yeyayeya · 1 year
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rainbowdonkee · 1 month
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Full art for Brave Robin - Exalt's Right Hand
Artist: Wada Sachiko
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sieglinde-freud · 1 month
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not arguing with a woman with big beautiful brown eyes. whatever u say gorgeous
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feh-alt-battle · 6 months
Request Poll - M!Robin
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Fujiwara Ryo, Komiya Kuniharu, Fujiwara Ryo, Okuma Yugo, Kano Akira, Wada Sachiko
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coralhoneyrose · 1 month
Coral. Coral help. I NEED to know your thoughts on B!F!Robin. I am dying. IS did her so dirty by giving her the LITERAL EXACT SAME OUTFIT as M!Robin and GAVE THE LEVIN SWORD TO FELIX I am screaming. They can't let F!Robin have ONE thing to herself so thank Naga for the child banner I guess. But on the other hand...she looks so pretty! She rocks that outfit harder than M!Robin! Her special colors are so niiice! But I'm mad because something like this has literally never happened to a brave unit arrgghhh! I am conflicteddd help me make sense of my thoughts :(
(Also I stg her in-game dialogue better be JUST as sappy and romantic and Chrom-related as M!Robin's..........)
Omg Idk why tumblr didn't give me the notification for this--apologies for the late response! I do want to preface this by saying that everyone is wholly entitled to their own feelings about this unit and I don't want or intend to be dismissive of any of that! Brave units are really special and you only get one shot at them for a character, so it's natural for people to be super invested in how they're executed and have strong feelings if it's not what they were hoping to see. With that out of the way, I'm actually pretty uncomplicatedly happy with how her brave unit turned out! I am very very much a proponent of the "both Robins are the same character with the same personality" view point; because of that, I tend to like seeing them receive the same treatment and IS giving them both the same outfit was really nice in that regard. Particularly given that the original designs for Robin have the male and female avatar wearing the exact same outfit, I think keeping it the same for the brave felt really natural to me! I didn't personally feel like she was cheated or short changed, and I really like the subtle adjustments that were made to it with the bow and sleeves and cut of the shirt to tailor it slightly better to her while still keeping the concept consistent. I also just think the way Wada Sachiko does shading / coloring and the way Robin's face / hair are drawn are gorgeous. She really does look so, so pretty <3 I will say I would still love to get Grand Master F!Robin eventually though, so I'll cross my fingers they put her out as an attuned unit sometime down the line. Please IS, people (me) would pay good money for her in those golden thigh-high boots 🙏
If I have one disappointment with this unit, it's that Chrom doesn't feature in her forging bonds T-T But that being said, she does name drop him absolutely constantly and her unit title is "Exalt's Right Hand" which is delightfully shippy as well. Even their little teatime dialogue thing has Robin talking about joining hand in hand with him. ALSO her bonus battle entry voice line she got is a line from the Chrobin B support ("Now, what was so damned important?"), which I think is pretty wonderful...especially given that Brave Chrom's bonus battle entry quote is a line he says to Robin as well ("You are yourself").
As for the levin sword.....not sure what they were thinking with that one LOL. I suppose maybe in that regard they DID want to differentiate her from m!Robin by giving her a different weapon type?? And Felix is one of the swordiest sword guys ever, so I definitely understand wanting to keep him as the sword user...but what possessed them to give him the levin sword specifically I have no idea. I think I am just choosing to view it as funny more than anything kdfksdg
Okay, I just threw a lot of words at you and idk how useful they actually are for clarifying any of your own feelings LOL but! Hopefully you were able to take something helpful away from it! And I appreciate you caring to hear my thoughts in the first place <3
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Alright. I am awake now and can look at the CYL designs.
Wow they really just gave poor Corrin a tiara and a cape and called it a day huh? Also have I mentioned I despise the panties out look? DESPISE it. Art is really pretty though I suppose.
Don’t know what else anyone expected for Soren. His Archsage outfit wasn’t in the game yet so obviously that’s what they’d go for. Again, art is pretty. I don’t like Soren. That’s immaterial here but I’m petty.
