchathered · 3 months
His favorite girl
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Pairing- Rhett Abbott x female reader
Summary- Rhett has always had you by his side and never thought of you as anything other than platonic, that is until someone else takes notice and he spirals as he realizes maybe it’s not as platonic as he thought.
Warnings- language, drinking, Rhett being stupid
Rhett wasn’t jealous.
He wasn’t.
But when you’d gotten asked out by one of the bull riders traveling for the circuit it had definitely made him feel a certain way. You’d been his best friend since junior high, the two of you started out on the rodeo circuit barrel racing and he’d always seen you as one of the boys. You’d dated over the years of course, but he’d never found any of them threatening, they never seemed to last long anyways. They weren’t worth your time and you weren’t the type to suffer fools so off they went before they Rhett even had a chance to really memorize their names. That worked just fine for him, he preferred his best girl over most people and hated to share. But he totally wasn’t into you, absolutely not, it was strictly platonic. Until it wasn’t.
He had done shitty on his last ride, and to add insult to injury instead of finding you waiting by the trailers you were leaned over the bars of the fence, hair falling out of your tight ponytail and body arched out with your ass on display in your tight Levi’s. Eyes sparkling as you laughed at what the generic looking bull rider was bullshitting your way, normally that shit didn’t work on you at all but this guy had you totally wrapped. You were flirting, pretty shamelessly and for some reason it brought a sour feeling up in Rhett’s throat and a sharp tug in his chest. He had this overwhelming need to knock this guy on his ass, fists clenched as he watched you hand over your phone to get his number.
You finally sauntered your way back over to where Rhett was leaned up against the medic trailer, eyebrow raised as you took in his surly expression. “Who pissed in your cornflakes Abbott? That last run wasn’t as bad as you think it was, let’s go get your grouchy ass a beer mkay?” You said with a grin as you pulled on his elbow and he was damn near powerless to keep up the act, you always seemed to pull him right out of his bad mood and pretty soon he’d forgotten what he was so pissed about in the first place.
Later that night at the pit bar he had once again gotten in over his head, flirting with his high school crush right in front of you after Perry suggested he get off his ass and shoot his shot. In his defense the guy from earlier had showed up at the bar and was turning you across the floor, that uncomfortable feeling settling in his bones as he tried to drown it out with tequila. Then to make matters worse he got into it with Trevor, and somehow lost Perry in the process. When he stalked back through the bar he was already a live wire, and seeing you pressed up against whatever in the hell his name was didn’t help either.
“If yer done eye fucking walk away Joe over here it’s time to go y/n, I ain’t got time to piss around tonight.” He said with his arms across his chest as he leaned into the booth you were sat in, and he knew the second it left his mouth he’d fucked up, the heat in your cheeks and fire in your eyes when you snapped your head towards him was enough to burn the whole bar down. “I’m sorry- what did you just say to me?” You snapped and he knew better than to say anything else, just threw his hands up and spun on his heel for the door. You’d either come home with him or find your own way, he just hoped it wouldn’t end with anyone in your bed. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d never given a shit about who you were seeing before, and he’d almost had a shot with Maria tonight, that was something he should’ve been putting effort into, not worrying about you fucking some random on a Sunday night. But it wouldn’t leave his head, and that ugly feeling kept tugging on his chest as he made his way to the truck, making it to the door before he heard the bar door fly open again, you in hot pursuit.
“What is your goddamn problem?!” You said as you pushed him up against the truck door, and he put his hands up ready for you to swing on him, it wouldn’t hurt but it certainly wouldn’t be his idea of a good time. “Are you so miserable that you can’t let anyone else be happy? I know you were pissed about the scores tonight but you have no right to talk to me that way and you fuckin’ know it.” You were vibrating with anger, rage bubbling up in you and all he could think of was his hands on your body.
It was like his dick was driving the car and his brain was asleep, he couldn’t seem to stop himself as he reached forward to yank you into his arms, spinning you to press against the truck door as he captured your lips with his. He knew it was wrong, he should’ve asked if he could kiss you first but you didn’t stop him, soft hands winding into the long hair at the nape of his neck and when you gasped he couldn’t stop himself from sliding his tongue into your mouth and licking into you. It was so good, molten heat pouring from you both as he pressed his thigh between your legs and watched as you pulled back with a moan, eyes glazed over as you blinked up at him, both of you shocked at what your bodies were doing.
“Shit, y/n do ya want me to stop? I can’t think like this- fuck you feel too good” he breathed out into the cold night and watched as you seemed to mull it over in your pretty head. Your head thunked back against the truck window as you continued to try and catch your breath, chest pressed so close to his he could feel your heart beating.
“Took you long enough”, you said with a grin as you pulled his mouth back down to yours, and suddenly it was all clicking into place for him. He’d felt this way for so much longer than he’d let himself admit, using buckle bunnies and his doomed crush on Maria as an excuse to keep him from admitting the truth. “Couldn’t stand it, that guy hand his hands all over ya and all I wanted to do was knock him out” he said with a hiss as you kissed down his jaw and nipped at the sensitive skin of his neck.
“Jealous is a good look on you, if I had known that’s all it took I would’ve tried it sooner” you peered up at him with mirth and giggled, he couldn’t quite see how you knew all along but if it got him here with you it didn’t much matter, you’d been so patient with him and he knew he didn’t deserve it.
“Gonna let me take you home sweet thing? I think we have some lost time to make up for.” He was desperate to have you in all the ways he’d only dreamed of, and he could tell you felt the same, neither of you could keep your hands off of each other any more and it was getting a little too heated for the dingy honky tonk parking lot.
“I’m all yours Rhett, always have been.”
He was quick to toss you over his shoulder and plop you into the passenger seat of the truck, looking over his shoulder as he caught the out of towner that had been hoping to take you home lighting up a cigarette outside. He grinned wide and with a wink nodded in the man’s direction, watching his irritation bubble up and huffed out a laugh. No one was taking you home but him ever again if he had anything to say about it, he’d tell your kids someday about how he nearly fumbled the most amazing woman because of his hubris and thank God every day for your patience with his stubborn ass. You’d been his from the very beginning, his favorite girl and love of his life.
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captainlondonman · 1 month
I decided it was time to dress for work the way I wanted. I had been there 3 weeks now and had behaved myself wearing only 11hole DMs, khaki fatiques, and a checked shirt. They all bloody well knew I was a skin so why not dress like one. Anyway it would wind my manager up if nothing else. So I put on my 21 hole Rangers with white laces, my bleachers ( but making sure I wore a jockstrap to hold in my cock), red braces and a black Fred perry. Much better I thought , this is me.
On the way to the factory, I stopped off for a piss. There was a youngish bloke just finishing off. Even with a jockstrap I had to put my hand well down my bleachers to pull out my cock. It was thick and heavy, ready for a good long piss. The bloke looked and I could see him starting to stroke his cock.
What are you fucking looking at you ponce. Never seen a big cock before. Fucking getting you horny aint it. Like to see a skin piss do you.
And with that I turned my knob and let him have it. The piss came out so quick that the bloke didn’t stand a chance to move away.  With my cock aiming straight at him, I sprayed him from his waist down, my piss running down his trousers, over his shoes, his whole crotch steaming with pee.
Don’t fucking mess with a skin you fucking ponce. You want to see fucking pee, so take this, take all my fucking piss down your front.
Christ what are you doing, I’ve got to go to work.
Well you can fucking well tell that a skin has pissed all over cause your were looking at his big dick. Serves you bloody right you little queer boy.
And with that I stuffed my cock back into my bleachers and as I went past him I puched his stomach and pushed him into the urinal.
Have a fucking good day and don’t try that with me again or you’ll get more than just my piss.
I felt good after that. A bit of aggro always made me feel better, and ready for work.
I had gone along for an interview a few weeks ago and met the boss of the packaging company, Dave. He was a big bloke, thinning hair but cut very short almost skinhead. If I hadn’t been for an interview I might have tried it. We had a general chat and he asked if I dressed in skin gear most of the time. I said yeah, sure. He said it was fine by him but that I should tone it down for the other guys when coming to work and that he would not tolerate any aggro at work. If I understood that then I could start on Monday. The manager of the warehouse was a guy called Jason, who really fancied himself, in his designer gear and gelled hair, always going on about his wife and what a high flier she was. Did my head in. It was clear from the beginning that he didn’t like me, and anyway the feeling was mutual. A fucking wanker as far as I was concerned. He made a point of getting me to do all the dirty work, always trying to wind me up. I bit my lip and got on with it as the other guys were all OK. He would sometimes harp on about my skin gear, and ‘what the hell do I look like’. I would just reply and say ‘no worse than the expensive crap you’ve got on.’ Once or twice I would tell him to fuck off with a bit of menace and he would back down.
When I got into work with my bleachers, I saw Dave and he just smiled and shook his head as he passed by. Jason’s eyes were out on stalks.
What the hell are you doing coming into work like that. This isn’t skin alley.
Look, Jas, as long I do my work you shouldn’t fucking well care, so get off my case.
I walked off feeling great in my gear and tough on him.
Throughout the day he got on my nerves saying everything I did was wrong. I was getting well and truly narked. Just before going off he came and said.
You have to work late tonight as your’e behind schedule and we have a rush job.
Shit man, I’m off with my mates, that’s why I dressed like this.
God knows what your mates look like, but if you want to keep your job you had better stay. Anyway I’m giving up an evening with my wife so you can bloody well give up your night.
To hell with your wife.
Well, are you staying.
Yeah but this hadnot better happen again.
Just remember who’s boss, me not you.. Now go and get on.
All the other blokes left leaving Jason and I. I was dammed if I wasn’t going to get him riled, so I went to the bog and took off my jock strap and set my cock well down the inside leg showing all the meat. That’ll annoy him.
As he came up to me I turned round so he could get the full picture and sure enough his eyes moved down to my bulge.
Christ you skin heads do you have to show your cock. It’s probably a bloody sock you’ve got down there.
No it aint, its all mine, it’s the real thing
God knows how you are allowed to go out looking like that, bloody perverted.
I don’t think you look any better.
Well maybe if you look around and see everyone else then you might see you are the freak, dressed like a bloody idiot.
That was it. I wasn’t being called an idiot in my skin gear. Nobody calls a skin that and gets away with it.
I grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him into me punching him full in the stomach, and as he buckled I grabbed hold of his hair and yanked his head back.
Do’t fucking talk to me like that got it. Apologise.
No, he spluttered, if you think you’ve got a job now forget it, I’ll make sure Dave fires you tomorrow.
I don’t care if it means sorting you out, you bloody waste of space. You don’t talk to skin like that and if you do you can only expect this.
I punched him again.
Right you can pay for your fucking insults by getting down and licking my Rangers. I want to see them shining with your spit. Get down on your knees and start working. Now.
Getting hold of his hair I forced him down and then rammed his head so his mouth was tight against the boots. Clean them shit face. Get some of your spit on them. More. That’s right now fucking well lick those caps.
He started licking and I could see his spit oozing out over the boot head. Watching him lick and having total control over him made my cock start to twitch. It felt good to have him at my feet and my cocked liked it too. I could feel it starting to inch down my leg.
I said fucking lick, that’s right get round the side. I had one foot on his head making sure if was kept firmly down, my arms folded. Stupid cunt. Icouldn’t give a toss if I was sacked.
I put my other foot on the floor and rammed it between his legs, causing him to wince and then brought my foot up into his crotch.
Christ you’ve got a bloody hard on. So much for your little wife, that’s a fucking stiff dick down there. You like this pussy boy.
With that I hauled him and put his face tight to mine, grabbing hold of his crotch.
Who’s got a fucking stiff, eh boy and not a bad one at that. Bet the wife likes that but she’s not getting it tonight. I pulled his cock an rubbed over his balls. A good bulge down there. Let’s take this on a stage I thought.
Up against his face I gobbed him covering his mouth with spit then taking his face forced his head back so he opened his mouth and stuck my tongue right down his throat, moving it, my lips pressed against his. With my hand still on his cock he started responding, swallowing my tongue, and thrusting his crotch into my fist.
You fucking bi guy, your’e fucking getting off on all this. That cock of yours is bloody rigid.
I’m not the only one, Jason replied, his hand grappling at the big bulge in my bleachers, Christ that’s one hell of a cock, it sure is your own, its bloody huge.
You fucking love a bit of gob, take this.
His tongue came out and started to lick up my spit and I put my hand over his face smearing it as much as I could.
Seeing you now know that  truncheon down my bleachers is all my big thick dick, then you’d better try it for size in that mouth of yours. Get back on your knees and open up my flies.
He got down and slowly started to unbutton my jeans. My cock was rock hard and straining down my leg.
Get your hand down there and pull it out.
I could feel his hand pushing its way trying to fee my dick which was now horizontal desperate to get out. He yanked it up and it sprang out to meet his face, precum on the end of the head.
Bloody hell I’ll choke on that.
Tough, you wanted to feel, you wanted to see it so now you can fucking well take down your throat and I want to feel it the whole way down the back.
I got hold of his chin and pulled it down to open his mouth.
Fucking take that as I pushed my dick in.
I could feel him gagging and the spit oozing out of his mouth but the more he gagged the more I wanted to face fuck him.
Get that down your fucking throat. Take my big dick.
What the hell is going on here!
I turned to see Dave standing in the doorway staring at us.
What the hell do you think you are doing in my office. Get that cock back in your jeans..now. Jason what do you think you are doing.
He forced me.. just cause I made some comments about his gear he’s forced me to do this. Good God I’m a married man, he made me do it.
That’s enough, roared Dave. Get yourselves tidied and be in my office in ten minutes. Right?
I stuffed my cock back into my jeans but a wet appeared, a mix of precum and Jason’s spit. Jason started to grope his dick making his present big bulge less and moving his cock into the vertical position, as in the horizontal it fairly poked out.
That’s you sacked, he stuttered. You have’nt a leg to stand on. You’ll be out on your ears.
You’ve a fucking cheek, if dave was looking closely he’d see you weren’t exactly being forced. You loved having my dick in your mouth, and that cock of yours is hardly hating the action. Look at it fucking sticking out, like a bloody pogo stick. If I go then you’ll be on your way too.
Do you think he ‘s going to believe you looking like that.
Just because you’ve got wifey at home and don’t want her know that you love cock and skin cock at that, I ain’t going quietly.
We’ll see. Dave knows my worth and he knows you for what you are. He’s said ‘ that Mike is a proper skin, need to watch him’ So you’ve had it.
With that we came to Dave’s office and knocked at the door.
Come in, he yelled.
Even I was now worried as we opened the door and walked in.
Fuck me, I shouted.
Christ, gulped Jason.
Standing in front of his desk arms folded, Dave was in full skin gear kit. 21 hole brown DMs with the tops of white socks showing, mac1 green jacket, white Fred perry, red braces and a skin tight pair of bleachers with a bulge that made me look twice, a fucking great tube of dick stuffed down his front bursting to get out and clearly showing a bloody great cut head.
So Jason, you think you can insult a skin and get away with it?
What the hell are you dressed like that for. You were in your office kit a few minutes ago, Jason spluttered
Cause I’m a bloody skin also. Can’t you see and I thought from the way you were acting in the warehouse it might get you going even more.
Are you not going to sack Mike for forcing me to give him head. He was well out of order forcing me.
It didn’t look like that to me the way your mouth was right down his shaft. Looks to me as if you’ ve done this before.
Christ, I shouted, you look bloody fantastic. We’ll show Jas. No skin gets talked to like that.
Too right Mike said, so Jas I want you back on your knees now with Mike’s cock back in your mouth.
With that he grabbed Jason by the scruff of his neck and forced him to his knees in front of me.
Get your flies open now, and let him have that cock.
Knowing what it felt like down his throat I wasted no time and besides it was ramrod stiff after seeing Dave in his kit especially with that whacking piece of meat down his legs.
Fucking suck my dick, Jas. I know you want it so shut up and get it down your throat.
Grabbing his head, I forced his mouth onto my cock.
Take some of my spit to help you, as I gobbed at his mouth , take that in and suck my dick. He started gagging as my cock inched down his throat but didn’t stop.
You like that boy don’t you. Fucking suck it, take the whole lot, you want to be face fucked don’t you. He was loving it working his spit on my knob his lips getting further up my shaft. You love big dick don’t you. Fucking suck it.
His hands went round my waist, clinging to me sucking and gobbing.
I looked over at Dave, what a fucking fantastic sight. His cock had inched down his leg and in spite of his tight bleachers was busting at the denim, his huge head at the end, his cock rock hard and his hand moving up and don the shaft.
Hey look at Dave, you see skins love seeing you guys getting stuffed. If you think I’ve a big dick you should see Dave’s. Jas turned and his eyes almost popped out his head looking at that huge prick still in his denim.
