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La rinascita di Leopold Bloom
Chiamata internazionale aperta agli artisti di tutto il mondo.
Il bellissimo borgo antico di Sant'Ilario, nell’Isola d'Elba (Toscana), con le sue stradine di granito arrampicate sulle verdi colline, si era gradualmente spopolato negli ultimi anni a causa dell’abbandono delle attività agricole, perdendo il suo sapere antico, a causa dell’avvento del turismo di massa. Ultimamente questo borgo ha finalmente iniziato un lento processo di rinascita grazie soprattutto all'Arte. Nel 2022, nell’ambito di un più ampio progetto di riqualificazione, che comprende sia il recupero dei terreni ormai abbandonati ed invasi dai rovi, che il miglioramento dell'accoglienza turistica, diciannove artisti hanno infatti donato alla comunità che popola il borgo una loro opera d'arte. I dipinti, le opere grafiche e le sculture pervenuti fanno ora parte della collezione di una galleria civica sita nel centro di Sant'Ilario. Questo grande avvenimento ha preso il via il 25 agosto 2022 con l’evento “Voltine, una visione contemporanea”, con il patrocinio del comune di Campo nell’Elba (LI), una mostra a cura di Nico Carone e Federica Frati, in cui le opere donate a Sant'Ilario sono state allestite per una sera nei tipici elementi architettonici del paese, le Voltine appunto, nuovamente illuminate per l’occasione.
Questo evento ha restituito a Sant'Ilario l’antico splendore per una sera, amplificando l’enorme bellezza di questo luogo attraverso la cultura. In questa occasione si è formato il gruppo “Voltine”, con lo scopo di realizzare ulteriori eventi artistico-culturali nell’ambito del paese. Per l’estate 2023 stiamo creando un evento basato sulla Mail Art, stiamo per cui chiedendo ad artisti di tutto il mondo di inviare una o più immagini sul tema della Rinascita. Le opere pervenute saranno esposte nell’ambito della mostra “Voltine 2023”, nuovamente a cura di Nico Carone e Federica Frati, e gli artisti saranno menzionati in tutto il materiale promozionale dell’evento.
Crediamo che la Mail Art possa aiutarci a ricostruire un altro tassello della nuova vita di Sant'Ilario. L'arte è energia creativa, cambiamento, è la via per rinascere.
1) Non è prevista alcuna tassa di iscrizione, non ci sarà una giuria. 2) Le opere non verranno restituite. 3) Scadenza 24 luglio 2023 – fa fede il timbro postale. 4) Tecnica libera. 5) Devono essere presentati solo lavori originali. 6) Sul retro della cartolina è necessario indicare: nome/cognome, data, titolo, indirizzo postale e indirizzo mail. 7) E’ possibile, anzi consigliato, inviare più di un’opera, con un massimo di 5 opere, cm 10x15 minimo ciascuna. 8) Le opere dovranno pervenire in forma cartacea via posta al seguente indirizzo: Gruppo Voltine c/o Elisabetta Pelleriti, via degli alberi 80, fraz. Sant’Ilario, 57034 Campo nell’Elba, Livorno. 9) Si lascia libera scelta se spedire le cartoline direttamente affrancate o affrancarle in busta chiusa. 10) Le opere non dovranno avere contenuti pubblicitari, immagini o testi che possano nuocere ai fruitori, trattare tematiche che offendano la moralità, presentare contenuti xenofobi, pornografici o lesivi della dignità pena l’esclusione. 11) Voltine si impegnerà a dare il massimo risalto all’evento con un’esposizione nel borgo di Sant’Ilario del materiale ricevuto nel mese di agosto 2023 (data da definire a breve) 12) Come in ogni progetto di Mail-Art le opere conformi alle regole di questo bando verranno tutte esposte. 13) Le opere non verranno restituite e si intendono donate per entrare a far parte della galleria civica del borgo di Sant’Ilario, libere di essere usate, così come la loro immagine, per promuovere e documentare il progetto. 14) I diritti d’autore sulle composizioni, le immagini delle opere, i testi inviati resteranno comunque di libero uso da parte degli autori per ogni ulteriore utilizzo. 15) Le/i partecipanti, spedendo le loro opere, acconsentono automaticamente all’utilizzo dei propri dati personali, dell’opera e delle immagini dell’opera, inviate ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. 13 e 23 del D.L.gs. n. 196/2003, per l’eventuale loro pubblicazione su catalogo, stampa, web, social e per ogni altra iniziativa ufficiale utile a promuovere l’evento ed eventi successivi. 16) L’invio delle opere implica l’accettazione del bando in ogni suo punto.
