umbralundertaker · 1 year
We. Cloukd be sleeping in thr sflowers
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catenas-meas-amisi · 2 years
We could be sleeping in the flowers we could sleep all afternoon you'd proclaim that you're an island I'd proclaim that I'm one too then we float into the harbor with just piers and boats around i declare that I am england you declare that I have drowned el be sleeping in the flowers we could sleep all aftet nood youd proclwom that youre an island id proclaim that im one too then we float into the harbo with just piers and boats around i declare that i am england you declare that i have drowned we could be sleeping in the floarss we could sleep all afternoon youd proclaim that youre an insland id proclaim that im one too then word dliat into the hatjow euth kysy peos and boats arohnd yot de alatw that im an englnd you fevlare that ohace frowneed
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reidingmelodies · 3 years
Dinos and Tigers and Donuts, Oh My!
Summary: Spencer wanted one thing this year: for your kids to plan his perfect Father’s Day Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Includes: dad!Spencer, heavy mentions of Father’s Day, mentions and consumption of food Category: Fluff Word Count: 2.6k A/N: This isn’t my favorite, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for awhile all the same! Happy Sunday ♥️
 When Spencer was called away on cases your house seemed to lose a bit of its charm.  Mornings felt more tiring than ever before, the afternoon slumps dragged on for what seemed like years, and dinners, even with babbling five and seven-year-olds at your side, were a little too quiet.
This time around though, things were different.  You woke up to your five-year-old daughter sitting by your feet, her mind preoccupied by one of the search and find books Spencer had bought her the week prior.
The space next to you was empty, a piece of paper lying where your husband previously was, and you knew exactly what it was going to say before you even picked it up.
Good morning, love,
I got called on a case this morning, but it’s local and the team thinks we can wrap it up by tonight.  The kids both ate breakfast- and PSA that they were a little too excited I was going to be gone for the day.  I don’t know what they’re planning, but good luck.  I love you, and I’ll see you soon.
Unlike Spencer, you knew exactly what the kids were excited for, and it had everything to do with Father’s Day being tomorrow- you just hoped he would be home in time to celebrate like he predicted.
You folded the letter and placed it in your nightstand along with the others you’ve found gracing his pillow in years past when your bedroom door opened just the slightest amount.
In walked your seven-year-old son, comically exaggerating his tip toe motions as he stage whispered to his sister.  
“Is Mommy still sleeping?” He shifted his gaze in your direction, all effort to keep quiet out the window when he saw your eyes meet his.
“Mom! Guess what?” you opened your mouth to respond, but your daughter beat you to the punch.
“Daddy left for a work trip this morning!  So, we can make our plan today while he isn’t here!”
There was no denying that your kids loved their daddy, that was for sure.
“That’s so great!” you matched their enthusiasm with ease, getting ready for the day while they kept brainstorming in the background.  
Just last week, you had asked Spencer what he wanted to do for Father’s Day over dinner, and the children were as attentive as ever, eyes wide and lips pursed as they waited to hear the plans for the big day.
But, to their amusement, Spencer’s only plan was that they plan the entire day.  His reasoning was that they were the reason he was a dad so they should be the ones to decide what to do, but really you knew the truth was that he overheard their whispers about having the perfect plan for his day.
A plan you were finally going to be let in on, so it seemed.
The three of you made your way down to the kitchen where you settled down with your breakfast, eyebrows raised in enjoyment at your children.  They were sat across from you with a stash of markers and fresh index cards, and they had a few stacks of previously filled out index cards resting along the center of the table.
Ah- so that’s where they’re going with this.
It had become a bit of a family tradition to have a family scavenger hunt whenever you had a full weekend together.  You and Spencer were all too familiar with the concept of cherishing the time you have with your loved ones, and there were many a weekend where Spencer was called away, or you were busy with a million other plans ranging from extended family gatherings to birthday parties or weddings.
It was all the more reason to make the moments where it was just the four of you count even more- and thus, family scavenger hunts were born.
When they were toddlers, the scavenger hunts centered around finding certain shapes or colors, be it in the house or at the park.  Once every item was checked off you would have a family outing of their choice: the go to choice used to be another trip to the park (the one with the ‘fancier’ slides this time), but with the upgrade to slightly harder scavenger hunts centered on science and math they’ve upped their prize to ice cream.
What could you say? They were Spencer’s kids through and through.
“Wow!” you exclaimed, relishing in the beaming smiles on their faces, “do you guys want to make a scavenger hunt for daddy?”
Two enthusiastic faces nodded eagerly in your direction as your son grabbed one of the red markers.
“Yes! And we can have dino pancakes in the morning and get donuts after our scavenger hunt at the zoo- all of daddy’s favorite things!”
Dino pancakes were a Sunday morning staple in your home- you would use a cookie cutter to cut out a dinosaur shaped pancake, and the kids would eat those while you and Spencer would eat the ones with the dinosaur outline in them (and a few regular ones for good measure).  But donuts instead of ice cream?  That was new.
“That’s a great idea, I’m so proud of you guys for working together to plan this,” you praised, “but why donuts?”
Your daughter peered up from the index card she was drawing flowers on to answer your question, “because they’re daddy’s favorite and it’s daddy’s day!”
“And for our scavenger hunt we want all the animals to spell out ‘best dad ever’,” your son tacked on at the end, already beginning the task of writing numbers and circling them on the front of the card.
That was another newfound tradition for your family.  Now that the kids were learning to read, the two of you would try to have the first letter of each answer spell out a certain word or phrase.  Sometimes, it would be something like ‘I love you’ or ‘hello’, other times it would be the name of a special someone that would be joining you for ice cream afterwards (so far ‘Aunt Penny’ and ‘Uncle D’ were their favorite ones to come across).
You grinned once more, moving to grab your laptop and pulling the Smithsonian’s National Zoo site up to look at their list of animals.
“Alright, my loves- let’s do this”.
Three hours, eleven index cards, one snack break, and two very patient children later, your scavenger hunt was finished, index cards clipped and ready to go for the following morning.
Each index card had blank slots, the number of which corresponded to the name of the animal, on the front of the card with three fun facts written on the back.  In retrospect, Spencer wouldn’t even need the slots (or more than one fun fact, to be fair), but you knew he’d make a show of trying to think of each and every animal tomorrow afternoon.
Yet another reason you loved him.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur, all of your energy going into spending time with your kids. But once they went to bed, that energy was refocused into prepping for tomorrow to take your mind off the fact that it was nearing 10 PM and your husband wasn’t there.
You couldn’t bear to think of your kids disappointment if he didn’t make it home that night.
Outfits out and pancakes ready to be made, you made your way to the couch when the clock struck 11:30 PM, ready to settle in for a movie while you awaited his return but there was no need- as you walked into the room your husband made his way through the front door.  He looked as exhausted as ever, but the glimmer in his eyes proclaimed what you knew to be true.
He was happy to be home.
7 AM the next morning found you face to face with two wide eyed children gently shaking you awake, joy radiating from them as they saw that their father was fast asleep next to you.
With much persuasion in the form of puppy dog eyes, you made your way out of bed and into the kitchen to start the first task of the day: dino pancakes.  
Your little helpers set the table and brought Spencer’s gifts from the coat closet and into the dining room in the meantime, and as you placed the last pancake on a plate two arms wrapped around you and pulled you back tightly.
“Good morning, darling,” his raspy morning voice brought a soft smile to your face, and you leaned your head back to kiss his lips in greeting.
“Happy Father’s Day, Spence,” you laid another kiss against his lips, pulling back as the patter of little feet made their way into the kitchen.
“Daddy!  Happy Father’s Day!”
“Daddy!  Come see your gifts and eat pancakes!”
Two little voices fought for the spotlight, and Spencer kneeled to the ground to wrap the both of them in a hug.  You laughed at the scene, watching as they squeezed him just as hard before grabbing onto his arm and leading him to the dining room table.
“C’mon, Dad,” your son pulled his chair out and pushed his gifts closer to his seat, “let’s eat and open gifts!”
“Gifts?  You guys know I don’t want anything,” his brows furrowed as he looked at you, but you shrugged your eyes and took a bite of your pancakes in response.
“You always say that,” you rightly claimed, “and we always buy you gifts anyway- it’s practically tradition”.
You had a point, there.
Breakfast passed by in a blur of conversation, dad jokes, and present unwrapping.  And just like that, Spencer was the owner of new books to pass his time on the jet, a 5k puzzle you were sure he’d solve in an hour flat, and a homemade Father’s Day shirt with your children’s handprints decorating a globe, the words ’Best Dad in the WORLD!!!’ gracing the blank space.
His eyes sparkled when he saw the shirt, and you swore you’ve never been happier to call that man your husband and the father of your children.
Granted, that thought passed your mind no less than fifteen times a day, but still.
Within the hour, the four of you were out the door and on the way to the zoo, Spencer’s Father’s Day shirt proudly on display.
You drove with a grin, the radio turned off in favor of listening to your children explain today’s scavenger hunt to Spencer.  They were practically giving a word for word verbatim of what the two of you usually told them pre-scavenger hunt, all the more proof that your kids were sponges.
An equally exciting yet terrifying thought.
You were at the zoo within half an hour, your hand intertwined with your son’s while your daughter latched onto her father, everyone eager to start the scavenger hunt.
“Alright, guys,” Spencer began, “what’s our first clue?”
“Mommy can read it!” your daughter piped up and you nodded, grabbing the small pile from her hands before reading the first card of the day.
“Okay, so!  This animal has six letters in its name, and your three fun facts are: whiskers help this animal detect objects around them which helps them navigate the dark, they’re the largest rodents in North America, and when they’re in danger they slap their tail on the surface of the water” you finished your explanation and watched as Spencer’s eyes lit up in recognition, but just as you predicted he dragged the process out instead of guessing right away.
“Hm, it sounds like we should go to the rodent exhibit first!” He proclaimed, and your kids nodded, walking in a row like little ducklings to the exhibit.
The four of you took your time looking at each of the animals, until you came face to face with the animal in question.  “Aha! I think the animal we’re looking for is a beaver,” his answer was met with cheers from both of your children, and you wrote the answer in the blank slots before continuing with the hunt.
At the end of the hour you added an electric eel, sloth bear, tiger, dama gazelle, alpaca, and degu to the list.  Eight animals down, four to go.
Which was fantastic, considering that your kids were starting to get antsy for donuts.
“Okay, guys!  Are we ready for our next animal?” You were walking hand in hand with Spencer, your kids skipping directly in front of you and eagerly shouting in affirmation at your question.
The four of you stepped to the side, and you grabbed hold of the fourth to last index card before reciting the hints.
“Alright so!  This animal is two words, seven letters in the first word and seven in the second.  They have whiskers that look like mustaches, they’re native to the southwest Amazon Basin, and they have claws on each of their toes but the big one”.
“Hmm.. I don’t know guys, what do you think?” Spencer turned to your children, smiling wide when your son giggled in response.
“We can’t tell you, Dad! It’s a secret”.
Spencer laughed, sighing in defeat as your daughter gestured for him to come closer.  He did as asked, leaning down until she able to reach his ear, “I think we should go to the monkey exhibit!”
Her not so quiet whisper brought a smile to both yours and Spencer’s faces, and a grimace to your son’s but to the monkeys you went, where you came face to face with an Emperor Tamarin.
From there you crossed a Von der Decken’s Hornbill and an Eld’s Deer off your list until you had one animal left.
“Alright, my love- last one! This animal is two words, three letters in the first one and five in the second.  They mainly eat bamboo, their fur acts like a camouflage when they climb in trees, and they live in temperate forests in the Himalayas,” you finished your spiel with a quick eyebrow raise towards your children, both of which were not so discreetly pointing at the red panda exhibit just a few feet away.
“Is it a red panda?” Spencer asked, giving both your kids high fives when they jumped up and down in excitement.
“Yay Daddy, you got it! And guess what all of the first letters spell? Best dad ever!” your daughter jumped into his arms and Spencer chuckled, spinning her around and laying a gentle kiss on her head.
“Is that so?” he asked, “you three are too nice to me”.
Truthfully, you didn’t think it was possible to be too nice to Spencer.
“How about our last surprise for Daddy now, my loves?” your question was met with enthusiasm from your little family, and you were back in your car and on your way to Spencer’s favorite bakery in ten minutes flat.
As you pulled up to the bakery, two eager children and one extremely happy father made plans as to what donuts they were going to eat.
It was decided that Spencer would get a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles, your son would get a glazed donut, and your daughter would get jelly.
And you? You had every intention to get your favorite too, but above all you were just happy that another amazing Father’s Day was in the books for Spencer.
The seventh of many.
thank you for reading!! if you’d like to join my taglist you can do so here 💕
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Spencer Taglist:  @averyhotchner @muffin-cup @dayrin085 @spencerreid9 @awritingtree @randomficsandshit  @spareau @stylesgubler @onyourfingertips @winifrede @maddievevo @graciereid @tvandfanfic @csloreen
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lovenona · 4 years
contains: a crumb of explicit smut, praise, body worship, infidelity (reader cheats on her crusty husband), oral (f! receiving), mirror sex, italian renaissance au, catholicism, lots of sacrilegious themes, cisfem! reader, sweet and soft vibes ahead
based on this drabble.
(florence, italy, the year of our lord 1485. the city sits at the center of the universe. with her dense, winding streets and her ethereal architecture and her aspiring masters loitering on every corner, florence is a city that does not listen, but speaks. she is where the sun rises and sets, where the gods find their inspiration.)
you presumed that florence would hold your heart, always. but when you first heard him refer to you and the blessed mother in the same sentence – that’s when you knew. 
and later, when he looked at you like you were a deity come down from the heavens to baptize him alone – you knew then too. 
you understood, instinctively, always, that you would follow nanami kento to the end of the world, no matter the price. 
you always considered yourself luckier than some. you hailed from a respected family; you married rich and powerful and strong. your own husband frequently sat at the table of lorenzo de medici and drank his wine and caressed his lovers. each morning you wore beautiful, fine fabrics, and at breakfast you browsed frantic letters from the esteemed jewelers of venice who begged you to wear their craft. better still, you played the darling hostess of one of the finest houses in florence, guiding mindless housewives through your flourishing courtyard with ease and grace and fertility. 
and on sundays – oh, sundays! you sat, poised and perfect, in the front pews of the florence cathedral, where all eyes watched you in envy: even god. 
perhaps you were luckier than some. and yet. 
and yet, still, when you studied yourself in the looking glass, you found you were empty inside, a hollow vessel, waiting in vain for something to fill you up and give you purpose and meaning. you were vapid and beautiful. you were not sure what you were supposed to be.
how could you? your husband never looked at you unless you were underneath him like a dog. your little circle of friends did not care an ounce about the literature and philosophy you read. and the strangers in rags carrying baskets and babies on the streets simply asked you to pray for them, to care for them, for you to put in a word to your husband about them. 
perhaps you were luckier than some. but luck did not mean substance, did not mean feeling. you knew this better than anyone. 
so you retreated into yourself, studied philosophy and gazed at florence’s greatest artwork and wondered what it would mean to be aphrodite or mary or zeus: what it would mean to matter to something. would it would mean to be seen. 
(but nanami saw you – every inch, every crevice, every pore. he saw through you with the sharp gaze of the artist who knows exactly what he is looking for.)
the name nanami kento was no stranger to you. it was a sacred name, a revered name, whispered in tandem with giotto and ghiberti and and donatello. an artist from across the sea, he was florence’s greatest celebrity, a shining beacon that reflected the essence of the renaissance, the essence of florence’s great and powerful mind. even before his arrival, rumors circulated that back in rome the pope had commissioned him a project so vast and detailed it had taken the first eight years of nanami’s career to complete it. 
so when nanami kento finally came to florence, the city was aflame. 
nanami sculpted marble; he coaxed life from dirt, turned stone into feeling. many remarked that they had wept openly at the feet of his tragic pieta, that they would be more than willing to sell their children and their horses and their homes for him to craft them but one piece of heaven. nanami kento, with the grace and easiness of earth and water, created life where there was none. nanami kento, for all his stoic demeanor, knew how to make his audience tremble.
nanami kento was a talented sculptor, yes: but he was more notorious, still, for refusing many of his desperate patrons. he did not need money, the rumors said, because the pope had paid him enough florins to last a hundred lifetimes or more. he did not need the excess money, the rumors said, because he was a man who would always feel he had enough. nanami kento was a sculptor in high demand. he could pick and choose at will, and he exercised this privilege freely.  
but your husband, proud man he was, fearlessly captured nanami in his silver-tongued claws. we need more artwork, he’d told you in bed one night, voice thick with drink and the orgasm he had coaxed from himself but not from you. our house looks too bare – that da vinci painting in the dining room just isn’t enough. imagine if we secured nanami, who turned down the medicis? we’d be the talk of florence. it enthralled him, then, the idea of being one of the few families in all of florence who could secure nanami’s trust, who could secure his godly talent like a bird in a cage.  
you never found out what your husband had told him. one morning you simply woke to find the servants preparing nanami a room in the south wing of the house, to find servants with heavy blocks of marble in tow, to find servants moving tables and supplies into what your husband proudly called the greatest art studio in florence.
(your husband was a patron to many famous artists, and never had he allowed them to work in his own home. you wondered just what it was that made nanami so different. you wondered just how much you cared to know.) 
and then, when he arrived, your axis shifted. 
nanami kento was, to put it simply, the most beautiful man in the universe: golden hair that mimicked sunlight, a sharp and solemn jaw, a steady demeanor, a pair of intimidating eyes. he walked through your halls with the ease of someone who understood himself, of someone did not question who he was or what he was meant to be. he was not hollow inside, but cool and contemplative and knowing. 
he reminded you of the stories your father used to tell about the construction of the florence cathedral. your father – younger, then, and leaner – used to stand below the cathedral, watching in awe as the men placed the bricks that formed the dome, waiting with baited breath for the dome to collapse on itself. and it never did, he told you, because the foundation was solid, because its architect, brunelleschi, had god’s own genius. 
nanami, too, carried the confidence of one who knew he would never collapse.
he did not laugh at your husband’s table. he did not smile at the jokes, at the meal, at you. he maintained a cold composure that mimicked the stone he worked with, spoke in clipped sentences that never wavered. nanami did not ask questions: he supplied only answers. you did not know if you liked him, then, but it was the aura of security enveloping his being that kept you asking for more. 
nanami kento was, bluntly, a block of marble, and you were desperate to discover what was underneath. 
so when he arrived the next morning, you shamelessly begged to watch him at work, claiming that you had unrealized artistic passions and that your health made it difficult to work. a lie, of course, but when you begged and begged and said your husband would not care, nanami kento let you in, dusty and slow. 
nanami explained, plainly, that your husband had commissioned a sculpture of judith slaying holofernes. to protect the house, perhaps, and to preserve the sanctity of florence. you listened with half an ear: your husband did not want another judith to proclaim his florentine patriotism. he only wanted to rival the medicis with their precious little donatello. 