Gullveig is in the free OC’s outfit. Art looks nicer than her base. I cannot find it in myself to care at all, I don’t honestly believe anyone really cares.
Robin! IS was sweating when they realised they’d already made a Grandmaster alt I guess. I do actually like this outfit though! Poofy sleeves and pretty colours. He looks dashing! And I usually love Wada Sachiko’s art. That said I do definitely understand people getting annoyed that Robin seems to mostly exist in FEH as an accessory to Chrom (seriously you couldn’t have put anyone else in related characters?)
Cyril?! IS remembered he exists!!! Post-TS Cyril too, which is a bit of a surprise. Art is nice, hope he’s decent as a unit!
Why do I still play this game?
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chynandri · 1 year
And you can give OG Chrom with resplendent the edgy Chrom's Sword. It will fit him better and he won't be edgy about it.
BTW, never saw your thoughts about Chrom's, Ephraim's, and Robin's resplendent before... or I can't remember, probably the latter. Care to share? and do you have them?
That’s true! I actually haven’t used rearmed heroes yet so I gotta look into it when I get new chrom (I WILL… THAT IS A PROMISE!!)
Oh I love Chrom’s resplendent it’s very cool and creative with the flame wing cape!!! One of the best resplendents ever (not biased at all 😇). Red and black look awesome on Chrom (so I’m already feeling better about the new fallen Chrom)
I think Robin’s is cool too he kind of looks like a ghost pokemon, altho his shredded coat looks like it’s been through a paper shredder 😂🤔
I only have resplendent Chrom and Eliwood!
About Ephraim… well I will be honest so it’s ur choice if u want to read or not 🫡
I remember being Really disappointed with resplendent Ephraim 🧍
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like… who even is that?? 🤨🤨🤨 why is his HAIR like that? Why is *gestures at it all* like THAT?
that’s not Ephraim. That’s just some guy. I know that’s a hilarious statement for me to make! cuz it’s not like his features are THAT unique to begin with. But come on!
He is my second favourite fe character but… 😂 I couldn’t love it. I was dismayed to be honest!!!! I waited so long for this and for what! My disappointment doesn’t come from whichever outfit concept they chose. It’s the execution, the way he was drawn. It’s not handsome, or beautiful, or creative. 🥲
I think I’m spoiled by how ephraim has had a consistent artist in feh, or drawn by Sachiko Wada herself. But even with yamada kotaro (whom I have a love hate relationship with) he managed to capture the Ephraimness of Ephraim. The problem with this resplendent - to me - is that it lacks Ephraimness 🥲
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HOWEVER!!! The chibi is adorable, somehow it’s better looking than the full art 😂😂😂😂😂 <- bitter crying laughing emojis
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fireemblemtcg · 4 years
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Ryota Kawade on the fecipher twitter, 23-8-2020: "Chrom: Fate-Changing Exalt", "Robin (F): Tactician Bearing a Spectrum of Strategies", "Eirika: Princess of Kindness and the Storm Blade", and "Ike: Hero of Radiance and the Sacred Blade"
[Kawade] Presenting for Twitter as well, the SR cards showcased on last night's Special Live Broadcast Summer 2020: Chrom, Robin (F), Eirika, and Ike! #FEcipher
Card stats/skills:
B22-???SR Chrom: Fate-Changing Exalt Great Lord/Cost4(3) Blue/Male/Sword 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"A small hope is better than no hope at all. Hurry, everyone!"
"We'll change fate!" [TRIGGER] [FLIP 1, Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] At the start of your Deployment Phase, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 <Blue> card with a deployment cost of 2 or lower from your Retreat Area, and deploy it.
"Our bond is eternal." [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] When you stack a <Blue> card on top of an other ally to Class Change them, draw 1 card. This skill only triggers if this unit is in the Front Line.
Illust. Kōtarō Yamada
B22-???SR(+) Robin (F): Tactician Bearing a Spectrum of Strategies Grandmaster/Cost5(4) Blue/Female/Tome 60ATK/20SUPP/1-2RNG
[SR]  "Chrom and I are two halves of a greater whole... Our hearts beat as one!" [SR+] "Tell the others... my last thoughts were of them... May we meet again, in a better life..."
