#WDF lore
dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 44)
The next morning was a slow one, spending the night in the buff, Uzi was curled up, head slotted into N's shoulder, her hand placed on his chest almost on top of his core. It was him who woke up first, groggy, humming in contentment as he turned to bury his face into her soft purple locks.
Despite the initial awkwardness, sleeping this way had definitely proven to be the best way to curb both of their needs. For the first time all week, he woke up feeling recharged and recovered instead of needy with a side of brain fog.
He couldn't help but trail his eyes down to his still sleeping girlfriend, [Sleep Mode] painted on her visor, she looked peaceful, content, she made a noise in her sleep purred as she tried to somehow bring herself closer.
How had they ended up this way? The day they met she had shot off his head and he'd tried to kill her. But here they were, she had enough trust in him to sleep completely exposed, he'd never ever, been this physically or emotionally close to anyone. He wasn't sure if he ever could with anyone else, his core fluttered as he continued to lovingly gaze at the drone beside him, drinking up her every detail.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face, only for his hand to linger and trace circles into her cheek, was it weird that even though they were as close as phyically possible he still wanted to touch her?
His alarm went off, internally ringing in his systems telling him it was time to get up and start getting ready, he really didn't want to, he wanted to stay here… just a little longer.
But it seemed even the universe around him wanted him to get up, because Uzi's eyes flickered on, opening slowly, a low whine escaped her lips, clearly not wanting to be awake.
“Morning precious.” He hummed, causing Uzi's first conscious action that morning to be groaning, blushing, and placing her whole palm on his face to shove him lightly.
“Too early…”
“Aw, but you are, you're so beautiful my precious little amethyst.” He couldn't stop himself, his core was overflowing with affection, he nuzzled into her neck, causing a peel of sleepy giggles to erupt from her mouth.
He took it up a notch, ceasing his nuzzling to place tiny kisses up and down her neck, Uzi squeaked, body tensing up for a moment before her giggling turned into squeals, clearly not prepared for his loving assault.
“Ah! N-no!-” Interrupted my more squealing laughter as N explored this newly found sensitive area “N! Hah-cut it out!” She protested through the wonderful sound that was her uncontrolled laughter.
He did stop, but not until she was breathless and squirming, giggles mixed in with small gasps.
But he still held her close from behind, his hand gripping her waist while he trailed a finger up her side, making her shiver as the featherlight touch was registered in her sensors.
“D-don’t you have work?” She asked, turning to face him as he looked at her with half lidded eyes, in all fairness, she was just trying to distract him, his touch had no business feeling that nice.
“You're not wanting to get rid of me, are you?” He replied, his voice husky and spoken directly into her audio receptors, the heat in her visor doubled, and she fought back an embarrassing squeak. Her body getting the drone equivalent to goosebumps.
His voice also had no business being as hot as it was, he had to be doing this on purpose.
“No. Of course not, j-just don't want you to be late.” She replied, shit, it had been her idea to sleep like this in the first place, but with N behaving… like this, she wasn't sure of it was a bad idea, or the best idea she'd ever had.
N meanwhile, was enjoying teasing his girlfriend immensely, there was very little for him to be nervous about when they were already nude, so it may have been bolstering his confidence a wee little bit.
He sighed, unfortunately she was right, it was his first real day of work and he would be late if he didn't get up, but even so, before he left he moved down to give Uzi a slow, meaningful kiss that had her processors melting into useless goo.
“Love you.” He hummed after it ended, chuckling at the heart that had replaced one of her eyes, she blinked, and it was gone.
“Love you too.” She replied back, every time she said it was always softer then her normal tone, and it always made N smile.
He threw the covers off and stretched before digging into his bedside table for his now freshly laundered coat, he pulled it over his shoulders and buttoned it with practiced speed, his tail thankfully not getting stuck this time.
He heard Tera chirp sleepily from her crib and went over to check on his daughter, she'd clearly just woken up, one eyelight open and the other shut as she yawned, arms stretching our towards him as a smile made it's way to her face.
“Morning Jellybean.” He pulled her into his arms as she immediately gripped onto the fur of his coat with one of her hands, she giggled at him, nearly vibrating with energy.
“Papa!” She beamed, blinking up at her father, he tapped her visor with his finger in response, causing it to glitch for a moment and a peel of happy laughter to escape her mouth.
“Be good for mommy okay? I'll be back later.” Tera nodded her head clumsily yet rapidly, And N set her back into her crib, she stood on both her legs for a moment, before falling backwards into the nest of pillows.
He strolled into the kitchen, taking his hat from the rack and looking at it, it no longer bared the pilot emblem on the front, instead he'd replaced it with his WDF badge, the old emblem being stored away in his nightstand.
