#Virgin Trains EC
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Lundi 27 février : London King’s Cross
Dans le HST qui me ramène à Londres, je ne peux m’empêcher de penser aux quelques photos que je vais prendre dans cette gare : aurai-je la chance de tomber sur une des célèbres locomotives ? Flying Scotsman, Battle of Britain, For the Fallen, NRM 40th Anniversary ?
En croisant 91110 en ligne, on peut déjà oublier celle-ci. Par contre, lorsque je vois que nous dépassons par la droite For the Fallen, qui est arrêtée à Doncaster, je me précipite sur RealTimeTrains... et en effet ! Elle arrivera à KGX quelques minutes après mon train ! Oui je vais voir 91111 pour de vrai !!!!
Et ce n’est pas la pluie diluvienne tombée ce jour-là qui m’empêcha d’aller en bout du quai pour admirer cette locomotive à la livrée mythique ! Plus belle que dans le simulateur, ça c’est sûr !
Plein d’autres belles choses à voir dans ce terminus londonien par ailleurs... bref cela a été très court, mais très intéressant !
C’est sur ce billet que s’achève cette longue série consacrée à un grand week-end londonien. L’Angleterre m’a tellement plu... que j’y retourne cette semaine ! :D
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday: Job Hunting
Rose loses her job at the grief center and faces ageism when she searches for a new one. Blanche tries to lose three pounds.
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Picture It...
Blanche is cutting vegetables while singing “Sleep, Kentucky Babe.” Sophia comes in (not wearing her glasses, for some reason) and is upset to see there’s no pepperoni in the fridge. She rejects both Blanche’s offer of celery stuffed with cottage cheese and Dorothy’s offer of chicken, as both repeat on her. Blanche, meanwhile, is trying to lose three extra pounds she’s gained.
Rose comes in, distraught (Sophia is, once again, indifferent), and tells the Girls that they’ve closed her grief counseling center. Blanche and Dorothy are immediately concerned that Rose has lost her job, but Rose is more worried about the fact that her former patients won’t have anyone to counsel them anymore. She says she plans to help them find other places to go, and then she’ll focus on finding a job. Dorothy is skeptical.
ROSE: I’m dependable, friendly, loyal, eager. *leaves the kitchen* DOROTHY: That’s great. If she learns to catch a frisbee in her teeth, she can get work as a Golden Retriever.
Later, Dorothy goes out to the lanai to read, and finds a strange man sitting there. He introduces himself as Milton, and Rose arrives to say that Milton is one of her former patients from the center, and even tells Dorothy his whole life story right in front of him. She sends him off and tells him to call her anytime, day or night -- the last three words sending Dorothy into a panic.
Dorothy confronts Rose about her job hunt and Rose says she hasn’t started looking, too preoccupied with helping the center’s patients. Sophia passes her phone messages from the patients and Dorothy gets one from an old high school acquaintance she had a crush on named Barry Glick. He’s visiting Miami and wants to get together, which sends Dorothy over the moon. Rose is drowning in her patients’ despair off to the side.
BLANCHE: I hate phone calls in the middle of the night! Now I’ll never get back to sleep. I’m as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo. DOROTHY: Boy, that’s … pretty jumpy.
Dorothy bangs on Rose’s door that night to wake her, as Milton is calling in the wee hours. Blanche and Dorothy, irritated, retreat to the living room, where Sophia is sitting in the dark, and grouse about the situation -- Blanche has already lost one pound and doesn’t want to eat her insomnia, while Dorothy wants to look good for Barry. They decide to confront Rose, and sit her down when she comes out and tell her she needs to focus on finding a job. Rose tearfully confesses she has been trying to find one, but she’s been rejected after several interviews for her age. Distraught, she runs to her room and slams the door.
Dorothy and Blanche follow Rose to her room to talk to her about the situation. Dorothy tells her she’s recovered from a major life change once, after her husband died and left her as a housewife with no work experience. Rose says she’s older now, and Dorothy offers to help her figure out what she’s doing wrong in the interviews. Rose says she’s got one in the morning for a Hospital Administrator job, and Dorothy reviews her resume -- which stinks. She and Blanche find ways to pad the resume out, giving Rose some more confidence. Unable to fall back asleep, all three go to the kitchen for a snack.
BLANCHE: Oh I can’t fall asleep now. DOROTHY: Still at the rodeo, Blanche? ROSE: I can’t sleep either. Why don’t I make us all some warm milk? After I drink milk, I go right to sleep. BLANCHE: I can think of something else after which I go right to sleep. Huh, Dorothy? DOROTHY: … during.
In the kitchen, they somehow justify getting a three-course meal on the table, including our very first shared cheesecake (and Sophia’s precious pepperoni). Dorothy talks about her date with Barry, and how she wanted him to be her first lover. This leads into a lengthy discussion about their first lovers -- Stan was Dorothy’s, Charlie was Rose’s, and Someone-Whose-Name-Starts-With-B was Blanche’s. Rose’s first time was her wedding night, and she was appalled because she’d never seen a naked man before. Stan convinced Dorothy he was being shipped to Korea and “it would mean so much” and nine months later she gave birth. Rose not-so-subtly hints it took years for her to orgasm during sex, and Blanche is completely baffled, as her Southern heat gave her urges. The Girls transition from a full dinner to a full breakfast.
The next day, Blanche flirts with Milton on the lanai. He tells her to abandon her diet and they agree to a date later. Sophia comes out on the lanai, followed shortly by Dorothy, who says her date with Barry went very well. Blanche wants to know if he lives up to her high school fantasies, but Dorothy replies in the negative: Barry is gay. Sophia claims she’s always known that. Dorothy says at least no other woman can have him either.
SOPHIA: *about Milton* I thought he belonged to the other one. BLANCHE: Well I’m sure Rose won’t mind one bit. SOPHIA: He’s a man. It’s not like sharing a yogurt.
Rose joins them, all smiles. She didn’t get the hospital admin job, but she did find a job when she was out for a float after her failed interview: She’s now a waitress at a coffee shop. It’s not the job Blanche and Dorothy wanted for her, but at least she’ll be working and earning money. They congratulate her. Blanche asks Rose about Milton, and Rose says he’s just her client -- she could never date him, as he’s only interested in fat woman. The episode ends on Blanche’s furious face.
“Hell, if I’m gonna have cookies, I’m gonna have cheesecake!”
Usually, I’m on board with a Golden Girls Very Special Episode when it tackles relevant issues, but something about this episode -- ostensibly one about ageism in the job market -- just doesn’t land particularly well. I didn’t really love it as a child, and I don’t really love it as an adult, but I think it’s for entirely different reasons. I suspect there was some behind-the-scenes drama about this episode I haven’t been able to fully investigate, but suffice to say this episode is a throwback to the beginning of the season, when the show was much less certain of itself. That said, it’s saved from two-slice infamy by some very good lines and gags.
BLANCHE: You probably haven’t noticed it, but I’ve put on three pounds. SOPHIA: On each side.
I’m still not sure why I didn’t like it as a kid -- I think the fact that Sophia, who was my favorite, is in so little of the episode was part of it. Sophia’s role in this episode is basically to make weird remarks and hover on the periphery -- literally in the case of the living room and lanai scenes -- of the episode and make the occasional bon mot. She’s not in the extended kitchen scene where the Girls eat their way through a three-course meal (we’ll get back to that scene in a minute), so I think I was puzzled why this episode forgot about her.
As an adult, I can pinpoint a few more concrete reasons I’m not in love. Keep in mind I’m biased, as I was recently laid off and back on the job market, but I suspect that Rose’s problem might not be ageism. I’m not trying to be mean here, but the problem might be that Rose is trying to find a job with a community college degree and a 32-year gap in work history, and the fact that the episode doesn’t really seem to understand that is a little disconcerting.
ROSE: They closed the center. BLANCHE: Not your grief counseling center? DOROTHY: No, the Kennedy Space Center. She wanted to be the first Lutheran on the Moon.
I don’t plan to fully talk about the episode before the official SGS, but I think it’s necessary to fully give context here: Rose will get another episode based around age discrimination in the job market in Season 5 called “Rose Fights Back.” Suffice to say I think it’s much better than this one, because at least in that episode it makes it clear that the only reason Rose is having problems is because of people’s reaction to her age. But this episode is much less clear, and in fact, based on the one job we see Rose actually applying for, I think she may be aiming a little high here.
To be clear, you can do alright with a Home-Ec degree and business training. There are a lot of jobs you can reasonably get with those qualifications. “Hospital Administrator” isn’t one of them, and Dorothy’s attempts to fluff up Rose’s resume don’t do anything but draw attention to the huge gaps in her work history. “32 years with the same employer?” There is not an interviewer in the world who won’t ask which employer that is, and who is Rose supposed to say? Her husband?
