#Vladimir Luxuria
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yourdailyqueer · 8 months ago
Vladimir Luxuria is a Transgender (MTF) Italian TV star that as far as I know she's not problematic and was actually a fantastic co-host of a TV show called Isola dei Famosi. She's one of the rare trans representations on Italian TV, which is still very right wing as a country as many might not think.
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ilcovodelbikersgrunf · 1 year ago
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giftvitaliana · 10 months ago
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uominiedonneblog · 8 months ago
Isola dei Famosi Festa VIP, Matilde Brandi sgama una coppia che non si vuole ancora mostrare?
E veniamo adesso a parlarvi dell’Isola dei Famosi appena conclusa, in quanto come sempre in questi casi una volta finito il programma , arriva il momento di tirare le somme, e quella di questa edizione ossia gli ascolti non sono buoni. Ma se non altro nella puntata finale c’è stato del buon sano gossip. Infatti la produzione dell’Isola dei Famosi ha deciso di fare una bella festa, alla quale…
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lacoscienzadiemme · 2 years ago
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A parte i miei capelli ricci da pazza, stasera ho incontrato lei che è una persona splendida e gentile❤️
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ilmediogorizia · 2 years ago
Tutto pronto per Sanremo '24. Tante novità... anche Oreti
Supermega ospiti e nuovi scintillanti conduttori, la nuova ricetta di Amadeus     Le performances di grandi artisti come Blanco e Rosa Chemical, al Festival di San Remo di quest’anno, hanno segnato il punto di svolta della famoserrima kermesse musicale.     Non è sfuggito, ad Amadeus e soci, l’enorme riscontro ottenuto dai “virtuosismi” dei protagonisti del concorso appena concluso ed hanno già…
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scogito · 2 years ago
Gli inviti giusti, gli inviti belli.
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"Uoma " trans che allatta, murales nel comune di Rimini e che qualche brava persona ha provveduto a imbrattare con vernice bianca cancellandolo. Annuncio di Vladimir Luxuria: "Hanno coperto il murales a Rimini: invito gli artisti writer a replicare quell’immagine sui muri di tutte le città. I censori oscurantisti non la devono aver vinta. " Secondo lei o lui gli uomini trans possono allattare.
E' un insulto alla donna e un obbrobrio, un applauso al censore oscurantista. 👏👏
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 11 months ago
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Il modo migliore per sbollire la rabbia, è ballare finchè non ti sanguinano i piedi
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mariacallous · 2 months ago
Sarah McBride is the first openly transgender person elected to the U.S. Congress, but she is not the first trans politician to be banned from using the bathroom of her choice by a hostile fellow lawmaker.
Back in 2006 in Italy, newly elected Vladimir Luxuria was briefly barred from using the ladies' room when she took her seat in Parliament. She said her heart breaks for McBride, a Democrat from Delaware.
"They did that to me," Luxuria, 59, said in a telephone interview with NBC News from her home in Rome. "What is happening to Sarah McBride is rank politics."
Which bathroom McBride will be able to use in the next Congress became an issue last week when Rep. Nancy Mace, a South Carolina Republican and staunch supporter of President-elect Donald Trump, introduced a resolution to prohibit lawmakers and House employees from “using single-sex facilities other than those corresponding to their biological sex.”
When asked if the move was specifically in response to McBride, Mace said, "yes and absolutely, and then some." Not long afterward, House Speaker Mike Johnson, who is also a Republican and a Trump supporter, said he supports restricting “single-sex facilities” in the Capitol, including restrooms, to “individuals of that biological sex."
McBride, in a post on X, responded, “Every day Americans go to work with people who have life journeys different than their own and engage with them respectfully, I hope members of Congress can muster that same kindness.”
Luxuria, who left Parliament in 2008 and is an actress and activist, was following in the footsteps of the late Georgina Beyer, a New Zealander who became the world’s first openly transgender member of Parliament when she was elected in 1999.
The only other transgender woman who has served in a national parliament is Poland's Anna Grodzka, who was elected in 2011 and served one four-year term.
Luxuria said she had endured a lifetime of "cruelty" but was still shocked when Italian lawmaker Elisabetta Gardini, who was a supporter of then-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, confronted her "outside the women's toilet."
"I always went to the women's bathroom because if I even tried to use the men's toilet they would be embarrassed and demand to know what I am doing there," Luxuria said. "So when I came out, I was surprised when Gardini began yelling at me, 'What were you doing in here! You're a man!'"
Luxuria said Gardini "was very angry" but she was determined not to back down.
She said she told Gardini: "OK, I am a trans woman. But if you don't want to see me in here, you should go use the men's toilet."
Luxuria said Gardini walked off in a huff and in no time "the matter of where I could go to the bathroom became a debate in Parliament."
"I was lucky because, in the end, the members of Parliament decided I could use the women's bathroom," she said. "But it was embarrassing that it became an issue."
Luxuria said she has her suspicions about why Gardini, who was a well-known actress and popular TV personality before she got into politics, went after her.
"I suspect Berlusconi's party wanted to make this an issue to attack my party, which was in opposition," she said. "So I am very sympathetic to Sarah McBride."
Gardini did not respond to an email seeking comment.
Noting that Mace once described herself as a pro-LGBTQ social moderate, Luxuria said she thinks Mace's attack on McBride was part of a bigger plan to try to divide Democrats and force them to defend an issue that still makes many Americans "uncomfortable."
