#Vlad knows this and will wait for his chance to get revenge at a later date
bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
Uncle Vlad
So! Vlad Masters, Maddie Walker, and Jack Fenton were a group of friends that studied together at Gotham University. They all studied the Effects of Ectoplasm of the world around them, from how it affected Space-time to how it affected the Flora of the world.
But they had another friend, one who was interested on how Ectoplasm affected Human Beings before they died, rather than after. He was a Med Student, and he wanted to see if there were any Medicinal applications to Ectoplasm.
His name was Thomas Wayne.
Thomas was actually great friends with the Trio, and eventually they became a Quartet. He was just as crazy as them, although he hid it better, and he loved to get into stupid shenanigans with them.
Unfortunately that all came to an end when Vlad got was put in the Hospital by a Lab Accident. He refused to see any of them, but Thomas managed to convince him to let him study how the Ectoplasm was affecting his Body to hopefully find a Cure. He was the most skilled Ecto-Biologist they had after all.
Thomas never managed to find a Cure, but he did manage to maintain his friendship with Vlad, even after Jack and Maddie got married and moved away to Illinois. He felt bad that their friend group fell apart like that, but with all their lives changing it was inevitable. Thomas himself was planning on proposing to his girlfriend Martha soon.
When Vlad moved away to Wisconsin after recovering from his Accident, he stayed in contact with Thomas as thanks for all the help he gave in trying to find a Cure. Unlike Jack and Maddie who moved away without even trying to say goodbye, Thomas stuck around and stayed his friend.
He even became the Godfather to his son, Bruce. He later got a Letter from Jack and Maddie naming him the Godfather of their own son, Daniel, but he didn't really care as much. Bruce was an adorable little boy, and incredibly intelligent, he got that from his Father obviously.
Or course, then That Day happened. Thomas and his wife were Shot by a mugger and poor Bruce was left without his parents. Vlad tried to take him in, but was rejected on the grounds that he was still "Too frail to get out of his House".
He stayed in Contact with Bruce, but it became harder as time went on. From both the revelation that Daniel Fenton was a Halfa like him, and the fact that Bruce was traveling so much, he didn't have much of a chance to contact him. He needed to split his attention, and Daniel took a lot more than expected.
He hoped Bruce would stay a good kid, Daniel gave him too many headaches already.
A few years later, Bruce Wayne became the Batman.
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stepheny-stoker · 6 years
8. Go to hell (Romanian Coven fanfiction)
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Vladimir stood awkwardly in the corner of the room while the Cullens and some other fools were arguing right in front of his eyes. He didn’t care for their stupid words, but he was bored since Stefan had gone hunting.
At a certain point, one of the nomadic vampires -his name was Alisteir? Alistair?- lashed back abruptly and screamed “Go to hell” to a very startled Carlisle and a much saddened Esme. Time seemed to stop and the whole room was suddenly full of tension. Alistair broke it off and left, but those who remained looked gently at Carlisle and Esme, whispering words of disapproval about Alistair.
Vladimir was still in his corner, lonely. He started to wander with his thoughts and realized that he had heard “Go to hell” only twice before.
The air was filled with the smell of fire, blood and defeat. All the surviving Dacian soldiers had started to run for their lives hours before, but their last two lords stood their ground, refusing to flee their home: if they were fated to die, let it be on their native soil.
Vladimir and Stefan didn’t even bothered enough  to hide -what would be the point? Vladimir’s fair hair could be spotted as far as miles away. Three hooded figures approached them, their pace slow and arrogant. One of them, Aro, walked all the way up to the proud last two Dacians, while his coven mates waited for him. Behind the other kings there were the twins, the witch twins, the ones responsible of the outcome of that battle, and finally war.
Aro looked down at the joint hands of his enemies, laughing softly. “You’ve fought valiantly, my dears, but I’m afraid that didn’t suffice”. Vladimir nearly lashed out against him, but Stefan held him back. Every Volturi enjoyed that view. Aro spoke again: “Perhaps you will consider joining our coven, given the… circumstances you’re currently in”. Both of them knew that Aro had a vampire who could make anyone change their loyalty, but they would die before that; they also knew that they needed to get out of that situation, away from the battlefield if they hoped to survive.
Vladimir let go of Stefan’s hand and quickly moved some steps further away from the enemies, seeing that there was a one of the burning swords he himself equipped the army with. He got that sword into his hands and made eye contact with Stefan, who nodded almost imperceptibly.
From here, it was all very quick: Vladimir used the burning sword to set fire to one of the tree next to them, but the Volturi were rather unimpressed. Stefan then spit on the ground, just next to the kings. He grinned as he spoke this very words: “Go to hell”. Then suddenly a burning branch fell right next to the leaders and, while everyone worried whether their lords had been injured, Vladimir and Stefan managed to escape.
Vladimir and Stefan didn’t speak the whole journey from the Cullens’ house to their own back in Romania: when his companion was angry, Stefan knew better than to try him. They entered the abandoned castle they called home and went separate ways, Vladimir disappeared somewhere in the undergrounds as soon as he stepped into the building. Stefan sighed but couldn’t help feel sorry for him.
Between the two of them, Vladimir certainly did not have patience. They had been waiting fifteen hundreds years to get their revenge on the Volturi and went to Forks as soon as they heard about the Bella Cullen situation. In the snowy clearing there had been a moment when everyone thought a fight would break out: some of the witnesses swiftly moved forward, ready to battle. In this very moment, Stefan got a grasp of his companion’s arm, holding him back. He was sure that the time wasn’t yet ready for their much wanted vendetta. Vladimir didn’t agree and said nothing ever since that moment.