I know I wasn’t alive in the 80s, but I refuse to believe it was so alien a time that someone with Rose’s qualifications would be able to get that job. Heck, if she lived in the modern day, getting a job at the Fountain Rock coffee shop would be a coup.
There are also a few continuity errors in this episode: For starters, Charlie goes from having died 15 years ago to 5 years ago. Rose will later get be a grief counselor with no explanation. I guess it’s possible that she could have gotten another job in the same field, but it’s still jarring that she’s a waitress for all of five minutes.
DOROTHY: I am so glad that my date with Barry is tomorrow. The fat won’t have time to show. ROSE: It won’t? DOROTHY: No, it always takes a few days before it shows. ROSE: Where does it go in the meantime? DOROTHY: To Connecticut! How do I know where it goes? BLANCHE: With me, the minute it goes in my mouth, I balloon up. I can go out to dinner, and in the middle of the meal, my pants are cutting off my circulation so bad my feet are turning blue.
I don’t want to be a Negative Nancy, so I’ll add that everything in this episode is saved by the excellent jokes and lines. Some of the most iconic lines and exchanges happen in this episode, so it’s memorable for that reason alone. The best parts are probably Blanche’s enraged reaction faces, as seen in the image at the top. Also, when I discovered that this was actually the second episode filmed, that explained an awful lot -- for example, why this episode doesn’t balance all four actresses well, why the writing doesn’t feel as concise, and all the continuity errors. Even the way the episode looks makes sense after learning that little tidbit.
As much as I like that scene in the kitchen where the Girls talk about their romantic history -- and also eat their first cheesecake together! -- it really has very little to do with the rest of the episode, and it takes up quite a chunk of time. I guess that’s why I don’t consider this a Very Special Episode: The tone is just a bit too inconsistent. Five minutes after Rose is lamenting that she can’t find a job because of her age, and she’s talking about how it took her five years to have an orgasm with her husband. A different kind of tragedy, to be sure.
BLANCHE: You know, in the South, we mature faster. I think it’s the heat. DOROTHY: I think it’s the gin.
I can’t be certain, but I think there was some behind-the-scenes drama with director Paul Bogart, who was fired shortly after this episode was shot. I can only find a couple of references to this episode in Golden Girls Forever, one of which calls it “troubled.” Don’t take my word as gospel, but it’s what I suspect happened. Bogart was liked by Rue McClanahan and Bea Arthur, but didn’t direct Rose’s character very well, according to Betty White. He wanted her to yell and scream during her big moment, which wasn’t very Rose, but she tried until Jay Sandrich, director of the pilot, took her aside and told her to do it how she felt comfortable. Bogart apparently told the staff (including the writers): “Just give me the show in the beginning of the week, and by the end of the week, you’ll have an Emmy winner.” That boast did not go over well, especially since he didn’t really include the writers or the hands-on producers, and he only directed four episodes.
One last thing: The kitchen scene in this episode was expanded and adapted for the 1988 Royal Variety Performance. In adapting this, they got smart and gave Estelle Getty lines to say. Not only do you get to hear Sophia tell the very posh emcee, “Let’s find a pub and get drunk,” you also get to hear Blanche make her usual joke about watching the changing of the guard. I’ve heard it was the Queen Mother who requested them, as she was a fan. Not only can you see her meeting the Girls backstage, but Sophia even references her when leaving the stage: “Hey, just because you’re over 80 doesn’t mean you can’t go out on the town at night. Just ask that fine-looking lady up there in the expensive seats.”
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Sophia’s line, which I’ve quoted more times than I can count:
DOROTHY: Ma, would you get Rose some water? SOPHIA: What is she gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here?”
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railcamuk · 5 years
On The Cams Today - 27/09/19
Friday 27th September - MAINLINE CAMS
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15:28 - West Coast Railways light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z44 Carnforth Steamtown to Bo'ness Junction Exchange Siding
17:15 - Direct Rail Services Class 37s - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Carlisle to Aviemore
17:48 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0V71 Kingmoor Siding Drs to Motherwell Tmd (drs)
01:45 - Rail Operations Group light engine move (Diesel) - Wembley Ny No 3 Road to Leicester Loco Inspection Point
BOLTON LE SANDS CAM (freightmaster.net)
08:38 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z31 Crewe Basford Hall Ssm to Sellafield
13:30 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
16:12 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z34 Sellafield to Crewe Basford Hall Ssm
07:24 - Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 light engine move - 0M11 Wembley Inter City Depot to Euston
08:58 - Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 hauled ECS move (MK5 Stock) - 5M11 Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
10:11 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move (Classic Stock) - 5M16 Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
18:58 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0S25 Wembley Inter City Depot to Euston
19:23 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move (Classic Stock) - 5S95 Wembley Inter City Depot to Euston
21:23 - Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 hauled ECS move (MK5 Stock) - 5S96 Wembley Inter City Depot to Euston
21:41 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0A95 Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
23:56 - Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 light engine move - 0A96 Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
CAMDEN JUNCTION CAM 2 (Primrose Hill/Freight)
CHESTERFIELD CAMS (Hasland/Chesterfield Sth Jn)
11:37 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0K70 Earles Sidings (hope) Freightliner Heavy Haul to Toton Centre
23:54 - Colas Rail diesel hauled Network Rail test train - 3Q28 Doncaster West Yard to Derby Rtc Serco
00:35 - GB Railfreight light engine move (Diesel) - 0S66 Doncaster Down Decoy Gb Railfreight to Craigentinny Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot
03:30 - Colas Rail diesel hauled Network Rail test train - 3Q14 Slateford Depot to Heaton Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot
CREWE CAM 1 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 2 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 3 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 4 (crewehc.org)
06:54 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z31 Crewe Basford Hall Ssm to Sellafield
17:56 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z34 Sellafield to Crewe Basford Hall Ssm
DAWLISH BEACH CAMS (dawlishbeach.com)
04:48 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
08:34 - Network Rail NMT test train - 1Q18 Reading Triangle Sidings to Paignton
DONCASTER CAM (www.socotec.co.uk)
01:48 - Colas Rail diesel hauled Network Rail test train - 1Q50 Derby Rtc Serco to Doncaster West Yard
02:14 - Colas Rail diesel hauled Network Rail test train - 1Q50 Derby Rtc Serco to Doncaster West Yard
15:01 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0L00 Leeds Balm Road Loco Freightliner Heavy Haul to Whitemoor Local Distribution Centre
03:26 - Network Rail 950001 test train - 2Q08 Longsight Traction Maintenance Depot (diesel) to Wigan Locomotive Inspection Point
08:02 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z31 Crewe Basford Hall Ssm to Sellafield
13:05 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
16:40 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z34 Sellafield to Crewe Basford Hall Ssm
01:33 - Rail Operations Group light engine move (Diesel) - Wembley Ny No 3 Road to Leicester Loco Inspection Point
GRATELEY CAM (facebook.com/grateleytrains/)
KIRKBY STEPHEN CAM (foscl.org.uk)
03:28 - Network Rail 950001 test train - 2Q08 Longsight Traction Maintenance Depot (diesel) to Wigan Locomotive Inspection Point
08:00 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z31 Crewe Basford Hall Ssm to Sellafield
13:03 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
16:47 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z34 Sellafield to Crewe Basford Hall Ssm
22:06 - Network Rail 950001 test train - 2Q08/5Q08 Wigan Locomotive Inspection Point to Longsight Traction Maintenance Depot (diesel)
NEWBURY CAM (icn-ltd.com)
06:49 - Network Rail NMT test train - 1Q18 Reading Triangle Sidings to Paignton
20:47 - Network Rail NMT test train - 1Qxx Taunton to Paddington
PETERBOROUGH CAM 1 (railworld.org.uk)
00:21 - Rail Operations Group light engine move (Diesel) - 0xxx Leicester Loco Inspection Point to Ilford Electric Multiple Unit Depot
17:57 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0L00 Leeds Balm Road Loco Freightliner Heavy Haul to Whitemoor Local Distribution Centre
PETERBOROUGH CAM 2 (railworld.org.uk)
17:57 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0L00 Leeds Balm Road Loco Freightliner Heavy Haul to Whitemoor Local Distribution Centre
00:48 - Network Rail 950001 test train - 2Q08 Longsight Traction Maintenance Depot (diesel) to Wigan Locomotive Inspection Point
03:17 - Network Rail 950001 test train - 2Q08 Longsight Traction Maintenance Depot (diesel) to Wigan Locomotive Inspection Point
08:12 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z31 Crewe Basford Hall Ssm to Sellafield
13:14 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
16:29 - Freightliner light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z34 Sellafield to Crewe Basford Hall Ssm
RIBBLEHEAD CAMS (foscl.org.uk)
SANQUHAR CAM (sanquharstation.co.uk)
11:49 - Direct Rail Services Class 57 light engine move for Virgin Trains - 0Z19 Polmadie Carriage Maintenance Depot to Carlisle
11:10 - Direct Rail Services Class 68 - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Paignton to Carlisle
21:07 - Colas Rail diesel hauled Network Rail test train - 3Qxx/3Zxx Reading Triangle Sidings to Derby Rtc Serco
21:20 - Network Rail NMT test train - 1Qxx Taunton to Paddington
22:55 - Network Rail NMT test train - 1Q21 Paddington to Derby Rtc Serco
15:58 - West Coast Railways light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z44 Carnforth Steamtown to Bo'ness Junction Exchange Siding
17:38 - Direct Rail Services Class 37s - 1Zxx The Autumn Highlander: Day 1 (Pathfinder Tours) Carlisle to Aviemore
18:22 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0V71 Kingmoor Siding Drs to Motherwell Tmd (drs)
15:21 - DB Cargo diesel hauled ECS move - 5Zxx Burton Wetmore Sidings to Wembley European Freight Operations Centre
08:17 - TransPennine Express Class 68 light engine move - 0A90 Scarborough to Redcar Central
14:09 - TransPennine Express Class 68 light engine move - 0A94 Middlesbrough Carriage Sidings to Scarborough
YORK ROC CAM 1 (Station) (networkrail.co.uk)
08:47 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z20 York Parcels Sidings to York Parcels Sidings
15:08 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z20 York Parcels Sidings to York Parcels Sidings
YORK ROC CAM 2 (Avoider) (networkrail.co.uk)
08:58 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z20 York Parcels Sidings to York Parcels Sidings
15:06 - Direct Rail Services light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z20 York Parcels Sidings to York Parcels Sidings
There is no guarantee that the services listed above will run, at the time of posting these are believed to be correct.
