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a-minion · 4 years ago
Cats of Tokyo: Introduction
How did you become the Nekoma Boys' Volleyball Club manager?
In all honesty, you never had the intention of joining another sports club as a manager after Middle School where you managed the Boys' Basketball Club.
It all happened by chance and maybe some cosmic intervention. That, and you could not say no to the kind looking Coach Nekomata.
During the first week of your first year in Metropolitan Nekoma High, you got sick with the flu and by the time you got better and went to class, everyone already had groups and cliques. All except that one guy at the back whose face you rarely see because he was always looking down, playing something in his game console or phone.
You were naturally awkward and the only reason you had friends in Middle School is because they approached you. Unfortunately, all your Middle School friends went to other schools.
You were too scared to approach anyone so you didn’t. For two semesters, you just watched everyone, learned a lot about them without ever trying to talk to anyone.
After all, how weird would it be if some kid who had always been quiet in class suddenly started talking to you?
Better not freak anyone out.
But there was one guy in the class you just can't figure out.
Sure, you know that he has good grades, he likes games (though what kind, you have no idea), he's in the volleyball team and he also didn't talk to anyone in class.
Eventually, you got curious. How interesting could video games be that anyone would spend so much time playing them?
You started with a PlayStation you borrowed from your older brother who had already gone to college and was currently staying at Kyoto. Your first thought:
This is addicting!
All your stress and anxiety about being the weird kid in class was suddenly gone once you enter the fantasy world where you are a bad bitch who kicks monster ass.
Eventually, you convinced your parents to buy you a portable one, provided you keep your grades up.
And so, you spent all the break-times and lunches emersed in the game.
From there, you began playing mobile, PC and online games. You suddenly had friends although you have never really met them.
By the second semester, you were now hooked with Minecraft and was staying up late nights building your own world in a server you shared with another player who calls himself "applepi".
He often complimented your red stone contraptions and always brought you materials for your build projects. You often teased him, saying things like "Oh, my hubby is home with the bacon." to which he just laughs. But applepi doesn't really laugh hard, just a timid little chuckle here and there.
By the third semester (around January), your teacher asked you to see him at the faculty room. He noticed that you were isolated from the entire class and was wondering if you were being bullied.
You admit that you were too scared to make friends or even talk to anyone but no one was bullying you.
Thinking that you were wasting your youth, he suggests that maybe joining a club would benefit you. He asked what your interests were and definitely looked disappointed when you said "Just video games".
At that time, Coach Nekomata had just finished a call at the faculty room and heard this. He chuckled, catching both yours and your teachers' attention. He apologized for unintentionally eavesdropping but tells you that he has someone in the team who is the same and only played volleyball because it was a little interesting.
You immedately knew who the coach meant: Kozume Kenma
Additional info on Kozume-san? Then again, wasn't that kind of obvious?
Somehow, the information that you used to manage the boys' basketball team in Middle School was brought up in the conversation.
Next thing you know, you were saying yes to Coach Nekomata's offer of managing the boys' volleyball team.
You had no idea how that happened. Either Coach Nekomata can hypnotize people, he's incredible persuasive or you are just too soft to say no to a nice old man who seemed like he could really use some help.
And it didn't stop there. After saying yes, you suddenly found yourself at the gym where the boys' volleyball team was practicing. They were suddenly gathered in front of you and you were being asked to introduce yourself.
How in the hell did I get here?
Your heart wasn’t ready. Everything in you, including your voice was quivering. Your mind suddenly couldn’t register any of their faces.
And so, due to the unplanned social and somewhat public interaction, you blurted out... something
You have absolutely no memories of the things you said that day. The only thing you were certain of was that you mispronounced almost everything, including your own name.
Apparently, whatever you said was hilarious and unintelligable because someone started laughing way too hard and another was asking "What'd she say?"
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Masterlist | First Chapter | First Impressions
EDIT: 15.04.21 Ooooh, much edit, so wow. I just wasn't happy with the original introduction so... yeah. There’s more Kenma here than the original and uh... more games? idk
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Blueflame: Kuroo
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I simp for Kuroo, I simp for Dabi. Why choose one when you can have ✨both✨?