#rinascita#Elba#Leopold Bloom#Voltine#Gruppo Voltine#Sant’Ilario#mailartproject#mailartcall#mailart#arte postale
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send me 👤 and I'll tell you about an npc in my muses life using the template below! - @adventurersdelight sent:
I'll give you two, since they are very similar;
Name: Issa
Age: 50+ (physically 10+)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
FC: Kokkoro (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)
Connection with my muse: A lesser demon like Zio who was once captured by a malicious group of scientists where she underwent in cruel experiments for years. Despite being rescued, Issa still has many scars around her back and shoulders. Her hidden but uncontrollable powers consists of fire-elemental and healing magic.
Name: Voltin
Age: 50+ (physically 10+)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
FC: Yūichirō Hyakuya as a child (Owari no Seraph)
Connection with my muse: Like Zio and Issa, he was also captured and underwent the same kind of cruel experiments as the three stayed on the same section, and ever since their bond grew closer. In the aftermath, Voltin has scars around his hands and wrists. His hidden but uncontrollable powers consists of lightning-elemental magic.
#adventurersdelight#npc muses#:: the lesser demon of fire. || issa. ::#:: the lesser demon of lightning. || voltin. ::#:: the cursed demon. || zio. ::#:: ferraros in crisis. || main verse. ::#:: answering the stars. || answered. ::
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Hello! And welcome to the Noisrev Character Showdown!
As many of you may have seen, I (as an anon) asked Arcadekitten if I could make a tournament of her characters, to which she said yes, so here we are!
Here I will pit all the noisrev characters that have been posted or shown by Arcade so far against each other! In a friendly competition to see whos the most liked of course!
I am currently trying to make sure I have found all the characters shes shown previously, so the bracket is not finished yet, though heres a list of all the characters I plan to include so far, feel free to suggest others I may be forgetting!
Moth student
Ms. B / Bubblegum
Jik Jak
Pogo Gogo
Detective Steeler Woods
Embrys Mom
Embrys Dad
Unnamed Mantis Wife
Skater Mary
Cowgirl Mary
Cowboy Reginald
Black Sheep Lambchop
#yes I really went searching for every single oc shes mentioned#I may have over done it#Tell me if I should change anything#or add any#or remove any#Arcadekitten#Noisrevverse#Cemetery Mary#blackout hospital#Crowscare#sweet no death#its not me its my basement#here for sweethearts#holiday shopping#tricks n treats#semiaquatic circus
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Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera: Flatidae)
Citrus flatid planthopper
20 of July 2023 - Maryland, USA
These friends are a univoltine species, overwintering in the egg stage and then hatching out as nymphs. The nymphs look quite different, being apterous (wingless) as well as a much lighter color with waxy filaments to avoid predation.
Voltinism refers to the number of generations an organism has per year.
Univoltine: one generation per year
Bivoltine: two generations per year
Trivoltine: three generations per year
#bugs#bugs i found#planthopper#planthoppers#citrus flatid planthopper#Insecta#Hemiptera#Flatidae#Metcalfa#Metcalfa pruinosa#original content#they’re so small and cuuuuute aaaaaaaa
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Auttajatkin tarvitsevat joskus apua - ja nyt olisi apu enemmän kuin tarpeen! 🙏😢
Kodista tarhalle hylätty Volt jätti hyvästit tarhaelämällä ja matkusti heinäkuun lopussa hoitoon aktiivimme luokse. Volt on monessa mielessä mukava hoitolainen, sillä se on hyvin ihmisrakas ja tykkää niin lapsista kuin miehistäkin. Ja autoilusta.
