#Vladimir Padrino
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bizkaffee · 6 months ago
Morir de Desnutrición y Paludismo
Morir de Desnutrición y Paludismo del Libro Morir en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI Tomo I del periodista Eladio Rodulfo Gonzalez #desnutricion #paludismo #Venezuela #NicolasMaduro #DiosdadoCabello #VladimirPadrino #socialismosigloxxi #dictaduraenvenezuela Salvador Franco prisionero político muerto en manos de la narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela El 3 de enero de 2021 falleció en la…
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venezuelatrending · 6 months ago
Morir de Desnutrición y Paludismo
Morir de Desnutrición y Paludismo del Libro Morir en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI Tomo I del periodista Eladio Rodulfo Gonzalez #desnutricion #paludismo #Venezuela #NicolasMaduro #DiosdadoCabello #VladimirPadrino #socialismosigloxxi #dictaduraenvenezuela Salvador Franco prisionero político muerto en manos de la narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela El 3 de enero de 2021 falleció en la…
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prensabolivariana · 6 months ago
Durante el balance general de la segunda Consulta Popular Nacional realizado en el Palacio de Miraflores, el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ratificó al G/J Vladimir Padrino López, como vicepresidente Sectorial de Soberanía Política, Seguridad y Paz, así como ministro del Poder Popular para la Defensa. Continue reading Ratificado Vladimir Padrino López vicepresidente de Soberanía Política y ministro de Defensa
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ivangzama · 9 months ago
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G/J Vladimir Padrino López: ¡El patriotismo es la fuerza que todo lo puede! +video http://diariohoja.com/2024/05/20/g-j-vladimir-padrino-lopez-el-patriotismo-es-la-fuerza-que-todo-lo-puede-video/ 
#ConcienciaPatriótica 💛💙 ❤️
#ContraElTiterePatriaUnida 🇻🇪
#ChavezAhoraYSiempre 🇻🇪🕊️💙
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rommelveitia · 7 months ago
Colombia, Brasil y México se dan una semana para avances en eventual negociación Maduro - González
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Foto: AFP
🎯Ricardo Ospina, director del Servicio Informativo de Blu Radio, reveló en primicia el plan que hay en marcha entre los gobiernos de Colombia, México y Brasil para conformar una coalición que ayude a una negociación política para solucionar la crisis en Venezuela entre Nicolás Maduro y Edmundo González, luego de los polémicos resultados en las elecciones presidenciales de ese país, que ha generado polémica por los datos entregados por el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y que han sido rechazados por varios países.
La iniciativa entre estos países tendría un límite de una semana, es decir, si no hay luz verde por parte de Nicolás Maduro para empezar este proceso de negociación se acabaría esta coalición que tendría como nombre G3 y dejarían de reconocer el régimen.
"Si en ocho d��as no hay avances, esto se termina y no hay más más posibilidades de estos diálogos. Están trabajando frenéticamente las cancillerías, hablando con cancilleres, con embajadores, con diferentes delegados de todos los países de Europa, de América Latina, de Estados Unidos en torno a esta posibilidad", detalló Ricardo Ospina, director del Servicio Informativo.
La creación de una mesa de negociación sería entre Nicolás Maduro y el opositor Edmundo González Urrutia, es decir, no podría estar encabezado por María Corina Machado, pero sí podría hacer parte de la delegación opositora. Además, se buscaría una veeduría técnica internacional para verificar los resultados de las últimas elecciones en Venezuela, con el objetivo de garantizar la transparencia del proceso.
Reuniones entre los presidentes de Colombia, Brasil y México
Se está trabajando en la posibilidad de que la próxima semana se lleven a cabo dos reuniones virtuales. Una del presidente Gustavo Petro, con Lula da Silva y Andrés Manuel López Obrador con el presidente Nicolás Maduro. Si esto sale adelante, después de esa reunión, se daría el encuentro virtual de los presidentes de Colombia, de Brasil y de México con el candidato opositor Edmundo González Urrutia.
Con estos encuentros se concretaría la mesa de negociación entre Maduro y González Urrutia, con sus respectivos asesores y así volver a realizar el reconteo de votos.