Fate-Transcending Grandmaster [TRIGGER] When this unit Class Changes, choose up to 1 non-lord enemy per Class Changed ally present, and destroy them.
The Ultimate Plan [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Send 1 of your orbs to the Retreat Area] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and add it to your orbs.
"I've got your back." [ACT] [Flip 1 <Blue> bond card face-down] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +40 attack.
Illust. пNekoR
B22-???SR Eirika: Princess of Kindness and the Storm Blade Great Lord/Cost4(3) Purple/Female/Sword/Beast 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Let us fulfill his dreams. Let us create a world where all may live in peace and joy."
The Kind Princess's Holy Prayer [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] Draw 1 card. This skill is only usable if 3 or more units, including this unit, are present in the Front Line.
The Brave King's Formation [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] When you play a card in your Support Area, if that card has the same unit name as your unit in combat, you may send that card to the Retreat Area. Once you do, play the topmost card of your deck in the Support Area.
Illust. Sachiko Wada
B22-???SR(+) Ike: Hero of Radiance and the Sacred Blade Lord/Cost4(3) Green/Male/Sword 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
[SR] (TBA) [SR+] "AETHER!"
Legendary Ragnell [ALWAYS] During your turn, this unit gains +10 attack per other <Green> ally present.
Aether, the Occult Skill [TRIGGER] When this unit is attacking your opponent's lord, if this unit has 100 or higher attack, choose 1 non-lord enemy, and destroy them.
Moment of Fate [ALWAYS] If no non-lord enemies are present, your opponent's lord is counted as an enemy who can be destroyed by this unit's "Aether, the Occult Skill".
Illust. Senri Kita
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 22 translations!
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narutsuart · 4 years
Fire Emblem Cipher TCG Is Ending:
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So, unfortunately Fire Emblem Cipher TCG is ending with Series booster 22: it’s really unfortunate as a lot of characters are likely going to get shafted and this will be their last chance to to get Cipher art. That being said it was promised by Mr. Kawade that Series 22 will have an abundance of characters, but also a bunch of amazing artists! Some of which would be:
Kurahana Chinatsu
Yusuke Kozaki
Daisuke Izuka
Senri Kita
Sachiko Wada
Eiji Kaneda
Rika Suzuki
Kotaro Yamada
Saori Toyota
As you can see from the image on the top of my post there will be a HUGE illustration dedicated to the Fire Emblem protagonists across the series. Each artist listed will be collaborating on this artwork so one can assume each artist will draw their respective characters with a few exceptions like Yamada likely helping Sachiko Wada, otherwise Wada would have to draw Roy, Eliwood, Ephraim and Eirika, I think it’s kinda easy to spot who is going to be who, but i point it out for those who our interested. I’ve already said 4 of them.
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Obviously this is Marth representing all his games, and behind him is the best couple in FE lol, Alm and Celica from Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia. Signature sword and shield for Alm while Celica is using her trademark magic also chronologically despite SoV being the 15th game Gaiden was the second game.
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This one is obviously Sigurd and Seliph from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Part 1 Sigurd is the main lord while Seliph picks up the slack in part 2. You can even see Seliph’s pony tail outline lol
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Next is Leif. Cousin of Seliph who was the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
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Next is Roy from Fire Emblem: Binding Blade, and his father Eliwood from the prequel Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade.
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This one was a bit difficult at first, but as I used process of elimination it became much easier. This is Ephraim and Eirika from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.
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Come on Ike obviously stands out from the rest of the lord just look at that CHAD energy lol. Jokes aside this is obviously Ike from his Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance incarnation is while next him is the heroine of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Micaiah.
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Next is the father and daughter duo Chrom and Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening. Not only is their posing very noticeably but the Awakening version of Falchion has such a distinct design that I can easily see it despite the drawing just being an outline right now.
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Next is Corrin from Fire Emblem: Fates I think the male version is much easier to see while I’m only making an assumption that the female version is right next to him. The silhouette next to M!Corrin looks far less detailed with no hair outline at all, but I assume it’s female Corrin. Their posing is parallel to each other and very similar. I can also see the outline of her sword, Yato rather easily in the more ambiguous silhouette. If it’s not F!Corrin then I have no clue.