Pian Voltin saapumisen jälkeen huomattiin, ettei sen häntä nouse lainkaan. Röntgenkuvissa selvisi, että häntä on lähtenyt täysin sijoiltaan aiemmassa elämässä tapahtuneen välikohtauksen vuoksi - tarkemmin emme tiedä, mutta häntään on joka tapauksessa kohdistunut todella voimakas veto.
Häntä amputoitiin, ja jäljelle jätettiin ainoastaan pieni töpö. Voltilla ei ole vaikeuksia ulostamisen tai pidätyskyvyn kanssa, ja pienen töpön jättämisellä vältettiin riski siitä, että ongelmia pääsisi syntymään. Lääkärin mukaan jäljelle jääneet häntänikamat eivät aiheuta Voltille kipua. Tämä asia on siten hoidettu jo kotihoidossa.
Terveysongelmat eivät tähän loppuneet. Kun häntäkeissi saatiin päätökseen, selvisi, että Voltilla on välikorvan pitkittynyt tulehdus ja lisäksi oikean korvan tärykalvo on puhki. Volt-parka. Voltin korvia on hoidettu jo useamman viikon ajan ja toissapäiväinen kontrolli toi pienen ilonpilkahduksen, sillä tilanne korvien suhteen näyttää jo toiveikkaammalta.
Voltilla on kuitenkin vaikeuksia suuressa koiralaumassa eikä ihmisrakkaan koiran eristäminen yhden ihmisen taloudessa onnistu kovin hyvin. Volt tahtoo olla siellä missä ihminenkin. Volt käy kierroksilla ja sen levoton käytös aiheuttaa levottomuutta myös muissa koirissa. Voltilla on kipulääkitys, mutta se tarvitsisi kaikkien turvallisuuden vuoksi paikan ainoana koirana. Voltin korvia täytyy myös lääkitä edelleen, eikä Volt ole sen suhteen erityisen yhteistyöhaluinen. Siksi etsinnässä on ihminen, jolla on kokemusta koirista ja niiden käsittelystä.
Suurimpana toiveena on tietysti oma koti, mutta ellei sellaista löydy olisi Voltilla kova tarve hoitopaikalle. Voltin oma hoitaja on reissussa 29.10.-17.11. välisen ajan eikä pojalle ole ilmaantunut ketään, kuka voisi auttaa. Volt on ollut aiemmin hoidossa lapsiperheessä ongelmitta, mutta tämä perhe on nyt itsekin reissussa eikä voi auttaa.
Volt on äänekäs eikä sovi kerrostaloon, mutta rauhallisempi hoitopaikka ilman koiraseuraa saattaisi kiristää vähemmän sen hermoja, jolloin desibelitkin laskisivat. Ihminen on Voltille kaikkein tärkein asia.
Voltilla on ikää arviolta 6 vuotta, korkeutta 55 cm ja painoa 27 kg.
Jos voit auttaa, täytä kotihoitohakemus sivuiltamme täällä https://viipurinkoirat.fi/toimi-kotihoitajana ja laita viestiä Sinille: [email protected]
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Notre Dame: 2023 Sun Bowl Champions
EL PASO, Texas (AP) — Steve Angeli passed for 232 yards and three touchdowns, guiding No. 15 Notre Dame to a 40-8 victory over No. 21 Oregon State in the Sun Bowl on Friday.
Angeli went 15 for 19 and tossed TD passes of 8 yards to Jayden Thomas, 13 yards to Jordan Faison and 13 yards to Jeremiyah Love. The sophomore was making his first start for the Irish (10-3) in place of Sam Hartman, one of many players who opted out of the game.
Jadarian Price of Notre Dame rushed for 106 yards on 13 carries with a touchdown.
Notre Dame had seven players – all starters – opt out of the game. That included Hartman and standout running back Audric Estime.
Oregon State (8-5), which finished the season on a three-game losing streak, had three starters opt out and four others enter the transfer portal — including starting quarterback D.J. Uiagalelei and backup Aidan Chiles.
Jimmy Valsin III had the lone score for Oregon State, catching a 33-yard pass from Ben Gulbranson. Offensive lineman Tyler Voltin ran in the 2-point conversion from the wildcat formation. Gulbranson 16 for 27 for 180 yards and an interception.