Keep on sucking.
No, that’s enough, Dave said. He had your dick as a warm up to open tthat throat. Now he can have a piece of real meat.
With that he unbuttoned his flies and thrusting his hand well down his jeans pulled out his mamouth tool.
Shit man, what a cock, that’ll shut you up Jas.
Mike you ain’t finished. Time you had his arse. I want to see him being fucked while sucking my cock. Right stand up Jason.
Jason did as told and Dave ripped open his flies pulling down his trousers and boxers in one go, Jason’s cock springing out and hitting his stomach.
Not a bad dick, Jason, you obviously don’t mind this too much judging by that stiff you’ve got there, now bend over. You’ve had the chance to suck Mike’s dick is readiness for my lump of meat, so start getting this down your throat.
As he bent down so I put a finger into his arse. It shot in and I could feel his crack right moist, as he started to shove his arse back into my finger.
You fucking love this, Jas. That arse of yours has been fucked before, wife or no wife. A fucking crater you’ve got here. Just as well so it can take my cock.
Jason couldn’t reply as he had his mouth tight over Dave’s dick, sucking his gob running down his face as he got his mouth that fucking great tool.
I put in another two fingers and moved around in his arse and could feel him groaning.
Right boy time to get fucked. Smearing spit on my knob, I started to work my cock into the open crack slowly pushing it in and feeling Jason moving back against my shaft.
Fuck me, Jas, your’e really wanting this cock of mine , and then I rammed home feeling the moisture of his arse.
With my cock up his arse, I was now right in front of Dave, who was giving jas a real face fuck. He reached forward and grabbed me round my neck. Get this tongue down yer throat and he kissed hard our tongues stuffed down each others throat.
Right now Mike, start fucking I want to see that cock of your pushing in and out fucking him hard, while he sucks me off. Ain’t that right Jason.
With Dave watching and loving the sight of my cock up the arse, I started to fuck jas hard, pulling my cock almost out and then ramming it hime pushing my shaft right up to the hilt.. Seeing this skin in front of me being sucked off with his huge prick, was a real turn on, and knowing he loved seeing my cock up jason’s arse was even better.
Take this cock you fucking bi boy. You love my dick up that arse. Fucking take the lot. I had my hands round his waist thrusting my cock in and out.
Go on Mike really give it to him, that’s right fuck him hard. I want to see your cock the whole way in so he can feel the full fucking length. Fuck him, go on fuck him. Shit man , I’m coming, take all my fucking spunk into that mouth of yours. I want it right down the back of your throat. Christ I’m coming. Take my spunk. Yeah, yeah.
And with that he shot wads of spunk into Jason, the spunk running down his chin even as he tried to swallow the lot, it just oozed out of his mouth.
Seeing dave having his orgasm was too much, Icould’t hold back any longer. Jesus I’m coming, shit, take this spunk up yer arse, fucking skin man’s spunk.
I came and could feel my spunk forcing its way right up his arse, loads of it.
Fucking take it.
Jason suddenly shouted, Christ I’m coming, I’m coming and his spunk jetted out across the floor
We all sat back exhausted. Dave spoke first.
Right Jason, we now you love cock, so less of the aggro with Mike or you know the consequences. Get dressed and get of home to your wife. I doubt if you’ll be shagging her tonight, you’ll be too busy thinking of Mike’s cock up that pretty arse of yours. Get going now and don’t say a thing.
Jason pulled up his trousers and did as told.
I haven’t finished with you, Mike. You stay behind
 As the door shut, Dave said. So you think its great being a skin. Your’e fucking right, but it’s time you felt what it’s like to be like the rest of us at least during the day. Get your fucking kit off now
Shut it, do as your told.
I stripped off and stood in front of him naked.
Not a bad bod there,you look after yourself and that sure is some dick. Many a day since you started have I had to come in here and shut the door to have a wank after seeing that cock of yours stuffed down your fatiques. You may have thought you were hiding it but I could see the bulge quite clearly. And when you came in today I almost shot my load before getting back to the office. Nothing to beat a randy skin with a big dick. But its time you changed, at least for now. You can get into my work gear, it over there on the chair, put in on now.
I went over and saw his white boxers on top. Get these on first.
As I stepped into them I could feel they were still warm from his body and could see a small skid mark and nice sized pee stain. Thinking they were dave’s already made my cock start to stir.
Now put on the shirt and trousers. They were a good fit and in a minute I had on the socks and shoes.
Looks fucking good, said Dave, but Christ are you always hard, look at that fucking bulge.
And as the trousers were quite loose, my prick stuffed down the inside leg you  with the full outline of the shaft and head causing a massive bulge.
Right, do a Jason, and get down and get that mouth of yours at my bulge.
His cock was bursting in his bleachers and I could see a large stain from his cum after being sucked off by Jason.
I got down and put my mouth to the denim running my lips up and down the shaft, nibbling at his pogo stick, with my hands round at his arse which was large with good solid cheeks.
Fucking like that office boy, don’t you, licking a skin. Now sit back.
As I did so so undid his flies and let his cock burst out, the large cut head staring at me.
Fucking like that don’t you, as he slapped his cock against my face, with me trying to catch it in my mouth.
I wanted that prick down my throat, I wanted it to gag me, and I was’nt disappointed as I choked with its size as Dave took hold of my head and started face fucking me.
You love this boy, sucking my big dick, dressed in my clothes, feeling my piss stain against your cock. Yeah, take my cock right down your throat.
I could feel and smell his precum staring to ooze out of the tip.
You know I could do with a piss now  and you look as if you just love piss. You don’t want the dried stuff in my boxers, you want the real thing, hot steaming piss right down your fucking throat. Sit back and take this you office boy.
His cock still erect, I could see the first dribble of piss starting to come out of the tip and the pressure grew until it was like a fucking hose aimed at my mouth.
Drink my fucking piss.
As I opened my mouth so he directed his cock straight into the centre and I felt the full force as it hit the back of my throat, his steaming piss stinging my throat as it ran down the back of my throat. He took hold of my head and forced it tight against his cock so I could get as much of his piss. Even as I swallowed hard it wasn’t enough and I felt it pour out of my mouth and down his shirt and into his trousers soaking my own hard cock. It felt bloody great, in his clothes, with his piss pouring down my body and down my throat. He started to move his cock up and down my front soaking me, my own cock stiff and straining through the soaked trousers.
Drink the last drop, he shouted forcing his shaft into my mouth, me sucking him dry.
That’s better and look the better as well judging by that cock of your I can see trying to get out of my trousers. Time you got the lot off. Strip, now.
I did as I was told, peeling off the wet gear, my cock springing out of the trousers.
Yeah, it is a good cock you’ve got there, fucking hard. So you liked getting that big dick of yours up Jason’s arse, well it’s time my cock got up yours so can feel what a really large cock is like. Don’t tell me this will fucking split you. I know you’ve had cock before judging by these nice formed cheeks of yours. I saw you eyeing up my dick as I was wanking while you fucked. Now I’m gonna spear you so get yourself bent over my desk and let me see that arse.
Without allowing me to say no, he firmly got hold of me and bent me over kicking my legs apart, forcing one arm up my back.
You ain’t getting out of this. I’m fucking you like it or not. You wanna be fucked with me in my skin gear, don’t you.
And with that he spread some spit over his cock and shoved it between my cheeks. I suddenly felt it find my crack and could feel it being prised apart by the sheer force of his large tool.
Christ, it’s fucking huge, I can’t take that, I yelled.
Just relax and start moving your arse up to meet my dick.
He started to spread my cheeks wider apart making my hole bigger as the cock moved slowly inside me. I could feel the huge width of he dick forcing itself up my hole, burning yet the pressure and knowledge of his size turned me on, my own cock rock solid stretching itself up and out.
That’s right, move your arse up let it feel my full shaft I want to feel your arse tight against my bleachers.
I felt it move up and up thinking it couldn’t go any further but he pushed and pushed till I thought it would come through the other side. It was massive but I wanted every inch, my arse arching to take it all.
I said you’d love it, now it’s time to start pumping.
He moved his cock back and then let me have the full shaft, in, out, in, out.
Christ fuck me man, let me have that huge fucking dick of yours. Give it to me.
Yeah you fucking love this boy, go on take my dick, get all my cock, go on ride me.
It was fucking great his whole cock inside me pushing the whole way up. I moved my body back and started to stand up and put my arms behind me to pull his body tight against me, forcing his cock the whole way up. My arms were tights around his bleacher clad arse pushing his body into me, his booted legs wrapped around me.
Fuck me man, fuck me.
At that point the door opened and Jason was standing there, his flies open and his cock sticking straight out, his helmet gleaming.
Now you know what its like to have a skin’s big dick up you. Your’e bloody well loving it, look at that cock of yours. Bet you’d love my mouth round that.
Seeing him worked up and saying that, I wanted him.
Yeah get your gob on my cock. I want to feel it down your throat while I’m being fucked.
Jason had his hand round his cock working it up and down.
Go on Mike really fuck him, I want to see your shaft the full length up his arse.
I was so turned on that I was pushing my arse right up the shaft yelling
Go on Fuck me hard, Mike really fuck me. I want you spurting up my arse now. Yeah fuck me.
As Jason came over I couldn’t hold back any longer.
Christ I’m coming Mike, I want to feel you shoot now. I was clasping his back tight against me, and with that I shot my load over Jason’s hand which was furiously wanking his dick.
Yeah I love your spunk over me he shouted and with that he erupted over my chest like a bloody fire hose in action.
Mike could take no more.
Take my fucking dick boy, feel my cum right up you. He shot his load and I could feel each ram of spunk hot and juicy up my arse.
As we caught our breath again, Mike said to Jason.
I thought you’d gone home to the wife.
I was meant to but somehow I knew what you were getting up to and after that session I wanted to see for myself. Glad I stayed.
Well, we’re getting into our skin gear and going off into town for some action. So it’s the wife or us.
I think I know where I’m going now said Jason
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My thoughts on the lives and deaths of the House of Usher
Prospero - I almost feel sorry for Perry. His ideas weren't bad and unlike his siblings he was doing them himself. I also found it hilarious when he tried to fuck his brother wife. If nothing else that kid had confidence. Fredrick was dick to both of them anyway and she deserved to have fun. If you remove the blackmail and acid rain and that would have been one hell of a party.If Perry hadn't been planning to blackmail everyone he wouldn't have deserved his death. But his death was EXQUISITE. Everything about that scene was so perfect I can't find words to describe it. Everyone involved in creating that scene deserves an award
Camille - We actually got to know very little about her. Her whole story was about finding dirty on the others and managing crisis for the family. Even her death isn't shown. I think the point was that she never got to just be. She lived and died for others but never connected with anyone.
Napoleon - Leo was to me the closest to likable of any of the siblings. He clearly loved them and that may have been the only love he way capable of. He certainly didn't love his boyfriend or anyone he had/was having sex with. He treated people like objects. His death is tricky to categorize. On one side what he did to Pluto was horrifying and anyone who treats animals that way deserves the same fate. But he never actually did any of those things. It was all hallucinations and illusions first from drugs then Verna. He was stressed and grieving and kept finding dead animals everywhere. I would be ready to smash walls in that situation too. He definitely didn't need to be a pet owner but I think his death should have been less torturous
Victorine - I wrote this one last because it was my favorite Poe story growing up and she played it beautifully. That slow steady decent into madness I should have hated this character most of all. Those poor chimps and who knows what other innocent creatures she killed with experiments she knew wouldn't work. Even with her father constantly pushing for progress she should have stopped. Verna gave her so many chances, she wasn't even there when Vic killed her girlfriend or herself. She could have stopped at any point. Yes she still would have died but it could have been painless and less tragic. T'Nia Miller's performance was so good that I actually felt sad for her in that final scene. At least until I thought of the chimps again.
Tamerlane - Knock off Madeleine. Where her sisters hid and guarded their personalities she never had one. Her entire existence was for appearances (hence the ridiculous amount of mirrors). Even when she tries to show emotion she couldn't look at the person she was talking to. Her death might have seemed the most passive but it was shoot beautifully. It was also the only thing she actively accomplished on her own.
Fredrick - Fuck you Frodrick. When his siblings said he was just like their father they didn't even realize how right they were. He might have been worse. His poor wife deserved so much better. I genuinely enjoyed watching the pendulum swinging towards him as he was paralyzed beneath it. I only wish there was more than one so he could feel more pain. He was so much a piece of shit Verna enjoyed killing him. Everyone else got warnings, chances to walk away and have peaceful deaths But this asshole, she knew he didn't deserve one. He got exactly what he deserved. Lying in a puddle of his own piss waiting to die. Seriously fuck that guy
Lenore - This sweet brave girl was the only good the Ushers ever brought into the world. So pure and good even Verna mourned having to take her. I loved that she got to know how much good she put into the world and how many lives she saved. Even knowing from the beginning she would die, it was still heartbreaking to see. At least it was painless and instant
Madeleine - She was cold and selfish but she was also usually right. I respect that even when making a deal with the devil she still had standards. She at least made sure not to have children incase. There is a bit of irony in the fact she didn't want to spend her life serving a man then chaining her destiny to her brother. Gave of serious twincest vibes that I am glad where not explored. Her death seemed a fair balance for her past and mirroring her mother's death brought everything full circle. She fell with the house of Usher. Also sapphire is a good color for her.
Roderick - Without doubt the worst of them all. He knowingly killed millions with his drug. He destroyed any shred of humanity in his children. Possibly worst of all, he knew the damage he was causing and who would have to pay for it but he didn't even blink. Being mentally tortured by his dead children was not enough. He deserved the worst death of all. I understand the poetry of him dying the same way his father did but I wish he suffered more.
385 notes · View notes
sincerelyneo · 6 months
birthday | h.rj
“so cover your eyes, i have a surprise”
💿now playing: birthday by katy perry
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❯ summary: It’s your boyfriend’s first birthday with you. Too bad he’s too stubborn to tell you what he wants, leaving you to take matters into your own hands. Still, you’re certain the little blue set you have at the back of your closet will be just the perfect present for him.
❯ pairings: renjun x fem!reader
❯ genre: established relationship, smut, tooth rotting fluff.
❯ words: 5.9k
❯ tags: 18+ minors dni!, smut, lingerie, birthday sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up), slight begging, praising, heavy petting, reader uses she/her pronouns, renjun calls reader his girl, renjun is very smitten, reader dresses up for renjun’s birthday.
a/n: i’m in the process of going through my old google docs to find my old fics and repost them.
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“Could you please stop being so stubborn?!”
It’s the twelfth time this week you’ve asked Renjun what he wanted for his birthday. You’ve asked the boy so much you swear you’ve had this argument in every part of your house: the living room, the bedroom, the dining room, and even the bathroom. But today, your boyfriend is adamant he doesn’t want anything in the kitchen. 
“I don’t understand you sometimes,” you huff, folding your arms across your chest and pressing your weight against the island. “You had no problem telling Chenle and Mark what you wanted, why are you giving me a hard time?” 
Renjun chuckles to himself as he starts placing last night’s leftover pizza in the microwave. 
You’re right — he knows you’re right — and he thinks about how willing he was to tell Mark about the new expensive shoes he had seen and needed to have. 
“This isn’t funny!” You groan. 
“Baby, I’ve told you a thousand times, you don’t need to get me anything,” he finishes twiddling the dial before turning around and pressing his arms against the counter behind him. 
You notice the way the arm muscles, that his short-sleeved t-shirt was exposing, tense and the way his veins become more prominent. He always looks so hot in the morning, hair dishevelled and eyes droopy from staying up all night just to fuck you. And you swear, if you weren’t so goddamn mad at him right now you’d fall to your knees instantly and fumble with his pyjama bottoms. 
“But I just want to treat you, Jun,” you whine, bouncing a little in distress. Renjun sucks a breath between his teeth as his eyes flick to your boobs.
He pushes himself off the counter and pulls you into a big bear hug, he was good at giving those, and the two of you always knew the minute he engulfs you in them you become putty in his hands. 
“You spoil me enough already by being my girl,” he presses a soft kiss to your hair and you almost melt — but then you remember, this is the twelfth time he’s played this tactic to avoid this conversation —  and you were sure as hell not letting him whither out of it once again. 
You untangle his arms from your sides and watch him smirk as they fall. This is usually the part where you kiss his nose and tell him to stop being so cute, but not today — you’re pissed. 
“I’m not falling for it this time, Huang,” you shove your hands on your hips, “so quit playing around and just tell me what you want.”
He huffs, “Baby, do we have to do this now, it’s early.”
“Yes, we’re doing this now! You’re not getting any younger!”
