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oldscoutblog · 6 months ago
Hey there! Wassup??
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webslingingslasher · 2 years ago
hiii it's sleepover anon again :’) another long update ahahah. i was able to talk to them the day after my bday thru vid call!
they basically said that they were talking abt me bc it was just randomly brought up when they were tgt waiting for me to arrive to bff1's house on the day of the sleepover/dinner party, and they thought that me being delusional over the guy was funny.. i mean, sure yeah it is pretty funny but 1) someone *must* have brought it up bc how else would that convo even happen while they were waiting for me 😭 i don't believe it was "random".. 2) they were still laughing abt me behind my back ? i mean, yk we could've done that together lol bc i rly was silly ngl. but i said that i'm not ashamed about it even if they think i was being too much bc first of all that guy actually showed interest and he implied lots of times that he did like me sooooo it's only natural to feel that way ? 🙁 i wasn't going to not let myself not feel anything abt it bc i just wanted to have fun 😭 and even if he was sus, which we all thought at first b4 i got close to him, i stuck around w him bc he was the only person i knew in one of my classes cuz we were also classmates in the previous term.. then we got close bc we helped each other n yk stuff happened but it was also for the sake of common decency. and i rly was just fucking around to find out bc i wanted to know even tho he was sus.. and now i know and there's actual proof that he's just not it. i wasn't going to cut him off or smth without reason or proof lol i'd end up being the bad guy despite what we all thought ab him at first :// but now i do have a good enough reason that i can back up n thats why i stopped talking to him. simple as that
also bff2 alr felt bad enough bc she realized that drunk her isn't a good person so i didn't feel the need to crush her abt the stuff she said abt our other friend lmaooo.. i could've but nah she was alr depressed enough i'm just glad she's aware now. i did mention it tho and i said it was just plain mean..
but it's also quite funny to think they were making fun of me for being so head over heels when they don't even have experience 😭 they don't even know what it's like to have someone interested in them at least.. like one time when i was talking to him for like 2 whole days, bff2 once told me she was jelly of me and him bc she's never gotten to talking stage w anyone.. n then after all that they were laughing abt me like lol ok :\\
anw i just told them that i don't appreciate how they talked abt me without my presence bc whatever they said to each other was smth they could actually say to my face.. it's smth i'd laugh abt too yknow.. but they apologized tho which is good but honestly i don't rly trust them now after all that.. their insecurities spilled onto their perception of me + our other friend like yikes i don't rly want insecure friends who laugh abt me behind my back i want supportive and non-judgmental ones!! it's not even hard to be kind 😭 glad i went to that sleepover n that i went thru him tho even tho it was just bs bc i found out the truth abt my friends.. bottom line is i don't have trustworthy friends so i'm just going to keep my distance.. we r still 'friends' i don't want to cut them off but i'm just not telling them anything anymore and i'm not talking to them unless they msg to talk to me first or if i need them for smth lol
anw thats it for this whole drama thank you sm for listening omg HAHAH 😭😭💗💗 also jsyk i am one of the emoji anons haha i just didn't rly want to associate the drama w it but yes. tysm for the safe space u created on here<33 and thank you for taking ur time to always talk to us even if it's a lot to go thru one by one🥹🫶🫂❤️‍🩹
also!!! let’s go boundary queen!!! nice to know it was all bc they’re jealous.
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celibatevegan · 4 years ago
ohhh my god the saturn empji looks so sick on desktop
anway i started to right abt tchaikjovksy but i ended up just explaining the plot of the nitcracker im stil so sad that i wont get to see it ths year :((((( anwyay like it or not here u go
Pyotr illyich (I love love you ich that’s I in german as in “I love you yes I do”) Tchaikovsjt (chaikovsky/tschaikovsky/chaikovskii/tschaikowsky/tschaikovsky/if you don’t know how to specll Tchaikovsky don’t feel bad because it’s a Russian name and “Tchaikovsky” is only the most popular romanization of his name but it’s a Russian name so its not even necessarily “right”) was a Russian composer of the Romantic period (approximately 1770-1850) . He was most celebrated for his ballets, notably the nutcracker, sleeping beauty, swan lake, but also for his other works including but not limited to the 1812 overture and Romeo and Juliet fantasy overture; its almost impossivle for someone to have never heard a single melody from his work especially if u have even an iota of taste in your silly little brain. For gods sake watch a barbie princess movie please theyre on youtube for free here
Okay so theyre not but don’t worry so its Christmas and theres a girl clara and herbrother whos name is Hans I think and since its Christmas their family is visiting so everybody comes in and clara and hans? Greet them abnd everyone dances and theyre having a good time dancing it’s a ballet so theres a lot of dancing (this doesn’t happen in the barbie version theres not nearly as much dancing because little girls only like the idea of ballet but not the practice or waqtching it because watch ing people do things sucvks until youre older and you cant do those things yourself. Play basebqall is more fun than watching it but not all of us have the knees for it anymore)
so drosselmeyer is claras godfather and he comes to say hello and give all of the children presents and hans I swear that’s not his name now but also also cant remember what it could be, hans gets like a sword or something which is cool but clara gets a wooden nutcracker soldier doll and hans gets jealous and tries to steal him, they fight and hans roips his arm the fuck off and hes fuckin broken. So of course everuone is shocked and clara is fucking sad as hell like she literally just fucking got it and now his arm is ripped the fuck off, so WAIT I forgot before they got the nutcracker he gave them dolls like lifelike dolls (theyre people in the ballet but they act like dolls its actually really cool to watch like the level of fucking control these people have ballet dancers r fucking incredible) and theres another dance and THEN hansdd breasks the nutcracker, and then everyone like the mood is gone they all say goodbye and go home until its just clara and hans and hold on.
His name is Fritz,. So its just fritx and clara and there parents and they all go to bed and go to sleep, and then clara sneaks out of bed to go check on her poor broken nutcracker nd hes still fucking broken so she falls alsleep with him under the Christmas tree and then while shes sleeping everything she szhirinks until shes the same size as the nutcracker whos a prince now. So then the mice king and all of his little mice friends come in and the dance around for a while and the nutcracker prince has to fight them off because theyre being scary, so he fights with the mouse king for a while until he kills him or clara kills him or something and the mice carry the dead mouse king away and clara and the nutcracker princ elike hop into a carriage and go off to the snow kingdom I guess so the sugar plum fairy can turn them big again its kinda fucked up bc like the climax of the ballet isn’t the enemy dying bc they kill him like pretty much right after he appreadrs its ghoing and partying with he spf and every dances and has a good time and Then they turn big againy after everyone dances but I guess since it’s a ballet it all makes sense
SO they co off tyo the land of sweets (I had to lkook that one up honestly bc what the fuck) and here they meet the sugar plum fairy and EVERYone knows the dance of the sugar plum fairy like theres no ideying that song goes hard as fuck so they meet the sugazr plum fairy and she dances with all her little friends and then they tell her that they kill;ed the fucking mous king n shes like “hooray we gotta celebrate!” so they dance for a while and celebrate and then one by one they go away and clara falls asleep and wakes up back at home under the tree with the nutcracker and his arm is fixed and thats is tthat the edn :) kinda sucks as a story but the ballet is soso beautiful its really so beautiful in the production that austin does theres the whole arc with aunt ginger and shes got a big ol cake dress and they bring in guest people to play her and act silly and its a good time :((( 
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