fuckitwebhaal 1 year
if we're talking about out durges..... 馃憖
my first character and first durge is Vorastrix, copper dragonborn draconic bloodline sorcerer (and later in late act 3 cleric of kelemvor!) They're outwardly very sweet, very kind and gentle and willing to stick their neck out for others. They're kind of a classic good-aligned durge- horrified by their urges, fighting against them with tooth and claw. Beneath all their kindness though is MASSIVE self-loathing; Vora thinks they're an awful person beyond redemption and is terrified of close relationships with other people for fear they'll hurt them :( They wouldn't hurt a fly if it stabbed them if they could help it, but unfortunately they can't always help it. They're just kind of completely and utterly miserable most of the time, but they put on a brave and kind face. They're friendly to strangers but to people they're familiar with they tend to be closed off, introverted, and terse. They love their friends dearly but would rather keep their distance. Just in case.
They're very tall and generally kind of a menacing presence in a room but they would die for anyone at any time for any reason without provocation. They have a "help first ask questions later" policy.
oh hello i love them so much... i love a durge who resists. durge who is horrified. durge who has to reckon with themself. goddd i love them so much okay what i am doing is putting them up on my shelf with all my other webkinz so they can be sosososo safe and cozy. no more horrors for Vora <3
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A massive ship that once flew for the Cyclopean Consortium (the CC) He was the largest most impressive of its ships tasked with retrieving artifacts and exploration of the Astral Sea. It was built just after anti magic mist rolled into its material plane. it was built from the bones and scales of a bronze dragon and powered with a combination of coal and souls being fed into its phylactery. The Kobolds who man the engines worship both the Vorastrix and the mysterious ghostlike woman who has a spotty memory named Madame Ixen.
Its crew slowly discovers their employers are less benevolent than they previously believed. They have been meddling with time magic, causing cataclysmic events and speaking with old gods from beyond imagination.
The broken version of the Vorastrix was from a timeline where the crew accidentally travelled forward in time abandoning the Vorastrix and leaving it without its phylactery for 30 years. When the human crew tried to leave the kobolds and Madam Ixen obsessed with waiting for their god or husband's return cut down the crew and remained to wait for the away crew's return.
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dein0nychus 9 months
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oh, durge dialogue options. how i love you.
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dein0nychus 1 year
Guileless son,
I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know that your father's a thief
and you won't understand the cause of your grief
but you'll always follow
the voices beneath.
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dein0nychus 9 months
more vore under the cut. dontlook at me
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dein0nychus 1 year
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shitty vorastrix moodboard
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dein0nychus 1 year
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more Vorastrix for the soul!!
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dein0nychus 1 year
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Huic ergo parce, Deus: // Dona eis requiem. Amen.
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dein0nychus 7 months
ok i was poetic about vorastrix. time to be silly. if they're not in combat there's a good 80% chance they aren't wearing a shirt (and if they are it is cropped.) they have the cilantro soap gene. they don't like cake frosting and will actively take that shit off. they're touch-starved as all hell but fuck if they'll let you touch them but if you give them a gentle scratch behind the fins they'll become a puddle. they don't like being compared to snakes but they are charmed to be compared to the noble monitor lizard. their scalecare is abysmal and they'd be a much more vibrant and shiny color if they took care of their scales beyond bathing when necessary
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dein0nychus 9 months
ok you get two vora fun facts today. vorastrix fun fact of the day... 2!!: they're kind of a horny bastard i wont lie. this lizard fucks. its the only physical display of affection that they won't actively flinch away from. they do bite though
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dein0nychus 9 months
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disgruntled kitten
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dein0nychus 9 months
fun vora fact of the day: they're kind of a picky eater and a little snobbish about food. they'll eat less-than-gourmet food sure but they prefer finer stuff. they're a pretty good cook and will fight gale over who's cooking at camp. they also prefer to hunt their own meat when the opportunity arises- if they were normal they'd have chickens or quail or pigeons or something
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dein0nychus 9 months
thinking about vora and their little quirks. their favorite foods are quail and watermelon and they're very good at doing that reptile thing where they sit so still you can't tell they're breathing. sometimes they fall asleep with their eyes open, they're a morning person, they like campfire smell and they're allergic to nuts. they're afraid of spiders and shadows and can't stand mosquitoes. above all else they HATE having their tail stepped on. they file their claws to keep them blunt but they grow back fast. they don't take very good care of their scales but they shed regularly and hand shed scales off to anyone that wants them. they prefer to sleep in when its cold and get groggy in the winter. they can't roar but they can scream like an elk or a barn owl (i imagine they sound a lot like namielle or xeno'jiiva from monster hunter world!) etc.
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dein0nychus 1 year
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dein0nychus 1 year
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their Creators: 1, 2, 12, and A for Vorastrix
What's the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Max like, 10 minutes. They tend to get fidgety when they aren't actively doing something and when left without an Important Task they tend to go off and do menial (sometimes unnecessary) chores just to kind of fill the void.
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Not too terribly difficult! They tend to be a bit introverted around people they're familiar with, but if you rope them into a conversation they'll open up. They have a terrible sense of humor- the stupidest jokes will make them laugh.
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can't quite reach?
They'd rather roll around on the ground or use an improvised back scratcher to get it instead of asking someone else. They're a bit averse to touch- always worried they'll hurt someone :(- so they try to deal with physical discomfort themself even though it doesn't always work. If they can't get at it, they'll just leave it and suffer the discomfort.
A. Why are you excited about this character?
I'll be real I have a hyperfixation LOL. They're also one of my favorite character tropes to a tee, the character that's SUPPOSED to be evil but is kind and cares for others instead. I've always loved that trope and I accidentally made Vora like that.
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dein0nychus 4 months
2, 13, and 35 for the ask game with Vora! :3
Picking a lock:
"Come on now, open up..." "Why is this my job?" "Ugh, my eyes aren't good enough for this!" How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?:
Low: "Did you want something?"
Neutral: "Oh, hello!"
High: "Always a pleasure to see you, friend."
Romance: "Ah, there you are, love."
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