#Volunteer program with sloths
natuwa · 22 days
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Volunteer program with sloths
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poeproductions · 5 months
Our quality inspector hard at work! ✨A portion of this fursuit sale will be going to the Toucan Rescue Ranch, so let's talk about them!
The Toucan Rescue Ranch is a Costa Rican non-profit organization. Founded in 2004, they began with a goal of rescuing and releasing injured toucans. They now work with many species including sloths, owls, parrots, coati, and more!
TRR provides volunteer opportunities and educational programs for people to learn about taking care of their environment and local animals. With their breeding program, they successfully bred Emerald Toucanets in captivity for release in the wild. We aren't affiliated with them in any way, we just really admire what they do!
10% of our Cuckoo Bee Cat sale will be donated to the Toucan Rescue Ranch! https://poeproductions.org/store/ Get a cute suit and help a good cause!
If you'd like to make your own donation, check out their website! https://toucanrescueranch.org/
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edaworks · 2 years
So um, yes I do also play the redheaded stepchild of the Fallout franchise with my housemate because it’s the only multiplayer Fallout option we have, hooray. Here’s a quick piece of my 76 character, VJ D’Milieu.
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She enjoys:
- Sofia Daguerre, my beloved (again with my characters and the loveable geeks)
- Daphne (Sofia and VJ and kiddo Daphne = adorkable geeky family. Headcanon is that she also has at least one bio kid b/c she volunteered as surrogate and bio-mom for a pair of friends, the female-bodied of which could not carry a child)
- scavenging, collecting the group’s ammo back off dead enemies - PLEASE take back your #$&!ing railway spikes so she can walk
- creature taming - enjoys having a giant guard sloth to greet visitors
- hazardous materials acquisition - bring on the glowing flora
- trespassing on others’ property to see the cool shit they built
- reestablishing the West Virginian Minutemen Responders, including supplying her buddy’s infirmary (my housemate built her main camp into a Responders hospital and I love it)
- building camps that create foot travel access through/across otherwise impassable natural barriers on the map (usually cliffs)
- being the group chemist/herbalist: her main camp/house/shelter are FILLED with plants. Also the group repair master/ammosmith - grats, you still haven’t run out of ammo and your gear is still intact as we begin the 347th scorchbeast fight of today’s Cranberry Bog session
- non-raid combat: melee or sniping; raid combat: begrudgingly resigned to using spin-up heavy weapons and complementing perk set/SPECIAL loadout
She dislikes:
- The Overseer. VJ thinks she’s irresponsible as shit and would deck her immediately if she wasn’t marked as an essential npc. (I agree with VJ. Bitch, I too graduated early from an advanced degree program/was super young when I got certified to do my job, and I really hope I didn’t come across to people as wholeheartedly believing I was a goddamn Mary Sue and entitled to reverence no matter what shitty choices I made)
- don’t make VJ clean up all your messes and carry your emotional baggage and kill off the fiancée you abandoned to a fate worse than death as the trade-off for getting bribed with a nice cushy control vault job/not whistleblowing on Vault-Tec’s wildly unethical experimentation. Or, y’know, do all those things and make her listen to holotapes full of your whining about it
- sure as hell don’t do the above while you a) run off on a goddamn vacation/journey of self-realization (because wtf else are you doing going everywhere but to the missile silos and leaving me holotapes to find like this is a goddamn Pioneer Scouts scavenger hunt), b) abandon literally all of your charges, c) throw a temper tantrum by holotape about using nukes when that is the sole option to get to/kill off the scorchbeast Queen and keep everyone from turning into ultracite zombies, and get to/kill off the wendigo colossus that we really don’t need running amok either, and then d) crop back up and act like you’re still running the show
- also sure as hell don’t then voluntell VJ to drag your ass through the Nuka building and then go make settlers and raiders sing kumbaya together at the start of the next main quest arc
- gtfo VJ’s lawn you sanctimonious asinine woman jeebus I’d rather listen to Rose’s grating voice on repeat than deal with you
- at least they included hostile dialogue options for interactions with her
- did I mention VJ dislikes the Overseer
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gaming · 5 years
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Indie Game Spotlight: The Haunted Island, a Frog Detective Game
Spoopy season isn’t quite over in this week’s Indie Game Spotlight. In The Haunted Island, a small sloth has been haunted for weeks by a mysterious ghost that nobody can seem to track down. There’s a mystery afoot, and the only one who can solve it is the renowned investigator known simply as The Detective. Finding clues and questioning suspects is just part of the job for such an experienced frog, but this case is a tough fly to catch.
We spoke to Grace Bruxner, who is the creative director of Worm Club, and responsible for the art, writing, and design, among other things. Also in Worm Club is her partner Thomas Bowker, who works on the UX and programming, and their composer Dan Golding, who makes lovely jazzy tunes (fun fact: Dan also did the music for Untitled Goose Game).
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The Haunted Island looks like it has a lot of different animal friends. What kind of animals can we expect to meet?
So many animals! We have a sheep, a duck, a sloth, a wombat, a koala (gotta get that Australian representation in somewhere!), and, of course, a frog. I am probably forgetting a few. We basically chose animals that wouldn’t look horrifying standing up. Some people still think they’re horrifying, but that’s not my problem, really.
What kinds of gameplay mechanics can we expect?
In terms of mechanics, The Haunted Island is a super simple game that focuses on talking to silly characters and helping everyone out, in order to solve the mystery. It does have several un-skippable cutscenes, which have been described as “why can’t I skip the cutscenes.” Mechanics—who needs ‘em! Except for, like, car mechanics, I guess.
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Are there any detective-genre movies, books, or games that helped inspire the game?
We had a volunteer at PAX West who described the game as “Animal Crossing meets LA Noire," which is kind of true. I haven’t played Animal Crossing yet, but I really liked LA Noire. It has so many silly moments that aren’t intentional, and I wanted to sort of emulate those moments in my game. I also love Agatha Christie novels, as well as the live-action Poirot TV show, but unfortunately, a lot of those older detective shows and books have some problematic content. As far as I know, we have no weirdly racist bits in the game (I really hope we don’t, as I am the one who wrote it). Frog Detective doesn’t take itself very seriously, but all the characters do. I find inspiration from shows that I find sort of accidentally funny because of the dialogue. For example, Degrassi and Riverdale both have very funny dialogue, which seems mostly unintentional, though I’m sure the writers have fun with it.  
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Have you learned any interesting frog facts while working on the game?
Frog Detective isn’t a super educational game, so I haven’t done a whole lot of frog-related research, but I will say I recently learned that frogs and toads are basically the same creatures, biologically speaking. They’re classified as frogs or toads depending on their size!
What do you hope players will take away from your game?
That it’s OK to be second best.
