#Ormund Hightower
maidragoste · 3 months
can we get some headcanons for mister daeron, since he finally was mention on the last episode ✊🏻
Hi anon, thank you very much for your request! I really wanted to write to Daeron 🤭
btw, there is a headcanon that has smut but it is not very detailed, I still warn you that it is number 4 in case you want to skip it 👀
I really hope you enjoy what I wrote 💖 and if you ever come back to my inbox if you want you can choose an emoji so I can identify you ☺️
Now I wish you a good read!
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•Daeron who is not interested in marriage but does his duty and marries you because he knows that having an alliance with your house is important to the greens.
•Daeron, despite not being enthusiastic about a hasty wedding with war looming, is enthralled when he sees you in your wedding dress.
•Daeron who recites his wedding vows while looking into your eyes and intends to be a better husband than Viserys was to his mother even if the two of you are only together for a short time.
•Daeron who on your wedding night is patient and sweet with you. He takes his time so that your first time isn't so painful. First, he distracts you by kissing you over and over again. Then he surprises you not by fucking you directly but by pleasuring you with his mouth, making you cum again and again with his tongue until you forget about your nerves. And when the time comes for him to go inside you, he intertwines his hand with yours. He waits for you to assure him that you're fine before he starts moving and it doesn't take long for the room to fill with your moans again as you feel his cock find your sweet spot.
•Daeron who you manage to impress when you meet Tessarion for the first time and don't show even the slightest bit of fear.
•Daeron having to stop himself from kissing you during their first fight because he's touched that you want to accompany him during the war instead of going back to your house.
“I can be useful. I am sure that the maester will value my help when he cannot afford so many wounded. I also know how to sew and...
“It's not about whether you're useful or not. It's about the fact that it's dangerous and I don't want you to end up hurt," he interrupted you with obvious frustration because you continued to insist on the topic of accompanying him during his war camp.
“I am your wife and my place is at your side!” you say stubbornly.
“And my duty as your husband is to protect you, not put you in danger!”
•In the end you end up joining the camp but it was not because Daeron wanted to but because the news of Jaehaerys' murder arrives and his uncle Ormund and your father think that Daeron and you need to have a child as soon as possible in case Aegon loses his other heir.
•That same night Daeron lets you see him vulnerable while he crying the death of his nephew hugging your hip. You accompany him in his grief and try to comfort him as best as possible while you hug him.
•Daeron was always protective of his family and now that you are part of it he will not allow anyone to disrespect you. A lord once mocked you for voicing your opinion during the war council and you and Ormund had to intervene so that Daeron doesn't end up doing the lord major harm.
•Daeron only relaxes once the two of you are alone in his tent. He lets you take off his armor and feels a moment of peace as you massage his shoulders and kiss his back.
•Daeron who prays that the war ends soon so that he can reunite with his family soon and above all because he wants to have a quiet life with you. Every night he asks the gods to protect you and not let anything bad happen to you.
•Daeron who, before going to fight, asks you to give him your favor and the two say goodbye with a kiss, earning mockery from Lyonel.
•Daeron who returns victorious from his first battle and feels his heart race as he watches you run towards him with a smile and he smiles when you scream in surprise when he lifts you into the air before kissing you fiercely, forgetting about the exhibitions and allowing himself to feel hopeful for the future.
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fearthhereaper · 7 days
How broken must Daeron feel when he's unable to love his family the way he knows he's supposed to? As a son, as a brother. He doesn't remember what his siblings look like, he wouldn't be able to recognize them in the crowd. The memories of his mother are blurry, she's a faceless figure in his dreams.
He writes to her because that's what good sons are supposed to do. He loves her because she's his mother. But does he really? Does he know her at all?
He feels like a cracked human, the love he's supposed to feel for his family seems artificial in him. He loves them because he has to. These strangers he only hears about in passing.
He hates himself even more when he thinks of the Hightowers as his real family. When the love that he finds so difficult to feel for his family comes naturally whenever he sees Gwayne and Ormund. When it's their faces that bring him comfort and not his mother's.
He writes to Alicent and she's kind, and good, and perfect, and he hates her sometimes for abandoning him, but he still writes because he has to love her, she's his mother and he's raised to be a good son.
