dein0nychus · 1 year
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their Creators: 1, 2, 12, and A for Vorastrix
What's the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Max like, 10 minutes. They tend to get fidgety when they aren't actively doing something and when left without an Important Task they tend to go off and do menial (sometimes unnecessary) chores just to kind of fill the void.
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Not too terribly difficult! They tend to be a bit introverted around people they're familiar with, but if you rope them into a conversation they'll open up. They have a terrible sense of humor- the stupidest jokes will make them laugh.
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can't quite reach?
They'd rather roll around on the ground or use an improvised back scratcher to get it instead of asking someone else. They're a bit averse to touch- always worried they'll hurt someone :(- so they try to deal with physical discomfort themself even though it doesn't always work. If they can't get at it, they'll just leave it and suffer the discomfort.
A. Why are you excited about this character?
I'll be real I have a hyperfixation LOL. They're also one of my favorite character tropes to a tee, the character that's SUPPOSED to be evil but is kind and cares for others instead. I've always loved that trope and I accidentally made Vora like that.
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
Kid!Beatles X Kid!Reader Headcanons
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(thank you to anon for this fun request!! 💞)
you and John are known troublemakers in school, often getting scolded for your antics in class and mischief during recess
you're notorious for pulling pranks on your classmates, from tacks on chairs to fake bugs in desk drawers
you bond over your love for doodling, filling notebooks with silly drawings and caricatures of your teachers (and sometimes defacing school property)
despite your friendship, you're fierce rivals on the soccer field, competing against one another in epic matches with bragging rights on the line
you share a secret hideout in the schoolyard where you spend your breaks together, plotting imaginary adventures and sharing your wildest dreams
you have frequent sleepovers consisting of ruthless pillow fights and devious prank calls to every number in the phonebook
you and Paul spend recess making up silly songs together, singing at the top of your lungs and giggling uncontrollably
after school, you make your way towards your secret treehouse in Paul's backyard to share secrets and imaginary tales, hidden away from the rest of the world
when the weather is nice, you like to go on bike rides around the neighborhood, exploring hidden trails and pretending to be intrepid explorers on a quest for adventure
Paul will sometimes take you to the park with him to birdwatch, armed with binoculars and identification books
you love building things together, crafting beautiful flower crowns and constructing makeshift forts from pillows and blankets
you spend your weekends watching old monster movies and sci-fi classics, munching on popcorn and debating over which film is the best
being two of the quieter students in class, you share a special unspoken bond, often writing messages in the margins of your notebooks and sliding it to the edge of your desk for the other to read
speaking of, the two of you are avid readers, spending hours in the school library devouring nonfiction books about dinosaurs, science, and space
George takes on you epic imaginary adventures, pretending to be astronauts exploring distant planets or knights fighting dragons
you like to go on nature walks together, collecting leaves to make rubbings and flowers to press in your scrapbooks
you spend the weekends exploring in the woods behind your houses, searching for hidden treasures and making friends with the creatures that inhabit the forest
you're a pair of class clowns, always cracking jokes and performing silly skits to make your classmates laugh during boring lessons
Ringo shares with you his love for percussion, showing you how to use instruments like air guitars and cardboard drums to perform for your friends at lunchtime
the two of you spend countless afternoons playing soccer with your friends in the neighborhood streets, Ringo showcasing his impressive footwork as you cheer him on from the sidelines (and even join in when you're feeling bold)
you're avid comic book fans, spending hours together trading your favorite issues and debating over who would win in a battle between your favorite superheroes
on temperate evenings you'll pitch a tent in Ringo's backyard and stay up all night telling ghost stories, roasting marshmallows over a makeshift campfire, and counting the stars
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cannolicreme · 3 months
a slutty little love story about two ghouls on different wavelengths learning to hear each other. alternatively, this fic explores the challenges neurotypical and neurodivergent partnerships might encounter (and overcome).
this is primarily swiss & phantom, but there are references to others (generally comedic - i can't not meme). characterization by me and my best friend @crunchy-munch. swiss can do magic, rain is perpetually serving snatched-waist sub realness, and nothing fazes phantom.
