#Visella targaryen
noeverse · 2 months
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Excerpts extracted from Fire & Blood regarding Lady Aurynn Mormont during the Dance of the Dragons
«Despite having been born a girl, Lord Mormont was not disappointed and instead threw a lavish feast in which he invited all the Northern houses to celebrate his lady daughter, including the Warden of the North, who remarked on her sweet features and predicted that she'd be a great beauty someday.
At the age of eight, she already knew how to read, write, sing, sew and was starting to slowly master High Valyrian. Many lords whispered that she was far better suited to run someday Bear Island than her brother Lord Rodrik, two years her junior, who was spoiled, hot-tempered and was already rather fond of girls, angering the village by lifting the little girls' (and not so little) skirts.
Soon, a raven was sent before her tenth nameday; Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen offered to take Aurynn to her court in exchange for House Mormont's loyalty and generous gifts. Lady Alys Blackwood, Aurynn's mother and aunt of Samwell Blackwood, encored it, ordering the best dresses and furs for her daughter of the colours red, black and brown: House Targaryen and Mormont's. With a loyal guard to keep the lady safe, Aurynn was shipped to Dragonstone. There, she bent the knee and presented the Princess with a precious and heavy necklace which resembled the crown of King Jaehaerys, which the princess adored and thanked by kissing each cheek of the strikingly beautiful little girl.
Closest in age to Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, they soon became the closest friends, and both were devoted to one another, and often took on the role of the second parent of Prince Lucerys and Prince Joffrey. When the fight in which Prince Aemond's eye was lost, Mushroom swears that Lady Mormont had punched Daeron in the throat, while Maester Glyadyn affirms that she stayed behind, soothing Princess Helaena, shouting for Laenor or Ser Erryk, all in vain. However, when questioning came in, King Viserys, deeming her a neutral party, asked her if Aemond had truly called the boys bastards, in which she says he did, and Aegon and Daeron egged him on. It is said that Lord Mormont demanded a compensation for the trauma his precious Northern Sapphire had gone through. It was Lady Alys and Lady Aurynn herself who soothed her father's rage, and agreed to a coffer of gold and the promise to assign a far more prestigious knight to protect the lady.
While she was not present during Lady Laena's funeral or Rhaenyra's wedding to Prince Daemon, she was widely vocal about her joy over the marriage, even if it was rushed. While it set her at odds with other lords salivating over the widowed princess, they said nothing, deeming her as a small girl who has read far too many romance books. It did not set her at odds with the princes and ladies Baela and Rhaena, to whom she was attached to the hip. They had an overall good childhood, and when Vermax was big enough, he often took her riding, soaring the skies.
However, the moment Baela and Jace were betrothed, something inside her told her to keep her distance from Jace, and he from her. He had told her, expecting of her a reaction. She instead simply smiled and congratulated him on the nuptials and closed the door. For a long time, she learned to repress her feelings, and never once resented Baela for what had been a plain as day Westerosi betrothal among the Great Houses.
However, her life would change forevermore the moment Princess Rhaenyra changed the rules of the game by betrothing her to Prince Jacaerys and betrothed Baela to her lord brother Rodrik.
This decision would have consequences that would become key parts of what would be known as the Dance of the Dragons, in which Aurynn would take part and survive... at a high price."
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
HotD OCs Introduction!
Bc I should work first on my GoT ocs but nooo, let's do first the spin-off! (I'm sorry @randomestfandoms-ocs that you had to hear me being annoying about them lmao) (I wanted also one or two boys but sadly the vibes didn't show up so we'll see lmao) Also, working on got ocs and three new houses (one just hotd, one just got, one connects both) so stay tuned I suppose lol 👀
Heleanora Targaryen - Aemma dies and her only child survives; Rhaenyra loves her but she's kinda cold with her; gets attached to Alicent bc she raises her as hers; Team Green; Aemond ship FC: Tamzin Marchant
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Maerea Targaryen - Aemma and her child (Baelon) die but the other twin survives; nobody says this outloud to Viserys but a lot of the lords blame her for killing the Queen and even worse the possible heir; Rhaenyra is all not on my watch and takes her under her wing; engaged with Aemond but runs away to Dragonstone; Team Black FC: Frida Gustavsson
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Laenyra Velaryon - Jace's younger twin; lesbian icon; refuses absolutely to marry anyone and lies to everyone saying that she's infertile to escape that (what a queen honestly); Team Black; starcrossed lovers with Helaena FC: Anna Popplewell
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Nera Waters - Daemon's bastard daughter, lowkey hates her father but adores Rhaenyra (at first); eventually betrays them; toxic af Aegon ship (they actually love each other... in their own fucked up way); Team Green FC: Anya Taylor Joy
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Minella Baratheon - her, Alicent and Rhaenyra were a trio of besties; is so mad at Rhaenyra after the marriage for how she treats Alicent; Team Green; Alicent ship FC: Hailee Steinfeld & Jenna Louise Coleman
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Anise Hightower - Alicent's cousin; younger than Alicent and Rhaenyra? tbd; the only non-valyrian descendant that is a dragonrider; she was basically adopted by her dragon when she was a kid (dragons are like cats lmao); Team Green FC - Daisy Head
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Daenella Targaryen - Viserys and Daemon have a younger brother (not relevant for the Dance cause he dies shortly after Aegon is born), he has two daughters; Daenella is the younger sister; little murderous bitch ngl; gets attached to Aemond when they're kids; Team Green; Aemond ship FC: Thea Sofie Loch Næss
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Visella Targaryen - Viserys and Daemon have a younger brother (not relevant for the Dance cause he dies shortly after Aegon is born), he has two daughters; Visella is the older sister; the best warrior out there; lowkey hates how Cole treats the Velaryon sibs so she befriends and gets attached to them; Team Black; Jace ship FC: Katheryn Winnick
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ashley-jones · 2 years
To Which You Crave
Aemond Targaryen x Married Sister OC x Alys Rivers
OC Name: Visella Targaryen
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It is our fate, I think, to crave what is given to others. If one posseses a thing, the other will take it away. - Helaena Targaryen
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From the moment she was born into this world as the youngest child of King Viserys the Peaceful and Queen consort Alicent Hightower, that she would be queen. She married her oldest brother Aegon Targaryen, the favorite but useless spoiled rotten boy. She gave birth to two very healthy pureblooded Targaryen boys, each looking like her and Aegon. She did the unspeakable, something men haven’t been able to do in thousands of years, tamed one of the untamable dragons, the most dangerous and most powerful dragon, Cannibal at only the age of 6. It was a mistake, her and Aemond had just gone for a morning walk like they did every morning, to which she had borrowed Sunfyre for a ride due to Aegon never taking him out. While resting she had entered a passage that led her straight into the cannibal’s trap of corpses. 
His deathly green eyes had sat on her the moment she entered his territory, standing to his larger, overbearing monstrous height. His head reminded her of Balerion, the black dread’s skull that sits in King's Landing. He looked so much larger than Vaghar, her great aunt Leana’s dragon. He let out a loud roar that shook the ground and the skies. Her long white hair blew back behind her ruining the once perfect braid. Aemond had frozen about 30 feet behind her, unable to yell for his sister as she looked up at the dragon with pure amazement. A ball of fire could be seen filling the dragon’s throat, and as the flames were seconds from hitting her, the dragon stopped. She was smiling, her young childish features had turned to a beautiful smile staring up at him with pure amazement and giddy. The flames disappeared, slowly leaned his head down to which she reached her hand out until her tiny palm touched his snout. A deep rumbling purr escaped him, her fingers gliding along the pitch black night colored scales. “My dragon..” she whispered. 
When she turned to say something to Aemond he had disappeared, Sunfyre still standing watching her closely. “Aemond?” she called out. But nothing, he had walked away not saying anything going straight back to King's Landing. 
    When she returned home riding the black beast, all she got was stares of amazement from the handlers. Jace and Luke watched in terror, the same with Rhaenyra once the blacks realized the greens had a very strong and overpowering dragon on their side. Alicent was quick to make sure her daughter was okay, Aemond standing in the back listening to Aegon’s teasing of still not having a dragon. But Viserys congratulated her on conquesting something men haven’t been able to touch in thousands of years. 
    That was 11 years ago, when she was still young and innocent. Before she married Aegon and had children. Before her older brother Aemond lost his eye to their nephew Lucerys. Before he gained Vaghar, the second largest dragon in the world. But now she’s grown up, learned what kind of world she lives in. She’s lost count how many times she has entered her and Aegon’s chambers to find him with a whore, to which she would turn and just walk out; having come so used to the sight that it no longer bothers her. Usually when it came to this she would just take her two boys and go straight to Aemond’s room, which they seemed to much prefer over their own father. 
    “Visella, what do you think of this one?” Helaena questioned her younger sister. The younger turned her head away from the book Aemond was reading looking at the spider embroidery. “It's beautiful, sweet thing.” she softly replied. To which Helaena smiled and looked away moving onto another embroidery. Her sons were playing with two dragon figures, one of pitch black the other green and silver. Her lilac gaze moved back to the book that was still partially resting on her thigh and Aemond’s. Her gaze scanned the pages, reading over each line; but her attention would be stolen every few minutes when her boys would talk, or Helaena would ask her questions or mutter to herself. 