Si se puede realizar el reconteo de votos, se daría el paso a determinar el ganador y perdedor de las elecciones con dos compromisos:
El que llegue a la Presidencia de Venezuela se compromete a no perseguir al perdedor (no hacer persecución política).
El que pierda las elecciones se retira.
Además, si lo anterior de logra, se trabaja con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea para que levante las sanciones contra Venezuela. Esto podría incluir que se dejen de ofrecer millonarias recompensas de dólares por Nicolás Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, el general Vladimir Padrino López, entre otros integrantes del régimen.
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newsclickofficial · 2 months ago
Getty ImagesThe US has announced an increased $25m (£20.4m) reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on the day he was sworn in for a third six-year term in office. The inauguration ceremony was overshadowed by recrimination from the international community and Venezuelan opposition leaders.Rewards have also been offered for information leading to the arrest and or conviction of Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello. A new reward of up to $15m for Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino has also been offered.The UK also issued sanctions on 15 top Venezuelan officials, including judges, members of the security forces and military officials.The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said those sanctioned were responsible for "undermining democracy, the rule of law, and human rights violations". Foreign Secretary David Lammy went on to describe Maduro's regime as "fraudulent".Also on Friday, the EU said it was extending "restrictive measures" against Venezuela because of "the lack of progress... leading to the restoration of democracy and the rule of law". The bloc also sanctioned a further 15 Venezuelan officials.Maduro and his government have repeatedly denounced many of the allegations made by Western countries and opposition leaders. He has not yet commented on the most recent set of sanctions against him.On Friday, President Maduro took the oath before parliament, vowing his third six-year term in office would be a "period of peace"."Tis new presidential term will be the period of peace, prosperity, equality, and the new democracy," he said."I swear by history, I swear by my life, and I will fulfil it," he added.The 28 July election results were widely rejected by the international community, including by Brazil and Colombia, some of Venezuela's left-wing neighbours.The inauguration itself was a tightly controlled affair. Most accredited Venezuelan media were not allowed inside and foreign journalists were not allowed in the country.Maduro has a few allies remaining including Iran, China and Russia but is increasingly isolated on the world stage.The Cuban and Nicaraguan presidents were the only leaders present at the inauguration.The 62-year-old was declared the winner of last July's presidential election but the opposition and many countries, including the US, rejected the result and recognised the exiled opposition candidate Edmundo González as the legitimate president-elect.González fled Venezuela in September and has been living in Spain, but this month he went on a tour of the Americas to rally international support.The Maduro government has issued an arrest warrant for him, offering a $100,000 (£81,755) reward for information leading to his detention.It comes as Maduro was declared the winner of July's presidential election by Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), which is closely aligned with the government.Machado, whom González replaced on the ballot after she was barred from running herself, has also been targeted. She went into hiding soon after the disputed elections, and was last seen in public in August before Thursday's rally.Additional reporting by Vanessa Silva.
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martinezfigueroaefrain · 2 months ago
EEUU sube #recompensa por captura de #Maduro a USD 25 millones | DW 
Además, Washington ofrece 25 millones por información que lleve a la captura del ministro del Interior, Diosdado Cabello, y otros 15 millones por el arresto del ministro de Defensa, Vladimir Padrino. Origen: EEUU sube recompensa por captura de Maduro a USD 25 millones – DW – 10/01/2025
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beardedmrbean · 2 months ago
The US has announced an increased $25m (£20.4m) reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on the day he was sworn in for a third six-year term in office.
The inauguration ceremony was overshadowed by recrimination from the international community and Venezuelan opposition leaders.
Rewards have also been offered for information leading to the arrest and or conviction of Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello.
A new reward of up to $15m for Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino has also been offered.
The UK also issued sanctions on 15 top Venezuelan officials, including judges, members of the security forces and military officials.
The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said those sanctioned were responsible for "undermining democracy, the rule of law, and human rights violations".
Foreign Secretary David Lammy went on to describe Maduro's regime as "fraudulent".