Ready to hop on in? You can find out more about The Haunted Island, as well as its successor, Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard, over on Worm Club’s website, or simply check it out at your favorite online vendors.
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Demon Brothers + Diavolo Doing Dance Workouts With S/O
Okay, so!  On my journey on getting slimmer, healthier and fitter, I’ve been doing Chloe Ting’s workout programs, all free, all really nice to get yourself started and feel a sense of accomplishment. However, I randomly found some pretty neat dance workouts, especially Pamela Reif’s, and I’m in love with the songs she uses, going as far as to make one with only 80s songs, and she included a-Ha’s Take me on, and ahhhh, resonates with my heart so much! Hope you’ll like this little piece of crack and cutesy stuff <3
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Lucifer, while yes, he has an amazing body, he seems rather insecure about it, going as far as to use a spell so nobody in his own family would remember how he looked at the beach, so it’s nothing shocking to know that he doesn’t like to exercise when others are around.
However, when he saw how excited you were finding an interesting routine that combined the fun of dancing with workout, he couldn’t refuse you, despite his fear of embarrassing himself or looking less than proper.
Seeing how much fun you’re having, not caring that your face is red, you’re sweating like crazy, and you’re dying of exhaustion, the fact that the songs are good and the workout is pretty refreshing, he feels himself unable to resist smiling at you, and little by little, allowing himself to let loose a bit.
He is a great dancer, we all know it, so he goes all in with all the moves, no matter how sexy or silly, and he LIVES for the way you cheer for him and say how amazing he his.
Poor Luci is going to blush, unable to contain how much you’re boosting his ego and self-confidence.
Clearly, he won’t do any of that around any of his brothers, and will be extra careful so that nobody, especially Diavolo, catched him while he’s dance-working out with you, in fear of them using it as black-mail, posting it on DevilGram or just keeping the content for the future.
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Mammon frequently workouts because he wants to make sure his body looks good ( he is highly insecure about himself, so he thinks that at least his body should be good, if not him as a person, poor baby ), and he definitely loves having fun at the club, so if you can combine the two things he loves so much, he’s down for anything!
When you told him about your wish to start working out, while doing something fun, because the past routines became a little boring, he asked if you wanted to workout with him.
He was very shy and sweet about asking you that, because he knows that if you used to be sedentary and suddenly decided to workout, he believed it had something to do with insecurities, and he knew very well how anxious and nervous one could be when someone else is in the room with you.
When you accept the idea, he is over the moon with glee, and will find the most fun and cool workouts that the both of you can do together.
You will get tons of cheers and encouragements from Mammon, since he genuinely wants you to be the best version of yourself and learn how to love yourself and who you are, and if working out is going to do the trick, he is going to be a dancing clown for you without a single doubt.
The fact that you’re vibing so much, smiling, despite how difficult and tiring dancing could be, makes his heart melt, because you are so beautiful when you are happy, and he’s just...SO thrilled that he can help you in your journey of self-love.
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It’s pretty canon that Levi doesn’t really do anything physically exhausting, only working out when he feels like it, over DevilTube videos, but nothing too exhausting.
Well, unless he wants to learn a new idol or anime dance routine, which is where he goes all in with no regret, not giving a damn about how he can barely stand on his feet, or that he’s sweating a lake.
One day, Levi was playing video games on the console, and you were searching random videos on his Laptop’s DT, and you found some pretty fun dance-workout routines that you wanted to try out.
Realising that they were already viewed, and that Levi was playing a single-player game, you crawled over to him, telling him to stop the game for a second and asking him about them, then suggesting doing some together.
When he heard about you finding about about you wanting to workout out with him, he started blushing furiously, thinking of the worst, until he realised that it meant you would basically learnt he same idol dances he knows, and you could do fun cosplay skits and karaoke, and you would actually know what he’s ranting about, he was in his working out clothes in a beat!
He was so excited and eager to teach you everything he knows, imagining how awesome you would be as a performing duo on a stage, dressed up super flashy and having so much fun while the crowd was cheering wildly.
Levi did ask in the end, albeit veeeery timidly, if you wanted to perform an idol routine with him in his own room, as he has all the best high-tech stuff to make his room look like an idol concert club, and he has the cosplay-making skills, so when you accept, he’s gonna faint from happiness.
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He’s not too shy about working out - He knows he has to balance a working out, eating and studying to have a healthy life-style, so he does at least the bare minimum to keep himself fit.
Satan isn’t the type to tell you what to do, but somehow, the more you stay with him, the more his habits stick to you, so out of the blue, you find yourself doing random, low-maintenance exercises with him...Sometimes while he’s still reading, and you still can’t tell how he can do that.
From the many people he’s acquainted with, he hears about some succubi doing dance-workouts that are pretty entertaining and give you good vibes, so he asked you if you wanted to check out some routines, and choosing the songs you like together, you start doing dance-routines.
Surprise, surprise, it’s actually super fun, and the succubi are great dance teachers, so you and Satan try to sing some of the lyrics, when you’re not too exhausted and panting, or when the song is just too good.
It’s always been obvious that Satan is the domestic type, loving to do any sort of activity with you by your side, or just staying in the same room, or cuddling, doing completely separate things, and enjoying each other’s presence, so dancing together with you was real fun with him, especially because he didn’t have to be proper in any way or put appearances, as he does when outside of his room.
Satan would definitely ask to do more fun activities with you, including maybe supervised mountain climbing, horse-riding, swimming, painting, taking care of animals at the shelters and many other things you’re both into, or want to try new experiences.
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I already believe that Asmo does some kind of yoga and pilates daily - Not for a long time, but just what’s necessary - to keep himself healthy and in a great, lean shape, because having a healthy lifestyle means your skin is going to be beautiful and have that natural glow, so of course he’s gonna do anything to keep that up with minimum sweat required.
If he has a gig up, like modeling on a catwalk, a photoshoot, or some kind of important event, he’s going to do a shit ton of Aerobics and Zumba, maybe even Kangoo Jump for as little as a week and as long as a month or so, because he has to be perfect - As if he isn’t already, but still!
Since we already know he’s the kind to love going to the club and dancing, when you go to him, telling him about the new workout routine you started, since you were a bit bored of Asmo’s chill yoga routines, he was excited to see you trying out new things out of your own volition.
He will try to fish for all your favourite songs and get some succubi to come up with lit dance workout videos so you could both to them together and have fun, because obviously, he wants you to enjoy your favourite songs, and will do anything in his power to make that happen!
Of course, before you start working out, he will drag you to all the best sports shops and try out tons of outfits, and you’ll get matching ones - Comfy and Practical, but make it Fashion!
I’m pretty sure he won’t take it 100% seriously, and he’ll be all party and fun, singing the song out loud, taking your hands and doing random moves that aren’t in the routine, like spinning you or dipping you low, and of course, the occasional kiss-steals won’t be lost in the party, and you’re too adorable to resist.