Soon the midwives came in to collect the boys to lay them down for a nap, each bowing to the three then walking out holding the boys hands. Aemond closed the boy after sliding the ribbon into place and setting it aside. Helaena stood muttering about nearly missing classes, saying her goodbyes to her younger siblings then walking out whispering to herself. Visella stood walking towards the place her sons had been playing, kneeling and beginning to pick their toys up to place them back into the basket. “Was he with another again?” Aemond questioned. “He was, yes.” she answered. She set the two dragons on top and placed the basket by the door so she would remember to grab it when leaving. “It removes his attention from me, to which I am perfectly fine with.” she simply said. Rejoining her seat on the floor, to which he had moved back to the chair, he head moved to sit against his leg. 
His hand pushed through her white hair, carefully brushing out any knots the boys had placed when messing with her hair earlier in the afternoon. Her purple haze soon turned blac as her lids closed, eyelashes grazing her cheeks. Taking care of the boys mainly by herself was exhausting. When they cried at night in the next room she was the only one to get up to handle them, Aegon muttering about the noise then just going back to sleep too drunk to care. Then she would spend the rest of her night rocking them back to forth. Aemond has actually entered the nursery once or twice to her physically rocking Rhaegal, but mentally she was asleep, mind exhausted and unconscious, but body on active mode. Hell Aegon has walked in on it as well, only to walk out calling her crazy. 
“Ziry gaomas daor gūrogon ao.” (he does not deserve you.) he muttered. “Mm Hae ao gaomagon telling nyke lēkia.” (Mm.. As you keep telling me brother..) she whispered. “Kesā sagon iā rōvēgrie dāria though mandia.” (You will be a great queen though sister.) he whispered. “Mērī sȳrkta lo nyke skoriot naejot sagon ondoso aōha paktot instead hen zirȳla.” (Only better if I were to be by your side instead of him.) he added. Slowly she lifted her head, placing her chin on his knee smiling up at him. “You would make a true king.” she whispered. She slowly stood, straightening out her gown. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Eman naejot jikagon ñuha jorrāelagon.” (I have to go, my love.) she whispered. Leaning down she placed her lips against his, arm tightening around her waist trying to pull her down onto him, but she pulled away before he could. She kissed his forehead, moving away smiling softly and leaving the room with the basket of toys sitting on her arm. 
Yes Visella Targaryen, the youngest daughter of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, sister wife of Aegon ii Targaryen, mother of Rheagal and Copious Targaryen, and the rider of the Cannibal Dragon; is having an affair with her older brother Aemond Targaryen. Aegon didn’t show her any love unless he was drunk, or in one of his rare vulnerable moments. However, Aemond took care of her, played with her children, read to them, and even taught them how to ride dragons. In other words, he was everything she wanted in a husband, everything she longed for; everything Aegon was not. 
She opened the door to her and her husband’s chambers, smelling Aegon’s bath oils in the air. The sheets had been freshly changed, her nightgown laying neatly at the bottom ready to be put on this eve. Setting the basket down she walked towards the connected nursery, ignoring her husband’s call of her name and entering the nursery. Both boys were fast asleep in fresh clothes, fixing their blankets and making sure their stuffed animals were placed back beside them. Quietly she walked back into her room, closing the door quietly and walking towards her husband. “You left so suddenly this morning my dear wife.” he whispered with a cocky smile. “I had more important matters to tend to.” she firmly answered. “Always so serious..” he whispered. After a brief glance at him, she shrugged and walked away, no longer interested in what he was saying.
“Should I be worried about the fact Rhaegal is calling out Aemond’s name every three words?” Aegon questioned his wife. “Aemond is around him more.” she answered. “You know he can’t love you fully. Not with this new Alys Rivers in the picture.” he pushed. She froze her doings with her earrings, hands falting in place, eyes moving towards her husband. “I am in no relation with anyone other than you Aegon.” she muttered. “You always were a horrible liar. Though I cannot be angry with you, when I myself have been no better.” he spoke. “How long have you known?” she asked. Walking over she sat on the tub looking at his relaxed form, his lilac haze sitting against her own. “I hear of it from the maids, and you leave in the middle of the night sometimes, then return covered in bruises and bites. You have done your duties for heirs, we both have. I show no problem with this affair, because I know it hadn’t started until after you had the boys.” he explained. She looked at him with a shocked expression, confusion dripping from her gaze. “I love you Visella, but not the way they expect me to. But Aemond has been sending letters back and forth to a woman by the name of Alys Rivers, they speak of marriage and possible future children.” he informed. 
Her gaze moved away staring at the stone floor, knowing her relationship with Aemond was possibly too good to be true. She hummed in acknowledgment, leaning over kissing his temple to which he leaned into enjoying the small comfort. “Don’t take too long.” she whispered. Slowly standing she walked out of their chambers, making her way out of the castle towards the beach area. Cannibal and Vaghar laid a far distance between the two, the older female dragon refusing to get within 40 feet of the Cannibalistic dragon, to which Cannibal seemed perfectly fine with. His large black scaled head lifted, horns dripping with sand; emerald green eyes pushed into her. “Rytsas jorrāelagon.” (Hello love.) she softly spoke up to him. A deep rumbling purr escaped him, shaking the ground beneath her feet. He slowly stood shaking the sand from his body, then shifting, leaning his large body over pressing his shoulder to the sand allowing her to step up onto him. No saddle, ladders, or even ropes were placed on him; no one was able to get close enough to place them. But she found it more natural, more comfortable, especially for a dragon that had been untamed for almost a thousand years. He stood up once she was sitting comfortably, moving back and stepping through the water to gain leverage, lifting his body into the air. “Soar rȳ se jēdar ñuha taoba.” (Soar through the sky my boy.) she spoke. He rumbled a deep purr, a deathly sky shattering roar erupted from him awakening the world as Cannibal took to the skies
“Your sister, the soon to be queen, she is quite pretty is she not.” Alys whispered. Aemond froze at those words, his hand stopping their menstruations in her hair. “Yes she is, she’s the Aphroditi of King's Landing as the people call her.” Aemond answered slowly, uncertain of his choice of words. “You don’t have to hide your love for her, my love, there is truly nothing wrong with it. Your brother treats her horribly, you are just giving her the love she deserves.” she whispered. Aemond moved his hand away from her sitting up, not liking the feeling of this conversation. “Why bring my sister up?” he questioned. “Because you love her as you love me.” she whispered. 
The roar of Cannibal shook the lands, his head lifting and turning, feeling the vibrations of his deep dominating roar course through the skies, forcing the clouds to split for his and his rider’s entrance. Alys stood walking towards the window, looking up towards the sky, the dragon’s tail being engulfed by the clouds, but his large shadow still could be seen through the white thickness. Her shimmering emerald eyes of evil shone, but darkened at the same time. It was not a look he liked, he wanted to protect his little sister, his mistress, from becoming more a prominent target. 
"Why not ask her to join our humble affair, my dearest love?” Alys whispered. 
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blood0fthedragon · 3 months
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Rhaenyra Targaryen, Shaera Sand, Visella Targaryen, Arthur Bracken and Aegon Targaryen in What Will Survive of Us (Is Love)
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naomimakesart · 1 year
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Commission for @montjoyswp of their OC Visella Targaryen!
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wweskywalker · 1 year
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Summer Commissions: Batch 1 🌞✨ DO NOT REPOST ‼️
Daughter of Laenor and Rhaenyra (OC) with Grey Ghost commissioned by NerdAsoiaf on twitter
Visella (OC) and Otto Hightower commissioned by @montjoyswp
ASOIAF OCs commissioned by @lawolfe
Daemon Targaryen (show) and Aenya (OC) commissioned by @ruby-dragon
Rhaenyra’s younger sister (OC) commissioned by annalee_010_
💛 Batch 2 has already started! Orders will go on waiting list until slots are full 💛
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dragonstonelurker · 4 months
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Sketches of my Oc’s for firstborn of Rhaenyra according to the AU’S in my series “The Husbands of Rhaenyra Targaryen” https://archiveofourown.org/series/3082740
1. Visella Targaryen. Firstborn daughter and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Samwell Blackwood from The Time of the Young https://archiveofourown.org/works/54566476
2. Visenya Targaryen. Firstborn daughter and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Tyland Lannister from Dragon's fire, Lion's Teeth https://archiveofourown.org/works/43941288
3. Aerion Targaryen. Firstborn son and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Qoren Martell from The Beauty of Marriage https://archiveofourown.org/works/41258193/chapters/103439316
4. Baelon Targaryen. Firstborn son and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Baelon Targaryen from Bloody, Bare and Untamed https://archiveofourown.org/works/41970378
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salialenart · 1 year
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Commission work for @montjoyswp of their character Visella Targaryen with her dragon Abaraxas
Their work in wattpad is Rotted Tradition
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swordshq · 9 months
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a new player in the game of thrones has arrived ... we welcome the arrival of renyse caron, triston florent and merrick goodbrother to king's landing ! your presence is expected within twenty four hours and your guide can be found here. aiysha hart, matteo martari and peter gadiot are now unavailable. * one of royce caron's half siblings, alina lannister's former brother in law and isabela tyrell's betrothed connection are now unavailable.
