#uhhh what the hell would i tag this as uhhhhhhhhh
hinokas-abs · 4 years
mother’s threatening to evict me ‘cos i won’t stop saying i want claude’s boobs in my mouth to the tune of ‘fingers in his ass’ 😔
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renaisty · 7 years
I’m sure there was a description but eeeehhh. Thank you @trolling-since-chernobyl for choosing to torture me!
Imagine your NOTP, you are a writer and you can do whatever you want with them. What do you do? - Well. I have a couple of notps... Let’s see. I would put them in nice, good relationships with other people, the ships I do like, while keeping my fave of the two, if i have one, to the foreground, and have them be happy in their relationships, maybe even friends.
That book, tv show, movie, band etc everybody loves, but you hate with passion. - uhhh I don’t know. I don’t think I have one. I mostly don’t care and avoid it. If I hate it, it’s probably controversial already so not everyone loves it.
One thing that never fails to piss you off. - Many. Right now? Dad!Tony. Miss me with that fanon, esp. (and bc it does come) at the expense of May.
Things you don’t like about me. Yes, unleash your feelings, I’m seriously curious. - Uhhhhhhhhh none, really? I will admit, I’ll probs be forever perplexed at your choice of sg ship... ye let’s go with that.
Have you ever were super happy that a fiction character died? If yes, who? - Hm. Probably. ...Oh man. Shou Tucker. That fucker can go straight to hell! (Also Kilgrave tho)
Have you ever rooted for a villain to win? - Uh, I don’t think so.. I could be forgetting.
How do you usually fall in love with a character? From the first sigh or does it take a long time? - It takes a bit of time, but when I do fall, it’s for life (unless they like, derail the character -_-)
A character you like is about to do something extremely stupid or embarrassing – what do you do? Keep watching/reading or take a break, make tea, clean your room, pray, cry in the corner, etc? - Ohhhhhhh man. If I’m watching the thing for the first time, I pause it for a few seconds, then grit my teeth through it, maybe fake-laughing. If it’s not the first time, I skip it.
Shipping/liking problematic ships/characters – it’s ok, because it’s just fiction or it’s super wrong? - I could be here all day, and the answer would be ‘i don’t know’. You can’t always help what you like. I think there should be a line tho, where ppl stop clamoring for something to be canon, and recognise that hey, this character is interesting yes, but also a villain/asshole and the narrative treating them as such is not like, an insult.
The one thing that you just don’t get about people/fandoms on tumblr. - Does it have to be one? Ok. Reader insert. Save me from the abyss!!
That’s right I’m that person who doesn’t tag I’m sorrrrry.
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dancerdedue · 7 years
it'd be a real shame if somebody just.... sAID ANSWER ALL THE NUMBERS DEE
because u hate me imma put this under a read more omg
1: Current male wrestler: sheamus !!!! waddup2: Current female wrestler: naomi !!!!!3: All time male wrestler: eddie guerrero !!!!!4: All time female wrestler: trish stratus !!!!!!5: Tag team: breezango !!!! also the usos but u know oh and the Barrrrrr6: Match(es): fuck favorite matches uhhhhhhhhh ohh edge & christain vs the hardyz & the dudley boys (who i forgot was in the match omg) ladder match for the tag team belt, ummm another uuuhhhh OH tyler vs sami vs neville vs hideo. and me vs you for making me answer all of this. 7: Ring gear: alicia fox has been KILLING it yes chica!!!8: Pay per view: royal rumble i love it !!!9: Entrance theme: dana brooke’s theme is lit. tyler’s theme makes me act like a damn fool.10: Stable: staaable uhhh new day!11: Champion: ember. andradeee, alexa and baron. oh shit and roman!!12: Match type: i know people hate them but i fucking love lumberjack/jill matches idgaf i love matches were everyone is out there
13: Looking diva: all of them bitch tf14: Looking superstar: all of them we aint tearing people down!15: Technical wrestler: eddie guerrero  16: Gimmick: new day yo, the whole thing17: Championship design: the women’s belts in all the rosters, its good !18: Feud: fuck uhh the best feud…. idk i haven’t been hyped about a feud in a while…19: Mic worker: again, new day gonna take this one!20: Slogan/tag line: FEEL THE GLOW, BITCH!
