#Vocal Music
eastern-lights · 2 months
This might just be the closest I have got to what I would like the finished Chant to sound like. (although at times my mic had trouble handling my belting lmao, sorry about that)
O Maker, hear my cry, guide me through the blackest nights, steel my heart against temptation, make me to rest in the warmest places.
O Creator, see me kneel, for I walk only where You would bid me, stand only in places You have blessed, sing only the words You place in my throat.
My Maker, know my heart, take from me a life of sorrow, lift me from a world of pain, judge me worthy of Your endless pride.
My Creator, judge me whole, (My Creator...) find me well within your grace, (...find me...) touch me with fire that I be cleansed, (...touch me...) tell me I have sung to Your approval. (...tell me I have Your approval.)
O Maker, hear my cry, (O Maker...) (Maker, hear my cry...) seat my by Your side in death, (...seat me by Your side...) (...seat me by Your side...) make me one within Your glory, (...make me one...) (...make me one...) and let the world once more see Your favor. (...let the world see Your favor.) (...and let the world see Your favor.)
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czardasm · 7 months
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Hard work desk
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whumpanthems · 11 days
Whump song of the day, "Take Aim," by Sleep Token
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mediantriaad · 1 year
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thesobsister · 29 days
Laurie Anderson's new album, Amelia, on the final flight of aviator Amelia Earhart, drops today.
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sjwallin · 4 months
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Excited to find out that two of my compositions are in the National Finals for the American Prize!!
Find these two pieces on this album:
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theartofmany · 8 months
"- Psalm 50 A Psalm of David" From Youtube channel Trio Mandili: Trio Mandili - Psalm 50 So beautiful...
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firjii · 2 years
I stepped into "modern" gaming in 2017. Dragon Age Inquisition was really the first narrative-heavy RPG I ever played and still ranks near the top of my favorite games list. The soundtrack in particular really captivated me - including some of the tavern songs - and reignited my spark for being more active more often in music creation.
The idea with "Rise" was a generally simpler, heavier, rougher version sung by a war-displaced person (maybe a Redcliffe farmer or a traveling merchant surface dwarf) with neither strong political opinions nor a trained musician background who was just lamenting the current state of their life with a tune. They're tired and exasperated but are still clinging to reason through relatable lyrics.
Even the backing track is structured around the concept of people making due when they're a little bit out of their element but are compelled to do something. Maybe the singer can only play a few chords or maybe the person they asked to help them with the song has a fragile instrument that was damaged in an evacuation and can no longer handle the bouncy rhythms heard in more polished tavern music.
This is a weirdly deeply personal track. I hadn't originally planned to officially release it, but I recently found an affordable option for cover licensing and despite the rough edges (I wasn't in the best of health in any sense of the word when I made this), I didn't see the point of hiding this away anymore.
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thatrandombookworm · 6 months
Practicing Journey to the Past from Anastasia for class and omg that last note is killing me its crazyyy
It holds for 7 bars (like 15-20 seconds according to my backing track) and it’s the big finish so it’s also the loudest part of the song
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lezet · 7 months
Lezet / {AN} EeL - "Voces animi" is out !
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Lezet / {AN} EeL - "Voces animi" is out ! This album represents the 3rd full collaboration between Lezet & {AN} EeL This volume is the vox one All Hail ~ Voices Raise Skyward ~ Glottal Rush ~
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myvinylplaylist · 1 year
Dean Martin: As Matt Helm Sings Songs From "The Silencers" (1966)
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Columbia Pictures
Reprise Records
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thekingcomposer · 1 year
The tough part about composing choir music is that audiences want lyrics that are modern and relate to them. So, unless you have connections with a living poet, you are forced to use poems in the public domain that all say stuff like:
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iamlisteningto · 2 years
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thesobsister · 1 year
Not enough people are talking about Sheila Chandra, one of the great voices of the '90s. Her involuntary silence for more than a decade makes these albums all the more precious.
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hezigler · 1 year
Watch "1947 HITS ARCHIVE: Open The Door, Richard! - Three Flames" on YouTube
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sjwallin · 9 months
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Exciting way to kick off 2024– I FINALLY finished the 3-movement song cycle I’ve been writing for my wonderful friend Claire Fedoruk (you can hear her lovely voice singing the solo on “Of Roses and Lilies” on my recent SHARDS album)!
I am so proud of this work—I included poems from two of Claire’s favorite poets. All three poems I used are from early 20th-century women, and they are so powerful and deep.
Claire will be debuting this work during her UK music tour starting next month!
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