Later, that night, Stefan calmly made his way to the undergrounds. There he found Vladimir sitting on the raw stone, staring into the nothingness. He tried to touch his shoulder but the blond wouldn’t let him. “I know why you’re upset, Vlad, but I just want to say that I did what I did or a greater good” he said. Vladimir seemed to want it go unanswered at first, but then he replied: “We had one good chance to attack them, and you made it vanish in front of our eyes”.
Stefan sighed and repeated: “I did it because we can’t have our revenge if we’re dead, I did it for a greater -”. he was soon cut off by Vladimir, who suddenly stood up and screamed: “Don’t you dare talk about greater good”. His voice was firm and strong at the beginning, but it soon started to fade. “I can’t believe we let our enemies walk away like that!”. Stefan felt his hearth, no, his whole person melt before the view of Vladimir in such a terrible state. His voice became softer that always and said: “Vlad, you have to trust me on this one, okay? Can you do that?”.
Vladimir, who had begun to sniffle already, whispered: “Go to hell”. Stefan was startled by this reply but then Vladimir hugged him firmly, and he understood that his old companion had agreed to trust him with his own life.
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lunagalemaster · 7 years
Phantom’s Planet: An Alternate ending to Danny Phantom
Okay because of this poll (please go do it, it’s awesome), the Slack got talking about how BAD Phantom Planet was again. This got me ranting, and long story short, I wrote out what I would have done for the finale. Note, this finale pretty much works within season three parameters for the most part and works to bring out the best parts of season three. 
With that out the way, I hope you enjoy my rant!
I would have done a finale where Dan got every single other major villain from the show like the new big bad ones. (Undergrowth, Nocturne, Vortex, etc), set them in all the major cities around the world, have Dan kidnap Danny's family's and friend's, and then Dan (because let him be overly prideful and want revenge) basically tells announces that "unless you defeat me one on one, everything in the world, everyone you ever loved, are going to destroyed"
(Btw he's basically blackmailed/threatened Technus to report this all around the world)
And after inital panic, Danny's like, fuck that noise, goes and recruits the ghostly allies he gained post TUE Dan doesn't know about (Frostbite, Pandora, Dora, etc) and tries to recruit Dani and Vlad. He doesn't know where Dani is and Vlad is being a prick, so he goes, arms up, and after preparing his own force, goes to fight Dan.
There's this battle between them, Dan is surprised at the ice powers and the little abilities Danny managed to perfect, despite not being as good as Dan. He's more innovative and basically more creative than Dan is with his powers. At the same time, there's these huge battles going on around the world with the major ghosts. Eventually even the ghosts like Skulker, Ember, Kitty, Johnny, etc join in to fight against the big bads because if they win, who knows what will happen? Status quo is better than nothing
But it's not enough against Dan. He simply has too much experience and power. mind he's a lot more unstable in this version. Danny gets a huge beating, gets turned into his human form, and when it seems like he's about to lose....BAM, SURPRISE ATTACK FROM THE SKY.
Freaking Vlad stopped being a prick for a bit and managed to track down Dani. and after he somehow managed to bring her to the final battle point, they've come to fight too. So, it becomes a three on one, Dan's said they cheated, Danny snarks about "just evening the playing field".
Danny is still in human form, but he brought some Fenton weapons just in case he did get stuck in it. At the final blow, he uses a Fenton weapon to go straight through Dan's core, he screams, it shatters, and the day is saved.
But wait.... Technus is still live steaming this. Oh shit, and then everyone knows of the brave child who, despite everything, despite all the odds against him, continued fighting for the world, his world, their world.
From there, it's a mini time skip. The world is in celebration, the news reports the confirmed existence of ghosts, to the point where some of them are helping reconstruction of the world's cities. Everyone is unsure and a bit scared, not really knowing what to do or how to continue forward.
Vlad is sort of stand offish. How despite everything, he still came back to help. So it ends with Vlad getting a bit of a hint, a what if that he could be a better person, or not. It depends on what he chooses. Though he does end with, "Sometimes we need to sort out our priorities"
Basically the ending has a bunch of much needed reconciliation scenes. Danny goes to talk to his parents, maybe tell them off a bit before ending with a hug, Dani goes to Maddie and Jack, and you see as Danny walks away that she is hugged by them and is accepted as a child, Valerie punches Danny and they talk a bit before hinting at talking more later on about what they mean to one another (hinting at either friendship or romance), (idk about Jazz shit) and the show ends with Tucker, Danny, and Sam all together, watching the city below them.  
They're a team, they're friends, and they'll always be there for each other, no matter what the world brings them.
Other things not included or to note: 
-Danny defeats Dan in his human form, representing how his humanity defeated the evil and power of his alternate future, creating a future of his own.
-This all happens on Danny’s birthday, or at the very least, the kidnapping does. Because of (insert law where ghosts can’t attack each other on death/birthday), Danny is letting his guard down. HOWEVER, since Dan is technically Danny, the law doesn’t apply to him. So Danny doesn’t see it coming when everyone is just GONE.
-Most of these reconciliations are meant to be open ended. New world, new start, new beginnings, whether that way take them. Everyone is given a second chance, but it’s up to them to take it. 
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this! Idk how do end this so.... yeah. (presents alternate ending because I’m salty)
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