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Well, this guy does heavy workouts, including weight-lifting and practices for his club activities, like Fangol, which is similar to American Football, which is very...Very Beel, to say the least.
He never pushes you to workout with him, but he did mention that if you ever want to use the gym and be alone, he will make sure nobody bothers you, but if you are in need of an instructor, he would volunteer to help you, despite going softer on you and giving you so many breaks, because you are a cute, little, frail human who doesn’t eat enough.
One day, he heard from Asmo about this super fun and accessible dance workouts, and he thought it would be nice to recommend to you, so he will ask all the details, along with some DevilTube links to such videos, and when you are next together, alone, he will tell you all about it.
As soon as he sees how enthusiastic you are about it, and you even asked him to join you, he will agree without a second thought.
Until he realises that he is so big and bulky that he basically has the grace of a wooden nightstand.
It doesn’t stop him from having fun and enjoying his time of bonding with you, obviously! He will do anything you want, as long as you’re having fun and smiling the way you’re doing now.
Not to mention, it’s pretty refreshing seeing you dance with no inhibitions, just throwing around your limbs and shaking your body like you’re free as a bird.
This is the type of life he wants to live - Fun, happy and chill with his loved ones.
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No matter how much of a damn sloth he is, you just CAN’T tell me this guy doesn’t do something like Yoga, Pilates or freaking Ballet, considering the moves his busts during does damned dance battles!
He clearly won’t ever ask you to dance or workout with him, because he has a reputation to uphold, he is the Avatar of Sloth, after all, and he can sleep everywhere, as long as he has that fluffy cow-patterned pillow to sleep on.
But one day, you barge into his room, all excited to tell him the newest gossip...Only to see him with music at max volume and following some random choreography, and you just look at him with that meme pikachu shocked face.
Belphie glared at you as bad as the day he killed you, while also blushing like crazy, because damn it, only Beel was supposed to know his secret!
You then grin at him mischievously, hugging his neck and asking if he wants to do dance-workout routines together, and he refuses at first...And second and third and hundredth, but in the end, he will give in, and you will dance together.
Sometimes, he will suggest the dance workouts with a partner, just so he could have a reason to be closer to you, lazily peck your lips, cheeks or forehead, while also being able to do romantic moves...Even if the song is romantic or has seductive moves or not.
It could be some weird country song about how cute horses and cows are, and he would still do something super cute.
And of course, after a well-deserved shower, a loooong cuddle and sleep session together, in his bed, is going to happen.
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This is a bit of a spoiler for the lessons 26-29, but I believe Diavolo is feeling pretty lonely and cast out from the group, and he’s like a sad golden retriever who wants some attention and affection, so as soon as you realise that, you start going to him to talk about random things, send him cute messages, stickers, gossips, selfies, pics with things you found awesome or cool, and he super appreciates it, he’s so happy!
This made you start bonding and go out, spending time together, so you then explain to him about human habits, memes, vines, TikToks, fandoms, trends, fandoms, ideas and all the ape shit things you could come up with, like a grandpa trying to be hip with his grandkids, but he ends up so cringe and overly exaggerated that he’s super adorable.
And that includes the dabs and Egyptian dance moves he pulls in the dance battles.
Now, you don’t get those damned arms, abs and pecs (man boobs) without some effort, he clearly works out quite a lot, as often as he can, so one day, when he was searching around random things on YouTube, on his new human laptop, and he finds some women doing some super entertaining dancing workout routines, and he is so enthusiastic about it, that he called you over and showed you those vids.
Grinning at how excited and curious he is about your world, and since you already knew about them and did some in the past, you see that his eyes were wide and expecting, wanting to try it together...So you suggested it, and he was so cheerful!
Dia has Barbatos get you both some super cute matching workout outfits, and together, you start jamming in his huge room, not before you reminded him that this is more for fun, and he should just enjoy it and not take it too seriously, and he was over the moon, especially since you were there to share his enthusiasm.
Needless to say, neither of you had your cheerfulness and grins wiped from your faces for a long time, and Dia got to find out some lit human songs! 
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richincolor · 5 years
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Today we welcome Caroline Tung Richmond to the blog. She is co-editor, along with Elsie Chapman, of Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Food and Love. Caroline kindly answers questions about editing an anthology, writing, sloths, and of course food.
Publisher summary: A shy teenager attempts to express how she really feels through the confections she makes at her family’s pasteleria. A tourist from Montenegro desperately seeks a magic soup dumpling that could cure his fear of death. An aspiring chef realizes that butter and soul are the key ingredients to win a cooking competition that could win him the money to save his mother’s life.
Welcome to Hungry Hearts Row, where the answers to most of life’s hard questions are kneaded, rolled, baked. Where a typical greeting is, “Have you had anything to eat?” Where magic and food and love are sometimes one and the same.
Told in interconnected short stories, Hungry Hearts explores the many meanings food can take on beyond mere nourishment. It can symbolize love and despair, family and culture, belonging and home.
I adore books featuring food. On a scale of 1 to 10, how hungry will we get while we’re reading Hungry Hearts?
I'm hoping for a 10! My mouth was definitely watering every time I edited the stories in this collection, and I would inevitably curse at myself that I couldn't sample the dishes I was reading about. So I'd recommend going out to eat right after you've finished Hungry Hearts -- or better yet, read it while you're eating!
What brought you and Elsie Chapman together for this project?
Twitter, actually! Elsie and I started chatting on Twitter years ago, and our friendship has grown via social media and emails. Back in 2017, I was tweeting about The Joy Luck Club and how I'd love to read more books that include its themes -- food, culture, family, and the tension between immigrant parents and their first-generation children. Elsie contacted me shortly thereafter to see if I'd be interested in co-editing an anthology around these ideas, and I said OF COURSE!
We spent about a month and a half refining the concept, drafting the proposal, and revising it with our agents before we went on submission. Much to our surprise and delight, the book sold quickly -- which was both wonderful and a tad stressful because I was nine months pregnant at the time! I believe we received the offer from Simon Pulse right before I delivered my son, and then we accepted it when he was about a week old.
Have you edited an anthology before? What are some of the challenges and rewards?
This is my very first time editing an anthology! Thankfully, Elsie has done this before (she co-edited the fabulous A Thousand Beginnings and Endings with Ellen Oh) and so she helped me navigate the learning curve. I also got wonderful advice from my friend Jessica Spotswood who has edited multiple anthologies, like Toil & Trouble and A Tyranny of Petticoats, which I contributed a short to.