He rolls his eyes. He just doesn’t get it. Why can’t you understand that he doesn’t want you to spend your money on him? He didn’t need you to pamper him with expensive gifts just to know that you love him. He already knows that — you make it very clear to him when you're screaming his name. He finds it ironic actually, that you’re the one calling him stubborn yet you won’t give up on this. And that’s when he gets his idea. 
“I know what I want-”. Your eyes light up with joy the minute he says it. “-I want you to stop asking me what I want. Now that would be the best present to date,” and now they’re dimming. 
“You’re impossible, you know that?!”
“It’s all a part of my charm,” he winks. 
The microwave beeps and Renjun lets out a sigh of relief as he pulls out the hot plate. He takes a bite, mouth full and says, 
“I know you’re not gonna drop this, so we’ll finish this after my pizza.” 
Then he saunters past you and into the living room.   
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You in fact did not finish that conversation after Renjun’s pizza. You did try, but your boyfriend was great at nuzzling into your neck and gripping your thighs tight enough to distract you. 
So now, you’re standing here, in your kitchen, on his birthday, trying to make him breakfast as a last minute surprise. It was a small but possible gesture considering he had not given you anything to work with. 
Renjun stumbles out of the kitchen half asleep, hair all over the place with his sweatpants hanging off his hips. He rubs his eyes, wincing at the shriek of the smoke alarm that had woken him up. 
The sight he found in front of him was you, standing on top of the kitchen counter, frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke alarm to get it to stop. You’re covered in flour from trying to make pancakes from scratch, smoke steaming from the frying pan.
When the screeching does stop, you blow out a heavy frustrated sigh dropping your hands to your side noticing Renjun. He’s standing there, leaning against the door frame with a wide grin plastered on his face; looking from you to the kitchen that looks like a bomb exploded in it. 
"What's all this?" he asks, eyes lit up to match the amused look on his face.
You give him a sheepish smile. Gesturing to the plate of black pancakes on the bench across from him.
"Uhm... Happy Birthday?"
“Ah, so you finally decided on a birthday present.” 
“Yeah, but I think I’ve ruined whatever it was supposed to be.” 
The two of you look down at the ruined breakfast. You’re embarrassed but he’s so sweet about it, and still offers to eat the pancakes. You tell him not to, unless he wanted this birthday to be his last.
He comes to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around and pressing into you so you have to land your hands on the island counter in front. He nestles in against your ear. 
“Thanks for trying though.” 
You look up at him over your shoulder, “Don’t underestimate me, Huang. There’s more.” 
“More?” His eyebrow quirks.
You nod and grab his hand to lead him into the living room. He follows suit, eventually flopping down on the leather sofa. 
“You didn’t have to do all this, Y/N.” 
“Shhh,” you dismiss him, "just no peeking, okay?” 
"I would never.” 
Renjun can't see, he's sitting there with his hands pressed against his face. 
You’re honestly starting to regret this whole thing. This wasn’t even your idea but it was Haechan’s suggestion to surprise your boyfriend with lingerie. Well, not exactly lingerie, he just told you to do ‘something sexy for him,’ and this was what you landed on.
Calling Haechan was a last resort, you were in a moment of crisis and panic about only having a week left to whip up your boyfriend a present. You were hoping your boyfriend may have mentioned something to his friends — but he hadn’t — so alas here you are. 
You’re saving this for last though. For now, you have his actual wrapped present for him to open, and you’re just praying he likes it. It’s hard to buy presents for a man who has almost everything. 
You set the wrapped present on the coffee table in front of him, and move to sit next to him, adjusting the black silk robe you put on this morning to hide his real surprise underneath. 
"Okay, you can look,” you finally tell him, watching his hands drop faster than you can blink but his eyes immediately get caught by the black smooth material riding up your skin. He starts raking his gaze over your thighs before bringing it to your face.
The black pupils in his eyes expand inside the brown, a slow pleased form of excitement tugging his mouth up at the corner to flash his teeth.
You’re anxious to see what he thinks of his gift, you just want him to unwrap it already so you can see his reaction. 
"Open your present," you whine at him taking too long. 
But Renjun’s more impatient than you. His fingers starting to toy with the drawstring of the robe around your waist, trying to tug at the knot there with a pout.
"But I want this one.” 
You push his eager hands away and he huffs, shoulders slumping as his gaze goes to the table with his bottom lip pushed out. 
"I’m sure you do," you tease, reaching over to pick up his present wrapped in patterned blue paper. 
"It’s sort of a silly present, but I thought you might like it,”  you explain, watching him trace his fingers over the wrapping paper with an amused smile. 
"I kinda don't wanna open it... it's wrapped so pretty.” 
"Please open it — the suspense is killing me.” 
His frantic skilled fingers discard the paper next to him as he tore it away. He then picks up the small leather book in his lap that's now exposed.  A bright, albeit kind of confused laugh bursts from him as he looks. 
“Flick through it,” you instruct, and he does. 
You bite your lip, watching him inspect it. It’s a scrapbook you managed to put together last minute. “Some of the pages are blank, figured we could fill it out together as we do more things.” 
"I love it" he butts in, looking at you with a grin as he keeps flicking through it.
He leans over to kiss you, but you press your finger against his lips to halt him, watching his brows twitch together as his lips pucker against your finger, "We went over this at Christmas, open your presents first or we'll be here all night — you can have a kiss once you're done."
In response to your rules, he slams the scrapbook closed, dropping it on the table. Then you’re being grabbed and yanked towards him so fast that you fumble into his lap. His hand grabs your thigh to hoist it up over him, so your knees sit on either side of his hips.
Everything is so fast; you barely have time to register it. His large hands are grasping at your jaw, while his fingers splay against your cheek until he's pushing his mouth against yours with a force that knocks oxygen clean out of you.
He's sucking in quick broken breaths through his nose, putting everything into the kiss that's harsh and tender all at once. His hands slip from your jaw into your hair, pulling you closer to him so your hands rest against his chest and you fist at the fabric. 
He tears his mouth away for the briefest moment. You’re staring at each other with eyes red and glossy. 
“So I take it you liked it?” you ask with a bite of your lip. 
He shakes his head while smiling before tugging you forward again. His tongue delving back past your lips, “Of course I fucking like it.” 
His hands drop from your hair to grope over your waist and hips to hold you against him. You haven’t even gotten to your last present for him yet and he’s already crippling with desire. 
Renjun keeps his mouth hovering close to yours,
"Like? No like isn’t the right word — it's not good enough," he manages between kisses, "I love it, I love you.”
"It’s not that amazing," you hush him as he paws at your back and tries to connect your mouths again. 
“Yes, it is, because you made it."
You hate (love) the way he’s always so sweet and reassuring. You know he does it for your reaction, to tease you and make your cheeks turn red. So, you try to escape him before he gets the chance to make a snarky remark about the blush on your cheeks. 
But attempting to lift yourself off of him causes him to immediately protest, digging his fingers into your skin through the silk as he tries to move his face to your neck to attack there instead.
You push at his chest, and he whines a pathetic sound that has your skin tingling, "Don't tease me baby please, don't be mean. It’s my birthday.”
"I'm not trying to tease you,” you shake your head, pulling back and shuffling off of him, but he won’t let you.
After a long battle, you mange to unclamp his stubborn hands while he stares at you with desperate puzzled eyes.
"Then stop moving and come here,” he tries to reach for you to pull you back down but you step away, moving further from the couch. 
His gaze darts from your feet to your face, wetting his lips while watching you intensely. You see him take his bottom lip between his teeth when you move your hands to the knot at the front of your robe and slowly start to slip it undone. 
His eyes flash wider and his fingers grip tighter around his knees where he's sat with his legs spread wide. You can feel nerves buzzing in your body, taking a coaxing breath as you lock your eyes with his.
"You ready to open your last present?"
The anticipation in the air is palpable, it's enough to have your fingers trembling with the way Renjun’s suspenseful gaze keeps locking on you. But the thing that’s making your heart surge the most is the emotion behind his eyes. 
You never do things like this. At least, you haven’t with Renjun. And even though he tells you every day that you’re so beautiful and so perfect, you can’t help but feel your nerves tighten. 
"You gonna show me what's under there?” Renjun encourages in a slow voice, full of rasp. You watch his chest jump with a breath when you grip the edges of the robe to pull it open.
He notices you hesitate, and his brows twitch together as he leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees, "Don't be nervous, ever. Not with me."
You compose yourself with his encouragement. But you still hold your breath as you let the robe start to slip from your shoulders, the silky fabric inching down as you open it until it hits the floor. Your heart hammers with every bit of skin being revealed as you stand there in a set of blue lingerie. 
It's like time stops. Renjun hasn't so much as taken a breath, eyes frozen on you, darting everywhere at once.
You start to tense up, but then he lets out a breath. He clears his throat a few times and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out; he just sits there with his mouth ajar. You glance up at him, feeling your heart accelerate and blood rush to your cheeks. On the other hand, it looks like Renjun’s brain has completely short-circuited.
Harnessing a surge of confidence from his reaction, you take a few steps to close the gap between the two of you. His eyes stay transfixed as they trace over every inch of blue decorating your body. You’re standing between his spread legs, and he falls back against the backrest of the couch with a slight thud.
"Do you like it?" You ask, keeping your voice quiet. 
"I - I, uh..." He swallows, then blinks once, twice, and then closes his eyes shaking his head like he can't concentrate, "Uh - fuck, I..."
"Everything okay, Jun?" You suppress a smile and watch as he takes a deep breath when his eyes drift open, and he smooths his hair away from his forehead.
"No, I'm not - what the fuck are you trying to do to me...baby," he stumbles over his words, taking you in with another once over like he can't believe it. Then he brings his hands up to hover near your hips. "So, this is what you finally came up with?"
You chew on your lip, face feeling hot from how flattered you feel over his reaction. You’re not sure what you expected, but you didn't expect him to be this well... stunned.
"I wanted to give you the best birthday,” you murmur, “so yeah, I bought it for you."
He breathes like the oxygen was kicked out of him, reaching for your hands and pulling you towards him until you’re perching a knee on either side of his hips and resting your limbs on his shoulders.
His hands hover near your hips again and trace down over your thighs, but he doesn't touch them — not yet anyway. 
"I don't even think I deserve to touch you in this."
"Don’t say that. Haechan thought this would be a good idea," you tell him, feeling his hands finally settle on your thighs and watching his eyes flash wider as his jaw clenches.
Yep. That was the total wrong thing to say to him right now.
You wait for Renjun to blow a blood vessel in his forehead, but instead, his eyes go down to your cleavage under the blue mesh of your bra and he takes in a slow breath.
"This is what she talks to my friends about?" he mutters to himself, and you try so hard not to crack a smile.
His gaze drifts up to yours again, and he swallows; moving his hands up your thighs to feel his palms over the straps and garters enriching your skin before his jaw softens. 
"Well... look at it this way" you coax him, keeping your tone gentle whilst you smooth your hands over his shoulders to rest against his neck, "You're the only one that gets to take this off of me.” 
Your words have your boyfriend lifting his brows, and sucking his lower lip under his teeth and that old bothered look melts away to a much more pleased one, "Just me?"
"Only you," you nod, feeling his fingers press harder into the skin of your hips when he rests his hands there.
He wets his lips, leaning in more so your noses nearly touch and his rough voice whispers into the air between you, "Can I tell you a secret?"
You can only manage a nod, chest tight from how the atmosphere feels like it's strangling you. There is such an intense feeling, because he's looking at you with hungry eyes that also look flooded with heart crippling love.
His hands move from your hips to trace his fingertips up your back, “You’re the first girl who’s ever done something like this for me.” 
He trails off to brush his nose against yours, before nudging it against your cheek and keeping his lips just out of reach. You feel your eyes start to burn, that lump lodging in your throat as you exhale a shaky breath. 
"I’m so fucking obsessed with you, Y/N. You just wouldn’t believe it," his fingers ghost back down your back, and he keeps his stare on yours.
"Please shut up and kiss me," you burst your words out in a single breath, gripping the sides of his neck to tug him towards you and connect with his lips. 
It's like a rupture of pressure as soon as your mouths touch, and Renjun sucks in a sharp gasp through his nose; attacking your lips with his in a kiss that's desperate and frantic.
His hands go straight to your now bare ass, that's only covered by two measly straps of the lingerie, and grips it. He starts hoisting you up, your arms clinging around his shoulders as tight as your thighs wrap around his hips. He blindly makes his way towards your bedroom, trying his hardest not to trip over his own feet or walk into something with you around him. 
Both of your lungs are trying to suck in the air but become nothing but a ball of gasps and pants mixed with shaky breaths and trembling limbs. 
He manages to make it into your dim bedroom when he urges your thighs down until your feet hit the ground and he's the one that drops down to sit on the edge of the bed. You stand in front of him, weak at the knees and cloudy in the brain with blood rushing through your body like fire.
Renjun stares up at you, his cheeks tinted with the flush that's crept down his neck to match the cherry colour of his raw lips. You move towards him. It’s like you have a magnet in your chest tugging at you with all its force to get you closer to him.
"Turn for me. I wanna get a proper look at you — see how lucky I am,” he rasps out of breath, and the deep gravelly sound leaving him makes your spine shiver.
His hands on your hips urge you to spin around. You’re not sure how your legs are able to withstand it considering how jelly-like they feel. 
"I’m the luckiest man alive...God fuckin help me,” he whispers to himself and you can’t help but allow your whole body to erupt in goosebumps when his eyes burn into every part of your skin. 
He’s lust drunk on you. 
Renjun’s hands come up, going to the blue material hiding your chest from him. He begins letting his fingers follow the edges of it, teasing his digits over your perked nipples. He continues going down and repeating his brushing over the garter belt and panties, taking in each detail like he never wants to forget it. 
"I kinda don't wanna open it... you're wrapped so pretty," he murmurs, looking up to catch your eyes and mimicking his earlier words.
Your hands are shaking from the tension in the air. His knuckles graze against the front of your underwear, making your breath hitch in your throat. He drags his tongue across his lower lip, sliding his palms down the front of your thighs. 
“I don’t think I have enough words to thank you for today. But I think I can show you.” 
You can't take this anymore, and before you can think twice you rush forward, leaning down to grasp his face and clamber on top of him. You kiss him as hard as you can, the force making him fall backwards as his shoulders hit the mattress with a bounce. 
He only gives you a few seconds before he's flipping you. Climbing over you and ushering you further up the bed. When his lips detach from yours, Renjun pushes himself up onto his knees to look down at you perched between his legs.
His chest is heaving, hair all over the place with random strands dangling in front of his forehead. He moves his hands to throw off his t-shirt. You get drunk off the sight of him when he focuses on getting his pyjama bottoms off. 
He drops forward as soon as his legs are free, his large hands dipping into the bed next to your waist with your legs bent on either side of his shoulders. He turns his head to leave a trail of heated wet open kisses up your skin that makes your centre throb.
Every action feels heightened, so intense but gentle. His movements are heated but careful like he's trying to fuck your heart but love your body at the same time.
Your hands move to his hair, stroking through it as he moves his mouth to your other thigh, paying it the same attention. You gasp when he takes the strap from your garter between his teeth to let it snap back against your skin.
"Jun please..." you sigh in a wavering breath. 
"Okay baby" he hushes against your skin, moving his hands to grip the hem of your underwear sitting over the top of the garter, "Gonna be so good to you. Make you feel how I do."
You hold your breath when you feel him gently start to tug it down your hips. His eyes focus on his hands dragging the material down your thighs like he's savouring the moment. Then he’s sitting up on his knees again to lift your legs and remove your underwear completely.
He dangles the blue fabric on his fingertip, raising a cheeky brow at you, "Think I might keep these."
"Don't you dare,” you burst out laughing, swatting at his hand as he giggles to himself.
He drops the underwear next to you on the bed, moving his hands to slip under your back. You arch to help him while he feels around and uses his fingers to unclasp your bra. His gaze is admiring, watching it slip off your arms.
"Definitely keeping this too.” 
You roll your eyes, grinning to yourself. But that smile is quickly wiped away when his eyes lock on your face and one hand takes your thigh to push it against the bed and spread your legs further apart. He drags his fingers up your slit; tracing through the warmth and arousal that had already soaked into the fabric he'd since removed.
Your mouth falls open at the same time his brows pinch hard together, his jaw clenched as he lets his gaze momentarily flick down to his fingers exploring your cunt.
Your hips buck up when he focuses his fingertips against the sensitive nerves, making you feel like your clit has its own heartbeat as jolts of pleasure shoot through you. Renjun leans forward to rest his hand next to your head, dipping his mouth down to latch it around your nipple, nipping and sucking against it.
"Oh-, fuck,” you hiss curving your chest up as your hips start to squirm. He traces slow lazy patterns against your clit, "Renjun - please, don't tease me - just, fuck I need—"
Your words are cut short when he applies more pressure to your nerves, massaging leg-numbing patterns against you while his teeth give your nipple a gentle tug before he moves to the other one to pay it the same attention. You gasp at the cold air that hits the bud.