(  AIYSHA HART,  CIS WOMAN,  SHE/HER.  )  could  that  really  be  RENYSE  CARON,  the  LADY  of  NIGHTSONG  entering  the  keep  ?  king’s  landing  is  sure  to  benefit  from  the  THIRTY   year  old’s  ability  to  be  both  RESILLIENT  and  REALISTIC,  but  beware,  whispers  also  say  they  have  been  known  to  be  MELANCHOLIC  and  AVOIDANT.  their  loyalty  belongs  to  HOUSE  BARATHEON and HOUSE CARON  and  they  SUPPORT  the  notion  of  peace  throughout  westeros.  /  JEN, SHE/HER,  29,  GMT. *applying for royce caron's half sister connection.
(  MATTEO MARTARI,  CIS MAN,  HE/HIM.  )  could  that  really  be  TRISTON  FLORENT,  the  RULING LORD REGENT  of  BRIGHTWATER  entering  the  keep  ?  king’s  landing  is  sure  to  benefit  from  the THIRTY - SEVEN  year  old’s  ability  to  be  both  CALCULATING  and OBSERVANT,  but  beware,  whispers  also  say  they  have  been  known  to  be  COMPETITIVE  and  EVASIVE.  their  loyalty  belongs  to  HOUSE FLORENT and THE REACH  and  they  ARE  INDIFFERENT  TO  the  notion  of  peace  throughout  westeros.  /  JEN, SHE/HER,  29,  GMT. *applying for Alina Lannister's former brother-in-law and Isabela Tyrell's bethrothed.
(  PETER GADIOT,  CIS MAN,  HE/HIM.  )  could  that  really  be  MERRICK GOODBROTHER,  the  LORD of  HAMMERHORN  entering  the  keep  ?  king’s  landing  is  sure  to  benefit  from  the  THIRTY - TWO  year  old’s  ability  to  be  both  ADAPTABLE  and  LOYAL,  but  beware,  whispers  also  say  they  have  been  known  to  be  IMPULSIVE  and  FOOLHARDY.  their  loyalty  belongs  to  HOUSE GOODBROTHER and VISELLA TARGARYEN   and  they  OPPOSE  the  notion  of  peace  throughout  westeros.  /  JEN, SHE/HER,  29,  GMT.
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darkestspring · 2 years
for names for daemon's daughter-
aera, aelyra, gaella, haera, maegara, malaenia, rhaenara/rhaenora, rhaelyra, saena, vaena, vaenara/vaenora, valaera, vhalora, vhagara, vhamyra/vhanyra/vhalyra, visella/visaella
considering one of my biggest ocs is named aelyra, i will pass on that one. the one i thought fit the most in my mind was maegara, which reminded me of megaera, who was one of the furies in greek mythologies, one of hades torturers. her title was grudging. so maegara targaryen it is!
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noeverse · 5 months
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Lady Aurynn Mormont and Lord Rodrik Mormont, a brief story according to Maester Eustace;
Despite Aurynn being the eldest, she was never once treated as the heir of Bear Island, but rather her younger brother Rodrik. Both grew up in different circles: where her ladyship was proud, fierce and cautious, Rodrik was hedonistic, strong-tempered and highly ambitious. Having been left orphaned at just 14 and 11, their guardian, not having economic means to raise them both, sent the young, pretty Aurynn to be raised among Princess Rhaenyra's children, a promise to one day attend the much desired daughter of the princess. During that time, Aurynn made lifelong connections, such as her future husband Jacaerys, the Dragon Twins and many of the princess' party. She was probably the most comely and lovely of the girls at the princess' court, with a sharp wit, incredible sense of humour that delighted the princess and an unique fashion sense, for her hair was so long she could very well sit on it and was often in complex coiffeurs, and favoured purple and navy blue, as well as expensive fur made from the fiercest bears of Bear Island, a yearly gift from her lord brother as a way of ensuring that she didn't forget her house. At age sixteen, Princess Rhaenyra changed her chess pieces and instead married the beloved and most elegible Aurynn to Jacaerys, and Baela would marry her brother Rodrik instead.
It took Prince Daemon a while to accept this, but after cunning Aurynn wrote a witty and comedic poem to the couple, he accepted her and asked her to love well his son, which she bowed deeply and promised to give his grace nothing but the very best. The double wedding was celebrated three weeks after, and the prince seemed enamored by his bride, which surprised nobody. Baela seemed reluctant because of Rodrik's hedonistic and queer lifestyle, but the morning of their first day as a married couple dropped to his knees before his in-laws and declared that the moment he was promised to Baela he had sworn off such boyish behaviour and would be a new, better man for her, which delighted the couple.
Soon, Aurynn was with child, and Prince Jacaerys, overjoyed, asked for his mother for a joust in such honour, which she gladly granted. Lady Aurynn proved to take pregnancy with poise and grace worthy of a future queen, and if she payed any mind to the symptoms, she said no such thing aloud.
Prince Jacaerys was sent to fight some battles in his mother's name, and kissing heavily pregnant child goodbye, went off to war. Rodrik accompanied him, not before announcing alongside Baela that they too were expecting their first child. Sadly, Prince Jacaerys perished, and everyone at Dragonstone heard Dowager Princess Aurynn's howls of pain. Fearing that the Greens could target her, Rodrik asked the Sea Snake for a strong ship to carry to safety the heir and its mother to impenetrable Bear Island.
Lord Cregan Stark, fulfilling his promise to Prince Jacaerys, started to march down, and heard of the famed beauty Princess Aurynn having stopped in the Riverlands after escaping a storm, and demanded to meet the princess whose beauty couldn't be kept from every man's mouth, and when he saw her, he was struck by her beauty and intelligence, and instead offered Winterfell as a refuge, reminding the princess of the bond with her late husband, which she accepted.
Now leaving for Winterfell, the dowager princess went into labour three days after arriving to Winterfell to a beautiful baby girl, whom she named Visenya Velaryon, and was healthy enough to write to Queen Rhaenyra about how the princess had the late Prince's sweet features and soft brown hair. Sadly, said joy was short-lived, for the babe contacted an illness that killed her in her mother's arms. Her wails of pain and sorrow were heard all over Winterfell, and felt all along the north. Not even sweet Sara Snow's comforts could cure the princess' pain.
During the Hour of the Wolf, Rodrik and Baela, alongside their baby daughter Laena were held hostage by King Aegon II, and chained, for they feared that they might attack the king in an organised attack.
After the deaths of both Queen Rhaenyra and King Aegon, Rodrik was brought into question by Cregan himself, and he, having learned the cunning ways of his sister, used Lord Stark's feelings for his lady sister as a way of getting away from a punishment, and was sent back to Bear Island with a large fine and the promise of Aurynn's hand in marriage in exchange of him giving up Alyssane Blackwood.
Cregan Stark rode back to Winterfell, looking forward marrying Princess Aurynn, to whom upon arriving, went straight to her bedchambers and dropped to his knees and swore love and fealty to her, declaring he had loved her from the moment they first spoke. She accepted with the condition that he never once involved himself in such wars unless it affected Winterfell. Three months later, having recovered from childbirth, they both were married in a lavish wedding, for Lord Cregan paid no expense. One could tell he was deeply enamored by Princess Aurynn, and she had begun to love him as well.
They were married for a decade and four years, Aurynn delivering a child every year, but only four daughters survived infancy: Lyanna, Shireen, Judynn and Ayrin Stark. Lord Cregan loved them very much, but many feared that he had only one heir. Indeed, Rickon's death changed him, for Lady Aurynn caught Cregan red-handed with his distant cousin and who would be his third and last wife. After a heavy argument, Aurynn packed essentials and sailed towards King's Landing, where she exposed King Aegon III her case for a divorce, a formal separation at best. Aegon, seeing that she had no male sons and Cregan had been unfaithful, compared to virtuous and beloved Aurynn, accepted the divorce and signed it himself. In exchange, feeling indebted to who had been once his sister-in-law, offered her a new marriage prospect: Alyn Velaryon, a man that seemed to match the lady's character. The lady accepted with the condition that it'd take the next year so all divorce could be settled.
And thus, Aurynn and Alyn were married in front of King Aegon's eyes in a handsome and elaborate wedding, where Rodrik walked Aurynn for the last time, his daughters Laena and Rhaenys as flower girls. They soon moved to Pentos, away from Westeros and Cregan's jealousy. Aurynn became pregnant once more, and delivered a strikingly beautiful girl, Daena Velaryon, whom they sent to serve to the new queen, Daenera Velaryon. She seemed to enjoy being there, for often Aurynn commented to her husband about how she enjoyed being with her cousins Laena and Rhaenys, and to see Rodrik's only son Aemon become a grown, handsome man.