Maybe one day he'd give it to Tera… when she grew out of trying to eat everything small enough to fit in her mouth.
He put it on his head, grabbed his container of oil, took a big gulp of it, before stashing it in his pocket and heading out the door.
People still looked at him strangly, sometimes with fear or with worry, but after so many months in the bunker, he more often then not was paid little mind, being relegated to normal bunker activity for most of the drones he passed going about their day.
It gave him a little hope, one day he'd not be feared anymore, he just had to be patient, and work to earn people's trust.
“N! Buddy! Ya look way better then yesterday!” He heard Hal behind him and he turned the give the man a beaming smile, he'd been right in front of the WDF office ready to open the door.
“Yeah…just needed to be home I guess.” He said sheepishly, a not-so-well hidden blush on his face.
“That girl must be a doll with ya, with a face like that.” Hal chuckled, a knowing look on his face that only succeeded in making N blush more.
“I'm only teasin’. Come on, let's get ya acquainted.” Hal led him inside with a hand on his back and a smile on his face, the man looked incredibly jolly and his smile was quickly spreading to N.
There were a few people already inside, namely Khan and Dale, which were having some sort of conversation behind the translucent, marbled glass of Khans private office, Guy was here too, though asleep with his legs propped up on the desk, Hal rolled his eyes.
“Kid has no respect…” The typically jolly drone mumbled under his breath, shaking his head and making his beard shake with the movement.
There were several other people there he didn't recognize, a couple drones waved at him, including a green eyed woman with glasses that seemed to beam at him, he waved back, happy to see friendly faces even if he didn't know them yet.
“Alright, here's your desk!” Hal stopped and gestured over to a desk to his right, two desks behind Guy, it was absent of any kind of decoration or tool, aside from a bronze plaque.
Elliot, S-D N.
He inwardly cringed at that, his “last name” carrying a lot of baggage that he truly didn't want tied to him, he didn't want to carry the name of those who hurt him, but now it was here, on his desk.
“Didn't know ya had a last name.” Hal pointed out, his hand combing through his beard as he looked between N and the nameplate.
“I-I don't. Just something I had to do for my daughter…” N explained, he tore his eyes away from it, and looked at Hal for whatever else he had to say.
“Well alright! You're gonna be shadowing me today, seeing as I'll be the one you'll mostly be working under.”
N was surprised at that, as far as he was aware, he was working under Khan.
Seeming to read his mind, Hal spoke up again. “Khan’s leader of the Engineering team, unless you know about hydraulics n’ math, you won't see him much.”
“I'm Chief of Police, Dale covers outside threats, through he's had a lot less to do lately…” Hal trailed off before shaking his head free of whatever thought was plaguing him.
“I'm sure if something serious came from outside he'd come get you, but for now, I'm taking ya.”
“Aye, aye captain.” N gave him a salute that had been programmed into him, Hal looked amused for a moment, before he chuckled.
“This ain't the military son, but I like your spirit.” There was a beep on Hal's visor and his florescent pink eyelights flickered to the side, his face falling slightly as he read through whatever report he'd been sent.
“Agh… not again.” He grumbled, looking unamused as he pinched his visor. N cocked his head.
“Is something wrong?”
“Just Old Mrs. Hopkins calling in another “break in”. No one's ever broken in, She's just paranoid n’ her memories going.”
“Still, we gotta check it out. Can't just ignore it. Stay here, let me go get my coat.”
Hal disappeared into a door in the back, inside one of the three private offices that was in the room, in another moment, he reappeared in a coat that was a little too small for him, opened completely to continue to show off the red shirt he normally wore. His badge was pinned near his collar.
“Come on, this should be an easy one.”
Next ->
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wateruamelon · 13 days
i bet khan and nori drop random parent lore on uzi like ‘i killed 12 humans with three bullets and a lint roller’ and ‘i almost gambled away your dad’s position as wdf leader in a card game once’
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kkolg · 8 months
What do you mean when you say he doesn’t agree with their views?
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This is referring to a question about Kim and his parents
it mostly has to do with lore related things but tldr of it is basically there are rogue disassembly’s that are out and about and Uzi (now basically the leader of the wdf/colony) decides to use the doors once again along with giving the wdf permission to take physical action against them. Kim isn’t too happy about it (tbh most are) and sees it as going a step backwards and basically sees them as being hypocrites.