Should've been Hawks since they have the same voice actor but I like Kuroo as Dabi better because he sets fire to my heart and soul🤓
Basically just traced a screenshot of Kuroo from the Tokyo Training Camp Arc then added Dabi's features and colored. I love Dabi's color scheme. Violet , black and blue? I know those are the colors of a bruise but i it just looks so pretty (not bruises, the color combination). I am also loving the idea of a pierced Kuroo.
Fun trivia: Kuroo is 12 cm taller than Dabi, pre-timeskip. Dabi is 3 years younger than Kuroo as of today and Kuroo is still younger than me
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Birds of Prey: The Rufous-Legged Owl
A quiet contender makes a move
Note: Entirely written
It had been a few days since the Interhigh Preliminaries. Fukurōdani had once again made it to finals. He was rather happy about it but he's not exactly the type to go jumping around and announcing it to the world nonstop like their hyperactive captain.
Akaashi had heard from Bokuto who had heard from Kuroo that Nekoma lost in the quarterfinals. It was bad luck that cats had to face Itachiyama so early on but what bothered him more is what he saw before their own match.
He didn't know whether to address or ignore it. Akaashi wasn’t even sure how strong your friendship was to know if he can ask. One wrong word and he could come out patronizing or belittling.
The setter didn't want you to feel like he's pitying you, after all. He just wanted to know you're okay.
Which is why, when he saw you standing a few steps away from him at a bookstore he frequented, Akaashi panicked.
Time froze as his mind processed the several possible approach he could use and all the possible reactions you could give.
He approaches you and immediately ask if you're okay. You would either feel defensive, put your walls up and be angry or pretend you're okay, smile and steer the subject away from any issues you have.
He doesn't move and wait for you to notice him. You would greet him, smile, and lead the conversation and he wouldn’t even get to ask what was wrong.
He approaches and begins the conversation on a happy note. You might respond better to this, but it would be difficult for him to actually change the subject on a more serious one midway.
Pretend he didn’t see anything, turn away and go home then just ask you through text if you're okay. No. that's a coward's way.
Number 3 seemed to be the best option. He would just have to make sure to lead the conversation for you to open up to him.
"Y/n-san" He called out with the most cheerful tone he could muster. He just hoped it sounded natural.
As you turned towards him, Akaashi noted the book you were eyeing. It was a tankōbon of One Piece. That's great. It was a conversation starter.
"One Piece?" he smiled.
You were probably embarrassed by it because you suddenly blushed. Chuckling, you scratched your cheek lightly and mumbled how you started watching it again.
"I wanted to watch it too, but I think I'm too far behind" Akaashi admitted, mentioning the last thing he remembered from the series.
"Whoa, that's too far back" You laughed, "A lot of things has happened since then, lots of new crew members too"
He was at least successful at getting you in a good enough mood. It was probably why he let you go on and on about One Piece, even allowing you to tell him so many spoilers. Not that he minded. It wasn’t as if he was an avid fan. Akaashi wouldn’t even pretend that he'd want to start watching Once Piece again. He was just way too far behind to try to catch up.
"You mean, after hundreds of episodes later, no one still has a clue what One Piece actually is?"
"Well, Oda-sensei said it's definitely a material sort of treasure and so far, it seems like it's some kind of key to a lost history or something" you shrugged, "definitely sounds like there's one big conspiracy"
"I don't think I have the patience or enough curiosity to find out" He admitted.
But they were getting too far into a topic that Akaashi didn’t want to go to.
"Y/n-san, are you hungry?" he casually asked, "I just got off practice and I'm starving."
Without waiting for a reply, Akaashi went ahead to the bookstore's exit leaving you no choice but to follow him.
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You both ended up at a park after buying some snacks at a convenience store nearby.
Akaashi had never been pushy or assertive before. Though he didn't particularly force you to go with him, this was the first time he had ever done something without asking his company for approval.
He was just that type of guy; nice, sweet, and extremely considerate.
You had no idea what to make of his change in behavior. You weren't even certain if you should think of it as a big deal.
It was definitely new, but it didn't really seem problematic.
Maybe he was just really hungry?
Considering the amount of food he bought, you guessed it was probably the case.
With that mystery somewhat solved, your mind chose to wander around the park then back to what had been worrying you since Nekoma lost.
"Y/n-san" Akaashi brought your thoughts back to the present. "I'm quite certain you won't be getting any more out of that drink."