My main challenge was dealing with taxes -- I hate paperwork and crunching numbers so no surprise there! I'd recommend consulting with an accountant if you're putting together an anthology since the taxes can get a bit complicated. But aside from that, Hungry Hearts was truly a joy from start to finish. I adored working with such talented writers, and I also loved working with Elsie and our editor Jen to shape the anthology as a whole. Usually writing a book is a very isolating process for me, and so it was refreshing to work on a project that required a lot of collaboration.
Is there a specific food you associate with family and/or love?
Oh, definitely! When I was growing up, my family would visit my paternal grandmother on Sunday evenings (we call her Nai-nai) and she'd make us dinner. My favorite dish of hers has always been her lion's head meatballs. I have no idea why they're called that -- and they're made out of pork, not lion, haha -- but it's a Shanghai dish and that's where my grandma grew up.
My Nai-nai's meatballs were always moist and perfectly seasoned, and she'd simmer them over a bed of Napa cabbage leaves and rice noodles that would soak up the yummy flavors. We'd serve everything over hot rice, and just thinking about it makes my mouth water and brings me back to my grandma's little apartment. Nainai is now 96 and doesn't cook anymore, and one of my biggest regrets is not asking her to teach me how to make those meatballs. I've made a couple recipes I found online, but they just aren't the same. But I'll keep trying!
Beyond this tempting collection, are there other young adult books you would recommend for our readers?
I've been reading a lot of adult fiction and non-fiction recently so I'm sadly behind on YA, but I'm really looking forward to checking out With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo because it's about an aspiring chef and I love stories about food. I'm also excited to read Maurene Goo's Somewhere Only We Know because it sounds like a delightful rom-com of a novel -- and it's set in Hong Kong! I'm hoping there's a scene or two that features dimsum because I live for dimsum. (Turnip cakes might sound bleh, but they are SO GOOD and I could eat a plate of them right now!)
If you’re allowed to tell us, what other projects are you working on?
Hungry Hearts is my first stab at contemporary literature and so it's a bit of a departure from my novels, which have all been historical fiction. My next book is a Cold War alternate history that's set in Washington, D.C. and that features super advanced robots. No title yet, but it should come out in 2020 from Scholastic!
This last question is fairly random and has nothing to do with the book, but on your blog I saw a photo of you holding a sloth. How did that come about? Sloths are amazingly adorable.
Aw, I'm so happy you asked! I love sloths, and back in 2012 I was lucky to spend a week volunteering at a sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica, which took care of orphaned and injured sloths. I spent my time there cleaning out the sloth enclosures, prepping food for them (chopping up carrots and sweet potatoes and the like), and playing with the babies (best job ever!). My favorite sloth was a little guy named Linus who was super sleepy and just wanted to be held all the time. I wish I could've taken him home.
We always appreciate hearing from book creators and look forward to reading Hungry Hearts now that it's out in the world.
Caroline Tung Richmond is the award-winning author of The Only Thing to Fear, The Darkest Hour, and Live In Infamy; and the co-editor of Hungry Hearts. She's also the Program Director of We Need Diverse Books, a non-profit that promotes diversity in children's literature. Caroline lives with her family in Frederick, MD.
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champagnereverie · 5 years
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Art by @destinyapostasy​
My turn to talk about my darling disaster vampire after @jessicapendragon​ and @ponylamp​ made it cool!
Full name: Amelia Grace Tucker, Min to her friends. She’s named after her Grandma Amelia who goes by Minnie, and is still Little Minnie to her family. She’s currently operating under the alias Shelby Anne Miller.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Whoever lights the stars in her eyes
Pronouns: She/her
And specific to her
Clan: Mekhet
Bloodline: Brothers of Ypres - ironic name is ironic but she’s a female Brother. So there.
Birthplace: Seattle, WA
Human: Min’s parents are Nate Tucker, MD & Grace Tucker, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon and OBGYN, respectively. They alternate sabbaticals to volunteer with Doctors without Borders. Her grandma, Big Minnie, was a dancer in her day and was forever trying to get her introverted granddaughter to come out of her shell. Much to the chagrin of her doctor son and daughter-in-law, she also smokes cigars and drinks mint juleps and claims they’re good for the constitution. They’re the family that passes each other in the doorway through the week but always connects for a big Sunday dinner. Well, at least they did, before a number of things including a couple rounds of death and time travel.
Vampire: This is...a little complicated. Her sire is cockney thief extraordinaire Andrew Leighton, but she hates that S-word because it invokes a paternal relationship which is...weird, considering their erstwhile romantic involvement. Naturally, her coterie thinks Daddy jokes are hilarious. Thanks to a general naivety and, in game-mechanics terms, an exceptionally high humanity, Min is the sappy type who genuinely believes her friends are her family. She's adopted the disaster humans Connor keeps for his herd and is basically the House Mom, cooking dinners and trying to get the kids to go to school. It’s an uphill battle.
Job(s): Ostensibly, “Shelby Ann” works at Radio Shack. It’s a perfect cover and lets her purloin electronic components to help build her surveillance network. 
Phobias:  Doppelgangers. -_- Having one try to kill and become you will do that to a girl. She’s got a pretty unfriendly relationship with mirrors, too. Oh, and she doesn’t like large crowds or public speaking.
Guilty pleasures: What good is eternal life if you can’t enjoy some comfort food everyone once in a while??? 
Hobbies: She still loves computer programming and can’t wait until technology catches up to her skill level. The technology in 1994 is prehistoric. She also loves building robots, especially BattleBots. Lenore does not appreciate it.
Morality alignment: Neutral Good - she likes everybody unless given a good reason why she shouldn’t.
Sins: lust / gluttony / pride / envy / wrath / sloth
Virtues:  charity / diligence / kindness / patience / justice
Hope is her virtue. She believes in mercy, fairness and the inherent goodness of people, which is a bit of a challenge for an undead monster who has to poison people to drink their blood, but a little cognitive dissonance never hurt anyone.
T H I S   O R   T H A T
introvert / extrovert / in between
organized / disorganized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / restless / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / un-empathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between  
hard-working / lazy / in between
Min is an achiever, a perfectionist, and puts a ton of pressure on herself. She can’t stand being idle, and she has an intense drive to oversee and control her environment. She wants more than anything to protect everyone, and she always considers it a personal failure if she can’t.
OTP: Sure, there’s some baggage, but her always and forever is her sire, Drew Leighton. Just because he accidentally killed her because she’s a dead ringer for the unfaithful ex-fiancee who erased his memory and scrambled his brains doesn’t mean they can’t work past that. In Min’s mind, a lesser man would’ve left her to die and let his mistake die with her, but since he saved her, stayed with her, took care of her and loved her, he’s Min’s hero and she would literally do anything for him, including losing her soul. She’s already done it once! 