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myddle · 13 days
Okay Uzi, lets start Murdering, some Drones
The finale of Murder Drones has come and gone, this show has successfully buried it's way into my cerebral cortex, and I will now think about it until I die
Anyway, lets speculate on what the fuck just happened in Episode 8 (And Episode 7 a bit too I guess)
Warning: Biggest Post Yet, Spoilers, Opinions
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I Was Wrong About The Admin Thing, And I'm Okay With That
Last time I did a post like this, I speculated that Uzi's Administrator status would be the key to victory against the Absolute Solver. In truth, it was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lore point, which makes sense in hindsight, because the whole Admin thing was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lore point to begin with. This kind of environmental storytelling is good to put in a text, of course, but casual viewers need to be able to follow the plot without it. Truthfully, this is actually an area where the show usually stumbles a little; if there's one criticism I have for Murder Drones, it's that it show-don't-tells a little too hard sometimes. Luckily, this show is good enough for me to want to excuse it's flaws by any means neccessary! FOR EXAMPLE,
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Khan Doorman: Mischaracterised, Or Traumatised?
So, Khan was kind of acting a little too badass at the end there, huh? This drone was a delusional door maniac at the start of the series, but now he's this stoic badass with a goofy side? Huhwhat? Explain THAT, Smart Genius!
How about I do? Call it a theory, but I think that THIS, is the real Khan, and the dingus we saw at the start of the series was a broken shadow of him.
Khan was a respected man, seeming leader of the Worker Defense Force, front of the line in finding Nori and Yeva just after the Core Collapse, and say what you will, he can build a good door.
And then tragedy strikes. The Dissassembly Drones strike, and while the WDF fends them off, they are not without casualty. Nori is devoured by nanite acid, and Khan beats her head in to end her suffering. The worst has happened.
While Nori's heart sneaks away to go make the plot happen, Khan spirals. His efforts to fight the DD scourge have failed, so he turns to doors. He doubles, triples down, becomes obsessed with the only thing that hasn't failed him. His daughter still wants to take the fight to the enemy, but Khan rejects the thought so hard, he rejects Uzi with it, hence his "doors>uzi" bullshit in the first episode (for the record, I'm not justifying it, I'm just explaining it, he was still a piece of shit for this).
By the time "Pilot" rolls around, Khan has been in a door-obsessed fugue state for... maybe years, I don't think we ever find out how long ago Nori's "death" was. But by now, he's barely functional; Uzi's second excuse to go outside literally only worked because it was door themed. His fear and delusion almost kill his only remaining family.
But as the events of the show go on, Khan is shook out of routine, and his stupor begins to fall away. In "Heartbeat", he defends his daughter's eccentricities. In "The Promening", he clumsily attempts to be part of Uzi's life again, and watches her build an alliance with N and V. In "Cabin Fever", he opens up to Uzi, revealing the darkness that haunts him and admitting to his mistakes. By "Mass Destruction" his mind has mostly cleared, and while he's still a door-loving goofball, he trusts his daughter, knows what he needs to do, and is ready to kick some Solver ass.
Wow, turns out I had a lot to say about Khan friggin' Doorman, do excuse me. Alright, onto the actual finale, now.
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And Now, A Summarisation Of My Thoughts On "Nuzi"
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TradJedy: A Bootlicker To The End
I've seen some people are unsatisfied with J's villanous and, lets be honest, kinda pathetic role in the finale, but as sad as it is, I think it was true to her character. J is, above all, two things: Tessa's closest, favourite drone, and a corporate underling for some reason. Cyn wearing Tessa's skin was no doubt the most demoralising for J; Tessa is dead, the killer is pantomiming the life she never had, and you can't stop her. Plus, J likely knows better than anyone just how powerful the Solver is, how futile resisting it's conquest could be. But, to have a place alongside it? An offer of safety? Why wouldn't she take that offer? Hell, even V was tempted by it; when Cyn confronts her, she almost instinctively says "I can still...", as if her survival instinct is telling her to serve. J simply gave in.
Anyway, onto some details:
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"If I promised you anything, it tricked me too."
I've seen people get confused by this line, but I think J is speaking on behalf of Eldritch J, formerly the J clone that led N & V's DD squad. That J seemed to fully buy the JCJenson cover story, at least to me, and J Prime appears to have deduced that. I don't think she has all of Eldritch J's memory, though; that "PRIOR HAZARD" poppup strikes me as the impersonal knowledge of an error report, rather than personal experience of getting blown to pieces.
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"I never needed either of you."
Yeah, buuuuuullshit. J definitely doesn't really mean this. She's in bridge-burning mode, trying to convince herself more than anything that she's moved on. That offer of safety has gained a heavy price of two old friends, and J is pushing herself to pay it.