However, the marriage proved to be incompatible, and when Alyn wasn't gallivanting with a lover, he was at sea, where he was eventually lost. Swearing off a fourth marriage, Aurynn instead moved to a quaint house in King's Landing, where she sought the close friendship and companionship of Princess Visella Targaryen, soon attached to the hip, maybe too close for Westerosi society. She lived her remaining life by giving prosperous matches to her daughters and spoiling her nephew and nieces rotten, all with Visella close behind.
As for Rodrik, he and Baela were a never-ending fairytale, riding dragons together and enjoying a quiet life with their three children and staying away from politics. Their daughters were married to prominent houses, and their son married later in life, having built for himself an impressive career. @blood0fthedragon @mini-kunoichi (inspired by @emilykaldwen & @huramuna )
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
What are your ocs reactions to Alicent trying to get Luke's eye in Driftmark?
Uh uh this is a nice question!! Mostly, doesn't matter which side they're on, are very much "Alicent wtf" bc yeah but specifically:
Heleanora doesn't really care in that moment tbh. Like, she's freaking out bc Aemond just lost an eye, she's basically all worried about him and doesn't really pay attention to all the mess that is happening (but she would be against it if she was more aware)
Maerea is all "I'm gonna stab the Queen if she only tries to touch Luke, no regrets and no fear of consequences" ngl
Laenyra jumps in front of Luke and offers her own eye. That's it. She is just thinking about protecting her baby brother and is ready to sacrifice herself just to keep him safe.
Minella tries to calm her down. She understands that Alicent is mad but she was on the right until she decided to attack Luke and Rhaenyra.
Daenella is all oh oh yes I like where this is going (she's a murderous bitch and Aemond is basically her favourite person okay) while her sister Visella is all Dally wtf no this is so wrong
Nera Waters and Anise Hightower are not there (Nera isn't yet that much in the plot and Anise is not there for redacted reasons lol)
(Working on other ocs so yeah but these are the ones already setted)
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years
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Viserra Velaryon: She was the first daughter of Lucerys and Rhaena Targaryen, as well as being the most scandalous granddaughter of Queen Rhaenyra I.
She was engaged to Lord Royce Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, but she Viserra was an ambitious young woman and she considered Lord Royce little to the granddaughter of a queen refusing marriage. Viserra wished to marry her cousin, Aerion Targaryen, who was second in line to be queen, but her father denied him this as punishment for publicly humiliating Lord Royce Baratheon. In the end Aerion married her other cousin, Jaena, with whom he had a good marriage.
The marriage between her sister and her cousin was a tragedy for Viserra because she considered herself more beautiful, friendly and smart than Jaena. Despite this she tried to become the lover of the prince thus seeking her crown, even entering her rooms completely naked of her, but Aerion disowned her. This event was the talk of the court and Viserra was compared to Princess Viserra Targaryen, the daughter of Jaehaerys I and one of the most beautiful young women of her time.
Viserra Velaryon died unexpectedly at the age of 21, supposedly from tuberculosis, but according to her teachers, her sister Jaena would have poisoned her so that she would leave her husband alone.
Ala Velaryon: she was she Mistress of Storm's End by marrying Royce Baratheon and to whom she bore two sons, Rober and Borros Baratheon.
After her older sister Viserra rejected and humiliated Royce Baratheon, her father, Lucerys publicly apologized to him and offered her daughter Ala as a wife to whom Lord Royce agreed to marry. Ala married Lord Royce in 151 a. C. She, despite not being very pretty, stood out for her cheekbones, her big eyes and her breasts.
The couple was stable despite the fact that Royce had some lovers, but Lady Ala turned a blind eye and was dedicated to her only two children, in addition to seeking advantageous marriages for them. In 175 Royce Baratheon passed away from a strange disease in her intimate parts and Ala stayed away from the public eye, she dressed in mourning until her last days and only dedicated herself to reading or taking care of her grandchildren.
Ala Velaryon passed away in early 200 a. C., at 65 years of a heart attack and she asked to be buried next to her mother in Marcaderiva.
-Rober Baratheon was Lord of Storm's End. He married a woman from House Tarth who bore him four children.
-Borros Baratheon was a squire to King Jacaerys I and married Tya Lannister with whom he had three children.
Jaena Velaryon: She was queen of the Seven Kingdoms by marrying Aerion I Targaryen to whom she bore five children.
She was chosen by her cousin to be her wife when she was a 14-year-old girl, this decision angered her older sister, Viserra, who wished to marry Aerion.
Jaena and Aerion married being a happy marriage, in addition to having many things in common such as the love of gambling or taking on dragons. Viserra Velaryon tried to become her cousin's lover on several occasions, but Aerion refused to give in and considered her a prostitute, in addition to creating a great rivalry between the sisters for the prince's affection, Jaena always having her attention. In the end, her sister Viserra passed away unexpectedly in 155 a. C., creating the rumor that Jaena poisoned her so that she would stop intervening in her marriage.
The couple had many tense moments, but one of them was when their two young children, Valerion and Aegon, passed away during their childhood, creating an inheritance problem. Her husband ended up getting involved with Lady Floris Baratheon who, being an older woman, gave him a son, Aerion Mares, and this was humiliating for Jaena. In the end, her father-in-law and uncle, Jacaerys I, warned her son that her only heir is his daughter, Rhaenyra, and to disown his lover.
In the end the couple reconciled by returning to a normal married life. After the rebellion of Aenar Targaryen this and his uncle Jacaerys signed an alliance where Aenar would be king if he married Princess Rhaenyra and both reigned jointly. This was not to Jaena's liking thinking that her cousin could hurt her daughter and take her throne so she taught her daughter to be strong willed, intelligent and passionate.
Aerion and Jaena became kings of the Seven Kingdoms in 179 a. C., the queen was considered a calm, loyal and maternal woman being well regarded by her contemporaries. In 191 a. C., her husband died after a long illness and this death hurt Jaena so much that she decided to take refuge in a convent where she would cry and pray for the eternal rest of her husband. For 8 years Jaena lived in unfavorable conditions and did not eat regularly, losing much of her charm and health. In the end the queen she ended up dying at age 60 due to the terrible conditions that she was undergoing.
Esteban Velaryon: He was the founder of the Valeryon House, a cadet house of the Velaryon.
Like his father Lucerys, he was a suitor to the Lordship of Driftmark, but due to his father's supposed bastard origins and the legitimization of Addam and Alyn Velaryon, it was impossible to achieve the position. Esteban sought to fulfill the wishes of his father, but it was impossible for him to achieve this and he decided to found his own royal house, "Valeryon" in a nearby domain that was given to him by Addam Velaryon.
Esteban had many lovers, but it is known that he was the favorite of Ellyn Baratheon who was almost 25 years older than his and gave him some sums of money in exchange for pleasure. Lord Valeryon had a passionate affair with her aunt Visenya Targaryen, after she became the widow of Donnel Arryn. In the end the lovers married with the permission of Jacaerys I and had a passionate, happy and fertile marriage, eventually having seven living children.
Esteban was found dead in strange circumstances around the year 194 at the age of 54, his body had been found in the sea by his son, Aemon.
-Mihirima Valeryon, third wife of his uncle, Joffrey Velaryon.
-Aemon Valeryon, was head of House Valeryon when his father died. He married her cousin, Daenys Velaryon, daughter of Addam Velaryon and had three children with her.
-Rhaenyra Valeryon, was the wife of Garmund Hightower and they had five children.
-Baelon Valeryon, Master in the Citadel.
-Visella Valeryon, Septa.
-Rhaena Valeryon, was the wife of Prince Maekar Targaryen, son of Rhaenyra II Targaryen.
-Vaegon Valeryon, member of the Gold Cloaks and four bastard sons.
Corwyn Velaryon: He was a sworn Brother of the Royal Guard and it is believed that he was also a sorcerer who was involved in the murder of his brother Esteban or that of the Lord Commander of the Royal Guard, Robert Flowers.
He passed away at the age of 40 from strange stomach problems. He was supposedly poisoned by his sins.
Marya Velaryon: she was engaged to her brother Corwyn hers, but the princess contracted winter fever and passed away from it at the age of 11. Her death killed her mother, Rhaena Targaryen who had already suffered with the death of her little brother.
Aegon Velaryon: He was a small and fragile baby who passed away in his first year.
Viserra Velaryon: Fue la primer hija de Lucerys y Rhaena Targaryen, además de ser la nieta mas escandalosa de la reina Rhaenyra I.
Estaba comprometida con Lord Royce Baratheon, Señor de Bastión de Tormenta, pero Viserra era una joven ambiciosa y consideraba a Lord Royce poca cosa para la nieta de una reina negándose al matrimonio. Viserra deseaba casarse con su primo, Aerion Targaryen que era el segundo en la linea de sucesión y así poder ser reina, pero su padre le negó esto como castigo por humillar públicamente a Lord Royce Baratheon. Al final Aerion se caso con su otra prima, Jaena con la cual tuvo un buen matrimonio.