(an ugly rendition of judith, if you did say so yourself.)
and of course, you didn’t care about the artistic process, not when sweat broke out in a glorious sheen across nanami’s forehead in the late afternoon heat. not when his biceps flexed beneath the light shirt he wore, when his nimble fingers dusted away the imperfections on the stone. certainly not when he bit his lip in intense concentration, hard and studious but never enough to draw blood. you never cared, not when he tilted his head back after you graciously handed him refreshments, adam’s apple bobbing in sway with your heartbeat. 
you could have watched him the rest of your life. you could have eternalized him in stone.
why don’t you become a painter? you asked him, once, as he studied the block of marble from across the room, still and stiff and confident and cold. 
painting is not sculpting, nanami had responded, crisply, steadily. he always came prepared with answers; he never paused to think. when you paint, you create. but when you sculpt, you coax forward a life that was already there, latent and waiting.
he looked in your eyes, then. and you knew. it was like he saw through you: like he knew you had treasure inside.
after four weeks of your incessant curiosities, four weeks of small talk and curious conversation, nanami began to arrive each morning with fresh loaves of bread for the kitchen staff and bouquets of flowers that he would place in a jar before he began his work. and as he sat alone in the studio during the early morning hours, even he began to pray, plainly, that you would arrive in the doorway, eyes glistening with sleep, begging to watch him sculpt. 
(he returned your gaze, now, studying with seeming indifference the way your dress shifted when you walked and the way your eyes crinkled when you asked him about rome.)
you danced around each other like clockwork, with the predictable grace of earth and stone. he pretended he did not care: you knew, hopelessly, that he did. 
nanami told your husband nothing about these swift developments. he told himself that he was a responsible man who would live and die alone. he told himself that he simply enjoyed the silence of your company. that he would, and could, defy his budding feelings towards you. 
and then, finally, on a still morning when from the marble judith’s head began to emerge, he told you that you had a face worth recreating. 
judith has a strong face, a face that displays vigor, conviction, confidence, nanami explained to you, cradling the smooth marble beneath his thumbs. judith may be a widow, but she has been gifted by god the strength to save her people from destruction. there is delicacy in that faith, a power in that action. there are not many women in florence with such a face. 
you complained, then, that he should not sell the women of florence so short. 
you have the face, he admitted simply, as if you should have known all along. you contain multitudes. 
and so you stepped closer, wanting. and nanami did not look away. for to create judith, a face with your face, it would have been in bad practice for an artist as careful as nanami not to memorize the curve of your cheeks, the shape of your nose, the taste of your eager lips. it would have been in bad practice not to learn you entirely, to take your aura and transcribe it onto the stars. 
(nanami kento took his jobs more seriously than religion or love or money. and he would not, could not, leave this one behind.)
and so it hung in the air, festering, like an open secret. every morning, nanami silently brought you flowers. you watched, all day, as judith face’s – now becoming your face – emerged from the stone. and in return, nanami watched you, with unwavering discipline, as you roamed your cold halls, took your husband’s criticism like a martyr, traveled to and from the cathedral on sundays with the hollow faith of a perfect ghost. 
and in the evening, when nanami returned to his own home, you waved him off with dutiful grace. and with every goodbye, nanami held your blooming knuckles to his lips for a moment longer. and with every delicate kiss, you became less hollow, and more real. 
so you circled each other, doves in the night, prayers whispered in shadow with the fear of no reply. 
until you caved and kissed him first, on a warm afternoon sickly sweet with the smell of cakes and lemons and tarts wafting from somewhere far within. and you knew then, too, that you would damn yourself to hell with invigorating enthusiasm if it meant you could kiss him again. 
nanami kento, unwavering, steady, kissed you back, and it was like finally coming home. 
nanami kento worked with unwavering precision. and to craft his judith in your image, he declared with finality that he needed to know your face like the back of his hand. and he said it with such seriousness, too, that you did not doubt that he planned to map every kiss to memory, that his tongue would not, could not, forget the curve of your mouth and the sharpness of your teeth. 
your face, nanami admitted, it contains multitudes. it reflects your soul – you are so much, so beautiful. to forget this face would be a crime.
he did not understand what it was your husband could not love. in a world of science and philosophy and understanding, as a man of considerable routine and clearheadedness, nanami did not see what it was your husband could not appreciate. did he not know? did he not see that your face was a forever-face? that your eyes made art just by blinking?
he doesn’t pay attention, you’d said, bitter and angry. he never knows me. you bit your lip when you confessed it, eyes scanning anywhere else in the room. 
beautiful, nanami repeated, losing composure, unwinding. you are immaculate. i would sculpt you forever. he did not doubt himself, so neither did you. because if nanami kento said you were whole and beautiful and seen, you would be a fool not to believe him. 
on sunny afternoons when your husband was away, nanami made love to you on his workbench with the delicacy of a humble believer bowing at the foot of the altar. stern and steady, with the overwhelming adoration of the devout, he placed a kiss on every part of your skin. your eyelids, for their clarity: your neck, for its fortitude: your stomach, for its strength: your fingers, for their delicacy. 
your husband’s uncaring touch scarred you, burned you; but nanami’s hands, like sculpting marble, coaxed you to life with the confidence of one who knows he will never falter. he worshipped the ground you walked on with faultless logic, drowning in faith.
nanami favored kissing your thighs, tracing the pattern of your hips, the swell of your breasts. he liked to hear you beg for him, too, in that silver voice of yours, sweet and precious like a choirs of angels. when you begged for him to fill you with those vulnerably glassy eyes, nanami became the center of the universe, and he could never deny you such pleasure. he could never, not once, say no.
he enjoyed, too, even more than the begging, the roses that bled from your eyes and the sugar in your heart when he praised you. he did not know, before, that there could be a sight as heavenly as your dilated, unfocused pupils and your messy smile when he told you how you were beautiful, my love. so good for me. he did not know there could be something so intimate, so profound, as your love when he loved you completely. 
(even more than your looks, he loved how you felt, clamping down with vigor while running nails down his back. it grounded him, and you. but he would never say it.) 
after eating his lunch, nanami would diligently eat you with a swift precision so terrifying that it brought you to the edge before you knew it had begun. he would place you on the table, push away your skirts, and dive in, as if you were a holy communion he could not afford to lose. he coaxed orgasms from you the way he coaxed masterpieces from marble: easily. 
and if the house staff heard your cries, you wouldn’t know, because to be with nanami kento, his nose shiny with you, made your blood pound in your ears. 
then, later, nanami would hang his rosary with hunger and piety around your neck before he pressed into you, claiming that you were the most blessed of the saints, that he was overjoyed to pray at your altar, that you had the face of god and a heart as pure. and he would watch, transfixed, as the crucifix bounced between your tits, as christ himself became voyeur to the party. 
you wondered, briefly, if during your weekly confessions the cathedral priests would simply know the way you had willingly called nanami god when he fucked you this well, the way nanami would make you lick your own slick off his fingers with docile obedience before pressing your quivering fingers to the rosary beads. but then nanami would go harder, deeper, grunting profanities into your ear, and you realized with bliss that you did not care. 
for how could this be wrong when it felt so immaculate? how could you deny yourself nanami’s love when it made you feel so whole? 
and when he felt strict, on days his sculpture annoyed him, nanami would ask you with his stern tongue to pray the hail mary while he viciously kissed your folds, knowing full well your sanity had already left you. he took pride in reprimanding you sharply on those days, a swift hand across your ass or your cunt when you could not remember the our father as he expertly located all of the sweetest places that made you scream most.
if anyone had asked, nanami would have told them he was a religious man: if, of course, the idol was you. 
look at you, blessed saint, he growled into your ear, once, peering over your shoulder, hands firm and bruising in your hair and on your hips. mary magdalene, whore for christ. he forced you, then, to watch yourself in the studio mirror propped against the wall as he thrust roughly from behind, as your face contorted in an unspeakable pleasure: or, as nanami would say, art in its purest form.
nanami kento took his job more seriously than god. a diligent worker, he was, and god be damned if he did not make your knees week and your brain tremble before the late afternoon sun. he would be damned if he did not make eternal artwork out of you, if he did not sculpt the shape of your moans or memorize the way your nails scratched scripture onto his bare skin. if he did not eternalize the fucked-out look in your eyes. if he did not let the universe know you were a sight to behold, a sight that could not be forgotten.
you didn’t bother apologizing to god for your behavior. not when god was tall and blonde and could fold your knees into your chest and fuck you until you saw heaven for yourself. you didn’t bother apologizing because nanami kento made you feel seen and real and meaningful: and that was not something you could regret. 
and so the judith stretched into incompletion. and so, nanami would explain to your husband, it is quite difficult to get the nose and eyes just right. it takes time to create the dynamism necessary for seven feet of judith slaying holofernes. you must understand. perhaps within the next year.
your husband was greedy for attention. of course he understood. 
and he never questioned it, not once, when judith would sit for days on end without completion. he would not question it, because he was never home when nanami fucked you with the rosary pressed against your throat, when nanami carved the shape and sensation of his being into your skin. your husband was never home when you opened the windows to air out the smell of sweat and sex, when you dressed yourself with a lazy disposition and a soft smile and a rose-covered glow. he did not see the way nanami spoke with you, the way nanami kento saw you as a person and not a thing. he did not know. he never would. 
and your husband learned not to ask when one month turned five and a year had passed and still, still, the finishing touches were not yet completed. 
a masterpiece takes time, nanami repeated. i spent eight years on one commission in the vatican city. 
your husband, grand and desperate to be better than lorenzo de medici, obliged. and so nanami took his time and yours, onwards and onwards. 
one night, then, as the judith commission truly came to a close, nanami told your husband over dinner, if you want more, i will give you more, as repentance for taking so long. a sculpture of the virgin mary, perhaps? 
nanami gazed at you in subtle adoration from across the table, already shaping you into eternity with his eyes, placing the veil over your head and the blessed christ in your arms. your husband agreed, of course, because he could only see victory. 
and the butterflies bloomed in your chest, a champagne knowledge that you would be seen, that nanami would see you, know you, memorize you. and when you returned his gaze, hungry, you knew, instinctively, always, that you would follow nanami kento to the end of the world, whatever the price. 
(and you did. and you do, still, in your many marble faces that catch the sun.) 
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6
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A/N: Characters are above the age of 18! Iwaizumi is set as 21 and, reader is 19 turning 20!!
Warnings; the fluff has arrived; maybe some tension; language 1-2 times.
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“So are you going to explain what’s going on or are we just making food?“ Hajime asked leaning against the counter watching Oikawa look for things in the kitchen 
“Well, yes and no. Rose and I are making cake and you are writing and Y/N a letter“
“A letter? Cake?“ Hajime was still lost as ever 
“Take this as a permanent reminder. Today is the queens birthday, and the one day you can make up for yourself.” he proclaimed. That’s right today is your 21st birthday and Oikawa saw it as the perfect opportunity for him to redeem himself. 
“Rose speaks with the queen often when she needs company and told me it was today“ Hajime turns to said girl and she gives nod to confirm 
“Rose, would you mind doing that for now on? I understand she can feel alone at times, I’m sure she appreciates your company.“
“Y-yes your majesty!“
“Now about the letter who-“
“You my good friend are writing her your feelings and you will confess to her today. If she knows where your...feelings come from then maybe you can both come to an understanding.“ he offered
“But what if she-“
“No negative talk“ Oikawa cuts him off pushing him towards the door “We don’t have much time, you need to write, and we need to set everything else up. She’ll wake up soon so be sure to greet her in the morning“
The door was shut, leaving Hajime on his own. He begins to walk to his office, everything rushing in his mind. Your argument, making a letter, and confessing would be the worst of it all
She could never forgive me after what I said to her. She must hate me, and all she was doing was helping me....no one had been that kind to me since mother was here.
Opening the door to his office he goes to the window and gazes out to the sky beginning to brighten with the sun. He goes back to his desk and sets a blank sheet of paper in front of him, a quill was ready in his hands to begin writing. 
“Dearest Y/N,I apologize-” he crumples the paper “No...Y/N my wife, I should have been more caring....no, she’ll think it’s for show.” 
Paper after paper, none of them were what he wanted to say. Nothing was working, a small pile had started to build on his desk from each failed attempt at a letter. You deserved something more than some simple words apologizing for his actions. He was just..afraid. Afraid to lose another person, afraid of being alone once gain...afraid to love. 
You made him afraid, he felt his chest flutter and constrict whenever you’d gaze into his eyes, or bring him some tea. You were the only one trying and hr felt horrible for it. The sun had already risen and you would wake up soon.
He abandons his desk and makes his way to the dinning room for breakfast. Walking down the hall and making a turn he sees you slipping out of your room. He tries waving to you but you dismiss it and keep walking. He walks a little faster and catches up to you
“How did you sleep..Y/N“ he asked 
“Fine, I still feel tired.“ you answer bluntly. He knew that falling asleep due to crying was never restful. Getting to the dinning room he pulls out your seat and pushes you in. Getting in his sweat they’re served their breakfasts and Oikawa comes in.
“Good morning your majesties, I’ve got your plans for the day and I do hope you find them relaxing” your gaze shoots up when he says those words. Taking a seat opposite from you and on the left of Hajime he begins to read the paper.
“First your breakfast, a special arrangement in the garden later in the afternoon, some horse riding later, and the rest of your day can be spent as you wish” he gives a smile and stands “enjoy your breakfast”
The chefs come a present your food in front of you. You thank them and begin eating.
“Y/N....about yesterday I-“
“There’s nothing to say. You told me what you truly thought and that was enough.” You brush it off and continue eating
Wrong approach, he thought to himself. He watches you stand and wit for him to head to the garden. You would take his arm when walking around somewhere. Yet here he was, and empty arm and a hurt heart watching you walk silently. He noticed you didn’t have you necklace on either. He raised a hand to his and felt worse than he did. This was going to be a challenge.
Getting to the garden there was a small table set for two. No paperwork, documents or anything. Just a table set for two in the shade of the garden.
“What is-“
“Let me redeem myself.” He cut you off “give me today to redeem myself to you to show you that I...I...I truly do care!”
If anything it seemed almost forced and difficult for him to say that. But this was the first attempt you’ve seen from him to try and apologize. Crossing your arms you say
“Hajime...I’m very hurt from what you said. Just what do you want to gain from this?” You asked
“You’re trust.” He said confidently “trust in two rulers keep them strong. If it means you will trust me as your king and husband, I will try.”
“Alright, and if by the end of the day I don’t feel better?” You test
“You may make any decision you wish.”
He was really giving you free range in this.
“Okay, what do you have in mind here?” You ask walking to the table and taking a seat
“Um Well, me and my mother used to play here. Even as I grew up the game never got old” he explained taking his own seat “We used to find butterflies and she would show me how to get them to land on your hand. Would you like to try?” he offered his hand and you take it.
Walking over to a bush of flowers with a sweet scent he crouches down with you. He picks one of the flowers and rubs it on your knuckles.
“Now just wait“ There before your eyes a blue butterfly lands on your hand gently flapping it’s wings. You were so mesmerized by the insect you didn’t even notice Hajime staring at you. You just looked like a little girl who was seeing magic for the first time. He gets an idea and dusts your nose with a bit of pollen. The butterfly then floats over to your nose and rests there causing a smile to spread on to your face 
“You like it?“ he asked 
“Yeah...it’s beautiful“ you smile 
“Like you..“ he said taking your hands, helping her stand up. You both stand there for a few seconds before he asks 
“What did you do for fun as a child?” he asked as you start to walk around the garden hand in hand
“W-well...me and my mother used to run around in the fields and she would tell me stories, and make flower crowns....she was my closest friend” you said nostalgically “after she past I always felt as if something was missing.“ you stopped in your tracks
 “I felt so lonely and I-I..just miss her so much, I wish I could see her again“ you sniff letting tear fall.
He had never seen you cry on top of that you sounded so broken. He knew what it was like to lose a mother so he knew what you were feeling. His words were of no use so he let his actions speak. He pulls you into his chest and pats your back, he was never good at comfort but he might as well try
“If you feel like you need to talk to someone I-I’m always open, ya know“ he said as a blush crept to his cheeks. “C-come on.“ he said bringing you along with him coming to the stables. A stable man came up with two horses, one black stallion and a pure white one 
“Your majesties“ the man bowed his head as he handed you both the reins. You took the white stallion while Hajime took his black one. You follow him to an open field, it was covered in wild flowers and tall grass, it looks so surreal you weren’t sure if you were awake.   
“Do you need help?“ he asked motioning to your horse. You smirk and hop on quickly
“I’m a peasant remember? I’ve been on horses since I was 8“ that damn sassy mouth quick to catch him off guard but quick to make him blush. He hops on to his and smirks right back 
“I was 4“ and with a quick whip of the reins he was off into the field.
A smile comes to your face as you do the same, your horse taking off quickly after his. As you begin catching up, you couldn’t help but laugh as the wind combed your hair. The suns’ rays kissed your skin and your lips widen in a happy smile. Looking back to you, he wished he could stare at you all day. You looked so free, so beautiful, so happy. That’s all he wanted. 
“Come on slow poke!“ you giggle coming to a stop and hopping off your horse.
He raised an eye brow but played along. He chased after you through the tall field, feeling his chest swell with happiness and soon a laugh erupts from his lips as he begins to gain on you. He hadn’t had this much fun in years!
Thinking you were hearing things you turn only to see him much closer than you thought. He tries to stop but fails and caused you both to fall over, him landing on top of you. He lifts himself on to his elbows looking down at you. Your hair was laid out, framing your face, the sun hits your skin just right, and your rosy cheeks only made you more captivating.
 Your lips slightly parted and panting from all the running. Both your gazes swimming in each others, almost lost. The sound of your laughter made his heart jump in happiness, it was simply music to his ears. 
“I didn’t think you’d come after me“ you giggle getting him out of his trance. He stumbles but comes off of you and lays next to you. 
“I um...yeah I haven’t laughed like that in years. It was fun” he admits “Thank you”
“thank you too,” you respond “I’ve been a little bored, this was really...relaxing.” you smile and that’s what he wanted, but he still had to make it up to you. That was saved for later though.
“My mother would have liked you a lot” he says “You’re sharp and witty and you definitely will not shut up if you disagree with something.“
You scoff “you’re one to talk” he sit up suddenly and motion for him to do so “Come on I’ll show you how to make a flower crown”
“O-okay“ that afternoon was spent making things with the flowers in reach. You showed him how to weave the delicate stems together. His rough hands had a hard time with it but you were helping him along. Your soft hands on his felt like magic, you were so gentle and careful. He couldn’t help but blush at the touch. 
Before you knew it, it was almost sunset. The sun was setting causing a beautiful orange and pink glow. He would have loved to stay longer but he was now late for the last thing he had planned. 