"Tell me how it feels," he mumbles against your flesh when he moves his mouth to drag his lips between your cleavage, "I wanna know how you feel right now, tell me."
Like your vagina is about to scream in agony if he doesn’t hurry up and fuck you.
"S-So good," you manage to pant out, squeezing your eyes closed as your hips rut against his fingers when he dips them down to slip through your dripping centre to tease at your hole. "It’s amazing b-but I'm going to explode if you keep teas-"
Renjun shakes his head, flicking his eyes up to stare at you under his lashes when he licks a wet stripe up between your breasts. 
“No, I wanna know how you feel-" his lips press against the skin over your heart, "-tell me how you feel about me."
You choke on a moan when he dips his fingers down inside your pussy at your silence, sinking his middle and ring finger deep as his hot forehead drops against your chest. 
"Tell me,” He groans, voice low dropping deeper as he relishes your gripping around his fingers, "please."
"I feel- it feels like - uh, god I feel —" you whimper when he curls his fingers, massaging inside of you at that pressure point that makes your stomach quiver. "I l-love y-you."
It comes out as rambling. You’re stuttering like a mindless lunatic — but the one thing you're sure of is that it’s the truth. 
Your barely coherent words make Renjun still his fingers, sucking in a heavy broken breath when he lifts his face to seal his mouth against yours. His hand grabs hold of your thigh to hook it around his hip as he shifts closer until you feel the weight of his warm length heavy against your pubic bone. 
"I fucking love you too," he pants out against your lips, his voice thick and strained, "So fucking much I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop."
You roll your hips up against him, threading your fingers into his hair, "I don’t want you to ever stop — I want you to fuck me, please fuck me."
The tight knot in your lower half feels like torture at this point as his fingers are still working slow. He hushes you when he sees the distraught look on your face and hears the muffled whines from you as his motions become very still.
"Shhhh," his hips lift back as his hand wraps around the base of his length. He teases it up and down your drenched folds, "I'm not gonna stop - I just - I don't wanna fuck you... it's not the right word. It's more than that. Need you to feel that it’s more than that.” 
He applies pressure with his tip against your pussy, holding his weight up on his elbow next to you so he can tilt his head up and watch your face. His heavy glazed eyes locked on yours with his brows hooded over them. 
"Please keep looking at me."
You fight to stop your eyes from fluttering shut, staying captivated by the way his pink lips part and the way they twitch to verbalise a silent moan when he inches forward a fraction to feel his tip slip past the threshold and into you.
Your brows are scrunched together in pleasure, fighting to keep your hips still as the moment feels paralysing. 
He pushes forward in a slow savouring motion. When he finally sinks into you completely, you stretch around him. His teeth suck in his lower lip between them, while a low skin-tingling moan echoes from deep in his chest as he stays still.
"Wrap your legs around me - I wanna be closer."
You do as he asks, tightening your thighs around his hips and resting the heels of your feet against his own thighs. You feel him sink even deeper and you watch the veins in his neck strain at the feeling.
"Please move" you beg, barely able to get the whisper out. 
Renjun struggles to keep his breathing even as he watches your face, slowly drawing his hips back, wrecking you as he rolls his hips forward in a motion to fill you again.
Your fingers tighten in his hair when your hips come up to meet his. He starts in a slow drawn-out rhythm, panting out a soft groan.
Your eyes threaten to drift closed again, the blissful feeling enveloping all of your limbs too much to stay conscious. Renjun ducks his face down, attaching his mouth to yours and you moan into the kiss which elicits a stomach-knotting whine from him.
Before you know what's going on, Renjun is rolling you, turning on his side with you facing him and taking hold of your leg to hook it over his hips. His other arm wraps under your waist and around your back. His hand reaches between you, grasping his length and placing it at your opening before he thrusts into you again making you cry out at the feeling from this angle.
He keeps you hugged close to him, connecting you with him in long deep strokes while his hand comes up to tangle in your hair and he presses his forehead against yours. 
"Stay with me" he pleads, "Keep looking at me. Look at how you make me feel."
You can only respond with a gasp that hitches in your throat when he buries himself into you as deep as he can, rolling himself against you as your nails dig into the skin of his back. 
His hand slips from your hair for a brief moment, to reach and grab for your hand which he guides down to the spot between your legs. You take the hint; letting your fingers find your throbbing clit and work towards unravelling the tightness in your abdomen.
"Oh- god, shit,” you whimper, shocked by the combination of all the sensations consuming your body. Your hips start to writhe at the feeling.
"That's it baby - you make me feel so fuckin good, I want you to feel it too," he pants, forehead slick with sweat while both your bodies feel like they're burning and his thrusts start to build with more purpose. He’s fucking into you at an erotic speed as if he's trying to spill out every feeling he has with his body.
Your stomach starts to tremble as warmth floods your lower half, and your muscles start to contract and flutter around him. It only encourages him to slow down the rhythm to drag out the feeling to a point you don't know how to handle.
You can feel him being swallowed inside of you with each thrust as your fingers slip down to where you’re joined. You toy with your clit helping your body reach a point where it’s trembling over the edge. 
Renjun finally caves, moving his face to bury against your neck, when your walls contract around him and your hips roll with his. 
"Fuck, Y/N".
His breathing gets even more ragged as every muscle in his body becomes tense with his movements. He begs muffled words against your skin; tightening his arm around you like he somehow needs you closer.
"Tell me you love me again.” 
You manage to stutter out a breathless "I love you,” heaving out the air in your lungs as you work your fingers faster and Renjun fucks you further in love with him — if that’s possible. 
"No, say you love me. Say my name, Y/N," he groans, pulling his hips back only to thrust them forward so deep you cry out. 
You rack your nails down his skin while your leg tightens around his hip to pull him closer. 
“I love you, Renjun. So fucking much.” 
His thrusts become more abrupt at your words. "That's my girl" he rasps. 
When he feels you tipping over the edge his thrusts quicken at animalistic speed. "Go on baby - cum - let me feel it."
You couldn't stop it even if you tried — you wouldn’t. 
You let out a scream from the back of your throat at the force of him and chant out a string of mumbles of his name. Your body convulses and shakes whilst you clamp around his length to which Renjun grunts at the feeling, whispering praises to coax you through it.
"Always so good for me — fuck!" His sentence gets cut short with a loud growl that sounds like it was punched out of him. His rhythm falters as he clings to you and sobs out moans against your neck.
He snaps his hips forward and sinks into you to grind his hips against you to linger in the feeling. His muscles shuddering and jolting as he gasps for air and his own orgasm punches into him. 
Hearing and feeling him in so much bliss is only dragging out the aftershocks of your own orgasm. You’re both a mess of limbs and shameless noises before you feel him still completely. His release erupts into you in warm spurts, his body twitching with each one.
You’re like a limp puddle, but Renjun stays clung to you, sucking in harsh breaths not daring to move and keeping your sweaty bodies tangled.
"Fuck, if not knowing what I want for my birthday means I get to have you like this, I never want anything ever again," he rasps, laughing under his breath and sounding delirious.
You can only hum in response, your mind too fucked out to even respond. 
You lay wrapped up in each other, and you know you need to get cleaned up, but you honestly can't be bothered. Enjoying the post-orgasmic pleasure too much. 
"Happy fucking birthday to me!”  he drawls, finally letting his face fall flush against the pillow.
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agaypanic · 10 months
I saw that you were interested in lab rats requests, and I'm obsessed with that show and have like a billion thoughts in my head so can i request a chase davenport x reader, where the reader is perry's niece and shes kind of a grey character. Like she's mean to everyone who deserves it, especially those who are mean to Chase, which is honestly a lot of people. Similar to Jade from victorious but less intense lol. One day she just goes off and Chase is just so into it.
Chase Davenport With Principal Perry's Niece Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: fun fact, i know jade from clips on tiktok, but ive actually never really seen victorious aside from one episode that my ex made me watch years ago that i barely paid attention to lol
He’s a bit scared of you at first
He thinks you’ll be like your aunt, who’s a bit of a nightmare
But he’s quickly proven wrong when you’re left alone
“You! Dorky twerp!” Principal Perry pointed at Chase and his siblings, and they all looked at her confused.
“Think that means you, bud,” Adam said, pushing Chase towards the woman before running off, Bree and Leo hot on his heels. Chase hesitantly closed the distance between him and Perry.
“Yes, Principal Perry?”
“Meet my niece, Y/n.” It was then that he noticed you, standing beside your aunt. You wore a bored expression. “She’s new here, moved in with me because her parents are fighting for custody, and the judge thinks they’re both incompetent.”
“Aunt Terry…” You groaned, wishing she didn’t always feel the need to share such personal and unnecessary information.
“Anyways, I want you to show her to her classes.” Perry leaned in close to Chase, glaring at him. “Make a move on her, and you’re dead meat, Daven-dork.”
You and Chase watched her walk away, somewhat mortified. Then you looked at each other in an awkward silence. You were the first to speak.
“Sorry about her…” You laughed a little, trying to lighten the mood. “What’s your name?”
“Chase.” He responded, a bit taken aback. If he was being honest, he thought that there was something in Perry’s DNA that made her the crabby, mean woman she was. So it would’ve made sense if everyone related to her was similar. “Chase Davenport.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You smile, holding your hand out for him to shake. He smiled back as he shook your hand. 
“Nice to meet you, too.”
You quickly become inseparable, much to your aunt’s chagrin
You’re a lot nicer than her, which surprises everyone
But that doesn’t mean you’re never mean
Luckily, it’s only to people who deserve it
Trent was quick to become a pain in your ass. Not directly to you; he was too scared of Perry’s wrath. But the way he treated Chase and his siblings pissed you off. Chase told you not to worry about it, that he was used to it, but you weren’t having it.
“Just because you’re used to it doesn’t mean you should be, Chase.” You say as he told you for the tenth time today to forget about Trent and his behavior.
“Aw, it’s cute that you care,” Chase said, laughing when you jokingly pushed him and told him to be quiet. But then he got pushed again, only this time much rougher.
“This kid bothering you, Y/n?” Trent asked with a flirty grin, getting close. You rolled your eyes, pushing past him to get back to Chase.
“No, but someone else is.” You say with a deadpan tone, staring intensely at Trent. He looked around the hall.
“Jesus.” You muttered, you and Chase snickering to each other as you walked away.
Sometimes, your anger gets the best of you
Like when Chase’s bullies start to get a bit physical
You fight back more than he does
After what felt like forever, you got out of your last class of the day and went to the main hall to wait for Chase. He was often waiting for you by his locker, ready to walk you home.
But today, he wasn’t the only person at his locker. A few guys from the football team surrounded him, pushing him whenever he tried to move away.
“Fellas, come on.” He laughed nervously. 
“Shut up, nerd!”
“Hey!” You shouted from across the hall, effectively grabbing all of the boys’ attention. You stomped over to them. “Leave him alone.”
The jocks all turned to surround you, looking amused.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” One of them asked, leaning close to you. “You know, I’m not afraid to hit a girl.”
“I’m not either.” You responded before stomping on his foot and punching him in the stomach. He yelped in pain, and his friends backed away. You grabbed the boy by the ear, making him wince. “Considering football is probably the only thing you and your friends are good at, I suggest you apologize and get the hell out of here. Unless you wanna try to play with some broken fingers?”
The jock immediately shook his head, the others doing the same.
“I’m sorry.” He squeaked.
“I’m not the one you should be saying that to.” You let go of his ear and pushed him towards Chase. Chase stepped aside, watching the football player run into the lockers from the force of your shoving. 
“Sorry…” He said to Chase before looking at his friends and running away with them. The apology didn’t seem too genuine, sounding more scared than anything else. But it was a start.
“You okay?” You asked, looking Chase up and down for any possible damage. He stared at you in slight shock, slowly nodding. You smiled and held your hand out. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Chase swiftly grabbed your hand, walking out of the school with you.
“That was hot.” The short but serious sentence made you laugh.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
I know that you hate her but it was never her fault, not really.
For Lee Dutton
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @newyorkrican922 @bryandechartisasmolbean @lovethis-lovethat
Companion piece to:
A Boy from Bozeman - Lee says goodbye to the woman he loves.
The Worry Doll - Lee still keeps the worry doll you gave him.
Wild Fire - Lee tells you the truth about the wildfire.
Experiance (NSFW) - Lee's gained some experiance since the last time the two of you were together.
Blind Date - John puts the word out around town that Lee needs a wife.
Fire Wood - Lee always chops firewood when he's pissed.
Wedding Bells - You and Lee tie the knot in secret.
Until Your Dying Day - You make a promise to Lee.
References to:
The One That Got Away - In light of Lee's recent wedding, John reflects on the one that got away.
The Other Woman (NSFW) - John was never meant to be with Evelyn.
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John is waiting for Lee on the porch of the farmhouse when he returns home from his honeymoon. He’d dropped you off at the end of the trail where Kayce had left the VW. You have to be at the conservation centre in Helena this afternoon to discuss the soil samples you took from Pasture 12. Lee intends to meet you afterwards to help you pack up your stuff for your move to the farmhouse.
It's the coffee cup in his father’s hand that pisses Lee off, it’s the chipped one from his kitchen. He can smell that special brand of coffee you like, the one you buy from the farmer’s market. This is John Dutton trying to send a message and Lee reads it loud and clear.
Nothing is yours, it all belongs to the ranch.
Lee doesn’t say anything as he sits down on the opposite side of the steps. If they’re going to talk about this, it’s going to be on equal terms because Lee, he will not stand before this man like a naughty child. He’s done bending to his father’s will.
“You left one hell of a mess for me to clean up.” John says taking a sip of his coffee as he stares out across the pasture.
Lee knows he’s talking about the angry phone calls he’s been receiving from ranchers since the news hit that Lee had gotten married, the ones that were trying to trade their daughters like cattle for a piece of the ranch.
“I never said I wanted a wife.” Lee reminds him as his gaze fixates on the cattle roaming in the distance.
“But you took one anyway.” John points out, his gaze coming to rest on Lee’s silver wedding band.
“I know you hate her…”
“I don’t hate her.” John tells Lee, setting his coffee cup down alongside him. “She’s just not right for the ranch.”
“But she’s right for me.” Lee says tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “She was back then and she is now.”
There’s silence between the two of them for a moment before John sighs.
“I had someone like that.” He says quietly. “A long time ago I had to make a decision between the woman I love and what was best for the ranch.”
“You mean Lou.” Lee says and John tilts his head towards him in surprise. “I saw the two of you together after mom died, I heard what you said about how you loved her, how you’d always loved her.”
Lee has known from a young age that his mother and father didn’t act like other parents. There was always a coldness between the two of them, a practicality. It wasn’t until the night of the wake when he saw his father interact with Lou that he realised why. John hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her during the event, he held onto her hands a little too long when she gave him her condolences and that night after everyone else had left, he’d undressed her in the room his wife hadn’t shared in years.
Lee doesn’t know what happened after that, only his father is now in a causal relationship with Governor Perry  and Lou sells honey at the farmer’s market with her twenty six year old son, Joesph.
“The men in our family, they don’t marry for love.” John says quietly. “We marry for duty and that’s what I need you to do.”
“What are you saying?” Lee asks him, his voice barely more than a whisper.
“When I get back to the house, I’ll have Jamie draw up an annulment, voiding the marriage.” John says clasping his hands together. “After that we’ll pick someone more appropriate, someone whose the right fit.”
Lee can’t speak, his eyes sting as he pulls the keys to the farmhouse out from his pocket and dumps them into his father’s lap.
“I’m not leaving Anna.” He says, his voice raw with emotion as he raises to his feet. “You took twenty years from the two of us, you don’t get to have the rest.”
Love Young John Dutton? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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thelonelyshore-if · 7 days
I'm sure this would be so much work over the course of the game so absolutely no pressure for a bunch of housing swaps LOL this is mostly jokes, but I am deeply amused by the idea of MC romancing Ravi but being frustrated with him after last chapter and showing up on someone else's porch like 😤😤 let me in (while knowing full well that they will almost definitely want to go back)
Like, it's giving lovers spat "I'm staying with my sister for a week" but they literally just met 💀😂
Yessss Nonnie you get where I'm coming from. It's endlessly funny to me. Like I'm very excited to write MC hunting down Beck or Perri just like:
MC: "I need a place to stay."
Beck/Perri: "Omg why what happened?? Is everything okay???"
MC: "Everything's fine the guy I met yesterday really pissed me off 😤"
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mammalsofaction · 4 months
Someone pointed out to me in one of my posts that the reason Perry was SO pissed off during OWCA files was bc he's jealous Heinz was spending time with so much of his co-workers, and Ive since been thinking about this and I genuinely hate how much this makes sense.