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jos pääsen niistki läpi heitän voltin tai jotai
tunne ku oot mega nepsy ja sul on maailman paskimmat ajanhallintataidot
kyseessä amk ennakkotehtävät :,,D jospa tänä vuon pääsis ees kokeisiin nii ois mahiksii päästä opiskelee kosk tää yhteiskunta on perseestä <33
mut anyway oon onnistuja
#hain kahteen paikkaan ja pääsen molempiin kokeisiin mut ne kokeet on samana päivänä 😍#kiitos metropöljä
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Des images de chenilles provenant d'applications sur la nature ont permis à des chercheurs d'étudier l'émergence d'une nouvelle espèce de chenille
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Crowd-sourcing images of caterpillars from nature apps allowed researchers to study the emergence of a new species of caterpillar.
Crowd-sourced science sheds light on how new species form across space and time
Katie Marshall, University of British Columbia et Emily Black, University of British Columbia
The fall webworm is a moth found from Mexico to Canada. (Shutterstock)
Imaginez une jungle. Il s'agit probablement d'une forêt luxuriante, remplie de chants d'oiseaux et du bourdonnement de milliers d'insectes différents. Imaginez maintenant une toundra : un terrain stérile, balayé par le vent, avec relativement peu d'espèces de plantes ou d'animaux.
Ces deux lieux mettent en évidence un phénomène intéressant : certains endroits de la Terre comptent beaucoup plus d'espèces que d'autres. En fait, la répartition des espèces sur le globe suit un schéma curieusement cohérent : en général, il y a plus d'espèces près de l'équateur et moins à mesure que l'on se rapproche des pôles. Ce "gradient latitudinal de biodiversité" peut être observé dans de nombreux groupes d'organismes différents au fil du temps.
L'une des explications possibles de la présence d'un plus grand nombre d'espèces près de l'équateur est que les changements climatiques entre l'équateur et les pôles affectent la capacité de nouvelles espèces à évoluer - un processus appelé spéciation.
La diversité en action
Notre équipe de recherche de l'université de Colombie-Britannique a fait appel à des outils et à des espèces uniques pour déterminer exactement comment le climat influe sur l'évolution et ce que cela signifie pour l'apparition de nouvelles espèces. Et nous avons mené ces recherches alors que nous étions bloqués à la maison pendant le COVID-19.
Crowd-sourced observations of a polyphagous moth reveal evidence of allochronic speciation varying along a latitudinal gradient | PLOS ONE, 13.07.2023 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0288415
Compléments sur l'espèce
The Great Webworm Hunt · iNaturalist https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/the-great-webworm-hunt
r/K‐like trade‐off and voltinism discreteness: The implication to allochronic speciation in the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea complex (Arctiidae) - Yang - 2017 - Ecology and Evolution - 4.11.2017 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3334
Bernadette Cassel's insight:
Crowd-sourcing images of caterpillars from nature apps allowed researchers to study the emergence of a new species of caterpillar.
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Hola Harvey :) That's good that you're all doing well. I've only just come back and I kinda feel well rested but also very exhausted at the same time. My Pokemon seemed to really enjoy themselves though. As for Casseroya Lake, yep can confirm large numbers of voltin' Veluza and Tatsugiri, same as when you last visited (a lot more of the yellow variety than usual too) Hasta luego x Solea (@solea-from-paldea)
Haha, I suppose it's pretty difficult to cross the lake without getting accosted by wild Pokémon no matter what time of year it is..! Certainly a lot more hectic than the lakes and such here in Galar.