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trendingnews19 · 2 months ago
Getty ImagesThe US has announced an increased $25m (£20.4m) reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on the day he was sworn in for a third six-year term in office. The inauguration ceremony was overshadowed by recrimination from the international community and Venezuelan opposition leaders. Rewards have also been offered for information leading to the arrest and or conviction of Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello. A new reward of up to $15m for Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino has also been offered. The UK also issued sanctions on 15 top Venezuelan officials, including judges, members of the security forces and military officials.The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said those sanctioned were responsible for "undermining democracy, the rule of law, and human rights violations". Foreign Secretary David Lammy went on to describe Maduro's regime as "fraudulent".
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globalnews1 · 2 months ago
BBCThe US has announced an increased $25m (£20.4m) reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on the day he was sworn in for a third six-year term in office. The inauguration ceremony was overshadowed by recrimination from the international community and Venezuelan opposition leaders. Rewards have also been offered for information leading to the arrest and or conviction of Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello. A new reward of up to $15 million for Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino has also been offered. This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.You can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on X to get the latest alerts.
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las-noticias-de-mai · 2 months ago
La Fuerza Armada reiteró lealtad a Maduro de cara a la toma de posesión de la Presidencia
Vladimir Padrino López, reiteró este lunes 6 de enero la lealtad de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) a Nicolás Maduro, al tiempo que dijo que será reconocido por los militares como “presidente constitucional” para el período 2025-2031.
El ministro de Defensa de Venezuela, Vladimir Padrino López, reiteró este lunes 6 de enero la lealtad de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB) a Nicolás Maduro, al tiempo que dijo que será reconocido por los militares como “presidente constitucional” para el período 2025-2031 a partir del próximo 10 de enero, fecha de la toma de posesión.
“Que el mundo entero lo sepa, el próximo 10 de enero de 2025 ratificaremos el irreductible compromiso con la democracia venezolana y reconoceremos al ciudadano Nicolás Maduro Moros como presidente constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, reelecto para el periodo 2025-2031″, dijo el ministro al leer un comunicado transmitido por el canal estatal VTV.
Señaló que la FANB jurará “solemnemente lealtad, obediencia y subordinación” a Maduro como comandante en jefe de la institución militar.
Padrino López rechazó el mensaje del candidato de la oposición mayoritaria de Venezuela, Edmundo González Urrutia, quien el domingo instó a la FANB a superar “los retos” que enfrenta el país y a defender la soberanía popular que -asegura- quedó patente en las presidenciales, cuyo triunfo reclama el antichavista, frente al resultado oficial que dio la victoria a Maduro.
“Rechazamos categóricamente y con absoluta vehemencia este payasesco y bufo acto de politiquería despreciable que no tendrá el más mínimo calado en la robusta conciencia patriótica y revolucionaria de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana”, añadió.
Padrino López dijo que el mensaje de González Urrutia presenta “planteamientos absurdos e incoherentes” que, a su juicio, demuestran una “exacerbada desesperación ante el inminente y estrepitoso fracaso de sus planes golpistas”
“Con el cinismo que les caracteriza, con palabras impropias y con aspecto circense, se refiere a la paz, estabilidad y bienestar de los venezolanos, cuando sistemáticamente han solicitado la aplicación de sanciones económicas (...) que tanto daño han causado al pueblo venezolano, incluidos los efectivos militares y sus familias”, señaló.
González Urrutia, a través de X, le expresó su confianza a los miembros de la Fuerza Armada, al tiempo que dijo de que “juntos”
superarán “los retos” que enfrentan “como institución y como nación”, en estos momentos, que calificó como “definitorios para la patria”.
“Nuestra Fuerza Armada Nacional está llamada a ser garantía de la soberanía y de respeto a la voluntad popular. Es nuestro deber actuar con honor, mérito y conciencia, guiados por los valores que nos unen con una institución fundamental de la República”, manifestó, al reivindicar su victoria.
Les recordó a los militares que la misión es “restaurar la soberanía popular manifestada en el voto, garantizar la paz y la estabilidad” de la nación”, por lo que el “deber” es apegarse “al marco legal establecido en la Constitución vigente”.