Friday 27th September - HERITAGE RAILWAY CAMS
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(llangollen-railway.co.uk (stationholiday.co.uk)) 
Towards Corwen: 10:59, 13:19 & 15:29
Towards Llangollen: 12:00, 14:20 & 16:30
Towards Peterborough:
Towards Wansford:
Towards Peterborough:
Towards Wansford:
Home of the Railcam Rambler
Departures: 10:40, 12:40, 14:40 & 16:00
Arrivals: 10:32, 12:02, 13:42 & 15:42
Towards Dungeness: 10:40, 12:40, 14:40 & 16:00
Towards Hythe: 10:32, 12:02, 13:42 & 15:42
Departures: 10:30, 12:10, 14:10 & 16:00
Arrivals: 10:12, 11:52, 13:52 & 15:52
Towards Dungeness: 10:00, 11:35, 13:15, 14:40**
Towards Hythe: 09:35, 11:15, 13:15, 15:15 & 16:28*
* = Terminates here
**= Terminates here except between 1st April & 30th September only.
Towards Dungeness: 10:15, 11:45, 13:25, 15:25 & 16:50*
Towards Hythe: 10:58, 12:58, 14:58 & 16:18
* = Terminates here & Operates between 1st April & 30th September only.
Departures: 10:45, 12:15, 14:15 & 15:45
Arrivals: 12:00, 13:30, 15:50 & 17:00
Towards Eridge:
Towards Tunbridge Wells West:
Towards Norden: 10:20, 11:40, 13:00, 14:20, 15:40 & 17:00
Towards Swanage: 10:42, 12:02, 13:22, 14:42, 16:02 & 17:22
13:40 - 61306 Mayflower -  1Z61 Steam Dreams Excursion (Steam Dreams) Victoria (se)(tps Indic. Only) to Swanage
17:00 - 61306 Mayflower - 1Z62 Steam Dreams Excursion (Steam Dreams) Swanage to Victoria (se)(tps Indic. Only)
22:10 - West Coast Railways light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z62 Southampton Central to Swanage
Departures at: 10:00, 11:20, 12:40, 14:00, 15:20 & 16:40
Arrivals at: 11:04, 12:24, 13:44, 15:04, 16:24 & 17:44
14:00 - 61306 Mayflower -  1Z61 Steam Dreams Excursion (Steam Dreams) Victoria (se)(tps Indic. Only) to Swanage
16:40 - 61306 Mayflower - 1Z62 Steam Dreams Excursion (Steam Dreams) Swanage to Victoria (se)(tps Indic. Only)
21:50 - West Coast Railways light engine move (Diesel) - 0Z62 Southampton Central to Swanage
Towards Nant Gwernol: 11:18, 12:28, 14:48 & 16:25
Towards Tywyn Wharf: 12:10, 13:20, 15:40 & 16:50
Departures at: 10:30, 11:40, 14:00 & 15:10
Arrivals at: 12:57, 14:12, 16:27 & 17:37
Cam showing the activity 'behind the scenes' in Pendre yard. The camera is looking west from near the loco shed.
Arrivals at:
Departures at:
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard:
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard:
Arrivals at:
Departures at: 
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard:
There is no guarantee that the services listed above will run, at the time of posting these are believed to be correct.
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minroadgo-blog · 5 years
극장판파워레인저엔진포스VS 와일드스피릿(GO-ONGER VS GEKI RANGER), 브로큰잉글리쉬(BROKEN ENGLISH)
New Post has been published on http://jimsona.dothome.co.kr/2019/09/02/%ea%b7%b9%ec%9e%a5%ed%8c%90%ed%8c%8c%ec%9b%8c%eb%a0%88%ec%9d%b8%ec%a0%80%ec%97%94%ec%a7%84%ed%8f%ac%ec%8a%a4vs-%ec%99%80%ec%9d%bc%eb%93%9c%ec%8a%a4%ed%94%bc%eb%a6%bfgo-onger-vs-geki-ranger/
극장판파워레인저엔진포스VS 와일드스피릿(GO-ONGER VS GEKI RANGER), 브로큰잉글리쉬(BROKEN ENGLISH)
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소설영화와만나다 레이크하우스 뽀로로만화보기 와일드오션(WILD OCEAN) 못말리는 첩보원 얼마나 황당한 영화인지~(LA GRAN AVENTURA DE MORTADELO Y FILEMON) 보트 빨간머리여자 (THE WOMAN WITH RED HAIR) 쓰리데이즈(THE NEXT THREE DAYS) 헤이츠(HOUSE AT THE END OF STREETS) 고백 그남자가아내에게(A GOOD HUSBAND) 금발의초원(ACROSS A GOLD PRAIRIE) 부도리의꿈 퍼시픽림(PACIFIC RIM) 롤플레이2:동침 용의자 X의 헌신(SUSPECT X) 나이트메어 스파이더맨3(SPIDER-MAN 3) 용문비갑 플레이어스 (THE PLAYERS) 재미있는영화추천 게드전기 : 어스시의 전설 식코 숲의전설 (METSAN TARINA(TALE OF A FOREST)) 누들 가문의부활-가문의영광3 배우는배우다 감금의제국 (In an end of the horse training) 사다코3D : 죽음의동영상(3D)(SADAKO 3D) 파이어볼(FIREBALL) 줄리&줄리아(JULIE & JULIA) 달콤한악마의유혹(SHORTCUT TO HAPPINESS) 전우치 스마트폰 p2p 추천 사이트 순위 해피엔딩네버엔딩(AU BOUT DU CONTE) 안나와알렉스-두자매이야기 타이탄오브더아이스에이지3D(TITANS OF THE ICE AGE 3D) 애즈 갓 커맨즈 A-특공대(THE A-TEAM) 하나(HANA) SUPERSHOW 3 3D 푸치���의여인(PUCCINI E LA FANCIULLA) 도가니확장판 코믹영화추천 절반처녀와제로남(HALF VIRGIN WOMAN AND ZERO MAN) 미션임파서블3 나니아연대기:새벽출정호의항해(THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA:THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER)
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youcanddoit-blog · 5 years
아더와미니모이(ARTHUR AND THE MINIMOYS), 프로그램다운로드
New Post has been published on http://wooboza.dothome.co.kr/2019/09/01/%ec%95%84%eb%8d%94%ec%99%80%eb%af%b8%eb%8b%88%eb%aa%a8%ec%9d%b4arthur-and-the-minimoys-%ed%94%84%eb%a1%9c%ea%b7%b8%eb%9e%a8%eb%8b%a4%ec%9a%b4%eb%a1%9c%eb%93%9c/
아더와미니모이(ARTHUR AND THE MINIMOYS), 프로그램다운로드
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말로는힘들어(HARD TO SAY) 스타워즈에피소드3:시스의 복수 치명적사랑愛-문신2(SI-SEI THE WOMANCARRYING TATOO ON HER BACK) 유실물(GHOST TRAIN) 명랑한갱이지구를움직인다 C+탐정(THE DETECTIVE) 로미오와줄리엣(ROMEO AND JULIET) 절반처녀와제로남(HALF VIRGIN WOMAN AND ZERO MAN) 시티 오브 갓(CITY OF GOD) 액션스릴러영화 닌자어쌔신(NINIA ASSASSIN) 노바디웍스 아나콘다 2-사라지지않는저주(ANACONDA 2) 스톤(STONE) 줄리&줄리아 워리어스레인보우2:최후의결전 (WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE) 아이언맨3(IRON MAN 3) 숨(ELBOWROOM) 파라다이스(LOWER CITY) 투건스(2 GUNS) 투건스(2 GUNS) 시리어스맨(A SERIOUS MAN) 스톰브레이커(STORMBREAKER) 실버라이닝플레이북 파이스토리 죽어도해피엔딩 분신사바2 (BUNSHINSABA2) 마그마처럼(MAGUMA NO GOTOKU) 칸나누나의비밀일기 1(DOUBLE KANNA 1) 요가학원 최신드라마 내아내의행복한장례식 (JAYNE MANSFIELDS CAR) 파일다운로드추천 해리포터와 혼혈왕자 골2꿈을향해뛰어라(GOAL 2 : LIVING THE DREAM) 밀리언즈(MILLIONS) 워오브투모로우(TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN) 모바일웹하드쿠폰 p2p쿠폰 순위 하늘에서음식이내린다면2(3D)(CLOUDY 2:REVENGE OF THE LEFTOVERS) 둘리의나무속환상여행 자료공유 영화받는사이트 타나토스(THANATUS) 공기인형 맨인블랙3(MEN IN BLACK 3) 실버라이닝플레이북(SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK) 다운로드사이트 엑스맨:데이즈오브퓨처패스트(3D) (X-Men: Days of Future Past) 007스카이폴(SKYFALL) 별별이야기2-여섯빛깔무지개(IF YOU WERE ME ANIMA VISION2) 안전한영화다운사이트 야행 천하무적(A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES) 수퍼맨이었던사나이 젓가락 그렇게아버지가된다 보글보글 스폰지밥 웰컴투동막골(B) 안나와알렉스-두자매이야기 달콤한인생 춤추는동물원 롤러코스터 파란만장 피투피 속도빠른곳 진짜로일어날지도몰라기적(奇跡) 레드 세나:F1의신화(SENNA) 영화무료다운로드사이트 댄서의 순정 헐리우드 엔딩 연애술사 행복 날미치게하는남자 라스트라이프,라스트러브(LAST LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE)
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
UK Weather Condition Forecast: Transportation Disruption Develops Friday Night Turmoil
Commuters have been advised to make their way house right away amid mounting interruption at major red weather condition warning for the counties of Dublin, Kildare, Wexford, Wicklow and Meath to 9am tomorrow.Trains A number of rail and bus services in the amber alert location were
suspended throughout Friday morning.Virgin Trains East Coast are running no services north of Newcastle on the east coast on Friday and does not expect to run services between Carlisle
and Scotland for the rest of Friday on the west coast.This is because of substantial snow fall in the #BerwickUponTweed location blocking all lines.– Virgin Trains EC (@Virgin_TrainsEC)