Acceptable/Other ships: Minore (Lenore/Min) is the quintessential odd couple, but Lenore has been Min’s guiding light ever since coming to the past and losing...well, everything Min ever knew. Min admires Lenore and tries to be more like her, even though she usually ends up even more awkward than before. Alyx/Min is proof that Min does have a wild side, buried deep, deep down under layers of anxiety and pedantry. And Min/Owen...oh, these two. The naive neophyte too modern for the world and the ancient elder just trying to find a place in it. All she wants to do is make him happy or at least ease his sadness, and all he wants to do is protect her from it. They can never, ever be, but I love them so much.
BroTP: Jazdia/Min. Min is constantly in awe of Jaz’s self-confidence and self-assuredness, and is very happy to play sidekick for the coterie’s leader! Sure, they’ve had their differences (which are usually about Drew), but Jaz has always helped Min find her way through the dark places of the Requiem. Jaz was even the one who taught her how to feed herself when she didn’t know how!
NOTP: Sure, everybody loves twins, but Annie x Min is never going to happen. Maybe it’s the fact that they both love the same man, or maybe the fact that Annie has tried to steal Min’s soul and become both of them, or maybe it’s the nasty gossip that she spread about Min before ever even meeting her...maybe it’s the time Min spent trapped in the Mirror Realm thanks to Annie. All good reasons. 
@destinyapostasy @tel-abelas-mofo TAG! You’re it!
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whatsaboutalaska · 6 years
Bocas del Toro
This is going to be a very long Blogpost, because I spent a month on the beautiful Islands of Bocas del toro and I have a lot to tell you about :D
Isla Colon
It’s the main Island and although it’s one of the bigger ones, the city (bocas town - the capital of the whole Archipel) is very tiny. It won’t take you more than 10 minutes to walk from one end to the other, what might seem a bit boring, but there's always something new to discover :) !
Where to stay
Normally I don't give anti-recommendations for hostels, but although everyone I asked recommended me to stay at Selina in Bocas, it was my worst hostel experience ever. If you're like me, and more into cozy small hostels, where you easily feel at home, and not into party party, I'll recommend you not to book at Selina, especially not friday and saturday! You don't need to stay there to hang out at their dock, or join the parties at night. But I love to sleep. So these two nights were horrible for me :)!
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Skully‘s House
I would have loved to stay at this hostel, but unfortunately it was fully booked when I was there. But I still spent a few hours at the place, and the dorms look amazing :)! The cheapest option for a night at Skully's are 15$! It is directly at Paunch Beach, it has a pool, and a very tasty restaurant, which unfortunately is not really cheap.
Fun Fact: The hostel in designed in Pirate theme and the owner is a bearded pirate with a real woodleg :D
Coconut hostel
It's the cheapest place I could find on the Island, and it's one of few places in Bocas where breakfast is included! Pancakes with fresh fruits! What else could you wish for? :D Although the bathrooms in the hostel are really not nice, I completely enjoyed my stay! The vibe is very family-like and they even have a rooftop full with hammocks for 5$/night if that's your thing :)! I meet an awesome israeli musician while I stayed there, who gave me a private concert the night before he left. Such an incredibly talented guy!
Pro Tipp: It doesn't matter where you stay, I really recommend you to use the loundry service at coconut hostel! They charge 3$ instead of for example 10$ at Selina!
Where to eat
Panaderia Alemana
For Germans and Austrians the hardest part while travelling is to find bread. And I mean real bread. I spent every free minute in this Bakery on Isla Colón, having breakfast, just a snack or my favorite pastries.
Pro Tipp: try the maracuya cheesecake!
Restaurante chitré
It's one of few cheap places in Bocas del Toro, and normally you just see locals eating there :)! For 4,75$ you get a huge plate of grilled chicken, rice and salad - and it's not just cheap, it's super tasty! It's also a good place to practice your spanish, while chatting with panamanians.
Normally a bit pricey, LaItaliana offers a happy hour in the afternoon, where they offer a pizza plus drink for 6$! One of the best Pizzas I ever had! I recommend you to take a large pizza, the small ones are just for hobbits :D
Pollo Rosti
This little restaurant offers nothing else than grilled chicken and fries. But I can guarantee, that you won't find better chicken for this price on the whole Island! For 7$ you get half of a roasted a chicken, including fries and dips. The only thing which is bothering me, is that they serve their food on single-use plastic tableware. #savetheplanet
What to do
Rent an ATV
Flying Pirates belongs to the owner of Skully's House and is the company you want to go with, while racing through the jungle. It's definitely not a cheap activity, but by far the best I have experienced on this trip! Nearly the whole island is covered with jungle, but only Flying Pirates have access to it, because they pay rent to the owner of the land. To make sure, that no ATV drivers of other companies can enter this property, the pirate placed many traps along the trail! So make sure you listen carefully to his instructions, because you don't want to drown your ATV or die...
So go for it and enjoy this amazing adventure, but be prepared: you will get back very very dirty and maybe a bit injured. #dontflip #yesIdid
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Cacao Ceremony
In Bocas del Toro I experienced my very first cacao ceremony! I'm not religious or spiritual, so things like that always seemed a bit strange for me but honestly I enjoyed it a lot! It's a gathering of different people who mostly sit in a circle, drink cacao, and combine that with for example yoga, sound healing or dancing. Since centuries cacao is used for physical and mental healing, it actually increases your bloodflow and produces endorphins. This topic is so big, it deserves a whole blog post itself, so if you're interested and want to know more about it, I share this article with you: http://www.balispiritfestival.com/blog/cacao-ceremonies-what-why-and-how
Bioluminescence Tour
This tour is definitely one big highlight of my whole trip, because it is so different than any other boattrip I experienced. You have to be a bit lucky to get the experience, because you're only able to see bioluminescence in the water when it's really dark, so tours just take place around new moon. I did my tour exactly on new moon, and it was a breathtaking experience for me. It was quite scary to jump into the sea, in the middle of the night, and I definitely overcame some fears on that trip! Because it was completely dark, our guide was whistling all the time, to make sure we find him in the water and don't get lost. If you want to know some more about the tour and about bioluminescence in general I recommend you to read following article: https://hellotravelpanama.com/packages/bioluminescence-tour/
I'm not a very comfortable surfer, so I never tried it in Bocas. Butt everyone else does, because it's a great surfer destination! The waves are really high and often very dangerous, so it's not the best place to start with surfing, but you'll definitely love it when you're a bit more advanced. But don't surf at Bluff Beach! In the last years, a lot of people died surfing there, and nearly everyone who tries breaks their boards.
Zapatilla Tour
Although Bocas del Toro is a very expensive place, you can book daytours for not more than 25$/person! A must do is a tour to Cayo Zapatilla, which should include a stop at dolphin bay, sloth island, Hollywood (starfish island) and the coral snorkel spot. This tour is definitely a highlight for me so far! I've seen a lot of dolphins, but unfortunately you can't go for a swim with them, because the bay is full of jellyfish!