Obviously that isn't the ONLY reason, but. This is the second recorded time where Heinz ends up working for OWCA and BOTH times Perry spends the entire episode inexplicably grumpy and pissed.
You COULD say it's bc he's wary, he doesn't trust Heinz to behave professionally as an agent when he takes so much pride as an agent himself and incompetency pisses him off (true). Also that Heinz is lumped as his responsibility, and agent Lone Wolf hates being saddled to a person.....but these arguments crumble in light for a few facts.
1. Perry doesn't have THAT much respect for OWCA, and certainly not Francis, ESPECIALLY if they piss him off. See the aftermath of Undercover Carl. Its not a respect issue.
2. Perry knows what Heinz is like. He LIKES spending time with Heinz, and as early as the events in "Come Home Perry," HE knows that he can trust Heinz to always have his back. Its not a trust issue.
3. Perry is hugely supportive of Heinz reforming, and in MML, it's HIS money being the first and foremost funds provider for Heinz to start a time travelling agency. He likes Heinz turning tide fine, so long as he doesn't shut Perry out or leave him behind. It's not a Being Good issue.
So why was he pissed off?? Well. What's the ONE thing that upsets Perry, without fail, when it comes to his loved ones that isn't them being in undeniable danger.
Sharing. Perry hates sharing.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Waiting For The Sun
Chapter Four
Rhett Abbott has been hearing his soulmate in his head for ten years. She's the sweetest thing, nicknamed Muffin after her love of baking. Rhett doesn't know who Muffin is, doesn't know where she is, but hearing her voice always makes his day better. But then Trevor Tillerson is killed and Rhett's life is thrown into chaos. Through it all, Muffin in there for her soulmate. She wants nothing more than to find him, even through the chaos.
Soulmate AU
Warnings: smut, masturbation (guided), the bit where he snogs maria (yk), the piss scene (yk)
Series Masterlist
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Rhett Abbott was twenty-one years old. His twenty-first birthday, to be exact. June twelfth, the day he had his first legal drink. He'd had alcohol before this, thanks to Perry and that fact that, when he went a few days without shaving, he looked older than twenty-one.
His poor soulmate had put up with so much from his over the year. She was there for his first drink, where she had to hope he was underage (simply because she was, too). He'd assured her that he was underage and that he'd let her know when he wasn't underage any longer.
He bought his first drink and downed it in one. It had very little effect and he quickly ordered another. And then another.
It fucking sucked that he couldn't tell his soulmate that it was his birthday. What he wouldn't give to hear her sing Happy Birthday in her sweet voice. He tried to tell her without saying it outright, tried to tell her that he was finally legal, but even that didn't work.
As far as she was aware, he was just getting drunk. An underage kid taking things too far. He wasn't, and he couldn't fucking tell her.
The kicker came when Perry ordered them tequila. They did the works, the salt, the lime, and threw them back in whatever order it went.
He remembered getting to bed that night, but he didn't remember anything he'd said to his soulmate before that. Everything he'd said to his Muffin in the bar was a blur, but he wouldn't forget anything that happened next.
It's my birthday, he tried to say to her. But it didn't work. He was growing increasingly frustrated as he struggled out of his jeans. When he let out a rather dramatic groan, she giggled in his head. You okay? She asked through her laughs.
No, he wasn't okay. He wanted to sulk like a child about it, but he was an adult now, wasn't he? He couldn't sulk like a child, even if he really, really wanted to.
Baby, Muffin, my love, he began, I need something from you.
What do you need, Cowboy? She asked him, and he couldn't help but be surprised that she was still awake.
Rhett sucked in a breath. He knew it was a huge ask, he knew there was a chance that she'd never want to talk to him again, but his drink addled brain made him at least try.
Have you ever touched yourself, Muffin?
There was a pregnant, anxiety inducing pause. This was it, he thought to himself. This was the point where she turned around and told him that she didn't want to be his soulmate. He couldn't blame her for that.
I... Hearing her voice was such a damn relief, but he was still incredibly anxious. I haven't, she finally answered. I don't know how.
She hadn't told him to fuck off, hadn't called him a creep and told him she never wanted to talk to him again. Rhett sucked in another breath. Do you want me to teach you how?
He almost couldn't believe it when she gave a meek yes. Yes. She had really said yes. She wanted him to teach her how to touch herself. Rhett had been dreaming about this moment for years now. He could never tell her, he knew. She really would think him a creep after that.
Tell me what you're wearing, baby, he mumbled as he wrapped his fingers around himself. But something about this, about fisting his cock while he taught her to touch herself, felt so wrong. This moment was for her, not him.
She told him exactly what she was wearing, stuttering out the colour of her underwear. Not a matching set, she'd said, somewhat embarrassed.
I wish I could see it. His voice was low and gravelly in her mind. I bet you look so damn pretty.
He didn't tell her to touch herself right away. No, he had her slowly peel off her bra and touch herself, describe all the sensations she was feeling as she groped her own breasts. She'd done it before, she admitted shyly, but never like this. Never with his guidance, never creating these feelings in her.
A weak moan sounded in his mind. Holy fuck, Muffin, he moaned right back, but his hands were behind his head. He was so hard, it was painful, but he didn't touch himself. Can you tell me if you're wet?
She didn't answer.
I-I've never done this bit before.
He shouldn't have found it cute, but it really was. It was so damn cute. It's okay, I got you, he replied, lip pulled between his teeth and eyes squeezed shut. He just wished he could picture her face as she did it. As she slipped her hand beneath the underwear that didn't quite match her bra and felt just how wet she was.
Rhett could almost feel it on his fingers. Shit, she squeaked and he held back a laugh. I'm wet.
I bet you are, Muffin.
He told her what to do, told her how to touch herself. Moans and desperate whines filled his head, and Rhett would have given anything to hear them out loud. Would have given anything to hear her moan his name.
He talked her through it until she quietened. Oh, so that was how she came. He could picture it, mouth falling open in a silent moan as her body stopped writhing. His mind strayed to Maria, but he quickly banished the imagine of her from his mind.
That was...
He grinned as he threw off his blankets, the night air in June too hot. That good, Muffin? He asked, tongue poking out to wet his lips.
There was a moment before she answered him. Better than good, Cowboy, she replied. But you can't tell anyone! She said in his head, words quick.
It wasn't long until she fell asleep. She must have already been tired, Rhett guessed as he looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. And that must have worn her out. Tired, baby? He asked as he looked down at himself, so damn hard.
She didn't reply and he knew she was asleep. He released a breath and moved his hand, the memory of the noises she was making enough to keep him going.
He was riding that night. Twenty-Four year old Rhett was at the rodeo, mind quiet. Wherever his soulmate was, she wasn't speaking to him, busy in that moment.
That was okay, though. She was quiet when he rode, anyway, letting him concentrate on staying on the bull.
He looked towards the crowd. It was hard to make out any faces in the dark, but he could see Maria, clear as day. That was fine, they were friends now, weren't they? This was the thing that friends did.
(Let me clear something up. There was a chance that Rhett needed glasses. His eyesight wasn't so bad that he couldn't function without them, but it was bad enough that he knew he needed them. But he didn't have time or the energy to go and get his eyes tested. Plus, cowboys didn't wear glasses).
He mounted the bull. Riding now, Muffin, he said as he secured himself on. there was no way he was going to come off, not until he was ready.
There was a small, quiet Good luck! but then she was gone again. Where his Muffin went, he didn't know. His eyes met Sheriff Joy's. His Muffin gone, Sheriff Joy watched him so closely. Fuck, he couldn't do this.
The gate opened and the bull launched into action. Bucking, throwing his body around. He kept his arm in his air in an aid to keep himself balanced, moving his body with the bulls. It was expert, the way he kept himself on. His hat flew off, but he didn't much care. There was no way he was coming off this damned bull.
When the buzzer buzzed, he jumped from the bulls back. It wasn't graceful, but it wasn't supposed to be. He picked himself up from the sand, scooped up his Stetson and turned his attention to the score bored.
Rider 44. R. Abbott. 82.5.
Top of the motherfucking leader board.
His fist beat against his chest as he turned his attention to the crowd that watched him. Top of the fucking leader board, and almost everybody he cared about was there to watch him. It was a feeling he'd never get enough of, a high he wanted to chase.
Running on pure adrenaline, he ended up in The Handsome Gambler with Maria. They were just friends, that was all. She wasn't his soulmate, he knew, and there was nothing wrong with the two of them getting drinks together.
Muffin? He tried as he took their drinks to their table.
Hey, Cowboy, she replied as he placed the drinks down and slipped into the seat opposite Maria. Sorry, today got a little crazy.
Maria was talking to him, and he should have been listening. He tried, he tried really damn hard to not be rude, but his Muffin was talking to him, and he couldn't not listen to her. He nodded along to whatever Maria was saying as his Muffin told him about her day.
I snuck out.
His eyes bulged out of his head and he just had to hope that Maria didn't notice. He cleared his throat and agreed with whatever she was saying. What do you mean you snuck out? Are you okay? Are you safe? He asked in quick succession.
Maria asked him a question, but he didn't answer for a moment. So, she repeated the question (something about bull riding, about his aspirations) and Rhett scrambled for an answer. And, as he spoke, so did his Muffin. Yeah, I'm fine. I went to see my sister.
Her sister. Rhett finished his drink and went up for another. He knew the story of her sister, that she'd found her soulmate and run off, leaving her family behind.
She's married now, had a baby. She told me if anybody but me picked up the phone, she would have hung up.
Rhett sucked in a breath. He knew what her family was like, what her father would do if he found out she snuck out. If he could have taken her away from it all, he would have. But he didn't know where she was, didn't know how to get her out.
He grabbed his drink and sat back with Maria. Just let me know you're okay, okay? He asked as he sat back down in the seat opposite Maria. Got me worried now.
She let out a giggle, but it was only weak. Relax, cowboy. I'm okay, I promise. There was a moment of nothingness where Rhett said something quick and meaningless to Maria. Are you busy?
He shook his head and Maria furrowed her brow at him. Not busy, Muffin. Just out with an old friend.
I'll leave you to it, Cowboy. Let me know when you're home?
Rhett had several drinks after that. He and Maria both did. The more she had, the more flirty she got. But the conversation got more and more relaxed. Before he knew it, he was openly admitting that he once thought that Maria was his soulmate.
She laughed at that, hand falling onto his own. "I haven't found my soulmate," she admitted, hand still in his. Rhett didn't move and she didn't move, either. "And I know you haven't found yours."
He shook his head. "Still workin' on it," he answered and drained the rest of his glass.
She pursed her lips, fingers dancing across his palm. It might have been soothing, if he wasn't so gone. "You haven't found your soulmate yet, and I haven't found mine," she mumbled, staring into his eyes. "We're both adults, we both have needs."
Maria was gorgeous, but she wasn't his soulmate. Still, she was right. They both had needs that weren't being fulfilled without their soulmates there.
When she stood, hand still in his, he stood with her. Almost in a trance as he followed her out of The Handsome Gambler.
The cool night air kissed his flushed skin, but he had no time to appreciate it as Maria wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in close, backing herself up against the wall of The Gambler.
Her lips were on his. Maria held his cheeks as he leaned down, his hat almost hiding the both of them from any view. His hands were on her hips, holding her against the wall. A grunt left his lips, body pressing against hers.
He hadn't meant to grunt it out loud. Certainly hadn't meant to grunt it in his head. Maria pulled away from him with a deep frown written on her pretty features.
It was almost startling when his Muffin answered him. Rhett blushed furiously as Maria pulled away from him. "I'll see you later, Rhett," Maria said as she walked away.
The shock of accidentally calling out for his soulmate wasn't enough to shock him into sobriety. No, Rhett was stumbling as he tried to make his way... where, exactly?
Fuck, he needed to go.
Leaning against the nearest thing, which just so happened to be a cop car, Rhett freed himself from his jeans and just went. He shut his eyes and threw his head back as he relieved himself into the road. Shit, how much had he had to drink? Clearly a lot, if this was to go by.
But then the door of the car opened. He looked up, almost in a daze, certainly in a drunken haze, as the cop climbed out. "What the hell?" He mumbled before he turned to see the handsome, drunk cowboy. "You're pissin' on my car, Rhett."
"Ah, shit," he mumbled as he looked around. "I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't realise."
"Well, stop pissin', then."
Rhett released a breath. He couldn't. As embarrassing as it was, he couldn't. But he was drunk, and a bull rider. So, that was exactly what he told the cop. "Not so easy to turn off the faucet after ridin' bulls," he mumbled and released a laugh. He hadn't exactly meant to release this laugh, but he couldn't help himself.
"You think that's funny?"
He didn't exactly roll his eyes, but he was close. "Ah, come on," he said, adjusting himself slightly. "It's a little funny." And again, he laughed. But he was still goddamn pissing.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was how Rhett Abbott found himself in the sheriffs station.
Rhett Taglist: @finnydraws
Series Taglist: @nessjo
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sorchathered · 8 months
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Lose Control
Pairing- Rhett Abbott x reader
Warnings- angst, smut, little pinch of bdsm
Summary- this is just angst and filth, been working on this for @attapullman for a few weeks and I think it’s finally ready :)
The two of you had been snappy at each other all day, normally rodeo weekends were a fun getaway for you both; but when a certain ex girlfriend decided to show up and rush to Rhett in the crowd after his winning ride, wrapping her arms around his neck while cameras flashed it took every ounce of decorum you had to to make it down the bleachers and keep yourself from snatching the hair right out of Maria Olivares’ head.
You had a feeling she would do something like this the second you saw her in the hotel lobby Saturday morning, she all but jumped into his lap during breakfast when she walked past the two of you. Never once acknowledging your presence she gushed about how she’d heard about how well he’d been doing on the circuit and just *had* to come see Wabang’s favorite son ride in his biggest tournament yet.
You’d been in a piss poor mood ever since, Rhett had been polite; peeling her off of him and letting her run her mouth but excusing the two of you as quickly as possible. Her disappointed pout when he pulled back your chair nearly had you lunging across the table at her (at least in your head), but you just clenched your jaw and let him lead you to the elevator. He tried several times to assure you he didn’t know she’d be here, attempting to go down on you in the shower to bring up your mood but you wouldn’t let him. If you had known it would get him pissy as well you probably wouldn’t have done it (yes you would) but you couldn’t be bothered.
She knew full well the two of you were engaged, Wabang was a small town full of gossips and it took less than 10 hours for the whole town to be aware that “playboy” Rhett Abbott was locked down. It’d been nearly 3 months since then, and as you looked down at your ring warmth spread over you, memories of that night almost making you forget what you had been so upset over. Almost.
Truly you knew it wasn’t something he could control, and you weren’t mad at him at all but it just seemed like everywhere you looked lately there were traces of that failed relationship. Cece had loved Maria, and after everything that had gone down with Perry and Royal due to Trevor’s murder she truly struggled with any more change coming her way. So when they split up and less than 6 months later you come along, she wasn’t the warm mother in law figure Rhett had made her seem to be. She was cordial sure, but she only had Rhett left and her need for something to stay normal overruled her willingness to understand her son’s desperation to start a new life and family somewhere else. She’d given her blessing for him to have his grandma’s ring, begrudgingly; letting him know to get it back if things went south which caused a whole new argument between the two of them and resulting in them going no contact for a while.
You felt responsible all the time, like him loving you was a burden but he assured you that in reality you’d saved him. His life had been hell, verbally and sometimes physically taking the brunt of Royal’s unresolved anger and he was finally free to make his own choices, first of all marrying you.
Looking up at him now as he worked to button his shirt up, less than an hour before his first event, you softened considerably. Cautiously you walked over and smoothed your hands over his chest, leaning into him to press kisses to his cheeks and nose and then finally to his lips.
“I’m sorry baby, I know you can’t control what happened today and I’m not really mad at you, you know that right?”
He nods and runs his nose along your jaw, taking you in and allowing you both to relax into each others touch.
“I know sugar, and I know she gets under your skin but you don’t have a damn thing to worry about. I got no interest in rehashing the past with her, she just likes the attention; it really ain’t even about me. I’m yours baby, not going anywhere.”
You melt into him now, and the room seems to get 10 degrees hotter from the look he’s giving you. You know he’s always antsy before a ride, and he needs the release to get him through. You let your hands wander down to his belt buckle, popping the gaudy monstrosity open and unzipping his jeans.
You can already see the tension leave his shoulders as you sink to your knees, mouthing at the front of his boxers as he threads his fingers through your hair.
“My sweet girl, so good for me…look so pretty on your knees like that, don’t ever want anyone like this but you ya hear me bubs? No one could ever take care of me like you do.”