El casamiento entre su hermana y su primo fue una tragedia para Viserra debido a que se consideraba mas hermosa, simpática y lista que Jaena. Pesé a esto ella trato de convertirse en la amante del príncipe buscando de ese modo su corona, incluso entrando en sus habitaciones completamente desnuda, pero Aerion la repudió. Este acontecimiento fue la comidilla de la corte y Viserra fue comparada con la princesa Viserra Targaryen, la hija de Jaehaerys I y una de las jóvenes mas hermosas de su tiempo.
Viserra Velaryon falleció inesperadamente a los 21 años de edad supuestamente de tuberculosis, pero según los maestres, su hermana Jaena la habría envenenado para que así dejara en paz a su marido.
Ala Velaryon: Fue Señora de Bastión de Tormenta al casarse con Royce Baratheon y al cual le dio dos hijos varones, Rober y Borros Baratheon.
Tras que su hermana mayor, Viserra rechazara y humillara a Royce Baratheon, su padre, Lucerys se disculpo públicamente con el y le ofreció a su hija, Ala como esposa a lo que Lord Royce acepto casarse. Ala se caso con Lord Royce en 151 d. C., pese a no ser muy agraciada destacaba por sus pómulos, sus grandes ojos y pechos. 
La pareja fue estable pese a que Royce tenía algunas amantes, pero Lady Ala hacia la vista gorda y se dedicaba a sus dos únicos hijos, además de buscarles ventajosos matrimonios. En 175 falleció Royce Baratheon por una extraña enfermedad en sus partes intimas y Ala se mantuvo lejos del ojo publico, vistió de luto hasta sus últimos días y solo se dedico a leer o cuidar de sus nietos.
Ala Velaryon falleció a principios del 200 d. C., a los 65 años de un ataque al corazón y pidió ser enterrada junto a su madre en Marcaderiva.
-Rober Baratheon fue Señor de Bastión de Tormenta. Se caso con una mujer de la Casa Tarth la cual le dio cuatro hijos.
-Borros Baratheon fue escudero del rey Jacaerys I y se caso con Tya Lannister con la cual tuvo tres hijos.
Jaena Velaryon: Fue reina de los Siete Reinos al casarse con Aerion I Targaryen al cual le dio cinco hijos.
Fue elegida por su primo para ser su esposa cuando era una niña de 14 años, esta decisión enfureció a su hermana mayor, Viserra la cual deseaba desposarse con Aerion. 
Jaena y Aerion se casaron siendo un matrimonio feliz, además de tener muchas cosas en común como el amor a los juegos de azar o a tomar en dragones. Viserra Velaryon trato de convertirse en la amante de su primo en varias ocasiones, pero Aerion se negaba a ceder y la considero una meretriz, además de crearse una gran rivalidad entre las hermanas por el cariño del principe siendo siempre Jaena la que tenia su atención. Al final su hermana Viserra falleció inesperadamente en 155 d. C., creándose el rumor de que Jaena la enveneno para así que dejara de intervenir en su matrimonio.
La pareja tuvo numerosos momentos tensos, pero uno de ellos fue cuando sus dos hijos pequeños, Valerion y Aegon fallecieron durante su infancia creándose un problema sucesorio. Su marido se acabo involucrando con Lady Floris Baratheon la cual siendo una mujer ya algo mayor, le dio un hijo varón, Aerion Mares y esto fue humillante para Jaena. Al final su suegro y tío, Jacaerys I le advirtió a su hijo que su única heredera es su hija, Rhaenyra y que repudiara a su amante.
Al final la pareja se reconcilió volviendo a una vida conyugal normal. Tras la rebelión de Aenar Targaryen este y su tío Jacaerys firmaron una alianza donde Aenar sería rey si se casaba con la princesa Rhaenyra y ambos reinaban conjuntamente. Esto no fue del agrado de Jaena pensando que su primo podría lastimar a su hija y quedarse con su trono por lo que enseño a su hija a ser de voluntad fuerte, inteligente y pasional.
Aerion y Jaena se convirtieron en reyes de los Siete Reinos en 179 d. C., la reina fue considerada una mujer tranquila, leal y maternal siendo bien vista por sus contemporáneos. En 191 d. C., falleció su marido tras una larga enfermedad y esta muerte dolió mucho a Jaena que decidió refugiarse en un convento donde lloraría y rezaría por el descanso eterno de su marido. Durante 8 años Jaena vivió en condiciones poco favorables y no comía con regularidad perdiendo gran parte de su encanto y salud. Al final la reina acabo falleciendo a los 60 años por las pésimas condiciones que estaba sometiéndose.
Esteban Velaryon: Fue fundador de la Casa Valeryon, una casa cadete de los Velaryon.
Al igual que su padre, Lucerys, fue un pretendiente al Señorío de Marcaderiva, pero debido a los supuestos orígenes bastardos de su padre y la legitimización de Addam y Alyn Velaryon, era imposible alcanzar el puesto. Esteban busco cumplir los deseos de su padre, pero le fue imposible lograr esto y decidió fundar su propia casa real, “Valeryon” en unos dominios cercanos que le fueron entregados por Addam Velaryon.
Esteban tuvo muchas amantes, pero se sabe que fue el favorito de Ellyn Baratheon que era casi 25 años mayor que el y le daba algunas sumas de dinero a cambio de placer. Lord Valeryon tuvo un apasionado romance con su tía Visenya Targaryen, luego de que esta enviudara de Donnel Arryn. Al final los amantes se casaron con el permiso de Jacaerys I y tuvieron un matrimonio apasionado, feliz y fértil llegando a tener siete hijos vivos.
Esteban fue encontrado muerto en extrañas circunstancias por el año 194 con 54 años, su cuerpo había sido encontrado en el mar por su hijo, Aemon.
-Mihirima Valeryon, tercera esposa de su tío, Joffrey Velaryon.
-Aemon Valeryon, fue cabeza de la Casa Valeryon al morir su padre. Se caso con su prima, Daenys Velaryon, hija de Addam Velaryon y con ella tuvo tres hijos.
-Rhaenyra Valeryon, fue esposa de Garmund Hightower y tuvieron cinco hijos.
-Baelon Valeryon, maestre en la Ciudadela.
-Visella Valeryon, septa.
-Rhaena Valeryon, fue esposa del príncipe Maekar Targaryen, hijo de Rhaenyra II Targaryen.
-Vaegon Valeryon, miembro de las Capas Doradas y cuatro hijos bastardos.
Corwyn Velaryon: Fue Hermano juramentado de la Guardia Real y se cree que también fue un hechicero que estuvo involucrado en el asesinato de su hermano Esteban o el del Lord Comandante de la Guardia Real, Robert Flowers.
Falleció a los 40 años de edad por extraños problemas en el estómagos supuestamente fue envenenado por sus pecados.
Marya Velaryon: Fue comprometida con su hermano Corwyn, pero la princesa contrajo fiebre invernal y falleció de esta a los 11 años de edad. Su muerte mato a su madre, Rhaena Targaryen que ya había sufrido con la muerte de su hermano pequeño.
Aegon Velaryon: Era un bebé pequeño y fragil que falleció al cumplir su primer año.
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noeverse · 3 months
Among Crowns, Chapter One: The Prince and The Man
Author's Notes
I'm freeeeeee!! Exams and school is over, I'm officially 22 and now have the time to write and read, so expect me to be in the trenches! This chapter didn't end like I expected, but I loved sitting down with my charas and see where they took me! I hope you do too. Enjoy!
English isn't my first language, so please forgive any typos/grammar mistakes
If you wish to be tagged, let me know in the notes and comments!
This series is attached to my other fic, 'Burning Bridges (of a kingdom fallen)'
This series will contain canon-typical sexism, sexual themes, violence, infidelity, among other tags I'll add as the story progresses, as well as some takes of mine from both the show HOTD and the book Fire and Blood, as well as some liberties of mine
Visella Targaryen's character, who belongs to @blood0fthedragon is mentioned in this chapter and will make cameos during this first act of the fic
Summary: Jace and Aurynn both react over the betrothal and start to get used to one another. They will be wed soon, after all
Word Count: 3.4k
Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x OFC, eventual Cregan Stark x OFC & Alyn Velaryon x OFC, OFC x OFC (Aurynn Mormont and Visella Targaryen who belongs to @blood0fthedragon )
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Nudity
Tagging: @aeksion-aekse @mini-kunoichi @huramuna @blood0fthedragon
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Jace paced himself, the words sinking in. He had already made peace with marrying Baela, but this was different. This was Lynn.
Lynn, whose kind brown eyes had always soothed his stormy head. Lynn, whose laugh and wit and bravery made him feel better. Lynn, who once made him potato soup when he caught a cold. Lynn, whom he had been mad about ever since he remembered.
He didn’t know when it started. A glance that lasted too long. A laugh that made his heart do summersaults. Or perhaps a game of goose chase. He just turned ten and two when he knew that he loved her earnestly. Her presence was a beacon among his duty, and he had silently died with jealousy when a possible suitor came over her. Luke knew. Baela knew. He was sure his mother knew. All save the woman he wanted to know: Aurynn. He was sure he was either going to faint from joy or throw princely mannerisms through the window when they almost kissed. He wanted to smack Luke then. He almost had her. He wanted her to be his so badly, he almost yelled at Luke.