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Stand Up Paddling!
From Isla Colon you can easily paddle to Isla Carenero, which is just one minute away if you take the boat. If you are not very familiar with surfing or stand up paddling, I would NOT recommend you to rent your gear at Selina, because they also have no Idea. So I ended up with a big surfboard, instead of an SUP board, sitting on it and trying not to fall. Well, at least the board was pink :D!
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Plastic Bottle Village
I have no idea how I could have missed this place, but it's so amazing, that I definitely need to share it with you!
Years ago, a Canadian called Robert moved to the Island and started to collect water bottles, instead of throwing them away, and in the last years he built a whole village out of these bottles. He designed a huge castle, and even built little houses you can rent and live in, for a very good price! With his program he wants to draw attention to the excessive use of plastic, and with the money he earns he supports the local community and tries to educate children about this important topic. If you want to know more about this project, visit the website! http://www.plasticbottlevillage-theline.com/
Where to shop
Black Cat
This shop is not just my favorite for shopping clothes, it also sells very extraordinary souvenirs. Everything they sell is unique and nearly all their designs are self made. Unfortunately it's not backpacker budget friendly, but I love every piece I bought there! They also sell underwear with very special prints in four different sizes and three different shapes, which are 15$ per piece, but super comfortable and unique!
Tutty n Fish
Best place to buy fish and seafood to cook it at home! Unfortunately I never had the chance to buy the tuna because it was always sold out, but I heard it's amazing, and it's super cheap!
Farmacia el Javillo
It seems a bit weird to recommend a farmacy, but unfortunately I spent a lot of time in pharmacies and also been to the hospital in Bocas del Toro. Apparently it's very easy to open a farmacy in Central America, for which reason the quality and the prices of the products differ a lot. With this farmacies I never had any problems, they gave me good advices and they also speak a little english :)!
Isla Bastimentos
Because Bocas Town was a bit to much party for me, and I definitely wanted to stay at a beautiful beach, I moved to Isla Bastimentos after three days, and very spontaneously I started to work in an incredible hostel directly at Red Frog Beach!
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Where to stay
Palmar Beach Lodge
Where should I start! I stayed one month volunteering at this place, had the most amazing people around me, spent Christmas and New Years Eve here and couldn't wish for a better time! This place is a very nice mixture of a hotel and hostel. They offer very luxurious bungalows and tents, but also cheap mixed 8-bed cabins which are the most amazing dorms I have ever seen! The only thing that doesn't really fit into the low budget plan of a backpacker, is that there is no guest kitchen at the hostel. So you have no choice but eating at the restaurant all day long, which is super super tasty and backpacker budget friendly :)!
What to do
Red frog beach
If you stay at Palmar this beach is directly in front of your door. It's the most famous beach in the whole Archipel, but honestly not the most perfect one for swimming, because mostly the current is really strong, and there's always a red flag. To spot a red frog you have to be very lucky, because they are super tiny!
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Polo Beach
It's a 40 minute walk through the jungle and on the beach to get from Red Frog Beach to Polo Beach, and it's 100% worth it! There are no hotels - just Polo lives there. He's an old guy who built himself a little cabin and sells coconuts, drinks, and sometimes even fresh grilled fish.
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Wizard Beach
To get to this beach it's quite a long walk through the jungle! Unfortunately I never arrived there, because the time I tried there were so many ants that I turned around. Make sure you get back before it gets dark, because you really don't walk this path at night! The last years there were a lot of robberies along this trail, so make sure you don't go alone and don't take valuable things with you :)
Up in the Hill
If you walk 20 minutes uphill from Old Bank, the main town of Bastimentos, you get to this cacao farm, run by a Scottish family. Unfortunately I never booked a tour there, but I hiked all the way up to bring back their lost dog, but apparently it wasn't their dog... (it was the dog of another cacao farm)
Pro Tipp: Try their selfmade brownies :)!
It's the place where all the private sailing boats and catamarans dock, and normally you're not really supposed to go there because it's a private property, so your only allowed there if you have a boat. But you definitely have the most beautiful sunset view in Bastinentos :)!
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Isla Carenero
If you’re a fan of party and you want to join filthy Friday (it’s like a pub crawl every Friday, but they take you to different islands for this group drinking experience) you can just stay at Agua Lodge, and get Filthy Friday for „free“, because every group will stop there. I didn’t stay in this hostel, because I’m not really into party, but they have a trampoline where you can jump directly into the water.
Isla Solarte
Bambuda Lodge
This hostel is usually fully booked. Even in low season. So be fast, if you want to stay in this amazing hostel! I didn’t sleep there, but spent a full day at the island and had dinner at the hostel. It doesn’t have a guest kitchen, so there is no other choice than eating in the Bambuda restaurant, or going to the main island. The restaurant is pricey (one meal is around 12-15$) but i strongly recommend you to eat there at least once! You can pick out of four different meals, which change every day, and the food is delicious!
If you are not a guest, and just go there for Dinner or the Pool, expect to pay a fee of 5$.
If you're not a friend of boat rides, you will have a hard time in Bocas. Around three times a week I took a shuttle from Bastimentos to Isla Colon, just because I really enjoy cruising between the islands. Fortunately all this boat trips were free for me, because it was a private shuttle from the hostel I worked at, otherwise you'll pay a lot of money on boat rides while you stay there. Don't hesitate to negotiate, all the locals will try to rip you off.
Tipps and Tricks
Just buy necessary stuff!
As I already mentioned, Bocas is super expensive. So bring everything you might need, and try to avoid buying medicines, technical devices and other things you can probably buy on the mainland or town, because the smaller islands are even more expensive!
Use the free shuttles
If somebody asks, I never told you about this! But there are many hostels who provide Free Shuttles between the islands, and they never really check if you're a guest or not. Make use of it and save some money :)
Bring a shopping bag
The whole Archipel of Bocas del Toro is completely plastic bag and straw free! Isn't that amazing? So if you plan on buying some groceries, bring a shopping bag!
Don't bring expensive clothes
Living in the jungle kills your clothes. It's close to 100% humidity, mold grows easily and you will never really have the feeling of fresh smelling clothes. Sad but true, make sure that you store your clothing always in the fresh air to prevent the worst.
Never buy tours online
It doesn't matter where you go, but NEVER ever book tours online, especially not on TripAdvisor. All the Tours you'll find on the internet are two or three times more expensive! There are so many tour companies, especially in Bocas del Toro, you really don't need to worry about saving a spot. Book spontaneously, that's where you get the best discounts!
Make sure to use enough repellent and don't spend to much time on the beach and the docks after it's getting dark. If you don't want to use too much chemical products, you can prevent Mosquito and sandfly bites with coconut oil.