He doesn't write to his siblings because his siblings don't write to him. He's jealous of them, of growing up with a mother, a father. He's angry at them because they forgot about him. He loves them, because he's supposed to, because he's raised to be a good brother.
When his siblings die he mourns them, he is furious and angry, their loss cuts him deep, he moves to avenge them, he throws that wine in Hugh Hammer's face, yet it is the death of his Hightower kin, of his uncles Gwayne and Ormund, that cuts him even deeper. And he hates himself for it.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 10 months
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The Blacks and the Greens
By Jota Saraiva
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daeron-targs · 2 months
Do you think Ormund and Gwayne (this is after Hobert croaks) shared custody of Daeron? Like Ormund had him on the weekdays where he would teach him how to be a knight and Gwayne had him on the weekends and would take him to his lute lessons. Or are you normal?
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Lacie Warmen and some lore
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Lacie Warmen is the eldest in a set of quadruplets, she has three brothers; Erron, Devlon, and Gaius. Their father is the lord of a smaller village that sits on the border of The Reach and The Westerlands and their mother is the estranged (*cough* disowned *cough*) cousin of Hobert and Otto Hightower. The Warmens recently got very lucky quite literally striking gold on their land. While a bit of gold won't usually buy you the world, it will if you know how to use it.
When Lord Ormund Hightower heard of his dear cousin's good fortune he of course reached out in an attempt to reconcile. He offered Erron, Devlon, and Gaius places as squires and he offered Lacie a place by the side of his lady wife, Samantha Tarly...he totally doesn't have any ulterior motives...
If it's not too much to ask, imagine the dress in this design is what Lacie wore when her and her brothers arrived in Old Town and you're Lady Samantha Tarly. From one lady to another, what assumptions are you making based on said dress/how are you judging it? This is to help me with future plot, please and thank you💙🩵
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ophelieverse · 2 months
If anything,Daeron is gwayne and ormund son.These two raised him in Oldtown
Please the way i will beg to have a flashback of little Daeron messing around with cool uncle Gwayne and Tessarion while Ormund is shaking his head in the corner.
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addaerontruther · 6 months
I feel like it's worth discussing that Daeron didn't get involved in the Dance until after Addam did.
Lord Ormund Hightower had issued forth from Oldtown with a thousand knights, a thousand archers, three thousand men-at-arms, and uncounted thousands of camp followers, sellswords, freeriders, and rabble, only to find himself set upon by Ser Alan Beesbury and Lord Alan Tarly… Lord Ormund had therefore decided he could not proceed without support from King’s Landing. “We have need of your dragons,” he wrote.
If that wasn't enough to show that he wasn't with the army, it's repeated again that he didn't leave Oldtown... even after Aegon was wounded and Helaena was despondent, leaving only Aemond on the field.
With Sunfyre wounded near Rook’s Rest and unable to fly, and Tessarion with Prince Daeron in Oldtown, only two mature dragons remained to defend King’s Landing… and Dreamfyre’s rider, Queen Helaena, spent her days in darkness, weeping, and surely could not be counted as a threat. That left only Vhagar.
A few paragraphs later, Addam claims a dragon.
And Seasmoke, who had once borne Laenor Velaryon, took onto his back a boy of ten-and-five known as Addam of Hull, whose origins remain a matter of dispute amongst historians to this day.
Then he fights alongside the Blacks.
It is one thing to face a dragon, another to face five. As Silverwing, Sheepstealer, Seasmoke, and Vermithor descended upon them, the men of the Triarchy felt their courage desert them.
And then Daeron appears, clearly unexpectedly, to fight with the Greens.
Defeat seemed imminent…until a shadow swept across the battlefield, and a terrible roar resounded overhead, slicing through the sound of steel on steel. A dragon had come. The dragon was Tessarion, the Blue Queen, cobalt and copper. On her back rode the youngest of Queen Alicent’s three sons, Daeron Targaryen, fifteen, Lord Ormund’s squire, that same gentle and soft-spoken lad who had once been milk brother to Prince Jacaerys.