You preen under his praise, he knows all too well what it does to you when he talks like that. You pull him out and begin to swirl your tongue around the tip of him, hand gliding over the rest of his length as you suck at him like he’s the best lollipop you’ve ever tasted.
You can tell he’s getting impatient now, hand flexing in your hair and breath hitching in his throat.
“Fuck, please baby don’t tease me, I can’t take it I need ya”
Who are you to say no when he asks so sweetly? You pull off of him completely and he lets out the prettiest whine, you chuckle and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyed look you can conjure.
“Use me Rhett, fuck my mouth and then go win this tournament, you’re so perfect baby let me make you feel good”
He lets out a groan as you take him back into your mouth now, watching as he wraps your hair around his hand and begins to shallowly thrust into you. You stay like that and allow him to use you, listening to his broken moans and curses pour from his lips as he works to get himself off.
You moaned around him as he found his rhythm, snapping his hips forward to chase his release hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag on him. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and you knew you were drooling but God he looked so damn pretty like this. Sweaty forehead, forearm flexing from pulling your hair, mouth open and eyes squeezed shut while he focused on getting himself off. You swallowed around him and felt him falter a little, knowing he was getting close.
“Shit shit shit fuck baby I’m close ya ready for me to cum down that pretty throat?”
You nod as he thrusts one-two more times and then he’s cumming hot and heavy in your mouth, you swallow as much of him down as you can but it begins to leak out of the sides of your lips and he thinks he could get hard all over again from how debauched you look.
You make quick work of getting cleaned up and both of you put back together, previous argument completely forgotten as you make your way hand in hand out of the hotel to drive to the arena.
He’s crushed every record tonight, maintained his spot at the top of the leaderboard with only one more ride to go. You watch him by the chutes as he talks to Archie, looks up to find you in the stands to wink at you with his gorgeous blue eyes. His smile is electric, you can’t help but let out a laugh out that bubbled up from your chest, heart swelling with happiness to see how in his element he is. You blow him a handful of kisses as he heads back toward the gate, and you know with complete confidence this is it; he’s going to win.
The win is secured by another perfect ride, and he jumps off scurrying to his feet, pumping his fist in the air as the announcer calls out his name and score. You are quick to jump from your spot to head to him, as you make your descent you glance at the Jumbotron wanting to see his face, only to be met with someone launching themselves into his arms…someone who is definitely not you. You screech to a halt, feeling like your knees might buckle as Maria is pulled back by Archie to disentangle herself from him, but it’s too late. She’s smacked a big red lip print on his cheek and the cameras have clearly caught all the angles, no doubt it will be in the papers tomorrow; Rhett and his old flame wrapped up in each other celebrating his win, no sign of his fiancée at all.
You can tell he’s looking for you, scanning the crowd with a panic in those cerulean eyes but you can’t bring yourself to make your way over to him. Hot tears pour down your cheeks as you make your way through the back of the arena, phone buzzing in your pocket and you pull the device out to shut it off entirely.
You somehow make it back to the hotel, there was a few taxis in the lot so you numbly told the driver the address and climbed into bed fully dressed when you finally reached your room. It’s almost an hour before you hear the hotel key unlocking the door, sees his shadow slipping into the dark room searching for any sign of you.
“Y/n? Sweetheart talk to me, I’ve been worried fucking sick, couldn’t get you on the phone and no one knew where you’d gone.”
You sit upright to face him, eyes swollen and face damp, unsure if you can even respond to him at this point.
“I-I- d-didn’t think my presence was needed at this point, you’d gotten plenty of fanfare and I didn’t want to take away from your win with my sour attitude. It’s just better if I let it be, you know it just as well as I do.”
He shakes his head furiously, tossing his hat onto the desk across from him
“That’s fucking bullshit, you know how much I needed you with me tonight, you were just pissed about Maria. I get it baby I do, but what you would have seen if you’d stuck around was that we had security escort her out and she got kicked out of our hotel as well. Apparently she tried to tell security at the gate that she was my girlfriend so they’d let her on the floor, so that caused a shitstorm. Archie’s pissed as hell, all of us were worried sick when we couldn’t find you.”
You sniffle as you look around the room, trying to find something to look at other than him but he won’t let you. Takes two large strides toward you and pulls your face towards his, staring you down until you finally break.
“What do you want me to say Rhett? That I was humiliated once again by your piece of shit ex? Well I was! She knows exactly what to do to get under my skin, always has. She’s never gonna let us be is she? Let’s be honest, it would be so much easier for you if you just let me go and picked back up with her, your mother hates me and Maria very clearly wants you back so maybe the only thing holding you back here is me.” Your chest is heaving from the explosion, Rhett stumbles backwards with a jolt, almost as though you’d slapped him with your words.
It’s tense, the words you said hanging heavy in the air as you fidget on the bed; too afraid to look him in the eye.
“Look at me” he grounds out at you, and you snap your head up at the venom in his tone, eyes more black than blue, irises nearly non existent.
He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything else, hauls you up by your elbow and grips your chin.
“If I EVER hear you spew that shit at me again you won’t be able to sit for a goddamn week you hear me? You want to be a brat about this? Fine, but don’t you dare suggest that we should end this. You’re everything, *everything* to me.”
He forces you down onto the bed now, clawing at your clothes to rid you of them, kisses all teeth and tongue as you paw at him trying to rid him of his shirt. He catches both your hands up now, pushes them down above your head as he grinds into you, he’s stripped you down to nothing and he’s still fully clothed you whine high in your throat and he laughs darkly at you.
“Aht Aht, hands to yourself sweetness, you hurt me tonight; acted like a petulant child when you know good and damn well you’ve got me wrapped around your pretty little finger. I’m taking what I want from you tonight and you’re gonna take it, and maybe just maybe you’ll learn your lesson. Brats don’t get a say ‘round here and you know it. So do what you’re fucking told and put your hands on the headboard.”
You knew you’d fucked up when you said how you felt, knew it would hurt him but did it anyway, you and Rhett had been rough with each other in the past so it wasn’t a shock to see this play out and you felt a shiver go down your spine at the thought of what he had planned for you.
He pushes off of the bed now, heads over to your luggage and pulls a small bundle of rope from it. You’ve seen it many times before at home, but didn’t expect him to have packed it for this weekend. You begin to scoot back toward the headboard, wrists held out for him, better to try and get on his good side and maybe keep the neighbors from calling the front desk.
“Atta girl, you know the drill, unfortunately for you it’s not gonna be that easy.” He says as you blink up at him, and he snatches your wrists, begins winding the rope to bind them together, once he’s done that he taps your thighs, and oh you didn’t know what was coming but you definitely do now. Takes the rest of the rope and knots one ankle, then the other, linking them all before tying an intricate knot into the headboard. Ankles around your ears, hands above your head and for the first time tonight you have the good sense to be nervous.
“Not gonna hurt you baby, know you can take it but it gets to be too much you say the word and we’re done for the night ok?” He leans in to peck kisses to your lips and nose and you nod at him furiously, squirming awkwardly and grasping at the rope, desperately wishing you could touch him.
He’s situating himself between your open legs, and you hear the clinking of his belt below you. Thinking for a second that he’s going to give you his cock you’re suddenly aware of a sharp smack to your pussy, letting out a yelp. Belt buckle dangling from his wrist, he looks up at you with a quirked eyebrow and you know you need to keep quiet or it’ll only get worse. He swats at you again, then once more before sliding three fingers into your heat. You try to arch your back but you can’t from this position, bite down hard on your lip to keep from making any noise and you could swear you’ve drawn blood. He continues this little game, winding you up until you are right at the edge and then ripping the pleasure away from you. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes, and you blink furiously trying to make sure you can still look at him. You want to beg him, apologize over and over until he cuts you loose and fucks you properly.
Just as you reach your high for who knows how many times he takes it from you again and you let out a loud wail, sobbing out his name.
“You think you’ve had enough baby girl? Ready to tell me how sorry you are?”
“Yes, yes God yes Rhett I’m sorry please baby I’ll never say it again just want you only you please baby fuck me I need it” you’re babbling now, cheeks tear stained and chest heaving.
He hovers over you, wiping your tears , hands untying the restraints.
“I’m not even close to done with you baby girl, turn around and get on your hands and knees. What’s your color?”
“Green” you breathed out, you knew he’d stop if you asked but there was a part of you that wanted every bit of your punishment, it was a rare occasion for him to lose himself like this and you knew he needed it.
You heard the clink of his belt once again and you shivered at the anticipation of what was to come as he smoothed a calloused hand over your ass.
“What do you think sugar? 5 each? 10? How much do you think you can take?”
“I-I d-deserve whatever you give me sir, I deserve it I’ll do whatever you want I trust you.”
He ran his knuckles down your spine a few times, taking in your form as he looped the belt around and grasped it tightly in his right hand. He would never hurt you if you asked him to stop, but looking at you propped up on all fours, pussy glistening as you whimpered for him, he knew you could take it and he’d be damned if it didn’t turn him on beyond belief.
“Ok sugar, 5 each because you were so sweet; but I better not hear a peep out of you or you’ll get 10.”
“Y-yes sir, thank you sir.” You nodded your head and braced yourself, you knew he was losing his resolve but you’d be damned if you opened your mouth now, if you were just patient he’d fuck you soon enough and the thought made you dizzy.
He smoothed his hand over one cheek and then a resounding crack bounced off the walls of the hotel room, he made you count each one and by the time he’d gotten to 6 on the other cheek he was so painfully hard the thought he might pass out from the high. You sobbed out on the ninth hit and he couldn’t take it anymore, tossing the belt aside and pulling himself free of his jeans and briefs, yanking you towards him and slamming into you without warning. He didn’t let up, he wasn’t fucking with you earlier when he said only good girls got to cum; this was going to be hard and fast and you’d take what you were given.
Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, it felt so good and he had you teetering on the edge this whole time, you knew better than to hope he’d let you cum, you focused on your breathing trying to get ahold of yourself but he was brushing against that spot only he could reach and you could feel the build up coming, crying out on a hard thrust.
“P-p-lease…please Rhett can I cum? I’m so sorry baby please I’ll be good please please please” you sobbed and writhed beneath him, clenching down on him so hard his hips stuttered.
“Ok, ok baby you did so good f’ me…God..Fuck I love you cum for me sweet girl”
You let out a high pitched wail that was sure to get you both a noise complaint and gushed your release, shaking and nearly losing your balance as Rhett wrapped an arm around your torso and pulled you close, releasing into your tight pussy as he bit down on your shoulder.
You both collapse onto the mattress, a pile of worn out limbs and heaving chests and you felt a panic stir up in you again, you were so embarrassed with yourself for the way you’d handled things. He could tell you had gotten back in your head, rolling you onto your side to kiss your cheeks and nose, trying to reassure you everything was forgiven.
“I’m so sorry Rhett, baby forgive me. I love you so much, can’t bear the thought of you with someone else. I don’t know what got into me, I just couldn’t stand the thought of her touching you and I ran. I know it was wrong” you sobbed out, and he closed the distance slotting your lips together tongues dancing against each other as he pulls you close.
“Baby I better not ever hear you talk at me like that again goddamnit, ‘m not going anywhere. I chose you and you’re just gonna have to accept that I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks ya hear? You’re it for me.” He meant every word, he couldn’t imagine life without you in it and the thought of you giving up nearly destroyed him. He’d do anything to make sure you never felt that way again, didn’t care if it took a lifetime to prove it he’d make sure you always knew you came first.
Later after a long shower where he took you apart until you were on wobbly legs the two of you cuddled up into your bed, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of room service while you watched a movie. No thoughts of Maria entered your mind for the rest of the weekend, Rhett was yours and he’d never let you second guess it again.
Tagging- @attapullman
If anyone wants to be added to the tag list for Rhett let me know!!
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girlreblogger · 7 months
also to add to my previous post, when i say blk yn go through crazy situations im exaggerating but i mean (“cause me personally!!!!!!!!!!!”) allowing the character to be treated in certain manner and be put in “awkward” positions. i also want to say that the “situations” seem unfulfilling like i wanted to say in the first place.
because of the unsavory situations she is put in she legit has to have characteristics that are straight up unnecessary if the wellbeing of her character was prevalent. and i have to say that because of blk yn stories that it applies to. (and no ian talking abt how ppl be complaining abt yn being “ghetto” 😒)
drama, comfort, or for fun, is cool and dandy but it’s the same type of thing and i’m not tryna come for the plug stories like don’t nbgaf like omg i’m so tired of hearing bout them freaking stories.
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to the ppl who still decide to ignore how damaging fr CERTAIN! blk yn fics y’all remind me of the ppl who support tyler perry movies simply because it’s for entertainment and “he’s telling a story” (that not everyone has)
yep. those things are true but an impact worse than good is being produced. like bffr.
and i feel conflicted by even saying that because some ppl obviously genuinely relate or find comfort in those stories but at what cost. like is comfort worth change and progression?
me rn:
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some ppl just really don’t gaf and don’t care to want better. please don’t let the ppl who don’t gaf sway you. for the ppl who do, reblog nice fics or write. blow them up so other blk girls can find them. we deserve it.
there are so many blk fics where yn is not going through those things and if there is “drama” is solved or there’s a healthy resolve. (there’s so many blk writers who need to be publishing books fuck tumblr or ao3 and tryna get reblogs. with all that talent girl MAKE SOME MONEYYYY! YALL STUFF BE GOOD.)
i’m dead serious. why haven’t you thought abt it.
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but yeah. it is what it is we have to put more work in to change as people in general. but i really just want my ppl to grow. ppl find comfort in fics for a reason. i really think a good balance of what everyone is looking for and needs should be found. i know ppl gonna feel like ppl telling them what to do but they prolly the ones who don’t want the change for wtv.. reason… ahem..
ppl feeling hit by what i said:
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there’s obviously a problem and as a ppl! why can’t we just fix it. like at least try.
side note:
there’s so many ways to get drama. also the smut after arguing piss me off this is off topic cause it applies to a lot of ppl who make fics but like damn. y’all ain’t gon talk it out. and it be the most weird arguments and stuff and you wanna squeeze lemons after that???
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idk that annoys me like everyyyy time? and i think smut after arguments can be well written but ….
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anyways the blk ff community to damn big for us to be sitting here starving acting like we don’t have food in the refrigerator to make something.
get it together yall. youn want what’s in the refrigerator go get your keys and buy something.
i’m tired of this shit that’s why so many blk writers stop writing or ppl stop reading because it’s too much going on all for some damn fake characters we wanna imagine ourselves with.
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and i know for some ppl it’s abt the followers and all that which i mean to each is own i mean
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sigh i was tryna be proper and cordial but i really want better for us but it’s so many ppl who go too far or do too little. and some are so sheep that they go with someone else’s opinion too. you know you tired of all the toxic fics say sumn. you know you tired of ppl constantly bringing up yn being ghetto for no reason (that shit piss me off so bad i can’t. they be so close but so farr) say sumn.
me after thinking someone finna bring up how unnecessary struggle love/toxic/extra smutty blk fics are but they end up just complaining abt yn using aave:
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anyways i’m ranting. i wanted to say what i felt.
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captainlondonman · 1 year
New Skin Boss
Jed was glad it was Friday. His Boss allowed Friday to be the day when staff could wear what they wanted. During the week Jed had to tone down his gear, just jeans, thick soled shoes and a sweatshirt and anyway he had to wear a warehouse coat over. However on a Friday he did not give a shit what the other two lads in the warehouse thought and he always put on his Skin gear. Christ if you are a skin you have to show that you are, so out came the bleached jeans, the Fred Perry T shirt, the yellow braces and the yellow laced 20 hole Ranger boots. Like all good skins he wore no underwear and you could see the outline of his cock down one leg made more obvious by the piss stains from not shaking his knob when finishing his piss. The other guys wore their jeans and some boring top always looking at him as if he was an alien.
‘Well fuck them’, Jed thought
The Boss , Brian, was young, early 30s and seemed fixated with golf spending most of his free time on the golf course with his boring suburban friends. Jed had to admit he was good looking but God knows if he was straight or not. Had to be Jed thought with all this bloody golf. He was 6ft. good build, gelled hair with perfect parting and one thing Jed always noted was that there was a nice bulge hidden in his chinos. The guy obviously wore boxer shorts so his cock could swing around a bit. This Friday as they were packing up to go, Brian looked at Jed and said.
‘You always wear your Skinhead gear on a Friday, Jed. I just can’t see why and always so tight on you.’
‘Once a Skin always a skin, Brian. You wouldn’t know.’
‘Too right there, Jed, however I do admire you for looking like that. It may not be for me but it actually does suit you.’