Learn to say NO
Especially in Bocas Town, everyone tries to sell you tours, boat trips, food and mostly they are really good in what they do. When I started this trip I always had the feeling I need to be nice, and thought it's rude to just walk away. I learned very fast, that this isn't how it works, and that you clearly have to tell them that you're not interested. "¡No, gracias!" , will be your new favorite phrase.
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I completely enjoyed my stay in Bocas del Toro, and definitely would love to come back some day :D
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natuwa · 25 days
Volunteering with Sloths in Costa Rica: A Guide to an Unforgettable Experience
Sloths with their slow movements endearing experience have captured the hearts of people globally. Native to the central and South America these amazing creatures are often found in the lush rainforests of Costa Rica. Because of their habitat loss poaching and human encroachment sloths have truly faced a lot of challenges to their survival. To help protect the gentle animals there are several volunteer programs available in costa Rica that offer the opportunity to work closely with sloths providing care and support for the conservation. In this guide you can learn everything about Volunteer program with sloths.
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Why should you volunteer with Veterinary internships program in costa Rica?
Volunteering with sloths allow you to engage directly in conservation efforts. You can have a chance to work in wildlife rehabilitation centers where you will assist with care rehabilitation of injured animals preparing them for release back in the wildlife. Furthermore, the rainforests here are home to several species of sloths.
Volunteering in the biodiversity rich environment makes it easy for you to encounter not just sloths but also a wide variety of wildlife, making the experience even more rewarding. Your work as a volunteer can have a lasting impact on the preservation of sloths. By contributing your time and effort you can help local conservationists in their mission to protect the creatures from threats like deforestation and illegal wildlife trade.
What can you expect here in the wildlife volunteer program?
As a volunteer your daily tasks might include feeding, cleaning enclosures monitoring sloth behavior and also helping with the medical care. You can also help with habitat enrichment ensuring that the animals are stimulating environments that mimic the natural habitats. At the same time several programs also include educational outreach where you can help raise awareness about the conservation among the local communities and the visitors.
This might include participating in educational tools creating informational materials or just engaging in community activities. As a volunteer you can just stay in shared accommodations at or near the wildlife sector. No doubt the living conditions are often basic, they provide a comfortable base from which to explore the surrounding rainforest and also engage in your conservation work.
So above all you need to know that volunteering with sloths in Costa Rica is way more than just an opportunity to work with one of the world's most beloved animals it's a chance to contribute to meaningful conservation efforts learn about wildlife preservation and immerse yourself in one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet.
For more details visit our website natuwa.com
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18thvariation · 6 years
2018 Semi-annual Review (Part 1)
Notable Happenings (Jan-Jun)
Snowshoe adventures on Hollyburn Mountain with Elisa & Fabien (while Lady judges us for being so slow)
Vegan dimsum and “hamburgers” with Megan!
Exploring UNIQLO and MUJI at Metrotown
Started learning R ._.
Judged the Vancouver School District science fair
Winter hike with Lady at Black Mountain Plateau Trail (do it for the bubble tea!!)
Sloth Mug party @ 4Cats 
Bernie defended his PhD!
Started volunteering at VGH (patient visitation)
Accepted to 5 universities for graduate studies in public health, including my dream program, MPH at SFU!! :D 
Condo hunting in Burnaby & Vancouver
Attended the 2018 BC Science & Policy conference
Met the charming creator of the False Knees comics at VanCAF :)
Bernie’s convocation!!
Getting promoted to research associate!
Favourite Documentaries
Inequality for All
Blue Planet II
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
Favourite TV Series/Specials
Aggretsuko ♥
John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous ♥
Taare Zameen Par
Ugly Delicious
Foodie Experiences
Ember Indian Kitchen (Steveston) ♥
Al-Watan Tandoori (East Van)
Juke Fried Chicken, Ribs, and Cocktails (Chinatown)
Grub (Riley Park) ♥
Looking to the future:
In less than 2 months, I’ll be leaving the comforts of “9-5 + occasional weekends + definitely holidays because the cells are somehow sentient enough to sabotage me” work life for grad school life. It was a decision mostly driven by my desire to do more good in this world, but also from a growing feeling of stagnation in my current role. More on this to come...
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finishinglinepress · 4 years
FINISHING LINE PRESS FEATURED AUTHOR OF THE DAY:Lisa Rhodes-Ryabchich is a volunteer English instructor with the University of the People and also teaches poetry and screenwriting at Westchester Community College. The author of “Opening the Black Ovule Gate” (2018), “We Are Beautiful like Snowflakes” (2016), both from (http://www.finishinglinepress.com), she has poems forthcoming or recently published in WRATH, Transcendent Zero Press Anthology, Ancient Paths, Poetry Leaves Exhibition and 2019 Anthology, SLOTH by Pure Slush The Literary Nest, Remembered Arts Journal, Breadcrumbs Magazine, I Am STRENGTH Anthology, Greed 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 3, Caligragile, Medical Literary Messenger, Obsidian, Civilized Beast Vol III, the Writers Café Magazine, Moon magazine, Madness Muse Press: Destigmatized Anthology, http://www.praxismagonline.com, Gather Round: A Collaboration of Cave Canem Workshop and Retreat Poets, and The Journal of Poetry Therapy. She was a volunteer mentor for Pen America’s Prison Writing Program. She was also a recipient of a Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Fellowship in 2016. She has an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and lives in Piermont, NY.https://lisarhodesryabchichpoetryblog.wordpress.com/ #poetry #poets
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simonssaystravel · 5 years
Thousands of people a year flock to see the Iconic Hollywood sign, tour man made theme parks, and see the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but if you want to have an experience that will you will never forget, please allow time to tour La Brea Tar Pits and museum.  The average time needed will be about four hours to explore the grounds and take some guided tours. There is a little something for everyone, and it caters to all levels of knowledge about the fossils and discoveries made here dating back to the Ice Ages.
These asphalt tar pits have been seeping gooey fluid for tens of thousands of years.  They bubble up from the ground forming a sticky surface that the animals became trapped in and died.   Millions of fossils have been excavated and still being extracted from here today.  The asphalt substance has preserved the fossils of animals, insects, rodents and millions of things trapped here for thousands of years.