Jacaerys shook his head. Perhaps being in love made one mad. As he fed Vermax, he saw his mother waltz into the pit, a small smile on her face “Enjoying some alone time before the key events play out?”
He cleared his throat “Something like that.” He caressed his snout and then faced his mother “Why the sudden change? What’s in it for you?”
Rhaenyra sighed. Then, she seemed to decide to be honest with her son, and declared “The North’s allegiance is key. Its most fierce and loyal men come from there. House Mormont is a longtime ally of the Starks. A successful marriage with a comely girl like Aurynn will help you sway the Starks to your side. Besides,” she concluded “one has to see how you look at one another.”
Jace blinked “Pardon? One another?”
Rhaenyra smiled knowingly “As if I haven’t noticed how she looks at you. Your feelings aren’t one-sided, my boy.”
Hope warmed his chest “Are they?”
“Ask her. I believe that she is ashore, preparing for her brother’s arrival. You have a few minutes to spare. Go.”
He kissed his mother’s cheek and ran towards the beach, his heart pounding. Could it be? Could she love him back? He ran, and ran, until he reached her. She was busy chatting with the servants and maids, ordering about as if it was her place.
Upon hearing probably his gallop, she turned around and frowned upon seeing Jace panting and exhausted “Gods, Jace! How long have you been running? Someone fetch the prince a chair and some water!”
As she sat him down, her hands were on his shoulders and ribcage. Her touch was warm and comforting, and she smelled of rosewater, salt and home. Her hair was on a beautiful braid, and had dressed in the Mormont black and maroon.
He couldn’t help it. He stroked her cheek, and her eyes went wide “Lynn…”
Before he could speak, she handed him the cup of water and he obediently drank, exhaustion washing over, his brain fog leaving. He took a few deep breaths, and looked behind her shoulder, where a ship was being commandeered by someone who looked exactly like Lynn. Her brother Rodrik.
Lynn noticed that and turned around, probably beaming as she cried “Brother!” She ran towards him, and he smiled running towards her as well. The siblings embraced, and he lifted her up, making her squeal.
“Ah, Aurynn! Look at yourself, what a handsome young woman you’ve become. I’m sure His Grace will be more than delighted to have a lovely bride by his side.”
Jace got up and dusted himself off. Posturing himself, he confidently strutted towards his brother-in-law and gave him a diplomatic smile “Lord Rodrik. Be welcome to Dragonstone. I hope that the journey wasn’t too perilous?”
“Nothing a bear like me can’t handle. We’re a tough bunch, aren’t we, Lynn?”
Jace looked at her tenderly “I’ve noticed. Your sister is a formidable woman, a paragon of strength and perseverance. I’m lucky to have her as a betrothed.”
Rodrik beamed “I am happy to hear that! Please, do tell me about Baela. What should one expect from her? My advisors can only tell me what they’re allowed to tell.”
With Lynn in tow, they conversed as she seemed to observe the way he treated with her brother, whom she seemed to love. They exchanged a few jokes and tales from Aurynn before she left to Dragonstone. Jace looked at her, amused “I didn’t take you from someone who would spit at a grown man.”
Lynn giggled “In my defence, he was being touchy and rude!”
“I won’t have to save you then?”
Lynn smirked “I could use some assistance in certain circumstances.”
Rodrik teasingly whispered “Do not let her figure fool you. Those knees of hers are of steel, they have broken many noses. Also, I hope you have cat instincts, she’s got the devil’s aim.”
Jace threw his head back and laughed, nodding. He didn’t mind all of that. It was nice, seeing for himself how Aurynn carried herself. Genteel, but fierce. Quiet, but with a commanding voice when it required. Someone who wasn’t helpless. She didn’t behave like a chess piece at his mother’s command, but rather someone who actually seemed humane and genuine. He never once felt like a prince, but as a man his own age, who truly knew nothing of what was most thrown at him.
Not to mention, she also knew how to play her part in the game of thrones, and did it well. He was more than thrilled to be her husband and king. Together, maybe they could make of Westeros something great. Something worth fighting for. He could picture it.
The teasing between siblings brought him back to life, both arguing over something he missed “Now, for the record, even I can have a faulty accuracy every once in a while,” she argued “I truly did not mean to hit the poor babe’s apple!”
“The what now?” Jace blinked, confused.
Rodrik chuckled “A long story, indeed.”
As they neared the gates, Aurynn noticed the cries of the younger princes. Aegon cried loudly, and Viserys was fussing around. Leaving her brother to introduce himself, Lynn wasted no time in picking the crying boy and started cradling him, shushing him gently, patting gently his back. Seeing that it didn’t work, she started humming a melody that her wet nurse used to sing to Rodrik, and started bouncing him, making faces and wide, goofy grins. The baby, curious about the pretty girl’s shenanigans, observed still with teary tears. Not once showing the distress of the attending lady that previously held him, she started making noises with her mouth, rocking him strongly, creating a rhythm that seemed to soothe and amuse the prince. Then, Aegon finally stopped crying and started laughing instead, his little, grubby hands on her face, giggling and looking at Aurynn. She kissed the prince, making noise with her lips, making the young prince squeak of delight. “Who’s the handsomest prince in the land? Is it you, sweetie? Yes, you are!” As if understanding her words, the prince giggled, and Jace’s heart soared with love.
She looked so beautiful, with a smile on her face, a glint in her eyes and a beautiful baby in her arms. But again, she looked good in anything. If he wasn’t certain before of his feelings towards her, he was now.
Giving the baby back to the lady, Aurynn smiled “My princess, my prince, my brother, Lord Rodrik Mormont of Bear Island.”
Bending the knee, Rodrik started talking “It is an honour to be here. I look forward embracing my husbandly duties and being worthy of Lady Baela and your illustrious family.”
Daemon taunted “Even your philandering?”
“Especially that, my prince. I have not even glanced at a woman ever since the negotiations were finished.”
The prince stared long and inquisitively at the boy, who remained on his knees, showing true redemption. Then, he got him up and clapped his back “Wonderful! Let us get you ready to meet my daughter. You smell of beef and salt.”
“As my prince commands.”
Jace whispered “Do you think he was being genuine?”
“He is. I believe that he’s willing to change.”
“Hopefully. Baela is, above all, a good friend whom I wish the very best.”
Aurynn squeezed his hand for one moment. It was smooth and warm, and her perfume invaded his nostrils once again. Following her inside, he then went to find Luke, who was surely chatting with Rhaena.
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Jace once again dreamt of her. She dressed the exact same white dress, leaving his wandering mind to imagine. It was dark, save for the torches and the flowers surrounding the arched door.
He slowly approached her, his fingers burning once again for her touch. His breath was already ragged, and he was only a few inches apart.
“Jace. Oh, Jace, how I’ve longed to see you here.”
“I could not sleep. Not without feeling your warmth before.”
“We are betrothed. Take what you will.”
“Do you want me to, Lynn?”
She instead stood on her toes and kissed him. Sighing, he kissed her back, one hand on her beautiful hair, and the other on her back, as warm as the torch that illuminated her beautiful features. Picking her up, he gently placed her against the fountain and deepened the kiss, rejoicing in her noises and ragged breath. She wanted him, and he was more than happy to be hers in that moment.
When his hand found her dress’ straps, he was blinded “Good morning, my prince,” his companion, who often woke him cheered “today your mother has many plans for your marriage. Let us get you dressed—,” he noticed his flushed face and ragged breath “Ah, dreaming again of Lady Mormont, are we? Let me fetch you some fresh water. Do not fret, the advantage of marriage is that soon, Lady Mormont shall alleviate you in my stead.”
Jace cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed. Drinking heartily the water, he took a deep breath “What do we got today?”
“The princess told me to get you dressed for her announcement. Would you like me to tend to Vermax while you’re there?”
He shook his head “That is alright, simply feed him and I’ll get there once Mother had said her piece.”
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Having dressed in the black ensemble, Jacaerys found that Aurynn, Rodrik and Baela were already there, and Rhaenyra beamed upon seeing her son. Luke must’ve slept in, as per usual in his age. He bowed and took his place beside Aurynn, and after two long minutes in which Daemon strutted into the room, Rhaenyra begun talking “With Lord Rodrik here, and the date of the wedding being pending, Daemon and I have discussed, and having two separate weddings would affect the realm’s coffers. That is why we shall have a double wedding: Jace and Aurynn will wed on the same day Baela and Rodrik wed.”
Daemon continued “Alicent has wed her son Daeron to the beloved Rosyn Westerling. It was a lavish wedding, and many more have considered her cause. We must upstage that wedding and convince the other Great Houses to join our ranks instead. A double wedding will do that. The Tyrells and Arryns have confirmed their attendance, and the Starks are yet to answer, as well as the Tullys, but something tells me they’re just being coy. Those ones love weddings more than anyone.”
“Then we convince them that our wedding is worth attending. A paragon of power, influence, security and showing that we have the upper hand.” Aurynn suggested “Tell your spies to find out what Lady Tully loves in a wedding, and we shall make it happen.”