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Lastly is Byleth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Unfortunately Byleth is our last Fire Emblem protagonist that will be featured in Fire Emblem Cipher. All subsequent protagonists and characters won’t be featured in Cipher. As sad as that is hopefully Heroes will continue for a long time to give them a chance. Anyway It looks like Bylass is getting the shaft in this artwork which is a bit unfortunate, but here’s hoping that she gets something special outside of this artwork. In this drawing Byleth definitely seems to be in his Elighntend One outfit as opposed to his typical outfit and carrying his trusty Sword of the Creator with him.
That covers everyone all other lords or protagonists like Lyn, Hector, Robin and the 3H Trio likely won’t be in this artwork. Despite that this is proving to look like a very ambitious illustration and I can’t wait to see the result.
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inthedusksynria · 4 years
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sepia-schattentau · 6 years
4: who did you choose to summoner support, and why? 
My first summoner support was Julia, because she was one of my best units back in the days. Then I changed my support to Lukas, because…. I like Lukas.
5: do you ally support units based on ships, or synergy? 
Mostly synergy! I rarely ever pair them based on ships. If I do, it’s usually because the synergy works too.
8: how closely do you keep track of tier lists? 
A little bit… but I don’t care about them too much.
13: favorite infantry unit? 
I think that would be Arvis, even though Lukas has my summoner support.
He’s just so fun to use? Ploying everyone and being a pseudo-healer is really cool, and my current Arvis has 53/39 as Atk/Spd, which means he’s good at killing stuff too.
17: current arena defense team? 
Micaiah, Y!Tiki, PA!Azura, M!Robin
Exactly the same team I currently use for Arena Offense too. M!Robin is just there as a bonus unit, because I didn’t have anyone better. Probably dropping to Tier 17 again this week because I can’t get the points for Tier 19.
26: which color stone would you say you have your best luck on? 
I honestly have no idea. Let’s just say green.
29: which units artwork is your favorite? 
I really like tobi’s art. The colours are so nice and I like their art style! And I’ve actually summoned units just because they were drawn by tobi. HACCAN has pretty nice colouring too (I guess I like glowy colours). Also have to mention Senri Kita and Wada Sachiko, because their art is just awesome.
Honorable mentions go to Enkyo Yuichiro (there was the controversy concerning H!Nowi’s clothing, but they didn’t make the design and actually draw really well), Haimura Kiyotaka, kaya8 and Teita.
And Yamada Akihiro. The art style doesn’t really fit my taste, but they put a lot of work into their drawings. With the specials being different from the normal attack artworks and all.
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rainbowdonkee · 1 year
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Full art Brave Robin - Exalt's Deliverer!
Artist: Wada Sachiko
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the-blue-double · 7 years
2, 4, 29?
2: who was your first 5* unit?
M!Robin! Remember the first two banners in the game? I summoned from the one he was on because blue was the color I was most lacking and it seemed to be worth a shot, and then there he was.
4: who did you choose to summoner support, and why?
Eirika for now! She’s one of my favorite lords in the series and an all around great and underappreciated character. That said, if they add Scarlet or one of a few other favorite characters of mine I’ll change in a heartbeat.
29: which units artwork is your favorite?
That’s a really hard one for me, there’s a lot of amazing art in the game. Sachiko Wada is my favorite artist in the game though so probably one of her characters if I had to pick.
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hinokas-abs · 4 years
mother’s threatening to evict me ‘cos i won’t stop saying i want claude’s boobs in my mouth to the tune of ‘fingers in his ass’ 😔
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fireemblemtcg · 5 years
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fecipher twitter, 19-8-2019: "Byleth (M): New Professor at the Officer's Academy", "Robin (F): Fell-Branded Tactician", and "Ephraim: Brave Prince on a Mission"
[Card Showcase] Characters from the latest game in the series, "Three Houses", will make their debut in the Cipher Series 18 booster pack, "Oratorio of Embarkation", on sale Thursday the 26th of September! An intense battle unfolds, together with characters from "Awakening" and "The Sacred Stones". Please look forward to it! (Illust. Chinatsu Kurahana, @mayomoyo, Sachiko Wada)
Card stats/skills:
B18-????? Byleth (M): New Professor at the Officer's Academy Commoner/Cost1 Brown/Male/Sword 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Let the lesson begin!"