“Come on we’re late, I’ll explain when we get there.“ he said taking your hand leading you to his horse. You hop on to the saddle but didn’t expect for him to get on as well. He was much closer than he had ever been and it made butterflies flutter in your chest. His arms came around you to the reins and rode back to the castle. You had to admit this was a bit romantic, taking him for who he was. Not to mention the closeness was also nice. 
As for Hajime, he was trying very hard, you had never been this close to him before. He wish you had been before, could this really be what love is? The fluttering feeling you get just being near someone, just thinking of them? 
Making back just as sun was setting he helps you off the horse and back inside. The castle was quieter than usual. The halls were lit with candles instead of the moonlight. Leading you to the doors of the dinning room, he takes both your hands and says
“Today I wanted to redeem myself. I am a man who overcomes any obstacle, yet this was my hardest.” You could feel his hands sweating “it’s taken me this long to realize I was wrong in what I had been doing, if you don’t believe I’m worthy of your trust or a second chance I wouldn’t blame you, b-but I just wanted today to be for you”
“Hajime if this is about apologizing you’ve done-“ you try and intervene but you were cut off
“Just, let me me do this....please” with a heavy sigh he opens the doors and lets you walk inside. On the table was a beautifully decorated cake, next to it was a small piece of paper that read ‘happy birthday’
“What....I don’t-“ turning quickly Hajime has a bouquet of flowers in hand and looks scared. He stuck in place and afraid to move, he even looks a bit constipated. His hands were shaking and even in the dim lighting his face was as red as a rose. He steps forward two steps still stiff as a broom
“Y/N! I’ve never been good with words nor my emotions!” He yelled accidentally. Oikawa and Rose and the other maids and butlers watch from the door as the king yelled for some reason
“He yells when he’s nervous” Oikawa informed them making everyone make sounds of understanding
He take a breath and starts again “I’m sorry....I yell when I’m nervous” he closes his eyes and starts from the top
“Y/N, I’m sorry not only for yesterday but for all these days you’ve had to put up with me. You scared me....I’ve lost many things and people in my life. You terrified me, you were kind to me and I haven’t felt what I am feeling in a long time. If I act like an arrogant bastard it’s because I’m....im afraid to love you” he finally admits and steps closer
“you are the kindest, most beautiful soul I’ve ever met. Ever day you showed me more of yourself and I found myself falling harder and harder. Y/N, I love you....and Im sorry for what I’ve said and done! Please let me be a proper husband and king to you!” He said as a year fell from his eye handing you the bouquet of flowers. A silence fel after what you heard
A Tear! Just exactly what had you done to the king of this kingdom?? You were at a loss for words, air, anything
“I-I....” you didn’t know what to say and you just looked at him. He leaned in a bit to hear what you and to say as did all the servants at the door. His heart began to sink as he didn’t hear an answer until
Your lips crash on his in a gentle kiss. He didn’t waste one moment to kiss to back and pull you in closer. Coming to stop he rests his forehead on yours and stares into your eyes
“Are you sure I’m the one you love? I’m a suborn women who won’t shut up” you ask looking into his green orbs
“I wouldn’t want any other stubborn woman” he chuckled kissing your forehead. He brings out your necklace and wraps it back around your neck.
“Why don’t we we head to bed?” You nod and walk hand in hand back to your shared room. Meanwhile behind the door Oikawa says with a huge grin
“Looks like our old Iwa is back! Good job everyone, I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you all” he winked. With that everyone was off to their designated rooms for the night. As for you and Hajime, you were both as if you’d been together for as long as 10 years!
All it took was a simple confession and now here you are. You help each other out your clothes and into your sleepwear. On the bright side of things, you can stare at his bare chest with no shame. It was strange honestly, it’s been over a month or two but so much has happened. The man you once couldn’t stand, had now confessed to you.
For the first time, you got into bed and faced each other. You were in your own spots but inched closer every so often. The close proximity only made him crave you more. He leans down and steals a kiss from you, then another and another. Soon it was just a session of deep kisses.
Be thought you never had any intimate moment yet so he kept his boundaries. But damn, you were so addictive.
“Who knew the cold king would be such a good kisser” you teased as he stopped his attack on your lips, now swollen from all the kissing.
“Well, who knew they’d be kissing a simple girl who is now a queen”
“You’re queen” you correct
“My wife..” he corrects tucking your under his chin holding you close “I like the sound of that...my wife”
“Do you mean it?” You ask getting comfortable in his hold. His warmth engulfing you, securing you.
“Mean what?” He asked in a husky deep voice
“That you love me?” You ask nuzzling into his bare chest
“Of course I meant it. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have done all this. Now go to sleep” he he sighs
“Oh are you tired of me already?” You joke as a yawn stifles your laugh
“Mmm just for today, we can continue tomorrow”
“Okay...oh and Hajime?” You ask before sleeping
“I love you too” you kiss his chest and finally rest in the arms of your husband......yeah, your husband.
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Happy thanks giving everyone❤️
 Taglist; @vanilla-beanzz @hp-hogwartsexpress @sugarysweets-appreciation-blog @sophie-duck @mysteriousmagicx @toutorii @mystic-starlove @leviiiiiiiii @heavenly-warlord @birdiewolf @bakarinnie @torithetori @shoyosun @postsfromthe6 @yatoatyourservice @lola2001 @kameko-ko @chewymoustachio
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.19
Queen’s Rights
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 5,785
Warnings: language, jealousy, lots of fluff y’all, a smidge of angst
A/N: It took me way too long to write this one up. I knew what I wanted to say but I just kept wanting to go to sleep early. I hope you enjoy it. I’m going to let this one speak for itself. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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There’s a quiet knock on your door.
You groan, protesting against the intrusion while large arms constrict around you.
Flexing your fingers, you feel the soft tuft on Steve’s chest, and slide them through a little more eager to feel the curve of his pecs.
“It’s probably for me.” He whispers against your hair, no drowsiness.
You wonder what time it is but when you take a peek, you see the curtains are still drawn and darkness presses in like a soaked rag, drowning you in what must be early morning.
No sun yet, but soon.
You don’t feel rested. It can’t have been more than three hours since you fell asleep.
Groaning again you cuddle in more deeply to the warmth that envelops you. Part luxurious satin and silk sheets, part Steve’s protective cage. At some point in the night you’d drifted into his arms and you’re honestly not that upset about it. It’s warm here.
He tightens his arms, huffing a small tired laugh as he nuzzles against your hair.
“My sweet flower…” He whispers, so low you don’t know if you really heard it or if you’re dreaming again.
Your bliss is broken by a second set of hesitant knocks.
“Your Majesties,” The voice is unwelcome.
So much so, you react on instinct.
“What the fuck?!” You sit up, jerking out of Steve’s arms easily, your voice lethal but quiet.
Etiquette be damned.
All sleep is wiped from your body as you stare, dumbfounded, by the audacity of the woman on the other side of your door.
Beside you, you can feel Steve sit up, his hand finds the spot between your shoulders, and he slides it down and back up to rub you and offer you a bit of reassurance you guess.
“Sharon, now is not a good time.” He says, no drowsiness in his voice now, only stern disapproval.
He brings his hand all the way up to caress the back of your head, watching you fume because it’s all you can do. Stare daggers at the door.
You feel two of his fingers take hold of your chin and he turns you to look him in the eyes.
He leans in, kisses the tip of your nose. There’s a look of starvation in his eyes, like finally quenching a hunger left unsated.
“Why is she here?” You demand.
Steve shakes his head. He doesn’t know.
He reaches up with the pad of his thumb and slowly slides it along your bottom lip.
He licks his own.
You see it coming and you half want to pull away from pure rage, but the half that’s winning out is the one that needs the reassurances his gentle stroking had offered.
The way his brow curves down, fixating on your face and unable to hear the voice that’s still calling out from the other side of your door.
“Your Majesties, I’m sorry to bother you so early.” Sharon continues, and on some level of thought you realize she sounds remorseful.
Steve moves his thumb from your lip, placing his hand along the side of your face as he leans in towards you.
“I wouldn’t have come if it weren’t important.”
Steve lips flutter. There’s a moment when you realize he spoke. Then his words reach your ears.
“My sweet…” He coos at you, your heart flutters.
“Your Majesties?” Peter’s voice pipes in, uncertain and clearly regretful.
He, more than most, knows how much this time with Steve matters.
Peter wouldn’t bother you unless it was important.
A warning sounds in your head but Steve’s breath heats up your lips and your eyes shut by themselves.
You’re merely a puppet to your body’s most desired whims.
“Your Majes-" You begin but he silences you quickly, luscious lips gliding along your own, melding against yours as he cements every promise, every hope and dream he’s declared tonight.
His arms are around you once more, pulling you tight against his chest crushing your hands between your bodies as your fingers greedily skate across his skin.
The mattress presses into your back. Heat settles between your legs and you feel Steve’s searing fingers trail up along your thigh, pushing your nightdress up as he goes.
His tongue slips past your lips and you whimper into his mouth as he tastes you.
“Your Majesty, I really didn’t want to say this here but I feel I must inform you that there’s been another attack. Just like those four years ago.” Sharon’s voice offers, confident that this will get her what she wants.
Steve pulls back, an audible smack as he stares down at your lust glazed expression.
“It looks like them.” Peter adds, and this finally gets Steve to turn towards the door, frowning.
He stares at it for a few seconds, then looks down at you. Your bosom rising and falling, tantalizing nerves filling your stomach with flutters, your heart suddenly drops as you see the regret fill his face.
You lick your lips, run your hands through his soft blonde locks again, and know that you must speak the one word that will take him from you.
“Hydra…” You whisper.
“Nothing else could take me from you.” He proclaims and you’re suddenly weighted with a terrifying dread.
Could you guilt him into staying with you? Here in your arms where you know he’s safe?
The day had begun so pleasantly and then fallen into turmoil. Right now, all of your anger is diminished by sleep, and your night is back to pleasant.
“Will you come back to me?” You wonder, truly uncertain.
Steve leans down, nuzzling your nose with his own. “The very moment I’m free.”
You pull him closer, hands fisting his hair as he meets your lips with carefully controlled passion.
It feels like he’s holding himself back and you can’t wait until he can finally unleash.
It takes all day. This meeting.
Nat is gone. Peter is gone. Steve is still gone.
You haven’t seen Sam or Bucky or Sharon and your mind is racing with possibility.
They wouldn’t have left without telling you goodbye.
Steve especially. After everything, you’re almost completely sure that he would rather cut off his left hand than leave you without a proper goodbye.
You rise from your seat, moving to the window to peek out at the garden just out of sight. The entrance is the only thing you can see, and you wish you could spot Steve wandering through it, glancing back at the castle in hopes that you’re looking out at him.
At least then you knew that he was waiting for you.
There are other worries on your mind aside from the ones of your budding new romance.
Sharon had said there was a new attack. On a village. Were the children okay? How many men and women had fallen to these Hydra ruffians?
Wringing your hands, you pace towards your tea table, then turn back and pace towards the window once more.
You have to know what happened in the village. This time there is no doubt in your mind that it’s your business to be aware of the state of the kingdom. Maybe you’ll ride out to see what can be done?
As you pull down on the black satin wrists of your sleeves—pale golden leaves and vines wrap around your arms and torso—you wheel around, grabbing the russet skirts of your dress, and move from the room while ignoring the protests of the same soldier who’d switched with Peter last night while you and Steve fought.
“Wait, your Majesty!” He calls after you as you storm through the hallways.
“Keep up, Sir Knight.” You tell him and he catches up, sighing when he realizes that he can’t stop you.
“Where are we going, Madam?” He asks, sounding rightfully frightened.
In the past two months you’ve proven to be quite the handful. Running off. Coming back and raging at Steve. You’ve begun to embrace your temper, and this makes the young Knight nervous.
“I can no longer sit out of his Majesty’s council. If I’m to perform my duties as Queen properly, I need to know what’s happening in my kingdom.” You reply passionately, intent on finding out if you can be of any assistance to the people devastated by this new attack.
“Uh…your Majesty,” The Knight begins, the protest clear in his tone, but he doesn’t get the chance to finish as you and he round the last corridor and find yourself face to face with Sharon.
Dressed in dazzling emerald green, beige cutouts and embroidered glittering beads, her blonde hair offers a pleasant contrast. Her pale pink lips and soft brown eyes offer a more innocent persona than the one you know to be true.
With your hammering heart and aching belly, you reach down to stroke it, inadvertently drawing her attention down to it.
In your dress, you still can’t see the tiny swell. Steve had kissed it and felt it last night and all afternoon yesterday, but to everyone but Grandmother, Nat, and him your baby is still unrepresented.
Sharon stares at your hand soothing your tummy and then turns those soft brown eyes back on you full of apology.
“Your Majesty,” She says and though you should be happy that she’s addressing you as she should—her queen—you feel only anger and pain.
She curtsies.
“Why are you out here?” You ask her, ignoring conventions because you can’t bear to be civil with this woman who’d tried to bed your husband only last night.
Sharon straightens up, glances over her shoulder as she gestures to the door.
“Oh, the council is over. I’ve been dismissed and am heading back home. I want to get on the road before the afternoon gets too late. I’m not averse to travelling by night but with new attacks on the rise-”
“Where’s his Majesty?” You ask her, not interested in her plans.
Sharon watches you, no doubt noticing the way you refuse to look at her and take to looking at the door behind her, the balcony to your left, the floor, anything but her face.
“Your Majesty, I fear that I must ask for your forgiveness.” Her gaze is relentless and with no other option, you look at her.
She doesn’t look particularly sorry. In fact, she looks a little defiant, chin raised up just a bit.
“I cannot apologize for attempting to find in Steve the companionship that I’ve always sought. He married my cousin and so I’d given them their space.”
Is she seriously going to use his name in front of you?!
“He’d made his choice and she was happy so, I relented. I gave up my own happiness so that they could have theirs. I put it so far out of my mind that the fact that he was free to marry once again had not even entered my mind. Not until I saw him with you at the feast did I realize that perhaps, once again, I’d missed my opportunity.”
She waits, watching as you fume as if you’re going to acknowledge anything that she’s saying.
When you don’t, she continues, looking a little more remorseful but still a bit too full of pride to really be sorry.
This creature. This goddess dressed in jade is every bit the image of the Queen that Steve deserves at his side with all the grace and the bitterness you feel is justified. This woman had crawled into Steve’s bed knowing that you’re pregnant. Knowing that he’s married.
You can never forgive her for that disrespect. And she doesn’t really look as if she wants it.
“I really thought that he didn’t love you. I know how desperate he’d been to keep his kingdom and I assumed that he’d tried hard to look as if he really does love you and perhaps even fabricated the pregnancy just to ensure Broklin’s safety.
“I’m sorry.” She finally says and lapses into silence.
A death stare is not nearly good enough to describe the hatred you feel in this moment for Sharon. One of Steve’s oldest friends.
The insecurity you feel when she’s around, talking as if she knows your husband better than you do…wait…but she does. Of course, she knows him better than you do.
You’ve haven’t even known him a year yet. She’s known him her whole life.
This depresses you.
“No, you aren’t.” You shake your head. “You’re not sorry one little bit.”
She swallows thickly, her eyes glued to yours.
“You came into my home and had the nerve to disrespect the sanctity of my marriage. You not only offended me and his Majesty, but you put this kingdom at risk.
“Not that it’s any of your concern, but I do happy to love his Majesty very much and I think he loves me too. We may not have started out easily—he loved your cousin very much and I know that I can never take her place—but we are finally getting somewhere, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you ruin it.
“I am the mother of his child and will bear many more children for him. I am Queen of Broklin and no one, not even you can take that away from me. As I cannot trust you, I must ask you to never come back here again unless summoned by his Majesty directly. When you do come, you’re to come and do as you are ordered and then go back home.
“If and when you earn my trust again, we will revisit your privileges of visitation in my and his Majesty’s court.” You’re firm in your orders, angry but resolved.
This woman will not get the better of you. She will not shatter your newly earned confidence. You won’t let her ruin this for you or Steve…mostly.
Sharon looks down at your hands, carefully folded around your teeny bump, then meets your eyes again, her own full of subdued rage and annoyance.
“Goodbye, Lady Carter.” Eyebrows shooting up into your hairline, you pointedly wait for her to move.
Sharon curtsies, and without a second glance, moves around you and out of sight.
Trembling you stand there, trying to compose yourself before Steve or any of the others come out.
You chew your lip violently, tearing into the skin and rusty copper coats your tongue.
“Your Majesty?” Your protector checks.
Before you can assure him of anything, the doors to Steve’s council chambers open and the first face you see is that of Lord Ross, looking focused and serious.
He stops as he spots you, bowing low at the waist. “Your Majesty. I hope you are well?”
He’s only being polite, but you try to offer him a smile. “I’m…”
Everyone else files out behind him, first Bucky, then Sam, Thor, Nat, an older man you have never met who looks to be in his mid-forties with graying dark brown hair and a tension in his posture as he hovers behind everyone.
All of them look at you, shocked to see you there.
“Y/N?” Nat’s confusion is mirrored on everyone’s face until Steve moves out of the council room looking just as tired as he had the day before.
He gives everyone a look of confusion, “What’s going on?”
“Your Majesty, are you alright?” Bucky asks, reaching out to place his hand on your forearm but you quickly pull your arm against your chest as your eyes widen in embarrassment and terror.
“Forgive me.” You mutter, grab your skirts, and rush away.
“Your Majesty!” Nat calls after you, trying to move around Bucky.
“Little bird!” Thor calls, also moving after you.
“Y/N, wait.” Steve says calmly.
There are footsteps following behind you and you can’t be sure whose they are until a large hand closes around your wrist.
“Please, wait.” Steve begs. “What’s the matter? Were you coming to look for me?”
He almost sounds happy about it, though worried.
As you fold your arm, curling it in towards yourself, Steve’s grip is so tight that it only draws the two of you closer. He uses the opportunity to pull you in against his chest. So close but not quite pressed up against it.
He releases your wrist and wraps one arm around your waist.
“Look at me.” He urges you, hooking one finger under your chin to draw your gaze up and away from his chest to meet his storm blue eyes full of heart melting concern. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head, tempted to cry. Not because you’re sad. But your frustration is overflowing.
Sharon really upset you and you can’t shake the feeling that she may never stop wanting Steve. What if she tries again? They have so much history together. What if he gives in?
Embarrassed you look around his wide shoulders, just a peek at the group behind him that are all watching you with concern to match his own. Thor seems a bit more upset and you know as soon as you read his eyes that he is very aware that you’re upset without you needing to say so.
“What has upset you, little bird?” He asks from the other end of the hall.
You shake your head, just one small quick shake and turn your gaze back down to Steve’s chest.
“You’re upset?” Steve asks, now sounding equally upset himself.
“Not here.” You whisper, looking around him again.
He straightens up, wraps his arm around your shoulder to give you a quick squeeze then looks over at those waiting.
“If you’ll excuse us?” He says, using the same tone he uses when he speaks to his subjects during the weekly visitations. “Stay here.”