March 1, 2018 London Waterloo, the 6pm. Reporters
on the ground have explained the current circumstance there, since 3.58 pm, as “really busy”. While one commuter said just:“Trains down … Whatever postponed”.– Twinkle Toes
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Tracy(@_littlecreature )
March 2, 2018 A Network Rail representative said:“Owing to the continued severe weather we are asking people not to take a trip across the South Western Train network today unless definitely important.”
Services throughout the route will likewise be stopping early this night.“We thank guests for their perseverance as we manage these extreme conditions and anybody who needs to take a trip today ought to inspect National Rail and South Western Railway sites. ”
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We are encouraging passengers to complete your journey PRIOR TO 15.00 today. While an excellent service is presently operating on most routes, the weather condition is anticipated to weaken this afternoon and we might be prevented from running services on some paths. pic.twitter.com/b2SR0CNMbI!.?.!— Southern(@SouthernRailUK) March 2, 2018 Southern is encouraging guests to finish all journeys before 3pm on Friday. A representative included:“ While a great service is currently working on most paths, 139 Glasgow International: 132 Manchester: 70 London Gatwick: 69 Southampton: 58 Birmingham: 53 Flights at Scotland’s busiest airports are facing
another dayof disturbance and cancellations.Update: Edinburgh Airport stays open & operating. We have actually flown 31 %of our schedule today. We are currently scheduled to have departures as much as 20:50 tonight. Our expectation is that airline companies will run complete schedule tomorrow and we continue to strive to make
that possible. ¼– Edinburgh Airport(@EDI_Airport)
March 2,
2018 We will be snow clearing throughout. We remind travelers that both easyJet and
Ryanair have cancelled
operations for today. Any travelers whose flights have actually been cancelled ought to not come to the airport. 2/4– Edinburgh Airport(
) March 2, 2018 It’s crucial that travelers only travel to the airport if their airline company confirms their flight is
flying. Today stays difficult & there will be disruption. We understand that the fluidity of the situation can
be frustrating & thank guests for their continuous persistence. ¾– Edinburgh Airport( @EDI_Airport ) March 2, 2018 Guests can visit our website for a list of cancellations throughout the day: https://t.co/F0oP0fa4WN. Yellow weather cautions stay in location the snow.– Matt
Collins(@charitychap) March 2, 2018 Sport The weekend sporting programme continues to be severely affected by the wintry weather condition, with Saturday’s Sky Bet League One game in between Shrewsbury and Peterborough called off.Sub-zero temperature levels have actually left parts of the Montgomery Waters
Meadow pitch frozen and, with the temperature level not set to rise
above freezing, the club took an early decision to call it off.The League Two components at Barnet, where Port Vale were the visitors, and Exeter, who were scheduled to host Chesterfield, have likewise been postponed.In Super League, Hull state they expect Friday night’s telecasted video game versus Warrington to proceed in spite of traffic problems.A couple of more video games have actually now been called off(Doncaster and Crawley)-that indicates we’re down to simply 4 in League 1 and 3 in League 2: pic.twitter.com/XvwRoCpRHQ!.?.!— Ben Mayhew(@experimental361 ) March 2, 2018 Hull say the pitch and surrounding locations at the KCOM Stadium are not a
issue and they are aware of the M62 being closed over the Pennines. The Warrington team are due to trigger early afternoon.Celtic boss Brendan Rodgers soft-pedaled the disruptive weather condition ahead of the William Hill Scottish Cup quarter-final against Morton at Parkhead on Saturday.The Ladbrokes Premiership leaders house video game versus Dundee on Wednesday night was called off and the gamers provided were private training programmes for Thursday before they trained at Celtic Park on Friday.Rodgers stated: "The pitch is great, it is playable for the game and there is great deal of work gone on around the arena to make it safe and safe and secure for the fans. We have played a great deal of video games so we have had a little a breather for a couple of days so it will not do us any harm. The people trained very well this morning and we are prepared for the game.” The group has rearranged its delayed Ladbrokes Premiership video game versus Dundee for Wednesday, April 4. A declaration on the club’s main website read:“Celtic’s SPFL fixture versus Dundee which was postponed on Wednesday due to the unfavorable weather has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 4."The rearranged match will kick-off at 7:45 pm and falls in between Celtic’s last 2 arranged video games prior to the league split– in the house to Ross County on Saturday, March 31 and away to Hamilton Accies on Sunday, April 8."West Brom are set to travel south for their Premier League match at Watford through the train."We’ve been lucky that the weather condition hasn’t impacted us too much. We are still going to Watford on the train,"Albion employer Alan Pardew said, estimated by the club’s Twitter
account."It’s not an easy weekend for football. Ideally we can get down there, give a great performance and warm our fans up."Ipswich revealed security reasons.The Tractor
Boys said on their main site:"The pitch is safeguarded and likely to be playable however the areas inside and outside the stadium are dangerous and more bad weather is anticipated later on today, with freezing temperatures to
continue into the weekend."Mansfield’s League 2 visit to Stevenage became another game to fall victim to the weather condition following a lunch break pitch examination at the Lamex Stadium.Stevenage stated on their website:"The pitch has been deemed frozen and with aggravating weather expected in the location this evening, the safety of advocates has actually likewise been taken into consideration.” Other Saturday fixtures falling foul of the weather condition were the League One game in between Blackpool and Northampton at Bloomfield Road and Cheltenham’s League Two house match versus Notts County, which was rearranged for Tuesday.The Aviva Premiership match in between Harlequins and Bath set up for Friday evening has been relocated to Sunday.Premiership Rugby spokesman stated: “Following South Western Train’s decision to close their service by 8pm and their guidance not to take a trip, in addition to the intensifying climate condition in the Twickenham location the choice has been made to delay.