You blushed realizing that you must be making so much unpleasant noise drinking through an empty cup of soda.
"S-sorry, I was…" you trailed off. You're sure that Akaashi has his own problems. He wouldn’t want to hear some stupid fear you have over the senpais leaving.
"Y/n-san, I've been wondering about this for a while now" Akaashi sat beside you, laying a plastic bag full of trash on his other side as there were no trash bins nearby. "Why is it Akaashi?"
You blinked. "Huh?"
"The name you call me" he explained, "you told me to call you by your first name the day we met. I do. But why is it that you call me Akaashi and not Keiji? I was just wondering."
Yukie-san asked that before. Practically everyone calls her by her first name yet there were only a select few whom she returns the favor. Yukie-san, being one of those select few.
"You never told me to" You pointed out. "I didn't want to presume it's okay to call you by your first name."
"Ah" He chuckled as if he realized this for the first time, "If I gave you permission, would you?"
Shrugging, you answered, "I don't see why not. Is that your permission?"
"Then Keiji-san it is from now on"
"Keiji…san?" He raised an eyebrow.
"It's only fair. You use the honorific for me", you grinned. "Drop the -san and I'll do the same”.
It was adorable how he blushed at something that was not really a big deal for you. Whether you were Y/n-san, Y/n-chan, Y/n, or some sort of other nickname, you didn't mind.
"Y-y-y/n" Keiji stammered.
"Yes, Keiji?” you definitely saw why Yukie-san said he was very popular to girls. You had always thought Keiji was extremely good looking but the fact that he was always so polite, and gentle made him seem prince-like.
A sudden image of Keiji as a prince sitting atop a white horse crossed your mind and you can't even laugh at how much it suited him.
"Y/n, since we're now both on a first name basis, I'm assuming it means we can be considered as close friends?"
What was going on with Keiji?
"Uh, yeah?"
"Good, then does that mean we're close enough friends for us to confide in each other with whatever is bothering us?"
You realized that Keiji wanted to make sure it's okay for him to confide in you. The thought that he was so nervous about it made you smile.
What he said next surprised you, however.
"I know something's bothering you", he rubbed his nape. "I don't want to guess or assume anything. I want to hear it from you so maybe I could help?"
Gaping at him, you realized that had it the wrong way. Perhaps you weren't subtle when it came to your worries. Kenma knew, of course, but he was a different matter. He can read you like an open book even when he can't see you.
But for Keiji, someone you don't see often, to see it in an instant…
Should you lie? Would he see right through it?
Looking down and away from Keiji, you let out a deep sigh. Why would you even lie? Clearly, keeping it in wasn’t helping you in the least.
It shouldn’t even be a big enough deal for you to want to hide it.
"It's stupid" you mumbled.
"I'd like to think we're close enough friends for you not to think I'd think your problems are stupid. After all, I don't want to think you'd think the same of mine."
He has a point there.
"How did you even know? I mean, I'm not a master at hiding my emotions but, I thought I was being subtle."
A wry smile crossed his face, "From what I've seen, there are only a few reasons why people stare out at nothing; they're tired, hungry, in physical pain or something is bothering them. Believe it or not, Bokuto-san experienced all four at once during a game. He just stopped moving in front of the net."
You could see that happening.
"Awwww" Poor Bokuto-san, to have experienced all that at once.
Keiji rolled his eyes. "I should've known not to mention Bokuto-san. You always get distracted by him."
Well, that can't be helped. He's a precious unicorn that must be protected, admired, and always cooed upon.
"You are also unknowingly moving on to a topic that makes you feel comfort to avoid what is bothering you."
Keiji must either be a shrink in his past life, or he will be in this one.
"If it's too personal or if I'm overstepping, I won't push. But if I could help, I want you to know that I would."
You let out another sigh. Honestly, he wasn’t pushing but his thoughtfulness and consideration is making you feel bad for still not telling him.
"It's really stupid and I shouldn't even be bothered by it."
"If it bothers you, it's important to you. It's not stupid", Keiji said it so strongly that you had to look away.
It could be Keiji's considerate nature, the fact that he seems to be able to read you so easily or your own desire to just get rid of this horrible feeling in your chest. Whatever it was, you started telling him about how Nekoma lost against Itachiyama.
