#Vriska 🕷 he/him
marsti · 2 months
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Sodachi in Nadeko Draw part 2
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dyke-stuck · 1 year
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spider on the stairs 🕷🕸
please use he/him for vriska on this post, he is a transmasc butch gaybian!!!!!!!!
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headmates-for-you · 2 months
Can we get a subsystem of homestuck trolls?
Or can we get a transharmed AAM Yiffany?
Couldn't decide....
Name(s): Mituna, Tuna
Age(s): 6 sweeps
Pronouns: he/him, ey/em, e/im, it/its, ow/ows
Gender(s): male-ish
Orientation(s): amatespriteship, homokismestitude, heteromoirailigic, aauspetice
TransID(s): transbriandamage, transdead, transreality, transharmed, transarmy, transblind, transspeechimpediment
Source(s): Homestuck
Paras: autotraumaphilia, masochism
Emoji signoff: 🖥🛹
Positive trigger(s): skateboarding
Name(s): KK, K-Bat
Age(s): 3.5 sweeps
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): cismale, intersex
Orientation(s): homomatespriteship, homokismestitude, bimoirailigic, panauspetice
TransID(s): transharmed, transhelpless, transloved
Source(s): Homestuck, Karkat alter
Emoji signoff: 🖥🧸
Positive trigger(s): squeaky toys
Name(s): Karkat, Kat
Age(s): 6 sweeps
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, she/her
Gender(s): genderfluid male
Orientation(s): homomatespriteship, homokismestitude, homomoirailigic, aauspetice
TransID(s): transhero, transleader, transharmed, transliving, transgod, permatired, permaangry
Source(s): Homestuck
Paras: autoMAP
Emoji signoff: 🖥💢
Positive trigger(s): chat forums, 4chan
Name(s): Nepeta
Age(s): 7 sweeps
Pronouns: she/her, he/him, it/its, they/them, mew/mews, purr/purrs, paw/paws
Gender(s): genderfluid, kittyintersex, lesgabian
Orientation(s): heteromatespriteship, akismestitude, heteromoirailigic, aauspestice, hypurrromantic
TransID(s): transAMAB, transmascfem, transcatboy, transcatgirl, transears, transtail, transclaws, transspecies, therian (cat), transspeechimpediment
Source(s): Homestuck
Paras: zoophilia, autozoophilia
Emoji signoff: 🖥🐱
Positive trigger(s): shipping charts
Name(s): Vriska
Age(s): 6 sweeps
Pronouns: she/her, he/er/ers, shx/hxr
Gender(s): cisfemale, dickgirl
Orientation(s): amatespriteship, heterokismestitude, amoirailigic, aauspestice
TransID(s): transgod, transgoddess, transAMAB, transleader, transruler, transsacrifice, transharmful
Source(s): Homestuck
Paras: zoophilia, hybristophilia, biastophilia
Emoji signoff: 🖥🕷
Positive trigger(s): spiders, DnD
Name(s): Yiffany, Yiffy
Age(s): 12
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Gender(s): nonbinary girl
Orientation(s): bi lesbian
TransID(s): transharmed, transgroomed
Source(s): Homestuck 2
Paras: AAM, autoaptophilia
Emoji signoff: ⚽️📕
Positive trigger(s): soccer, cats
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dreamcastsystemm · 2 years
oh wow uh, hi lol, this is our collective blog! im gonna be honest i dont know what the hell to put here, so im just gonna list all current members and a short description of us, individual intros will be done when each member fronts, and a tag [alter (name)(emoji)] will be added in the tags to help show better who posted what and have our own unique tags that exist only on this blog. anyway uh yeah, members.
⚠️Spamton - the host. probably wont use this account much, would rather keep his identity a secret in case people he knows irl finds this then wed all be put in actually a lot of danger. an irl of spamton and sonic, chill but also very in your face, sonic is his special interest.
🕷Vriska - the first alter (unless host counts? idk), although went dormant for a few years due to a bunch of shit really. really misses her friends, not as horrible of a person as your likely assuming, likes for tone tags to be used for her but hardly uses them herself.
📺Mike - always busy, a protector. hes really nice, very chill, hardly ever fronts. id say from what we know, pretty different from source (deltarune). sorry im not sure what else to put here other than hes really nice and helps us out (especially waking us up when we need to for some reason lol).
🌙Genesis - sorta newly formed, an alien lady. to be honest i dont know much about her, or why she even formed but she did and shes alright. shes really pretty and id say a bit energenic? otherwise honestly pretty mysterious.
☁️Sora - our LITERAL guardian angel. its an angel and a comforter, helps us out, like a parent figure but also a friend. its very calm and speaks very clearly, only fronts really when nobody else is available and its needed, just very sweet.