#news #las_noticias_de_mai #flypシ #pati #paratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii #noticiasdelmundo #actualidad #international #vebezuela #maduro #nicolasmaduro #venezolanos #vladimirpadrinolopez
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informativoar · 2 months ago
Edmundo González Urrutia provocó el enojo de la Fuerza Armada chavista, que amenaza con detenerlo a su regreso
El ministro de Interior, Diosdado Cabello, advirtió que el exiliado opositor, quien reclama una victoria sobre el presidente Nicolás Maduro en las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio, será arrestado si vuelve al país. Las críticas de Vladimir Padrino, ministro de Defensa: “Es profundamente indignante”. Leer más
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elchicletv · 4 months ago
EN LA CASA BLANCA: El Senador marco rubio manda crudo mensaje a Vladimir Padrino.
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ivangzama · 23 days ago
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En Cifras: G/J Vladimir Padrino López ofrece nuevo balance de operación militar “Relámpago del Catatumbo”
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higherlearningtvshow · 4 months ago
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The Most Banned Movie In America!
Shocks Nation With "T" For Truth Rating
In an unprecedented moment in cinematic history, The Most Banned Movie in America, “Splintering Babylon,” the film the critics won’t watch and politicians will avoid for its radioactive content, has become the first movie to receive the highly controversial ‘T’ for Truth rating from the newly-formed FEMA Rumor Response unit.
The Verdict: SEE IT (If You Can). Limited screenings of The Most Banned Movie in America will be held in undisclosed locations, with showtimes posted in invisible ink. For those unable to attend, worry not—bootlegged digital files are circulating on the black market (but be careful, it’s rumored they’re being tracked
Gary Berntsen: Hello, my name is Gary Berntsen. I'm a veteran of the United States Air Force and a retired Senior Operations Officer and Chief-of-Station of the Central Intelligence Agency.
For over three decades, I served in the US National Security apparatus, in various capacities.
Shortly after the attacks of 11 September 2001, I entered Afghanistan and commanded CIA paramilitary forces, helping seize the cities of Talaqan and the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul.
I was the driving force and architect of the Battle of Tora Bora. I held the position as Chief of Hezbollah Operation in CIA's Counterterrorism Center for several years and concluded my service in CIA as a Chief-of-Station in Latin America, combating narco-terrorists.
Approximately six years ago, a business associate and I began working together as whistleblowers for the Department of Justice, FBI, DEA and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Our target was the largest and most well-funded transnational criminal organization on the planet called the Cartel de los Soles, "Cartel of the Suns".
The Cartel de los Soles is the Venezuelan government and is led by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, Minister of Defense Vladimir López Padrino, President of the National Assembly Jorge Rodríguez, and former Directorate General of Military Counterintelligence Hugo Carbajal, who was detained in Spain several years ago and extradited to New York. He is currently awaiting trial for narco-trafficking.
Venezuelan President Maduro has a US indictment and bounty of US $15 million for his capture. Diosdado Cabello has US indictment and a $10 million bounty on his head. At least six other Venezuelan cabinet members and senior officials are indicted.
In the last 20 years, the Cartel de los Soles has stolen $1 trillion US dollars from Venezuela's national oil company, PDVSA, and embezzled $500 billion US dollars from its national treasury. It not only has – but continues to produce and smuggle – 25 to 40 metric tons of cocaine every month, out of its country into the world.
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The Cartel del Sol is a $2 trillion transnational criminal organization and the most well-resourced criminal syndicate in history. Through bribery and investments of its funds, it controls a dozen countries and world leaders. It has massive investments in the US and European financial markets and institutions.
As we conducted investigations against the Cartel de los Soles and presented them, one after another to the US Department of Justice, we noticed and pursued leads from the Cartel's money-laundering operations to the world of non-governmental organizations and election companies.
After witnessing election irregularities associated with the 2020 US Presidential Election, we decided to direct time and resources to Cartel del Sol links to US and global election fraud.
After an exhaustive three-and-a-half-year investigation, it is indisputable: Smartmatic Election Systems was created at the direction of now-deceased Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, and its source code, the basis of its operating system developed jointly by Venezuela's Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) and Smartmatic, was designed to allow election results to be altered without the knowledge of voters and the public.
Additionally, the Venezuelan CNE holds ownership of Smartmatic's source code. Each time the Venezuelan CNE and Smartmatic update the source code, a copy of it is stored at the vault at the Venezuelan Central Bank.
In 2005, the European Union Electoral Observation Mission to Venezuela published a report, stating the Venezuelan regime owns Smartmatic's source code. The Venezuelan government signed that report as factual.