We will constantly prioritise the safety of our advocates and club staff.” Aberdeen and KIlmarnock have both concurred that their William Hill Scottish Cup quarter-final should go ahead on Saturday but the South Stand at Pittodrie will be
closed.A Dons statement checked out:“After additional discussions today which took into consideration: the readiness of the pitch, condition of the stadium interior, surrounding areas and the current info readily available from Authorities Scotland and Transport Scotland regarding weather and travel conditions, both clubs have concurred to advance
with the match as prepared."Regrettably, due to the weather condition conditions water products have been affected in parts of the South Stand. As an outcome, the decision has actually been taken to close
the South Stand to home supporters for this match.”
from TAXI NEAR ME http://taxi.nearme.host/uk-weather-condition-forecast-transportation-disruption-develops-friday-night-turmoil/
from NOVACAB https://novacabtaxi.tumblr.com/post/173375152486
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for-joy-we-live · 5 years
In the small town of Avellino, Italy there is a beautiful opportunity for a pilgrimage to the Santuario di Montevergine (The Sanctuary of Montevergine). The pilgrimage itself is a walk that climbs nearly 4,000 feet (1,300 meters) up from the town below. It takes about 1.5 hours for most individuals, with the most breathtaking scenery as you climb.
Pilgrim’s Trail
There are several local stories of miraculous appearances of the Virgin Mary to her devotees as they make this journey. However, no matter what you experience yourself on the trail, if you open your heart you will be able to feel the devotional love that thousands of pilgrims have had traveling the same path.
Throughout the trail there are several shrines, with two of the chapels you will see while walking within the first 30 minutes.��The first is an outdoor chapel (The Barefoot Chapel) dedicated to those who will remove their shoes in honor of their dedication to walk for the Virgin Mary without protection. Along the way there are also a lot of peaceful places to stop and picnic if you want to spend more time in nature or meditation.
Montevergine Shrine
Once you reach the top, you can enter the main basilica and go through the back to a special shrine dedicated to Mary. It is a really beautiful and peaceful place to spend some time in meditation or prayer.
On the way back, my partner and I traveled during sunset, and even a bit in the dark. But a little dog we met at the sanctuary began to follow us down the trail and ended up walking with us the entire way back to town.
I felt a very sincere blessing for taking the time to visit this unique (and off-the-tourist-track) sanctuary. I would highly recommend it for anyone visiting southern Italy, especially those in the Naples area as it is only a short train ride or 45 minute drive away.
Below are some more of the pictures taken during the pilgrimage:
Further Reading:
The Shrine of Padre Pio at San Giovanni Rotondo
The City of Peace: A Pilgrimage to Saint Francis of Assisi
Naples Has Heart and Saint Joseph Moscati: Doctor for the Poor
Full List of Spiritual Travel Stories 
Avellino, Italy: The Sanctuary of Montevergine http://wp.me/p2qJp4-ec In the small town of Avellino, Italy there is a beautiful opportunity for a pilgrimage to the…
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collectorscorner · 6 years
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Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 8/15/18 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Babyteeth #12, $3.99 Lost City Explorers #3, $3.99 Volition #1 (Cover A Omar Francia), $3.99 Volition #1 (Cover B Chris Evenhuis), $3.99 AMULET BOOKS Giant Days Novel HC, $18.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover A Michael Allred & Laura Allred), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover B Rick Burchett), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover C Matthew Dow Smith), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover D Robert Hack), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover E Wilfredo Torres & Kelly Fitzpatrick), $3.99 Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 (Cover F Michael Walsh), $3.99 Best Of Archie Americana Volume 3 Bronze Age TP, $9.99 Jughead The Hunger #7 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Marvel Comics Digest #8 (The Spider-Man Featuring Venom), $6.99 ASPEN COMICS Nu Way #2 (Cover A Alex Konat), $3.99 Nu Way #2 (Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 AVATAR PRESS Cinema Purgatorio #15 (Cover A Kevin O'Neil Cinema Purgatorio), $6.99 BONGO COMICS Bartman Spectaculary Super Secret Saga #1, $7.99 BOOM! 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Sulaco), $79.95 Alien Predator Figurine Special #9 (Mega Xenomorph Warrior), $149.95 Battlestar Galactica Ships Magazine #2 (Cylon Raider MK II), $60.00 DC Comics Batman The Animated Series Figurine Collection Series 2 #4 (Two Face), $20.00 DC Comics Batman Universe Bust Collection #8 (Poison Ivy), $24.95 DC Comics Batman Universe Bust Collection #9 (Damian Wayne Robin), $24.95 DC Comics Justice League The Animated Series Figurine Collection Series 1 #2 (Wonder Woman), $20.00 DC Comics Watch Collection Wave 2 #4 (Justice League), $34.95 DC Comics Wonder Woman Mythologies Figurine Collection #2 (Golden Eagle Armour), $20.00 Marvel Fact Files #231, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #232, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #233, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #234, $6.50 Star Trek Discovery Figurine Collection Magazine #4 (Klingon Bird Of Prey), $55.00 Star Trek Starships Special #22 (Klingon Battle Cruiser), $45.00 Star Trek Starships Special #23 (LG U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205), $75.00 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #126 (U.S.S. Princeton), $22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #127 (Eymorg Ion Drive Ship), $22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #128 (X-33), $22.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #129 (Tholian Ship The Original Series Remastered), $22.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Fruit Of Knowledge HC, $22.99 Tongues #1, $15.00 FIRST SECOND Idle Days GN, $19.99 Science Comics Trees GN, $12.99 Science Comics Trees HC, $19.99 HACHETTE PARTWORKS Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 74 The Twelfth Doctor Stories 255-256 HC, $18.99 Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 75 The Third Doctor Stories 61-64 HC, $18.99 IDW PUBLISHING Back To The Future Tales From The Time Train TP, $19.99 John Byrne's X-Men Artifact Edition HC, $125.00 Rom Cold Fire Hot War TP, $29.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #8 (Cover A Evan Stanley), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #8 (Cover B Gigi Dutreix), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #8 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), AR Star Trek The Next Generation Terra Incognita #2 (Cover A Tony Shasteen), $3.99 Star Trek The Next Generation Terra Incognita #2 (Cover B Photo, $3.99 Star Trek The Next Generation Terra Incognita #2 (Cover C Elizabeth Beals), AR Star Trek The Next Generation Terra Incognita #2 (Cover D J. K. Woodward), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Pitarra), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Ryan Browne), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop And Rocksteady Hit The Road #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Giannis Milonogiannis), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover A Frank Fosco), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover B Frank Fosco & Erik Larsen), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Urban Legends #4 (Cover C Kevin Eastman), AR Transformers Lost Light Volume 3 TP, $19.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover A Giorgio Cavazzano), $3.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover B Andrea Freccero), $3.99 Walt Disney Showcase #6 (The Phantom Blot)(Cover C Marco Gervasio), AR IMAGE COMICS Analog #5 (Cover A David O'Sullivan), $3.99 Analog #5 (Cover B Jason Latour), $3.99 Coyotes #5 (Cover A Caitlin Yarsky), $3.99 Coyotes #5 (Cover B Caitlin Yarsky Virgin Variant), $3.99 Crowded #1 (Cover A Ro Stein & Ted Brandt), $3.99 Crowded #1 (Cover B Rachael Stott), $3.99 Crude #5, $3.99 East Of West Volume 8 TP, $16.99 Evolution #9, $3.99 Flavor #4, $3.99 Gideon Falls #6 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Gideon Falls #6 (Cover B Jeff Lemire), $3.99 Gravediggers Union #9 (Cover A Wes Craig), $3.99 Gravediggers Union #9 (Cover B Nic Klein), $3.99 Ice Cream Man #6 (Cover A Martin Morazzo & Chris O'Halloran), $3.99 Ice Cream Man #6 (Cover B Christian Ward), $3.99 Kill Or Be Killed Volume 4 TP, $16.99 Mage The Hero Denied #11 (Of 15), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Olivier Coipel), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Olivier Coipel), $3.99 Magic Order #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Manifest Destiny #36, $3.99 Proxima Centauri #3 (Of 6), $2.99 Rose Volume 2 TP, $16.99 Rumble #6 (Cover A David Rubin), $3.99 Rumble #6 (Cover B Peter Snejbjerg), $3.99 Skyward #5, $3.99 Stellar #3, $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover B Marcos Martin), $3.99 Weatherman #3 (Cover C James Harren), $3.99 Wicked + The Divine #38 (Cover A Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson), $3.99 Wicked + The Divine #38 (Cover B Cliff Chiang), $3.99 INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP Doctor Cthulittle Illustrated HC (Signed & Numbered Limited Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $50.00 LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Summit #8, $3.99 Catalyst Prime Superb #12, $3.99 Sheets GN, $12.99 Wrapped Up #10 (Cover A Scoot McMahon), $3.99 Wrapped Up #10 (Cover