21: Wrestling video game you have played: the fucking raw v smackdown 2007 one because i used to have a character named ‘miss raw’ and she was ALL red, and she was on smackdown and i thought i was SO FUNNY at like ??? 11?? 10??? and she had bunny ears and she came out to trish’s song i love her 22: Worst entrance theme: s*th r*llins because that means he’s gonna come out ://23: Worst gimmick: d*lph z*ggler’s its so bad lord jesus24: Which wrestler would you like to see make a return?: kaITLYN COME ON SIS25: Do you follow any independent promotions?: i don’t watch (which im upset about i used to be a lot more involved ://) but i try my best to keep up with njpw and…. progress but veeeeeeeeeeery little of that tbh26: One unpopular opinion of yours: unpopular opinion… i guess me not thinking s*asha is this amazing wrestler? i think she’s good but i don’t think she’s the best. then again, idk who the best would technically be so…27: Who do you consider underrated?: alICIA FUCKING FOX28: What about an over-rated wrestler?: **** *******29: Someone who you think would be great with some ring improvement?: dana brooke !! she’s good and v promising but they gotta stop screwing her ass over imma fight someone30: You get to make your own stable. Who would it consist of? What is their name?: my own stable oh shit imma self indulge. uhh OKAY, a samoan takeover like roman, with the main belt (Whichever brand idc), the usos with the tag team belts and tamina with the women’s belt. and they’re a big ass heel group and they’re pushing that there the better wrestler because they’ve literally got family all over the wrestling community. how no other dynasty even TOUCHES them, no other wrestlers and shit. a name idk it’d probably the ‘the samoan dynasty’ [HARD SHRUG]31: Who would you like to be in a tag team with?: nia because she can do all the work and i’ll just be her cheerleader !32: Who would you like to be in a mixed tag team with?:sheamus so i can just lean on the ropes and swoon over him. he does all the work, i don’t do shit.33: Why do you love wrestling?: cause it’s chill, it distracts me from my anxiety and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk bro it’s fun!34: What/who first got you into wrestling?: people i know wise??? uhh my sister and her ex-bf. wrestler wise?? ummm kaitlyn actually brought me back in 2011 - 2012!!35: Raw, Smackdown or NXT?: smackdown bIIIItcHHH. 36: Were you devastated when Alberto Del Rio hit Santa with his car in 2012?: yeah man fuck him37: If you were on the original NXT who would you choose as your pro?: eve so i can learn to be That Bitch38: Have you ever considered becoming a professional wrestler?: hell nah man. i’d take one hip toss on the mat and i’ll be down for the count. they’d have to take my ass out in a wheelchair with a neck brace and shit.39: What is your best wrestling related memory?: my first wwe live event, which was tlc 2012 (i believe!!) and i sat allll the way in the nose bleeds in, i swear, the funniest fucking section i’ve ever been in. like they were so fucking hilarious up there. and i realize when you are in the nose bleed, that’s where the funniest people are. i loved it.40: Do you watch wrestling by yourself or with others?: on the weekdays, by myself. when it’s ppvs, i have friends over.
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Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people 
Tagged by: @freckledandspectacled​ who at least wanted to be tagged if anyone did this ^^;
Tagging: @graslistia @kristsune @felineladyy @karlimeaghan @goddamnitkastle @ratkhaleesi @weconqueratdawn @docnickie @awritersrejections @attic-nights That’s 10, that’s half ^^; the other half can be YOUR choosing xp
The Last …
1. drink: Fitz’s Black Cherry soda X333
2. phone call: Uhhhh... excellent question, probs one of my parents, needing me to be awake ^^;
3. text message: My girlfriend! X3 waiting her to arrive at the theater X333
4. song you listened to: Currently listening to Excelsior, GO LISTEN, IT’S SO GOOD!