In our first tour, the staff tried to recreate the actual horror of the animals trapped in the tar pits.  Her graphic details of how they believed the real events took place in the La Brea tar pits were unraveled as they discovered and recreated  history through the discovery of fossils.  Many movies have been filmed at the site, but their version of what happened was far from the truth.  In the movies you may have seen where the Mammoth runs across a tar pit, hidden by leaves, and starts to sink slowly into the tar pit never to be seen again.  This death would have been much kinder than the image the staff imprinted on my brain of what they believed happened.  They believed the animal became partially stuck in the tar pits, unable to move their feet and started to scream horribly trying to escape.   This screaming animal attracted other animals, like the dire wolf.  The dire wolf saw an easy meal of the partially, exposed, stuck animal and decided to attack the helpless animal.  What happened next was the dire wolf stepped in the tar pit, and then it became stuck too in the gooey mess too! Both animals were left to the fate of starvation, dehydration and insects eating their partially exposed, decayed bodies. It was a slow, agonizing death for all the animals trapped.
Juvenille Mastadon Skull
Some of the animals excavated
starting the excavation
Above is an exhibit of actual bones that have been excavated.  There are way too many bones found at La Brea for me to list them all here, but some of the larger animals were sloths, dire wolfs, saber tooth cats, and mastodons.   The skull above is of a Juvenile Mastodon or our version of an elephant today.  I can only imagine the mother’s horror and feeling of helplessness as she watched her baby immersed in the sticky solution.  She may have tried to help free her baby , only to be stuck in the tar pit herself too.  A slow, agonizing death was unavoidable.
Above is another exhibit showing how they encase part of the tar pit pulling them out with a crane in huge blocks.  Afterwards, they have the task of going through the crates to clean, piece together and further preserve the many bones. Today they are still excavating and finding more fossils and bones.  Most of the work at La Brea  is accomplished only on donations, grants and volunteers.  They hire only a few Paleontologists and Scientists. 
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Inside the museum you will find:
Replicas of animals recovered
Actual Scientists at work cleaning the fossils off of the asphalt and sticky substances
Exhibits to touch actual fossils
Many interactive exhibits for children and adults.
Many additional programs to sign up for continuing education
3D movies (additional fee)
Gift Shop
So if you are up for trip back in time, the La Brae tar pits is a must on your bucket list.  *Prior Warning*   the smell of the Tar Pits at times came be a bit over whelming at times.
*Note* this is a collaborative post, some of the facts I obtained from the website below.   For more information and directions please visit the website below.
    Step Back into the Ice Age at the La Brea Tar Pits Los Angeles, California Thousands of people a year flock to see the Iconic Hollywood sign, tour man made theme parks, and see the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but if you want to have an experience that will you will never forget, please allow time to tour La Brea Tar Pits and museum. 
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breezybadaboom · 5 years
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kingteeshops · 5 years
Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt
Nurses are present at some of the Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt. Whether death, birth, or simply having a bowel movement, nurses are there, and good nurses will do everything they can to make you feel comfortable in moments you may be embarrassed to share. Bachelors degree nurses spend at least four years in college and will earn either a BS or BSN. The additional schooling generally allows for liberal arts, leadership, and research courses that may or may not be offered in ADN programs. Fraudulently claiming to be a nurse is a crime. A person must graduate from a nursing program and pass either LPN or RN boards to earn the title. Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me hoodie
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me ladies tee
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me longsleeve tee
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me sweatshirt Offical Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me tshirt Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me tshirt, completing hours working or volunteering as a nurse, and occasionally renewing their licensure. Licensure maintenance requirements depend upon each states�� nursing board. Nurses can serve in many professional roles. Public health nurses assess community needs and develop interventions to prevent disease. Home health nurses serve patients within the patients’ homes. In all fields, nurses participate in developing, conducting, evaluating, and reporting research. With the right mix of education, temperament, and interview savvy, a nurse who burns out in one department can train-up and change specialties. Read the full article
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natuwa · 25 days
Exploring Costa Rica Wildlife Volunteer Programs: A Guide to Conservation and Adventure
Costa Rica is known for its amazing landscapes and incredible biodiversity it's a paradise for you if you are a wildlife enthusiast and conservatist. The country is home to more than just 5% of the world's biodiversity, making it a prominent hotspot for you if you are looking for wildlife preservation efforts. If you are passionate about wildlife and eager to make a difference, then you can truly join Costa Rica wildlife volunteer programs.
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Why choose Volunteer program with tapirs in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica diverse ecosystems ranging from rainforest and cloud forests to wetlands and coastal areas truly support amazing variety of wildlife. As a volunteer, you can expect to encounter species like Jaguars monkeys’ sea turtles and countless bird species, making every day a perfect adventure. Costa Rica is known for its commitment towards conservation. The country has truly set aside more than just 25% of the land for national parks and protected areas creating a perfect environment for Wildlife Conservation efforts. Volunteering here means being a part of community that values and actively works towards preserving natural heritage.
Different types of wildlife volunteer programs in Costa Rica
The beaches here are really important nesting sites for several species of sea turtles like the endangered leatherback and green. Volunteer programs generally focus on protecting these species by monitoring the nesting sites, relocating eggs to safe hatcheries and helping people with hatchling releases. This type of work is really important for the survival of sea turtles and offers a rewarding experience for you as a volunteer. The programs focus on rescuing and rehabilitating. 
Furthermore, the rainforests are among the most biological diverse ecosystems in Costa Rica. The volunteer programs in rainforest conservation include activities like rainforest habitat restoration and of course biodiversity monitoring. You can help with research projects that study behavior and ecology of different species contributing towards broader conservation efforts.
Costa Rica is a bird watchers paradise home to more than 900 species of birds. The volunteer programs focus on mythology and might include monitoring bird populations, conducting species counts and collecting data on bird behavior. The programs are perfect for bird enthusiasts like you if you are interested in contributing towards avian conservation.
So above all you need to know that volunteering for a wildlife program in Costa Rica is an enriching experience that offers the opportunity to make a real difference in conservation efforts while exploring one of the most biodiverse countries in the world.
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lovediva013 · 5 years
Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me tshirt
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt
Nurses are present at some of the Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt. Whether death, birth, or simply having a bowel movement, nurses are there, and good nurses will do everything they can to make you feel comfortable in moments you may be embarrassed to share. Bachelors degree nurses spend at least four years in college and will earn either a BS or BSN. The additional schooling generally allows for liberal arts, leadership, and research courses that may or may not be offered in ADN programs. Fraudulently claiming to be a nurse is a crime. A person must graduate from a nursing program and pass either LPN or RN boards to earn the title. Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me Hoodie
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me Ladies Tee
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me Ladies Vneck
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Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me Sweatshirt Offical Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me tshirt Sloth people should seriously stop expecting normal from me tshirt, completing hours working or volunteering as a nurse, and occasionally renewing their licensure. Licensure maintenance requirements depend upon each states’ nursing board. Nurses can serve in many professional roles. Public health nurses assess community needs and develop interventions to prevent disease. Home health nurses serve patients within the patients’ homes. In all fields, nurses participate in developing, conducting, evaluating, and reporting research. With the right mix of education, temperament, and interview savvy, a nurse who burns out in one department can train-up and change specialties. Read the full article
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