B Franco Aureliani), $3.99 LOCUS MAGAZINE Locus #691, $7.50 MAGNETIC COLLECTION Infinity 8 #5, $3.99 MARVEL COMICS Astonishing X-Men Annual #1 (Cover A Rod Reis), $4.99 Astonishing X-Men Annual #1 (Cover B Jee-Hyung Lee), AR Brute Force TP, $24.99 Cable Deadpool Annual #1 (Cover A Chris Stevens), $4.99 Cable Deadpool Annual #1 (Cover B Rob Liefeld), AR Deadpool Assassin #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Bagley), $3.99 Deadpool Assassin #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Dave Johnson), AR Defenders Epic Collection Volume 8 The New Defenders TP, $39.99 Doctor Strange #4 (Cover A Jesus Saiz), $3.99 Doctor Strange #4 (Cover B David Aja Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Gerardo Sandoval), $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Cully Hamner), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Mark Brooks), $4.99 Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Olivier Coipel), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Pepe Larraz), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Amanda Conner), AR Extermination #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mike Hawthorne Connecting Variant A), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Will Sliney Comic Con Africa Black & White Variant Cover), AR Fantastic Four #1 (Will Sliney Comic Con Africa Variant Cover), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 5 HC, $34.99 Human Torch And The Thing Strange Tales The Complete Collection TP, $39.99 Hunt For Wolverine Claws Of A Killer #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Butch Guice), $3.99 Hunt For Wolverine Claws Of A Killer #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Geoff Shaw), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Ron Lim), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover D J. G. Jones Promo Variant), AR Infinity Wars #2 (Of 6)(Cover E Javier Garron Connecting Variant B), AR Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 12 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk Volume 12 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 263), $75.00 Multiple Man #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Old Man Hawkeye Volume 1 An Eye For An Eye TP, $17.99 Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #308, $3.99 Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man Volume 3 Amazing Fantasy TP, $15.99 Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover A John Tyler Christopher), $4.99 Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover B Terry Dodson), AR Star Wars Beckett #1 (Cover C Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Poe Dameron #30, $3.99 Thing And The Human Torch By Dan Slott TP, $34.99 Thor #4 (Cover A Michael Del Mundo), $3.99 Thor #4 (Cover B Bryan Hitch Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Thor #4 (Cover C James Harren Connecting Hammer Variant D), AR Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover A Alexander Lozano), $3.99 Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover B Moebius), AR Tony Stark Iron Man #3 (Cover C Adam Hughes Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Weapon H #6 (Cover A Philip Tan), $3.99 Weapon H #6 (Cover B J. Scott Campbell Return Of The Fantastic Four Variant), AR Weapon X #22, $3.99 X-Men Adventures Digest TP, $9.99 ONI PRESS Brobots Volume 3 Brobots And The Shoujo Shenanigans HC, $12.99 PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine #527, $11.99 REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack June 2018 (2079-2082), $21.60 Charley's War The Definitve Collection Volume 3 Rememberance TP, $26.99 Jinty Volume 1 Land Of No Tears And The Human Zoo TP, $15.99 Judge Dredd Megazine #398, $13.00 SCHIFFER PUBLISHING SNES Omnibus The Super Nintendo And Games Volume 1 A-M HC, $49.99 SCOUT COMICS Shiver Bureau #5, $3.99 SELFMADEHERO Tumult HC, $25.99 SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Accomplishments Of The Duke's Daughter Volume 1 GN, $12.99 Akashic Records Of Bastard Magical Instructor Volume 4 GN, $12.99 Arpeggio Of Blue Steel Volume 13 GN, $12.99 Devilman Vs Hades Volume 2 GN, $12.99 Saint Seiya Saintia Sho Volume 3 GN, $12.99 Species Domain Volume 5 GN, $12.99 SILVER SPROCKET Daygloayhole Quarterly #2 (Ben Passmore No Limitz Variant Cover), $6.00 SOURCE POINT PRESS Rejected #1 (One Shot), $5.99 STARBURNS INDUSTRIES PRESS Hellicious #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Kit Wallis), $3.99 Hellicious #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Kit Wallis), $3.99 SUBLIME Strange And Mystifying Story Volume 4 GN, $12.99 TITAN COMICS Black Panther The Official Movie Companion Magazine (Newsstand Edition), $9.99 Black Panther The Official Movie Companion Magazine (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99 Millenium The Girl Who Danced With Death #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Claudia SG Iannicello), $5.99 Millenium The Girl Who Danced With Death #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Belen Ortega), $5.99 Minky Woodcock The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini TP, $24.99 Rivers Of London Water Weed #3, $3.99 Robotech #12 (Cover A Marco Turini), $3.99 Robotech #12 (Cover B Action Figure Variant), $3.99 Robotech #12 (Cover C Andie Tong), $3.99 Supermansion TP, $16.99 TOR BOOKS So Say We All The Complete Uncensored Unauthorized Oral History Of Battlestar Galactica HC, $29.99 UDON ENTERTAINMENT Street Fighter Summer Sports Special #1 (Cover A Rob Porter Chun Li), $3.99 Street Fighter Summer Sports Special #1 (Cover B Rob Porter Cammy), $3.99 Street Fighter Summer Sports Special #1 (Cover C Rob Porter Menat), $3.99 Street Fighter Summer Sports Special #1 (Cover D Blank Sketch), $4.99 Street Fighter Summer Sports Special #1 (Cover E Jeffrey Cruz Homage Variant), AR VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Ninja-K #10 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Ninja-K #10 (Cover B Larry Stroman), $3.99 Ninja-K #10 (Cover C Darick Robertson Ninja Programme Variant), AR Ninja-K #10 (Cover D Philip Tan Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR VAULT COMICS Vagrant Queen #3 (Cover A Natasha Alterici), $3.99 Vagrant Queen #3 (Cover B Jason Smith), $3.99 VIZ MEDIA Fullmetal Alchemist Fullmetal Edition Volume 2 GN, $19.99 WARRANT PUBLISHING COMPANY Creeps 2019 Annual Spooktacular, $9.95 YEN PRESS Angels Of Death Volume 4 GN, $13.00 Black Butler Volume 26 GN, $13.00 Case Study Of Vanitas Volume 4 GN, $13.00 Chio's School Road Volume 1 GN, $13.00 Hatsu Haru Volume 2 GN, $13.00 Today's Cerberus Volume 10 GN, $13.00 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Revenge Of Wonderland #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Revenge Of Wonderland #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Revenge Of Wonderland #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Jay Anacleto), $3.99 Revenge Of Wonderland #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 GAMES IDW GAMES Death Note Confrontation Game, AR PAIZO Pathfinder ACG Ultimate Wilderness Add-On Deck, AR Pathfinder Adventure Path War For The Crown Part 6 Of 6, AR Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics Watch Station, AR Pathfinder Flip-Mat Multi-Pack Forests, AR Pathfinder Flip-Tiles Dungeon Perils Expansion, AR Pathfinder Flip-Tiles Dungeon Starter Set, AR Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 Pocket Edition, AR Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat Pocket Edition, AR Starfinder Flip-Mat Asteroid, AR STEVE JACKSON GAMES Munchkin Fowl Play, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Avengers 6 Inch Hulkbuster Playset, AR Avengers Infinity War Foil Vinyl Decal, AR Avengers Infinity War Iron Spider Suit Bi-Fold Wallet, AR Batman Light Up Notebook, AR Batman The Animated Series Ra's al Ghul Bust, AR Boris Vallejo Julie Bell Fantasy 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Bow Wow Cosplay Figure Mascot Charm Collection Blind Mystery Box 201801, AR DC Gallery CW Flash PVC Figure, AR DC Gallery CW Green Arrow PVC Figure, AR DC Heroes 144 Piece Button Assortment, AR DC Heroes 144 Piece Lanyard Assortment, AR Deadpool Costume Inspired Metal Badge Bi Fold Wallet, AR Deadpool Inspired Metal Badge Front Pocket Wallet, AR Deadpool Inspired Metal Emblem Snapback Cap, AR Destiny Ghost Vinyl Generalist Shell Statue With Download, AR Destiny Ghost Vinyl Lambda Statue With Download, AR Disney Traditions Cinderella Figure With Shoe Charm, AR Dorbz Pan's Labyrinth Fauno Vinyl Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Son Goku Fes Volume 6 Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super UDM Mascot Charm Collection Blind Mystery Box 201801, AR Dragon Ball Z Capsule Corp 3D Capsule Metal Keychain, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure Beerus Solid Pack, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure FF Frieza Solid Pack, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure Goku Solid Pack, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure SS Goku Solid Pack, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure SS Vegeta Solid Pack, AR Dragonball Super Dragon Stars Action Figure Vegeta Solid Pack, AR Dragons By Ciruelo 2019 16 Month Wall Calendar, AR DSTRA USA Rock And Roll Mickey Figure, AR Evil Dead 2 30th Anniversary Hero Ash And Evil Edition Action Figure 2 Pack, AR Fantasy Art Of Frazetta 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Fantasy Art Of Luis Royo 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Fate Extella Nero Claudius 1/8 Scale PVC Figure (Kimono Version), AR Fate/Grand Order Berserker Tamamo Cat 1/7 Scale PVC Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Harry Potter Dumbledore Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Harry Potter Hagrid Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Harry Potter Harry Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Harry Potter Hermione Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star