5. time you cried: Ummm... fuck. A Prayer for Mad Sweeney, probs ^^; I was LEGIT crying I’ll have you know
6. dated someone twice: You mean... broken up and then gotten back together? No, god no. If you mean dated the same person on multiple dates, YEAH, of course ^^;
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nope X3333
8. been cheated on: No, no, that was never a thing
9. lost someone special: Oh, yes. Who hasn’t? Sometimes death, sometimes a disagreement, but we’ve all lost someone
10. been depressed: Er... nothing I’d take to a psychiatrist. Nothing that lasted over a month, tops
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Ha ha! NO, everyone thought I did, but no... I was just real upset about it xp haha... don’t get drunk friends, it’s not actually great.
Favorite Colors…
12. Ohhhh, shit, I get options, ummmm... that specific dark blue of the night sky
13. That blinding orange of the sun in a really spectacular sunset
14. And, a little personal, but... the precise flush of my girlfriend’s lips when I’ve kissed her too hard (no pic available)
In The Last Year Have You…
15. made new friend: Hells yeah!
16. fallen out of love: Um... don’t think so ^^; not even any shows I’ve fallen out of love with, man
17. laughed until you cried: ALWAYS, it’s like you don’t even know me xp
18. found out someone was talking about you: Uh, no... I’m intensely boring and not worth anyone’s speculation ^^; Also, as far as I know, people ain’t lying to me
19. met someone who changed you: Mmmm... made me feel a shitton better about myself, if that counts X33
20. found out who your friends are: Mmmm... possibly, mostly that I have more than I thought and I love them all very much
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: I mean... yeah ^^;
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I think almost all of them ^^; any internet friends there I’ve known since BEFORE TIME and are basically my extended family (DBCA shoutout)
23. do you have any pets: Sadly, no
24. do you want to change your name: Nope, been with this weirdass thing too long, it suits me, everyone knows me by it (I mean... y’all know me as Lemon, but the RL peeps, I’m Edwina and like... it Means something, as I hope Lemon Means somethign to all of you ^^; ), wouldn’t change it ^^;
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Ate chocolate which my girlfriend provided and moved back into my VERY NEWLY renovated house ^^; it was Move Day, it was... yeah... yeahhhhh. Rough and tiring birthday ^^;
26. what time did you wake up: Uhhh... my alarm was set for 10, but I totes didn’t get out of bed til 11, like a jackass ^^;
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with my girlfriend in her car after watching the fireworks X333
28. name something you can’t wait for: Getting a job ^^;
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Uhhh... 2 hours ago ^^; I live with her xp
31. what are you listening to right now: The end of Excelsior ^^; it’s a FUCKING LONG song guys ^^;
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Ummm... HMMMMM, I want to say yes. Could be wrong tho.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ...the President? Yeah. Yeah. That guy.
34. most visited website: Tumbles. We be here.
35. hair colour: Honey blonde, technically speaking, tho quite the dark end of that scale, every stylist I’ve ever asked classifies me as a blonde tho
36. long or short hair: Short, only comes to my earlobes, thinking about trying it longer again though... we’ll see
37. do you have a crush on someone: You could say that X333
38. what do you like about yourself: Uhhhh... fabulous sense of humor xp
39. piercings: None
40. blood type: A-, I believe
41. nickname: Lemon! also Nike, sometimes X3
42. relationship status: In a relationship X3333
43. zodiac: Chinese: Monkey, astrological: Virgo
44. pronouns: She/her, but I’d accept they/them c:
45. favourite tv show: *shows falling out of pockets* Uhhhhhhhh... UHHHHHHHHH. I mean, Hannibal is... 💯 So... that, pretty much... yeah. I love many tho!
46. tattoos: None, but... I keep thinking
47. right or left handed: Right handed
48. surgery: Um... 2 really, hip dysplasia and a cist removal in my hand
49. piercing: I... why is this here twice?
50. sport: None ^^; But I greatly enjoy watching tennis and curling xp
51. vacation: Yes. I mean, House on the Rock, Wisconsin, OBVIOUSLY. All of the UK, just... all of it. I wouldn’t mind visiting Denmark or Sweden either. New Zealand tho, for real. The True Dream.
52. pair of trainers: I have New Balance... fuck you, I have bad feet.
More General
53. eating: Yes. Although, hilariously, I infinitely prefer raw fish to cooked fish. Cooked fish is horrific. Shellfish is great tho. I have weird opinions on seafood.