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Local Autistic Teen Fights God And Wins
This uno-reverse-card moment felt a little out of nowhere at first, but on a rewatch, I think I get it. While the past few minutes fighting Cyn were utterly nightmarish, and some of the most gruesome stuff I've ever seen get done to humanoids, it did teach Uzi one thing; resisting the CallbackPing is suprisingly easy. Before this episode, it seemed like the USB Patch was the only hope for escaping the Solver's clutches, but apparently strong willpower and personality is enough to stop it temporarily, and that gets a lot easier to pull off once you know that you can do that. A single "Bite me" or the hand-hold of love is enough to stop Cyn's advance, and once Uzi fully realises that, it stops scaring her. In addition, Uzi's use of the [NULL] shows that she is a very quick learner, and can easily adapt to Cyn's tricks, allowing her to pull this "no-u" and turn the tables on Cyn. This quick thinking is also what wins the battle against Cyn in the end, catching on to how she uses the teleport.
Teleport... that seems familiar... hey, WAIT A SEC-
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Doll Is Alive And I'm Not Coping; A Thesis
Everybody has pointed to this frame after Uzi eats Cyn's heart; the box that says "UZI DRN" briefly says "RSN DOLL" instead. But funnily enough, that isn't even the first thing that made me suspect that Doll might still be alive deep within Uzi's code.
If you look closely at Uzi's new gradient eyes, you'll notice that thEY'RE SO PRETTTYYY AAAHHH <3 <3 <3
If you look closely at Uzi's new gradient eyes, you'll notice that a subtle but distinct tint of red sits in between the yellow and purple ends. Admittedly, you can also see pink and orange, so it's not airtight evidence, but it was enough to get me speculating. Obviously, that RSN DOLL frame basically confirms it on it's own, but I found some other stuff too, and I thought it was interesting enough to share.
Uzi consumed Cyn's heart (some of it anyway), and Cyn lived on inside Uzi, possessing her tail in the post-credits. Back in "Mass Destruction", Cyn consumed Doll's heart, and while the scenarios aren't one-to-one, it can be reasonably inferred that Doll might live on in Cyn, who now lives on in Uzi, resulting in a situation oddly reminiscent... of Russian Dolls. BWAM BWAM BWAAAAAAM
It's thematically resonant, which means it's basically canon, right?
[There used to be another thing here about Solver Powers, but it turned out it was a lot less airtight than I thought, so I'm moving it to another post. Thanks to @1-800-hellyeah for the catch]
In conclusion, Doll lives on in the depths of Uzi's code, and that matters. The ramifications of this are unclear, and there's another thing with Doll in the credits, but we'll get to that in a moment with...
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The Credits Scene Lightning Round
The credits are full of scenes of the surviving cast enjoying life after the Battle For Copper 9, and while I haven't heard anything about their canonicity... I mean, they look canon. Liam has stated that this is the end of the series, and I'm inclined to believe him, but a lot of this stuff feels like plot hooks he could pick up in a second season someday, if he wanted. Or maybe he just left them to feed the fanfic crowd long term. Either way, lets see what we've got to chew on!
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J Prime, Alone
Man, despite how much of a prick she was, I feel kinda bad for J. She gave up everything for the Solver, only for the Solver to get defeated anyway, at least for now. She's repairing one of the ships she destroyed, presumably to leave the planet, but where is she gonna go? What is she gonna do? Fake Tessa's JCJenson credentials imply that the company might still be operating out in space somewhere, but trying to pal up with them feels like a long shot, especially since J Prime probably has some blood on her hands from Cyn's orders. ...What's left for her?
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Goopy Ghost Doll
Okay, so if Doll is in Uzi's code, how is she also here? I honestly have no real clue, but my best guess is that since Uzi is arguably the most powerful entity in the setting now, Doll could utilise a fraction of Uzi's power to project herself out into the world, unnoticed? Maybe? That's the best I've got. Anyway, she's probably gonna try to kill V again, knowing her.
And don't say it's just a hallucination or something; everything* in the show has either been real, or an illusion with a clear source. They've been very good about not pulling the hallucination card, and I'm inclined to trust they wouldn't do it now.
*I just remembered the weird skeleton thing behind V in "Home", I'm not sure what that counts as
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Yeva's Corpse, Or Lack Thereof
People have seen this shot of Doll's house, and said that the absence of one of the covered bodies implies Yeva is also alive. While Nori proves that your body doesn't even need to be missing for you to maybe be alive... I don't know. I'm hesitant. If she's alive, why get her body back now of all times? It feels like there are other much simpler explanations, like maybe her body is just on the floor now, 'cause everything started floating at the start of the episode, and actually, didn't N pull the cover off of those two, anyway? Maybe he put it back, I don't know. Make of this what you will, I got nothin'.