He orders the young Knight who’d followed you.
Everyone recognizes the use of his King’s voice as opposed to their friend and as such, they all bow or curtsy. Thor is the only one who does a small nod—a king himself.
“Come on.” Steve tells you, voice soft again.
He takes your hand and leads you away from the council room, up to your shared wing but moves past your bedroom door and his own and pulls you into his office.
When he reaches his desk, he moves to lean against it, turning to face you and hold both of your hands.
His leaning puts him more at your level and you’re able to look at him more easily.
“Tell me.” He pleads. “Did I do something? Did the meeting take too long?”
You shake your head again.
“Please tell me, sweetheart. I’ll try and make it better.” He urges you, and you feel a little guilty. Is he always this attentive or is he like this because of everything that’s happened between the two of you?
You want him to be his normal self.
“It’s Sharon.” You explain, feeling a bit better now that it’s just the two of you.
With his hands hot around yours, calloused skin chaffing your palms, you take comfort knowing that he’s here with you and not with Sharon wherever she might be now on her way home.
“Oh.” Steve says, his face falling a bit.
“I bumped into her just outside of the council room.” You continue.
“Oh.” Steve says again, this time voice rising as if he’s expecting you to say something good.
“She apologized about what happened last night.” You tell him and his eyes shine with glee. “But she didn’t mean it, your Majesty.”
The disappointment that floods his eyes is for both your declaration of a false apology and because you still won’t say his name.
“Why do you think that?” He asks, releasing your hands but only so that he can stroke your arms from bicep to forearm and then back up.
You’re grateful that he lets the name thing go for now.
“Because I know.” You let him pull you a little closer, settling between his slightly bent knees as he grips your elbows and holds you still. “It was in her eyes. Her tone. She said all the right words, but you could tell she didn’t mean them. So, I…”
What if he gets angry? What if he yells at you and tells you that you can’t keep Sharon from coming here? What if he takes her side?
“What, my sweet?” He gently pushes.
Maybe you should just be honest?
“I’m afraid.”
“Of what, my blossom?” He worries, pulling you a little closer to rest his hands on your back just above your waist.
There’s still enough space to fit another person—well maybe Peter—between you but the intimacy of the gesture is not lost on you.
“That you’ll be angry with me, for what I told her. For what I did.” You chew your lip and Steve is quick to cup the side of your face, once again running his thumb against the bitten pucker to smooth your lips out and prevent you from damaging it further.
He frowns at the small cut you’d bitten into it earlier.
“Why would I be angry with you?”
“Because I-I told her that until I can trust her, until she’s proven herself to be trustworthy again, that she’s to stay away unless summoned and as soon as her business is concluded, she’s to go back home. No exceptions.
“I told her that she is no longer welcome at court, until I believe she is actually remorseful.” And there it is, all laid out for him to deal with.
Your eyes are glued to his furrowed brow, dark storm blue eyes churning with thought as he takes in your confession.
“What did Sharon say when you gave her this order?” He asks, and his voice is so even, you aren’t sure what to think.
Is he angry? You can’t tell. He looks just as concerned as before. Just as full of questions.
“Nothing.” You answer honestly. “She looked at me as if she wanted to rip my eyes out of their sockets, glared at our baby, and then curtsied and left.”
“She glared at the baby?” Steve asks, absolutely miffed as he places his hand on the teeny curve.
“Well, maybe she was glaring at me?” You sigh. “I’m sorry if-”
“Don’t be sorry, Y/N. If Sharon being here in our home is not something that you are comfortable with then we will keep her away.” He nods, firm in his decision.
You suddenly huff a small laugh, all air and surprise.
“What?” Steve asks, his own lips curling up on one side at the sound of your laugh. “Why do you laugh?”
“I don’t mean to.” You shrug. “I’m just not used to you like this. Open. Siding with me.”
Steve’s face falls a little.
“It’s a good thing.” You smile at him, “I’m enjoying you fighting for me instead of with me.”
It’s not your intention to guilt him but that’s what happens, and he groans, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
You reach up and stroke the soft blonde tresses as they fall towards you, his hair needs a good washing and he needs sleep. You can see it in his face again. Exhaustion.
For a moment you consider insisting he take a nap but then you remember the reason he hasn’t been able to sleep.
“What happened?” You ask him, nudging him up.
“Hm?” He asks, sleepy.
As he straightens up, you keep your hair on the back of his head, tickling the small hairs on the nape of his neck.
“The attack?” You remind him.
His face darkens and all sleep seems to vanish from his expression. “Oh. That. It seems that Hydra has attacked a small village just at our South Eastern border.”
“Were there any casualties? Can we go there? I’d love to help. Anything that I can do, I’m willing to contribute. Food? Supplies? Some doctors? Do they need help repairing their homes or crops? Were there any injured children?” You gasp. “Oh, what if some of them were left orphans? I know what that feels like.”
Steve’s somber expression breaks into a blissed out, sappy smile. He blinks at you slowly, blue eyes sparkling with pleasure.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You demand, frowning because your mind is still very heavily occupied with thoughts of the victims.
“Because you’re so kind and your thought is not with the fight but with providing help to those that need it.” He explains.
“Of course. Our people come first. They need our help.” You insist. “Can I-?”
“Don’t worry, my love, I’ve already dispatched plenty of aid to the region and I have lots of volunteers to help rebuild the village.” He assures you.
“Was it really very damaged? The people? Were there any fatalities?” You fret.
“The people are mostly fine.” He promises. “There were a few minor injuries. One man lost his life trying to sabotage the Hydra spies’ plan when he became suspicious of them.”
Steve looks down at your tummy, pressing his hand against it lovingly, caressing it. The pain that flashes across his face is real and personal. These people really do mean the world to him.
“We’re making sure that his widow and children want for nothing.” His sorrow is palpable, and you cup the sides of his face to reassure him, to offer any amount of comfort that he might get from your fingers tickling his beard.
Staring into his handsome face, warped with sleep and the endless weight of his sovereignty, you wonder if there’s anything you can do to really help him now, since he’s already got the village covered.
“You look very tired, your Majesty.” You observe.
He shuts his eyes, an exhale of utter grievance slipping through his full lips. An added sorrow twists his already grieved expression. A more embellished downturn to the corner of his lips and just the slightest of creases bringing forth small ridged wrinkles across his wide forehead.
“What is it?” You fuss over him, moving a little closer. “Are you hurting anywhere?”
It’s not like he went out of the castle, but still you can’t help the worry as it comes. You don’t want him hurt.
“Yes.” He admits, and your hands begin to wander down over his shoulders. “Yes, I am very hurt.”
“Where? What happened?” You gasp, looking down at his taut body, chest hair peeking out from the small V of his white puffed sleeve shirt.
“My wife refuses to call me by my name.” He says.
For a moment you’re confused, then realize that his injury is not physical but emotional. Mental.
The ass made you worry for no reason and compared to a village recovering from a recent attack, this grievance of his seems like small potatoes.
You shove his shoulder.
“Don’t do that to me.” You complain, legitimately irritated with his chosen plight.
Steve chuckles. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take this ‘Your Majesty’ thing any longer. I need you to call me Steve.”
“No.” You twist away from him but he’s on his feet chasing after you. You almost want to resist now because of this little stunt. Jerk.
“Come along, wife, please?” He insists.
The shift of atmosphere is subtle, but all tension is wiped away as an infectious playfulness takes hold.
“No.” You shake your head and make for the door but Steve rounds you and plants himself in front of you.
“All I want is for you to call my name.” He pleads.
“No. I won’t do it.” You shrug, turning the opposite way to move towards the corner of his office still hidden from view—Maggie’s corner.
“Do you need me to beg?” He checks, then suddenly, drops to his knees. “I can beg.”
“What are you doing?!” You gasp.
“Is this what you want? A King on his knees?”
“Your Majesty, please, get up.” You gasp.
“No, not until you say my name.”
“Get up.” You tug on his shirt.
His hands are on your waist, eyes staring up at you as you try to turn away from him. He grabs you tighter, forcing you to face him.
“Never.” He threatens
“This isn’t going to work!” You try, setting your jaw so that he doesn’t know how flustered having him down on his knees is making you.
“Then I will simply have to stay as I am. Forever begging, at the mercy of my Queen.”
“Your Majesty-”
“My subjects will see me and wonder why their king is so desperate and broken.”
“Your Maj-”
He slides on his knees as you move, twisting and turning to try and put some distance between you.
“Please?” He begs. “Please say my name. Just once. Please?”
“Will you let me by?” You plead, knowing he’ll never stop.
“My wife refuses to call my name. She doesn’t trust me!” He says loudly.
“Would you be quiet?” You hiss.
He buries his face against your stomach, kissing the small bump then trailing up and stopping just below your breasts.
Throwing his head back, he turns towards the door as his hands take a firmer grip on your hips, fingers digging in just deep enough to keep you rooted.
“This is torture!” He shouts towards the door. “Y/N doesn’t love me! My flower loathes me! She will not call my name. I will die never having heard her sweet lips speak-”
“Gods help me,” You grumble, “Steve please, please stop shouting!”
Your throaty grumble is low so that only he can hear you, but he whips his head around to look at you, an awestruck look making your heart hammer in your chest. Nervous, you bite your lip.
You haven’t tried saying his name since your wedding night and with this utterance comes a flurry of memories that you wish you could forget.
Reaching down you take hold of his hands.
You had been about to push them away, but he changes his hands so that he can intertwine your fingers together.
“Once more, my flower.” He pleads, and there’s a true yearning in his eyes.
“I’m scared.” You admit, having decided to be honest with him, it means you’ll always be open.
“Of what, my love?” He pulls your left hand back up onto his shoulder and wraps his arm around your waist once more, pulling you closer so that your hips are resting against his chest.
“The last time I said your name…” You bite your lip.
Steve sighs, “I know. I wish I could do it all over again.”
He shakes his head and buries it once more into your stomach, his hands curling around the waist of your skirt.
“I know you do.” You begin, preparing yourself. “And I do forgive you, Steve.”
He stiffens, like he’s been stunned with cold water, but when he looks up at you, his eyes are warm. Blue fire dancing amongst the sea storm.
You lick your lips. “Steve.”
His eyes soften, his lips curl up, and he huffs out a small chuckle of relief.
“My sweet flower,” He coos up at you, his hands curling around your backside.
The pure joy he exudes eases your worry. You find yourself smiling too. Softly. Shyly. His mood is infectious, and you wonder if maybe that’s why the two of you couldn’t make progress in the beginning.
All his resistance and frustration, all the rejection and anger, it had all seeped into you too. With him here, on his knees, embracing you, loving you. It’s easy to give in and follow where your heart wants to lead.
“My King.” You caress his face. “Steve…”
There’s a flash of something behind his eyes. Excitement? Then his arms are around you, tight and secure as he spins you around and drags you onto the floor.
You scream in surprise, but the cage of his arms shield you from any harm as he lays you on your back, using one hand to support your head.
The two of you chuckle foolishly, wrapped up in each other in perfect unison for the first time since you married.
As he settles over you, all heat and flexing muscle, he melts over you, curling his body to yours as your body shakes with easy laughter.
“I love you.” He whispers, making your heart flutter. “Have I told you that today?”
As he tucks your hair back, you shut one eye, pretending to think. “You may have mentioned something like that this morning.”
“Last night, you mean. It was so early.” He complains, remembering your sleepy farewell.
“Yes.” You agree. “I liked you in my bed.”
This admission makes your neck and cheeks burn, your fingers tingle.
Steve smirks. “We should go somewhere.”
“Like to visit my parents?” You wonder stupidly.
“No. Together, as in, just the two of us. We’ve spent so little time together alone and the time isn’t exactly right but with what we do, the time will never be perfect. We made no wedding journey and there’s a cottage I’d like to show you. Our cottage. Somewhere that I’ve never taken anyone.” He leans to his right, resting more of his weight on his forearm so that he can look down at you in comfort.
“Not even Maggie?” You wonder.
“No.” He pinches your cheek gently. “Not even Maggie. She opted not to take a wedding journey because we were very busy with Hydra at the time and then we never revisited the idea.”
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, truly sad for him but Steve shakes his head.
“It’s who she was. The work was most important. As it was for me too before I lost her. Now, I want to appreciate the woman I love. My wife. And our child.” He leans down to press a slow kiss to your lips, just a languid peck, with an audible smack as he pulls away. “Now I know better.”
You’re slightly dazed from the press of his lips and he does it again, probably enjoying the haze his kiss visibly gives you.
“Now I’m going to make each day count. Hydra will probably always be there, and if not Hydra then someone else. I’m going to cherish our family as much as I can. So, will you come with me? Will you let me take you to my special place?”
What kind of place would be so special to him that he would take no one to it? Not even Maggie? Honestly, you cannot wait to find out.
“Yes.” You nod. “Wherever you walk, Steve, I will follow.”
As his name slips from your lips once more, he growls lightly, and lunges towards you to devour your lips.
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soft-glitch · 4 years
Through Thick And Thin
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Type: hurt/comfort, platonic fluff
Word count: about 2700 words
Author’s notes: this year was a mess. But I’m grateful for a few things that happened to me in 2020. One of these things is getting into the Sonic fandom, which helped me find joy in being creative again. Another is a budding friendship with someone really cool, that I can only hope will last for a long time.
This fic is kind of a gift to that person for New Year’s Day. To everyone, but especially to you O, I wish a happy new year and many good things to come.
- - - - -
It was not an easy morning.
Shadow had always been an early bird. He never needed much sleep compared to other mobians, thanks to his bio-engineered origins. This was both a blessing and a curse, depending on the days.
Being able to stay up most of the night during missions proved useful more than once. On the other hand, when ugly thoughts would assail him and sleeping them away was not an option, well… It was suddenly much less interesting.
On this last day of December, the hedgehog could not shake uneasy feelings. Between Eggman’s plotting and his own personal issues Shadow always had rough times, but this year had been… a lot.
Walking silently in the empty corridor, careful not to wake up anyone in the household, the dark mobian reached the kitchen and started preparing hot chocolate. Since most of his friends knew about his sweet tooth he didn’t bother hiding it anymore, and Rouge always made sure they were stocked up on cocoa.
While waiting for the milk to warm, he glanced at the clock on the wall. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The eerie calm of early hours often made Shadow slightly uncomfortable. Despite his introvert side enjoying the peaceful solitude, it was also a moment where his thoughts would simmer in his mind, either awoken by confuse dreams or simply emerging as the day started. He would often put some music or read a book to avoid thinking too hard about it.
Didn’t always work, though.
Taking a deep breath the hedgehog felt some relief at the sweet scent of chocolate. He took a small sip before moving to roll himself in blankets on the large couch. With a long and noisy yawn he reached for the remote and pointed it at the large TV screen in front of him. Maybe there was something nice to watch while waiting for his roommates to get up.
- - - - -
When Shadow opened his eyes again, sunlight was gently glowing through the translucent curtains of the living room. Which meant it was probably kind of late already. It seemed he fell back asleep at some point.
With a frown, he rubbed his dishevelled quills and took a look at his phone. Almost 11am, and no sign of Rouge or Omega... This was odd, especially since they planned on spending the New Year’s Eve together.
That’s when he noticed an envelope lying on the small coffee table, next to his now empty mug. It was plain kraft, with a small card inside that only offered an address and the words “At noon, don’t be late hun”.
Obviously from Rouge. She loved putting mystery and drama in everything she did. Shadow huffed and shook his head.
Did that mean his friends got up without waking him and prepared some kind of surprise? However silly it was, this simple envelope brought some warmth to the hedgehog’s heart. He got up to take a quick shower and prepare for the day, a small smile peeking at the corner of his lips.
- - - - -
The location was one Shadow didn’t particularly recognise, a small intersection in a popular part of the town. Since Team Dark lived in a suburban area and their job at G.U.N was usually all over the world, his knowledge of the city was lacklustre. Right as his phone displayed 12pm a text popped up on the screen.
Rouge Right behind the shoes store, a cafe.
The striped mobian rolled his eyes with a hint of amusement. Even for something as simple as a New Year between friends, the bat couldn’t help making some kind of fun game to play. Shadow would gladly proclaim it futile and childish, but he actually enjoyed these quirky adventures his best friend always peppered in his life.
What he saw next filled him with pure joy. Of course Rouge wouldn’t choose a random cafe to meet. She had to make it extra one way or another, and she just knew how to please him.
The Gentle Garden Chao Café & Flower Shop
Almost giddy at the idea of having some sweets surrounded by chao, the ultimate lifeform stepped into the small establishment. A quick glance around made him happy beyond words: soft muted lights and warm colours complemented vintage furniture, large potted plants adorned all sides of the place, and —most importantly— chao of every kind were all over the place, either walking, being cuddled by clients or sleeping on small pillows.
In the back of the room was a large counter, behind which a massive chalkboard displayed both the cafe menu and prices of various flower arrangements.
Before Shadow could go and talk to the barista, a familiar face caught his attention. Rouge was there, sitting nonchalantly and sipping some drink in the most ostentatious way possible.
The hedgehog smirked and sat in front of her.
“So...?” he started with a raised brow. “So what? Did you think I’d let you stay home for this special day?” Rouge huffed between two exaggerated sips. “It’s just New Year’s Eve, not an anniversary or something...” Shadow said, glancing at the table.
He realised an order of white chocolate cappuccino —his very favourite drink— and forêt noire —one of his favourite sweets— were set in front of him. For a second he felt something rise in his chest. A mix of gratitude and that odd yet pleasing vulnerability he could only feel with his closest friends.
“I know it’s just the new year.” the bat leaned on the table, her eyes both tender and serious. “I also know you haven’t been doing great lately. It’s been a difficult time, and of course it won’t magically be over as midnight comes, but...”
She looked in the distance, her eyes piercing through the windows and their cold winter lighting. Shadow could very clearly feel the bittersweet essence of her expression. This year had also been hard on her.
“We’re in this together, y’know.” she resumed, turning a gentle smile towards him. “And while I can’t resolve every problem we have, I can at least invite my emo bestie to enjoy some chao and indulge in sugary treats!”
The hedgehog chuckled at this, then raised his cappuccino mug. “Let’s have a good time, then. To us bitches.” he said with a knowing grin. “To us bitches!” she exclaimed happily. ”Now drink that ‘ccino, we have chao to cuddle.”
Some laughs and friendly banter later, two chao had found their way on Shadow. One was sleepily nested on his legs while the other was playing on his head, brushing his quills curiously.
“You really have your way with them, just like Omega...” Rouge remarked. She loved the little creatures very much, but she never seemed to attract them as easily as her two partners. No one really knew why and she honestly didn’t mind. It was fun enough to observe them from a distance: no risks of ruined haircut or having one mess with her wings.
“This is the best.” the hedgehog whispered, his voice full of emotion. His friend chuckled. Shadow was endearing in many ways, but his love for plants and creatures was unparalleled in an extremely wholesome way.