six chapters total; updates weekly on fridays (we're on chapter 3 now). thank you for reading 💞
pairings: swiss x phantom, cunty rain with a chanel handbag x dew, a swiss x rain x dew threesome at one point rating: porn with feelings 💀
Swiss did not like discipline, particularly when it pertained to depriving himself of his own desires. He watched Phantom’s tail sway in anticipation, noticing how his cheeks glowed with ingenue blush and how his eyes shone with intrepid longing. The conquest would be easy, and fast, and even if it meant the glory of watching that little bitch eat his words, Swiss could not bring himself to do it. “I’m not in the mood,” was the excuse that he went with, but he knew the correct answer was, I’ll fall for you. “But I know you want me, anyway.” The bastard was cheeky, but he was right, and Swiss wanted to slap the smugness from his growing smile. “How do you even know what you want?” He hadn’t meant for the interjection to be so sharp, and instantly regretted it, watching Phantom shrink a little in the wake of his scorn. “Look, I just–I can’t sleep with somebody who doesn’t wanna kiss me.” As if it’d just dawned on him, Phantom told him excitedly, “But I do wanna kiss you right now. Honest.” Even if Swiss knew it was a gambit, the wistful amethyst staring up at him and the pathetic whimper that accompanied his entreaty - “Please, Swiss?” - had rendered him incapacitated. He let go of the wheel, curled his massive hands around the untouched throat of the beggar at his throne, and lifted him upwards by the chokehold. Against his right hand, he felt Phantom’s pulse quicken from the danger, or the thrill, or the manifested desire flourishing in his blood; other than that, he was quiet and controlled, amenable inside the trap, and for a moment, felt Swiss’ breath against his uncoupled lips. The affirmation of the kiss - sweet, but rough, until the larger one could restrain himself enough to stop softly groaning into it - had liberated Phantom and poisoned Swiss. He released the smaller ghoul, pridefully collected the venom in his mouth with a swipe of his forked tongue, and swallowed. It would wear off eventually, he told himself. Each pair of enervated eyes, through fluttering lashes and dilated pupils, scanned the other’s for a signal of surrender. “Now, be a good boy and finish your game.” The growl, spoken into his mouth, was unnecessary; Swiss knew he was going to lose. He was fucked. Phantom licked his lips, smiled, and obeyed him, receding to his spot on the floor and picking up the controller - but not before correcting him. “I’m not a good boy.”
read more on ao3  *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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llondonfog · 1 year
My bro showed me this and I laughed, hope it makes you laugh too.
Also, please share with me some of those darth vaders raising Luke stories, they sound so sweet.
Have you ever read Darth Vader and son? Or Are You Scared Darth Vader?? Both are funny and cute. (Both are children’s books but I love them and have them in my bookshelf. 💚)
Hope you feel better Lettie 💞🌺
ljdfaskjkdsfl thank you for sharing these, i cannot wait to start the ahsoka show for myself after all of these gifsets and memes— hayden is a real treat to the fandom and i'm so glad he's finally getting all the recognition he deserves!!
AND YES I LOVE THOSE LITTLE BOOKS ; u ; if you really want some vader raising luke fic recs, i am more than happy to provide the ones that i go back to time and time again for some good old comfort under the cut!!
Force Bond: this series i read YEARLY. it is such a wholesome cornerstone piece of fanfiction in my life, i cannot get enough of it and am amazed by the fact that the author has kept it going with new updates twenty years later. basic premise is that luke escapes from tatooine and a crazed ex-jedi who wants to kill him as a young child and winds up on coruscant where a chance encounter with the emperor's right hand man might change their lives forever :')
The Emperor Skywalker Conspiracy: this short one is just for laughs, it's a great use of memes to react to the news that luke skywalker is darth vader's son as if you were in the sw universe and learning about it in real time through tumblr updates
Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn't Get Away: a fun set of short drabbles exploring various different au possibilities within the sw universe of vader having to come to the rescue of his reckless son<3
The Family Tree: THIS ONE IS SO GOOD, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT CHANGED ME. i fucking love this trope- character a and b get stuck somewhere with no escape and are forced to have a heart-to-heart conversation ITS SO DAMN GOOD AND EMOTIONAL AHHHH
The Heir: i absolutely adore this concept and how the author presented it; palpatine raising a young luke as his son and creating a rift of hatred between vader and his child, only for vader to find out the truth and murder the emperor thus making his young son the rightful ruler. so full of angst and delightful twists, it's a fun read!!
My Bitten Heart: told through an outsider pov of a rescue mission gone wrong. fully changed my perspective on writing when i read this over ten years ago.