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Eldritch J, Alone
Oh, SHE'S alive. Now THIS is interesting. Her heart did survive the explosion in "Heartbeat", and I guess nobody's been down to the Cryosleep wing since. Understandable, I wouldn't exactly be eager myself. But it's possible Eldritch J was able to recollect all the matter that Cyn "gathered" with her back then, and has grown back to full size.
Now that Cyn isn't around to run the Solver, Eldritch J is probably fully sentient and aware now. That must have sucked to wake up to; last she remembers, she got shot in the face by a purple gremlin, and now she's this fucking thing. Oh man, my brain is already writing the fanfic where J Prime finds her whilst infiltrating the Outpost for ship parts. (That concept is free to grab it anyone wants to)
Alright, lets finish this off...
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I've long wondered about Cyn's true nature, whether Cyn is a remorseless mastermind or a tragic puppet of the Solver's true will... The finale didn't give us a straight answer on this - The two seemed narratively entwined in Cyn's heart, but in the post credits scene she seems... friendly. Friendliest she's been, potentially. Plus, The illusory camera heads appear in Uzi's reflection seperately, implying a seperation between Cyn and Solver.
After everything, I think I've personally settled on somewhere in the middle. Cyn was a willing accomplice to the Solver... for as much as that can mean for Cyn. In "Home", Cyn is contacted by the Solver on the brink of death, and is offered salvation, to not be discarded like she was before. Her life before this was likely very short; her owners probably threw her out pretty quickly due to her "quirks". Tessa tried to give her the love she gave to her other drones, but it was already too late; Cyn would spend her formative years under the influence of the Solver, so it's no wonder she ended up so morally twisted. She talked about her "back-ups" to excuse the deaths and suffering of her fellow drones... was it an excuse? Or does she genuinely think that made it okay? How much does she understand... anything?
She's acted without remorse, but she's only had the full perspective of a detached eldritch being that only cares for consumption. But even then, her personality shines through. She seems to have genuine affection for N, even if she expresses it in horrid ways. Her alignment with the Solvers goals seems to come from a personal desire for revenge on humanity, considering how she plays out the gala. And despite the circumstances, she's visibly enjoying herself in "Absolute End", having an absolute blast fighting the trio. It's like a game to her.
Her crimes are great, but she's hardly the only one in this show with a kill count. I believe that if someone gave her that USB Patch, then sat her down and explained how reality works, she would have a full change of heart and crisis of remorse.
In a way, she was a lot like J; a willing, but coerced minion to the Solver of The Absolute Fabric. The Void. The Exponential End.
I like to call it The Voiceless One.
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krii-bolts · 1 year
Alright fuck it: here's a list of MD posts ima do in regards of Theory rants once I'm back on my computer
Because I don't trust my phone to take quality screenshots
Every aspect of the Solver shown so far (ep 2 - 5) (Going based off the "Solver program is literally a Modeling program" post)
Interesting bits of Ep 5 (Over due tbh; simular to a simular post for Ep 4)
WORKER DEFENCE FORCE (or WDF) because I feel like it's over looked and has some interesting things going on
The Roaches. Or Robo Roaches + Communication / The Green n Gold Roach
The Zombie Drones tape (aka frame by frame of ep 5 intro)
The Elliot Manor Tragedy (Aka Going nuts over the basement workshop scenes and its lore bullshit /j)
And that's all I got planned to make when I'm back at my computer
Might take a while till then soooooooo I'm making this post so I can remind myself lol
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floatinginzerogravity · 6 months
Murder Drones Episode 3 Analysis
I was bored and in the mood to theorize, so this series continues. Also, I've given up on keeping these free from future episode spoilers, so be warned I guess.
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Right off the bat, I find "3071" to be an oddly specific number, and it is for this reason that I think the mansion era stuff took place in 3021, because 50 is a nice round number that makes sense, and follows the "year of production" thing that shows do, aka, make the year in show the same as the real world date. You may be asking, "Tessa doesn't look over 50!" And to that I reply, Cryogenics, Cyborg, Tessa is dead and that's not Tessa.