“Did you ever consider adopting one?” she asked before biting into her remaining pastry. Shadow’s expression became slightly somber as he looked at her. “I…” he sighed and scratched the sleeping one’s head. “I always wanted to, I guess. Even on the Ark, once we learned about them with Maria, we used to pretend having one. There was a plush, I don’t remember its name. We would play parents, bring it along for walks across the Ark, this kind of things.”
Rouge nodded sympathetically. Maria was less and less a sensitive subject as years went by, but Shadow was still defensive about these memories. Sharing them was one of the most intimate things he would do, and she felt honoured every time it happened.
“Maybe one day.” the hedgehog shrugged with a tired smile. ”Right now our lives are too dangerous. I can’t raise one properly as long as we keep fighting and going on missions Chaos knows where. – Let’s hope we get Eggman and his clique once and for all, then!” Rouge said with a grin. “Can’t wait to have you pester us with photos of your ugly little baby.”
The genuine laugh that followed made the bat beam with happiness.
- - - - -
The very specific atmosphere of New Year’s Eve was not lost to the two mobians as they strolled in the city. Streets were bustling with activity, but in a way that felt distinct from other winter holidays. The ambient anticipation was less frantic, almost… solemn. Instead of rushing for gifts and food, people seemed determined to enjoy the final hours of this year.
Shadow found it interesting, not without its charm. He was more used to strolls in mountains, lonely forests and small paths undulating through fields. The buzzing activity of the city was something else —very nice, though. Plus Rouge knew every neighbourhood surprisingly well, and offered him little fun facts and stories about all sorts of buildings and places.
“It’s a real shame we don’t get more free time between G.U.N and Eggman.” the bat lamented. “There are so many nice spots I’d love to visit with Omega and you. – We do have vacations once in a while.” Shadow replied. “Yeah, but they’re either ruined by some apocalyptic event or by an intense need for rest.” she sighed. “We can’t enjoy the Museum of Arts if we’re falling asleep every two paintings.”
The dark mobian nodded. Technically Omega and him didn’t need a lot of sleep, but being world-saving heroes brought its own kind of mental fatigue. Moments of calm and respite were too few and far between.
“Well. Next time we have some days off we’ll organise a Team Dark afternoon.” Shadow offered. “An exhibit or two, some games at the arcade. Maybe a small concert at a cafe. – Oh my. Hun, I’m impressed to see you take this kind of initiatives.” the bat replied.
The hedgehog gave her a friendly nudge. “Shut up, can’t let you make all the decisions. – I don’t see why not.” Rouge shrugged with a knowing smile.
They suddenly stopped. Without really realising it, the duo had reached the large avenue leading back to their house. As they exchanged a glance, Rouge winked. “Omega must be waiting for us. Let’s move!” she said cheerfully.
- - - - -
An immediate wave of relief filled Shadow as soon as they passed the front door. “Finally some warmth.” he sighed, removing his large coat and thick scarf. “I was expecting your lowered body temperatures.” Omega’s robotic voice answered from the kitchen. “Hot tea and biscuits are ready for immediate consumption. Made with love.”
Rouge snickered and Shadow repressed a chuckle.  Both knew Omega was absolutely unable to cook anything without setting fire to it, so the biscuits were probably store-bought. They still appreciated the gesture greatly.
Everyone gathered around the table, remembering stories about the now-ending year and its numerous developments. Adrenaline-filled fights, obscure investigations and exhausting assignments went alongside hilarious mistakes, glorious teamwork… and even celebratory moments with all the other heroes of Mobius.
“Okay, but the award for the best party of the year still goes to Knuckles’ surprise birthday.” Rouge said confidently while helping Omega put on a colourful crochet beanie. “Ughh please. Let’s not talk about it.” Shadow groaned, knowing exactly where this was going. “It was extremely fun. The fireworks accident made it over 200% better than any other celebration.” the robot insisted. “Oh right, I almost forgot about that!” the bat laughed. “Poor Knuckie, having to deal with a fire hazard on his cherished island…”
Memories of the furious echidna shouting frantically brought a grin to Shadow’s face. “But!” Rouge added, ”I mostly remember someone having a few drinks too much and— – NOPE!” the hedgehog exclaimed as he brandished his hands. “No talk of this specific event shall happen in this house. Ever.”
Omega tapped his fingers on the table as he eyed his smaller friend. “It is a shame I did not record it for ulterior viewing.” Shadow’s glare was so intense the former badnik recoiled slightly.
“Oh well, it’s all in the past now.” Rouge mused teasingly. ”Good times, good times...”
- - - - -
The closet was absurdly full of useless trinkets and Shadow was very, very close to “fix” it with a Chaos blast.
Of course he wouldn’t, knowing how preciously Rouge kept all those odd items from her past. Jewels, foreign souvenirs, postcards, old plushies, photographs… All her memorabilia was kept there, in a mismatched mess mixed up with cleaning supplies, spare beddings and various tools.
“They should be somewhere near the bottom!” the bat shouted from across the flat. The hedgehog growled, his eyes desperately scanning the clutter in front of him. Finally he found what he came for.
Fairy lights. The essential accessory to any LRCS —Living Room Camping Session.
Shadow walked back to the main room, where a drying rack and several chairs formed a structure covered by sheets and blankets. Omega was evaluating whether the improvised tent was big enough for him. “It is perfect, Rouge. We will be able to fit within the designated comfy area.” he said before crawling underneath the colourful construction.
The hedgehog carefully hung the string of lights around and inside the tent before plugging it. Rouge grabbed some snacks and scuttled against the large robot, who fiddled with the remote until a title screen showed on the TV.
“Are we really watching this?” Shadow asked hesitantly. “Shadow. We all know your inclination for romance between organic beings. Please come cuddle so we can start the movie.” Omega said. “Don’t tell me you suddenly decided to hate cheesy fiction, sweetie.” Rouge added. “I would rather perish than lose your snarky remarks and teary-eyed spee— – Alright, I get it, I’m coming.” the hedgehog replied with a frown. “This better be good, though.”
It was everything but good. Outbursts of laughter and incredulous stares followed one another as the movie —a romantic parody of the famous blockbuster Attack On Mobius— kept getting more and more absurd. Omega threatened to turn himself off as he struggled to find any reasoning behind what was happening, and Rouge almost choked on her pop-corn near the end of the second part.
When the credits started rolling, the three buddies snuggled together. The winter night cold was no match for a group hug and thick quilts. Shadow eyed his phone and hummed.
“It’s almost midnight. – Does that mean we have to prepare a wish?” Rouge asked in a sleepy voice. “We don’t have to.” the hedgehog replied, glancing at his two friends.
Has to be an odd sight, he thought. A haphazard team with so many differences, united by pure luck in a challenging world. Chilling together in a makeshift tent in the middle of a flat like nothing else mattered. He closed his eyes and took a moment to appreciate the warm feelings. Being surrounded by such amazing souls for whom he really mattered. Knowing all the affection and dedication hidden behind that seemingly cold name, “Team Dark”.
“I wished for a pony.” Both Omega and Shadow looked at their bat friend with tilted heads. “What? They’re cute, I dunno.” she shrugged with a shit-eating grin. “What would you guys wish for? – Dual plasma swords.” the robot replied. “Maybe I should ask Miles when we cross paths again.”
Rouge rolled her eyes, then shouted curse words as she realised midnight was mere seconds away. Omega startled, making the whole tent fall on the team. The striped hedgehog quickly covered his muzzle with his hands, trying to suppress an irresistible laugh. No matter how hard life was, no matter the obstacles in his way, one thing was certain as the year came to an end.
Friendship was all he could wish for.
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umbralundertaker · 1 year
are you fuckig listening to me. we could be sleeping in the flowers. we could sleep all afternoon. you proclaim that you're an island I proclaim that I'm one too then we'll float into the harbor with just piers and boats around I proclaim that I am England you proclaim that I have drowned
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
I can help protect you; Scott Lang x child reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all wow it’s been awhile since I posted a fic that wasn’t BoRhap/Queen related but now here I am with a request that has literally been sitting in my phone for almost a year now. For @randomfandoms-k8​ I wanna say thank you for being soooooooooo patient with me. But finally I came down to write your Scott Lang request. I hope you like it and enjoy it :)
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Day 143. Sunday afternoon, well technically it’s 11:55am but time seems to go by slowly when you’re under house arrest, in fact time is an irrelevant mesh isn’t it? Wow didn’t know I could go that deep into philosophy.  But anyways it’s been 143 days since I was sentenced to my 2yr house arrest after I sided with Cap back in Germany against Stark.
Honestly, this beats having to deal with prison again, this time it would’ve been in an ocean of solitary confinement.  I would’ve gone mad had I screwed up my chances of seeing Cassie again. She’s helped make this house arrest more bearable and honestly a lot more fun.  But currently her and her mom along with Paxton went North to visit Maggie’s parents who hadn’t seen Cassie in a while.
Which left me here. Alone. With no one to really entertain.  I mean sure Luis and the guys come over every once in awhile but they’re business forming up their own business.  Apparently they’re next bright idea was selling security equipment. Not that I’m complaining at all, they’re good guys to have around every now and then but—they can be a bit much at times.
I know not really making much sense am I? Well that kinda happens whenever you’re stuck in your house all day and night.
Right now it was trash day so I gathered up all the trash and proceeded to head outside to put my trashcan out (as best I could without triggering my ankle bracelet). Now I’m thinking this is gonna be just a simple in and out type situation, as it always is, but as I went out towards the trashcans that I kept in the backyard there was a sudden bang.
At first I thought it was a gunshot but it sounded way to close.  Plus as I looked towards my trashcans, I thought I saw something move behind them.
“Hello?” I called out.  There was another loud bang from behind the trashcans and I continued saying, “Look I’m unarmed. If you want money you won’t find much. But if you just want food, I can give it to you.” yeah I know that was probably stupid of me to say but most of the time you will see some homeless person going through the trash in this part of the city.
Soon coming out from behind the trashcan wasn’t an adult, but a small child.  She appeared to be a couple years younger than Cassie, her (h/c) hair was long and madded like a rat’s nest, and she looked pretty dirty like she hadn’t bathed in weeks, maybe months.  But what shocked me the most was how skinny she looked.  She wore clothes that were twice her size, it was like she was just drowning in them.
“Hey, hey sweetheart.” She backed away fearfully and tried to hide behind the trashcans once more. “No, no, no hey. It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. See?” he sat down on the ground so that he wouldn’t intimidate her.  Then using one of his new hobbies that he had to learn while in house arrest, he made a fake bouquet of flowers come out from his back.
It peeked her interest as she slowly came out from behind the trashcan.  A soft smile spread across her face.
“Here you know, I think I got something better than what you’ll find in there.” I quickly raced inside and got out the leftover pizza box I had from last night. I took out a single slice of the pepperoni and quickly placed it in the microwave for about 15 seconds before coming back outside.
I sat back down and said to the small girl.
“You like pizza?” she looked at me before nodding softly. “Then have a bite of this. At least here it smells fresh and not mixed in with some other stuff and god knows what else.” The little girl slowly walked towards me, staring at the pizza. She would every now and then look up between me and the pizza. “It’s okay sweetheart, it’s not poisoned or anything.”
I broke off the tip of it and ate it to show her that it wasn’t poisoned or tampered with in anyway.
“See? Just a little hot but it’s all good.” Finally she raised her hands and took the pizza from the plate.  She sniffed it before taking a small bite.  Slowly her eyes widened with pure joy as she continued to devour the pizza. “Whoa hey slow down there kiddo, you’re gonna choke if you just inhale it like that.” I warned her.
She quickly looked up at me before looking down shamefully down, a slight glint of tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad. I just didn’t want you to choke on it. You can keep eating.” She looked down at her pizza and went back to eating it.
Once she finished it, I took the plate back from her and asked her.
“Was that good?” she nodded. “You know if you’d like, I’ve got some juice or something for you in case you’re thirsty.” She looked up at me with those big (e/c) eyes of hers as she tilted her head to the side.  Oh wow that sounds a little creepy doesn’t it? “I promise I’m not gonna hurt you. I’ve got a daughter just a little over your age and I don’t know maybe you both might like the same stuff. Cause I—can’t really leave the house.”
I showed her my ankle bracelet and she looked down at it before looking back up at me. I held out my hand to her and she looked down at it.
“I promise, I’m not going to hurt you. Do you trust me?” she was silent but I soon saw her reach out her hand and she placed her tiny hand into mine.  I gently closed my hand over hers as I then led her on inside.
Once we were inside, I poured her a glass of apple juice (Cassie loves apple juice) so hopefully this kid loves it too.  As she began to drink the juice, so many questions kept running through my mind. Where did she come from? Who was she? How did she get like this? Where were her parents? Things like that.
Should I call someone? Child services maybe? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll sleep on that for tonight.  Maybe I can get some answers out of her.
“Hey sweetie,” she turned to face me. “Do you have a name? I mean I can’t just keep calling you sweetie, sweetheart or munchkin can I?” at that point she looked down sadly.  Her hands fiddling with the oversized shirt, oh no. Is—is she an orphan? Or, and I pray to God this isn’t the case, did her parents abandon her. “Can you speak sweetheart?”
She shook her head no.  Okay so she wasn’t deaf cause she’s actually responding to me. So was she mute? Or was she choosing not to speak.
“Well, think I should tell you me name first so that way we’re not strangers anymore. I’m Scott. Scott Lang.” I came up to her and held out my hand for a handshake now.  She softly smiled and shook my hand.  
Okay good progress we’re getting there.
“Hey, since uhh—since you can’t talk. How bout I give you a name? Is that okay with you?” she nodded and that’s when I grabbed my phone and went through some websites for the top 100 baby names for girls.  “Okay let’s see, how about…….Belle?” she shook her head no. “Ariel?” again she shook her head. “Don’t make me choose Cinderella.” She then gave me a stank face as her tongue stuck out and I softly laughed. “I’m just playing yah kiddo. Here let’s see what this list has.”
I scrolled through the website trying to find the perfect name for her.  Soon a name that felt like it belonged to her came on the list and I said to her.
“Okay, how do you feel about (Y/n)?” her eyes widened and a smile came across her face as she nodded happily. “Alright, (Y/n) it is then.”
After we settled on her name, I took her up to the bathroom to get her cleaned up (couldn’t let her remain dirty forever right?).  By some miracle I managed to get her once madded rat’s nest of hair under control, and now that she was all clean I got a better look at this little cutie.
She had a little button-like nose, her eyes now sparkled with new life now that she no longer looked like she had a raccoon mask of dirt on her eyelids.
Her chubby cheeks that showed two little dimples whenever she smiled.  She looked like a brand new girl.  Once she was all dried up, I put her into some of Cassie’s old clothes (thank god I managed to convince Maggie to let me do the Good will run. That I may have forgotten to do before I was picked to join Cap’s team in Germany).
By late afternoon, we were now currently watching some cartoons together when I decided that maybe I could make her laugh at something.  Of course she smiled every now and then but there was something in her eyes that really showed me that she was still sad about something.
Being the dad that I am I know I hate it whenever my Peanut is upset, so I make it my life’s mission to always make Cassie laugh at least once a day (once I got out of prison that was).  I got up from the couch acting like I was gonna grab a drink of water but what I was really gonna grab was my magic cards, the eye-popping glasses, and clown wig.
I put the clown wig on as well as the glasses and suddenly jumped in front of her holding out the deck of cards.
“Pick a card, any card!” I proclaimed.  She looked at me oddly but looked down at the deck and picked a single card from the deck. “Memorize the card. Okay now put it back, face down don’t let me see it.” She did as she was told.
I then shuffled the deck behind my back trying to mix the cards up till I thought it was good enough.  I brought the deck back out in front of us and I said.
“Okay (n/n), now I’m gonna brush through the cards and you tap the cushion twice when you want me to stop, K?” she nodded and that’s when I began dealing through the cards.  I heard her pat the cushion and I stopped at the 14th card.  I took it out from the deck and held it in my hand. “Alright, now was this your card?” I turned it over to her.
She shook her head no.  I turned it towards me and saw that it was the Jack of clubs.
“Wait what? Now where did that…..oh man I must really be losing my eyes if I misplaced it.” I then pressed the button on the glasses and soon the eyes on the glasses popped out.
At that point I heard her starting to laugh.  Not giggle, but a real laugh.  Her laughter slowly grew in volume but what was surprising was that I began to see the lights starting to flicker on and off.  As she then let out this one shriek of laughter, the lights suddenly exploded and the entire house went dark.
When the power went off throughout the entire house, to say I was freaked out a bit would be a bit of an understatement.  Now whether I can confirm or deny that I may have shrieked like a girl, I’ll just say I got a little spooked by it.
I looked back down at (Y/n) who was now covering her mouth and trying to sink further into the couch.  Wow, so—she’s like a real life Boo (you know that little toddler from Monster’s Inc.)  (Y/n) has powers.  Oh my god I just took in a child that has powers. Wow never thought this is how my house arrest would turn out.
“That—that was you wasn’t it?” I wanted to confirm it with her.  Cause maybe this could be a hallucination or something. Maybe the power did go off on its owe—oh who am I kidding, it was (Y/n) that did this.  When I saw her nod sadly she got off the couch and solemnly walked towards the backdoor.  “Whoa, whoa, whoa hey. Where do you think you’re going?” I said as I stopped her and knelt down beside her.
Her sad, teary eyes stared right at me and that’s when I asked her.
“Did—did you think I would get mad and kick you out if I found out about this?” she nodded, her eyes refusing to meet mine.  “(Y/n), sweetie I’m not mad. So what if you have powers, it’s cool. That means now I get to nickname you Boo. You ever seen Monster’s Inc?” she shook her head no. “Okay we’ll fix that up. It was one of Cassie’s favorite movies growing up, I think you’ll like it.”
I stroked some of the hair out of her face.  I knew at this rate with her having powers, there was no way I can get Child services involved.  Now that the Accords (still don’t really know the entirety of them all I know is that they’re bad for super heroes) had been finalized, they could take her away to that Raft prison that’s out in the middle of the ocean and lock her up.  But she’s only a kid, she doesn’t deserve that fate.
“Kiddo I’m not mad. In fact can I tell you a secret?” she nodded.  I quickly looked around to make sure we were alone (which made her quietly giggle) I gestured with my finger for her to lean closer as I whispered to her, “I’m a super hero.” Her eyes widened in shock. “Yep. My alter ego, is Ant-Man.” At this point she looked at me confused, “What you’ve never heard of Ant-Man?” she shook her head no. “Alright, well we’ll fix that too.”
I guided her back towards the living room and sat her down on the couch and I sat down beside her.  I gently stroked down her hair and assured her again.
“You’ll be safe here (Y/n). Whatever it was that you had to deal with before, or being rejected or whatever, you won’t have it here. I can protect you. And maybe once my 2 years are up, maybe just maybe……I can introduce you to some people who could help you control those powers of yours.”
