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Eowyn's brown green embroidered dress in 4k
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ghost-in-the-corner · 9 months
Man, Disney's Wish just breaks my heart. Like, they began with some fascinating concepts, stuff that subverted many of their established tropes but keeps true to the image of a Disney Princess story. Actual Starboy, evil King and Queen, animation jumping between classical Disney and modern Disney; this film had so much potential to be something that not only encapsulated the company's history but also opened up artistic avenues for the future. But nah, they squandered all that potential just cause they wanted something marketable.
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bloodybellycomb · 2 years
As funny as it can be to joke about the mess™ that is currently twitter, it's super depressing to see so much digital history destroyed because a billionaire is having a temper tantrum.
Decades of news, public reactions to political scandals and first hand accounts are suddenly erased, not to mention all the art that is now completely lost. It's all gone --just because of one man's fragile ego. It's actually really tragic to think about.
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fruitypixel · 3 days
Man, I think I might be the only one saying this: most of the LOV is nothing but a waste. Their potential to show that they are victims of hero society? Its there, but as the series goes on, they become nothing more than the bad guys turned terrorists.
Were they captured and repented for their crimes? Nope, aside from Spinner, Dabi, and...maybe Mr. Compress? Most of them died without facing the consequences. (Not counting Magne because she died early on)
Shigeraki loses his autonomy as a character during the final fight and gets replaced with AFO. Not only that, but AFO was manipulating his life from the start. Really dude? So what we saw from Shigeraki's downfall was all because of AFO? Really dude? What a way to kill off any sentiment I had for Shigeraki.
Toga...I don't feel bad for this girl. She shows no remorse for the shit she has done yet wants other people to understand her "love?" Her love is not only twisted as fuck, but wrong on so many levels! You don't get to have a break down because both Midoriya and Uraraka disagree with you! Stop playing victim!
Spinner was okay up until the very end. He said Shigeraki was his hero and even praising him. Dude, you were second-guessing yourself multiple times while in league, yet you stayed out of loyalty. He should have bailed when he had the chance, or even better, acknowledged what he has done. But nope! Let's make him sing songs about Shigeraki and have him blame Izuku for killing his "hero." Pathetic.
Dabi was cool, up until the Paranormal Liberation arc. There, he turned into a psychopathic man child with daddy issues. The creator was sooo close with Dabi, he even made Dabi expose his father's crimes to the public. Why did he have to lose his character as a result of his exposure? Was it really that hard to keep him collected? Good god.
The only LOV villain that was well written in my eyes was Twice. I legitimately felt bad for the guy. His backstory, personality, and his motives struck a core with me. Just wanting to be accepted for who I am and wanting to be useful to others, it's so damn relatable. Truly a shame that he was killed.
What a damn waste of antagonists to such a fun series.
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temperamentalaquarius · 6 months
To b honest I don't understand the appeal of Jason being Damian's league of assassins buddy for multiple reasons(partially because the only way Jason and Damian would interact on a positive level during that time period is 100% non-canon interpretations of both of them) but I think the most prevelant one is that Steph and Dick made Damian want to be the person he is now because they were so different from him, and could provide him w/ a point of view that he couldn't see on his own, especially wrt to Steph. They literally kick start his examination of the value of a life(including his own sans expectations and success)/what Batman has to mean and built it up brick by brick. Without them Damian isn't...Damian? Which I guess could be the point but, I mean, fuck it, if we rlly want to do an alternate origin with a dose of ex assassin turned batkid hang time I think it would be 1000% more interesting with Cass. Best fighter in the world who refuses to kill due to it being her deepest, most inescapable regret and a 10 yr old who thinks he's hot shit and disagrees? I could see that being interesting but I really don't get the Jason thought process 🤔
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awesomechocolatesauce · 8 months
Sometimes, I wonder how Cordelia's character would've turned out if Whedon was a decent human being about Charisma Carpenter's pregnancy.
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wejustvibing · 4 months
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[©James Moy]
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trashy-panda09 · 9 months
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POV: you meet a beautiful stranger at the market
TWST Jasmine who’s name I haven’t picked out yet
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alicentsgf · 2 months
alicent always being expected to sacrifice for rhaenyra, but never the other way around..I liked when you think about them it’s the tradgedy of it all, but now I just feel anger for how they ruined the little things about alicent we knew for a fact for this
She never gets to defend herself in any way. Even in the moments where it makes sense. Where she has a reason or a rebuttal, they just make her take the punch. When rhaenyra asked for a son and alicent didnt curse her, didnt remind her that Jaehaerys had already paid the price for luke, i switched the tv off. i was done.