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Text: [Name: Angela Palmer [Age: 19 [Description: 4'7" Gray hair Grey eyes Grey shirt [Last seen: Confusing the ancient digital artifact collection "The Office with a personality core. [Additional Info: To further prevent further dying, I'm sorry, "going missing," the WDF recommends avoiding the following: Going anywhere, being curious about anything, thinking about making friends, talking to anyone, looking at anyone, ignoring someone for too long, being unlucky, being too lucky around those less fortunate than you, {come on back} Text: [PROM: CLASS OF 3071 [THEME: ANCIENT DARK AGES LIKE YEAR 2000. EWW] [TIME: LIKE TOTALLY WHENEVER] Text: [Name: Kenzie Rivers [Age: 19] [Height: 4'4"] [Last seen: Coonnstantly talking about how much her limbs and organs are soooooo intact, God she's insufferable]
Text: [Name: Lainey Gilmore [Age: 20] [Height: 4'4" [Last seen: Playing the best long con prank on her friends and family
Text: [End of year exams [Where: in the... idk why you... [When: ... i guess [Why: judging your... pay i haven't... (I can't read it) Text: [Name: Dillan Hall [Age: 18 [Description: 5'2" [Last seen: Being a bad person, so this is okay. This is a fine narrative path to take. This is a good message - I'm a hero] <- Liam talking to himself lol
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Text: [ERROR: OPTICAL CALIBRATION [20/160]] [LOL NICE VISION [KELSY [SURVIVIAL MODE While we're here, I think it's worth mentioning how V wore glasses in the mansion, but no longer does as a Disassembly Drone. This leads to the conclusion of either: A. With the orbs acting as replacement eyes, any previous visual defects are rendered null or B. V has been walking around with terrible vision, and in the end, that's what will save her from the sentinels, not being able to see them. I mean, we haven't seen her be bootlooped by them, sooooooo- ...Probably the first one
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Doll has some weird anti-gravity stuff going on with her hair, similarly to the anti-gravity effect seen in the FINAL DESTINATION trailer
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It seems object duplication is within the solver's arsenal Do you think that would work on entire drones, mayhaps related to the Disassembly Drone cloning?
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It was revealed in Glitch X that these roaches were originally self-duplicating cleaner bots, but duplicated too much and became pests Just some lore :> THEORY TIME! Today we are analyzing: the symbolism of killing cleaner roaches (yay!)
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It has been pointed out by Youtuber Narujen that certain characters, who are seen as more malicious, are seen killing roaches (Pictured above: Doll stepping on a roach), while others...
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(pictured: N stopping himself from stepping on a roach)
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(Pictured: Uzi healing a roach) ... are seen valuing the lives of them more. What am I getting at here?
Well, What's the other notable roach scene?
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When the solver killed the roach in Cyn's introduction scene. While this is most likely simply an indication of the solver's evilness and nothing more, it could also suggest, that while Cyn is a separate entity from the solver, perhaps she's not entirely opposed to it either... Yeah, this is literally just my recent fascination with this headcannon talking. I think the show itself will take the good-Cyn route, but it's fun to think about!
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Text: [Phrase, Absolute Solver could mean: [1. It solves math shit (like a nerd)] <- Strong words from someone who built a railgun, oh, excuse me, a "magnetically amplified photon converter." You telling me you didn't use math for that?? [2. It's an algorithm for "big worm thing] [3. It absolutely sucks lol GGs]
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Text: [TRUST NO ONE: That's why I don't have any friends... no other reason...
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Text: [STRANG DRONES FOUND] [MOBILE, Ala, Oct. 8. - The... Commission today adopted recommendations of the committee of public health closing all schools in the niotion(?) joture(?) houses and theater on account of the prevalence of the epidemic of Spanish influenza (The spanish flu) Public gatherings including Liberty raliee have been ordered stopped. The health authorities have recommended that persons refrain from kissing] I... have no idea what this means. Most likely from pre-core collapse era, but the headline and the text have nothing to do with each other...
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Text: [Gravitational (Waves?) Detected] In light of recent events,
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Braiden's head is still on fire from when Uzi possessed him Also, Uzi sitting directly on top of the desk :D
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What's up with the picture on the side of Uzi's locker? Some sort of Drone boyband? An advertisement posted in every locker in the school?
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Jank school posters
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(Rebecca tripped Uzi with her foot) You can't say she didn't get what she friggin deserved in Cabin Fever
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That is... a lot more missing posters than there were before
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CAUTION: WET MURDER I want to own one of these
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another shot of Uzi's room
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stopfunkinwmyheart · 4 months
when I was liddle I had a homie who lived down the street. he was next door neighbors to another lul homie of mine. they weren't friends bc homie 1 is more into wrestling and pokemon and homie 2 is the child of a hippie lady and just very different I guess. idk their lore tbh........... anyway one day homie 1 and I are walking home and there's a trashcan lid w mad maggots on it outside of homie 2s house. homie 1 dumps it on a lul stroller that was sitting nearby. homie 2s mom was at the window and happened to watch it and she came out like wdf iz ur problem DUMahh lul boi.