Her eyes lit up as her face almost screamed out ‘for real?’
“Yeah kiddo. I promise, no one is gonna hurt you ever again.” At that point she hugged me.  I smiled softly down at her and gently embraced her back.
Call me crazy I know but I can’t kick her back out into the streets. Besides I’ve been experienced to enough craziness already from when I first met Hank and Hope, to fighting alongside Team Cap against Stark, so why not? And like I said, I don’t know what the CS would do if they found out she had powers, either lock or up or just kill her (now that’s messed up but I’m told it happens).
But hey, on the bright side at least Cassie will get to be the older sister she always wished she could be.
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johndeaconstoothgap · 4 years
Isn’t he Grand(pa)
Hi everyone!  Here’s a little fluff piece on John.  Special thanks to @deakysgurl and @deakys-chesthair for the ideas and betaing.  I hope you enjoy!
@deakysgurl @pleasedontlookatmeaight @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @deakys-chesthair
John sat on his outdoor swing, staring out at his garden, deep in thought.  He’d been admiring the flowers blooming, the clouds in the sky, and the warm breeze.  It was a beautiful day.  Not too warm, not too cold…it was so peaceful, so quiet…..it was his heaven, and he reveled in it.
He knew all too soon that the quiet paradise would end.  Soon there would be voices, loud voices, chaos and mayhem, but John felt up to the challenge, was looking forward to it even.
He could feel them approaching, feel the energy begin to shift.  John took a deep breath “they’re coming for me” he thought “Better get on with it then.”
Suddenly, a car door slammed.  John knew his time was up.  There was no going back, at least not until tonight, when it would end almost as suddenly as it began.
The voices were tiny, but loud.  John smiled and looked up as his two youngest grandkids came running at him full speed.
“PAPA PAPA! We’ve missed you!”
John opened his arms wide open for the little ones to come running into.
“Oomph” John proclaimed as they barreled into him, giving him tight squeezes and kisses on his cheeks.
“I’ve missed you too, my little monkey’s” John said, as he gave them each a whisker rub, rubbing his cheeks against theirs, resulting in shrieking and giggling.
“Hey dad!” his son, Michael, said as he opened his arms wide to hug John
“I’ve missed you” they both said at the same time and broke into laughter.
“I’m glad you decided to come visit, I’ve missed the boys”
“They’ve missed you too.  All they talk about is how they want to play ‘English football’ with papa…and did you promise them they could make a clock out of a potato?” Michael asked.
“Well, I thought it would be a nice project for them after running around all day. Keep them quiet a bit while I recuperate” John said with a smile.
“How’s the missus? Is she enjoying her peace and quiet?”
“Oh yes, her little ‘girlfriends’ getaway’ is just what she needed.  And I’m glad to be able to come visit old friends here.”
“Well, this works out well, I’ve been looking forward to spending time with the boys.”
“Sounds like you guys will have some fun. Ok, dad, I’ll be back late tonight” Michael said, “I have their pajamas packed. They’re to go to bed at a decent time, and not too many snacks. Thanks for watching the kids”
“Okei, no problem. I’ve got plenty of work around the house for them to do”.  
“Papa noooooooooo.  We wanna play”
John couldn’t help but smile.  It was a bit of a game they played when they visited - John acting like he was going to put the kids to work, and the kids pretending to fall for it.
Back in the house, John and the kids busied themselves with figuring out what to have for lunch.
“Macaroni and cheese!”
“No! Chicken nuggets!”
“You always want chicken nuggets!” “And you always want macaroni and cheese!” the two little ones were yelling at each other, fighting over what to eat.
“Oh dear lord,” John thought, “it’s too early for this.”
“Well you’re a fart face!” the younger one yelled at the older boy
“And you’re a booger head!” he yelled back
“Hey, hey you two, no name calling or no fun stuff today!” John had to use his stern, fatherly voice. “Now apologize to each other or we won’t make the potato clock.”
The two boys looked at each other for a bit longer than John liked “Now!” John raised his voice.
“Sorry” they both mumbled.
“Good, now how about macaroni cheese and nuggets?” John suggested.
“It’s macaroni AND cheese, Papa, not macaroni cheese!” the youngest reprimanded.
“Okei okei you little yankees, I’ll make macaroni AND cheese with some nuggets. Go on and play and I’ll call you in when it’s ready”
John watched to kids play as he was preparing the food.  He enjoyed having them visit. Sure, they would video chat a few times a week, but after a while he started to feel the enormity of the distance between them.  He adored his grandchildren.  They were like a fresh start for him, a chance to do things right.  “And if I make a mistake they go back to their parents” he thought with a laugh.
“Ok you two, lunch is ready. Let’s eat al fresco, shall we?” John said as he carried their plates outside.
They sat outside and ate and talked. The grandkids told John about their schools, friends, and what they do for fun.
“We go to the park and play soccer with the other kids”
“Soccer!” John said with a guffaw. “You mean football?!  You know what, go to the shed and fetch the football and we’ll have a go”.
They passed the afternoon playing football, with John teaching them blocking and footwork.  He wasn’t very good at it actually, but the little ones thought he could do anything, and were impressed with what he showed them.  
This is what John needed,  he was absorbing their youth and energy.  It was invigorating to spend time with them, it made his soul happy.  As he’d gotten older, and the years had worn on him, he found it harder to find and feel happiness.  But his grandkids were always the elixir for this, bringing him joy he hadn’t felt in years.
“Okei you two, time to go in and have your baths”
“Noooooo, we wanna play some more!”
“It’s getting dark, let’s have your baths and I’ll order a pizza and pop some popcorn”
John was well worn out from playing in the yard and could use the rest.  He went upstairs and got the baths running for the boys and made sure to pour in extra bubble bath.
He puttered about upstairs, getting their pajamas ready, and cleaning himself up as well.  He kept an ear out to make sure the boys were ok in the tub, checking on them once in a while.  
When he went in to get them out of the tub, he couldn’t believe his eyes.  He was met with the kids covered in bubbles, with bubbles on the floor, and uncontrollable giggling from the boys.
John could feel his face going from shock and disbelief, before he broke out in a huge grin and started giggling along with the boys.
“C’mon you two, let’s get you dried off and in your pajamas before you cause a great flood”
The boys jumped out, slipping and sliding their way to John, who was holding two large, warm, fluffy towels for them to wrap themselves into.
“Papa, can we make the potato clock tomorrow? We want to watch a movie”
John feigned disbelief, but of course he obliged, as he was tired as well, and cuddling with the boys while watching a movie sounded delightful.
John got the kids settled on the couch and brought in the pizza and popcorn and settled himself in between them.
“What shall we watch then?”
“Popeye!”  “No, The Goonies!”
“Let’s toss a coin, heads it’s Popeye, tails it’s The Goonies” John suggested
The boys watched in anticipation as John flipped the coin in the air….. “And tails it is!”
There was a bit of grumbling from the youngest, who wanted Popeye, but as the movie started, and they filled their bellies with food, the boys became quiet, enthralled with the quest to find the treasure of One-Eyed Willy.
John smiled in bliss as the kids ate and curled up next to him, resting their heads on his shoulder and belly.
After a while, he could feel their breathing slowing down and feel himself getting drowsy.  He gave each boy a light kiss on their head, and picked them both up, one in each arm, careful not to disturb them, and carried them off to bed.  
“Papa, can we lay with you?” the little one asked, his voice sleepy and small.
“Yes, loves, of course you can” John whispered, and smiled as he got them all situated in his king size bed.
The boys cuddled up next to John, and the three of them fell into a fast sleep.
As the boys slept that night, they dreamt of playing with their friends, running around in the park, getting covered in mud and laughter, and lots and lots of laughter. John, meanwhile, dreamt of happy times with his kids and grandkids. He felt blessed to have such a beautiful and ever growing brood, and nothing could ever take that away.
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tsushimanoonryo · 4 years
A to Z relationship headcanons (sfw)
As mentioned before, I have been working on filling out some askmemes on my own to further flesh Jin out. Here is the first one. It’s the sfw version of the A to Z relationship ask meme.
A= Affection (how affectionate are they with s/o)
A good samurai is in control of his emotions at all times, careful not to let any passions sway him from his duty. Jin might be The Ghost now, but some habits are hard to break. In public, he is not overly affectionate, but he’s not cold. Rather, he is more subtle: a lingering glance, his hand brushing against yours, standing just a bit too close to be considered proper in polite society. Behind closed doors, he is a lot more affectionate, but only after a lot of verbal flirtations and insinuations. He doesn’t start to get touchy-feely until he’s ready to sleep with someone. Or if he’s been drinking and his inhibitions are lower.
B= Breath (what could their s/o do to take their breath away)
If his partner does something that surprises him, or that Jin feels he is unworthy of. If he knows that his partner has done something for him that would majorly inconvenience them, he would be so impressed. He reasonably expects his partners to take care of their own needs before his, but when they do something for him and put themselves second, he is so, so touched. He knows how rough the world is and what their little act of self sacrifice would mean.
C= Cuddle (do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
He does, but largely only in extremely intimate moments (post-coitus). At that point, he’s broken past his restraint and given into his passions, so he doesn’t care about decorum anymore. In these intimate moments, he can be almost clingy. He wants to drink in as much of his lover as possible and savor the physical sensations before having to go back out into the real world and take up all of his worries again. 
D= Dream (what do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Jin knows it’s futile to think about, but he would love nothing more than to be able to somehow be reedemed in the eyes of the Shogun and have his title and lands restored. Then he would want to make things official with his partner by marrying and having children. However, some serious changes would have to happen from the top down, so he knows this dream is impossible to achieve. But he would love to give his love a happy, comfortable life on the Sakai Estate. Even just settling down living a simple peasant’s life and raising a family on a farmstead would be nice, too, and probably just as impossible.
E= Effort (how much effort do they put into a relationship?)
If Jin is going to do something, he’s going to put all of himself into it. This includes relationships. He’ll give and give and give until the point of exhaustion. With the wrong person, this can turn out badly for him and he does open himself up for people to take advantage of him. But Jin doesn’t think twice about the way he acts because he is driven by his desire to do his best. His partner inspires him to keep going, and if he doesn’t feel that with them, then he doesn’t think the relationship is worth having. At least, not romantically.
F= Fear (what do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
He will figure out the root of their fear and try to handle it for them. Depending on the situation, Jin has no problem jumping into a fight so that the person he loves doesn’t have to. He hates seeing his partners suffer, so he will do everything in his power to stop the source of the fear. He is also always ready with a word of reassurance or encouragement when needed. He is a little more awkward about physically comforting someone, but he’s getting better. As long as his partners need, Jin will sit and be a steadfast source of support and solidarity.
G= Gifts (what type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Jin would want to gift his lover with something practical. With his life the way it is, he doesn’t have a lot of disposable income or resources, nor does he have time to be frivolous very often. Thus, the gifts he gives are ones that will save his partner the trouble of having to acquire the items themselves. Although, every so often, when he’s had too much sake, he’ll find something beautiful (a flower, a poem, a particularly nice adornment) and leave it as a gift anonymously. He thinks he is being sneaky, but his partners always know it is from him.
H= Hugs (do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He is generally not a hugger. That’s too much of an overt display of physical intimacy and it would embarrass him.
I= Intimacy (how romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Jin is surprisingly a romantic, although you wouldn’t think it by looking at him. But he is a prolific poet and an avid admirer of the beauty all around him, and you can’t have the soul of an artist and not be a romantic at heart. Although he is restrained, his passions run deep and would consume him if he didn’t keep them in check. It might take him a while to open up because he has to establish trust first, but when he does, he can be intensely intimate. He would do just about anything if the right person asked him to, no matter how it affects the rest of his life. He loves hard and he loves deeply, and once you have him, he’s yours for the rest of his life.
J= Jealousy (do they get jealous? How do they react when jealous?)
Jin gets very jealous, although he would deny that he does. He tries to subtly go on the offense, but he is very obvious about it (“Who is he? Whatever, it’s not like I care.”). He will act a little cooly around his partner until they call him out for it. After, when he has been reassured, he usually feels pretty silly about getting worked up, but will still deny that he was even jealous to begin with. He likes to think he is above all that.
K= Kiss (are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss?)
Have you seen Jin’s lips? Of course he’s a good kisser. He won’t kiss in public very often, though. He likes to keep his romantic escapades fairly private. But if he’s alone with his partner and in an amorous mood, he’ll kiss every bit of skin he can get to.
L= Love (when do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Jin will do just about everything short of saying the words “I love you.” It’s not that he’s cagey about commitment. He does love his partners, but he would much rather show it with his actions and convey it with the tone of his voice. He was raised to think talking about your emotions was crass and can get easily embarrassed talking about the way he feels. However, if he feels his partner really needs to hear it, he’ll put aside his personal discomfort and tell them, and he will be really intense about it. 
M= Marriage (do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He always expected he would marry and continue his family’s line. However, now that Clan Sakai is disbanded and he was declared a traitor, Jin doesn’t want, nor have time for a marriage in the traditional sense. He yearns for companionship, for someone to share his troubles and comfort him (it’s lonely being The Ghost), but he doesn’t want to tie anyone down to that lifestyle. He would feel guilty for condemning them to a lifetime of being hunted. And he definitely doesn’t want to risk bringing a child into his current circumstances.
N= Night out (what type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Barring the fact that dating wasn’t really a thing the way we think of it in medieval Japan, it’s really hard for Jin to carve time out to have a special night with his partner. He’s busy liberating Japan from the Mongols and trying not to be captured by the Shogun, so he can’t really do frivolous things anymore. Instead, he might find an excuse to take his s/o alone with him while out scouting and spend time together that way. If he has the time and a hot spring is nearby, he might spend a few hours alone with his partner there too. But for the most part, he has to try to make his partner feel special in other ways.
O= Out of the Ordinary (what’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
Go on outings for fun. It isn’t that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that he’s got more pressing things going on. However, he would love to be able to treat his s/o to an afternoon or a night of fun to get their minds off of things every once in a while. 
P= Playful (are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Jin does have a playful side. It hasn’t come out often as of late, but it is still there. This is the man who proclaimed that a true samurai doesn’t need any clothes, after all. He’s just very strict about keeping certain aspects of his life compartmentalized. While he might throw out a sarcastic quip, a flirtation, and grin every so often, he doesn’t really let and let his playful side come to the front unless he knows he has nothing else putting pressure on him. When he feels safe and secure, he feels like he can metaphorically let his hair down and have more fun. This usually takes the form of playful teasing and good-natured ribbing. If he’s been drinking, he’ll start to get handsy too.
Q= Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Jin highly respects anyone he is in a relationship with, so he of course wants their opinion on things. It’s less that he needs their opinions, however, and more that he wants to let them know that he values their input and thinks they are important. Jin will only share his opinion with them if they ask, or if he really feels like they are making a mistake. But even then, he’ll respect whatever decision they make, but he will speak up.
R= Random (how spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
It is spontaneous in a way that if they find a chance to be alone together, they’re going to jump on it. It isn’t spontaneous in that there’s not really a lot of chances for that, so most of their alone time is planned. If things were different, Jin would probably be a little more spontaneous. He would probably want to do things as he feels them.
S= Sleep (how do they sleep with their s/o?)
It’s not always very romantic. Jin is exhausted a lot of the time and when it’s time to sleep, he’s out. He can fall asleep anywhere (for example: mostly upright, leaning on his horse in the mud) and he’s not very precious about it. In those instances, he’ll probably just lay down next to his partner and fall asleep there, just content to be near them while he sleeps. On better days, when he’s not bone-tired at bedtime, he’ll probably fall asleep spooning a little bit if it’s not too hot. He will sometimes toss and turn in his sleep if he’s having nightmares, however, so he tends not to latch on to his partner while he sleeps.
T= Trust (how much do they trust their s/o?)
Given his current situation, he’s not going to even attempt to be in a relationship with someone unless he trusts them with his life. Anything less than 100% and he’s not going to bother.
U= Unique (what makes them unique as an s/o?)
The fact that he is so accepting of different walks to life. You pretty much have to be a monster for Jin to dislike you. Or a traitor. But aside from that, you could tell him your deepest darkest secrets and he would not hold any of it against you. He looks at every part of a person before he makes a judgment call and he feels like you don’t owe him an explanation for anything that makes up a facet of your personality.
V= Vulnerable (how long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Jin has a habit of not always being direct about his feelings. It’s just how he was raised, so being vulnerable in front of someone can be difficult. However, if he’s in a romantic relationship with a person, it means he trusts them with his life. Even if he won’t outright say what’s bothering him, his partners can tell when he’s experiencing moments of vulnerability. He’ll change up his body language, stop putting on the stoic face he tries to keep at all times. He’ll look worried, he’ll pace around, he’ll seem uncertain; you’ll know he’s letting his walls down.  He starts doing this little by little every day until his partners don’t remember a time when he wasn’t like this around them.
W= Wild Card (get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
When Jin gets sick or injured, he’s a huge pain in his partner’s ass. He doesn’t want to be a burden to them, so he pushes himself too hard or pretends he can do more than he can and gets himself hurt. He doesn’t like to be babied either, so if he’s confined to bed, he pouts a lot.
X= XRay (what would they do if their s/o got injured?)
He would stay remarkably cool during the situation. He would try his best to handle it calmly and methodically. If he could do anything to heal the injury himself, he would do so immediately. If he couldn’t he would get help and reassure his partner the entire time so that they remained calm. However, once he stepped away from the situation, he would not handle it well at all. His reaction would depend on the severity of the injury. If it was something fatal, he would handle it very poorly. If someone caused his partner’s death, he would seek bloody revenge. He doesn’t want anger to consume him, but honestly, it probably would in this case. If his partner was maimed or hurt badly but still alive, he would handle it slightly better. He probably wouldn’t kill the person who did it to them, but he would definitely make them pay.  He wouldn’t hold back either, and he wouldn’t think about his own personal safety. However, if the injury was something minor, he might just be a little terse and restless until his s/o recovered.
Y= Yuck (do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
I think in general, he doesn’t like when people are braggarts. You can boast a little, especially in a good natured way, but if you think you are the best and that you can’t learn from anyone, Jin hates it. As for habits that might bother a potential partner… Jin can be a bit stubborn at times and unintentionally obtuse. He comes from a place of privilege and doesn’t necessarily always realize if he is being a spoiled little rich boy. He tries to be considerate, but there are some things he just misses.
Z= Zeal (are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Jin feels strongly about everything, even though he tries not to because it can cloud his judgment. However, now that he’s no longer a samurai, he is giving into his emotions and letting himself feel more and more. Whereas before, he would probably be super uptight about any relationship he had, now he realizes life is too short for that sort of thing. He still won’t be super affectionate in public, but he will make sure his partners know just how much he cares about them. He won’t let them feel like he is taking them for granted. He would like the same in return, but he knows not everyone has had his experiences. He just wants to know that the devotion is mutual.
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
the view from halfway down // charlotte&lola // 4
Summary: Lola's worried she's made a mistake.