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softnviolent · 2 years
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navnae · 2 years
Even if Steve and Eddie would’ve never ended up together in season five I still am a strong believer that they would love being friends and enjoy each other’s company. Steve would finally have someone just own age that he can do normal “dude” stuff with and it wouldn’t involve him getting beat up every time. Eddie would’ve brought an amazing side of Steve that no one really sees in the show and he’d put all his walls down because he’s just that comfortable around Eddie. I would kill for a scene of Steve hanging upside in Eddie’s bed while reading one of Eddie’s magazines and Eddie is just in the mirror putting on some eyeliner as he nods his head to the faint music playing on the radio in his room. Both of them going shopping together and forcing the other to change their style for once and in the end they start to like their new looks. Occasional movie nights with the biggest bowl of popcorn and the whole night is just filled with laughter from both of them. That’s the least the duffer brothers could’ve done for Steve and Eddie, It’s unbelievable.
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laurasoretta · 1 year
Oh, c'mon! Give us some Kobymeppo romance, as it should be.
They're not part of the Straw hat crew, so it is allowed.
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booksanxietyandsports · 6 months
pero are we SURE sure about the retirement??
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
Leo Wearing Braces Head Canons (because we were robbed of this and I’m still salty about it)
His rubber bands are almost always breaking or snapping off. Donnie is gonna lose it soon
His salivation increase from wearing braces and wearing braces makes him lisp. Most commonly, words that have “s” in it.
His brothers tease him about his braces and lisp but if they hear ANYONE else do it, prepare to get your ass kicked, no one talks about their brother like that. It is on sight.
You would think Leo would be good at taking care of his retainers, but nope! They’re almost always broken, bent, accidentally thrown out, or get lost on patrol. Donnie is anime vein popping at this point
Leo has to cut up his pizza now to accommodate his braces. He cries the first time this happens.
He kept all of Donnie’s instructions for his braces
Mikey is better at keeping his rubber bands unbroken and better care of his retainers, but Leo wins in keeping his teeth meticulously clean. Raph nearly busts the door down in anger once after standing outside of the bathroom door for 15 minutes
His mouth is incredibly sore when his braces get tightened and when he first had them put on. He misses patrol on the nights his braces get tightened because his mouth is very sensitive and he really tries to avoid getting hit in the mouth
When he does have to get his braces tightened it takes all three of his brothers to chase him down or find where he’s hiding to get him to go to Donnie’s lab.
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Lmao I’m sorry but Taehyung is a bit stupid. Scratch that, he’s very stupid. Who comes online to do a 5 mins live and the only thing he makes sure to do is show himself lip syncing “nigga”? I know he didn’t think much of it in the sense of mouthing it, he probably feels that because he didn’t voice out the word, he gets a pass. But that’s really not how this works. Least of all in fuck ass 2023. This is nothing like any of the recent ‘controversies’ for the guys by the way. No, this is an instance of Taehyung doing something ignorant in some misguided bid to show he listens to hiphop with ‘bad words’, perhaps he thought it made him look cool to be able to ‘sing along’ to it, maybe it’s possible he genuinely didn’t think it was wrong or a big deal, but all he’s done is jeopardize his debut for no reason, with his own hands.
It’s a vanity fuck up.
Whether or not this turns out to be a shitshow, I hope someone educates him ASAP on what the hell he’s just done. I understand that in Korea, it’s very common for men to engage with hiphop in this way. Unfortunately. But this just isn’t a ‘mistake’ he or any of the guys can afford to keep making. He’s been exposed to too much to remain this clueless. It’s just disappointing.
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I finally bit the bullet and downloaded Nikke. Guess I'm more open to gacha games than I thought, lol.
Any tips you wish you knew getting started? I obviously want to recruit Elegg if I can!
SAVE ALL YOUR GEMS FOR 10 PULLS!!! The colleseum gives you a few free runs everyday but it will also allow you to use your gems for entry tickets!!!
Run the simulation room daily for skill manuals you'll thank me later, I didn't see much of a point in it early on since skills barely make a dent.
Save your black and gold tickets for spare bodies of really really top notch nikkes like Liter, Crown, Red hood.
The only ones not available after their events have ended are the cross promo ones, which are all mid teir Nikkes so don't worry about it!!!
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