yuyusuyu · 1 year
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mobanjaree · 1 year
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toasttedbaguels · 2 years
oh my fucking godddddddddd
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baby-prophet · 10 months
this week is goijng to be fucking crazy im so stressed. i dont have enough time
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lexosaurus · 2 months
Do you ever reread your own fics and go "I wrote that??? I know how to use words that make sense when read????"
Just happened to me after updating a fic I accidentally forgot about :p
I was rereading The Phantom Martian to refresh myself with the science and the entire time I was just like "how the FUCK did I write this?" cuz like what the fuck is that science, lexx, what the fuck how did you write that
No but literally I have a few of my own fics that I reread at least once a year because I love them a lot and even though I wrote and have read them a bunch of times, I still get so giddy whenever I read them and am like "ohhhhhhh shitttttttt the angstttttt i wonder what he's gonna doooooooo" as if it's the first time I've read that angsty scene 😆
I am my target audience 100%
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rustbeltbabey · 5 months
have not been to a doctor since I broke my ankle 5 yrs ago, before that I dont remember ever going to one since I was about 13ish??? i genuinely am not sure if i have ever had a health checkup as an adult and im 28. i just tired to find a doctor thru my stupid ass health insurance website n it won't fucking work. i have to physically call them. literally just wanna get a doctor so I can try to get t prescribed but I'm so so scared. I don't know how doctors work they r not gonna take me seriously they r gonna say no I don't even know how to ask I rlly just. don't know what 2 doooooooo. lol.
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b-blushes · 1 year
the whole 'only being able to leave the house once a week thing' is really killing me atm. if i go out more than that i'm so much sicker to a point where i'm barely functional at home and can't keep up with house stuff that i need to be doing. like. cooking and cleaning haha however if like this, like, month, i have necessary appointments (medical, dentist, haircut) every week at least once that means i'm literally just surviving at home the rest of the time, cannot see the one friend who lives close enough for me to see in-person, can't do anything fun because i literally can't think straight and i'm so physically weak/fatigued as well (along with all the other symptoms, it is simply too depressing to list every disabling one :P). even with 'only' leaving the house once a week for the last however long, i've still only been well enough to independently get to a single one of those appointments recently (which was today) and for my follow up in a couple of weeks the appointment's long/strenuous enough that i've gotta get help getting there + back. buddy i'm languishing!!!!! i want to make plans for the future but i feel like i'm living day to day whadda hell!!! where's the future for disabled people i'm gonna weep! what're we meant to doooooooo! :P SO i guess on another note, does anyone know of anyone that's sharing daily life/autobio stuff (blog, videos, art, etc) as a disabled person who's unable to work? preferably not teenagers no offence but i'm in my late twenties and am trying to look forward. not to say that young people can't do incredible things i just would like to see people like me who are getting older you know. a big part of becoming chill and then positive (most of the time) about being autistic for me was getting to know other autistic friends and learning how we can make our way through the world, it'd be really neat to see/know more disabled people who are unable to work who're building lives for themselves that they enjoy. (would love to be able to join in-person communities but unfortunately i literally cannot get there even if they exist locally. my world feels so small i don't know anyone! but it is what it is for now!)
(turning reblogs off but if you know of anyone please leave a reply or you can send me an ask (if you include 'please don't share' I'll answer privately))
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ashenberry · 2 years
this accidentally got long
So Jasper has the power of light manipulation and tbh I think his is the funnest and most interesting to play around with and also probably makes him the most powerful with the extent he has control over it. Mostly this manifests in fights to make the main trio appear to teleport around and for fake outs as well as the exusd to have them have hero outfits. This comes with a little bit of heat manipulation in the sense that he could probably use it as a lighter fairly easily. Jasper also has shit eyes and just uses it to correct his vision w/o glasses. Generally this takes a good amount of focus so in my heart what would generally happen in the progression of a fight is in the hero outfit less and less of details will manifest
AJ’s is electromagnetism and I think it gives him a lot of fun ways to move around t b h I just think fits him really well. Also let’s him use the modded prosthetic legs he and Mike Fucked Around and Found Out with but those are also generally pretty draining to use so he also has a normal ass set. generally can’t be around water due to da whole. electricity
Rosins is probably the most straight forward and simple of the 3 he can just transform into stone to hit harder and take more. Most injuries he takes in the stone form will heal just fine w/ not much more then a scar as long as everything is in place when he unstones
Uhh outside of those 3 the other two named ashen ocs Dee has what I’ve just been referring to as stasis cause it works a bit like stasis from botw she can freeze things in place and change their direction but not the momentum like botw and I’ve got to nail down mikes more but it’s like. mechanics intuition is what I’m gonna call it can tell you ur engines fucked from slapping the roof and a bit of. is telekinesis the right word. Generally when it comes w/ those metals and junk
uhh of the unrevealed ashen ocs,, Ace has gravitational manipulation, Robin has Reality Breach, Lily has photographical memory in which she can take a picture and show what the the subjects were doing a bit before and a bit after that uhm. Think that’s all of them that I have really solidly down there’s a couple more but that should do for now this is long enough
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deepestwater · 3 months
im so happy about it. And I'm also thinking a lot about it. We're both 17 but I graduated this year and he's a senior now. I'm going to college about an hour and a half away. I'm worried we're only gonna have the summer.