Keiji must have already known but this was from your point of view.
And then you began to tell him about what it was about losing that had really made it so painful.
It was the thought of losing the third years.
None of them said anything about it but with Interhigh now over for the team, it was very possible for them not to continue playing with the team and focusing on their studies instead.
Kuroo-senpai had told once before that he had been contemplating whether to continue volleyball in college or not. Kai-san had flat-out stated that he would be quitting after he graduated. Yaku-san was a bit vaguer, but he never outright told anyone he'd continue on to be a pro either.
Far more than the loss, though that was painful in itself, you were more terrified of not being able to see your senpais during practice anymore.
The team was given a day off by Coach Nekomata on Monday and thus did not meet after school. Today, your fears were causing you to zone out so much, you got scolded by the teachers for not paying attention.
Your worst fears came true when volleyball practice came and no third years were present.
Kenma tried to assure you, saying that Kuroo hasn't said anything about it yet, but that did not give you comfort at all. The fact that the captain hadn't said a thing yet meant he's debating with himself whether to continue to the spring tournament or not.
To make matters worse, you had seen Kai-san at the faculty earlier while you were being scolded by your homeroom teacher. He seemed to be having a rather serious conversation with his homeroom advisor and you did not doubt that it's about volleyball.
"It's stupid and selfish of me but I don't want anything to change" You didn’t even realize when you began crying but the wetness on your face is definitely not sweat.
You were scared because you didn’t know if you could even do anything without Kuroo-senpai. How would you handle Lev and Tora without Yaku-san? What are you going to do when everyone is getting pressured? You didn’t know how Kai-san calms everyone done when they're getting too rowdy or excited.
You hadn't even thought about all of it until they lost against Itachiyama but when the thought came to her, it was overwhelming, and she feels horrible for being so down when the boys in the team must be feeling worse right now.
You nearly jumped when you felt warm hands-on top of yours. Looking up, you see Keiji with a soft smile on his face.
"Just because the team is feeling bad doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel bad too." He began, "Last year, when we lost, I thought the same thing. I thought I'm not allowed feel bad because it was Bokuto-san who worked the hardest and must have felt the worst. But that wasn’t the case. Bokuto-san told me that suppressing my disappointment and sadness would only hinder progress."
Bokuto is known, at least to you, to say impressively wise things from time to time. The thought of the ace of Fukurōdani comforting the new team's setter made you all warm fuzzy.
It eased a little bit of the pain you felt thinking about a court that didn’t have Kuroo-senpai, Yaku-san and Kai-san.
Oh great, now my eyes are watering again.
Keiji shifted to sit in front of you, still holding on to your hand. He was now looking up at you with a very serious expression.
"Have you told any of this to your senpai-tachi?"
You only shook your head as a response and sniffed feeling your nose begin to clog up.
Ever the considerate gentleman, Keiji pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to you. You didn’t want to put snot on it, so you just dabbed it over your cheeks.
"I understand where you’re coming from" He begin to say. "We're going to nationals but after that, I don't know what will happen"
All the regulars in Fukurōdani are third years and though he's sure that Bokuto-san wouldn’t be quitting, he also thought about what would happen after graduation.
Keiji knew that all the third years and the other second years were going to make him captain and he didn’t know if he could do it. He didn’t know if he knew how to win without Bokuto-san, how to be a captain.
You suddenly felt horrible.
You were whining about all this when Keiji would be getting a much bigger responsibility while losing a lot more.
"Keiji, I'm so sor-"
"I didn't say any of it to make you feel bad" He actually pouted, and you felt bad for thinking he's so adorable. "I understand where you're coming from. It doesn’t matter if you're the manager and I might be the captain, it's scary. The people we used to rely on wouldn't be there one day. And realizing that that day is getting closer, and it would be our turn to be relied on, it's terrifying.
"You really shouldn’t keep these things to yourself but that might be a bit hypocritical of me since I had been keeping all these worries to myself too."
A sudden mischievous grin from Keiji caught you off-guard.
He can make that face?!
"You know, in a way, it's nice to have a confidante."
You couldn't help it; you lunged forward and hugged the living daylights out of this adorable person.