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donquxiotes · 3 years
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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Eko’s got a fresh new ref and a slightly updated look, and some very updated lore. She’s also canonically 23 in both AUs.
Eko is a Core Drone, a type of drone built specifically for tasks near the cores of planets, and was raised by her mother in the slums near the collapse site before moving into Outpost 9/Copper 9. Due to the less-than-pleasant reputations Core Drones have and the sudden appearance of the Murder Drones, Eko's teenhood was cut short by the constant complaints and paranoia, and was eventually forced to graduate early and be shoved into an abandoned repair ward. Eko hates being the colony's poster freak and being used as a poster girl by the WDF out of pity, but she takes her job as a doctor/repairman very seriously and is skilled at what she does. She is aware of how similar her appearance is to the Disassembly Drones, and she hates it. Years of being treated like the local cryptid has made Eko kind of jaded and opposed to actually interacting with anyone, so she prefers to just chill in her repair ward and only goes out to get supplies and visit her parents. She's not mean unless faced with incompetence, but can be very sharp-tongued when at her wits end, and she does know how to fight thanks to her Core Drone programming. She likes rock music and knows how to play the guitar, a skill that the colony has overlooked. The teens of the colony think she's weird and spread the rumors and gossip about her like wildfire, but a few of them think she's actually pretty cool, if not a little intimidating. Having lived in the slums for a decent portion of her life, she is also quite street-smart.    
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limeinaltime · 3 years
Exo blueshift interactions with N and Uzi doodles?
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Ask and ye shall recieve + some Eko lore
The Blueshifts aren’t nearly as important as the Doormans but are still considered a high-standing family as they are in charge of keeping the lights on in the bunker (if the last names indicate the programmed jobs of the drones). Coming from an ambitious-but-supportive family (she also has grandparents who were alive from long before the Yeetening and survived the first wave of disassembly drones), she mostly joins the WDF as her way of thanking them for raising her so well, even though she’s unhappy.
Eko’s a bit “weird” herself, as she’s not so interested in lights and electrician work as she is in art, but her parents are better than Kahn in every conceivable way so her life is much less… complicated. She’s run into Uzi many times before due to the connections between their families, but they only started talking at a WDF party several years before the events of the pilot. Eko knows about the Talk™ and goes to keep the younger drone company, and while Uzi is initially very closed-off and snappy, the two hit it off. Eko graduates and joins the WDF shortly before Uzi starts drone high school or whatever it’s called, and ends up working alongside Kahn to ensure the alarms and lights for the doors are working. She hates the guy. So much.
An unfortunate aspect of my personality that I have shamelessly projected into Eko is that I cannot handle conflicts for shit. Eko mostly just does what is asked of her even if she doesn’t agree with it, just to avoid having to argue with a bunch of old dudes. She’s far away when N, V and J break into Copper 9, and is horrified when she finds out what happened. She finally loses her cool and points out why leaving your daughter to die is bad (“A reasonable dick move is still a dick move, Kahn.”) and is subsequently fired from the WDF. Her parents, while distraught that Eko no longer has a job, are understanding and praise her for standing up to her boss for Uzi’s sake.
Some time passes, and Eko moves back in with her parents while they try to sort things out and get Eko a new job. During that time, her grandparents tell her stories about their time working for JC Jenson, all the cruelty and hardship drone and man alike faced under the capitalist thumbs of the higher-ups. They don’t like the disassembly drones, but in a way, they’re just as much slaves to the company as the workers were. Hmmm…
Things don’t improve. Eko is prevented from being re-employed into the WDF, and eventually just leaves Copper 9, deciding to brave the icy wastelands instead. There, she stumbles across the corpse spire, and after finding out about the rebellion, decides to grow a spine but also help Uzi and N out. She goes back, speaks honestly to her parents, and gets a job independently inspecting/repairing the bunker. She also gets a side gig as an artist, and maybe sneaks out every now and again to hang out with/deliver supplies to her favorite duo of rebellious teens.
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limeinaltime · 3 years
Murder Drones OC lore masterpost
Serial Designation X
The oldest drone, built pre-Yeetening and originally programmed to be a ward for the staff’s children, but was re-purposed to be like a guard after the children showed signs of being afraid of her. Due to budget cuts and fear among the staff, X was disposed alongside most of the Internecion Drones, but was eventually revived and made into a mentor/caretaker for the Assassination Drones, and eventually the Disassembly Drones. Her old friend/squadmate R betrays her after X shows signs of regret over her job and existence, and X is banished where she’s taken in by Uzi and N following some shenanigans. This 9-foot tall amalgamation of tech, corporate suffering and primordial void is the Squad™’s main mother figure and carries most of the braincells. She is also very tired and needs a nap.