he told me he had feelings for me first not expecting me to like him back, but i was so shocked and anxious it took me a WHOLE FUCKING DAY to get back to him and say sike I actually like you too. So I hope he knows I mean it. He tends to worry and overthink(me too but I mask it) and idk what to doooooooo
Also we've been friends and teammates for a few years already but my masking is super intense when I'm being a captain so I'm worried he's gonna find out that I'm usually not that fun and playful and am frequently severely depressed and he's not gonna like me any more
I'm also worried that I'm thinking faster than he is? Idk im a hopeless romantic but we're both on the ace spectrum and idk where he's at but I'm demi adjacent, and isk if he wants to kiss me, but I want to kiss him AHSHGSH
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tiredinwinter · 5 months
I cannot make up my mind whether I need that extra piece of luggage or if I can deal with going with only my carry on bag 🫠🫠
What am I gonna doooooooo send helllpppppp
I'm bad with decisions 🥺👉👈
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cowboycanines · 6 months
every blog i have turns into a batman blog somehow WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOOOOO
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bluecoati · 8 months
Really wish I had someone I could call or have with me rn
Fucking shaking
Mom & Dad have been sick, idk with what.
Mom fell the other night, was dizzy & nauseous then fell AGAIN tonight & the way she was unresponsive I thought she was fucking dead and sgsjdjdks
Dad has been in bed all day, coughing so much, and has been having incontinence issues, I was worried it could be stroke related cause he has had a mini stroke befoee
Called an ambulance after seeing mom like that & calling to her...cradling her head & yelling at her & her eyes being glassed over sgdjdkd
Waiting on ambulance now. It's taking SO long. And even if they think she should go to the hospital mom is gonna refuse & I'm so sgdjdkdkss
I am only one person, my sister didn't answer the many times I called cause it's nearly 4am, plus she is at least an hour away & I don't know what to fucking doooooooo
God it's been nearly 30mins thank fuck they aren't actively dying but like !!!!!
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bonateukna · 2 years
Today I fucked up by accidentally un-saving a really good Changbin poppin’ IG reel. What am I gonna doooooooo!!?! I can’t find it again. 😭
Shiiitttt I found it again.
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huntypastellance · 7 years
Attention to Everyone getting spammed rape/death threats - The real Lord Pastel Lance does not have hyphens in Our username or use low-res low quality images for Our icon/blog header
Also Our blog is viewable on mobile.
......And We’re not stupid enough to spam people rape threats while saying “PS THIS IS MY MAIN BLOG BTW”.
(huntypastellance isn’t even Our main blog, it’s a side blog. We don’t spend every day on it.)
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......It’s not even the right shade of blue.
You stole my icon & header, but you couldn’t get the right shade of blue? WOW.
Judging by the fact that it’s transphobic slurs combined with death & rape threats, it’s probably Fairymatsu. (They are a notorious troll who has done the same thing in other fandoms such as Osomatsu-san, Tokyo Ghoul, SU, etc. & have impersonated people before. We did a whole write-up about them. Previously, they spammed & harassed Shaladin blogs as anti-kallura. They created fake blogs to spread the Studio Mir leaks during the Klance14 ordeal. Guess, now We’re their new favorite. Ew.)
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Yeah, so if that blog reblogged stuff from you & tacked on rape/death threats & transphobic slurs: just block them & report them.
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missmamibee · 3 years
got so much anxiety about my teeth I can’t sleep
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