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AN: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG!!! I will post the next part right away, I swear!! I am also working on some hcs! I am so sorry 😭 I've been so overwhelmed with all the projects suddenly handed to me at work (more like shoved into my hand but yanno, adulting). But you don't wanna hear that so I'm just so sorry!
Akaashi doesn't know how he feels about Y/n. All he knew is that he didn't like it when she's sad. He doesn't think much about it. After all, Akaashi also dislikes Bokuto being sad. He thinks it's the same thing.
Trivia: Akaashi's name is taken from "akaashi mori fukurō" or the rufuous-legged owl but his name is written as "赤葦" (赤 =red 葦 =reed).
Next Chapter: An unresolved misunderstanding is cleared
TAGLIST: @theblueslytherin @magical-fandoms @multi-fandom-fanfic @kotarousbabyowl @bakugousflowerprincess @random-fandom-girl-24 @kirakirasaku @mushimoon14 @gblubrry @ysatrap @moi-bunni @sakusasimpbot @jewlmin
**still can’t tag the ones in italics**
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Obsessing over @noya-sleftankle 's Poker Face
MEIKO VS Y/N and Kuroo regretting outfit choice at the beach
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Oya squad ft Kenma also being dorks
They all agreed with Bokuto and actually bought Y/n an iron armor. In my head, Y/n plays Skyrim so it was greatly appreciated.
Kuroo-sensei = Koro-sensei geddit? 🤓
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Bokuto/Sukuna WIP
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Trying to figure out how to draw abs and man boobs. Slightly regretting that I drew him without a shirt 😓
It's okay... if I pull this off, I get to see tatted up, shirtless and pink haired Bokuto. As Sukuna liked to say: がんばれ! がんばれ!
Note: Finished product is here
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Kaashi and Tsukki WIP
Ulquiorra Keiji or Donkeixote Doflamingo? Sorry for being a dork 🤓
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Why not both? But it's gonna take a while for me to finish this
Tsukki: Done
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Promised myself I'd draw everyday so I forced myself to make a quick sketch of Kuroo. Turned out... eerily like the previous one.
It was meant to be a hand practice which is why he's activating Ryōiki Tenkai: Muryōkūsho
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Also ended up being a Kanji writing practice. If you see this and you're Japanese, please ignore the crappy handwriting. I tried my best but Kanji is hard😭
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a-minion · 4 years ago
What Daichi meant by “Ruffians”
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Kuroo: Defeated again, Hero? You must really enjoy losing, huh?
Bokuto: You look really happy! Want me to praise you?
Yes! I know! I haven't even finished the other one! I'm working on it 😭
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Old Drawings Art Dump
As the title said, just dumping all the old stuff I found in my computer.
Hmm... I can't seem to figure what my style is, huh?
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Brief descriptions of the drawings above:
Ikki and Kururu, one of my very many ships that never sailed and actually sank 😭. I drew that to soothe my broken heart.
Naruto and Hinata, one of my ships that sailed and went very far 😍
OC whose name I don't even recall anymore. I think she's a thief? Mostly, It's for lighting and color practice. I actually like how it turned out.
Kakashi and my OC (Ayano). I still have the drafts for that fic but I don't know if I should post it here. The story is kinda like the tin soldier. They love each other but everything just keeps tearing them apart (That sounded way too sappy but that's the gist of it) Are people still even reading Naruto fics?
Id, Ego and Super Ego. I think it's for a school project or something to help me with understanding a lesson.
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a-minion · 4 years ago
You know what I love about drawing Kuroo? The fact that you only have to draw one eye and not worry that the other one looks weird.
You know what I hate about drawing Kuroo? His damn hair! But if I don’t think about it too much, it actually looks closer to what it should look like.
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I’m actually proud of this one since I didn’t have a reference (unless you count watching the Tokyo Training Camp arc over and over again)
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a-minion · 4 years ago
It's been a long day at work, my whole body is aching and all I want is for Bokuto to hug me and say that it's going to be better tomorrow
Inspired by @noya-sleftankle 's Poker Face ❤❤❤
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a-minion · 4 years ago
Does it even look like Akaashi??? Is it the right eye color? Is that really how his hair looks like? 🤔
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a-minion · 4 years ago
I gotta take a break from Haikyuu and give JJK some love❤, these two in particular:
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I know, Yūji's not really done yet but he's too cute☺😚😘
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