Professor's Disposition [ALWAYS] During your turn, if this unit's supporting card is <Brown>, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Hero Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, the number of orbs that your <Brown> attacking unit's attack will destroy is increased to 2.
Illust. Chinatsu Kurahana
B18-????? Robin (F): Fell-Branded Tactician Tactician/Cost1 Blue/Female/Sword 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"We do agree on one thing: my life so far has all been in preparation for this moment... When I kill you or die trying!"
Lightning Magic of Bonds [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Tap 1 other ally] Until the end of the turn, this unit acquires <Tome> and range 1-2.
[DEF] Hope Emblem [SUPP] If your defending unit is <Blue>, choose 1 of your orbs and look at its face.
Illust. Mayo
B18-????? Ephraim: Brave Prince on a Mission Lord/Cost1 Purple/Male/Lance 40ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"Once this war is finished, I will rebuild Renais with Eirika. That is my mission."
Determined Lance Strike [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +10 attack.
[ATK] Tandem Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your <Purple> attacking unit gains +10 attack.
Illust. Sachiko Wada
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 18 translations!
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fireemblemtcg · 5 years
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Ryota Kawade on the fecipher twitter, 25-8-2019: Dimitri: "King of Vengeance and Delusion", "Grima: Ruler of Despair" and "Ephraim: Royal Heir to the Sacred Twin"
[Kawade] Presenting for Twitter: cards seen on last night's Special Live Broadcast. There are even more exciting cards to come in Series 18's "Three Houses" and "Oratorio of Embarkation". Look forward to them! (Illust. Kaoru Hagiya, Senchat, Sachiko Wada; Autograph: Kaito Ishikawa)
Card stats/skills:
B18-???SR(+) Dimitri: King of Vengeance and Delusion High Lord/Cost5(4) Brown/Male/Lance 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"I intend to give them a taste of the pain they have inflicted on others. Even if it means becoming a rat myself."
Areadhbar, the Demonic Lance [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Atonement Through Death [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 2] When this unit is attacking, you may pay the cost and if you do: Until the end of this combat, this unit's attacks cannot be evaded.
An Offering to Lost Souls [ALWAYS] If this unit's attack destroys one of your opponent's orbs, your opponent sends that orb to the Retreat Area instead of adding it to their hand.
Illust. Kaoru Hagiya SR+ autographed by Kaito Ishikawa
B18-???SR Grima: Ruler of Despair Fell Dragon/Cost5 Blue/Female/Dragonstone/Dragon 70ATK/0SUPP/1-2RNG
"See how frail these human bonds of yours are? How short lived? How pointless? Come... Let sleep take you. Fade into the unending darkness of despair..."
Rightful God [SPECIAL] If you have no allied "Grima", you are able to Level Up an allied "Robin (F)" into this card.
"Rejoice, for your demise is nigh." [ACT] You and your opponent each reveal the 5 topmost cards of your respective decks, and send them to the Boundless Area. Until the end of the game, you cannot use "Rejoice, for your demise is nigh."
"Let hope die, and despair take root." [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 1] Choose 1 non-lord ally, and send them to the Boundless Area. Once you do, choose 1 card that does not have the same unit name as the chosen ally from your Boundless Area, and deploy it.
Illust. Senchat
B18-???SR Ephraim: Royal Heir to the Sacred Twin Great Lord/Cost4(3) Purple/Male/Lance/Beast 70ATK/20SUPP/1RNG
"The Sacred Twins of Renais... They were enshrined generations ago, to be used only by the king..."
Warrior King in the Making [ALWAYS] During your Deployment Phase, the deployment cost of <Purple> cards in your hand is reduced by 1. However, deployment costs cannot be reduced to below 1.
Siegmund's Blaze [ALWAYS] During your turn, this unit gains +10 attack per other ally in the same area as this unit.
Illust. Sachiko Wada
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 18 translations!
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