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Sant'Ilario gyönyörű ősi faluja (Elba szigetén) az elmúlt években fokozatosan elnéptelenedett a mezőgazdasági tevékenységek visszaszorulása miatt. Az utóbbi időben a falu végre lassan elkezdett újjászületni - mindenekelőtt a művészetnek köszönhetően. A küldeményművészet is része ennek a nagyszabású projektnek. 2023 nyarára egy Mail art alapú rendezvényt szerveztek, amelyre a világ minden tájáról kérték a művészeket, hogy küldjenek egy vagy több alkotást az Újjászületés témájában. Az én munkám címe: Leopold Bloom újjászületése. Il bellissimo borgo antico di Sant'Ilario (Isola d'Elba) si era gradualmente spopolato negli ultimi anni a causa dell’abbandono delle attività agricole. Ultimamente questo borgo ha finalmente iniziato un lento processo di rinascita grazie soprattutto all'Arte. Parte di questo progetto grandioso è anche l'arte postale. Per l’estate 2023 hanno creato un evento basato sulla Mail Art, chievano ad artisti di tutto il mondo di inviare una o più immagini sul tema della Rinascita. Il titolo della mia opera: La rinascita di Leopold BLoom.
[ Foto: Facebook ]
#rinascita#Elba#Leopold Bloom#Voltine#Gruppo Voltine#Sant’Ilario#mailartproject#mailartcall#mailart#arte postale
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Fwd: Graduate position: StockholmU.EvolEcolFertilityReannouncement
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: StockholmU.EvolEcolFertilityReannouncement > Date: 24 January 2023 at 05:16:21 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > Reannouncement of PhD position in Evolutionary Ecology in the Snook Lab > at Stockholm University. > > Note this is the same one advertised on EvolDir December 20th-ish but > readvertising due to the original ad being overwritten by a similarly > titled PhD opportunity. > > The Snook lab at Stockholm University is seeking a fully funded 4 year > PhD student to begin as soon as possible. We study the evolutionary > ecology of reproduction and genetic mechanisms underlying adaptation and > plasticity. Our main study organisms are insects, including Drosophila > and butterflies. Working language in the lab is English. > > The PhD project investigates the consequences of climate warming > on butterfly reproduction. Thermal sensitivity of reproduction > is well-known but the extent to which climate warming may affect > population persistence and affect response to climate change is broadly > unknown. The project will take a comparative approach using sister taxa > from Pieridae and Nymphalidae that vary in host plant use, voltinism and > geographic distribution. Critical and fertility thermal limits will be > determined in the laboratory across species and across populations of each > species. Traits that associated with thermally induced sterility will be > determined and then used in field work throughout Spain to establish the > ecological relevance of thermal fertility limits via surveys of natural > populations. Using citizen science data on butterfly distribution and > abundance, the project aims to link experimental data on predictors of > thermal fertility limits with field data on fertility loss to generate > more evolutionarily realistic models to improve forecasts of species > responses to future climate change scenarios. Thus, the project is > searching for a candidate with good knowledge in insect ecology, thermal > biology and/or evolution. Experience of fieldwork, insect rearing, and > a good grounding in statistics are considered important qualifications. > > Applications are received through the ReachMee portal of Stockholm > University. You must have a Masters degree before starting the position > and the application will require contact details for 2-3 references along > with a 2 page maximum cover letter detailing your previous research and > your specific interest in this project. > > Application deadline is February 15, 2023 > > For more information, please contact Professor Rhonda R Snook > ([email protected]) > > Follow this link to be directly taken to the advertisement and application > process. > > https://ift.tt/cUVmE6O > > For the advertisement in Swedish, follow this link. > https://ift.tt/m5z0lq7 > > Rhonda Snook
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Vinylmation Robots Voltinator-bot 3" Figure.
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okay yes, I’m the same person who asked about purple hair but what about orange hair characters teehee
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
Left to right: Voltin, Kira, Vanity
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Forgot about actually seeing the Invincible! debuff on my bar for the first time when we were doing Huntmaster yesterday (why the fuck someone stimmed me while we were doing Huntmaster is fucking beyond me), and I couldn’t get a screenshot of it, because, yanno, actively trying to heal, but the details of the Invincible debuff:
Invincible! Alacrity increased by 25%, movement speed increased by 50%, incoming healing greatly reduced. If a second instance of this effect is applied to you it will cause your heart to explode. You feel invincible! Whether or not you actually are is up for debate.