A/N: @misscharlottelee i made myself sad.
Lola places flowers on Charlotte's empty grave, and sits cross-legged before it. Its a Wednesday afternoon, Lola's wearing a pale sweater over a rose-printed sundress, splotches of bright paint in primary colours adorning her hands as the evidence of her morning's activities wherein she'd been helping Penny's class with their Easter arts and crafts. For a moment that feels like an eternity, there is silence, her lips drawn into a tight line, resting against her steepled fingers. Not that she'd admit it, but she's become somewhat unrecognisable to herself.
"Tommy's a really good dad, you know, at least he tries," Lola started, voice little more than a whisper, "you know he hosted Liss's sleep-over birthday party on his own while I spent the night in my office scheduling Def Leppard's next tour; says a lot about me, doesn't it?" The words come out sour, her own thinly veiled self loathing reading loud and clear. "She's five, you know, and Penny's eight; where does the time go? I know I say this every time, but every day she's looking more like you, its a little terrifying." Lola laughs but there's no humour in it.
"I feel like such an asshole," Lola admits, hanging her head, "I know she'll have other birthdays, but five feels important, you know?" Lola sighs deeply, "even Slash was there! I know! Saul fucking Hudson was at my daughter's birthday and I wasn't… but that's because Penny invited his son. They're in the same class; me 'nd Tommy didn't even realise until a few weeks ago, what a small world," her smile, though small, is fond and genuine, "Johnny - that's his son - has got his hair and his smile, and I think Penny's got half a crush. It's kind of adorable," Lola pauses, looking at Charlotte's name engraved on the headstone, "wish you could be here to see it." 
"I feel like the villian in a Christmas movie," Lola mutters after a moment, and the way the wind whistles through the trees almost sounds like laughter, but the mood shift quickly.
"Charlie, you know me better than anyone; did I make a mistake? Because you know I love Tommy, and he loves me, but," Lola chewed her lip for a moment in hesitation, averting her gaze from the headstone, "we're not happy. Neither of us are really happy anymore; I mean Tommy's happiest when he's in the studio or with our girls…" she trails off, quietly dejected, unable to voice the thoughts that hurt her the most.
"The kids at Liss's school talk about me to her," Lola swallows hard, "and she talks to Tommy, and he tells me, but she never talks to me about it. Apparently, according to some five-year-old I'm neglectful, and I know, okay, I know that's just shit they parrot from their parents, even though half of those rich assholes aren't even around as often as me, they pawn their kid off to their fucking nannies, but they have thr gall -" cutting herself off before she can get too worked up, Lola swallows hard, eyes pressed shut tightly. 
"I'm trying, okay, but I know I'm not fucking perfect. I don't… I don't think I'm what's best for Liss and Penny right now," after a beat, Lola takes a deep breath, "and I don't think I'm what's best for Tommy."
"Maybe I am neglectful," she muses forlornly, "I don't feel like myself anymore; I'm CEO of a company, I'm signing some of thr biggest rock bands in the world, but I still don't get being a mother as much as I try, and its been five years - Vince hit me with an 'I told you so' the other day," she half laughs, "always told me it'd be tough raising kids in my situation. We grabbed lunch the other day and fuck, I didn't realise how much I missed talking to him until it was just the two of us. I'm managing him now too, the lunch was more of a business meeting than anyhing else; he's going solo, and that's caused a bit of tension with Tommy - me and Tommy. It's not a betrayal, its business, and I told him that; he still didn't seem happy." Lola rolled her eyes, "its not like I stopped managing Motley."
"He called me a workaholic, and maybe he's right. Replaced one addiction with another," but Lola shakes her head, "he is right, he just doesn't seem to understand. I've been hustling since I was fifteen, I never grew out of that mindset of 'if I don't work me and everyone I care about will literally starve to death'. Its not an excuse, but I don't want to see someone about it becausr then I'll have to deal with the rest of my shit, and that, at least, I'm managing prettt okay." But thr scrunch of her face betrays her lie, and she quickly concedes, voice growing quiet.
"He told me Nikki and Brandi got divorced the other day, and whatever reaction showed on my face… wasn't the one he was expecting… or had hoped for." She admits, shame burning through her veins, "We've had this discussion before, you know I started drinking again when they got married - how we ignored that fucking red flag I'll never understand; Tommy sent me back to rehab and I guess we both thought I'd gotten it all out of my system, Nikki and the booze." She clarifies, "of course he knows I'm always gonna love Nikki in some way, but I guess we've both been trying to ignore it, just sort of thinking its mostly in the past. God I'm a fucking asshole, it sounds so selfish, to just proclaim I'm no good for my family and leave."
"I'm not leaving," she adds in a hurry, "I'd never abandon them, but I think I need to talk to Tommy." 
The wind goes quiet and the sun peaks through the clouds, through the leaves of the trees, warming Lola like a hand on her shoulder.
"I never wanted to hurt him," Lola sniffles, "and I have no fucking clue what I'm gonna tell the girls." She admits, "and I'm so scared they're gonna grow up to hate me, even though I'm trying to do what's best for them. Liss thinks her dad hangs the stars in the sky; she'd never forgive me if I made him sad." She's crying now, hunched over with her head in her hands, "I just want us to be happy again; all I want is for Tommy to be happy, and for our girls to be safe and loved, that's all I've ever wanted, I swear, Charlie."
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waltzofthewifi · 4 years
Kota Chapter 30: Bombs Away
Table of Contents | Beginning
It wasn't easy to line their schedules up, but eventually Marinette managed to meet up with Fu to discuss relaxing techniques.
They met right after school, but it was already late afternoon by the time they were finishing up. If Marinette hadn't promised to meet up with Alya, she would have stayed even longer. But after cancelling two study sessions because of akuma attacks, Marinette didn't want to stand Alya up again.
Still, there was something she needed to say first.
"There is one thing I'd like to talk to you about," Marinette said.
"It's about the temporary heroes," Marinette said. "Im starting to think we should be trusting them more."
Fu hmmed thoughtfully. "They have proven to be trustworthy. However, I do not know if it is safe to trust them with anymore. Putting more miraculous out in permanent use isn't safe."
"No, but there are other things we could do," Marinette said. "We don't have to give them their miraculouses permanently, but we can lend them out - give them some time to talk to their kwami, maybe bring them on a patrol so they can learn how to use their powers in a situation that isn't a battle."
"An interesting idea," Fu admitted.
"I was thinking of starting with Rena and Carapace - If that's okay with you, of course. But I want to give everyone a chance - except for maybe Kagami. Since Hawkmoth knows her identity, it might be too dangerous."
"If you think it is wise, I'll go along with it," Fu said. "I'm sure I can live a few days without Wayzz."
"Great!" Marinette said. "I'll come by tomorrow to pick them up!"
An akuma attack that night forced her to bring out the miraculouses a lot earlier.
The akuma called himself Ghost - according to his monologue, he had been stood up on a date. His powers included phasing through objects, flight, and shooting love potions grenades that made you fall in love with the first person you saw after being hit.
Chat Noir had been hit, but since he already had a huge (and sometimes annoying) crush on Ladybug, he didn't show any signs of being affected. Still, Ladybug decided having a few more allies was a good idea.
Carapace and Rena Rouge were her first choices. Not only did they have the experience to not be hit, but they had the same safety net as Chat Noir. Ladybug debated grabbing Alix, thinking that perhaps her being aromantic would keep her from being affected. On the other hand, if she never had a crush before, a magically-induced one might be twice as distracting.
Ladybug also considered Kota. She was a romantic, and had self-proclaimed herself someone who crushed easily, so there was a good chance she could focus through the effects of the love potion. But Lacy had been strangely out of it through out the school day, maybe it wasn't a good idea.
"It's your decision," Tikki said when Marinette relayed her thought process to her.
When Fu opened the miracle box, Marinette grabbed the fox and rooster and asked for the turtle.
"And will you be leaving the miraculouses with Rena and Carapace?" Fu asked.
"Yes," Marinette confirmed.
"I hope you know what you're doing."
"Me too."
It was the middle of the night, so Ladybug ended up having to wake up Alya, Nino, and Lacy (she was starting to suspect that Lacy never slept, and was glad to be proven wrong.)
Chat Noir was waiting for them on the rooftop, with a rose for Ladybug. Ladybug ignored him, and instead filled the other superheroes in on the plan.
Well, it wasn't a plan. More like a general idea.
Ghost was terrorizing a small apartment building, flying in front bedroom windows and startling the people inside. In a dark gray suit and butterfly mask, the akumatized object - a blood red rose in his chest pocket - was obvious.
Rena Rouge dropped onto the street behind Ghost and casted her mirage.
Ladybug watched her sorta-plan unfold, sparing minimum attention to Chat Noir's frequent flower-bringing.
Maybe the potion was having a stronger effect than Ladybug originally thought.
Ladybug swung from her perch across the street to the apartment building, landing on the roof just in time to see Ghost raise his arms to aim two potions at the mirage. She jumped, wrapping her yo-yo around Ghost's arms and yanking him to the ground.
Ghost was halfway there before he went intangible, phasing out of the yo-yo strings. He aimed a potion at Ladybug, but Carapace jumped in front of it and it bounced harmlessly off his shield.
Ghost turned tangible again and dove for Ladybug, but Kota jumped onto his back. The forced caused Ghost to fly into the concrete, sending him and Kota tumbling.
Kota was back on her feet in seconds, but couldn't dodge the potion as it hit her.
Ladybug grimaced. This was not going well.
"Lucky charm!"
She reached for her lucky charm, and the action forced her to drop her guard. Ghost launched another love potion, and Ladybug abandoned the lucky charm to reach for her yo-yo.
The potion would have hit her if Kota didn't jump in front, using her kite to knock the potion back.
"Thanks," Ladybug said, picking her lucky charm off the ground.
Kota flashed her a smile before Ghost forced her back on the defensive.
Ladybug watched the fight, keeping her eyes out for what she needed for this lucky charm. Very slowly, a plan started to form.
"Rena, I'm going to need your help."
It wasn't until after Ladybug and Kota landed in Lacy's apartment that Ladybug realized something.
"Did the love potion not affect you?" Ladybug asked when Kota had detransformed.
Lacy dig a granola bar out of her desk and opened it for her kwami.
"I guess not," she replied, handing the bar to Orikko.
"Course it didn't," Orikko said, mouth full. "Considering who your mom is."
"Your mom?" Ladybug asked.
"Oh, um, it's nothing," Lacy stuttered.
Ladybug frowned. As far as she knew, Lacy didn't talk about her mom at all. Whenever the topic came up, she usually mentioned Elisabeth, and most of the class was probably under the impression that Elisabeth was her biological mother. If Lacy's mother was important - maybe even magical, considering the context - Ladybug wanted to know, but if she didn't want to talk about it...
Orikko also seemed to decide to respect Lacy's privacy, because he didn't mention it again. Instead, he landed on Lacy's desk and started looking through a fresh batch of photos she had printed.
"Thank you for your help tonight," Ladybug said. "I know these late-night akumas are horrible."
"It's not that bad, with the rooster miraculous," Lacy replied with a shrug. "Must be rough on you and Chat though."
"Ugh, yeah," Ladybug agreed. "I'm starting to think Hawkmoth doesn't sleep."
Orikko finished his granola bar, and Lacy handed the miraculous over.
"Hope you still have time to sleep," she said.
"That depends on if there's another akuma," Ladybug said. "Sleep well."
Lacy yawned and waved goodbye, and Ladybug swung away.
Carapace and Rena Rouge were waiting for Ladybug on the rooftop of the apartment building Ghost had attacked. They were cuddling together when Ladybug landed.
"Ladybug!" Rena Rouge jumped on to her feet, blushing. Carapace followed suit. "You, uh, said you wanted to talk to us."
"Yes," Ladybug confirmed. "The two of you have proven yourself as useful allies, and I think it's time you took the next step forward."
"Are you letting us keep our miraculouses?" Rena Rouge said, face brightening.
"Not permanently," Ladybug replied. "At least, not yet. But I want you to have them for a few days. Get to know your kwamis a little better. Maybe learn a thing or two about your miraculous. In a few days, I'll still take them back, and it will be harder once you've spent time with your kwamis, but I think this is the right thing to do."
"Thank you!"
"We won't let you down."
"Trixx, let's rest."
Alya collapsed on her bed, watching as Trixx flew around her room. She couldn't believe it -she would have a whole couple days with her miraculous!
I wonder if Ladybug would mind if transformed without an akuma around?
As Trixx sniffed and investigated Alya's room, Alya sent Nino an orange heart emoji - her code for getting home safe after an akuma. A second later, he replied with a green heart. Satisfied, Alya locked her phone and plugged it in.
That brought her attention back to Trixx.
"I have so many questions," Alya blurted.
"I'm sure you do, pup," Trixx replied.
"What were the other fox heroes like?" Alya questioned. "I bet they were awesome rogues, tricksters, thieves - but with secret hearts of gold that earned them their miraculouses."
Trixx scoffed. "Sure, pup. Rogues and thieves could definitely be trusted not to abuse a miraculous of illusion."
Alya frowned. "That's a good point. But does that mean fox heroes are usually the opposite - people dedicate to the truth?"
"You're a good fox hero," Trixx said. "What category do you fall in?"
"I'm dedicated to the truth!" Alya declared. "Though I've been told I'm pretty gullible too."
"Yes, because the average 14-year-old is smart enough to know instantly when they're fooled," Trixx droned. "You're young, of course you're gullible. It's not necessarily a bad thing."
Trixx finished flying around the room and settled on Alya's laptop, like a cat seeking out the warmest place in the room. They curled up like a croissant.
"Next question?"
Alya tumbled for a moment before digging out her ultra-secret notebook and opening to the page where she had written down questions for Trixx and/or Ladybug.
"Why is the ladybug miraculous the only one who can purify the akumas?"
"I don't know the specifics," Trixx admitted. "Save the question for Ladybug."
Alya made a note and moved on. "Okay. Do miraculouses have any affect on dreams?"
"Not in the way you mean," Trixx replied.
"I'm not an expert on dreams," Trixx explained. "But I'm pretty sure everything you encounter can affect your dreams, but there's no magical side effect - at least not with mine."
"If you're having magical dreams, it's probably hereditary," Trixx said. "You do have a magic smell around you."
"A what?" Alya asked.
"That's all I can say," Trixx said. "Your parents would know."
Alya scribbled a note to ask her parents later - because magic? - before continuing on.
"So it's possible that I could dream a memory of something," Alya pressed. "Like one of the past fox heroes?"
"Yes," Trixx agreed.
Alya made a note and yawned.
"Tired?" Trixx questioned.
"No," Alya lied.
"Good," Trixx said. "It would be a shame if my new pup could tire out only after - oh, what was that, an entire battle? In the middle of the night? On a school night? After probably staying up late working on schoolwork or whatever teenagers do nowadays."
Alya yawned again. "Okay, maybe I am tired. But I have so many questions! Are there any side effects I might experience? I already think my hearing has improved, but Nino says I'm just imagining it."
"You're just imagining it."
"Am not!" Alya argued.
"Well, there you go," Trixx answered. "Your hearing and other sense might improve. You could gain night vision. You also might start screaming around Carapace."
"It's a fox's mating call," Trixx said. "Try not to do it public - people may stare."
"No kidding," Alya said. "What about turtles? Is Nino going to start doing weird mating calls?"
"I don't know," Trixx admitted. "Something to ask Wayzz - the turtle kwami."
Alya made a note and yawned again. "Alright, we'll continue this in the morning. Anything I need to get for you?"
"I'm good for now," Trixx said. "I'll need food in the morning, and someplace to hide during the school day, like a backpack."
"Okay," Alya said. "What type of food? My mom keeps our pantries full."
"You figure it out", Trixx said. "Night, pup."
Trixx clearly didn't like any of the food Alya offered - even the things that foxes were supposed to eat - but still ate their full. They had no problem hiding in her book bag, snuggling up next to some of her hygiene stuff. Alya had read that foxes were nocturnal, so she expected Trixx to sleep throughout the day.
Alya hadn't noticed it the night before, but her miraculous had changed from a fox tail to an orange heart with a white center. She had planned on figuring out how to hide it, but with the change there was no need.
She was the first in her group of friends to arrive to class, though the other side of the classroom was bustling with activity. Sabrina and Chloe were talking animatedly, Kim and Ivan were arguing, and Lacy, Alix, and Nathaniel were huddled together in the back whispering. Alya hesitated, wondering which conversation she was most curious about.
Max ended up breaking up the argument, so Alya headed towards the back to find out what had her classmates whispering.
"It's nothing," Lacy said, way too fast, when Alya asked.
Alya narrowed her eyes. "Is that so?"
"What she meant was it's none of your business," Alix said with a scowl.
"I'm just curious," Alya defended.
Alix rolled her eyes. "Aren't you always."
Marinette bursted through the door, looking disheveled, so Alya went to help her. But she wasn't giving up.
"You okay, girl?" Alya asked, sliding into her seat.
Marinette popped down in hers. "I had a horrible dream last night! I overslept, and missed the whole day of school, and Bustier got so mad that she said I'd have to repeat the grade-"
"Sounds scary."
"I could not get here soon enough," Marinette said. "I guess it's kinda silly."
"Nah," Alya replied. "There's always those few minutes after a dream where it feels real. Besides, it got you to class five minutes earlier than usual!"
Adrien and Nino walked in, Adrien flashing his bright model smile at them and Nino stifling a yawn.
"Morning," Alya replied.
"Morning," Marinette squeaked.
"Did you hear about the akuma attack last night?" Adrien asked. "The love one?"
"Yeah, Ghost, right?" Alya asked.
"Kept me up all night," Nino complained.
Adrien gave him a curious look but didn't argue. Alya figured Adrien was well aware that the akuma hadn't kept Nino up - maybe he knew that the akuma hadn't lasted that long, or saw Nino's icon on whatever online thing had kept him up all night.
(Then again, Nino might have been too occupied with Wayzz to be online.)
"Have you checked your phone?" Nino asked.
Alya raised an eyebrow. She rarely missed notifications on her phone, but Nino's tone of voice implied he sent her something and she hadn't seen anything from him.
She dug her phone out of her bookbag, not surprised to see Trixx had fallen asleep. Her phone had a text notification from Nino.
Trixx eats tofu - Wayzz
Alya grinned. Thank you, Wayzz.
Marinette searched her bag and her locker with no luck.
"I can't believe I lost my notebook!" She complained.
"I'm sure you'll find it," Tikki reassured her. "Didn't you leave a notebook on the table at breakfast?"
"No, that was my other notebook," Marinette said.
"What about the notebook you left on the balcony?"
"No, that's the other notebook," Marinette corrected. "The designs I need are only in this one."
"Wait, didn't you lend Alya a notebook?"
"No, that's my school notebook," Marinette said. "I know! I left it in the art room."