Fire and Blood is being presented from the point of view of a Maester that benefits from the social structures reinforced by the Green "victory" and his take is based on other men in similar positions. If one of the main Green's had doubts about their cause, there's no way they would document it. Aegon II's own brother being hesitant to support his claim weakens their cause considerably.
I really, truly, and in my bones believe that Daeron didn't want to get involved in the war because he had something else to live for. He'd been away from his family for years, but Addam was always on one of his mother's ships, and Oldtown is the number two principal port in the realm. It's beyond feasible that they met. Tessarion and Seasmoke's dance seems to prove my theory, but that's a different post.
I think Daeron didn't want to die for something he didn't believe in, and then when he found out Addam was fighting for the opposing side, his hand was forced. Jace was shot down by common soldiers, and Vhagar had already established herself as a serious threat to smaller dragons. Most of Daeron's victories were bloodless because he wasn't blood thirsty... until Maelor. But again, that's another post.
He couldn't let the war just go on without attempting to stop it before something happened to Addam. He wanted to get to King's Landing and force a peace before something horrible happened to the person he loved. And, despite Daeron being Rhaenyra's biggest threat (that's a direct quote, don't come for me), Addam didn't go for him immediately. He visited the Isle of Faces first, and whatever happened there sent him south.
In conclusion — they were in love, your honor. The Romeo and Juliet of Westeros if you will.
All quotes are presented in chronological order from Fire & Blood, Chapter 15: The Dying of the Dragons — The Red Dragon and the Gold.
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lullaebies · 1 year
Ormund uplifting Daeron's spirit whenever he misses his family.
A/N: I really really love how this one turned out! I hope you will enjoy it as well <3 this turned out to be a longer oneshot, too, so you can tell I had fun. —
He watches Tessarion from the height of the Hightower, the salty smell of the sea piercing his nose as a wave crashes against it.
Tessarion hunts fish as if she’s a marine boat casting a net, wide jaw gathering the prey she trapped with the currents her wings made on the sea surface. Any blue flame of hers mixes with water, burning her food and leaving only steam to rise with her to the air. He thinks he can almost see her ripping off a big fish’s head, letting the rest of it fall.
“A vulgar sight to stare at, is it not?” A voice calls from behind Daeron, pulling him from his thoughts. It’s Lord Ormund, his brown-eyed gaze ever-knowing. “Though I supposed even Lyonel and Bethany seem to cheer for the beast, too.”
“‘Tis the way of dragons, milord,” Daeron answers back, ever protective. Even the sweetest of cats requires the taste of meat. He would not ever consider calling Tessarion a pet, but she hardly is any different than those who feast on freshly caught salmon and halibuts during dinners. “They are hunters. One might say they are some of the best there are to witness.”
“Surely better than I, lad,” Lord Ormund replied, coming by him on the white rail of stone, and putting a hand over his shoulder. “And I’m sure a young dragon would like to learn from another, but I have never known you to be studious while being so somber.”
Daeron’s eyes widen at him, but quickly return to gaze at the sea. He hasn’t realized his mood has been so apparent. “I’m alright, Lord Ormund,” he says quickly, drawing a thin smile on his face and trying to spare himself of the discussion. “No need to worry.”
“I shan’t worry when I can wholeheartedly write Her Grace her son has not a concern in his mind,” Ormund says. “Speak, lad. Elsewise I may be forced to bring Bethany to interrogate you.”
Daeron cringes at the thought. Three years younger than him, Lord Ormund’s daughter always had unrelenting energy and insistent desire to not be left out from anything. She’d run circles around him until he spoke, and Lyonel may as well aid her in that pursuit, not above egging her on and poking at him for the truth himself. 
He smiles slightly at the thought; the two are kin and his friends, ones that he will always cherish, but they are not quite… Daeron sighs, lifting his face to look at the horizon.
“I always thought dragons are marvelous hunters to witness,” he says softly, his fingers fidgeting together over the rail. He says this, but those are not his words, but Aemond’s, from days long past. “When I was still at the Keep, there were days where the dragonkeepers let out the dragons to hunt at the sea. To make sure they still spread their wings properly, and didn’t lose their skills, or whatnot.”