"The purpose here is to generate hate for political purposes," Luxuria said.
McBride and Mace did not reply to NBC News' request for comment.
In the aftermath of Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss to Trump, some Democrats and pundits have pointed to the Biden administration’s support for transgender rights as one reason Republicans prevailed.
They noted that the Republicans spent more than $200 million on network television advertisements that underscored Harris’ past support for taxpayer-funded gender-affirming care treatments and that repeatedly aired during NFL and college football games.
During her four years in the Polish Parliament, Grodzka also faced verbal attacks and was repeatedly misgendered by fellow Polish lawmaker Krystyna Pawlowicz. In an interview with Pink News, an LGBTQ digital news outlet based in Britain, in 2013, Grodzka largely brushed off the transphobic comments.
“Krystyna is a very conservative person, therefore I guess I am probably just a little bit too much for her," Grodza said. “She has an imaginary idea of a [perfect] person who is supposed to go to church, etc. … In that case I ruin her picture, therefore it’s a reason for her to attack me."
In recent years — nearly a decade after she left Parliament — Grodzka is still occasionally on the receiving end of personal attacks from Polish lawmakers, as the country's right-wing has embraced anti-LGBTQ sentiments.
In a 2002 documentary about Beyer called "Georgie Girl," Beyer said she commonly faced questions about her gender identity that other politicians would not have to endure.
“I get asked questions no other politician would ever have to answer," she said. "Regarding the surgery, you know. ‘Did it hurt?’ or, ‘When you have sex now as a woman, is it different to how you had sex as a man?’ Well, honey, obviously.”
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years ago
This bitch here will go to the queer event with Vladimir Luxuria and Pietro Turano at Polimi bc she's negative!!!!!!!!!
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dwarfanonymice · 2 years ago
Visto che Berlusconi per Repubblica è un trans, c'è andata Vladimir Luxuria al funerale?
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wannabepup · 2 years ago
Just so you know, this was a pretty popular phrase in 2006 in LGBT+ activism in Italy, in response to Alessanra Mussolini, Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter, sadly still a politician, who said the opposite on national TV with Italy’s first trans parliament member Vladimir Luxuria, when Alessandra was boasting about describing herself as fascist and Luxuria was arguing against it. The debate ended with Alessandra saying “Meglio fascista che frocio/Better a fascist than a faggot” and this ended up in history. (also, Vladimir Luxuria is a trans woman, so not only it was homophobic, but also transphobic)
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Oggi e sempre ✊
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telodogratis · 4 days ago
“L’Isola dei Famosi” 2025, la decisione di Mediaset sulla conduttrice
[[{“value”:” L’Isola dei Famosi” 2025 conduttrice. Nonostante gli ascolti della scorsa stagione siano stati abbastanza deludenti, il reality show potrebbe tornare in onda in primavera su Canale 5. La rete del Biscione sembra abbia anche preso una decisione definitiva sulla nuova conduttrice, che sostituirà Vladimir Luxuria. Tutto su “L’Isola dei Famosi” “L’isola dei famosi” è un programma…
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giftvitaliana · 10 months ago
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uominiedonneblog · 8 months ago
Samuel Peron ha scoperto che il vero stratega dell'Isola non è Artur ma è Edoardo
In questi giorni abbiamo assistito ad un Samuel Peron particolarmente nervoso all’Isola dei Famosi, in maniera il suo nervosismo particolare è dovuto a delle cose che l’ex ballerino di Ballando con le stelle non riesce proprio a comprendere. E non riesce a comprendere come mai sia finito in nomination, insomma Samuel ritiene di avere fatto molto per questo gruppo di naufraghi e questa nomination…
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stranotizie · 14 days ago
L'Isola dei Famosi 2025 è alla ricerca di una nuova conduttrice dopo l'uscita di Ilary Blasi e Vladimir Luxuria. Veronica Gentili, attuale conduttrice de Le Iene, è considerata la principale candidata per il ruolo. La situazione è complessa, con trattative in corso tra Mediaset e la società produttrice Banijay, mirate a rilanciare il format, soprattutto dopo i recenti risultati deludenti di alcune trasmissioni reality. La scelta del conduttore è diventata cruciale a causa del calo di ascolti, e Veronica Gentili emerge come la figura più probabile, avendo dimostrato carisma e competenza nella sua carriera. Nonostante altri nomi, come Eleonora Casalegno e Federica Panicucci, siano stati considerati, Gentili sembra avere il supporto necessario per diventare la nuova leader. Le riunioni tra Mediaset e Banijay si stanno svolgendo con urgenza, specialmente dopo la decisione di escludere Ilary Blasi. La storicità de L’Isola dei Famosi la rende una bandiera della televisione italiana, ma il programma deve affrontare una crisi di identità e la necessità di un rinnovamento. Si valuta dunque di orientare il format verso un modello più simile a un adventure game, in grado di attrarre un pubblico moderno e esigente. La nuova conduzione potrebbe essere decisiva per il rilancio del programma: un volto fresco come quello di Veronica Gentili potrebbe facilitare una connessione più profonda con il pubblico. Concludendo un’era, l’Isola potrebbe avviarsi verso una nuova fase, se le trattative si svolgeranno positivamente nei prossimi mesi.
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