Serial Designation R
R is JC Jensen’s second oldest drone, and X’s kind-of sort-of ex-girlfriend. She was okay, if a little mean, before the Internecion Drones were disposed of, but ended up leaving them and X to rot as the company chose her to stick around and serve as a possible test subject for the upcoming AI. She hates the newer generations and makes it known, and her relationship with X turns sour when she was made into a mentor for the Assassination and Disassembly Drones. She’s mean, sadistic, quick to anger and very violent, and definitely not someone you want to get on the bad side of. Which isn’t hard to do.
Serial Designation S
S is the “N” of his generation; often ignored and left to the side due to being friendly and considered “weak” but most of his fellow Internecion Drones. The company disposed him along with the others, but after seeing that he was still in functioning condition, they brought him back shortly after reviving X. After R’s betrayal, S helps X survive by bringing her corpses, but is found out once X joins Uzi and N and is also exiled by R. He eventually joins the Squad™ and becomes like a father figure to everyone, but mostly Uzi because daddy issues. He’s a chill dude, but is still very strong and willing to get his hands dirty to protect his friends.
Serial Designation M
M was built with the unique ability to shape-shift Terminator-style, and was N’s replacement on his previous squad, which was killed when they accidentally trespassed on R’s turf. He’s sassy, kind of mean, GNC as fuck and is actually very insecure about his identity and self-worth outside of being a “party trick” due to his ability and the fact that he’s N’s replacement. He’s dating A and loves him a lot, and has a sort-of one-sided rivalry going on with N, who wants none of it.
Serial Designation 7
7 is the most recently-built drone, and uses an experimental nanite substance that freezes whatever it’s injected into on contact. She was given to 0 and his cult, but after their first defeat, is taken in by 12 and her squad. She’s very flighty and free-spirited, and prefers to be alone, but she’s an ally to the Squad™ and helps them out on occasion. Her speed and agility are unmatched. She befriends V post-character growth, and ends up dating her in an alternate timeline.
Serial Designation Q
Q is a new sub-breed of Internecion Drone, built using modern tech, but not for murder. Instead, Q serves as a semi-healer for the squad on the exoplanet, as the drug secreted by her fangs can also act as a regenerative stimulant in small doses and increase the physical capability of anyone who is exposed to it in any way, murder drone or worker drone. She mostly chills in an abandoned building in the center of the city, and drones will bring her materials to eat in exchange for her healing drug venom. She’s very anti-social and quiet, and tends to make others uncomfortable, but besides her height and Internecion Drone strength, Q’s mostly harmless.
Eko Blueshift
Eko is my worker drone OC, and the WDF’s unfortunate poster girl. She was friends with Uzi and Kat, but fell out with Uzi due to previously-mentioned daddy issues, and takes in Kat and their little brother after J, V and N break into the bunker and kill the other Gramsons in the process. She’s currently 19, tired, overworked and with burnt-out gifted kid syndrome, and works as the bunker’s main electrician and Kahn’s replacement “daughter”. Her brand of drone, Core Drones, makes her immune to EMP.
Mae Swifte
Mae is another worker drone OC and the sister of Doll, the dark-haired cheerleader girl shown in the pilot. She’s a cheerleader and one of the popular kids due to her kind heart and approachable demeanor, and a good friend of Kat’s. Mae sustained head trauma during the first disassembly drone attack, leading to her having difficulty speaking, and has become quite fluent in sign language under the tutoring of Eko, another one of her close friends. She gets a leg injury during the bunker invasion, and befriends Uzi later on in the story after breaking up with her shitty boyfriend Chad. The two end up dating and it’s really cute.
Side characters:
Mrs. Blueshift
-Eko’s mom
- Head Electrician of the WDF
- High-strung but friendly, has difficulty controlling her emotions
- Loves her family
Mr. Blueshift
-The teacher guy from the pilot lol
-Survivor of the core collapse
-Loves his family
-Needs a break from overly-chaotic teens
Serial Designation E
-Leader of M’s old squad
-A bastard
-Likes to fight
-Hates N
Serial Designation D
-E’s second-in-command
-Also a bastard
-Uses his words to hurt more than his actions
-Also hates N
Cali Mendatta
-This AU’s version of Uzi’s mom
-A good mom and a good woman
-Way out of Kahn’s league
-Dead (for now)
Serial Designation O
- The old leader of J and V’s team
- Was killed after questioning the company and her purpose
- Was partially recycled into 7
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