Smartmatic's first election in Venezuela was the 2003 Recall Election of Hugo Chavez. The CNE director at the time, Jorge Rodriguez, at the direction of the Cuban Directorate General of Intelligence, DGI, hired three Venezuelan-American computer engineers that were graduates of Simon Bolivar University, a Venezuelan university linked to the US University, MIT.
They had already registered a software company in Delaware and opened an office for it, in Boca Raton. The engineers, Antonio Mugica, Roger Piñate, and Alfredo Anzola, established Smartmatic at the direction of the Venezuelan regime, built the source code, and flew off to Italy to buy lottery machines from Olivetti to serve as election hardware. They succeeded in altering-up votes to ensure Hugo Chavez's victory in the recall election.
Secure in power, President Chavez decided to weaponize this capability beyond Venezuela's border. Smartmatic would enter into the US election market in Cook County, Illinois [aka Chicago] and the state of New Jersey for Democratic Party Primary races in 2006.
In 2005, Smartmatic orchestrated the purchase of Sequoia Voting Systems Inc, a US company. Sequoia was a company that had conducted elections in the US for over 100 years and had a 22% market share of the US electoral market.
Approximately 18 months later, the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, CFIUS, began investigating the ownership of Smartmatic, because of Smartmatic's Venezuelan connection.
Smartmatic immediately put its source code in the machines, in the Sequoia machines. Smartmatic tried to conceal its Venezuelan connection by hiring a former US Naval Officer, Jack Blaine, to set up a holding company, SVS Holding, to place its ownership of Sequoia in stock.
In December 2006, Smartmatic entered into an agreement with CFIUS to sell Sequoia in six months.
Antonio Mugica, one of the three original founders, then found a little-known election company in Toronto, Canada, Dominion Election Systems, that had only managed one small local election in Toronto. He arranged for Dominion to purchase Sequoia.
Dominion, owned by John Poulos, with that purchase of Sequoia would inherit the licensing agreement for Smartmatic's source code, the source code owned by the Venezuelan regime, i.e., the Cartel de los Soles.
To be clear, Smartmatic and Dominion would ultimately sign an agreement that provided Dominion with the US market and Smartmatic with the international global market. The only two exceptions are that Smartmatic does elections in Los Angeles County and Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico was an issue they ultimately settled in court.
In Caracas, in a building owned by the CNE, the Concejo Nacional Electoral, more than 100 software engineers, half in the CNE and half in Smartmatic, worked side-by-side. Their effort for more than a decade was to perfect the techniques of altering elections and defeating audit.
In 2018, Smartmatic publicly, and with the approval of the Venezuelan regime, broke with the regime, the Cartel de los Soles, because the Venezuelan CNE's theft of an election was so egregious.
The techniques of the source code and machine operate and conceal a theft of an election when the spread of the candidates is between three to five percentage points.
As sophisticated as the machine is, it can be defeated with significant turnout against it. The recent 2024 election in Venezuela was also so blatantly stolen and the machine could not conceal that massive spread, either.
In its place, a company called Xclay [?] took Smartmatic's place as the election provider in Venezuela. Allowing Smartmatic to exit Venezuela in this fictitious manner allowed the regime to retain its power and influence over the global electoral market.
Smartmatic built a production facility for electronic voting equipment hardware just outside Beijing, China, and then shipped the hardware to a warehouse in Taiwan. In violation of US Law, the hardware was marked as "Manufactured in Taiwan" and shipped to both Smartmatic and Dominion, for use in US elections.
Dominion Voting Systems manages elections in almost all the Swing States in the US, which determines who wins the Presidency. We have evidence and witnesses that can prove the source code operating the election machines of both Smartmatic and Dominion and other election companies are owned by the Venezuelan NARPA regime.
We have evidence and witnesses proving the machines are manufactured in the People's Republic of China.
Every citizen needs to be asking, "Where is the DOJ, FBI, CISA, and where is the CIA? Is anyone in the national security apparatus defending our democracy or enforcing the law?"
And if that isn't enough to convince you there's a major problem, Dominion, in an additional step to conceal its manipulation of US elections, moved its research and development and servers, which store Swing State voting information, to its office in Belgrade, Serbia!