Harry Potter Ron Vinyl Figure, AR Funko It Action Figure 3 Pack Set 3, AR Funko Supercute Lord Of The Rings 6 Piece Plush Display, AR Galactic Plush Rick And Morty Pickle Rick 18 Inch Plush, AR Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Battle Of The Bastards Figure, AR Ghostbusters 2 Select Action Figure Series 8 Assortment, AR Ghostbusters 2 Select Series 8 Peter Action Figure, AR Ghostbusters 2 Select Series 8 Ray Action Figure, AR Ghostbusters 2 Select Series 8 Winston Action Figure, AR Gravity Falls Domez 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Gudetama Lazy Egg Dangler 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Halo Backpack Hanger 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Harrow County Pin Set, AR Harry Potter Dumbledores Army Light Up Notebook, AR Idolmaster Cg Shiki Ichinose 1/8 Scale PVC Figure Mystic Elixir Version (, AR It 2017 Pennywise Ultimate 7 Inch Action Figure, AR Legend Of Zelda 4 Swords Link Figure 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Locke And Key Series II Enamel Pin Set, AR Marvel Deadpool Logo Dad Cap, AR Marvel Heroes 144 Piece Button Assortment, AR Marvel Heroes 144 Piece Lanyard Assortment, AR Marvel Heroes Deadpool Foil Logo Vinyl Decal, AR Marvel Infinity Gauntlet Metal Badge Bi-Fold Wallet, AR Marvel Punisher Logo Dad Cap, AR Neil Degrasse Tyson Planets Black T-Shirt LG, AR Neil Degrasse Tyson Planets Black T-Shirt MED, AR Neko Cafe Figure Mascot Charm Collection Blind Mystery Box 201801, AR Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie Boogie Resin Bust, AR Nightmare Before Christmas Zero Resin Bust, AR Nintendo Charm Collection Blind Mystery Box 201801, AR One Piece Chopper Vibrating Plush Doll, AR One Piece Heart Pirates Jolly Roger Luggage Tag, AR One Piece Heart Pirates Jolly Roger Metal Keychain, AR One Piece Straw Hat Pirates Jolly Roger Luggage Tag, AR One Piece Straw Hat Pirates Jolly Roger Metal Keychain, AR Overwatch Mercy Flat Rubber Key Chain, AR Panda-A-Panda Mini Figure 4 Pack, AR Panda-A-Panda Mini Plush Clips Blind Mystery Box Assortment, AR Panda-A-Panda Mini Vinyl Figure Ser1 Assortment, AR Panda-A-Panda Small Plush Assortment, AR Planet Of The Apes Zira Reaction Figure, AR Pocket POP Ant-Man And The Wasp Ant Man Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Games Of Thrones Season 8 Daenerys White Coat Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Games Of Thrones Season 8 Jon Snow Beyond Wall Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Gargoyles Demona Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Gargoyles Goliath Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR Pocket POP Monsters Inc Sulley Vinyl Figure Keychain, AR POP Animation My Hero Academia All Might Weakened Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation My Hero Academia Deku Training Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation My Hero Academia Wave 2 Shota Aizawa Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation My Hero Academia Wave 2 Tsuyu Vinyl Figure, AR POP Big Mouth Andrew Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Broadway Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Bronx Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Brooklyn Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Demona Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Goliath Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Gargoyles Lexington Vinyl Figure, AR POP Disney Incredibles 2 Violet Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Happy Frog Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Helpy Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Mr Hippo Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Orville Elephant Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Pigpatch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Rockstar Foxy Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Pizza Sim Rockstar Freddy Vinyl Figure, AR POP Horror Pans Labyrinth Fauno Vinyl Figure, AR POP Horror Pans Labyrinth Pale Man Vinyl Figure, AR POP Specialty Series Fraggle Rock Travelling Matt Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV American Gods Laura Moon Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV American Gods Mad Sweeney Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV American Gods Shadow Moon Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV American Gods Wednesday Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Carmen Sandiego Carmen Sandiego Vinyl Figure, AR POP Wrestling Bullet Club Young Bucks Vinyl Figure 2 Pack, AR Rock Candy Specialty Series Motu Evil-Lyn Figure, AR RWBY Beowolf Vinyl Figure, AR RWBY Mini Figure Blind Mystery Box Series 1, AR Seven Deadly Sins Diane Ceramic 12 Ounce Mug, AR Seven Deadly Sins Emblems Ceramic 12 Ounce Mug, AR Seven Deadly Sins Sins Ceramic 12 Ounce Mug, AR Slither.Io Jumbo Squishy Figure 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Spider-Man Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201802, AR Star Wars Black Series 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Star Wars Lando Costume Inspired Metal Badge Bi-Fold Wallet, AR Star Wars Millennium Falcon Iridescent On Black Kiss Lock Wallet, AR Star Wars Solo 2 Piece 16 Ounce Laser Decal Glass Set, AR Star Wars Solo 4 Piece 16 Ounce Glass Set, AR Star Wars Solo Chewbacca Ceramic Sculpted 20 Ounce Mug With Lid, AR Star Wars Solo Chewbacca Chewie Co-Pilot Ceramic 20 Ounce Mug, AR Star Wars Solo Han And Chewbacca Large Tin Tote, AR Star Wars Solo Kessel Crew 18 Ounce Tritan Water Bottle, AR Star Wars Solo Kessel Crew 22 Ounce Stainless Steel Bottle, AR Star Wars Solo Millennium Falcon Heat Reactive 20 Ounce Mug, AR Super Dragon Ball Heroes DXF Figure Volume 3, AR Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Collectible Figure Coll Volume 2, AR Transformers Generations Studio Series Leader Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Transformers Generations Studio Series Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Vynl Solo Wave 1 Han And Lando Vinyl Figure 2 Pack, AR Walking Dead AMC 2019 Wall Calendar, AR WWE Cast 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle, AR WWE Legends 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle, AR WWE Legends Gen 2 Fun Box Lunch Box, AR
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olympicgames-en · 6 years
Virgin Trains apologises to Louis Smith after ticket check of black passengers
#OlympicGames #London2012 [Sky News]BG — Virgin Trains EC (@Virgin_TrainsEC) June 7, 2018 Smith, 29, won a silver and bronze medal at the London 2012 Olympics as well as a bronze at Beijing 2008 and a silver at Rio 2016. He was crowned the winner of Strictly Come Dancing with partner ...
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Lundi 27 février : York railway station
Ayant pris un peu d’avance pour visiter le NRM, j’ai eu le temps de faire quelques photos en gare de York, avec ses belles marquises. Le trafic longue distance sur l’ECML est assuré par Virgin Trains East Coast avec ses fameux HST et IC225, aux côtés de CrossCountry et FTPE pour les services interrégionaux, en Class 220/221 et 185 respectivement.
Enfin, les trains locaux sont assurés par Northern qui utilisent divers autorails comme les 150 et 158 que j’ai pu prendre en photo.
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cynthiabryanuk · 7 years
Revolutionary Newcastle transportation plan Hyperloop wins support from Sir Richard Branson
Virgin magnate Sir Richard Branson has actually tossed his weight behind an advanced transportation system which could take individuals from Newcastle to Leeds in simply 13 minutes. The serial entrepreneur already has aircrafts and trains under the Virgin banner and has ambitious plans to dominate area tourism within years.
Now Sir Richard has actually revealed Virgin's financial investment in Hyperloop One, to
form a worldwide tactical partnership which will see the project renamed Virgin
Hyperloop One. Richard Branson checking out Hyperloop One in Nevada, United States The move is the current stage to bring the world's most innovative train system a step close to fruition. A proposal to utilize the Hyperloop technology to connect Newcastle with Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool - called the Northern Arc - fended off competition from worldwide to be named among 10 schemes to be progressed.
Led by Newcastle's Ryder Architecture and engineers Arup, the Northern Arc would see significant cities throughout the North and Scotland linked through the innovative technology which would enable passengers to travel in between all cities in a little over
45 minutes. Hyperloop involves loading passengers and cargo into a pod which is sped up by means of electrical propulsion through a low pressure tube.
How a Hyperloop station might look Josh Giegel, co-founder and president of engineering at Hyperloop One, said:"We have actually focused on establishing the innovation required to make Hyperloop a reality and demonstrated that it works.Read More"The mix of our tested innovation and Virgin's know-how in transportation, operations, security and traveler experience will accelerate the commercialization stage of our business's development.
"Together with Virgin, we will not only transform how we live, we will reassess how it feels to take a trip by producing a guest experience that people will take pleasure in and anticipate riding. Our goal is to make travel enjoyable again."
< meta itemprop = url material = http://i4.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article13753901.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/CFR_NJL_121017hyperloop_02JPG.jpg > Hyperloop One has actually been bring out tests in the Nevada Desert Sir Richard stated:"After visiting Hyperloop One's test website in Nevada and satisfying its leadership group this past summer season, I am encouraged this groundbreaking technology will alter transport as we know it and dramatically cut journey times.