 That night Jed met up with his pals at the local Skin club. Great always to be with fellow skins in their gear. Some wore rubber versions of skin stuff and a few of the bigger blokes would bring their slaves in with a thick collar and chain and make them kneel begging for a beer. This was his home and often he would hook up with another Skin for a night of raw sex but it was usually a one night stand. Christ he had probably had half the guys there. He was talking to Otto who was considered the leader of the Skins who frequented the club. Everyone called him Otto because he loved to go off for weekends to the Berlin Skin scene and besides you would not mess with him, he was at least 6’2” and built like a brick shit house, both arms heavily tattooed and a spiders web tat covering his head. Jed was telling the group abut Brian and his comments.
‘Mate it sounds as if you fancy yer boss. I fucking hope not as us Skins stick together.’
‘Shit, Otto, no way am I having sex with anyone other than a Skin.’
‘So what Jed if this boss was a skin, what would you do?’
‘Well IF he was, I fucking love to be his fuck bitch judging from that cock outline I see in his chinos. But that’s not gonna happen ain’t it.’
‘Stranger things have happened. If you are up for it me and two of me mates could help out a bit. Always want to make us Skin boys happy.’
‘You’re bloody joking’
‘Am I? What say we have a go next weekend but I will need all the weekend and you stay out of things till I call you. You will just need to let us in before you leave  and then you bugger off till I call.’
‘Not sure I can believe all this but hey man you are such a boss I’m willing to give it a go.’
‘Great, I like the sound of this commission. Will make for a good weekend.’
 The following week at 5pm the other guys had gone off and Jed did as he was told by putting something Otto had given him into a cup of tea for Brian.
‘Thought you might like a cuppa before I go off, Brian’
T’hat’s nice of you Jed. No doubt you are off for one of your boys night.’
‘You can say Skin instead of boys Brian.’
‘Maybe but that’s not my thing but if you insist yeah, Skin nights. Hope you enjoy. I’ll be another half hour and then I will lock up.’
‘Have a great weekend. I’m sure its gonna be special’
‘Who knows Jed?’
Jed whispered to himself ‘I know’
 He then opened the door to let Otto in and his two sidekicks.
‘You put the liquid in the tea did you, Jed’
‘Of course just as you asked’
‘Christ what have you there? It looks like a bloody huge suitcase.’
‘A bit like that but don’t you worry. Bri’s not gonna know what has hit him but the result will be exactly as you are wanting.’
‘I’m not sure now,’ Jed replied
‘Look fuck off mate and leave this to the professionals. Go.’ And with that Otto pushed him out the door and quietly shut it behind him.
‘Right lads lets give Bri 20minutes. That should be enough.’
They then opened the office door and saw Brian slumped over his desk.
‘Look like it’s worked boys so lets get to action, open up the case. First, hand me the shaving cream and razor as well as the chains and ropes but before we do anything lets get this guys clothes off.’
All three skins quickly removed Brian’s clothes
‘Well’ Otto said, ‘Jed is right, the guys got a good sized cock, I reckon a good 8inches when stiff but well find that out soon enough. A real waste in a pair of chinos. Dom, put these clothes in a bin bag and shove in the bin outside.’
Otto tied Brian to the chair with the ropes and taking out a good thick leather collar buckled that around his neck and then chained it to the back of the chair so his head was fully upright and unable to move.
Otto then took his electric razor and started on Brian’s gelled hair, great pieces falling to the floor. Once most of it was off he sprayed on the shaving foam, mixing it in with a couple of thick heavy globs of spit for good measure. Taking the razor he worked his way around the scalp once and then another go to make sure the head was smooth and properly scalped.
‘Shit that looks better for a start.  He has a good Skin shape of head. Fucking hate blokes with all that gel thinking they look bloody great. Better shut him up before he comes round but first let’s close the blinds and set up the video system for him.’
Brian started to come to and as he started to open his mouth, he felt  a round rubber ball being forced into his mouth almost making him gag and then it was strapped round the back of his head. He could not move his hands were firmly tied behind the chair and his head was immobile. He was vaguely conscious of a thick leather strap around his neck keeping his head firmly in position.
As his eyes still had a fuzz, he could make out in the dark room three men standing in front of him. They all looked dressed the same and he could make out high boots and shaved heads but little else.
One was bigger than the other two and came forwards so his face was up against. The guy looked fearsome and he could make out the guy was a Skinhead as he was dressed similarly to the clothes Jed wore on a Friday. The guy was bulky with thick legs encased in his bleachers and on his head a large tattoo of a spider’s web. On one cheek was another tattoo of a swastika.
‘So Bri, I’ve just put a ball gag in yer mouth to shut you up for now. You might see you’re naked but don’t worry that will get sorted out. Us lads are going to leave you for a while but before going we have a little piece of equipment we think will help you.
Otto opened up the ball stretchers and fitted them around Brian’s hefty pair of balls. As he clicked them in Brian let out a howl of pain as he felt his balls firmly locked and being stretched. You’ve a good pair there, boi, but we want them to give you a lower voice like us and besides you soon grow to love them and never want them off.’
By now Dom had set up the machine with a screen directly in front of Brian so he could not miss what was to be shown.
‘Ready Bri?’
All Brian could do in his anguish was mumble
Otto started the machine. The first video showed a group of skins hanging around some with knuckle dusters and others with bats, a group of chavs started to walk by the with Skins shouting at them. Every word was Fuck this, fuck that, Oi oi. Then the Skins waded in hitting the chavs with the bats punching the lads with their knuckle dusters, showing their power and making the chavs submit and run off. More videos started up all with real aggro Skins, looking for trouble, and always with the volume set loud, Fuck Fuck, Oi Oi. These words kept thumping in Brian’s eardrums
‘Right Bri, good stuff for you to watch. Well leave you now.’
While Brian sat tied up rigid unable not to watch the violence, the aggro, the sheer force and manliness of the Skins, Otto and his mates went next door for a couple of hours for a few beers.
When they returned Brian was wriggling in his seat, trying to force himself free, a look of sheer anger on his face, his eyes bulging with fury. His arms straining to be free.
‘Now what’s going on here Bri. Lets get that ball gag out.’
As Otto forced Brian’s mouth open and took out the gag Brian let rip
‘Fuck, fuck fuck, Fucking Skins. Oi oi ‘which he kept repeating his voice now deeper and his accent different, a working class sound erupting form his body. ‘Fucking skins,’
‘That’s more like it Bri. What I was hoping to hear.’
‘So for now we will leave the gag off but change the videos.’
Ok Dom put the other ones on for our mate here
The machine started up again and the new images flashed on to the screen. Again groups of Skins but this time no fighting, no fists. Instead the Skins were licking their Mates rangers, all in either bleachers or camos, tight, showing off their package, their hands rubbing against their crotchs. Other images showed some young Skins being forced down on their knees and their heads rammed against the older Skins bulges, unzipping and taking out their erect cocks. Being told to get on with their blow job . the older guys grabbing the head of the younger ones and forcing them to take the full shaft down the back of their throat. In other images other guys unzipped their bleachers and took out their cocks slowing wanking for the camera, eyeing each other and some helping their mate out, hands firmly grasped around the dicks, then coming with reams of thick white spunk at the camera. Other shots showed Skins with a rear zip having it undone and the top Skin shoving two or three fingers up their butt, , or getting down to give them a face fuck letting their tongues explore their mate’s arse. Then pictures and a full fuck as the main guy grabbed the other’s waist and pulled him onto his rigid cock, all the time shouting Fuck.  Another video showed a fist fuck with bottom getting down on his knees and sticking his arse up so his mate could slowly start with a. couple of fingers moving then around to open up the guys arse and adding a third and fourth finger as the bottom squirmed begging for the full fist. Then the hand started to disappear in the guys cheeks and finally the arm moved in and up to the hilt. His own cock was out and wanking as he fist fucked his mate, both shouting with Fuck me mate, take my fist you fucking Skin boi.
As these pictures appeared so Otto and his mates decided to leave.
‘Bri needs a good few hours seeing all this, and you two can come with me otherwise you’ll be wanking each other raw. Later OK’
Brian was left alone to force watch the videos
As the guys were downing their beers and smoking their fags they eventually heard a voice next door shouting
‘Fuck the shit out of the bastard.’
‘Go on fucking wank yerself’
‘Get that fucking cock down yer throat’
The words went on and on in  Brian’s new voice
Otto opened a beer and added something to it saying
Time to move on to the next phase boys
They went in and looking at Brian staring at the screen, still shouting
‘Fucking hell, Otto’ Dom said. ‘He’s luving all this, look at that fucking dick of his.’
Brian was sitting shouting at the screen urging on the blow jobs, the wanking and the fucking and his cock was stiff showing a full 8’ of thick manhood with a decent head. It was as if Brian wanted to break free and grab his cock for a wank
‘Good boi.’ Otto smirked. ‘Glad you luvin this what we Skins do to each other. No one has sex like a Skin. So take a beer and calm down’
Brian slurped down the beer and had not even drained the bottle when he conked out.
‘Right lads get the kit out, time for a bit of art work. Otto took out the tattoo kit with all the needles and colours
‘Time this guy looked more like us eh?’
Dom said ‘what you going to do mate’
‘Well we have to make a start and he can always add himself later as he will do. So I’ve worked out a few ideas. There are a couple of obvious ones.’
Taking hold of Brian’s hand he started to etch out Skin on his left hand on each finger, all in black letters a good inch high.
‘Well he can’t hide that now and lets give him another for every bloke to see. Taking the black needle again he etched out a spiders web on Brian’s neck, not as big as his own on his head but one about 4inclhes in diameter and one that no shirt would hide.
‘Looking good. Lets do one more.’
He made a pair of Ranger boots on his right arm with yellow laces.
‘I like a bloke with yellow laces.’ Otto said. ‘Always the sexiest. Right lets clear this up and give him a quick rub with some disinfectant. The bruising will soon go and he can admire himself.’
‘Ok Chas now get the next bit of gear for our friend.’
Chas took out a full rubber hood with no eyelets and just a plastic tube coming out from the mouth. Otto took the hood and put it over Brian’s head zipping down the back to make sure it was a very tight fit. He then fitted a funnel to the end of the tube.
‘Perfect. Christ I’ve been dying for a piss after those beers and cant save it much longer so Bri here is in for a fucking long drink. So lets wake the boy up .’
With that Otto took his hand and gave Brian a resounding slap across the rubber bound mask. ‘Fucking love hitting a bloke in rubber. Take that you fucking shit heap, and take that again,’ whacking Brian 3 times to make sure he was awake.
As Brian came round Otto opened his bleachers fly and pulled out his large thick tool.
‘Shit man,’ Dom said ‘I always luv seeing that big dick of your. Never fails to get me going’ as he started to rub his crotch.
‘Later man but for now lets give Bri here a good drink’
Otto put his dick over the funnel and start to let a stream of hot piss down it. Brin suddenly felt this wave of acrid piss spilling into his mouth but was totally unable to stop swallowing it. At first he hated the taste and tried to block it out as it poured down his throat but something clicked in his mind. It didn’t taste that bad, in fact he loved the taste and the more Otto poured down the more enthusiastically Brian swallowed.
‘You now fucking luv that boi, don’t you. Take my piss, after all those beers there’s plenty for you, as wave after wave poured down.’
Both the guys watching started rubbing each others crotches,  thick outlines in their bleachers showing.
‘Ye see Bri, yer getting me mates all worked up and you can expect some luvly creamy spunk coming yer way from them. So guys hold yerself for now. The guys still rubbed each other precum stains showing through. Brian drank every drop of Otto’s piss.
Otto removed the funnel and then the rubber mask showing `Brian’s skin head glistening with sweat.
‘That was fucking great.’ Brian said. ‘Make sure you get a few more beers and let me have it again.’
‘See boys, the change is working. Well done Bri youre on the right road. Now me, Dom and Chas are gonna stand in front you. I’m gonna remove your neck chains but not the collar, it suits you, and take off the ropes. Us skins like our Rangers nice and clean and with all that piss of mine in yer mouth you are gonna lick every one so now get down on yer knees. ‘
Otto grabbed Brian by his leather collar and forced him down on his knees
‘You got 6 rangers there boi that need a good lickin so get on with it.’
Otto kept his hand on the chain that was attached to the collar and pushed him to start with Chas’s. Brian knew what he had to do and do it right
Chas shouted ‘Get fuckin right down Boi and let me see that tongue shine up me boots.’ Brian let his pissed stained tongue lick deeply on the toe caps using his spit to shin up the spit oozing out his mouth
‘That’s it boi get all the way round.’ Brian was grovelling on the floor licking round the toe caps and the backs of the Rangers his chin buffing up and his hands firmly around the boots. He looked up at Chas to make sure he was doing a good job and saw that he was stroking his crotch and Brian could see the outline of a good sized dick stretching down the inside of his bleachers
‘You lick well boi, gets me going. Me cock now nice a hard., as he unzipped his fly and let his hand go deep inside his bleachers to pull out a long cock.
‘Now fucking lick mine’ Dom shouted. He already had his dick out and was stroking it dropping some spit on to his shaft.
‘Fucking lick and use your tongue and spit boi,’ Otto shouted putting one of his boots firmly on Brian’s head and forcing it down onto the boot. ‘When we say lick you fucking lick got it.’
Chas and Dom now had their hands on each other’s cock giving one another a good wank.
Otto said,’ I’m saving you for later Bri but come on lads let’s see you both spunk over Bri’s face you can see he’s gagging for it
Shit I’ve a load of good spunk ready for him’ Chas shouted
‘Me too’ Dom said ‘I love your hand rubbing me cock, Chas, keep it going. As for you Bri sit up and lets see your face. That’s it, stare at our pricks and get ready for our cum.’
Dom was now using his hand up and down the full length of Chas’s cock and Chas was working Dom’s head knowing he loved his head rubbed with spit.
Otto watched rubbing his own crotch, smirking at his lads getting off on each other.
‘We’re gonna cum together boi so be ready to swallow and what you don’t I’m gonna rub all over yer face’
Dom and Chas had worked one another up to shoot their load.
‘I’m ready now Chas’
‘Me too Dom, yer fucking great at wanking me off, Christ im coming’
‘Take aim’
Both guys let out a stream of cum onto Brian’s face, Brian trying to swallow as much as he could loving their spunk and started using his hands to wipe it into his mouth whilst Dom and Chas rubbed what was left all over Brian’s face
Christ that fels better Ive been dying to shoot ever since we started his on the guy.
Otto said don’t worry I think youll both be at it again soon.
Otto took a wet cloth and wiped Brian’s face removing all excess of spunk.
‘I think its time to get some clothes on you boi, it the only clothes you’ll be wearing from now on, you never want to wear anything else. Once a Skin always a Skin. I’ve your new uniform.
Otto opened the suitcase and brought out the clothes for Brian. A Fred Perry black T shirt with yellow piping, a pair of camos with yellow braces, yellow long socks and 20hole ranger boots.
‘Ok Chas help the guy on with his gear. He needs to know how to do the laces of his boots.’ As Brian put on his clothes he started to feel even more different and wondered what clothing he had ever worn before this weekend. He seemed to know this was right for him and he felt it suited his body, showing off his chest and firm arse. The putting on of the boots was like a sexual surge, feeling them tight around his legs, knowing he could kick the shit out of someone wearing them with their steel caps. The pressure around his legs gave a pressure to his cock as it grew in length down his leg.
,Right Bri time to see the new you. This is what it’s all been about and hope you like what you see.’
Dom brought a mirror in and Otto pushed Brian in front
‘Well boi you look fucking horny,’ Otto said rubbing his dick
Brian was amazed. He now looked just like the others there and his spider Tat looking like a real Skin, but then he is a real Skin. He clenched his fists and could see the Skin tat on his knuckles. By clenching his fists he looked ready for a fight, tough, real aggro and so fucking manly, such a fucking turn on. His cock was rigid.
‘Right Bri time to finish off the transformation and I get the pleasure. Get over here.’
As Brian moved over towards him Otto unzipped his flies and put his hand deep down inside to pull out his thick veined 9inc rampant cock. This ain’t been washed in days boi so all the better for fucking you now bend down over your desk.’
Brian saw Ottos cock and for a moment winced at the thought but seeing this rough man standing in his Skin gear with his massive cock out at the ready, Brian knew he wanted to be fucked by this monster.
Brian did as he was told and Otto unzipped the rear of his camos.
‘I make sure all my bois have a rear zip as I love to fuck them in full gear. Dom you can call Jed now and get him down to see his Boss.. That’s some arse you got there,  Bri, just as I like good firm cheeks and a deep cleft at your hole.’
Otto spat two large globs of spit onto his rancid prick.
‘Makes it a bit easier for you first time.’
As he put his arms around Brian’s waist he moved his cock into the crack.
Dom and Chas were both watching rubbing their cocks knowing how well Otto fucked.
‘Well Dom no point in the two of you just watching and feeling horny so Chas get over to the desk next to Bri and let Dom fuck you at the same time. I know you love his cock.’