#swtor#november plays swtor#swtor nature of progress#seriously though who the fuck stimmed me during huntmaster?#you don't need stims during huntmaster?#why did they even have stims?#if that bitchass dps stimmed me to death because they were mad at me for not doing a good job i will fucking scream#i'm only supposed to get stimmed once during apex#anyway one of the worst parts of apex prog is making it past the second voltinator only for half the dps to stim themselves to death#the best part of apex prog (progging apex with a different group than i did huntmaster with thank god)#is that frenzy and i both recite the entire dialogue along with the npcs through the fight#it's very dramatic
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About Zio’s village.
Despite Zio tends to wander around on his own, he does reside in a hidden and distant village; a safe haven located in the depth of a misty forest named the Dark Den, at southern side of Argentem, the continent of the demons.
(More info about the noteworthy muses under the cut)
Aldon is the elder of the village and a powerful mage, even for his old age. He once served for Tenebrus, the main capital of Argentem, until he discovered the hidden atrocities and experiments towards the lesser demons which it conflicts his moral code. Ultimately he resigned from his position and vows to protect his lesser kinds so they can live as peaceful they could.
While the village mainly holds a few caretakers and a larger number of young lesser demons, the following are the ones who interact Zio the most;
Septine and Raffa, two of the few current caretakers of the village which they are also lesser demons themselves. Septine is usually present with the elder, aiding him whenever she can while taking care of the younger children. Her notable features are the pale eyes which she’s mostly blind, relying on her other enhanced senses.
Raffa, while having a similar role as Septine, he mainly goes outside the village, hunting for food and currently acts like the main guardian of the village as he’s one of the strongest, physically-wise. His notable features are the many scars on his face and body, which they faintly glows upon utilizing his powers.
Issa and Voltin, two of the lesser demons. The two were once on the same section with Zio where they were underwent in cruel experiments, and grew an closer bond with each other ever since. Issa’s main scars are on her back while Voltin on his hands and wrists. Similar to Zio, they too have hidden powers that are beyond their control, although not as potentially dangerous and powerful as the former.
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The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 67: A Failure.
Previous Part - Next Part
138 - Voltines
“My love, you know that you are not supposed to-; what’s wrong? Is everyone okay?” Laenor asks in a panic. Life in the free cities had taken a while to get used to, away from all the lavish perks that came with being married to Rhaernyra and the soon-to-be prince consort.
Laenor and Qarl had started a modest but extravagant life together in Essos; they had taken a page from Saera Targaryen and settled within the walls of Volantis. Life had gotten easier in the third year they had gotten to Volantis, both fully seen as locals rather than travellers, and their home was welcome to all. The two would host lavish parties with their two favourite things, drink and men.
Qarl had kept some ties back in Westeros, where Laenor had entirely cut ties, seeing how everyone but Rhaenyra and Daemon thought he was dead. Laenor didn’t want to leave the children, specifically Visenya, but Daemon had made his two options clear: go or die. He would regret leaving Visenya till his last days, but he, like many others, had heard about the things she had done and her victories. Laenor could not be more proud of her, but he only wishes he could have been there for her, could tell her how proud he was.
Qarl had been able to receive letters, updating them both on what was happening with the house of the dragon and the usual drama that surrendered them. Laenor had only concerns about going back to Westeros to see Visenya get married; he was sure he could have stayed back and watched from afar. He had not been the happiest about the union between Visenya and Aemond, but he knew it was better than Visenya marrying Aegon or one of her brothers; he knew even from their young age that the two cared deeply for each other. A love he had only had for one.
Laenor had cried when he heard about Visenya giving birth to twins and even more so when he learned that she had named one after him. But after the happiness had died down, the guilt started to build. He knew how Visenya hadn’t been able to deal with his faked death, and part of him wishes that Rhaernyra and Daemon had told her, but then he fears that she would hate him for leaving.
“You might want to take a seat,” Qarl tells Laenor, but he stays standing, putting down his cup and giving Qarl a look. He disapproves of Qarl getting letters from the west, but he does enjoy hearing about the children.
“What is going on?” Laenor asks. He needs to ensure that his parents and the children he once called his own are safe.