She closed her locker and headed up to the art room, which was fairly full for a room of that size. Three students from a different class were huddled around one table, whispering while eating lunch and planning some project. On the other side of the room, Lacy, Alix, Nathaniel, and Marc were hunched over something.
"Hey!" Alix greeted, waving at Marinette.
"Hello," Marinette replied, before going to the desk she remember putting her notebook on.
She found it under a couple of papers, untouched. Marinette slipped it in her bag, noticing one of the other students glaring at her as she did so.
"Don't mind them."
Lacy slid next to her, talking softly.
"They're in Lila's new class," she explained. "She's pulling her usual stunts."
Marinette glanced at the students, feeling almost sorry for them.
"Maybe we should warn them," she suggested.
"Alix tried," Lacy replied. "They didn't listen."
Marinette sighed. "I thought we were done with Lila."
"You could be," Lacy said. "I mean, you're right to want to warn them and all, but she doesn't have to be your problem now. She's really hurt you, so take your time and recover."
"I don't know," Marinette replied. "I've never been good at letting things go."
"And that's what makes you our everyday Ladybug," Lacy said. "But resting doesn't mean letting it go or ignoring it forever. Just focus on something else for a while."
"You're right. I've got enough problems as is."
Her statement was further proved by the akuma alert going off.
Ladybug didn't get instant gratification a lot, but seeing that Rena Rouge and Carapace had not just beaten her and Chat Noir to the battle, but had already began getting citizens out of the way, did give her that feeling.
We've needed this.
Rena Rouge noticed Ladybug first. She glanced at Carapace, and the two heroes exchanged a silent conversation. Carapace moved to cover Rena Rouge as she joined Ladybug on the rooftop.
Chat Noir landed on the rooftop a second later.
"It's a tough one," Rena Rouge reported. "He calls himself Bombarder, and he causes explosions. As far as we can figure out, there's no way to stop the explosion."
Ladybug glanced down at the street, where Carapace was shielding a few citizens as a building exploded. The debris flew towards their rooftop, and Ladybug whirled her yo-yo to block.
"Big explosions too," Ladybug noted. "Any idea where the akuma is?"
Rena Rouge shook her head.
Ladybug looked Bombarder over. The majority of his outfit was done in blacks and dark grays, with yellow accents. He had black ankle boots, tight dark gray pants, and a long, short sleeved tunic-like shirt with a yellow sash. The sleeves of his tunic were jagged with yellow edges. His black hair stood up on edge, with yellow tips, and a yellow butterfly mask covered the top of his face. Black stripes covered one of his arms, which stood out against his dark gray skin.
"Maybe it's in his sash," Ladybug figured.
"You don't sound sure," Chat Noir said.
"I'm not," Ladybug confirmed. "We're going to need a lot of help with this one. I think we need everyone."
Chat Noir nodded. "Agreed."
"Rena, can you and Carapace keep Bombarder occupied? Chat, I'll need your help getting everyone. Meet me on top of the hotel."
By the time all the heroes were gathered on the same rooftop, Carapace had been forced to use his shelter and recharge, leaving Rena Rouge fighting Bombarder alone. She couldn't protect bystanders as well as Carapace, but she had no problem dodging Bombarder's attacks.
Ladybug had gathered Viperion, Roi Singe, and Kota While Chat Noir found Ryuko, Queen Bee, and Pegasus. Chat Noir and Queen Bee were the last to arrive.
For a moment, Ladybug wondered if Chat Noir had given the bee miraculous to someone else. If she didn't trust her partner so much, she would have believed it.
Queen Bee looked different.
She now had her hair mostly loose, the sides braided back like a crown and striped black. The circlet continued with a metal piece resting on her forehead. She had a black top that almost looked like a chest plate that covered her shoulders, and came down to her mid-stomach. Two yellow stripes lined her neck, like large necklaces, and the she had a yellow under-shirt that covered her arms and the rest of her stomach. She had a black belt and yellow pants with black stripes, black hexagonal knee-pads, and - was that a pocket? Her shiny black boots covered her ankles, and she wore elbow pads that matched her knees. She wore black gloves and black lipstick, and her mask was solid yellow with a black border.
"Why does she get pockets?" Ladybug wondered allowed. She wished she had said something a little more professional, but she wanted pockets.
"I don't know," Queen Bee admitted. "But it feels nice to be back. Thank you, Ladybug."
"Wait, you're Chl- Queen Bee?" Roi Singe asked. "You look totally different! Super cool!"
"I also want pockets," Ryuko commented.
"You look so pretty," Kota said.
"Do you two seriously not have pockets?" Viperion asked.
"Shouldn't we be focusing?" Carapace questioned. "Rena's down there by herself."
"You're right," Ladybug said. I'll talk to a Tikki about pockets later. "Okay, so I've thought about it, and I believe that the akuma will be in something small - something we can't reach easily. Queen Bee, you'll need to use your powers to freeze him."
"You can count on me," Queen Bee said.
"Carapace, stay on the lookout for bystanders," Ladybug said. "We want to minimize risk as much as possible. Kota, Ryuko, you're the most agile of us - you'll be doing what Rena is doing right now. Viperion, do your thing. Pegasus, I want you to help me with a trap - we're sending Bombarder away from citizens."
"To the arena?" Pegasus assumed.
"Yes," Ladybug confirmed. "Chat Noir, Roi Singe, you two will wait for him there to pick up from Ryuko and Kota. Carapace, I want you to follow Bombarder through the portal if you haven't use your power yet, and cast a shelter around the arena. Queen Bee, you'll also have to be at the arena already. Kota, I'll be trusting you to make sure Rena gets out safely as well. Alright, go!"
Chat Noir, Roi Singe, and Queen Bee headed towards the stadium. Kota and Ryuko charged at Bombarder, Ryuko landing a solid hit with her sword. Carapace and Viperion found a rooftop with a good view, and Pegasus hung back with Ladybug.
Kota deflected debris with her shield as the building behind Rena Rouge exploded. Ryuko engaged Bombarder, giving Kota time to usher Rena Rouge away. When she was close enough, Ladybug used her yo-yo to bring her up to the rooftop.
"You okay?" Ladybug asked.
"I'm fine," Rena Rouge said. "I could go another couple minutes. The buildings on the street, not so much."
"Good, because I'm going to need your help."
The trap worked perfectly. Bombarder didn't even realize there was a portal until he was on the other side of it.
Viperion, Rena Rouge, and Pegasus all needed to recharge, and Kota had been thrown several blocks away, but the rest of the heroes followed him in. Chat Noir and Roi Singe immediately attacked, both whacking him with their baton and staff. Carapace called for a shelter.
Ladybug landed on the bleachers, keeping an eye on the fight so she could intervene if needed.
"Lucky charm!"
A pillow fell into Ladybug's arm.
"It's a repeat," Queen Bee noted.
Ladybug didn't respond - she was already coming up with a plan.
"Be ready to go," she warned Queen Bee. "Hey, bomb guy! Explode this!"
With as much force as she had, Ladybug threw the pillow at Bombarder. Halfway there, the pillow exploded.
And a bunch of feathers engulfed Bombarder.
Queen Bee moved fast, launching herself off of the bleachers and whipping her top at Bombarder.
The top smacked into Bombarder, freezing him into place.
"Nice one, Queen Bee!" Roi Singe called.
Ladybug and Queen Bee joined them on the field. Bombarder has frozen with his wrists bent, and Ladybug could see that the black stripes were actually ribbons that attached to a bracelet near his gloves.
"Alright, kitty, I need your claws."
Chat Noir swiped through the ribbons, shredding them easily, and a butterfly flew out. Carapace dropped the shelter, and Kota and Viperion joined them a second later.
Rena Rouge landed behind the heroes just as Ladybug released the butterfly, and Pegasus arrived seconds later.
"Pound it!"
Ladybug looked over her team. It was the first time they had all been together, and she suddenly realized the potential they had, as a team.
But they never really had a chance to work as a team, and that needed to change.
"Are you sure?" Fu asked.
"I'm sure," Marinette replied.
"Okay," Fu agreed. "Let's do it."
Next chapter
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sabine-leo · 5 years
A smile to remember-Chapter43
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Author: @sabine-leo
Chapter: 43/?  
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Romance, FUN 
Note: A fun chapter befre we get serious with Toms plans for you and him ;) 
Hope you´ll like it!!!  Reblogs and comments are always welcome <3 
Going grocery shopping with Tom when he was that excited to host a party for his family was nothing short of like trying to get a kid on a sugar rush to sleep. He darted from aisle to aisle always finding something new to add to the cart you were pushing. One time you had to stifle a laugh as he picked up a big water gun and aimed at you with a boyish grin.  
“This one is coming home with us!” He proclaimed. To your lifted eyebrow he added. “For Dylan of course!” “Yes, of course!” But then he sneaked a second gun into the cart when he thought you weren´t looking.
“Saw that Thomas!” You grinned to yourself.
“Dammit, I should have thought of your ability to see everything that is going on behind your back! Why am I dating a Kindergarten teacher again?”
Turning around you saw that smug grin on his face.
“For one, you are not dating me anymore…we are going steady if you forgot while you were away.”
Tom grinned broadly while you talked.
“Secondly. You should have thought about that before asking me to move in with you.”
Tom sneaked his arm around your waist and tugged you against him.
“It is only inconvenient if I am trying to get away with something. I will be very happy about that ability of yours when we have some mischievous little ones of ourselves running around in our home.” He winked with an incredible handsome smile toying with his kissable lips as his big hand spread above your belly. “And I did not forget that we are going steady. It is not nearly steady enough for me and I think it´s about damn time to change that very soon!”
The kiss he gave you made it very clear that he was deadly serious about it. Laughing you pulled away after a moment and looked up into his pretty blue eyes. “Alright Hiddleston. You sneaked your way out of that quite well! Can we continue the GROCERY shopping now?!”
Tom laughed and let go of you. “Of course, my love!” He stepped into the next aisle and you only heard. “OH! Yes! We absolutely need fairy lights for the parasol!” And gone he was…
 Getting everything ready at home proved to be easier than shopping. Tom knew how to prep a party. He was very helpful and saw things that needed to be done on his own. You really did not have to walk him through every step. Kissing that adorable man of yours before leaving him to his work outside to prep the salads and other things in the kitchen, you turned around one more time as he hung the fairy lights. Tom, as if feeling your gaze, looked at you and smiled. He blew you a kiss and mouthed “I love you!” before he continued and you went inside.
When Tom was finished outside, he beelined it into the kitchen. His arms came around your waist and a soft kiss was placed onto your neck. “You need my help here?” He asked near your ear.
You turned half way and smiled at him. “No, I am nearly done, just one last thing and it is all ready for your family!” Tom smiled “Our!” He stole a kiss. “Our Family, darling!” He hugged you close for a second. “If you don´t need my help I will go and heat up the water in the shower.” His voice dropped deeper. “Join me as soon as you can!”
The shiver that ran along your body made him chuckle. “I love how I am able to that to you with my voice alone…” You swatted his chest softly. “I will not join you in the shower. I know that this will not end in a quickie. And I am not fond of getting caught in the act by your mom!”
Tom laughed and stole one last kiss. “Ok, I will give you that…but tonight you are mine again…”
Grinning you nodded “Yours alone!”  
An hour later you where just done with drying your hair when you heard the doorbell. “I´ll get it, love!” Tom said louder from downstairs. Putting everything away you went to join him. When you walked through the double doors to the front door you saw Tom in a tight hug with his mother. You instantly started to smile.
“It is so good to have you back home again Thomas!” Diana said and smiled up at her son before she saw you and nodded your way. “Hello love!”
“Hey Diana.” Tom loosened his hug and turned his mother to the open double doors.
“The house is incredible, mother! Have you seen it completely ready?” He asked and started to walk with his mom in his arm.
“Yes, I have. You have found one hell of a woman, son!”
“I know mother, I am just glad she is willing to put up with me and my strange life!” Diana hugged her free arm to yours and smiled as the three of you walked into the livingroom.
“Never forget that son!”
You grinned and said.
“He is worth every strange encounter and every minute I have to wait for his return home.”
Tom looked into your eyes with emotion in his. He could not answer loudly, lost for words but you knew what he felt. Pure love.
“Alright you two lovebirds!” Diana chuckled. “Let´s have a wonderful afternoon in this house of yours!” She let go of both arms and walked outside into the garden. Before she was out of sight she turned and winked. “You need to give me the number of your gardener…That was a marvellous job!”
Tom grinned. “I know it was you!” Diana laughed. “Well, then I am awaiting flowers as a thank you.” She walked out of sight and added louder. “…OH! And a strawberry cake from your lovely significant other!”  
Tom and you started to laugh as he turned to take you into his arms. You got on tiptoes and whispered into his ear. “The cake is already in the fridge and flowers are waiting in your study.”
Toms grin got broader. “Sweetheart, I LOVE YOU!”
The doorbell rang and you stole a quick kiss. “Never forget that, Thomas!”
“Not going to say it back, are you?!” He waited but to another impatient ring of the bell turned and walked back to the door.
 You watched for a second, then said “I will…just wait for it.”
Tom shook his head and opened the door with a grin. For a split second he saw the face of his sister and her husband. But the hit his legs took from something, someone running against it took up all of his attention. “UNCLE TOOOOOM!!!” An excited voice yelled and hugged his legs as tight as possible. “Oh! Hey buddy!” Toms voice got soft and his arms came around his nephew in an instant.
“Just let go for a second buddy. I want to lift you up!”
Dylans arms shoot up directly and Tom hoisted him up. “WOW you got big little man!”
Dylan giggled and hugged Tom fiercely and kissed his cheek. “I missed you uncle Tom!”
“I missed you too! And thank you for the help. (Y/N) She couldn´t have done the move without you!”
Dylan smiled so bright it mad Toms eyes water with emotion. He loved that kid with all his heart.
“Why don´t you run outside. Granny and (Y/N) are already there. And I might have a present for you waiting in the garden!”
Dylan wiggled to get down and ran outside. “OKIE DOKIE!”
Tom laughed and turned to greet his sister and his brother in law. His other sister, Emma, and his father turned up just seconds later. His whole family ready for a nice day together.
Tom showed them the house while you and Diana helped Dylan with his present in the garden.
 When Tom and the 4 others stepped outside, he had a big smile on his face. It was the first time you were meeting his father James. “Darling!” He said to get your attention from putting the salads onto the table. Looking up to meet his gaze you instantly smiled but got nervous too.
“Love, this is my father. James. Dad, this is the amazing woman I am allowed to call mine.”
Walking over with an outstretched hand you and James smiled at each other as you greeted one another for the first time. “It is so good to finally meet you, (Y/N).” James said and smiled a lovely smile that reminded you of his sons.
 The afternoon was full of laughs and stories about shenanigans the Hiddleston siblings had pulled on their parents. The food was amazing and everybody was in awe of the home you and Tom now shared. Dylan cuddled up to Tom when you, accompanied from Diana, Emma and Sarah cleared the table. Once you were inside Tom said quietly to Dylan. “Buddy, I need a favour.” Dylan was all ears. “I will need your help next week.” Dylan looked up to his uncle and nodded. “Is it a secret?”   Tom grinned and nodded with a serious face. “How did you know?” Dylan beamed and whispered. “Because you whispered and waited until all the women were inside!”
James and Dylan’s Dad laughed and Tom soon joined in. “You are very smart, good that you are willing to help me!” James leaned in and looked his grandson in the eyes. “Dylan, but not a word to anyone. This is a man only secret. No matter how many cookies you are promised. I´ll get you double…” That moment you and the women walked out again. Tom and James put their index finger to their mouths. Dylan nodded and grinned. “I´ll go play now!” And off he was, took your hand and tugged you along with him. “Good that you didn´t go into detail, son.” James grinned.
Tom leaned back with a chuckle and sipped on his glass.
 Some minutes later Dylan hollered from behind a bush “Uncle Tom!!! HELP!”
Tom narrowed his eyes and stood. “What´s up buddy? Where are you? Where is (Y/N) ?”
He started to walk to the bushes and tried to spot Dylan.
Tom came closer and the moment he saw Dylan it was already to late. You and Dylan shot up from behind the green and started to shoot at him with the two water guns. His shirt was soaked in seconds. Dylan giggled and now aimed at his pants.
Tom gasped but stood there just pinning Dylan and you down with his gaze.
“Traitors!” He said quietly. “You are both going to pay for that!”
That made Dylan laugh even more. But when Tom made a move to start chasing Dylan, he made a run for it…and you too. Tom chuckled darkly and began to chase you and his nephew through the garden. You still tried to shoot water at him but never actually scored a hit.
The others watched laughingly from the terrace how Tom got hold of BOTH water guns and started his revenge. The three of you soon where equally wet and collapsed onto the grass. Tom tucking you and Dylan against his sides saying “I call truce!”
“Truce!” Dylan echoed. You snickered and after a minute asked. “Who wants cake?”
“Cake?!” Dylan and Tom asked unison.
You stood up and Dylan jumped to his feet to. “ME!”
Tom grinned and watched the both of you. “I want cake too…but first…” In a quick move he flung you over his shoulder and grabbed Dylan under his other arm like a football. “…Dry clothes!”
  Sarah had snapped pictures all along but the last one she made just now was the best!
TAGLIST:  @theoneanna @shegatsby  @wabisabigrl  @everything-is-awesomesauce @lokislilslut @drakesfiance  @spoopyfoxxtropical  @yokaimoon  @kjjazzy23 @confessionsofastrugglingteen   @shinebrightlikeafanbase @adefectivedetective @coniumalces @lisastandford95 @imjustlonelyanddepressed  @anchored-in-high-tide  @clarakainda  @karnita-mexicana @nonsensicalobsessions  @raining-litter@archy3001 @itscalledfandomsweetielookitup @faeriedelalune-blog @lil-mewlingquim07 @amazinggraces-world @tanishahka @emomemelordess @devilbat@usedtobegoodfriend96 @cest-le-temps-de-lamour @adefectivedetective @marvelc00kie35 @stressedoutsteph @maggiefollows   @raining-litter  @littleredstarfish   @bi-spider-noir  @klbates22 @my-fuckin-problem
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aromanticwhore · 4 years
You and Rocket from ac - 🥚
Fuck yeah now this is a good ship
Who said “I love you” first- Me 100%
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background- If I could give my phone in AC a background it would be her. I think her background would be the flowers I give her all the time cause she loves them
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror- We don't share a house but I would definitely leave her little smiley faces
Who buys the other cheesy gifts- I buy her so much shit you have no idea
Who initiated the first kiss- Me and I got consent so we chill
Who kisses the other awake in the morning- I don't sleep with her our beds are too small but I feel like it would be her because I sleep until like mid afternoon
Who starts tickle fights- Neither of us
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower- Neither of us have showers
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch- She would more often but we both do
Who was nervous and shy on the first date- Definitely me
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk- I do that when I'm not drunk man
Who kills/takes out the spiders- Me cause I love that lil buddies
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