Ormund hums at him to continue, giving a pat to his shoulder as further affirmation. Daeron licks dry lips.
“When Aegon claimed Sunfyre, he used to make us go see whenever he hunted. We’d go to the Tower of the Hand, and he would point Sunfyre out as he descended over the waters of Blackwater Bay. He would hold me up because I was too short to see properly beyond the buildings in the way.”
“You did come here a small fellow,” Ormund recalls, some amusement in his voice. Daeron snorts and continues.
“And then Helaena claimed Dreamfyre, and they’d argue over which one is more impressive, or who’s fastest, or anything and everything. Aegon always tried to make me and Aemond choose his side,” he said, and paused, looking back up at Ormund as the fond memory played in his mind. “We always chose Helaena’s.” 
“Wise men since you were boys, you and your brother.”
“Grandsire said the same,” Daeron nods. “But even he got tired of us in The Hand’s tower. After Aemond claimed Vhagar, there was greater competition, with only me left to vote. Grandsire would usher us out because we made too much noise. Aegon and Aemond wouldn’t let up, though - they still urged me to pick a favorite.”
“Did you?” Ormund asks. Daeron shakes his head.
“Helaena told me to let them try to convince me,” he says. “I’ve got many extra pastries, those days.”
Ormund lets out an abrupt, hearty laugh. “Shrewd thing, the princess.”
Daeron nods, and then looks again at Tessarion. She wasn’t big or well-behaved enough to be let out of the dragon pit on her own. Now, she’s a huntress of her own, making a show of herself; the people of Oldtown also watched from the docks. His mouth falls into a tight line, and he looks down, when he feels the burn of a tear trying to form on his lash line.
“I wish they could see, too.” He says quietly, the twist of lips inevitable. Lord Ormund’s hold on his shoulder becomes more encapsulating, and he squeezes on it.
“I have met many sailors in my life, lad,” Ormund says when Daeron sniffles back the emotions. “They say looking at the sea’s horizon is a beauty, but this beauty can only charm for so long. You either grow seasick, or homesick, until you find yourself ashore, and recover to set out again.”
Daeron wipes at his eye, and turns his face to the lord, who smiles at him.
“I can only assume it is not all that different, for those who watch the horizon from the height of the skies. But worry not, you’ll be at your shore again, to gather your strength. Your sister’s with child once more, is she not?” 
Rubbing at his nose, Daeron nods. “Yes, milord.”
“Then celebrations are due to come, and we are due to visit,” he tells Daeron, completely assured. “You’ll go from one tower to another, and in each you will be met with a warm welcome. And when you’ll watch your she-dragon from the Red Keep, there is no doubt your little nephew and niece would be the ones casting their votes for their favorite, this time.”
Daeron smiles at him. Mother always said to trust Lord Ormund as he would trust her; he trusts none more than his mother, and none more than the kin in front of him, an almost father in his own way. “I’d have to prepare some gifts for their convincing,” he jokes, the sniffles almost completely gone with the wind.
“Hah! You’d be a proper courtier, my boy,” Ormund returns. “Let us go to Lyonel and Bethany. Between us four, we can surely devise a plan to win the little ones’ favor. Your siblings, too, will surely marvel at the young dragon that returned to say hello.”
Daeron nods, most fervently. He’ll return proud and bright as Tessarion, to fit amongst his siblings, as she will fit amongst the dragons hunting at Blackwater Bay.
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leonanette · 2 months
The final chapter and the epilogue of The Man in the Pearl Mask is now up!
Chapter Title: The Last Battle
Chapter Summary: Luke is called to one last battle at Oldtown.
~And, it’s the end of the line, of the final journey,
Enemies leaving the past…~
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mejcinta · 1 year
For season 3 I am demanding an introduction to Corwyn Corbray in the Vale and Garmund Hightower in Oldtown. I'd like Rhaena to meet her first husband as Garmund, in the meantime, also has his own story arc joined to Ormund and Daeron elsewhere.
I need material to GIF, to put Garmund and Rhaena side by side, even though the chances of getting a glimpse of their marriage post Dance are slim!!!