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In the Belgrade office, Venezuelan, Chinese, and Serbian software engineers maintain system administrative status over swing state elections and alter elections, as directed by the Cartel de los Soles, the Cuban DGI, and the Chinese CCP.
The facility and its personnel are protected by Serbia's counterintelligence service. Swing State voter information is saved on Huawei servers in Dominion's Belgrade office. These servers are linked to Huawei servers in Hong Kong, China.
For years, the US National Security apparatus has identified Huawei and its technology as a threat to US National Security.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, CISA, a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for cybersecurity and infrastructure, across all levels of government.
CISA has 3,100 employees and a $2.9 billion budget. In 2020, when faced with calls to address election irregularities, CISA did a conference call with Smartmatic and Dominion, in order to better able to address the public's concerns and assure everyone that there had been "No irregularities".
Yes, it's shocking. CISA decided to consult the criminals in order to respond to the American public's outcry.
In August 2024, three current and former executives of Smartmatic were indicted in Florida, in connection with bribery during the 2016 election in the Philippines. Among those arrested executives is Roger Peñate, one of the three founders and current President of Smartmatic. Roger Peñate paid $8.5 million in bail.
What the public will soon learn is that the bribery paid in the case was not to obtain a contract. The bribery was paid to alter election results.
We have the CNE source code, the source code employed by Smartmatic, Dominion, and others. We will surrender it to appropriate authorities.
Source code, like DNA, can easily be matched with other systems to prove that they are from the same family. In this particular case, it is a family of altering elections.
Two years ago, we briefed a senior FBI agent in Washington, DC. That agent, after seeing our three-hour presentation with corporate ownership documents, engineering specifications, and witness statements, told us to flee Washington, DC, that the FBI would actively work to destroy our efforts and seek ways to prosecute us, in order to stop our investigative efforts. That was a stunning moment, hearing those words from a 20-year veteran of the FBI.
Seven months ago, with our attorney, we briefed a US Attorney and two Assistant US Attorneys, Federal Prosecutors from the Department of Justice. The US Attorney told us he would forward the information to the Office of Public Integrity at the Department of Justice. That US Attorney followed up with us months later, to see if the Office of Public Integrity had contacted us. They never did.
Smartmatic, Dominion, and their media allies will immediately point to the fact that FoxNews settled with Dominion, paying US$787.5 million, and that Newsmax just settled with Smartmatic, this past week in a defamation case as "evidence of Smartmatic and Dominion innocence".
In FoxNews' case against Dominion, we briefed Fox News trial attorneys. Our lawyers were present when we did that. FoxNews corporate officers refused to be briefed directly for that case. They wanted plausible deniability.
FoxNews corporate knew we had significant evidence – and, more importantly, witnesses. When all the facts are known, Fox News executives and Board will have to explain why they went down on their knees for enemies of the US.
We briefed Newsmax's corporate attorney, as well. Though their settlement with Smartmatic is not public, any settlement with either company and their masters, the Cartel de los Soles, the Cuban DGI, and CCP, makes it more difficult for those of us trying to defend the country and our democracy.
I ask everyone to go to the website StolenElectionsFacts.com. Here, you will find articles and original source documents supporting the claim that Smartmatic and Dominion are employing a source code created and owned by the Venezuelan Regime, with hardware manufactured in China that alters election results.
I will follow with other videos and statements to inform and educate others.
Best-selling author, Ralph Pazullo has written the book, 'Stolen Elections, the Plot to Destroy Democracy'. It will be released in late October. Mr Pazullo interviewed my whistleblower associate and I and several of our key witnesses. This is a must-read, to understand one of the greatest crimes ever committed against the United States.
This is an assault on our democracy.
Again, go to the website StolenElectionsFacts.com. Look at the timeline, the documents, and the original sources that are attached. Thank you for your time.
God bless America. We go forward.
Running Time: 16 mins
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elsolnetworktv · 5 months ago
Maduro announces changes in the Venezuelan Army leadership
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced this Monday changes in the Higher General Staff of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), reminding them that the mission “continues” to be to guarantee independence, security and peace in the country. Maduro has ratified Vladimir Padrino as Minister of Defense and Domingo Antonio Hernández as head of the Strategic Operational Command.…
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