"Virgin has actually been known for investing in and developing ingenious companies for many years, and I look forward to making history together as we bring Hyperloop to the world as Virgin Hyperloop One."
The collaboration will concentrate on traveler and mixed-use cargo service in addition to the development of a new traveler division. Depending on the market, other brand names could be utilized internationally as well.Read More Following a successful test at its
Nevada test track over the summer season, Hyperloop One continues to see a growing need from governments and the economic sector all over the world with projects underway in the UAE, United States, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands and India.More than 2,600 worldwide groups wanted to be part of the Hyperloop One Global Difficulty but 10 were chosen in five nations. A path from Edinburgh to London is also being examined.
from http://taxi.nearme.host/revolutionary-newcastle-transportation-plan-hyperloop-wins-support-from-sir-richard-branson/
from NOVACAB - Blog http://novacabtaxi.weebly.com/blog/revolutionary-newcastle-transportation-plan-hyperloop-wins-support-from-sir-richard-branson
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railcamuk · 6 years
On The Cams Today - 27/02/19
Wednesday 27th February - MAINLINE CAMS
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BOLTON LE SANDS CAM (freightmaster.net)
09:51 - DRS Class 57 light engine move for Virgin Trains - 0Z57 Crewe to Aston South Jn
15:04 - DRS Class 57 light engine move for Virgin Trains - 0Z62 Birmingham International to Crewe
07:22 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0M11 Wembley Inter City Depot to London Euston
08:31 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move - 5M11 London Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
09:31 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move - 5M16 London Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
16:32 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0A25 Wembley Inter City Depot to London Euston
18:56 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0S25 Wembley Inter City Depot to London Euston
19:54 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move - 5S95 Wembley Inter City Depot to London Euston 
21:21 - Caledonian Sleeper electric hauled ECS move - 5S96 Wembley Inter City Depot to London Euston
21:45 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0A95 London Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
23:56 - Caledonian Sleeper light engine move (Electric) - 0A96 London Euston to Wembley Inter City Depot
CAMDEN JUNCTION CAM 2 (Primrose Hill/Freight)
CREWE CAM 1 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 2 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 3 (crewehc.org)
CREWE CAM 4 (crewehc.org)
GRATELEY CAM (facebook.com/grateleytrains/)
KIRKBY STEPHEN CAM (foscl.org.uk)
NEWBURY CAM (icn-ltd.com)
PETERBOROUGH CAM 1 (railworld.org.uk)
PETERBOROUGH CAM 2 (railworld.org.uk)
RIBBLEHEAD CAMS (foscl.org.uk)
SANQUHAR CAM (sanquharstation.co.uk)
There is no guarantee that the services listed above will run, at the time of posting these are believed to be correct.
Wednesday 27th February - HERITAGE RAILWAY CAMS
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(llangollen-railway.co.uk (stationholiday.co.uk)) 
Towards Corwen: 10:59, 13:19 & 15:29
Towards Llangollen: 12:00, 14:20 & 16:30
Towards Peterborough: 
Towards Wansford: 
From Peterborough:
Towards Peterborough: 
Home of the Railcam Rambler
Towards Dungeness: 
Towards Hythe:
Towards Dungeness: 
Towards Hythe:
Towards Dungeness: 
Towards Hythe:
Towards Eridge: 
Towards Tunbridge Wells West:
Towards Norden: 
Towards Swanage:
Departures at: 
Arrivals at:
Towards Nant Gwernol: 11:37, 13:04 & 15:07
Towards Tywyn Wharf: 12:10, 13:40 & 15:40
Departures at: 10:50, 12:15 & 14:20
Arrivals at: 12:57, 14:32 & 16:27
Arrivals at: 
Departures at:
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard:
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard:
Arrivals at:
Departures at: 
Towards Minehead:
Towards Bishops Lydeard: 
There is no guarantee that the services listed above will run, at the time of posting these are believed to be correct.
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chelsealedger-blog · 7 years
Youngsters And College.
Potty training is a noticeable necessity but it does not must be actually taxing. When emotional states are operating higher this's very easy http://tyitwojporadnik-17.info/eroxel-poczuj-sie-pewniej-zmien-najbardziej-intymna-strefe-swojego-meskiego-zycia/ for parents to overlook the principle from maintaining matches beyond from little ears. This's a quick and easy way to make money for the jr senior prom, senior course or a future lesson vacation. Stooopid alarm system." And then with a loud 'whack!' the apartment immediately comes to be peaceful once more. The worshippers end the swift on the 8th time through participating in the unique functionality in the congregation on that day going back to their residences blessed by Virgin Mary, Mama of Jesus. Although spin offs facilitate a greater understanding from the stray's service and evaluation, that never occurs overnight - the normal draw out concerns a mundane sector as well as not widely circulated by means of loud press coverage; in addition, organizations take some time to heat up the account, which consequently develops a pleasant option for retail real estate investors, which can grab shares just before the large investment funds have actually kicked the tires, modeled whatever, and gotten accustomed with the account. Read this short article, observe the info outlined and also you gone on your way making rapid money online. Simply keep in mind that every little thing your parent requires is actually certainly not your overall obligation. In general informing a youngster to select 2 or even three of their preferred personalities will definitely allocate a parent adequate freedom to select one of the most evenly valued motif things. Through that she means the extent to which moms and dads turn toward their oldest youngsters, instead of away -- which is absolutely not a quick and easy thing when you're sleep-deprived and also managing the incredibly different necessities of several little people. Listed below they must maintain this point in thoughts that in some cases that is regularly not feasible to make your kids recognize concerning the advantages from veggies and fruits as they might choose junk food. Maintaining interaction lines free in between moms and dad and teacher is important to the results of your ECE program. Having your pet cat participate in spirited activity will definitely assist them reduce any sort of built up stress or stress and anxiety that they may be experiencing at the present instant, permit that be bangs surrounding or even emotions of boredom or even isolation. During the course of completion debts of the previous film, Quick 5, there was a short setting that revealed that Letty (Michelle Rodriguez, Machete Gets Rid Of, Resident Evil: Revenge) seemed to be still to life, even though up previously she appeared to have actually been actually gotten rid of in Enraged & quick. As well as witness the admittance period in complete swing with OSA if you are actually a moms and dad and are stressed about your child's admittance in India. A forum contacted Penitentiary Talk has posts of folks requiring felony friendly employer listing off around the country. The answer listed here is that you and also your companion need to decide ahead of time exactly how the kids in the loved ones are going to speak to each moms and dad. Prompt Facts: It's higher in sodium more than THOUSAND mg however satisfying along with a little bit of healthy protein and reduced in calories, thus fair," claims Lakatos Shames.
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sweetseda · 8 years
19 Times Companies Were Hilariously Sassy On Twitter
19 Times Companies Were Hilariously Sassy On Twitter
You’d expect most companies to take their social media accounts pretty seriously and stick to boring old corporate tweets, but these maverick brands are showing their sassy side. #1. Virgin Trains were not impressed when Josh called them “basic”. @joshbythesea I think you look pretty basic Josh…;IMO ^MS — Virgin Trains EC (@Virgin_TrainsEC) March 30, 2016 #2. And London Overground trains had…
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Lundi 27 février : National Railway Museum - part 6
Dernier billet au NRM, avec après la visite des dernières pièces de la collection, un petit détour par la terrasse qui permet de spotter le côté nord de la gare de York - on a même un tableau des départs/arrivées pour en profiter ! Et lorsque le conducteur siffle et nous fait coucou, c’est quand même super sympa !
Ensuite, on a la possibilité de voir les ateliers, tout comme au NVR, en prenant un peu de hauteur. Sir Nigel Gresley est en pleine révision comme vous pouvez le constater !
Enfin, petite vue d’une motrice de Shinkansen, on pouvait même visiter l’intérieur, très... japonais !
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Samedi 14 octobre : Doncaster et Leeds
Après une excellente journée au NVR, il était temps de se rendre dans la région de Manchester pour y passer la nuit avant d’aller à l’ELR. Pour cela, il a fallu passer par Leeds (avec un changement à Doncaster).
“Donnie” comme on l’appelle souvent est la seconde grande gare de l’ECML après Peterborough dans le sens Londres->Edimbourg. C’est un grand centre ferroviaire dans lequel de nombreuses locomotives ont été construites. Mais aujourd’hui, il ne reste plus grand chose...
La gare de Leeds quant à elle est immense et d’une architecture assez moderne. Il y a beaucoup de voies, beaucoup de trains, et beaucoup de monde ! Le trafic est cependant constitué pour la majorité de trains régionaux assurés en autorails types Pacer (142-144) ou Sprinter (150, 153, 155, 156, 158) Northern. Il existe aussi des liaisons directes pour Londres avec les HST et IC225 de VTEC et des trains sur la transversale Est-Ouest par FTPE.
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