‘I fucking do’ Chas said as he leant over next to Brian and  unzipped his rear fly  Cum on Dom give it to me.’
‘Watching Otto fuck the hell out of Bri will make you even more horny.’
Otto took his hands and spread open Brian’s cheeks to let his cock find the hole.
Nice little hairy arse you got there boi and I can see a good slit you have for my big dick.’ With his hands keeping the arse wide open he let his head meet Brains hole and spat another glob to push the head in.
‘Fucking hell Otto what a cock you have, you’ll bloody well split me.’
‘Don’t worry boy once I get the head past, my shaft will glide up your arse right to the hilt. Just look at Chas and how he takes Dom’s cock.’
Chas was starting to move his body back to allow Dom into his arse. Dom had taken Chas by the shoulders and was pushing him against his balls.
‘I want to feel that arse of yours right up tight against my balls. Make em swing Chas.’
Chas rammed his body back as much as he could until he felt Dom’s pubes rubbing against him.
Meanwhile Otto had started pushing in the full length of his cock. That’s it boi take the full load as I’m gonna blast you.’
‘Shit this is fucking great, I’ll never want anything but dick again.’
By now both Dom and Otto were fully up as Chas turned next to Bri and taking hold of his head kissed him plunging his tongue down Brian throat.
‘That’s it bois enjoy one another while we enjoy you.’
‘Come on Dom lets give our lads everything we got and cum together’
The two men fucking started pummeling, grasping their prey and pushing their dicks in an out with increasing force and rapidity. Brian and Chas were giving each other deep throat groaning as they could feel the dicks up their arses ready to explode in side them
‘Christ Bri this is your moment there’s no going back now once I cum inside you. Dom  get your jism ready as I’m about to cum’
‘Me too mate’
And with that both Skins erupted their spunk deep inside Chas and Brian.
 The door opened and Jed stood there transfixed at the scene.
‘Fucking hell it’s a bloody orgy. What have you been doing.’
Otto slipped his cock out of Brian’s arse giving his cheeks a hard slap.
‘Well done Bri, you know how to use that bum of yours. Now see who’s here. It’s your mate Jed who asked us for help to change you.
Otto zipped up Brian’s rear and let him stand up to face Jed
‘Christ you looking fucking amazing’ Jed said staring at his boss. ‘I could never have imagined. I don’t know what to say Otto.’
‘I think you are about to find out.’
Brian walked over to Jed and before Jed knew what had happened Brian had him in a stranglehold making Jed unable to move.
‘So it was you, you fucking little shit who caused all this. You’re the one you has put me through all this, you fucking little wanker. I should have known. It’s you who have made me a skin’, he sneered into Jed’s face  spitting at him and using his spare arm to rub it in. ‘Fucking great life you’ve given me You made me a Skin just like you and Otto here. You’ve changed my life for ever.’
Jed did not know what to say ‘I didn’t know it was going to end this way Brian,’
‘Well it fucking has and let me tell you, its bloody brill. What a fucking great life you’ve given me. Who wants to be anything but a skin but I’ll tell you now having just been fucked good and hard by Otto, my cock needs to get rid of plenty of spunk and its your arse that’s gonna take it all.’
Brian threw Jed at the table and as he undid Jed’s jeans he could feel Jed with a full erect cock.
‘So you like seeing me like this do you. Well all these times I’ve seen you checking out my package you’re now gonna get it as I am so horny after Otto.’
Brian undid his zip by now his camos showing a large stain of precum.
‘Christ I’m ready for you and that arse Jed.’
With one arm firmly on Jed’s back he took hold of his cock and pressed against Jed’s crack which was already moist and waiting. He knew he was going to be fucked and he so wanted Brian inside him.
Brian decided this was no slow fuck he wanted Jed to feel every inch as he rammed the 8 inch prick all the way up so Jed could feel he could go no further. His movements were rapid but Jed wanted it all and was pushing his arse back and forwards to help the sensation and while being fucked he had his hand over his own shaft wanking for all he was worth.
‘Christ Brian fuck me, let me have all your cream as I’m about to spunk all over your desk. Go on faster and faster I want you. Christ I’m ready to explode’
‘You little horny skin you Christ I m ready to give you all my spunk’
‘Me to, shoot mate’
And with that both men groaned deeply and came at the same time a great spray of cum shooting across the desk from Jed and Brian at last cumming as he had so wanted to do during the weekend. He was a Skin and he loved fucking.
‘So guys, looks as if I’ve had another success. I can pack up.’ Otto said
Brian replied, ‘thanks Otto. Jed you’re coming home with me tonight I’ve not finished with you yet. I think you and I have something together and a good night of fucking will see what happens. I may have another job for you Otto.
 On Monday morning Brian and Jed were waiting in full Skin gear for their warehouse staff to arrive. The two guys walked in and saw Brian, no longer in his chinos and light blue shirt, but looking a full skinhead in his bleachers, Rangers and Fred Perry, totally shaved and the spider tattoo showing. He had an arm around Jed and as the blokes took in the scene so he tongued Jed.
‘Well lads as you can see there have been a few changes. You see me as I want to be and I’ve promoted Jed to be my personal assistant. I’ve decided to take the company in a new direction and in order to make the changes I’ve brought in some help, so meet Otto, Dom and Chas.’
The 3 Skins came in and stood behind the employees.
‘You won’t be going home for a couple of days as Otto  will be working on you. We are all going to be one fucking great Skin team.’
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 7 months
I think your analysis of the current BRF situation is SPOT ON.
However, as a Brit, I would like to add one further caveat. Whether the Sussexes become working royals is not down to the Sussexes, Charles, the Palace or anyone. It is down to the British public. The ENTIRE job of the British royal family is to bring a sprinkle of royal fairy dust and magic to an event or cause in a neutral, apolitical way that everyone can support. Be it the Duke of Gloucester popping into a local school initiative which is subsequently then reported in the local paper, or a glittering State banquet with many royals and tiaras garnering international headlines, that is what they do. In addition, a very few royals (currently William and Catherine, Charles and Camilla) have enough star power and magic (some combination of their titles and personal charisma - William has enough of both that he can bring people together on a global basis) that they can bring people together and CREATE events and initiatives (Earthshot, the Prince's Trust, the Early Years work, Queen Camilla's Lit Fest etc. etc.) but still it is the event, cause or initiative that is the important thing. Harry used to be in the latter camp, with his involvement and name being vital to creating things like Invictus or Sentebale but he has now thrown most of that goodwill away. Meghan has NEVER understood that she was supposed to be casting a spotlight on others, instead of making things all about her own celebrity (as is happening now with Invictus). Together they have created a Sussex brand that is so damaged and polarising that, rightly or wrongly, they would only bring negative publicity to whatever cause or event they were sent to support and people wouldn't want them there. The royal job only works if most people involved agree that royal attendance is a plus. These two have pissed off at least 75% of the British public. There is no way they can do the job, even if H&M, Charles, William and the Govt wanted them to, until their support is round 40-50% at least. That's why these polls happen. Yes, maybe they could embark on a long term rehabilitation process as has happened with Camilla and to a lesser extent the Edinburghs, but as you rightly point out, they a) don't have the patience b) would hate doing all the boring, small, bread & butter events that would entail c) are not getting any younger or more glamorous d) are being rapidly overtaken by the immense star power of the Wales kids. In fifteen years who would you rather attends your event? Bald Uncle Harry and his ageing sex kitten wife? Or young, beautiful Charlotte, Princess Royal?
Yep. It's the one thing universally understood: people in positions of power are only there by popular support. Doesn't matter whether it's soft power (eg celebrities, royal families, influencers, athletes) or hard power (eg governments, corporations, media).
There are also two ways to get popular support: by public consent (eg votes, likes, follower counts) or by leadership force (eg invasion, coups, control).
It looks like Harry and Meghan understand this, but they actually don't. They see Charles and William blocking their ascent to power via consent of the public, which leaves them no choice but to force their way to the top. It's is exactly what they've done: they're controlling press and media coverage (tell-alls about the horrors of the royal family while making sure there's only positive coverage of them), they've established a rival court, and they're securing allies (WME, Tyler Perry, Jamaica, veterans). All the signs are there: the Sussexes are launching a hostile takeover of the royal family. But where they keep fucking up is by not accounting for the British public.
They think if they just get rid of Charles and William, the public will love them. That's why all previous attempts of hostile takeovers (Oprah, Netflix, Spare) have failed; they don't realize that the British public is completely separate from the royal family.
Which is ironic because that's literally the lesson from Diana - the British public will support the people they like irrespective of what the royal family/monarchy tells them to do.
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anarchiii · 6 months
The One That Got Away —ACOTAR AU
Oneshot | warnings: angst | Azriel x Y/N
Summary; Y/N is Azriel’s best friend and a Valkyrie in training, she bears affection for Azriel, but the one she loves adores Elain Archeron, a far better match. . .
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
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I love you. Is what Y/N desperately wanted to say to him. To Azriel, her best friend. That she, not Elain. Belonged with him. She had silently loved him for decades, he was perfect, he was so kind and thoughtful, he was so so perfect. Y/N had met him over sixty decades ago, Rhys had taken interest in her for her unique abilities. She was able to make maps, detailed renditions of the exact place, people and everything. It was like they were actually looking at them. It was a mirage of course.
She was taken under The Shadowsingers wing for the ability. He had found you extremely helpful when doing his Spymaster things. Over the years you two had grown closer, he had started to confide in you, talk to you—about anything really, his job. Books he liked, his dreams—and you had done the same. You both had found you got along with one another well. But over the years your affection for him was no longer platonic, but something more. You loved him, really. But for a spymaster he sure wasn’t very good at noticing Y/N’s affection for him. When he’d be training with Cassian and he’d take off his shirt. She would try and read but always get distracted ogling him—his muscles— She was practically drooling over him and everybody except Azriel noticed. Like whenever Y/N would be chatting with Feyre or Mor she’d start talking about Azriel—so much in fact your friends had to basically shove something in her mouth to get her to shut up.
There was only one problem. Azriel was in love with Elain not her. She’d noticed ever since Elain had showed up Az had been spending all his time with her, oh. Y/N wanted to go get lunch with him? Nope. He was always busy, busy with her. A couple of weeks ago Y/N was celebrating her birthday and had invited Azriel, he’d never showed up. She had waiting hours for him, even after the party had finished and everyone had gone home she’d still waited. Eventually she’d given up and gone home—sulking in her to big bed—the next day she’d gone over to Azriel to confront him, he was standing near one of the many balconies talking to Elain, storming her way over to the pair she turned to Azriel ignoring Elain’s presence entirely. “Why didn’t you come to my birthday party Az?” Y/N demanded. She watched as Azriel’s eyes widened slightly with surprise. He didn’t even remember? “I’m so sorry Y/N I completely forgot, I had been talking with Elain and I must’ve lost track of time” Azriel said apologetically, But she didn’t miss the way he’d said talking, Violet looked to Elain from the corner of her eye to see the female blushing slightly. They’d been kissing. Elain had been sticking her tongue down his throat. While she had been waiting at the party with eyeliner running down her face. She was beyond pissed at both of them. Y/N sucked in a deep breath fighting off the urge to claw the woman’s face off. “We’re so sorry Violet if we had known it was your birthday we wouldn’t have gotten distracted, once again were both so sorry” Elain said. “Save it Elain. I don’t want your petty excuses, just leave it.” She snapped.
“Hey, there’s no need to be mad it was a simple mistake. Besides the party wasn’t that important anyway, we can just celebrate it some other time.” Azriel said, anger lacing his every word. She couldn’t believe him, Wasn’t that important? It was her birthday for fucks sake. “To Hell with you!” Y/N said baring her teeth at him. With that she stormed off ignoring, Cassian’s confused look.
She barely made it to her apartment before breaking down into tears. She hadn’t meant to say those things to them but she couldn’t help it. How had she fallen in love with Azriel in the first place? And why had she pursued him even though he clearly didn’t see her that way. She was about to go and hop in a nice warm bath when knocking appeared at the door, She walked over to it opening it as she wiped away her salty tears, looking up she saw Azriel standing there, what did he want now? “What’s wrong with you?” Azriel asked, oh, oh. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you!” She practically screamed. The audacity. She looked into his eyes—eyes so full of anger, anger that was directed at her— she glared at him and he glared back. She was definitely not in love with him anymore, the thought made her tear up. Salty water streaked down her already wet face.
She looked at him again to find not even an ounce of pity or regret or anything apart from anger. That made her cry more, so she whispered “I can’t believe I was ever in love with you” Azriel’s eyes widened at that. He opened his mouth to respond but Y/N had slammed the door in his face, locking it before sliding down it. Until she was hugging her knees, sobbing. She briefly remembered frantic knocking on the door, she didn’t open it. It eventually stopped. She got up and stumbled—because she’d been sitting for so long— to her bathroom, drawing a bath before stripping off her tear soaked clothes. She got into the boiling hot bath. Breathing in and out, her heart trying to regain a steady rhythm. After a while the bath water went warm then cold, her skin akin to a prune. Getting out of the slippery tub and drying herself off with the nearest towel. She barely put on clothes before she flopped onto her bed, bursting back into tears.
She woke up the next day in a daze, her pillow soaked. Her bed a mess. She rolled over on her bed, ending up on the floor with an “bitch” Violet groaned. She got off the ground and sauntered to the little kitchen, popping on the kettle to make some tea. She started on some toast while she waited. After she had finished breakfast and gotten on some decent clothes. She stalked out of the apartment and made her way to the townhouse. Once she was inside she made her way to Rhys’ office.
She rapped a few knocks on the door before a “come on in” came from inside the office. She opened the door and walked in before closing it behind her. Rhys met her eyes from behind the desk and she knew he was aware of what had happened yesterday. “Hey” she whispered “hey” Rhys repeated. “Could I talk to you please?” Y/N whispered.
Azriel’s POV
Azriel felt terrible. He’d felt terrible ever since those words had came out of Y/N mouth, Loved you. Violet had loved him. He hadn’t talked to anyone since yesterday, no one, not even Elain. He had given Rhys a brief explanation telepathically. He had been throwing up non stop from guilt and shame. After a while he eventually got up from kneeling at the toilet. He changed clothes and wandered over to the dining room where he saw Rhys, Feyre, Nesta, Cassian and Emerie talking and eating, Rhys looked up from where he’d been looking at something and when he met his high lords eyes he immediately knew something was wrong. He followed Rhys out to one of the many terraces, “What happened?” Azriel inquired. “Y/N leaving is what happened.” Rhys said gruffly. Leaving? No that can’t be right. “Why is she leaving?” “I think you know the answer to that question. You have cost me a very valuable member to our inner circle Azriel.”
He felt sick. What had he done? He had completely ruined a decades long relationship with his best friend all because he fell for another woman, he should’ve known how she’d felt. He’d caught her staring at him on multiple occasions. When he’d put on a nice suit and she would just stare. And look starstruck. But he had just ignored it. “Do you know where she is?” Azriel said frantically, “back at her apartment probably if you fly fast enough you could catch her.” Rhys replied. He didn’t say anything else before he blasted off the terrace and flew faster than he’d ever flown before. He practically slammed into the cobblestone road outside her apartment. He raced up the steps to her floor and slammed his fist against the door. The face thar greeted him when the door opened was not one he recognised.
Violet’s POV
She had been zipping up her bags when frantic knocking shook the door, she knew who it was before she even opened the door. Blue eyes met those of brownish gold, in the most steely voice she could manage she said “what are you doing here.” the surprise on Azriel’s face said it all; She had never looked at him this way. “I’m here to say I’m sorry, I really miss you, I’ll stop seeing Elain. Please I just want you back” Azriel said, but she could hear the lies dripping off the words. She did feel a little bad for Elain she hadn’t meant to snap at her. “It’s too late Azriel I’m leaving for the Summer Court now. Good luck.” She said simply then she winnowed her bags away before locking the door to her empty apartment and sauntered past a shocked Azriel before winnowing away to the Summer Court.
-Two Years Later-
Y/N couldn’t believe it had two years now, it seemed like just yesterday she was working for the night court, drinking wine with Mor, bickering with Cassian. Reading with Amren, discussing painting techniques with Feyre. Having deep conversations with Azriel. Discussing fashion with Rhys. Laughing with Nesta, tending to the garden with Elain. Although she regretted what had happened with Azriel, she had stayed in touch with the inner circle. She had started talking to Elain again via letter. A few months ago she had sent a letter to Azriel to say she was sorry for the things she had said to him and that she wished him well. She had a lovely villa by the beach and now worked for Tarquin, she had met a nice man a year ago, she was now engaged with a baby on the way. She wished she had handled it better with Azriel but the past was the past.
The End.
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