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dragonstonelurker · 4 months
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Sketches of my Oc’s for firstborn of Rhaenyra according to the AU’S in my series “The Husbands of Rhaenyra Targaryen” https://archiveofourown.org/series/3082740
1. Visella Targaryen. Firstborn daughter and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Samwell Blackwood from The Time of the Young https://archiveofourown.org/works/54566476
2. Visenya Targaryen. Firstborn daughter and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Tyland Lannister from Dragon's fire, Lion's Teeth https://archiveofourown.org/works/43941288
3. Aerion Targaryen. Firstborn son and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Qoren Martell from The Beauty of Marriage https://archiveofourown.org/works/41258193/chapters/103439316
4. Baelon Targaryen. Firstborn son and heir of Rhaenyra Targaryen/Baelon Targaryen from Bloody, Bare and Untamed https://archiveofourown.org/works/41970378
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thedaringknight · 8 months
Daeron joins the Hightower host
Obedient to his uncle’s entreaties, Lord Ormund Hightower had issued forth from Oldtown with a thousand knights, a thousand archers, three thousand men-at-arms, and uncounted thousands of camp followers, sellswords, freeriders, and rabble, only to find himself set upon by Ser Alan Beesbury and Lord Alan Tarly. Though commanding far fewer men, the two Alans harassed him day and night, raiding his camps, murdering his scouts, setting fires in his line of march. Farther south, Lord Costayne had issued forth from Three Towers to fall upon Hightower’s baggage train. Worse, reports had reached his lordship that a host equal in size to his own was descending on the Mander, led by Thaddeus Rowan, Lord of Goldengrove. Lord Ormund had therefore decided he could not proceed without support from King’s Landing. “We have need of your dragons,” he wrote.
Fire and Blood, The Dying of The Dragons - The Red Dragon and the Gold, p. 446
A fortnight later, in the Reach, Ormund Hightower found himself caught between two armies. Thaddeus Rowan, Lord of Goldengrove, and Tom Flowers, Bastard of Bitterbridge, were bearing down on him from the northeast with a great host of mounted knights, whilst Ser Alan Beesbury, Lord Alan Tarly, and Lord Owen Costayne had joined their power to cut off his retreat to Oldtown. When their hosts closed around him on the banks of the river Honeywine, attacking front and rear at once, Lord Hightower saw his lines crumble. Defeat seemed imminent…until a shadow swept across the battlefield, and a terrible roar resounded overhead, slicing through the sound of steel on steel. A dragon had come.
The dragon was Tessarion, the Blue Queen, cobalt and copper. On her back rode the youngest of Queen Alicent’s three sons, Daeron Targaryen, fifteen, Lord Ormund’s squire, that same gentle and soft-spoken lad who had once been milk brother to Prince Jacaerys.
Fire and Blood, The Dying of The Dragons - The Red Dragon and the Gold, p. 458
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔
Lawful/Chaotic Good?
6 of Wands
Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising
The youngest son of King Viserys I and Queen Alicent Hightower. Out of the three Targaryen brothers, the people liked him best, due to his courteous and clever personality. Daeron was deemed the most gentle of his brothers, and he was more comfortable acting out orders than giving them. 
   His dragon, the blue mount Tessarion, who breathed cobalt flames, was his pride and joy. And at the age of twelve, he was sent to serve as cupbearer and squire to Ormund Hightower, in Old Town. That’s where he has resided for the many years away from court. 
   Daeron acquired his name, ‘The Daring,’ because he saved Ormund from defeat during ‘The Battle of the Honeywine.’ On the back of Tessarion, he flew, burning, destroying, and gaining the upper hand. After this, the Hightowers feasted and there Ormund knighted him. 
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de4dking · 3 days
They gave Daeron a lute so he could serenade lord Hightower from the balcony. I hope he ruined the first night of Ormund's second wedding, I hope hearing Ormund's whimpers to another woman broke Daeron's heart.
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daeron-targs · 3 months
…And now we wait for next week’s episode!
So far, no mention of or slight reference to Daeron. Though we did get a mention of Ormund!
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florisbaratheons · 1 year
The Hightowers are coming.
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