Rhaenyra glanced appreciatively at Lynn “We shall do that.”
“And…” she added shyly “given how beloved the Westerlings are, if we perhaps show how happy and satisfied Lady Evelyne Westerling is, compared to Rosyn’s reluctance, then all rumours would be shut and Alicent’s whispers would have been told for naught.”
“What do you suggest we do, Lady Mormont?”
She looked at Daemon in the eye “With whispers that slam shut the greens’ whispers: a husband worthy of her. Of the Westerling name. Someone who may make Lady Westerling happy and compel the other houses to attend our festivities.”
“Where is that candidate, I wonder?” Jace thought out loud.
Aurynn whispered to a serving girl, then she rushed off. Two minutes later, she came back with a portrait. A black-haired, handsome and young man stood. The paper read: Rickard Fell, alongside qualities and a personality that matched Evelyne and House Westerling. Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at one another, debating in silence, and nodded “Summon him, then. Let him make his case during the wedding. His ties to both the North and the Riverlands ought to compel Lord Stark and Lord Tully to come. Well done, once again, Aurynn. Day by day, you prove to be worthy of my son.”
She smiled, and bowed deeply “I simply follow your prime example of leadership, my princess.”
Rhaenyra placed a hand on her shoulder, and smiled at her “If I had a thousand men with half your intelligence and cunning, I’d rule the whole world.”
Jace smiled, beaming with pride, happy to see the woman he so adored and his mother bonding “I am grateful that you united us, Mother.”
Rhaenyra didn’t say it out loud, but he knew well what she said: The Seven Kingdoms would be in good hands once it was his turn.
Hopefully that’d be far away from now.
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Back at the study, Jace rejoiced in reading his aunt Visella’s tales from Dorne, and could almost feel the warm sun and the smells around it. Spices, sand, silks, and delicious perfumes and silks.
A knock interrupted his vision.
“Come in.”
It was Aurynn and Luke. His brother peered at his letters “Is that aunt Visella’s letters?”
He nodded “She’s done quite the connections there. Seems happier there than with her dastardly husband in Casterly Rock. Never knew what to do with her.”
Aurynn looked at Jace “You don’t think the heir to House Lannister is worthy of her? He was probably the most eligible bachelor of his age.”
Luke snorted “And, according to Daemon, a blithering idiot who wasn’t man enough to handle a dragon.”
“Luke,” Aurynn chastised him, warning the boy about his language.
“Sorry. We forgot about the fact that you are a lady.”
Lynn shook her head, pinching Luke’s cheek “The Princess’ marriage is none of our business. As long as she’s secured and content, all is well. I’m afraid we’re past impending said marriage. Visella’s a grown woman who can handle her husband’s attitude well enough. Now, leaving this behind, I was hoping to discuss some parts of the wedding. Give it our touch, you know?”
Jace smiled “Of course, Lynn. Do sit.”
“I’ll… go tend to Arrax.” Luke smiled, going away.
Jace looked at his betrothed, the woman he had been secretly mad about for a long time, and cleared his throat “What did you want to discuss?”
“As you know, my mother died in childbirth, and my father was killed in battle. I was… hoping to be walked alongside Baela by Daemon, since he was a father figure to me at least.”
Jace nodded “Done. What else did you want to discuss?”
“I have the perfect dress design, but I can’t decide the colour. And I want to send a message: that I am your wife and future queen. Would you like me to wear your mother’s black, or red and maroon, since those are your colours?”
Jace didn’t even need to mull it over for long “Wear black and red. House Targaryen’s colours.” He took off his necklace and gave it to her “And I want you to wear this. A token of my affections.”
He could see her ears turning pink, and seemed to try to be as dignified as possible “Thank you, my prince. It’s…a very touching gift.”
Arming himself with valour, he took her hands and lifted her chin “Listen, Lynn, about the wedding night… I understand how terrifying it could be. But I promise you, I… care about you deeply, and would not dream of hurting you. I want you to enjoy yourself as much as it is allowed. And I won’t allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable. Ever.”
She took a deep breath and nodded, clearly flustered of how openly he discussed such topics. Then, she gave him a clearly trained smile “You are a very kind and attentive groom. I am lucky that I am to be your wife.” She cleared her throat “Now, um, regarding the tablecloth, I was thinking of stitching both our houses’ sigil…”
He itched to ask her if she loved or even cared for him, but did not find the strength. Instead, he allowed her to keep talking. After all, such feelings ought not to be rushed.
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After the day had finally come to an end, Aurynn rushed to her bed, falling on her back on the feathery mattress. Letting out the breath she had been taking on for long, she clutched Jace’s necklace, feeling the owner’s warmth, and tried to get such unladylike thoughts out of her system.
The mention of the bedding ceremony had caught her off guard, and the fact that her dreams had been similar, she had done her best to behave accordingly. One simple wanton action, and she would’ve sullied her house’s reputation and name. A crown prince’s bride ought to be demure, composed and poised, and her sinful thoughts almost got the better of her.
She had loved Jace since she was a girl, and was so close to having her dream come true. She could not take one wrong step, no matter how tempting it was. Missing the cold waters, she decided to take a swim.
Sneaking quietly, she was both surprised and pleased to not see Rodrik wandering off with a maid, and walked all the way to the beach, where she took off all but her chemise, which was rather short due to the hot islandic weather. Stepping onto the cold water, it did not bite her. Indeed, Bear Island’s waters were much colder, sending divine chills through her. Walking with her long brown locks down and her facing the moonlight, her hands caressed the cold water, revelling in the elegant movement of the sea.
She could feel her fears and inhibitions leaving her body, connecting with her innermost feminine side, which was rare in a man’s world. Her, utter silence, the sea and the moon. Her soul disconnected from her body, as if the imposing castle was miles away from her. Everything seemed to disappear. Even her. And her thoughts.
As she returned ashore, something compelled her to drop her nightgown and allow the moon to observe her beauty. She did. The wind seemed to agree with her, and she felt free. Seen. Like she had just been blessed.
That’s when she noticed a ragged breath from a few paces away. She turned around, her sogged dress covering her exposed skin. She saw a familiar curly hair and audibly gasped.
He quickly turned around and started walking really fast, as if he wanted not to see her. Was her body so ugly? Or did he think her unworthy of him now because of such pagan actions?
Aurynn now feared for the morning.
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As Jacaerys ran away, he hoped that the nightly breeze would put away such sinful thoughts of Aurynn, who looked ravishing in the moonlight, her long hair covering her back. As he slammed shut his bedchamber’s door, he took a deep breath, steadying himself and his thoughts.
What he felt for Aurynn was strong. With her, he always knew he could be a man according his age, not a perfect prince with standards. But there were some lines to draw. She was a respected lady, and he was a prince, and henceforth, a gentleman. But every time he felt her warmth nearby, all his mother and father taught him about being a gentleman threatened to go away and simply give in to his most primal desires.
He swallowed yet again, laying on the bed, unable to take said image from his head.
However could he face her in the morning?
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noeverse · 2 months
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aurynn mormont + her husbands/partners
jacaerys velaryon- m.129 ac; issue- visenya velaryon (died) died in 130 ac
cregan stark- m.131 ac; issue- lyanna, shireen, ayrin & judynn stark. divorced 142 ac
alyn velaryon- m.143 ac; issue- daena velaryon (widowed)
visella targaryen- got together c.148 ac (disputed by various maesters) @blood0fthedragon
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blood0fthedragon · 3 months
What Will Survive of Us, A HotD Fic
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Summary: Rhaenyra PoV. The king and queen welcome another daughter and Rhaenyra has complicated feelings about her sister. Snippets of Rhaenyra and Visella's life across the years.
Warnings: none for this chapter
Author's notes: Not beta'd. I'm taking liberties with canon but sticking to it where I can. I follow the TV timeline with some of my own interpretations.
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110 AC
The night her sister was born, Princess Rhaenyra was afraid. Afraid for her mother, for the labour was long and difficult, and afraid the babe would be a boy and supplant Rhaenyra’s already shaky position at court. She had told Alicent she was not worried about that, but in truth, she did not wish to be shipped off to marry some lord or another, which would surely come to pass if her father were to have a son for an heir. When her second fear was assuaged by a serving girl rushing out of the birthing chamber to inform the king of the birth of his daughter, Rhaenyra entered the queen’s chambers, quietly.
Maester Mellos was still there, gathering his things. A few servants buzzed around, carrying linens and a bowls of water out. Queen Aemma lay on the birthing bed, looking exhausted but alive. She smiled tiredly as she saw her elder daughter. “Rhaenyra. My child, come closer.”
The queen was holding the baby, washed and wrapped in linens. Rhaenyra approached and regarded her mother.  “What is to be her name?” she asked.
“Visella,” said the queen and glanced from Rhaenyra down to the babe.
Rhaenyra looked at the baby, too. She was so small, her eyes closed and breathing steadily. Rhaenyra was very glad she was a sister and not a brother.
“Hello, Visella” said the princess and touched her baby sister’s cheek gently.
“She’s very quiet,” said the queen. “Sleeping so soundly.”
Rhaenyra examined the tired features of her mother. “You should rest too, mother.”