54. drinking: Water is good for your body friends, I also like tea and ginger ale
55. i’m about to: I dunno... try to write some shit maybe ^^;
56. waiting for: Uhhh... the end of the questions ^^;
57. want: A Job
58. get married: I’m pretty certain I will ^^;
59. career: teaching ^^;
60. hugs or kisses: Yesssss, all of the above X3333
61. lips or eyes: Yes. I mean, I’ll notice eyes first, but lips are... very important ^^;
62. shorter or taller: Dead average for an American woman ^^; Shorter than almost everyone I hang out with ^^;
63. older or younger: I’m ALMOST 25 ^^; so... make of that what you will ^^;
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, oh FUCK yeah, I ain’t gonna judge your core buddy *looks at own chub* I ain’t gonna judge
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship, hands down
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Depends how comfortable I am with you ^^; And, You’ll Know which it is ^^;
67. kissed a stranger: I mean... no, I don’t think that counts ^^; Certainly NOT a stranger any more ^^; approximately 5000 kisses later
68. drank hard liquor: Yeah ^^; to my everlasting regret
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: No, unless you count fire damage as ‘losing them’
70. turned someone down: Yep ^^;
71. sex on the first date: Noooo, no no no no, not... NOPE. That is... Not A Thing I will EVER be capable of doing, no thank you ^^;
72. broken someone’s heart: I mean... maybe :/ I’m very sorry if I did
73. had your heart broken: Oh YEAH man, like... that’s part of existing for me, just a part of life ^^;
74. been arrested: No, not even close ^^;
75. cried when someone died: Yep, yes I have
76. fallen for a friend: 1000% yes
Do You Believe In …
77. yourself: I try to ^^;
78. miracles: Only if we’re watching The Prince of Egypt. Also, to give the benefit of the doubt, I think you can believe in miracles without depending on them. Like... to be fair here. I could believe in A miracle without expecting one to happen to me or for me just because I said so. Because that would be... really stupid, frankly, and possibly dangerous.
79. love at first sight: No, my general first impression of my girlfriend was “Now there’s a feminist if I ever saw one,” which, I mean, is hardly a BAD first impression. And she quickly became my Favorite Person in that class, like... I made good choices friends, I made good choices. I regret nothing.
80. santa claus: You know... I never believed as a kid, but as an adult, so much of me WANTS to. It’s a weird time.I think it goes with the miracle thing, wanting to believe the world is kinder than you know it to be, wanting to think that... great things can happen just because you believe. It sure would be nice if it was true.
81. kiss on the first date: I think I did actually ^^; mainly because... I had never kissed anyone before and I had Questions ^^; Such as How To
82. angels: Only if we’re in Night Vale
83. current best friend’s name: Katie X333
84. eye colour: A lovely hazel green of indeterminate value
85. favourite movie: Mmmm! Fuck me. Well, it’s not my favorite, but I just saw Baby Driver and it’s REALLY good and I want to tell everyone to go see it. GO SEE IT. IT’S VERY GOOD. Edgar Wright did it again friends!
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magicalpoptarts · 7 years
Aight so my friends are lil shits & there’s literally no context for any of this but...
I was tagged by @kadotettu & @officiallavi
The artist I’m selecting is: Gonna assume it’s for art??? Hell if i know, but Kinoshita Madoka - san is #goals
What is your gender?  Female
Describe yourself: Uhhh I guess I’m kind and stuff? a lot of my friends really appreciate my company, as I do their’s n stuff. But uhhhhHHHHH I’m also that person that takes the square block and tries to blunt force it into the triangle hole until it goes through ovo;
How do you feel? got dem dere sads(Tm) currently
If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Uhhhhh fukkin’...Japan again definitely, but I just wana be anywhere my best friends are...
Favorite mode of transportation: I tend to fall asleep in cars?
Your best friend: I have multiple best friends, does that sound weird?
Favorite time of day: Afternoon & evening
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?  A Guide to the Cycle of Suffering
What is life to you? Never really thought about it, but I guess it’s one hell of a fucked up MMORPG
Relationship status: single pringle not really looking for any commitments
Your fear: Disappointing others.
I tag whoever wants to do this because why not? It passes the time :’D
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