🎪Jevil - actually formed not very long ago. i dont really know much on him, but he seems cool, chaotic as expected haha, but nice.
🥀aradia - i d0n’t really kn0w why i’m here, but hell0.
🫧Feferi - )(i!! It’s so nice to meet everyone )(ere, sorry I don’t know w)(at to put down here at the moment, i’m a bit too excited )(e)(e.
💔 - Hellooo, you may know me from Secret History of Sonic and Tails, because i’m Tails! I’m an angerholder, and very excited to meet you all.
sorry these arnt great, i just cant really think of much to add that wouldnt be included in the intros lol. also if your wondering whos writing this… youll never know lol.
Edit from October 20, 2023 - Simon (formerly known as Spamton)
Good lord so much has changed. CHRIST. Edit from September 5, 2024 - Simon Fucking christ, idk if we'll ever use this again but either way, my primary blogs @spooky97
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MOD ♏🕷 (VRISKA) (kicked ono)
I am mod vriska and I am your new ruler!!!!!!!! I am a cis woman and use she/her pronouns strictly !!!!!!!! 8ow down to me or you shall 8e 8anned. I do not play games, so dont make me mad. ::::)
MOD KARKAT (LEFT) (back ouo)
MOD ♓❤(FEFERI) (KICKED!!!!!!!!!!) (back ouo)
Hi 3-)
im mod feferi, i use she/her 3-)
Im a cis lesbian
I fucking hate trans trenders, neos were literally made as a joke to make the trans community look bad >3-(
besides that i hope to have fun! <3
MOD 🤠 (DAVE) (KICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (back ouo)
hey im mod dave
im a guy and i am straight!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not have pronouns those r for those weird ass homosexuals
Fuck off if ur one of those liberal they/thems lesbian things and especially if ur one of those shitballs/shitballsself idiots 😒
o1 sh1th34ds 1m mod t3r3z1
1 4m 4 str41ght wh1t3 m4l3 4nd 1 h4t3 th3 g4ys. dn1 1f you h4v3 pronouns 🤡 nobody w1ll 3v3r lov3 you.
Mod sollux (kicked ono)
He/him only, dont want any of that they/them it/its bullshit
not trans myself but my partner is and we both agree neopronouns and such are just a scam for attention theyre stupid and complicated anyways
I am Mod Dirk. You will address me as Mod Dirk and nothing else.
My pronouns are he/him. Do not use 'they' to refer to me. I am not a 'they'.
I am trans and I find these new groups of 'trenders' thinking they're also trans very offensive to me. I will do my part in cleaning out all of the trenders one by one.
If my attitude or my choice of words upsets you, good. You're probably a trender OR a snowflake. Or hell, maybe both. Either way I'm not going to treat you with respect. Or anyone for that matter, fuck you guys.
okay, hi everyone! my name is mod john and i will be the new mod who is replacing mod dirk. my pronouns are he/him and i hope i will have a great time on this blog.
sUp yAlL, iM mOd gAmZeE aNd iM mOd DaVeS rEpLaCeMeNti aM a cIsHeT mAn (hE/hIm)Im jUsT hErE tO hAvE fUn aNd mAkE fRiEnDs :o)
MOD ✨💟 (CRONUS) (back uwu !!!) (Died.)
 imw mwod cwonus u-uwu iwm a cwis bwisewual owo i hwope to gwet awlong with eweryone. i now am iwn charge  ÒwÓ
(This blog is completely serious and in no way a joke.)
-mod ♏🕷, ‼️mod kk‼️, mod ♓❤, mod 🤠, mod terezi 👹🔥💯, ♂️🧡mod dirk🧡♂️, 🔴🔵, 💙mod john💙, mod 🤡 and mod ✨💟 
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marsti · 4 months
Do you ever have a mental health crisis in 2019 and then you 8link and suddenly it's 2024 and you're in the middle of a protest. And you've got facial hair.
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marsti · 2 months
Why am I scared all the time. Why am I angry all the time. Why am I sad all the time. The temperature makes it so much worse, it's like all the years I spent learning how to not act like the worst guy ever just disappear.
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marsti · 2 months
40°C heat tod8y I w8nt to f8cking die!!!!!!!!
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marsti · 3 months
Leaving our home region is the worst decision we ever made 8ecause all the 8ands we listen to are from there. Sure in Paris we get all the 8ig ones 8ut what a8out the little guys. We can't justify going all that way for a small punk gig alone! We don't have any friends who listen to the same shit as us!
May8e we can convince one of our girlfriends to go to Hellfest with us one year so we can hang out around the smaller scenes or something. Our dad said he'd pay for our tickets if we ever wanted to go with him 8ut I'd legit rather throw myself into the ocean than do that lmao.
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