“I will,” she assured her. “Just as soon as your father has met your sister.”
“He’s probably already on his way.” said Rhaenyra.
“He had better be.” Aemma said good-naturedly. “For I just spent hours upon hours on my labours.”
Rhaenyra frowned. She would rather have fought three knights at once on the field of battle than given birth, that’s how uncomfortable her mother had seemed every time she’d done this.
“Are you disappointed, mother?” she finally asked. “Father will be.”
Aemma smiled and Rhaenyra thought she detected a hint of sadness on her face. “I could never be disappointed by either one of you. And your father will love little Visella, just as he loves you.”
Rhaenyra knew that he did but she was also old enough to understand that her mother had not outright denied that Viserys would be disappointed. Just then, the doors burst open, and the king entered, alongside the serving girl from before. He smiled warmly at Rhaenyra when he spotted her. Rhaenyra gave her father a smile in return.
“Aemma,” the king said, with relief in his voice. He strode to the bed and looked upon his new daughter. “She is in good health?”
“Yes, my love,” the queen replied.
“And you?”
“Tired but in one peace.”
“Then I am glad. May I hold her?”
Aemma nodded and the king picked up the baby from her arms. He cradled her in his arms.
“Her name is Visella,” said the queen.
“Visella…” the king repeated. He seemed taken by her and for that, Rhaenyra was glad.
“Father, mother, I shall leave you.” she said and headed out, her parents’ low voices following her outside. Her mother assuring Viserys that the girls would have brothers, her father’s quiet: “I have no doubt. I have seen it.”
Something about the certainty with which her father said it made Rhaenyra uneasy.
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112 AC
Her mother was dead. Rhaenyra’s mother was dead, and it felt as though there would be no joy in the world ever again. After lighting the pyre, she felt empty, and her father was in no state to offer words of comfort. According to Daemon, it was her who should comfort him, but Rhaenyra had no words of comfort for herself or her father. She envied little Visella, not even two years of age. Visella would not remember having a mother, much less losing her. Maybe she would retain glimpses of a woman who had loved her more than anything and whatever stories Rhaenyra or their father told her, but she would never know her. As for Rhaenyra, she just missed her mother so much it made her chest ache.
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115 AC
The celebrations for Aegon’s second name day were becoming less and less pleasant with each passing moment. Rhaenyra hadn’t quite managed to get all the boar blood off her face, when she heard a quiet voice behind her in the tent: “Sister?”
She turned, a blood-soaked cloth in her hand, to face Visella, who had evidently snuck away from her nurse maids.
“Visella, you shouldn’t be here,” Rhaenyra admonished her.
“You’re here,” replied her sister. “I’m here.” As if it was that simple.
Rhaenyra smiled and shook her head. “Your maids are going to be worried sick.”
Visella wobbled on her feet. “But I wanted to see you.”
“Now you’ve seen me, so run along,” Rhaenyra said. Visella seemed uncertain. She was only five years of age and followed Rhaenyra everywhere. She’d began to beg for her to take her flying on Syrax when she was three, but Rhaenyra hadn’t agreed. There had been only one person she’d wanted to take flying.
“But Nyra…”
“No, Ella. Go, now, before I become annoyed.”
She didn’t enjoy being mean to Visella but sometimes the girl just didn’t cease pestering her, until Rhaenyra was stern enough. Her sister frowned but headed out, shoulders slumped in disappointment. Rhaenyra went back to the task of wiping her face clean of blood.
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119 AC
Rhaenyra never questioned whether she loved her sister. But she did question whether she liked her at least five times a week.
“Nyra, Nyra, please. It’s just one flight! Please, Aegarax can’t bear me yet and I want to fly!”
Right now, she very much did not like her. She was trying to enjoy a lemon cake in peace but instead Visella had followed her into the gardens, as she always did when Rhaenyra wanted to be left alone the most.
“Ella, please, go play with Jace and Luke,” she said.
“I don’t want to play! I want to fly.”
Rhaenyra stared at the wide, besieging eyes of her little sister. She understood why all the servants, cooks, and maids gave her anything she wanted. She was a charming little thing.
“No. Leave me alone,” she simply said. Visella looked like she was about to cry. Gods, Rhaenyra wished she hadn’t been as annoying at nine. Though the chances were that she had.
Rhaenyra turned to fully face her sister. Just then Visella had all the grace of a baby deer. “Leave me,” was what she said. It was final and even the girl seemed to understand. Visella left the gardens, shoulders slumped. Rhaenyra hoped Aegarax would soon be able to be ridden, so Visella would get to experience the joy of flying.
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122 AC
It was evening and Visella was trying to get Jace to understand the rules of cyvasse, with little success. Rhaenyra found the attempt rather hilarious, since it was quite clear Visella didn’t know how to play the game herself, so the two were just making it up as they went along. Luke had grown tired of it ages ago and was now pestering Ser Harwin about how one went about obtaining a sword.
“No, you can’t move a crossbow man like that,” said Visella.
“You did!” protested Jace.
“That was the spearman, come now, keep up.”
Rhaenyra shared an amused look with Harwin. Jace was six but refused to give an inch to his aunt of two and ten. Visella, on the other hand, had no intention of letting Jace win just because he was the younger. Rhaenyra was glad Visella got on with both Jace and Luke. She’d had her fears that her sister would turn on her like so many others at court had. She knew Alicent was trying to get closer to Visella so she could wrangle some kind of information out of her, which is why Rhaenyra told Visella nothing. She had no way of knowing how much Visella had pieced together on her own, but she had never brought anything up. She was probably more intelligent than Rhaenyra gave her credit for, having always seen her as a meddlesome little sister. When the game devolved into a debate about whether or not it was the crossbow man or the spearman that could perform the action in question, Rhaenyra set her quill down. She would finish her letter to Laena later.
“Alright boys, time for bed,” she said.
“But mother!” Jace protested.
“You can continue the game tomorrow.”
Jace sighed, but to his credit, set down the piece he was holding. “Thank you for the game, aunt.”
Visella smiled. “It was fun, we must continue tomorrow. Good night, Jace, Luke.”
Rhaenyra nodded to the nurse maid who ushered the boys to their beds after they both hugged her good night. Such sweet boys. Visella dutifully cleaned up the cyvasse board and all the pieces.  “I should head to my chambers as well,” she said.
Rhaenyra gave her sister a smile. “Good night.”
Visella looked like she wanted to say something more but then seemed to change her mind. Rhaenyra wondered what she would have said. Her sister curtsied, wished Ser Harwin a good night and headed out. Rhaenyra sighed.
“Don’t say anything,” she told Harwin.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Harwin replied.
Maybe she was shutting Visella out, but she was doing it to protect her as much as herself.
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126 AC
The funeral was a sordid affair. Rhaenya felt Laena’s absence keenly. She hadn’t seen her in a while before her death and now regretted it most awfully. Her heart was heavy, and her thoughts strayed to Harrenal and Harwin, too. Rhaenyra might have crumpled under her grief, if wasn’t for her children. She knew Jace was angry, but he was a good son and would play his part. She wished it needn’t have been so. Rhaenyra avoided drawing the attention of the queen by making cordial conversation with some of the quests. She meant to get through this without giving Alicent any reason to humiliate her further. She didn’t wish to make a spectacle out of the funeral of one of her dearest friends.
When she spotted Visella, the girl was sitting with Rhaena and Baela, speaking in quiet voices. Visella sat with them for a long time and only getting up, when Princess Rhaenys came over. Rhaena rushed to hug her grandmother and Visella squeezed Baela’s hand and then made her way to Rhaenyra.
“Sister,” said Rhaenyra. “How are Rhaena and Baela?”
“Devastated,” said Visella. She seemed thoughtful, distant. She was six and ten and much changed from the curious, bull-headed child she had been. The year before their father had betrothed her to Lord Jason Lannister’s oldest child, Lucian, set to one day inherit Casterly Rock and all its wealth. It was a good match, though Lord Lucian was much like his father: cocky and grandstanding. Visella would not like him. Rhaenyra looked down at the hard stone floor. It seemed neither of Aemma’s daughters would have a lot of luck when it came to love.
“I don’t remember mother much,” Visella said quietly. “It’s different for them, they knew Laena.”
Rhaenyra’s gaze snapped back up to look at her sister. Why would she speak of their mother now? Wasn’t there enough to feel devastated by. “It’ll get easier with time,” she said, quickly. They looked at each other and for a moment Visella seemed like she was going to push the matter but then she turned her face away.
“Yes,” she said. “Of course.”
“I must see where Luke went off to,” Rhaenyra continued. She didn’t have it in her to start digging up the past with Visella. Before she could leave, her sister suddenly took her hand, stopping her from turning away.
“Rhaenyra, I’m sorry,” she said, her face filled with something like sympathy or grief of her own. Or both. “For your loss.”
Rhaenyra sighed. “Thank you, sister.” Visella let go of her hand and she turned away. Jace was right, they did deserve to grieve Harwin, too, but this was how things had to be. She took a deep breath and left Visella behind, though it wasn’t Luke she went in search for.
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