Three Days, Two Nights and One Lifetime: one-shot where luke gets shot down over a desolate planet and experiences brief blindness and amnesia. who should find him in this state? :)
Between Flight and Longing: luke and han go to a distant planet in search of....something. vader happens upon them and a hilarious (and hurt/comfort) trio emerges as vader struggles to understand what could possibly be ailing his son.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
writing asks: 💘🦋💞💝
Thanks for the ask!! Sorry- it took so long (but alas I was swapped with the homework- and still have some tonight cause my time management is terrible and I really thought i could do ten hrs in one night, lol)
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Yes! I would love to give the Season One au (with Kyle taking Jenna’s place as Max’s fwb) another shot- especially now that the reason I ended up ditching the universe is so far behind me. Also, in a few more years I want to take another stab at Swing Life Away (because it means so much to me) and explore the stories better, since it taught me so much about story formatting.
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Anything new tbh, whether it’s a character, ship, kink or world set up. Outside of that I know where my writing quality and grasp of grammar and tense lies- so I’m not scared for formatting reasons (if I was I wouldn’t post!)
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The characters! They’re why I write- I use it as a sort of meta to explore them and understand them, and also, because they’re what I love about media it’s my love for them
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Intrepid! The Liz Ortecho/Anatsa Mufaro lost decade college fic, it actually had readers, lol
fic writer asks
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puffywiz · 2 years
Hi! I really admire your art and I've always wanted to learn how to draw and illustrate but I've never known where to start. I'm thinking about maybe minoring in studio art at my school and taking some intro drawing and design classes but I'm really nervous that everyone else will be way more experienced than me and I'll look stupid. Do you have any tips for getting started? Thank you so much and I love all of your work!
Aaa thank you!! That's very kind of you to say 💛 I'll do my best.
So first and foremost, whatever you decide to draw it has to be fun. If you go to an art class they'll take care of going over all kinds of techniques and different learning tools and design principles. This is all good stuff, but I'll be honest with you, it's very unglamorous. Most teachers want you to master the basics first and, like, they're right that you should at least try to. But drawing a ton of cubes in perspective or painting tiny color theory squares alone will not fulfill you. You should still do it though because it will cultivate the bitterness in your heart that you will need to sustain your intrepid and fiery spirit. Let the hate flow through you and all that jazz
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My advice is that if you wanna do it, yes ABSOLUTELY take those art classes! I've been in more than my fair share of art courses with a ton of people way beyond my skill level and to be honest, those people are probably nice. If they're assholes though they're not worth your time. Make fun of them for being so lame and full of themselves. You will most likely bond with your cohorts over your shared hatred of mixing Payne's Gray by hand all the time anyway. All of you together, soldiers in the trenches with your warped paint trays and peeling 10 dollar paintbrushes.
So back to that whole fun thing. I encourage you to carve out a space for your art that's just yours. The formal education will ground you, but the freedom of personal expression will uplift you when that's not enough. Keeping a sketchbook is a great first start, and fill it with tons of garbage sketches and doodles and ugly wonky faces. Do NOT let yourself be precious about your sketchbook! Blank pages are intimidating I know but go in there with a marker and let there be no survivors. Sketch on sticky notes and tape them in to take some of that edge off. Add stickers, do whatever. Make it hideously ugly for the pure damn freedom of it. Join a fandom! Make some ocs! Get unhealthily obsessed with something and go to town sketching and making fanart. Despite this commodified world, the desire to create belongs to you, don't forget that.
Also, don't be afraid to diversify your creative pursuits. When I was burnt out after art school I took up knitting and was terrible at it. But that was so freeing for me because I wasn't doing it for anyone else. So if drawing gets tiring learn to fold a paper crane or bake something. It will help keep your mind a little clearer each time.
Honestly my friend I wish nothing but the best for you. It's hard to take the leap, but you'll be richer for it.
Have FUNNNN!!! ⭐💫💞
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ladyofthenoodle · 2 years
Fanfic asks! Best character you've written for: I loooove how you write Alya! She's such an interesting character and one I wish I could use better. How you write her in Team Is a Four Letter Word is serious writing goals for me. You get that perfect mix of a smart girl who wants to do right by her friends but sometimes lets her determination get a bit reckless. Her POV in your fic is just *chef's kiss*! Especially her interactions with Nino. Your DJwifi writing is just too cute
ahhhhh thank you so much!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥰😭💞💖
alya is always a careful balance because in many ways she is the Smart and Mature One (and i fully believe she would self-identify as such) but also she's a 14 year old Intrepid Teenage Reporter who regularly runs into danger WITHOUT a miraculous. bless.
she's been so fun to write in team because, especially in her thoughts and interactions with adrien, i get to delve into how clever and insightful she is, but also think about what the limit of that insightfulness is. because amateur detective and amateur psychologist are VERY different things and alya is really only the former. and does NOT have the patience to sit back and wait for marinette and adrien to get their shit together without her help 😂
send me an ask about my fanfiction!
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