“Word from Westeros, King’s Landing to be specific,” Qarl answers as he fiddles with the pages he had received; usually, the letter would be one page, maybe two, but this time around, the paper weighs heavy in his hands. He doesn’t want to be the one to tell Laenor about what is happening, but he can’t let him find out from someone else.
“I don’t care-”
“Visenya has given birth to another son, Aenar. Purple eyes and white hair just like the twins,” Qarl tells Laenor, leading with the good news first. He knows that Laenor would be happy for Visenya about having another child, a trueborn child.
Laenor smiles; he had been worried that Qarl would have bad news, but this is good news. He wishes he could leave Essos and meet her children, but that Daemon would allow him to get close enough to Visenya or her children. He knows that Deamon has probably taken his role of father figure for Visenya, just like he has done for his boys, and part of him is okay with that. Daemon is her true father, and since he isn’t there, he would want her to have that kind of figure in her life.
“This is joyous news-”
“The king is dead,” Qarl cuts Laenor off, watching the smile on his face drop. They both know what that means; everyone knows what that means. The king is dead, and Aegon will be forced to sit on the throne; Rhaenyra will not allow her birthright to slip through her fingers so that war will engulf Westeros.
“What?” Laenor asks as he slowly sits down; he needs to ensure that he has heard Qarl. Qarl moves to sit next to Laenor; he wants to lead with the happiest news and then get into the bad news.
“Died in his sleep,” Qarl tells him, hoping that the quickness he has declared the news will make Laenor process it faster. He dreads what he will need to say to him next.
“Have they tried to take the throne?” Laenor asks. He wants to know just how bad it has gotten and if they will return to King’s Landing.
“They have taken the throne, and your mother killed hundreds flying Meleys out through the floor of the dragonpit,” Qarl tells Laenor, and he watches the smile form on his face at the mention of his mother. He knows that the following parts of the news will not be handled well. “Rhaenyra has also named herself Queen,”
“So they are going to war?” Laenor asks; even back when he was still living in King’s Landing Rhaenyra hadn’t expressed much effort to work up her armies for the inevitable future. He fears Rhaenyra might ask him to return to Westeros to aid her.
“And Visenya has broken off from Rhaenyra after she tried to kill Aenar,” Qarl adds, and Laenor can’t help but smile to himself before he realizes what Qarl had said.
“The babe?” Laenor asks to make sure he understands, and Qarl nods. Rhaenyra wouldn’t kill Visenya's son. Even if they were half Aemond, she wouldn’t hurt Visenya in that way just because Aemond had sided with his brother. Laenor refuses to believe this. “Rhaenyra wouldn’t do that,”
“She would because a son for a son,” Qarl tells Laenor; this seems the best way to tell him about Lucerys. Laenor takes in his words, a son for a son.
“One of the boys?” Laenor asks, and he doesn’t want to think that it would be Jace, Luke, or Joffrey. Even if he has abandoned them, part of him still believes they are his sons somehow.
“Lucerys was killed by Aemond after a meeting at Storm’s End,” Qarl gently tells him, and Laenor keeps his eyes focus on his attention down at his feet. He could have stopped this if he had only stayed in Westeros and could have saved Luke. “I’m sorry, Laenor, but there is more news,”
“More? What else could have happened?” Laenor asks as he swallows the lump in his throat, he doesn’t want to cry, but he has failed. He was selfish and chose to live the life he wanted instead of keeping the boys and Visenya safe. This is his fault.
“There was a battle at Rook’s Rest; Lord Staunton asked Rhaenyra for aid, and your mother and Meleys were sent to help, but Aegon had also gone to aid the Greens,” Qarl tells him, this had been the worst part of the letter, and Qarl knows Laenor well enough to know that he will not take this news very well. “I’m deeply sorry, Laenor,”
“My mother is dead?” Laenor asks in shock; he doesn’t want to believe this has happened. He had let his mother think he was dead in her final moments. He would have gone back to Westerners and aided in support if they had gotten news before the war had broken out, but he had failed and let his mother die.
Laenor had failed not only as a father but also as a son. His mother had died thinking that she had outlived both of her children, yet Laenor had been the one to abdomen her. He let his desire over could be the most important thing, family. He had failed.
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